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Aws Tagging Best Practices

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Tagging Best Practices

Implement an Effective AWS Resource Tagging Strategy

December, 2018

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© 2018, Amazon Web Services, Inc. or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

This document is provided for informational purposes only. It represents AWS’s current product
offerings and practices as of the date of issue of this document, which are subject to change without
notice. Customers are responsible for making their own independent assessment of the information in
this document and any use of AWS’s products or services, each of which is provided “as is” without
warranty of any kind, whether express or implied. This document does not create any warranties,
representations, contractual commitments, conditions or assurances from AWS, its affiliates, suppliers
or licensors. The responsibilities and liabilities of AWS to its customers are controlled by AWS
agreements, and this document is not part of, nor does it modify, any agreement between AWS and its

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Introduction: Tagging Use Cases 1

Tags for AWS Console Organization and Resource Groups 1

Tags for Cost Allocation 1

Tags for Automation 1

Tags for Operations Support 2

Tags for Access Control 2

Tags for Security Risk Management 2

Best Practices for Identifying Tag Requirements 2

Employ a Cross-Functional Team to Identify Tag Requirements 2

Use Tags Consistently 3

Assign Owners to Define Tag Value Propositions 3

Focus on Required and Conditionally Required Tags 3

Start Small; Less is More 4

Best Practices for Naming Tags and Resources 4

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Adopt a Standardized Approach for Tag Names 4

Standardize Names for AWS Resources 5

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EC2 Instances 6

Other AWS Resource Types 6
Best Practices for Cost Allocation Tags 7
Align Cost Allocation Tags with Financial Reporting Dimensions 7

Use Both Linked Accounts and Cost Allocation Tags 8

Avoid Multi-Valued Cost Allocation Tags 9

Tag Everything 9

Best Practices for Tag Governance and Data Management 9

Integrate with Authoritative Data Sources 9

Use Compound Tag Values Judiciously 10

Use Automation to Proactively Tag Resources 12

Constrain Tag Values with AWS Service Catalog 12

Propagate Tag Values Across Related Resources 13

Lock Down Tags Used for Access Control 13

Remediate Untagged Resources 14

Implement a Tag Governance Process 14

Conclusion 15

Contributors 15

References 15

Tagging Use Cases 15

Align Tags with Financial Reporting Dimensions 16

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Use Both Linked Accounts and Cost Allocation Tags 16

Tag Everything 16
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Integrate with Authoritative Data Sources 16

Use Compound Tag Values Judiciously 16
Use Automation to Proactively Tag Resources 17
Constrain Tag Values with AWS Service Catalog 17

Propagate Tag Values Across Related Resources 17

Lock Down Tags Used for Access Control 17

Remediate Untagged Resources 17

Document Revisions 18

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Amazon Web Services allows customers to assign metadata to their AWS resources in the form
of tags. Each tag is a simple label consisting of a customer-defined key and an optional value
that can make it easier to manage, search for, and filter resources. Although there are no
inherent types of tags, they enable customers to categorize resources by purpose, owner,
environment, or other criteria.

Without the use of tags, it can become difficult to manage your resources effectively as your
utilization of AWS services grows. However, it is not always evident how to determine what
tags to use and for which types of resources. The goal of this whitepaper is to help you develop
a tagging strategy that enables you to manage your AWS resources more effectively.

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Amazon Web Services – Tagging Best Practices

Introduction: Tagging Use Cases

Amazon Web Services allows customers to assign metadata to their AWS resources in the form
of tags. Each tag is a simple label consisting of a customer-defined key and an optional value
that can make it easier to manage, search for, and filter resources by purpose, owner,
environment, or other criteria. AWS tags can be used for many purposes.

Tags for AWS Console Organization and Resource Groups

Tags are a great way to organize AWS resources in the AWS Management Console. You can
configure tags to be displayed with resources and can search and filter by tag. By default, the
AWS Management Console is organized by AWS service. However, the Resource Groups tool
allows customers to create a custom console that organizes and consolidates AWS resources
based on one or more tags or portions of tags. Using this tool, customers can consolidate and
view data for applications that consist of multiple services and resources in one place.

