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Additional Mathematics: Paper 0606/11 Paper 11

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Cambridge International General Certificate of Secondary Education

0606 Additional Mathematics June 2022

Principal Examiner Report for Teachers


Paper 0606/11
Paper 11

Key messages

Candidates should be reminded to read each question carefully. They should pay attention to the required
form of an answer. An exact answer is written either as a surd and/or in terms of π or a fraction and a
decimal answers should not be given in these cases. If it is stated in a question that a calculator must not be
used, candidates must show all steps of their working especially when rationalising surds.

General comments

The general quality of work showed great variation. Some candidates produced excellent answers. Their
answers were clearly set out with easy-to-follow steps leading to a solution. Other candidates left several
questions without valid attempts.

Topics on which candidates were generally well prepared included indices, simultaneous equations,
composite and inverse functions. Sometimes little notice seems to have been taken of the mark allocation for
a question, and the amount of work implied by its value. This was particularly true of questions worth two
marks, for example. Question 6(a) and Question 9(d). Sometimes the amount of work presented on such
occasions was out of all proportion to the marks available. The adoption of an appropriate strategy in solving
a mathematical problem was not always followed, especially with questions on trigonometry.

Comments on specific questions

Question 1

As expected for the first question, the vast majority of candidates scored full marks and showed their ability
to manipulate indices. Those that did not score full marks generally made errors when working with

Question 2

(a) This part was generally well answered, but a significant number of candidates did not distinguish
between velocity and speed and so gave a negative final answer.

(b) Of those candidates who successfully found the second derivative, the majority were then unable
to show that acceleration is never zero. A common mistake was finding that the acceleration when t
equals 0 is non-zero.

Few candidates thought to state that (1 + 3t) is always positive, so acceleration can never be 0.

Question 3

(a) Few correct ranges were seen. Candidates are expected to know the properties of the graphs of
logarithmic functions. The expectation is that the correct notation is also used when describing the
range of a function.

(b) Most candidates made a good start and found the correct composite function and they successfully
gained the first method mark. About half went on to provide good responses showing a good
understanding of the order in which the equation had to be solved. Most responses with the order
correct then went on to find a correct exact solution. Some wrote the answer correct to 3 significant

© 2022
Cambridge International General Certificate of Secondary Education
0606 Additional Mathematics June 2022
Principal Examiner Report for Teachers

figures without writing the exact answer and they lost the accuracy mark. If candidates went wrong,
it was usually with the first step of the solution where it was common to multiply the 5 by the 1
and/or the 7.

(c) Many completely correct solutions were seen, but some candidates did not check that they had
completely answered the question because they did not reject the negative solution. Candidates
should take note of the hint that there was only one solution. Most candidates were able to find the
inverse function, but some did not know how to differentiate the logarithmic function correctly and
this hindered their progress in this question. It was also essential to show a method for solving the
quadratic equation and to give solutions to the correct level of accuracy.

Question 4

(a) The majority of candidate had a good attempt at this part. Many candidates correctly identified that
f( x ) = ( x + 2)( x − 1)( x − 3) . Some recognised that there was a stretch parallel to the y-axis but the
most common error was having only f( x ) = 4( x + 2)( x − 1)( x − 3) as an answer and did not state the
other solution f( x ) = −4( x + 2)( x − 1)( x − 3) as well. Again, candidates should read the question
carefully as, in this part, they were asked to find possible expressions which should have alerted
them to the fact that there was more than one expression.

(b) (i) Many candidates were able to produce a sketch of the correct shape with no part below the x-axis.
The question required that sketches show the coordinates of the points where the graphs meet the
coordinate axes. Frequently, well drawn graphs were unable to gain full credit as one of these
points was not clearly labelled or that modulus graphs did not show an intercept in the first

(ii) Success was most commonly achieved by candidates who squared both sides and worked on the
resulting quadratic. These candidates tended to solve the equation. Those writing down the two
possible linear equations indicated by the modulus statement often made a sign error somewhere
which meant they could only find one solution.

Question 5

(a) This question required two elements to be put together. Firstly, that the vector was in the opposite
direction requiring a sign change or negative in front of the given vector. A significant proportion of
candidates understood this and scored accordingly. The second element required finding the
magnitude of the given vector and comparing it with the given one. Many achieved but some did
the division the wrong way around and got 2.

(b) To score on this question candidates, needed to show that outside of the vector equation the i and
j components could be isolated and compared. Most understood this and achieved at least one
correct equation. A correct attempt at simultaneous equations then scored full marks. Most
candidates who lost marks either did not form one of the equations correctly or showed poor
algebraic manipulation.

Question 6

(a) Candidates found this to be the most challenging part of the question. A small number of
candidates gave concise, neat and accurate solutions. Not many candidates realised that when
 π
y = k they need to consider the maximum and the minimum of sin  x +  and so spent
 4
unnecessary time on this part.

(b) (i) A good number of correct and efficient responses were seen. Most candidates seemed to favour
an initial step of combining the fractions and then simplifying the denominator to 1 − cos2 θ before
using tanθ cos θ = sinθ to continue and complete the solution. Some candidates made errors
when dealing with fractions when they substituted tanθ = before expanding the brackets. A
cos θ

© 2022
Cambridge International General Certificate of Secondary Education
0606 Additional Mathematics June 2022
Principal Examiner Report for Teachers

few candidates made little or no progress, undertaking incorrect substitutions and/or invalid
operations or incorrectly cancelling terms.

(ii) Again, a good number of correct and concise responses were seen. A few candidates earned 3
marks only as they omitted one of the possible solutions. This was often because the negative
base angle confused some candidates. A few candidates were not awarded full marks due to
rounding errors. Some candidates struggled with the initial manipulation required to find an
equation using part (i) hinted with the word ‘Hence’. Weaker candidates were unable to deal with
the trigonometric function after solving the quadratic and solved for sinθ not θ . Some candidates
made no attempt to answer this part.

Question 7

(a) There were few completely correct solutions to this question. Most candidates identified the
common difference of the arithmetic progression correctly and went on to form an equation using
the sum of the arithmetic equation. Some candidates did not use the exact form and were not able
to cancel terms or divide by log3 correctly.

(b) Most candidates identified the common ratio of the given geometric progression as . This gained
2 marks. Candidates obtained the second method mark when they substituted correctly in the sum
to infinity formula. Some candidates did not give their final answer in the form p ln 2 and so lost the
final accuracy mark. Any errors were usually due to the use of an incorrect common ratio.

Question 8

(a) Many correct solutions were seen, with candidates showing a good understanding of solving
simultaneous equations. Any errors were usually due to arithmetic slips in the simplification of the
resulting equations or the substitution in the quadratic formula. The question instructed the
candidates not to use their calculator, so a detailed working out needed to be evident to award the
marks. Some candidates did not find the y-coordinates and lost the last accuracy marks.

Although completing the square was a valid method for solving the quadratic equation in this
question, not many candidates were successful using this method.

(b) This part of the question required the knowledge and use of two trigonometric identities:
1 1
cotθ = and cosec 2θ = 1 + cot 2 θ . The most successful approach was to use cotθ = first
tanθ tanθ
before rationalising.

Rationalisation was attempted by most candidates; however, some did not show sufficient detail to
preclude the use of a calculator and some candidates showed no attempt at rationalisation at all.
Candidates who showed insufficient detail in the rationalisation process were unable to gain the full

Question 9

(a) A significant number of candidates did not read or take note of the wording of the question, so did
not find P in terms of r only, but still had θ or even mixed degrees with radians in their

(b) Candidates who answered part (a) well, generally also answered part (b) well. The majority of
those who answered correctly gave r in both exact and decimal form.

(c) Again, candidates who answered parts (a) and (b) well, were generally able to get the method
mark here. Fewer candidates achieved the accuracy mark. Common errors were substituting their
correct value of r into the second derivative but getting an incorrect value or an incorrectly rounded

(d) Surprisingly, fewer candidates found the correct value of θ . A significant proportion of candidates
did not attempt this question.

© 2022
Cambridge International General Certificate of Secondary Education
0606 Additional Mathematics June 2022
Principal Examiner Report for Teachers

Question 10

Most candidates correctly stated the derivative of the function – some omitting the 3 multiplier. Many found
finding p challenging; they understood the process but did not match their found p with the limitations given
in the question.

Having found their p and derivative, most attempted to find the gradient and applied the rule to find the
normal gradient. They then went on with some success to find a value for the co-ordinates at A and B,
although many resorted to decimals and so lost the final accuracy marks.

© 2022
Cambridge International General Certificate of Secondary Education
0606 Additional Mathematics June 2022
Principal Examiner Report for Teachers


Paper 0606/12
Paper 12

Key messages

Candidates are reminded that answers should be given to the required level of accuracy stated in the rubric
on the front page of the examination paper, unless specified otherwise in the question. A careful check of
each final solution should be made to ensure that it is complete and in the correct form. When being asked to
show a given result, it is essential that every step of the solution is shown in full.

