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A Process Model To Improve Information Security Governance in Organisations

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A Process Model to Improve Information Security

Governance in Organisations

Chee Kong Wong

ORCHID ID: 0000-0002-4088-9751

Submitted in total fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of

Doctor of Philosophy

May 2022

School of Computing and Information Systems

Melbourne School of Engineering
The University of Melbourne
Information security is an increasingly important topic among senior organisational
stakeholders (i.e. the board and executive management) as organisations
acknowledge the potential for operational disruption, reputational loss, impact to
share value and financial penalties. As information resources are a strategic asset to
organisations, there is an expectation that these stakeholders will demonstrate their
fiduciary duty of care by implementing information security governance (ISG).

Compared to corporate governance, ISG is a relatively new and under-researched

area. A review of the literature shows the lack of an ISG framework or model that: (1)
incorporates the broad areas of ISG; (2) explains how to implement ISG; (3) is
empirically grounded; and (4) identifies the processes required to be undertaken by
various stakeholder groups involved in ISG.

The practical requirement for an ISG framework or model to help organisations

improve their implementation of ISG and the research gaps have led to the following
research question:

“How can ISG be implemented in organisations?”

To address the research question, this research has adopted an exploratory research
approach. First, a conceptual ISG process model was proposed based on synthesis of
extant literature and detailed review of relevant frameworks and models. The
conceptual ISG process model was subsequently refined based on empirical data
gathered from 3 case study organisations comprising one financial institution in
Singapore and two financial institutions in Malaysia. The refined ISG process model
was finally validated in 6 expert interviews.

This research addresses the aforementioned practice requirements and research gaps
by introducing an empirically grounded ISG process model as a practical reference to
facilitate the implementation of ISG in organisations.

Specifically, the research contributes by: (1) developing ISG process theory, as ISG is a
series of events occurring within an organisational context; and (2) developing an
information-processing perspective on ISG, as the process model identifies the
information and communication flows, and the relationships among stakeholder
groups. In addition, the research has: (3) empirically examined and validated the ISG
process model based on how ISG is practised in real-world organisations; (4) examined
corporate governance theories to provide additional perspectives to ensure that the
ISG process model is aligned with corporate governance objectives; (5) identified
additional factors that influence the implementation of ISG requiring further research;
and finally (6) expanded existing seminal research by introducing an empirically
grounded ISG process model that has been developed based on synthesis of
cumulative knowledge from previous research and validated with empirical data.

This research is the most comprehensive study to date that has developed an
empirically grounded ISG process model identifying stakeholder groups and explaining
how core ISG processes and sub-processes interact. An ISG process model is easier to
visualise for practitioners and easier to implement as it allows practitioners to
structure their thinking according to the stages of the process model and change
activities in their organisations.

This is to certify that:
i. the thesis comprises only my original work towards the PhD except where
indicated in the preface;
ii. due acknowledgement has been made in the text to all other material used; and
iii. the thesis is less than 100,000 words in length, exclusive of tables, maps,
bibliographies and appendices.


Name: Chee Kong Wong

Date: 08 May 2022

This thesis was edited and proofread by a nationally accredited professional editor,
Mary-Jo O’Rourke AE, who is familiar with the limitation on editorial intervention in
accordance with the Australian standards for editing practice and the Guidelines for
thesis editing (Institute of Professional Editors, 2019). The editor has no specific
knowledge in the academic discipline of the thesis. Compliance with these policies has
ensured that the thesis retains its integrity as entirely the work of the student.

This section also includes the list of peer-reviewed articles that I have published during
my PhD research. Elements of these articles are included in this thesis but no specific
passages have been quoted verbatim from published papers where I am the primary
Wong, C. K., Maynard, S. B., Ahmad, A., & Naseer, H. (2020). Information security
governance: A process model and pilot case study. International Conference on
Information Systems (ICIS) 2020 Proceedings. 3.
Wong, C. K., Maynard, S. B., Ahmad, A., & Naseer, H. (To be submitted for review).
Information security governance: A process model and a case study.
Computers & Security.

First and foremost, I would like to express my sincere gratitude to my supervisors,
Associate Professor Dr Atif Ahmad, Associate Professor Dr Sean Maynard and Dr
Humza Naseer, for their tireless effort in guiding me from the start to the successful
completion of this research. Specifically, Dr Atif Ahmad for his intellectual challenge
on concepts and principles of information security, Dr Sean Maynard for his broad
perspectives and intellectual ideas on the managerial aspects of information security
research and Dr Humza Naseer on his interest in ensuring a robust research
methodology. Their challenges in our regular meetings helped stimulated greater
engagement with the content and strengthened the learning on the topics being

I would also extend my appreciation to Professor Dr Tony Wirth, the chair of my

advisory committee, for his comments and suggestions during my annual PhD
progress reviews.

Not to be forgotten, many thanks to the Graduate Research team, Faculty of

Engineering and Information Technology, which has provided guidance and support
throughout my candidature as a research student at the University of Melbourne.

I would also like to record my thanks to the case study organisations and the
interviewees who participated in this research, all of whom I cannot name due to
anonymity and confidentiality concerns, but they know who they are. They provided
invaluable insights and without these data the research would not have been

I would like to acknowledge the Australian Government Research Training Program

Scholarship that has made this research possible.

Last but not least, I would like to thank my wife and my two sons, who have provided
me with emotional support and encouragement throughout my journey in completing

this research. Over the last few years, my wife and sons have sacrificed their vacations
and weekends with me as I have spent all these times working on my research and
writing up my thesis. They have shown great understanding and shared my ambition
in completing my research and thesis towards my PhD. No words can express my
appreciation to them as they are my pillars of strength.

Table of Contents
Abstract .................................................................................................................... i

Declaration ............................................................................................................. iii

Preface ................................................................................................................... iv

Acknowledgements.................................................................................................. v

List of Tables ........................................................................................................... xi

List of Figures ........................................................................................................ xiii

1 Introduction ............................................................................................... 15
1.1 Research Background ....................................................................................... 15
1.2 Motivations for the Research ........................................................................... 17
1.3 Research Gaps .................................................................................................. 20
1.4 Research Question ............................................................................................ 22
1.5 Scope of Research............................................................................................. 23
1.6 Research Design................................................................................................ 24
1.7 Thesis Outline ................................................................................................... 27

2 Literature Review ....................................................................................... 29

2.1 Literature Review Approach ............................................................................. 29
2.2 Information Security ......................................................................................... 32
2.3 Information Security Governance .................................................................... 33
2.3.1 Definition ............................................................................................. 34
2.3.2 Information Security as a Governance Concern for the Board and
Executive Management ....................................................................... 37
2.3.3 Information Security Strategy and Policy ............................................ 40
2.3.4 Information Security Risk Management .............................................. 42
2.3.5 Information Security Compliance ........................................................ 45
2.3.6 Information Security Assurance .......................................................... 46
2.3.7 ISG Frameworks and Models ............................................................... 48
2.4 Corporate Governance ..................................................................................... 56
2.4.1 Corporate Governance Theories ......................................................... 58
2.4.2 Corporate Governance Mechanisms ................................................... 61
2.5 Research Gap .................................................................................................... 64
2.6 Summary ........................................................................................................... 66

3 Research Methodology ............................................................................... 67

3.1 Research Objectives.......................................................................................... 67
3.2 Research Paradigm ........................................................................................... 68
3.2.1 Researcher’s Role ................................................................................ 68
3.3 Research Design................................................................................................ 69
3.4 Scope of Study .................................................................................................. 73
3.5 Expert Interviews .............................................................................................. 73
3.5.1 Selecting Expert Interviewees ............................................................. 75
3.6 Case Study Research Method ........................................................................... 77
3.6.1 Setting .................................................................................................. 78
3.6.2 Selecting Cases .................................................................................... 78
3.6.3 Selecting Case Study Interviewees ...................................................... 79
3.7 Data Collection Strategies ................................................................................ 82
3.7.1 Interviews ............................................................................................ 82
3.7.2 Process Walk-throughs ........................................................................ 85
3.7.3 Documentation .................................................................................... 86
3.8 Data Analysis Processes .................................................................................... 87
3.9 Limitations and Bias .......................................................................................... 90
3.10 Validity and Reliability ...................................................................................... 91
3.11 Summary ........................................................................................................... 93

4 Conceptual ISG Process Model Development .............................................. 94

4.1 Conceptual Process Model Development Approach ........................................ 95
4.2 Identification of Key ISG Components .............................................................. 96
4.3 Review of Selected ISG Frameworks and Models ............................................ 98
4.3.1 ISG Based on Direct-Control Cycle by von Solms and von Solms (2009,
2006) .................................................................................................... 99
4.3.2 ISG Framework by Da Veiga and Eloff (2007) .................................... 101
4.3.3 ISG Framework by Ohki et al. (2009) ................................................. 102
4.3.4 Integrated Framework for Security Governance by Kim (2007) and
Park et al. (2006)................................................................................ 104
4.3.5 ISO/IEC 27014 ISG Model (International Organization for
Standardization, 2013) ...................................................................... 105
4.3.6 ISG Model by Gartner (2010)............................................................. 108
4.3.7 Summary of ISG Frameworks and Models Review ............................ 110
4.4 Towards a Conceptual ISG Process Model ..................................................... 111
4.4.1 Confirmation of Key Design Principles .............................................. 112
4.4.2 Clear Identification of Stakeholders .................................................. 113
4.4.3 Definition of Core Governance Processes and Sub-processes .......... 115

4.4.4 Interactions Among Stakeholders Groups and Across Processes/Sub-
processes ........................................................................................... 127
4.5 Proposed Conceptual ISG Process Model....................................................... 128
4.6 Summary ......................................................................................................... 132

5 ISG Process Model Refinement ................................................................. 134

5.1 Case Study Organisations ............................................................................... 135
5.1.1 FinServices_SG ................................................................................... 136
5.1.2 FinServices_SEA ................................................................................. 138
5.1.3 FinServices_MY .................................................................................. 139
5.2 Coding and Analysis ........................................................................................ 141
5.3 Refinement of ISG Process Model through Multiple Case Study ................... 142
5.3.1 ISG Stakeholder Groups and Structure .............................................. 143
5.3.2 ISG Processes ..................................................................................... 151
5.4 Towards a Refined ISG Process Model ........................................................... 188
5.4.1 ISG Stakeholder Groups ..................................................................... 189
5.4.2 Core ISG Processes ............................................................................ 189
5.5 Summary ......................................................................................................... 192

6 ISG Process Model Validation .................................................................... 195

6.1 Expert Interviews ............................................................................................ 196
6.2 Profile of Experts and Summary of Interviews ............................................... 196
6.2.1 IS_ConsultingDirector ........................................................................ 198
6.2.2 IS_Consultant ..................................................................................... 200
6.2.3 CISO-MY_Bank ................................................................................... 202
6.2.4 CIO-SG_InvestmentCo ....................................................................... 204
6.2.5 ChiefInfoRiskOfficer-APAC_InsuranceCo ........................................... 206
6.2.6 IS_SoftwareConsultant ...................................................................... 209
6.3 Coding and Analysis ........................................................................................ 211
6.4 Validation of ISG Process Model through Expert Interviews ......................... 215
6.4.1 ISG Stakeholder Groups and Structure .............................................. 215
6.4.2 ISG Processes ..................................................................................... 220
6.5 Summary ......................................................................................................... 247

7 Discussion................................................................................................. 249
7.1 Proposed ISG Process Model .......................................................................... 249
7.2 Theoretical and Practice Integration and Extension ...................................... 251
7.2.1 Theoretical Integration and Extension .............................................. 253
7.2.2 Practice Integration ........................................................................... 257
7.3 Factors Influencing ISG Model Implementation ............................................. 259

7.3.1 Regulatory Environment .................................................................... 260
7.3.2 Emphasis on Corporate Governance ................................................. 261
7.3.3 Power Distance Index ........................................................................ 261
7.3.4 Maturity Level of Information Security ............................................. 262
7.3.5 Composition of Board Members ....................................................... 263
7.3.6 Structure and Responsibility of Information Security ....................... 264
7.3.7 Awareness and Training .................................................................... 264
7.4 Summary ......................................................................................................... 265

8 Conclusions and Future Directions ............................................................ 267

8.1 Overview of Research ..................................................................................... 267
8.2 Contributions and Implications of Study ........................................................ 269
8.2.1 Contributions and Implications for Theory........................................ 270
8.2.2 Contributions and Implications for Practice ...................................... 272
8.3 Limitations ...................................................................................................... 274
8.4 Future Research .............................................................................................. 276

References ........................................................................................................... 280

Appendix A: Ethics Approval ................................................................................ 295

Appendix B: Invitation Letter, Plain Language Statement & Consent Form ............ 297

Appendix C: Interview Guide ................................................................................ 303

List of Tables

Table 2-1: Definition of ISG from selected academic literature and professional publications.
............................................................................................................................... 35
Table 2-2: Primary design principles driving ISG framework development. .......................... 53
Table 2-3: Definition of corporate governance, adapted from (Klettner, 2017). ................... 57
Table 2-4: Comparison of theoretical perspectives on corporate governance, adapted from
(Bajo Davó et al., 2019; Cornforth, 2002). ............................................................. 61
Table 2-5: ISG research gaps. .................................................................................................. 65
Table 3-1: Expert interviewee profiles. ................................................................................... 76
Table 3-2: Case study organisation profiles. ........................................................................... 79
Table 3-3: Case study interviewee profiles. ............................................................................ 81
Table 3-4: Validity and reliability criteria (adapted from Yin 2018 & Creswell 2013). ........... 92
Table 4-1: Summary of ISG frameworks and models reviewed............................................ 110
Table 4-2: Core ISG processes in various ISG frameworks and models. ............................... 116
Table 4-3: Process profile worksheet - align information security objectives with business
strategy. ............................................................................................................... 118
Table 4-4: Process profile worksheet - confirm risk appetite. .............................................. 119
Table 4-5: Process profile worksheet - manage risk. ............................................................ 119
Table 4-6: Process profile worksheet - define board directives. .......................................... 120
Table 4-7: Process profile worksheet - define security policies and standards.................... 120
Table 4-8: Process profile worksheet - define information security procedures. ................ 121
Table 4-9: Process profile worksheet - measure performance. ........................................... 122
Table 4-10: Process profile worksheet - manage compliance. ............................................... 122
Table 4-11: Process profile worksheet - evaluate and refine. ................................................ 123
Table 4-12: Process profile worksheet - collect and compare................................................ 124
Table 4-13: Process profile worksheet - engage stakeholders. .............................................. 125
Table 4-14: Process profile worksheet - conduct audits and certifications............................ 126
Table 4-15: Expert interviewee profiles (extracted from Table 3-1). ..................................... 130
Table 4-16: Initial comments on conceptual ISG process model. ........................................... 130
Table 5-1: Intensity by aggregated dimensions and themes (axial codes) against case studies
for core governance stakeholder groups (extracted from analysis in NVivo 11).
............................................................................................................................. 142
Table 5-2: Intensity by aggregated dimensions and themes (axial codes) against case studies
for core ISG processes (extracted from analysis in NVivo 11). ............................ 142
Table 5-3: Data supporting “external” (ISG structure/stakeholder - external). ................... 145
Table 5-4: Data supporting “strategic - board” (ISG structure/stakeholder - governing body).
............................................................................................................................. 147
Table 5-5: Data supporting “strategic - executive” (ISG structure/stakeholder - governing
body). ................................................................................................................... 148
Table 5-6: Data supporting “management” (ISG process model - management). ............... 150
Table 5-7: ISG - data supporting governance processes (ISG process model). .................... 152
Table 5-8: Data supporting “define information security objectives to comply with
regulatory requirements” (direct). ...................................................................... 155
Table 5-9: Data supporting “define information security objectives to support business
strategy” (direct). ................................................................................................. 156
Table 5-10: Data supporting “confirm risk appetite” (direct)................................................. 158
Table 5-11: Data supporting “manage risk” (direct). .............................................................. 160
Table 5-12: Data supporting “confirm information security strategy and objectives” (direct).
............................................................................................................................. 162

Table 5-13: Data supporting “implement information security standards, policies and
controls” (direct). ................................................................................................. 164
Table 5-14: Data supporting “measure and report performance” (monitor). ....................... 172
Table 5-15: Data supporting “manage compliance” (monitor). ............................................. 173
Table 5-16: Data supporting “evaluate and refine” (evaluate). ............................................. 176
Table 5-17: Data supporting “collect and analyse” (evaluate). .............................................. 177
Table 5-18: Data supporting “communicate”. ........................................................................ 179
Table 5-19: Data supporting “conduct external audits and certifications” (assure). ............. 183
Table 5-20: Data supporting “provide oversight” (assure). .................................................... 185
Table 5-21: Data supporting “conduct internal audit” (assure). ............................................ 186
Table 6-1: Expert interviewees to validate ISG process model (extracted from Table 3-1). 198
Table 6-2: Intensity by aggregated dimensions and themes (axial codes) against case studies
for core governance stakeholder groups (extracted from analysis in NVivo 11).
............................................................................................................................. 213
Table 6-3: Intensity by aggregated dimensions and themes (axial codes) against case studies
for core ISG processes (extracted from analysis in NVivo 11). ............................ 214
Table 6-4: Validation data - “external” (external). ............................................................... 218
Table 6-5: Validation data - “strategic - board” (governing body). ...................................... 218
Table 6-6: Validation data - “strategic - executive” (governing body). ................................ 219
Table 6-7: Validation data - “management” (management). ............................................... 220
Table 6-8: Validation data for “define information security objectives to comply with
regulatory requirements” (direct). ...................................................................... 224
Table 6-9: Validation data for “define information security objectives to support business
strategy” (direct). ................................................................................................. 225
Table 6-10: Validation data for “confirm risk appetite” (direct). ........................................... 227
Table 6-11: Validation data for “manage risk” (direct)........................................................... 228
Table 6-12: Validation data for “confirm information security strategy and objectives”
(direct).................................................................................................................. 230
Table 6-13: Validation data for “implement information security standards, policies and
controls” (direct). ................................................................................................. 232
Table 6-14: Validation data for “measure and report performance” (monitor). ................... 234
Table 6-15: Validation data for “manage compliance” (monitor). ......................................... 235
Table 6-16: Validation data for “evaluate and refine” (evaluate). ......................................... 237
Table 6-17: Validation data for “collect and analyse” (evaluate). .......................................... 238
Table 6-18: Validation data for “engage stakeholders” (communicate). ............................... 240
Table 6-19: Validation data for “conduct external audits and certifications” (assure). ......... 242
Table 6-20: Validation data for “provide oversight” (assure). ................................................ 244
Table 6-21: Validation data for “conduct internal audit” (assure). ........................................ 245
Table 7-1: Proposed ISG process model – theoretical and practice integration. ................. 251

List of Figures

Figure 1-1: Motivations for research and research gaps that informed the research question
............................................................................................................................... 22
Figure 1-2: Research question and related sub-questions ...................................................... 23
Figure 1-3: Research design ..................................................................................................... 25
Figure 1-4: Thesis outline ......................................................................................................... 27
Figure 2-1: Literature review approach and purpose .............................................................. 30
Figure 2-2: Coding of articles on ISG models/frameworks (as analysed with NVivo 11) ......... 49
Figure 3-1: Exploratory research design .................................................................................. 70
Figure 3-2: Research database of electronic data sources (NVivo 11) .................................... 87
Figure 3-3: Overview of data analysis approach (adapted from Corbin & Strauss, 1990 and
Gioia et al., 2012) ................................................................................................... 88
Figure 3-4: Overview of cross-case and expert interview analysis to validate emergent
theories .................................................................................................................. 90
Figure 4-1: Phase 1: Conceptual model development ............................................................. 94
Figure 4-2: Conceptual ISG process model development approach........................................ 96
Figure 4-3: Key drivers and processes/functions of ISG from literature review (extracted from
NVivo 11 analysis) .................................................................................................. 97
Figure 4-4: ISG based on direct-control cycle (von Solms & von Solms, 2009, 2006) ........... 100
Figure 4-5: ISG framework (Da Veiga & Eloff, 2007) .............................................................. 101
Figure 4-6: ISG framework (Ohki et al., 2009)........................................................................ 103
Figure 4-7: Integrated framework for security governance (Kim, 2007; Park et al., 2006) ... 105
Figure 4-8: ISO 27014 ISG model (International Organization for Standardization, 2013) ... 106
Figure 4-9: Gartner ISG model (Gartner, 2010) ..................................................................... 109
Figure 4-10: Proposed ISG stakeholder groups in an organisation, adapted from (International
Organization for Standardization, 2013; Ohki et al., 2009; von Solms & von Solms,
2006) .................................................................................................................... 114
Figure 4-11: Stakeholder groups in a cross-functional process map (conceptual ISG process
model) .................................................................................................................. 115
Figure 4-12: Core ISG processes in a cross-functional process map (conceptual ISG process
model) .................................................................................................................. 117
Figure 4-13: Stakeholder groups and processes in a cross-functional process map (conceptual
ISG process model) .............................................................................................. 127
Figure 4-14: Interactions between stakeholders and processes/sub-processes in a cross-
functional process map (conceptual ISG process model) .................................... 128
Figure 4-15: Conceptual ISG process model ............................................................................ 129
Figure 5-1: Phase 2: Model refinement ................................................................................. 134
Figure 5-2: Refined ISG process model .................................................................................. 143
Figure 5-3: Data structure – ISG structure ............................................................................. 144
Figure 5-4: ISG – Stakeholder groups as discovered from case study data ........................... 151
Figure 5-5: Data structure - ISG process model ..................................................................... 152
Figure 5-6: Data structure – ISG processes (direct) ............................................................... 154
Figure 5-7: ISG second-order themes/sub-processes (direct) ............................................... 165
Figure 5-8: ISG sub-process flows and interactions (direct) .................................................. 165
Figure 5-9: Data structure – ISG process (monitor) ............................................................... 170
Figure 5-10: ISG second-order themes/sub-process flows and interactions (monitor) .......... 174
Figure 5-11: Data structure – ISG process (evaluate) .............................................................. 175
Figure 5-12: ISG second-order themes/sub-process flows and interactions (evaluate) ......... 177
Figure 5-13: Data structure - ISG process (communicate) ....................................................... 178

Figure 5-14: ISG second-order theme/sub-process (communicate)........................................ 181
Figure 5-15: Data structure – ISG process (assure) .................................................................. 181
Figure 5-16: ISG second-order themes/sub-process flows and interactions (assure) ............. 187
Figure 5-17: Development of refined ISG process model ........................................................ 188
Figure 5-18: Refined ISG process model .................................................................................. 193
Figure 6-1: Phase 3: Model validation ................................................................................... 195
Figure 6-2: Coding and analysis of expert interview transcripts (sample) ............................. 212
Figure 6-3: Validated ISG process model ............................................................................... 247
Figure 7-1: Proposed ISG process model ............................................................................... 250
Figure 8-1: Proposed ISG process model ............................................................................... 269

Chapter 1. Introduction

Chapter 1
This thesis study develops an empirically grounded information security governance (ISG)
process model that can help improve the implementation of ISG in organisations. This
chapter provides an overview of the research and is structured into 7 sections. Section 1.1
provides a background on information security and ISG, and the importance of ISG in the
dynamic security environment in organisations. Section 1.2 explains the motivation for the
research based on the current challenges in practice and research, while Section 1.3 outlines
the current ISG research and identifies the research gaps. Sections 1.4 and 1.5 present the
research questions and research scope, respectively. Section 1.6 provides an overview of
the exploratory research design adopted in this research and Section 1.7 concludes this
chapter with an outline of the complete thesis.

1.1 Research Background

Information security risk has emerged as a systemic risk concern for organisations and this
risk is treated as a key operational risk among other risks such as geopolitical, supply chain
and climate risks that can severely impact on the operations of organisations. Information
security-related breaches (e.g. data fraud/theft and cyberattacks) have been identified as
the top 5 global risks in terms of likelihood from 2017 to 2019 (World Economic Forum,
2017, 2018, 2019), and the global costs of such breaches are estimated to increase to more
than USD6 trillion by 2021 from USD400 billion in 2015 (Morgan, 2019). Moreover,
information theft has been identified as the most expensive and fastest rising consequence
of cybercrime (Accenture and Ponemon Institute, 2019; Ponemon Institute, 2019).

The recent pandemic situation has brought forward major digitalisation programs in
government and private organisations at an alarming speed. The proliferation of online
banking, online shopping and remote working has increased the exposure of information
security vulnerabilities, while at the same time information security crime is becoming
industrialised with targeted attacks that affect the profits of organisations (e.g. through
ransomware attacks). These scenarios over the last few years have raised serious concerns

A Process Model to Improve ISG in Organisations 15

Chapter 1. Introduction

among the boards of directors and senior executives of organisations (Deloitte, 2017; Ernst
& Young, 2019a; McKinsey, 2021).

Leaders of organisations acknowledge that the impact of information security risk can be
damaging as it may involve direct or indirect monetary losses. Such losses can be attributed
to revenue loss due to operational disruptions, reputational loss and loss of customer trust,
and drop in share price (Ahmad et al., 2014; Ahmad et al., 2019; Elyas et al., 2014; Schneier,
2013). In addition, the introduction of new regulations such as the General Data Protection
Regulation (European Parliament and Council of the European Union, 2016), Australia’s
Security of Critical Infrastructure Act 2018 (Commonwealth of Australia, 2018), the
Singapore Cybersecurity Act (Cyber Security Agency of Singapore, 2018) and additional local
regulatory requirements are holding leaders of organisations accountable for the protection
of information assets. These regulations add to the financial impact of information security
breaches as regulators impose hefty penalties and fines. It is also not uncommon to see the
demand for leadership changes and class-action lawsuits as a result of information security
breaches. These incidents have created increased awareness of the fiduciary duty of care of
boards of directors and the expectations of executive management in protecting
organisations. Some recent high-profile information security incidents (Center for Strategic
and International Studies, 2021) include an attack on Singapore’s largest healthcare
institution leading to the leakage of personal information including that of the Prime
Minister (Tham, 2018), state-sponsored hackers accessing the computer systems of the
Australian Federal Parliament (Miller, 2019), an attack on Capital One stealing data on 100
million credit card applications and personal identification details (Flitter & Weise, 2019)
and a USD50 million cyber ransom data leak at Saudi Aramco (Murphy & Sheppard, 2021).

It is interesting to note that there was a focus in the first half of the decade 2010-2020 on
corporate risk management where major improvements in corporate risk governance were
made. There were increased involvement of boards and enhancements of the roles of C-
level (chief) executives, especially the role of chief risk officers (Deloitte, 2019; Ernst &
Young and Institute of International Finance, 2019). This led to renewed emphasis on strong
corporate risk culture to support corporate governance with the introduction of risk

A Process Model to Improve ISG in Organisations 16

Chapter 1. Introduction

management, oversight and assurance processes, and a focus on clear roles and
responsibilities of boards, executive and operational management. The second half of the
decade saw increased focus on information security risk. However, while there were a lot of
similar conversations on addressing information security risks through ISG, it has
unfortunately continued to be an area that has had multiple interpretations and been
relegated to a technical concern but needs further investigation by both information
security practitioners and academicians.

Boards realise that their role is overseeing the long-term strategy and sustainable business
of organisations. While boards and executive management are engaging more intimately
with information security matters and becoming more conscious of their organisations’
information security risks, they are still in search of guidance and models that can simplify
their understanding and implementation of ISG (Hake, 2015; Lidster & Rahman, 2018;
McMillan & Scholtz, 2013). At the same time, the proliferation of standards and frameworks
in information security has caused confusion to organisations seeking guidance and
implementation of ISG (Farrell, 2015; Lidster & Rahman, 2018; Westby, 2015). These have
added to the difficulty in understanding information security risks while ensuring effective
ISG and protection.

Therefore, this research develops a practical ISG process model that can help practitioners
improve ISG implementation in organisations and subsequently improve the governance of
information security.

1.2 Motivations for the Research

Corporate governance is critical to the functioning of an organisation in facilitating effective

and prudent leadership. In corporate governance, boards and executive management have
a fiduciary duty to protect the organisation’s assets and value. This fiduciary duty used to be
undertaken from the perspective of financial assets. However, as information is now a
strategic asset for organisations, this fiduciary duty has extended to include the protection
of such information (Holzinger, 2000; Thomson & Solms, 2003; Westby, 2015). As a result,
the first motivation is to recognise that the importance of ISG has become paramount for

A Process Model to Improve ISG in Organisations 17

Chapter 1. Introduction

boards and executive management, i.e. ISG is no longer a technical discipline but
incorporates technical, organisational and managerial aspects, and organisations are looking
at ways to improve the implementation of ISG ( Korhonen et al., 2012; Tan et al., 2017;
Westby, 2015).

The literature review of information security topics (see Chapter 2) shows that research on
information security frameworks, strategies, policies, risk management and compliance has
been increasing over the last decade. For example, there is considerable interest in how
organisations respond to cyber attack (Kotsias et al., 2022; Ahmad et al., 2020; Ahmad et al.,
2021; Tan et al., 2003; Shedden et al., 2010; Shedden et al., 2012); how they can mitigate
such risks (Abdul Hamid et al., 2022; Abdul Molok et al., 2010; Alshaikh et al., 2014; Alshaikh
et al., 2021; Maynard et al., 2011); from strategic to operational activities (Ahmad &
Ruighaver, 2005; Ahmad et al., 2002). If we consider these topics to be part of ISG research
as per the IBM information security framework (Buecker et al., 2013), then we conclude that
there has been increasing research interest in ISG. While there is increased interest in ISG in
relation to both academia and professional practice, there continues to be a challenge in
adopting a standardised definition of ISG which may be attributed to the different contexts,
cultural and intellectual backgrounds and interests of scholars and practitioners (Koh et al.,
2005; Moulton & Coles, 2003; Tan et al., 2017). Therefore, the second motivation is to
develop a consistent interpretation of ISG to drive better understanding of ISG.

A detailed analysis of research on ISG frameworks and models shows that ISG frameworks
and models have been developed to either explain the ISG phenomenon or facilitate the
implementation of ISG. There are various frameworks and models which can be attributed
to the varying definitions of ISG and models that have been developed based on specific
emphasis on ISG principles such as principles of good governance (Kim, 2007; Ohki et al.,
2009; von Solms & von Solms, 2006), risk management (Conner & Coviello, 2004;
Posthumus & von Solms, 2004) and consolidation of best practices and standards (Alves et
al., 2006; Da Veiga & Eloff, 2007; Sajko et al., 2011). In addition, existing frameworks and
models are generally hypothetical conceptual models developed based on consolidated
knowledge of concepts and standards, and were not developed based on empirically

A Process Model to Improve ISG in Organisations 18

Chapter 1. Introduction

grounded research. On top of these frameworks and models found in the academic
literature, various frameworks and models have also been introduced by professional
bodies and practitioners (Gartner, 2010; Information Systems Audit and Control Association
(ISACA), 2012; Institute of Internal Auditors, 2010) and standards bodies (International
Organization for Standardization, 2013; National Institute of Standards and Technology,
2011) to help organisations implement ISG. Such proliferation of frameworks, models and
standards has provided awareness of and guidance in the implementation of ISG, but has
also added to the confusion for organisations in implementing ISG. In addition, information
security is an applied discipline and therefore its research should have an applied
orientation towards improving practice (Benbasat et al., 1987; Darke et al., 1998). Hence,
the third motivation for this research is to develop a practical ISG framework or model for
practitioners that encompasses all the areas of ISG, building on the cumulative knowledge
of previous research and existing framework and models, and most importantly empirically
grounded on real-world practices.

Compared to ISG, corporate governance is a well-researched area dating back to 1992 with
the introduction of the Report of the Committee on the Financial Aspects of Corporate
Governance, generally known as the Cadbury report (Cadbury, 1992). Furthermore, there is
extensive research on corporate governance theories (Bajo Davó et al., 2019; Chambers &
Cornforth, 2010; Donaldson & Davis, 1991; Freeman, 2010) that has studied the various
roles of the board and management. The same cannot be said of ISG as information systems
and specifically information security is a newer discipline that has picked up significant
interest only recently due to the increased speed of digital adoption in today’s business. This
is the 4th and final motivation, where the research assesses how key corporate governance
theories in relation to the board’s role and governance models which are more mature can
provide additional insights in the research on ISG. This helps in the development of an ISG
model that complies with corporate governance requirements and is simple to understand
and adopt by those who are not information systems or information security practitioners,
i.e. by boards and non-technical executive management.

A Process Model to Improve ISG in Organisations 19

Chapter 1. Introduction

1.3 Research Gaps

Initial information security research was in the technical areas that involved computer
security and access controls (Blake & Ayyagari, 2012; Dhillon & Backhouse, 2001). However,
information security research has slowly expanded over the last two decades to cover
research on the human and managerial aspects of information security strategies,
governance, policies, risk management, compliance, education and awareness, and incident
management, as well as the roles of boards and management in information security (Silic &
Back, 2014; Tan et al., 2017; von Solms, 2006; Williams, 2007a). Specifically, research on ISG
has gained significant traction beginning in the early 2000s when calls were made to
consider information security a governance issue as business faced increased scrutiny
(Conner et al., 2003; Conner & Coviello, 2004; von Solms & Strous, 2003). Since then,
research has been conducted in various areas of ISG and papers have been published to
cover many areas of ISG as the responsibility to research these newer areas falls onto
information systems and information security researchers, as the topic of research is
multidisciplinary rather than technically focused.

Research on ISG and specifically on ISG frameworks and models has been fragmented, not
cumulative, as well as very diverse in interpretation. This situation in ISG research may be
attributed to a lack of consistent interpretation of ISG and differing contexts, cultural and
intellectual backgrounds and interests of scholars and practitioners (Alshaikh et al., 2014;
Maynard et al., 2018; Moulton & Coles, 2003). This has resulted in research on ISG
frameworks and models that has specific emphasis on areas such as principles of good
governance (Ohki et al., 2009; von Solms & von Solms, 2006), risk management (Conner &
Coviello, 2004; Posthumus & von Solms, 2004) and consolidation of best practices and
standards (Da Veiga & Eloff, 2007; Sajko et al., 2011). This leads to the identification of the
first gap in research, i.e. the lack of a holistic ISG framework or model that incorporates and
brings together the many areas of ISG.

Research has focused on developing ISG frameworks and models to explain ISG and this
includes frameworks and models that explain the need for checks and balances (Maynard et
al., 2018; Mishra, 2007; von Solms & von Solms, 2006), explain specific areas of governance

A Process Model to Improve ISG in Organisations 20

Chapter 1. Introduction

(Alves et al., 2006; Carcary et al., 2016; Conner & Coviello, 2004) and identify the critical
components of ISG (Alqurashi et al., 2013; Da Veiga & Eloff, 2007; Park et al., 2006). The
challenges in implementing ISG have motivated researchers to research and develop ISG
frameworks and models that aim to facilitate the implementation of ISG, but these
frameworks and models ended up focusing on “what” that is required to implement ISG
(Conner et al., 2003; Maleh et al., 2018; Mathew, 2018; Ohki et al., 2009; Sajko et al., 2011).
This leads to the second gap, as there continues to be a lack of ISG frameworks and models
that provide guidance on “how” to implement ISG in organisations.

In addition to the above analysis, most of the developed ISG frameworks and models are
conceptual models that have been developed based on theoretical analysis of information
security and ISG requirements (Alshaikh et al., 2014; Siponen et al., 2008). Furthermore, the
ISG frameworks introduced by standards and professional bodies remain abstract, providing
little evidence of an empirically validated model. The need for a practical ISG framework or
model that is empirically validated and so can act as a reliable source for organisations is the
third gap in research on ISG frameworks and models.

While efforts have been made in ISG research to develop frameworks and models to explain
the concepts of ISG and to facilitate implementation of ISG, there is still lacking an ISG
framework or model that can easily identify the ISG processes required to be undertaken by
various stakeholder groups in an organisation to implement ISG. Process models are under-
represented in information systems research (Markus & Robey, 1988; Radeke, 2010; Shaw &
Jarvenpaa, 1997). This represents the 4th and final gap that is identified in this research.

Figure 1-1 summarises the motivations for this research and research gaps that informed
the research question for this study.

A Process Model to Improve ISG in Organisations 21

Chapter 1. Introduction

Figure 1-1: Motivations for research and research gaps that informed the research question

Understanding of the practical challenges in implementing ISG and the identified research
gaps informed the main research question for this study:

“How can ISG be implemented in organisations?”

1.4 Research Question

This research focuses on answering the “how” to implement ISG in organisations, i.e. the
following research question:

“How can ISG be implemented in organisations?”

In order to answer this research question, it is important to address 3 related sub-questions,

as illustrated in Figure 1-2.

A Process Model to Improve ISG in Organisations 22

Chapter 1. Introduction

Figure 1-2: Research question and related sub-questions

First, what is ISG? There are many definitions of ISG, hence, it is imperative to understand
what represents ISG so that the study can be focused on addressing the scope of ISG that is
required in governing information security in organisations. Second, what are the activities
involved in ISG? And 3rd, who are involved and responsible for the implementation of ISG?

When organisations know what activities are involved in ISG and who are involved and
responsible for implementing ISG, organisations will be able to implement ISG to drive
improvement in the governance of information security. Although the related sub-questions
begin with the understanding and identification of the relevant concepts (i.e. the “what”
and “who”), the focus of this study is on defining the underlying concepts, mechanisms and
approach that are required to improve the implementation of ISG in organisations (i.e. the

1.5 Scope of Research

ISG is a multidimensional discipline and has many interpretations. This research focuses on
the development of an ISG model that can help organisations implement ISG. In this
research, the definition of ISG incorporates the principles of good corporate governance,
framework of rules, relationships, systems and processes, the value aspect, attaining

A Process Model to Improve ISG in Organisations 23

Chapter 1. Introduction

objectives and monitoring performance, and concepts of information technology (IT)

governance. Therefore, ISG is defined as follows:

ISG is the framework of rules, relationships, systems and processes by

which the security objectives of the organisation are set and the means of
attaining those objectives and monitoring performance are determined.

This definition of ISG informs the scope of this research. Other definitions are:

a. Organisation: All organisations in both public and private sectors, as ISG is important and
applicable to all organisations
b. Framework/model: An empirically grounded model that facilitates ISG implementation
in organisations
c. Processes: All ISG processes as informed by various ISG research and ISG models, e.g.
von Solms’s direct-control model (2006) and ISO 27014 (2013)
d. Stakeholder groups: Identification of the stakeholder groups which are involved and
responsible for ISG as compared to information security management

1.6 Research Design

An overview of the research design is given in Figure 1-3.

A Process Model to Improve ISG in Organisations 24

Chapter 1. Introduction

Phase 1: Conceptual Model Development

Literature Conceptual ISG
Research Process Model
Evaluation and

Phase 2: Model Refinement

Refined ISG
Case Studies
Process Model

Development and

Phase 3: Model Validation

Expert Validation Validated ISG

Interviews Process Model

Figure 1-3: Research design

ISG straddles both information systems and business management, therefore the first step
towards a better understanding of how to improve the implementation of ISG in
organisations is a thorough review and analysis of interdisciplinary literature across
information security management, ISG and corporate governance. A total of 129 articles on
ISG and 43 articles on corporate governance from journals, conference proceedings and
professional publications have been analysed. The objectives were to identify common
themes, key features and governance processes that constitute ISG. Further, existing
theoretical ISG frameworks and models were analysed and integrated with the findings from
the literature review to develop the conceptual ISG process model. This conceptual ISG
process model was then shown to 4 information systems and security practitioners to seek
initial expert comments on the need and relevance of the model and to test the interview
questionnaire that was used in subsequent empirical research. This conceptual ISG process

A Process Model to Improve ISG in Organisations 25

Chapter 1. Introduction

model was also used to structure and support data collection and analysis in the next phase
of model refinement. This represents Phase 1: Conceptual model development.

The constructivist paradigm drives the inquiry of this research and a qualitative research
approach has been selected because the focus of the study is to address the “how” in
implementing ISG in organisations. To answer the research question empirically, an
exploratory field study has been conducted using multiple case study and expert interview
methods. Qualitative research allows the development of a rich picture of the research
phenomena and provides the opportunity to investigate aspects of the phenomena that
may not be obvious at the outset of the research (Darke et al., 1998; Eisenhardt, 1989b;
Miles et al., 2014; Yin, 2018).

In Phase 2, 3 financial institutions (one from Singapore and two from Malaysia) were
selected for the multiple case study design where a total of 17 on-site interviews were
conducted with participants across different management hierarchies within these financial
institutions. As this research studies and incorporates concepts of ISG and corporate
governance, financial institutions were selected because financial institutions are strictly
regulated with established corporate governance processes, are known to have a mature
security posture with in-house, well-resourced and permanent information security teams
and are investing heavily in information security initiatives. The interview data together with
other documentation collected from these case studies were analysed to identify emergent
themes (known as second-order themes in this thesis) and aggregated dimensions (Creswell,
2013; Gioia et al., 2012; Yin, 2018) to further develop and refine the conceptual ISG process
model. These empirical data from the case studies provided in-depth understanding of the
roles of the various ISG stakeholders, and the ISG processes and sub-process that were
practised in implementing ISG. The result of Phase 2 is the refined ISG process model.

This refined ISG process model from Phase 2 was then taken through validation and
confirmation in Phase 3. Phase 3 utilised the expert interview research method (Bogner et
al., 2009; Pfadenhauer, 2009) where 6 experts comprising information security consultants,
a chief information security officer (CISO), a chief information officer (CIO) and a chief
information risk officer were interviewed for their expert remarks on the refined ISG process

A Process Model to Improve ISG in Organisations 26

Chapter 1. Introduction

model. The findings from these expert interviews assisted in validating and confirming the
proposed ISG process model and provided further triangulation and supported the
generalisation of the theories. The result of Phase 3 is the validated and therefore, the
proposed ISG process model.

1.7 Thesis Outline

This thesis consists of 7 further chapters within 3 main parts, as illustrated in Figure 1-4.

Chapter 1: Chapter 3:
Chapter 2:

Chapter 4:
Chapter 5: Chapter 6:

Chapter 8:
Chapter 7:

Figure 1-4: Thesis outline

In Part 1 (Chapters 2 and 3), the research and the research methodology are placed in
perspective based on the study of extant literature. Chapter 2 informs this research with all
relevant background information, providing a multidisciplinary review of information
security, ISG and corporate governance literature that guides the inquiry. Based on the gaps
identified in the literature review, the research objectives and research question were
framed accordingly. Chapter 3 discusses the research methodology and research design,
providing the philosophical foundations, the exploratory design approach which comprises

A Process Model to Improve ISG in Organisations 27

Chapter 1. Introduction

case study and expert interviews research methods, and how the empirical data were
gathered and analysed for theory generation.

In Part 2 (Chapters 4, 5 and 6), the development of the ISG process model is presented.
Chapter 4 explains how the conceptual ISG process model was developed based on the
analysis of existing ISG models and the synthesis of knowledge from the literature review.
Chapter 5 explains the analysis of case study data for theory generation and the use of this
analysis to refine the conceptual ISG process model. Then Chapter 6 discusses the validation
and confirmation of the refined ISG process model through expert interviews to produce the
final proposed ISG process model.

Part 3 (Chapters 7 and 8) contains the discussions, recommendations and conclusions of the
current research study. Chapter 7 discusses the key findings, the theoretical integration with
extant literature bringing in similarities and confirmations, and divergences. It also identifies
additional findings such as factors that influence the implementation of ISG. Finally, Chapter
8 provides the conclusion and identifies the key contributions of the research to theory and
practice. It also highlights the limitations of this study and identifies opportunities for future

A Process Model to Improve ISG in Organisations 28

Chapter 2. Literature Review

Chapter 2
Literature Review
This chapter reviews the literature on information security, specifically on ISG, and the
literature on corporate governance with the aim of understanding the current state of
knowledge, building an argument and putting the research into context. Section 2.1
describes the literature review approach. Section 2.2 provides an overview of information
security research, while Section 2.3 provides a detailed analysis of the research on ISG to
build a body of knowledge on ISG and to understand the gap in ISG research. Section 2.4
reviews the literature on corporate governance and the theories behind corporate
governance to understand the functions of boards in governing corporations in order to
provide an additional theoretical lens for understanding the functions of governance. This
additional study of corporate governance research and practices was conducted as this area
has been extensively studied in attempts to understand the concept of governance
(Sundaramurthy & Lewis, 2003; Turnbull, 1997). Section 2.5 analyses the gaps in ISG
research and concludes that scholarly and empirical studies have been limited in guiding the
implementation of ISG in organisations.

2.1 Literature Review Approach

A literature review is a critical step in creating new knowledge as it helps with the
awareness of existing knowledge and the understanding of research undertaken by other
researchers (Boell & Cecez-Kecmanovic, 2014; Kitchenham, 2004; Webster & Watson,
2002). The literature review for this thesis adopted the hermeneutic framework suggested
by Boell and Cecez-Kecmanovic (2014), which proposed two major hermeneutic circles
including a recursive search and acquisition of articles, and a wider recursive analysis and
interpretation, steps that are mutually intertwined. The detailed approach included
recursive steps of searching, reading, mapping and classifying, critical assessment, argument
development and research question development and refinement until the researcher
believed that a well-argued literature review had been achieved and a justified research
question had been defined.

A Process Model to Improve ISG in Organisations 29

Chapter 2. Literature Review

In this research, two literature reviews were conducted to build knowledge of ISG and of
corporate governance, as illustrated in Figure 2-1.

Figure 2-1: Literature review approach and purpose

The first literature review began with an initial review of 9 literature review or meta-analysis
papers published between 2001 and 2019 on broader information security topics. This
literature review or meta-analysis summarised existing research and provided a theoretical
basis in guiding new directions and priority research areas for information security
researchers. This meta-analysis also provided initial understanding of ISG research within
the context of other areas of research on information security and set the scene for a
detailed literature review of ISG.

For the detailed literature review of ISG, a literature search was conducted using the Scopus
online database to search the relevant terms because of its good coverage of both academic
and practitioner journals. Additional searches were done for peer-reviewed articles from
key information journals and conferences using Google Scholar, Science Direct, ProQuest,
JSTOR and AIS Electronic library. These searches adopted a search string i.e. using the terms
“information security governance” OR “information security and corporate governance” OR
“information technology security governance” yielded 688 articles. After eliminating
duplicates and reading the abstracts, the total number of articles was reduced to 129 that
directly concern ISG. These 129 articles formed the basis of the literature review for ISG. The
articles on “information security governance” were read in detailed, examined, coded and

A Process Model to Improve ISG in Organisations 30

Chapter 2. Literature Review

mapped, and critically analysed to identify key research themes and research gaps in the
area of ISG. The literature review on ISG established the following key themes which are
discussed in detail in the following sections:

a. Lack of a consistent interpretation and definition of ISG

b. Various motivations, approaches and underlying principles adopted to develop ISG
frameworks and models
c. Information security as a governance concern for the board and executive management
d. ISG comprising key principles of information security strategy and policy, risk
management, compliance and assurance

A second, separate literature search was conducted with the following search string i.e.
“corporate governance” OR “organisation governance” OR “business governance” OR
“governance, risk and compliance” using Google Scholar, Business Source Complete, Scopus
and Informit Business Collection to search for articles on corporate governance. The initial
search yielded 447 articles, which were reduced to 95 after removing duplicates and reading
the abstract, introduction and conclusion sections. These 95 articles were further reduced
to 43 shortlisted articles for detailed review as these provided the foundation and theories
behind the development of corporate governance. The purpose of this second literature
review was to provide an additional theoretical lens to study the rationale for governance
and how the theories of corporate governance could be applied to the governance of
information security.

A specific literature review on IT governance was not done as most initial ISG research
incorporated the principles of IT governance (Alqurashi et al., 2013; Da Veiga & Eloff, 2007;
Lessing & von Solms, 2008). This research considered ISG as either a subset of IT governance
or the intersection of IT governance and corporate governance. Moreover, the focus of this
research was on information security, which is beyond IT security, hence the focus on using
the knowledge of both ISG and corporate governance.

A Process Model to Improve ISG in Organisations 31

Chapter 2. Literature Review

2.2 Information Security

Initial research on information security was largely focused on the technical areas that
involved computer security, access controls, asset management and identity management
(Blake & Ayyagari, 2012; Dhillon & Backhouse, 2001). However, during the last two decades
published literature in the technical context has decreased, while interest in information
security research in the human and managerial aspects covering the areas of information
security strategies (Tan et al., 2017), governance (Holgate et al., 2012), policies (von Solms
et al., 2011), risk management (Webb, Ahmad, et al., 2014), compliance (von Solms, 2005),
education and awareness (Mishra & Dhillon, 2006) and incident management (Ahmad et al.,
2015) has increased (Blake & Ayyagari, 2012; Silic & Back, 2014; Wu & Liu, 2019). Research
explored management roles in information security covering board-level priorities (Bihari,
2008; Rothrock et al., 2018; Williams, 2007a), integration of technical and management
processes (Bodin et al., 2005; Knapp et al., 2009; Straub et al., 2008), policy definition (Eloff
& Eloff, 2005; Knapp et al., 2009) and risk management and compliance management
(Straub et al., 2008; von Solms & von Solms, 2004, 2005; Webb, Ahmad, et al., 2014).

If we consider all research on information security frameworks, strategies, policies, risk

management and compliance as part of the ISG research theme per the IBM information
security framework (Buecker et al., 2013), then this research has shown increasing interest
in ISG (Blake & Ayyagari, 2012; Zafar & Clark, 2009). This meta-analysis of the research
literature confirms that in general, ISG is an area that continues to demand further research
that contributes to theory and practice as digitalisation of businesses drives further
integration of technical and managerial aspects of information security (Acuña, 2016; Wu &
Liu, 2019).

The following section provides a detailed analysis of ISG research, i.e. research publications,
that is focused on ISG as the key research area, and not managerial research literature as
defined by Blake and Ayyagari (2012) and Zafar and Clark (2009), and ISG in practice based
on professional information security publications.

