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2016 Annual Report - Updated

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The Department of Agriculture is the government agency

responsible for the promotion of agricultural development by
providing the policy framework, public investments, and support
services needed for domestic and export-oriented business

A modernized smallholder agriculture and fisheries; a diversified
rural economy that is dynamic, technologically advanced and
internationally competitive. Its transformation is guided by the
sound practices of resource sustainability, the principles of social
justice, and a strong private sector participation.

To help and empower the farming and fishing communities and
the private sector to produce enough, accessible, and affordable
food for every Filipino and a decent income for all.

2 CY 2016 Annual Report

As we culminate a year that bannered great mileposts
the agriculture sector has achieved, witnessed natural
disasters, and overlaid with inspiring stories of support from
different stakeholders, partners and colleagues in the realm of
agriculture, most particularly our beloved farmers, it has been
a prodigious and heartwarming moment for all of us in the
Department of Agriculture Regional Field Office I.
Despite the difficulties on the domestic front and the
uncertainties in the global economy, we remained resilient and
concentrated on ensuring that we are treading the right path
towards inclusive growth. For one, the Ilocos Region sustained
its rank as the 3rd major rice producing region in the country
with a sufficiency level of 176%, which is way more than
sufficient to cater the population’s requirement in the region.
The region has been a consistent major producer of the
country’s best quality corn grains and sustained its rank as the
5th corn producing in the region.
We are likewise confident that this robust growth will
continue next year as we carry on the projects and programs
that will deliver the needed advancement of the agricultural
sector, which we are all in the Department are desiring of, and
fire up new advantages that will lead our fellowmen here in the
Ilocos Region to recovery of the losses brought about by
destructive typhoons.
And while we are all normally confronted with
difficulties in the implementation of all our programs and
projects, these, ultimately, remind us that we need to go
beyond the success and growth we have achieved. We need to
work even harder to safeguard that our gains are vigorous
enough to overcome threats and perils, especially those that
imperil the livelihood and sources of growth of our dear farmers.
I then call on each and everyone involved in the achievement of our sworn objectives
to remain resolute and supportive of all our causes and endeavors for the success of this
agency will reflect not only to us but, ultimately, will transcend to our unsung heroes- our
beloved farmers and their families.
Thank you and I hope for the unrelenting feat of all our goals and objectives towards
countryside development.


Regional Executive Director

CY 2016 Annual Report 3

Page No.

Part I. Agriculture Sector Outputs and Outcomes 5-11

Gross Regional Domestic Product 6
Commodity Performance 7-9
Food Sufficiency Level 10
Jobs Generated 11
Output Commitments
Part II. Banner and Regular Programs: Inputs/Interventions 12-39
Rice Banner Program 13-20
Corn Banner Program 21-24
High Value Crops Development Program 25-27
Livestock Banner Program 28-31
Organic Agriculture (OA) Program 32-33
Regular (Various Activities) 34-39
Part III. Development Projects 40-45
Part IV. Special/Other Programs and Projects 46-57
Philippine Rural Development Project (PRDP) 47-52
Regional Convergence Initiative for Sustainable Rural
Development (RCI-SRD) I 53-55
Bottom-up Budgeting (BuB) Project 56-57
Part V. Agricultural Achievers 58-65
Rice Achievers Award 59-60
National Corn Quality Achievers Award 61-62
Gawad Saka Search 63-64
Regional Development Council (RDC) I Award 65

4 CY 2016 Annual Report

Part I.

Outputs and

CY 2016 Annual Report 5


At constant 2000 prices, Ilocos Region’s Figure 1. Percent Distribution, at Constant 2000 Prices
GRDP by Industrial Origin, CY 2016
Agriculture, Hunting, Forestry and
Fishing (AHFF) sector output in 2016
was valued at PhP51.58 Billion as
shown in Table 1. This value,
contributing 20.08 percent to the total
regional output at PhP257.21 Billion
(Figure 1), is lower by 1.8 percent than
the 2015 output of PhP52.50 Billion.

For the Agriculture and Forestry, value

of output declined by 1.6 percent from
PhP42.01 Billion in 2015 to PhP41.36
Billion in 2016. The decline was mainly
attributed to the negative output in
mango, peanut, ampalaya and other
high value crops caused by drought and
typhoons in 2016. However, output of
rice and corn, being the major
commodities in the region, increased Source: PSA
this year.
from 7.1 percent in 2015 to 8.0 percent in 2016 attaining a
total value of PhP131.58 Billion.
Fishing also recorded a decline of 2.6
percent in 2016 as compared to its level
The performance of the Industry sector, with 28.77
in 2015 at PhP 10.49 Billion.
percent share to the regional output, accelerated by 17.9
percent in 2015 to 17.9 percent in 2016. It recorded a total
The Services sector contributed the
value of output of PhP74.04 Billion in 2016.
largest share in the region’s output at
51.2 percent. The sector accelerated

Table 1. Gross Regional Domestic Product (GRDP) by Industrial Origin, Ilocos Region,
In Thousand Pesos, At Constant 2000 Prices, 2014-2016

GR (%) GR (%)
Industry 2014 2015 2016
14-15 15-16
Agriculture, Hunting,
Forestry and Fishing 53,159,804 52,503,471 51,580,507 (1.2) (1.8)
a. Agriculture and Forestry 41,839,678 42,013,392 41,359,285 0.4 (1.6)
b. Fishing 11,320,126 10,490,079 10,221,222 (7.3) (2.6)
Industry Sector 58,035,017 62,829,182 74,045,332 8.3 17.9
Service Sector 113,754,353 121,846,102 131,582,282 7.1 8.0
Gross Domestic Product 224,949,174 237,178,755 257,208,121 5.4 8.4
Source: Philippine Statistics Authority (PSA)

6 CY 2016 Annual Report


Ilocos Region’s palay production increased by (SSIP) and utilization of high quality and hybrid
1.58% from 1,777,121 metric tons or an and inbred palay seeds.
incremental production of 28,005 metric tons to
1,805,126 metric tons in 2016 as shown in Table By provincial distribution, Pangasinan is still
2. The region ranked as the 3rd rice producing the major producer of rice in the region with a
region in the country contributing 10.48% to the production of 1,110,565 metric tons. Ilocos
national rice production of more than 17.63 million Norte, with a production of 309,488 metric tons
metric tons . is the second top rice-producing province.
However, the province posted negative growth of
The increase in production was attributed to the 1.15%. Ilocos Sur also posted negative growth of
1.40% increment in yield per hectare from 4.30 0.55% due to production losses brought about by
metric tons in 2015 to 4.37 metric tons in 2016. Super Typhoon Lawin in Northern Luzon where
This year’s yield surpassed the highest yield ever rice plantings at reproductive and maturity
recorded in the region at 4.36 metric tons in 2014. stages were damaged. Nevertheless, Ilocos Norte
still exhibited the highest yield at 4.73 metric
The increase in yield was due to the constructed/ tons per hectare among the provinces. La Union
rehabilitated Small-Scale Irrigation Projects recorded positive growth in production, area
harvested and yield during the period.

Table 2. Palay production, area and yield, Ilocos Region, CY 2015-2016

Production (MT) Area (Ha) Yield (MT/Ha)

2015 2016 % GR 2015 2016 % GR 2015 2016 % GR
Pangasinan 1,081,157 1,110,565 2.72 260,087 260,639 0.21 4.16 4.26 2.50
La Union 172,000 175,354 1.95 38,255 38,304 0.13 4.50 4.58 1.82
Ilocos Sur 210,875 209,719 (0.55) 48,361 47,860 (1.04) 4.36 4.38 0.49
Ilocos Norte 313,089 309,488 (1.15) 66,233 65,832 (0.61) 4.73 4.70 (0.55)
Region 1,777,121 1,805,126 1.58 412,936 412,635 (0.07) 4.30 4.37 1.65
Source: PSA
CY 2016 Annual Report 7
Table 3. Corn production, area and yield, Ilocos Region, CY 2015-2016

Production (MT) Area (Ha) Yield (MT/Ha)

2015 2016 % GR 2015 2016 % GR 2015 2016 % GR
Pangasinan 319,118 331,191 3.78 54,311 56,343 3.74 5.88 5.88 0.04
La Union 32,216 31,644 (1.78) 6,563 6,261 (4.60) 4.91 5.05 2.96
Ilocos Sur 78,711 83,765 6.42 14,704 15,233 3.60 5.35 5.50 2.73
Ilocos Norte 60,898 61,424 0.86 12,030 11,932 (0.81) 5.06 5.15 1.69
Region 490,943 508,024 3.48 87,608 89,769 2.47 5.60 5.66 0.99
Source: PSA

Region I continued to be one of the major and yield as a result of the utilization of high
contributors of corn supply in the country. Table 3 yielding seed varieties coupled with the adoption
shows that corn production in the region reached of improved technologies and efficient farm
508,024 metric tons which is higher by 3.48% than production machineries and equipment.
last year’s recorded production of 490,943 metric
tons. The region shared 6.99% to the national In terms of area harvested, the region grew by
aggregate production of 7.22 Million metric tons, 2.47% or 2,161 hectares from 87,769 hectares in
maintaining its rank as the 5th corn producing 2015.
region in the country. Ilocos Region is still a
consistent major producer of the country’s best Yield per hectare in corn gained 0.99% from the
quality corn grains. average of 5.60 metric tons in 2015 to 5.66
metric tons in 2016. This year’s level recorded
All provinces posted positive growth in production the highest yield ever in the region, and still the
except La Union with a reduction 1.78% because top yielder among the regions in the country. All
the area harvested decreased due to crop shifting provinces exhibited positive growth in yield
to other crops. The over-all increase in production during the year.
was attributed to the increased in area harvested

Table 4. Cassava production, area and yield, Ilocos Region, CY 2015-2016

Production (MT) Area (Ha) Yield (MT/Ha)
2015 2016 % GR 2015 2016 % GR 2015 2016 % GR
Pangasinan 10,274 10,337 0.61 1,155 1,162 0.61 8.90 8.90 0.01
La Union 2,608 2,879 10.39 233 240 3.00 11.19 12.00 7.17
Ilocos Sur 1,419 1,373 (3.24) 125 122 (2.40) 11.35 11.25 (0.86)
Ilocos Norte 2,938 3,030 3.13 403 406 0.74 7.29 7.46 2.37
Region 17,239 17,619 2.20 1,916 1,930 0.73 9.00 9.13 1.46
Source: PSA

Table 4 shows that cassava production in the attributed to the continued advocacy of the Corn
region grew by 2.20% or 380 metric tons from Banner Program for cassava production in the
17,239 metric tons in 2015. Area harvested also region.
posted slight increase of 0.73% or additional 24
hectares from 2015’s level. Among the provinces, La Union exhibited the
highest increase. Only Ilocos Sur recorded
Also, yield per hectare of cassava in Ilocos Region negative growth in cassava production, area
grew by 1.46 %. The positive growth was harvested and yield per hectare.

8 CY 2016 Annual Report

For the high value crops, Ilocos Region is still the Among the priority crops, only eggplant and
leading producer of mango, garlic, tomato, mungbean exhibited positive growth in
eggplant, peanut and mungbean in the country. production and yield per hectare. Garlic
recorded the largest decrease in production at
For 2016, production of priority high value crops in 38.21% from 7,263 metric tons in 2015 to 4,488
Region I dipped to 870,670 metric tons, reflecting a metric tons in 2016.
decrease of 106,859 metric tons or 10.93% from the
977,529 metric tons output in 2015 as shown in Mango, the major fruit crop in Region I, went
Table 5. The decrease in the overall production down by 19.33% or 50,158 metric tons from
was ascribed to the adverse effects of different 259,533 metric tons produced in 2015. The
typhoons that occurred in the region in 2016. region, however, is still the top producer of
mango in the country.
The priority crops include mango, pinakbet
vegetables, onion, garlic, peanut and mungbean.

Table 5. Priority high value crops production, area and yield, Ilocos Region, CY 2015-2016
Production (MT) Area (Ha) Yield (Mt/Ha)
Commodity % GR % GR % GR
2015 2016 2015 2016 2015 2016
Mango 259,533 209,375 (19.33) 22,264 21,856 (1.83) 11.66 9.58 (17.82)
Tomato 72,484 68,761 (5.14) 3,827 3,789 (0.99) 18.94 18.15 (4.18)
Eggplant 81,942 87,223 6.44 5,037 5,112 1.49 16.27 17.06 4.88
Ampalaya 9,992 9,622 (3.70) 1,215 1,214 (0.09) 8.22 7.93 (3.62)
Onion 40,049 38,470 (3.94) 4,601 4,401 (4.35) 8.70 8.74 0.42
Garlic 7,263 4,488 (38.21) 2,075 2,014 (2.94) 3.50 2.23 (36.34)
Peanut 11,564 11,211 (3.05) 7,508 7,356 (2.02) 1.54 1.52 (1.05)
Mungbean 11,875 12,369 4.16 9,858 9,837 (0.21) 1.20 1.26 4.38
Region 977,529 870,670 (10.93) 102,912 101,321 (1.55) 309 297 (3.77)
Source: PSA

LIVESTOCK Table 6. Livestock and poultry production,

Ilocos Region, CY 2015-2016
Production of livestock and poultry recorded a Production (MT)
total of 231,415 metric tons in 2016, reflecting a 2015 2016 % GR
slight decrease of 0.79% from 233,256 metric tons
in 2015 as shown in Table 6. Among the livestock
Carabao 10,674 10,298 (3.52)
commodities, only hog posted a positive growth
Cattle 28,346 27,767 (2.04)
exhibiting an increase of 4.62% from 82,731
metric tons in 2015 to 86,553 metric tons in 2016. Hog 82,731 86,553 4.62
Goat 10,977 10,666 (2.83)
Carabao, cattle and goat, including chicken, duck Poultry
and egg production showed negative growth rates Chicken 82,829 78,761 (4.91)
during the year. The reduction was due to the low Duck 2,078 1,983 (4.57)
number of stocks for disposition, some of which Chicken Eggs 14,087 14,081 (0.04)
are not of marketable age yet. There were also
Duck Eggs 1,534 1,306 (14.86)
more deaths and losses due to typhoons in the
Total 233,256 231,415 (0.79)
region during the year.
Source: PSA

CY 2016 Annual Report 9

Figure 2. Food sufficiency level of food commodities, Ilocos Region, CY 2016

Source: DA-RFO I (computation is based on PSA production data)

Figure 2 shows that Region 1 attained a more than
sufficient level in all major food commodities.
There were also surpluses in the production of
fruits, vegetables, legumes and rootcrops with
Rice has a production surplus of 711,015 metric
sufficiency levels of 207%, 166%, 108% and
tons to cater more than 5.0 million populace in the
107%, respectively.
region with registered 179% sufficiency level.
Corn, which has also a surplus in production
Likewise, meat production has still an excess
necessary to meet the requirement of human and
supply with sufficiency level of 120% this year.
livestock consumption, attained a 191% sufficiency

The agriculture sector generated a total Figure 3. Jobs generated, Ilocos Region, CY 2016

of 4,836 jobs this year as shown in Figure

2. Post harvest facilities and equipment,
such as tractors, threshers, combine
harvesters, among others, contributed a
total share of 49% or 2,380 jobs.
Construction and rehabilitation of small-
scale irrigation projects, i.e. Small Water
Impounding Projects (SWIP) and
Diversion Dams (DD) generated 2.170
jobs or 45% share. The remaining 6%,
which generated 286 jobs, was
contributed by the post harvest facilities
such as Rice Processing Centers (RPC).

