LRMS Accomplishment Report
LRMS Accomplishment Report
LRMS Accomplishment Report
Department of Education
Region XI
Schools Division of the Island Garden City of Samal
Organization of School LR Team Organize teachers into development Organized School Hesitant to accept responsibility Attend
● Writers, Illustrators, Layout Artists, In- team Learning Resource Team for lack of knowledge seminars/trainings/workshops
House Editors Request TA from the Division
● LR Evaluators LRM
Development of LR's 2nd grading 3/15 LR's were developed Overlapping of activities Priority management
Development of contextualized LRs:
period of S.Y 2019-2020:Math; 3rd (Regional Entry for BE, WINS,
a. Text-based
grading- English; 4th grading- ISNM and GPP Provincial Level)
b. Digitized
Trial of Math LR's - 2nd grading Deferred Overlapping of activities Priority management
Review by LRMDS committee- 3rd Teachers need technical assistance Attend
Quality Assurance of LRs grading for QA tools seminars/trainings/workshops
Improve/re-write materials based on Request TA from the Division
the findings LRM
Distribution and Utilization of the Production of pilot set of materials- Deferred Lack of funds for reproduction Funds allocation for reproduction
Developed and Contextualized LRs 4th grading
Rehabilitation of school library Deferred Lack of funds Funds allocation for school library
SLRC/Library Activities
As of December 7, 2020