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Buddhism and Jainism

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Buddhism and Jainism

Buddhism and Jainism

• During later Vedic period (around 500BC) these two religion
came up with new philosophies
Cause of origin-
• Expensive and complicated Vedic rituals, superstitious beliefs,
mantra confused the people.
• Highly philosophical teaching, not understood by all.
• Rigid caste system
• Supremacy of Brahminas
• The founder of Buddhism Siddharth Gautam asked his followers
to choose Madhyam Marg or Middle path.
• Life of Buddha-
Born in- 563 BC on the vaishakha Purnima day at Lumbini, Kapilvastu,
Also known as Sakya Muni and Tathagata
Father- Siddhodhana Mother- Mayadevi
Step mother- Gautami
Wife- Yashodhana Son- Rahul
Teacher- Alarakama and Udraka Ramputra
At the age of 29 he left his house with channa, the charioters and his horse
Khanthak. Attain Nirvana at the age of 35 at Gaya on the bank of
Niranjanana river.
Great events of Buddha’s Life

0 (Born) Lumbini Birth Jati Lotus and Bull

29 Lumbini The great Mahabhisniskraman Horse
35 Gaya Enlightment Nirvana Bodhi tree
35 Sarnath First Sermon Dharmachakara Wheel
80 Kushinagar Death Mahapari-nirvana Stupa

Pushyamitra Shunga and King Shashanka cut down the Bodhi tree in the 2nd
century BC, and in 600 AD.
Literary sources
• Tripitaka ( Three baskets of Buddhist scripture)
1. Suttapitaka- Sutras related to Buddha (teaching of Buddha dharma)
It is divided into five Nikayas - 1. Digha 2. Majjhima 3. Samyutta 4.
Anguttra 5. Khuddaka
1. Vinayapitaka- Monastic rule
2. Abhidhampitaka- Doctrine and Philosophy of Buddhism
• Jataka folklores ( stories related to birth of Buddha)/ Sadok (in
Chinese).they are 500 in numbers.
• Kutagarashaha ( Hut with a pointed roof) a place where intellectual
debates amongs Buddhist mendicates took place)
• Milindapanha ( questions of Milinda (Greek king) and answers of
Buddha monk Nagasena)
• Early Buddhist sculptors did not show Buddha in human form, these
shows the Buddha’s presence in empty seat, wheel, tree and stupas
• Jewels of Buddhism Buddha (enlightment), Dhamma
(doctrine) and Sangha (Triratna).
• 4 Nobel truth-
1. Life is full of misery
2. Desire is the cause of misery.
3. Killing desires would kill sorrow
4. Desire can be concurred by following the 8 path ( Astangika
Right belief, right thought, Right speech, Right action, Right
Living, Right effort, Right recollection, Right meditation.
Important Buddhist scholars

• Alara Kalama- The first teacher of Buddha.

• Uddaka Ramaputta- second teacher of Buddha.
• Moggaliputta Tissa- Launched Ashoka’s Dhamma campaign
• Asvagosha- Wrote Buddhacharitra and Sanskrit drama
Sariputra Prakran ( Sriputra the disciple of Buddha).
• Nagarjuna- Founded Madhyamik school of Mahayana Buddhism
gave theory of ‘Sunyavad’ (emptiness) and important work
including Mulamadhayamakarika.
• Buddhagosha- Most important commentator of Theravada,
important work is Visuddimarga.
• Dharmakriti- also known as Kant of India, Teacher at Nalanda
Council Venue Chairman Patron outcome
483 BC (1st Sattapani cave Mahakassapa Ajatshatru Teaching of Buddha is divided
council) at Rajgriha into 2 pitak. Suttapitak and
Anand and Upali)
383BC (2nd Vaishali Sabbakami Kalashoka Followers divided- Sthaviras and
council) Mahasanghikas

250BC (3rd Pataliputra Mogaliputta Ashoka Compilation of

council) Tissa Abhidamapittaka
(Tripitak was coded in Pali
72AD (4th Kashmir Vasumitra (vc- Kanishka Division of Bhuddhism into
council) Aswaghosa) Hinyana and Mahayana
Schools of Buddhism

• Mahayana Buddhism- means Great Vehicle.