Tags for Cost Allocation

AWS Cost Explorer and Cost and Usage Report support the ability to break down AWS costs by
tag. Typically, customers use business tags such as cost center, business unit, or project to
associate AWS costs with traditional financial reporting dimensions within their organization.
However, a cost allocation report can include any tag. This allows customers to easily associate
costs with technical or security dimensions, such as specific applications, environments, or
compliance programs. Table This version
1 shows a partialhas been archived.
cost allocation report.

Table 1: Partial cost allocation report

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Tags for
Resource or service-specific tags are often used to filter resources during infrastructure
automation activities. Tags can be used to opt into or out of automated tasks, or to identify

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Amazon Web Services – Tagging Best Practices

specific versions of resources to archive, update, or delete. For example, many customers run
automated start/stop scripts that turn off development environments during non-business
hours to reduce costs. In this scenario, Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) instance
tags are a simple way to identify the specific development instances to opt into or out of this

Tags for Operations Support

Tags can be used to integrate support for AWS resources into day-to-day operations including
IT Service Management (ITSM) processes such as Incident Management. For example, Level 1
support teams could use tags to direct workflow and perform business service mapping as part
of the triage process when a monitoring system triggers an alarm. Many customers also use
tags to support processes such as backup/restore and operating system patching.

Tags for Access Control

AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) policies support tag-based conditions, enabling
customers to constrain permissions based on specific tags and their values. For example, IAM
user or role permissions can include conditions to limit access to specific environments (for
example, development, test, or production) or Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (Amazon VPC)
networks based on their tags.

Tags for Security Risk Management

Tags can be assigned to identify version thathas been
require archived.
heightened security risk management
practices, for example, Amazon EC2 instances hosting applications that process sensitive or
confidential data. This can enable automated compliance checks to ensure that proper access
controls are in place, thecompliance
patch latest version ofand
is up to date, this document, visit:
so on.

The sections that follow identify recommended best practices for developing a comprehensive
tagging strategy.
Best Practicestagging-best-practices/tagging-best-
for Identifying Tag Requirements

Employ a Cross-Functional Team to Identify Tag Requirements

As noted in the introduction, tags can be used for a variety of purposes. In order to develop a
comprehensive strategy, it’s best to assemble a cross-functional team to identify tagging

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Amazon Web Services – Tagging Best Practices

requirements. Tag stakeholders in an organization typically include IT Finance, Information

Security, application owners, cloud automation teams, middleware and database
administration teams, and process owners for functions such as patching, backup/restore,
monitoring, job scheduling, and disaster recovery.

Rather than meeting with each of these functional areas separately to identify their tagging
needs, conduct tagging requirements workshops with representation from all stakeholder
groups, so that each can hear the perspectives of the others and integrate their requirements
more effectively into the overall strategy.

Use Tags Consistently

It’s important to employ a consistent approach in tagging your AWS resources. If you intend to
use tags for specific use cases, as illustrated by the examples in the introduction, you will need
to rely on the consistent use of tags and tag values. For example, if a significant portion of your
AWS resources are missing tags used for cost allocation, your cost analysis and reporting
process will be more complicated and time-consuming, and probably less accurate. Likewise, if
resources are missing a tag that identifies the presence of sensitive data, you may have to
assume that all such resources contain sensitive data, as a precautionary measure.

A consistent approach is warranted even for tags identified as optional. For example, if you
employ an opt-in approach for automatically stopping development environments during non-
working hours, identify a single tag for this purpose rather than allowing different teams or
departments to use their own; resulting in many different tags all serving the same purpose.
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Assign Owners to Define Tag Value Propositions
Consider tags from a cost/benefit perspective when deciding on a list of required tags. While
Fora fee
AWS does not charge theforlatest version
the use of ofmay
tags, there this document,
be indirect costs (forvisit:
example, the
labor needed to assign and maintain correct tag values for each relevant AWS resource).

To ensure tags are useful identify an owner for each one. The tag owner has the responsibility
to clearly articulate its value proposition. Having tag owners may help avoid unnecessary costs
related to maintaining tags that are not used.
Focus on Required and Conditionally Required Tags
Tags can be required, conditionally required, or optional. Conditionally required tags are only
mandatory under certain circumstances (for example, if an application processes sensitive data,

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Amazon Web Services – Tagging Best Practices

you may require a tag to identify the corresponding data classification, such as Personally
Identifiable Information or Protected Health Information).