10 CY 2016 Annual Report

Figure 4. Output Commitments of DA-RFO I, CY 2016

 Beneficiaries of specific goods and services

delivered (99.97% accomplishment)
 183,232 individuals
Major Final Output (MFO) 2.  1,116 groups
Technical Support Services  100% Beneficiaries rating the goods or services
delivered to be at least satisfactory
 100% Deliveries of goods and services validated
by beneficiaries to have been delivered at the
appropriate time

 851 hectares service area generated from

MFO 3. Irrigation Network establishment and installation of small-scale
irrigation projects (98.27% accomplishment)
 90.95% - project completed within six (6) months:

 66.16 kilometers of FMR validated for

MFO 4. Farm-to-Market Road construction/rehabilitation
(FMR) Network Services  153.71% DPWH-constructed FMRs validated and

MFO 4. Agricultural and  451 farmer groups assisted with agricultural

Fisheries Machinery, equipment and facilities (93.96%
Equipment and Facilities accomplishment)
Support Services

 2,467 regulatory documents issued

MFO 5. Agricultural and  100% compliance with the provision of regulatory
Fishery Regulation Services
 100% monitoring activities or agricultural facilities
and products conducted

Figure 4 shows the 2016 commitments by Major A total of 66.16 kilometers of FMR projects were
Final Output (MFO) of DA RFO-I as results of the validated for construction. Also, 2,467
various interventions/projects implemented/ regulatory documents were issued under the
provided by the Banner and Regular Programs in MFO- Agricultural and Fishery Regulation
the region. Services.

A total of 183,232 individuals and 1,116 groups Meanwhile, the Registry System for Basic
were benefited from the various goods and services Sectors in Agriculture (RSBSA) recorded a total
delivered under the MFO 2—Technical Support of 708,327 farmer-beneficiaries in Ilocos Region
Services. Likewise, a total of 451 farmer-groups from 2011 to 2015, broken down by province as
were benefited with different agricultural follows:
equipment and facilities. No. of Farmer-
Under the Irrigation Network Services, 851 Ilocos Norte 100,651
Ilocos Sur 149,900
hectares service area were generated from the
La Union 109,630
establishment and installation of SSIPs. Pangasinan 348,146
Region 708,327
Source: RSBSA, 2015

CY 2016 Annual Report 11

Part II.


12 CY 2016 Annual Report


Technical Support Services

Production Support Services
One of the strategies that enhanced rice region.
productivity and attained rice sufficiency in the
region is through the use of quality and high yielding In partnership with the Food and Agriculture
hybrid rice seeds coupled with the application of Organization (FAO), the Department provided
yield-boosting technologies. This year, the Rice climate-smart lines of rice, a drought, saline and
Banner Program distributed a total of 905,430 submergence-tolerant varieties – the Green
kilograms of hybrid seeds under the High Yielding Super Rice (GSR). This year, a total of 7,760
Technology Adoption (HYTA) Project benefiting kilograms of GSR were procured and distributed
61,365 rice farmers. These seeds were provided to to farmers.
the farmer associations/cooperatives and
distributed to farmer-members through a plant In support to the Soil Fertility Assessment and
now pay later scheme where production will be Mapping of rice areas in Region 1, the Regional
rolled-over for the succeeding cropping seasons for Soils Laboratory analysed a total of 5,990 soil
sustainability. samples covering 171,559 ha under the irrigated
and rainfed rice areas. This provided extension
Likewise, the Program distributed a total of
workers and farmers with information on soil
480,000 kilograms of high quality Certified Seeds
nutrient status and the corresponding fertilizer
(CS) to 23,500 farmer-beneficiaries to mitigate the
recommendations when applied to specific crops
adverse effect of climate change.
in their respective areas.

In response to disasters, the Program facilitated

Based on the results of soil analyses conducted,
seed buffer stocking to ensure the availability of
soil fertility maps were generated covering 20
high quality rice seeds that can be accessed by
and 19 cities/municipalities in Pangasinan and
farmers/growers to recoup their production losses
Ilocos Norte, respectively. The soil fertility
and recover farm productivity. In 2016, a total of
maps, comprised of color-coded indicators for
1,984,680 kilograms of rice seeds were procured as
Organic Matter (OM), Phosphorus (P),
buffer stocks for farmers affected by drought and
Potassium (K), potential of hydrogen (pH), Zinc
typhoons, particularly typhoons “Karen and
(Zn), and a fertilizer guide maps. Samples of
Lawin”, including continuous rains enhanced by
maps generated are shown in Figure 5.
“Habagat” during the second semester in the

Staffs of the Regional Soils Laboratory performing (a) Zinc Assay using Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer and (b) Extraction &
Filtration of soil samples prior to analysis

CY 2016 Annual Report 13

Figure 5. Samples of soil fertility maps generated from rice areas in Region 1

14 CY 2016 Annual Report

Extension Support, Education and Training Services
The Rice Banner Program implemented various  8.0 tons using hybrid rice in irrigated areas;
Extension Support, Education, and Training  7.0 tons using registered inbred rice seeds in
Services (ESETS) in support to the Food Staple irrigated areas; and
Sufficiency Program (FSSP) of the Department  5.5 tons using certified inbred rice seeds on
of Agriculture such as the establishment of rainfed areas.
technology demonstrations in the farms, and
conduct of Local Farmer Technicians-Farmers
Local Farmer Technicians (LFT) - Farmers Field
Field Schools (FFS) and other training-related
Schools (FFS)
activities to accelerate the adoption of new
technologies and best farming practices in rice
The Program conducted a total of 58 FFS with
116 LFTs in different ecosystems during the wet
and dry seasons in the region. This activity was
Technology Demonstrations
designed to develop a core of qualified and
trained rice farmers as partners and active
To showcase validated and viable technologies to
players in the development and promotion of
increase rice productivity, a total of 72 techno
modern rice production and post-production
demo sites from wet and dry seasons were
technologies in low-yielding rice-growing
established in different ecosystems in the region.
barangays with inadequate agricultural
These techno demos, which showcased integrated
extension workers. The LFT-FFS is a non-formal
crop management approach with emphasis on the
adult education with experiential and
use of hybrid and inbred seeds and efficiency of
participatory learning techniques wherein each
farm mechanization, include the following:
FFS was facilitated by two LFTs and one
Supervising Technician.

Various technology demonstration sites and activities of the farmer-recipients in rice.

CY 2016 Annual Report 15
Research and Development
Under research and development, the following research studies were conducted under the Rice
Banner Program:

Project Title Brief description of the Study Highlights/Status

Accelerating the Devel- This project is a collaborative effort Rice varieties adapted to irrigated condition in the
opment and Adoption among the breeding institutions like region during the wet season are as follows:
of Next-Generation Rice PhilRice, IRRI, UPLB and other private
Varieties for the Major seed companies in generating rice Inbred Hybrid
Province Yield Yield
Ecosystems in the Phil- varieties for the various ecosystems. Variety Variety
(t/ha) (t/ha)
ippines (NEXTGEN) It has four components in Region 1,
Pangasinan NSIC Rc 240 6.14 NSIC Rc 404H 5.10
namely: Participatory Varietal Selec-
tion, On-station Seed Production, La Union NSIC Rc 226 6.25 NSIC Rc 314H 7.29
Techno-demo cum Seed Production Ilocos Norte NSIC Rc 216 6.06 NSIC Rc 318H 7.40
and National Comprehensive Testing/ Rainfed/drought prone varieties adaptable varieties
Multi-location Environment Trial in Pangasinan is NSIC Rc 68 (5.82 t/Ha) and NSIC Rc
(NCT/MET). Irrigated, rainfed, drought 27 (4.9 t/ha) in La Union and NSIC Rc 282 (6.851 t/ha)
prone, saline prone and submerged in Ilocos Sur.
prone are the ecosystems for different
hybrid and inbred tested. Moreover, submerged tolerant inbred varieties in
Pangasinan is PR 40416-B-14-1-4-2 (3.8 t/ha) and
NSIC Rc 194 (6.11 t/ha) in La Union.
Philippine Rice Infor- This project aims to develop an online For 2016, Bantay, Ilocos Sur and Bangar, La Union
mation System (PRISM) system that would consolidate and were added to the two (2) two existing locations/
present timely information on the municipalities where regular monitoring activities are
status of the rice crop to policy and conducted. To date there are already 80 monitoring
decision makers as a decision- support fields (MFs) throughout the region.
tool using data from remote sensing,
crop models, crop health surveys, and During the 2016 1st semester, rice area planted by
other field work activities. province was estimated at 22,333 ha in Ilocos Norte,
23,447ha in Ilocos Sur, 5,572 ha in La Union and
103,180 ha in Pangasinan while yield per province
was estimated at 4.97; 4.42; 4.64; and 4.73t/ha in
Ilocos Norte, Ilocos Sur, La Union and Pangasinan,
Estimated area planted to rice during the 2nd semes-
ter was 55,033 ha in Ilocos Norte, 50,403 in Ilocos
Sur, 35,249 in La Union and 220,173 ha in Pan-

Monitoring and data gathering of Corn BPVB OSatBrgy. AlejoMalasid, Vintar, Ilocos Norte.

166 CY 2016 Annual Report

Project Title Brief description of the Study Highlights/Status

Rice Crop Manager A comprehensive decision tool for A total of 39,030 recommendations were generated
(RCM) increasing yield income in the and deployed to farmers in Region 1 registering 8,199
Philippines fields and monitored 522 fields that received RCM
On-Station Mushroom This project was introduced to Four modules as component of the project were
Technology Modules increase farm income and to conducted in Ilocos Norte Research and Experiment
utilize crop residues like rice straw Center (INREC) - Dingras, Ilocos Norte. A total of 450
bottles of mother culture were cultured producing
instead of burning.
6,020 packs mother spawn as demo purposes and
starter kits for community-based mushroom enterprise
in the region. Nineteen trainings were conducted in
region 1 participated by 592 participants compose of
farmers group, teachers, students, 4Ps, women and
Strategic research for Four researches were conducted Two (2) cm thickness of casing were observed feasible
mushroom production to improve the technology on for milky mushroom production with 727 grams yield.
mushroom production. While using different media like yellow corn, rice grains
and sorghum has 29 days incubation period and a
harvest of 252.5 grams for 10 flushes in 3 months. The
studies on the effects of spent mushroom substrates on
HVCC and method of prolonging mushroom spawn for
sustainable evaluation of different production of oyster
mushroom is still on-going.

Evaluation of the yield The study was conducted to In Pangasinan, inbred NSIC Rc358, is the highest yielder
and economic potential evaluate the yield and economic with 5.34 t/ha. For hybrids, PHB 79 gave a yield of 5.17
of inbred and hybrid potential of new NSIC registered t/ha.
rice varieties in Region 1 inbred and hybrid rice varieties
under irrigated condition In La Union, NSIC Rc300 yielded 5.64 t/ha. For hybrids,
throughout the region during the check variety NSIC Rc222 has the highest yield of 6.49 t/
2016 wet season. ha

The inbred entries were NSIC In Ilocos Norte, farmer’s inbred variety of NSIC Rc218
Rc216, NSIC Rc226, NSIC Rc300, has the highest yield of about 6.3 t/ha while TH 82 was
NSIC Rc352 and NSIC Rc358. The the highest yielder with a productivity of 6.2 t/ha .
hybrid entries were NK1517,
PHB79, Bigante plus and TH82. Lower yields were observed from inbred entries tested
NSIC Rc222 was used as check. in Ilocos Sur which ranged from 3.5 to 4.8 t/ha due to
the effect of typhoon Lawin (October 19-20, 2016)
which occurred during the flowering and milking stage
of the crop. For hybrids, NK 5017 gave the highest yield
of 5.01 t/ha.
Verification of the Generally, this study aims to Palay/grain yield was significantly higher with RCM,
potential of RCM in evaluate the Rice Crop Manager as along with Fertilizer Quick Guide, than Farmer’s
improving production a nutrient management guideline practice in Umingan at 7,307 kg/ha and 8,518 kg/ha
and income from rice for rice farmers to improve during DS 2015-2016 and WS 2016, respectively. In
farming in Region I production and income from rice Balungao, Pangasinan, palay/grain yield was
farming in Region 1. significantly higher than both Farmer’s Practice and
Fertilizer Quick Guide at 7,126 kg/ha during the WS

RCM resulted to higher Marginal Rate of Return (MRR)

over both Farmer’s practice and Fertilizer Quick Guide
in Umingan during DS 2015-2016 at Ph3.62 and
PhP8.33, respectively and during WS 2016 at PhP6.60
and PhP18.33, respectively. Similarly, MRR was higher
than both Farmer’s Practice and Fertilizer Quick Guide
at PhP8.33 and PhP8.43, respectively.

CY 2016 Annual Report 17

Project Title Brief description of the Study Highlights/Status
Evaluating the The study was conducted to Yield obtained from plants applied with RR + WBG
effectiveness of WBG evaluate the effectiveness of using conditioner was 5.49 t/ha while those applied with
Soil Conditioner on the WBG Soil Conditioner on the recommended rate of inorganic fertilizer yielded 5.15
Growth Performance of growth, yield and yield performance t/ha
Rice of rice plant and to determine the
economics using soil conditioner in
rice production.

Effect of bio-fertilizers This study was conducted to In Ilocos Norte, RR + MykoPlus and RR + Hatake gave
on the growth and yield evaluate the efficacy of new bio- comparable yields of 4.35 t/ha and 4.33 t/ha while
of rice fertilizers in rice production and to in Pangasinan, highest yield was noted from plants
determine the economics of rice applied with RR + Hatake at 5.83 t/ha followed by
production using bio-fertilizers. those fertilized with RR + MykoPlus with yield of 5.07

Effects of Verno and It was conducted to evaluate the Plants fertilized with Verno + Urea Mix gave a yield of
STEM on the growth and performance of Verno and Peter’s 5.18 t/ha in La Union, STEM + Urea Mix yielded 6.26
yield of rice STEM as granular mix on the growth t/ha in Ilocos Norte. Low yields were obtained from
and development of rice; and to Pangasinan due to the effect of Typhoon Karen that
compare the efficiency of the ready struck the province during the flowering stage of the
mix against the farmer’s practice in crop.
the region.
CPAR on rice+eggplant The project aims to enhance The project is a collaborative effort of DA-RFO 1, ATI-
cropping system in productivity and profitability of rice RTC 1, PLGU Pangasinan and LGU-Asingan,
Asingan Pangasinan & eggplant farmers through Pangasinan. Four barangays (4) were selected based
Integrated Crop Management on set criteria with 20 farmer-cooperators
Practices. showcasing the improved production system on rice-
+eggplant cropping system. Ten (10) ha rice and 2 ha
eggplant model farms were established during wet

Enhancing capability, skills and knowledge of farmers

was conducted through Enhanced Farmer Field
School on rice production for 16 weeks with 24

Target yield increase of 10% were not attained during

year 1 due to occurrence of typhoon Karen and Lawin
during reproductive and harvesting period.

