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The Possibility of Using Flared Gas To Generate Electricity Using Combined Power Cycle

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International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and

Science (IJAERS)
Peer-Reviewed Journal
ISSN: 2349-6495(P) | 2456-1908(O)
Vol-10, Issue-8; Aug, 2023
Journal Home Page Available:
Article DOI:

The Possibility of using Flared Gas to Generate Electricity

using Combined Power Cycle
Ubong Nsikak Ubong1, Prof. Emenike Wami2, Dr. E. O. Ehirim3, Prof Etim U Ubong4
of Chemical/Petrochemical Engineering, Rivers State University, Port Harcourt, Rivers State, Nigeria.
4Prof.Etim U Ubong, President/CEO, Alternative Fuels-Renewable Energy LLC, USA
Email: (Ubong Nsikak Ubong-corresponding Author)

Received: 09 Jul 2023, Abstract— This work evaluated the possibility of generating electricity
Receive in revised form: 10 Aug 2023, from flared gases through the application of combined power cycle
(Organic Rankine and Brayton circle) which was simulated using Aspen
Accepted: 18 Aug 2023,
Hysys. The data for the stimulation was obtained from literature in
Available online: 27 Aug 2023 terms of the process plant operating conditions. The results obtained
©2023 The Author(s). Published by AI from the simulation were presented in terms of material balance, energy
Publication. This is an open access article under balance, costing, sensitivity analysis and exergy analysis, which is
the CC BY license otherwise known as energy availability. The major equipment in the
( plants were: pump, heat exchanger, compressor, combustion chamber
(conversion reactor), and an expender modeled as a gas and steam
Keywords— Exergy, Power Cycle, Power,
turbine respectively in Aspen Hysys simulation. The condenser was
Rankine, Brayton, Gas Turbine, Steam
modeled as a cooler. The material and balance results were in
agreement with the principles of conservation of mass and energy for a
stead state process. The costing of the plant in terms of total capital
cost, total operating cost, total utility cost, equipment cost and total
installation cost were: $16,762,100.00, $70,661,490.00, $4,745,230.00,
$11,323,700.00 and $12,359,400.00 correspondingly. The sensitivity
analysis results revealed that efficiency of the gas turbine increase with
an increase in exhaust gas pressure (kPa), signifying that the efficiency
increased from 81.5% to 85% when the exhaust gas pressure was raised
from 100 kPa to 500 kPa. The efficiency of the steam turbine increased
from 72.6% to 74.2% when the outlet pressure was raised from 100 kPa
to 900 kPa. Finally, the exergy result for gas turbine in terms of total
exergy inlet and outlet are 14187 kW and 3710 kW respectively. This
indicates an exergy efficiency of 26.15% or 10,477 kW exergy
destruction. Similarly, the exergy result for steam turbine in terms of
total exergy inlet and outlet are 1,856 kW and 1,357 kW respectively.
This indicates an exergy efficiency of 73.12% or 498kW exergy

I. INTRODUCTION produced from onshore or offshore oil wells, raw natural gas
A great deal of gas flaring at many oil and gas production associated with the oil is transported to the surface, as well.
sites has nothing to do with protection against the dangers Mostly in the developing countries of the world where
of over-pressuring industrial plant equipment (Rahimpouret pipelines and other gas transportation infrastructure is not
al., 2012). When petroleum crude oil is extracted and developed, vast amounts of such associated gases are
commonly flared as waste or unusable gas. Page | 38
Ubong et al. International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Science, 10(8)-2023