A Process Model to Improve ISG in Organisations 32

Chapter 2. Literature Review

2.3 Information Security Governance

Corporate governance is critical to facilitate effective and prudent leadership to deliver the
strategic objectives of an organisation. Corporate governance became critical to the
functioning of organisations after dramatic corporate failures such as that of Enron in 2001
and the associated demise of Arthur Andersen in 2002. As a result, new regulations and
legislation such as the Sarbanes-Oxley Act (Sarbanes-Oxley Act, 2002), UK Corporate
Governance Code (Financial Reporting Council, 2016), ASX Principles of Good Governance
(ASX Corporate Governance Council, 2019) along with corporate governance codes in many
countries have been introduced to improve monitoring and disclosure, thereby improving
the governance of organisations. In corporate governance, the board of directors and
executive management have a fiduciary duty to protect the organisation’s assets and value.
Traditionally this was undertaken from the perspective of financial assets. However, as
information is now a strategic asset for organisations, the fiduciary duty has extended to
include the protection of such information. As a result, the importance of ISG has become
paramount for boards of directors and executive management (Korhonen et al., 2012; Tan
et al., 2017; Westby, 2015). In the early 2000s, there were already calls to consider
information security as a governance issue as businesses faced increased scrutiny (Conner et
al., 2003). In the latest Australian Prudential Regulation Authority (APRA) corporate plan for
2019–2023 (Australian Prudential Regulation Authority (APRA), 2019a), information security
was identified as one of 4 key priority areas for the financial sector where the responsibility
for information security falls squarely on the shoulders of the board of directors. A failure in
this fiduciary duty of care can result in serious implications as evidenced in an information
security incident at Equifax where the Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive Officer
(CEO) were asked to step down (Sweet & Liedtke, 2017) and a breach at Yahoo that caused
the CEO to lose her annual bonus and stock award (Goel, 2017). There is also an increasing
trend of derivative claims and class-action lawsuits following information security breaches
(Jones Day Publications, 2004; Romanosky et al., 2014; Talotta et al., 2015). These incidents
have created increased awareness of the fiduciary duty of care of boards of directors and
the serious need for the oversight function to review, monitor and govern information

A Process Model to Improve ISG in Organisations 33

Chapter 2. Literature Review

2.3.1 Definition

Corporate governance is a well-researched area, but ISG has only gained significant interest
from academics and professionals over the last two decades. A review of academic and
professional literature on ISG has identified many diverse views (Moulton & Coles, 2003;
Tan et al., 2017) and consensus is still not well established (Höne & Eloff, 2009). These
diverse views may be attributed to the different contexts, cultural and intellectual
backgrounds and interests of scholars and practitioners.

Researchers have defined ISG as systematic oversight and execution of information security
functions (Conner et al., 2003; Rastogi & von Solms, 2006) and the establishment of a
control environment where policies and procedures with defined roles and responsibilities
are implemented (Conner et al., 2003; Conner & Coviello, 2004; Mishra & Dhillon, 2006;
Saunders, 2011). ISG has also been defined as a set of policies and procedures that drives
information security culture of awareness and accountability (Allen, 2005; Alves et al.,
2006). Some researchers have further defined ISG to encompass the wider areas of
information security strategy, objectives, organisation structure, risk management and
monitoring of performance (Antoniou, 2018; Coetzee, 2012; Moulton & Coles, 2003; von
Solms, 2005; von Solms & von Solms, 2009).

Analysis of the interpretation of ISG from professional publications and standards indicates
similar diverse interpretations focusing on good practices, role of board of directors,
strategic alignment and risk management. The Global technology audit guide on ISG
published by the Institute of Internal Auditors (2010) does not provide a specific definition
of ISG but depicts ISG as part of IT governance, which is defined as “consisting of leadership,
organisational structures, and processes that ensure the enterprise’s information
technology sustains and supports the organisation’s strategies and objectives”. Gartner
(2010) and the Leading practices and guidelines for enterprise security of Australia
(Commonwealth of Australia, 2006) define ISG as “a set of principles, processes and actions
required to protect organisation’s information resources in pursuit of its business goals”
while some publications focus on “the structure and role of the leadership in governing the
processes that safeguard information” (Information Security Forum, 2011; IT Governance

A Process Model to Improve ISG in Organisations 34

Chapter 2. Literature Review

Institute, 2006a). Another publication defines cybersecurity (rather than information

security) governance as “the policies and processes required for risk management”
(National Institute of Standards and Technology, 2018a). ISO/IEC 27014 (International
Organization for Standardization, 2013) on governance of information security simply
defines it as “the system by which an organization’s information security activities are
directed and controlled”.
Table 2-1 provides a summary of the diverse definitions of ISG found in academic literature
and professional publications.

Table 2-1: Definition of ISG from selected academic literature and professional publications.

Source of Reference Definition

Governing for enterprise security “Directing and controlling an organisation to establish and
(Allen, 2005) sustain a culture of security in the organisation’s conduct
(beliefs, behaviours, capabilities, and actions). Governing for
enterprise security means viewing adequate security as a
non-negotiable requirement of being in business.”
Enterprise security governance: A “Information security governance is the act of directing and
practical guide to implement and controlling an organization aligned with the strategy and
control information security business objectives, establishing and retaining a culture of
governance (Alves et al., 2006) information security, optimizing the related processes (based
on indicators and learned lessons), and assigning activities to
the most competent people to perform the necessary
A framework for the governance “Information security governance can be defined as the
of information security: Can it be process of establishing and maintaining a framework and
used in an organisation supporting management structure and processes to provide
(Antoniou, 2018) assurance that information security strategies are aligned
with and support business objectives, are consistent with
applicable laws and regulations through adherence to policies
and internal controls, and provide assignment of
responsibility, all in an effort to manage risk.”
Towards a holistic information “Information Security governance is a subset of corporate
security governance framework governance that provides strategic direction, ensures
for SOA (Coetzee, 2012) objectives are achieved, manages risk appropriately, uses
organizational resources responsibility, and monitors the
success or failure of the enterprise security programme.”
Information security governance: “Governance entails the systematic oversight and execution
Toward a framework for action of information security functions.”
(Conner et al., 2003)
Information security governance: “Information Security Governance is defined as the guidance
Business requirements and and control of the information security activities of an
organisation through the establishment of applicable policies,

A Process Model to Improve ISG in Organisations 35

Chapter 2. Literature Review

Source of Reference Definition

research directions (Höne & Eloff, processes and procedures based on the risks faced by the
2009) information assets of the organisation.”
Improved Security through “Information security governance is an essential element of
information security governance enterprise governance and consists of the leadership,
(Johnston & Hale, 2009) organizational structures, and processes involved in the
protection of informational assets.”
Applying information security “Our definition of information security governance is ‘the
governance (Moulton & Coles, establishment and maintenance of the control environment
2003) to manage the risks relating to the confidentiality, integrity
and availability of information and its supporting processes
and systems’.”
Information security governance - “Information security governance consists of the frameworks
a re-definition (Rastogi & von for decision-making and performance measurement that
Solms, 2006) boards of directors and executive management implement to
fulfil their responsibility of providing oversight, as part of
their overall responsibility for protecting stakeholder value,
for effective implementation of information security in their
An information security “Information security governance can be described as the
governance framework (Da Veiga overall manner in which information security is deployed to
& Eloff, 2007) mitigate risks.”
Information security governance - “Information security governance consists of the
compliance management vs management commitment and leadership, organizational
operational management (von structures, user awareness and commitment, policies,
Solms, 2005) procedures, processes, technologies and compliance
enforcement mechanisms, all working together to ensure
that the confidentiality, integrity and availability (CIA) of the
company’s electronic assets (data, information, software,
hardware, people, etc.) are maintained at all times.”
Information security governance: “Information security governance is the set of responsibilities
A risk assessment approach to and practices exercised by the board and the executive
health information systems management with the goal of providing strategic direction,
protection (Williams, 2013) ensuring that objectives are achieved, ascertaining that risks
are managed appropriately and verifying that the enterprise’s
resources are used responsibly.”
Leading practices and guidelines “Leading practice dictates that security governance defines
for enterprise security the core security principles, the accountabilities and actions
governance (Commonwealth of of an organisation, to ensure that its objectives are
Australia, 2006) achieved.”
The standard of good practice for “The framework by which policy and direction is set,
information security (Information providing executive management with assurance that
Security Forum, 2011) security management activities are being performed correctly
and consistently.”
Framework for improving critical “The policies, procedures, and processes to manage and
infrastructure cybersecurity monitor the organization’s regulatory, legal, risk,

A Process Model to Improve ISG in Organisations 36

Chapter 2. Literature Review

Source of Reference Definition

(National Institute of Standards environmental, and operational requirements are understood
and Technology, 2018a) and inform the management of cybersecurity risk.”
Information security governance “Information security governance consists of the leadership,
guidance for boards of directors organisational structures and processes that safeguard
and executive management (IT information.”
Governance Institute, 2006a)
Introducing the Gartner “Information security governance (ISG) is defined as "the
information security processes that ensure the requisite actions are taken to
governance model (Gartner, protect the organization's information resources, in the most
2010) appropriate and efficient manner, in pursuit of its business
ISO/IEC 27014 (International “System by which an organisation's information security
Organization for Standardization, activities are directed and controlled.”

It can be concluded that there continue to be differing definitions and interpretations of ISG
and there is a need to provide a more consistent interpretation to drive better
understanding of ISG. While there are differing interpretations of ISG, there exist some
common themes across the various definitions. The following sections explore these

2.3.2 Information Security as a Governance Concern for the Board and Executive

Information security has found its way to becoming a key topic on the boardroom agenda
(Anhal et al., 2003; Deloitte, 2018; Georg, 2017). Information systems play a key role in the
continuous automation and digitalisation of organisation processes and information in both
physical and digital formats is a strategic asset to organisations. The accessibility to
information has made safeguarding the confidentiality, integrity and availability of
information a high priority in all organisations. Fear of becoming the next victim of an
information security breach, increasing investments and costs related to information
security, potential financial and reputation losses, and regulatory and legal implications
have kept boards and executive management on their toes (Allen, 2005; Georg, 2017).
While there has been an increase in boards’ awareness attributed to widely reported
information security breaches and proactive actions taken by organisations in educating
their boards, research has highlighted challenges in the inadequate understanding of

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information security at the board level that hamper the effective governance of information
security (Anhal et al., 2003; Georg, 2017).

There is extensive research on the roles and responsibilities of the board and executive
management in corporate governance, but little is found on ISG (Alqurashi et al., 2013;
Anhal et al., 2003; Georg, 2017). Information security research has identified the importance
of the board and executive management in ISG and management, but very few studies have
defined the roles and responsibilities in ISG expected of the board and executive
management (Conner & Coviello, 2004).

Lindup (1996), Holzinger (2000) and von Solms (2001b) wrote about the need to incorporate
information security as part of corporate governance and to consider security as part of
business requirements and not solely as IT security. They opined that the board can provide
effective leadership in driving an information security culture and ensure objective
assurance of information security policies across the business due to its authority level in
setting the right tone at the top and the independent position of the board. This call for the
integration of ISG as part of corporate governance has been echoed by many researchers in
papers that examined the relationship between corporate governance and the need for the
board and executive management to protect information assets (Conner & Coviello, 2004;
Fazlida & Said, 2015; Moulton & Coles, 2003; Thomson & Solms, 2003; Yngström, 2005).
These researchers have highlighted the importance of the board and executive
management in giving extra attention to information security as a strategic business
concern, setting the right information security culture by communicating the appropriate
message from the top to all levels of staff and ensuring effective information security
management in the organisation. A meta-study was also done of various research on
boards’ involvement in information security and specifically in ISG from a sociological
perspective to better understand the study of the contribution of the board and senior
executives to information security (McFadzean et al., 2006).

With the introduction of corporate governance codes and legislation such as Sarbanes–
Oxley on 30 July 2002 (Sarbanes-Oxley Act, 2002), the board and executive management are

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legally responsible to ensure the credibility of financial reporting by attesting to the

effectiveness of internal controls, e.g. Sections 302 and 404 of Sarbanes–Oxley specifically
mandate the CEO to have these responsibilities. Researchers have examined the
responsibilities of the board and executive management required in governing information
security by translating the needs and implications of Sarbanes–Oxley in ensuring
information integrity and providing assurance on security control of information assets
(Anand, 2008; Brown & Nasuti, 2005; Kim et al., 2008; Wallace et al., 2011; Westby, 2012;
Williams, 2014). Bihari (2008) studied the roles and responsibilities of the board by drawing
on the theoretical foundations of corporate governance in relation to individuals’ rights,
markets and ethical behaviour. In the latest Prudential Standard CPS 234 (Australian
Prudential Regulation Authority (APRA), 2019c) published by APRA for regulated entities,
the standard specifies the following:
The Board of an APRA-regulated entity (Board) is ultimately responsible
for the information security of the entity. The Board must ensure that the
entity maintains information security in a manner commensurate with
the size and extent of threats to its information assets, and which enables
the continued sound operation of the entity.

The corresponding Prudential practice guide (Australian Prudential Regulation Authority

(APRA), 2019b) provides the roles and responsibilities expected of the board, emphasising
the importance of its role in ISG.

von Solms and von Solms (2009, 2006) developed a model for ISG. This model, which is
popularly referred to as the direct-control model in the ISG literature, identifies 3 levels of
management, i.e. strategic, tactical and operational, together with 3 distinct governance
actions, i.e. direct, execute and control. The strategic level represents the board, which sets
the direction on the protection of information assets which is then expanded into standards,
policies and procedures at the tactical and operational levels. The board also undertakes
control through reviewing compliance and conformance to original directives as strategic
management. Expanding on the von Solms direct-control model, Korhonen et al. (2012)
developed a framework that breaks down the organisation’s management level into the

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decision-making levels of strategic steering, strategic implementation, tactical level,

operational level and real-time level, together with the key governance processes of design,
development, operations and monitoring. The strategic steering level comprises the
executive management, which provides strategic direction and is accountable for the 4
processes from design to monitoring. However, the framework did not define the roles and
responsibilities of the board.

Effective governance requires the board and executive management to make the right
decisions to bring the right results, i.e. oversight in decision-making. This oversight is
dependent on well-informed decision-making, as well as the engagement of the board and
executive management (Rastogi & von Solms, 2006; Shaw, 2004; Whitman & Mattord,
2012). Adopting the practice of board committees in corporate governance, various
committees are also proposed to facilitate better involvement and engagement between
the board and executive management (Georg, 2017; Holzinger, 2000; Koh et al., 2005; Sajko
et al., 2011). Information security discussions are then incorporated into various
committees such as audit, risk management, IT and dedicated information security

There is always a challenge in implementing ISG, especially at the board level, due to lack of
understanding of information security. Anhal et al. (2003) suggested various actions to
incentivise the board and executive management to discharge their ISG roles. They
suggested aligning information security initiatives directly with the benefits of business in
driving increased shareholder value, marketing differentiation, reducing insurance
premiums, limiting legal liability and regulatory penalties, and adopting tools and methods
such as a process model to simplify the design, implementation and monitoring.

2.3.3 Information Security Strategy and Policy

Governance involves the development of strategic directions and the translation of these
directives into standards and policies to drive an effective information security environment
(Ahmad et al., 2014; Horne et al., 2016; Zafar & Clark, 2009). Mishra (2015) conducted 52
interviews across 9 organisations in a study that resulted in the definition of 23 organisation

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security governance objectives. This study found that security controls that are aligned with
ISG objectives which are also aligned with an organisation’s strategy improve the
effectiveness of information security controls. This is consistent with other studies which
have argued that information security policies must be aligned with ISG objectives which are
defined based on organisations’ strategy (Eloff & Eloff, 2005; Lindup, 1996). Studies have
also shown that external legal and regulatory requirements impact on an organisation’s
business strategy. Therefore, ISG needs to be aligned with an organisation’s business
strategy and the related legal and regulatory requirements impacting the organisation
(Antoniou, 2018; Georg, 2017; Williams, 2013). In another study that identified the top
governance practices and critical success factors for information security, it was found that
alignment with strategy was one of the top 20 governance practices (Bobbert & Mulder,

More recent ISG research that catered for specific requirements such as ISG for cloud
computing (Rebollo et al., 2014, 2015) also identified alignment with strategic business
goals as a critical component of ISG as security policies that are defined must adapt to the
use of emerging technologies. In another study on information security knowledge-sharing,
the exploratory findings suggested that information security strategy within ISG needs to be
aligned with business strategy so that security standards and policies can be developed to
meet users’ requirements (Flores et al., 2014).

As discussed in Section 2.3.2, effective governance requires the board and executive
management to make the right decisions to bring the right results and this is dependent on
well-informed decision-making. An information security strategy that is aligned with the
business strategy facilitates well-informed decision-making as the strategy defines the
directions and requirements that are required to reduce the security risk of an organisation,
answering questions such as “What needs to be protected? Why does it need to be
protected? How much do we need to invest? What is the impact if we don’t?” (Allen, 2005;
Allen & Westby, 2007b). The importance of strategic business alignment in defining
information security strategy as part of ISG was further emphasised in an empirically
grounded study (Maynard et al., 2018; Tan et al., 2017). In both the studies, the researchers

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argued that a clear business-aligned information security strategy that is shared across the
organisation facilitates improved decision-making, enabling all stakeholders to coordinate
their information security activities and adapt to a dynamic security environment. Standards
and policies developed this way can enable decision-makers to understand the rationale for
the controls, rather than just for the sake of compliance. When viewed from the opposite
perspective, information security activities impede an organisation from achieving its
business objectives when the information security strategy is not aligned with the
organisation’s business (Lidster & Rahman, 2018; Park et al., 2006; Webb, Maynard, et al.,

Yaokumah and Brown (2014a) studied the stakeholder theory of corporate governance
where the objective of an organisation is to create value for all its stakeholders by aligning
the organisation’s business goals with the objectives of its various stakeholders. Translating
this to an ISG perspective, this involves defining an information security strategy that is
aligned with the business strategy so that information security standards and policies are
defined and implemented to protect the strategic information assets. The study, which was
based on a web-based survey of 360 respondents from 120 organisations, showed that
strategic business alignment is important and improves information security risk
management, performance measurement, resource management and value delivery.

Discussions of ISG that emphasise information security strategy alignment with an

organisation’s business strategy lead naturally into the next section on information security
risk management.

2.3.4 Information Security Risk Management

In corporate governance, risk management is a key principle for protecting the assets of an
organisation to ensure the continuity of its operations (ASX Corporate Governance Council,
2019; van Manen & de Groot, 2009; Zabihollah, 2007). Risk management became an
important topic of information security research from 2003 onwards where researchers
proposed that risk management is key to the protection of information assets (Allen, 2005;

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Anhal et al., 2003; Bobbert & Mulder, 2015; Conner & Coviello, 2004; Posthumus & von
Solms, 2004; Straub et al., 2008; Webb, Maynard, et al., 2014).

Information security risk can be described as the probability of an unwanted occurrence

such as an adverse event or loss of information assets (Whitman & Mattord, 2017) and
information security risk management is defined as the process of identifying the risk,
assessing the risk’s relative magnitude and taking action to control the risk to an acceptable
level (Giordano, 2010; Whitman & Mattord, 2017; Yaokumah & Brown, 2014b). While
researchers have studied risk management extensively, it has been difficult to segregate the
governance component within information security risk management as it has been treated
as an integral component of ISG (Williams, 2013).

Information risk management straddles the governance and the management of

information security. The ISG component of information security risk management generally
refers to the governance functions of decision-making and oversight. This translates to the
role of deciding the risk appetite, i.e. the relative risk that an organisation is willing to accept
after the implementation of appropriate risk mitigation controls, and the oversight of the
end-to-end information security risk management process ensuring that appropriate
processes are adopted for risk identifications, risk assessment, risk mitigation and
continuous risk monitoring (Georg, 2017; von Solms, 2006; Webb, Maynard, et al., 2014).
Risk management has also been identified as a key practice in ISG in defining appropriate
information security policies and selecting countermeasures for managing information
security threats (Höne & Eloff, 2009). The objective of effective ISG has also been identified
as guiding the understanding and evaluation of information security risk in order to
implement appropriate controls within information security programs (Lidster & Rahman,

Williams (2013) developed an ISG model based on a risk assessment approach for the
healthcare industry. In her research, she found that risk management was a focus for many
organisations as it was seen to be more actionable and involved the mitigation of risk by
early detection through risk assessment, monitoring and reporting. A number of studies on

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ISG adopted the definition of the IT Governance Institute (2006a) where IT risk management
was identified as one of the 5 key focus areas of IT governance (Allen & Westby, 2007a;
Asgarkhani et al., 2017; Miller et al., 2009; Yaokumah & Brown, 2014b; Zia, 2010). In a study
conducted by Zia (2010), it was found that IT security risk management is a critical area of IT
governance and is more mature in Australian non-government organisations compared to
government organisations. Non-government organisations were found to have more
documented processes and more defined security policies and risk management strategies
which were aligned with international practices. Yaokumah and Brown (2014b) studied the
impact of ISG components on information security risk management and found that
organisations which align their information security strategy with business strategy have
better risk management approaches and organisations which have invested in information
security awareness and training better respond to risks. In the literature on effective
governance of enterprise security, information security is considered a non-negotiable
requirement in the running of a business, therefore information security risk management
must be aligned with an organisation’s strategic goals and the regulatory and legislation
requirements (Allen & Westby, 2007b).

In corporate governance, the board of directors as part of the governing body of

organisations is expected to provide active oversight including approving a risk management
framework and risk appetite, and actively challenging management decisions and
recommendations where appropriate. Since information security risk is one of the risk
factors, the same is expected of boards of directors in the area of information security risk
(Deloitte University Press, 2017; Georg, 2017). As information security risk management is
such a high-priority area in practice, it is noteworthy that risk management is a key topic
within ISG in most of the professional publications (Deloitte, 2018; Ernst & Young, 2013,
2015; Ferrillo, 2015; Wedutenko, 2015) and risk management is a key service that is being
provided by companies offering information security consulting. Information security risk
management is a critical practice area as continuous regulatory requirements are defined
and updated such as new technology risk management guidelines (Australian Prudential
Regulation Authority (APRA), 2019b; Bank Negara Malaysia, 2018; Monetary Authority of

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Singapore, 2013) to align with new information security risks for financial institutions in
many countries.

In summary, the governance component of information security risk management involves

oversight in deciding on a suitable risk framework, the risk appetite and the alignment of
risk with business strategies, ensuring information security risk is managed.

2.3.5 Information Security Compliance

In the direct-control ISG model proposed by von Solms and von Solms (2006), the “control”
action forms the 3rd action, which is to measure, monitor and report on the compliance
with the directives that have been defined. Compliance should cover both internal
compliance with the organisation’s standards and policies, and external compliance with
international information security standards, codes of practice and legal and regulatory
requirements (Da Veiga & Eloff, 2007). Compliance is considered a key component of a
continuous governance process. In a literature review conducted by Höne and Eloff (2009),
they found that compliance monitoring was one of the most important topics in ISG among
computer security and computer fraud publications. Höne and Eloff believed that the high
coverage of compliance and monitoring was attributable to the fact that stricter regulatory
requirements and legislations have come into effect to penalise and prosecute offenders.
These findings were confirmed with further research showing that information security
compliance is intended to ensure an organisation adheres to defined standards, policies,
regulatory and legal requirements to avoid breaches of these requirements. Researchers
concurred that compliance has become a high priority when more legislation and regulatory
requirements are introduced, as organisations have to avoid breaches which could lead to
serious legal implications (Brown & Nasuti, 2005; Georg, 2017; Wallace et al., 2011).

In driving the sustainable governance of information security in organisations, Allen (2005)

recommended that leaders of organisations, i.e. the board and executive management, who
have the authority and accountability, must act to enforce compliance. Compliance is a part
of governance in ensuring organisations comply with legislative and regulatory
requirements. This is further supported by the ISG model developed by Williams (2013)

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where information security monitoring and compliance were identified as key components
that drive the evaluation of metrics and external validation of compliance monitoring and
regulatory requirements. By employing a strict compliance regime that is practised by all
levels in an organisation, compliance with information security standards and policies helps
prioritise the importance of information security that eventually becomes integral to the
organisational culture (Corriss, 2010) and adds value to the organisation by enhancing its
corporate reputation (Yaokumah & Brown, 2014b). Corriss (2010) proposed a progressive
approach in driving compliance which starts with rewarding compliance in the early stages
of introduction but eventually punishes noncompliance when an organisation’s
implementation of information security matures.

Expanding this research, Tan et al. (2010) conducted in-depth case studies evaluating the
implementation of ISG enterprise-wide as compared to centrally driven corporate security
governance. The research found that centrally driven corporate security governance
promotes a compliance culture where compliance with corporate guidelines can become
more important than improving security. Besides compliance, it is important to ensure a
holistic ISG process that emphasises alignment of strategic directions and understanding of
risk management across all levels of the organisation to enable better decision-making.

A review of the literature has found that compliance, together with a business strategy–
driven risk agenda, and appropriate board and executive management oversight in decision-
making, is required to drive effective ISG.

2.3.6 Information Security Assurance

Assurance can be categorised into internal and external audits in providing assurance on the
information security of organisations and is conducted to provide assurance to management
that relevant controls and responsibilities over information assets are being met (Anhal et
al., 2003; Da Veiga & Eloff, 2007; Havelka & Merhout, 2013; Information Systems Audit and
Control Association (ISACA), 2012). In addition, audits are done to provide assurance that all
legislation and regulatory requirements are being complied with (Havelka & Merhout, 2013;
Holzinger, 2000).

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Assurance in general has been identified as an important governance and risk management
mechanism (Busco et al., 2006; Carcello et al., 2011; Gramling et al., 2004; Steinbart et al.,
2018) and has been extensively discussed in the literature in the accounting and corporate
governance research domains. Assurance, i.e. the audit function in information security has
more coverage in accounting journals than information systems security journals. This may
be attributable to the focus of such journals where researchers’ interests are in the areas of
assurance, audit and accounting where the role of assurance has started to extend beyond
financial assurances. This extended scope of assurance is evidenced in professional
publications (Anhal et al., 2003; Institute of Internal Auditors, 2010, 2013; IT Governance
Institute, 2006b; Pathak, 2004).
Mishra (2007) proposed a process model to conceptualise the audit function in an
organisation. The study argued that information security audits strengthen ISG as the
activities of audits such as internal control assessment, process standardisation, risk
mitigation and training provide assurance that necessary actions have been implemented to
protect information assets. Similar literature has confirmed that auditing as part of ISG
provides assurance of the information security posture of organisations to stakeholders
(Pathak, 2004).

A good working relationship between the internal audit function and the information
security function enhances the overall effectiveness of ISG and information security as the
openness between audits and the information security function allows better understanding
of risks and improves access to evidence in recommending suitable controls to address
these risks. This positive relationship between assurance and the governance of information
security is evidenced in an empirical study conducted by Steinbart, Raschke, Gal and Dilla
(2018) and has been confirmed by other studies on such relationships between the internal
audit function and organisation governance (Busco et al., 2006; Gramling et al., 2004;
Havelka & Merhout, 2013; Stoel et al., 2012).

In addition to assurance on information security posture, audits are also conducted to

provide independent assurance that organisations comply with all required legislation and
regulatory requirements. Working together with the board, internal and external audit

A Process Model to Improve ISG in Organisations 47

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functions through the audit committee provide the required governance oversight (Allen,
2005; Georg, 2017; Wallace et al., 2011). In a “call to action” paper (Holzinger, 2000), it was
recommended that the board and senior management have to be responsible for governing
the management of information security risk and this can be effectively done via the audit
function with an audit committee. The board is also responsible for working with an
external auditor that provides an independent assurance on whether the organisation is
managing the information security risk with sufficient information security controls. The role
of the board through audit committees has been emphasised in various studies that all
believed the governance and assurance of information security reside with the board and
senior management (Allen & Westby, 2007b, 2007a; Anhal et al., 2003; Georg, 2017;
Williams, 2007a).

Certification as a form of assurance has also been discussed in a number of studies (Hall et
al., 2015; Humphreys, 2008; von Solms, 2001a). Certification aims to evaluate the level of
information security in an organisation against established standards such as ISO 27000s
information security standards jointly published by the International Organisation for
Standardisation and the International Electrotechnical Commission, the standards by the
National Institute of Standards and Technology in the US (NIST) and the COBIT 5 business
framework for the governance and management of enterprise IT to provide assurance on
information security controls. As certification is provided by an external and independent
third party, it is normally used as validation of assurance to increase the confidence and
trust of customers and stakeholders. However, the effectiveness of certification continues
to be an interest of research (Hall et al., 2015).

2.3.7 ISG Frameworks and Models

ISG frameworks and models are a research area that aims to define the ISG components,
processes and areas of responsibilities. While these frameworks may have different
underlying design principles, they all aim to facilitate education, decision-making and
implementation of ISG (Kim, 2007; Williams et al., 2013). In addition, the majority of these
frameworks are conceptual models developed based on consolidated knowledge of
concepts and standards, and were not developed based on empirically grounded research.

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Moreover, many of these frameworks appear to have been developed as independent

initiatives based on the researchers’ motivation, with very few that build on cumulative
knowledge of previous research.

A total of 27 articles on ISG frameworks and models have been analysed to understand the
motivation of the research on ISG frameworks and models, the development methods and
the underlying design principles of the various ISG frameworks and models. Figure 2-2
provides an overview of the analysis showing the number (n) and total (N) of articles in each
area of analysis. The details are discussed in the following subsections.

Figure 2-2: Coding of articles on ISG models/frameworks (as analysed with NVivo 11) ISG Model Development Objectives

The analysis of the literature shows that there are two main reasons that motivate
researchers to develop ISG models: (1) models that are developed to explain the ISG
phenomenon, as found in 21 studies; and (2) ISG models that aim to facilitate the
implementation of ISG, as found in 6 studies.

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Most researchers developed ISG models to explain the ISG phenomenon. As information
security has become more critical to the operations of organisations and evolved from a
technical to a human and managerial focus (Da Veiga & Eloff, 2007; Knapp et al., 2009; von
Solms & von Solms, 2005; Webb, Maynard, et al., 2014), researchers have become
motivated to develop ISG models to explain the concepts of governance, which comprises
accountability and the need for checks and balances (Maynard et al., 2018; Mishra, 2007;
von Solms & von Solms, 2006), and to define ISG by emphasising the critical success factors
for ISG (Alqurashi et al., 2013; Da Veiga & Eloff, 2007; Gashgari et al., 2017; Kim, 2007;
Lessing & von Solms, 2008; Park et al., 2006). All these ISG models define ISG and explain
the difference between ISG and information security management.
As ISG has gained more interest among researchers, more have been motivated to study the
challenges in implementing ISG, as identified by Fazlida and Said (2015), Holgate et al.
(2012) and Yaokumah (2014a). These challenges in implementing ISG have motivated
researchers to develop ISG models and frameworks to facilitate the implementation of ISG.
These ISG models (Conner et al., 2003; Conner & Coviello, 2004; Maleh et al., 2018;
Mathew, 2018; Ohki et al., 2009; Sajko et al., 2011; Williams, 2007b) focus primarily on
identifying “what” is required to implement ISG. Some of the requirements identified in
these models are:

a. Inclusion of clear roles and responsibilities between strategic and management

b. Alignment of strategic business objectives with information security policies
c. Continuous evaluation and monitoring to ensure compliance with security policies

In addition to ISG models developed by academic researchers, ISG models have also been
introduced by information security professionals and standards organisations
(Commonwealth of Australia, 2006; Gartner, 2010; Institute of Internal Auditors, 2010;
International Organization for Standardization, 2013; National Institute of Standards and
Technology, 2018b) to help explain ISG and to facilitate implementation of ISG.

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The analysis of the literature has indicated that the bigger challenge to the implementation
of ISG remains in answering “how” to implement ISG, i.e. a model that identifies the
processes that can guide organisations to implement ISG in a practical manner. ISG Model Development Method

The literature analysis has identified a total of 27 articles that developed ISG models and
frameworks. The majority (18 articles) of these ISG models are conceptual models that have
been developed based on theoretical analysis of information security and ISG requirements.
Only 9 articles have introduced ISG models and frameworks that are grounded on empirical
data. The 18 articles that have introduced conceptual ISG models adopted one or more of
the following approaches:
a. Incorporation of various concepts such as corporate governance, strategic alignment of
organisation objectives and risk management (Conner et al., 2003; Conner & Coviello,
2004; Fink et al., 2008; McDermid et al., 2010; Moreira et al., 2008; Ohki et al., 2009;
Sajko et al., 2011; von Solms & von Solms, 2006)
b. Identification of critical success factors based analysis of information security and ISG
extant literature and theoretical analysis of ISG requirements (Bobbert & Mulder, 2015;
Da Veiga & Eloff, 2007; Kim, 2007; Park et al., 2006)
c. Analysis and aggregation of best practices and guidelines from professional bodies and
standards such as ISO 27000 (2016), ISO 27014 (2013), COBIT 5 (2012) and Global
Internal Audit Guide (2010) (Alves et al., 2006; Coetzee, 2012; Da Veiga & Eloff, 2007;
Lessing & von Solms, 2008; Rebollo et al., 2014; Ula et al., 2011)

Our analysis shows that only 9 articles have introduced ISG models and frameworks that are
grounded on empirical data. In developing these empirically tested ISG models, researchers
adopted different methods of empirical testing which include the following.

a. Surveys (Maleh et al., 2018)

Maleh et al. (2018) developed an ISG model that incorporates ISG practices of organisations
via a statistical and econometric analysis of data from a survey of 1000 participants from a
mix of 500 large and medium-sized organisations across various industries.

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b. Expert interviews (Mathew, 2018; Williams, 2007b)

Mathew (2018) developed an ISG conceptual model based on the plan-do-check-act cycle
model of Deming (Walton, 1988) which was tested through 5 expert interviews from 5
different organisations in the UAE. Similarly, Williams (2007b) developed an ISG model for
medical practice that was grounded on expert interviews with 5 general practitioners and 3
information security experts.

c. Single case study (Alqurashi et al., 2013; Antoniou, 2018; Tan & Ruighaver, 2004;
Vinnakota, 2011)
Alqurashi et al. (2013) developed an ISG model based on the viable systems model that was
tested through data simulation from a single case study undertaken by HP Laboratories.
Both Tan and Ruighaver (2004) and Vinnakota (2011) conducted a single in-depth case study
with qualitative methods to validate their ISG models. Tan and Ruighaver (2004) tested a
model that consisted of inter-related ISG processes through stakeholder interviews at a
research and development service organisation in Australia, while Vinnakota (2011)
validated the practical use of the ISG model at a large telecommunications enterprise
through a set of questionnaires. In a more recent study, Antoniou (2018) conducted an
interpretive pilot case study to explore information security processes in a US organisation.
Single case study method was the most common empirical method adopted by the previous

d. Multiple case studies (Mishra, 2015; Musa, 2018)

Mishra (2015) developed an ISG model that is based on a multiple case studies approach
where 52 interviews were conducted across 9 organisations in different industries, while
Musa (2018) introduced an ISG model that was validated with 8 publicly listed organisations
in Malaysia. ISG Model Design Principles

The detailed analysis of the ISG literature also shows that ISG models and frameworks have
been developed based on one or more of the following design principles, i.e. principles of
good governance, risk management and best practices and standards, as shown in Figure

A Process Model to Improve ISG in Organisations 52

Chapter 2. Literature Review

2-2 and Table 2-2. There are 15 articles on frameworks based on the principles of good
governance, 6 articles on frameworks based on a risk management approach and 11 articles
on frameworks based on best practices and standards.

Table 2-2: Primary design principles driving ISG framework development.

Primary Design Principles Information Security Framework
Principles of good governance (Bobbert & Mulder, 2015; Carcary et al., 2016;
Conner et al., 2003; Conner & Coviello, 2004;
Fink et al., 2008; International Organization for
Standardization, 2013; Kim, 2007; Mathew,
2018; Mishra, 2015; Moreira et al., 2008; Ohki
et al., 2009; Park et al., 2006; Tan & Ruighaver,
2004; Vinnakota, 2011)
Risk management approach (Alves et al., 2006; Conner et al., 2003; Conner
& Coviello, 2004; Mathew, 2018; Posthumus &
von Solms, 2004)
Best practices and standards (Alves et al., 2006; Coetzee, 2012; Conner et al.,
2003; Conner & Coviello, 2004; Da Veiga &
Eloff, 2007; Gashgari et al., 2017; Ibrahim et al.,
2018; Lessing & von Solms, 2008; McDermid et
al., 2010; Musa, 2018; Sajko et al., 2011; Ula et
al., 2011)

a. Principles of good governance

A key principle of corporate governance is to provide a solid foundation for management
and oversight, i.e. clearly defining the division of responsibilities between the board and
management (ASX Corporate Governance Council, 2019). Similarly, for ISG there should be a
governing body that is responsible for setting information security strategy and direction,
while management is responsible for implementing the information security strategy and
directives to ensure security objectives are met (Conner et al., 2003; International
Organization for Standardization, 2013; Mathew, 2018; Ohki et al., 2009). Another principle
of good governance is the “direct and control” principle where directing and controlling of
an organisation are critical (von Solms & von Solms, 2006). This is consistent with the
“prescribes and checks” concept in IT governance principles which are identified as
“evaluate, direct and monitor” in ISO 38500 (International Organization for Standardization,

A Process Model to Improve ISG in Organisations 53

Chapter 2. Literature Review

Kim (2007) studied the principles of governance in various domains such as corporate
governance, IT governance and ISG to develop an ISG framework that incorporates
strategies, decision-making, accountability controls and performance monitoring. Similar
approaches that incorporate key governance practices and critical success factors of
governance practices across these various domains are found in the framework research by
Bobbert and Mulder (2015) and Vinnakota (2011). Extending the “direct and control”
principle of von Solms and von Solms (2006), Ohki et al. (2009) studied the need to improve
the effectiveness of information security controls that are aligned with corporate strategies
and the coordination between corporate governance and management efforts. They
developed an information security framework that incorporates the functions of corporate
governance and ISG, which is unique and different from other corporate activities and
information security management and control mechanisms. Based on the ISO/IEC 38500
governance of information technology framework, Ohki et al. extended the components
“direct, monitor and evaluate” to include two additional governance components of
“oversee” and “report” in the proposed ISG framework.

b. Risk management approach

Risk management is fundamental to the corporate governance of an organisation (ASX
Corporate Governance Council, 2019) as it helps protect organisational assets. As discussed
in Section 2.3.4, risk management became an important topic of information security
research from 2003 onwards where researchers proposed that risk management is key to
the protection of information assets. A number of ISG frameworks developed during this
period were driven by the principle of risk management (Alves et al., 2006; Conner et al.,
2003; Conner & Coviello, 2004; Posthumus & von Solms, 2004).

Information security governance: A call to action (Conner et al., 2003; Conner & Coviello,
2004) developed and promoted a governance framework that aims to effectively implement
ISG in organisations. The framework focuses on implementation of information security risk
management and oversight, defining the roles and responsibilities of the various functional
groups, i.e. the board, executives, management and all employees required to implement
controls to manage information security risk. The framework aims to be prescriptive as it

A Process Model to Improve ISG in Organisations 54

Chapter 2. Literature Review

identifies the ISG functions and responsibilities of various functional groups to facilitate
implementation. Posthumus and von Solms (2004) developed an ISG framework that aims
to integrate ISG into corporate governance in protecting information assets. The framework
was developed to address the risks in ensuring the confidentiality, integrity and availability
of information assets. The research highlighted that a framework must address both
internal risks (business and internal IT infrastructure) and external risks (legal and regulatory
together with standards and best practices) to information assets and must include
everyone in an organisation, i.e. governance and management, to be effective. While the
research proposed key areas required for an ISG framework, it did not define processes and
actions that need to be implemented, making the model generally descriptive.

c. Best practices and standards

Some researchers anchored their ISG frameworks on best practices and standards as they
extracted relevant best practices from IT and information security standards and corporate
governance documents. These models aim to incorporate salient elements extracted from
relevant best practices and standards so that organisations can achieve more
comprehensive ISG coverage than is provided with one single best practice or standard
(Alves et al., 2006; Coetzee, 2012; Conner et al., 2003; Conner & Coviello, 2004; Da Veiga &
Eloff, 2007; Gashgari et al., 2017; Lessing & von Solms, 2008; Musa, 2018; Sajko et al., 2011;
Ula et al., 2011).

In the “call to action” papers (Conner et al., 2003; Conner & Coviello, 2004), a governance
framework was developed to facilitate the understanding and implementation of ISG by
identifying the roles and responsibilities of the board and management. This framework was
built on the approach reflected in ISO 17799 and the US Federal Information Security
Management Act. Da Veiga and Eloff (2007) argued that a comprehensive ISG framework
helps organisations to develop a strong information security culture in protecting
information assets. In their study, they developed a framework that incorporates key
components extracted from ISO/IEC 177995 and ISO/IEC 27001, the capability maturity
model and PROTECT (Eloff & Eloff, 2005). In a similar approach, an information security
framework was defined by incorporating key features from COBIT 4.1, ISO 27000 family of

A Process Model to Improve ISG in Organisations 55

Chapter 2. Literature Review

security standards, ISO/IEC 38500, Information Security Governance: Guidance for

Information Security Managers, NIST SP 800-53 and other standards and guidelines by Sajko,
Hadjina and Sedinić (2011) and Lessing and von Solms (2008). Alves, Carmo and Almeida
(2006) presented a framework that was developed by incorporating both strategic
(balanced scorecard; political-economic-social-technology (PEST) and strengths-weakness-
opportunities-threats (SWOT)) and technical objectives (COBIT and ISO/IEC 17799) with the
aim of providing a balanced business and technical approach.

This section has provided a detailed literature review of ISG. While the context of this
research is the governance of information security in organisations, it is also important and
appropriate to study the concept of governance from the perspective of how organisations
are governed (Bihari, 2008; Yaokumah & Brown, 2014a). The following section provides a
review of relevant literature on corporate governance.

2.4 Corporate Governance

The term “governance” has become an important concept in a variety of disciplines

including business and management, public administration, public policy and information
systems (Cornforth, 2002). This section explores the main theories behind corporate
governance as theories are statements of concepts and their inter-relationships illustrate
the occurrence of the phenomenon (Corley & Gioia, 2011). A strong understanding of these
theories and their constraints helped the researcher frame the investigation from an
additional corporate governance perspective in investigating ISG.

Corporate governance can be defined in its simplest form as “the system by which
companies are directed and controlled” as in the Report of the Committee on the Financial
Aspects of Corporate Governance, popularly known as the Cadbury report (Cadbury, 1992).
Similar to the discussion on ISG, there are wide variations in the definitions of corporate
governance from academic scholarship and corporate governance codes that may be
related to different cultural contexts, intellectual backgrounds and reflection of the
changing attitudes over time (du Plessis et al., 2011; Gericke, 2018; Klettner, 2017; Turnbull,
1997). Some of these definitions are shown in Table 2-3.

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Chapter 2. Literature Review

Table 2-3: Definition of corporate governance, adapted from (Klettner, 2017).

Source of Reference Definition
Report of the Committee on The “Corporate governance is the system by which companies are
Financial Aspects of Corporate directed and controlled.”
Governance (Cadbury, 1992)
G20/OECD Principles of “Corporate governance involves a set of relationships
Corporate Governance (OECD, between a company’s management, its board, its
2015) shareholders and other stakeholders. Corporate governance
also provides the structure through which the objectives of
the company are set, and the means of attaining those
objectives and monitoring performance are determined.”
Australian Corporate Governance “The phrase ‘corporate governance’ describes “the
Principles and Recommendations framework of rules, relationships, systems and processes
(ASX Corporate Governance within and by which authority is exercised and controlled
Council, 2007) within corporations. It encompasses the mechanisms by
which companies, and those in control, are held to account.”
UK Corporate Governance Code “Corporate governance is the system by which companies are
(Financial Reporting Council, directed and controlled. Boards of directors are responsible
2016) for the governance of their companies. The shareholders’ role
in governance is to appoint the directors and the auditors and
to satisfy themselves that an appropriate governance
structure is in place. The responsibilities of the board include
setting the company’s strategic aims, providing the leadership
to put them into effect, supervising the management of the
business and reporting to shareholders on their stewardship.
The board’s actions are subject to laws, regulations and the
shareholders in general meeting.”
Singapore Code of Corporate “Corporate governance refers to having the appropriate
Governance (Monetary Authority people, processes and structures to direct and manage the
of Singapore, 2018) business and affairs of the company to enhance long-term
shareholder value, whilst taking into account the interests of
other stakeholders.”
Malaysian Code on Corporate “Corporate governance is defined as the process and
Governance (Securities structure used to direct and manage the business and affairs
Commission Malaysia, 2017) of the company towards promoting business prosperity and
corporate accountability with the ultimate objective of
realising long-term shareholder value while taking
into account the interest of other stakeholders.”
The Corporate Board: “Corporate governance is the process by which corporations
Confronting the Paradoxes are made responsive to the rights and wishes of
(Demb & Neubauer, 1992) stakeholders.”
A Survey of Corporate “Corporate governance deals with the ways in which
Governance (Shleifer & Vishny, suppliers of finance to corporations assure themselves of
1997) getting a return on their investment.”

A Process Model to Improve ISG in Organisations 57

Chapter 2. Literature Review

Source of Reference Definition

Corporate Governance: Its scope, “Corporate governance describes all the influences affecting
concerns and theories (Turnbull, the institutional processes, including those for appointing the
1997) controllers and/or regulators, involved in organizing the
production and sale of goods and services.”
Corporate Governance: Decades “We define governance as the determination of the broad
of Dialogue and Data (Daily et al., uses to which organisational resources will be deployed and
2003) the resolution of conflicts among the myriad participants in
Corporate Governance (Monks & “In essence, corporate governance is the structure that is
Minow, 2011) intended to make sure: (1) that the right questions get asked
and (2) that checks and balances are in place to make sure
that the answers reflect what is best for the creation of long-
term, sustainable, renewable value.”
Principles of Contemporary “The system of regulating and overseeing corporate conduct
Corporate Governance (du Plessis and of balancing the interests of all internal stakeholders and
et al., 2011) other parties (external stakeholders, governments and local
communities who can be affected by the corporation’s
conduct, in order to ensure responsible behaviour by
corporations and to achieve the maximum level of efficiency
and profitability for a corporation.”

While the definitions of corporate governance are broad and varied, the definitions cover
key areas such as the structures, roles and responsibilities of the board and management,
processes encompassing directing, controlling and reporting, and relationships with
shareholders and other stakeholders comprising employees, regulators, auditors and

2.4.1 Corporate Governance Theories

The research into the functions, roles and effectiveness of corporate governance has
extended over the years to include economic and finance, management, behavioural and
regulatory theories (Chhotray & Stoker, 2009; Hung, 1998; Jensen & Meckling, 1976). In the
context of this research, 3 dominant theories of corporate governance: agency theory,
stakeholder theory and stewardship theory, are examined. These 3 theories are by no
means the only options, but these different theoretical perspectives have been analysed to
understand their issues, the functions of governance and the roles of the board and

A Process Model to Improve ISG in Organisations 58

Chapter 2. Literature Review Agency Theory

Agency theory helps to explain a corporation’s relations to its shareholders, but does not
consider management issues or other external and internal stakeholders of a corporation
(Nix & Chen, 2013). Agency theory has been very influential in corporate governance and
has its origin in finance and economics. According to one of the most cited studies in agency
theory (Jensen & Meckling, 1976), the principal–agent relationship is defined as follows:
Agency relationship as a contract under which one or more persons (the
principal(s) engage another person (the agent) to perform some service
on their behalf which involves delegating some decision-making authority
to the agent.

In agency theory, corporate governance is the mechanism that aims to address the
shortcomings attributed to the differences and conflicts in desires and goals of the owner
(principal) and the management (agent). Agency theory is also concerned with the problem
of risk sharing that arises when the principal and agent have different attitudes towards risk
as they have different risk preferences (Eisenhardt, 1989a). The focus on the principal-agent
problem gives rise to the compliance model where agents have to be monitored to ensure
that they comply with the objectives that are set by the principal. In addition, a prudent risk
management model is required to manage the differing attitudes towards risk.

From an agency theory perspective, boards can be used as monitoring mechanisms for
shareholders to control the agents driving the control and conformance functions
(Eisenhardt, 1989a; Fama & Jensen, 1983). Stakeholder Theory

Stakeholder theory believes that a corporation needs more than just its shareholders to
survive. Besides shareholders, there are other stakeholders which include employees,
customers, suppliers, regulators and other groups who can affect or are affected by
activities of the corporation (Hung, 1998; Shailer, 2018) and the interests of these
stakeholders are very important and have to be taken care of for the survival of the
corporation (Freeman, 2010). According to Hung (1998), stakeholder theory adopts a

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Chapter 2. Literature Review

pluralistic approach to organisations and the corporate governance mechanism is based on

the notion that there are many groups in society besides shareholders and employees to
whom the corporation is responsible. The objectives of a corporation can only be achieved
by balancing the often conflicting interests of these stakeholders.

In stakeholder theory, the board continues with the monitoring of management (agents) in
driving control and conformance functions, but the board has added responsibilities in
ensuring that the management meets the interests of not just the shareholders but all other
stakeholders. Therefore, the board must monitor management on behalf of many
stakeholders and engage in communications with a wide range of stakeholders when setting
the strategy and advising management (Klettner, 2017).

Stakeholder theory is a theory of organisation management and is a broader theory

compared to agency theory. Stewardship Theory

Stewardship theory looks at a corporation and the behaviour of its management very
differently from agency theory. Agency theory suggests that management focuses on self-
interest and will pursue its own interests rather than the interests of the shareholders if not
monitored. However, stewardship theory assumes that management (agent) wants to do a
good job in achieving the goals of the owner (principal) (Donaldson & Davis, 1991).

Stewardship theory is derived from the disciplines of sociology and psychology, and is based
on collaboration, mentoring and empowerment with the belief that management works in
the best interest of the corporation (Nix & Chen, 2013). Stewardship theory promotes a
partnership model (Cornforth, 2002) where the board actively participates in the strategy
and policy formulation and implementation (Klettner, 2017; Nix & Chen, 2013). The main
function of the board is to work together with management to improve the corporation’s
performance, and not to ensure managerial compliance or conformance.

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Chapter 2. Literature Review

Table 2-4 summarises the key features of the different perspectives of these corporate
governance theories.