When sketching curves, it is usually required that the coordinates of the points where the curves or straight
lines meet the coordinate axes are stated. Omission of these coordinates often result in the unnecessary
loss of marks.

General comments

There did not appear to be any timing issues with the completion of the paper and candidates who required
more room for their solutions made use of additional paper. It should be pointed out that it is best to use the
blank page at the end of the examination paper first.

Most candidates were able to make a reasonable attempt at most of the topics with varying levels of
success. Many candidates were well prepared and produced well set out solutions.

Comments on specific questions

Question 1

No method was required in this question. Candidates were expected to recognise the form of the
trigonometric equation and relate the unknown constants to the amplitude, period and displacement of the
curve shown by the graph. Many candidates were able to obtain at least 2 marks, with many gaining full
marks. The most common error occurred when determining the value of b, which was associated with the

Question 2

It was important for candidates to realise that they needed to eliminate the trigonometric terms involving θ .
Most candidates were able to gain a mark for attempting to use appropriate trigonometric properties, but
often ended up with an equation involving x, y and sin2 θ , if they did not make use of the identity
tan2 θ + 1 = sec 2 θ . Other solutions leading to a correct equation in terms of x and y only were acceptable, but
often more protracted.

Question 3

(a) Many completely correct solutions were seen, with candidates calculating a correct gradient and y
intercept to form the equation lg ( 2y + 1) = 4 x 2 − 3, and then re-arranging correctly to find y in terms
of x. A few candidates incorrectly used ln rather than lg, but these candidates were still able to
obtain method marks in subsequent parts.

(b) Even though a correct response in part (a) had been obtained, many candidates were unable to
evaluate this correctly with a substitution of x = .

© 2022
Cambridge International General Certificate of Secondary Education
0606 Additional Mathematics June 2022
Principal Examiner Report for Teachers

(c) Provided their answer to part (a) was in the correct form, most candidates were able to obtain at
least one mark for the attempt to obtain the value of x. An exact answer was acceptable as well as
an answer correct to three significant figures. Too many candidates gave answers of 0.96 or 0.961.

Question 4

(a) Most candidates were able to find the magnitude of the vector and gain a mark, but too many of
them are still unaware of what a unit vector is and gave an incorrect response as a result.

(b) Most candidates realised the necessity to equate like vectors and solve the resulting simultaneous
equations. Many correct solutions were seen although there were arithmetic errors made by some

Question 5

 x
Most candidates were able to obtain correct expansions for  1 +  and ( 2 − 3 x ) . There were occasional

 6 
errors with signs and evaluation of some terms. Multiplication of the two obtained expansions sometimes
caused problems with some candidates not being able to identify all the terms needed to calculate the values
of p and q.

Candidates who used the expansions to three terms were usually more successful than candidates who
chose to attempt to identify and evaluate the terms individually. Often the work of these candidates was
difficult to follow if no clear method had been shown. It is suggested that in questions of this type, candidates
attempt to expand the binomial expressions to at least three terms even if they are unsure of how to proceed,
as this will usually mean that they will obtain some marks.

Many clear, correct and well set out solutions were seen.

Question 6

(a) Many correct solutions were seen, with candidates showing a good understanding of both the
remainder theorem and the factor theorem. The question states that a and b are integers, so if a
non-integer result is obtained, candidates are advised to check their working for errors.

(b) The wording of the question suggests that little or no working is required. Many candidates did not
realise that a division by x implies a substitution of x = 0 into the given polynomial and wrote down
their result from part (a).

(c) Most candidates recognised the notation used meant that they were to use differentiation twice
followed by a substitution of x = 0. As a result, many candidates obtained full marks for this part.

Question 7

(a) This question part was meant to be a simple algebraic exercise, the result of which was intended to
be used in part (b). Although there were many correct solutions, too many candidates did not know
how to deal with the separate fractions correctly. Some candidates did not show enough detail to
warrant the awarding of both marks.

(b) Too many candidates did not recognise that the integrand could be written in a different form using
part (a). These candidates were unable to gain any further marks. Of those that did write the
integrand using the three fractions from part (a), most were able to identify at least one correct
logarithm term. Some candidates had difficulty with the integration of , with some
( x − 1)

mistakenly thinking a logarithm was involved. There were of course sign errors and coefficient
errors. There were errors made in the correct simplification of correct integrals to obtain the
required final form. These usually resulted from sign errors and algebraic slips.

© 2022
Cambridge International General Certificate of Secondary Education
0606 Additional Mathematics June 2022
Principal Examiner Report for Teachers

Question 8

(a) Many correct solutions were seen, with most candidates considering two separate cases as

(b) (i) Very few incorrect answers were seen.

(ii) Many correct solutions were seen with correct approaches evident in the working shown.

Question 9

Most candidates were able to make a reasonable start to this unstructured question, by attempting to find the
gradient of the given function. Most realised that they needed to differentiate a quotient, and there was only
the occasional sign error or incorrect differentiation of the logarithmic function. It was essential that
candidates realised early on in their working that they needed to keep their working exact and not resort to
using decimals as an answer in terms of ln 2 was required. Very many correct approaches were seen with
candidates attempting to find the equation of the normal and the coordinates of the point B. Marks for the
subsequent attempt to find the required gradient depended on candidates using correct logarithmic notation.
Too many candidates wrote (ln 2 ) as ln22 , 2ln2 or ln 4. Other errors included using the equation of the

tangent rather than the normal and using the point C in the normal equation rather than the point A.

Question 10

(a) (i) It is essential that candidates read a question carefully. Too many candidates solved the given
equation rather than show that the two given equations could be used to form it. There were many
correct solutions, but some candidates obtained the result fortuitously by stating incorrectly that
x + y 2 = 10 and then using y 2 = as it could be seen that this would give the required result.
Some candidates obtained an equation in terms of just y.

(ii) All that was required was for candidates to solve the equation given in part (i) and discount those
apparent solutions that were impossible. Many candidates wrote down that x = 15 and x = −2 ,
without discounting the latter. When solving equations, candidates should always check to see if
their solutions are feasible. The same applied when calculating the y values, although some
candidates then realised that x = −2 gave an invalid y value and then discounted it. Some
candidates also gave two possible y values erroneously.

(b) There were many correct solutions to this part, with candidates recognising that a change to a
common logarithm base was needed. Most candidates did this, although some did not form a
quadratic equation after the change of base. Some candidates were unable to obtain a final
accuracy mark when they used base x logarithms, not being able to deal correctly with x 3 = a.

Question 11

(a) Most candidates attempted to differentiate the given displacement equation in order to find the
velocity. Some chose to expand out the given expression and then differentiate, while others chose
to differentiate the given expression as a product. Both methods were equally common and equally
successful. Many fully correct solutions were seen.

(b) This question part was meant to test the candidates’ skills of curve sketching. Many did not
associate the given displacement expression as a cubic function that most would have had more
success at sketching had it been in terms of x and y. Of those that did recognise the cubic form and
attempted a sketch of a cubic graph, most did not relate their answers to part (a) to the sketch,
omitting the maximum point at the point where x = . It was required that the coordinates of the
points where the graph meets the coordinate axes were stated. Too many candidates did not do
this in this part and subsequent parts.

(c) The sketching of the quadratic function representing the velocity was required and candidates
appeared to be more successful at this proving they had a correct expression for the velocity.

© 2022
Cambridge International General Certificate of Secondary Education
0606 Additional Mathematics June 2022
Principal Examiner Report for Teachers

Again, many candidates omitted stating the points where the curve met the coordinate axes, most
commonly x = .

(d) (i) Of those candidates who had a correct expression for the velocity, most were able to obtain a
correct expression for the acceleration. This was intended to help candidates with the next part.

(ii) Many candidates did realise that a straight line graph was needed, especially if they had the correct
form for the acceleration in part (d). Again, many candidates omitted stating the points where the
curve met the coordinate axes, most commonly x = .

© 2022
Cambridge International General Certificate of Secondary Education
0606 Additional Mathematics June 2022
Principal Examiner Report for Teachers


Paper 0606/13
Paper 13

Key messages

Candidates are reminded that answers should be given to the required level of accuracy stated in the rubric
on the front page of the examination paper, unless specified otherwise in the question. A careful check of
each final solution should be made to ensure that it is complete and in the correct form. When being asked to
show a given result, it is essential that every step of the solution is shown in full.

General comments

There did not appear to be any timing issues with the completion of the paper. Candidates who required
more room for their solutions made use of additional paper. It should be pointed out that it is best to use the
blank page at the end of the examination paper first.

Most candidates were able to make a reasonable attempt at most of the topics with varying levels of
success. Many candidates were well prepared and produced well set out solutions.

Comments on specific questions

Question 1

(a) Most candidates were able to produce a correct expansion in the required form. There were errors
when dealing with powers of 3 and 9 in some cases.

(b) Many correct solutions were seen with most candidates realising that there were three terms in x 4
when the given expansion was expanded out term by term.