The research study entitled “Effects of Verno and STEM on the growth and yield of rice” at different
development stage of rice applied with three (3) treatments, namely: 1) Farmer’s practice, 2) Urea
mix + Verno, and 3) Urea mix + Peter STEM.

18 CY 2016 Annual Report

Irrigation Development Services
In order to increase productivity and cropping area of 225 hectares. Likewise, two units each of
intensity in rice, and to cope with the effects of Small Water Impounding Project (SWIP) and
drought in some areas specifically in rainfed and Diversion Dam (DD) were constructed
tail-end irrigated areas in the region, the DA generating a total of 269 hectares service area.
through the Rice Banner Program distributed 75 Also, two DDs and 2 SWIPs were rehabilitated.
units pump and engine sets generating a service

(Upper photo) The Poraw-Nampalcan SWIP in Umingan, Pangasinan with total cost of PhP6.0 Million serves 90 farmer-
beneficiaries covering 85 hectares. (Lower photo) The newly constructed Php20 Million Mabini SWIP in Balungao, Pangasinan
has a service area of 90 hectares benefiting 103 farmers.

CY 2016 Annual Report 19

Agri-Fisheries Machineries, Equipment and Facilities Support Services
The Farm Mechanization Program of the Agri- equipment were provided to farmer associations,
Pinoy Rice helps the farmers maximize land and as follows: 70 units of mini 4-WD tractor, 103
labor productivity and provide easier and timely units of hand tractor, 10 units of rice reaper, 60
production and postharvest operations. Various units of rice thresher, 5 units combine harvester
production and postharvest facilities and and 5 units of transplanter.

20 CY 2016 Annual Report

Technical Support Services
Production Support Services
The Corn Program distributed a total of 34 bags of (BPVB), a village-based pest monitoring and
Registered OPV glutinous white corn seeds at 20 surveillance system undertaken by Farmers
kg/bag for 34 hectares and 426,306 cassava seed Pest Scouts. This pest management extension
pieces covering 43 hectares in the region. effort is a continuing activity of the Season-Long
Integrated Pest Management (IPM) for the
On the provision of biological control agents, the Farmers Pest Scouts to decide on how to manage
Regional Crop Protection Center (RCPC) produced pest in their own fields using the Agro-
and distributed a total of 8,890,000 pieces earwigs ecosystem Analysis (AESA) technique. Thirty-
benefiting 890 farmers serving 888 hectares. Also, six (36) Observation Stations (OS) were
93,100 tricho cards were produced and distributed established regionwide and are strategically
to 934 farmers covering 931 hectares of corn distributed in: Pangasinan-15 OS, La Union-7
plantings in the region. OS, Ilocos Sur-7 OS and Ilocos Norte- 6 OS.

Another activity of the RCPC under the Corn

Program is the “Bantay Peste” Volunteer Brigade

Monitoring and data gathering of Corn BPVB OSatBrgy. AlejoMalasid, Vintar, Ilocos Norte.

Market Development Services

Under the Marketing Development Services, a Malasiqui, Pangasinan and Universal
total of 4 farmer groups were assisted in market Agribusiness Cooperative and two groups of
linkage thru the Agribusiness and Marketing OPV white corn seed growers were linked with
Assistance Division (AMAD). The groups were as the Bureau of Plant Industry Central Office to
follows: Caoayan Farmers Association with their supply their demands for National
produced yellow corn was linked to Checkzers Bufferstocking. A total f 989.50 mt was linked to
Feeds; Mamarlao Multi-purpose Cooperative, the buyers with a monetary value of Php 14,127,
whose yellow corn was linked to Chua Farm in 500.00.

CY 2016 Annual Report 21

Extension Support, Education and Training Services
For the Extension Support, Education and Training, six (6) batches were conducted
Training Services, a total of 1,371 farmers were regionwide. In this training, groups of rural
trained for six (6) batches of entrepreneurial women are trained on the utilization of cassava
trainings conducted in the region. This training is (fresh and flour) into different food products.
focused on the utilization of corn as major raw This training aims to create a source of
material in feeds and corn by-products which are livelihood to these groups trained, thus, after the
processed into silage/feedstuff. After the conduct of training, a set of baking kitchen and baking
the said training, each trained group was awarded utensils, cassava grater with presser, vacuum
with one (1) unit hammer mill as grant for them to pack sealer and cassava pulverizer are awarded
process their produce into grits or cracked corn to to them as grant. Also, another six batches of
be used as feed ingredient, thereby adding value to cassava production technology training were
the corn grains to increase their income. conducted which imparted cassava production,
cultural management practices and cassava
The Program conducted 17 batches of Farmers pests and diseases and its management. After
Field School (FFS) in corn production, in the training, the participants were given cassava
partnership with the LGU counterparts, with 425 seed pieces of different varieties: Lakan II,
farmer-participants. For the Cassava Livelihood Rayong 5 and Golden Yellow which are produced
in the DA provincial stations.

Conduct of Farmers Field School (FFS)- Corn in various sites in the province of Region I.

22 CY 2016 Annual Report

Research and Development
A total of four research studies were conducted under the Corn Banner Program, namely:

Project Title Brief description of the Study Highlights/Status

Production performance The project aims to evaluate the The study was established in Sta. Maria,
of conventional Hybrid adaptability and profitability of and Asingan, Pangasinan. Crops is on
B Corn, and OPV Corn different varieties/hybrids of corn vegetative and tasseling stage
under Ilocos Region under Ilocos Region.
Evaluation of growth This study aims to determine the The study was established in Bari
and yield performance effect of applying different rates of Dalayap, Sta. Maria Pangasinan and
of yellow corn using soil ameliorant in combination Bagutot, Bacnotan, La Union. Four
using fertilizer with inorganic fertilizer on the treatments were tested from 7.5 kg soil
recommended rate yield of hybrid yellow corn. ameliorant, 6 kg and 9 kg in combination
along with soil with recommended fertilizer rate based on
ameliorant soil analysis. Corn is at vegetative and
tasseling stage.
Evaluation of yield Baseline information on the Pre-testing of questionnaires is on-going
response of cassava acceptability and profitability of in Sto. Tomas and Bayambang,
intercropped with the adoption of Nutrient-Expert- Pangasinan for validation.
glutinous corn based fertilizer recommendation
for hybrid will be the output of the

Verification of Nutrient The project will quantify and This was conducted in twenty five sites in
Expert based Fertilizer understand the yield potential of Ilocos Norte, specifically five sites each in
Recommendation for yellow corn and existing yield gaps Baccara, Laoag City, Dingras, Vintar and
Hyrbid Corn thru On- of the main yellow corn growing Badoc. Consultation meeting with the
Far, Participatory areas of the region and develop an LGUS was conducted and discussed the
Evaluation in Ilocos approach and tools for site specific project goals and objectives to the
Norte nutrient management in yellow farmers.
corn, for dissemination

Regular monitoring conducted by the DA RFO-I implementers on the project site and its cooperator under the study on
“Production Performance of conventional Hybrid Corn, Bt Corn and OPV corn Under Ilocos Region Condition” in Umingan,

CY 2016 Annual Report 23

Irrigation Development Services

In order to attain higher productivity in corn, the diesel-fed STWs, 39 units were distributed to
Program distributed a total of 110 units shallow Pangasinan, 4 units in La Union, 10 units in
tube wells (STWs) - 60 units diesel fed STWs and Ilocos Sur and 7 units in Ilocos Norte. For the 50
50 units electric water pump benefiting 110 units electric water pump, 7 units was
farmer groups or associations generating a total distributed in La Union, 23 units in Ilocos Sur
service area of 330 hectares. Out of the 60 units and 20 units in Ilocos Norte.

Various production, irrigation and post harvest machineries/equipment

distributed to corn farmer beneficiaries in the region.

Agri-Fisheries Machineries, Equipment and Facilities Support Services

To further enhance corn production, the Corn with 8-10 mt tons capacity, four units two-row
Program distributed 28 units of 45 Hp farm corn planter and three units combine
tractor with implements for corn areas and five harvester with corn kit benefiting a total of 79
units 90 Hp farm tractor with implements to farmers associations.
cassava areas, three units mobile fast dryer

24 CY 2016 Annual Report

Technical Support Services
Production Support Services
The HVCDP provides quality seeds and planting mungbean, 600,000 pieces of coffee seedlings
materials to growers to increase vegetable and and 200,000 pieces of cacao seeds were procured
fruit production benefiting a total of 921 farmers. and distributed to the PAOs. Moreover, in
A total of 96,250 kilograms of garlic bulb and 383 support to the Food Staple Sufficiency Program,
kilograms of yellow onion seeds were procured and the Department is encouraging the populace to
distributed to farmer beneficiaries thru the consume other/staple foods such as sweet potato
Provincial Agriculture Offices (PAO). Also, a total (kamote). With this, 300,000 pieces potato
of 1,435 kilograms of various vegetable seeds such cuttings were distributed to farmers in the
as eggplant, tomato, upo, squash, ampalaya, pole region.
sitao, watermelon, cucumber, patola, pechay, okra,
kangkong, papaya, mungbean and sweet pepper In support to the mango industry, a total of
were procured and distributed to the PAOs in the 2,977 bags of flower inducers- 1,950 bags
region. Calcium Nitrate and 1,027 bags of Potassium
Nitrate were provided to mango growers in the
Likewise, there were 42,000 kilograms of region.

Market Development Services

Three (3) trade fairs were conducted: Regional Likewise, market matching was also done during
Organic Trade Fair(December) and Regional the trade fairs wherein Manila-based buyer and
Agriculture and Fishery Trade Fair (February and the United Pangasinan Mango Growers
December). Fifty eight (58) SMEs were assisted in Association agreed on a 10-ton monthly delivery of
the promotion of their products and Php 1,340,000 mango worth Php750,000 per delivery. Two (2)
worth of actual, booked and negotiated sales were farmer groups were assisted in the promotion of
generated. The trade fairs also included technical fresh fruits and vegetables during the DA-
sessions on various topics such as investment Christmas Market at DA-Central Office Ground
incentives, food safety in packaging and processing, from December 8-10, 2016 with a generated sale of
marketing and advertising, credit financing. P30,000.00

CY 2016 Annual Report 25

Extension Support, Education and Training Services
The Ilocos Region, through the Philippine technologies and practices in their respective
Mango Industry Foundation Inc. (PMIFI) and fields in the mango industry.
the Department of Agriculture (DA), the
Provincial Government of Ilocos Norte (PGIN) On the other hand, 12 technology
and Ilocos Norte Federation of Mango Producers demonstration sites were established in
Association Inc. (INFMPAI), successfully hosted lowland vegetable off-season production in the
the 18th National Mango Congress held at Plaza region. This aimed to showcase the
del Norte Convention Center, Laoag City, Ilocos production of different vegetables during rainy
Norte with a total participants of 700 season. The use of hybrid vegetables, plastic
stakeholders from different regions this year. mulch, carbonized rice hull and organic
fertilizers were showcased in the techno demo.
This year’s theme was “Seizing Climate Change
Opportunities for the Mango Industry and Meanwhile, the Regional Agriculture and
Breaking Down Market Menace through Fisheries Information Section (RAFIS)
Empowered Mango Stakeholders Associations prepared, nnd distributed IEC materials in
Backed by Sustainable Policies and Strategies.” local (Ilokano) dialect to farmers and LHUs
Major stakeholders were able to share thru the PAOs. A total of 20,0000 copies of
interventions, experiences, and latest coffee, peanut, mungbean and cacao
production technologies were distributed.

Region I successfully hosted the 18th National Mango Congress and Summit Workshop held at Plaza del Norte Convention Center, Laoag City, Ilocos
Norte on March 14-17, 2016 with a total participants of 700 stakeholders from different regions.

26 CY 2016 Annual Report

Irrigation Development Services
The HVCDP provides quality seeds and planting units of pump and engine sets and 900 water
materials In order to increase productivity in drums were distributed benefiting 89 farmers.
vegetables and other high value crops, nine (9)

Agri-Fisheries Machineries, Equipment and Facilities Support Services

To ensure efficient farm production and in support Likewise, construction of one agricultural
to the Farm Mechanization Program, various farm tramline, which is funded in 2015, was
machineries and equipment were procured and established this year in Santol, La Union. The
distributed to farmers. A total of 4 units 4WD tramline traverses barangays Sasaba and Ramot
tractor, 6 units coffee depulper, 6 units coffee with a 1.5 kilometer length amounting to PhP5.2
grinder and 5,000 plastic crates benefiting 48 Million. This will benefit TIGAPU Farmers
farmer group beneficiaries. The construction of Association, Inc catering a total area of 38
two (2) tramlines is still on-going. hectares of rice, lowland/highland vegetables,
chrysanthemum flowers, and 5 hectares of tiger

Agricultural tramline worth PhP5.2 Million established in Santol, La Union with a length of 1.5 kilometers traversing barangays Sasaba and Ramot . The
project benefits TIGAPU Farmers Association, Inc catering a total area of 38 hectares of rice, lowland/highland vegetables, c hrysanthemum flowers, and
5 hectares of tiger grass.

