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Uc3.-Solve - Address General Workplace Problems

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Welcome to the learner’s guide for the module: SOLVE/ADDRESS

GENERAL WORKPLACE PROBLEMS. This learning material contains
activities for you to complete.

The unit of competency “Solve/ Address General Workplace Problems”

contains the knowledge, skills, and attitudes required for EIM NC II as a
BASIC Unit of Competency.

You are required to go through a series of learning activities in order to

complete each learning outcome of the module. In each learning outcome,
there are Instruction Sheets to help you better understand the required
activities. Follow these activities on your own and answer the self-check at
the end of each learning outcome. You may remove a blank answer sheet at
the end of each module (or get one from your facilitator/trainer) to write
your answers for each self-check. If you have questions, don’t hesitate to
ask your facilitator for assistance.

Instruction sheets:

 Information Sheet – This will provide you with information

(Concepts, principles, and other relevant information) needed in
performing certain activities.

 Job Sheet – This is designed to guide you on how to the do job that
will contribute to the attainment of the learning outcome.

 Assignment Sheet – The assignment sheet is a guide used to enhance

(follow up) what you have learned in the information sheet, operation
sheet or job sheet.

 Worksheet – are the different forms that you need to fill up in certain
activities that you performed

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Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL)

You may already have some or most of the knowledge and skills covered in
this learner’s guide because you have:

 Been working for some time

 Already completed training in this area

If you can demonstrate to your trainer that you are competent in a

particular outcome, you don’t have to do the same training again.
Talk to your trainer about having them formally recognized. If you have a
qualification or certificate of competence from previous training, show it to
your trainer. If the skills you acquired are still current and relevant to the
unit/s of competency they may become part of the evidence you can present
for RPL. If you are not sure about the accuracy of your skills discuss this
with your trainer.

After completing this module ask your trainer to assess your competency.
The results of your assessment will be recorded in your competency profile.
All the learning activities are designed for you to complete at your own pace.

Inside this learner’s guide, you will find the activities for you to complete,
and at the back are the relevant information sheets for each learning
outcome. Each learning outcome may have more than one learning activity.

At the back of this learner’s guide is a Learner’s Diary. Use this diary to
record important dates, jobs undertaken and other workplace events that
will assist you in providing further details to your trainer or an assessor. A
Record of Achievement is also provided for your trainer to complete once
you complete the module.

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No. Unit of Competency Module Title Code

Basic Competency

Participate in workplace Participating in workplace

1 400311210
communication communication

Work in a team Working in a team

2 400311211
environment environment

Solve/Address General Solving/Addressing General

3 400311212
Workplace Problems Workplace Problems

Develop Career and Developing Career and

4 400311213
Life Decisions Life Decisions

Contribute to Workplace Contributing to Workplace

5 400311214
Innovation Innovation

Present Relevant Presenting Relevant

6 400311215
Information Information

Practice Occupational Practicing Occupational

7 Safety and Health Safety and Health Policies 400311216
Policies and Procedures and Procedures

Exercise Efficient and Exercising Efficient and

8 Effective Sustainable Effective Sustainable 400311217
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Practices in the Practices in the Workplace

Practice Entrepreneurial Practicing Entrepreneurial

9 400311218
Skills in the Workplace Skills in the Workplace


How to use this competency-based learning material 1

Recognition of prior learning 2
List of competencies 3
Competency summary 4
Table of contents 5
Module content 6-7
Learning outcome summary 8
LO1: Identify routine problems
Learning experiences 9
Information Sheet 2.1-1 10-19
Self-check 2.1-1 20
Answer key 2.1-1 21
Learning outcome summary 22
LO2: Look for solutions to routine problems
Learning experiences 23
Information Sheet 2.2-1 24-26
Self-check 2.2-1 27
Answer key 2.2-1 28
Learning outcome summary 29
LO3: Recommend solutions to problems
Learning experiences 30
Information Sheet 2.3-1 31-33
Self-check 2.3-1 34
Answer key 2.3-1 35
References 36

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UNIT OF COMPETENCY: Solve/address Routine Problems

MODULE TITLE: Solving/Addressing Routine Problems


This module covers the knowledge, skills, and attitudes in Solve/ Address

Routine Problems.