Table 2-4: Comparison of theoretical perspectives on corporate governance, adapted from (Bajo
Davó et al., 2019; Cornforth, 2002).
Board Reference
Theory Interests Board Role Model
Members Literature
Agency Owners and Owners’ Compliance / Compliance / (Bajo Davó et
theory managers representatives conformance and risk al., 2019;
have risk management Cornforth,
different management: model 2002;
and Safeguard Eisenhardt,
potential owners’ 1989a; Fama
conflicting interests, & Jensen,
interests monitor and 1983;
control managers Klettner,
ensuring 2017)
Stakeholder Stakeholders Stakeholder Balancing Stakeholder (Bajo Davó et
theory have representatives stakeholder model al., 2019;
different needs: Cornforth,
interests Strategic 2002;
alignment, Freeman,
coordinating with 2010; Hung,
management 1998)

Stewardship Owners and Experts Improve Partnership (Bajo Davó et

theory managers performance: model al., 2019;
share similar Strategic Cornforth,
interests alignment, add 2002;
value to strategic Donaldson &
decisions, work Davis, 1991)
closely with

2.4.2 Corporate Governance Mechanisms

Nearly all modern governance research on governance mechanisms conceptualises them as

deterrents to managerial self-interest (Daily et al., 2003). Corporate governance
mechanisms have been designed to provide shareholders with assurance that managers are
striving to achieve the interests of the shareholders (Daily et al., 2003; Shleifer & Vishny,

A Process Model to Improve ISG in Organisations 61

Chapter 2. Literature Review

Boards are one of the corporate governance mechanisms. As specified in the Cadbury report
(Cadbury, 1992), the board of directors is responsible for the governance of its company.
The board receives its authority from the shareholders and has the responsibility to control,
monitor and advise the management on behalf of the shareholders (Aguilera et al., 2011;
Bajo Davó et al., 2019). The control and monitoring roles of the board are aligned with
agency theory, where the primary concern of the board is to curb the self-serving interests
of management (agent) that may work against the interests of the shareholders (principal)
(Aguilera et al., 2011; Fama & Jensen, 1983; Klettner, 2017). However, from the perspective
of stewardship theory, boards are expected to work closely with management to provide
strategic direction and support to achieve the goals of the corporation and shareholders. In
addition, from the stakeholder theory it is important to ensure that boards manage the
various stakeholders’ interests, e.g. meeting regulators’ requirements and ongoing
communications in updating the performance to other stakeholders (Cornforth, 2002;
Donaldson & Davis, 1991).

Many academics agree that none of these theories can independently provide a full
explanation of the role of the board and there is a need for a multi-theoretical approach
(Klettner, 2017). Therefore, the development of modern corporate governance has
incorporated the various features from these theories to drive a more inclusive mechanism
where boards are responsible for the various functions of directing, controlling and
monitoring the corporation, as well as communicating to shareholders and other
stakeholders the results of their performance (Bajo Davó et al., 2019). Academic scholars
have also identified these functions in the control role of the board (oversight, monitoring
and compliance), the service role of the board (strategy and policy) and the institutional role
of the board (networking and stakeholder communication) to better understand the value-
adding functions of boards in governing corporations (Klettner, 2017). The board functions
are consistent with the roles of overseeing, directing, reviewing and monitoring, as
mentioned repeatedly in the OECD Principles of Corporate Governance (du Plessis et al.,
2011; OECD, 2015).

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Chapter 2. Literature Review

Corporate governance in practice has also been subjected to major reforms over the years
and changes to the codes and regulations among others have included board configuration,
separation of the position of board chair and CEO, imposing age and term limits for boards
of directors and executive compensation (Calder, 2008; Daily et al., 2003; Klettner, 2017).
However, for the purpose of this research the literature review has focused only on the
corporate governance theories and the role of the board as a governance mechanism to
help understand and develop the ISG process model. Board’s Corporate Governance Roles

As discussed in the previous sections, various theories have been used to identify the
functions of the board. In a number of these studies, the function of the board in corporate
governance is a multifaceted function and may involve overseeing, directing, reviewing and
monitoring to ensure the corporation meets the interests of the shareholders and wider
stakeholders (Klettner, 2017). Demb and Neubauer (1992) supported this approach that
embraces the simultaneous need for control and collaboration in meeting the current
corporation needs.

Three key board corporate governance roles are discussed below.

a. Control role
The board’s control role is a central element from agency theory where control is essential
in ensuring that management is aligned with the shareholders’ interests. This control role is
required in stakeholder theory to ensure all stakeholders’ interests are managed. The
components of control comprise activities that involve board oversight, monitoring and
ensuring compliance with policies that have been defined. In practice, the board’s role in
oversight, monitoring and compliance has become increasingly important due to
shareholder activism (Daily et al., 2003; Turnbull, 1997) which has demanded more stringent
requirements in corporate monitoring. In accordance with this corporate control role, the
board aims to reduce agency costs arising from the noncompliance of management through
involvement in driving shareholders’ objectives through strategic decision-making and
control (Zahra & Pearce, 1989). Zahra and Pearce (1989) argued that agency theory places a

A Process Model to Improve ISG in Organisations 63

Chapter 2. Literature Review

premium on the board’s strategic contribution through the board’s involvement in the
development of the corporation’s strategic direction and the setting of guidelines for
implementation and effective control of the strategy. Hence, even in a primarily control
role, the board is indirectly involved in strategic decisions.

b. Service role
Stewardship theory stresses service and promotes active board participation in guiding and
advising management in achieving improved performance of a corporation (Sundaramurthy
& Lewis, 2003). The board is involved in setting the strategy of the corporation with
management and is continuously aware of the corporation’s strategic direction in driving
effective corporate governance (Bart & Bontis, 2003; Klettner, 2017). As stewardship theory
encourages partnership and collaboration between the board and management, the board
is actively involved in guiding policy formulation and implementation to achieve the
corporation’s goals.

c. Institutional role
Networking and stakeholder communication are the other key roles of the board. These
roles are suggested by stakeholder theory, where the board and management need to
balance the interests of all stakeholders (Chambers & Cornforth, 2010; Freeman, 2010).
Stakeholder communication ensures transparency in updating all impacted stakeholders.

Borrowing from the extensive corporate governance literature, ISG processes can be
examined and defined through an additional theoretical lens based on the understanding of
the functions and roles of the board in corporate governance. In fact, many researchers
(Allen & Westby, 2007a; Antoniou, 2018; von Solms, 2001b; Whitman & Mattord, 2012)
have described ISG as the application of the principles of corporate governance to the
information security function.

2.5 Research Gap

There are many interpretations of the term “ISG” as discussed in Section 2.3.1. First and
foremost, it is critical to provide a consistent and holistic interpretation that covers the

A Process Model to Improve ISG in Organisations 64

Chapter 2. Literature Review

broad areas of governance to define the scope of this research. For the purpose of this
research, the definition of ISG incorporates the principles of good corporate governance,
framework of rules, relationships, systems and processes, the value aspect, attaining
objectives and monitoring performance, and concepts of IT governance.

Therefore, ISG is defined as follows:

ISG is the framework of rules, relationships, systems and processes by
which the security objectives of the organisation are set and the means of
attaining those objectives and monitoring performance are determined.

The literature review has concluded that there are common themes, various frameworks
and critical success factors that have been identified to represent ISG that could lead to
improved ISG but may be difficult to implement in practice. The literature review has also
concluded that practitioners do not have guidance on how to implement ISG (Lidster &
Rahman, 2018; Maleh et al., 2018; Williams, 2013) and the proposed governance models
and methods are not capable of adapting to the dynamic security environment (Lidster &
Rahman, 2018; Maynard et al., 2018; Williams, 2013) as most of these models are
conceptual models.

A further assessment of these situations as discussed in this chapter has identified

shortcomings that point to the need to develop models of governance that are grounded in
empirical studies of organisation practices that can improve ISG and can be practically
implemented in organisations. These shortcomings in ISG research are summarised in Table
2-5, which forms the basis of the research discussed in this thesis.

Table 2-5: ISG research gaps.

Research Gap Description
RG1: Lack of a holistic ISG framework ISG frameworks and models have been presented
or model that incorporates the based on the various concepts and principles of
broad areas of ISG corporate governance, board’s responsibilities, risk
management, best practices and assurance. There is a
lack of ISG frameworks or models that bring all the
concepts of ISG together.
RG2: Lack of guidance on how to Literature review indicated that most (21) ISG
implement ISG frameworks and models have been developed to

A Process Model to Improve ISG in Organisations 65

Chapter 2. Literature Review

Research Gap Description

explain ISG. There are few (6) ISG frameworks and
models that have been developed to assist the
implementation of ISG. Even these ISG frameworks and
models that were developed to facilitate the
implementation of ISG only highlighted what is required
to implement ISG and do not address “how” to
implement ISG.
RG3: Limited ISG frameworks and Literature review has identified only 9 out of a total of
models that are grounded in 27 ISG frameworks and models that have been
empirical studies developed grounded on empirical studies. Only two
among the 9 have been developed based on multiple
case studies methodology.
RG4: Lack of an ISG framework or Among the 6 ISG frameworks and models that have
model that easily identifies the been developed to facilitate the implementation of ISG,
processes required to be these frameworks and models only identify “what” that
undertaken by various must be implemented covering key principles and
stakeholder groups involved in critical success factors. Only one ISG framework (Ohki
ISG et al., 2009) highlighted at a very high level the core ISG
process in ISG, while the other key ISG processes are
found in professional publications (Gartner, 2010;
Institute of Internal Auditors, 2010; International
Organization for Standardization, 2013). However,
these are still normative models.

2.6 Summary
This chapter has critically analysed the literature relating to ISG to build the body of
knowledge required to identify the key themes that shaped the research questions and
research design and methodology. This chapter has also analysed the 3 dominant theories
of corporate governance and the functions of governance together with the role of the
board and executive management, which has provided an additional perspective on the
governance of information security. The next chapter will describe the research design and
methodology used in this study.

A Process Model to Improve ISG in Organisations 66

Chapter 3. Research Methodology

Chapter 3
Research Methodology
The purpose of this chapter is to describe the research methodology adopted for this study.
A methodology is defined as the research process from the identification of research
problems and the selection of a research strategy through to the analysis, interpretation of
findings and reporting of research results (O’Connor, 2012). The nature of the research
questions, the researcher’s experience and the nature of the study influence the selection of
a suitable research methodology (Creswell, 2013).

Sections 3.1 to 3.4 describe the research objectives, the researcher’s philosophical
assumptions, the process of inquiry and the scope of research that have been adopted in
addressing this research. Then Sections 3.5 and 3.6 discuss the specific research methods,
while Sections 3.7 and 3.8 explain the data collection and data analysis processes. Section
3.9 states the limitations and biases of the research and Section 3.10 concludes by
highlighting the actions taken to ensure the validity and reliability of this research.

3.1 Research Objectives

The aim of this study is to develop an ISG process model that explains how ISG can be
implemented in organisations to improve ISG. The model aims to identify the governance
processes, the relationships between the processes, the stakeholder groups and their roles
in ISG. Specifically, the research aims to answer the following research question:

“How can ISG be implemented in organisations?”

The objective of the ISG process model is to provide organisations with an understanding of
the processes involved in ISG, the stakeholder groups who are involved with specific roles
and responsibilities, and how these ISG processes work together in driving improved ISG in
organisations. With the help of this ISG process model, organisations can then improve their
implementation of ISG. Consequently, this may also improve the overall information
security posture of the organisation.

A Process Model to Improve ISG in Organisations 67

Chapter 3. Research Methodology

3.2 Research Paradigm

There are 4 philosophical worldviews or paradigms, i.e. postpositivism, constructivism

(interpretivist), transformativism and pragmatism (Creswell, 2013). Based on these
philosophical assumptions, researchers decide on their preferred research method, which
may be quantitative, qualitative or a mixed methods approach (Burrell & Morgan, 2016;
Creswell, 2013). The choice of research paradigm is dependent on the nature of the
research questions that need to be addressed and the paradigms that have previously been
embraced in the field of research. In the context of this study, the field is information

The constructivist/interpretivist research paradigm has been selected for this study as the
research aims to explore and understand the research problem through interpreting the
meanings assigned by individuals or groups of individuals working in a social environment
and relies on the participants’ views of the situation being studied to develop a theory or
pattern of meaning (Creswell, 2013; Walsham, 1995).

In this research, the main objective is to “make sense” of the ISG practices of organisations.
Therefore, qualitative research is most suitable. This approach allows researchers to “see
and understand” the context within which decisions and actions take place (Orlikowski &
Baroudi, 2002).

3.2.1 Researcher’s Role

In qualitative research, the researcher plays many roles as they are involved in the gathering
of data, analysis of the data, interpreting of the data and finally writing up the findings of
the research (Creswell, 2013; Yin, 2018). Therefore, in this research the researcher has taken
the necessary actions to ensure the validity and reliability of the research.

As data gathering involved working with people, ethics approval from the Human Ethics
Advisory Group (HEAG) was required prior to data collection for this study conducted in the
School of Computing and Information Systems at the University of Melbourne. An ethics
application was submitted and approved (Ethics ID: 1749890) for this study before any

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Chapter 3. Research Methodology

research was undertaken. The researcher has taken relevant steps to comply with the ethics
guidelines of the HEAG and the ethics approval was renewed annually throughout the
duration of this research. A copy of the ethics approval is found in Appendix A.

The researcher also ensured that the necessary approvals were obtained from the
interviewees prior to any data gathering. Consent letters were signed by all interviewees
and interviewees were also informed about the safeguarding of the confidentiality of
information and that all data gathered would be anonymised to protect the identity of the
interviewees. The Consent Form and Plain Language Statement (PLS) are found in Appendix

As the project involved interpretive research and is based on both expert interviews and
case study methods, the findings are heavily dependent on the integrative powers of the
researcher (Benbasat et al., 1987). It was therefore critical for the researcher to be aware of
and to minimise bias in shaping and influencing the direction of the research (Creswell,
2013; Yin, 2018). Further actions taken for this research are discussed in Section 3.10.

3.3 Research Design

The aim of this research is to explore how ISG can be implemented and improved in
organisations. As highlighted in Section 3.1, the research needs to identify the governance
processes, the relationships between the processes, the stakeholder groups and their roles
in ISG in the proposed ISG process model.

The constructivist paradigm drives the inquiry of this research. The researcher has selected
a qualitative research approach, which is best suited to address the research question of
“how?”. The heart of the research is semi-structured interviews to obtain both retrospective
and real-world accounts from those people experiencing the phenomenon of theoretical
interest (Gioia et al., 2012). As this is qualitative research, the following are key
characteristics of the research (Creswell, 2013; Williamson, 2002; Yin, 2018):

a. The research was conducted on-site.

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b. The research employed multiple data sources such as semi-structured interviews, site
process walk-throughs, documents and reports.
c. The researcher played a primary role in data collection through examination of
documentation, attending and observing process walk-throughs, interviewing
participants and transcribing interviews.
d. The researcher was involved in all data analysis, coding of data and identifying of the
emerging themes and theories.

This exploratory research was structured into 3 phases which took the initially developed
conceptual process model through to empirical analysis for further development, evaluation
and refinement, and then to final validation with expert interviews. The research design
consisted of different methodologies and techniques to collect, analyse and validate
empirical data in the different phases. The research design is illustrated in Figure 3.1.

Phase 1: Conceptual Model Development

Literature Conceptual ISG
Research Process Model
Evaluation and

Phase 2: Model Refinement

Refined ISG
Case Studies
Process Model

Development and

Phase 3: Model Validation

Expert Validation Validated ISG

Interviews Process Model

Figure 3-1: Exploratory research design

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Chapter 3. Research Methodology

a. Phase 1: Conceptual model development

Phase 1 focused on the development of a conceptual model. This phase consisted of two
stages, i.e. the literature research and the expert interviews. During the literature research,
the area of ISG and associated domains, and corporate governance theories were
investigated from a theoretical perspective. A detailed analysis of various information
covering existing literature, journal articles, conference proceedings, professional
publications, security vendor whitepapers and consultant reports was undertaken to frame
and develop the conceptual ISG process model. This conceptual ISG process model identifies
the core ISG processes, stakeholder groups and their relationships with each other.

The second stage was where expert interviews were used as preparation for data collection,
i.e. an approach to test the interview questionnaire and to obtain an initial understanding
from an empirical perspective of the subject of research (Yin, 2018). These experts were
asked to share their understanding and expert views on ISG. Subsequently, the experts were
shown the conceptual model and were asked to comment on the need and relevance of the
model in facilitating understanding and implementation of ISG. Their comments and
knowledge were analysed to refine the interview questionnaire and to evaluate and
improve the conceptual model.

A detailed discussion of the conceptual model development is found in Chapter 4.

b. Phase 2: Model refinement

Phase 2 was exploratory research aimed at developing theories based on detailed analysis
of case study interviews. In this phase, 3 case study organisations were selected and a total
of 17 interviews across the various hierarchies within the organisations were conducted.
Open-ended questions in a semi-structured manner were used in the interviews to elicit
ideas, comments and knowledge relating to ISG. A copy of the interview guide is provided
for reference in Appendix C. These interviews were transcribed, coded and analysed
accordingly to identify second-order themes and aggregated dimensions, which were used
to further develop and refine the ISG process model. Follow-up interviews were arranged

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with interviewees when additional clarifications were required or information needed to be


A detailed discussion of the case study research method for this exploratory research is
given in Section 3.6 and the analysis of the case studies in generating the refined ISG
process model is discussed in detail in Chapter 5.

c. Phase 3: Model validation

Phase 3 focused on validating and confirming the proposed theory, i.e. the refined ISG
model that was developed from Phase 2. Phase 3 utilised the expert interview research
method where 6 experts were interviewed about their expert practices in the field of ISG.
The experts were subsequently shown the refined ISG process model developed from Phase
2 to solicit their views and feedback. The expert interview data were transcribed, coded and
analysed to identify new and validate existing second-order themes, aggregated dimensions
and therefore the ISG process model.

An evaluation was done on whether to use the focus group or expert interview method in
validating the refined ISG process model. One of the objectives of the validation was to
share the refined ISG process model with the expert interviewees to seek their knowledge
and feedback in validating and confirming the ISG process model. As all the selected
interviewees were individuals involved in governance, they were also individuals who held
senior roles in organisations and it would have been extremely difficult to get groups of
them together at the same place and same time for a focus group discussion. Therefore, it
was more feasible to arrange one-to-one interviews with the selected interviewees. In
addition, the expert interview method was more suitable for the specific purpose of Phase 3
as it allowed more time and flexibility for the interviewees (Bogner & Menz, 2009; Meuser &
Nagel, 2009) to share their expert knowledge and views in confirming the ISG process model
without being afraid of unintentionally sharing competitive or organisation-sensitive

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A description of the expert interview research method is found in Section 3.5 and detailed
analysis of the expert interviews and validation of the model to finalise the validated ISG
process model is found in Chapter 6.

3.4 Scope of Study

In designing the research and deciding on the industry which would provide the most
relevant data for the topic of information security and ISG, several critical industries such as
financial services, telecommunications and energy were considered. For the purpose of this
research, the financial services industry has been selected. The financial services industry
was selected for the research as information security is a critical area of concern for the
industry because the cost of information breaches is extremely high, with significant
impacts on both customers and organisational operations (Bouveret, 2018; European
Central Bank, 2018; IBM, 2019; Ponemon Institute, 2016, 2018). Financial services
organisations have also invested heavily in information security and are leading the way in
information security practices. Therefore, conducting research in financial services
organisations provided the opportunity to understand the actual situational challenges and
capture the knowledge of practitioners to identify potential best practices for theory

3.5 Expert Interviews

This section describes the expert interview which has been used as one of the research
methods in this study. Expert interviews as a method of qualitative empirical research have
been developed and used since the early 1990s (Bogner et al., 2009) and have been further
discussed and evaluated as a method of theory generation (Bogner & Menz, 2009; Meuser
& Nagel, 2009; Pfadenhauer, 2009).

Based on the definition provided by Bogner and Menz (2009), an expert is an individual who
possesses technical, process and interpretative knowledge in a specific field of action by
virtue of the fact that the individual practises in a particular professional area, which in the
case of this research is in one or all of the areas of information security, ISG or corporate

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Bogner and Menz (2009) developed a typology of the expert interview in which 3 forms of
expert interviews were identified, i.e. the exploratory interview, systematising interview and
theory-generating interview. The first form is the exploratory interview, which serves to
establish initial orientation in a field that is new or poorly defined. The interviews are
generally conducted as openly as possible with the aim of sounding out the subject under
investigation. The second form is the systematising interview, which has a different focus on
gaining access to the expert’s daily routines and practices to obtain systematic and
complete information. These interviews are normally done with a structured questionnaire
such as via a survey as data need to be comparable in relation to the subject matter and
they are therefore often used in multi-method research approaches. The 3rd form is the
theory-generating interview, where the goal is to obtain interpretive knowledge. These
interviews are semi-structured interviews that allow the expert flexibility in sharing their
knowledge but in relation to the topic under investigation so that the researcher is able
interpret the knowledge during data analysis.

In this research, expert interviews were used in two phases for two different purposes.

a. The conceptual ISG model in Phase 1 was developed purely based on theoretical
literature and the researcher’s understanding of the problem area. Four expert
interviews were used in Phase 1 as pilot interviews and as an exploratory research tool
to establish an initial orientation in the target problem area, to structure the area under
investigation and to refine the interview guide that was used in subsequent data
gathering in the case study research in Phase 2 and further expert interviews in Phase 3.
The initial feedback from the expert interviews was also used to evaluate and refine the
conceptual ISG process model from a practical perspective (Bogner & Menz, 2009).
Therefore, the first form of exploratory interview was used in Phase 1.
b. In Phase 3, 6 expert interviews were used to validate and confirm the refined ISG
process model developed in Phase 2. Therefore, the 3rd form of expert interview, i.e.
the theory-generating interview, was used (Bogner & Menz, 2009). A semi-structured
interview guide was developed for the interviews to guide the experts on the areas that
were required to be validated, but the experts were allowed flexibility and were free to

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Chapter 3. Research Methodology

express their views based on their experience, knowledge and what was practised in
their organisations. In addition, the refined ISG process model was also used as a
catalyst to drive the latter part of the interview as the objective of the expert interviews
was to obtain relevant feedback and knowledge confirmation from the experts. The
findings from these interviews assisted in further triangulation and supported the
generalisation of the theories.

3.5.1 Selecting Expert Interviewees

With the specific research objectives in mind, the experts were selected based on the
following criteria:

a. Individuals working in the financial services industry

b. Individuals from different levels of the hierarchy of the organisations that mapped
against the proposed conceptual model definition comprising members of the board and
executive, tactical and operational management
c. Senior executives in organisations who understood governance or were involved in
some governance processes; they could be involved in corporate governance, IT
governance or ISG
d. Senior executives who were involved directly or indirectly with information security in
the organisation
e. Information security risk consultants or information security professionals

Experts were identified through personal contacts and business networks, which meant
some of the interviewees were direct contacts of the researcher while others were contacts
of colleagues or friends. Due to the nature of the research, which is on the topic of
governance, all experts who were identified held high positions in their organisations and
were generally very busy with their work, and some had busy travel schedules. Therefore, it
was critical to elaborate on the importance of the research topic and demonstrate the value
of their participation to get them agree to invest their time for the interviews.

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A total of 15 experts were contacted, but a final 10 experts were interviewed. Five of the
contacted experts were not interviewed as they either declined the interviews upfront due
to the sensitivity of the information security topic or had their interviews rescheduled too
many times due to their busy schedules which resulted in the interviews ultimately being
cancelled. Of the 10 experts, 4 experts were interviewed for Phase 1 and 6 experts were
interviewed for Phase 3. There was no specific target number of expert interviews that was
set in advance; however, the final number of expert interviews was reached when
saturation was achieved as no additional information was being obtained from additional
interviews. All these experts were sourced from organisations other than the case study
organisations. The profiles of these experts are shown in Table 3-1.

Table 3-1: Expert interviewee profiles.

Location & No. of
Interviewee Organisation Role Job Role Years in
Coverage Industry
Expert Interviews in Phase 1
Expert #1 Financial Malaysia CIO Direct 20 years+
(CIO-MY_Bank) institution
Expert #2 Financial Singapore CIO Direct 30 years+
(CIO-SG_Bank) institution
Expert #3 Financial Malaysia & Group CCO Indirect 20 years+
(GCCO-MY_Bank) institution South East
(bank) Asia
Expert #4 Financial Malaysia & Group COO Indirect 20 years+
(GCOO-MY_Bank) institution South East
(bank) Asia
Expert Interviews in Phase 3
Expert #5 Consulting Singapore Information Direct 20 years+
(IS_ConsultingDirector) firm & South Security
East Asia Consultant
Expert #6 Consulting Singapore Information Direct 10 years+
(IS_Consultant) firm & South Security
East Asia Consultant
Expert #7 Financial Malaysia & CISO Direct 25 years+
(CISO-MY_Bank) institution South East
(bank) Asia
Expert #8 Financial Singapore CIO Direct 25 years+
(CIO-SG_InvestmentCo) institution

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Location & No. of
Interviewee Organisation Role Job Role Years in
Coverage Industry
Expert #9 Financial Malaysia & Regional Direct 35 years+
(ChiefInfoRiskOfficer- institution Asia Pacific Chief
APAC_InsuranceCo) (insurance Information
company) Risk Officer
Expert #10 Information Singapore Information Direct 25 years+
(IS_SoftwareConsultant) security Security
software Consultant
Total number of expert interviewees 10

3.6 Case Study Research Method

The case study research method is a qualitative approach in which the researcher studies
one case or multiple cases through detailed, in-depth data collection involving multiple
sources of information that can cover participant interviews, process walk-throughs,
documents and reports. The researcher conducts a detailed analysis to uncover new theory
(Creswell, 2013; Eisenhardt, 1989b; Yin, 2018). In this study, the case study research method
has been selected as the preferred method. Case studies can be used to study situational
processes as they allow contextual factors and process elements to be considered in a real-
life situation (O’Connor, 2012) and ISG is more of an organisational rather than technical
field that involves many actors in a practical environment (Benbasat et al., 1987; Darke et
al., 1998). In addition, the case study research method is well-suited to ISG research, which
is a knowledge domain that continues to develop and few empirical studies have been
undertaken in this area. Finally, the case study method is an ideal mode of inquiry for
addressing research questions regarding “how” things occur such as the focus of this
research, i.e. how ISG can be implemented in organisations and how ISG is operationalised
in organisations - the investigation of situational processes (Orr & Scott, 2008; Yin, 2018).

A multiple case study design was adopted for this research to enhance the generalisability
of the findings and multiple cases were carefully selected based on theoretical sampling to
replicate or extend emergent theory (Eisenhardt, 1989b; Eisenhardt & Graebner, 2007;
Gioia et al., 2012; Yin, 2018). Each case study is a distinct “experiment” that stands on its

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own as an analytic unit and multiple cases are discrete analytic units that serve as
replications and extensions of the emerging theory (Eisenhardt, 1989b; Yin, 2018).

3.6.1 Setting

The case study research was conducted on-site at the locations of the case study
organisations. In a few situations, the case study interviews were conducted at a location
outside of the case study organisations where the interviewees were able to share
information more freely without work interruptions. Where the case study interviews were
done outside of the case study organisation, the data gathering process through the
interviews was not impacted in any manner. When additional evidence was required, the
researcher arranged follow-up interview sessions at the case study locations to collect the
additional evidence such as organisation charts, reports and sample security frameworks, as
well as policy documents. Further data collection such as process walk-throughs was also
conducted on-site for all 3 case study organisations.

3.6.2 Selecting Cases

The selection of multiple case study organisations was done based on theoretical sampling
with the purpose of replicating or extending emergent theory. While a fixed number of case
study organisations was not established at the beginning of the research, the research
ended with 3 case study organisations when saturation of the findings was achieved. The
case study organisations were carefully selected with the intention of literal replication (Yin,

The selection of case study organisations for this research was difficult and limited due to
financial institutions being very protective of their information security stature and
initiatives, particularly when the industry is strictly regulated and there are strict regulations
on information protection. In this research, 3 financial institutions were selected for the
case studies based on the following reasons:

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a. The organisations are strictly regulated with established corporate governance

processes covering board oversight, risk management and compliance processes as
described in their annual reports or corporate profiles.
b. The organisations are known to have mature information security postures and are
investing heavily in information security initiatives.

Based on the above selection criteria and the interest from the organisations in
participating, one financial institution in Singapore and two financial institutions in Malaysia
were selected for the multiple case study research. Table 3-2 provides high-level profiles of
the organisations. A more detailed description of the organisations together with the
findings and analysis is found in Chapter 5.

Table 3-2: Case study organisation profiles.

FinServices_SG FinServices_SEA FinServices_MY

Business Area Specialist financial service Regional commercial Local commercial bank
provider bank
Country of Singapore and small Malaysia, Singapore, Malaysia
Operations regional operations Vietnam, Hong Kong
across South-East Asia and China
Number of ~ 1000 ~ 7000 ~ 3500
Separate CISO Yes No No
Structure with

3.6.3 Selecting Case Study Interviewees

The case studies have been carefully selected to aid in answering the research questions on
how ISG can be implemented and improved in organisations. To answer the research
questions and to ensure that the relevant information was collected, the aim was to
interview individuals in these organisations who were involved directly or indirectly in

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Chapter 3. Research Methodology

information security, IT security or governance processes covering decision oversight, risk

and compliance, and auditing. The individuals were generally C-level executives holding the
positions of CIO, CISO, chief operating officer (COO), chief risk officer (CRO), chief
compliance officer (CCO) or board members of the organisations.

It is difficult to secure interviews with C-level executives as they tend to be busy and are
generally not interested in participating in research unless the topic is of special interest to
them. As information security is a high-priority topic for executives in the financial services
industry, many of the individuals contacted for the study were willing to participate if an
available time slot could be identified. Therefore, the challenge was to confirm the
schedules for the interviews as there were normally several requests for rescheduling.

The approach adopted by the researcher was to contact one or more of the potential
interviewees in the selected organisations who also happened to be a personal or business
contact to discuss the purpose of the research and for the first interview. The CIO of
FinServices_SG, a board member of FinServices_SEA and the COO of FinServices_MY were
the first individuals who were interviewed in each of the organisations. Leveraging the
snowball sampling technique, the researcher worked with these first interviewees to
identify additional interviewees within the organisations whom the researcher believed
were relevant to the study. It was easier for someone within the organisations to refer their
colleagues and facilitate these additional invitations.

A total of 25 were approached, but 17 interviewees participated in the 3 case studies. Table
3-3 shows the case study interviewee profiles.

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Table 3-3: Case study interviewee profiles.

in No. of Years
Participant Job Role
Information in Industry
Interviewee #1: FinServices_SG_CIO CIO Direct 20 years+
Interviewee #2: Deputy Head of Technology Indirect 25 years+
FinServices_SG_DeputyCIO (Deputy CIO)
Interviewee #3: CISO Direct 20 years+
Interviewee #4: Director, Information Security Direct 20 years+
FinServices_SG_Director- Officer
Interviewee #5: Head of IT Security Direct 15 years+
(During Process Walk-through)
Interviewee #6: IT Security Officer Direct 5 years+
(During Process Walk-through)
Interviewee #1: Non-Executive Board Member Indirect 35 years+
Interviewee #2: CFO Indirect 25 years+
Interviewee #3: CIO Direct 20 years+
Interviewee #4: Head, Group IT Architect Direct 15 years+
Interviewee #5: Head of IT Infrastructure Direct 10 years+
(During Process Walk-through)
Interviewee #6: IT Security Officer Direct 10 years+
(During Process Walk-through)
Interviewee #1: COO Indirect 35 years+
Interviewee #2: Non-Executive Board Member Direct 25 years+
Interviewee #3: CRO Indirect 20 years+
Interviewee #4: Head of IT Direct 20 years+
(During Process Walk-through)
Interviewee #5: IT Application Security Officer Direct 10 years+
(During Process Walk-through)
Total number of case study interviewees 17

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3.7 Data Collection Strategies

In qualitative research, researchers combine multiple data collection methods to enable

triangulation to strengthen theory building (Eisenhardt, 1989b; Yin, 2018). Yin (2018) argued
that case study evidence can come from 6 potential sources covering documents, archival
records, interviews, direct observations, participant-observation and physical artefacts.

In both the expert interviews and case study research, interviews were the primary data
source. During these interviews, additional documents were collected as references. Some
organisation-specific documents were also shared under a non-disclosure agreement to
provide a better understanding of the topics that were discussed during the interviews.
These additional documents were normally shared during the process walk-throughs or
during less formal discussions with the information security teams. The following sections
describe the data gathering processes that were adopted in the research.

3.7.1 Interviews

Interviews were the main source of data for both expert interviews and case study research.
All interviews followed a structured process to increase the comparability and reliability of
the interviews across different interviews and across case studies (Schlegel, 2015). While
the interview process was structured, the interview questions were semi-structured with a
list of open-ended questions prepared as a guide for spontaneous discussion around
second-order themes. Interviewees were provided the flexibility to elaborate on ideas. By
adopting semi-structured questions, the researcher could also follow up leads provided by
the interviewees. The interview guide was adapted based on feedback and experiences
gained from the initial expert interviews in Phase 1. The semi-structured interview guide is
shown in Appendix C.

The researcher also recognised that the interview questions could be modified with the
progression of the research when required to drive specific insights as highlighted by the
interviewees. These adjustments allowed the researcher to probe second-order themes
with exiting interviewees in subsequent interviews and with subsequent interviewees
(Eisenhardt, 1989b).

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Each interview was structured as follows:

a. Welcome
Each interview started with small talk and a short discussion of the interviewee’s
background and current role. For interviewees who were personal and business contacts,
discussions included some background on my objective in pursuing my PhD. These initial
discussions helped to build rapport and a personal relationship, which are crucial for
successful interviews. In addition, according to Schlegel (2015) gaining more information on
the background and role of the participant helps to provide contextual information in the
formulation of questions and the interpretation of the data collected.

b. Introduction to research
As part of the introduction, the researcher explained the purpose of the research as
provided in the PLS, which was emailed earlier to the interviewees as part of the invitation
email. The researcher also provided an introduction to the research topics to ensure a
common understanding of the research project and avoid misunderstandings. Once a brief
introduction was done, the researcher went through the key points on the Consent Form
covering areas in ethics, confidentiality and consent to audio recording. The interview
commenced only after agreement with the interviewee and the Consent Form was signed. A
copy of the PLS and Consent Form are found in Appendix B.

c. Actual interview
The actual interview covered a few major areas introduced in the form of open-ended
questions. First, the researcher sought the interviewee’s understanding of information
security, then a more specific understanding of ISG. The second area covered the
implementation of information security and ISG specifically in the case study organisation.
The 3rd area concerned the interviewee’s role and other different roles within the
organisation who were involved in ISG. Finally, for the 4th area the interviewee was asked
their views on the future development of ISG and its challenges.

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Although there was a conceptual ISG model that had been developed as a guide for
fieldwork, the conceptual ISG model was not referenced in any part of the interview until
the interview was near completion. Every attempt was made to begin all interviews with a
tabula rasa – an open mind (Glaser & Strauss, 1967) – or with “the suspension of belief” as
proposed by Gioia, Corley and Hamilton (2012) to minimise researcher bias. Only at the
conclusion of each interview when all data gathering had been completed was the
interviewee shown the conceptual ISG model as part of validation and asked about its
suitability and its usefulness in helping organisations implement ISG. This generally started
another round of discussion that provided further insights into the topic under research.

d. Closing
At the end of the interview, the interviewee was thanked for the participation. In some
instances, interviewees were asked to introduce additional colleagues whom they believed
were suitable to be interviewed for the research. The researcher also requested permission
from the interviewee on potential follow-up interviews should there be the need for further
clarification. Case Study Interviews

Most of the case study interviews lasted between 45 and 90 minutes and were conducted
between June 2018 and September 2018. Four of the interviews lasted about two hours as
there were follow-up discussions with information security team members that were held
on location at the case study organisations. Some less formal exchanges occurred with
members of the team covering various areas of information security policies and procedures
administration, and reviewing of sample information security team monthly meeting
minutes and information security frameworks.

All interviews were conducted in the English language. Twelve of the 17 interviews were
audio recorded. Audio-recorded interviews were transcribed within 7 days and
transcriptions were done with Express Scribe V8.06 software distributed by NCH Software.
For the 5 interviews that were not audio recorded, detailed interview notes were taken and
special attention was paid to writing down specific quotes and comments verbatim. This

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was done to ensure the essence of the discussions was captured as interviewees’ quotes are
important for subsequent theory-generating data analysis (Gioia et al., 2012). These
interviews generally took longer, lasting about 90 minutes, as extra effort was required for
note-taking. Non-audio-recorded interviews were written up within 24 hours to ensure that
the notes and impressions were fresh in the researcher’s mind. Expert Interviews

Four expert interviews were conducted in Phase 1 during the development of the
conceptual ISG model between December 2017 and June 2018, and 6 expert interviews
were conducted during Phase 3 between August 2018 and March 2019 to validate and
confirm the refined ISG process model that was developed in Phase 2. All these interviewees
held senior positions in different organisations other than the case study organisations. As
these interviewees were often constrained by the availability of their time for the
interviews, all these expert interviews were completed within 60 minutes with the
exception of two which took about 90 minutes as the interviewees spent more effort in
elaborating on the discussions with illustrations and supporting documents.

As with the case study interviews, all expert interviews were conducted in the English
language. Six of the 10 expert interviews were audio recorded. Similarly, audio-recorded
interviews were transcribed within 7 days and transcriptions were done with Express Scribe
V8.06 software distributed by NCH Software. For the 4 non-audio-recorded interviews,
detailed interview notes were taken and written up within 24 hours to ensure that the notes
and impressions were fresh in the researcher’s mind.

3.7.2 Process Walk-throughs

In addition to the interviews, the researcher attended process walk-throughs at all 3 case
study organisations. During these process walk-throughs, the researcher was taken through
a description of the overall ISG and management processes adopted by the organisations.
With the exception of one financial institution where the researcher was taken to visit and
speak to the various departments, these process walk-throughs were normally done with
the help of PowerPoint slide presentations. These allowed the researcher to have additional

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informal discussions with the information security team to better understand how
information security was governed and managed. As these sessions covered the processes,
the information was used to verify the data collected via interviews.

3.7.3 Documentation

Documentation formed another source of data that was gathered for this research.
Documentation collected for this research included publicly available information such as
annual reports of the case study organisations, press releases and investor information.
These documents were collected prior to the interviews to provide the researcher with
some background information. Specific documentation which was relevant for data analysis
included published corporate governance statements and risk management processes of
organisations, and regulatory guidelines which were found on regulators’ websites.

In addition, the researcher was shown organisations’ specific documentation which included
information security frameworks, policies and procedures. While most of these documents
were private and confidential, and were not allowed to be removed from the organisations,
the researcher was allowed to copy down some relevant information (masked and
anonymised) for the research.

In achieving strong reliability of the research, all data gathered for this research are stored
in a research database. Sources of data covering interview transcripts, documentation,
interview memos and notes are labelled and stored accordingly. All data sources that were
required for analysis, i.e. coding, were labelled and imported electronically into NVivo 11
software as a centralised research database, as shown in Figure 3-2.

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Figure 3-2: Research database of electronic data sources (NVivo 11)

3.8 Data Analysis Processes

The same data analysis processes were used to analyse the data gathered from expert
interviews and from case studies as both datasets collected were qualitative data and
primarily texts. A number of qualitative analysis approaches were considered for this
research, namely the systematic approaches proposed by Eisenhardt (1989b) and Gioia et
al. (2012) and the data displays to identify emergent theories from Miles, Huberman and
Saldaňa (2014). However, the Gioia method was the primary method used for analysis of
the raw data to generate theories in this research as the emergent theories were
interpreted and grounded on empirical data with a priority on the voices of the interviewees
(Gehman et al., 2018).

NVivo 11 software was used as the CAQDAS (Computer Assisted Qualitative Data Analysis
Software) tool to facilitate the analysis. Specifically, NVivo 11 was used for the consolidation
of all documentation as a centralised research database, capturing of research journals and
theoretical memos, and coding to facilitate the analysis of emerging themes. Various
queries and visual display features of NVivo 11 were leveraged to identify second-order
themes and theories.

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The data analysis processes are summarised and illustrated in Figure 3-3.

Figure 3-3: Overview of data analysis approach (adapted from Corbin & Strauss, 1990 and Gioia et
al., 2012)

Data analysis started as soon as data gathering commenced and it was an iterative process.
Once interviews were transcribed, the interview transcripts were read to capture initial
concepts and relationships between different elements in the transcripts. Theoretical
memos were written throughout the data analysis process as this facilitated reflection on
the interview discussions and on the collected data (Charmaz, 2006; Miles et al., 2014).
Moreover, the cycling back and forth between thinking about the existing data and
generating strategies for collecting new and better data avoided the issue of collecting too
much irrelevant data and missing out on opportunities to gather relevant data (Miles et al.,

Data analysis began with the identification of initial concepts and terms thorough initial
coding or open coding (Corbin & Strauss, 1990). “In-vivo” codes that captured ideas and
verbatim quotes from interviewees were coded; otherwise, simple descriptive
words/phrases were also used for the initial coding. A total of 194 codes were identified in
the initial coding. The interview transcripts were re-read and re-coded continuously to
refine the codes, forming the first-order concepts. Next, axial coding was conducted to
identify relationships (similarities and differences) between and among the initial codes, and
the number of initial codes was condensed, using the interviewees’ terms whenever

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Chapter 3. Research Methodology

possible (Gioia et al., 2012). Visual display features in NVivo 11 (e.g. node comparison
charts) were also used to facilitate identification of similarities and differences in codes.
These coding processes were done iteratively, always with the objective of answering the
research question: “How can ISG be implemented in organisations?”.

It was the continuous iterative coding and analysis that drove the abstraction of these codes
to become higher level concepts and categories forming the second-level themes. As a
result, a total of 20 second-order themes were identified, which were further condensed to
9 aggregated categories or dimensions. During the abstraction of second-order themes and
the identification of dimensions, extant literature and existing theories were examined for
possible explanations. This constant comparison of theories and data was carried out for
iterating towards a theory that closely fit the empirical data. Throughout the coding and
analysis processes, further questions were raised and these were addressed in subsequent
interviews and case studies, which led to a more focused attempt to answer the research
questions. These adjustments allowed the probing of second-order themes with existing
interviewees or via the addition of new interviewees (Cavaye, 1996; Eisenhardt, 1989b).

These processes were done for all interview transcripts and documentation within a single
case, and extended to other cases until no new information and no new second-order
themes and dimensions were identified. The data gathering and analysis processes were
deemed completed when theoretical saturation was achieved. Cross-case analysis was
conducted with the aim of extending emerging theories and confirming replications (Yin,

Individual expert interview transcripts from Phase 3 were analysed in a similar way, but the
coding and analysis adopted a template analysis approach (King et al., 2004, 2018) where
the initial codes and second-order themes discovered during case study analysis (“a priori”
themes) were used as the initial template. Additional codes, second-order themes and
dimensions discovered were used to update the initial template. The codes, themes and
dimensions were constantly compared against the codes, themes and dimensions that were

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Chapter 3. Research Methodology

identified. This continued across all 6 expert interviews that were used to validate the
emergent theories.
The process across multiple case studies and expert interviews is illustrated in Figure 3-4.

Figure 3-4: Overview of cross-case and expert interview analysis to validate emergent theories

3.9 Limitations and Bias

As with most research, this research has its limitations. Therefore, it is important in any
research report to identify and disclose possible limitations and biases so that the
boundaries of the research can be assessed (Creswell, 2013; Mruck & Mey, 2007; Yin, 2018):

a. The nature of information security as a topic area is very sensitive. Due to the
sensitivities and confidentialities of the topic, not many organisations were willing to
discuss it openly with external parties and this may have limited the information that
was provided for the research.

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b. The nature of the research in covering ISG involved participants/interviewees who were
part of their governing bodies and this generally meant people on the board and C-level
executives. It was difficult to get access to them as their schedules were very tight. Some
interviews were rescheduled multiple times, prolonging the case study research in an
organisation over a long period or interviews being subsequently cancelled.
c. In addition to the limited availability of board members and C-level executives
mentioned above, these senior executives were generally very careful about disclosing
information in research interviews as they were concerned about disclosing
organisation-sensitive information.
d. The research focuses on the financial services industry. Although the research focuses
on one industry, it should be applicable to other industries because the discussion of
governance is similar across different industries.
e. One of the inherent biases in qualitative research is researcher bias, i.e. the researcher’s
personal views and perspectives. It is noted that the researcher was working in the IT
consulting and financial services industry and therefore several of the interviewees were
the researcher’s business contacts. While some of the interviewees were known to the
researcher, the topic under investigation was new to the researcher and it had little
influence on the interpretation of the findings. In addition, the researcher has regularly
discussed the research methodology and findings with the research supervisors.

The research design is cognisant of the potential limitations and biases, and therefore has
adopted a series of approaches to assess rigour throughout the entire research process. The
following section describes the techniques that have been adopted in ensuring the validity
and reliability of the research.

3.10 Validity and Reliability

It is important to ensure the reliability and validity of a research study, especially in

qualitative research. In order to evaluate the rigour of this qualitative research, specifically
an exploratory research design, this study has adopted the following criteria proposed by
Yin (2018) and Creswell (2013):

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Chapter 3. Research Methodology

a. Construct validity, which demonstrates that the research was conducted in such a way
that the subject under investigation was correctly identified
b. Internal validity, which assesses whether the interpretation of causal explanations has
considered various effects that may not have been apparent during the research; this
criterion is mainly a concern for explanatory research and not applicable to exploratory
research (Yin, 2018)
c. External validity, which shows whether the research findings can be generalised to other
d. Reliability, which shows that the research has adopted a structured process that can be
repeated to generate the same results

Table 3-4 shows the actions that have been adopted in the research to address the required

Table 3-4: Validity and reliability criteria (adapted from Yin 2018 & Creswell 2013).
Quality of Research Design Actions Taken in Research
a. Construct validity • Multiple sources of evidence have been utilised to achieve
data triangulation.
• Follow-up interviews with interviewees were conducted to
clarify and confirm findings.
• Some of the interview transcripts were discussed with the
interviewees to confirm their accuracy.
• Some of the insights from case studies were shared with
selected interviewees to assess completeness and accuracy.

b. Internal validity • According to Yin (2018), internal validity is not for descriptive
or exploratory research.

c. External validity • Replication logic was used across all 3 case studies that
generated consistent case study findings achieving saturation.
• Further validation of case study findings with expert interviews
was carried out in confirming analytic generalisation.
• Any biases the researcher may have brought to the research
were clarified.

d. Reliability • A case study database was created which contained all source
data (i.e. interview transcripts, documents), coded documents
and codebook. In addition, all working documents were stored
as a consolidated working file in NVivo 11.
• All research data have been collected and stored in accordance
with the University’s ethics procedures.

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Quality of Research Design Actions Taken in Research

• A case study protocol was developed consisting of a standard
invitation letter, Consent Form, PLS and standard interview
• The case study protocol has been used consistently across all 3
case studies.
• A research journal was maintained that contained a collection
of memos, notes, preliminary ideas and concepts at different
stages of the research.
• A chain of evidence was established with detailed description
of the case studies and documentation from data gathering to
analysis and final theory generation, as described in the
various sections of this thesis.

3.11 Summary

This chapter has explained the research design and methodology adopted in this research. It
has justified the use of the constructivist/interpretivist research paradigm and the
qualitative research method as the focus is to address the “how” in improving ISG in
organisations. Subsequently, this chapter has explained the 3-phase exploratory research
approach where the conceptual ISG process model was taken through to refinement and
validation via case study and expert interview research methods. The chapter has covered
the details of the case study and interview research methods, and discussed the selection of
the case study organisations and the interviewees for both case study and expert
interviews, followed by an explanation of the data collection and data analysis processes.
Finally, this chapter has closed with a discussion of the limitations and biases of the research
and the actions taken to ensure the reliability and validity of the research. The next chapter
will discuss the development of the conceptual ISG process model.

A Process Model to Improve ISG in Organisations 93

Chapter 4. Conceptual ISG Process Model Development

Chapter 4
Conceptual ISG Process Model Development
This chapter focuses on the development of the conceptual ISG process model informed by
the literature review and based on a selected set of models that had been developed by
previous researchers. This is Phase 1 of the research design, as shown again in Figure 4-1.

Figure 4-1: Phase 1: Conceptual model development

Section 4.1 provides an overview of the approach adopted to develop the conceptual ISG
process model, which includes the identification of key ISG components from extant
literature as discussed in Section 4.2. Section 4.3 provides insights into selected information
security frameworks and models that have been studied to develop the conceptual model.

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Chapter 4. Conceptual ISG Process Model Development

Section 4.4 describes the development of the initial conceptual process model from a
synthesis of selected work conducted by various researchers and the different models
proposed by the many professional and consultant reports and published standards. It also
describes the approach where experts were consulted to provide initial feedback on the
relevance of the process model in facilitating the understanding and implementation of ISG
and to test the interview questionnaire which was used in subsequent case study
interviews. The chapter concludes with Section 4.5 which shows the proposed conceptual
ISG process model.

4.1 Conceptual Process Model Development Approach

A process model is a graphical representation of processes, i.e. business activities and their
relationships, and is normally depicted as a set or series of inter-related and structured
activities or tasks across an organisation that produces a specific service, product or
outcome (Burgelman, 1996; Damelio, 2011; Jacka & Keller, 2009; Kalman, 2002). The
processes depicted in a process model capture both formal and tacit knowledge and the
model is a useful knowledge repository that helps to provide operational consistency in an
organisation (Kmetz, 2012; White & Cicmil, 2016) and how an organisation gets its work
done (Davenport, 1993; Kalman, 2002). Therefore, the development of the proposed
conceptual ISG process model required the identification of the stakeholders involved and
the related processes, i.e. business activities, their relationships and the workflow across an
organisation involved in implementing ISG.

The definition of ISG as in Section 2.5, i.e.

ISG is the framework of rules, relationships, systems and processes by

which the security objectives of the organisation are set and the means of
attaining those objectives and monitoring performance are determined.

and the requirements of a process model provided the basis to guide the identification of
key components from extant literature and existing ISG framework and models to facilitate

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Chapter 4. Conceptual ISG Process Model Development

the abstraction of key components for the development of the conceptual process model.
The process adopted in developing the conceptual ISG process model is shown in Figure 4-2.

Figure 4-2: Conceptual ISG process model development approach

4.2 Identification of Key ISG Components

While Section 2.3 has provided a detailed literature review justifying further research in ISG
and identifying the key concerns, needs and importance of ISG, this section uses the insights
from the literature review to identify the key components required in the development of
an ISG process model. For the purpose of this thesis, the term “components” refers to the
elements that make up ISG, comprising of the ISG principles, stakeholders, processes and
the interactions.

Figure 4-3 illustrates the key drivers that justify and influence the need for an ISG process
model and the processes/functions that have been identified to be associated with ISG in
extant literature.

