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Kelas X Pat Bahasa Inggris Ganjil 2022

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Kelas : X MIA & IIS

Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris
Hari/Tanggal : ____________________
Waktu : 90 Menit


A. Answer the question below with crossing the A, B, C, D or E

This dialogue for question number 1 to 3 10. This is my friend. …… name is Shadrach Beryl. …… is
from Australia. We can call …… Beryl.
Teacher : Students, ……… , please!
a. He – his – him. d. His – he – him.
Students : Yes, Sir.
b. He – him – his. e. His – him – he.
Teacher : There is a new student in this class and she
c. Him – he – his.
will introduce ……….2 to you all. Rania,
11. Arrange this sentence into a good order.
please introduce yourself.
With – play – my – we – toys – to – like – new.
Rania : Hi everyone ………………………...3. My 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
name is Brianna Sofia Aliza. You can call
a. 4 – 2 – 6 – 7 – 1 – 3 – 8 – 5
me Rania.
b. 4 – 2 – 6 – 1 – 3 – 8 – 7 – 5
1. ………… c. 4 – 7 – 3 – 8 – 5 – 6 – 1 – 2
a. Talk. d. Shut. d. 4 – 7 – 6 – 2 – 1 – 3 – 8 – 5
b. Come. e. Attention. e. 4 – 7 – 6 – 2 – 1 – 3 – 5 – 8
c. Hi. 12. Here are things that everyone uses when they want to
2. ………… introduce their selves in a new place or situation, except….
a. Myself. d. Herself. a. Boy/girlfriend. d. Address.
b. Yourself. e. Himself. b. Name. e. Age.
c. Their selves. c. Origin.
3. …………
The dialogue is for the question number 13 to 15
a. Can you introduce me? d. Can I introduce meself?
b. I am Raina. e. Please introduce myself. Devin : Everybody is talking about you.
c. Let me introduce myself. Stella : Why? Did I do something wrong?
Devin : Nope. You did a spectacular performance on students’ got
4. Andre : Where are you from, Brandon?
talent yesterday.
Brandon : I …… from Denver, Colorado. Stella : Oh, maybe I was just lucky.
a. Do. d. Live. Devin : Come on Stel, ………… 13 Everyone admires you.
b. Am. e. Left. Stella : I’m little bit shy actually, but thanks.
c. Come.
13. What is the best answer to fill the blank?
5. You have a new friend. His name is Sean. You want to
a. Be happy. d. Be the champion.
introduce him to your fellow. What will you say?
b. You are not lucky. e. Keep spirit.
a. Hi everyone, I want to introduce you to a friend of
c. You did an incredible job.
mine. This is Sean.
14. From the text, we know that Devin is……
b. Hi fellas, my name is Sean.
a. Introduce himself. d. He did something wrong.
c. Hello everybody, let me introduce myself. I am Sean.
b. Congratulate Stella. e. Complimenting Stella.
d. Hi fellas, nice to meet you.
c. Giving congratulation.
e. Hey dude, can I introduce myself?
15. The following statements are true, except……
6. Alina is a new student in the class. Everybody likes……
a. Devin likes Stella performance.
a. She. d. Him.
b. Stella did something wrong.
b. He. e. His.
c. Stella felt that she was lucky at that time.
c. Her.
d. Devin admires Stella.
7. Reva : Do you see Lily and Sandra?
e. Everybody compliments stella’s talent.
You : Yes, I see ……. at the Doughnut café.
a. Them. d. She The dialogue is for question number 16 to 18
b. Her. e. They. Vika : What is this?
c. Us. Travis : This is my artwork. It’s a picture of my village.
8. Chava : What do you think about Ms. Celine? Vika : You are such a superb painter. You can figure
Illa : I think she is really great. She always patient to out the portrait of your village.
teach …… in the class. Travis : …………………………
a. We. d. Them.
b. Us. e. Our. 16. ……………
c. They. a. Thank you for the appreciation.
9. You : I dropped …. pen on the floor, can you please b. Really? I don’t think that’s a good idea.
put …. on the table? c. I know.
a. Me – it. d. My – me. d. I need your compliment.
b. Your – me. e. My – It. e. Don’t mention it.
c. Your – them.
17. From the dialogue above, we know that……….
a. Vika painted the picture of village. a. Foreign tourist. d. The money.
b. Travis has the ability in painting. b. Domestic tourist. e. The accommodation.
c. Travis painted someone. c. Borobudur temple.
d. Vika doesn’t like Travis’ artwork. The dialogue is for question number 26 to 2
e. Travis works as the artist.
18. “You are such a superb painter”. Dear ladies and gentlemen,
The underlined word has the same meaning with…… Welcome to flight A210 F destined for Surabaya – Abu
Dhabi. We are currently in second line and will be taking off in
a. Bad. d. Cool. eight minutes. We ask you to fasten your seat belt now and secure
b. Common. e. Mediocre. your belongings under the seat or upper trunk. We also ask that
c. Fabulous. your chair and table be in an upright position.
19. Jordan : What are you going to do this weekend? Turn off all personal electronic devices, including laptops and