Gas flaring flow measurement applications present several Gas supply has also witnessed a steady growth since 2008,
unique challenges to the Plant, Process and Instrument that is, over 1000 ktoe in 2017.
engineers when selecting a flow meter system. According Saheed & Ezaina (2012) considered the impact of gas
to (Mohammad et al., 2015), there are many challenges, flaring is of local and global concern. Gas flaring is one of
when trying to measure the gas flared, including diameters the most challenging energy and environmental problems
of large pipe, high flow velocities over wide measuring facing the world today whether regionally or globally. It is
ranges, changing gas composition, low pressure, including a multi-billion dollar waste, a local environmental
dirt, wax and condensate. The procedure of flared gas catastrophe and a global energy and environmental problem
measurement are uniquely challenged by two various and which has persisted for decades.
critically important flow conditions: very low flow under
Azeez (2017), alluded that gas flaring is one of the major
normal conditions and sudden very high flows during an
environmental problems in the world now. It consumes
upset blow-down conditions. Additionally, several other
useful natural resources and produces harmful wastes,
important criteria must be considered when selecting
which have negative impacts on the society. It is one of the
constraints and considering a flow meter for flared gas
most tedious energy and environmental problems facing the
applications, such as: plant Operators, Managers, Process
world today.
and Instrument engineers.
Francis et al., (2022), lamented that Nigeria is a country
According to Orimoogunje & Odiong (2010),when
blessed with vast oil and natural gas resources, but due to
petroleum crude oil is extracted and produced from oil
inadequate management of resources most of the natural gas
wells, raw natural gas associated with the oil is brought to
is flared. One of the most pressing challenges today is
the surface as well. Especially in areas of the world lacking
global warming. Gas flaring has been known to produce
pipelines and other gas transportation infrastructure, vast
carbon dioxide and other ozone depleting substances, which
amounts of such associated gas are commonly flared as
ultimately cause global weather changes.
waste or unusable gas. The flaring of associated gas may
occur at the top of a vertical flare stack or it may occur at a
ground-level flare in an earthen pit. The other option is gas II. PROCESS DESCRIPTION
re-injection into the reservoir, which saves it for future use
Figures 1 and 2 depict process flow diagrams of the base
while maintaining higher well pressure and crude oil
case obtained from literature and the simulation case from
Aspen Hysys software. In Figure 2, air is compressed in a
Eman (2015), defined gas flaring as the process of burning- compressor and the outlet of the compressor was reacted
off associated gas from wells, hydrocarbon processing with flared gas inside a combustion reactor, where the
plants or refineries, either as a means of disposal or as a reaction between air and flared gases takes place to produce
safety measure to relieve pressure. It is now recognized as a carbon dioxide and water. The outlet product from the
major environmental problem. It contributes an amount of combustion reactor is fed to a steam turbine. The outlet of
about 150 billion m3 of natural gas flared around the world, the steam turbine is then fed to a heat exchanger to complete
with the consequences of contaminating the environment the first circle known as Brayton circle. The next circle
with about 400 metric tons CO2 per year. which is known as Rankine circle starts with the working
Jones & Samuel (2021), stated that between 1990 to 2017 fluid pumped into the heat exchanger where it is to be
period, oil supply which formed a key part of the energy heated with the exhaust stream from the gas turbine. The
generation process in Ghana has increased from about 1,000 (outlet) - the hot fluid from the heat exchanger is fed to the
ktoe (kiloton of oil equivalent) to more than 3,000 ktoe. steam turbine where its outlet is cooled in a condenser and
recycled back into the pump to complete the circle. Page | 39
Ubong et al. International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Science, 10(8)-2023

Q in

6 7
Compressor Gas

Air 5 Heat Exchanger

in 9
Exhaust 8

Condenser Gas

Q out 4
Fig.1. Base Case Combined Gas-Steam Plant (Yunus & Michael, 2006)

Fig.2. The Aspen Hysys Simulation Case of Combined Gas-Steam Plant

III. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 3.1 Effect of Gas Turbine Efficiency Changing with
The results obtained from the simulation of combined Outlet Pressure of Turbine
power plants (steam turbine and gas turbine are presented in
Figures 3 to 8) Page | 40
Ubong et al. International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Science, 10(8)-2023



Polytropic Efficiency

83 y = -2E-05x2 + 0.0166x + 80.121

R² = 0.9948



100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 550
Exhaust Gas Pressure (kPa)

Fig.3: Profile Plot of Polytropic Efficiency of Gas Turbine versus Outlet Pressure of Turbine

Figure 3 shows how the increase in the outlet pressure of efficiency. Therefore, an alternative solution to this
the turbine causes a corresponding increase its outlet problem is to make use of the Adjust Function Tool (AFT)
pressure. Hence, from Figure 3, an increase in turbine’s in Aspen Hysys, which is applied in sensitivity analysis.
outlet pressure from 100 kPa to 500 kPa causes its The technique to study the effect of change in input
polytropic efficiency to increase from 81.5% to 85%. This variables on the output of a process model. The results
means that, if optimization of the turbine efficiency is obtained from the sensitivity analysis can be used further to
desired then the outlet pressure of the turbine should be carry out process optimization.
increased until the desired efficiency is achieved. Care must 3.2 The Effect of Gas Turbine Power Changing with
be taken when increasing the outlet pressure of the turbine, Outlet Pressure of Turbine
because it might get out of range to achieve the desired


Power (kW)

y = 0.0213x2 - 27.886x + 12216

7000 R² = 0.9987




100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500

Exhaust Gas Pressure (kPa)

Fig.4. The Profile Plot of Polytropic Efficiency of Gas Turbine versus Outlet Pressure of Turbine

Figure 4 shows how the increase in the outlet pressure of decrease from 9000 kW to about 3000 kW. This means that,
the turbine causes a corresponding increase its power. if optimization of the turbine power is desired, then the
Hence, from Figure 4, an increase in turbine’s outlet outlet pressure of the turbine should be decreased until the
pressure from 100 kPa to 500 kPa causes its power to desired efficiency is achieved. Care must be taken when Page | 41
Ubong et al. International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Science, 10(8)-2023

decreasing the outlet pressure of the turbine, because it The results obtained from the sensitivity analysis can be
might get out of the range to achieve the desired efficiency. used further to carry out process optimization.
Therefore, an alternative solution to this problem is to make 3.3. The Effect of Gas Turbine Polytropic Head
use of the AFT in Aspen Hysys which is applied in Changing with Air Mass Flow Rate
sensitivity analysis (the technique to study the effect of
change in input variables on the output of a process model).
70000 y = 3E-06x2 - 0.9387x + 113990
R² = 0.9879
Polytropic Head (m)

