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Design Document: Online Jobs Portal

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Design Document

Online Jobs Portal


Submitted to :
Mr. M.R.Warsi, Mr. Saiful Islam (Deptt. Of Computer Science & Engg.)

Submitted by : Shaziya Parveen - 09PEM366 Md. Hesam Akhter - 09PEM364

M.Tech (2nd Semester)

(Deptt. Of Computer Science & Engg.)


Date 23-02-10

Reasons for change Initial Draft

Version 1.0

Table of Contents 1. Introduction 1.1 Purpose 1.2 Scope 1.3 Definitions, Acronyms & Abbreviations 2. References 3. Decomposition Description 3.1 Module Decomposition 3.2 Data Description 4. Architectural Design 5. Dependency Description 5.1 Intermodule Dependencies 5.2 Interprocess Dependencies 5.3 Data Dependencies 6. Interface Description

1. Introduction 1.1 Purpose The purpose of this document is to provide a model of the software that will implement all the requirements stated in the SRS correctly and bring delight to those who use it. It can be used as the primary medium for communicating software design information. It is a translation of requirements into a description of the software structure, software components, interfaces and data necessary for the implementation phase. 1.2 Scope This document is the representation of the software under development. It is used as a medium for communicating software design information. This document will guide a designer in the selection, organization and presentation of design information. It plays a important role in the development and maintenance of the software. 1.3 Definitions, Acronyms & Abbreviations Not Applicable 2. References [1] IEEE recommended practice for software design description is available at URL: [2] Pankaj Jalote, Function-oriented design in An Integrated Approach to Software Engineering, Narosa Publishing House, 2004, pp. 253-271.

3. Decomposition Description 3.1 Module Description The modules in this web application can be categorized on the basic functions performing. A heirarchy of the functions is shown below.

3.1.1 MODULE 1: Home Name: Index Type: Web page Description: This is the first module of the system. This is the login page for job seekers. It will contain all the related links for job providers, employee, contact us, about us and a login box. It will also contain a new user link by which user can be registered. Operations: Name: Login () Arguments: None Returns: None Pre-condition: Connected to site Post-condition: Information presented to user Exceptions: None Flow of Events: i. User is presented with the job seekers login Page. ii. User can click job providers, employee, contact us and about us buttons to go to their respected home pages. iii. User can give login ID and password to go to the page to search jobs. iv. User can click new user link to go to the registration page. Job Seekers Registration Name: registration1 Type: web page Description: This is the another module of the system, after clicking on the link new registration, a page (i.e. registration page) will be displayed. This page consists of twelve text boxes & two buttons, which are according to operations authorized to him. First textbox is Login ID, in which the user has to fills his desired login ID. Second textbox is Password, in which the user has to fill the password. Third textbox is Conform Password, in which the user has to fill the password to conform. Forth textbox is First Name, in which the user has to fill the first name. Fifth textbox is Last Name, in which the user has to fill the last name. Sixth Textbox is Sex in which the user has to fill the gender. Seventh Textbox is Age in which the user has to fill the age. Eighth Textbox is Mobile in which the user has to fill the mobile number. Ninth Textbox is Email in which the user has to fill the email ID. Tenth Textbox is Company Name in which the user has to fill the name of the company where he/she is working currently. Eleventh Textbox is Company Address in which the user has to fill the address of the company.

Twelfth Textbox is Company Location in which the user has to fill the location of the company. First button is submit, if all entries are correct then a message will be displayed you have successfully registered otherwise an error message displayed to check entries again. Second button is Home, it will return user to Home Page. Operations: Name: registration() Arguments: None Returns: None Pre-condition: Connected to site Post-condition: Information presented to user Exceptions: None Flow of Events: User is presented with the Job Seekers Registration Page. User clicks submit button. All information about User details will be stored into the database. User clicks Home button. After clicking the home button, user will return to home page.