CY 2016 Annual Report 27

Technical Support Services
Production Support Services Philippine Native Animal Development (PNAD)
Distribution of animal stocks, seeds and
plantings materials
Under this Program, a total of 33 and 32 heads
of native swine were distributed to the Mariano
The Program distributed the following animal
Marcos State University in Batac City, Ilocos
stocks including bee colonies benefiting a total of
Norte and Pangasinan State University San
539 individual and 47 group beneficiaries.
Carlos City Campus in San Carlos City,
Commodity No. of heads distributed Pangasinan, respectively. This program aims to
Large ruminants purify and conserve the phenotypic
(cattle and swine) 53
characteristic of Ilocos breed native pig such as
Swine (native) 278
white snout, white spot at the tip of tail, white
Goat 318
Sheep 33 socks, and white belly.
Duck 2,944
Chicken (free range) 380 Animal Health Program
Bee colony 13
Likewise, a total of 92, 542 forage cuttings and For 2016, a total of 760, 732 doses of drugs,
seedlings were distributed to 163 individuals and biologics and vaccines were distributed to
19 group beneficiaries. Moreover, a total of 17 different municipalities in the region benefiting
kilograms of forage seeds were also distributed to 66,996 individual beneficiaries. The program
35 individual and 10 group beneficiaries. These aims to eradicate and control diseases such as
interventions were distributed to farmer- Foot and Mouth Disease, Hog Cholera, New
beneficiaries from various projects and activities Castle Disease, Hog Cholera, Blackleg,
under the Program which includes the Hemorrhagic Septicemia, and internal and
establishment of Local Government Unit (LGU)- external parasites.
Multiplier Farms, Genetic Improvement Program,
establishment and maintenance of technology Support to the Regional Animal Disease
demonstrations, strengthening of rural-based Diagnostic Laboratory (RADDL)
organizations and Farmer Livestock School on
Goat Enterprise Management (FLS-GEM). The RADDL conducted a total of 3,330
confimatory tests for necropsy, rabies
Genetic Improvement Program examination, serological test, anti-microbial test
(AST), fecalysis and bacaterial siolation.
In support to the Program, which primarily aims
to improve the production and reproduction of the Strengthening of Multiplier Farms
local herd through the introduction of superior
quality genetics, a total of 10,354 semen straws of The DA-RFO I maintains two (2) multiplier
cattle, goat and swine were distributed benefiting farms located in the Ilocos Integrated
8,161 individual beneficiaries in the region. The Agricultural Research Center (ILIARC),
insemination of these semen straws were rendered Bacnotan, La Union, and Ilocos Norte
by trained and accredited Village-based Artificial Research and Experiment Center (PREC),
Insemination Technicians (VBAITs) in their Dingras, Ilocos Norte.
respective municipalities and area of coverage.
The multiplier farm in ILIARC, Bacnotan, La
Union maintained 15 heads of doe and 3 heads

28 CY 2016 Annual Report

(Upper photo) Cattle breeders and offsprings produced in multiplier farm in Dingras, Ilocos Norte and (lower photo) duck
breeders in Sual, Pangasinan .

of buck with 17 kids produced. The farm aims to Pangasinan.

demonstrate and promote integrated goat
production technology, evaluate the growth and For goat, 38 heads of Anglo Nubian breeders
reproductive performance of goats raised in semi- were maintained producing 43 offsprings, of
intensive management system, and to produce which 16 heads were distributed to Typhoon
quality offspring to be loaned out to farmer- Lawin affected growers. Also, 26 heads of Dorper
partners. sheep breeders were maintained producing 26
offspring with 8 heads distributed.

On the other hand, multiplier farm in Dingras,

Ilocos Norte produced quality offspring of cattle,
To cater the green feed requirement of the
goat and sheep. A total of 26 heads of American
stocks to showcase production technology, a total
Brahaman and American Red Brahman were
of 4.5 hectares of forage area was maintained
maintained producing 10 offspring. There were 3
and planted with different improved forage
heads of cattle distributed/awarded to corn and
grasses and legumes species.
livestock growers associations in Sta. Maria,

CY 2016 Annual Report 29

Duck Production Center Semen Processing and Artificial Insemination
The duck production center in Sual, Pangasinan
currently maintains 120 Mallard and Pekin duck A Semen Processing and Artificial Insemination
breeders. A total of 3,230 ducklings were Center was built in Sta. Barbara, Pangasinan to
distributed to 207 farmers in the region. The produce fresh swine semen and frozen goat
production center aims to demonstrate how to semen straws for artificial insemination. Pure
reduce feed cost by using supplemental feeding of breed of Largewhite, Landrace and Pietrain
forage legumes and grasses, observe laying swine boars and 3 heads Anglo-Nubian and 1
performance of ducks using different concoctions head Boer pure breed of goat were maintained
produced and serves as pilot area demonstrations as source of quality semen where 1,097 bottles
for duck raisers. (100ml/bottle) processed/extended straws were
distributed benefiting 575 livestock growers.

Extension Support, Education and Training Services

Under the ESETS, fifteen (15) season-long Livestock Technicians of selected municipalities
training on Farmer Livestock School on Goat who will conduct the FLS-GEM training in their
Enterprise Management (FLS-GEM) were respective areas.
conducted with 488 farmer-graduates. The FLS-
GEM focused mainly on the production of goats as To showcase different technologies on livestock
income-generating enterprise for the farmers. which are economical, effective and practical in
After the training, one (1) head of buck per class a given agro-economic setting, 12 technology
was provided as breeder for upgrading of stocks. demonstrations or livestock model farms were
Likewise, one Trainers Training (TOT) on FLS- established and maintained. Breeder stocks of
GEM was conducted which was participated by 29 goat and native swine were provided to the
recipients of model farms/techno demo areas.

Research and Development

Project Title Brief description of the Study Highlights/Status

Growth performance The study aims to evaluate the effect Nine (9) growing cattle were used in the
of cattle fed with of feeding silage corn stover to cattle, study. All management practices employed in
ensiled corn stover and to assess the profitability of silage cattle production were done in all treatments.
on cattle. These treatment are as follows:
T1 — 75% Napier Grass + 25% rice straw
T2 —100% Napier Grass
T3— 75% Napier Grass + 25% ensiled corn stover
The average initial weight ranged from 290.8
kg to 324.9 kg. After one month, gain in
weight was taken. It was observed that T2
gave the highest gain in weight, 19.5 kg, T3 -
16.1 kg and T1 gave 16 kg. or ADG of 0.73 kg
for T2 and 0.56 kg for T1 & T3.
Effects of fermented This study will determine the effects of Analysis of mixed forages has high crude
mixed forages as fermented mixed forages as feed to protein (8.9%) fresh basis and (22.5%) dry
feed for growing- growing-finishing native pigs in terms basis which is higher compared to rice bran
finishing native pigs of productivity, best level of (6.8% and 17.3% dry basis). This shows the
fermented mixed forages as feed and potential of fermented mixed forages as feed
meat acceptability based on sensory for native pigs.

30 CY 2016 Annual Report

Project Title Brief description of the Study Highlights/Status
Comparative performance The study will verify the The project is located in 6 municipalities in
of two hormones for estrus efficiency of common available Pangasinan with 147 experimental does.
synchronization of goats in Estrus Synchronization (ES)
Region 1 hormones in does inseminated Experiments showed that using Lutalyse
naturally and through Artificial hormone aborted pregnant does.
Insemination (AI)

Technology Utilization and This study will evaluate and Twelve (12) heads of goats were used in the
Promotion of Micro- compare the performance of experiment. Results showed that goats
Nutrient Block (MNB) for goat fed with and without supplemented with MNB has high Feed
Small Ruminants “Growth micro-nutrient balls Conversion Ratio of 39.75%.
Performance of Goats Fed
with Micro-Nutrient Balls” On-station and on-farm trials are on-going
at DA-ILIARC, Bacnotan, La Union and in
Manaoag, Pangasinan. Mineral balls was
awarded as special non-food product during
the 12th National Technology
Commercialization and Product Exhibition
dubbed as JOVIMIN balls as natural micro
nutrient balls for small ruminant. The
product was registered at Trademarks with
IPO # 4/2016/00001304 assisted by DA-BAR.

A total of 13,545 mineral balls was produced

and distributed to Farmers, and other
participants during Technology Forum &
Exhibit, Agricultural Trade Fair, National
Organic Congress and Research stations.
Development, Utilization and promotion of Natural
probiotics and natural dewormers for goats and broilers
a. Growth performance of The study will evaluate the Genesis, DGA 14 and yakult are the different
broiler chicken using effect of different probiotic probiotics to be tested in the study.
different commercially solutions in broilers and to Preliminary activities include micronutrient
available probiotic avoid excessive use of analysis of the different solution at Central
solution antibiotics in poultry Analytical Services Laboratory of Institute of
production Molecular Biology and Biotechnology UPLB.

Results showed that Genesis has high Mg

(189.5 + 13.90) and Calcium (765 + 51), Fe
(207.79 + 15.62). Project is still on-going

b. Evaluation of different The study aims to determine Proximate analysis of the formulated diets
natural fermented the chemical composition of or broilers has high percentage crude
botanical materials on the Feed Ration of the herbs, protein from booster (20), starter (17.7) and
the growth investigate the effects of the grower (14.9).
performance of broiler different fermented natural
bio nutrients on the growth
performance and carcass
quality of broilers
c. Evaluation of different This study will determine the Fecalysis was done prior for treatment
herbal plant parts on efficacy of natural dewormer application and found that fecal sample was
the vermicidal efficacy to infected goats infected with parasites. Different
as organic dewormer concentrations of calabash pulp decoction
for goats was used in the study and found to have
reduction in parasite eggs.
CY 2016 Annual Report 31
Technical Support Services
Production Support Services
In support to organic crop production areas, seeds For organic livestock production, a total of 560
and planting materials were distributed to heads native chicken and 200 native swine were
different farmer-recipients in the region. There distributed benefiting 49 farmer associations.
were 2,400 kilograms (96 bags) of open pollinated Likewise, 70,000 kilograms of vermicompost,
corn seeds, 2,000 kilograms (50 bags) of red rice 1,000 kilograms of African Night Crawlers
seeds and 20,000 cuttings of cassava benefiting a (ANC), and 30,000 kilograms of molasses and 6
total of 746 individual beneficiaries. bee colonies were provided to 34 farmer
associations and 1,117 individual beneficiaries.

Market Development Services

Under the Market Development Services, two market-related events totaled to PhP2,
stalls were rented for the display and selling of 318,690.00. Likewise, volume of marketing
organic products of two farmer groups in CSI San agreements consummated reached eight (8)
Fernando City, La Union and CSI Dagupan City, metric tons of various agricultural commodities
Pangasinan. Four (4) consumer awareness which was valued at Php703,000.00. All these
seminars on Organic Agriculture Program were market-related activities benefited a total of 501
conducted including one Regional Organic Trade individual and 13 group beneficiaries in the
Fair at Robinson Mall, San Nicolas, Ilocos Norte. region
For 2016, the amount of sales generated from the

Ribbon cutting during the launching of the Regional Organic Trade Fair at Robinson Mall, San Nicolas, Ilocos Norte. Which
was initiated by Ms. Norma Lagmay, Ilocos Norte Provincial Agriculturist, Dr. Jovita Datuin, R & D Division Chief, Ms.
Wilhelmina Castañeda, AMAD Chief, and Dr. Marvin Quilates, OA Program Focal Person in Region I.

32 CY 2016 Annual Report

Region I hosted the 13th National Organic as (Orgnaic way; for people, environmental
Agriculture Congress in Laoag City, Ilocos Norte sustainability and progress)”. The congress
on November 23-25, 2016 with the theme: was participated by around 2,000 stakeholders
“Organiko a wagas: tattao ken aglawlaw nadur- in the Organic Agriculture sub-sector.

DA Secretary Emmanuel F. Piñol and Ilocos Norte Governor Imee Marcos served as speakers during the 13th National Organic
Agriculture Congress in Laoag City, Ilocos Norte on November 23-25, 2016.

Agri-Fisheries Machineries, Equipment and Facilities Support Services

To ensure efficient farm production and in support tractor, 6 units of coffee depulper, 6 units of
to the Farm Mechanization Program, various farm coffee grinder and 5,000 plastic crates benefiting
machineries and equipment were procured and 48 farmer group beneficiaries. However,
distributed to farmers. A total of 4 units of 4WD construction of two (2) tramlines is still on-

CY 2016 Annual Report 33

Research and Development
In order to develop appropriate package of in Bacnotan, La Union, Ilocos Norte Research
technologies for crops and livestock, five (5) and Experiment Center (INREC) in Batac City
research stations were maintained to serve as and Dingras, Ilocos Norte, and Pangasinan
show window of various research and development Research and Experiment Center (PREC) in Sta.
activities in the region. These are: Ilocos Barbara and Sual, Pangasinan.
Integrated Agricultural Research Center (ILIARC)

ILIARC station in Bacnotan maintains 26 mango foundation/scion grove as source of scion in the station and for interested plant propa-
gators in the region. In CY 2016, there were 700 grafted mango seedlings produced, of which 435 were distributed to 12 beneficiaries,
4F) from Salcedo, Ilocos Sur, PNP Regional Office, PPA of San Fernando, La Union, DA-CAR and walk-in clients from Bacnotan, San

Regulatory Services
Pangasinan for the monitoring and inspection of
Quality Control and Inspection
shipped-in and shipped-out animals and crop
The Regulatory Division of the DA-RFO I
conducted regular monitoring and inspection of
Registration and Licensing
agricultural products and facilities. For feeds, a
total of 1,035 feed samples were collected from
A total of 963 feed establishments/outlets were
different feed establishments for quality control
issued with License to Operate (LTO) - 81 new
and analysis through the Regional Feed
and 882 renewals. Inspection/evaluation/
Laboratory. Likewise, 285 corn samples—grits,
monitoring of feed establishments/outlets prior
cracked and whole, were collected and analyzed for
to registration and renewal of license were done
aflatoxin analysis.
to feed manufacturing plants, warehouses and
other facilities to ensure that feed products are
The region maintained one multi-commodity
manufactured and stored under safe conditions
quarantine checkpoint in Carmen, Rosales,
until brought to the marketplace.

34 CY 2016 Annual Report

Regulatory Division staff conducting feed sampling for analysis from various feed establishments in the region.

On the registration certificate of poultry & Feeds, Veterinary Drugs and Biologics Control
livestock handlers, a total of 217 applications Division for approval of their application for
were evaluated, inspected and endorsed to the LTO.
Bureau of Animal Industry- Animal Health and
Welfare Division for approval. In support to the protection and welfare of
animals, a total of 15 pet shops, 27 veterinary
Also, 341 Veterinary Drug and Product (VDAP) clinics, 19 commercial farms, 4 animal research
establishment renewed their LTO. Only five were facilities and 3 mini zoos were inspected,
registered as VDAP distributor, and all the rest evaluated and endorsed to the BAI for
were VDAP retailers. In addition, 42 new VDAP registration and accreditation.
establishments were endorsed to the BAI-Animal

Agriculture and Fisheries Information

The Regional Agriculture and Fisheries
Information Section (RAFIS) is tasked to Various IEC materials were produced and
disseminate agri-fishery information and distributed to update stakeholders on technology
development through broadcast, print and guides/breakthroughs.
interpersonal communication
As part of the celebration of November as Rice
A radio program, dubbed as “ Oras ti Mannalon Awareness Month, the RAFIS facilitated several
(Time for Farmers)”, is being aired three times a promotional strategies and campaign materials
week, 30 minutes per day, in five leading though reproduction of tarpaulins and flyers.
commercial stations in the region. These radio
stations are as follows: DZEA in Laoag City, Regular press and photo releases were also
Ilocos Norte, DWRS in Vigan City, Ilocos Sur, prepared and published in local and national
DZNL in San Fernando City, La Union, and newspapers.
DZWM in Alaminos City and Aksyon Radyo in
Dagupan City, Pangasinan. Likewise, the Damag-Agri , the official
newsletter of DA-RFO I, were published every
The radio program serves as the mouthpiece of DA quarter featuring the documentation of DA’s
reaching the farmers, fishers, ruralfolks and other activities, success stories of farmers and
agricultural stakeholders on agricultural updates different stakeholders as well as other agri-
and commodity production technologies. related news and information.

