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Practice Questions Lecture 23 To 45

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Practice Questions for Lecture No.

23 to 45

Question 1
Find the equation of the line that passes through the point (6, 7) and is perpendicular to line 2x + 3y = 8.
The line L can be written as
y = -2x/3 + 8/3.
So its slope is -2/3.
Slope of the line perpendicular to L is 3/2.
The equation of perpendicular line is
y - 7 = 3/2(x - 6)
Question 2
Find the slope of the line through the points (-5, -2) and (-6, 7).
rise y2 − y1 7 − (−2) 9
slope m = = = =
run x2 − x1 −6 + 5 −1

Question 3
Find slope of the line 6x – 8y = 26.
6 x − 8 y = 26
−8 y = −6 x + 26 .
y = x − 26 / 8
Slope is 6/8 or ¾.
Question 4
Find the point of intersection of the lines 2x + 3 y = 7 and 3x + 5y = 3.
To find the point of intersection we need (x, y) which lie on both the lines, i.e. which satisfy the two equations
simultaneously. We need to solve the equations simultaneously. Solving the equations simultaneously we get x =
26 and y = -15.
Question 5
Find the equation of the perpendicular bisector of the line joining the points A(2, 8) and B(6, 2).
Let M be the mid-point of AB. Then M(4,5)
Gradient of AB is (8 - 2)/(2-6) = 6/-4=-3/2 .

So slope of required line is 2/3 . Equation of required line is

y - 5 = 2/3(x - 4)
Question 6
Find the slope for the following graph:


rise y2 − y1
slope = m = =
run x2 − x1
−1 − 2 −3
= =
(6) − (−8) 14

Question 7
Find the center and radius of the given equation of circle:

( x + 5)2 + ( y − 3) 2 = 36.

The equation of a circle with center (h , k ) and radius r in standard form
( x − h) 2 + ( y − k ) 2 = r 2
 Comparing the given equation with standard form, we see that
( x − (−5)) 2 + ( y − (3)) 2 = 62
 The center is (−5, 3) and radius is 6.

Question 8
Are the lines 4x + 5 y = 6 and 5x − 4 y = 2 parallel, perpendicular, or neither?


y = mx + c ; where c = y1 − mx1
For Line:1 4 x + 5 y = 6
 5 y = −4 x + 6
4 6
 y =− x+
5 5
 slope = m1 = −
For Line:2 5 x − 4 y = 2
 − 4 y = −5 x + 2
5 2
 y = x−
4 4
 slope = m2 =
Two lines with gradients (slopes) m1 and m2 are perpendicular if m1 .m2 = -1, or m1 = − .
 4  5 
 m1 . m2 =  −   = −1
 5  4 
Question 9
Given the equations of the lines 3x + y = −4 and 3x + 3 y = 1 . Do these lines intersect? If they do, find the point
of intersection.
y = mx + c ; where c = y1 − mx1
For Line:1 3x + y = −4
 y = −3x − 4
 y = −3x − 4
 slope = m1 = −3
For Line:2 3x + 3 y = 1
 3 y = −3x + 1
 y = −x +
 slope = m2 = −1
Since these two lines have different gradients (slopes), they must intersect.
To find the point of intersection we need ( x, y ) which lie on both the lines,
i.e. which satisfy the two equations simultaneously.
We need to solve the equations simultaneously.
Solving the equations simultaneously we get x = -13/6 and y = 5/2
So the point of intersection is ( − 13 / 6,5 / 2).

Question 10

What is the domain and range of y = arcsin x and arccosx?

The domain of y = arcsin x is [-1,1]
Range of y = arcsin x = [-pi/2, pi/2]

Domain of y = arccos x = [-1,1]

Range of y = arccos x = [0, pi]

Question 11
Prove the Pythagorean Identities.


sin  2 sin 2 
( ) +1 = +1
cos  cos 2 
sin 2  + cos 2  1
= = = sec2 
cos 
cos 

cos 
Use cot  = and solve as above.
sin 

Question 12
Expand the sum and difference formula
Sin (A+B) and Sin (A-B)

Given in handouts
Question 13
Use trigonometric identities to prove that.
tan y
= sec y
sin y

tan y sin y 1 1
= . = = sec y
sin y cos y sin y cos y

Question 14

Without using the calculator, find arc sin in radians.

1   1
arc sin = since is the angle whose sine is .
2 4 4 2

Question 15

Without using the calculator, find the exact value of Cos 210o.

cos(210) = cos(180 + 30)
= cos180 cos 30 − sin180 sin 30
 3 1
= ( −1)   − ( 0 )  
 2  2
Question 16

Given that sin  =

, find all possible values of
 in the range -180 ≤ ≤ 180.