i. ii. iii. iv. v. Job Seekers Home Name: seekershome Type: Web page Description: This is the home page for job seekers. This page will contain description of all jobs, an option to apply for job and a link to create resume. The format of the resume will have the following attributes: i. Name ii. Email iii. Country iv. Location v. Contact No. vi. Mobile vii. Experience in year viii. Experience in month ix. Expected annual salary x. Functional area xi. Industry xii. Key skill xiii. Qualification In this page job seekers can view all the jobs in the following format:

IT Jobs:
i. ii. iii. iv. Company Name Serial No. Job Specialization Experience Need

Non-IT Jobs:
i. ii. iii. iv. Company Name Serial No. Job Specialization Experience Need

3.1.2 MODULE 2: Jobs Provider Name: provider Type: web page Description: This web page which is presented to the user after clicking on the button Jobs Provider. This page consist home, job Employee, contact us buttons and a two text boxes, which are according to operations authorized to him. One textbox is employee ID, in which the job provider has to fills the ID. Second Textbox is password in which the job provider has to fills his/her password. One button login. On clicking this button the appropriate authentication take place if successfully authenticate jobs provider home page opens otherwise an error message will be displayed to inform the user to check the user ID or Password.

Operations: Name: Login() Arguments: None Returns: No return value Pre-condition: Connected to site Post-condition: user will go to employee page Exceptions: None Flow of Events: i. User is presented with the providers login page. ii. User will enter user ID and password. iii. User clicks a login button.

iv. On clicking the button user will go to jobs provider home page. v. User can click new user link to go to the registration page. Jobs Provider Registration Name: registration2 Type: web page Description: This is the module for registration of Jobs Provider. after clicking on the link new registration, a page (i.e. registration page) will be displayed. This page consists of thirteen text boxes & two buttons, which are according to operations authorized to him. First textbox is Login ID, in which the user has to fills his desired login ID. Second textbox is Password, in which the user has to fill the password. Third textbox is Conform Password, in which the user has to fill the password to conform. Forth textbox is First Name, in which the user has to fill the first name. Fifth textbox is Last Name, in which the user has to fill the last name. Sixth Textbox is Sex in which the user has to fill the gender. Seventh Textbox is Age in which the user has to fill the age. Eighth Textbox is Mobile in which the user has to fill the mobile number. Ninth Textbox is Email in which the user has to fill the email ID. Tenth Textbox is Company name in which the user has to fill his/her name of the company where working. Eleventh Textbox is Designation in which the user has to fill his/her designation. Twelfth Textbox is Required no. of Candidates in which the user has to fill the number of candidates required. Thirteen Textbox is Required Skill in which the user has to fill the skill required for job. First button is submit, if all entries are correct then a message will be displayed you have successfully registered otherwise an error message displayed to check entries again. Second button is Home, it will return user to Home Page. Operations: Name: registration() Arguments: None Returns: None Pre-condition: Connected to site Post-condition: Information presented to user Exceptions: None Flow of Events: i. ii. User is presented with the Jobs Provider Registration Page. User clicks submit button.

iii. iv. v.

All information about User details will be stored into the database. User clicks Home button. After clicking the home button, user will return to home page. Jobs Provider Home Name: providerhome Type: web page Description: The web page which is presented to the user after giving the user ID and password. In this page the provider can see the resumes of all candidates who have applied for jobs. This page will contain the following buttons: i. Search: By clicking this button all the candidates profile will be displayed. ii. Reply: By clicking this button the user can reply to the candidate. after clicking, the mail box will be opened, then he can write the reply message. iii. Logout: After clicking this button the employee will go to the home page.

3.1.3 MODULE 3: Employee Name: employee Type: web page Description: This web page which is presented to the user after clicking on the button Employee. This page consist home, job providers, contact us buttons and a two text boxes, which are according to operations authorized to him. One textbox is employee ID, in which the employee has to fills the ID. Second Textbox is password in which the employee has to fills his/her password. One button login. On clicking this button the appropriate authentication take place if successfully authenticate employee page opens otherwise an error message will be displayed to inform the user to check the employee ID or Password.