When identifying tagging requirements, focus on required and conditionally required tags.
Allow for optional tags, as long as they conform to your tag naming and governance policies, to
empower your organization to define new tags for unforeseen or bespoke application

Start Small; Less is More

Tagging decisions are reversible, giving you the flexibility to edit or change as needed in the
future. However, there is one exception—cost allocation tags—which are included in AWS
monthly cost allocation reports. The data for these reports is based on AWS services utilization
and captured monthly. As a result, when you introduce a new cost allocation tag it takes effect
starting from that point in time. The new tag will not apply to past cost allocation reports.

Tags help you identify sets of resources. Tags can be removed when no longer needed. A new
tag can be applied to a set of resources in bulk, however, you need to identify the resources
requiring the new tag and the value to assign those resources.

Start with a smaller set of tags that are known to be needed and create new tags as the need
arises. This approach is recommended over specifying an overabundance of tags that are
anticipated to be needed in the future.

Best Practices This

for Naming Tags
version has and
been Resources

Adopt a Standardized Approach for Tag Names

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Keep in mind that names for AWS tags are case sensitive so ensure that they are used
consistently. For example, the tags CostCenter and costcenter are different, so one might be
configured as a cost allocation tag for financial analysis and reporting and the other one might
not be. Similarly, the Name tag appears in the AWS Console for many resources, but the name
tag does not. tagging-best-practices/tagging-best-
A number of tags are predefined by AWS or created automatically by various AWS services.
Many AWS-defined tags are named using all lowercase, with hyphens separating words in the
name, and prefixes to identify the source service for the tag. For example:

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Amazon Web Services – Tagging Best Practices

• aws:ec2spot:fleet-request-id identifies the Amazon EC2 Spot Instance Request

that launched the instance

• aws:cloudformation:stack-name identifies the AWS CloudFormation stack that

created the resource

• lambda-console:blueprint identifies blueprint used as a template for an AWS

Lambda function

• elasticbeanstalk:environment-name identifies the application that created the


Consider naming your tags using all lowercase, with hyphens separating words, and a prefix
identifying the organization name or abbreviated name. For example, for a fictitious company
named AnyCompany, you might define tags such as:

• anycompany:cost-center to identify the internal Cost Center code

• anycompany:environment-type to identify whether the environment is

development, test, or production

• anycompany:application-id to identify the application the resource was created


The prefix ensures that tags are clearly identified as having been defined by your organization
and not by AWS or a third-party tool that you may be using. Using all lowercase with hyphens
for separators avoids confusion version
how to has been
capitalize a tagarchived.
name. For example,
anycompany:project-id is simpler to remember than ANYCOMPANY:ProjectID,
anycompany:projectID, or Anycompany:ProjectId.

Standardize For the latest version of this document, visit:

Names for AWS Resources
Assigning names to AWS resources is another important dimension of tagging that should be
considered. This is the value that is assigned to the predefined AWS Name tag (or in some cases
by other means), and is mainly used in the AWS Management Console. To understand the idea
here, it’s probably not helpful to have dozens of EC2 instances all named MyWebServer.
Developing a naming standard for AWS resources will help you keep your resources organized,
and can be used in AWS Cost and Usage Reports for grouping related resources together (see
also Propagate Tag Values Across Related Resources below).

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Amazon Web Services – Tagging Best Practices

EC2 Instances
Naming for EC2 instances is a good place to start. Most organizations have already recognized
the need to standardize on server hostnames, and have existing practices in effect. For
example, an organization might create hostnames based on several components, such as
physical location, environment type (development, test, production), role/purpose, application
ID, and a unique identifier:

Philadelphia data center

web tier
unique identifier

hostname: phlpwcspweb3 = phl p w csp web3

Customer Service Portal

First, note that the various components of a hostname construction process like this are great
candidates for individual AWS tags – if they were important in the past, they’ll likely be
important in the future. Even if these elements are captured as separate, individual tags, it’s
still reasonable to continue to use this style of server naming to maintain consistency, and
substituting a different physical location code to represent AWS or an AWS region.