 = sin −1 ( ) = 60
Also, by using symmetry property:
sin(180 −  ) = sin( )  sin(180 − (−60)) = sin(240) to get 240 as a solution.

Note that 240 must be a solution but it does not lie in our range -180 ≤ ≤ 180.
Now use the periodic property: sin(240) = sin(240 - 360). So another solution is -120degrees.
All the solutions are  60 and 120 degrees.

Question 17

Verify that the following:

1 − tan 
= − tan  .
1 − cot 
1 − tan 
= − tan 
1 − cot 
1 − tan 
1 − cot 
sin 
= cos 
cos 
sin 
cos  − sin 
= cos 
sin  − cos 
sin 

cos  − sin  sin 

= 
cos  −(cos  − sin  )
sin 
cos 
1 + tan 
= − tan  = RHS ( verified )
1 + cot 
Question 18

Verify that cos 4 A = cos2 2 A − sin 2 2 A .


cos 4 A = cos(2 A + 2 A)
= cos 2 A cos 2 A − sin 2 A sin 2 A
= cos 2 2 A − sin 2 2 A (verified)

Question 19

Write the double angle formula for tan function.

tan 2A
tan A + tan A 2 tan A
tan 2 A = =
1 − tan A tan A 1 − tan 2 A
Question 20
Write and memorize Pythagorean identities.

Question 21

Without using calculator find the value of Cos 15o and Sin 15

Question 22
Prove that
cot  − tan 
= cos ec 2 − sec2 
sin  cos 

Question 23
If first and fourth term of arithmetic progression is the first two terms of a geometric progression then find the
common ratio of geometric progression.
Take first term of arithmetic progression as 'a' and d = 4/3a.
Question 24

Given that cos  = , find all possible values of  in the range 0 ≤  ≤ 360.

Question 25

If first and second term of arithmetic progression is 2s and 3/2s respectively, then find the 20th term.

Question 26

Find the first two terms in the expansion of (1 − 2 x)5 , in ascending powers of x.

Question 27
If a circle has center (4, 4) and touches the origin then find the equation of circle.

Question 28

Find the slope of the line which is passing through the points ( 3, − 1) and ( −2, − 3) .

Question 29

Find the slope of the given line 2x − 4 y = 10 .

Question 30

Are the lines x + 2 y = 10 and 6x − 3 y = 7 parallel, perpendicular, or neither?

Question 31

Without using the calculator, find the exact value of Cos 150o.

Question 32

Find the Relative frequencies for the frequency distribution given below:

X 30 - 39 40 -49 50 - 59 60 - 69 70 - 79 80 - 89
F 6 11 15 18 17 21

Question 33
Following is the group frequency distribution of 87 passengers. Find the arithmetic mean.

Class Interval No. Of Passengers

10-20 5
20-30 11
30-40 18
40-50 22
50-60 14
60-70 10
70-80 07

Question 34

Salary of an employee increased by 2%, 2.25%, and 3% in three consecutive years. What is the average growth
rate of salary?
Question 35

Find the mean, median, mode, and geometric mean of the following data.

16, 9, 7, 11, 8, 9, 16, 19, 14, 13, 17, 16

Question 36

Find the mean, mode and median of the given grouped data

Values Frequency

51 - 55 2

56 - 60 7

61 - 65 8

66 - 70 4

Question 37

Find the mean, mode and median of the given grouped data


150 - 154 5
155 - 159 2

160 - 164 6

165 - 169 8

170 - 174 9

175 - 179 11

180 - 184 6

185 - 189 3

Question 38

Give a five-number summary of the data. i.e., Minimum, First Quartile, Median, Third Quartile, and maximum

10, 19, 25, 17, 33, 29, 11, 40, 38, 15, 35

Question 39

Find mean absolute deviation and standard deviation for the following data
25, 22, 27, 29, 35, 39, 41, 37, 45, 51, 43

Question 40

If the mean is 285, the median is 330 and the mode is 340, then find that either the distribution positively
skewed, negatively skewed, or symmetrical? Give reason.
Question 41

Classify the following as qualitative or quantitative variables.

i. Weight measurements of students
ii. Race of the people of a country
iii. Liking or disliking of 1000 persons for a certain product
iv. Expenditure Government servants of a city
v. Color of eyes of 1000 persons

i. Quantitative
ii. Qualitative
iii. Qualitative
iv. Quantitative
v. Qualitative

Question 42

Define quantitative and qualitative variables.

