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Computer Training Expert Solution Consults Computer Basics

 Ensure that your disk has at least 15% free space

A volume must have at least 15% free space for Disk Defragmenter to completely and adequately
defragment it. Disk Defragmenter uses this space as a sorting area for file fragments. If a volume has less
than 15% free space, Disk Defragmenter will only partially defragment it. To increase the free space on a
volume, delete unneeded files or move them to another disk.
 Defragmenting during low-usage periods
Defragment file server volumes during low-volume usage periods to minimize the effect that the
defragmentation process has on file server performance. The time that Disk Defragmenter takes to
defragment a volume depends on several factors, including the size of the volume, the number of files on the
volume, the number of fragmented files, and available system resources.
 Defragmenting after installing software or installing Windows
Defragment volumes after installing software or after performing an upgrade or clean install of Windows.
Volumes often become fragmented after installing software, so running Disk Defragmenter helps to ensure
the best file system performance.


At times, it might be difficult to even select the drive to be defragmented; hence the use of command line.
Locates and consolidates fragmented boot files, data files, and folders on local volumes.


defrag volume; defrag volume [/a]; defrag volume [/a] [/v]; defrag volume [/v]; defrag volume [/f]

Parameters definitions
VolumeThe drive letter or a mount point of the volume to be defragmented.
/a Analyzes the volume and displays a summary of the analysis report.
/v Displays the complete analysis and defragmentation reports. When used in combination with /a, displays
only the analysis report. When used alone, displays both the analysis and defragmentation reports.
/f Forces defragmentation of the volume regardless of whether it needs to be defragmented.
/? Displays help at the command prompt.
 A volume must have at least 15% free space for defrag to completely and adequately defragment it. Defrag
uses this space as a sorting area for file fragments. If a volume has less than 15% free space, defrag will
only partially defragment it. To increase the free space on a volume, delete unneeded files or move them to
another disk.
 You cannot defragment volumes that the file system has marked as dirty, which indicates possible
corruption. You must run chkdsk on a dirty volume before you can defragment it. You can determine if a
volume is dirty by using the fsutil dirty query command.
 While defrag is analyzing and defragmenting a volume, it displays a blinking cursor. When defrag has
finished analyzing and defragmenting the volume, it displays the analysis report, the defragmentation report,
or both reports, and then exits to the command prompt.
 By default, defrag displays a summary of both the analysis and defragmentation reports if you do not
specify the /a or /v parameters.
 You can send the reports to a text file by typing >filename.txt, where filename.txt is a file name you specify.
For example: defrag volume /v >filename.txt
 To interrupt the defragmentation process, at the command line, press CTRL+C.
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 Running the defrag command and Disk Defragmenter are mutually exclusive. If you are using Disk
Defragmenter to defragment a volume and you run the defrag command at a command-line, the defrag
command fails. Conversely, if you run the defrag command and open Disk Defragmenter, the
defragmentation options in Disk Defragmenter are unavailable.
Formatting legend
Format Meaning
Italic Information that the user must supply
Bold Elements that the user must type exactly as shown
Ellipsis (...) Parameter that can be repeated several times in a command line
Between brackets ([]) Optional items
Between braces ({}); choices separated by
Set of choices from which the user must choose only one
pipe (|). Example: {even|odd}
Courier font Code or program output

VIII Checking Errors on the Hard Drive: this is done to rectify bad sectors. To do this, Right-Click on the
drivePropertiesTools TabError-Checking SectorCheck NowAutomatically fix file system errors
OR Scan for and attempt recovery of bad sectorsStart

Corrective Maintenance

Corrective maintenance consists of the action(s) taken to restore a failed system to operational status.
This usually involves replacing or repairing the component that is responsible for the failure of the overall
system. Corrective maintenance is performed at unpredictable intervals because a component’s failure time is
not known at prior. The objective of corrective maintenance is to restore the system to satisfactory operation
within the shortest possible time. Corrective maintenance is typically carried out in three steps:

i. Diagnosis of the problem. The maintenance technician must take time to locate the failed parts or
otherwise satisfactorily assess the cause of the system failure.
ii. Repair and/or replacement of faulty component(s). Once the cause of system failure has been
determined, action must be taken to address the cause, usually by replacing or repairing the components
that caused the system to fail.
iii. Verification of the repair action. Once the components in question have been repaired or replaced, the
maintenance technician must verify that the system is again successfully operating.