CY 2016 Annual Report 35

Copies of the Damag-Agri, the official newsletter of DA-RFO I, being published by the RAFIS

The RAFIS also led the campaign of the brown rice in the Facebook, Twitter and
#BROWN4good Challenge to promote brown rice Instagram accounts using the caption
as a good food because of its four goodness—good “BROWN4good #Region 1. A total 17,034
for the body, good for the country, good for the hashtags were posted which equivalent to
farmers and good for less fortunate. A total of 450 17,034 cups saved for donation to charities to
individuals participated in the regional launching feed the less fortunate populace.
where they were encourage to post pictures with

Regional Agricultural and Fishery Council (RAFC)

The Agricultural and Fishery Council (AFC)  20 units of pump and engine sets (electric and
served as the frontline mechanisms for private diesel-fed)
sector participation in the development processes  2 units of hammer mill
in agriculture and fisheries. The Council is tasked  1 unit of vacuum pack sealer
to monitor the implementation of the different  1 unit of cassava pulvelizer
programs and projects of the DA-RFO I and the  1 unit of cassava grater
Philippine Council for Agriculture and Fisheries  1 unit of combine harvester
(PCAF).  1 unit of corn planter
 1 unit of mobile flash dryer
For 2016, the Council monitored production, HVCD Program
irrigation, and post-harvest machineries,
equipment and facilities of the Banner  10 units of pump and engine set
Programs, Bottom-up Budgeting( BuB) Program  1 unit of 4-WD tractor
and the Agrikultura Kaagapay ng Bayang Pinoy Livestock Banner Program
Program (AKBay). Specifically, hereunder were
 45 Livelihood Assistance Program
the monitored projects:
 3 heads of draft animal
Rice Banner Program BuB
 12 units of 4-WD tractors  15 sites of milkfish dispersal
 9 units of hand tractor  11 units of vermi shed
 6 units of rice thresher
 16 units of pump and engine sets
 6 units of flatbed dryers
 3 units of MPDP  16 units of motorized banca
 27 units of pump and engine set  17 cattle fattening projects
 8 goat raising projects
Corn Banner Program
 20 tilapia fingerling dispersal projects
 2 units of 4-WD tractors  4 units of solar dryer

36 CY 2016 Annual Report

 7 units of knapsack sprayer Moreover, the RAFC spearheaded 127 regional,
 6 units of MPDP provincial and municipal consultations benefiting
 4 units of SWIP about 200 AFC members and Coordinators. Also,
 2 units of corn sheller Skills Training for AFC Coordinators of the
 2 units of rice thresher provinces of La Union and Pangasinan was
 3 units of trading pots conducted. Likewise, two batches of briefing on
 3 cattle dispersal projects Manual of Operations and two batches of
 9 goat dispersal projects Leadership Training for the Newly Elected AFC
 5 tilapia grow-out in fish cage projects Chairpersons entitled “Preparing Leadership:
What it Takes to Take the Lead” were conducted.

AKBay Projects On the other hand, a total of PhP2.71 Million

 49 swine fattening equivalent to 61.49% of the total loan under the
 4 native swine fattening AKBay Program was collected in La Union as
shown in Table 7. The bulk of the collections
 25 goat production
came from the municipalities of Bagulin, Sudipen
 4 buy and sell of softbroom enterprises
and San Gabriel. Collections were deposited in
 5 softbroom making enterprises
the Provincial AKBay roll-over account under the
 16 units of motorized banca
custody of the Provincial AKBay Coordinator.
 17 cattle fattening projects

RAFC members conducting monitoring of various DA-RFO I projects/interventions such as shredder (left photo) and
vermin-composting facility (right photo) .

Table 7. AKBay Collection, CY 2016, Province of La Union

% of Replenish-
Municipality Project Cost (PhP) Amount Paid (PhP) Balance (PhP)
Bagulin 490,000.00 468,000.00 22,000.00 95.51
Sudipen 490,000.00 445,500.00 44,500.00 90.92
San Gabriel 490,000.00 333,200.00 156,800.00 68.00
Caba 490,000.00 315,000.00 165,000.00 64.29
Santol 490,000.00 318,500.00 171,500.00 65.00
Burgos 490,000.00 233,750.00 256,250.00 47.70
Pugo 490,000.00 233,300.00 256,700.00 47.61
Sto. Tomas 490,000.00 214,200.00 275,800.00 43.71
Tubao 490,000.00 144,100.00 345,900.00 29.41
Total 4,410,000.00 2,705,550.00 1,694,450.00 61.35
Source: RAFC Region I
CY 2016 Annual Report 37
Institutional Development
The Institutional Development Section (IDS) of the Also, the following associations were closely
Field Operations Division (FOD) supported/ assisted in the conduct of their periodic regular
facilitated the organization, revitalization and meetings:
strengthening of competitiveness and capacities of 1. Farm Service Providers (FSP) of Region I
people/farmer groups/associations in the agriculture 2. Small Water Impounding System Association
sector. (SWISA)Federation of Region I Inc.
3. Ilokos Region (Region I) Pambansang Mannalon,
Mag-uuma, Magbabaul, Magasasaka ng Pilipinas
In coordination with the Agricultural Training
(P4MP) Association Inc. (Farmer Association)
Institute (ATI), the IDS facilitated the conduct of the
4. Federation of Rural Improvement Clubs of Region I
following various capability-building activities for Inc.
member-beneficiaries of farmer groups: 5. Region I Federation of Corn Growers Cluster
Association Inc.
 Capability Enhancement Training for Irrigators 6. Federation of Vegetable Growers Association of
Associations under the Irrigation System-Based Region I Inc.
Development Approach (ISBDA) benefiting 60 7. Federation of Mango Stakeholders Association of
farmers; Region I Inc.
8. United Farmer Livestock School - Integrated Goat
 1st Ilokos Pambansang Mannalon
Management Association of Region I Inc. (UFLS-
Magbabaul Maguuma Magsasaka ng Pilipinas IGMARI)
(P4MP) Congress held in Lingayen Pangasinan 9. Young Filipino Farmers Training Program in Japan
with 250 participants; and Alumni Association Region I Inc. (YFFTPJAA-RI)
 15th National P4MP/Magsasaka Siyentista (MS) 10. Farm Home Extensionist Association of the
Congress held in Dagupan City, Pangasinan Philippines (FHEXAP) Region I Chapter
benefiting 181 participants.

Hon. Amado T. Espino Jr., Governor of Pangasinan, served as keynote speaker during the 1st Ilokos Regional Pam-
bansang Mannalon Magbabaul Maguuma Magsasaka ng Pilipinas (P4MP) Congress held in Lingayen Pangasinan last
June 16-17, 2017 benefiting with 250 participants.

38 CY 2016 Annual Report

Agribusiness and Marketing Development
The Agribusiness and Marketing Assistance Pangasinan, conducted a Regional Road Show for
Division (AMAD) conducted various agribusiness the promotion of brown rice, mango, chili and
and market development interventions. dragon fruit by-products. The brown rice was
piloted in various rice retail outlets in the region.
There were three investment fora and five series of
investment seminar with a total of 380 Moreover, market linkages/matches/encounters
participants conducted, focusing on farming and between producers & buyers of ube, shallot,
production technologies of cacao, native pig, goat, garlic, corn, onion (red creole), peanut, sweet
mushroom, organic tilapia and prawn, and dragon potato, mango, brown rice, dragon fruit and red
fruit production towards Good Agricultural hot pepper were facilitated generating Php
Practices (GAP) and Good Agricultural and 10,336,000 sales from the total sold volume of 50
Handling Practices (GAHP) certification for fresh metric tons.
products and processing.
Likewise, the DA RFO-I participated in the three
Also, four batches of training on Agri-based international trade fair exhibits, namely: SIAL
Enterprise Development and Capability Building ASEAN-Manila, Madrid Fusion and SIAL
for Cassava Food Processors and Goat Raisers Canada. Six small and medium enterprises were
were conducted benefiting 105 cassava processors assisted in the promotion of products for
and 107 goat raisers. The training focused on the international market and in three local trade
procedures and requirements in business fairs/exhibit: Buy Pinoy Exporters Fair, Agrilink
registration and licensing, entrepreneurial skills and Manila Food and Beverage Expo. Seven
marketing and financial management, and SMEs were assisted in promoting their products.
awareness to the access on financing institutions.
The Division also continuously conduct
The AMAD, in collaboration with the LGU-San monitoring of established six (6) organic trading
Carlos City, and the Provincial LGU of posts and 36 Food Terminal Projects (FTP) in the
region. established in Region I.

The Agribusiness Promotion Section of the AMAD facilitated the conduct of Investment Seminar for Fresh Agricultural
Products benefiting 30 participant-entrepreneurs in the region.

CY 2016 Annual Report 39

Part III.


40 CY 2016 Annual Report

DA-RFO I Regional Office, San Fernando City La Union

The newly improved/renovated main 5-storey building (upper photo) of DA-RFO I regional office at San Fernando City, La Union con-
nected with its adjacent annex building (lower photo).

This year, the DA RFO-I continued the improvement the face-lifting exterior modern design of the
of buildings/facilities in order to maintain and/or building.
enhance work productivity and efficiency of the
The building houses the Office of the Regional
Executive Director and the RTD for Operations,
At the regional office, the main 5-storey building was and the different divisions/operating units such as
improved/renovated to complement with the newly– Field Operations, Administrative and Finance,
constructed annex building with roof deck. The Regulatory, ILD, PMED, and the Interim Regional
improvement, which costs PhP 3 Million, focused on Agricultural Engineering Division .
CY 2016 Annual Report 41
Pangasinan Research and Experiment Center (PREC), Sta. Barbara,

Various development projects in PREC_Sta. Barbara, Pangasinan are the following: newly-constructed Administrative and Operations
building (upper photo), newly-improved garage-motorpool (lower left photo) , and the HVCDP seed storage (lower right photo) .

A new 2-storey building edifice for Administrative and worth PhP1,000,000.00;

Operations with a total project cost of PhP19 Million
was constructed in PREC, Sta. Barbara, Pangasinan.  Construction of HVCDP seed storage
This expansion building will accommodate 35 amounting to PhP500,000.00; and the
technical and non-technical personnel of the PREC.
 Construction of Phase 1 of the Integrated
Other projects in the center were the following: Laboratories Division.

 Improvement of garage motorpool with project The Phase I, which comprised of the Regional Soils
cost of PhP1,085,000.00; Laboratory amounting to Php4.5 Million, was
funded by the Organic Agriculture Program.
 Construction of the fertilizer and chemical bodega

42 CY 2016 Annual Report

Perspective Plan of the Integrated Laboratories

The Phase II of the Integrated Laboratories Building, The Phase III of the building, which will be
which will house the Regional Feed Testing implemented in 2018 with total cost of PhP33
Laboratory and the Regional Soils Laboratory, has a Million, will be for the RADDL and RCPC, to
total project cost of Php10 Million, of which PhP4.5 include construction of fence, staff quarters and
Million was funded by the Rice Banner Program and finishing works.
PhP 5.5 Million from the General Administrative
and Support Services (GASS) fund. However, the bid The establishment of the new ILD building
amount was PhP 9,499,581.50 Million, savings will together with the acquisition of new laboratory
be used for waste storage facility with an amount of equipment will enhance efficiency of laboratory
Php 499,610.38. services.

CY 2016 Annual Report 43

Pangasinan Research and Experiment Center (PREC), Sual, Pangasinan

The newly improved/renovated main 5-storey building (upper photo) of DA-RFO I regional office at San Fernando City, La Union con-
nected with its adjacent annex building (lower photo).

For 2016, the Organic Demonstration Center cum provides room accommodation for participants.
Multi-Purpose Building in PREC-Sual, Pangasinan,
Other development projects in the center were the
which was constructed in 2015, was landscaped
construction of the motorpool-garage, eggroom/
modifying the external design through adding/
house and the HVCDP seed storage bodega,
planting ornamental plants. The conference room of
including the improvement of the duckhouse for
the facility was already utilized for the conduct of
Mallard and Peking duck production.
meetings/trainings/workshop. Also, the facility

44 CY 2016 Annual Report

Ilocos Norte Research and Experiment Center (INREC),
Dingras, Ilocos Norte

Major station development projects in Ilocos Norte (PhP500,180.39);

Research and Experiment Center (INREC) in 6. Rehabilitation of 633.2 linear meter
Dingras, Ilocos Norte were as follows: perimeter fence (3rd phase) (PhP1.74
1. Construction of duplex building (PhP7 Million) 7. Concreting of drainage canal and access road
2. Upgrading of 2-storey guest house (PhP2.72 to ruminant shed (PhP998,030);
Million); 8. Improvement of administrative building (3rd
3. Improvement of employees’ quarter (PhP2.1 phase) (Php3 Million);
Million); 9. Improvement of cattle shed (PhP429,246);
4. Rehabilitation of livestock office (PhP2.42 and
Million); 10. Establishment of nursery (PhP497,411).
5. C o n s t r u c t i o n of HVCDP storage

CY 2016 Annual Report 45

Part IV.


46 CY 2016 Annual Report


For 2016, Ilocos Region continuously supported process of planning and budgeting entails the
the implementation of the Philippine Rural use of scientific tools such as the vulnerability
Development Project (PRDP) with strong and suitability assessment (VSA), expanded
partnership with Local Government Units (LGUS) VSA (E-VSA), rapid market analysis (RMA) and
in the region. The PRDP is a six-year national value chain analysis (VCA).
program designed to establish the government
platform for a modern, climate-smart and market There are ten priority commodities of Region I to
oriented agri-fishery sector. be supported by the PRDP, namely: mango,
peanut, goat, onion, garlic, bangus, tomato,
The program aims to increase at least 5% of the mungbean, dragon fruit and coffee. These
annual real incomes of farmer-beneficiaries with a commodities were subjected to VCA, the result
30% increase in income of targeted beneficiaries of of which shall be integrated in the preparation
enterprise development; attain 7% increase in of Provincial Commodity Investment Plans
value of annual marketed output; and have a 20% (PCIPS) of all provinces in the region. PCIP is a
increase in the number of farmers & fishers with rolling plan of the Provincial Local Government
improved access to DA services. Units (PLGUs) containing specific infrastructure
and enterprise sub-projects in support to
Updates of the PRDP components— the I-PLAN, I- development of the commodities.
BUILD, I-REAP and I-SUPPORT, are as follows:
To date, VCAs of goat, onion, peanut, mungbean,
I-PLAN tomato and bangus were already issued with No
Objection Letter (NOL). Specific statuses of
The I-PLAN Component or the Investments in VCAs and PCIPs are shown in Table 7. All
Agriculture and Fisheries Modernization Program provinces are currently updating their
(AFMP) Planning at the Local and National levels respective enhanced PCIP to incorporate VCA
aims to strengthen the DA’s planning and budget results.
execution processes through the
institutionalization of the AFMP as the basis for In preparation for the updating of the AFMP
resource allocation and prioritization of DA 2018-2022, the I-PLAN Component has already
programs, projects, and activities implemented at conducted an assessment of the provincial
the national and regional levels. Enhancing the performances vis-à-vis AFMP 2011-2017 several

Table 8. Status of Value Chain Analysis of Priority Commodities in Region I

Commodity VCA Status Incorporated in the PCIP

Ilocos Norte, Ilocos Sur, La Union and
Mango For NPCO approval
Onion Ilocos Norte, Ilocos Sur and Pangasinan
Goat Ilocos Sur, La Union, Pangasinan
Peanut Ilocos Sur, La Union, Pangasinan
Issued with No Objection Letter (NOL)
Tomato On-going draft for all provinces
Mungbean On-going draft for all provinces
Bangus On-going draft for Pangasinan
Garlic For NPCO approval -
Incorporating results of preliminary Joint
Dragon Fruit -
Technical Review
Incorporating results of Focus Group
Coffee -
Discussions (FGD)

CY 2016 Annual Report 47

issues in agriculture and fisheries modernization AFMP effectively becomes the basis for
through the refinement of the AFMP Planning rationalizing, prioritizing, and coordinating
Framework and Guidelines that would serve as basis investment and support service delivery by the DA.
for plan iteration. Updating the AFMP targets and
accomplishments would also include the discussion of Through the I-PLAN, the PRDP aims to achieve
the DA implementation's strengths and weaknesses. the intermediate results in the form of agreed-upon
The corresponding expected outcome is that the PCIPs based on national/regional AFMP.