Quantitative variable:
A variable is called a quantitative variable when a characteristic can be expressed numerically such as
age, weight, income or number of children.
Qualitative variable:
If the characteristic is non-numerical such as education, sex, eye-color, quality, intelligence, poverty,
satisfaction, etc. the variable is referred to as a qualitative variable. A qualitative characteristic is also called an

Question 43

Name five fields where statistics can contribute?

Business and industry
Health and medicine
Natural and social sciences
Natural resources
Education, Government media and law

Question 44

Find the Cumulative frequencies for the frequency distribution given below:

Output in tons 50 - 59 60 -69 70 - 79 80 - 89 90 - 99 100 - 109

f 3 11 19 28 20 15

Out put in tons f Frequency
50-59 3 3
60-69 11 14
70-79 19 33
80-89 28 61
90-99 20 81
100-109 15 96
Total 96 ….
Question 45

Following is an example of which type of graphs.

Question 46

If for a given date, frequency =15 and frequency density=0.3, then find the class width.
Frequency density= frequency/class width
Class width=frequency/frequency density=15/0.3=50

Question 47

Calculate the frequency density when class width = 6 and frequency=24

Frequency density= frequency/class width
Question 48

Find the frequency density for the distribution given below:

Class intervals 50 - 59 60 -69 70 - 79 80 - 89 90 - 99 100 - 109

f 4 11 18 28 22 15


Class intervals Class width f Frequency density

50-59 9 4 4 /9
60-69 9 11 11/9
70-79 9 18 18/9
80-89 9 28 28/9
90-99 9 22 22/9
100-109 9 15 15/9

Question 49

Find the Relative frequencies for the frequency distribution given below:

Output in tons 50 - 59 60 -69 70 - 79 80 - 89 90 - 99 100 - 109

f 15 12 10 28 25 10

Output in tons f Frequency
50-59 15 15/100=0.15
60-69 12 12/100=0.12
70-79 10 10/100=0.1
80-89 28 28/100=0.28
90-99 25 25/100=0.25
100-109 10 10/100=0.1
Total 100 ….

Question 50

Following is the group frequency distribution of 94 students which shows their test result in a class. Find the
arithmetic mean.

Class Interval No. Of Students

10-20 5
20-30 16
30-40 12
40-50 25
50-60 17
60-70 8
70-80 6
Class Interval f1 Class X1 fxi
10-20 5 9.5-20.5 (9.5+20.5)/2=15 75
20-30 16 19.5-30.5 25 400
30-40 12 29.5-40.5 35 420
40-50 25 39.5-50.5 45 1125
50-60 17 49.5-60.5 55 935
60-70 8 59.5-70.5 65 520
70-80 6 69.5-80.5 75 450

Arithmetic mean = Sum fxi/sumf = 3925/89= 44.10

Class Interval f1 Class X1 fxi

10-20 5 9.5-20.5 (9.5+20.5)/2=15 75
20-30 16 19.5-30.5 25 400
30-40 12 29.5-40.5 35 420
40-50 25 39.5-50.5 45 1125
50-60 17 49.5-60.5 55 935
60-70 8 59.5-70.5 65 520
70-80 6 69.5-80.5 75 450

Arithmetic mean = Sum fxi/sumf = 3925/89= 44.10

Note: Class boundry column is not necessary. If student directly calculate Xi by taking average of class interval
then it is also correct.
Question 51
Find the Cumulative frequencies for the frequency distribution given below:
Class limits 50 - 59 60 -69 70 - 79 80 - 89 90 - 99 100 - 109
f 5 18 10 27 19 12

Question 52

Find the Relative frequencies for the frequency distribution given below:

Class limits 50 - 59 60 -69 70 - 79 80 - 89 90 - 99 100 - 109

f 5 18 10 27 19 12

Question 53

Complete the following table by finding angles for the pie chart:

Medium of Institution Frequency Angle

Urdu 436

Total 1200

Medium of
Frequency Angle
Urdu 436 130.8

English 764 229.2

1200 360o
Question 54

For the grouped data the median is equal to as

h n 
M e = Lo +  −F
fo  2 

What the following symbols stands for in the above given formula.
Lo , f o , h, F


L0 = Lower class boundary of the median class

h = Width of the median class

f0 = Frequency of the median class

F = Cumulative frequency of the pre-median class

Question 55

The data of profit (in Rs. lakh) earned by 60 companies is given below:

Profits Below 10 10-20 20-30 30- 40 40-50 50 and over

No. of companies 5 18 22 16 7 2

Cumulative frequency 5 23 45 61 68 70

Find Median for the above given data.