• Originated in North India and then spread east into central Asia, East
Asia and some part of South Asia.(China, Korea, Japan etc)
• Salvation through grace and help of Buddha.
• Worship of Buddha in idol form and believed that Buddha will
born again.
• Language- Sanskrit
• Two subjects of Mahayana- 1. Madhyamika/ sunyavaad (founder-
2. Yogachar/ Vijnanavada ( founder- Maitreyanath)
• Hinayana Buddhism- means lesser vehicle or defective vehicle.
• It is also known as ‘Southern Buddhist religion’ ( Shri Lanka, Myanmar,
Thiland etc)
• Believes in the original teaching of Buddha
• Individual salvation through self- discipline and meditation.
• Buddha will never reborn and did not believe in idol worship.
• Buddha was an intellectual not a god.
• Language- Pali
• Subject- Vaibhasika and Sautantrika
1. Vajrapani- like Indra, Thunderbolt-bearing Bodhisattva
2. Avalokiteshvara- It is also known as Guanyin, which also means “Perceiver of all
sounds” and Padmapani ( the lotus bearer), kind hearted.
3. Maitreya- Bodhisattva of the Future (A popular representation of the Maitreya
Boddhisattva is the Laughing Buddha. It is said to be an incarnation of Maitreya)
4. Manjushri- Bodhisattva of Wisdom
5. Samantabhadra- Bodhisattva of Practice and Meditation
6. Ksitigarbha- Bodhisattva of Mortals
7. Amitabha- Buddha of heaven
Buddhist universities Place Founder

Nalanda Bihar Kumargupta 1 (Gupta

Odantpuri Bihar Gopala ( pal dynasty)

Vikramshila Bihar Dharampala ( Pal)

Jagadal Bengal Rampala

somapuri Bengal Dharampala

Vallabhi Gujarat Bhattarka ( Maitrak Ruler)

1. In which place Gautama Buddha delivered his first sermon?
A. Kushinagar
B. Sarnath (Banaras)
C. Patliputra
D. Rajgir

2. Which among the following is the great Buddhist work consisting of dialogues
between the Indo-Greek King Menander and the Buddhist philosopher Nagasena?
A. Milinda Panha
B. Arthsashtra
C. Jataka
D. Kumarasambhava

3. The language adopted for preaching In Mahayana Buddhism was

A. Pali
B. Brahmi
C. Sanskrit
D. Prakrit
4. Who among the following was associated with the formulation of the basic
ideas of the Mahayana Buddhism?
a) Nagarjuna
b) Kashyapa Matanga
c) Menander
d) Kanishka

5. Where did Buddha attain Parnirvana

a) Bodh Gaya
b) Kushinagar
c) Rajgriha
d) Vaisali
6. What is the literal meaning of "Buddha"?
a) Awakened One
b) The Enlightenment One
c) Sanyasi
d) Both A & B

7. Who among the following king was cut down the Bodhi tree in
the 2nd century BC, and in 600 AD?
a) Pushyamitra Shunga and King Shashanka
b) Ashoka and Shishupala
c) Bimbisara and Bindusara
d) Jarasand and Ajatshatru
8. Regarding Buddhism, choose the correct statement.
1. Attainment of salvation or Nirvana is main goal of Buddhism.
2. The Sutta Pitaka, the Vinaya Pitaka and the Abhidhamma Pitaka
collectively are called as Tripitakas.
3. Hinayana sought the salvation of all through the grace and help of Buddha
and Bodhisattvas.
4. Mahayana Sect sought salvation through self-discipline and meditation.
a) Only 1 and 2
b) Only 3 and 4
c) All of the above
d) None
9. Match the following.
List-I (Term) List-II (Meaning/ Explanation)
A. Abhidhamma Pitak 1. Matters of doctrine and ethics
B. Sutta Pitaka 2. Rules of Monk order
C. Vinaya Pitaka 3. Members of great community
D. Mahasanghika 4. Matters of psychology and metaphysics