Nominal Duration: 6 hours

Learning Outcomes:

Upon completion of this modulation, you must be able to:

1. Describe the team role and scope

2. Identify your own role and responsibility within the team
3. Work as a team member

Assessment Criteria:
1. The role and objective of the team are identified from available

sources of information

2. Team parameters, reporting relationships, and responsibilities are

identified from team discussions and appropriate external sources

3. Individual roles and responsibilities within the team environment

are identified

4. Roles and responsibilities of other team members are identified and


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5. Reporting relationships within team and external to the team are


6. Effective and appropriate forms of communications used and

interactions undertaken with team members who contribute to

known team activities and objectives

7. Effective and appropriate contributions made to complement team

activities and objectives, based on individual skills and

competencies and workplace context

8. Observed protocols in reporting using standard operating


9. Contribute to the development of team work plans based on an

understanding of team’s role and objectives and individual

competencies of the members.

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Learning Outcome Summary



1. Team role.
2. Relationship and responsibilities
3. Role and responsibilities with team environment.
4. Relationship within a team
5. Gender and Work Values in a team
6. Communication process
7. Team structure/team roles
8. Group planning and decision making


1. Role and objective of the team is identified.

2. Team parameters, relationships and responsibilities are identified.
3. Individual role and responsibilities within team environment are
4. Roles and responsibilities of other team members are identified and
5. Reporting relationships within team and external to team are


The students/ trainees must be provided with the following:

1. Standard operating procedure (SOP) of workplace

2. Job procedures
3. Client/supplier instructions
4. Quality standards
5. Organizational or external personnel

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1. Written test
2. Observation
3. Simulation
4. Role playing

Learning Experiences

Learning Outcome 1
Describe Team Role and Scope

Learning Steps Resources

1. Read Info Sheet on Describe and Info Sheet 1

Identify Own Role and Describe And Identify your Own
Responsibility Recognizing Role and Responsibility in
Gender and Work Values in a Recognizing Gender and Work
Team Environment Values In A Team Environment

2. Perform Self-Check Self-Check Questionnaire 2.1-1.

Questionnaire 2.1-1
Answer Key 2.1-11.
3. Refer to Answer Key 2.1-1.

4. After finishing this Learning

Activity, proceed to the next

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Information Sheet 2.1-1


Learning Objectives:

After reading the information sheet, you must be able to:

1. Know what is a team
2. Identify the keys to team spirit
3. Enumerate the steps of building an effective team
4. Know the importance of gender in work values

Let's begin with a definition of what a team really is.

Teams are groups of individuals who accomplish designated objectives by

working interdependently, communicating effectively, and making decisions
that impact their day-to-day work. So the first question to ask yourself is,
"How close does my team come to this definition?"

If it doesn't measure up to the definition, then you are not really leading a
team. You are probably managing a work group.

There is absolutely nothing wrong with a work group. A workgroup can

achieve great results with your close supervision. The idea, however, in
today's changing organization and our competitive global marketplace, is to
develop teams that can work autonomously without your close direction and

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In a team, members share decision-making and often build consensus, with
two-way communication between manager and members. There are joint
work assignments and accountability on both the individual and team

In a workgroup, the manager is the decision-maker, and there is a one-way,

top-down pattern of communication. Each member has individual work
assignments, and each person is held accountable and appraised by the

Three measures: team or workgroup?

Whether you operate as a workgroup or a team depends on three factors.

 The skill and motivational level of members. Skilled and motivated

employees need to be able to make decisions on their own and
communicate upwardly when they need to. This is a model for
working as a team.

 The nature of the work. Some work situations do not call for
members to make decisions together, nor is there a need for much two
way communication among team members and their manager. But if
there is a need for both, you have a team.

 The manager's belief that individuals can work autonomously and

interdependently. This attitude is essential for today's workplace.
When managers do not hold this belief, they will favor the work group
over the team.

Five keys to team spirit

In order to get a group of individuals to function as a team, five keys need to

be present. Missing one of these keys can prevent a team from achieving full

 Clearly defined goals, roles, and responsibilities. Every team

member needs to know what he or she is supposed to accomplish and
how it fits in with what other team members do.
 Open and honest communication among all team members. Team
members cannot hold back on any comments that will help the team
grow and prosper.