However, if you’re moving away from treating your virtual instances like pets and more like
cattle (which is recommended), you’ll want to automate the assignment of server names to
avoid having to assign them manually. As an alternative, you could simply use the AWS
instance-id (which is globally unique) for your server names.
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In either case, if you’re also creating DNS names for servers, it’s a good idea to associate the
value used for the Name tag with the Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN) for the EC2
instance. So, if your instance name is phlpwcspweb3, the FQDN for the server could be
For the latest version of this document, visit: If you’d rather use the instance-id for the Name tag, then you
should use that in your FQDN (for example,
Other AWS Resource Types
For other types of AWS resources, one approach is to adopt a dot notation consisting of the
following name components:

1. account-name prefix: for example, production, development, shared-services, audit,


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Amazon Web Services – Tagging Best Practices

2. resource-name: free-form field for the logical name of the resource

3. type suffix: for example, subnet, sg, role, policy, kms-key, etc.

See Table 2 for examples of tag names for other AWS resource types.

Table 2: Sample tag names for other AWS resource types

Resource Example AWS Resource account-name resource- type

Type Name name
Subnet prod.public-az1.subnet Production public-az1 subnet
Subnet services.az2.subnet Shared Services az2 subnet
Security Production webserver sg
Security Development webserver sg
Security Shared Services dmz sg
IAM Role prod.ec2-s3-access.role Production ec2-s3- role
IAM Role dr.ec2-s3-access.role Disaster ec2-s3- role
Recovery access
KMS Key prod.anycompany.kms-key Production AnyCompan kms-key
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Some resource types limit the character set that can be used for the name. In such cases, the
dot characters canFor
be replaced with hyphens.
the latest version of this document, visit:

Best Practices for Cost Allocation Tags
Align Cost Allocation Tags with Financial Reporting Dimensions
AWS provides detailed cost reports and data extracts to help you monitor and manage your
AWS spend. When you designate specific tags as cost allocation tags in the AWS Billing and Cost
Management Console, billing data for AWS resources will include them. Remember, billing
information is point-in-time data, so cost allocation tags appear in your billing data only after

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Amazon Web Services – Tagging Best Practices

you have (1) specified them in the Billing and Cost Management Console and (2) tagged
resources with them.

A natural place to identify the cost allocation tags you need is by looking at your current IT
financial reporting practices. Typically, financial reporting covers a variety of dimensions, such
as business unit, cost center, product, geographic area, or department. Aligning cost allocation
tags with these financial reporting dimensions simplifies and streamlines your AWS cost

Use Both Linked Accounts and Cost Allocation Tags

AWS resources are created within accounts, and billing reports and extracts contain the AWS
account number for all billable resources, regardless of whether or not the resources have tags.
You can have multiple accounts, so creating different accounts for different financial entities
within your organization is a way to clearly segregate costs.

AWS provides options for consolidated billing by associating payer accounts and linked
accounts. You can also use AWS Organizations to create master accounts with associated
member accounts to take advantage of the additional centralized management and governance

Organizations may design their account structure based on a number of factors including fiscal
isolation, administrative isolation, access isolation, blast radius isolation, engineering, and cost
considerations (refer to the References section for links to relevant articles on AWS Answers).
Examples include:
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• Creating separate accounts for production and non-production to segregate
communications and access for these environments

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Creating a separate account for shared services components and utilities

• Creating a separate audit account to capture log files for security forensics and
• Creating separatetagging-best-practices/tagging-best-
accounts for disaster recovery
Understand your organization’s account structure when developing your tagging strategy since
alignment of some of the financial reporting dimensions may already be captured by your
account structure.

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Amazon Web Services – Tagging Best Practices

Avoid Multi-Valued Cost Allocation Tags

For shared resources, you may need to allocate costs to several applications, projects, or
departments. One approach to allocating costs is to create multi-valued tags that contain a
series of allocation codes, possibly with corresponding allocation ratios, for example:

anycompany:cost-center = 1600|0.25|1625|0.20|1731|0.50|1744|0.05

If designated as a cost allocation tag, such tag values appear in your billing data. However,
there are two challenges with this approach: (1) the data will have to be post-processed to
parse the multi-valued tag values and produce more detailed records, and (2) you will need to
establish a process to accurately set and maintain the tag values.

If possible, consider identifying existing cost sharing or chargeback mechanisms within your
organization—or create new ones—and associate shared AWS resources to individual cost
allocation codes defined by that mechanism.