Question 2

(a) Candidates were required to show the given angle correct to 2 decimal places. Most used a correct
method, but to gain full marks, it was essential that a calculation correct to an accuracy of greater
than 2 decimal places be shown before the final given answer.

(b) Most candidates were able to use the arc length formula correctly and obtain a correct solution.

(c) Many correct solutions were seen with candidates using a variety of methods. The most
straightforward method was to find the value of the minor angle AOC and hence use the sector
area formula.

Question 3

(a) Use of an appropriate substitution for e 3 x or recognition of a disguised quadratic was essential to
make progress in this question. While many correct solutions were seen, some candidates
assumed mistakenly that taking logarithms was an appropriate way of solution.

(b) Again, this part relied on candidates dealing with the exponential terms correctly and equating
indices to obtain a linear equation. One of the variables could then be eliminated to obtain a
quadratic equation which could then be solved. Many correct solutions were seen although some
candidates found values for one variable only. It is essential that candidates check their work to
ensure that the full demands of the question have been met.

© 2022
Cambridge International General Certificate of Secondary Education
0606 Additional Mathematics June 2022
Principal Examiner Report for Teachers

Question 4

(a) A correct gradient and y-intercept were found by most candidates resulting in an equation of the
correct form. Completely correct solutions were common.

(b) A correct method was used by most candidates provided they had a correct form from part (a).
However, it was essential that the answer was given in the correct form for full marks.

(c) Candidates needed to refer back to their solution of part (a) and use this along with the fact that a
logarithm of a negative quantity is not possible. Not all candidates made use of their answer to
part (a).

Question 5

(a) A correct approach was used by most candidates, differentiation followed by the solution of their
result equated to – 9. Too many candidates gave the solution of this trigonometric equation in terms
of degrees rather than radians. Candidates should be aware that when trigonometry and calculus
are used in conjunction with each other, then any angles must be in radians.

(b) Most candidates attempted to integrate in order to find the displacement. There were two possible
approaches. The first involved using an indefinite integral together with an arbitrary constant, the
value of which needed to be found. Of those using this method, too many omitted to find the value
of the arbitrary constant. Candidates using a definite integral approach with limits of 5.6 and 0 were
usually more successful.

Question 6

(a) Responses to this question part were extremely varied, but most candidates were able to identify at
least one function. There was sufficient space for candidates to work out what each of the functions
given in the stem of the question was equal to and then match them with those in the table. Many
candidates did use this approach with varying degrees of success.

(b) Many candidates were able to determine the value of a such that the inverse function exists and
then attempt to find the range of the original function, followed by the inverse function itself. Many
correct solutions for the inverse function were seen but many candidates omitted the domain,
having found the inverse function. Candidates should ensure that they have fully met the demands
of the question.

Question 7

(a) Most candidates attempted to differentiate the given equation as a quotient. Some errors were
made in the differentiation using the chain rule and there was evidence of poor use of brackets by
many candidates. It is essential that terms are bracketed correctly as many candidates often obtain
incorrect results because of incorrect or missing brackets. There were some attempts at re-writing
the equation so that it could be differentiated as a product, but these attempts were usually less

(b) It was expected that the linear term in the derivative in part (a) be equated to zero and the resulting
solution be discounted as it was less than zero. Some correct solutions were seen. Candidates
should be guided by the mark allocation. A mark of one implies that very little in the way of method
is required.

(c) Candidates were expected to show a substitution of x = 1 into their derivative from part (a) and
then make use of the small changes formula. Many correct methods and hence solutions were

(d) Provided a numerical value had been obtained in part (c) and the rates of change formula was
known, candidates were able to gain at least the method mark in this part.

© 2022
Cambridge International General Certificate of Secondary Education
0606 Additional Mathematics June 2022
Principal Examiner Report for Teachers

Question 8

(a) It was intended that permutations or arrangements be used in this part of the question. Many
correct solutions were seen for part (i) and most candidates successfully considered the two cases
where a number could be divisible by 5.

(b) Provided two separate cases were considered and combinations used correctly, most candidates
were able to gain full marks in this question part.

Question 9

(a) Many candidates used a correct order of operations to find at least one correct solution. However,
many candidates did not consider the fact that a solution of 0 could also be obtained by considering
a negative angle. Those that did not use a correct order of operations were not able to gain any

(b) It was important for candidates to realise that they needed to eliminate the trigonometric terms
involving θ . Most candidates were able to gain a mark for attempting to use appropriate
trigonometric properties but often ended up with an equation involving x, y and a trigonometric
term if they did not make use of the identity cot 2 θ + 1 = cosec 2θ . Other solutions leading to a
correct equation in terms of x and y only were acceptable, but often more protracted.

Question 10

(a) This question part was meant to be a simple algebraic exercise, the result of which was intended to
be used in part (b). Although there were many correct solutions, too many candidates did not know
how to deal with the separate fractions correctly. Some candidates did not show enough detail to
warrant the awarding of both marks.

(b) Too many candidates did not recognise that the integrand could be written in a different form using
part (a). These candidates were unable to gain any further marks. Of those that did write the
integrand using the three fractions from part (a), most were able to identify at least one correct
logarithm term. Some candidates had difficulty with the integration of , with some
( x + 1)

mistakenly thinking a logarithm was involved. There were of course sign errors and coefficient
errors. There were errors made in the correct simplification of correct integrals to obtain the
required final form. These usually resulted from sign errors and algebraic slips.

© 2022
Cambridge International General Certificate of Secondary Education
0606 Additional Mathematics June 2022
Principal Examiner Report for Teachers


Paper 0606/21
Paper 21

Key messages

• In order to do well in this paper, candidates need to show full and clear methods in order that marks
can be awarded.
• In questions where the final answer is required in a given form, candidates should be aware that full
credit cannot be awarded for otherwise fully correct work unless this is done.
• Candidates should be aware of the general guidance on the cover sheet and ensure that all answers
are given to the accuracy indicated.
• In questions where the answer is given, candidates are required to show that it is correct and fully
explained solutions with all method steps shown are needed. Repeating information given in the
question cannot be credited. In such questions candidates are encouraged to use consistent
notation such as using the same variable throughout a solution and should avoid replacing a function
of a variable with the variable itself.
• In questions that state that a calculator should not be used, omitting method steps often results in full
credit not being given for a solution. Combining the steps directly into a simplified form, such as that
produced by a calculator, cannot be credited. In questions that require a solution of several steps,
clearly structured and logical solutions are more likely to gain credit.
• Candidates should be encouraged to write down any general formula they are using as this reduces
errors and is likely to improve the accuracy of their solutions. In particular, method marks cannot be
given for solving an incorrect equation when the solutions are taken directly from a calculator,
without showing any working.

General comments

Some candidates produced high quality work displaying wide-ranging mathematical skills, with well-
presented, clearly organised answers. This meant that solutions were generally clear to follow. Other
candidates produced solutions with a lot of unlinked working, often resulting in little or no credit being given.
More credit was likely to be given when a clear sequence of steps was evident.

Several questions were unstructured and candidates needed to plan their method carefully. There were
many good solutions to these questions. Some candidates wrote down a few relevant steps but did not link
them together.

Questions which required the knowledge of standard methods were done well. Candidates had the
opportunity to demonstrate their ability with these methods in many questions. Most candidates showed
some knowledge and application of technique. The majority of candidates attempted most questions,
demonstrating a full range of abilities.

Some candidates needed to take more care when reading questions and keep their working relevant in order
to improve their solutions. Candidates should also read the question carefully to ensure that, when a
question requests the answer in a particular form, they give the answer in that form. This is particularly the
case when the question states that an exact answer is required. Candidates should ensure also that each
part of a question is answered and the answer clearly identified. When a candidate uses the blank page or
an additional booklet they should make it clear which question their work relates to. It is not possible in most
cases to connect work otherwise to a specific question, which can lead to the loss of potential credit. When a
question demands that a specific method is used, candidates must realise that little or no credit will be given
for the use of a different method. This is also the case when a part of a question is linked to the previous part
by ‘Hence…’ They should also be aware of the need to use the appropriate form of angle measure within a
question. When a question indicates that a calculator should not be used, candidates must realise that clear

© 2022
Cambridge International General Certificate of Secondary Education
0606 Additional Mathematics June 2022
Principal Examiner Report for Teachers

and complete method steps should be shown and that the sight of values clearly found from a calculator will
result in the loss of marks. When a candidate is given or has derived an expression and subsequently needs
to make a substitution into this expression the substitution should be clearly shown. This is also the case
when applying limits to an integral.

Candidates should take care with the accuracy of their answers. Centres are advised to remind candidates of
the rubric printed on the front page of the examination paper, which clearly states the requirements for this
paper. Candidates need to ensure that their working values are of a greater accuracy than is required in their
final answer.