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 A supportive and knowledgeable team manager/leader. The team
leader has to have technical knowledge of what the team is doing, as
well as be able to motivate and inspire the team.
 Decision-making authority for daily work. Members must be allowed
to make decisions that impact their work products and services. When
we give people ownership over what they are doing, they perform
much better.
 Rewards and recognition for accomplishing goals. Without rewards
and recognition, teams will not sustain high levels of performance.
Members need ongoing reminders that their efforts are valued and

In creating a high-performing team, consider these basic components and

characteristics as follows:

1. Clarity in Team Goals. Groups often assume their goals are clear and
then later experience mistakes due to confusion. Goals need to be
specific, attainable, and well-communicated. When team goals are not
clear, potential troubles may include frequent disagreement about the
next steps, frustration at the lack of progress, and excessive
questioning of group decisions and actions.

2. Clearly Defined Roles. To clearly define the roles of a team, you need
to design formal roles and responsibilities, set clear boundaries for
each role, design job team responsibilities that use each member’s
talents, and rotate general roles. When there are no clearly defined
roles the skills of team members will not be fully utilized. There may
be confusion over which team member has a specific task and some
may get more than their share of tedious chores.

3. Clear Communication. Clear communication exists when team

members speak with clarity and directness, listen actively, explore
ideas rather than argue over them, openly share information &
provide constructive feedback, not criticism. Teams with poor
communication have members who have a tendency to withhold
information, discount others’ ideas and opinions and cover up true

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4. Well Defined Decision Procedures. When teams develop effective
decision-making procedures, they:  explore important issues by
polling members, decide important issues by consensus, use high-
quality data as a basis for decisions, and agree on who will make what
decisions. Without well-defined decision-making procedures, teams
find it difficult to break out of the old orientation of being told what to
do as opposed to deciding for themselves.

5. Established Ground Rules. Establishing rules for the team involves

the process of members deciding what are acceptable and
unacceptable behaviors within the team for both tasks and
relationships. Without openly stated rules teams often experience
frustration and confusion about other members’ behaviors.  Potential
troubles may include members who continue behavior that frustrates
other team members.
6. Balanced Participation. This strategy not only contributes to getting
the job done, but it develops all members’ expertise in all areas, which
strengthens the team’s performance. Without balanced participation,
performance can result in certain members having too much or too
little influence based on their skill set, and cross-job coverage not
supporting productivity goals.

And lastly, a high-performing team significantly outperforms all other like

teams, and outperforms all reasonable expectations given its membership. 
It is a powerful possibility and an excellent model for all real and potential

The depth of the commitment of team members to work together effectively

to accomplish the goals of the team is a critical factor in team success. The
relationships team members develop out of this commitment are key to team
building and team success.

You need to answer a series of questions to assess the commitment level of

team members to work on a team.

 Team Choice: Do team members want to participate on the team? Do

they perceive that they had a choice about working on a particular

Tapping into an employee's commitment is much easier if they are

participating by choice. When possible, I recommend voluntary team

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participation. On all social teams and work teams that are ancillary to
an employee's core job, employees should choose to participate.

Even participation on a mandatory team garners more commitment

when the employees on the team are empowered to set direction,
establish goals, and make choices.

 Work Is Mission Critical: Do team members believe the team mission

is important? Are members committed to accomplishing the team
mission and expected outcomes?

Team members want to feel as if they are part of something bigger

than themselves. They need to understand where their team mission
falls in the bigger organizational scheme, the overall leadership vision.
Team commitment comes from team members knowing the expected
outcomes and where the outcomes fit in the whole organization's
strategic plan.

 Team Members Feel Valued: Do team members perceive their service

as valuable to the organization and to their own careers? A double win
is accomplished if team members find themselves valued by the
organization and also receive ancillary benefits. These can include
growing and developing their skills and career by participating on the
team. Making new contacts and perhaps, finding new mentors who
are committed to their growth is a plus, too.

 Challenge, Excitement, and Opportunity: Are team members

excited and challenged by the team opportunity? If so, the chances of
their commitment to the process and the outcomes are magnified.