a)A-1 B-2 C-3 D-4

b)A-4 B-1 C-2 D-3
c)A-3 B-4 C-1 D-2
d)A-2 B-3 C-4 D-1
10. Consider the following statements regarding the first Buddhist Council.
1. Anand and Upali laid down the Sutta Pitaka and Vinaya Pitaka
2. Its proceedings were conducted in Sanskrit.
3. It was held during the lifetime of Buddha.
4. Its main purpose was to maintain the purity of Buddha's teachings.
Which of the statements given are correct?
a)All of the above
b)1 and 2
c)1 and 4
d)1, 2 and 3
11. List-I (Event Related to Buddha) List-II (Place)
A. Birth of Buddha 1. Bodh Gaya
B. Enlightenment 2. Lumbini
C. First sermon 3. Kushinagar(kasia)
D. Death of Buddha 4. Sarnath
5. Rajgriha
a)A-2 B-1 C-4 D-3
b)A-4 C-3 B-2 D-1
c)A-1 B-2 C-3 D-4
d)A-3 B-4 C-1 D-2
According to Jain tradition there were 24 Thirthankaras and all were
Rishabhadeva ( Adinatha ) was the first Thirthankara and Mahavira
was the last 24th Thirthankara of Jainism.
The name of two Jain Tirthankaras Rishabhadeva and Arishtanemi
(22nd) are found in Rigveda.
Early 22 thirthankaras is ambiguous. Proof of only the last two
Parshwanath (23rd) and Mahavira (24th ).
How is Jainism different from Buddhism?
• Jainism believed in transmigration of soul i.e.
reincarnation while Buddhism does not.
• Buddha prescribed the middle path while Jainism advocates
his followers to even completely discard the clothes i.e. life of
S. no. Name Symbol

1. Rishabha Dev Bull

2. Mallinath waterpot

3. Parshavanath Snake

4. Vardhaman Mahavira Lion

Vardhaman Mahavira
• Born in- 599 BC in Kundagram near Vaishali, Bihar.
• Father- Siddhartha
• Mother- Trishala ( Sister of Lichhavi prince Chetaka)
• Wife- Yasoda
• Daughter- Priyadarsena ( whose husband Jamali became his 1st disciple).
• He belonged to Jnatrika clan and was connected to the royal family of
• At the age of 30 he renounced his home and became an ascetic and after 13
year outside the town of Jumbikagrama on the bank of Rajapaksa river
under the saal tree in Bihar he attained the kaivalya.
• He is also known as Kaivalya, Jina, Nirgrantha, Kevlin and Jitendra.
• At the age of 72 he died at Pavapuri ( Patna) in 527 BC
• He was accompanied by Makkhali Gosala, but later due to some difference Gosala left
him and founded Ajivika sect.
Teaching of Jainism-
• Mahavira rejected Vedic principles and not believe in god’s existence.
• Two elements of the world – Jiva (conscious) and Atma (Unconscious).
Doctrines of Jainism (Triratna)
1. Samyak sadhana ( Right Faith)
2. Samyak Gyan ( Right knowledge)
3. Samyak Karma ( Right action)
• Anekantavada ( different aspects of truth) and Syadvada (probability)
philosophy is related to Jainism
• First sermon- Vipulachala ( Rajgraha)
• Sacred book- Siddhanta or Agama
• Language- Prakrit (Ardha Magadhi)
• Five vows of Jainism- Ahinsa ( non violence), Satya ( non- lying), Asteya (
non- stealing), Aparigraha ( non- possession), Brahmacharya ( Chastity).
Sects of Jainism (split of Jainism into two sects 300BC)

Digmbara Swetambara
• Sky clad (Monks of this sect believe in • White clad
complete nudity. Male monks do not
wear clothes while female monks wear • Follow only 4 vows (except
unstitched plain white sarees).
• Believe women cannot achieve
liberation. • Believe women can achieve
• Follow all five vows (Satya, Ahimsa, liberation.
Asteya, Aparigraha and
Brahmacharya). • Follwers of Sthulabhadra (North
• Followers of Bhadrabahu ( south India)
• Main followers- Chandra Gupta
Jain Council-