The I-PLAN Component of RPCO I, headed by Ms Doris Joy C. Garcia , facilitated the conduct of assessment of the pro-
vincial performances based on their AFMP 2011-2016.

I-BUILD cost of PhP719.04 Million. This was followed by

The I-BUILD Component or the Intensified the Ilocos Sur with 5 SPs worth PhP301.73
Building-Up of Infrastructure and Logistics for Million and La Union with 3 SPs amounting to
PhP198.06 Million contributing 22.1% and
Development focuses on the improvement of road
networks from production areas to market areas. 14.5% , respectively. The remaining 10.5% was
It will also include interventions that will help shared by Pangasinan with 3 SPs with total
increase productivity of farmers such as the project cost of PhP143.64 Million.
development of farm-to-market roads, bridges,
communal irrigation, potable water systems, post- Of the total SPs, 12 are stand-alone sub-projects
covering construction of warehouses, multi-
harvest facilities, production facilities & trading
purpose drying pavements and tramlines. These
posts, etc.
sub-projects are supporting the development of
other commodities in the region such as rice and
To date, Region I has a total 26 rural
infrastructure sub-projects (SPs) amounting to
PhP 1.36 Billion (Table 9). Bulk of the SPs were
The pilot I-BUILD SP of Region I—the
proposed by the Province of Ilocos Norte
Rehabilitation of Balecbec Farm-to-Market Road
contributing 52.77% or 15 SPs with total project

48 CY 2016 Annual Report

Table 9. I-BUILD (Rural Infrastructure) Sub-Projects, Region I
Name of Sub-Project Municipality Type (i.e. length, Budget (PhP) Status
1. Rehabilitation of Nalasin-Sungadan-Langiden Paoay FMR 4.934 km 67,330,338.99 Under Implementation
Farm to Market Road
2. Construction of Mabanbanag Solar Dryer Vintar Other Infra 420 m2 1,373,019.24 For awarding of contract
3. Construction of Salsalamagui Solar Dryer Vintar Other Infra 420 m2 1,152,159.34
4. Construction of Mallaggao Solar Dryer Adams Other Infra 420 m2 1,339,273.01
5. Construction of Sinidangan Solar Dryer Adams Other Infra 420 m2 1,012,903.79
6. Rehabilitation of Billoca-San Juan Farm to Batac City FMR with Bridge 12.16 km FMR and 170,327,000.00 Bid Evaluation Report (BER) under
Market Road and Bridges 79 lm bridge review by the PSO / NPCO for NOL
7. Construction of Uguis Solar Dryer Nueva Era Other Infra 1,020 m2 2,302,000.00 Preparation of BER
8.Construction of Garnaden Solar Dryer Nueva Era Other Infra 480 m2 1,114,000.00 Preparation of BER

Ilocos Norte
9. Construction of Naguillian Solar Dryer Nueva Era Other Infra 594 m2 1,324,000.00 Preparation of BER
10. Construction of Acnam Solar Dryer Nueva Era Other Infra 420 m2 1,077,000.00 Preparation of BER
11. Construction of Maligligay Solar Dryer Adams Other Infra 420 m2 1,405,963.90 BER under review by the RPCO
12, Rehabilitation of Tapao-Tigue-Poblacion 2- Currimao FMR 6.59 km 50,442,000.00 Proponent LGU to proceed with
Sta. Cruz-Lang-ayan Farm to Market Road pre-procurement conference
13. Rehabilitation of Fortuna-Daquioag FMR Marcos FMR 4.9 km 59,231,806.65 For Issuance of NOL 1

14. Rehabilitation of Visaya-Tamdagan Farm to Vintar FMR with BRIDGE 32.3 km FMR and 274,574,570.00 Proponent LGU preparing /
Market Road and Bridges 180 lm bridge drafting the Subproject Feasibility
Study (FS)
15. Rehabilitation of Teppang-Paninaan Farm to Bacarra FMR 8.86 km 85,035,994.00 Proponent LGU preparing /
Market Road drafting the Subproject Feasibility
Study (FS)
Sub-total 719,042,028.92
16. Rehabilitation of Tubigay-Baracbac- Sinait FMR 6.17 km 76,529,718.89 For awarding of contract
Nagcullooban Farm to Market Road
17. Construction of Namita Agricultural Tramline Cervantes Other Infra 530 m2 4,687,049.46 For awarding of contract
18. Construction of Packaging Center - Cabugao, Cabugao Other Infra 200 m2 4,828,230.69 For awarding of contract
Ilocos Sur
Ilocos Sur
19. Construction of Sto. Domingo Municipal Sto. Domingo Other Infra 350 m2 warehouse 9,342,000.00 For conduct of pre-bid Conference
Warehouse with Multi-Purpose Drying Pavement with 1000 m2
drying pavement

20. Rehabilitation of Pug-Os-Nagcullooban Farm Cabugao FMR 15.48 km 206,348,000.00 Proponent LGU to proceed with
to Market Road pre-procurement conference
Sub-total 301,734,999.04
21. Rehabilitation of Balecbec-Basca Farm to Naguilian FMR with Bridge 7.90 km FMR and 115,365,467.00 Under Implementation
Market Road and Balecbec Bridge 30 lm bridge
22. Construction of Malicnao Bridge Pugo Bridge 83 lm 34,677,000.00 Proponent LGU to proceed with
La Union pre-procurement conference
23. Rehabilitation of Parasapas Farm to Market Rosario FMR with Bridge 2.99 km and 15 48,020,345.44 For Issuance of NOL 1
Road with Bridge lm bridge
Sub-total 198,062,812.44
24. Construction of Oraan Bridge with Manaoag Bridge 63 lm 20,575,072.76 For awarding of contract
25. Construction of Municipal Warehouse with Manaoag Other Infra 450 m2 10,419,627.86 For awarding of contract
Pangasinan Multi-Purpose Drying Pavement
26. Rehabilitation of Gonzales-San Juan Farm to Umingan FMR 10.63 km 112,646,000.00 For conduct of pre-bid Conference
Market Road
Sub-total 143,640,700.62
Grand-total 1,362,480,541.02
Source: On-line Management Information System of the Monitoring and Evaluation Unit

is currently under implementation. This has a Union. Meanwhile, the implementation of its
total length of 7.89 kilometers traversing the Package 2 or the Balecbec Bridge will also be
municipalities of Naguilian and Aringay. Both starting with the same contractor—the
municipalities are among the priority areas for Gorldrich Construction and Trading.
mango commodity based on the E-VSA in La

CY 2016 Annual Report 49

On-going implementation of the Rehabilitation of Balecbec FMR, the pilot I-BUILD sub-project of Region I with a total project
cost of PhP91.87 Million.

50 CY 2016 Annual Report

Fresh Green Carabao Mango Production,
The I-REAP Component or Investments in Rural Trading and Marketing Enterprise amounting
Enterprises and Agriculture & Fisheries to PhP8.27 Million is already under
Productivity focuses on enhancing productivity procurement activity.
and increasing resiliency to climate changes of
producers, and smallholder farmer groups through For the SLPs, one SP, the Farm Mechanization
provision of production and marketing support, Service Facility worth Php 1.2 Million of the
establishment and upscaling enterprises at the Womens’ Unity for Progress and Farmers’ MPC
appropriate commodity value-chain segment and of Mapandan, Pangasinan, was already
enhancing capacities of farmers in technology completed (Table 11).
adoption, agri-fishery management and operation,
among others. Five SLPs were already issued with NOL 2 and
41 SPs were given with NOL 1, all are currently
RPCO I has a total of 53 enterprise sub-projects, under procurement activities.
of which, 47 are Small Livelihood Projects (SLPs)
or Micro Enterprises and six (6) are Regular and By provincial breakdown, Pangasinan
Start-up Enterprises with total project cost of contributed the highest share at 61.2% or 28
PhP55.87 Million and PhP34.09 Million, SPs worth PhP34.17 Million. The Province of La
respectively. Union has ten (10) SPs amounting to PhP12
Million. Ilocos Norte and Ilocos Sur have 5 SPs
The six Regular and Enterprises has a total worth PhP4.7 Million and 4 SPs worth PhP4.9
project cost of PhP34.09 Million as shown in Table Million, respectively.
10. Of this, one SP in Cabugao, Ilocos Sur—the

Table 10. Regular I-REAP (Rural Enterpises) Sub-Projects, Region I

Province Name of Sub-Project Location Proponent Group Budget (PhP) Status

Onion Production,
Pasuquin Farmers Onion-
Consolidation and Marketing Pasuquin 2,400,000.00 For Issuance of NOL 1
Garlic Growers Association
Ilocos Norte
Fresh Green Carabao Mango
Ilocos Norte Federation of
Production, Trading and Vintar 8,700,558.00 For Issuance of NOL 1
Mango Producers, Inc.
Marketing Enterprise
Production and Marketing of Cabugao Mango Farmers
Cabugao 8,266,108.38 For Procurement
Fresh Carabao Mangoes Multi-Purpose Association
Ilocos Sur Integrated Quality Peanut Conconig East Farmers
Seed Production and Farm Sta. Lucia Multi-Purpose 3,574,900.00 For Issuance of NOL 1
Service Enterprise Cooperative
Green Carabao Mango Palugsi-Limmansangan
La Union Production, Consolidation Bauang Multi-Purpose 6,721,326.00 For Issuance of NOL 1
and Marketing Enterprise Cooperative
Yellow Granex Production, Alcala Onion Growers
Pangasinan Consolidation and Trading Alcala Multi-Purpose 4,429,976.00 For Issuance of NOL 1
Enterprise Cooperative (AOGMPC)

CY 2016 Annual Report 51

Table 11. Small Livelihood Projects (SLPs) of I-REAP(Rural Enterprises) Sub-Projects, Region I
Province Name of Sub-Project Location Proponent Group Budget (PhP) Status