 Recognition: Does your organization have a track record of providing

recognition for successful teams and their projects? Almost everyone
likes some form of recognition. Make sure recognition is available at
successful milestones, too.
Pay attention to these areas and to the additional recommendations in all of
the components suggested for successful team building. The more you can
foster the appropriate environment for team success, the better your teams
will perform, and they will wallow less in dysfunctional behavior.

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Keys to Successful Team Work
 The team understands the goals and is committed to attaining them.
This clear direction and agreement on mission and purpose is
essential for effective teamwork.
 The team creates an environment in which people are comfortable
taking reasonable risks in communicating, advocating positions, and
taking action. Team members trust each other. Team members are
not punished for disagreeing.

 Communication is open, honest, and respectful. People feel free to

express their thoughts, opinions, and potential solutions to problems.
People feel as if they are heard out and listened to by team members
who are attempting to understand.
 Team members have a strong sense of belonging to the group. They
experience a deep commitment to the group’s decisions and actions.

 Team members are viewed as unique people with irreplaceable

experiences, points of view, knowledge, and opinions to contribute.

 Creativity, innovation, and different viewpoints are expected and


 The team is able to constantly examine itself and continuously

improve its processes, practices, and the interaction of team members.
The team openly discusses team norms and what may be hindering its
ability to move forward and progress in areas of effort, talent, and

 The team has agreed upon procedures for diagnosing, analyzing, and
resolving teamwork problems and conflicts. The team does not
support member personality conflicts and clashes nor do team
members pick sides in a disagreement. Rather, members work
towards a mutual resolution.
 Participative leadership is practiced in leading meetings, assigning
tasks, recording decisions and commitments, assessing progress,
holding team members accountable, and providing direction for the

 Members of the team make high-quality decisions together and have

the support and commitment of the group to carry out the decisions

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If a team can get these ten factors right, success and a rewarding sense of
teamwork will follow.

With good team-building skills, employees can be united around a common

goal and generate greater productivity. Without them, the managers or
supervisors will be limiting themselves and the staff to the effort each
individual can make alone.

Team building is an ongoing process that helps a work group evolve into a
cohesive unit. The team members not only share expectations for
accomplishing group tasks but trust and support one another and respect
one another's individual differences. Your role as a team builder is to lead
your team toward cohesiveness and productivity. A team takes on a life of its
own and you have to regularly nurture and maintain it, just as you do for
individual employees. Your Development & Training Organization
Development Consultant can advise and help you.

Guiding Principles

Team building can lead to:

 Good communication with participants as team members and

 Increased department productivity and creativity
 Team members motivated to achieve goals
 A climate of cooperation and collaborative problem-solving
 Higher levels of job satisfaction and commitment
 Higher levels of trust and support
 Diverse co-workers working well together
 Clear work objectives
 Better operating policies and procedures

Steps to Building an Effective Team

The first rule of team building is an obvious one: to lead a team effectively,
you must first establish your leadership with each team member. Remember
that the most effective team leaders build their relationships of trust and
loyalty, rather than fear or the power of their positions.

 Consider each employee's ideas as valuable. Remember that

there is no such thing as a stupid idea.

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 Be aware of employees' unspoken feelings. Set an example to
team members by being open with employees and sensitive to their
moods and feelings.
 Act as a harmonizing influence. Look for chances to mediate and
resolve minor disputes; point continually toward the team's higher
 Be clear when communicating. Be careful to clarify directives.
 Encourage trust and cooperation among employees on your
team. Remember that the relationships team members establish
among themselves are every bit as important as those you
establish with them. As the team begins to take shape, pay close
attention to the ways in which team members work together and
take steps to improve communication, cooperation, trust, and
respect in those relationships.
 Encourage team members to share information. Emphasize the
importance of each team member's contribution and demonstrate
how all of their jobs operate together to move the entire team closer
to its goal.
 Delegate problem-solving tasks to the team. Let the team work
on creative solutions together.
 Facilitate communication. Remember that communication is the
single most important factor in successful teamwork. Facilitating
communication does not mean holding meetings all the time.
Instead, it means setting an example by remaining open to
suggestions and concerns, asking questions and offering help, and
by doing everything you can to avoid confusion in your own
 Establish team values and goals; evaluate team performance.
Be sure to talk with members about the progress they are making
toward established goals so that employees get a sense both of
their success and of the challenges that lie ahead. Address
teamwork in performance standards. Discuss with your team:
 What do we really care about in performing our job?
 What does the word success mean to this team?
 What actions can we take to live up to our stated values?
 Make sure that you have a clear idea of what you need to
accomplish; that you know what your standards for success are
going to be; that you have established clear time frames; and that
team members understand their responsibilities.
 Use consensus. Set objectives, solve problems, and plan for action.
While it takes much longer to establish consensus, this method
ultimately provides better decisions and greater productivity