•First Jain Council

• Held at Patliputra in 3rd Century B.C. and
was presided by Sthulbhadra.
• Ruler- Chandra Gupta Maurya
• Compilation of 12 Angas

•Second Jain Council

• Held at Vallabhi in 512 A.D. and was
presided by Devardhi Kshmasramana.
• Final Compilations of 12 Angas and 12
Types of Jain Architecture:Layana/Gumphas (Caves)

• Ellora Caves - Maharashtra

• Mangi Tungi Cave- Maharashtra
• Gajapantha Cave- Maharashtra
• Udayagiri-Khandagiri Caves- Odisha
• Hathi-gumpha Cave- Odisha related to King Kharvela
• Sittanavasal Cave- Tamil Nadu
• Jianalaya (Temple)
• Dilwara Temple- Mount Abu, Rajasthan
• Girnar and Palitana Temple- Gujarat
• Muktagiri Temple- Maharashtra
• Pavapuri temple and Rajagriha- Bihar
• Statue of Gometeshwar/ Bahubali- Sharavanbelgona ( Karnataka)
Jain text-(total 12 Angas)
1. Bhagwati sutra composed by Sudharmaswami ( Svetambara school).
2. Kalpsutra written by Bhadrabahu (biography of jain trithankaras)
3. Acharanga sutra oldest sutra of Jainism
1. Anekantavada is a core theory and philosophy of which one of the following?
(a) Buddhism
(b) Jainism
(c) Sikhism
(d) Vaishnavism

2. Which one of the following describes best the concept of Nirvana in Buddhism?
(a) The extinction of the flame of desire
(b) The complete annihilation of self
(c) A state of bliss and rest
(d) A mental stage beyond all comprehension
3. Consider the following statements relating to jain literature:
a) The sacred books of the Jains are known as Siddhanta or Agama.
b) The language of the earliest jain text is eastern dialects of Pali known as
Ardha Magadhi.
Which of the statements given above is/ are true
a) 1 only
b) 2 only
c) Both 1 and 2
d) Neither 1 nor 2
Ques4. Jain Kalpsutra was written by
a) Katyayan
b) Budhhaghosha
c) Nagsena
d) Bhadrabahu

5. Who among the following was a contemporary of Gautam

a) Nagarjuna
b) Kanishka
c) Mahavir
d) Kautliya
6. Which of the following systems of Indian Philosophy uphold the ideology
of Charvakism, Ajivika, Jainism and Buddhism
a) Orthodox System of Indian Philosophy
b) Unorthodox System of Indian Philosophy
c) Both A and B
d) None of the above
7. Match the following.
List-I (Tirthankaras) List-II (Symbol)
A. Rishabha 1. Bull
B. Ajitnath 2. Elephant
C. Sambhunath 3. Horse
D. Neminath 4. Blue Lotus

a)A-1 B-2 C-3 D-4

b)A-2 B-1 C-3 D-4
c)A-3 B-2 C-4 D-1
d)A-3 B-1 C-2 D-4
8. The first Jain assembly was organized at -
a) Patliputra
b) Vaishali
c) Rajgrih
d) Vallavi

9. What is considered the most important fundamental principle of Jainism?

a) Karma
b) Non-violence
c) Dispassion (Virag)
d) Loyalty
10. Consider the following:
1. Deification of the Buddha
2. Treading the path of Bodhisattvas
3. Image worship and rituals
Which of the above is/are the feature/ features of Mahayana Buddhism?
1 only
1 and 2 only
2 and 3 only
1, 2 and 3
Rise of Magadha Empire

Causes of the rise of Magadh-

• Strategic geography ( abundance of iron, alluvial soil etc)
• Greater uses of elephant.
• Powerful rulers like Bimbisar and Ajatshatru.