Operations: Name: Login() Arguments: None Returns: No return value Pre-condition: Connected to site Post-condition: user will go to employee page Exceptions: None Flow of Events: i. User is presented with the employee login page. ii. User will enter login ID and password. 9

iii. iv. v.

User clicks a login button. On clicking the button user will go to employee home page. User can click new user link to go to the registration page. Employee Registration Name: registration3 Type: web page Description: This is the module of the for registration of employee. after clicking on the link new registration, a page (i.e. registration page) will be displayed. This page consists of thirteen text boxes & two buttons, which are according to operations authorized to him. First textbox is Login ID, in which the user has to fills his desired login ID. Second textbox is Password, in which the user has to fill the password. Third textbox is Conform Password, in which the user has to fill the password to conform. Forth textbox is First Name, in which the user has to fill the first name. Fifth textbox is Last Name, in which the user has to fill the last name. Sixth Textbox is Sex in which the user has to fill the gender. Seventh Textbox is Age in which the user has to fill the age. Eighth Textbox is Mobile in which the user has to fill the mobile number. Ninth Textbox is Email in which the user has to fill the email ID. Tenth Textbox is Designation in which the user has to fill his/her designation. Eleventh Textbox is Date of birth in which the user has to fill the date of birth. Twelfth Textbox is Date of Joining in which the user has to fill the date of joining the company. Thirteen Textbox is Salary in which the user has to fill the current salary. First button is submit, if all entries are correct then a message will be displayed you have successfully registered otherwise an error message displayed to check entries again. Second button is Home, it will return user to Home Page. Operations: Name: registration() Arguments: None Returns: None Pre-condition: Connected to site Post-condition: Information presented to user Exceptions: None Flow of Events: vi. vii. User is presented with the Employee Registration Page. User clicks submit button.


viii. ix. x.

All information about User details will be stored into the database. User clicks Home button. After clicking the home button, user will return to home page. Employee Home Name: employeehome Type: web page Description: The web page which is presented to the user after giving the employee ID and password. In this page the employee can see all the jobs and can add jobs. The format will have the following fields: v. Company Name vi. Serial No. vii. Job Specialization viii. Experience Need This page will also contain a logout button. After clicking this button the employee will go to the home page. 3.1.4 MODULE 4: Contact Us Name: contactus Type: Web page Description: This is the another module of the system. It will contain the address and phone number of the administrator (jobs provider). It will contain one button. One button home, it will return user to home page. Operations: Name: contactus() Arguments: None Returns: None Pre-condition: Connected to site Post-condition: Information presented to user Exceptions: None Flow of Events: i. User is presented with the Jobs Portal Home Page. ii. User clicks Contact Us button. iii. User is presented with all the information related to contact like address, email ID and phone numbers. 3.1.5 MODULE 5: About Us


Name: about us Type: Web page Description: This module is also the part of Jobs Portal. It will contain the information about the Online Jobs Portal. On clicking on this button we get information about the jobs of different companies and the way to search and apply for jobs. It will contain overall description about the searching jobs such as how to registered and making profile in the portal and also the facilities provided by this site. It will also contain one button Home to return on Home Page. Operations: Name: aboutus () Arguments: None Returns: None Pre-condition: Connected to site Post-condition: Information presented to user Exceptions: None Flow of Events: i. User is presented with the Jobs Portal Home Page. ii. User clicks About Us button. iii. User is presented with information about this job portal site. iv. User clicks Home button. v. User will return to home page.

3.2 Data Decomposition There are following master tables in the database. 3.2.1. Table Name: Seeker This table holds registration entries of the job seeker.
Field Name Login Id Password Confirm Password First Name Last Name Sex Age Mobile Field Description Varchar Varchar Varchar Varchar Varchar Varchar Varchar VarNumber Comments (Primary key) It contains the unique user id. It stores the password with minimum length six of the user. It stores the password with minimum length six of the user. It stores the first name of the user It stores the last name of the user. It stores the gender of the user. It stores the age of the user. It stores the mobile no. of the user.