Tag Everything
When developing a tagging strategy, be wary of focusing only on the set of tags needed for
your EC2 instances. Remember that AWS allows you to tag most types of resources that
generate costs on your billing reports. Apply your cost allocation tags across all resource types
that support tagging to get the most accurate data for your financial analysis and reporting.

Best Practices This

for Tag Governance
version and Data
has been archived.
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Integrate with Authoritative Data Sources
You may decide to include tags on your AWS resources for which data is already available
within your organization. For example, if you are using a Configuration Management Database
(CMDB), you may already have a process in place to store and maintain metadata about your
applications, databases, and environments. Configuration Items (CIs) in your CMDB may have
attributes including application or server owner, technical issue resolver groups, cost center or
charge code, data classification, etc.

Rather than redundantly capturing and maintaining such existing metadata in AWS tags,
consider integrating your CMDB with AWS. The integration can be bi-directional, meaning that

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Amazon Web Services – Tagging Best Practices

data sourced from the CMDB can be copied to tags on AWS resources, and data that can be
sourced from AWS (for example, IP addresses, instance IDs, and instance types) can be stored
as attributes in your Configuration Items.

If you integrate your CMDB with AWS in this way, extend your AWS tag naming convention to
include an additional prefix to identify tags that have externally-sourced values, for example:

• anycompany:cmdb:application-id – the CMDB Configuration Item ID for the

application that owns the resource

• anycompany:cmdb:cost-center – the Cost Center code associated with the owning

application, sourced from the CMDB

• anycompany:cmdb:application-owner – the individual or group that owns the

application associated with this resource, sourced from the CMDB

This makes it clear that the tags are provided for convenience, and that the authoritative source
of the data is the CMDB. Referencing authoritative data sources, rather than redundantly
maintaining the same data in multiple systems, is a general data management best practice.

Use Compound Tag Values Judiciously

Initially, AWS limited the number of tags for a given resource to 10, resulting in some
organizations combining several data elements into a single tag, using delimiters to segregate
the different attributes, as in:
This version
EnvironmentType has been archived. 2
= Development;Webserver;Tomcat-6.2;Tier

In 2016, the number of tags per resource was increased to 50 (with a few exceptions, such as S3
objects). Because of this, it’s generally recommended to follow good data management practice
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by including only one data attribute per tag.

However, there are some situations where it may make sense to combine several related
attributes together. Some examples include:
1. For contact information, as shown in Table 3.

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Amazon Web Services – Tagging Best Practices

Table 3: Examples of compound and single tag values

anycompany:business-contact = John
Compound Tag Values
anycompany:technical-contact = Susan

anycompany:business-contact-name = John Smith

anycompany:business-contact-email =

anycompany:business-contact-phone = +12015551212
Single Tag Values
anycompany:technical-contact-name = Susan Jones

anycompany:technical-contact-email =

anycompany:technical-contact-phone = +12015551213

2. For multi-valued tags where a single attribute can have several homogenous values. For
example, a resource supporting multiple applications might use a pipe-delimited list:

anycompany:cmdb:application-ids = APP012|APP045|APP320|APP450

However, before introducing multi-valued tags, consider the source of the information,
and how the information will be used if captured in an AWS tag. If there is an
authoritative sourceThis version
for the has been
data in question, archived.
then any processes requiring the
information may be better served by referencing the authoritative source directly,
rather than a tag. Also, as recommended in this paper, avoid multi-valued cost
Forif the
allocation tags latest version of this document, visit:

3. For tags used for automation purposes. Such tags typically capture opt-in and
automation status information. For example, if you implement an AWS Lambda function
to automatically back up EBS volumes by taking snapshots, you might use a tag that
contains a short JSON document:
anycompany:auto-snapshot = { “frequency”: “daily”, “last-backup”:
“2018-04-19T21:18:00.000+0000” }

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Amazon Web Services – Tagging Best Practices

There are many automation solutions available at AWS Labs ( and
the AWS Marketplace ( that make use of compound tag
values in their implementations.

Use Automation to Proactively Tag Resources

AWS offers a variety of tools to help you implement proactive tag governance practices; by
ensuring that tags are consistently applied when resources are created.