Candidates should be advised that any work they wish to delete should be crossed through with a single line
so that it can still be read. There are occasions when such work may be marked and it can only be marked
when it is readable. Where a candidate feels they have made an error and is unable to offer any alternative
work they are advised not to cross out their work as the work they have done may be creditworthy. Rubbing
work out then writing over it can sometimes result in the work being difficult to read.

Comments on specific questions

Question 1

(a) This part was well attempted by most candidates working mainly with logarithms to base 5. Some
candidates rewrote the equation by changing the left hand side to first, but finding an
expression equal to w − 1 was the most popular method. It was important to note that the question
required an answer correct to 2 decimal places and this was not always given. This was particularly
an issue for those who arrived at a value without working, presumably using their calculator and
therefore having no method which could be implied by their answer.

(b) Those candidates who rewrote the equation with another variable replacing x 3 were usually
successful, forming and solving a three-term quadratic. The final step of cubing the roots of these
equations was frequently completed correctly, although some found the cube roots and some did
not carry out the final step. Those candidates who chose to use x as the replacing variable often
found themselves unable to complete the question and it is inadvisable to do this unless clearly
stating the substitution first. A common error was to initially cube each term separately and some
candidates assumed that, as the equation involved indices, taking logs was a starting point.

Question 2

(a) This proved a good test of the application of the laws of logarithms. There were some very efficient
solutions using just two of these laws, although some candidates preferred an extra step combining
three terms one at a time. Many candidates made an incorrect and unrecoverable first step of
log x 2
rewriting log( x + 6) as log x + log6 or had a final step of . Where there are several
log3 x + 18
steps which can be carried out in a variety of orders it is imperative that no errors are introduced as
accuracy of application can only be awarded if the statement involved is fully correct.

(b) This was an example of a question where ‘Hence’ indicated that candidates should use their
previous result and not start again. This allowed candidates to illustrate their knowledge that
log1 = 0 . Those who rearranged the original equation and then removed the logs could therefore
not gain full credit. Of those who arrived at the correct quadratic and solved it correctly, a significant
number retained the negative solution. This was not appropriate as the first term in the original
equation would not have been possible. There was a strong correlation between successful
outcomes in the two parts of the question.

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Cambridge International General Certificate of Secondary Education
0606 Additional Mathematics June 2022
Principal Examiner Report for Teachers

Question 3

Nearly all candidates correctly found the gradient of the line with only a few having the x and y coordinates
reversed. Using one of the points to find the equation of a line usually followed this correctly. A few found
and used the mid-point which, whilst correct, was unnecessary. Some candidates stopped at this stage or
wrote the equation in terms of 3 y and x 2 and then stopped. Candidates who took the final step and cubed
both sides were not penalised on this occasion for the incorrect expansion of this term. Common errors were
using values for 3 1 and 92 , or similar, in the line equation or cubing each term as the final step.

Question 4

Most candidates made a very good attempt at this question leading to many fully correct solutions. Some
made minor numerical errors in producing the initial equations or solving them simultaneously, so gained few
marks. A very common mistake was to equate the second expression to 12 or to 0 instead of −12. Those
who made little meaningful progress generally either began by having f(2) = 0 as a starting point or tried
using long division at the very start rather than the factor and remainder theorems. Long division was often
used accurately in finding the remainder having correctly identified m and n.

Question 5

(a) (i) The binomial expansion is given on the formulae sheet so most candidates, though not all, were
able to give a correct starting expansion. The key part of the question was to simplify each term
and very few attempted to do this or did it successfully. The first few terms were the ones most
likely to be simplified. It is expected that, when asked to simplify, candidates do not have terms
such as 1n or do not leave as part of the third term. Some candidates chose a value for n
rather than using a general expansion.

(ii) Many candidates were able to identify the appropriate two terms in x 2 and combine them to equal
6032. At this stage it was required to simplify these terms, using the previous part as an aid, to
form a quadratic equation. This needed to be solved to find the positive root. As the general rubric
suggests, all steps should be shown, so stating the correct solution without at least stating a correct
quadratic was not accepted as a valid method. It is also worth candidates noting that solving an
incorrect quadratic without an attempt at factorisation or a correct and clear substitution into the
quadratic formula will not be considered as a valid method. On this occasion a correct value of 29
did not always warrant full marks. It was rare to see the negative solution not discarded and many
correct solutions did not even mention it.

(b) Many candidates were able to identify the correct term sometimes using an algebraic method to
find the correct value for r in the general term. Some did not expand this but those who did usually
45 45
found the value . A final answer of − was not uncommon due to not squaring the negative
4 4
term correctly. The term needed had to be clearly identified to gain any credit. Some candidates
were evidently unclear of which term they were trying to find and wrote down a multi-term
expansion only, although some did then indicate which term was required.

Question 6

Questions involving permutations and combinations such as this one always provide a multitude of
potentially correct methods. Candidates who did not arrive at correct values for the final answer for each part
were only able to gain partial credit if they made their working clear, ideally with a diagram or description in
words, e.g. ending in zero, starting with an odd number.

(a) (i) The most common method seen was to find the number of digits which could occupy each position
and multiply these i.e. 6 × 6 × 5 × 4 × 3. Some found the total number of permutations and
subtracted those beginning with zero which was also carried out successfully on the whole. Others
used combinations which was inappropriate here or presented methods, sometimes at length,
which showed little understanding of the question. There were also a large number of candidates
who made no attempt to answer.

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Cambridge International General Certificate of Secondary Education
0606 Additional Mathematics June 2022
Principal Examiner Report for Teachers

(ii) Whilst there were far fewer fully correct solutions than for the previous part, there was more
opportunity to identify some of the permutations which could be combined to find the answer.
Perhaps the most straightforward method was to find how many numbers ended in 0, 2, 4 or 6 and
adding these, but this was rarely seen in full. Similarly, finding the numbers which began with an
even digit and adding to those which started with an odd digit worked well but was equally rare.
Too often candidates left this blank or multiplied a series of digits often starting with 7 or containing
2 which were very unlikely to be appropriate. Again combinations were inappropriate.

(b) Candidates were generally more successful in this part than in part (a). There were two common
methods which led to the correct answer and these were rarely miscalculated having been set out
clearly. One method was to calculate the total number of teams possible and then deduct those
with no men. The other was to calculate each possible combination of men and women and to then
add these.

(c) (i) As the factorial version for   was given on the formulae sheet it was usual for most candidates
r 
to start this part correctly. Knowing how to rewrite the terms without factorials proved more
challenging but was achieved by a large number of candidates. Having achieved this stage most
were able to complete successfully usually by combining as a single fraction but occasionally by
first taking out common factors. Carelessness with bracketing and other slips were penalised here
as the final simplification was given. This was an example of a question where a result is given. It is
not good practice to use the given result as part of the solution and so multiplying across the
equals sign was instantly penalised. Instead candidates should always start from the left-hand side
and conclude with an expression equal to that which they have been asked to show on the right-
hand side. Writing the right-hand side throughout raises the temptation to include it in the solution
so this should be avoided. Using a value for n and showing that this works is insufficient as the
question required a general solution.

(ii) Those who followed the guidance and used the previous result found this relatively straightforward,
only occasionally giving −5 or 0 as erroneous final additional solutions. Some used an earlier part
of their solution to the previous part rather than the given result and this approach met with mixed
results. Some candidates apparently ‘spotted’ the answer and as a consequence did not show use
of part (i) and could gain no credit.

Question 7

There were effectively two parts to this question with a degree of problem solving required.

The first step was to differentiate y and the structure of this, usually using the quotient rule but sometimes the
product rule, was well presented. Errors, if they appeared, were most often found in differentiating sin3x ,
with cos3x most common along with 3, cos3 and 3sin3x . There was also some misapplication of the chain
rule, usually not reducing the power from 4 to 3.

The second step was less well done often due to not explicitly showing the substitution of 1.9 for x
throughout their derivative. This was condoned if a fully correct derivative led to a correct value to 3 or more
decimal places and multiplied by h. There were very few who managed this and the majority found the
complex calculation hard to complete accurately. Candidates who insisted on unnecessarily simplifying their
derivative before substitution rarely left themselves with a correct expression to use.

Question 8

This question, especially the first and last parts, was found very challenging.

There were many parts left blank; in some cases all parts, and it was rare for a candidate to score full marks
on all parts.

(a) Attempts, when offered, frequently tried to work from the position vector rather than the velocity
vector. Those who did attempt to find the components of the velocity vector using trigonometry
rarely justified the negative sign for the j component, often just adding the sign as an afterthought.
Some reference to moving south or similar was necessary.

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Cambridge International General Certificate of Secondary Education
0606 Additional Mathematics June 2022
Principal Examiner Report for Teachers

(b) There was more success here. Candidates should be careful in both the presentation of their
answer and avoid simplification, which was not required and often resulted in errors in part (d).
Poor bracketing often led to 16 rather than 16j as a final answer and there were also sign errors. A
reasonably common error was to multiply the velocity vector by 12 rather than 3.

(c) There were some good attempts here too with similar errors in bracketing and signs to part (b).
The most common error was to omit t or to misplace it. Candidates should be careful also that
when using column vectors these should not include i and j.