Median= size of n/2 th observation which lies in the class 20-30
hn 
Q2 = l +  −C
f 2 
Q2 = 20 + ( 35 − 23)
Q2 = 20 + 5.45
= 25.45 lakh

Question 56

Consider the data set:

67 25 42 57 38 49 36 29 61 31 71 53 73 84 87
Find the 50th percentile point.
First arrange the data in ascending order

25 29 31 36 38 42 49 53 57 61 67 71 73 84 87

Location of 50th Percentile is (15+1) (50/100) = 8th value = 53

Question 57

Give a five-number summary of the data given below.

15, 17, 18, 19, 35, 25, 14, 45, 37, 51, 42
Re arrange data in ascending order
14, 15, 17, 18, 19, 25, 35, 37, 42, 45, 51

Minimum = 14
First Quartile = ( 11+1)(25/100) = 3rd position = 17
Median = 25
Third Quartile = (11 + 1) ( 75/100) = 9th position = 42
Maximum = 51

Question 58

Following is the group frequency distribution of 103students which shows their test result in a class. Find the
arithmetic mean.
Class Interval No. Of Students
10-20 9
20-30 10
30-40 15
40-50 25
50-60 32
60-70 5
70-80 7

Question 59

Find the mean, median and mode of the following data.

45, 52, 51, 50, 49, 49, 45, 48, 52, 56

Question 60
Suppose a car travels with 8 stops, each stop after an interval of 10 miles. Suppose that the speeds at which the
car travels these 8 intervals are 40, 35, 50, 40, 65, 20, 60, and 30 miles per hours respectively.
Calculate the harmonic mean for the given data.

Question 61

Consider the data set:

25 42 57 38 49 36 29 31 53
Find the 50th percentile point.

Question 62

Find the inter quartile range when third quartile is 45 and first quartile is 33.

Question 63

Find standard deviation for the following data

25, 47, 29, 43, 45, 52, 38, 59, 62

Question 64

What is the essential information which must be given to give a five number summary of a data set.

Question 65

Average sales and standard deviation for a store are 25 and 8.5 respectively. Find the coefficient of variation?
Question 66

Mean and median of frequency distributions are 32 and 25 respectively. Find mode of the distribution.

Question 67

A bag contains 13 balls. Among them 5 are blue and 8 are red. One ball is taken out at random from the bag.
Find the probability the ball is blue.

Question 68
Find standard deviation for the following data
36, 42, 47, 29, 41, 45, 52, 37, 59, 63, 29

Mean of the data = 43.63

x x - 43.63 (x -43.27)^2
36 -7.63 58.2169
42 -1.63 2.6569
47 3.37 11.3569
29 -14.63 214.0369
41 -2.63 6.9169
45 1.37 1.8769
52 8.37 70.0569
37 -6.63 43.9569
59 15.37 236.2369
63 19.37 375.1969
29 -14.63 214.0369
Total 1234.5459

Now variance = 1234.5459/(11) = 112.2314

Standard Deviation = 10.5939

Question 69
Find Mean absolute Deviation from Mean of 3, 4 and 2with mean = 3.


X X −X

3 0
4 1
2 1

Mean =4

M .D =
 X−X
Question 70
What is the essential information which must be given to give a five number summary of the data set?
First quartile
Third quartile
Lowest value
Highest value

Question 71
Average sale and standard deviation for a store are 18 and 6.5 respectively. Find coefficient of variation.

S ol u ti on

C.V =   *100

 6.5 
=  *100
 18 


Question 72
Mean and median of frequency distributions are 18 and 25respectively. Find mode of the distribution.


Mode= 3 median – 2 mean

Mode = 3 (25) –2(18)

= 75-36=39

Question 73
An automobile dealership pays to its salespeople, a salary plus a commission on sales. The mean biweekly
commission is $1395, the median is $1350 and the mode is $65.
Is the distribution of commissions positively skewed, negatively skewed, or symmetrical? Give reason.

Mean > Median >Mode
Hence the distribution of commission is positively skewed.

Question 74
A bag contains 9 balls. Among them 4 are blue and 5 are red. One ball is taken out at random from the bag.
Find the probability the ball is red.


Total number of balls = 9

Probability that the first ball drawn is blue = 4/9.

Question 75
If the mean is 285, the median is 330 and the mode is 340, then find that either the distribution positively
skewed, negatively skewed, or symmetrical? Give reason.

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