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Chapter 4. Conceptual ISG Process Model Development

Figure 4-3: Key drivers and processes/functions of ISG from literature review (extracted from NVivo
11 analysis)

As discussed in detail in Section 2.3.2, Chapter 2, information security is a governance

concern for the board and executive management, where board members have to discharge
their fiduciary duty in protecting an organisation’s information assets. Moreover, there is an
increased requirement for organisations to comply with increased regulatory requirements
and better appreciation of the risks associated with protecting information assets in
organisations. These factors drive the need for better ISG and the need for an ISG process
model that helps in the implementation of ISG.

The literature review also identified the following core process components that should be
included in an ISG process model:

a. Provide assurance (Anhal et al., 2003; Fitzgerald, 2012; Holzinger, 2000)

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Chapter 4. Conceptual ISG Process Model Development

b. Provide board oversight (Allen, 2005; Bihari, 2008; Georg, 2017; von Solms, 2001b;
Westby, 2012)
c. Engage stakeholders (Allen, 2005; Gramling et al., 2004; Yaokumah & Brown, 2014b)
d. Manage compliance (Allen, 2005; Anhal et al., 2003; Antoniou, 2018; McFadzean et al.,
2006; von Solms & von Solms, 2006; Williams et al., 2013)
e. Monitor and control (Allen & Westby, 2007b; von Solms & von Solms, 2006)
f. Confirm risk appetite (Allen, 2005; Bobbert & Mulder, 2015; Carcary et al., 2016; Höne &
Eloff, 2009)
g. Manage risk (Allen, 2005; Anand, 2008; Anhal et al., 2003; Antoniou, 2018; Bobbert &
Mulder, 2015; Maynard et al., 2018; von Solms & von Solms, 2009)
h. Set directions and outcomes (Holgate et al., 2012; Maynard et al., 2018; Rastogi & von
Solms, 2006; Yaokumah & Brown, 2014a; Young, 2005)

The following section provides a review of 6 ISG frameworks/models that have been
carefully selected to facilitate the development of the conceptual ISG process model.

4.3 Review of Selected ISG Frameworks and Models

Many researchers have developed frameworks and models for explaining or implementing
ISG in organisations. As discussed in Subsection, these frameworks and models can
be categorised by 3 design principles, i.e. principles of good governance, risk management
approach, and best practices and standards. In this chapter, 4 frameworks and models have
been selected from academic literature and two models from standards and professional
publications for detailed analysis to identify salient features to be used for the development
of the conceptual ISG model. These frameworks and models have been selected based on
the following reasons:

a. They contain key ISG components such as functions/processes, stakeholders and the
inter-relationships between components to facilitate ease of understanding.
b. They build cumulatively on knowledge of prior research and are grounded on extant
literature, e.g. build upon early research on ISG models proposed by von Solms and von
Solms (2006).

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c. They propose an intra-organisational model that transverses strategic, tactical and

operational management.
d. They are based on key governance principles.
The two additional models that were selected from standards and professional publications
were analysed to provide an additional perspective on ISG models as these models were
developed to facilitate the implementation of ISG. Key similarities and differences were
identified as inputs in developing the conceptual ISG model.

The following sections provide analyses of the 6 selected ISG frameworks and models.

4.3.1 ISG Based on Direct-Control Cycle by von Solms and von Solms (2009, 2006)

In 2006, von Solms and von Solms (2006) proposed an ISG model that closely reflects key
principles of corporate governance because ISG is an integral component of corporate
governance. Prior to this, most information security research focused on the technical
aspect of information security (Conner et al., 2003; von Solms, 2006). According to von
Solms (2006), corporate governance includes the two important aspects of directing and
controlling an organisation. In directing the organisation, the board provides strategic
direction, which is expanded into policies, standards and procedures which the next level of
the organisation can operationalise. Similarly, in controlling the organisation, the board
ensures that the organisation complies with all required regulatory requirements and all
organisational directives, policies, standards and procedures. This direct-control cycle
happens across all management levels of an organisation and is a core principle of corporate
governance. The direct-control cycle forms the basis of the proposed ISG model, as shown in
Figure 4-4.

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Figure 4-4: ISG based on direct-control cycle (von Solms & von Solms, 2009, 2006)

There are two core principles in this proposed ISG model:

a. Principle 1
The model covers 3 levels of management, i.e. “strategic”, “tactical” and “operational” as
ISG involves activities across all levels in an organisation. The “strategic” level refers to the
board and executive management, the “tactical” level is the senior and middle
management, while the “operational” level comprises lower management and

b. Principle 2
The model comprises 3 distinct actions, i.e. “direct”, “execute” and “control”, which are
consistent with the principles of corporate governance. “Direct” specifies what must be
done, indicated by the arrow pointing downward, “execute” implements the directives, as
indicated by the left-to-right arrow, and “control” ensures the compliance of the execution
against the directives.

In addition to the above, the model was expanded by von Solms (2009) to cover several
information security-related dimensions, as shown in the expanded part of the model. The
“directives” specify how directives are expanded into policies, standards and procedures for
implementation, while the “control” ensures relevant information is collected for
monitoring of the compliance against the directives. Additional dimensions encompass

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Chapter 4. Conceptual ISG Process Model Development

areas of risk management, clear organisational functions of ISG and management, and the
importance of information security awareness across an organisation. Underpinning these
dimensions is “best practices”, which are collections of lessons learned, experiences and
practices that guide the implementation of ISG.

The von Solms direct-control ISG model was developed based on the concept of corporate
governance and incorporated core ISG processes involved across the various stakeholders
within an organisation.

4.3.2 ISG Framework by Da Veiga and Eloff (2007)

In 2007, Da Veiga and Eloff (2007) developed an ISG framework by synthesising a list of
information security components extracted from 4 approaches towards ISG, namely ISO
17799, components of PROTECT, the capability maturity model and information security
architecture. The purpose of the framework, shown in Figure 4-5, is to assist management in
implementing effective and comprehensive ISG that addresses technical, procedural and
human components.

Figure 4-5: ISG framework (Da Veiga & Eloff, 2007)

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In the proposed framework, the list of ISG components is grouped into 4 levels:
a. Level A: Strategic, management and technical protection components
b. Level B: 6 categories, namely, leadership and governance, security management and
organisation, security policies, security program management, user security
management, and technology protection and operations
c. Level C: A comprehensive list of information security components that help in the
implementation of ISG
d. Level D: Change management, the foundation level that drives adoption and information
security culture across the organisation

The Da Veiga and Eloff (2007) framework expanded beyond a technical framework to cover
procedural and human behavioural components to provide a more comprehensive ISG
framework. They were of the opinion that the implementation of an ISG framework is the
first step in driving an effective information security culture to protect an organisation’s
information assets. The framework did not show all ISG processes, but identified key ISG
functions and components to be undertaken by the various stakeholders within an
organisation that are required to drive an acceptable information security culture.

4.3.3 ISG Framework by Ohki et al. (2009)

In 2009, Ohki et al. (2009) developed an ISG framework with the objective of combining the
many information security guidelines and compliance requirements that were introduced in
Japan to assist company executives to direct, monitor and evaluate information security-
related activities in a unified manner. The proposed framework also helps company
executives to overcome difficulties around information security management and
differentiate ISG from related management processes and tools. In summary, it is a tool for
corporate executives to explain their information security policy and related activities to

As ISG is recognised as a key component of corporate governance, it is important for an ISG

framework to incorporate key principles of corporate governance (Ohki et al., 2009). The
proposed framework shown in Figure 4-6 was designed to address 3 key requirements:

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Chapter 4. Conceptual ISG Process Model Development

a. It must be aligned with the corporate governance framework, namely, corporate risk
management, as information security is a major corporate risk.
b. It must be able to handle the unique characteristics of information security risk as
information security risk can be very different from other corporate risks (e.g. speed of
proliferation of risk, significant impact, organisation-wide being caused by anyone in an
organisation, etc.).
c. It must be able to incorporate existing information security management and control

Figure 4-6: ISG framework (Ohki et al., 2009)

The ISG framework consists of 5 components with 3 key components, i.e. “direct”,
“monitor” and “evaluate” adopted from ISO/IEC 38500 Governance of Information
Technology for the organisation. “Direct” provides guidance in business strategies and risk
management, while “monitor” ensures governance activities are monitored through
measurable indicators and “evaluate” assesses and verifies the results. These form the
governing cycle of the information security management process. Two additional
components were added, i.e. “oversee” and “report”, to complete the governance

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Chapter 4. Conceptual ISG Process Model Development

functions. “Oversee” represents the auditing function to check and validate the corporate
executive’s information security-related activities as it is important to obtain assurance from
a third party. “Report” is proposed as the additional component to provide transparency
and accountability of information security to stakeholders. This function helps build trust in
the organisation as it is necessary to report and disclose activities relating to information
security. The ISG framework consists of all 5 ISG components together with arrows that
shows the relationships among these components. These components together with their
relationships make it easy for organisations to adopt and check existing governance
functions to identify improvements that are required to implement ISG.

In addition to the key governance components, the framework identifies key stakeholders
who are involved in the various governance components. Corporate executives are
responsible for the governing cycle of “direct”, “control” and “evaluate”, while managers
are responsible for information security management. Auditors are responsible for the
“oversee” component.

The Ohki et al. (2009) ISG framework was developed based on corporate governance
principles and deemed to have incorporated all the core governance processes that are
undertaken by the various stakeholders within an organisation. In addition, the framework
shows the relationships and interactions among these processes.

4.3.4 Integrated Framework for Security Governance by Kim (2007) and Park et al. (2006)

The integrated framework for security governance developed by Kim (2007) and Park et al.
(2006) was based on analysis of the limitations of information security management and IT
governance that can be extended to cover broader ISG. The objective of the integrated
framework for security governance was to facilitate better understanding among corporate
executives in implementing ISG.

The proposed integrated framework for security governance integrates information security
strategies, security controls and performance management across various internal
stakeholders (i.e. employees and management) and external stakeholders (i.e. government,

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Chapter 4. Conceptual ISG Process Model Development

shareholders, customers, media and suppliers). The integrated framework for security
governance consists of 4 domains and two relationship categories, as shown in Figure 4-7.
The 4 domains are “community”, “security”, “performance” and “information”, which
represent the holistic responsibility of all organisation members in governing information
security, while the two relationship categories of “harmonisation” and “flywheel” govern
the relationships among the domains and deal with the virtuous cycle of corporate security,

Figure 4-7: Integrated framework for security governance (Kim, 2007; Park et al., 2006)

This integrated framework for security governance was driven by the need to expand
corporate governance and IT governance to ISG and aimed to integrate various stakeholders
impacted by information security (depicted by the “harmonisation” relationship category) to
achieve an improved information security outcome (depicted by the “flywheel” relationship

4.3.5 ISO/IEC 27014 ISG Model (International Organization for Standardization, 2013)

The ISO/IEC 27014 Information technology - Security techniques - Governance of

information security technologies was published on 15 May 2013 (International

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Chapter 4. Conceptual ISG Process Model Development

Organization for Standardization, 2013). This ISO standard is part of the ISO/IEC 27000 series
of standards on information security and aims to provide a framework of ISG components
where organisations can assess and implement ISG.

The scope of ISO/IEC 27014 is as stated below:

provides guidance on concepts and principles for the governance of
information security, by which organisations can valuate, direct, monitor
and communicate the information security related activities within the
organisation… This International Standard is applicable to all types and
sizes of organisations.

The ISO 27014 model is shown in Figure 4-8.

Figure 4-8: ISO 27014 ISG model (International Organization for Standardization, 2013)

This standard identified 6 action-oriented ISG principles that formed the rules for
governance actions and conduct in implementing ISG. These 6 principles are as follows:

a. Principle 1: Establish organisation-wide information security

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Chapter 4. Conceptual ISG Process Model Development

Information security is an organisation-wide concern that considers organisation strategy,

business objectives and all relevant aspects of an organisation, and should be the
responsibility of everyone across an organisation.

b. Principle 2: Adopt a risk-based approach

Information security is one of the many risks in an organisation. Therefore, information
security risk should be managed consistent with an organisation’s overall risk management

c. Principle 3: Set the direction of investment decisions

Investment in information security initiatives should be based on business requirements and
risk management directions.

d. Principle 4: Ensure conformance with internal and external requirements

Information security standards, policies and practices should be implemented in accordance
with an organisation’s operating environment, in compliance with legal and regulatory

e. Principle 5: Foster a security-positive environment

Information security initiatives should be promoted and coordinated across the organisation
and relevant external stakeholders to drive an effective information security culture.

f. Principle 6: Review performance in relation to business outcomes

Information security initiatives should be monitored to ensure that they are effective in
meeting the information security objectives which are aligned to an organisation’s business

Based on these objectives, the ISO 27014 ISG model specifies 5 core ISG processes that
provide a powerful link between the various stakeholders responsible for the governance of
information security. The key stakeholders in the ISO 27014 model are the “governing
body”, “executive management” and “stakeholder”. The “governing body” is a person or

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Chapter 4. Conceptual ISG Process Model Development

group of people who are accountable for the organisation and is not the executive
management, while the “executive management” generally comprises the C-level
executives in an organisation who have been delegated responsibility from the governing
body (International Organization for Standardization, 2013). The standard defines a
“stakeholder” as any person or organisation that interacts with the organisation.

In the ISO 27014 model, the “governing body” performs the “direct”, “monitor”, “evaluate”
and “communicate” processes in governing information security. The “assure” process
provides an independent opinion on the governance of information security. “Direct”
provides the direction on information security strategies and objectives, “monitor” assesses
the achievement of strategic objectives and “evaluate” assesses the requirements and
determines the adjustments that are required. “Communicate” enables the exchange of
information between the “governing body” and “stakeholders”. “Assure” is an independent
process that assesses and validates the achievement of the governance of information
security and is normally conducted by an independent party such as an external auditor.

The ISO 27014 ISG model is based on governance principles and identified all key ISG
components which include core ISG processes, key stakeholders and the relationships and
interactions with these processes.

4.3.6 ISG Model by Gartner (2010)

Gartner is a leading technology research and advisory company. Gartner introduced an ISG
model in 2010 with the aims of formalising a common definition of ISG and identifying
specific ISG functions and processes for information security practitioners (Gartner, 2010).
Gartner’s ISG model is based on two key principles:

a. Principle 1: Governance processes are decision-making and oversight processes, not

execution processes.
b. Principle 2: The objective is the attainment of business goals, not IT goals.

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Chapter 4. Conceptual ISG Process Model Development

According to the Gartner model (2010), ISG is a set of processes and functions within the
major processes of “plan”, “implement”, “manage” and “monitor”. This model is another
informative model as it specifies the processes and functions that should be done but does
not explain how it should be done or by whom in the organisation. This model also does not
cover the organisational perspective, i.e. the responsibilities of the different persons or
group of persons in an organisation.

While Gartner introduced this model as an ISG model, it is interesting to note that the
processes of “plan”, “implement”, “manage” and “monitor” are actually defined as
management processes rather than governance processes when compared against the
definition stated in COBIT 5 (Information Systems Audit and Control Association (ISACA),
2012). This is another example of a non-consistent definition of ISG and continuous use of
the terms “governance” and “management” interchangeably in the information security

The Gartner model is shown in Figure 4-9.

Figure 4-9: Gartner ISG model (Gartner, 2010)

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Similar to the other ISG models, the Gartner ISG model identifies the key ISG components
that are required to govern information security. While the model defines the core
processes of plan, implement, manage and monitor, it does not identify the processes
involved in ISG, but merely identifies the required ISG components.

4.3.7 Summary of ISG Frameworks and Models Review

The review of the 6 ISG frameworks and models in the previous sections allows for the
identification of key features, similarities, differences and gaps that facilitates the
abstraction of the key components required in developing a conceptual ISG process model.

Table 4-1 shows a summary of the 6 ISG frameworks and models reviewed.

Table 4-1: Summary of ISG frameworks and models reviewed.

ISG Components von Da ISO

Ohki Kim/Park Gartner
Solms Veiga 27014
Informative or normative
model that identifies the ⚫ ⚫ ⚫ ⚫ ⚫ ⚫
“what” in ISG
Objective to facilitate the
⚫ ⚫ ⚫ ⚫
implementation of ISG
Based on corporate
⚫ ⚫ ⚫ ⚫ ⚫
governance principles
Process driven ⚫ ⚫ ⚫ ⚫
Closed-loop process ⚫ ⚫ ⚫ ⚫
Identifies core ISG
a. Provide assurance ⚫ ⚫ ⚫
b. Provide board
⚫ ⚫ ⚫ ⚫
c. Engage shareholders ⚫ ⚫ ⚫ ⚫ ⚫
d. Manage compliance ⚫ ⚫ ⚫ ⚫ ⚫ ⚫
e. Monitor and control ⚫ ⚫ ⚫ ⚫ ⚫ ⚫
f. Manage risk ⚫ ⚫
g. Set directions and
⚫ ⚫ ⚫ ⚫ ⚫ ⚫
Demonstrates relationships
⚫ ⚫ ⚫ ⚫ ⚫ ⚫
across ISG Components

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Chapter 4. Conceptual ISG Process Model Development

ISG Components von Da ISO

Ohki Kim/Park Gartner
Solms Veiga 27014
Identifies key stakeholders’
⚫ ⚫ ⚫ ⚫ ⚫

All 6 frameworks and models that have been analysed are either informative or normative
frameworks and models that identify key components of ISG and what should and must be
done to implement ISG. Four of the frameworks, i.e. the ISG framework by Ohki et al.
(2009), the integrated framework for security governance by Kim and Park et al. (2007;
2006), the ISO/IEC 27014 ISG model (2013) and the Gartner ISG model (2010), aim to
facilitate the implementation of ISG by identifying the ISG components that must be
considered in ISG but do not identify “how” to implement ISG. Therefore, the purpose of the
following section is to develop a prescriptive ISG model that specifies the processes which
can facilitate organisations to implement ISG. The proposed conceptual ISG model is a
process-driven model as it identifies all governance processes, illustrates clear relationships
among these processes between management and corporate governance mechanisms, and
supports cross-functional information flow throughout the organisation.

4.4 Towards a Conceptual ISG Process Model

This conceptual ISG process model has been developed by incorporating the body of
knowledge on ISG and associated information security domains, and corporate governance
theories built from detailed literature reviews in Sections 2.3 and 2.4, key ISG processes and
functions identified in Section 4.2 and analysis of the 6 selected ISG models discussed in
Section 4.3. The purpose of a process model is to provide a common framework, i.e. a
shared understanding of how work gets done (Davenport, 1993; Kalman, 2002).

This research has adopted a process-mapping approach to define and map out the core ISG
processes that form the ISG process model required to facilitate ISG implementation.
Process mapping enables the identified stakeholders and core processes to be graphically
documented to show the simplified workflow and interactions of the processes and
stakeholders in a cross-functional process diagram (Damelio, 2011; Madison, 2005; Wang et
al., 2009; White & Cicmil, 2016). Based on the identification of ISG stakeholders and

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Chapter 4. Conceptual ISG Process Model Development

discovery of core ISG processes from the literature review and ISG frameworks and models
analysis, the following process-mapping steps have been carried out to develop the
conceptual ISG process model:

a. Step 1: Confirm the key design principles that guide the development of the ISG process
b. Step 2: Map the key stakeholders who are involved in ISG.
c. Step 3: Map all core ISG processes and the process owners (stakeholders) required to
implement ISG.
d. Step 4: Identify the relationships and interactions between the ISG processes.

This conceptual ISG model was than then shown to 4 information security systems and
security practitioners to seek initial expert comments on the need for and relevance of the
model. These expert comments were incorporated into the development of the conceptual
ISG process model and used as input to design the questionnaire for subsequent case study
research to test and validate the conceptual ISG process model empirically.

The following sections describe the development of the conceptual ISG process model.

4.4.1 Confirmation of Key Design Principles

All ISG frameworks and models that were analysed had adopted some key principles.
Additional reviews of related ISG literature also revealed a certain set of principles. Drawing
on these many principles, the following are the 4 design principles that have been identified
to guide the development of the conceptual ISG process model.

a. Principle 1: ISG is organisation-wide and is business driven

As information security is an organisation-wide concern, the governance of information
security should be organisation-wide and consider organisation strategy, business objectives
and all relevant aspects of an organisation.

b. Principle 2: Risk management is fundamental to ISG just as to corporate governance

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As information security is one of the major risks to an organisation, ISG should adopt a risk
management framework that is consistent with corporate governance.

c. Principle 3: The ISG model must clearly identify the governance processes together with
clear roles and responsibilities of relevant stakeholders
ISG must have clearly identified governance processes. To be effective, clearly identified
stakeholders must be assigned to be responsible for these governance processes.

d. Principle 4: ISG consists of closed-loop processes that drive continuous improvements in

meeting its information security objectives
ISG sets the direction for all required information security objectives. In addition, it is
equally important to regularly obtain feedback to ensure actions are taken or changed
accordingly to meet the required information security objectives.

4.4.2 Clear Identification of Stakeholders

The conceptual model uses the von Solms and von Solms (2006) 3 management levels as the
basis for the identification of stakeholders. In addition, drawing on the concepts of
corporate governance (ASX Corporate Governance Council, 2019; Monetary Authority of
Singapore, 2018; OECD, 2015), the strategic management level is expanded into two
separate groups, i.e. “strategic - board” and “strategic - executive” as it is important to
recognise the different roles performed by these groups. While both groups are responsible
for the overall strategic direction of an organisation, the “strategic - board” are generally
non-executive board members and are hired to provide oversight management of the
“strategic - executive” group (International Organization for Standardization, 2013). In the
proposed ISG process model, the “strategic - board” and “strategic - executive” are
collectively known as the “governing body” i.e. the group of people that is accountable for
the performance and conformance of the organisation. The other two management levels
are “management - tactical” and “management - operational” (Korhonen et al., 2012; von
Solms & von Solms, 2006), who have delegated responsibilities from the “governing body”
for implementation of strategies and policies.

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These 4 management levels, as shown in Figure 4-10, are identified as the stakeholder
groups in the conceptual ISG process model.

Figure 4-10: Proposed ISG stakeholder groups in an organisation, adapted from (International
Organization for Standardization, 2013; Ohki et al., 2009; von Solms & von Solms, 2006)

The clear roles and responsibilities between the governing body and management, and
across the various stakeholder groups, encourage segregation of duties, which is a key
principle of governance structure and supports cross-functional information flow
throughout the organisation.

Drawing on the selected ISG frameworks and models and the importance of auditing and
assurance (Allen & Westby, 2007a; Institute of Internal Auditors, 2010, 2013; International
Organization for Standardization, 2013; Ohki et al., 2009), one additional stakeholder group,
i.e. “external” has been added to represent the persons or entities outside the organisation
that affect or are affected by the information security activities of the organisation. In a
regulated environment, this is the regulator or authority that grants the operating licence of
the organisation. This “external” stakeholder group can also be external entities that
conduct independent audits or certifications on the information security stature of an

These 5 stakeholder groups are mapped as 5 columns in a cross-functional process map in

developing the conceptual ISG process model (Figure 4-11).

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Figure 4-11: Stakeholder groups in a cross-functional process map (conceptual ISG process model)

4.4.3 Definition of Core Governance Processes and Sub-processes

Core ISG processes have been identified based on the body of knowledge from literature
reviews and the selected ISG frameworks. While the names of these core ISG processes
differ in the selected models, the meanings and roles of these processes are consistent and
aim to achieve similar objectives. These core processes from the selected ISG frameworks
and models are documented in Table 4-2.

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Table 4-2: Core ISG processes in various ISG frameworks and models.

ISG Process
von Solms &
Ohki et al. ISO 27014 Objectives Model
von Solms
Direct Direct Direct Provides overall guidance and Direct
directions (directives) so that
management can implement
information security principles.
Control Monitor Monitor Assesses the Monitor
achievement/progress of
information security objectives
as defined in the directives.
– Evaluate Evaluate Undertakes evaluations and Evaluate
comparisons to determine
changes and adjustments
required to meet current and
future information security
– Report Communicate Demonstrates accountability and Communicate
transparency through reporting
and communication regarding
the information security
program undertaken to protect
the organisation and respond to
security incidents.
– Oversee Assure Conducts checks and validations Assure
by independent parties (e.g.
reviews, audits and
certifications) to ensure
compliance with desired level of
information security.

As a cross-functional process diagram is used as part of process mapping to illustrate these

core ISG processes, these core ISG processes are mapped on the left column in the
conceptual ISG process model, as shown in Figure 4-12. The process flows among the 4 core
processes as interpreted from both the von Solms direct-control cycle (2006) and Ohki et
al.’s (2009) ISG framework together with ISO 27014 (2013) are shown as the connecting
arrows. Further sub-processes that are identified from literature review are documented in
process profile worksheets which will then be mapped onto this cross-functional process

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Figure 4-12: Core ISG processes in a cross-functional process map (conceptual ISG process model) Direct, Monitor and Evaluate

Consistent with all 3 frameworks and models, the key governance principles involve the
“direct and control” or “direct and monitor” processes. A third process, i.e. “evaluate” is not
found in the von Solms model but was introduced by Ohki et al. and ISO 27014, although the
function of evaluation is described in von Solms’s “monitor” process. “Evaluate” is the
checks and balances process that analyses the information from “control” or “monitor”
against “direct” to determine changes or adjustments that are required to meet current and
future information security objectives (International Organization for Standardization,
2013). The “direct”, “monitor” and “evaluate” processes ensure a closed-loop process
where the ISG processes can be regularly adjusted to meet the changing requirements of
information security as business requirements and information security threats change. This
closed-loop process is akin to the Deming cycle in the continuous quality improvement
model (Gartner, 2010; Walton, 1988).

A Process Model to Improve ISG in Organisations 117

Chapter 4. Conceptual ISG Process Model Development Direct

As ISG is related to the achievement of business goals (Conner & Coviello, 2004; Gartner,
2010; Korhonen et al., 2012; Tan et al., 2017), the “direct” process includes processes that
understand an organisation’s vision, mission and business strategies so that information
security initiatives can be identified and aligned. The second key component of ISG is the
alignment with an organisation’s corporate risk management approach. Hence, ISG
comprises processes that aim to understand the information security risk appetite that an
organisation is willing to accept, so that relevant directives are provided for risk
management (Da Veiga & Eloff, 2007; Webb, Maynard, et al., 2014; Yaokumah & Brown,
2014b). These business directions together with the risk appetite drive all the information
security standards, policies and subsequently the procedures and initiatives for an
organisation. Table 4-3 to Table 4-8 show the 6 sub-processes identified for the “direct”

Table 4-3: Process profile worksheet - align information security objectives with business strategy.
Core Process Name: Direct
Sub-Process Name Sub-Process Owner
1. Align information security objectives with business • Strategic - board
strategy (Allen, 2005; Antoniou, 2018; Holzinger, 2000; • Strategic - executive
Lidster & Rahman, 2018; Ohki et al., 2009; Tan et al.,
2017; Yaokumah & Brown, 2014a).

Process Description
Ensure alignment of information security objectives with organisation’s vision, mission and
objectives, and corporate governance.

• Organisation’s business strategy
• Information security objectives

• Information security objectives aligned with organisation’s business strategy

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Table 4-4: Process profile worksheet - confirm risk appetite.

Core Process Name: Direct
Sub-Process Name Sub-Process Owner
2. Confirm risk appetite (Allen, 2005; Bobbert & Mulder, • Strategic - board
2015; Carcary et al., 2016; Da Veiga & Eloff, 2007; • Strategic - executive
Gashgari et al., 2017; Georg, 2017; von Solms et al.,
2011; Webb, Maynard, et al., 2014).

Process Description
Confirm the level of risk an organisation is willing to accept.

• Information security objectives aligned with organisation’s business strategy
• Risk assessment findings

• Agreed risk appetite

Table 4-5: Process profile worksheet - manage risk.

Core Process Name: Direct
Sub-Process Name Sub-Process Owner
3. Manage risk (Allen, 2005; Anhal et al., 2003; Antoniou, • Management - tactical
2018; Bobbert & Mulder, 2015; Da Veiga & Eloff, 2007; • Management - operational
Lidster & Rahman, 2018; von Solms & von Solms, 2006;
Webb, Ahmad, et al., 2014).

Process Description
Execute appropriate measures to manage and mitigate risks.

• Agreed risk appetite

• Risk assessment findings/results
• Risk management initiatives

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Table 4-6: Process profile worksheet - define board directives.

Core Process Name: Direct
Sub-Process Name Sub-Process Owner
4. Define board directives (Allen, 2005; Gashgari et al., • Strategic - board
2017; Ohki et al., 2009; Sajko et al., 2011; Tan et al.,
2010; von Solms & von Solms, 2006; Williams et al.,

Process Description
Set the information security directions.

• Information security objectives aligned with organisation’s business strategy
• Agreed risk appetite

• Information security directives

Table 4-7: Process profile worksheet - define security policies and standards.
Core Process Name: Direct
Sub-Process Name Sub-Process Owner
5. Define security policies and standards (Sajko et al., 2011; • Strategic - executive
Tan et al., 2010, 2017; von Solms, 2001a). • Management - tactical

Process Description
Develop organisation’s information security policies and standards based on defined information
security directions.

• Information security directions

• Information security policies and standards

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Table 4-8: Process profile worksheet - define information security procedures.

Core Process Name: Direct
Sub-Process Name Sub-Process Owner
6. Define information security procedures (Allen & Westby, • Management - operational
2007a; Alves et al., 2006; Conner & Coviello, 2004;
Mishra & Dhillon, 2006; von Solms & von Solms, 2006).

Process Description
Develop information security procedures based on defined information security policies and

• Information security policies and standards

• Information security procedures Monitor

The “monitor” process assesses the directives that have been set to ensure that these
directives are implemented and followed. This is also a compliance process to ensure that
an organisation complies with the information security policies, standards and procedures
to achieve the intended information security objectives. Table 4-9 and Table 4-10 show the
2 sub-processes identified for the “monitor” process:

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Table 4-9: Process profile worksheet - measure performance.

Core Process Name: Monitor
Sub-Process Name Sub-Process Owner
1. Measure performance (Allen, 2005; Anhal et al., 2003; • Strategic - board
Giordano, 2010; Höne & Eloff, 2009; Lidster & Rahman,

Process Description
Review results on compliance to determine performance of compliance with information security

• Results on compliance with information security directives, policies and standards and

• Recommendations and decisions on next actions based on results of compliance with
information security directives, policies and standards and procedures

Table 4-10: Process profile worksheet - manage compliance.

Core Process Name: Monitor
Sub-Process Name Sub-Process Owner
2. Manage compliance (Allen, 2005; Anhal et al., 2003; • Strategic - executive
Antoniou, 2018; Höne & Eloff, 2009; Lidster & Rahman, • Management - tactical
2018; Ohki et al., 2009). • Management - operational

Process Description
Conduct regular compliance tests on actual implementation of information security directives,
policies and standards and procedures in practice, and provide report on compliance.

• Information security directives, policies and standards and procedures
• Actual implementation of information security directives, policies and standards and
procedures in practice

• Results on compliance with information security directives, policies and standards and

A Process Model to Improve ISG in Organisations 122

Chapter 4. Conceptual ISG Process Model Development Evaluate

In relation to “monitor”, the “evaluate” process assesses the results of compliance and
evaluates and determines the necessary changes and adjustments that may be required to
meet current and future information security requirements. Table 4-11 and Table 4-12 show
the 2 sub-processes identified for the “evaluate” process:

Table 4-11: Process profile worksheet - evaluate and refine.

Core Process Name: Evaluate
Sub-Process Name Sub-Process Owner
1. Evaluate and refine (Alves et al., 2006; Flores et al., • Strategic - board
2011; Huang & Farn, 2016; Ohki et al., 2009; von Solms • Strategic - executive
et al., 2011; von Solms & von Solms, 2006).

Process Description
Consider current and future to determine changes required to meet information security

• Information security directives, policies and standards and procedures
• Results on compliance, i.e. gaps in meeting information security directives, policies and
standards and procedures

• Recommendations on changes on information security directives, polices, standards and
procedures taking into consideration compliance results and the changing requirements of
business strategies

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Table 4-12: Process profile worksheet - collect and compare.

Core Process Name: Evaluate
Sub-Process Name Sub-Process Owner
2. Collect and compare (Asgarkhani et al., 2017; Huang & • Management - tactical
Farn, 2016; Kim et al., 2008; Miller et al., 2009; Ohki et • Management - operational
al., 2009; von Solms et al., 2011; von Solms & von Solms,

Process Description
Collect information from “control” and compare with directives from “direct” to determine gaps
in information security objectives.

• Information security directives, policies and standards and procedures
• Results on compliance with information security directives, policies and standards and

• Results on compliance, i.e. gaps in meeting information security directives, policies and
standards and procedures Communicate

Disclosure and transparency are other key principles in corporate governance frameworks
where timely and accurate disclosure is made on all material matters (ASX Corporate
Governance Council, 2019; OECD, 2015). Accordingly, clear communication is a good
governance principle that has been included in the models proposed by Ohki et al. (2009)
and ISO 27014 (International Organization for Standardization, 2013), known as the “report”
and “communicate” processes, respectively. In addition, the “communicate” process is
bidirectional where communications include the recognition of regulatory obligations and
stakeholders’ expectations of information security (International Organization for
Standardization, 2013). Table 4-13 shows the sub-processes identified for the
“communicate” process:

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Table 4-13: Process profile worksheet - engage stakeholders.

Core Process Name: Communicate
Sub-Process Name Sub-Process Owner
1. Engage stakeholders (Allen, 2005; Allen & Westby, • Strategic - board
2007a; De Bruin & von Solms, 2016; Mahncke, 2013; • Strategic - executive
Ohki et al., 2009).

Process Description
Report to shareholders and regulators on information security performance and compliance

• Information security directives, policies and standards and procedures
• Results on compliance, i.e. gaps in meeting information security directives, policies and
standards and procedures
• Recommendations on changes on information security directives, polices, standards and
procedures taking into consideration compliance results and the changing requirements of
business strategies

• Communications to stakeholders and regulators, i.e. in the form of meetings, briefing
sessions, reports and newsletters Assure

The final process is “oversee” or “assure” i.e. the governance process where checks and
validations are carried out by an independent party such as audits, reviews and
certifications. This can help to ensure that the organisation is complying with its
accountability to achieve the desired level of information security standards (Institute of
Internal Auditors, 2010, 2013; International Organization for Standardization, 2013). Table
4-14 shows the sub-processes identified for the “assure” process:

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Table 4-14: Process profile worksheet - conduct audits and certifications.

Core Process Name: Assure
Sub-Process Name Sub-Process Owner
1. Conduct audits and certifications (Anhal et al., 2003; • External
Conner & Coviello, 2004; Farrell, 2010; Holzinger, 2000; • Strategic - board
Mishra, 2007; Ohki et al., 2009; Steinbart et al., 2018). • Strategic - executive

Process Description
Conduct periodic audits and certifications.

• Findings from on-site review of ISG processes and interviews with employees and
stakeholders of organisation
• Information security directives, policies and standards and procedures
• Results on compliance, i.e. gaps in meeting information security directives, policies and
standards and procedures
• Recommendations on changes on information security directives, polices, standards and
procedures taking into consideration compliance results and the changing requirements of
business strategies

• Independent audit reports
• Independent external certifications of information security status of organisation

Based on the details on the sub-process profile worksheets as described above, these
identified ISG processes and sub-processes are mapped against the stakeholder groups, as
shown in a cross-functional process map in Figure 4-13.

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Figure 4-13: Stakeholder groups and processes in a cross-functional process map (conceptual ISG
process model)

The next step in developing the conceptual ISG process model was to translate the
interactions among the stakeholder groups and the dependencies of the processes and sub-
processes as identified in the sub-process profile worksheets.

4.4.4 Interactions Among Stakeholders Groups and Across Processes/Sub-processes

An effective ISG model needs to have clear definitions of the governance processes and
their interactions with each other to provide a framework that can guide an organisation in
ISG implementation. The “direct”, “monitor” and “evaluate” processes provide a closed-
loop process where ISG can be regularly adjusted to meet the changing requirements of
information security (International Organization for Standardization, 2013; Ohki et al., 2009;
von Solms & von Solms, 2006). This closed-loop process is illustrated in the conceptual
model as arrows connecting the “direct”, “monitor” and “evaluate” processes. In addition to
the interactions across the core governance processes, the interactions among the
stakeholder groups are critical. These interactions together with the process flows across
the various stakeholder groups provide clear segregation of roles and responsibilities. These
are illustrated by the process flow arrows and the grouping of processes within the

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Chapter 4. Conceptual ISG Process Model Development

stakeholder groups in the conceptual model. These processes are consistent with the
process flows and interactions as found in the selected ISG models from Ohki et al. (2009)
and ISO 27014 (2013).

In addition to the interactions of the core ISG processes, there are also interactions and
interdependencies between the ISG sub-processes as identified in the sub-process profile
worksheets in Section 4.4.3. These interactions and process flows are shown as process flow
arrows in the conceptual ISG process model in Figure 4-14.

Figure 4-14: Interactions between stakeholders and processes/sub-processes in a cross-functional

process map (conceptual ISG process model)

4.5 Proposed Conceptual ISG Process Model

The conceptual ISG process model was developed by adopting the process-mapping
approach where the stakeholder groups and the ISG core processes and sub-processes were
mapped onto a cross-functional diagram, which is shown again in Figure 4-15.

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Chapter 4. Conceptual ISG Process Model Development

Figure 4-15: Conceptual ISG process model

The conceptual ISG process model shows the core ISG processes together with the sub-
processes against the 5 stakeholder groups. The stakeholder groups (i.e. external, strategic -
board, strategic - management, tactical and operational) are depicted on the top horizontal
row, while the core processes (i.e. assure, communicate, evaluate, direct and monitor) are
shown on the left side of the conceptual model. As indicated in Section 4.4.4, the
interactions among the stakeholders and the process flows are shown as arrows connecting
the processes and sub-processes.

This conceptual ISG process model was shown to initial 4 information security systems and
security practitioners to seek their expert comments on the need for and relevance of the
model and to help develop the questionnaire for subsequent case study interviews. Table
4-15 shows a summary of these 4 expert interviewees’ profiles.

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Chapter 4. Conceptual ISG Process Model Development

Table 4-15: Expert interviewee profiles (extracted from Table 3-1).

Location & No. of
Interviewee Organisation Role Job Role Years in
Coverage Industry
Expert Interviews in Phase 1
Expert #1 Financial Malaysia CIO Direct 20 years+
(CIO-MY_Bank) institution
Expert #2 Financial Singapore CIO Direct 30 years+
(CIO-SG_Bank) institution
Expert #3 Financial Malaysia & Group CCO Indirect 20 years+
(GCCO-MY_Bank) institution South East
(bank) Asia
Expert #4 Financial Malaysia & Group COO Indirect 20 years+
(GCOO-MY_Bank) institution South East
(bank) Asia
Total number of expert interviewees 4

Some initial comments and feedback on the conceptual ISG model are shown in Table 4-16.

Table 4-16: Initial comments on conceptual ISG process model.

Initial Comments
Clear identification of “have a structure in placed. I believe roles and responsibilities are
stakeholders often the next issue … there must be accountability and oversight at
the top.” (GCCO-MY_Bank)

“just like corporate governance it begins at the top, i.e. the board. In
my view, information security governance needs a proper structure
where the board provides the overall oversight in the governance.”

“you have Line three, the auditors who will provide the assurance
that all are in placed. We have both the internal and external auditors
who will cover information security as part of their assurance scope
of work.” (CIO-MY_Bank)

“all banks, we have external auditors, regulator MAS auditors, etc.”


Definition of core
governance processes
and sub-processes
• Direct “the bank still drives our information security initiatives and
investment from a business strategy … both MAS requirements and

A Process Model to Improve ISG in Organisations 130

Chapter 4. Conceptual ISG Process Model Development

Initial Comments
business will drive our information security budget and prioritisation
of information security projects.” (CIO-SG_Bank)

“We start with the type of customer, we want to have a risk appetite,
so if we do bank in higher risk customers, what would be our risk
assessment methodology, all the controls, and … all the other stuff.”

“a lot of it is driven from business needs, regulatory requirements or

risk management related.” (GCCO-MY_Bank)

“The board should be responsible for oversight in overall decision-

making maybe to include approving the investment for information
security, approving the risk profile and facilitating meeting to ensure
that the bank is focused and has a priority in information security.”

• Monitor “you have the Line two, where risk and compliance, and IT is involved
in making sure that the information security policies are implemented
and complied with.” (CIO-MY_Bank)

“We are now working on a proactive compliance process.” (GCCO-


“we have compliance department who will work closely with O&M
[Organisation & Method Department] and my IT security team to
drive compliance, making sure everyone follows the procedures.
Compliance department will conduct their compliance audit … ah … I
think annually, some departments maybe every six months to ensure
that they comply. Any noncompliance will be raised in our
management or Exco meetings. We will investigate the
noncompliance and take necessary actions.” (GCOO-MY_Bank)

• Evaluate “The risk and compliance team will check to ensure compliance and
act on noncompliance to put them back on the proper track.” (CIO-

“the chief risk officer … one of the key role is to ensure all risk areas
must have proper policies and framework established, reviewed,
refreshed.” (CIO-SG_Bank)

“Any noncompliance will be raised in our management or Exco

meetings. We will investigate the noncompliance and take necessary
actions.” (GCOO-MY_Bank)

• Communicate “You need to keep the board updated, keeping them aware of the
latest progress in the bank and in the industry … This also act as an
education session to the board to keep them aware of the activities in
the bank.” (CIO-MY_Bank)

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Chapter 4. Conceptual ISG Process Model Development

Initial Comments
“Communication to ensure constant updates to board and
regulators.” (CIO-SG_Bank)
“a process where board is kept updated and aware and making sure
board is involved in the decision-making process.” (GCCO-MY_Bank)

“We the senior management updates the board so the board can
have an oversight of what is happening in the bank.” (GCOO-

• Assure “you have Leve three, the auditors who will provide the assurance
that all are in place. We have both the internal and external auditors
who will cover information security as part of their assurance scope
of work.” (CIO-MY_Bank)

“Assurance is given … all banks, we have external auditors, regulator

MAS auditors, etc.” (CIO-SG_Bank)

“Just like corporate governance, there should be the three lines of

defence, the user at the front line, risk management and compliance
function at the second line, and finally through to internal audit or
assurance … information security governance adopts a similar line of
defence approach.” (GCOO-MY_Bank)

4.6 Summary

This chapter has analysed 4 selected ISG models that were developed by previous
researchers and two models from the ISO standard and a professional publication. A
detailed analysis of these 6 models and a detailed literature review discovered key ISG
principles, the ISG stakeholder groups and processes as well as sub-processes and their
interactions. Based on this body of knowledge, a proposed conceptual ISG process model
was developed to incorporate key ISG principles that comprise good governance, risk
management and best practices from international standards. The conceptual ISG process
model is a process-driven model as it identifies the core ISG processes and sub-processes,
the process flows and relationships. The model also maps these processes against the
various stakeholder groups to show the responsibilities of these stakeholder groups in
relation to these processes. This conceptual process model will facilitate the
implementation of ISG in organisations which will lead to improved ISG in organisations.

A Process Model to Improve ISG in Organisations 132

Chapter 4. Conceptual ISG Process Model Development

As most previous models are hypothetical models developed based on key principles and
theoretical frameworks, it is imperative to develop a model that is grounded on empirical
data. The following chapter will describe the approach adopted to further develop and
refine this conceptual ISG process model with actual data gathered from 3 case study

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Chapter 5. ISG Process Model Refinement

Chapter 5
ISG Process Model Refinement
The previous chapter has explained how the conceptual ISG process model was developed
based on literature research and the analysis of 6 selected ISG frameworks and models, as
well as initial feedback from expert interviews. This chapter presents the results and key
findings of Phase 2: Model refinement of the research design, as shown in Figure 5-1, where
the refined ISG process model was developed. Phase 2 focused on the development of the
ISG process model through a multiple case study method where 3 case study organisations
in the financial services industry were analysed. A total of 17 interviews were conducted
with individuals who were primarily senior executives across different roles and were
directly or indirectly involved in ISG.

Figure 5-1: Phase 2: Model refinement

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Chapter 5. ISG Process Model Refinement

Section 5.1 introduces the 3 case study organisations. Section 5.2 summarises the coding
and analysis of case study data to discover the second-order themes and aggregated
dimensions, while Section 5.3 discusses in detail the discovery of the second-order themes
and aggregated dimensions that led to the identification of the core components of ISG, i.e.
the stakeholder groups, ISG processes and sub-processes required to develop the ISG
process model. Section 5.4 compares the ISG process model discovered from the case study
data with the conceptual ISG process model to confirm the theories and identify the
differences. This section also highlights the refinements made to the conceptual model that
led to the refined ISG process model. This chapter concludes with Section 5.5 that shows the
refined ISG process model.

5.1 Case Study Organisations

Case study analysis allowed the researcher to understand the organisation and to position
the research within the setting of the organisation, extracting best practices adopted in the
organisation. As discussed in Section 3.6.2, financial institutions have been selected as the
researcher believes that they will provide the best practices in how ISG has been
implemented and thus provide insightful data for analysis. Financial institutions are strictly
regulated and therefore also have established corporate governance processes covering
board oversight, risk management and compliance processes that extend to cover
information security. In addition, financial institutions have invested heavily in information
security initiatives to protect themselves from information security risks (AustCyber, 2018;
Ernst & Young, 2017; Ponemon Institute, 2019).

Three financial institutions have been identified for the multiple case study research. These
3 financial institutions have the following key characteristics:

a. The financial institutions have designated in-house information security teams with
specific knowledge, skills and abilities, typically led by a CISO or dedicated IT security
team within the CIO or COO functions.

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b. The financial institutions have adopted information security processes which are
compliant with the respective regulators, the Monetary Authority of Singapore (2013)
and Bank Negara Malaysia (2018).
c. The financial institutions have strong corporate governance processes which are basic
requirements for continuing business operations as they are in a strictly regulated
industry. Financial institutions in Singapore are regulated by the Monetary Authority of
Singapore, while financial institutions in Malaysia are regulated by Bank Negara

The following sections provide descriptions of the financial institutions.

5.1.1 FinServices_SG

FinServices_SG is an innovative technology-driven financial services organisation in

Singapore providing specialist services such as electronic payments and fund transfers. It is
headquartered in Singapore and has a small regional operational footprint. As it is a
technology-driven financial services organisation, it has adopted leading-edge technology
solutions in providing its services across the entire payments value chains of both retail and
corporate customers, and has embarked on various digital transformation initiatives to drive
improved customer experience and convenience. FinServices_SG is a financial institution
and operates in the financial services industry, and therefore, FinServices_SG has to comply
with the regulatory requirements of the Monetary Authority of Singapore. This means that
FinServices_SG has adopted information security and corporate governance processes that
are compliant with these regulatory requirements.

FinServices_SG has demonstrated leading practices in information security and has an

independent information security function within the organisation that is headed by the
CISO. The CISO has a direct reporting line to the Board and the Board Risk Committee, as
well as a dotted reporting line to the CEO for administrative functions only. He views
information security as a business and looks at his information security organisation as a
business unit, rather than a cost centre:

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Chapter 5. ISG Process Model Refinement

Similarly, we need to look at the information security organisation or role

as a business. The objective of the information security function is to
enable business to get on with their day-to-day business by ensuring that
we manage the threats and protect against any attacks to the business.
We invest in new security systems, e.g. secure payment solutions to help
businesses get new customers … it’s business. So in the same way, for
information security, we need a proper structure, an oversight, and
checks and balances. This is relatively new thinking because in most
cases, information security is seen only as the protection against attacks
on a business. (FinServices_SG_CISO)

With this new paradigm thinking, FinServices_SG has redefined its information security
framework that standardises the overall direction for all FinServices_SG companies with
consistent standards, policies and procedures within the group and embarked on leading
information security initiatives that drive proactive information security threats surveillance:
We have policies and procedures for everything, i.e. for user access
controls, network security, hardware hardening, data encryption,
information life-cycle management, document management, and training
and awareness. In addition, we have strict governance which is our “third
eye” to provide oversight, making sure information security initiatives are
done right. Oversight include monitoring, compliance checks to ensure
that we are actually doing what we are set out to do according to our
policies and procedures. (FinServices_SG_Director-InfoSecOfficer)

In addition to the CISO (FinServices_SG_CISO), 3 additional executives were interviewed

from FinServices_SG, i.e. the CIO (FinServices_SG_CIO), Deputy Head of Technology/Deputy
CIO (FinServices_SG_DeputyCIO) and Director – Information Security Officer
(FinServices_SG_Director-InfoSecOfficer). Both the Head of IT Security
(FinServices_SG_Head-IT-Security) and IT Security Officer (FinServices_SG_IT-SecOfficer)
also attended a discussion session where the CISO shared his vision of his information
security organisation.

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Chapter 5. ISG Process Model Refinement

5.1.2 FinServices_SEA

FinServices_SEA is a commercial bank in Malaysia providing services in retail, corporate and

institutional banking. It is headquartered in Malaysia with regional operations in selected
countries in South-East Asia, Hong Kong and China, and employs more than 7000
employees. FinServices_SEA is a financial institution operating in a heavily regulated
environment as it must comply with various financial regulators across all operating
countries including Bank Negara Malaysia (Central Bank of Malaysia), Monetary Authority of
Singapore, Otoritas Jasa Keuangan of Indonesia and Hong Kong Monetary Authority among

Corporate governance is a major area for all banks and similarly in FinServices_SEA.
Information security is considered part of the risk management framework within the
corporate governance risk management framework and has been identified as a specific risk
component. Specifically, on ISG, one of the Board of Directors had the following to say:
The bank is big in corporate governance. Corporate governance is the
process and structure used to direct and manage the business and affairs
of the bank to ensure business prosperity and corporate accountability,
realising shareholder value and protecting all stakeholders’ interests. The
board is responsible for effective stewardship and control of the bank.
Key responsibilities cover formulation of corporate policies and
strategies, overseeing and evaluating the conduct of the bank’s
businesses, identifying principal risks and ensuring that the risks are
managed, and reviewing and approving strategic business decisions. As
risk is a key area of responsibility, information security governance falls
within corporate governance as information security risk is a major
component of the bank’s risk. (FinServices_SEA_Board)

The bank’s Board of Directors plays a critical role in corporate governance. Since ISG is
considered a key component of corporate governance from the risk perspective, the bank
has placed a high priority on ISG which can demonstrated by the continuous awareness and
training sessions for their board members through regular information security and

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Chapter 5. ISG Process Model Refinement

cybersecurity training, and thought leadership sessions conducted by both the internal
information security team and external consultants.