AWS CloudFormation provides a common language for provisioning all the infrastructure
resources in your cloud environment. CloudFormation templates are simple text files that
create AWS resources in an automated and secure manner. When you create AWS resources
using AWS CloudFormation templates, you can use the CloudFormation Resource Tags property
to apply tags to certain resource types upon creation.

AWS Service Catalog allows organizations to create and manage catalogs of IT services that are
approved for use on AWS. These IT services can include everything from virtual machine
images, servers, software, and databases to complete multi-tier application environments. AWS
Service Catalog enables a self-service capability for users, allowing them to provision the
services they need while also helping you to maintain consistent governance – including the
application of required tags and tag values.

AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) enables you to manage access to AWS services
and resources securely. Using IAM, you can create and manage AWS users and groups, and use
permissions to allow or deny their access to AWS resources. When you create IAM policies, you
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can specify resource-level permissions, which include specific permissions for creating and
deleting tags. In addition, you can include condition keys, such as aws:RequestTag and
aws:TagKeys, which will prevent resources from being created if specific tags or tag values are
not present. For the latest version of this document, visit:

Constrain Tag Values with AWS Service Catalog
Tags are not useful if they contain missing or invalid data values. If tag values are set by
automation, the automation code can be reviewed, tested, and enhanced to ensure that valid
tag values are used. When tags are entered manually, there is the opportunity for human error.

One way to reduce human error is by using AWS Service Catalog. One of the key features of
AWS Service Catalog is TagOption libraries. With TagOption libraries, you can specify required
tags as well as their range of allowable values. AWS Service Catalog organizes your approved

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AWS service offerings, or products, into multiple portfolios. You can use TagOption libraries at
the portfolio level, or even at the individual product level, to specify the range of allowable
values for each tag.

Propagate Tag Values Across Related Resources

Many AWS resources are related. For example, an EC2 instance may have several Elastic Block
Storage (EBS) volumes and one or more Elastic Network Interfaces (ENIs). For each EBS volume,
many EBS snapshots may be created over time.

For consistency, best practice is to propagate tags and tag values across related resources. If
resources are created by AWS CloudFormation templates, they are created together in groups
called stacks from a common automation script, which can be configured to set tag values
across all resources in the stack. For resources not created via AWS CloudFormation, you can
still implement automation to automatically propagate tags from related resources. For
example, when EBS snapshots are created, you can copy any tags present on the EBS volume to
the snapshot. Similarly, you can use CloudWatch Events to trigger a Lambda function to copy
tags from an S3 bucket to objects within the bucket any time S3 objects are created.

Lock Down Tags Used for Access Control

If you decide to use tags to supplement your access control policies, you will need to ensure
that you restrict access to creating, deleting, and modifying those tags. For example, you can
create IAM policies that use conditional logic to grant access to (1) EC2 instances for an IAM
group created for developersThisandversion has been
(2) for EC2 instances archived.
tagged as development. This could be
further restricted to developers for a particular application based on a condition in the IAM
policy that identifies the relevant application ID.
While the use of tags latestisversion
this purpose convenient,ofit can
thisbedocument, visit:
easily circumvented if users have
the ability to modify tag values in order to gain access that they should not have. Take
preventative measures against this by ensuring that your IAM policies include deny rules for
actions such as
ec2:CreateTags and ec2:DeleteTags.
Even with this preventative measure, IAM policies that grant access to resources based on tag
values should be used with caution and approved by your Information Security team. You may
decide to use this approach for convenience in certain situations. For example, use strict IAM
policies (without conditions based on tags) for restricting access to production environments;
but for development environments, grant access to application-specific resources via tags to
help developers avoid inadvertently affecting each other’s work.

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Amazon Web Services – Tagging Best Practices

Remediate Untagged Resources

Automation and proactive tag management are important, but are not always effective. Many
customers also employ reactive tag governance approaches to identify resources that are not
properly tagged and correct them. Reactive tag governance approaches include (1)
programmatically using tools such as the Resource Tagging API, AWS Config rules, and custom
scripts; or (2) manually using Tag Editor and detailed billing reports.

Tag Editor is a feature of the AWS Management Console that allows you to search for resources
using a variety of search criteria and add, modify, or delete tags in bulk. Search criteria can
include resources with or without the presence of a particular tag or value. The AWS Resource
Tagging API allows you to perform these same functions programmatically.