Hazel : I already have a plan for this weekend. I and cell phones. Smoking is prohibited during the flight. Thank you
my family ……… do a barbeque party at house. for choosing Garuda Indonesia
a. Will. d. Are going to.
26. Where will you find this announcement?
b. Will not e. Am going to.
a. Bus stop. d. Airport.
c. Is going to.
b. Show room. e. Harbour.
20. Erna : Hy Justin, what’s wrong?
c. Train station.
Justin : I lost my phone. I remember I already put it in
27. To whom the announcement is addressed to?
my pocket.
a. To the tourist. d. To the pilot.
Erna : Oh, I’m sorry to hear that. I …… help you to
b. To citizen. e. To the passengers.
find it.
c. To the flight A21o.
a. Am going to. d. Will be.
28. Below are the things that were asked to be done, except……
b. Is going to. e. Will.
a. They asked to fasten the seat belt.
c. Are going to.
b. They asked to prepare their money.
The dialogue is for question number 21 to 25 c. They asked to secure their belongings.
d. They asked to turn off the personal electronic devices.
Borobudur temple is one of the most beautiful tourist
e. They mustn’t smoke during the flight.
resorts in Indonesia. It is situated in central Java. Borobudur
temple is one of the seven wonders of the world which needs to 29. What is the matter with the flight?
be preserved its circumstances. The people all over the world a. The flight will be taken off.
know that Borobudur is one of the greatest art works that ever b. The flight will be landed.
known since long time ago. c. The flight is cancelled.
Borobudur temple was built by Syailendra Dynasty during d. The flight got delayed.
the eighth century. It needed more than two million river stones. e. The flight will stop.
It is the biggest temple in the world. 30. “We ask you to fasten your…” (p. 1)
After going into some restorations, Borobudur is visited
The underlined word has the similar meaning to……
by more and more tourists, both domestic and foreign tourists.
Most of them admire Borobudur temple because of its beauty,
a. Release. d. Remove.
its elegance and the story of the relief on its walls. b. Loosen. e. Broken.
Domestic tourists usually go there by bus or private cars, c. Tighten.
while foreign tourists like to join travel bureau because they
don’t need to think of the transportation, accommodation, and B. Answer the question carefully!
itinerary. There are some money changers around the location.
31. Make a short paragraph about introducing your chair mate
It makes them easier to change their money. But some of them
like to bring credit cards and checks. including:
 Name. • Place and date of birth
21. What is the text about?  Origin. • Age.
a. The historical building.  Address.
b. The explanation of Borobudur temple. 32. Your friend has just won a 300 metres marathon. Give
c. The tourist attraction. your expressions!
d. The seven wonders of the world. 33. Felicia ………… (visit) her grandma next week.
e. The description of Borobudur temple. (-)
22. What is the main idea of paragraph 2? (?)
a. The beautifulness of Borobudur temple. 34. Translate this announcement into Bahasa!
b. Borobudur as the tourist (local and foreign) attraction. Attention! For students who are interested in playing badminton,
please meet Mr. Sule Sulistyawan in the sports room after school
c. The direction to go to Borobudur temple.
to be included in the Klaten regency anniversary competition.
d. The short history about Borobudur temple. Sport teacher,
e. The circumstance in Borobudur temple.
23. Why did Borobudur temple become the seven wonders of Mr. Andrew White.
the world?
a. Because it is situated in Central Java. 35. Arrange this sentence into a good paragraph.
b. Because tourists don’t need to go there by car. a. Data showed that Indonesia has several ethnic groups
c. Because of its beauty, elegance, and the story of the including Javanese, Sundanese, and other with more
relief on the wall. than 700 recognized regional language.
d. Because the transportation and the accommodation are b. Also called as Nusantara, this country has more than
easy. 17,000 islands.
e. Because it is the biggest temple. c. Indonesia or commonly known as Republic of
24. How does the local tourist can reach the Borobudur Indonesia is one of South East Asia countries.
temple? d. Having more than 261 million people, Indonesia
a. By plane. d. By foot. becomes 4th most populous country in the world.
b. By car or bus. e. None of the answer true. e. Located between Pacific and Indian Ocean, it makes
c. Join the travel agency. Indonesia the world’s largest archipelago country.
25. “But some of them like to bring credit cards and checks.” (Last f. Indonesia has more ethnics, languages and culture than
sentence). other countries.
The underlined word refers to………

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