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because it secures every employee's commitment to all phases of
the work.
 Set ground rules for the team. These are the norms that you and
the team establish to ensure efficiency and success. They can be
simple directives (Team members are to be punctual for meetings)
or general guidelines (Every team member has the right to offer
ideas and suggestions), but you should make sure that the team
creates these ground rules by consensus and commits to them,
both as a group and as individuals.
 Establish a method for arriving at a consensus. You may want
to conduct an open debate about the pros and cons of proposals or
establish research committees to investigate issues and deliver
 Encourage listening and brainstorming. As a supervisor, your
first priority in creating consensus is to stimulate debate.
Remember that employees are often afraid to disagree with one
another and that this fear can lead your team to make mediocre
decisions. When you encourage debate, you inspire creativity and
that's how you'll spur your team on to better results.
 Establish the parameters of consensus-building sessions. Be
sensitive to the frustration that can mount when the team is not
achieving consensus. At the outset of your meeting, establish time
limits, and work with the team to achieve consensus within those
parameters. Watch out for false consensus; if an agreement is
struck too quickly, be careful to probe individual team members to
discover their real feelings about the proposed solution.

Symptoms that Signal a Need for Team Building

 Decreased productivity
 Conflicts or hostility among staff members
 Confusion about assignments, missed signals, and unclear
 Decisions misunderstood or not carried through properly
 Apathy and lack of involvement
 Lack of initiation, imagination, and innovation; routine actions taken
for solving complex problems
 Complaints of discrimination or favoritism
 Ineffective staff meetings, low participation, minimally effective
 Negative reactions to the manager
 Complaints about the quality of service

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Self-check 2.1-1

1. What is a team?

2. Whether you operate as a workgroup or a team depends on what

three factors?

3. What are the five keys to team spirit?

4. What are the guiding principles in team building and where these could
lead to?

Answer Key 2.1-1

1. Teams are groups of individuals who accomplish designated objectives

by working interdependently, communicating effectively, and making
decisions that impact their day-to-day work.

2. The five keys to team spirit are:

 skill and motivational level

 nature of the work
 individuals can work autonomously and interdependently

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3. The five keys to team spirit are the following:

 Clearly defined goals, roles, and responsibilities

 Open and honest communication among all team members
 A supportive and knowledgeable team manager/leader
 Decision-making authority for daily work
 Rewards and recognition for accomplishing goals

4. The Guiding Principles of Team Building (and these could lead to…)
are the following:

 Good communication with participants as team members and

 Increased department productivity and creativity
 Team members motivated to achieve goals
 A climate of cooperation and collaborative problem-solving
 Higher levels of job satisfaction and commitment
 Higher levels of trust and support
 Diverse co-workers working well together
 Clear work objectives
 Better operating policies and procedures

Learning Outcome Summary




1. Communication process
2. Team structure/team roles
3. Group planning and decision making


1. Appropriate forms of communication and interactions are

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2. Appropriate contributions to complement team activities and
objectives are made.
3. Reporting using standard operating procedures is followed.
4. Development of teamwork plans based on team roles is


The students/ trainees must be provided with the following:

1. Communication process
2. Team structure/team roles
3. Group planning and decision making


1. Observation of work activities

2. Observation through simulation or role-play
3. Case studies and scenarios.

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Learning Experiences

Learning Outcome 2
Identify Roles and Responsibility within a team

Learning Steps Resources

Read Info Sheet 2.2-1 Read Information sheer 2.2-1

“Work as a Team Member”
Perform Self Check Questionnaire
2.2-1 After reading, answer self-check
Refer to Answer Key 2.2-1
Then, after reading, compare your
After finishing this Learning answers to the answer key.
Activity, proceed to the next
one. After doing all these steps, you can
now proceed to the next module.