(d) Fully complete solutions were rare for this part. There were a few who followed through from the
previous parts to find the vector from A to B or the reverse but stopped without finding the
magnitude. Errors in the value of t (often using 3 rather than 1), if it was included, were usually the
cause of incorrect solutions. Some candidates tried to find the magnitude with t still included.

Question 9

(a) In questions like this, where the required answer is given, candidates should understand that trying
to contrive the components of the formula or working backwards from the answer to find a potential
starting point is not acceptable. The best policy is to try to derive, in this case V, and use the given
answer as something to check against. It was required to first find a connection between x and h
and then substitute this into the formula for the area of the triangle forming the cross-section and
multiply this by 5. There were numerous ways of finding the initial connection usually using
trigonometry, Pythagoras or two versions of the area formula.

(b) This question required a clear use of the chain rule using the variables given in the question and
using t for time as is the convention. Use of a general statement of the chain rule was only credited
when it was made relevant to the question. No credit was given for treating this as a small
increment problem other than for correctly finding . Several candidates treated V as a quotient
when differentiating rather than a simple term of the form kh2 . Whilst many of these were
eventually correct this method provided many possibilities for slips. The other key error was in the
dh dh
final step with numerous candidates multiplying by . Candidates who simply substituted
dt dV
0.1 into V made no progress of note.

Question 10

(a) Answers to this part were very mixed with some very good concise solutions while other candidates
did not realise that the first term was a product and made no meaningful progress. Of those who
attempted to work with the product, common errors were to leave 2x undifferentiated or to leave
1 − 2 unsimplified.

(b) This question required candidates to work through two stages of integration to arrive at y =….
Before the first integration could be attempted the function for the second derivative needed to be
expanded and simplified to three terms. The first integration was then relatively straightforward. If
the expansion was not attempted or incorrect then candidates were unlikely to have appropriate
terms and the rest of the question became inaccessible. While candidates who had the appropriate
form often made reasonable progress, completely correct solutions were extremely rare. Errors in
finding constants of integration were not uncommon and some candidates tried to introduce their
answer to part (a) too early. If the answer to part (a) was not of the correct form then it was likely
that the second integration, if attempted, could not succeed.

Question 11

Many candidates appreciated that to find the area under a curve, the equation of the curve required
integrating. This allowed many to gain credit for integrals of the correct form and often for correct functions.
Substituting in the limits was less successful, frequently as this was done on a calculator without clear
indication of how the limits were used. This is an example of a case where, as indicated in the rubric on the
cover sheet, all necessary working must be shown. This also has the effect that the final answer is rarely in
an exact form as was required. The x-coordinate of B also needed to be found and was sometimes the only
correct part of the solution. To be appropriate as a limit this needed to be in radians and 18 was not credited.

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Cambridge International General Certificate of Secondary Education
0606 Additional Mathematics June 2022
Principal Examiner Report for Teachers

The plan needed to find the shaded area was fairly straightforward as this could be found by finding the
difference in the areas under the two curves. There were lengthier alternatives. Common errors in integration
suggested that differentiation may have taken place. Another error which often cost the final mark was either
11 9
to give the answer as a decimal, without first expressing it exactly, or to calculate 2 as .
5 5

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Cambridge International General Certificate of Secondary Education
0606 Additional Mathematics June 2022
Principal Examiner Report for Teachers


Paper 0606/22
Paper 22

Key messages

To be successful in this paper, candidates should read each question carefully and identify any key words or
phrases, making sure they answer each question fully. When a question indicates that a calculator is not to
be used, candidates need to show sufficient and convincing method to be credited. Also, when values are
incorrect and the method from which they arise is not seen, marks cannot be given. Method should always
be shown and sufficient method needs to be shown so that marks can be awarded. For example, candidates
should not rely on calculators to solve quadratic equations or to work out the values of derivatives or
integrals for particular values. Calculators are an excellent checking tool and candidates should be
encouraged to use them in this way. Candidates should be able to write well-formed expressions using
brackets where necessary and conventional ordering of terms in products involving functions with
arguments, such as trigonometric functions, to avoid ambiguity of meaning.

General comments

Many candidates seemed to be fairly well-prepared for this examination. Candidates were often able to
demonstrate knowledge and understanding of mathematical techniques and were able to apply these to
solve problems. Some questions required multiple skills. This was evident in Questions 2, 8 and 12, for
example, in this examination.

When a question uses the key phrase ‘Show that’, showing clear and complete method for every step is
essential. Candidates are expected to state all method steps to justify that a result is correct or an
expression is of a particular form. The marks are awarded for the method. This was required in
Question 9(a) for example. Also in Question 10(a), some candidates did not understand the phrase ‘Show
that r satisfies the equation …’. This is commonly used in mathematics and it would have been helpful if
candidates had understood that this meant they needed to use the information given to derive the given
equation in r.

Some candidates gave neat and clear responses, making their work easy to follow. These candidates were
much less likely to make an error such as miscopying one of their own figures. Other candidates would have
improved, perhaps, if they had presented their work in a more logical and less haphazard way. Presentation
was often poor in Questions 6, 9(a) and 10(a), for example and work was often difficult to follow, especially
if candidates had overwritten pencil with pen.

Candidates seemed to have sufficient time to attempt all questions within their capability.

Comments on specific questions

Question 1

Candidates were instructed not to use a calculator in this question. It was therefore important that sufficient
method was shown so that working without a calculator was successfully demonstrated. A good proportion of
fully correct responses were seen. Most candidates indicated a correct first step and stated clearly their
intention to rationalise the denominator. Some candidates needed to take a little more care with presentation
6 3

× 3− 6
( + 6)
here as statements which were not correctly formed, such as , were not credited until
( + 6) × 3− 6
candidates had shown the correct expansion of terms in the next step. It is expected that candidates will

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Cambridge International General Certificate of Secondary Education
0606 Additional Mathematics June 2022
Principal Examiner Report for Teachers

6 3
( + 6)(3 − 6)
write or similar. To show evidence of non-calculator use, candidates should have stated at
( + 6)(3 − 6)
least 3 terms in the expansion of the numerator. Most candidates did this and only a few slips in sign or
arithmetic were seen. A few candidates made an error in the final step by cancelling incorrectly, for example
12 − 3 6
= 4 − 3 6 was occasionally seen. Candidates who stated nothing more than the answer were
not credited.

Question 2

This question was multi-technique involving coordinate geometry and absolute value functions. Candidates
needed to find equations of lines and solve them to find points of intersection, taking into account the
modulus of f(x). Many candidates solved this problem successfully and gave answers that were fully correct.
A few candidates found the correct critical values but were unable to determine the correct inequality even
though the diagram was there to assist with this. Most candidates formed a pair of linear equations or
inequalities and solved them. Some candidates were working with correct expressions and the method
attempted was correct, but they made sign or arithmetic errors when finding their critical values. Candidates
who squared each expression and equated were commonly successful in finding the correct critical values.
Other candidates who attempted this method only squared one expression before equating and rearranging.
Sometimes presentation of solutions was poor. Candidates whose work was poorly presented made more
errors than those whose work was neat and logical. Some candidates would have done better to have
rewritten their solutions on extra paper as they then might have spotted slips they had made. A few
candidates made sign errors with the expressions for f(x) or g(x) or both of these. In weaker responses,
common errors seen were f(x) = 2x + 5 and g(x) = −x − 1 for the initial functions.

Question 3

A good number of fully correct solutions were seen to this question and most candidates made an attempt to
answer. A few candidates did not interpret the condition ‘has real roots’ correctly and stated k < −25 or
k > −1. Some other candidates stated incorrectly formed answers such as −1 ⩽ k ⩽ −25. Other candidates
chose the incorrect set of values stating −25 ⩽ k ⩽ −1. A few candidates made sign or arithmetic errors at
some stage but most were able to take an initial correct step in the method, forming a correct expression for
the discriminant. A small number of candidates squared k + 5 correctly but were unable to collect the terms
in k accurately, with 26k sometimes being written as 36k. Some candidates confused k and x at some stage
in their solution. In weaker responses, candidates generally either applied the quadratic formula to the
equation without identifying the discriminant as being the expression of interest, or attempted trials with
various values of k.

