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RHF - REVCON Harmonic Filter - Asia Pacific - Email

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Improve your drive

with RHF REVCON Harmonic Filter

Marine Buildings Oil & Gas Water General

Treatment Industry
Non-linear loads are causing various different problems. Ohm´s law teach us, V = I • Z, which means that due to
The most obvious one is that equipment such as VFD´s the impedance of the system, every harmonic current,
are causing harmonic currents that will increase the in- will cause a distortion of the voltage. The impact of this
“Alternating current is the form in which electric power is delivered to businesses
put current of the system. A three-phase VFD without voltage distortion THDv is diverse, and the most typical
and residences […]. The usual waveform of alternating current in most electric
any inductance will cause a THDi of about 105%, which effect is overheat of transformer and PFC applications
power circuits is a sine wave!” ( Wikipedia )
will increase the input current IRMS by 43%. Typically the- (Capacitor banks). An underestimated impact of harmo-
se harmonics have reactive characteristics, but this hig- nic distortion is the significantly reduced lifetime expec-
Unfortunately, the Wikipedia statement above is incorrect, or at least simplified. The true waveform of our power
her input current will require significant higher sizing of tation of electrical and mechanical equipment.
supply is far away from an ideal sine wave. But how is this possible as most Generators produce a more or less pure
wires, protective devices and will also cause significant
sine wave output, who is the bad guy?
higher power losses in the system.

Transformers and PFC. Significant increase of power loss on any induc-

tances or capacity results in reduced rating, lower expected lifetime, lo-
wer efficiency or even damaged equipment.

The red signal in the second picture is showing the input-current-shape of a standard drive with about 4% inductance and clearly, this is far Electronic equipment usually have a rectifier with capacitor input, whose
away from sinus. Of course, the input-current-shape of any drive without inductance is significantly worse.
lifetime is significantly affected by voltage distortion. This results in im-
mediate damage or significant reduced lifetime.

Linear and non-linear load Evaluation of harmonic distortion.

Electrical loads where the current is not proportional to the The THD Total Harmonic Distortion is the most used eva-
voltage are called non-linear loads. Linear loads are pure luation for harmonic distortion, and is defined for voltage
sinusoidal, and either resistive, inductive or capacitive. THDv and current THDi, both typically consider the har-
monics up to the 40th or 50th.
Although there are many different sources of harmonic
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distortion, a very significant part is caused by variable ࢀࡴࡰ࢏ ൌ 
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Supply voltage with additional frequencies (harmonics) are lethal
frequency drives (VFD).
for both mechanical and electrical side.
Basically the THD is a good evaluation for Harmonic Dis-
The voltage distortion caused by one 200kW drive, is tortion but it is not sufficient to give a full evaluation of
about the same as 7,000 x 10W USB charger. REVCON the problems that may be caused by harmonics. Plea-
harmonic solutions may be used in various applications, se visit or read our “Harmonic Solution
but are optimized for drive applications. Guide” for more detailed information.
System Efficiency is directly affected by the harmonics
as nearly all equipment and wires produce
more heat when voltage distortion rise.

2 3
RHF = REVCON Harmonic Filter overview REVCON Harmonic Filter
280kW typical motor power rating

IP20 degree of protection (IP00–IP54)

RHF5P/8P RHF-5P 280-400-50-20-C

The passive range is designed for <5 % or <8% THDi. 1.1kW – 280kW
C: Compact all in one design
in compact enclosure design 315kW–800kW in space saving panel design.
50Hz nominal frequency S: Split design for Panel installation
5P: <5%THDi
E: Enclosed Panel
8P: <8% THDi 400V Nominal Voltage
Hybrid: ~1% THDi Available from 200-690V
Active: Scalable THDi

RHF-8P RHF-5P RHF-Hybrid RHF-"ctiWF

<8% THDi <5% THDi ~1% THDi Scalable

VaSiable Frequency Drives - VFD Yes Yes Yes Yes

RHFHybrid Water and wastewater treatment Yes Yes Yes Yes

For symetrical loads , this unique technology offers the best performance
HVAC Yes Yes Yes Yes
for Harmonic mitigation on the market still saving costs compared to pure
active solutions . Pumps and Fans (VFD) Yes Yes Yes Yes

Industrial/ Factory Process (VFD) Yes Yes Yes Yes

DC charger Yes Yes Yes Yes

Buildings Yes Yes Yes Yes

Data Center (power supply) No No Yes Yes

IEEE 519-2014 requirement Yes Yes Yes Yes

Marine Yes Yes No No

IEEE 519-2014 specified application Yes Yes Yes Yes

RHFActive Electronically comutated / EC Motor No No Yes Yes
SiC MOSFET Technology or 3Level IGBT solutions ensures loweS power loss
and enables a compact design. Harmonic mitigation , pf correction and un- Non symetrical Load No No No Yes
balance compensation. For symetrical (3P3W) or unsymetrical (3P4W) loads.
Symetrical load multiple VFD Yes Yes Yes Yes

Symetrical load multiple equimpment No No No Yes

Displacement factor correction („pf“) No No No Yes

Unbalance compensation No No No Yes

4 5
REVCON Harmonic Filter 1.1kW – 800kW
RHF-8P and RHF-5P are high efficient double-stage passive Harmonic Filter used to avoid
mains distortion caused by non-linear loads such as variable frequency drives VFDs.


This Picture is showing a typical rectifier input This picture is showing a pure resistive load. The current
bridge of a B6 diode bridge and a DC choke of ~4%. The (red) is in phase with the voltage (black). Except for the
current (red) is almost in phase with the voltage (black) but difference in amplitude, the signal of voltage and current
the current waveform is very different from sinusoidal. are equal.