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Information Sheet 2.2-1

Learning Objectives:

After reading the information sheet, you must be able to:

1. Know your responsibilities in a team and the different roles in a

Team Members - Everyone Else! 

Team members don't have specific responsibilities, but their participation

is critical to the team's success. Team members must agree to: 

 Be enthusiastic and committed to the team's purpose.

 Be honest and keep any confidential information behind closed doors.
 Share the responsibility to rotate through other team roles like
facilitator, recorder, and timekeeper.
 Share knowledge and expertise and not withhold information.

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 Ask questions, even seemingly "dumb" ones. Often the new
perspective of "inexperienced" team members can provide insight.
 Fulfill duties in between meetings.
 Respect the opinions and positions of others on the team, even if the
person has an opposing view or different opinion.

 Individual Team Roles & Responsibilities Guide

Let‛s start off by clarifying terminology around two areas:

1. What positions are necessary on a team (Roles)

2. What tasks do those positions need to carry out (Responsibilities)
There are many good teambuilding resources for a leader in today‛s
work environment. The issue arises in navigating through which resource
best fits your organization. If you are looking for simplicity, my guide takes
the complexity out of understanding a team structure.

Team Roles
Every team needs to have the following positions covered in order to
function effectively:

TEAM SPONSOR – Higher “ranking” employee (usually a Department

Manager or Vice President) who identifies improvement projects, has the
authority to allot resources to the team, reviews results, and takes team
recommendations further into the organization.

TEAM MEMBER – Anyone who contributes their knowledge, skills, and

abilities to the work of the team. In essence, everyone assigned to a team is
considered a team member.

TEAM LEADER – The person who serves as the link between team
members and the rest of the organization by coordinating team activities
and maintaining all team documentation.

TEAM COACH – An individual experienced in teambuilding skills,

communication, resolving problems, and analyzing data. This person helps
any team member. That‛s it. Four basic team roles exist Team Sponsor,
Team Member, Team Leader, and Team Coach. Now let‛s focus on exactly
what each role is to accomplish within a team framework.

Team Responsibilities

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For ease, the information below outlines only the major tasks of each team

Team Sponsor

 Maintains overall authority and accountability

 Selects improvement project and drafts team charter
 Establishes resources
 Selects all team role assignments and evaluates their progress
 Monitors implementation changes for improvement project

Team Member

 Participates fully in all meetings to share their knowledge

 Communicates completely by listening without assumptions
 Completes all assigned tasks

Team Leader

 Establishes and sustains ways for team members to complete their

 Uses multiple problem-solving methods; data analysis
 Creates communication channels between team, Sponsor, and all
other organization departments
 Updates Sponsor on project progress
 Has management authority to implement recommended changes

Team Coach

 Uses interpersonal communication skills effectively (how to build a

team, giving and receiving feedback, conflict resolution)
 Maintains technical aspects (project management, root cause
methodology, planning)
 Serves as team trainer for both interpersonal and technical

When shifting a company into a team-based structure, everyone in the

organization must be educated on each of the new roles and responsibilities.
Consistency is key and is well worth the time investment.

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Self-Check 2.2-1

1. Differentiate a team member from a team leader.

2. How could team members justify the statement, “Team members do not
have specific responsibilities, but their participation is critical to the
team’s success”. Team members must agree to…?”

3. What are the basic responsibilities of a team member?

Answer Key 2.2-1

1. A team member is anyone who contributes their knowledge, skills,

and abilities to the work of the team. In essence, everyone assigned to
a team is considered a team member while a team leader is a person
who serves as the link between team members and the rest of the
organization by coordinating team activities and maintaining all team

2. Team members don't have specific responsibilities, but their

participation is critical to the team's success. Team members must
agree to: 

 Be enthusiastic and committed to the team's purpose.

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 Be honest and keep any confidential information behind closed
 Share the responsibility to rotate through other team roles like
facilitator, recorder, and timekeeper.
 Share knowledge and expertise and not withhold information.
 Ask questions, even seemingly "dumb" ones. Often the new
perspective of "inexperienced" team members can provide
 Fulfill duties in between meetings.
 Respect the opinions and positions of others on the team, even
if the person has an opposing view or different opinion.