In FinServices_SEA, there is a dedicated information security/IT security team that is part of

the CIO’s functions. The dedicated information security team is structured within the CIO’s
functions as FinServices_SEA believes that information security is a key responsibility of the
CIO in maintaining the confidentiality, integrity and availability of all information within
FinServices_SEA. The CIO also has a dotted reporting line to the CRO with respect to all
information security risk matters. FinServices_SEA has a rolling 3-year security strategy
which includes the implementation of intelligent anti-fraud services, a Security Operations
Centre (SOC), and a common security architecture standard.

For this research, 4 individuals from FinServices_SEA were interviewed. They were a non-
executive member of the Board of Directors (FinServices_SEA_Board), the Chief Financial
Officer (FinServices_SEA_CFO), CIO (FinServices_SEA_CIO) and IT Architect
(FinServices_SEA_IT-Architect). Two additional individuals, i.e. the Head of IT Infrastructure
(FinServices_SEA_Head-IT-Infra) and IT Security Officer (FinServices_SEA_IT-SecOfficer)
participated in less formal discussions during a process walk-through session where the
researcher had the opportunity to examine the information security framework, policies
and procedures.

5.1.3 FinServices_MY

FinServices_MY is a small commercial bank in Malaysia with a focus on providing efficient

services to both retail customers and small and medium enterprises in Malaysia.
FinServices_MY is well known for providing excellent customer service and quick turn-
around in processing of business transactions, e.g. mortgage and trade finance processing. A
number of innovations have been introduced in the areas of customer on-boarding, anti-
fraud checking and mobile application leveraging on various mobile devices.

Similarly, FinServices_MY has a strong emphasis on compliance with regulatory

requirements as the financial services industry is heavily regulated by Bank Negara Malaysia.

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When FinServices_MY was asked about ISG, FinServices_MY compared ISG with corporate
governance and emphasised its importance in the financial services industry:
Information is your strategic asset whether you are with a bank or a
retailer. Information is the lifeblood of an organisation. Information
comes in many forms, both physical documents or digital. You must be
aware of the risks associated with the capturing, handling, processing and
storing of this information. Since we are looking at it from the
information security risk angle, we have to treat this as part of the bank’s
risk. Information security risk is part of operational risks and information
technology risk or cybersecurity risk that falls within our bank-wide risk
management framework, which is part of the bank’s corporate
governance framework. Therefore, information security governance
should be treated as part of corporate governance framework.

FinServices_MY had a small security incident a few years ago that caused interruption to the
online banking system for a short time. While it was a small incident that had no financial
implications, it was a wake-up call for FinServices_MY and created awareness for everyone
in the bank from the Board of Directors to the bank tellers at the branches. Since then,
FinServices_MY has improved the information security posture of the bank, engaged
external consultants and implemented new security solutions, revised security standards
and processes, and implemented improved policies and procedures complying with the
regulatory and international standards (Bank Negara Malaysia, 2018; National Institute of
Standards and Technology, 2018b):
Operational risk includes any other non-financial risk and this will include
systems down due to IT issues, flooding at branches, etc. Obviously this
include cyber attacks. In this area of information security risk, my team
work closely with the COO and IT as they have specialist resources that
can help me … As I am the CRO, I will make sure that the IT team conduct
a detail information security assessment. They [referring to the IT Team]
will work with all business departments and back office departments to

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Chapter 5. ISG Process Model Refinement

understand their information security risk and identify actions needed to

be taken to manage these risks. (FinServices_MY_CRO)

In FinServices_MY, information security is the responsibility of the COO, where a dedicated

team is responsible for information security functions. The COO has a dotted reporting line
to the CRO with respect to all information security risk matters.

In FinServices_MY, a non-executive member of the Board of Directors

(FinServices_MY_Board), the COO (FinServices_MY_COO) and the CRO
(FinServices_MY_CRO) were interviewed. Two additional information security team
members, i.e. the Head of IT (FinServices_MY_Head-IT) and IT Applications Security Officer
(FinServices_MY_IT-AppSecOfficer) were invited to join the interview with
FinServices_MY_COO in the latter part of the interview session where they shared the
operations aspect of information security.

5.2 Coding and Analysis

The coding and analysis of all case study data followed the data analysis processes that were
discussed in Section 3.8. Data analysis began with the identification of initial concepts and
terms through initial coding or open coding (Corbin & Strauss, 1990) where “In-vivo” codes
were created, e.g. to label the data that captured the organisational activities that explain
the ISG process. These initial codes were continuously refined by re-reading and re-coding
the interview scripts until they formed the first-order concepts. The next step of data
analysis was to link the similar concepts from the first-order concepts while retaining the
interviewees’ terms whenever possible to develop the second-level themes (axial coding).
This iterative coding and analysis facilitated the abstraction of first-order concepts to higher
level concepts and categories forming the second-level themes. Further analysis of these
second-order themes helped to develop the final dimensions (Gioia et al., 2012). Table 5-1
and Table 5-2 show a summary of the aggregated dimensions and themes (axial codes)
against the case study organisations. The “intensity” represents the total number of
individual statements of all interviews that relate to the particular dimension and theme,

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Chapter 5. ISG Process Model Refinement

and provided the evidence for the discovery of the themes and dimensions from the case
study interviews.

Table 5-1: Intensity by aggregated dimensions and themes (axial codes) against case studies for core
governance stakeholder groups (extracted from analysis in NVivo 11).

Aggregated Intensity#
Theme (Axial Code)
Dimension FinServices_SG FinServices_SEA FinServices_MY Total
External External 14 17 13 44
Governing Strategic – board 34 25 27 86
Body Strategic – executive 21 11 14 46
Management Management 20 12 11 43
#Intensity represents the total number of individual statements of all interviews that relate to a particular dimension and

theme (or axial code)

Table 5-2: Intensity by aggregated dimensions and themes (axial codes) against case studies for core
ISG processes (extracted from analysis in NVivo 11).

Aggregated Intensity#
Theme (Axial Code)
Dimension FinServices_SG FinServices_SEA FinServices_MY Total
Conduct external audits and
certifications 19 18 19 56
Provide oversight 35 17 15 67
Conduct internal audit 16 14 5 35
Communicate Engage stakeholders 31 25 6 62
Evaluate and refine 16 12 5 33
Collect and analyse 3 7 0 10
Measure and report
Monitor performance 10 10 1 21
Manage compliance 35 43 19 97
Define information security
objectives to comply with
regulatory requirements 16 14 14 44
Define information security
objectives to support business
strategy 41 45 20 106
Direct Confirm risk appetite 39 27 16 82
Manage risk 51 40 30 121
Confirm information security
strategy and objectives 18 12 3 33
Implement information
security standards, policies and
controls 40 24 13 77
#Intensity represents the total number of individual statements of all interviews that relate to a particular dimension and

theme (or axial code)

5.3 Refinement of ISG Process Model through Multiple Case Study

This section describes how the refined ISG process model as shown in Figure 5-2 was

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Chapter 5. ISG Process Model Refinement

Figure 5-2: Refined ISG process model

The next section starts with describing the case study analysis that suggested the existence
of the key stakeholder groups who are involved in implementing ISG. This is followed by
subsequent sections that discuss the analysis which facilitated the identification of the core
ISG processes. Throughout the analysis, comparisons were made against extant literature
and the conceptual ISG model, iterating towards the refined ISG process model. The analysis
helped to confirm the ISG processes and sub-processes as identified in the conceptual ISG
process model and also identified new sub-processes practised in the case study
organisations which are reflected in the refined ISG process model.

5.3.1 ISG Stakeholder Groups and Structure

The purpose of this section is to identify the stakeholders and the structure required to
implement ISG. In the data analysis, first-order concepts and subsequent higher order
themes and dimensions in relation to the ISG stakeholders and structure were identified to
build a data structure, as shown in Figure 5-3.

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Chapter 5. ISG Process Model Refinement

Figure 5-3: Data structure – ISG structure

The dominant theme that emerged from the interviews in relation to good ISG was the
importance of a clear structure that drives defined roles and responsibilities. This theme
resonates with the principles of good corporate governance which emphasise the
requirement of a structure that drives clear roles and responsibilities:

should establish and disclose the respective roles and responsibilities of

its board and management, and how their performance is monitored and
evaluated. (ASX Corporate Governance Council, 2007)

Corporate governance also provides the structure which the objectives of

the company are set, and the means of attaining those objectives and
monitoring performance are determined. (OECD, 2015)

Corporate governance refers to having the appropriate people, processes

and structures to direct and manage the business. (Monetary Authority of
Singapore, 2018)

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Chapter 5. ISG Process Model Refinement

The following subsections provide the analysis and representative quotes that were
gathered from the case studies to identify the second-order themes and aggregated
dimensions. External

“External” refers to external parties, i.e. parties not within the same organisation who are
involved in ISG processes. Data from case study interviews identified “external” to include
external auditors, external consultants and any independent parties such as regulators who
provide independent assurance or conduct independent reviews or assessments of the
information security posture of an organisation. External auditors provide independent
assurance, while regulators ensure supervision and enforce compliance with regulatory
requirements. Table 5-3 shows representative quotes from the interviewees in relation to
external parties’ involvement in ISG. In addition, the involvement of external parties is also
consistent with the adherence of these case study organisations to corporate governance
guidelines that mandate the use of external auditors in assurance.

Table 5-3: Data supporting “external” (ISG structure/stakeholder - external).

Dimension: External; Theme: External
Case Study Representative Quotes
FinServices_SG “In addition, we have an external assurance function where we engage external
consultants like you to conduct a review annually just to ensure that we are in
compliance with our internal policies and procedures. In addition, the external
assurance ensures we are kept aligned with industry best practices and
standards. Assurance helps to ensure that we are adopting the right approach
and that our policies and procedures are aligned to best practices in the
industry. External assurance also helps us with findings to justify to the board
should we need additional investments to bring our compliance to industry
standards and new regulatory or future requirements.” (FinServices_SG_CISO)
“While we are the CISO office and is an independent function, we are still part
of the organisation. We need an external party who is outside of the
organisation like the external auditor to provide an independent assessment of
our internal controls.” (FinServices_SG_CISO)
“Remember the various regulators, they are part and parcel of the governance,
and outside of the organisation.” (FinServices_SG_CIO)
FinServices_SEA “Just like corporate governance, you need the external auditors to provide an
independent view. While the conduct their financial audit, the external auditors

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Chapter 5. ISG Process Model Refinement

Dimension: External; Theme: External

Case Study Representative Quotes
will also review our internal controls. This includes our security access
controls.” (FinServices_SEA_Board)
“Oh yeah! Forgotten, there is also regulators doing assurance, our central bank.
They [referring to regulators] will conduct scheduled audit, maybe every two
years, but they can also conduct a surprise audit! Normally, they will focus on
financial audits, but with the internet banking and digital here and digital there,
central bank comes to conduct information security audit and they are very
detailed.” (FinServices_SEA_Board)
“I mentioned about the board and our senior management. Actually, you also
have the external auditor who is involved. They [referring to the external
auditor] play a critical part in providing the external independent assurance of
our internal controls and this includes information security or specifically IT
controls. Then, you have central bank and securities commission, the
regulators. Together, they play a critical role in the overall governance of our
information security.” (FinServices_SEA_CFO)
“Talking about regulators, don’t forget the central bank. They are the
regulatory body that are involved too. While they are external parties to the
organisation, they are very involved in ensuring regulatory compliance.”
FinServices_MY “External auditors and regulators are external parties that provide the
assurance and I believe they are critical to the overall governance process.
These independent assurance are critical for banks and public listed
organisations as they provide the confidence to the public.”
“We hire people like you to undertake our independent checks to ensure that
we are doing the right thing. We also hire external consultants to help us put in
place proper processes and learn from best practices adopted by banks globally
and regionally.” (FinServices_MY_Board)
“Finally, you have the check and compliance where you have the audit and
compliance people to ensure that the policies and procedures are complied. In
addition, you also have the external auditors that conduct the independent
checks.” (FinServices_MY_Board) Governing Body

The analysis of case study data facilitated the identification of two second-order themes, i.e.
“strategic - board” and “strategic - executive” which are responsible for providing the
overall leadership in ISG. The “strategic - board” is represented by the board of directors,
which is responsible for ensuring effective stewardship and control of ISG in the
organisation, which includes oversight, direction setting and approval of information
security policies and strategies; confirmation of the information security risk appetite; and

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Chapter 5. ISG Process Model Refinement

approval of budget required for information security initiatives. The “strategic - executive”
i.e. the C-level executives are entrusted by the board of directors to implement the
strategies defined and approved by the board of directors. The C-level executives work with
the management team to implement and execute the information security strategies and to
ensure the day-to-day running of the organisation. With a clear structure, there is defined
division of responsibilities between the board of directors, C-level executives and
management. The collective stakeholder groups of “strategic - board” and “strategic -
executive” are identified as the aggregated dimension of the “governing body”. This
“governing body” is responsible for the overall ISG in an organisation, as highlighted by the
CIO of FinServices_SG and the COO of FinServices_MY:
information security governance is the oversight that is required by
senior management, especially the C-levels and the board in ensuring
that the management is doing all the right things in managing information
security. By oversight, I mean the responsibilities to ask the right
questions, check and get updates on the information security situation,
and to guide the organisation in the right direction. As you know, the
board and the C-levels have onerous responsibilities on information
security, therefore they better do a good job in oversight.

The board together with the Exco/senior management provides an

oversight of the overall information security activities undertaken by the
bank, by the operational management team. (FinServices_MY_COO)

Additional representative quotes provided by the interviewees that facilitated the

identification of these themes and dimension are found in Table 5-4 and Table 5-5.

Table 5-4: Data supporting “strategic - board” (ISG structure/stakeholder - governing body).
Dimension: Governing Body; Theme: Strategic-Board
Case Study Representative Quotes
FinServices_SG “In governance, structure is the most important part. You need a right structure
to enable governance. Corporate governance, IT governance or information

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Dimension: Governing Body; Theme: Strategic-Board

Case Study Representative Quotes
security governance. Structure drives clear roles and responsibilities. It starts at
the board as board has an oversight responsibility in governance.”
“In my view, for information security governance, we need clear structure and
responsibilities of the board. They [referring to the board] approve the risk
appetite, the budget required for the security investments. The executive
management execute it and the operations is done by the line management.”
“I believe good governance starts from the top, especially the board who sets
the tone. They have a duty to make sure the organisation is doing the right
thing for information security.” (FinServices_SG_Director-InfoSecOfficer)
“We differentiate the roles and processes between the board and executive
management as the board are normally only involved in approvals and
endorsements while the executive management actually work on the direction,
get it executed.” (FinServices_SG_Director-InfoSecOfficer)
FinServices_SEA “Just like corporate governance, process and structure are critical to direct and
manage the business. There is a clear division of responsibilities between the
board and the management, the chairman and the managing director/CEO.”
“I strongly believe good governance starts from the board as we have a
fiduciary duty and is responsible for the overall governance.”
“Decisions on information security are tabled to the board for approval.”
FinServices_MY “Board delegates the independent oversight over to the board committees to
work with the executive management. However, the ultimate responsibility and
the final decision rest with the board.” (FinServices_MY_Board)
“Board takes their responsibilities seriously in information security governance
through the various board committees – IT Committee and Risk Committee.
These committees are chaired by a board member.” (FinServices_MY_COO)
“My role is to consolidate all the risk profile and present it to the RMC, then for
the board to agree on the risk appetite that the bank is OK to accept.”

Table 5-5: Data supporting “strategic - executive” (ISG structure/stakeholder - governing body).
Dimension: Governing Body; Theme: Strategic-Executive
Case Study Representative Quotes
FinServices_SG “We in the CISO team develops the information security standards, policies and
procedures based on the directions provided by the board. Specifically, the
CISO is responsible to make sure we execute what is approved by the board.”

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Dimension: Governing Body; Theme: Strategic-Executive

Case Study Representative Quotes
“I as the CIO will be responsible to implement and comply to the standards.”
“Executive management, i.e. the C-levels are responsible to take the board’s
direction to define the standards and policies, and ensure that it is
implemented throughout the organisations.” (FinServices_SG_DeputyCIO)
FinServices_SEA “All C-levels executive are part of executive management.”
“For example, the Risk Management Committee is chaired by a board member,
but the team on the committee are executives who will make sure that the
bank has the proper standards and policies for implementation.”
“Clear structure and segregation of duties are important. Board has approval
oversight and management is responsible to ensure proper execution and
compliance.” (FinServices_SEA_Board)
FinServices_MY “They are the ones [referring to the C-level executives] who make sure that
policies and procedures are defined and cascaded down the other levels for
execution.” (FinServices_MY_Board)
“In our context, responsible at C-level executives means someone will lose their
job, the banks will get fined by the central bank/regulators, there are liabilities
to the customers and the public.” (FinServices_MY_COO)
“All executive management, i.e. the C-level executives are involved in reviewing
the risk profile and approving their various department profiles and defining
the risk mitigation plan and initiatives. So, all the executive management is
responsible for risk management.” (FinServices_MY_CRO) Management

“Management” is the other second-order theme and aggregate dimension discovered in the
case study data analysis relating to ISG structure. It is found that management is responsible
for the execution and ongoing implementation and operation of information security
programs to ensure uninterrupted business operations. Table 5-6 shows the evidence for
the required structure of “management”.

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Table 5-6: Data supporting “management” (ISG process model - management).

Dimension: Management; Theme: Management
Case Study Representative Quotes
FinServices_SG “We will assign this to the various business for execution. The various business
management will be responsible to ensure execution.” (FinServices_SG_CISO)
“Management is like what I do, keep the lights on, making sure we have the
right access controls that we are using, we have the latest version of anti-virus
running on all the machines, we have the latest operating system patches on all
the servers, etc … Line management will be responsible to ensure all
information security policies are implemented and procedures are adhered in
our day-to-day operations.” (FinServices_SG_DeputyCIO)
FinServices_SEA “The RMC will work with the C-level management to make sure that the bank
has proper standards and policies for implementation. Then the management
and operational managers will be tasked to implement on the ground.”
FinServices_MY “The operations management ensure that the policies and standards are
implemented and operationalised.” (FinServices_MY_Board)
“Then, we have the operational management that enforces the
implementation. We have IT, Risks and Compliance involved in ensuring
process, policies and procedures are implemented and adhered.”

Figure 5-4 shows the second-order themes and aggregated dimensions for the stakeholder
groups who are involved in ISG in an organisation as mapped onto a cross-functional
process map.

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Figure 5-4: ISG – Stakeholder groups as discovered from case study data

5.3.2 ISG Processes

In all the case studies, it was apparent that the interviewees were discussing the processes
involved in the governance process. Interviewees consistently agreed that governance
involves a set of processes and it is similar for ISG.

Interview data was analysed and codes were defined and further analysed to identify
second-order themes which confirmed that ISG is implemented as a set of processes and
can be represented by a process model. Once the codes and second-order theme were
identified, a data structure for ISG processes as a process model was defined, as shown in
Figure 5-5.

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Figure 5-5: Data structure - ISG process model

Table 5-7 shows representative quotes from the interviewees across the case studies that
informed that ISG involves a set of processes.

Table 5-7: ISG - data supporting governance processes (ISG process model).
Dimension: ISG Process Model; Theme: Governance Processes
Case Study Representative Quotes
FinServices_SG “We have a process where the board is involved through the Risk Management
Committee (RMC).” (FinServices_SG_CIO)
“The CISO team is responsible for driving the information security risk
assessment process.” (FinServices_SG_CIO)
“this type of model will be very useful to guide them towards a proper
governance process.” (FinServices_SG_CISO)
“compliance becomes a monitoring and feedback process for us.”
FinServices_SEA “Just like corporate governance, process and structure are critical to direct and
manage the business. There is a clear division of responsibilities between the
board and the management, the chairman and the managing director/CEO”
“So we have processes that the board is involved in setting the direction,
agreeing on the targets (business, risks, etc.) and the management will take it
to the next level of work and implementation.” (FinServices_SEA_Board)
“we have a proper process to derive the allocated budget based on the agreed
risk profile.” (FinServices_SEA_CFO)
“The self-declaration/dispensation and audit process is a well-practised closed-
loop process.” (FinServices_SEA_CIO)
FinServices_MY “Clear structure, with clear roles and responsibilities is the basis of good
governance … Superimposed this with a clear process model will make the
implementation easy.” (FinServices_MY_Board)
“After the structure is in place, you need a proper process.”

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Dimension: ISG Process Model; Theme: Governance Processes

Case Study Representative Quotes
“These committee defines the directions, the risk appetite and what should be
done at the bank. These will then be cascaded to the Exco, i.e. the executive
committee or the senior management team who is responsible to make it
happens on the ground. The board together with the Exco/senior management
provides an oversight of the overall information security activities undertaken
by the bank, by the operational management team. It is like a process from the
board to the operational management and then a feedback loop back to the
board.” (FinServices_MY_COO)

The following sections identify the ISG processes and sub-processes. Direct

“Direct” in the ISG model refers to the provision of overall guidance and direction in
governance. From the analysis of the data gathered from the case studies, it can be shown
that ISG is primarily regulatory, risk and business driven. “Regulatory driven” surfaced
prominently in all the interviewees’ comments. Regulatory requirements have significant
influence on information security as these requirements are dictated by the regulators
(Bank Negara Malaysia, 2018; Monetary Authority of Singapore, 2013). Aside from
regulatory requirements, risk and business requirements are key inputs into the “direct”

The open coding and first-order concepts, and subsequent aggregation of second-order
themes for the “direct” dimension are shown in the data structure in Figure 5-6. Six second-
order themes support the “direct” dimension, i.e. “define information security objectives to
comply with regulatory requirements”, “define information security objectives to support
business strategy”, “confirm risk appetite”, “manage risk”, “confirm information security
strategy and objectives” and “implement information security standards, policies and

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Figure 5-6: Data structure – ISG processes (direct)

The following subsections provide analysis of the case study data in identifying the sub-
processes (i.e. second-order themes) in “direct”. Define Information Security Objectives to Comply with Regulatory Requirements

Regulatory requirements surfaced as the most important component that drives ISG. All
case studies concluded that the regulators, while being an external stakeholder group in
ISG, are responsible for defining the requirements. Organisations have no option but to
comply with the requirements that are defined by the regulators, which are generally the
central bank or monetary authority responsible in governing the operations of financial

The board, which has fiduciary responsibilities towards the regulators and shareholders, is
responsible for ensuring that the organisation complies with regulatory requirements. These
were confirmed consistently by the FinServices_SG_CIO, FinServices_SG_CISO,
FinServices_SG_DeputyCIO, FinServices_SEA_Board, FinServices_SEA_CFO,
FinServices_SEA_CIO, FinServices_MY_Board and FinServices_MY_COO and their
representative quotes are shown in Table 5-8. These regulatory requirements are key inputs

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into the strategic business direction and risk management approach of the organisations
which are ultimately used to confirm the information security strategy and objectives.

Table 5-8: Data supporting “define information security objectives to comply with regulatory
requirements” (direct).
Dimension: Direct; Theme: Define Information Security Objectives to Comply with Regulatory
Case Study Representative Quotes
FinServices_SG “we are in the financial industry that is so regulated by the monetary
authority.” (FinServices_SG_CIO)
“compliance to industry standards and new regulatory or future requirements.”
“Financial institutions are heavily regulated … proper processes for compliance
and audit, etc … strict regulations and heavy fines make the difference.”
FinServices_SEA “making sure we adhere and comply to policies and regulations … regulators
doing assurance, our central bank … scheduled audit, maybe every two years,
but they also conduct a surprise audit!” (FinServices_SEA_Board)
“central bank that goes after the board and the bank’s management.”
“central bank issues some new regulations that warrants the implementation of
some new software or systems, this will be allocated as out-of-cycle budgeting
items.” (FinServices_SEA_CFO)
“An easy way to determine the budget is based on the regulatory compliance
requirements. Compliance is a non-negotiation matter in a bank.”
FinServices_MY “We need to comply, comply with all the regulations and we have a long list of
GP (guidelines) to comply as a bank. I believe central bank as the regulator is
driving the strict adherence to the information security guidelines and banks
have to spend. No choice.” (FinServices_MY_Board)
“banks spend money in information security, especially in cybersecurity
because banks need to comply to central bank regulations and the fines that
central bank imposes.” (FinServices_MY_Board)
“Banks are heavily regulated and most banks focus on getting things done to
comply with regulations.” (FinServices_MY_COO)
“The risk management process is very well documented and practised as we
are strictly regulated by BNM.” (FinServices_MY_CRO)

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Chapter 5. ISG Process Model Refinement Define Information Security Objectives to Support Business Strategy

“Define information security objectives to support business strategy” is the process where
information security strategy, objectives and standards are defined based on an
organisation’s business vision, mission and business objectives. The CISO of FinServices_SG
had this to say about how the information security function should support business:
The objective of the information security function is to enable business to
get on with their day-to-day business by ensuring that we manage the
threats and protect against any attacks to the business.

Other interviewees echoed the need for information security requirements to meet the
strategic business objectives of an organisation:
we are able to plan out our investments and information security projects
to align with our business strategy. For example, we are embarking on
digital banking initiatives and these require enhanced security protection.
So, we need to spend more in specific areas. (FinServices_MY_COO)

Additional representative quotes from the case studies are found in Table 5-9.

Table 5-9: Data supporting “define information security objectives to support business strategy”
Dimension: Direct; Theme: Define Information Security Objectives to Support Business Strategy
Case Study Representative Quotes
FinServices_SG “When we conduct the risk assessment, it is assessed against the business. In
this way it is done with the business in mind and it is indirectly driven by
strategy. For example, when we drive our strategy towards more digital
payments, our information security risk is assessed against the digital risks.
Automatically, our information security initiatives, policies and procedures are
driven by these risks associated with the digital strategy.”
“We do bring risk and specifically information security risks in during our
strategic planning process.” (FinServices_SG_DeputyCIO)
FinServices_SEA “We look at the business plans, what is our business targets, the marketing and
sales initiatives, the IT projects that are required etc.” (FinServices_SEA_Board)
“The risks are related to the strategic business objectives of the bank. Then,
everything flows from here. With the risks agreed, you start to develop all the

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Dimension: Direct; Theme: Define Information Security Objectives to Support Business Strategy
Case Study Representative Quotes
risk mitigation strategies, the projects required, the budget required and the
resources involved.” (FinServices_SEA_Board)
“the information security team will meet with me and my team to understand
my business, and work to identify the potential information security threats
that can affect my finance function and the operations of the bank.”
“new digital bank initiatives, new mobile payment solution offerings, cloud
solutions, outsourcing strategies, etc. In every of these initiatives, my
information security architecture team is involved working together with the
other information security teams to identify potential security risks and look at
ways to address or mitigate these risks … information security is aligned to the
strategic business projects.” (FinServices_SEA_IT-Architect)
FinServices_MY “always look at information as the asset of an organisation, then you classify
the different type of information and consider the different level of protection
to ensure the security of these information.” (FinServices_MY_Board)
“information security should start with the business strategy. Everything should
be driven from the business strategy. Based on your strategy, you consider the
risks, and then the investment should be determined to manage the risks ... the
bank is embarking on major initiative in digitalisation to enhance customer
experience by providing new customer touch points, automation of processes
with RPA (robotic process automation), AI (artificial intelligence), etc.”
(FinServices_MY_Board) Confirm Risk Appetite

As discussed in the earlier sections, information security in an organisation is driven by

regulatory requirements, strategic business objectives and the level of risk that the
organisation is willing to accept. Managing information security risk is a key component of
ISG and management. To effectively govern and manage information security risk, an
organisation is required to understand the risks, accept the risk profile to work with and
identify the actions required to manage and mitigate the risks.

“Confirm risk appetite” is a theme discovered within “direct”. The board, which is
responsible for effective stewardship and control of an organisation, is responsible for
approving the risk appetite within which the organisation operates and this is consistent
with the overall code of good corporate governance. Risk appetite is defined by Committee
of Sponsoring Organisations (COSO) as the amount of risk that an organisation is willing to

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accept in pursuit of its business objectives (Moeller, 2011). Excerpts from the code of
corporate governance are shown below:
The Board determines the nature and extent of the significant risks which
the company is willing to take in achieving its strategic objectives and
value creation. The Board sets up a Board Risk Committee to specifically
address this, if appropriate. (Monetary Authority of Singapore, 2018)

set the risk appetite within which the board expects management to
operate and ensure that there is an appropriate risk management
framework to identify, analyse, evaluate, manage and monitor significant
financial and non-financial risks. (Securities Commission Malaysia, 2017)

As information security risk is a key risk in an organisation, ISG adopts a similar approach to
corporate governance which includes confirmation of the risk appetite by the board. The C-
level executives, i.e. the CRO, CISO or CIO work closely with the board in providing a risk
profile and confirming the risk appetite. This approach was confirmed and shared by all
interviewees in the case studies, as shown in the representative codes in Table 5-10.

Table 5-10: Data supporting “confirm risk appetite” (direct).

Dimension: Direct; Theme: Confirm Risk Appetite
Case Study Representative Quotes
FinServices_SG “we have an organisation wide enterprise risk profile where the board is
involved in the discussions and final approval. The enterprise risk profile
documents the various risks of the organisation that cover strategic risks,
operational risks, financial risks and information security risks. The Chief Risk
Officer (CRO) will present all the risks, the risks profile and the proposed
residual risks, risk appetite to the Board. As information security risks is a
specialised area, the Chief Information Security Officer (CISO) will present the
information security risks profile. We discuss the details with the board and
seek for the board’s approval on the accepted risk appetite.”
“We then take this to the RMC and subsequently present to board for
agreement and approval on the agreed level of risk acceptance.”
FinServices_SEA “The board acknowledges its overall responsibility for the risk management and
internal control environment and its effectiveness in safeguarding

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Dimension: Direct; Theme: Confirm Risk Appetite

Case Study Representative Quotes
shareholders’ interests and the bank’s assets. This include information security
risks.” (FinServices_SEA_Board)
“The CRO will present and seek approval from the RMC, then the RMC will
update and get the final approval from the board.” (FinServices_SEA_Board)
“The board will deliberate on it and will decide on a suitable risk profile for the
bank.” (FinServices_SEA_CFO)
FinServices_MY “the board should provide the guidance on the level of risk acceptable to the
bank.” (FinServices_MY_Board)
“These (board) committees define the directions, the risk appetite and what
should be done at the bank.” (FinServices_MY_COO)
“At the start of the financial year, we will present our risk assessment results,
present our risk profile to the RMC. We will recommend a proposed risk profile
and the actions that will be undertaken to protect the risk profile. We seek the
board to approve our recommendations.” (FinServices_MY_CRO) Manage Risk

From the data gathered through case study interviews, it is apparent that a lot of effort is
spent in organisations on information security risk management–related activities which
cover risk identification, risk assessment, risk monitoring, risk mitigation and risk reporting.

The coding and interpretation of first-order concepts highlight the activities in risk
identification and assessment, where organisations undertake an assessment of the
potential threats and attacks, and the impact on the ongoing business operations, and risk
mitigation activities, where actions are taken to address the information security risks
through changes in processes, implementation of controls or introduction of technology
solutions. These were highlighted by the various interviewees and are consistent across the
case studies. While “confirm risk appetite” is the responsibility of the board together with
the C-level executives, these risk identification, assessment and mitigation activities are
owned and managed by everyone in management, primarily the tactical and operational
management. For example, the CRO and CISO work with their management teams to
undertake the assessments and propose a risk profile for the board to approve as part of
“manage risk” activities. FinServices_SG_CIO, FinServices_SEA_CFO and
FinServices_MY_Board had the following to say:

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The Chief Risk Officer (CRO) will present all the risks, the risks profile and
the proposed residual risks, risk appetite to the board … the Chief
Information Security Officer (CISO) will present the information security
risks profile. (FinServices_SG_CIO)

The IT and the risk divisions, i.e. CIO and CRO will do some bank-wide risk
assessment and decide on a risk profile, together with a set of risk
mitigation initiatives. (FinServices_SEA_CFO)

the bank conducts a detailed risk assessment, understanding the various

risk areas, its chances of happening and the impact of the loss … Based on
the risk assessment and how much risk we are willing to accept, we
define the actions to mitigate or manage the risks.

The detailed analysis of the coding and first-order concepts from the interviewees’ quotes
was aggregated to the “manage risk” dimension, which covers “identify and assess
information security risk” and “implement risk management and mitigation” activities. Table
5-11 shows representative quotes selected from detailed case study data. As the research
has identified a larger scope of monitoring and reporting that covers areas beyond risk, risk
monitoring and reporting have been aggregated into the “monitor” dimension, as discussed
in Subsection

Table 5-11: Data supporting “manage risk” (direct).

Dimension: Direct; Theme: Manage Risk
Case Study Representative Quotes
FinServices_SG “CISO team is responsible for driving the information security risk assessment
process.” (FinServices_SG_CIO)
“The CISO takes the lead to conduct an organisation-wide information security
risk assessment with the business to identify the risk profile and potential
threats and the impact.” (FinServices_SG_CISO)
FinServices_SEA “based on the risk assessment and the risk appetite, the budget and the
information security risks projects will be decided.” (FinServices_SEA_Board)

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Dimension: Direct; Theme: Manage Risk

Case Study Representative Quotes
“the information security team will meet with me and my team to understand
my business and work to identify the potential information security threats that
can affect my finance function and the operations of the bank, i.e. potential
loss of financial information, stolen financial information by hackers, financial
information systems going down, potential ransomware, etc.”
“we will be reporting on information security incidents (if any), what happened,
what was the risks, how we have managed the incident and how we prevent it
from recurring.” (FinServices_SEA_CIO)
“The CRO team owns the risk assessment process and works with the CIO team
on the information security risk assessment.” (FinServices_SEA_IT-Architect)
FinServices_MY “IT team conducts a detailed information security risk assessment. They
[referring to the IT team] will work with all business departments and back
office departments to understand their information security risks and identify
actions that need to be taken to protect these risks.” (FinServices_MY_CRO) Confirm Information Security Strategy and Objectives

“Confirm information security strategy and objectives” is another core sub-process within
“direct” that has been identified from the data analysis. Just like business strategy or IT
strategy, which need to be defined clearly and approved by the board, information security
strategy and objectives need to be confirmed and approved by the board. Information
security strategy and objectives are defined to support the requirements of regulators, to
meet the needs of strategic business objectives and to support the mitigation and
management of information security risks. Once the information security strategy and
objectives have been approved, the management can be assigned to develop and
implement the supporting standards, policies, procedures and controls.

The following quotations facilitated discovery of the “confirm information security strategy
and objectives” theme which is performed by the board to provide the direction for
subsequent implementation:
the board approves our information security risk profile when they
[referring to the board] approve the overall organisation’s risk profile.
Based on the risk profile, the CISO develops the security strategy and

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framework. These strategy and framework need to be presented and

approved by the board. (FinServices_SG_CIO)

Just like IT strategy, you need to present the information security strategy
together with the proposed initiatives and budget for board to approve.
Once you get the approval, the management will take it to
implementation. Then you can define the policies and procedures to
support the strategy that was approved. (FinServices_SEA_CIO)

The central bank mandated that all major enhancements and new
internet-based systems to go through an external and independent
review and attestation by a board member responsible for security
before banks can launch such systems. This has put the emphasis that
board are ultimately responsible for the information security of the bank.

The CISO or CIO who is responsible for information security will develop the information
security strategy, framework and objectives, and seek approval from the board. The
approved information security strategy will be the basis to drive implementation of the
relevant information security initiatives. Further quotations extracted from the case study
interviews are provided in Table 5-12.

Table 5-12: Data supporting “confirm information security strategy and objectives” (direct).
Dimension: Direct; Theme: Confirm Information Security Strategy and Objectives
Case Study Representative Quotes
FinServices_SG “Also, using the information from the risk assessment, we develop the
information security framework based on the NIST model to define the
roadmap for all the information security projects. This will then be presented to
the board for approval so that the details can be developed and rolled out
across the organisation.” (FinServices_SG_CISO)
FinServices_SEA “For information security, this is what we do in the bank. Every year, as part of
our planning and budgeting cycle, we review our strategy, our business plans
and the budget required to run the bank for the financial year … have a process
that the board is involved in setting the direction, agreeing on the targets

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Dimension: Direct; Theme: Confirm Information Security Strategy and Objectives

Case Study Representative Quotes
(business, risks, etc.) and the management will take it to the next level of work
and implementation.” (FinServices_SEA_Board)
FinServices_MY “Based on the risk assessment and the willingness to accept the level of risks,
we can define the required information security roadmap.”
(FinServices_MY_COO) Implement Information Security Standards, Policies & Controls

“Implement Information security standards, policies and controls” is the sub-process that
implements the approved information security strategy framework and objectives. It is
critical that the relevant standards and the correct policies and procedures are implemented
to ensure a secure environment to protect the business from potential information security
threats and attacks. As highlighted in earlier subsections, these are implemented to meet
regulatory requirements, to support strategic business needs and to mitigate identified
risks. FinServices_SG_Director-InfoSecOfficer mentioned the following:
Besides the risk assessment and risk management that I have discussed,
we are also responsible in the development and the implementation of
security standards, policies and procedures for the organisation.

The statement that the management team works together to ensure proper
implementation was echoed by FinServices_MY_COO:
These will then be cascaded to the Exco, i.e. the executive committee or
the senior management team who is responsible to make it happens on
the ground. (FinServices_MY_COO)

Further quotations providing evidence that facilitated the emergence of this dimension are
shown in Table 5-13.

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Table 5-13: Data supporting “implement information security standards, policies and controls”
Dimension: Direct; Theme: Implement Information Security Standards, Policies & Controls
Case Study Representative Quotes
FinServices_SG “the CISO team develops the information security standards, policies and
procedures. I as the CIO will be responsible to implement and comply to the
standards from the information systems perspective.” (FinServices_SG_CIO)
“using the information from the risk assessment, we develop the information
security framework.” (FinServices_SG_CISO)
“everyone is very good in implementing information security initiatives. We
have policies for user access controls, network security, hardware hardening,
data encryption, training and awareness. We do this day in, day out and we
make sure that we do this well so that operations run without any issue.”
“The executive management, i.e. the C-levels are responsible to take the
board’s direction to define the standards and policies, and ensure that it is
implemented throughout the organisation … line management will be
responsible to ensure all information security policies are implemented and
procedures are adhered in our day-to-day operations.”
FinServices_SEA “IT would like to hire consultants like you to conduct information security
review or develop a framework or policy.” (FinServices_SEA_CFO)
“In my bank, the risk and prevention defines the policies and procedures, and
the various department executes it accordingly.” (FinServices_SEA_CIO)
“The information security team helps in ensuring that the policies are
implemented across the bank.” (FinServices_SEA_IT-Architect)
“In every of these initiatives, my information security architecture team is
involved working together with the other information security teams to identify
potential security risks and look at ways to address or mitigate these risks.”
FinServices_MY “Then, there is the management and executive committees (Exco) that is run by
the senior management. They are the ones who make sure that policies and
procedures are defined and cascaded down the other levels for execution.”
“the IT team will define specific controls that are required to be implemented.
It could also be changes on policies, procedures and new training etc.”

As discussed in the previous subsections, the “direct” dimension represents one of the core
ISG process. Within “direct” the research has identified 6 key second-order themes that
represent the sub-processes within the “direct” process. These sub-process are mapped
against various stakeholder groups in a cross-functional process map shown in Figure 5-7.

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Figure 5-7: ISG second-order themes/sub-processes (direct)

The following subsection discusses the sub-process flows and interactions among these sub-
processes. Sub-Process Flows and Interactions within Direct

This subsection identifies the sub-process flows and interactions among these sub-processes
as discovered from the case study data. Figure 5-8 shows the sub-process flows and
interactions among the sub-processes.

Figure 5-8: ISG sub-process flows and interactions (direct)

“Define regulatory requirements” has been identified as a sub-process that is outside of the
organisation i.e. where regulatory requirements are defined and set by the regulators.

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These regulatory requirements are important inputs into the “define information security
objectives to comply with requirement” sub-process as evidenced from the case study data.

The input is shown as a one-directional arrow ( ), d1:

we are in the financial industry that is so regulated by the monetary
authority. (FinServices_SG_CIO)

compliance to industry standards and new regulatory or future

requirements. (FinServices_SG_CISO)

In the recent monetary authority (MAS) technology risk audit, we

assigned a team to work closely with MAS in supporting their audit.

central bank issue some new regulations that warrants the

implementation of some new software or systems.

Priority for banks is to ensure compliance to regulatory, that is not

negotiable, and board members will approve as long as it is for
compliance to regulators! (FinServices_MY_Board)

The output from “define information security objectives to comply with regulatory
requirements” is used as input to “define information security objectives to support

business strategy” as shown by a one-directional arrow ( ), d2. Both d1 and d2 are

one-directional arrows as the need to comply with regulatory requirements is non-
central bank issues some new regulations that warrants the
implementation of some new software or systems, this will be allocated
as out-of-cycle budgeting items. (FinServices_SEA_CFO)

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An easy way to determine the budget is based on the regulatory

compliance requirements. Compliance is a non-negotiation matter in a
bank. (FinServices_SEA_CIO)

Priority for banks is to ensure compliance to regulatory, that is not

negotiable, and board members will approve as long as it is for
compliance to regulators! (FinServices_MY_Board)

banks spends money in information security, especially in cybersecurity,

because banks need to comply to central bank regulations and the fines
that central bank imposes. (FinServices_MY_Board)

The next interaction is between the “define information security objectives to support
business strategy” and “confirm risk appetite” sub-processes, which is shown as a

bidirectional arrow ( ), d3. This interaction shows that the output from the
information security objectives defined is validated with the risk appetite and this is an
iterative process where discussions are held to finalise suitable information security
objectives to both support the business strategy and meet the required risk appetite. This is
evidenced in the following representative quotes:
information security should start with the business strategy. Everything
should be driven from the business strategy. Based on your strategy, you
consider the risks and the investment should be determined to manage
the risk. (FinServices_MY_Board)

The risks are related to the strategic business objectives of the bank.
Then, everything flows from here. (FinServices_SEA_Board)

When we conduct the risk assessment, it is assessed against the business.

In this way it is done with the business in mind and it is indirectly driven
by strategy. (FinServices_SG_CISO)

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d4 and d5 are bidirectional arrows ( ) to show the interactions and process flows
between the sub-processes of “confirm risk appetite” and “define information security
objectives to support business strategy” to “confirm information security strategy and
objectives”. These show that the information security strategy and objectives are confirmed
by consultation with outputs from the two preceding sub-processes:
the board approves our information security risk profile when they
[referring to the board] approve the overall organisation’s risk profile.
Based on the risk profile, the CISO develops the security strategy and
framework. These strategy and framework need to be presented and
approved by the Board. (FinServices_SG_CIO)

Based on the risk assessment and the willingness to accept the level of
risks, we can define the required information security roadmap.

always look at information as the asset of an organisation, then you

classify the different type of information and consider the different level
of protection to ensure the security of these information.

we are able to plan out our investments and information security projects
to align with our business strategy. (FinServices_MY_COO)

The final two interactions are d6 and d7, which are represented as bidirectional arrows (

) to indicate the interactions between the sub-processes. d6 shows the interactions

and sub-process flow between “confirm risk appetite” and “manage risk”. The bidirectional
flow of inputs and outputs between these sub-processes shows that the output from
“manage risk” which includes e.g. the results of risk assessment on the business operations
are fed into “confirm risk appetite” for a decision on the risk level that an organisation is
willing to accept. The output, i.e. the confirmed risk appetite will then be the input for the
management to define the required actions to manage such risk:

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We then take this to the RMC and subsequently present to board for
agreement and approval on the agreed level of risk acceptance.

The CRO team owns the risk assessment process and works with the CIO
team on the information security risk assessment. (FinServices_SEA_IT-

the bank conducts a detail risk assessment, understanding the various risk
areas, its chances of happening and the impact of the loss … Based on the
risk assessment and how much risk we are willing to accept, we define
the actions to mitigate or manage the risks. (FinServices_MY_Board)

d7 shows the interactions and sub-process flows between “confirm information security
strategy and objectives” and “implement information security standards, policies and
controls” where the output e.g. information security strategy, objectives and standards are
translated into detailed standards, policies and control for implementation:
the CISO team develops the information security standards, policies and
procedures. I as the CIO will be responsible to implement and comply to
the standards from the information systems perspective.

The information security team helps in ensuring that the policies are
implemented across the bank. (FinServices_SEA_IT-Architect)

These will then be cascaded to the Exco, i.e. the executive committee or
the senior management team who is responsible to make it happens on
the ground. (FinServices_MY_COO)

A Process Model to Improve ISG in Organisations 169

Chapter 5. ISG Process Model Refinement Monitor

Analysis of data gathered from the case studies identified two second-order themes which
were aggregated into the “monitor” dimension. These second-order themes are “measure
and report performance” and “manage compliance”, as shown in Figure 5-9.

Figure 5-9: Data structure – ISG process (monitor)

For the purpose of ISG, interview data shows that board is responsible to ensure that
information security objectives are achieved. Therefore, the board needs to be kept
updated on the progress of the compliance. Performance measurements and compliance
targets are set based on the “direct” process so that compliance reporting can be made
against such measurements and targets:
we present the ongoing monitoring of status, e.g. compliance check
against the defined standards and policies. Reasons for noncompliance
and remediation actions. Board is kept updated on the information
security risk landscape. (FinServices_SG_CIO)

We present to the board on our compliance status, a compliance status

reporting by business, by areas, etc … Compliance is a non-negotiation
matter in a bank. (FinServices_SEA_CIO)

The other second-order theme that emerged is “manage compliance”. This refers to the
process of monitoring the implementation of the standards, policies, procedures and
controls, and assessing and ensuring that the implementation adheres to the intended
objectives and standards defined by the board in “direct”. “Manage compliance” is a sub-
process that is executed through a dedicated compliance team within a compliance

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department in all case study organisations. The following interview excerpts highlight the
importance of compliance management within the “monitor” dimension:
On compliance, we have the compliance department who will conduct
annual compliance. The Compliance team work closely with CISO and my
information security team to conduct compliance checks.

In the bank, we have our compliance department that helps in ensuring

the implementation … Based on the defined policies and standards,
compliance department will conduct checks to ensure compliance are
adhered. (FinServices_MY_Board)

We have IT, risks and compliance involved in ensuring process, policies

and procedures are implemented and adhered. (FinServices_MY_COO)

we also have the compliance department that helps to make sure if

everyone complies to the policies and procedures that have been
defined. The Compliance team focuses on the monitoring to ensure that
controls that have been recommended are actually implemented and
adhered. (FinServices_MY_CRO)

“Manage compliance” is ongoing and is conducted regularly to ensure adherence to

standards, policies, procedures and controls. Both FinServices_SEA_CFO and
FinServices_MY_COO highlighted the need for regular compliance checks:
We have an efficient compliance department that will conduct
compliance check regularly. Our compliance team will check that every
department comply to regulatory standards and policies (no excuses) and
also to internal defined standards such as those for
information/cybersecurity. (FinServices_SEA_CFO)

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In the bank, IT sets the information security standards, policies, and

procedures. Compliance department will conduct their regular
compliance audit on all the departments. This is done on a regular basis,
i.e. annually. (FinServices_MY_COO)

In addition, documentation that was analysed reinforced the importance of compliance

management as the case study organisations had standards and policies that adopted the
requirements specified by regulatory guidelines. The following are excerpts from their policy
documents on the role of compliance:
Compliance is the responsibility of all officers within a financial institution
… the compliance function is responsible for ensuring that controls to
manage compliance risk are adequate and operating as intended. It is
also responsible for assessing and monitoring of compliance risk faced by
financial institutions. (Bank Negara Malaysia, 2015)

Compliance processes should be implemented to verify that IT security

standards and procedures are enforced. Follow-up processes should be
implemented so that compliance deviations are addressed and remedied
on a timely basis. (Monetary Authority of Singapore, 2013)

Further interview data that support the emergence of the “monitor” dimension and its
associated second-order themes are found in Table 5-14 and Table 5-15.

Table 5-14: Data supporting “measure and report performance” (monitor).

Dimension: Monitor; Theme: Measure and Report Performance
Case Study Representative Quotes
FinServices_SG “Noncompliance will be reported and fixed. You can see the closed-loop
management - risks agreed, standards and policies defined, compliance
checked, remediation actions taken.” (FinServices_SG_CIO)
FinServices_SEA “The compliance department will present the compliance report to the CEO
and RMC.” (FinServices_SEA_CFO)
“It is held every two–three months and the focus is on reviewing critical audit
findings or critical incidents. The board risks meeting will also cover any
upcoming landscape items, potential issues and risks.” (FinServices_SEA_CIO)

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Dimension: Monitor; Theme: Measure and Report Performance

Case Study Representative Quotes
FinServices_MY “Based on these compliance report, specific actions are taken to drive better
compliance.” (FinServices_MY_COO)

Table 5-15: Data supporting “manage compliance” (monitor).

Dimension: Monitor; Theme: Manage Compliance
Case Study Representative Quotes
FinServices_SG “I as the CIO will be responsible to implement and comply to the standards
from the information systems perspective, i.e. review and implement assess
controls, systems protection be it networks, servers or applications.”
“The CISO team has a compliance team who will conduct a compliance check
to ensure that the policies are adhered. We do this annually … compliance
under CISO purview is to review and assist the business in ensuring
compliance.” (FinServices_SG_CISO)
“Oversight should include monitoring, compliance checks to ensure that we are
actually doing what we are set out to do according to our policies and
procedures.” (FinServices_SG_Directo-InfoSecOfficer)
“The compliance team will be responsible to ensure that everyone complies to
the standards and policies … Compliance will then come to check on the
implementation against these standards, policies and procedures.”
FinServices_SEA “Our compliance team will go around the bank to check against the policies and
determine if they [referring to the business departments] comply.”
“The Risk and Prevention was more focused in terms of making sure that our
overall risk is good and managed, and cybersecurity was nothing more than
making sure we have firewalls and tight access controls!”
“The information security team helps in ensuring that the policies are
implemented across the bank, everyone businesses and supporting functions,
and we have the legal and compliance team that goes around making sure the
bank complies.” (FinServices_SEA_IT-Architect)
FinServices_MY “we need to make sure we have all the required processes as required to
ensure compliance.” (FinServices_MY_Board)
“We have IT, risks and compliance involved in ensuring process, policies and
procedures are implemented and adhered.” (FinServices_MY_COO)
“While we must be compliant as we are regulated by BNM, it is important to
have a strong risk and compliance to ensure a sound and prudent operations of
a bank.” (FinServices_MY_CRO)

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As discussed in this section, there are interactions between “measure and report
performance” and “manage compliance”. These interactions and process flows between the

two second-order themes (m1) are shown with a bidirectional arrow ( ) in Figure 5-10.
The output from “manage compliance” e.g. compliance results against policies and
standards are fed into “measure and report performance” where assessment is made and
performance is measured to determine adherence and actions. The performance report is
also fed back into the “manage compliance” sub-process:
The compliance department will present the compliance report to the
CEO and RMC. (FinServices_SEA_CFO)

Based on these compliance report, specific actions are taken to drive

better compliance. (FinServices_MY_COO)

Figure 5-10: ISG second-order themes/sub-process flows and interactions (monitor)

“Monitor” comprises of two sub-processes i.e. “measure and report performance” and
“manage compliance”, which focuses on the continuous evaluation and assessment of
information security strategy, objectives, policies, procedures and controls that have been
implemented as per “direct” to understand the degree of compliance. Evaluate

In this research, the analysis of the case study data has identified two second-order themes,
i.e. “evaluate and refine” and “collect and analyse” that are aggregated into “evaluate” as
shown in Figure 5-11. Interview data also support the existence of a feedback-loop model
where information security compliance data are collected, analysed and used to make the
necessary adjustment which will be used as the input for the “direct” process.