System Diagnosis

The diagnosis practice is usually called troubleshooting. Much of the troubleshooting guide treated here
caters for users of Windows operating systems.

Always keep detailed records of all errors and steps taken to correct these errors. Error numbers and
codes are important to log. They tell technicians/network administrators specific information about the
problems you are having. To document errors, press the “Details” button or simply write down the first couple
of lines of information given in the error screen.

Check all cables first. The most frequent problem with computers is a loose or disconnected cable. Don’t
be afraid to make mistakes. Don’t let the machine intimidate’ you. Before calling an expert for technical
support, always shut your computer down totally and reboot; wait until the CPU is not making any sounds and
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then turn it on again, by pressing the power button.
1. Booting Problems
When you press the power button, you give the instruction to the electricity to "wake" up the computer. This
instruction causes the computer to start giving its own instructions to internal parts. One of the instructions is
called BIOS. The BIOS instruction starts checking "everybody", asking "Are you OK?", "Are you OK?", "What
about you?". If a certain part that is important doesn't respond (for example if a certain important object such as
the keyboard or mouse is not connected, which means it will not respond when the BIOS asks, "Are you OK?"),
then the BIOS may interrupt everything, or it may continue checking. If the BIOS comes to a conclusion that
this computer is not worth using, it would display an error and may not let you do anything significant. If the
BIOS "thinks" that everything is alright and that the computer can be used, then it gets the hardware parts ready.
a. I am receiving an error that says, “Invalid system disk, replace and press any key when ready: This error is
caused by the presence of a floppy disk in the floppy drive while the computer is booting up. Whenever
you turn your computer on, remember to eject all disks from the floppy drive (unless a “bootable” floppy
disk). If you get this error, eject the floppy disk and hit enter. Your computer should continue to boot as
b. Receiving a keyboard related error: This error occurs when the keyboard has become unattached from the
rear of the computer. Check behind the computer to see if your keyboard is still firmly attached to the
computer. Also check to see if something has been pressing on top of the keyboard during booting. Remove
all items that are pressing keys and re-plug the keyboard into the computer. Restart your computer.
c. I am receiving a “no signal” error, or “there are no visuals on my monitor”: A “no signal” error means
that the monitor is .not receiving a signal from the computer. Check to see if the computer is on and
running. Then check the connection (cord) between the computer and the monitor. If everything is
connected, turned on, and running, then there might be an internal error causing this’ error to occur.
Contact a technician for assistance
d. Scan disk appears on a blue screen, stating that Windows was not properly shut down: Scan Disk is a
utility that Windows runs automatically when it thinks there might be a problem with your system. This
does not mean that there is a problem, but Windows will automatically take this step to ensure that the
problem is rectified. Let Scan Disk run and wait, to see if your machine will boot properly after scan disk is
complete. If it does not, turn the computer off, and reboot to see if the problem clears up on its own. If
rebooting the computer does not solve the problem, contact your technician.
2. Safe Mode Problems
If your computer boots to a screen giving you a choice to boot into safe mode, or it automatically boots into
safe mode, Windows has run into an error that it cannot bypass to run smoothly. In most cases, you can
reboot and the problem will resolve itself automatically. If you continue to get the safe mode screen, or it
goes away and comes back frequently, then contact your technician. .
3. The system is ON but it Is not responding
My system is locked and nothing I press or click is working. What now? Sometimes your computer will
stop responding, or “freeze”, either during operation or after unused for a period of time. If the computer has
not been used recently, press a few keys and wait several minutes. If the computer “freezes” during
operation, stop using the keyboard and the mouse for several minutes. If you continue to use the computer
when it is “frozen”, it will prolong your waiting period. If, after waiting for several minutes, you cannot get
your computer to respond by using the keyboard or the mouse, turn the computer off by pressing the” power
