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Clause and Sentence Grammar 3

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Definition of Clause
In the Oxford dictionary it is stated that clause is ‘Group of words that contain
a subject and a verb. So it can be concluded that the clause is a group of words
consisting of subjects (subject) and predicate (according to the grammar) (the
existence of finite verb). Clause and phrase are two different things, because the
phrase is a group of words that are justified (in accordance) with grammar, but
does not contain the subject and predicate (does not contain finite verb). In
general, a clause is a collection of words that contain the subject and verb. Don't
compare Phrases and Clauses. They are similar but have different structures and

subject predicate
she Cooks
Sarah is sleeping
The clause itself is divided into 2 parts, namely:
 Independent Clause
 Dependent Clause (Subordinate Clause)

B. The Function of Clause

The clause has an important role in the composition of English grammar.
Without a clause, we cannot make a sentence that has meaning. The clause also
serves to provide additional information or descriptions on a sentence. That way,
the clause can make the composition of a sentence more diverse and complex.
Now we will study the two types of clause that we have mentioned.

1. Independent clause
Main clause or often called the independent clause means language that
can stand alone. The main clause consists of a subject and predicate that can be
understood (Independent). Keep in mind that the name clause has no final
punctuation, whereas if the sentence has a final punctuation, the name is sentence.
Next we will give a few examples of main clause (Independent clause).
Independent Clause Arti
The baby crawls Bayinya merangkak
The ball rolls Bolanya terguling
We prayed Kita berdoa
The team won Timnya menang
Their oven broke Oven mereka rusak
The audience clapped Para penonton bertepuk tangan
The clowns fell Badut-badutnya jatuh
He begged Dia memohon
Our cat played Kucing kami telah bermain
She listened Dia mendengarkan
English clauses can also be combined with other independent clauses to
form sentence compounds where the two clauses are combined with

 coordinate conjunction (for, and, nor, but, or, yet, so)

 only semicolon (semicolon), or
 adverbial conjunction (however, rather, therefore, etc.)

2. Dependent Clause
Dependent clauses contain subject and predicate but cannot express a
whole mind because this clause begins with a word called subordinator, which
causes the meaning of the clause to hang. This English clause must be connected
or incorporated into an independent clause (as a main clause) into a type of
sentence called complex sentence to make it a "make sense" or fully understand
its meaning.
Please note that the dependent clause is also divided into

3, namely Noun Clause, Adjective Clause and Adverb Clause. Let us discuss one
by one so that we understand the functions they have and also study the correct
use for each clause.
Macam Rumus dan Contoh Dependent Clause
subordinate conjunction (after, because, since, when, although,
because, …) + S +V +/- …
You were sleeping when she arrived.
adverbial (Dia tiba ketika kamu sedang tertidur.)

Adverbial clause memberi informasi mengenai verb “were

 relative pronoun (who, which, whose, whom, that, …-ever)
+/- S + V +/- …

 relative adverb (why, where, when) + S + V +/- …

I like the book that you just read.
(Saya suka buku yang baru kamu baca.)


Adjective clause menerangkan noun (direct object “book”).

question word (what, who, whose, whom, which, when, where,
how, …-ever) / if/weather / that + S + V +/- …
I listened carefully to what she said.
noun clause (Saya mendengarkan dengan cermat dengan apa yang dia katakan.)

Keterangan: Noun clause berperan sebagai noun (object of

preposition “to”).

1. Noun Clause
If there is a dependent clause that functions as a noun in a sentence, it is
called a noun clause. Noun clause can be a subject, object or predicate in a
sentence. The Noun clause will begin with the words who, who, whoever,
whomever, what, whatever and that.
Consider a few examples of sentences below that indicate the noun clause
as a subject or object. The subject and object in the sentence we have already

Noun Clause

Whatever I study will help me in my career (Apapun yang aku Noun clause as
pelajari akan membantu dalam karirku). subject

Whomever knows you is a lucky person (Siapapun yang kenal Noun clause as
kamu adalah orang yang beruntung). subject

Whoever made this statue must be very skilled (Siapapun Noun clause as
yang membuat patung ini pasti sangat ahli). subject
She said that we must type all the dialogues (Dia mengatakan Noun clause as
kalau kita harus mengetik semua dialognya). an object
I believe what the nurse recommended (Aku percaya apa yang Noun clause as
telah susternya sarankan). an object

2. Adjective Clause
Dependent clause that functions as an adjective in a sentence is called an
adjective clause. Just like adjective, adjective clause plays a role in describing
a noun or pronoun. The adjective clause begins with the words that, whom,
who, where, whose or which. Here are some examples of adjective clause with
the adjective clause that has been paralleled.

Adjective Clause Arti

The flowers which you gave me
Bunga yang kau berikan padaku harum.
smelled wonderful.
The bus stops at the street where I Busnya berhenti di jalan di mana aku
walk home. pulang dengan berjalan kaki.
You lent me the book that changed my Kau telah meminjamkan buku yang telah
life. merubah hidupku.
Ms. Berry who was sick now lives Nyonya Berry yang dulu sakit sekarang
with her family. tinggal dengan keluarganya.
Mereka telah menemuan orang yang
They found the person whom donated
telah mendonasikan banyak uang ke
a lot of money to the charity.
tempat amal.

3. Adverb Clause
Dependent clause that functions as adverb in a sentence is called adverb
clause. The adverb clause has the same function as adverb which is describing
verb, adjective or adverb in another sentence. He can provide additional
information about the frequency (how often), cause and effect, comparison or
condition. Some prefixes for adverb clause that can be used are unless, while,
since, although, provided that, since, after and as soon as

Adverb Clause HanyaArti

Unless you pay your debt, it will Kecuali kau membayar hutangmu, kau akan
be hard to sleep. sulit untuk tidur.
The police check the car while I Polisi memeriksa mobilnya sedangkan aku
look for my ID. mencari kartu identitasku.

The city is flooded since it has

Kotanya banjir sejak hujan terus berhari-hari.
rained for days.

Although I am not sick, I still take Walaupun aku tidak sakit, aku tetap minum
my vitamins. vitaminku.
We can travel abroad provided Kita bisa pergi ke luar negeri asalkan kita
that we work hard for the money. kerja keras untuk mengumpulkan uangnya.

Advance Grammar



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