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Figure 5-11: Data structure – ISG process (evaluate)

The following interview excerpts helped discover the “evaluate and refine” second-order
You can see the closed-loop management - risks agreed, standards and
policies defined, compliance checked, remediation actions taken. This is
repeated annually. (FinServices_SG_CIO)

will study the gap and work with IT security to refine or update and
required changes. (FinServices_SEA_Board)

Changes are made if necessary based on the feedback of the compliance

function. (FinServices_SEA_IT-Architect)

We monitor the compliance and recommend changes that need to be

done or changes to policies and standards to reflect changing
requirements. (FinServices_MY_Board)

The following interview excerpts show that compliance data are gathered and analysed as
part of “collect and analyse” prior to “evaluate and refine”. Data are analysed to understand
noncompliance or gaps that may be attributable to lack of awareness, changes in situation
or information security requirements:
If we find that there are big gaps in compliance, we need to study and
understand the reasons behind the gap. Is it due to discipline of just not
complying, is the policies are too difficult to comply or maybe even that

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our policies may be outdated! Maybe it is just due to training. We

investigate the gaps thoroughly. (FinServices_SEA_Board)

There is a continuous monitoring on compliance and the evaluation on

the applicability to determine if changes are required.

We have to explain why it happened, why it was not prevented, what

went wrong and how to ensure it do not happen again. We also conduct a
mid-year review on the risk profile to check if the environment or
business have changed and if it needs to be updated.

Additional interview data gathered from the various interviewees as shown in Table 5-16
and Table 5-17 supported the discovery of these second-order themes and the aggregated
“evaluate” dimension.

Table 5-16: Data supporting “evaluate and refine” (evaluate).

Dimension: Evaluate; Theme: Evaluate and Refine
Case Study Representative Quotes
FinServices_SG “Reasons for noncompliance and remediation actions.” (FinServices_SG_CIO)
“If there are gaps, we need to fix or maybe even fix or modify our policies to
address some of the gaps.” (FinServices_SG_Director-InfoSecOfficer)
“We review our standards, policies and procedures annually, will update them
if required.” (FinServices_SG_Director-InfoSecOfficer)
FinServices_SEA “If there are challenges, we will work through the challenges and decide if the
noncompliance requires a change in standards or policies.”
FinServices_MY “Priority for banks is to ensure compliance to regulatory, that is not negotiable,
and board members will approve as long as it is for compliance to regulators!”
“we design the security approach, look at the investments required and
evaluate against our risk appetite and make sure we comply with all the central
bank guidelines.” (FinServices_MY_Board)
“Based on these compliance report, specific actions are taken to drive better
compliance.” (FinServices_MY_COO)

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Table 5-17: Data supporting “collect and analyse” (evaluate).

Dimension: Evaluate; Theme: Collect and Analyse
Case Study Representative Quotes
FinServices_SG “They [referring to the compliance team] also help to highlight key gaps and
noncompliance so that we can make a call on the actions, and these actions can
sometimes be outdated standards and policies that we have to update.
Therefore, compliance becomes a monitoring and feedback process for us.”
“Nowadays, we have a lot of smart tools that does the detailed work, e.g.
automatic review of logs, etc.” (FinServices_SG_Deputy-InfoSecOfficer)
FinServices_SEA “They [referring to the compliance team] are the friendly parties that look at
the noncompliance and work with us to take action on compliance.”

In addition to the identification of the two sub-processes of “evaluate and refine” and
“collect and analyse”, the interactions between these sub-processes (e1) are shown with a

one-directional arrow ( ) to indicate the interactions and process flows between them.
“Collect and analyse” will collect and analyse information from compliance to determine
gaps and reasons for the gaps as output to be presented to “evaluate and refine” where the
information will be evaluated to determine changes/refinements that may be required to
meet changes in information security objectives:
Based on these compliance report, specific actions are taken to drive
better compliance. (FinServices_MY_COO)

There is a continuous monitoring on compliance and the evaluation on

the applicability to determine if changes are required.

Figure 5-12: ISG second-order themes/sub-process flows and interactions (evaluate)

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“Evaluate” is part of the direct-control-evaluate feedback-loop model. “Evaluate” refers to

actions involved in the collection of data, analysis, evaluation and comparison to determine
changes and adjustments required to meet current and future information security
You can see the closed-loop management - risks agreed, standards and
policies defined, compliance checked, remediation actions taken. This is
repeated annually. (FinServices_SG_CIO) Communicate

“Communicate” is another aggregate dimension discovered together with “engage

stakeholders” as a second-order theme in the case study analysis, as shown in the data
structure in Figure 5-13.

Figure 5-13: Data structure - ISG process (communicate)

All data emphasise the importance of engaging with the board as the board plays an
important role in ISG. The engagement with the board covers organisation-specific
information security topics and general topics in the industry as it is important that the
board is kept aware of information security topics. FinServices_SG_CIO and
FinServices_MY_COO confirmed that these are being done in their organisations:
Board is kept updated on the information security risk landscape.

we have a reasonably good communication process to engage our board

members with respect to information security. The board is kept aware.

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FinServices_SG_DeputyCIO and FinServices_SEA_Board also emphasised the importance in

engaging other stakeholders such as the regulators, shareholders and customers.
It is important to have a process for communications, communicating to
the board, communicating to the regulators, other stakeholders, to
media, customers, etc. During an incident, communication is very
important in managing the expectations. (FinServices_SG_DeputyCIO)

It is also important to communicate outside of the bank, to manage

expectations especially when an incident happens. We need to
communicate to our shareholders, our customers, regulators, etc. I
believe we have a proper communication process handled by our public
relations. (FinServices_SEA_Board)

Table 5-18 provides further data that support the emergent “stakeholder engagement”
theme and “communicate” dimension.

Table 5-18: Data supporting “communicate”.

Dimension: Communicate; Theme: Engage Stakeholder
Case Study Representative Quotes
FinServices_SG “Board is kept updated on the information security risk landscape. We also
update the board on near misses of threats, actual incident, the incident
response processes on whether we met our incident response KPIs, etc.”
“The risk assessment will be reviewed every six months and updated to the
board.” (FinServices_SG_CISO)
“We have separate information security updates to the board every other
month, where we provide a summary of our RMC update to the board. Should
there be any important update, e.g. a security breach or incident, that will be
done as a special update during any of the monthly board meeting.”
“we have a communication process in the event of an incident. Our
communication process documents the steps required to design the message
and get the approvals, and the actual communications to different audience via
different means.” (FinServices_SG_CISO)
“we update the board on all areas of risks, covering financial, operations and
information security. In the information security update, we present a snapshot
of the situation, i.e. any threats detected, near misses and any actual incident
that occurred. We update our information security compliance status of the

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Dimension: Communicate; Theme: Engage Stakeholder

Case Study Representative Quotes
different businesses and status of our information security projects, e.g.
hardening of servers, development of our cybersecurity framework, etc.
Therefore, the communication to the board is very important.”
FinServices_SEA “In every board meeting, we allocate a section on information security where
the head of the IT board committee will update the board on cybersecurity
incidents that happened in the industry locally (if any), update on any
cybersecurity incidents or threats in the banks (if any), what has been done and
an update on cybersecurity initiatives that the bank is embarking and its
progress. This is a good start. We started this last year, when the board have
more awareness about cybersecurity.” (FinServices_SEA_Board)
“The board members are more cybersecurity savy as they read widely and one
of the board member is in the IT industry. So the board engages in some
effective dialogues and ask some good questions.” (FinServices_SEA_CFO)
“all these monthly meetings and all these are internal IT and operations. Every
month, there is also a monthly risk meeting.” (FinServices_SEA_CIO)
“The CRO and the CIO have to present to the RMC, providing regular updates
on the information security risks situation of the bank, highlighting the key
information security projects and security incidents that may have happened. I
will update my CIO, the progress of the information security architecture … The
RMC will in turn updates the board during the board meetings.”
FinServices_MY “quarterly update to board. Both the CIO and CRO will update the board on
information security activities or projects that are undertaken and any breaches
that have been detected or had happened. So, we have a reasonably good
communication process to engage our board members with respect to
information security. The board is kept aware.” (FinServices_MY_COO)
“The board needs to work closely with the management and we need to be
updated regularly. Keeping us updated on a regular basis is important, either
through special board communique or during board meetings.”
“And will report the monthly potential cyber attacks, the near misses and real
incidents.” (FinServices_MY_CRO)

“Communicate” is a core ISG process that comprises “engage stakeholders” as the sub-
process that demonstrates accountability and transparency through reporting and
communication regarding the information security program undertaken to protect the
organisation and respond to security incidents. Figure 5-14 shows the “engage
stakeholders” sub-process mapped against the cross-functional process diagram.

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Figure 5-14: ISG second-order theme/sub-process (communicate) Assure

“Assure” is the final component in ISG that has been identified from case study analysis. The
analysis of the case study data identified 3 second-order themes, i.e. “conduct external
audits and certifications”, “provide oversight” and “conduct internal audit” as shown in the
data structure in Figure 5-15.

Figure 5-15: Data structure – ISG process (assure)

The following subsections provide analysis of the case study data in identifying the 3 sub-
processes (i.e. second-order themes) in “assure”. Conduct External Audits and Certifications

The “conduct external audits and certifications” theme refers to the independent
assessment that is conducted by external parties, i.e. regulators, external auditors and
consultants, that provides an independent assessment of the information security status of
an organisation. While external audits are a statutory requirement that focus on financial
information, these external audits have extended their scope to cover the auditing of the

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internal controls of the technology environment and controls in information security.

Similarly, financial regulators have also expanded their audits to cover information security
audits, as highlighted by FinServices_SEA_Board and shared by FinServices_SG_DeputyCIO
and FinServices_SG_Director-InfoSecOfficer:
Normally they [referring to the central bank regulator] will focus on
financial audits, but with the internet banking and digital here and digital
there, central bank comes to conduct information security audit and they
are very detailed. (FinServices_SEA_Board)

Similarly, we have the external audit done by our external auditors and
also the regulator audit. (FinServices_SG_DeputyCIO)

In the recent regulator technology risk audit, we assigned a team to work

closely with regulator in supporting their audit. It went on for nearly two
months as it was such a comprehensive audit. (FinServices_SG_Director-

In addition to statutory requirements, financial institutions have begun to seek the expertise
of independent consultants to provide assessment and reviews of the information security
posture of the organisations. This approach was shared by all the case study organisations,
as shown in the following interview excerpts:
we have an external assurance function where we engage external
consultants to conduct a review annually just to ensure that we are in
compliance with our internal policies and procedures. In addition, the
external assurance ensures we are kept aligned with industry best
practices and standards. (FinServices_SG_CISO)

IT would like to hire consultants to conduct information security review.


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Board started to engage more and more consultants to review the

general security posture of the bank. (FinServices_MY_COO)

Figure 5-15 shows the progressive data structure and Table 5-19 provides additional
supporting data for this theme.

Table 5-19: Data supporting “conduct external audits and certifications” (assure).
Dimension: Assure; Theme: Conduct External Audits and Certifications
Case Study Representative Quotes
FinServices_SEA “there is also regulators doing assurance, our central bank. They will conduct
scheduled audit, maybe every two years, but they can also conduct a surprise
audit!” (FinServices_SEA_Board)
“all banks have excellent assurance processes as we always need a third party
to provide assurance.” (FinServices_SEA_CIO)
“we have our internal audit and external auditors and sometimes we get the
BNM auditors. So we have ample assurance on information security risks.”
FinServices_MY “In addition, you also have the external auditors that conduct the independent
checks.” (FinServices_MY_Board)
“Finally, for banks, assurance is important. We hire consultants to undertake
our independent checks to ensure that we are doing the right thing. We also
hire consultants to help us put in place proper processes and learn from best
practices adopted by banks globally and regionally.” (FinServices_MY_Board)
“The central bank mandated that all major enhancements and new internet-
based systems to go through an external and independent review and
attestation by a board member responsible for security before banks can
launch such systems.” (FinServices_MY_COO) Provide Oversight

“Provide oversight” is another emergent theme discovered from case study analysis which is
performed by the board in relation to ISG. The board receives information from both
“conduct external audits and certifications” and “conduct internal audit” in discharging its
oversight function. The oversight role of the board as part of assurance is reinforced in the
following interview data gathered from the case studies:
The role of governance is to ensure that there is a proper structure, there
is segregation of duties, the need of oversight, and a check and balance to

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ensure that the business is doing the right thing for the shareholders.

Governance is important to be the third eye to provide an oversight,

making sure information security initiatives are done right.

We have a very onerous responsibility to provide oversight to ensure that

the bank runs properly. (FinServices_SEA_Board)

Board delegates the independent oversight over to the board committees

to work with the executive management. However, the ultimate
responsibility and the final decision rest with the board.

Further supporting data was gathered from documentation such as the following:
The Audit Committee is established to provide independent oversight
over internal and external audit functions, internal controls and ensuring
checks and balances within the bank … Oversee management’s
implementation of the company’s governance framework and internal
control framework/policies. (FinServices_SEA Board Charter)

reviewing the adequacy, effectiveness, independence, scope and results

of the external audit and the company’s internal audit function.
(Monetary Authority of Singapore, 2018)

Figure 5-15 shows the progressive data structure and Table 5-20 provides additional
supporting data for this theme.

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Table 5-20: Data supporting “provide oversight” (assure).

Dimension: Assure; Theme: Provide Oversight
Case Study Representative Quotes
FinServices_SG “In my opinion, information security governance is the oversight that is ... By
oversight, I mean the responsibilities to ask the right questions, check and get
updates on the information security situation and to guide the organisation in
the right direction.” (FinServices_SG_CIO)
“The board is effective in providing the oversight as they ask the right questions
and get involved in the right areas.” (FinServices_SG_Director-InfoSecOfficer)
FinServices_SEA “Most of the time, board members are selected from experienced industry
practitioners … to the board to provide the oversight and contribute their
experience and wisdom.” (FinServices_SEA_Board)
“It is held every two–three months and the focus is on reviewing critical audit
findings or critical incidents. The board risks meeting will also cover any
upcoming landscape items, potential issues and risks.” (FinServices_SEA_CIO)
FinServices_MY “Some board members have specific experience and knowledge and they will
ask the right questions on cybersecurity, how we derive the risk, have we have
taken enough actions to manage and mitigate the risk.” (FinServices_MY_CRO) Conduct Internal Audit

“Conduct internal audit” is the third emergent theme discovered from the case study
analysis, as shown in the data structure in Figure 5-15. This theme refers to the review and
check of the adherence and compliance to defined standards, policies, procedures and
controls, and is different from “manage compliance” as “conduct internal audit” acts as an
independent party within an organisation. The board delegates the independent oversight
role and responsibility to the internal audit committee, who works with the executive
management in executing the internal audit functions. As highlighted by the interviewees,
“conduct internal audit” is an important sub-process within “assure” in providing the overall
assurance function in ISG:
We also have the Internal Audit Committee where they will review
internal audit findings. Information security audit is part of the company
audit function and the result of an information security audit is also
reported to the Internal Audit Committee. (FinServices_SG_CISO)

we have the police that comes after us! That’s the internal audit. The
internal audit is a little different, they are like the police as they will come

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to check on you and send you a summon! Internal audit will check on us
and will report our noncompliance too. (FinServices_SG_DeputyCIO)

Compliance is different from internal audit. Internal audit is the real

police that will report noncompliance and we will have to explain and be
penalised. It affects our KPIs. In a way, compliance provides the check and
balance, providing the monitoring. Internal audit is strictly policing!

In the bank we have our internal audit and compliance team that will
conduct regular audit and ensure that our policies and procedures are
complied. (FinServices_SEA_Board)

Further supporting data for this theme is found in Table 5-21.

Table 5-21: Data supporting “conduct internal audit” (assure).

Dimension: Assure; Theme: Conduct Internal Audit
Case Study Representative Quotes
FinServices_SEA “Internal audit will conduct their audits to check on our compliance.”
“we have our internal audit and external auditors, and sometimes we get the
BNM auditors. So we have ample assurance on information security risks.”
FinServices_MY “Internal audit will be the police that will check and make a report on any audit
findings.” (FinServices_MY_Board)
“we have audit, both internal and external, to provide assurance.”

The sub-processes within “assure” i.e. “conduct external audits and certifications”, “provide
oversight” and “conduct internal audit” are mapped on the cross-functional process map
shown in Figure 5-16.

A Process Model to Improve ISG in Organisations 186

Chapter 5. ISG Process Model Refinement

Figure 5-16: ISG second-order themes/sub-process flows and interactions (assure)

In order for the “provide oversight” sub-process to function, the sub-process receives
information such as external audit reports/findings from external auditors or independent
consultants. This interaction/sub-process flow from “conduct external audits and

certifications” to “provide oversight” is represented with a one-directional arrow ( ),

you have the audits, who provide the independent checks and gives a
report card to the audit committee, the board. Don’t forget the report
from regulators too. (FinServices_SEA_Board)

Similarly, a one-directional arrow ( ), a2 shows the interaction/sub-process flow from

“conduct internal audit” to “provide oversight” where internal audit findings are presented
to the “governing body”:
We also have the Internal Audit Committee where they will review
internal audit findings. Information security audit is part of the company
audit function and the result of an information security audit is also
reported to the Internal Audit Committee. (FinServices_SG_CISO)

Internal audit will conduct their own audit checks and report to us.

The “assure” process comprises checks and validations by independent parties (e.g. reviews,
audits and certifications) to enable the board to exercise its oversight responsibility in
ensuring compliance with the desired level of information security.

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Chapter 5. ISG Process Model Refinement

5.4 Towards a Refined ISG Process Model

This section brings together all the findings from the case study analysis discussed in the
previous sections into a single ISG process model, as shown in Figure 5-17. This ISG process
model, which is grounded on empirical data, is then compared against the conceptual ISG
process model (Figure 4-15) developed based on the analysis of extant literature in Chapter
4 to confirm the theoretical concepts and to identify the differences in the refined ISG

process model. The differences are shaded in Figure 5-17.

Figure 5-17: Development of refined ISG process model

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Chapter 5. ISG Process Model Refinement

5.4.1 ISG Stakeholder Groups

Similar to the conceptual ISG process model, the stakeholder groups are depicted on the top
horizontal row of the refined ISG process model and comprise the following:

a. “External”
b. “Strategic - board” and “strategic - executive” collectively known as the “governing
c. “Management”

Data from the case studies led to the conclusion that there is a need for clear segregation of
“governing body” and “management” but there were not enough data to confirm further
segregation of “management” into “tactical management” and “operational management”
as identified in the conceptual ISG process model. The reason behind the lack of data to
justify this segregation could be the focus of data gathering, which was on the governance
of information security, hence, governance structure and governance processes, and so very
little was done to examine the structure required for the management and operations of
information security. Although the conceptual model defined “management” to comprise
“tactical management” and “operational management” as per the literature research, the
refined ISG process model does not reflect the segregation of “tactical management” and
“operational management”. The refined ISG process model shows only “management”
which represents the management team which is responsible for implementing the policies
and ensuring day-to-day operations.

5.4.2 Core ISG Processes

All 5 core ISG processes are shown on the left side of the refined ISG process model and
comprise “direct”, “monitor”, “evaluate”, “communicate” and “assure”. These 5 core ISG
processes are consistent with the core ISG processes identified in the conceptual ISG
process model. “Direct-monitor-evaluate” represent a closed-loop process where
objectives, standards, policies, procedures and controls are defined in “direct” and used as
input to “monitor” to check for compliance and to “evaluate” for comparison to determine
changes that are required for “direct”. The interaction between “direct” and “monitor” (D-

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Chapter 5. ISG Process Model Refinement

M) and the process flow from “direct” to “monitor” are shown with a one-directional arrow

( ) connecting “direct” to “monitor”. As discussed in Subsection, these

interactions and the information flow are confirmed by the interview data, as shared by
FinServices_SG_CIO and FinServices_SEA_Board:
we present the ongoing monitoring of status, e.g. compliance check
against the defined standards and policies. Reasons for noncompliance
and remediation actions. Board is kept updated on the information
security risk landscape. (FinServices_SG_CIO)

In the bank, we have our compliance department that helps in ensuring

the implementation … Based on the defined policies and standards,
compliance department will conduct checks to ensure compliance are
adhered. (FinServices_MY_Board)

In a similar way, the information from “monitor” is used by “evaluate” to check against the
objectives defined in “direct”. The interaction and process flow between “monitor” and

“evaluate” (M-E) is shown with a one-directional arrow ( ) connecting “monitor” to

“evaluate” and the interaction and process flow between “evaluate” and “direct” (E-D) i.e.

the comparison is also shown with a one-directional arrow ( ) connecting “evaluate” to

“direct”. These interactions and process flows were discussed in Subsection and the
findings were shared by all 3 case study organisations in interviews, as shown below:
You can see the closed-loop management - risks agreed, standards and
policies defined, compliance checked, remediation actions taken. This is
repeated annually. (FinServices_SG_CIO)

Changes are made if necessary based on the feedback of the compliance

function. (FinServices_SEA_IT-Architect)

will study the gap and work with IT security to refine or update and
required changes. (FinServices_SEA_Board)

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These interactions and process flows are consistent with the conceptual ISG process model
and confirmed through the case study data.

One additional interaction and process flow (A-D) emerged from the case study data, i.e. the
interaction and process flow from “assure” to “direct”. It is found that the information from
“assure” is important and will be used as input to “direct” so that the relevant changes are
made and adopted in “direct”. This interaction and process flow is depicted with a one-

directional arrow ( ) connecting “assure” to “direct”:

the external assurance ensures we are kept aligned with industry best
practices and standards. Assurance helps to ensure that we are adopting
the right approach and that our policies and procedures are aligned to
best practices in the industry. (FinServices_SG_CISO)

We are learning and we also hired our external auditor to help us review
and improve our information security process. (FinServices_SEA_Board)

Look at the good side, the results of the audits will help us fix what are
not right and put into implementations. (FinServices_SG_DeputyCIO)

There are further differences from the conceptual ISG process model that have been
identified from the analysis of empirical data from the case studies. These differences as
highlighted in Figure 5-17 are discussed below.

a. “Assure” has been broken down into 3 sub-processes, i.e. “conduct external audits and
certifications”, “provide oversight” and “conduct internal audit” as the interview data
provided more detail for the identification of these themes. The focus of the case study
on governance helped in the discovery of these second-order themes.
b. “Collect and analyse” has replaced “collect and compare” in “evaluate”. “Collect and
analyse” was discovered as an emergent theme as there was a focus on the analysis of
information gathered from compliance to identify compliance gaps and determine the
reasons for the gaps in meeting the information security objectives.

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c. In relation to the “direct” process, it is apparent that ISG is regulatory, business and risk
driven. The differences in the sub-processes within “direct” that have been discovered
from the case study data include the following:
• “Define regulatory requirements” was added as a sub-process that is undertaken
by “external”.
• “Define information security objectives to comply with regulatory requirements”
is a sub-process that was not identified in the conceptual ISG process. The
importance of complying with regulatory requirements was not discovered from
extant literature in the development of the conceptual ISG process model, but the
second-order themes on regulatory requirements were discovered in all the case
study interviews. This can be attributed to the fact that all case study
organisations were selected from the financial services industry, which is heavily
• “Define information security objectives to support business strategy” replaced
“align information security objectives with business strategy” to better reflect the
need for the business-driven and actual activities involved in defining the
information security objectives.
• “Confirm information security strategy and objectives” and “implement
information security standards, policies and controls” are used to better reflect
the roles and responsibilities of the “governing body” and “management” as there
were insufficient data to justify the granularity proposed in the conceptual ISG
process model which comprised of 3 distinct sub-processes.
d. In “monitor”, “measure and report performance” was discovered as the emergent
theme as there is a focus on reporting rather than purely measuring compliance.

5.5 Summary

This qualitative research is grounded on empirical data that was gathered primarily from
interviews, documentation and to a lesser extent observations through on-site process
walk-throughs. This chapter has provided the background to the 3 case study financial
institutions that have been selected for the study based on the fact that these organisations
have adopted good corporate governance and ISG practices. The chapter has also presented

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Chapter 5. ISG Process Model Refinement

the empirical findings from the data collection and analysis. First-order concepts were
coded, second-order themes were identified and visual representations via data structures
have been provided throughout the chapter to illustrate the progressive identification of
second-order themes and aggregated dimensions. Detailed analysis of the case study
interview data facilitated the identification of the emerging themes and aggregated
dimensions, which were subsequently used to refine the conceptual ISG process model. The
refined ISG process model contains the stakeholders, the 5 core ISG processes and the
relationships and process flows among these processes and sub-processes.

The refined ISG process model as shown in Figure 5-18 is a process-driven model that
identifies the core ISG processes and sub-processes, the process interactions and the
process flows. The refined ISG process model also maps these processes and sub-processes
against the stakeholder groups to show the responsibilities of the stakeholder groups to
these sub-processes.

Figure 5-18: Refined ISG process model

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Chapter 5. ISG Process Model Refinement

The following chapter, Chapter 6, will present and discuss the findings and analysis of the
expert interviews which validated this refined ISG process model.

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Chapter 6. ISG Process Model Validation

Chapter 6
ISG Process Model Validation
Chapter 5 has described how the conceptual ISG process model was refined based on
detailed analysis of empirical data from the case studies. This chapter presents the analysis
and findings of Phase 3: Model validation (Figure 6-1) where expert interviews were used to
further elicit the theory behind how ISG can be implemented in organisations and validate
the ISG process model that was refined as described in the previous chapter.

Figure 6-1: Phase 3: Model validation

This chapter is divided into 5 major sections. Section 6.1 provides a recap of the expert
interview methodology adopted in Phase 3: Model validation, while Section 6.2 provides a
profile of the experts, including a brief justification of the relevance of each interviewee’s

A Process Model to Improve ISG in Organisations 195

Chapter 6. ISG Process Model Validation

expertise and a summary of the interviews. Section 6.3 discusses the interview data and the
analysis. Using these analyses, Sections 6.4 explains the validation of the ISG process model
with expert interview quotes. A summary of the chapter is found in Section 6.5.

6.1 Expert Interviews

As discussed in Section 3.5, expert interviews have been adopted to validate the refined ISG
process model. Bogner and Menz (2009) defined the expert interview as a method of data
gathering via interview with an individual who possesses technical, process and
interpretative knowledge in a specific field of action by virtue of the fact that the expert
practises in that particular professional area. The purpose of expert interviews in Phase 3:
Model validation was to gather further empirical data from these experts so that the
research had more information relating to the practice of ISG that could be used to validate
the refined ISG process model. The expert interviews were semi-structured interviews
similar to the case study interviews with a list of open-ended questions that were prepared
only as guiding topics to get the experts to discuss their insights freely and share their
experience and activities in relation to ISG (Meuser & Nagel, 2009). All expert interviews
were transcribed, coded and analysed. The approach used to analyse these expert interview
transcripts was similar to the approach adopted for the analysis of the case study interviews
that was discussed in detail in Section 3.8.

6.2 Profile of Experts and Summary of Interviews

Six experts were interviewed for Phase 3 between August 2018 and March 2019. The 6
experts, comprising 3 consultants and 3 industry professionals, were selected based on the
specific criteria that were discussed in Section 3.5.1 and all experts were considered to be of
equal status, i.e. all insights obtained from the experts are equally valuable without any bias
towards a specific expert or group of experts.

a. Information security consultants

Three of the experts were experienced information security consultants who were working
in the risk and information security area and had experience with a large number of
companies during their careers. Consultants normally worked with several clients across

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Chapter 6. ISG Process Model Validation

different industries over time when conducting different projects. Their exposure to the
different situations and challenges in their work over the years is seen as a particular
advantage to the research as they were capable of identifying differences and similarities
between companies and industries with different characteristics. In addition, these
experienced consultants had expert knowledge and good theoretical background in their
field of expertise (Schlegel, 2015). Two consultants from the Singapore offices of two global
Big Four consulting firms were interviewed. These consultants were selected as they had
advised customers on ISG and information security management, reviewed and developed
ISG governance frameworks and conducted various information security audits. They were
also Certified Information Systems Auditors (CISA) of ISACA. In addition, one consultant
from the Singapore office of a global information security software company was
interviewed as he had more than 25 years’ experience in both financial and information risk
consulting, having worked in several global risk consulting organisations and in an
information security software company focusing on solutions to automate ISG, information
security management and security operations processes.

b. Industry professionals
Three industry professionals were also interviewed as experts. These industry professionals
were senior executives from the financial services industry who had extensive knowledge in
information security and held positions directly involved in ISG and information security
management. These 3 industry professionals were selected for the expert interviews as they
had extensive experience in the topic of research, i.e. more than 25 years of experience and
had worked across different countries. One of the experts had been involved in the
information risk and security areas for over 35 years and worked in Europe and across the

Table 6-1 shows a summary of the expert interviewees selected to validate the ISG process
model and the following section provides profiles of the experts, a brief justification of the
relevance of each interviewee’s expertise and a summary of the interviews.

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Chapter 6. ISG Process Model Validation

Table 6-1: Expert interviewees to validate ISG process model (extracted from Table 3-1).
Location No. of
Interviewee Organisation & Role Job Role Years in
Coverage Industry
IS_ConsultingDirector Consulting firm Singapore Information Direct 20
& South- Security years+
East Asia Consultant
IS_Consultant Consulting firm Singapore Information Direct 10
& South- Security years+
East Asia Consultant
CISO-MY_Bank Financial Malaysia CISO Direct 25
institution & South- years+
(bank) East Asia
CIO-SG_InvestmentCo Financial Singapore CIO Direct 25
institution years+
ChiefInfoRiskOfficer- Financial Malaysia Regional Direct 35
APAC_InsuranceCo institution & Asia- Chief years+
(insurance Pacific Information
company) Risk Officer
IS_SoftwareConsultant Information Singapore Information Direct 25
security Security years+
software Consultant
Total number of expert interviewees 6

6.2.1 IS_ConsultingDirector

The first expert interview was conducted with the information security consulting director
(IS_ConsultingDirector) of a Big Four consulting firm based in Singapore. He was the
information security consulting director for South-East Asia, responsible for leading a team
of consultants in advising customers on ISG and information security management,
conducting information security reviews, audits and forensic investigations, and assisting in
the implementation of information security controls. He had more than 20 years of
consulting experience and was a Certified Information Systems Auditor (CISA) of ISACA.

He started the interview by sharing with the researcher his most recent project where he
led a review of a major incident that happened in a financial institution and brought down a
nationwide infrastructure for a couple of hours. He highlighted that the project was at the
request of the regulator and aimed to identify the root cause and improvements that should

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Chapter 6. ISG Process Model Validation

be adopted by the financial institution, and potential lessons learnt for the industry. He
explained that the information security incident was not a malicious attack, but was due to
an accidental error by a computer operator. He highlighted the importance of effective
adherence to policies and controls, not just the implementation of policies and controls.

On ISG, he related it to the importance of ensuring correct and reliable information in

corporate governance, and the duty of the board and senior executives of organisations:
From information security perspective, it is not new any more as ensuring
the CIA (confidentiality, integrity and availability) of information is part
and parcel of good corporate governance. It is the duty of the board and
senior executives to ensure correct and reliable information are
maintained and disclosed as part of good corporate governance. While
the focus is on financial information, it is not limited to financials, it
relates to all information about the organisation to ensure external
stakeholders can rely on. (IS_ConsultingDirector)

He continued to elaborate on the importance of ISG and management, and proceeded to

explain that ISG is a set of structures and processes that drives oversight:
Information security governance doesn’t function in isolation.
Information security governance, management and operations have very
different functions and clarity among them is fundamental to the
performance of each. We believe that besides structure, information
security governance include the processes that ensure that reasonable
and appropriate actions are taken to protect the organisation’s
information assets in the most effective and efficient manner in pursuit of
its business goals. (IS_ConsultingDirector)

The interview continued for approximately 90 minutes with a detailed explanation of ISG,
together with a framework from the view of his consulting firm. When the refined ISG
process model was shared with him, he was very willing to provide his feedback. His insights
were that the refined ISG process model has all the components that mirror the framework

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Chapter 6. ISG Process Model Validation

he shared although his model had different names and labels, and the proposed model has
all the relevant ingredients of good ISG:
You have it shown as a separation of governing body and management,
which is good and provides a clear segregation of governance and
management roles. It is good if you can incorporate the governance
forums and committee. You have assure process, which we don’t have.
This is a good idea. (IS_ConsultingDirector)

The interview was very informative and the data was analysed as part of the analysis in this
phase of the research. The insights from this interview served as good validation for this

6.2.2 IS_Consultant

The interview with IS_Consultant was the second expert interview. He was a consultant with
another Big Four consulting firm based in Singapore and had extensive experience in
working with clients to define information security frameworks, conduct technology security
control reviews and develop control testing of applications. He had more than 10 years of
consulting experience and was a Certified Information Systems Auditor (CISA) of ISACA. He
had just taken up a new role in managing the security operations centre where the firm
provided services in monitoring security threats for customers.

Leveraging his professional background in conducting information systems audits and

controls reviews, he explained ISG from a control framework perspective, like how it was
implemented in corporate governance. He explained the concept of the “three lines of
defence” as proposed by the Internal Audit Association and its application in information
We propose the three lines of defence concept, i.e. first line where the
front line is responsible, then second line where we ensure that there is
the check and balance, i.e. the risk and compliance functions, and finally
the third line of defence where you have the assurance – the audits, both

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Chapter 6. ISG Process Model Validation

internal audit and external audit, and maybe even the regulatory audits.

He continued to explain in detail how the 3 lines of defence were implemented to drive
effective ISG, with examples of controls that were implemented in the front-end such as
anti-virus software, password controls, etc., strong risk and compliance processes as the
second line of defence, and the regulatory-driven internal and external audits in the third
line of defence. He highlighted the importance of information security risk management in
governance as he believed that the understanding of risk drives information security
strategies and all its related actions and initiatives. He elaborated on the risk management
processes and the role of the board and management in driving the risk management

After the initial part of the interview and insights, the refined ISG process model was shared
with IS_Consultant. When the researcher explained the various processes in the model,
IS_Consultant was in strong agreement with the model that has been developed. He
highlighted the fact that it is beneficial to segregate the generic compliance process into
“monitor” and “evaluate” as this forces the activities of monitoring and evaluating changes
to improve existing policies and controls. In his firm, this was treated as just standard
management of compliance:
Your model is more detailed as you separate “monitor” and “evaluate” as
key processes when compared to our management of compliance
process. (IS_Consultant)

In addition, he emphasised the importance of stakeholder engagement and was pleased

that the researcher’s model incorporates the “communicate” process as one of the ISG
You have “communicate” as a process. We don’t, but we do have
“communication and awareness” as a platform component that sits
across all processes as we believe awareness is one of the most

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Chapter 6. ISG Process Model Validation

important. The customer’s security posture is only as good as their

awareness. (IS_Consultant)

The interview ended after a further discussion on the clear definition of roles and
responsibilities of the governing body and management, and he had the following to say:
I think the C-level executives are part of the governance process as they
are delegated by the board to carry out the governance duties. I believe
you reflected it well … the greyed part of the diagram. (IS_Consultant)

The second expert interview also provided insights that helped validate the refined ISG
process model.

6.2.3 CISO-MY_Bank

The third expert interviewed was the CISO (CISO-MY_Bank) of a regional bank
headquartered in Malaysia. CISO-MY_Bank was a seasoned IT professional who had
assumed various roles in the bank over the last 20 years covering head of applications, head
of data analytics and CIO for the consumer banking business before taking up the role as the
CISO 5 years ago. In his role as the CISO, he was responsible for information security in the
bank across South-East Asia covering Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia, Thailand and

After formalities and a quick introduction to the research, CISO-MY_Bank had this to share
when he was asked his understanding of ISG:
In my view and my experience in the bank, information security
governance is the oversight, the roles and responsibilities of the senior
management and the board. The people who are responsible for decision
making, setting the policies and monitoring the execution of the policies.
That’s my very high-level view. (CISO-MY_Bank)

CISO-MY_Bank also raised the issue that while responsibilities rested with the board, the
challenge was that not all board members were technology or information security savvy.

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Therefore, the bank had conducted many initiatives to raise awareness among the board
members including scheduling special information and training sessions, and updating the
board regularly on information security issues and trends in the financial services industry.
CISO-MY_Bank believed that constant engagement of the board is important for effective
the bank has established an Information Security Council. It is chaired by
a board member and is driven by me ... In the Information Security
Council, I have representation from CRO, CFO, CIO and the head of
businesses (consumer banking, commercial banking, investment banking
and operations) and internal audit. The role of this Council is to make
decision on anything relating to information or cybersecurity. We have a
monthly Council meeting and the Council will update the board every two
months. Some of the areas we cover in the Council meeting include:
• Update on security projects that is ongoing (costs against budgets)
• Update on security situation, i.e. number of detected attacks, threats, etc.
• Update on incidents (if any), actions required
• Update on our assessment against BNM (central bank) requirements and
compliance, e.g. update on our views of the new Technology Risk Management
(TRM) guidelines to be introduced by BNM - challenges in adherence, what
needs to be done, etc.
• Get approval for new security projects (if any)
• Get approval for new standards and policies. (CISO-MY_Bank)

CISO-MY_Bank also provided a detailed explanation of the information security risk

management and compliance processes that had to comply with the regulator’s technology
risk management guidelines. He emphasised that the information security risk management
and compliance process was a subset of a very comprehensive bank-wide process.

After a detailed discussion on the processes adopted in the bank, the researcher shared the
refined ISG process model with CISO-MY_Bank to solicit his comments. Some key comments
that helped in validating the model include the following.

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Chapter 6. ISG Process Model Validation

On the governance structure and defined roles and responsibilities:

I like the organisation structure in a way that defines the governing body
and management. We need to know who is driving governance and that
is the board as I said earlier. You have included the senior management,
which is correct. They work closely with the board. The board provides
the oversight and approves the directions, and the senior management
take the responsibilities to drive it through the organisation. (CISO-

And on the core governance process:

On the five key processes, yes, “direct” is definitely correct and is critical.
I like the way you separate or break up “monitor” and “evaluate”. It
makes the processes a lot clearer. In practice we undertake both but is all
part of one big process, i.e. the compliance and remediation part. We
always treat it as one process, but by breaking into two discrete
processes you can show the difference in focus. One is to check for
compliance to defined policies and procedures, and the other focuses on
the remediation or the changes required to reflect new requirements or
changes in the organisations. I believe this also provide a feedback loop
for the process. (CISO-MY_Bank)

The interview lasted 50 minutes. Many more details were discussed and shared in the
interview. The interview was transcribed and analysed to identify the second-order themes
and dimensions that were required to validate the refined ISG process model.

6.2.4 CIO-SG_InvestmentCo

The 4th expert interview was conducted with the CIO (CIO-SG_InvestmentCo) of a major
investment company in Singapore. The CIO-SG_InvestmentCo was selected for the expert
interview as he had nearly 30 years of experience, having worked for many years in the
consulting industry, and had held many senior operational and technology roles in major
organisations in South-East Asia. His experience in information security included the design

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Chapter 6. ISG Process Model Validation

of a payment security module that pioneered technologies that involved a two-factor

authentication method during the dot-com era. His current role as the CIO included the
responsibility for information security as the company’s information security team reported
directly to him.

CIO-SG_InvestmentCo’s response to ISG was that it involves clear oversight by senior

management, clear segregation of roles and responsibilities, and should be driven by
business and risk. His precise comments on governance were as follows:
Governance, like any governance, is similar be it corporate governance, IT
governance and now information security governance. In my view, in
governance it is important to have clear oversight by senior management,
clear segregation of roles and responsibilities, and be driven by business
and risk. In most cases, senior management, I mean the board, you get a
board member to chair the board committee and be a champion for it …
like board audit committee for corporate governance, board IT
committee, board risk committee and maybe a board information
security committee. (CIO-SG_InvestmentCo)

He shared that his company did not have a separate CISO but was in the process of hiring
such a person as it was looking to implement a separate division focusing on information
security. This was due to the growing importance and focus on information security, and at
the request of the regulator.

He provided a detailed discussion of how ISG was implemented in his company. He also
mentioned that the objective of ISG was to ensure that all information security initiatives
were undertaken to help the company meet its business and risk objectives. He added
regulatory objectives as his company was in the strictly regulated financial services industry.

He also brought up the importance of the fiduciary duties of the board and its increasing
responsibilities in information security:

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Chapter 6. ISG Process Model Validation

The board committee focus on making sure the management is doing

their job by making sure we have a regular, i.e. alternate month board
committee updates. The committee helps to provide approvals for
information security budgets and projects. In our regular updates, we
provide the board committee with an update of our current information
security situation - a health check on whether there are any breaches, any
recorded near misses and an update of our information security projects.
The updates are done by our head of information security. So the board
committee aims to provide the oversight … an independent view,
directions, comments and feedback. (CIO-SG_InvestmentCo)

On his feedback on the refined ISG process model that was shown to and discussed with
him, he agreed with all 5 governance processes as this is consistent with what had been
implemented in his company:
Wow! This is interesting. You have defined five core processes in
governance. Hmm … seems to be rather accurate. We adopt all the five
processes, nothing more … Yes. Spot on. This is exactly what is practised. I
like the way you illustrated them in a process model. The whole “direct”,
“monitor” and “evaluate” provide a closed-loop process where you
implement, check and improve. (CIO-SG_InvestmentCo)

CIO-SG_InvestmentCo also provided his feedback on the segregation of roles and

responsibilities for all the governance processes in the ISG process model.

The interview ended after 50 minutes of discussion. Detailed information gathered during
the interview was transcribed and analysed, and was used to validate the refined ISG
process model.

6.2.5 ChiefInfoRiskOfficer-APAC_InsuranceCo

The 5th expert interview was conducted with the regional chief information risk officer
(ChiefInfoRiskOfficer-APAC_InsuranceCo) who was responsible for information risk across

A Process Model to Improve ISG in Organisations 206

Chapter 6. ISG Process Model Validation

the Asia-Pacific operations of a global insurance company. He was a very experienced

individual who had over 35 years of experience in information security. He shared that he
was involved from the early days of computer security to the current information security
era covering technical, business and governance across many years working on technical
security matters on IBM mainframes and now working on defining information security for
start-ups that were working with the insurance company. He had spent 18 years working
with the insurance company, starting with their head office in the UK and then across the

In response to the researcher’s question on his understanding of ISG, he related his

experience when he had been tasked to define the global corporate governance structure
for the insurance company in 2004. While it had nothing to do with information security, the
task involved the definition of the governance structure in risk management across the
group in driving good governance practice. He learned the ways to drive a group-wide
standard and the adaptation of such a global standard across various countries in the Asia-
Pacific based on the different maturity levels of the countries. These lessons were used
when he defined the insurance company’s group information security standards and
policies. He highlighted the importance of change management, education and face-to-face
meetings in driving acceptance among board members and executive management.

He emphasised the importance of clear roles and responsibilities in driving governance and
how it was done in his company:
The senior executives define the standards and the directions. For
example, I will work with the team to define the standards and directions,
understand what they want. From there, we will work out the detailed
policies. Policies need to be simple for everyone to understand and
implement to make sure staff don’t do the wrong thing … Each unit
(business, technical or operations) have an owner and the owner is
responsible for the execution. Training is conducted to ensure everyone is
aware of the policies and is aware of the responsibilities. This is the
execution or management part. (ChiefInfoRiskOfficer-APAC_InsuranceCo)

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As part of governance, he reiterated the need to ensure policies are actually implemented
via assessment and compliance checks. He also mentioned the need to have the right
structure to drive governance:
In addition to the processes and how information security governance
and execution are implemented, we need to have the right structure to
drive governance. We have an IT steering committee that help to drive
the governance of information security governance. (ChiefInfoRiskOfficer-

Similar to other expert interviews, the researcher shared the refined ISG process model in
the last part of the interview session to solicit feedback. His first reaction was to agree on
the importance of the separation of the “governing body” and “management” structure as
he believed that the structure is critical in driving clear roles and responsibilities:
I like the structure in separating the roles of the governing body with the
management who are responsible for the day-to-day operations and
execution of the policies. It is important to understand the different roles
and responsibilities … There is always a confusion and overlap between
governance and management, and this will help identify the differences.

Further comments were solicited regarding the information governance processes that are
depicted in the model. He agreed with all the process components and specifically
highlighted the feature of “evaluate” with the following comments:
Your “evaluate” process is just like our “review and improve” process
where we look at the various dispensation and noncompliance, and
review the need to change our policies or to review actions to drive
better compliance. (ChiefInfoRiskOfficer-APAC_InsuranceCo)

The interview took 60 minutes and we continued with a casual discussion over coffee on the
trends affecting the insurance industry. He also offered to provide further information
should there be a need for follow-up discussion.

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6.2.6 IS_SoftwareConsultant

This was the last expert interview that was conducted as the researcher believed that
theoretical saturation had been achieved since no new themes and dimensions were
identified beyond all the previous expert interviews. IS_SoftwareConsultant was a
consultant based in Singapore from a global information security software company
headquartered in the USA. IS_SoftwareConsultant was selected as he had more than 25
years of experience in financial and information risk consulting, having worked as a
consultant with several global risk consulting organisations, with his latest role focused on
providing information security solutions covering enterprise governance, risk and
compliance (GRC), security operations (SecOps) and IT service management.

IS_SoftwareConsultant started the interview by using his software application to illustrate

how the application supported GRC, SecOps and IT service management. He explained how
the application could help in defining clear roles and responsibilities based on proper
organisation structure and the automation of the processes from setting up to monitoring of
policies and controls:
From the GRC, governance, risk and compliance angle, we actually adopt
salient points of corporate governance to ensure whatever we do even in
IT and security, they are aligned to corporate governance expectations,
e.g. SOX. We want our customers, for example, to have a proper
organisation structure that drives the segregation of roles and
responsibilities, ensuring check and balance for proper controls. As part
of an implementation, we will work with customers to define their
information security standards, policies and procedures, and will identify
the standards that they may want to adopt, i.e. NIST, COBIT 5 or ISO. The
application will capture all the policies, procedures and controls as the
base checklist and compliance can do a compliance check against the list
… automatically or manually. (IS_SoftwareConsultant)

While software helped in the automation, he emphasised the importance of a clear

structure with defined roles and responsibilities, and an integrated process with defining

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and monitoring of security standards, policies and controls. He also highlighted that the
software came with an auditing module that reinforced the need for assurance, providing a
standard checklist and keeping track of all auditing information for traceability.

IS_SoftwareConsultant also discussed the GRC modules of the software that provided
comprehensive functionalities that support risk identification, assessment and
management. IS_SoftwareConsultant managed to successfully explain the complete ISG and
management process by taking the researcher through the major functions of the software

In the latter part of the interview, IS_SoftwareConsultant was asked for his comments on
the researcher’s refined ISG process model. He was surprised and pleased to see an ISG
process model as most published models do not focus on governance but on information
security management:
I have seen many information security models, NIST, COBIT, etc. covering
information security management and operations, with some
components on governance, but don’t recall any model that is so specific
to just information security governance. I agree that it is difficult to define
governance clearly, but it is very good when you have such a model as it
then drives clear definition of governance. (IS_SoftwareConsultant)

The researcher continued to discuss the model with IS_SoftwareConsultant, going through
each process component and the relationships and interactions of the components. In his
final remarks in validating the model, IS_SoftwareConsultant provided the following
I believe you’ve covered all areas. In our company’s application terms we
named it differently, but it’s consistent. We have planning, risk
management, compliance, implementation and assurance components,
but it covers all areas from governance to management without really
segregating governance and we didn’t do it as a process model. Process
model makes it easier to understand as most people are familiar with

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processes. It will definitely help senior executives to understand the

model clearly in a process view. (IS_SoftwareConsultant)

This interview took approximately 45 minutes and IS_SoftwareConsultant also provided the
researcher with some product documentation from the company.

6.3 Coding and Analysis

Each expert interview was transcribed and read to gain an overall understanding before the
next expert interview. This was carried out throughout the expert interviews so that the
researcher could add or modify the focus of the subsequent expert interviews to obtain
specific information if required, akin to a theoretical sampling approach. All expert interview
transcripts were coded and analysed using NVivo 11 in a similar way to how the case study
interviews were coded and analysed. A sample screenshot of the coding in NVivo 11 is
shown in Figure 6-2. The analysis of the expert interviews was based on previous knowledge
from the analysis of the case study interviews, using the existing codes derived from Phase 2
as “a priori” codes as adopted in a template analysis approach (King et al., 2004, 2018).
While existing codes, first-order concepts and second-order themes provided the basis for a
quick start to coding in Phase 3, the analysis continued with an attempt to identify new
codes and emergent first-order concepts.

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Chapter 6. ISG Process Model Validation

Figure 6-2: Coding and analysis of expert interview transcripts (sample)

The analysis of the 6 expert interview transcripts generated one new first-order concept
relating to the “three lines of defence” as proposed by the Institute of Internal Auditors
(Institute of Internal Auditors, 2013) which was brought up by IS_Consultant and CIO-
We propose the three lines of defence concept, i.e. first line where the
front line is responsible, then second line where we ensure that there is
the check and balance, i.e. the risk and compliance functions, and finally
the third line of defence where you have the assurance - the audits, both
internal audit and external audit, and maybe even the regulatory audits.