Important dynasties of Magadh empire-

Haryaka, Shishunag, Nand, Maurya, Sung, Karnva and Andhra Satvahana
Brihadratha was the earliest known king of Magadh his son Jarashanda was
killed by Bhim.
Haryaka Dynasty- (544 BC- 412BC)
1. Bimbisara- (542BC- 493BC)
• Founder of Haryaka dynasty
• Capital- Rajgraha
• Also known as shrenika/ Seniya ( because of his largest standing army)
• Contemporary of Buddha and Mahaveer.
• He had 3 wives- (started matrimonial alliances)
1. Kausala devi (sister of Prasenjit)
2. chellana- Daughter of Lichivi King Chetaka who was the brother of Trisla.
3. Khema- daughter of Punjab king Madra.
• On the request of King Pradyota he sent his royal physician Jivaka to
• He was killed by his son Ajatshatru
Ajatshatru- (492- 460)-
• Son of Lichavi princess Chellana.
• Contemporary of Buddha.
• He annexed Kashi, Kosala, Vijji and Vaishali.
• He had organised first Buddhist council in 483 BC.
• He built the city of Patliputra (Patna) on the bank of Ganga and Son river
in 490 BCE. It is Situated at the confluence of the Ganges, Gandhaka, and
Son rivers, Pataliputra formed a "water fort or jaldurga".

Udayin (460- 444 BC)-

• He shifted his capital to Pataliputra from Rajagraha near the confluence of
the Ganga and Son at Patna.
• He built a fort at the confluence of Ganga and Son river in Patliputra
• Nagadasaka was the last ruler of Haryaka dynasty over thrown by
Shishunaga of Naga dynasty
Shishunaga Dynasty
• He shifted his capital to Vaishali from Patliputra.
Kalashok (Kakvarna)-
• Shifted capital to Pataliputra from Vaishali.
• Arranged 2nd Buddhist council in 383 BC
• Nandhivardhan son of Kalashok was the last ruler of this dynasty.

Nanda Dynasty-
Mahapadma Nanda-
Founder of Nanda dynasty
Also known as Ekrat and Ugrasena, considered as the first non- Kshatriya
He is described in the puranas as the destroyer of Khatriya and as the second
Parshurama ( Sarvaksatranka)
He is also known as ‘the first empire builder of Indian History’
• Last ruler of Nanda dynasty
• At the time of his ruling period Alexander invaded India in 326 BC.
• Dhanand was killed by Chankya with the help of his disciple Chandra Gupta Maurya.

Alexander Invasion- (327 BC- 325BC)

Born in- 356 BC in pella , Macedonia
In 326 BC he invaded India after crossing the river Indus and invaded towards Taxila ( King
Battle of Hydaspes – between Alexander and Porus (on the bank of Jhelum river).
At the bank of Beas river (Hyphasis) the troop of Alexander stopped.
When asked by Alexander how he wished to be treated, Porus replied "Treat me as a king
would treat another king". Impressed, Alexander indeed treated him like a king, allowing
him to retain his lands
He remained in India for 19 month
He died in 323 BC at Babylon ( Mesopotamia)
1. Who was the first Indian King started the matrimonial alliances to strengthen his power?
A. Ajatashatru
B. Bimbisara
C. Shishunagas
D. Dhananada

2. Which one of the following rivers in India was not crossed by Alexander and his Army?
A. Hyphasis
B. Hydaspes
C. Hydraotes
D. Acesines
3. Which of the following ruler shifted his capital to Vaishali from Patliputra
A. Udayin
B. Sishunaga
C. Ajatshatru
D. Mahapadmanand

4. Which dynasty ruled over ‘Magadha’ after Mauryan Dynasty?

A. Satavahan
B. Shunga
C. Nanda
D. Kanva
5. Who built the fort upon the confluence of ganga and son?
A. Udayin
B. Ajatshatru
C. Kalashoka
D. Bimbisara

6. Who built the city of Patliputra on the bank of Ganga and Son river in
490 BCE?
A. Kalashoka
B. Bimbisara
C. Ajatshatru
D. Udayin

7. Which of the following ruler is not a contemporary of Lord Buddha

A. Ajatshatru
B. Bimbisara
C. Udyin
D. Udayana

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