button on the front of the machine. Let the computer shutdown (the CPU is no longer making any sounds)
and then reboot. If you still get no response from the machine, your mouse and keyboard may have become
dislodged from the rear of the machine, check those connections and reboot again. If the computer freezes
again after plugging the mouse and keyboard into the back of the computer and rebooting, contact your
4. Rebooting Problems
a. Windows won’t shut down, it stays at the “please wait” screen, or won’t power down: This is a problem
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with the way Windows is talking to your computer. The computer wants to suspend activity, but Windows
is telling it to shut down. This is causing confusion for the computer. In some cases, this can be solved
with a patch from the Microsoft web site. A patch is an update to a software product that fixes a known
problem. You can get this update by downloading it from Windows 98 generally has
a problem with shutting down, especially when the computer is attached to a network. Generally, this
doesn’t hurt anything. It is just a bit of a nuisance. See “Booting Problems” on what to do during
subsequent reboots.
b. A window pops up with “End Task,” “Shut Down,” and “Cancel” buttons, what do I do? This message
usually appears when you press and hold “Control”, “Alt”, and “Delete” while running an application or
program. This keystroke tells the computer to shut itself down, despite the fact that applications are
running. If you would like to turn off the computer without manually closing or saving anything, click the
“Shut Down” button. If you would like to close just the program you are running currently, ensure that the
correct program is highlighted in the box and click “End Task.” If this window was opened accidentally,
click “Cancel” and you will return to the program you were just using.
c. An internal error or “KernaI32” error box appears suggesting that I restart Windows: This error has
occurred because Windows has come across an error that it cannot continue with. If something like this
happens and you are in the middle of your work, try to save your work before you click “OK”. If your
work caused the error to occur, everything, after the last time you saved your work, will be lost. Restart
your computer. Remember to always document errors thoroughly. Misbehaving software often causes
these errors. If the error occurs repeatedly, call for assistance from your technician.
5. Monitor Problems
My monitor has no display, the monitor turned off for no reason, or my display is faded: Ensure that the
monitor and the computer are turned on. Next, check both the power cord to the monitor and the power cord to
the computer. If you are using a power strip, ensure that it is turned on. You can also check the settings on your
monitor (the buttons are located on the lower front of the monitor). Check the contrast and tint to see if they are
set correctly. Next, check the connection between the monitor and computer; at the rear of the computer (this is
the cord that connects the monitor to the computer). The next thing to check is your screen saver settings. Right
click on your desktopProperties or you can click StartSettingsControl PanelDisplay (display settings
dialog box will appear) Screen Saver tab. Make sure your screen saver is set to go off in a reasonable amount
of time (usually 10 minutes or more). Also, make sure your “Energy Savings” settings are marked correctly.
You can locate the energy savings settings button in the Screen Saver box, near the bottom. When you click on
“Settings”, you will be able to adjust the amount of time that your computer waits to turn off the monitor if the
computer is not in use. If you don’t ever want the monitor to be shut down by the energy saver mode, choose
“Never.” If all these things don’t fix the problem, contact a technician.
6. Monitor flashes on and off
Usually this is caused by a loose or bad connection at the back of your computer. You should be able to re-
tighten the connection, and continue as normal. If that is not the problem, then it needs to be diagnosed by a
7. Mouse Problems
a. My mouse is sticky and/or the cursor won’t move Check to see if your mouse cord is pulled too tightly. If
your cord doesn’t have enough room to maneuver, then you will have less control over it. Next, check the
mouse’s connection to the back of the CPU and ensure that it is plugged in. If neither of these possibilities
were the problem, you may need to clean the ball on the inside of the mouse. You can flip over the mouse
and take the ball out by twisting the round disc that holds it in place (turn the round piece in the direction
of the arrows). Once you have taken out the ball, clean the ball off with a clean, dry, and lint-free cloth.