Question 4

Most candidates understood that finding a derivative was a key step in the method of solution. A few
d d

candidates attempted to rearrange to make x the subject and then find . Success with this method was

varied, although some fully correct answers were seen using this approach. Most candidates attempted to
d d

find . Many were able to find a correct derivative, although some candidates integrated at least one of
d d

the terms or simply rearranged the equation and labelled the rearrangement . The next step was to find
the appropriate value of x by substituting y = 4 into the given equation, rearranging and solving the quadratic
equation that resulted. Some candidates formed a cubic equation, which was permitted but these candidates
clearly needed to reject the solution x = 0 for this method to be accepted, as x = 0 was invalid for this
equation regardless of the condition on x stated. Candidates who worked with both x = 1 and x = − were
not able to earn full credit unless the work with the negative value was rejected. Some candidates may have
0.01 dy
done better if they had written = or similar before attempting to find δx, as occasional slips in
δx dx x = 1
method were made at this stage. Candidates should know that they need to show the substitution of their
value into their derivative to be sure of being credited should either the value or derivative be incorrect. A

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Cambridge International General Certificate of Secondary Education
0606 Additional Mathematics June 2022
Principal Examiner Report for Teachers

correct method is generally not deduced from an incorrect value. A small number of candidates used


d d
d d
δy = 4.01 instead of 0.01. A few candidates attempted to manipulate into in algebraic form, but this

was not always successful as some simply took the reciprocal of each term. In weaker responses candidates

d d
substituted x = 4 into . These candidates may have benefitted if they had reread the question or read the
question more carefully in the initial stages, as it was y that was equal to 4 and not x. In other weak
responses, candidates found the value of x when y = 4 and when y = 4.01 and then calculated the difference
in these values of x. These candidates did not use differentiation and were unable to be awarded many

Question 5

(a) The majority of candidates rewrote the equation so that all terms were expressed as powers of 5
and then combined terms. A good proportion of candidates earned all 3 marks in this way for
correct and accurate work. A small number of candidates used logarithms or other valid methods,
as detailed in the mark scheme. A few candidates found 3 −3 and then rejected it, indicating there
was no solution. This misconception was not condoned. A few candidates took a correct first step
but then combined powers and equated incorrectly. For example, brackets were expanded as
2x3 – 1 or 5 was written as 50. A few other candidates made a sign or arithmetic slip in the first step
but were able to combine powers and equate correctly. In weaker responses, candidates either
x 3 −1
2x 3 − 2 3
stated that = 1 or 5 or made fundamental process errors such as 625 2
= 625 x , from
which there was no recovery.

(b) For full credit, the exponential graph drawn needed to have the correct curvature, tend to y = 3 and
pass through (0, 7), which needed to be indicated. A small proportion of candidates earned both
marks. A reasonable number of candidates earned one of the two marks available but not both.
Whilst it was not necessary to mark y = 3, candidates who did this almost always earned both
marks. Candidates who plotted points rather than sketching, as requested, often drew graphs that
were insufficiently smooth to be awarded both marks. Some candidates only drew the part of the
graph in either the first or the second quadrant, this was not sufficient. A few candidates had a
y-intercept of 3 and others had no intercept marked with a graph that tended to the x-axis. These
did not score. In the weakest responses, candidates drew straight lines or graphs that were of
completely incorrect curvature or that passed through the third or fourth quadrants.

Question 6

Candidates found this question assessing the composing and resolving of vectors to be a challenge. In the
first part of the question, candidates needed to form a resultant vector and many struggled with this. In the
second part of the question, it was not necessary to form a resultant vector, as a simple sketch and use of
the cosine and sine rules was sufficient to produce a fully correct solution. Not many candidates observed
this and many, again, attempted to form the resultant vector, a method that was very prone to error. Good
diagrams were essential but these were not always seen.

(a) It was very clear at the start of this question that j was the unit vector due north. Many candidates
did not take note of this and used i as the unit vector due north. This resulted in the components
being reversed and this was not condoned. A reasonable number of fully correct solutions were
seen. A few solutions were spoiled by rounding or premature rounding errors. If sufficiently
accurate values had already been stated, these errors were ignored, but some candidates had not
stated any more-accurate values and could not be credited or fully credited. These candidates may
have improved if they had taken note of the instructions on the front of the examination paper and
stated final values to 3 significant figures, understanding that any working values needed to have
greater accuracy. A few candidates who used exact values in surd form omitted to use correct
brackets. Again, this error was ignored if it had been clearly stated that x = 6 − 2 and
y = 6+ 2 , otherwise it was penalised.

(b) As has been stated, the simplest method of solution in this part was to make a simple sketch and
use the cosine rule and sine rule or cosine rule again, to find the magnitude and hence the angle
and bearing needed, respectively. Those who attempted this approach were more successful,

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Cambridge International General Certificate of Secondary Education
0606 Additional Mathematics June 2022
Principal Examiner Report for Teachers

although not all had the correct angle 110°, with 70° being a fairly common error. Very many
candidates did not attempt this approach and chose to form a resultant vector. Often these
candidates made sign errors in the components which resulted in magnitudes and bearings which
seemed to be correct but were from an incorrect vector and so earned only method marks. A few
candidates attempted to find the resultant vector and made no attempt to continue their solution
beyond that point. These candidates may have improved if they had reread the question. In the
weakest responses, candidates applied Pythagoras or trigonometry to a right-angled triangle with
sides 2 and 6, which was not credited. A large proportion of candidates made no attempt to

Question 7

A good number of candidates earned 3 or 4 marks for their solution to this question. Those who lost the final
mark often did so as they had at least one ambiguous term in the derivative, such as sec 2 xe4 x which
candidates should understand is not acceptable and should be written in the conventional way e4 x sec 2 x . A
few candidates did not observe the need to use the product rule in the numerator and gave the derivative of
the numerator as 4e4 x sec 2 x , for example. A few other candidates attempted the product rule but
subtracted instead of adding the terms. Some candidates applied the product rule correctly to the numerator
 1
but were unable to correctly recall the correct structure of the quotient rule, with some dividing by   .
Some candidates differentiated the numerator, divided by lnx and then applied the quotient rule to this new
quotient, differentiating the numerator again. In the weakest responses, candidates often did little more of
value than differentiate e 4 x and often not even that.

Question 8

This question combined functions with stationary points and functions with solving trigonometric equations. In
each case, values that were outside the domain stated needed to be discarded. It was necessary for angles
to be in radians and this was stated in the question to assist candidates, though not all observed this.

(a) A small number of fully correct solutions were seen to this part of the question. It should have been
clear to candidates from the wording of the question that there was in fact only one stationary point.
It was necessary to apply the chain rule to the first term in order to differentiate it successfully.
Some candidates did find a correct derivative, or a derivative of similar structure, and factored out
the sinx.

Some of these candidates then ignored the factor sinx and only worked with 6cosx + 2 = 0 or the
equivalent. Other candidates divided through by sinx instead of factorising. A special case mark
was available for candidates who did this and then discarded the pair of values they found as being
outside the domain of the function. The most common derivative stated was 3cos 2 x + 2sinx .
Candidates who did this were unable to progress in the solution beyond this point. In the weakest
responses, candidates rewrote the expression for f using a substitution such as u = cosx and then
completed the square on the quadratic form that resulted. This was not a valid solution for a
function of this type. In other weak solutions, candidates commonly equated f(x) to 0 and solved.

(b) Candidates were more successful in this part with a reasonable number earning at least 4 of the 5
marks available. To earn full credit, the values which were outside the domain of the function
needed to be discarded. An initial step of using cos2 x = 1 − sin2 x to rewrite the function in terms of
cosx only was valid in this part of the question and was the approach used by most candidates.
Many candidates correctly manipulated the equation they had formed and derived the correct
quadratic equation in cosx. Often candidates stated and used a substitution to make the factorising
easier. This was a good approach. Most candidates worked in radians and found at least one valid
solution. Some candidates gave angles in degrees and these were not credited for accuracy. In
weaker responses candidates solved 1 – 3cosx = 0, completely ignoring f(x), or candidates made
no real attempt to answer.

Question 9

(a) This was an example of a question where candidates had to show that a particular result was true.
It was necessary for candidates to provide all method steps. The angle used should have been φ,

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Cambridge International General Certificate of Secondary Education
0606 Additional Mathematics June 2022
Principal Examiner Report for Teachers

although other angles were accepted as long as they were consistently used. It was not
acceptable, for example, to use a mixture of angles and then in the last step define one of them as
being whatever was needed to make their expression the same as the given expression. This was
not at all convincing. It was also necessary for candidates to use a rather than the general r, as
using the general case did not show engagement with the question. Use of r was only acceptable if
it was clear that r had been linked correctly to a, either by adding it to the diagram or by a clear
statement that a = r as was seen on occasion. Some fully correct and neat solutions were seen.
The most common approach was to form the area of the sector, then the shaded area, using the
area of the kite less the area of the sector, and equate them. Various other equally successful
methods were also seen and many of these are detailed in the mark scheme. A few candidates
made dimension errors and had one or more parts of their equation that were one dimensional.
Some candidates made no real progress beyond stating a correct sector area. In weaker
responses, candidates either made no real attempt to answer or they treated 2φ radians as 2
radians and proceeded to find values for lengths and other angles. This was not accepted.