AWS Config enables you to assess, audit, and evaluate the configurations of your AWS
resources. AWS Config continuously monitors and records your AWS resource configurations
and allows you to automate the evaluation of recorded configurations against optimal
configurations. With AWS Config, you can create rules to check resources for required tags and
it will continuously monitor your resources against those rules. Any non-compliant resources
are identified on the AWS Config Dashboard and via notifications. In the case where resources
are initially tagged properly but their tags are subsequently changed or deleted, AWS Config
will find them for you.

You can use AWS Config with CloudWatch Events to trigger automated responses to missing or
incorrect tags. An extreme example would be to automatically stop or quarantine non-
compliant EC2 instances. This version has been archived.

The most suitable governance approach for an organization primarily depends on its AWS
maturity model, but even experienced organizations use a combination of proactive and
reactive governance the latest version of this document, visit:

Implement a Tag Governance Process
Keep in mind that once you’ve settled on a tagging strategy for your organization, you will need
to adapt it as you progress through your cloud journey. In particular, it’s likely that requests for
new tags will surface and need to be addressed. A basic tag governance process should include:

• impact analysis, approval, and implementation for requests to add, change, or

deprecate tags;

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Amazon Web Services – Tagging Best Practices

• application of existing tagging requirements as new AWS services are adopted by

your organization;

• monitoring and remediation of missing or incorrect tags; and

• periodic reporting on tagging metrics and key process indicators.

AWS resource tags can be used for a wide variety of purposes, from implementing a cost
allocation process to supporting automation or authorizing access to AWS resources.
Implementing a tagging strategy can be challenging for some organizations, due to the number
of stakeholder groups involved and considerations such as data sourcing and tag governance.
This white paper recommends a way forward based on a set of best practices, to get you
started quickly with a tagging strategy that you can adapt as your organization’s needs evolve
over time.

The following individuals and organizations contributed to this document:

Brian Yost, Senior Consultant, AWS Professional Services

This version has been archived.

For the latest version of this document, visit:
Tagging Use Cases
• AWS Tagging Strategies
Tagging Your Amazon EC2 Resources
• Centralized multi-account and multi-Region patching with AWS Systems Manager

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Amazon Web Services – Tagging Best Practices

Align Tags with Financial Reporting Dimensions

• Monthly Cost Allocation Report
• User-Defined Cost Allocation Tags
• Cost Allocation for EBS Snapshots
• AWS-Generated Cost Allocation Tags

Use Both Linked Accounts and Cost Allocation Tags

• Consolidated Billing for Organizations
• AWS Multiple Account Billing Strategy
• AWS Multiple Account Security Strategy
• What Is AWS Organizations?

Tag Everything
User-Defined Cost Allocation Tags

This version has been archived.

Integrate with Authoritative Data Sources
ITIL Asset and Configuration Management in the Cloud
For the latest version of this document, visit:

Use Compound Tag Values Judiciously
Now Organize Your AWS Resources by Using up to 50 Tags per Resource

Page 16
Amazon Web Services – Tagging Best Practices

Use Automation to Proactively Tag Resources

• How can I use IAM policy tags to restrict how an EC2 instance or EBS volume can be
• How to Automatically Tag Amazon EC2 Resources in Response to API Events
• Supported Resource-Level Permissions for Amazon EC2 API Actions: Resource-Level
Permissions for Tagging
• Example Policies for Working with the AWS CLI or an AWS SDK: Tagging Resources
• Resource Tag

Constrain Tag Values with AWS Service Catalog

• AWS Service Catalog Announces AutoTags for Automatic Tagging of Provisioned
• AWS Service Catalog TagOption Library

Propagate Tag Values Across Related Resources

CloudWatch Events for EBS Snapshots
This version has been archived.

Lock Down Tags Used for Access Control

For the latest version of this document, visit:
• AWS Services That Work with IAM
• How do I create an IAM policy to control access to Amazon EC2 resources using tags?
Controlling Access to Amazon VPC Resources

Remediate Untagged Resources

• Resource Groups and Tagging for AWS

Page 17
Amazon Web Services – Tagging Best Practices

• AWS Resource Tagging API

Document Revisions
Date Description

December 2018 First Publication

This version has been archived.

For the latest version of this document, visit:

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