1. Corn and Livestock Bacarra Bacarra Zanjera Irrigators Multi- 1,347,500.00

Intergration and Trading Purpose Cooperative
Enterprise Issued with NOL 1
2. Production Support Piddig Piddig Basi Multi-Purpose 1,200,000.00
Facility Service Cooperative Issued with NOL 1
Ilocos Norte 3. Farm Mechanization Piddig Dupitac Agrarian Reform 1,200,000.00
Service Facility Beneficiaries Organization
Multi-Purpose Cooperative Issued with NOL 1
4. Farm Mechanization Piddig Namnama Multi-Purpose 1,200,000.00
Service Facility Cooperative Issued with NOL 1
Sub-total 4,947,500.00
5. Production of Seed Sto. Domingo Municipal Federation of Rural 1,080,570.00
Planting Materials for Improvement Club of Sto.
Peanut and Farm Domingo
Services Issued with NOL 1
6. Farm Mechanization Burgos Lumaban Agrarian Reform 1,150,000.00
Service Facility Cooperative Issued with NOL 2
Ilocos Sur 7. Corn and Squash Sto. Domingo Metro Nambaran Agrarian 1,200,000.00
Production and Trading Reform Cooperative
Enterprise Issued with NOL 1
8. Farm Mechanization Sta. Maria Sta. Maria South Multi- 1,200,000.00
Service Facility Purpose Cooperative Issued with NOL 1
9. Farm Mechanization Cabugao New Maradodon Multi- 1,200,000.00
Service Facility Purpose Cooperative Issued with NOL 1
Sub-total 4,750,000.00
10. Farm Mechanization Balaoan San Pablo Multi-Purpose 1,200,000.00
Service Facility Cooperative Issued with NOL 1
11. Farm Mechanization Balaoan Calliat Multi-Purpose 1,200,000.00
Service Facility Cooperative Issued with NOL 1
12. Farm Mechanization Tubao Halog West Multi-Purpose 1,200,000.00
Service Facility Cooperative Issued with NOL 1
13. Farm Mechanization San Gabriel Lacong Multi-Purpose 1,200,000.00
Service Facility Cooperative Issued with NOL 1
14. Farm Mechanization Sudipen Namaltugan Multi-Purpose 1,200,000.00
Service Facility Cooperative Issued with NOL 1
15. Farm Mechanization Bacnotan Cabaroan Agricultural Multi- 1,200,000.00
La Union Service Facility Purpose Cooperative Issued with NOL 1
16. Farm Mechanization Rosario Pusunangtatay Agrarian 1,200,000.00
Service Facility Reform Beneficiaries
Organization Multi-Purpose
Cooperative Issued with NOL 1
17. Farm Mechanization Caba San Jose Multi-Purpose 1,200,000.00
Service Facility Cooperative Issued with NOL 1
18. Farm Mechanization Bangar Sinapangan Multi-Purpose 1,200,000.00
Service Facility Cooperative Issued with NOL 1
19. Farm Mechanization San Juan Talogtog Multi-Purpose 1,200,000.00
Service Facility Cooperative Issued with NOL 1
Sub-total 12,000,000.00
21. Farm Mechanization Mapandan Women's Unity for Progress 1,200,000.00
Service Facility and Farmers' MPC completed
22. Farm Mechanization San Fabian Anonang Baraoas Irrigators, Inc. 1,198,000.00
Service Facility Issued with NOL 2
23. Farm Mechanization San Fabian Makabagong Magsasaka 1,198,000.00
Service Facility Irrigators' Association Issued with NOL 2
24. Farm Mechanization San Carlos City Mamarlao Multi-Purpose 1,178,560.00
Service Facility Cooperative Issued with NOL 1
25. Farm Mechanization San Fabian Palapad Farmers Irrigators 1,198,000.00
Service Facility Assn. Inc. Issued with NOL 2
26. Farm Mechanization San Fabian Samaka Magbayanihan Farmers 1,198,000.00
Service Facility Association Issued with NOL 2
27. Farm Mechanization San Fabian Angio Taculit Multi-Purpose 1,200,000.00
Service Facility Cooperative Issued with NOL 1
28. Farm Mechanization San Fabian Samahang Magsasaka ng 1,236,000.00
Service Facility Longos Proper Farmers
Associations, Inc. Issued with NOL 1
29. Farm Mechanization San Fabian Lateral AF Farmers Irrigators 1,202,138.00
Service Facility Association Incorporated Issued with NOL 1
30. Farm Mechanization San Fabian Binday Palapad Tomaneng 1,882,000.00
Service Facility Irrigators Association
Incorporated Issued with NOL 1
31. Farm Mechanization Lingayen BLP Farmers and Irrigators 1,080,570.00
Service Facility Association Issued with NOL 1
32. Farm Mechanization San Fabian Aramal Tocok FFF Multi- 1,200,000.00
Service Facility Purpose Cooperative Issued with NOL 1
33. Farm Mechanization Malasiqui Atlas Mabuna Multi-Purpose 1,200,000.00
Service Facility Cooperative Issued with NOL 1
34. Farm Mechanization Villasis Capulaan Multi-Purpose 1,200,000.00
Service Facility Cooperative Issued with NOL 1
35. Farm Mechanization Urdaneta Catablan Agrarian Reform 1,200,000.00
Service Facility Cooperative Credit
Cooperative Issued with NOL 1
36. Farm Mechanization Bolinao Catuday ARC 1,200,000.00
Service Facility Issued with NOL 1
37. Farm Mechanization Bani Centro Toma Colayo Farmers 1,200,000.00
Service Facility Multi-Purpose Cooperative Issued with NOL 1
38. Farm Mechanization Alaminos City Bayanihan Hundred Islands 1,200,000.00
Service Facility Agrarian Reform Cooperative Issued with NOL 1
39. Farm Mechanization Bugallon Laguit Padilla Multi-Purpose 1,200,000.00
Service Facility Cooperative Issued with NOL 1
40. Farm Mechanization Mapandan Lambayan Multi-Purpose 1,200,000.00
Service Facility Cooperative Issued with NOL 1
41. Farm Mechanization Balungao Maresma Multi-Purpose 1,200,000.00
Service Facility Cooperative Issued with NOL 1
42. Farm Mechanization Umingan Nayon Credit Cooperative 1,200,000.00
Service Facility Issued with NOL 1
43. Farm Mechanization San Quintin Saint Paschal Baylon MPC 1,200,000.00
Service Facility Issued with NOL 1
44. Farm Mechanization Natividad Saranay Agrarian Reform 1,200,000.00
Service Facility Cooperative Issued with NOL 1
45. Farm Mechanization Binmaley Southern Binmaley Multi- 1,200,000.00
Service Facility Purpose Cooperative Issued with NOL 1
46. Farm Mechanization Umingan Tay-Ak Marketing Cooperatives 1,200,000.00
Service Facility Issued with NOL 1
Farm Mechanization Service Basista Mapolpolo Agrarian Reform 1,200,000.00
Facility Cooperative Issued with NOL 1
47. Farm Mechanization San Quintin Raniag Mantacdang Multi- 1,200,000.00
Service Facility Purpose Cooperative Issued with NOL 1
Sub-total 34,171,268.00
Grand-total 55,868,768.00

52 CY 2016 Annual Report

The Regional Convergence Initiative for rural development projects in the area.
Sustainable Rural Development (RCI-SRD) in
Region I intensified its support to ensure the The project covers 1,130 hectares of lowland
effective implementation of the different coffee (Robusta, Liberica and Excelsa) and 560
program components, projects, and activities hectares of highland coffee benefitting almost
under the enhanced National Convergence 1,000 families. Currently, a total of a total of
Initiative (NCI) that will spearhead the rural 1,205,334 coffee seedlings of Arabica, Excelsa,
development in the region. Liberica and Robusta were planted covering
1,246.60 hectares.
The pilot convergence area development project
of Region I, the Piddig Inclusive Organic Coffee For CY 2016, the DA-RFO I completed the
Production Project in Piddig, Ilocos Norte, establishment of Rice Processing Center
continued to soar through sustained partnership (RPC) II worth PhP16 million. Updated
of the LGU-Piddig, Ilocos Norte with the RCI- interventions of RCI-SRD I to the pilot project
SRD member-agencies in the implementation of are shown in Table 12.
Table 12. Interventions of RCI-SRD I member-agencies to the Piddig Convergence Area
member- Interventions
 Provision of 225,000 Arabica coffee seedlings as initial planting materials planted at a 10 hec-
tare area of the project with additional input assistance of 300 bags organic fertilizer thru the
High Value Crops Development Program (HVCDP).
 Provision of Php98 Million for the construction of the 10.4 kilometer Abucay-Estancia Farm-
to-Market Road (FMR) project leading to the coffee plantation
 Establishment of the PhP 16 Million worth of Agri-Pinoy Rice Processing Center II
 Provision of fund for the implementation of Bottom-up Budgeting (BuB) projects for 2015 with
total cost of PhP7,650,000.00, broken down as follows:
 Concreting of canal lining of Zanjera Sallaguid Irrigation System (PhP 500,000.00)
 Rehabilitation of Zanjera Dalao Communal Irrigation System (PhP 4,500,000.00)
 Concreting of the 300-meter canal lining of Zanjera Ansad (Calambeg) Irrigation Sys-
tem (PhP 500,000.00)
 Vermi-composting (PhP850,000.00)
 Goat raising project ( Php1,300,000.00)
DENR  Provision of a total of Php 62 Million for the establishment of nurseries, seedling production
and for plantation establishment, maintenance and protection (National Greening Program)
 Funded the 337,000 Kakawate seedlings and 71,000 Timber seedlings as shade trees

DPWH  Flood control and agri-infra support dam

DAR  Conduct of trainings and orientations for the member-farmers of the cooperative
DSWD  Provision of checks for organic fertilizer worth PhP200,000.00
DTI/ DOLE  To establish coffee processing facility worth PhP2 Million
ATI, SUCs  Conduct of trainings on seedling production, nursery maintenance, and plantation establish-
BSU, CSU) ment and maintenance
NIA  Establishment of four (4) units of small water impounding projects worth PhP130 Million
PCA  To deliver 1,000 coconut seedlings worth PhP75,000.00

CY 2016 Annual Report 53

(Upper photo) On-going cultivation of coffee plantings by the farmer-beneficiaries of Piddig Inclusive Organic Coffee Production Project in Barangay
Lammin, Piddig, Ilocos Norte. (Lower photos) Initial coffee plantings, which were funded by the High Value Crops Development Program (HVCDP) -
Region I and planted in a 10-hectare area, are currently at fruiting stage.

54 CY 2016 Annual Report

Meanwhile, the Province of Ilocos Sur is objectives of the convergence initiative. It is
duplicating the strategy of LGU-Piddig with anchored on participatory development
their proposed convergence initiative entitled approach by actively engaging stakeholders in
“Institutionalization of District-wide Agro- value chain integration to connect production,
industrialization, Innovation, and Tourism” or processing up to marketdevelopment.
IDAIT. Idait is an Ilocano lingo which means From the three economic sectors such as
“to sew” thus reflects the concept of IDAIT of agriculture, industry or industrialization and
bringing together or stitching together various services, the IDAIT platform focuses on
agencies to create the entrepreneurial eco- agriculture as entry point to jumpstart its goal
system in the province of Ilocos Sur. for structural transformation. Since one of the
main focus of the convergence is the
IDAIT was conceptualized by Ilocos Sur 1 st development of agricultural enterprise based
District Congressman Deogracias Victor on the IDAIT platform, strategies to be
Savellano. The project, which is an innovation- implemented should address food and income
driven and market-oriented platform, was security. And to achieve this, the proposed
presented during the 2016 4th
Quarter RCI- pilot enterprise is on egg production and
SRD I Regular Meeting. It is a strategy where termed in the IDAIT platform as
various agencies will come together whether it EGGpreneurship.
is on agriculture, tourism or innovation but the
central idea is to work together bringing in EGGpreneurship was considered as the focus
whatever support (programs) the agencies can and the entry point of convergence in the
provide in order to realize the goals and province. It is linked to downstream
technologies from egg production to poultry
production, and feeds production that links to
corn and soya production, etc. Taking the fact
the nutritional value of egg and proven that
one egg per day meets nutritional requirement
of the body, the EGGpreneurship will be
developed and enhanced with the
participation of the different agencies.

To provide a general orientation about IDAIT

and create a right mindset and deeper
(Upper photo) Cong. DV Savellano discussed the concept of IDAIT dur- understanding of the proposed convergence
ing the 2016 4th Quarter RCI-SRD I Meeting with the member-agency
heads and representatives (lower photo). initiative of Ilocos Sur, a two-day strategic
planning workshop was conducted in Vigan
City, Ilocos Sur. Participants to the workshop
were representatives of the various agencies
that are tapped to provide interventions to the
Ilocos Sur convergence area spearheaded by
the four major rural development agencies,
the Department of Agriculture (DA),
Department of Agrarian Reform (DAR),
Department of Environment & Natural
Resources (DENR) and Department of Interior
and Local Government Unit (DILG).

CY 2016 Annual Report 55


The DA-RFO I through the Bottom-up Budgeting Bulk of the total fund was utilized by the Agri-
(BuB) Program approved a total amount PhP1.12 Fishery Machineries, Equipment and Facilities
Billion as funding support from CY 2014-2016 for Support Services contributing 38.4% or Php
various agricultural and fishery machineries, 430.4 Million with 269 projects.
equipment and facilities, irrigation and technical
support services including Farm-to-Market Roads The Irrigation Network Services shared 35.1%
(Table 13). or PhP393.2 Million worth of 208 projects. The
remaining 26.5% or a total project cost of PhP
The BuB is an anti-poverty strategy of the PhP294.6 Million was contributed by various
government in support to the Millenium Technical Support Services and FMRs.
Development Goal (MDG) on poverty reduction in
the country orchestrated by the Department of the A total of 714 projects were funded by the BuB
Interior and Local Government (DILG), in from 2014-2016. Of this, 216 projects were only
coordination with the National Anti-Poverty completed while 159 and 28 projects were
Council (NAPC), Department of Agriculture (DA) pipelined and on-going implementation,
and the Department of Social Welfare and respectively.
Development (DSWD).

Table 13. Bottom-up Budgeting (BuB) Program, CY 2014-2016, Region I

No. of Project Cost Status of Implementation

Projects % Accomp
Projects (PhP) Proposed Pipelined On-going Completed
A & F Machineries, Equipment &
Table ___.
Facilities Interventions
Support Services of RCI-SRD I member-agencies to the Piddig Convergence Area
> 2014 27 36,054,123 - - - 27 100
> 2015 103 162,166,457 - 3 6 94 91
> 2016 139 232,076,900 - 94 11 34 24
Sub-total 269 430,297,480 - 97 17 155 58
Irrigation Network Services
> 2014 63 104,171,699 - - 1 62 98
> 2015 61 107,227,758 - 10 8 43 70
> 2016 84 181,802,710 1 51 13 19 23
Sub-total 208 393,202,167 1 61 22 124 60
Technical & Support Services
> 2014 121 101,172,230 - - 1 120 99
> 2015 70 74,477,498 - 1 7 62 89
> 2016 1 4,100,000 - - 1 - -
Sub-total 192 179,749,728 - 1 9 182 95
> 2014 45 117,902,510 - - - 45 100
> 2014 256 359,300,561 - - 2 254 99
> 2015 234 343,871,713 - 14 21 199 85
> 2016 224 417,979,610 1 145 25 53 24
TOTAL 714 1,121,151,884 1 159 48 506 71

56 CY 2016 Annual Report

Completed BuB- funded project in Quirino, Ilocos Sur—the “Concreting of Marban Irrigation Canal” with project cost of PhP 500,000.00 benefiting
161 farmers with total service area of 96 hectares.

CY 2016 Annual Report 57

Part V.

Achievers Awards

58 CY 2016 Annual Report


This year, Ilocos Region bagged a total of 51 There were 44 awardees for Outstanding
awards under the category of Outstanding AEWs and 4 winners for Outstanding LFTs in
Province, Outstanding City/Municipality, AEW the region as shown in Table 14. Awardees
and Local Farmer Technician. The Provinces of were awarded with Php20,000.00 each as cash
Pangasinan and La Union were hailed as incentive or a total of Php880,000.00.
Outstanding Provinces while the Municipality of Likewise, the Ilocos Norte received Special
Solsona, Ilocos Norte was awarded as Award as one of the 12 nominees for the
Outstanding Municipality. Winners were Outstanding Province in the country. The
awarded with Php4,000,000.00 and province was awarded with PhP500,000
Php1,000,000.00 worth of project, respectively. worth of project/s,

The national search for Rice Achievers’ Awards Best provinces, cities/municipalities, and
was conceptualized to give recognition to the AEWs were chosen based on the positive
outstan ding stakeh olde rs ( prov in ce s , production growth for 2016, increase in yield
municipalities, Irrigators Associations (IAs), and and production area, degree of utilization of
Agricultural Extension Workers (AEWs) for high quality seeds, amount of budget allocated
their significant contribution in the attainment for rice production, number of manpower
of rice self-sufficiency under the National Rice deployed to rice program, and must have
Self-Sufficiency Program (RSSP). attained the national average yield target of 4
metric tons per hectare, among other criteria.

The Province of Pangasianan was hailed as Outstanding Province during the awarding ceremonies of the 2016 Rice Achievers Awar ds. The province was
awarded with PhP 4 Million worth of projects which was received by Hon. Vice Governor Jose Ferdinand Calimcim and OIC– Provincial Agriculturist
Dalisay Moya.