3. The following are the basic responsibilities of a team member:

 Participates fully in all meetings to share their knowledge

 Communicates completely by listening without assumptions
 Completes all assigned tasks

Learning Outcome Summary



1. Work procedures and practices

2. Conditions of work environments
3. Legislation and industrial agreements
4. Standard work practice including the storage, safe handling, and
disposal of chemicals
5. Safety, environmental, housekeeping, and quality guidelines


1. Effective and appropriate forms of communication used and

interactions are undertaken with team members who contribute to
known team activities and objectives
2. Effective and appropriate contributions made to complement team
activities and objectives, based on individual skills and
competencies and workplace context

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3. Observed protocols in reporting using standard operating
4. Contribute to the development of team work plans based on an
understanding of team’s role and objectives and individual
competencies of the members.


The students/ trainees must be provided with the following:

1. Standard operating procedure (SOP) of workplace

2. Job procedures
3. Client/supplier instructions
4. Quality standards
5. Organizational or external personnel


1. Written test
2. Observation
3. Simulation
4. Role playing

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Learning Experiences

Learning Outcome 3

Work as a Team Member

Learning Steps Resources

Read Info Sheet 2.3-1 Read Information sheer 2.3-1

“Work as a Team Member”
Perform Self Check Questionnaire
2.3-1 After reading, answer self-check
Refer to Answer Key 2.3-1
Then, after reading, compare your
After finishing this Learning answers to the answer key.
Activity, proceed to the next
one. After doing all this steps, you can
now proceed to the next module.

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Information Sheet 2.3-1
Learning Objectives:

After reading the information sheet, you must be able to:

1. Know the steps that will help one build team player characteristics
2. Apply valuable work ethics?

There are many benefits in working within a team environment,

provided that you follow the direction of your team leader and
cooperate with your team members.

In order to be considered a terrific team player you must be willing to

collaborate with your fellow associates to work toward attaining
departmental and organizational goals and objectives. There are many
benefits in working within a team environment, provided that you follow the
direction of your team leader and cooperate with your team members. Listed
are steps that will help you build team player characteristics and also learn
some valuable work ethics.

Step 1


In an effort to foster a healthy team environment, you will need to interact

with your co-workers on a regular basis. Sometimes good social skills will
take longer to develop for one employee than for another. Nevertheless, good
social skills are necessary and vitally important for effective human

Step 2


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You must keep in mind that you are part of a team! Therefore, you should
do your part within your team. What are your duties and responsibilities?
And when are you expected to complete your task? You should take the
initiative to willingly contribute whatever it is you are assigned to do in a
timely manner because your co-workers are relying upon you to so.

Step 3


Sometimes you will be expected to listen to others within the team who
possess certain knowledge about a particular idea, subject, or situation and
you will need to listen attentively so that you can learn from them. At some
point you will be given the opportunity to demonstrate what you have

Step 4


There will be times where you will be expected to share what you know so
that your team members can benefit from your knowledge. Don't be
intimidated to share what you know. And never hold back valuable
knowledge and information from your team members.

Step 5


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You should be able to articulate what you know in a clear and concise
manner, so that the listeners correctly comprehend what you are trying to
convey. Incomprehensible messages will only generate confusion amongst
your team members.

Step 6


You must keep in mind that there is always room for growth. Having said
that, there will be times when you will be criticised for something you said
or did. Don't take it personal, but view this an opportunity to grow.

Step 7


It is imperative that you give your co-workers the utmost respect at all
times. You should show kindness, be honest and loyal to your teammates.
They should show you respect in return as well.

Step 8


Always be prepared to render feedback and to receive feedback from other

team members. This is a very important component of effective

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Self-Check 2.3-1

1. What are steps that will help you build team player
characteristics and also learn some valuable work ethics?

2. Make a short play using the steps in having a valuable work


Answer Key 2.3-1

3. The following are the steps that will help build team player
characteristics and also some valuable work ethics.









4. The play will be checked by the trainer.

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Prentice Hall Book of Grammar

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