The REVCON Passive Harmonic Filter circuit

The following pictures describes the RHF-5P and 8P hardware configuration. Instead of using a simple drain circuit
for the 5th Harmonic, both RHF-5P and 8P are using a double stage filter and specifies the performance by chan-
ging the main inductance value. The 3 main advantages of this REVCON patented filter circuit are:

1. Performance: The RHF is designed to reach its stated performance in the field and not defined for unique simu-
lated conditions. The double stage filter offers a smooth damping of all Harmonics, instead of focusing on the
Marine Buildings Oil & Gas Water General 5th Harmonic.
Treatment Industry

2. Full Drive Power: The RHF allows for 100% DC-Bus voltage at 100% drive load. This avoid further calculations
REVCON HARMONIC FILTER and de-rating of the drive. (Drives connected to Simple Harmonic Filter may have up to 7% less power ratings)!
The REVCON Harmonic Filter reduces the THDi of nonli-
near loads and sources to significantly below 5% (optio- 3. Efficiency: Simple Harmonic Filter may add RC circuits in order to reach specified 5% THDi which leads to a
nal <10%) even under realistic circumstances including significant loXer efficiency.The RHF-5P double stage harmonic filter cause up to 70% less power loss than
imbalance and pre-distortion. This is necessary to reach comparable <5% THDi solutions.
various standards and recommendations, such as IEEE
519-2014. Typically, the filter reduces the THDi from
35% to ~3%, with a smooth damping across the full
spectrum. Grid Simple Harmonic Filter Load
Grid REVCON Harmonic Filter Load

+ +

Typical single stage passive harmonic filters are tuned –

to 250Hz and therefore focus mainly on the 5th har-

monic. The two stage harmonic filter RHF works like a UIFSFfore the produced power losses are up to 75%
bandwidth filter due to its unique circuit and reduces less than those produced by comparable solutions. All
all harmonics up to ~0. As a bonus, this patented our filters are available for all low voltage 3-phase
filter circuit do not cause any DC-voltage drop inside supplies and covers power from 1.1kW up to 800kW,
the drive. It reaches an efficiency of up to 99.5% and with an open end in parallel setup!

6 7
The NEW RHF-Hybrid RHF-Hybrid
The new RHF-Hybrid range combines the benefits of the current is low in part load, the RHF-Hybrid use the re-
passive and active technologies and at the same time sources of the active filter component and eliminates
eliminates their disadvantages. A circuit similar to the the reactive power.
RHF-8P is eliminating the mayor part of the Harmonics
while the active filter takes care of the fine-tuning in In addition the active filter component control the swit-
harmonic performance. In part load, any passive harmo- ching of the two passive filter circuits, which allows to
nic filter will cause a reactive current. As the harmonic size the active component to about 10% of the RHF-Hy-
brid rating, which makes the
Hybrid not only superior in
performance, but also com-
petitive in price.

This diagram show the smooth true power factor of the RHF-Hybrid.
Close to 1 at any operating point.

At last but not least: The

RHF-Hybrid can be used with
any standard 6-pulse drive
and the system creates, de-
spite the higher performance,
Buildings Oil & Gas Water General Marine about 30% less power losses
Treatment Industry
compared to AFE technology.
The harmonic performance of the RHF-Hybrid is unique, even for strong
distorted networks.

Efficiency Reliability Performance

8 9
Active REVCON Harmonic Filter
RHF-Active is a high efficient design used to avoid mains distortion caused by any non-linear load

The RHF-Active is available as a 3-level IGBT based fil- efficiency is >99.3%. For drives <200kW this is even
ter, but also as unique Silicon Carbide (SiC - MOSFET) more efficient than RHF two-stage passive harmonic
based Active Filter! These technologies offers significant filter.
benefits in performance and efficiency.
The efficiency of a 3-Level IGBT based Harmonic filter is
The efficiency of a SiC harmonic filter is >98% and >97% and therefore produce 41% less heat, than com-
therefore produce about 57% less heat than compara- parable solutions based on 2-Level IGBT Technology.
ble solutions based on IGBT technology. Looking at the Looking at the RHF-Active as a harmonic solution for
RHF-Active as a Harmonic solution for drives, the system drives, the system efficiency is >99%.


The RHF-"ctive may be used for pf correction, unbalance compensation, harmonic mitigation or altogether. It reduces the harmonic current
distortion of non-linear loads and sources to any required THDi. This is necessary to reach various standards and recommendations, such as IEEE

A high switching frequency allows for effi-

cient and accurate compensation of high or-
der harmonics up to 61st. Due to its unique
circuit, the RHF-Active is extremely efficient
which allows for a very compact design. All

RHF-Active can be used as 3P4W or 3P3W

for 380-4V systems (further voltage le-
vels coming soon!). Unlimited current pos- - =
sibilities due to open end in parallel setup!

The working principle of an active REVCON

Harmonic Filter RHF-Active is completely different from any other harmonic solution. Instead of working as a line filter
Buildings Oil & Gas Water General Data Center
with tuned passive filter circuits, the active solution is connected in parallel and injects harmonics. These injected Treatment Industry
harmonics are of inversed polarity and therefore eliminate the harmonics taken from the supply.

10 11
This product catalog was provided by:

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REVCON can accept no responsibility for possible errors in brochures or other printed material.
All trademarks in this material are property of the respective companies. REVCON logotype is a
trademark of ELTROPLAN-REVCON GmbH. All rights reserved.

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