(b) Some fully correct answers were seen to this part. Candidates needed to form an expression for
the perimeter of each of the sector and the shaded area and either double the sector perimeter or
find half of the perimeter of the shaded area and equate. A good number of candidates did this and
a good number of these manipulated the resulting equation correctly to find the correct expression
for tanφ. A few candidates made slips with a or φ when factoring out 2 or 2a, for example, and so
lost accuracy. A few other candidates found an expression for φ in terms of tanφ. In weak
responses, candidates tended to start with the arc length only, treating this as the perimeter. In
other weak responses, candidates incorrectly used the result from part (a) or added extra terms
such as 2a to the perimeter of the shaded area.

Question 10

Presentation was often poor in this question and work was often difficult to follow, especially if candidates
had overwritten pencil with pen.

(a) (i) This question required candidates to form a quadratic equation, using knowledge of geometric
progressions and the information given. Most candidates made some attempt to answer. Some
candidates offered neat, clear and fully correct solutions. These candidates commonly started with
ar = 8 and ar2 + ar3 = 160 and then made a substitution to eliminate a. Many of these candidates
were able to then manipulate the result correctly into the required form. Candidates who started
with S4 − S2 = 160 very rarely offered fully correct solutions, as they did not know how to proceed.
Progress could be made from this starting point, particularly if candidates used the difference of
two squares to simplify, but this was not commonly seen. These candidates often derived a cubic
equation. In some weak responses, candidates confused ‘terms’ with ‘sums’ and S3 + S4 = 160
was seen on occasion. In other weak responses, candidates attempted to solve the equation
without deriving it and then sometimes showed that the values of r they had found were solutions of
the equation. These candidates did not understand the key phrase ‘Show that r satisfies the

(ii) Candidates were much more successful in this part of the question. The wording of the question
should have been a reminder to candidates that only one value of a was needed. Many did find the
correct value of r and discarded the negative value, finding only the positive value of a that
resulted. A few candidates stated both values of a and lost the accuracy mark. Some candidates
did not factorise the correct equation, even though this was given in the question.

(b) A good number of candidates offered fully correct solutions to this part of the question. Most
candidates interpreted the information in the question correctly, formed a correct pair of equations
that they then solved simultaneously. Those candidates who wrote the sum as q { p + 2(q − 1)} = 168
and then substituted p + 2(q − 1) = 14 had a very neat and simple end to the question and almost
always earned full marks. A few candidates made arithmetic slips or slips in algebraic manipulation
in their solution. In weaker responses, candidates did not use the sum formula but rather used two
formulae for terms or did not link p and q to a and n or did not use the given common differences

© 2022
Cambridge International General Certificate of Secondary Education
0606 Additional Mathematics June 2022
Principal Examiner Report for Teachers

Question 11

There were many successful approaches seen when answering this question. A reasonable number of fully
correct solutions were seen. To earn full credit, candidates needed to work with exact values throughout,
work in radians and show all key method steps in a correct plan, including the correct substitution of the
limits, however simple, into the integrated expression. Some candidates used rounded decimals as part of
their solution and, depending on when this occurred, they were variously penalised. Those who made a
π 3π
reasonable attempt at a method often were able to find the key x values and correctly, although this
2 2
was not always the case. Some candidates needed to detail their plan more fully as it was common for
candidates, for example, when finding the area A, to find the area under the curve but omit to subtract it from
π. A correct plan was essential and some candidates, who were successful, kept track of what they were
doing by making sketches of the relevant areas they were adding or subtracting before they found them.
Other candidates added labels to the diagram and referenced them as they went through their solutions, this
was very helpful and kept them focused. In weaker solutions, candidates integrated 1 + cosx as x – sinx or
thought that the coordinates of R were (π, 0), not understanding the information given in the question regards
the ‘one complete period of the curve’. In other weak solutions, candidates worked only in degrees or
thought that area A was 1, from the given ratio not from any working, or made no real attempt to answer.

Question 12

This question differentiated well and good responses were offered generally from those still capable of
working at this level. It was expected at this stage of the paper that not all candidates would find this
question accessible. Candidates needed to determine a strategy and understand that they could not
integrate until they had rewritten the expression given for the second derivative. Some candidates did
attempt to manipulate the expression first and a reasonable number were successful in doing this. These
candidates usually went on to provide correct or almost fully correct solutions. Those who wrote the
expression with powers rather than roots were generally more successful with the integration than those who
still had some roots in their expression. A few slips were made with cross terms being omitted or an error
made when simplifying one of the terms. An error or omission was acceptable and some further progress
could still be made by these candidates. Those candidates who progressed were credited for integrating
valid terms and usually stated a constant of integration. These generally went on to find the value of this
constant using a correct method, although occasional slips were seen. Candidates who started with a correct
expression were able to earn further marks by integrating correctly for a second time and using a second
constant of integration. Again many of these did this successfully. The question asked candidates for the
equation of the curve and it was necessary to have y = …. or f(x) = …. to earn the final mark, an expression
only was not sufficient. In weak solutions, candidates generally did not attempt to expand the given
expression for the second derivative and instead either integrated the expression as if it were x2 or integrated
term by term within the expression. Some candidates who were successfully squaring the numerator were
unsure of how to manipulate the denominator. For example, in other weak solutions, candidates simplified
( 1
the given expression for the second derivative as something similar to x 2 + 1× x

1 2
or misinterpreted the
4th root of x as 4 x which they then squared to become 16x.

© 2022
Cambridge International General Certificate of Secondary Education
0606 Additional Mathematics June 2022
Principal Examiner Report for Teachers


Paper 0606/23
Paper 23

Key messages

To do well in this paper, candidates should read each question carefully and identify any key words or
phrases, making sure they answer each question fully. Sufficient method needs to be shown so that marks
can be awarded. When values are incorrect and the method from which they arise is not seen, marks cannot
be given. The substitution of limits into an integral should be shown so that the method can be seen and
assessed. A calculator should not be used instead of showing this key step. Candidates need to take care to
ensure that their calculator is in the appropriate mode when working with trigonometric expressions,
particularly in questions involving calculus.

General comments

Candidates seemed, mostly, to be suitably prepared for this examination. Problem solving skills were needed
and some questions required multi-technique approaches to be successful. A reasonable number of
candidates were able to write or interpret problems using correct mathematical form. This was required in
Questions 2, 3, 10, 11(b) and 12, for example, in this examination. A good proportion of candidates were
also able to form and manipulate algebraic expressions when needed, particularly in Questions 3, 4, 6, 10
and 12.

Candidates should understand that, when a part of a question begins with the key word ‘Hence...’, it is
expected that they use the previous part or parts of the question to answer the current part. This is usually
the most straightforward method of solution and indicates that a specific skill is being assessed. This was
seen in Questions 8 and 11(b) in this examination.

When a question uses the key phrase ‘Show that’, showing clear and complete method for every step is
essential. Candidates are expected to state all method steps to justify that a result is correct or an
expression is of a particular form. The marks are awarded for the method. This was required in
Questions 9(b)(ii) and 11(b) for example. Also in Question 11(b), some candidates did not understand the
phrase ‘Show that x satisfies the equation …’. This is commonly used in mathematics and it would have
been helpful if candidates had understood that this meant they needed to use the information given to derive
the given equation in x.

Candidates seemed to have sufficient time to attempt all questions within their capability.

Comments on specific questions

Question 1
7 2

The most efficient way to solve the equation was to rearrange to the form |7x – 3| = ± then form a pair of
linear equations and solve them. A few candidates approached the solution in this way and were more likely
to find a correct pair of values. Some candidates attempted to change signs before they had isolated the
modulus expression. This was much more prone to error. For example, candidates who chose to change the
sign of the constant often only worked with the 9 and left the 5 unchanged, which was incorrect.

© 2022
Cambridge International General Certificate of Secondary Education
0606 Additional Mathematics June 2022
Principal Examiner Report for Teachers

Question 2

A reasonable number of correct responses were seen. Candidates were instructed not to use a calculator in
this question. It was therefore important that sufficient method was shown so that working without a
calculator was successfully demonstrated. The most common approach seen was to square the value
1 + 2 as a first step. To show evidence of non-calculator use, candidates should have stated at least 3

terms in the expansion of this. The value 1 − 2 then needed to be divided by the 3 + which resulted.
This required the rationalising of the denominator, which some candidates omitted to do. When multiplying

out (1 − 2 )(3 − ), again 3 terms in the expansion needed to be shown, to demonstrate that a calculator
had not been used. A few candidates omitted to do this and a few others did not follow the instruction to write
the answer in the form a + b c where a, b and c were integers.

Question 3

A few fully correct solutions were seen for this question. Candidates needed to find the coordinates of C first.
This was most easily achieved by drawing a simple sketch and using displacement vectors or by using the
general formula to find the mid-point to form and solve equations. The vector method was more successful,
as a few candidates who used the mid-point formula subtracted rather than adding. Candidates should then
have found the gradient of AB in order to find the perpendicular gradient. This was the most sensible choice
x − x1
as it did not rely on the coordinates of C being correct. A few candidates incorrectly used 2 . Some
y 2 − y1
arithmetic errors were made. In weaker responses, presentation was often very poor and work difficult to
follow. Some candidates omitted to give the final answer in the required form. It was clear that the
coefficients of x and y and the constant should all be integers and this was necessary for full credit to be
awarded. Perhaps these candidates would have improved if they had reread the question when they thought
they had finished.