40000 60000 80000 100000 120000 140000 160000

Air Mass Flow Rate (kg/h)

Fig.5. Profile Plot of Polytropic Head of Gas Turbine versus Air Mass Flow Rate

Figure 5 shows how the increase in the mass flow rate of air the air mass flow rate of the gas turbine, because it might
of the gas turbine causes a corresponding decrease its get out of range to achieve the desired efficiency, therefore
polytropic head. Hence from Figure 5, an increase in gas an alternative solution is to use the AFT, ditto. The results
turbines air mass flow rate from 40,000 kg/h to 150,000 obtained from the sensitivity analysis can be used further to
kg/h causes its polytropic head to decrease from 84,230 to carry out process optimization.
47,230 meters. This means that, if optimization of the gas 3.5. The Effect of Steam Turbine Efficiency Changing
turbine polytropic head is desired, then the air mass flow with Outlet Pressure of Turbine
rate of the turbine should be adjusted until the desired
Figure 7 shows how the increase in the outlet pressure of
efficiency is achieved. Care must be taken when adjusting
the steam turbine causes a corresponding increase its outlet
the air mass flow rate of the gas turbine because it might get
pressure. Hence, from Figure 7 an increase in turbine’s
out of range to achieve the desired efficiency, therefore an
outlet pressure from 100 kPa to 900 kPa causes its
AFT is used as an alternative solution to this problem as
polytropic efficiency to increase from 72.6% to 74.2%.
described above. The results obtained from the sensitivity
Which means that, if optimization of the steam turbine
analysis can be used further to carry out process
efficiency is desired then the outlet pressure of the turbine
should be increased until the desired efficiency is achieved.
3.4. The Effect of Gas Turbine Polytropic Efficiency Care must be taken when increasing the outlet pressure of
Changing with Air Mass Flow Rate the turbine, because it might get out of range to achieve the
Figure 6 shows how the increase in the mass flow rate of air desired efficiency. As such, an alternative solution to this
of the gas turbine causes a corresponding decrease its problem is to make use of the AFT, ditto. The results
polytropic efficiency. Hence, from Figure 6, an increase in obtained from the sensitivity analysis can used further to
gas turbine’s air mass flow rate from 40,000kg/h to 150,000 carry out process optimization.
kg/h causes its polytropic efficiency to decrease from 87.1% 3.6 The Effect of Steam Turbine Power Changing with
to 81.2% This means that, if optimization of the gas Outlet Pressure of Turbine
turbine’s polytropic efficiency is desired then the air mass
flow rate of the turbine should be adjusted until the desired
efficiency is achieved. Care must be taken when adjusting Page | 42
Ubong et al. International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Science, 10(8)-2023



Polytropic Efficency (%) 81.6 y = 4E-11x2 - 1E-05x + 82.116

R² = 0.9913



40000 60000 80000 100000 120000 140000 160000
Air Mass Flow Rate (kg/h)

Fig.6. The Profile Plot of Polytropic Efficiency of Gas Turbine versus Air Mass Flow Rate


y = -2E-06x2 + 0.0037x + 72.394

R² = 0.9959
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900
Outlet Pressure (kPa)

Fig.7. The Profile Plot of Polytropic Efficiency of Steam Turbine versus Outlet Pressure of Turbine

Figure 8 shows how the increase in the outlet pressure of From Figure 8, air was compressed in a compressor and the
the turbine causes a corresponding increase its power. outlet of the compressor was reacted with flared gas inside
Hence, from Figure 8, an increase in turbines’ outlet a combustion reactor where the reaction between air and
pressure from 100 kPa to 900 kPa causes its power to flared gases takes place to produce carbon dioxide and
decrease from 800 kW to about 300 kW. This means that, if water. The outlet product from the combustion reactor is fed
optimization of the turbine power is desired, then the outlet to a steam turbine. The outlet of the steam turbine is then
pressure of the steam turbine should be decreased until the fed to a heat exchanger to complete the first circle known as
desired efficiency is achieved. Care must be taken when Brayton circle. The next circle which is known as Rankine
decreasing the outlet pressure of the steam turbine, because circle starts with the working fluid pumped into the heat
it might get out of range to achieve the desired efficiency. exchanger where it is to be heated with the exhaust stream
Therefore an alternative solution to this problem is to make form the gas turbine, the outlet of the hot fluid from the heat
use of the AFT, ditto. The results obtained from the exchanger is fed to the steam turbine where its outlet is
sensitivity analysis can used further to carry out process cooled in a condenser and recycled back into the pump to
optimization. complete the circle. Page | 43
Ubong et al. International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Science, 10(8)-2023

700 y = 0.0007x2 - 1.3068x + 869.2
Power (kW) 600 R² = 0.9953

0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900
Outlet Pressure (kPa)

Fig.8. The Profile Plot of Polytropic Efficiency of Steam Turbine versus Outlet Pressure of Turbine

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