CY 2016 Annual Report 59

Table 14. Ilocos Region Outstanding AEWs and LFTs, Rice Achievers’Award, 2016
1 Dalisay A. Moya OPAg Pangasinan Provincial Agriculturist
2 Nestor P. Batalla OPAg Pangasinan Provincial Rice Coordinator
3 Danilo V. Villamil OPAg Pangasinan Provincial ESETS Coordinator
4 Rita A. Prieto OPAg Pangasinan Provincial Rice Report Officer
5 Gemma DG. Rosario OPAg Pangasinan Provincial Techno Demo Coordinator
6 Irene T. Estrada OPAg Pangasinan Provincial Seed Coordinator
7 Teresita A. Naoe OPAg Pangasinan District IV Seed Inspector
8 Elvira T. Neri OPAg Pangasinan District III Seed Inspector
9 Ronna P. Frianeza OPAg Pangasinan District I Seed Inspector
10 Madelyn V. Valenzuela OPAg Pangasinan District II Techno Demo Coordinator
11 Richard P. Espiritu Alaminos City Pangasinan Agricultural Extension Worker
12 Nancy M. Capua Sta. Barbara Pangasinan Agricultural Extension Worker
13 Danielida B. Sabado San Manuel Pangasinan Agricultural Extension Worker
14 Leonides S. Cristobal Manaoag Pangasinan Agricultural Extension Worker
15 Virginia O. Geronimo Manaoag Pangasinan Agricultural Extension Worker
16 Arnold E. Geronimo Manaoag Pangasinan Municipal Agriculturist
17 Veronica C. Licudo Natividad Pangasinan Agricultural Extension Worker
18 Marichu A. Pastor Natividad Pangasinan Agricultural Extension Worker
19 Gloria D. Peralta Natividad Pangasinan Agricultural Extension Worker
20 Pablo Malla Natividad Pangasinan Municipal Agriculturist
1 Myrna O. Picazo OPAg La Union Provincial Rice Coordinator
2 Myrna C. Gacutan OPAg La Union Provincial Rice Report Officer
Provincial ESETS and Hybrid Rice Coordi-
3 Rosemarie P. Garcia OPAg La Union
4 Myrna C. Balanon OPAg La Union Provincial Techo Demo Coordinator
5 Freddie S. Estipona Naguilian La Union Agricultural Extension Worker
6 Perlita M. Corpuz Naguilian La Union Agricultural Extension Worker
7 Juvy M. Aromin Naguilian La Union Agricultural Extension Worker
8 Willy S. Estabillo Naguilian La Union Agricultural Extension Worker
9 Aurelio F. Flora Naguilian La Union Municipal Agriculturist
10 Jovita P. Abengona San Juan La Union Agricultural Extension Worker
1 Marcelino A. Alibin OPAg Ilocos Sur Provincial Rice Program Coordinator
Provincial Techno Demo and ESETS Coor-
2 Julius A. Bragado OPAg Ilocos Sur
3 Nereo S. Daproza Cabugao Ilocos Sur Agricultural Extension Worker
1 Norma B. Lagmay OPAg Ilocos Norte Provincial Agriculturist
2 Luz L. Tabora OPAg Ilocos Norte Provincial Rice Program Coordinator
3 Lolita M. Raposas OPAg Ilocos Norte Provincial Techno Demo Coordinator
4 Danilo V. Arado OPAg Ilocos Norte Provincial Rice Report Officer
5 Lorna P. Lubera OPAg Ilocos Norte Provincial ESETS Coordinator
6 Cornelio A. Balbesino Dingras Ilocos Norte Municipal Agriculturist
7 Norma B. Calamayan San Nicolas Ilocos Norte Municipal Agriculturist
8 Rachel R. Aguilar San Nicolas Ilocos Norte Agricultural Extension Worker
9 Rhonalyn A. Cristobal San Nicolas Ilocos Norte Agricultural Extension Worker
10 Ranison D. Narciso Solsona Ilocos Norte Municipal Agricultural Officer
11 Marnelli T. Colobong Solsona Ilocos Norte Agricultural Extension Worker
1 Ricardo Tandoc Calasio Pangasinan Local Farmer Technician
2 Elizer Salibo Sta. Barbara Pangasinan Local Farmer Technician
3 Jose C. Bernal Sta. Barbara Pangasinan Local Farmer Technician
1 Carlo Patricio Yanos Pasuquin Ilocos Norte Local Farmer Technician
60 CY 2016 Annual Report

The National Corn Quality Achievers Award was with their respective Municipal Agriculturists
conceptualized to give recognition to top and Corn Coordinators, and the AEWs of
performing LGUs and DA Regional Field Offices Lingayen, Pangasinan and Laoag City, Ilocos
in support to the development of the corn industry, Norte, were given the Hall of Fame awards.
enhance the corn cluster participation and
strengthen the DA-LGU partnership in the Outstanding Provinces received PhP3 Million
production of quality corn. worth of projects while outstanding cities/
municipalities were given PhP1 Million worth of
This year, Ilocos Region bagged a total of 28 projects each. Outstanding Agriculturists, Corn
awards, Ilocos Sur and Pangasinan were hailed as Coordinators, City/Municipal Agriculturist and
Outstanding Provinces along with its Provincial Coordinators, and Agricultural Extension
Agriculturists and Provincial Corn Coordinators workers were given cash prizes. There were
as shown in Table 14. The municipalities of additional prizes for the Hall of Fame awardees.
Binalonan, Pangasinan and Sta. Maria, Ilocos Sur

The Ilocos Region winners/awardees pose with thumps-up position during the awarding ceremonies of the 2016 National Quality Corn Achievers Awards at
the The Farm at Carpenter Hill, Koronadal City South Cotabato on November 16, 2016. Also with the group is Dr. Paz L. Mones , Regional Technical Di-
rector for Operations of DA RFO– I (8th from the right), who led the delegation of Region I.

CY 2016 Annual Report 61

Table 14. Region I Awardees/Winners of the 2016 National Corn Quality Achievers Award

Category Winners Municipality/ Province Award (PhP)

Pangasinan Pangasinan 3,000,000.00
Outstanding Provinces
Ilocos Sur Ilocos Sur 3,000,000.00

Outstanding Provincial Dalisay A. Moya Pangasinan 40,000.00

Agriculturists Constante B. Botacion, Jr. Ilocos Sur 40,000.00

Outstanding Corn Coor- Venancio B. Valeroso Pangasinan 30,000.00

dinators Oscar T. Tobia Ilocos Sur 30,000.00
Binalonan (Hall of Famer) Pangasinan 2,000,000.00
Alcala Pangasinan 1,000,000.00
Sta. Maria (Hall of Famer) Ilocos Sur 2,000,000.00
Ricardo E. Tabuac (Hall of
Binalonan, Pangasinan 45,000.00
Outstanding Municipal/ Famer)
City Agriculturists/
Edgardo G. Tugas Alcala, Pangasinan 30,000.00
Agricultural Officers
Grace Cardona (Hall of Famer) Sta. Maria, Ilocos Sur 45,000.00
Manuel O. Luis, Jr. Binalonan, Pangasinan 40,000.00
Outstaning Municipal/
Elizabeth G. Tubera Alcala, Pangasinan 25,000.00
City Corn Coordinators
Diosdado Mendoza Sta. Maria, Pangasinan 40,000.00
Crisitina A. Sison (Hall of Famer) Lingayen, Pangasinan 30,000.00
Benjamin M. Magno Aringay, La Union 20,000.00
Sheilla Marie Opelac (Hall of
Laoag City, Ilocos Norte 30,000.00
Daisy A. dela Cruz Mangaldan, Pangasinan 20,000.00
Lydia C. Macaraeg Malasiqui, Pangasinan 20,000.00
Outstanding Agricultur- Ronan T. Tumbaga Bantay, Ilocos Sur 20,000.00
al Extension Workers
Oliver M. Quidangen Burgos, Ilocos Sur 20,000.00
Napoleon E. Campos Sta. Barbara, Pangasinan 20,000.00
Janet C. Paulino Laoag City, Ilocos Norte 20,000.00
Orlan B. Binala Ilocos Norte 20,000.00
Alicia S. Noche Sta. Barbara, Pangasinan 20,000.00
Jonathan B. Domingues San Nicolas, Pangasinan 20,000.00
Sazima G. Belmonte San Quintin, Pangasinan 20,000.00

62 CY 2016 Annual Report


DA Undersecretary Engr, Ariel Cayanan served as Guest of Honor and Speaker during the 2016 Regional Gawad Saka Search Awarding Ceremony held
last October 16, 2016 at Java Hotel, Laoag City, Ilocos Norte.

With their outstanding performance in the field of Awarding Ceremonies held at the Java Hotel,
agriculture and fishery, five individuals and four Laoag City, Ilocos Norte .
groups of agricultural achievers were awarded by
the DA RFO-I during the Regional Gawad Saka The Gawad Saka is an annual search of the DA

CY 2016 Annual Report 63

for outstanding individuals and groups in the country’s agricultural development.
farming and fishing sectors with exemplary
performance and significant contributions to the

Table 13. Region I Awardees/Winners of the 2016 Regional Gawad Saka Search
Category Awardee Address
Outstanding Rice Farmer Romeo Ganiron Ben-agan, Batac City, Ilocos Norte
Outstanding Corn Farmer Edmar Piano San Isidro, Bantay, Ilocos Sur
Outstanding High Value Crops Farmer May Celine Gordon Batakil, Pozorrubio, Pangasinan
Outstanding Large Animal Raiser Arnulfo Corpuz San Pablo, San Nicolas, Ilocos Norte
Outstanding Young Farmer/Fisherfolk Benny Aguinaldo Bulbulala, Vintar, Ilocos Norte

Outstanding Farmer/Fisherfolk Family Andres Lazaro Catangraan, Solsona, Ilocos Norte

Oustanding Small Farmer/ Fisher-

Magumbayan MPC Casili, Laoag City, Ilocos Norte
folk Organization
San Marcelino Barangay Food
Outstanding Barangay Food Terminal San Marcelino, Dingras, Ilocos Norte
Outstanding Municipal Agriculturist Ranison Narciso Solsona, Ilocos Norte
Outstanding Agricultural Extension
Josephine Aldeon Laoag City, Ilocos Norte

64 CY 2016 Annual Report

The DA RFO- I bags Most Outstanding Project/Agency
Monitor Award in 2016 under the Regional Project
Monitoring and Evaluation System (RPMES) by the
Regional Development Council (RDC) I during the
Awarding Ceremonies.

The RPMES is a scheme in monitoring and evaluating

projects at the national, regional, provincial/city and
municipal levels with the extensive and active
participation of various government agencies, local
government units and non-government organizations at
all levels. It primarily aims to facilitate project
implementation, problem solving, monitoring and
evaluation to the regional, provincial and municipal levels.

A competition crafted by the RDC I, the system

encouraged the active involvement and participation of the
government agencies and LGUs that are implementing
development programs and projects to be monitored and

The contest has three categories. Category A involves the

monitoring and evaluation of 1-10 programs/projects while
category B recognizes the monitoring of 11-30 programs
and projects. The Category C, where DA is adjudged as the
winner, recognizes the 31 and above programs and
projects being monitored.

Farmer-Regional Executive Director Vincent Adorna and Ms. Irene P. Tactac of the Planning, Monitoiring and Evaluation Division ( PMED) received a
Plaque of Recognition for DA RFO –I as the Most Outstanding Project/Agency Monitor Award during State of the Region’s Development Conference
(SORDC) and Regional Development Council (RDC) I Awards and Recognition in Ilocos Sur Convention Center, Vigan City, Ilocos Sur last May 9,
2017 .

CY 2016 Annual Report 65



Project Director


RTD for Operations, OIC-RTD for Research and Regula-
Regional Rice Focal Person tions & Chief, Administration and
Finance Division


Chief, Field Operations Division & Chief, Research and Development
Regional Livestock Banner and Division
HVCDP Focal Person


Chief, Planning, Monitoring and Chief, Integrated Laboratories
Evaluation Division (PMED) Division


Chief, Agribusiness and Market- Chief, Regulatory Division
ing Assistance Division


Head, Pangasinan Research and Head, Ilocos Norte Research and
Experiment Center (PREC) Experiment Center (INREC)


Head, Interim Regional Agricultural
Engineering Division (RAED)

66 CY 2016 Annual Report

PRDP-Regional Project Coordination Office I


Project Director


Deputy Project Director


I-PLAN Component Head I-BUILD Component Head I-REAP Component Head

I-SUPPORT Component Head


Procurement Unit Head Budget Unit Head Accounting Unit Head


Monitoring and Evaluation Unit Head GGU Head InfoAce Unit Head

CY 2016 Annual Report 67


Regional Executive Director OIC-Regional Director Center Director
DA-Regional Field Unit I Fertilizer and Pesticide Authority (FPA) Philippine Carabao Center (PCC)
San Fernando City, La Union San Fernando City, La Union MMSU, Batac, Ilocos Norte
Tel. No. (072) 242-1045/888-0341 Tel. No. (072) 242-1045 loc.31 Tel. No. (077) 792-3187

Center Director Regional Director Center Director
Agricultural Training Institute (ATI) National Food Authority (NFA) Philippine Carabao Center (PCC)
Tebag, Sta. Barbara, Pangasinan San Juan, La Union DMMMSU, Rosario, La Union
Tel. No. (075) 523-2266 Tel. No. (072) 700-2579 Tel. No. (072) 712-0118


Agricultural Center Chief III Regional Technical Director Regional Manager
Bureau of Plant Industry (BPI) - NSQSC National Meat Inspection Service (NMIS) Philippine Crop Insurance Corporation
Tebag, Sta. Barbara, Pangasinan Urdaneta City, Pangasinan Urdaneta City, Pangasinan
Tel. No. (075) 523-2238 Tel. No. (075) 514-2152 Tel. No. (075)656-2524


Regional Director Regional Irrigation Manager Regional Director
Bureau of Fisheries & Aquatic Resources National Irrigation Administration (NIA) Philippine Fiber Industry Development
San Fernando City, La Union Urdaneta City, Pangasinan Authority
Tel. No. (072) 242-1559 Tel. No. (075) 568-2308 Wangal, La Trinidad, Benguet

Executive Director Branch Manager OIC-Manager
Philippine Center for Postharvest Deve- National Tobacco Administration Phil. Fisheries Development Authority
lopment & Mechanization (PhilMech) Payocpoc, Bauang, La Union Sual Fish Port Complex, Sual, Pang.
Muñoz, Nueva Ecija Tel. No. (044) 456-0213 Tel. No. (072) 607-9290 Tel. No. (075) 548-2380

SWAC Coordinator Managing Director Acting Branch Director
Bureau of Soil & Water Management Northern Foods Corporation (NFC) Philippine Rice Research Institute
Elliptical Road, Diliman, Quezon City Sarrat, Ilocos Norte (PhilRice), Batac, Ilocos Norte
Tel. No. (02) 920-4318 Tel. No. (077) 772-0341 Tel. No. (077) 792-4702


Officer In Charge
Quedan & Rural Credit Guarantee Corp.
Dagupan City, Pangasinan
Tel. No. (075) 523-1678

685 CY 2016 Annual Report



Provincial Agriculturist Provincial Veterinarian
Province of Ilocos Norte Province of Ilocos Norte
Laoag City, Ilocos Norte Laoag City, Ilocos Norte


Provincial Agriculturist Provincial Veterinarian
Province of Ilocos Sur Province of Ilocos Sur
Vigan City, Ilocos Sur Vigan City, Ilocos Sur


Provincial Agriculturist Provincial Veterinarian
Province of La Union Province of La Union
San Fernando City, La Union San Fernando City, La


OIC-Provincial Agriculturist Provincial Veterinarian
Province of Pangasinan Province of Pangasinan
Sta. Barbara, Pangasinan Sta. Barbara, Pangasinan

CY 2016 Annual Report 69

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