In line with this, we also adopt the three line of defence as proposed by
our auditor. Clear segregation of duties in risk ownership and
management, i.e. the operations are responsible for the first line of
defence where they own the risk at the business. Then second line is our
risk and compliance. The auditors, both internal and external, are our
third line. I believe it is a universally accepted best practice for risk

A Process Model to Improve ISG in Organisations 212

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management and we adopt the same for information security risk. (CIO-

However, further analysis of the relationships between codes and aggregation led to similar
second-order themes and aggregated dimensions (i.e. assure, direct, monitor and evaluate).
Therefore, after all 6 expert interview transcripts were coded and analysed, no new second-
order themes or aggregated dimensions were discovered. This detailed process showed that
the analysis had reached theoretical saturation and these expert interviews had also
provided the validation of the process model.

Table 6-2 and Table 6-3 show a summary of the aggregated dimensions and themes as
discovered in Phase 2: Model refinement against the expert interviews extracted from
analysis in NVivo 11. The “intensity” represents the total number of individual statements in
all interviews that relate to the particular dimension and theme, and provides the evidence
for the validation of the themes and dimensions.

Table 6-2: Intensity by aggregated dimensions and themes (axial codes) against case studies for core
governance stakeholder groups (extracted from analysis in NVivo 11).

Aggregated Theme (Axial ChiefInfoR

IS_Consu CIO- IS_Softwa
Dimension Code) IS_Consult CISO- iskOfficer-
ltingDirec SG_Invest reConsult Total
ant MY_Bank APAC_Ins
tor mentCo ant
External External 1 3 6 6 1 2 19
Strategic -
Governing board 11 6 13 23 5 1 59
Body Strategic -
executive 6 4 10 9 3 2 34
t 6 2 3 5 2 2 20
#Intensity represents the total number of individual statements of all interviews that relate to a particular dimension and theme (or axial

A Process Model to Improve ISG in Organisations 213

Chapter 6. ISG Process Model Validation

Table 6-3: Intensity by aggregated dimensions and themes (axial codes) against case studies for core
ISG processes (extracted from analysis in NVivo 11).

Aggregated Theme (Axial ChiefInfoR

IS_Consu CIO- IS_Softwa
Dimension Code) IS_Consult CISO- iskOfficer-
ltingDirec SG_Invest reConsult Total
ant MY_Bank APAC_Ins
tor mentCo ant
audits and
certifications 1 3 2 4 2 2 14
oversight 4 4 6 11 2 3 30
Audit 1 7 3 5 1 3 20
Communicat Engage
e stakeholders 5 3 6 8 5 5 32
Evaluate and
Evaluate refine 2 2 4 1 3 2 14
Collect and
analyse 2 2 4 0 3 1 12
Measure and
performance 1 0 3 2 2 3 11
compliance 2 11 2 4 7 5 31
objectives to
comply with
s 1 0 8 2 0 1 12
objectives to
Direct strategy 17 5 12 11 2 2 49
Confirm risk
appetite 5 4 7 11 2 1 30
Manage risk 9 27 15 12 4 8 75
strategy and
objectives 11 5 5 5 3 3 32
policies and
controls 13 8 6 6 3 7 43
#Intensity represents the total number of individual statements of all interviews that relate to a particular dimension and theme (or axial

A Process Model to Improve ISG in Organisations 214

Chapter 6. ISG Process Model Validation

The data source for the aggregated dimensions was the expert interviews and these
represented the true perspectives of a set of experts who were consultants and
practitioners based on their experiences in ISG. The discovery of the themes as indicated by
the intensity in Table 6-2 and Table 6-3 has validated the ISG process model. The following
sections of this chapter discuss the validation of the process model with evidence provided
in the form of interview excerpts.

6.4 Validation of ISG Process Model through Expert Interviews

The following sections aim to describe the validation of the ISG process model through the 6
expert interviews. In each subsection, a table summarises the validation of each component
of the ISG process model with representative quotes that corroborate the results.

6.4.1 ISG Stakeholder Groups and Structure

All experts had similar viewpoints that the structure drives defined roles and responsibilities
and a clearly defined ISG structure is critical in improving ISG. All interview data confirm the
segregation of “governing body” and “management” to clearly define the roles and
responsibilities of the board, C-level executives and operational management. In addition,
the expert interviews confirm the existence of “external”, which is comprised of external
parties such as regulators, external auditors and independent consultants.

The ChiefInfoRiskOfficer-APAC_InsuranceCo reiterated the importance of clear segregation

and identification of the roles involved in governance and management with the following
Good effort and I believe it will be very useful. There is always a confusion
and overlap between governance and management, and this ISG process
model will help identify the differences. (ChiefInfoRiskOfficer-

CIO-SG_InvestmentCo highlighted the clear roles and responsibilities and proper structure in
ISG. He also emphasised the importance of the board within the structure:

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You need to have the oversight role, someone performs the oversight and
some others who gets the job done. Therefore, clear roles and
responsibilities in information security are important and also … this is
also part and parcel of a proper structure. You need someone who plan
and design it and someone who implement and execute it. Then you
should also have someone to monitor it. So, board is involved, clear roles
and responsibilities, structure … And you have the governance. (CIO-

His views on governance structure were supported by IS_SoftwareConsultant, who stated

that his global GRC and ITSM software application required such structure in the setup:
In my company, we offer applications to support the overall GRC and IT
service management and security operations. From the GRC, governance,
risk and compliance angle, we actually adopt salient points of corporate
governance to ensure whatever we do even in IT and security, they are
aligned to corporate governance expectations, e.g. SOX. We want our
customers, for example, to have a proper organisation structure that
drives the segregation of roles and responsibilities, ensuring check and
balance for proper controls. (IS_SoftwareConsultant)

IS_ConsultingDirector and CISO-MY_Bank also attempted to define the roles and

responsibilities of the various stakeholders, namely, the board and the management:
Members of governance committees must understand the differences
between them in order to avoid dysfunction and meet the business risks
and technology objectives. Very broadly, I believe we can define them as
• Information security governance – exists to ensure that the security program
adequately meets the strategic needs of the business
• Information security management – implements that program

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• Information security operations – executes or manages security-related

processes relating to current infrastructure on a day-to-day basis.

The board provides the oversight and approves the directions, and the
senior management take the responsibilities to drive it through the
organisation. (CISO-MY_Bank)

The following interview excerpts validate the fact that there are various stakeholders as
depicted in the ISG process model which include “external” besides “governing body” and
The board is definitely a key player in the governance, as they are the one
responsible for the oversights as you depicted in your model. Board
works with external assurance providers to get their professional help in
driving the assurance and the governance … I think the C-level executives
are part of the governance process as they are the delegated by the
board to carry out the governance duties. I believe you reflected it well …
the greyed part of the diagram. (IS_Consultant)

I like the organisation structure in a way that defines the governing body
and management. We need to know who is driving governance and that
is the board as I said earlier. You have included the senior management,
which is correct. They will closely with board. The board provides the
oversight and approves the directions, and the senior management take
the responsibilities to drive it through the organisation. (CISO-MY_Bank)

You have shown it well in your model. Actually, you have “external” and I
believe this should include external auditors, regulators or anyone else
that is outside the organisation! (IS_Consultant)

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Your “external” should include every stakeholder, for example, the

regulator like Monetary Authority of Singapore. (CIO-SG_InvestmentCo)

The interview excerpts and detailed analysis have validated the stakeholders and structure
in ISG. Table 6-4, Table 6-5, Table 6-6 and Table 6-7 show the validation summary together
with representative quotes.

Table 6-4: Validation data - “external” (external).

Dimension: External; Theme: External
Expert Interviewees Validation Representative Quotes
IS_ConsultingDirector Yes “Singapore is very strict with new regulations set by
regulators which are external to the organisations.“
IS_Consultant Yes “Board works with external assurance providers to get their
professional help in driving the assurance and the
governance” (IS_Consultant)
“You have shown it well in your model. Actually, you have
‘external’ and I believe this should include external
auditors, regulators or any one else that is outside the
organisation!” (IS_Consultant)
CISO-MY_Bank Yes “such as the external auditors and BNM (Central Bank).”
CIO-SG_InvestmentCo Yes “There are also the auditors. Both Internal and external.”
“Your external should include every stakeholder, for
example, the regulator like Monetary Authority of
Singapore.” (CIO-SG_InvestmentCo)
ChiefInfoRiskOfficer- Yes “On the assurance, we have both internal and external
APAC_InsuranceCo assurance. External are by regulators and our external
auditors.” (ChiefInfoRiskOfficer-APAC_InsuranceCo)
IS_SoftwareConsultant Yes “Our auditing modules support the use by external
auditors.” (IS_SoftwareConsutant)

Table 6-5: Validation data - “strategic - board” (governing body).

Dimension: Governing Body; Theme: Strategic-Board
Expert Interviewees Validation Representative Quotes
IS_ConsultingDirector Yes “It is the duty of board … to ensure correct and reliable
information are maintained and disclosed as part of good
governance.” (IS_ConsultingDirector)

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Dimension: Governing Body; Theme: Strategic-Board

Expert Interviewees Validation Representative Quotes
IS_Consultant Yes “The board is definitely a key player in the governance, as
they are the one responsible for the oversight as you
depicted in your model.” (IS_Consultant)
CISO-MY_Bank Yes “The board provides the oversight and approves the
directions, and the senior management take the
responsibilities to drive it through the organisation.” (CISO-
CIO-SG_InvestmentCo Yes “You need to have the oversight role, someone performs
the oversight and some others who gets the job done.
Therefore, clear roles and responsibilities in information
security are important and also … this is also part and parcel
of a proper structure. You need someone who plan and
design it and someone who implement and execute it. Then
you should also have someone to monitor it. So, board is
involved, clear roles and responsibilities, structure … And
you have the governance.” (CIO-SG_InvestmentCo)
ChiefInfoRiskOfficer- Yes “The board risk committee approves policies and
APAC_InsuranceCo dispensation, and review and approve the audit reports.”
“A board member chairs the information security risk
committee.” (ChiefInfoRiskOfficer-APAC_InsuranceCo)
IS_SoftwareConsultant Yes “I like the way you have segregated governing body and
management, and the two groups in governing body, the
board and executives.” (IS_SoftwareConsultant)

Table 6-6: Validation data - “strategic - executive” (governing body).

Dimension: Governing Body; Theme: Strategic-Executive
Expert Interviewees Validation Representative Quotes
IS_ConsultingDirector Yes “The board chairs the information security committee
which is represented by the C-level executive.”
IS_Consultant Yes “I think the C-level executives are part of the governance
process as they are the delegated by the board to carry out
the governance duties.“(IS_Consultant)
CISO-MY_Bank Yes “The board provides the oversight and approves the
directions and the senior management take the
responsibilities to drive it through the organisation.” (CISO-
CIO-SG_InvestmentCo Yes “Board is responsible for oversight. Executives for reporting
on internal findings.” (CIO-S_InvestmentCo)

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Dimension: Governing Body; Theme: Strategic-Executive

Expert Interviewees Validation Representative Quotes
ChiefInfoRiskOfficer- Yes “The senior executives define the standards and the
APAC_InsuranceCo directions.“ ((ChiefInfoRiskOfficer-APAC_InsuranceCo)
IS_SoftwareConsultant Yes “This structure is consistent with how our information
security can be configured – separate governance
comprising of executives.” (IS_SoftwareConsultant)

Table 6-7: Validation data - “management” (management).

Dimension: Management; Theme: Management
Expert Interviewees Validation Representative Quotes
IS_ConsultingDirector Yes “Information security management – implements that
program.“ (IS_ConsultingDirector)
IS_Consultant Yes “Management component where we focus on the
management of information security.“ (IS_Consultant)
CISO-MY_Bank Yes “It is useful and practical. Good to separate governing body
and management. They have different focus.” (CISO-
CIO-SG_InvestmentCo Yes “Clear segregation of duties in setting risk appetite and risk
management.“ (CIO-SG_InvestmentCo)
ChiefInfoRiskOfficer- Yes “This is the execution or management part.”
APAC_InsuranceCo (ChiefInfoRiskOfficer-APAC_InsuranceCo)
IS_SoftwareConsultant Yes “It shows clear segregation of duties at least from the high
level, it shows that there are differences in governing and
management.” (IS_SoftwareConsultant)

The following section describes the validation of the ISG processes.

6.4.2 ISG Processes

All 6 expert interviews confirmed that the 5 information governance processes shown in the
ISG process model are complete in governing ISG. Both IS_Consultant and CIO-
SG_InvestmentCo also drew similarities with the “three lines of defence” model as proposed
by the Institute of Internal Auditors (Institute of Internal Auditors, 2013) to demonstrate the
relevance and validate the processes in the proposed ISG processes:
We propose the three lines of defence concept, i.e. first line where the
front line is responsible, then second line where we ensure that there is
the check and balance, i.e. the risk and compliance functions, and finally

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the third line of defence where you have the assurance – the audits, both
internal audit and external audit, and maybe even the regulatory audits.

In line with this, we also adopt the three line of defence as proposed by
our auditor. Clear segregation of duties in risk ownership and
management, i.e. the operations are responsible for the first line of
defence where they own the risk at the business. Then second line is our
risk and compliance. The auditors, both internal and external, are our
third line. I believe it is a universally accepted best practice for risk
management and we adopt the same for information security risk. (CIO-

Experts such as IS_ConsultingDirector and CIO_Bank also supported the idea of an ISG
process model:
I like the way it is designed as a process model. It shows the
dependencies. (IS_ConsultingDirector)

I think this will help (organisations in implementing information security

governance). It can be a process model or framework that we can assign
individuals, names to the processes, and track them doing the job. (CISO-
Process model makes it easier to understand as most people are familiar
with processes. It will definitely help senior executives to understand the
model clearly in a process view. (IS_SoftwareConsultant)

Further supporting data for each of the processes are discussed in the following sections. Direct-Monitor-Evaluate

The “direct”, “monitor” and “evaluate” processes work together as a closed-loop process
where directions are defined, monitored for implementation and compliance, and evaluated

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for updates and changes to reflect the changing information security requirements. The
interactions and relationships of these processes as depicted in the ISG process model were
confirmed by IS_ConsultingDirector, CISO-MY_Bank and CIO-SG_InvestmentCo:
These work in a closed-loop manner to provide an overall oversight.

On the five key processes, yes, “direct” is definitely correct and is critical.
I like the way you separate or break up “monitor” and “evaluate”. It
makes the processes a lot clearer. In practice we undertake both but is all
part of one big process, i.e. the compliance and remediation part. We
always treat is as one process, but by breaking into two discrete
processes you can show the difference in focus. One is to check for
compliance to defined policies and procedures, and the other focuses on
the remediation or the changes required to reflect new requirements or
changes in the organisations. I believe this also provide a feedback loop
for the process. (CISO-MY_Bank)

Yes. Spot on. This is exactly what is practised. I like the way you illustrated
them in a process model. The whole direct, monitor and evaluate provide
a closed loop process where you implement, check and improve. (CIO-

These closed loop interactions between the core governance processes are shown with the

one-directional arrow ( ) connecting “direct” to “monitor” and “evaluate”, from

“monitor” to “evaluate” and back from “evaluate” to “direct” providing the closed feedback
loop. Direct

In the expert interviews, it was also confirmed that within “direct” information security is
driven by 3 key requirements, i.e. regulatory requirements, strategic business requirements
and the need to manage information security risks. The second-order themes discovered

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from the expert interviews are consistent with the second-order themes identified in
Subsection which are shown as sub-processes within “direct” in the ISG process
model, thus validating the ISG process model.

Only two second-order themes relating to “define information security objectives to comply
with regulatory requirements” were not discovered in the expert interviews with
IS_Consultant and ChiefInfoRiskOfficer-APAC_InsuranceCo. This non-discovery does not in
any way show that these sub-processes do not exist. All 4 other expert interviews confirmed
and validated these sub-processes:
Spot on. This is exactly what is practised. I like the way you illustrated
them in a process model. The whole direct, monitor and evaluate provide
a closed loop process where you implement, check and improve. (CIO-

The “direct” process covers all the relevant processes involved. This is
what we do in our organisation. (ChiefInfoRiskOfficer-APAC_InsuranceCo)

The following is evidence in the form of interview quotes from the expert interviews that
validated the sub-processes in “direct”.

a. Define information security objectives to comply with regulatory requirements

So our information security processes (governance or not) is closely tied

to risk and central bank compliance. Firstly, compliance to central bank.
Central bank has a set of information security guidelines and the TRM,
technology risk management guidelines that all banks must comply with.
Both the risk management team and the information security or IT
security team will study these guidelines and ensure that we develop our
internal bank policies cover all the required guidelines. We will develop
our standards and policies, and the required security controls required.

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All IT controls must meet that of central bank. This is the first part in
ensuring that our policies are at the minimum standard. (CISO-MY_Bank)

Don’t forget the MAS (Monetary Authority of Singapore), the regulator

with a big stick. (CIO-SG_InvestmentCo)

Table 6-8 shows representative quotes from the expert interviews that validated this theme.

Table 6-8: Validation data for “define information security objectives to comply with regulatory
requirements” (direct).
Dimension: Direct; Theme: Define Information Security Objectives to Comply with Regulatory
Expert Interviewees Validation Representative Quotes
IS_ConsultingDirector Yes “PDPA (Personal Data Protection Act) laws and now many
global/multinational are affected by the GDPR (General
Data Protection Regulation). We need to comply to all these
requirements.” (IS_ConsultingDirector)
IS_Consultant No No data was discovered from interview.
CISO-MY_Bank Yes “BNM (Central Bank) has a set of information security
guidelines and the TRM, technology risk management
guidelines that all banks must comply.” (CISO-MY_Bank)
CIO-SG_InvestmentCo Yes “Don’t forget the MAS (Monetary Authority of Singapore),
the regulator with a big stick.” (CIO-SG_InvestmentCo)
ChiefInfoRiskOfficer- No No data was discovered from interview.
IS_SoftwareConsultant Yes “the software supports regulatory requirements, like SOX,
and … your information security standards must comply.”
(IS SoftwareCosultant)

b. Define information security objectives to support business strategy

information security governance includes the processes that ensure that

reasonable and appropriate actions are taken to protect the
organisation’s information assets, in the most effective and efficient
manner in pursuit of its business goals … information security governance
- exists to ensure that the security program adequately meets the
strategic needs of the business. (IS_ConsultingDirector)
A Process Model to Improve ISG in Organisations 224
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That’s where the information security strategy is defined based on the

requirements of the organisation business objectives. (IS_Consultant)

My view is that information security governance is similar - driven by

business objectives, needs to meet risk management objectives … In
organisations, you have the organisation information security strategy
framework that is designed based on the organisation’s business strategy
or objectives. (CIO-SG_InvestmentCo)

Regulatory requirements and risks together with business strategy drive

our information security investments and standards … strategic alignment
to business strategy and business initiatives which is more specific, just
like we align to our digital transformation programs, etc. (CISO-MY_Bank)

Table 6-9 shows representative quotes from the expert interviews that validated this theme.

Table 6-9: Validation data for “define information security objectives to support business strategy”
Dimension: Direct; Theme: Define Information Security Objectives to Support Business Strategy
Expert Interviewees Validation Representative Quotes
IS_ConsultingDirector Yes “information security governance includes the processes
that ensure that reasonable and appropriate actions are
taken to protect the organisation’s information assets, in
the most effective and efficient manner in pursuit of its
business goals … information security governance – exists
to ensure that the security program adequately meets the
strategic needs of the business.” (IS_ConsultingDirector)
IS_Consultant Yes “That’s where the information security strategy is defined
based on the requirements of the organisation business
objectives.” (IS_Consultant)
CISO-MY_Bank Yes “Regulatory requirements and risks together with business
strategy drive our information security investments, and
standards … strategic alignment to business strategy and
business initiatives which is more specific, just like we align
to our digital transformation programs, etc.” (CISO-
CIO-SG_InvestmentCo Yes “My view is that information security governance is similar
– driven by business objectives, needs to meet risk

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Dimension: Direct; Theme: Define Information Security Objectives to Support Business Strategy
Expert Interviewees Validation Representative Quotes
management objectives … In organisations, you have the
organisation information security strategy framework that
is designed based on the organisations business strategy or
objectives.” (CIO-SG_InvestmentCo)
ChiefInfoRiskOfficer- Yes “In the recent years, with the digital eco-systems, we are
APAC_InsuranceCo also putting in a lot of effort into privacy. All the mobile,
cloud, etc. We need to review and develop a governance
structure that focus on privacy, embedding the concept
early such as privacy by design. Our information security
objectives are driven by these business intiatives.”
IS_SoftwareConsultant Yes “work with customers to define their information security
standards, policies and procedures which are driven by
their business requirements” (IS_SoftwareConsultant)

c. Confirm risk appetite

“Confirm risk appetite” and “manage risk” form the complete risk management process
where the different stakeholders focus on the different activities and work together in
addressing information security risks:
Based on the risk assessment, we work with the senior executives and
board, and the organisation will decide on an accepted risk profile.

Then, finalise it with the CRO and the senior management. Then we will
bring this up the board risk committee and have a discussion with the
board to seek their approval on the agreed risk level that the organisation
can accept. This is critical as the board will decide on the level of residual
risk that they are willing to take. Balance between what can be done, how
much to invest in mitigation and the probability of happening, we agree
on the risk appetite. (IS_Consultant)

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to an agreement on the risk appetite and the risk that we believe the
bank will agree to by balancing the investment required to minimise or
eliminate the risks. (CISO-MY_Bank)

Table 6-10 shows representative quotes from the expert interviews that validated this

Table 6-10: Validation data for “confirm risk appetite” (direct).

Dimension: Direct; Theme: Confirm Risk Appetite
Expert Interviewees Validation Representative Quotes
IS_ConsultingDirector Yes “Based on the risk assessment, we work with the senior
executives and board, and the organisation will decide on
an accepted risk profile.” (IS_ConsultingDirector)
IS_Consultant Yes “Then we will bring this up the board risk committee and
have a discussion with the board to seek their approval on
the agreed risk level that the organisation can accept. This
is critical as the board will decide on the level of residual
risk that they are willing to take.” (IS_Consultant)
CISO-MY_Bank Yes “to an agreement on the risk appetite and the risk that we
believe the bank will agree to by balancing the investment
required to minimise or eliminate the risks.” (CISO-
CIO-SG_InvestmentCo Yes “present our risk assessment to the risk board committee,
get their blessing on the level of risks that they are willing
to accept based on informed discussions.” (CIO-
ChiefInfoRiskOfficer- Yes “The risk committee approves policies and sets the
APAC_InsuranceCo standards and the risk level.” (ChiefInfoRiskOfficer-
IS_SoftwareConsultant Yes “Strategic alignment also drives risk appetite confirmation
and in turn risk appetite confirmation drives infosec
strategy, objectives and standards.”

d. Manage risk

This is done as part of an organisation-wide risk assessment. We will

normally do this as part of a major risk assessment project (or it can be a
specific information security risk assessment project). We work with all

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business divisions and the supporting divisions in assessing and

identifying the information security risks and evaluate the potential
impact. (IS_ConsultingDirector)

We conduct a risk assessment of the organisations from an information

security angle, identify all the risk factors, and their chance of happening
and the impact. We will summarise the risks into a risk heat map with the
Red Yellow Green map, to show the risk profile. This is done with all the
departments leaders. (IS_Consultant)

in risk, we do an annual information security risk assessment, identify key

weak points and understand our information security threats, and do an
assessment of the potential impact should a breach happens. We look at
potential weak points from the IT infrastructure in the network, server,
customer portal and user access controls. Different business operations
have different level of sophistication in protection and controls - we
evaluate all that. We will do an assessment and identify risk mitigation
strategies, and ensure we take proper actions on this. (CISO-MY_Bank)

Risk management is a key function of the software application. The

module supports the end-to-end process of risk management. Beginning
with the identification of all risk factors and risk areas, the application
allows you to capture all identified risk factors. (IS_SoftwareConsultant)

Table 6-11 shows representative quotes from the expert interviews that validated this

Table 6-11: Validation data for “manage risk” (direct).

Dimension: Direct; Theme: Manage Risk
Expert Interviewees Validation Representative Quotes
IS_ConsultingDirector Yes “We work with all business divisions and the supporting
divisions in assessing and identifying the information

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Dimension: Direct; Theme: Manage Risk

Expert Interviewees Validation Representative Quotes
security risks, and evaluate the potential impact.”
IS_Consultant Yes “We conduct a risk assessment of the organisations from an
information security angle, identify all the risk factors, and
their chance of happening and the impact. We will
summarise the risks into a risk heat map with the Red
Yellow Green map, to show the risk profile. This is done
with all the departments leaders.” (IS_Consultant)
CISO-MY_Bank Yes “identify all the potential risks to business operations and
identify both the probability of happening and the potential
impact, be in financials, operations or reputation impact
and implement actions to mitigate them…” (CISO-MY_Bank)
CIO-SG_InvestmentCo Yes “risk management processes where information security
risks are identified and risk mitigation strategies are defined
and actions are implemented.” (CIO-SG_InvestmentCo)
ChiefInfoRiskOfficer- Yes “Risk management is a basic process where our risk
APAC_InsuranceCo management team conduct periodic assessment to ensure
we are aware of our risk posture.” (ChiefInfoRiskOfficer-
IS_SoftwareConsultant Yes “Risk management is a key function of the software
application. The module supports the end-to-end process of
risk management. Beginning with the identification of all
risk factors and risk areas, the application allows you to
capture all identified risk factors.” (IS_SoftwareConsultant)

e. Confirm information security strategy and objectives

As discussed earlier, information security strategy and initiatives in organisations are driven
by regulatory requirements, business requirements and risks. Information security strategy
and objectives are defined and approved by the senior executives and board, then detailed
standards, policies, procedures and controls will be designed and implemented. Therefore,
“confirm information security strategy and objectives” and “implement information security
standards, policies and controls” are closely inter-related in practice:
Then, the information security strategy will be defined to support the
accepted and agreed risk profile. (IS_ConsultingDirector)

Information security is defined and confirmed based on the organisation’s

business objectives ...we worked with the business executives to define

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the security frameworks and the projects for the management to

implement. (IS_Consultant)

The board committee focus on making sure the management is doing

their job by making sure we have a regular, an alternate month board
committee updates. The committee helps to provide approvals for
information security budgets and projects, confirming the directions of
information security for the organisation. (CIO-SG_InvestmentCo)

The senior executives define the standards and the directions. For
example, I will work with the team to define and confirm the standards
and directions, understand what they want. (ChiefInfoRiskOfficer-

Table 6-12 shows representative quotes from the expert interviews that validated this

Table 6-12: Validation data for “confirm information security strategy and objectives” (direct).
Dimension: Direct; Theme: Confirm Information Security Strategy and Objectives
Expert Interviewees Validation Representative Quotes
IS_ConsultingDirector Yes “Then, the information security strategy will be defined to
support the accepted and agreed risk profile.”
IS_Consultant Yes “Information security is defined and confirmed based on
the organisation’s business objectives ...we worked with the
business executives to define the security frameworks and
the projects for the management to implement.”
CISO-MY_Bank Yes “We will develop our standards and policies, and the
required security controls required.” (CISO-MY_Bank)
CIO-SG_InvestmentCo Yes “we will define a set of initiatives as part of the larger
information security plan. From here, we also confirm the
information security strategy framework that drives the
security architecture, hardware and application designs,
standards, policies, procedures and finally the actual
controls that will be implemented.” (CIO-SG_InvestmentCo)

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Dimension: Direct; Theme: Confirm Information Security Strategy and Objectives

Expert Interviewees Validation Representative Quotes
ChiefInfoRiskOfficer- Yes “The senior executives define the standards and the
APAC_InsuranceCo directions. For example, I will work with the team to define
and confirm the standards and directions, understand what
they want.” (ChiefInfoRiskOfficer-APAC_InsuranceCo)
IS_SoftwareConsultant Yes “Strategic alignment also drives risk appetite and in turn
helps confirm the infosec strategy, objectives and
standards.“ (IS_SoftwareConsultant)

f. Implement information security standards, policies and controls

Similarly, this will also drive the information security standards, which will
then be translated into actual controls, procedures, etc. for
implementation. (IS_Consultant)

we also define the information security strategy framework that drives

the security architecture, hardware and application designs, standards,
policies, procedures and finally the actual controls that will be
implemented. (CIO-SG_InvestmentCo)

From there (confirm strategy and standards), we will work out the
detailed policies. Policies need to be simple for everyone to understand
and implement to make sure staff don’t do the wrong thing. We have one
policy, with one action – simple, separated by business, technical and
operations. Each policy comes with an action and the reason why it is
required or done. (ChiefInfoRiskOfficer-APAC_InsuranceCo)

Table 6-13 shows representative quotes from the expert interviews that validated this

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Table 6-13: Validation data for “implement information security standards, policies and controls”
Dimension: Direct; Theme: Implement Information Security Standards, Policies & Controls
Expert Interviewees Validation Representative Quotes
IS_ConsultingDirector Yes “These (information security and objectives) are used to
define the projects and initiatives that are required to meet
the strategy, and to develop and implement the policies
and procedures at the management and operational
levels.” (IS_ConsultingDirector)
IS_Consultant Yes “Similarly, this will also drive the information security
standards, which will then be translated into actual
controls, procedures, etc. for implementation.”
CISO-MY_Bank Yes “My technology team will define the architecture and the
information security standards, and then the policy and
procedures for implementation.” (CISO-MY_Bank)
CIO-SG_InvestmentCo Yes “we also define the information security strategy
framework that drives the security architecture, hardware
and application designs, standards, policies, procedures and
finally the actual controls that will be implemented.” (CIO-
ChiefInfoRiskOfficer- Yes “From there (confirm strategy and standards), we will work
APAC_InsuranceCo out the detailed policies. Policies need to be simple for
everyone to understand and implement to make sure staff
don’t do the wrong thing. We have one policy, with one
action – simple, separated by business, technical and
operations. Each policy comes with an action and the
reason why it is required or done.” (ChiefInfoRiskOfficer-
IS_SoftwareConsultant Yes “work with customers to define and implement their
information security standards, policies and procedures.”
(IS_SoftwareConsultant) Monitor

“Direct” sets the directions and implements the policies, procedures and controls, while
“monitor” ensures that these policies, procedures and controls are implemented according
to defined standards and are adhered to in the operations. In practice, “monitor”
encompasses the compliance and reporting processes. In this research, the second-order
themes within “monitor” are “measure and report performance” and “manage
compliance”. Analysis of expert interview data shows 5 out of the 6 expert interviews

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validated the “measure and report performance” emergent theme, while all 6 expert
interviews validated the “manage compliance” emergent theme.

a. Measure and report performance

Assess the value of information security investments to gauge if

organisation is receiving benefits as anticipated. Ensure that the
execution of the information security program, and all its associated
processes and activities, are done within the parameters set out by the
program strategy, architecture and policy strategy. It is also a mechanism
to measure and report to the governance committee.

Some of the areas we cover in the council meeting include:

• Update on security projects that is ongoing (costs against budgets)
• Update on security situation, i.e. number of detected attacks, threats, etc.
• Update on incidents (if any), actions required
• Update on our assessment against BNM (central bank) requirements and
compliance, e.g. update on our views of the new technology risk management
(TRM) guidelines to be introduced by BNM – challenges in adherence, what
needs to be done, etc. (CISO-MY_Bank)

In this area, we report the dispensation and noncompliance, and their

actions to the risk committee for updates and approvals.

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b. Manage compliance

This covers the compliance process where we ensure that our customer
have the relevant compliance process. Making sure they have a proper
checklist to check against the actual adherence to policies and controls.
Compliance will check and validate and report on the compliance matrix.

One is to check for compliance to defined policies and procedures, and

the other focuses on the remediation or the changes required to reflect
new requirements or changes in the organisations. (CISO-MY_Bank)

On the governance part to ensure policies are actually implemented, we

conduct assessments twice a year. One is a self-assessment and another
is an assessment together with IT/risks. (ChiefInfoRiskOfficer-

Table 6-14 and Table 6-15 show representative quotes from the expert interviews that
validated the themes for “monitor”.

Table 6-14: Validation data for “measure and report performance” (monitor).
Dimension: Monitor; Theme: Measure and Report Performance
Expert Interviewees Validation Representative Quotes
IS_ConsultingDirector Yes “Assess the value of information security investments to
gauge if organisation is receiving benefits as anticipated … it
is also a mechanism to measure and report to the
governance committee” (IS_ConsultingDirector)
IS_Consultant No No data was discovered from interview.
CISO-MY_Bank Yes “Update on security projects that is ongoing (costs against
budgets) … Update on security situation, i.e. number of
detected attacks, threats, etc … Update on incidents (if
any).” (CISO-MY_Bank)
CIO-SG_InvestmentCo Yes “regular updates, we provide the board committee with an
update of our current information security situation - a
health check on whether there are any breaches, any

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Dimension: Monitor; Theme: Measure and Report Performance

Expert Interviewees Validation Representative Quotes
recorded near misses and an update of our information
security projects.” (CIO-SG_InvestmentCo)
ChiefInfoRiskOfficer- Yes “we report the dispensation and noncompliance, and their
APAC_InsuranceCo actions to the risk committee for updates and approvals.”
IS_SoftwareConsultant Yes “In addition, there is an intelligent dashboard that shows
the compliance status - can further drill down towards
more granular details.” (IS_SoftwareConsultant)

Table 6-15: Validation data for “manage compliance” (monitor).

Dimension: Monitor; Theme: Manage Compliance
Expert Interviewees Validation Representative Quotes
IS_ConsultingDirector Yes “Ensure that the execution of the information security
program, and all its associated processes and activities, are
done within the parameters set out by the program
strategy, architecture and policy strategy … it is a
management process to ensure everything works as
intended.” (IS_ConsultingDirector)
IS_Consultant Yes “This covers the compliance process where we ensure that
our customer have the relevant compliance process.
Making sure they have a proper checklist to check against
the actual adherence to policies and controls. Compliance
will check and validate and report on the compliance
matrix.” (IS_Consultant)
CISO-MY_Bank Yes “One is to check for compliance to defined policies and
procedures, and the other focuses on the remediation or
the changes required to reflect new requirements or
changes in the organisations.” (CISO-MY_Bank)
CIO-SG_InvestmentCo Yes “Management of compliance is done is done by both
executives and management - and is part of our second line
of defence.” (CIO-SG_InvestmentCo)
ChiefInfoRiskOfficer- Yes “On the governance part to ensure policies are actually
APAC_InsuranceCo implemented, we conduct assessments twice a year. One is
a self-assessment and another is an assessment together
with IT/risks” (ChiefInfoRiskOfficer)
IS_SoftwareConsultant Yes “The application will capture all the policies, procedures
and controls as the base checklist and compliance can do a
compliance check against the list … automatically or
manually.” (IS_SoftwareConsultant)

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Chapter 6. ISG Process Model Validation Evaluate

Together with “monitor”, the “evaluate” process involves collection and analysis of data
from “monitor” to determine if changes or updates are required to better improve the
information security standards, policies, procedures or controls that have been
implemented. This also covers the evaluation of whether the budget allocated to
information security initiatives is required to be changed to reflect the required information
security profile of the organisation. The analysis of the expert interviews data showed that
all 6 expert interviews validated the “evaluate and refine” emergent theme, while 5 out of
the 6 expert interviews validated the “collect and analyse” emergent theme.

a. Evaluate and refine

Noncompliance are investigated to understand the reason and root cause

so that actions can be taken. Actions can be taken against the users or
maybe … the controls or procedures may need to be updated.

One is to check for compliance to defined policies and procedures, and

the other focuses on the remediation or the changes required to reflect
new requirements or changes in the organisations. I believe this also
provide a feedback loop for the process. (CISO-MY_Bank)

Your “evaluate” process is just like our “review and improve” process
where we look at the various dispensation and noncompliance, and
review the need to change our policies or to review actions to drive
better compliance. (ChiefInfoRiskOfficer-APAC_InsuranceCo)

It is an important closed loop, feedback loop process. It is of no use if

people check for compliance but didn’t take the effort to redesign their
controls. (IS_SoftwareConsultant)

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b. Collect and analyse

where we look at the various dispensation and noncompliance, and

review the need to change our policies or to review actions to drive
better compliance. (ChiefInfoRiskOfficer-APAC_InsuranceCo)

where we propose to assess the value of information security

investments … many have been investing without knowing if they are
doing it right. It is a good measure as a feedback to the governance
committee or the board. (IS_ConsultingDirector)

Noncompliance are investigated to understand the reason and root cause

so that actions can be taken. (IS_Consultant)

Table 6-16 and Table 6-17 show additional representative quotes from the expert interviews
that validated the themes for “evaluate”.

Table 6-16: Validation data for “evaluate and refine” (evaluate).

Dimension: Evaluate; Theme: Evaluate and Refine
Expert Interviewees Validation Representative Quotes
IS_ConsultingDirector Yes “Assess the value of information security investments to
gauge if organisation is receiving benefits as anticipated …
amend accordingly.” (IS_ConsultingDirector)
IS_Consultant Yes “Noncompliance are investigated to understand the reason
and root cause so that actions can be taken. Actions can be
taken against the users or maybe … the controls or
procedures may need to be updated.” (IS_Consultant)
CISO-MY_Bank Yes “One is to check for compliance to defined policies and
procedures, and the other focuses on the remediation or
the changes required to reflect new requirements or
changes in the organisations. I believe this also provide a
feedback loop for the process.” (CISO-MY_Bank)
CIO-SG_InvestmentCo Yes “I like the way you illustrated them in a process model. The
whole ‘direct, monitor and evaluate’ provide a closed loop
process where you implement, check and improve.” (CIO-

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Dimension: Evaluate; Theme: Evaluate and Refine

Expert Interviewees Validation Representative Quotes
ChiefInfoRiskOfficer- Yes “Your ‘evaluate’ process is just like our ‘review and
APAC_InsuranceCo improve’ process where we look at the various dispensation
and noncompliance, and review the need to change our
policies or to review actions to drive better compliance.”
IS_SoftwareConsultant Yes “It is an important closed loop, feedback loop process. It is
of no use if people check for compliance but didn’t take the
effort to redesign their controls.” (IS_SoftwareConsultant)

Table 6-17: Validation data for “collect and analyse” (evaluate).

Dimension: Evaluate; Theme: Collect and Analyse
Expert Interviewees Validation Representative Quotes
IS_ConsultingDirector Yes “where we propose to assess the value of information
security investments … many have been investing without
knowing if they are doing it right. It is a good measure as a
feedback to the governance committee or the board.”
IS_Consultant Yes “Noncompliance are investigated to understand the reason
and root cause so that actions can be taken.”
CISO-MY_Bank Yes “We always treat is as one process, but by breaking into
two discrete processes you can show the difference in
focus. One focus on collecting data and the other focuses
on the remediation or the changes required to reflect new
requirements or changes in the organisations.” (CISO-
CIO-SG_InvestmentCo No No data was discovered from interview.
ChiefInfoRiskOfficer- Yes “where we look at the various dispensation and
APAC_InsuranceCo noncompliance, and review the need to change our policies
or to review actions to drive better compliance.”
IS_SoftwareConsultant Yes “data is collected either manually or automatically through
the system for analysis so next actions can be planned or
implemented.” (IS_SoftwareConsultant) Communicate

“Communicate” has been identified as a key dimension in the analysis of all 6 expert
interviews, validating the dimension and the “engage stakeholder” emergent theme in the
case study analysis. “Communicate” in ISG focuses on the engagement of stakeholders,

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Chapter 6. ISG Process Model Validation

primarily undertaken by C-level executives with the board, and between the board and C-
level executives with external stakeholders, e.g. regulators, shareholders and customers.
The following quotes on communications were shared by the experts:
reporting to internal stakeholders and as part of public relation (PR) to
external stakeholders like regulators and customers. It is seen as a PR
exercise if it is to outside. For example, a system down or breach that
impacts the customers, then it will be treated as a PR exercise to ensure
we communicate the right message at the right time. (CIO-

They [referring to CIO and IT security head] will provide the regular
updates scheduled every other month … We will also define a reporting
framework driving engagement between the various stakeholders, e.g.
the board and executive management. (IS_ConsultingDirector)

We have monthly council meetings and the council will update the board
every two months. (CISO-MY_Bank)

In our regular updates, we provide the board committee with an update

of our current information security situation - a health check on whether
there are any breaches, any recorded near misses and an update of our
information security projects. The updates are done by our head of
information security. So the board committee aims to provide the
oversight … an independent view, directions, comments and feedback.

Communication is very important. It is required to ensure all

management are updated and aware of new policies, noncompliance,
actions taken, etc. It is communications that drive transparency in the
overall governance, awareness for better compliance. This is extended to
the wider organisation through emails, memos and training. As you have

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highlighted, upward communications to senior stakeholders and board

are as critical. (ChiefInfoRiskOfficer-APAC_InsuranceCo)

The management dashboard provides attractive statistics that can be

used to update the board committee. It is a very effective means of
communications with board members. (IS_SoftwareConsultant)

Table 6-18 shows additional representative quotes from the expert interviews that validated
the themes for “communicate”.

Table 6-18: Validation data for “engage stakeholders” (communicate).

Dimension: Communicate; Theme: Engage Stakeholders
Expert Interviewees Validation Representative Quotes
IS_ConsultingDirector Yes “They [referring to CIO and IT security head] will provide
the regular updates scheduled every other month …We will
also define a reporting framework driving engagement
between the various stakeholders, e.g. the board and
executive management.” (IS_ConsultingDirector)
IS_Consultant Yes “We will also help them table this to the Exco meeting and
the board.” (IS_Consultant)
CISO-MY_Bank Yes “We have monthly council meetings and the council will
update the board every two months.” (CISO-MY_Bank)
CIO-SG_InvestmentCo Yes “reporting to internal stakeholders and as part of public
relation (PR) to external stakeholders like regulators and
customers. It is seen as a PR exercise if it is to outside. For
example, a system down or breach that impacts the
customers, then it will be treated as a PR exercise to ensure
we communicate the right message at the right time.” (CIO-
“In our regular updates, we provide the board committee
with an update of our current information security situation
– a health check on whether there are any breaches, any
recorded near misses and an update of our information
security projects. The updates are done by our head of
information security. So the board committee aims to
provide the oversight … an independent view, directions,
comments and feedback.” (CIO-SG_InvestmentCo)
ChiefInfoRiskOfficer- Yes “Communication is very important. It is required to ensure
APAC_InsuranceCo all management are updated and aware of new policies,

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Dimension: Communicate; Theme: Engage Stakeholders

Expert Interviewees Validation Representative Quotes
noncompliance, actions taken, etc.” (ChiefInfoRiskOfficer-
“Our experience has been a lot of effort in change
management i.e. face-to-face meetings and discussions
with board members, C-level executives, etc.”
IS_SoftwareConsultant Yes “The management dashboard provides attractive statistics
that can be used to update the board committee. It is a very
effective means of communications with board members.”
“All these are part of the overall governance process and
the simple information in a nice dashboard facilitates
discussions with the board committee - driving an effective
oversight process.” (IS_SoftwareConsultant) Assure

“Assure” provides “governing body” with comprehensive independent assessments and

validations as part of ISG which generally comprises reviews, audits or certifications by
independent parties such as internal and external auditors, and consultants. The data from
all 6 expert interviews validated all the second-order themes, i.e. “conduct external audits
and certifications”, “provide oversight” and “conduct internal audits”.
a. Conduct external audits and certifications

an important component in our model is the assurance. The audits, both

internal and external audits, to ensure that the customer has done the
right things. And these components are important as part of corporate
governance and the buyer is the board. You have shown it well in your
model. Actually, you have “external” and I believe this should include
external auditors, regulators or anyone else that is outside the
organisation! (IS_Consultant)

Just like corporate governance where auditors play a critical role in

ensuring an independent assurance, it also applies to information
security. When our external auditors conduct their audits, information

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security is a component of their audit. They conduct an assessment of our

internal controls and also a check on our user access management. They
provide a view on the strength of our internal controls. (CIO-

There are also the auditors. Both internal and external. Don’t forget the
monetary authority, the regulator with a big stick. (CIO-

And finally, audit is non-negotiable … On the assurance, we have both

internal and external assurance. Based on the assurance findings, we will
work on the actions and if required, redo the policies in December every
year. (ChiefInfoRiskOfficer-APAC_InsuranceCo)

Table 6-19 shows representative quotes from the expert interviews that validated this

Table 6-19: Validation data for “conduct external audits and certifications” (assure).
Dimension: Assure; Theme: Conduct External Audits and Certifications
Expert Interviewees Validation Representative Quotes
IS_ConsultingDirector Yes “We provide advice to help drive effective corporate
governance and audit is also a key component in ensuring
good corporate governance.” (IS_ConsultingDirector)
IS_Consultant Yes “Then you have the audits, who provide the independent
checks and gives a report card to the audit committee, the
board.” (IS_Consultant)
CISO-MY_Bank Yes “they are definitely involved and in great extent, such as the
external auditors and BNM.” (CISO-MY_Bank)
CIO-SG_InvestmentCo Yes “Just like corporate governance where auditors play a
critical role in ensuring an independent assurance, it also
applies to information security. When our external auditors
conduct their audits, information security is a component of
their audit.” (CIO-SG_InvestmentCo)
ChiefInfoRiskOfficer- Yes “On the assurance, we have both internal and external
APAC_InsuranceCo assurance. Based on the assurance findings, we will work on

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Dimension: Assure; Theme: Conduct External Audits and Certifications

Expert Interviewees Validation Representative Quotes
the actions and if required, redo the policies in December
every year.” (ChiefInfoRiskOfficer-APAC_InsuranceCo)
IS_SoftwareConsultant Yes “there is also an auditing module. The auditing module in
the application facilitates external and internal auditors to
review and check all internal information security controls
implementation.” (IS_SoftwareConsultant)

b. Provide oversight

If you look at the corporate governance model, audits are important to

support board oversight. (IS_SoftwareConsultant)

The board is definitely a key player in the governance, as they are the one
responsible for the oversights as you depicted in your model.

The board committee focus on making sure the management is doing

their job by making sure we have a regular, an alternate month board
committee updates … Board committee aims to provide the oversight …
an independent view, directions, comments and feedback. (CIO-

information security governance ensures that proper oversight is there to

make sure all information security initiatives are defined accordingly to
support business objectives and are defined to meet the objectives of risk
management. (CIO-SG_InvestmentCo)

The board provides the oversight. (CISO-MY_Bank)

Table 6-20 shows representative quotes from the expert interviews that validated this

A Process Model to Improve ISG in Organisations 243

Chapter 6. ISG Process Model Validation

Table 6-20: Validation data for “provide oversight” (assure).

Dimension: Assure; Theme: Provide Oversight
Expert Interviewees Validation Representative Quotes
IS_ConsultingDirector Yes “information security governance as a set of structure and
processes that drives oversight … with right level of
information … independent oversight.”
“We work with customers to … define the roles and
responsibilities to ensure oversight.”
IS_Consultant Yes “The board is definitely a key player in the governance, as
they are the one responsible for the oversights as you
depicted in your model.” (IS_Consultant)
CISO-MY_Bank Yes “The board provides the oversight.” (CISO-MY_Bank)
CIO-SG_InvestmentCo Yes “Board is responsible for oversight. Executives for reporting
on internal findings.” (CIO-SG_InvestmentCo)
“In my view it is important to have clear oversight … like
board audit committee for corporate governance, board IT
committee, board risk committee and maybe a board
information security committee.” (CIO-SG_InvestmentCo)
ChiefInfoRiskOfficer- Yes “We define the structure that is required to govern and
APAC_InsuranceCo make sure the processes are in place to support it, e.g. the
self-assessment and independent assessment … the board
committee approves policies and dispensation, and review
and approve the audit reports (with actions). They provide
the oversight.” (ChiefInfoRiskOfficer-APAC_InsuranceCo)
IS_SoftwareConsultant Yes “If you look at the corporate governance model, audits are
important to support board oversight.”

c. Conduct internal audit

Then you have the audits, who provide the independent checks and gives
a report card to the audit committee, the board ... The audits, both
internal and external audits, to ensure that the customer has done the
right things. (IS_Consultant)

On the assurance, we have both internal and external assurance. Based

on the assurance findings, we will work on the actions and if required,

A Process Model to Improve ISG in Organisations 244

Chapter 6. ISG Process Model Validation

redo the policies in December every year. (ChiefInfoRiskOfficer-


For the internal assurance, we conduct both desktop reviews and on-site
reviews, together with risk management and business teams. We will go
through the findings, actions and will conduct trainings.

The auditing module in the application facilitates internal auditors to

review and check all internal information security controls
implementation. It tracks all the audit checklists and the audit findings,
and it will also generate a simple-to-use charts for senior management
discussions. (IS_SoftwareConsultant)

Table 6-21 shows representative quotes from the expert interviews that validated this

Table 6-21: Validation data for “conduct internal audit” (assure).

Dimension: Assure; Theme: Conduct Internal Audit
Expert Interviewees Validation Representative Quotes
IS_ConsultingDirector Yes “We provide advice to help drive effective corporate
governance and audit is also a key component in ensuring
good corporate governance. We also have a separate
division focusing on risk, i.e. risk advisory which focuses on
internal audit … helps customer in conducting assessment
of their internal controls covering information security.”
IS_Consultant Yes “Then you have the audits, who provide the independent
checks and gives a report card to the audit committee, the
board ... The audits, both internal and external audits, to
ensure that the customer has done the right things.”
CISO-MY_Bank Yes “with an independent reporting much like the risk and
internal audit teams, where they can have better
independence and authority in driving information security
program.” (CISO-MY_Bank)
CIO-SG_InvestmentCo Yes “we also adopt the three line of defence as proposed by our
auditor … The auditors, both internal and external, are our
third line. I believe it is a universally accepted best practice

A Process Model to Improve ISG in Organisations 245

Chapter 6. ISG Process Model Validation

Dimension: Assure; Theme: Conduct Internal Audit

Expert Interviewees Validation Representative Quotes
for risk management and we adopt the same for
information security risk.” (CIO-SG_InvestmentCo)
ChiefInfoRiskOfficer- Yes “For the internal assurance, we conduct both desktop
APAC_InsuranceCo reviews and on-site reviews, together with risk
management and business teams.” (ChiefInfoRiskOfficer-
IS_SoftwareConsultant Yes “there is also an auditing module. The auditing module in
the application facilitates external and internal auditors to
review and check all internal information security controls
implementation … It tracks all the audit checklists and the
audit findings, and it will also generate a simple-to-use
charts for senior management discussions.”