Never use water on any computer part! Put the mouse back together again. If that doesn’t fettle problem, it
might be time to replace the mouse.
b. My mouse won’t right click, or won’t double click: Press Ctrl-Alt-Esc and use the arrow key up to get to
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Shutdown, and then choose reboot. This should fix the problem, if not a technician should look at the
8. Keyboard Problems
a. I am receiving a keyboard error when booting my computer: This is usually caused by a key being pushed
down while the computer starts. Make sure nothing is on top of the keyboard during boot time. Also this
could be caused by the keyboard becoming disconnected from the back of the computer. If neither of these
are the problem, contact your technician.
b. My Keyboard won’t respond at all: If your computer has “frozen” and the keyboard will not respond at all,
the first thing to do is to check the keyboard connection to the computer and restart the computer. If your
keyboard still does not respond, you may need technical assistance.
9. Printer Problems
a. The printer won’t print my document: Check the printer to make sure it is plugged in and turned on. Click
StartSettingsPrinters. If the printer you want to use is not listed, you will have to install that printer.
You can do this by clicking “Add Printer” and following the installation process through to completion. If
the printer appears light or grayed-out, your printer is offline. Double-click on the printer in question, then
click “Printer” and uncheck “Pause Printing” and “Use Printer Offline” or Right-Click the printer and
select Online. Next, make sure that you have chosen the correct printer. You can check this by going back
into the file you were trying to print and click on FilePrint. The name of the printer will appear near the
top of that window next to “Name”. If the correct printer does not appear in this box, click on the down
arrow to the right of the name of the printer being used. Find your printer’s name and highlight it by
clicking the left mouse button on it. Once you have ensured that the correct printer is chosen and that the
printer is not offline or paused, ensure that you are logged onto the network. To do this, click Start and
look to see if your logon name is listed after “Log Off”. If your logon name is not there, you need to log
back onto the network. To start this process, ensure that you have saved your work. Then, click
StartLog Off. This will bring up a dialog box. Click “Yes.” You will be prompted to enter your name
and password to log back onto the network. Once you finish this, click “Ok” or “Enter.” Open your file
again and try to print it. If you still cannot print, please call a technician.
b. Documents come out faded or striped: This is usually due to dirty or clogged print heads, or the printer
being out of ink. Try running a print-head cleaning utility to clean the heads. Most printers come with this
to help with dirty or clogged heads. Do this by going to StartSettingsPrinters, and then right clicking
on the printer in question. Try cleaning the heads, and then print a page. If you still get fades or stripes, try
it once more. If after two times your pages are still coming out faded or striped, then you may need to
replace the ink. If, however, the ink is not an issue, you should contact a professional.
c. I am receiving an “out of memory” error or a spooter error: This is caused when the machine that the
printer is connected to runs out of memory, or has an internal error. This usually happens because of large
print jobs. If you get this error frequently you might want to consider upgrading the memory on the
computer with the printer attached to it. It can also be caused by lack of free disk space. Check to see if
you have enough free space. To do this, double click on My ComputerRight-Click “C”
DriveProperties. The free space should be listed on that screen. If you only have a couple of megabytes
or less, that could be your problem. You will need to either clean up your drive or replace it with a bigger
drive. Call a technician to help with either of these processes. If you have adequate disk space, try
uninstalling and then reinstalling the printer. To do this, Click StartSettingsPrintersRight-Click on
the printer in question and select “Delete.” You want to remove it completely from the system. Then click
“Add Printer” and reinstall the same printer. If it was used across a network make sure you reestablish the
“share” with the same name. This can be done by right clicking on the printer and choosing “Share This
10. CD-Rom Issues
a. I have no audio and/or my CD player won’t come on when playing an audio CD: First, check to see if
your speakers are turned on and the volume levels are adequate. At the Task bar tray is a little speaker,
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