Question 4

(a) In good responses, candidates stated the correct critical values from the given factorised form.
They then took note of the sign of x in their sketch of the quadratic and formed a correct pair of
inequalities. Some candidates stated at least one incorrect critical value or did not take note of the
coefficient of x. In weaker responses, candidates expanded the brackets and solved the quadratic
equation that they then formed. The equation formed was not always correct. This was not a good
approach to solving the problem.

(b) In this part, care needed to be taken with the algebraic manipulation in order to arrive at the correct
value for the discriminant, without errors. Some candidates made slips from which they recovered.
Other candidates did not recover and often had an expression involving k that they then used to
form an equation or inequality which they solved. A few candidates were unable to start the
solution correctly and a few others omitted to finish with a correct justification, which was needed
for full credit.

Question 5

(a) This part of the question was fairly well answered with a good number of candidates deducing the
period from the distance between the vertical asymptotes. A few candidates went on to spoil a
previously correct answer by continuing the method in some way. Some candidates did not make
any real progress with this part or stated several values, which was not condoned.

(b) A good number of candidates were able to state the value of c. Some were able to determine the
correct value of b and this was not dependent on them having the correct answer in part (a). Not
as many candidates were able to find the correct value of a. Some responses intelligently stated
7 – 3 = 4 without reference to the value of b.

Question 6

(a) The key to solving this problem was to find the value of a using p′(1) = 4. A good proportion of
candidates did this successfully. A few candidates made a slip when finding the derivative. Some
values of a were not integer values, even though this had clearly been stated in the question.

© 2022
Cambridge International General Certificate of Secondary Education
0606 Additional Mathematics June 2022
Principal Examiner Report for Teachers

Candidates whose values were not integers may have improved if they had observed this and
checked their solution for possible errors. A common error seen in weak responses was to find p(1)
rather than p′(1). The value of b could be found using p(1.5) and a good proportion of candidates
were able to find the correct value. A few candidates stated an equation such as 2a – 34 = 4 and
then solved this simultaneously with 9a + 4b = 231, finding b first. This was acceptable, of course,
but introduced more opportunity for error.

(b) Candidates who had found the correct values of a and b in the previous part of the question were
often fully correct in this part of the question also. Various methods to find the correct quadratic
factor, using the linear factor 2x – 3, were seen. Many candidates simply found the correct
quadratic factor by inspection, for example. Those who used algebraic long division made
occasional slips with signs or arithmetic. Candidates who did not find the correct values of a and b
in part (a) made little progress in this part of the question. Often 2x – 3 was not a factor of the
polynomial they had derived.

Question 7

(a) (i) Candidates needed to find the set of values for which 5x – 3 was greater than 0. Many did this
successfully. A few candidates made no real attempt to answer or solved 5x – 3 = 0 only or stated
answers such as x ≠ 0.6 or x > 0.

(ii) Again, a good proportion of correct answers were seen to this part of the question. Candidates
needed to anti-log to form a simple linear equation in x and solve. A few candidates incorrectly
used base e rather than base 10. In weak responses, candidates often attempted to separate the
argument of the logarithm into two terms, lg5x and –lg3 and then solve or made no real attempt to

(b) This question assessed candidates’ ability to solve a problem by applying relevant log laws. A fair
number of candidates produced solutions that were fully correct. A small number of candidates
omitted to simplify their correct answer. Some candidates were able to make some progress,
1 2

commonly in dealing with , but struggled to deal with the 4. In weak responses,
candidates sometimes wrote all terms with a logarithm in some form or exponentiated term by term
with base y, and then ‘cancelled’ to form an equation.

Question 8

(a) A reasonable number of candidates were able to state the correct derivative. Some candidates did
not observe that the product rule needed to be used and either differentiated the product term by
term, giving 8e4x or omitted to differentiate the x, giving 8xe4x. In weak responses, candidates made
these errors and also reduced the power of e4x by 1 or by x.

(b) Candidates found this part of the question very challenging. The key word ‘Hence’ indicated that
the previous part of the question needed to be used. A statement such as




 + may have helped some candidates. Many candidates were attempting

to integrate y = 2xe4x, rather than starting with the derivative. These candidates did not understand
that integration is the reverse process of differentiation. Those candidates who had made little
progress with the previous part of the question made no or little real progress in this part. Many of
these candidates integrated the product ‘term by term’.

Question 9

(a) Some candidates understood the need to find the magnitude of the vector and then divide the
given vector by this value. A few candidates did not understand what a unit vector was and thought
that the magnitude was, in fact, the unit vector. In weaker responses, candidates often rewrote the
given vector in some way, for example, as a column vector, or made no attempt to answer.

(b) (i) Candidates found part (b) a challenge. In this part, few of the candidates who attempted to answer,
wrote anything of value. A small number of candidates stated fully correct answers and these
candidates had often made a simple sketch to help them. A few candidates observed either that

© 2022
Cambridge International General Certificate of Secondary Education
0606 Additional Mathematics June 2022
Principal Examiner Report for Teachers

1 2
k > 0 or k < 1 but not both. Other candidates stated specific values of k, such as , from the
assumption that k was the mid-point.

(ii) Very few candidates made progress in this part. Successful responses started with a correct
statement for the vector OR using p, q and k, then collected terms. In weaker responses,
candidates made no use of k at all or used a specific value for k or verified the result for a value of
k. Many candidates made no attempt to answer.

Question 10

To be successful in this question, candidates needed to find the coordinates of A, B and C and then apply a
successful plan to find the required area. The question was unstructured and this increased the level of
difficulty. A good proportion of candidates did attempt correct methods to find the coordinates needed, but
success was varied. Candidates were most successful at finding the coordinates of C by solving
3 + 2 x − x 2 = 0 . A good proportion, though not all, were able to find the y-coordinate of A by substituting the
given x-coordinate into the equation of the curve. Those who were unable to find this value often made no
attempt to do so. It is likely that these candidates were unsure of how to do this. Candidates needed to find
the equation of the tangent in order to progress. To do this, they needed to differentiate the equation of the
curve. A reasonable number of candidates did this successfully and showed sufficient working to earn full
marks. A small proportion of candidates omitted the derivative and, therefore, were not awarded full credit.
Some candidates attempted to subtract the area under the curve between 0 and 3 from the triangle made by
the y-intercept and the x-intercept of the tangent and the origin. This was an incorrect plan. Other candidates
made arithmetic slips when finding the area of a relevant triangle or made sign or arithmetic slips when
integrating. Sufficient evidence of method was needed when integrating, including the substitution of the
limits, and candidates should be reminded of the rubric when answering questions such as this. In weaker
responses, candidates often made no progress beyond finding the coordinates of A or C or made no real
attempt to answer.

Question 11

(a) This was a multi-technique question. Candidates needed to use knowledge of arithmetic
progressions to form and solve simultaneous equations in order to find the first term and common
difference and then complete the problem. A good number of candidates were very successful in
this. In weaker responses, candidates tended to incorrectly use the n(a + l ) formula with l being
misread as 1 in some cases or use terms rather than sums or made no real attempt to answer.

(b) Again, this was a multi-technique question, involving the formation of a quadratic equation, using
knowledge of geometric progressions and then solving this in order to progress. Some candidates
made good progress with this question, forming an initial correct relationship using the information
given. Many of these candidates were able to then manipulate this correctly into the required form.
Many then went on and found a correct pair of values for r. Some then simply found the values of
the sum to infinity in each case without stating why the values of r found meant that these sums
were valid. In weaker responses, candidates attempted to solve the equation first and then
sometimes showed that the values of x they had found were solutions of the equation. These
candidates did not understand the key phrase ‘Show that x satisfies the equation …’. Other
candidates made no real attempt to answer.

Question 12

The simplest way to be successful in this question was to find an expression for y in terms of x, using the
volume given, and then use this to form an expression for the surface area of the container in terms of x only.
This expression could then be differentiated in order to progress with the solution. A few neat and fully
correct solutions were seen. Some candidates attempted to find an expression for y in terms of x but were
not always successful, as they did not all observe that the container was a half-cylinder, not a full cylinder.
Other candidates did not correctly recall the relevant formula for the volume of a cylinder. Some candidates
who did find a correct expression for y in terms of x were unable to form a correct expression for the surface
area. Multiples of the actual surface area were fairly common. A few expressions were dimensionally
incorrect. Candidates who had an expression for the surface area that was of an equivalent form to the
correct surface area could still earn method marks and some were able to do so. Many understood the need

© 2022
Cambridge International General Certificate of Secondary Education
0606 Additional Mathematics June 2022
Principal Examiner Report for Teachers

to differentiate and equate to zero, although not all derivatives were correctly formed. A few slips were made
in finding x, such as square rooting when cube rooting was the correct operation. Some candidates made no
real attempt to answer.

© 2022

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