In addition to the validation of the second-order themes, the expert interviews validated the
relationship between “assure” and “direct”, which is represented with a one-directional

arrow ( ) connecting “assure” to “direct”. Information and insights from “assure” are
used to feed back into “direct” should improvements or changes be required. This was
validated by ChiefInfoRiskOfficer-APAC_InsuranceCo and IS_SoftwareConsultant:

On the assurance, we have both internal and external assurance. Based

on the assurance findings, we will work on the actions and if required,
redo the policies in December every year. (ChiefInfoRiskOfficer-

In many cases, based on the audits, you may need to relook at your
alignment, strategy or information security standards ... Either to meet
new requirements or as part of improvements. (IS_SoftwareConsultant)

In addition to the data from the expert interviews, the ISG process together with the sub-
processes identified in the ISG process model has been found to be consistent with the
functionalities shown on an information security software application during the interview
with IS_SoftwareConsultant.

A Process Model to Improve ISG in Organisations 246

Chapter 6. ISG Process Model Validation

The refined ISG process model developed in Chapter 5 has been validated in Phase 3 and
this ISG process model is shown in Figure 6-3 as the validated ISG process model.

Figure 6-3: Validated ISG process model

6.5 Summary

The 6 expert interviewees expressed similar insights during the interviews and echoed the
findings of the case study interview findings. The expert interview data were coded and
analysed to validate the ISG process model. In the coding and analysis, a template analysis
approach was adopted. Although new first-order concepts were identified, further analysis
of the relationships between codes and aggregation led to similar second-order themes and
aggregated dimensions. The analysis of the final 6 expert interviews served primarily as
confirmation of the codes, first-order concepts, themes and aggregated dimensions already
identified, and so confirmed that theoretical saturation was achieved in Phase 3. This
validated the refined ISG process model as shown in Figure 6-3 as no further data emerged.
Besides theoretical saturation, the expert interviews also served to address research

A Process Model to Improve ISG in Organisations 247

Chapter 6. ISG Process Model Validation

validation as multiple sources of evidence and multiple approaches have been utilised to
achieve consistent findings.

In essence, Phase 3 has validated that the stakeholder groups in ISG, namely, “external”,
”strategic - board” and “strategic - executive”, which form the “governing body”, and
“management”. Phase 3 has also validated the ISG process model that comprises 5 core
governance processes, i.e. “direct”, “monitor”, “evaluate”, “communicate” and “assure”.
The aim of the validated ISG process model is to facilitate the implementation of ISG in

The next chapter will discuss the validated ISG process model in the context of existing
literature. The implications of the results of this research towards information security
research and practice will also be addressed.

A Process Model to Improve ISG in Organisations 248

Chapter 7. Discussion

Chapter 7
This chapter discusses the proposed ISG process model and its theoretical and practice
integration with extant literature, bringing in similarities and confirmations while explaining
divergences from existing research where appropriate. This chapter is structured into 3
sections where Section 7.1 introduces the proposed ISG process model and Section 7.2
discusses the theoretical and practice integration and extension. Section 7.3 identifies the
factors that have been discovered to influence the implementation of ISG that are beyond
the original objective of the research.

7.1 Proposed ISG Process Model

ISG has been identified as a key area of concern in organisations as the board and executive
management need to extend their fiduciary duties to include the protection of information
because information is now a strategic asset for organisations. ISG models have been
introduced by standards and professional bodies (International Organization for
Standardization, 2013; National Institute of Standards and Technology, 2018b) with the
objective of facilitating organisations to implement ISG, but these ISG models are generally
normative models that focus only on the “what” of ISG and not “how” to implement ISG.
While organisations have recognised the importance of ISG and there is an increasing need
to implement ISG, organisations are continuously challenged as there are little relevant
guidance available to help organisations to implement ISG.

Furthermore, the literature review (Section 2.5) has identified key gaps in the area of ISG

RG1: Lack of a holistic ISG framework or model that incorporates the broad areas of ISG
RG2: Lack of guidance on how to implement ISG
RG3: Limited ISG frameworks and models that are grounded in empirical studies
RG4: Lack of an ISG framework or model that easily identifies the processes required to be
undertaken by various stakeholder groups involved in ISG

A Process Model to Improve ISG in Organisations 249

Chapter 7. Discussion

The motivation to address the practice problem and the key gaps in research has informed
this research. The research has developed an ISG process model (Figure 7-1) that is
informed by extant literature and grounded in empirical data that aims to address the
research question:

“How can ISG be implemented in organisations?”

Figure 7-1: Proposed ISG process model

In this study, a conceptual ISG process model was first proposed based on synthesis of
previous research, as discussed in Chapter 4. This conceptual model was subsequently
refined based on empirical data gathered through case studies, as analysed in Chapter 5,
and was finally validated with expert interviews, as presented in Chapter 6. The next section
of this chapter provides a discussion of the key components of the ISG process model.

A Process Model to Improve ISG in Organisations 250

Chapter 7. Discussion

7.2 Theoretical and Practice Integration and Extension

The design of the proposed ISG process model incorporates key ISG components that were
extracted from extant literature and enhanced with actual practices discovered in the case
study research. The key ISG components comprise the stakeholder groups and the core
process and sub-processes. Table 7-1 summarises the theoretical integration with extant
literature and confirmation and extension from practice.

Table 7-1: Proposed ISG process model – theoretical and practice integration.
Key ISG Components Theoretical Integration Practice Integration
a. ISG process model design ISG process model design ISG process model design
principles principles have been extracted principles are adopted in case
from extant literature and are study organisations and were
consistent with literature. validated in expert interviews

• Organisation-wide and • (Allen, 2006; Buecker et • Practised across

business driven al., 2013; Kayworth & organisations and driven by
Whitten, 2010; von Solms, business requirements.
2006; Wu & Liu, 2019) Information security is on
the agenda of board
meetings and business
• Risk management is • (du Plessis et al., 2011; • Adopted from a key
fundamental to ISG as Lindup, 1996; von Solms, principle of corporate
to corporate 2001b; Webb, Maynard, et governance (ASX Corporate
governance al., 2014) Governance Council, 2019;
Monetary Authority of
Singapore, 2018; Securities
Commission Malaysia,
2017) and practised in ISG
• Clearly identify • (Bart & Bontis, 2003; Ohki • ISG processes and sub-
governance processes et al., 2009; von Solms & process are clearly defined
with clear roles and von Solms, 2006; Waitzer and practised by different
responsibilities & Enrione, 2005; Williams, stakeholder groups
• Closed-loop processes • (Alqurashi et al., 2013; • Closed-loop process of
that drive continuous Mathew, 2018; Ohki et al., direct-monitor-evaluate is
improvement 2009; von Solms & von closely followed in practice
Solms, 2006)
b. Stakeholder groups and • Clear identification of • Clear definition of
structure stakeholder groups with “governing body”
clear responsibilities as comprising board members
identified in extant and C-level executives and
literature i.e. “external”, management
“governing body” and • Insufficient evidence to
“management” (Ohki et segregate “management”
into “tactical management”

A Process Model to Improve ISG in Organisations 251

Chapter 7. Discussion

Key ISG Components Theoretical Integration Practice Integration

al., 2009; von Solms & von and “operational
Solms, 2009, 2006). management”
• “External” stakeholder
group is confirmed as it
comprises external
auditors, regulators and
external consultants
c. Core ISG processes / sub- • The proposed ISG process • The 5 core ISG process are
processes model has extended the confirmed as practised in
core ISG process with the case study
additional sub-processes organisations
(Ohki et al., 2009; von • Further sub-processes have
Solms & von Solms, 2006) been discovered for
• Core ISG processes and “assure” and “direct”
sub-processes are reflecting detailed sub-
consistent with multiple processes that are practised
extant pieces of literature in the case study
and research which organisations
focused on specific
• “Direct” (Alves et al., 2006;
Conner & Coviello, 2004;
Georg, 2017; Tan et al.,
2017; Webb, Maynard, et
al., 2014; Yaokumah &
Brown, 2014b)
• “Monitor” (Da Veiga &
Eloff, 2007; Ohki et al.,
2009; Park et al., 2006; Tan
et al., 2010; von Solms &
von Solms, 2006)
• “Evaluate” (Ohki et al.,
2009; von Solms & von
Solms, 2006; Williams et
al., 2013; Yaokumah &
Brown, 2014b)
• “Assure” (Allen & Westby,
2007a; Farrell, 2015; Ohki
et al., 2009; Pathak, 2004;
Steinbart et al., 2018)
• “Communicate” (Alqurashi
et al., 2013; Koh et al.,
2005; Maynard et al.,
2018; Mishra, 2015; Ohki
et al., 2009; Sajko et al.,

A Process Model to Improve ISG in Organisations 252

Chapter 7. Discussion

7.2.1 Theoretical Integration and Extension

This research has developed an ISG process model that incorporates all areas of ISG that
have been discovered and consolidated from extant literature. These areas of ISG are
encapsulated in the ISG definition as adopted in this research which has framed the scope of
this research. In this research, ISG is defined as follows:

ISG is the framework of rules, relationships, systems and processes by

which the security objectives of the organisation are set and the means of
attaining those objectives and monitoring performance are determined.

This research has addressed the research gaps in the following areas:

a. ISG process model with detailed processes and relationships/process flows

This research has developed an ISG process model that explains the governance of
information security where the core ISG processes and sub-processes together with the
relationships/process flows are identified, effectively addressing RG1 and RG4. ISG model
research by von Solms and von Solms (2009, 2006) and Ohki et al. (2009) informed the
development of the proposed ISG proposed model. The proposed ISG process model has
extended ISG research by defining the sub-processes and their relationships/process flows
together with the interactions among the stakeholder groups. The interactions among the
stakeholder groups also represent the clear roles and responsibilities of these stakeholder
groups in ISG. The proposed model is the first ISG process model that has incorporated the 5
core ISG processes and associated sub-processes, together with the relationships/process
flows, illustrated in a cross-functional process map which also maps the processes/sub-
processes against the stakeholder groups.

The von Solms direct-control cycle (von Solms & von Solms, 2006) defined the core
processes at a high level, while Ohki et al. (2009) identified additional core processes such as
“report” and “oversee”. In more recent research, Mathew (2018) also developed a high-
level process model based on the plan–do–check–act cycle model of Deming but their ISG

A Process Model to Improve ISG in Organisations 253

Chapter 7. Discussion

process model identified only the key processes and did not include any detailed sub-

This research has addressed the lack of process models in both information systems and
specifically information security research (Mathew, 2018; Shaw & Jarvenpaa, 1997) by
developing an ISG process model that incorporates all core ISG processes and sub-
processes, as well as the relationships/process flows and stakeholder groups involved in the
governance of information security.

b. ISG process model which focuses on “how” to implement ISG

The literature review has found that the majority of ISG model research focused on defining
the “what” in ISG. Among the ISG models that were developed to facilitate implementation
of ISG, these were primarily normative models that describe and identify what should be
done in governance of information security. Three ISG process models (Mathew, 2018; Ohki
et al., 2009; von Solms & von Solms, 2006) attempted to address the “how” by identifying
the core ISG processes but remained at a very conceptual level.

This research has developed an ISG process model from practice to explain how to
implement ISG, addressing RG2 and RG4. The model illustrates all the core ISG processes
together with the sub-processes that are required for ISG practice. Rather than just
presenting these processes and sub-processes as identified components, as in many
previous research and normative models (Da Veiga & Eloff, 2007; Kim, 2007; Mathew, 2018;
Ohki et al., 2009; Park et al., 2006; Peggy et al., 2011; von Solms & von Solms, 2006), this
model illustrates the relationships and process flows of all the core processes and sub-
processes. In addition, the model illustrates how the various ISG sub-processes are mapped
against the stakeholder groups in a cross-functional process map to identify the roles of the
stakeholder groups.

The identification of the core ISG processes and sub-processes, and the relationships and
process flows, together with the mapping of the stakeholder groups as illustrated in the
process model will facilitate organisations in implementing ISG.

A Process Model to Improve ISG in Organisations 254

Chapter 7. Discussion

c. ISG process model grounded in empirical data

This model addresses RG3. The majority of ISG models in the literature are conceptual and
have been derived from analysis of theoretical ISG concepts, principles and best practices.
Among the 9 ISG models grounded in empirical data, only two ISG models (Mishra, 2015;
Musa, 2018) were informed by case studies.

This research is the most comprehensive field study conducted to date that refines and
validates an ISG process model using empirical evidence from real-world practice (17
interviews, complementary evidence such as documents as well as participant observations,
validation by 6 expert interviews). This research is distinct from prior work in the following

• It has adopted a case study research methodology where interviewees from the various
ISG stakeholder groups from 3 case study organisations were interviewed about how ISG
was practised in all 3 case study organisations.
• In addition to interviews, follow-up discussions and process walk-throughs were
conducted to observe how ISG was practised in all 3 case study organisations where
processes were reviewed and documented.
• The case study interviews and process walk-throughs focused on the ISG processes and
activities related to the governance of information security, rather than management of
information security.
• Interviews were conducted with interviewees across the different stakeholder groups
involved in ISG within the same organisation, which facilitated the identification of
segregation of responsibilities between governance and management of information

Previous research that adopted a multiple case study approach includes a study by Mishra
(2015), who conducted 52 expert interviews across 9 different industries in an attempt to
develop organisational security governance objectives, while Musa (2018) conducted
interviews across 8 Malaysian public listed companies with the objective of validating the

A Process Model to Improve ISG in Organisations 255

Chapter 7. Discussion

development of an IT security governance and internal controls framework. Neither

research project explained how governance can be practised in organisations.

d. ISG process model which covers the broad scope of ISG

Besides being one of the most detailed ISG process models that have been developed, the
proposed ISG process model is among the few ISG models that have incorporated multiple
areas of ISG, which has normally been the focus of individual studies, thus addressing RG1
and RG4. Extant literature identified detailed research in specific areas of ISG, i.e. research
in setting directions (Holgate et al., 2012; Maynard et al., 2018; Rastogi & von Solms, 2006;
Yaokumah & Brown, 2014a), control and monitoring (Allen & Westby, 2007b; von Solms &
von Solms, 2006), risk management (Ahmad et al., 2012; Antoniou, 2018; Maynard et al.,
2018; von Solms & von Solms, 2009), assurance (Anhal et al., 2003; Fitzgerald, 2012;
Holzinger, 2000) and communication (Allen, 2005; Bihari, 2008; Georg, 2017; von Solms,
2001b). This research has taken the initiative to bring together the insights developed by
these scholars and extend the research to consolidated scholarship in ISG. The result of the
research is an ISG process model that incorporates the broad scope of ISG.

e. Additional perspectives from corporate governance theory

The ISG process model has been developed with key inputs from corporate governance
theories, which have been used to provide an additional theoretical perspective on the
concept of governance. As information is treated as a key corporate asset, the
understanding of the theories behind corporate governance has substantiated the process
model. Three corporate governance theories, i.e. agency, stakeholder and stewardship
theories, were analysed to identify the concepts to be incorporated into ISG. The ISG
processes model has incorporated these corporate governance theories, thus extending the
applicability of the ISG from a governance perspective. The ISG process model is aligned
with key principles of agency theory, which focuses on risk management, controls and
monitoring to safeguard the organisation (compliance/risk management model), key
principles of stakeholder theory, which balances stakeholder needs by driving the alignment
of information security with meeting strategic business requirements (stakeholder model),
and finally key principles of stewardship theory, which focuses on performance

A Process Model to Improve ISG in Organisations 256

Chapter 7. Discussion

improvement through strategic business alignment and coordinated decision-making such

as execution of directions, decision on risk appetite, and evaluations and improvements
across the governance and management stakeholder groups (partnership model). This
addresses RG1.

7.2.2 Practice Integration

The conceptual ISG process model has been refined with data from 3 case study
organisations. The insights on how ISG was practised in these 3 case study organisations, i.e.
3 financial institutions, have informed the following refinements of the conceptual ISG
process model.

a. Clear identification of stakeholder groups involved in governance of ISG

There are significant similarities across the extant literature in relation to the need to
separate the stakeholder groups for governance and management, but there was no clear
identification of these stakeholder groups. The direct-control cycle ISG model (von Solms &
von Solms, 2009, 2006) identified 3 level of management, i.e. strategic, tactical and
operations, that are involved in ISG, while Ohki et al. (2009) identified corporate executives
and auditors involved in ISG and managers involved in information security management.
Data from the case study organisations on how ISG is practised has facilitated the validation
of the ISG process model. In the proposed ISG model, there are 3 internal stakeholder
groups, i.e. “strategic - board”, “strategic - executive” and “management”. Only “strategic -
board” and “strategic - executive” are directly involved in ISG and are collectively known as
the “governing body”. This “governing body” works closely with the “management”, which
is responsible for information security management. There is another stakeholder group, i.e.
“external” that is identified in the proposed ISG process model which comprises the external
auditors, regulators and consultants that organisations engage to provide independent
assurance and assessment.

The insights from practice can be explained accordingly.

A Process Model to Improve ISG in Organisations 257

Chapter 7. Discussion

Firstly, the proposed ISG process model developed in this study identifies 3 internal
stakeholder groups, i.e. “strategic - board”, “strategic - executive” and “management”,
which are different from the stakeholder categorisation in the direct-control cycle ISG
model (von Solms & von Solms, 2009, 2006). The direct-control cycle ISG model identified
two levels of management, i.e. tactical and operational. This difference can be explained by
the fact that the direct-control cycle ISG model identified governance processes that
involved all stakeholders in an organisation, while the proposed ISG process model in this
study is more specific to the stakeholder groups who are responsible for the governance of
ISG, i.e. the role of the “governing body”, which comprises “strategic - board” and “strategic
- executive”. However, this “governing body” is collectively defined as the “strategic level” in
the direct-control cycle model (von Solms & von Solms, 2009). This study did not proceed
further in segregating “management”, which includes both tactical and operational
management as identified in the direct-control cycle model, as insufficient empirical data on
this theme were collected and the “management” stakeholder group is deemed to be
responsible for the management of information security, i.e. the execution of the directives
from the “governing body”.

Secondly, it is also interesting to draw attention to the differences in the definition of the
“governing body” of the proposed ISG process model compared to the normative ISG model
in ISO 27014 (International Organization for Standardization, 2013). In the proposed ISG
model, the “governing body” includes both “strategic - board” and “strategic - executive”,
while the ISO model may not include the executive management as part of the governing
body. It is not exactly clear on the definition of the governing body as provided in the ISO
27014 model as the governing body was defined as part of the top management but does
not include the executive management, which represents the C-level executives.
Furthermore, there is no definition of who top management represents, hence the lack of
clarity. The proposed ISG process model includes “strategic - executive” as part of the
“governing body” as all empirical evidence support the fact that the executive management
are deeply involved in governance processes, especially in working with the board in
decision-making and in various oversight activities.

A Process Model to Improve ISG in Organisations 258

Chapter 7. Discussion

There is another stakeholder group, i.e. “external” that is identified in the proposed ISG
process model which comprises the external auditors, regulators and consultants that
organisations engage to provide independent assurance and assessment.
The empirical evidence in this study extends the earlier work of previous researchers by
confirming and expanding the definitions of the various stakeholder groups who are
involved in governing information security.

b. Clear segregation of “monitor” and “evaluate” processes

The “direct-monitor” cycle in ISG was introduced by von Solms and von Solms (2006) as the
“direct-control” cycle adopting the governance principles of corporate governance. This was
further developed into the “direct-monitor-evaluate” processes by Ohki et al. (2009) and
ISO 27014 (2013). This study’s findings have shown that the ability to provide direction and
subsequently monitor and adapt to changes are critical in ISG in driving a positive
information security environment and culture. A fundamental difference in the study
findings is that there is little segregation between “monitor” and “evaluate” in practice
although these processes are both being executed, because it is natural that evaluation is
done during monitoring to determine the appropriate next actions. However, further
findings have concluded that the segregation of “monitor” and “evaluate” is beneficial and
they should be segregated to provide clearer roles and responsibilities as these distinct
processes may be undertaken by different teams.

7.3 Factors Influencing ISG Model Implementation

Hypothetical models that were developed purely on capability identification and synthesis
of theoretical models were not able to identify some factors that influence the
implementation of these models. The exploratory research design adopted in this study has
provided the opportunity to discover additional insights beyond the original objectives of
this research.

The following factors have been discovered from data gathered during case studies and
expert interviews in the refinement and validation of the ISG model. While these factors
have not been identified in previous ISG model research, some of these factors are

A Process Model to Improve ISG in Organisations 259

Chapter 7. Discussion

consistent with research in other areas of information security (Commonwealth of Australia,

2006; Flores & Farnian, 2011; Mishra, 2007; Sajko et al., 2011) and corporate governance
(Chhotray & Stoker, 2009; Christopher, 2010; Huse, 2008; Levrau & Van den Berghe, 2007)
that considered effectiveness in the implementation of ISG and corporate governance.

While the proposed ISG process model as shown in Figure 7-1 may not change, the following
factors influence the emphasis of the governance processes during implementation,
adoption and acceptance of the ISG model, and ultimately influence the effectiveness of the
governance of information security.

7.3.1 Regulatory Environment

Regulatory requirements influence governance and dictate the development of internal

control structures and policies. Critical infrastructure industries such as financial services,
utilities, telecommunications and utilities operate in heavily regulated environments and
various regulatory compliances are required to ensure the continuous operations of these
businesses. Regulatory requirements imposed by regulators in the financial services industry
such as APRA (Australian Prudential Regulation Authority (APRA), 2019c), Monetary
Authority of Singapore (Monetary Authority of Singapore, 2013) and Bank Negara Malaysia
(Bank Negara Malaysia, 2018) have defined strict frameworks and requirements for
information security. These requirements drive, and to a certain extent dictate, the
governance approach of financial institutions to information security risk management,
governance structures and internal information security policies. Additional penalties and
fines for breaches of these regulations drive a strong regulatory compliance business
environment. This regulatory compliance business environment in financial institutions was
apparent in all 3 financial institutions in the case studies and confirmed many studies on this
topic (Georg, 2017; Kim et al., 2008; Williams, 2014). Georg (2017) highlighted that further
alignment with global regulations such as Sarbanes Oxley (Sarbanes-Oxley Act, 2002) and
European Union Global Data Protection Regulation (European Parliament and Council of the
European Union, 2016) has forced board members to become involved in stricter
governance of regulatory compliance to avoid global sanctions.

A Process Model to Improve ISG in Organisations 260

Chapter 7. Discussion

7.3.2 Emphasis on Corporate Governance

Corporate governance promotes investors’ confidence as it provides a solid foundation for

management and oversight (ASX Corporate Governance Council, 2019). As information
security risk is a key business risk in today’s business environment, a similar perspective to
that of corporate governance is applied to ISG.

Since corporate governance is associated with independence, board characteristics, audit

committee, risk management, compliance, transparent disclosures and accounting and
auditing with effective internal controls, strong corporate governance discipline helps in
translating to a good practice of ISG as both adopt similar concepts and processes
(Holzinger, 2000; Pathak, 2004; Rothrock et al., 2018; von Solms, 2001b). The influence of
corporate governance on ISG was evident in the case studies, as organisations with good
corporate governance aim to adopt ISG although ISG is not clearly defined. The discussions
with board members and senior executives of financial institutions in the case studies
always referred to their respective codes of corporate governance (Monetary Authority of
Singapore, 2018; Securities Commission Malaysia, 2017) when the various ISG processes
such as compliance, assurance and information disclosure were explored.

Thus, smaller organisations which are not subject to corporate governance may face
challenges in implementing ISG as they may not be used to adopting such practices of good

7.3.3 Power Distance Index

The power distance index (PDI) is one of the natural cultural dimensions identified by
Hofstede (2001) that shows the degree of inequality among employees of organisations
within a country and he argued that there is a correlation between a country’s PDI and the
readiness to accept power differences. This can be interpreted as that countries with higher
PDI will drive a more compliant working environment where there is strong dependence of
employees on their management and there may be less violation of standards, policies and
procedures (Alshare & Lane, 2008). Based on the PDI country comparison for Malaysia and
Singapore (Hofstede Insights, 2020), it is shown that both Malaysia (score of 100) and

A Process Model to Improve ISG in Organisations 261

Chapter 7. Discussion

Singapore (74) have high PDI scores compared with countries with a Western culture such
as the USA (40), Australia (38) and the UK (of 35). Both PDI scores for Malaysia and
Singapore are high, which means that there are clear hierarchical structures in
organisations, subordinates expect to adhere to rules and there is little challenge of
authority. These hierarchical structures in organisations and compliant working
environments are clearly evidenced in the study findings where ISG governance has a strong
emphasis on compliance, i.e. operational compliance with standards, policies and
procedures, and strict organisation compliance with regulators’ requirements and heavy
penalties for noncompliance. The strong “direct-monitor-evaluate” and “assurance”
processes are diligently adopted and adhered to in the governance of information security,
creating an information security-compliant culture.

While a high PDI translates to a strongly ISG compliant culture, the flipside is that this may
discourage the voicing of ideas and feedback. The governance of information security may
suffer from a lack of diversity in decision-making where insights on the operational levels
are important for quick decision-making and feedback from the operational levels is
required to drive innovations and continuous improvements in updating controls,
procedures, policies and standards (Maynard et al., 2018).

PDI influences the implementation of ISG, hence a more detailed ISG model may be
required to facilitate the implementation of ISG in high-PDI countries as their organisations
need details and specifics to follow, while a high-level normative model may suffice for
organisations in countries with lower PDIs.

7.3.4 Maturity Level of Information Security

The maturity level of information security indicates the level of rigour and sophistication in
information security risk management practices (National Institute of Standards and
Technology, 2011). Based on the 2017 Cyber maturity in Asia-Pacific region report published
by the Australian Strategy Policy Institute International Cyber Policy Centre (Uren et al.,
2017), Singapore (weighted score = 87.7) was ranked 4th, while Malaysia (weighted score =
73.2) was ranked 7th among 25 Asia-Pacific countries in terms of cyber maturity. The

A Process Model to Improve ISG in Organisations 262

Chapter 7. Discussion

International Telecommunication Union also ranked Singapore (score = 0.898) above

Malaysia (score = 0.893) in its 2018 Global Cybersecurity Index (International
Telecommunication Union, 2019), which is a benchmark for the level of commitment of
countries to cybersecurity covering 5 key pillars of legal, technical, organisational, capacity
building and cooperation in building a national cybersecurity culture.

Based on the maturity level of information security, the empirical findings of this study may
explain why FinServices_SG, which is located in Singapore which has a higher maturity level,
focused more on risk management processes as compared to FinServices_SEA and
FinServices_MY, which are located in Malaysia which emphasises compliance. Organisations
with a higher maturity level of information security tend to focus on other ISG areas, beyond
pure compliance to regulatory requirements.

The findings in this study allude to the potential influence of the maturity level of
information security on ISG implementation in organisations, as organisations at different
levels of maturity have different emphases on governance processes, as discussed in
previous research (Brown & Nasuti, 2005; Da Veiga & Eloff, 2007; Maleh et al., 2018; Sajko
et al., 2011).

7.3.5 Composition of Board Members

Studies have shown that an engaged board is critical in driving the right culture in
governance, be it corporate governance or ISG, and this is true for driving the right
information security culture (Anhal et al., 2003; Barker, 2015; Beretta, 2019; Bihari, 2008;
Conner et al., 2003; Deloitte, 2015; Ernst & Young, 2018; Williams, 2007a). The right
composition of board members, which consists of board members who have strong
understanding of technology, information security and risk management, will set the right
tone at the top. This is demonstrated by allocating adequate time to discuss information
security matters as a business issue, having the right communication process in updating the
board members on information security initiatives and incidents, and getting involved in
oversight practices and disclosures by asking the right questions. These practices are evident
in this study, where all 3 case study organisations showed the importance of appointing

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Chapter 7. Discussion

board members who were former technologists or consultants who understood technology,
information security and risk management, and who could actively contribute to the
oversight of information security. Empirical findings in the study have shown a shift in focus
to appointing board members who are not just retired government bureaucrats, former
accountants or lawyers, but IT professionals and consultants.

7.3.6 Structure and Responsibility of Information Security

The study has shown that responsibility for information security is assigned to various
departments in organisations. While the proposed ISG process model may be the same, the
focus and emphasis on the ISG processes vary depending on where ISG sits in an
organisation. When information security responsibilities are assigned to a CISO who reports
to a CIO, the focus of ISG can be very technology driven with a strong emphasis on IT
security. When information security responsibilities are assigned to a CISO who reports to a
CRO who has a larger responsibility for the total organisation risk, ISG will tend to be more
holistic, with an organisation-wide perspective. In a similar manner, when information
security responsibilities fall under the chief legal officer or CCO, the ISG will be compliance
driven. Therefore, it is important to determine where information security responsibilities
sit within an organisation in order to understand the emphasis and impact of ISG in driving
compliance, risk management and innovation (Aguilar, 2014; Deloitte, 2019; Tan et al.,
2010). A number of academic studies (Moulton & Coles, 2003; Rothrock et al., 2018;
Williams, 2007a) and professional publications (Australian Prudential Regulation Authority
(APRA), 2019c; Deloitte, 2015, 2018; Ernst & Young, 2018) have recommended that
information security should be given higher priority as a business concern as information
security risk is critical to business operations. When ISG is implemented as an organisation
requirement similar to corporate governance, ISG will achieve the right focus in driving the
required information security posture in an organisation, i.e. information security needs “a
seat at the table” (Deloitte, 2019).

7.3.7 Awareness and Training

Awareness and training on information security risk and actions required to protect from
information security breaches have been highlighted as key factors in driving a strong

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Chapter 7. Discussion

information security posture of an organisation (Holzinger, 2000; Peggy et al., 2011; von
Solms, 2001a). Moreover, the awareness of information security of the board and senior
executives of organisations strongly influences the governance of information security, as
this drives a top-down information security awareness culture across everyone in the
organisation (Georg, 2017; Williams, 2014, 2007a). A well-informed board ensures
information security topics get a seat at the leadership table (Deloitte, 2017; Ernst & Young,
2019b). They encourage regular engagement in information security-related discussion,
updates on information security initiatives and incident reporting, and general industry
updates. The awareness and training provided to the board ensures that the board is kept
abreast of information security trends and requirements, and facilitates decision-making
such as providing approval for information security standards and policies, setting the
information security risk appetite and discussion and approval of investments required in
managing information security. Such training for the board is encouraged by various
regulators in driving more effective ISG (Australian Prudential Regulation Authority (APRA),
2019b; Monetary Authority of Singapore, 2015; Securities Commission Malaysia, 2016). The
interview data showed that the case study organisations were actively organising training
and update sessions for their boards of directors to equip them with relevant knowledge to
govern better.

While this research did not set out to focus on these influencing factors, the exploratory
nature of the research has discovered these influencing factors from the case study and
expert interviews conducted during the study. This study was not able to explore these
influencing factors in more detail due to the study focus and limitations of the scope and
resource availability; however, these influencing factors could be interesting areas of
research in future study of ISG implementation, adoption and effectiveness, and ISG
implementation across different industries and cultures.

7.4 Summary

This chapter has examined the proposed ISG process model in relation to existing research
and discussed its theoretical integration and extension with extant literature. The discussion
has confirmed that the proposed ISG process model is consistent with extant literature and

A Process Model to Improve ISG in Organisations 265

Chapter 7. Discussion

research and expands on existing ISG model research including ISO 27014. In certain areas
where divergences from existing research were identified, discussion has explained the
divergences. Based on the empirical data obtained from the case study and expert
interviews, this chapter has also identified other factors that influence the implementation
of ISG. The study has found that while the ISG process model is similar, the focus on ISG may
differ due to these influencing factors, contributing to differing emphasis on regulatory
compliance, strategic business alignment and risk management.

The next chapter will conclude this study by summarising the research background, research
methodology, how the research questions have been addressed, the proposed ISG process
model, and the contributions and implications of this study. It will also discuss the
limitations of this study and outline directions for future research.

A Process Model to Improve ISG in Organisations 266

Chapter 8. Conclusions and Future Directions

Chapter 8
Conclusions and Future Directions
This final chapter of the thesis summarises the research and demonstrates how the
objectives and the research question as introduced in Chapter 1 have been addressed. It
then discusses the main contributions and implications of the study to academic research
and practice. The chapter also highlights the limitations of this research and opportunities
for future research.

8.1 Overview of Research

ISG has gained greater importance recently as businesses are becoming more digitalised and
the roles of the board and executive management are receiving greater scrutiny in
protecting their businesses from information security incidents. ISG has gained significant
importance in both academic research and practice as organisations are looking to improve
the ways to govern information security, because information is a strategic asset. As a
response to this requirement, research in ISG covering areas such as information security
strategy and policy definition, risk management, controls and compliance, incident
response, communications and ISG frameworks and models has increased over the last two
decades. However, the literature review has alluded to the fact that research in ISG
frameworks and models specifically has been fragmented, not cumulative, and has adopted
diverse interpretations of the concepts of ISG.

It is imperative that research helps provide a clear definition of ISG, i.e. what is ISG, why we
need ISG and how ISG can be implemented to improve the overall governance of
information security in driving towards a sound information security posture in
organisations. In addition, the literature review has also confirmed the need for an ISG
process model that is grounded on empirical findings that can be practically implemented in
organisations to improve the governance of information security, hence the objective of this

The aim of this research has been to answer the research question:

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Chapter 8. Conclusions and Future Directions

“How can ISG be implemented in organisations?”

To answer this question, the research developed an ISG process model to explain how ISG
can be implemented in an organisation. This research started with an initial literature
review to understand the state of research in information security, corporate governance,
ISG and specifically the development of ISG models. The literature review provided the
underlying concepts for ISG and the stakeholders that are involved in the governance of
information security, which informed the development of the conceptual ISG process
model. An additional literature review on corporate governance theories provided an
additional perspective to ensure that the conceptual ISG process model was also consistent
with corporate governance requirements.

An exploratory research approach was adopted in this study. First, a conceptual ISG process
model was proposed based on an assessment of existing hypothetical ISG frameworks and
models, as well as theories of corporate governance. Subsequently, the conceptual ISG
process model was refined through case studies of 3 financial institutions where 17
interviews with board of directors members and C-level executives were conducted. Finally,
the refined ISG process model was validated with 6 expert interviews with experts
comprising information security consultants, a CISO, a CIO and a chief information risk
officer. The result is a validated ISG process model that is grounded on empirical data, as
shown again in Figure 8-1 .

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Chapter 8. Conclusions and Future Directions

Figure 8-1: Proposed ISG process model

The proposed ISG process model shows the 5 key ISG processes and the related sub-
processes, their interactions and the mapping against the ISG stakeholder groups, providing
a clear illustration of the sequence of processes. The proposed ISG process model provides a
practical reference model to facilitate the implementation of ISG in organisations. With the
proper implementation of ISG, it is hoped that organisations will improve their governance
of information security.

8.2 Contributions and Implications of Study

This exploratory research has taken a participatory form to study real-world problems and
sought to bridge the theory-practice gap (Mathiassen, 2017). The primary contribution of
this research is the development of an ISG process model to answer “how” to implement
ISG in organisations by explaining how ISG is operationalised in organisations. Although
limited to the scope of this specific study, this research contributes to solving the practical

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Chapter 8. Conclusions and Future Directions

problem of improving ISG in organisations while also contributing to the theoretical

foundation of ISG models.

8.2.1 Contributions and Implications for Theory

ISG in organisations is an under-researched area with little empirical backing or theoretical

development. Although there are generic guidelines in industry standards on how to
conduct ISG, there is very little guidance on how organisations can practise ISG (particularly
through the integration of people, processes and technology). It is also apparent from the
literature reviews that there have been many attempts to develop ISG frameworks and
models, and each of these frameworks and models has a different focus or adopts different
underlying theories and principles. There is also a gap where research on ISG frameworks is
fragmented in that it does not build cumulatively on knowledge from prior research.

Firstly, from a theory perspective the ISG process model is a contribution to ISG process
theory. Previous research on ISG frameworks and models mainly focused on identifying the
key components of ISG and the critical success factors required for ISG, while the
identification of processes involved in ISG received little attention. The justification for
developing process theory is that: (1) ISG is a process theory, i.e. a series of events occurring
within an organisational context; and (2) the ISG process is complex and multifaceted, so it
is best studied through the interpretations of stakeholders. This research has developed an
ISG process model that identifies all the ISG processes required to govern information
security, namely, “direct”, “monitor”, “evaluate”, “communicate” and “assure”, and the
sub-processes, the sequence of these processes and sub-processes, and the interactions
among the various stakeholders in organisations. The mapping of the processes against the
various stakeholder groups has also assisted in the definition of the roles and
responsibilities of the stakeholder groups.

Secondly, in developing the ISG process model this research has also developed an
information-processing perspective on ISG, as the process model identifies the sources of
information, the requirements of the communication flows and the relationships between
the stakeholder groups. The research has developed an information-processing network and

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Chapter 8. Conclusions and Future Directions

explained how organisations can control information flow to increase the effectiveness of
ISG. It is hoped that this perspective on an information-processing capability can attract
experts in information theory to further develop our information-processing perspective
towards improved effectiveness in ISG.

Thirdly, by adopting a multiple case study methodology and expert interviews, this research
has empirically examined the implementation of ISG in 3 case study organisations where
data were validated by expert interviews. Multiple sources of data which comprised
stakeholder interviews, process walk-throughs and documentation were analysed in each
case study to provide triangulation of data sources. Furthermore, cross-case analysis was
conducted to identify process patterns across the cases to ensure theoretical replication and
improved generalisability of the process model. This research is a comprehensive study
where an empirically grounded ISG process model is developed and validated through a
multiple case study methodology and expert interviews.

Fourthly, this research has studied key corporate governance theories, i.e. agency theory,
stakeholder theory and stewardship theory, to provide the additional perspective of
governance so that the proposed ISG process model is consistent with the expectations of
corporate governance. This is an important contribution to research as businesses are
becoming more digitalised in the new economy and information is now a critical asset to
businesses, so that ISG is inseparable from corporate governance, thus bringing closer
research on information systems and on business management. Information security and
ISG research are primarily done as within the information systems discipline and very little
in the business management discipline. It is hoped that these findings provide initial insights
for future collaboration between information security and business management disciplines
in ISG research.

The 5th contribution of this research is that it has identified some original findings in terms
of factors influencing ISG that were not highlighted in previous ISG model development.
These include, in particular, the impact of strict regulatory requirements and legislation, the
maturity level of information security risk management and the influence of behavioural

A Process Model to Improve ISG in Organisations 271

Chapter 8. Conclusions and Future Directions

and cultural perspectives such as the profile of the board of directors, composition of the
board and PDI. These influencing factors could be examined as part of detailed process
theory research as these could represent the antecedent, contextual conditions or external
constraints that influence the occurrence of events that shape the processes and the
outcomes which affect the effectiveness of the model (Radeke, 2010).

The 6th and final contribution of this research is the development of one of the most
comprehensive ISG process models that is grounded on empirical findings. Extant literature
has indicated that most ISG frameworks and models have been developed as hypothetical
models based on research on the key requirements and principles of ISG. This study has
resulted in the development of an ISG process model that has been built on synthesis of
cumulative knowledge from previous research and has been validated with empirical data
providing further evidence on existing ISG theories and concepts. The research has
expanded the seminal research on ISG by von Solms and von Solms (2009, 2006) and the ISG
models of Ohki et al. (2009) and ISO 27014 (2013).

8.2.2 Contributions and Implications for Practice

Extant literature has confirmed the difficulty of understanding ISG and the challenges in
implementing ISG in organisations, hence the motivation of this research in answering the
research question. Moreover, there is a lack of empirical work in this area of ISG and ISG
models. A few professional publications and standards (Gartner, 2010; International
Organization for Standardization, 2013; National Institute of Standards and Technology,
2011) have introduced ISG models and practice guides to help organisations to implement
and improve the governance of information security, but these are normative models based
on expert opinions (and not necessarily empirically grounded) that specify what is required
to govern information security, but do not inform how organisations can implement ISG.
The need for unique ISG models to address specific technologies (e.g. artificial intelligence,
the cloud, the Internet of Things, mobile applications) and business requirements (e.g.
privacy, knowledge leakage) suggests that current ISG models are not flexible enough to
adapt to the dynamic environment of information security risk (Lidster & Rahman, 2018),
hampering the implementation of ISG in organisations. It is apparent from extant literature

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Chapter 8. Conclusions and Future Directions

that there is still a substantial theory-practice gap in ISG and this research contributes to
information security practice by introducing a practical ISG model that incorporates the key
ISG components, i.e. 5 core governance processes and 4 stakeholder groups that can be
adapted with modifications to be implemented by organisations across different industries
implementing various technologies. The significant contribution is the introduction of a
practical reference ISG process model that expands the normative model introduced by ISO
27014, expanding the “what” into “how” ISG can be implemented by practitioners.

The second contribution to information security practice is that the ISG process model
identifies the core ISG processes together with their sub-processes using a process flow
approach. This process flow illustrates how the ISG processes interact and integrate,
translating ISG into a procedural approach that facilitates ISG implementation in

In addition to illustrating the core ISG processes, the proposed ISG model maps the
processes against key stakeholder groups - defining the roles and responsibilities of the
stakeholders in organisations, namely, the board of directors, the C-level executives and the
rest of management. This is a significant contribution to practice as it confirms that
information security is organisation-wide and the whole organisation is involved, albeit in
different roles and capacities. This mapping of processes against stakeholder groups
facilitates the implementation and tracking of ISG processes and sub-processes, and the
translation to actual activities that are undertaken by the different stakeholder groups.

The final contribution of the ISG process model is that the model ensures that all ISG
processes are aligned with corporate governance concepts, thus complying with corporate
governance requirements and simplifying the understanding of ISG among non-information-
systems and non-information-security practitioners. ISG is also identified as an organisation-
wide responsibility and not delegated to IT. This can be illustrated by a few practical

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Chapter 8. Conclusions and Future Directions

a. Budget for information security programs can be allocated based on business and risk
management strategies and regulatory compliance requirements. This facilitates
traceability and auditability in information security spending.
b. Information security programs are monitored and evaluated to ensure they adhere to
original plans so that divergence from plans can be quickly identified and addressed.
c. There is a clear communication process that promotes transparency in disclosures to all
internal and external stakeholders covering, e.g. management, employees, regulators,
customers and shareholders.
d. There is an assurance component that helps the board of directors drive information
security oversight, just like financial oversight in corporate governance. This assurance
process aligns ISG with best practices in governance, risk and compliance, e.g. adopting
the “three lines of defence” in assurance and risk management.

Ultimately, from a practice perspective: (1) process models are easier to visualise for
practitioners than other types of models (e.g. variance models); (2) process models are
easier to implement, as practitioners can structure their thinking according to the stages of
the process model and change activities in their organisation; and (3) process models
provide concrete practice insights rather than construct correlations (as is the case with
variance models).

8.3 Limitations

While this research has taken all the required steps to ensure the validity and reliability of
the findings, this study is not without limitations. The research focuses on interviewing key
participants who are part of the governing body and this generally means personnel on the
board and C-level executives who are directly or indirectly involved in the governance of
information security. The purpose of this selection was to ensure that the research was able
to obtain a real-world understanding of the practices involved in ISG. The first limitation in
this research is that there was not enough time to expand the interviews to more
participants covering personnel who were not involved in the governance of information
security within each case study organisation, which could have provided insights from
“outsiders” looking in to see if ISG was being performed as the participants claimed, e.g. the

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Chapter 8. Conclusions and Future Directions

interplay between the governance of information security and the broader governance of
the organisation.

Secondly, while information security is a highly researched area and a frequently discussed
topic in practice, it is also a sensitive topic that is shrouded in confidentiality and many
organisations would not be comfortable divulging details associated with their internal
information security strategies and information security incidents as it might compromise
their market-competitive positions. As the research was conducted in the financial services
industry, which is highly regulated with strict legislation on privacy and confidentiality, there
was difficulty in securing case study organisations and interviewees as not many were
interested in discussing information security openly with external parties. In addition,
interviewees who did agree to participate in interviews may have been hesitant to share
specific data that would have enabled a more detailed extraction of information for analysis.
This might have provided more specific information on recommendations for strategic
priorities, criteria for prioritisation of budget allocations and risk management approaches
in ISG.

There are also specific limitations regarding the case study organisations due to their
concerns about confidentiality. Process walk-throughs by information security teams were
undertaken in addition to participants’ interviews to enable the researcher to better
understand the processes that were involved in the governance of information security.
While there were some process walk-throughs, many such discussions were done with
PowerPoint slide presentations where the researcher was not able to observe the actual
processes. Artefacts such as policy and control documents were shown but were not able to
be collected as research evidence. However, these limitations are not expected to have any
impact on the reliability, accuracy or completeness of the results.

The research is based on a multiple case study method conducted in 3 financial institutions
in South-East Asia and validated with another 6 expert interviews with participants across
different information security roles and functions to validate the ISG model. The
methodology adopted has provided the required reliability and validity in the development

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Chapter 8. Conclusions and Future Directions

of the ISG process model. While the financial services industry is the most mature in
embracing ISG and corporate governance, it would have been the researcher’s preference
to conduct a similar set of case studies in another country such as Australia or another
industry such as telecommunications or utilities to provide richer sets of empirical data in
order to confirm if the ISG model was consistent across different countries and industries.
Further research could be expanded to cover different countries and industries, as
mentioned in more detail below in Section 8.4.

The last limitation of this research is potential research bias, as the researcher was the
primary instrument for data collection and analysis in this qualitative research. The
researcher has been working in the IT consulting and financial services industry, and
therefore several of the participants in the research were known to the researcher.
However, the topics of information security and ISG under investigation were new to the
researcher and therefore the researcher had little influence on the behaviour of the
participants and the interpretation of the data gathering and analysis processes.
Furthermore, the researcher has regularly discussed the methodology and findings with
supervisors during the data collection and analysis process, which has helped to minimise
such researcher bias.

8.4 Future Research

This study has identified several interesting areas in ISG for future research. These future
research areas have been identified from observations and the results of empirical findings
and analysis, and some are derived from the limitations of this research.

In developing the ISG process model, this research has also developed an information-
processing perspective on ISG. Further research could be conducted to study the function of
information processing and understand how information processing can affect the
implementation of ISG in organisations, and thus the effectiveness of ISG in organisations.
With a similar intention, more research is needed to study ISG based on process theory to
understand the antecedent conditions, contextual factors or external constraints that
influence the occurrence of the processes and sub-processes, and their impacts on the

A Process Model to Improve ISG in Organisations 276

Chapter 8. Conclusions and Future Directions

outcomes and consequences. Research based on process theory would contribute to the
identification of the various factors that impact on the effectiveness of ISG in organisations.
Further, more research needs to be conducted around the management stakeholders,
particularly on the segregation of tactical and operational governance aspects and the
breakdown of processes for each.

This research has developed a proposed ISG process model based on empirical data from 3
case study organisations in the financial services industry. Subsequent research could be
conducted in other critical infrastructure industries such as telecommunications, utilities
and healthcare to further validate the model and confirm the ISG processes so that
generalisations can be made to a standard reference model for ISG implementation across
different industries. Furthermore, research could be undertaken across different industries
with different levels of regulatory requirements as a comparative study to understand the
impact of regulatory requirements and legislation on ISG processes and implementation.
This would allow researchers to understand the role of regulatory requirements in driving
ISG and the rationale behind the different emphases of ISG processes such as oversight,
compliance and risk management.

Another critical area for future research would be to study the correlation of the proposed
ISG process model with the maturity level of information security of an organisation. This
research could be conducted in different organisations that are specifically selected based
on their maturity level of information security as per the NIST framework (National Institute
of Standards and Technology, 2018a) or the Cyber Maturity in Asia Pacific Region report
published by the Australian Strategy Policy Institute International Cyber Policy Centre (Uren
et al., 2017). Such research would provide insights into the different emphases of ISG
processes or lack of certain processes in less mature organisations, allowing organisations to
fine-tune ISG implementation according to the maturity level.

Future research on ISG could be undertaken from the organisation cultural perspective to
study the evolving roles of the board of directors, C-level executives and management, and
the influences of these stakeholders on the decision-making approaches in the governance

A Process Model to Improve ISG in Organisations 277

Chapter 8. Conclusions and Future Directions

of information security. The current study has alluded to initial findings that the composition
and the background of board members influences ISG. Similar studies have been carried out
on the influence of boards of directors on corporate governance (Huse, 2008; Ittner &
Keusch, 2015; Kiel & Nicholson, 2003), therefore it would be important to undertake similar
studies to provide insights into the composition of boards of directors in driving better
governance of information security, especially in the areas of strategic business alignment
and risk management.

This research on the development of an ISG process model has also been done on case
study organisations in Singapore and Malaysia, where the PDI is high. Future research could
be done to expand to case study organisations located in lower PDI countries such as
Australia, the UK and the USA. Such research would help to identify the reasons behind the
compliance-driven nature of ISG in different countries, the differing emphasis on
compliance versus risk management and the decision-making ability of management and
operational stakeholders. In addition, similar research in differing PDI countries could help
validate the general applicability of various existing frameworks and models that have been
developed based on research in Western countries, which generally have lower PDIs.

This research focused on the governance of information security which involves the
processes that have been identified to cover “direct”, ”monitor”, ”evaluate”,
“communicate” and “assure”. The proposed ISG process model shows that the “governing
body” which comprises of the “strategic - board” and “strategic - executive” is responsible
for the governance of information security while the “management” is responsible for the
management of the information security. The ISG process model identifies the processes
and sub-processes to be undertaken by the “governing body” in governing information
security with the aim of making it simpler to operationalise ISG. The operations of the
information security which is undertaken by the operational team as identified in von Solms
(2006) is not shown in the proposed ISG process model as the focus of this research has
been on ISG. A future research is recommended to extend the study to cover the
management and operational aspects of ISG which are the responsibilities of the middle and
lower management/administration (von Solms & von Solms, 2006). This future research can

A Process Model to Improve ISG in Organisations 278

Chapter 8. Conclusions and Future Directions

study the relationships between governance, management and operations of information


ISG is an important topic that continues to gain prominence in both academic research and
practice as organisations continue to look for ways to govern information security, as
information security risk is recognised as one of the key risks in the digital economy. The
proposed future research in various areas of ISG would collectively contribute to both
theory and practice in understanding the approaches to designing ISG processes that help
improve ISG in organisations.

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Appendix A

Appendix A: Ethics Approval

Ethics approval from Human Ethics Advisory Group (HEAG) – Ethics ID: 1749890

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Appendix A

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Appendix B

Appendix B: Invitation Letter, Plain Language Statement & Consent


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Appendix B

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Appendix B

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Appendix B

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Appendix B

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Appendix C

Appendix C: Interview Guide

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Appendix C

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Appendix C

A Process Model to Improve ISG in Organisations 305

Appendix C

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Appendix C

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Appendix C

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Appendix C

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Appendix C

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Appendix C

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Appendix C

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Appendix C

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