Email Company Name Company Address Company Location

Varchar Varchar Varchar Varchar

It stores the e-mail id of the user. It stores the name of the company. It stores the address of the company. It stores the location of the company.

3.2.2. Table Name: Provider This table holds registration entries of the job provider.
Field Name Login Id Password Confirm Password First Name Last Name Sex Age Mobile Email Company Name Designation Required Candidates Required Skill Field Description Varchar Varchar Varchar Varchar Varchar Varchar Varchar Varnumber Varchar Varchar Varchar Varnumber Varchar Comments (Primary key) It contains the unique user id. It stores the password with minimum length six of the user. It stores the password with minimum length six of the user. It stores the first name of the user It stores the last name of the user. It stores the gender of the user. It stores the age of the user. It stores the mobile no. of the user. It stores the e-mail id of the user. It stores the name of the company. It stores the designation. It stores the no. of candidates required. It stores the name of skill required.


3.2.3. Table Name: Employee This table holds registration entries of the Employee.
Field Name Login Id Password Confirm Password First Name Last Name Sex Age Mobile Email Designation Date of Birth Date of Joining Salary Field Description Varchar Varchar Varchar Varchar Varchar Varchar Varnumber Varnumber Varchar Varchar Varchar Varnumber Varnumber Comments (Primary key) It contains the unique user id. It stores the password with minimum length six of the user. It stores the password with minimum length six of the user. It stores the first name of the user It stores the last name of the user. It stores the gender of the user. It stores the age of the user. It stores the mobile no. of the user. It stores the e-mail id of the user. It stores the designation. It stores the date of birth. It stores the date of joining of the company. It stores the salary.


3.2.4. Table Name: Resume This table holds the entries of the resume of Job Seekers.
Field Name Name Email Country Location Contact no. Mobile Experience in Year Experience in Month Expected Salary Functional Area Current Industry Skill Basic Qualification Post Graduation Doctorate Login ID Password Field Description Varchar Varchar Varchar Varchar Varchar Varnumber Varnumber Varnumber Varnumber Varchar Varchar Varnumber Varnumber Varchar Varchar Varchar Varchar Comments It stores the name of the user. It stores the email ID of the user. It stores the name of the country. It stores the location of user It stores the contact number other than mobile. It stores the mobile number. It stores the experience in year. It stores the experience in month. It stores the expected salary. It stores the functional area. It stores the name of industry currently user is . It stores the skill. It stores the name of degree for graduation. It stores the name of the degree for masters. It stores the name of the degree for doctorate. (Primary key) It contains the unique login id It stores the password.

3.2.5. Table Name: IT Job This table holds the entries of the description of IT Job.
Field Name Company Name Field Description Varchar Comments It stores the name of the company.


Serial Number Job Specialization Mobile No. Experience Need

Varchar Varchar Varchar Varchar

It stores the serial number of job. It stores the name of the specialization of the job. It stores the mobile no. of the company. It stores the year of experience need.

3.2.6. Table Name: Non-IT Job This table holds the entries of the description of Non- IT Job.
Field Name Company Name Serial Number Job Specialization Mobile No. Experience Need Field Description Varchar Varchar Varchar Varchar Varchar Comments It stores the name of the company. It stores the serial number of job. It stores the name of the specialization of the job. It stores the mobile no. of the company. It stores the year of experience need.

4. Architectural Design 4.1 E-R Diagram

Registration Search IT Jobs

Create Resume Search Non-IT Job


Job Search


Create Profile

Accessing for

Searching Jobs

FIG: E-R Diagram 5. Dependency Description 5.1 Intermodule Dependencies The modules in this web application shows the interdependency between them.


User Command And data










FIG: Data Flow Diagram

5.2 Interprocess Dependencies There is a high level dependency between the processes of the modules which implies a high level of cohesion factor. The process of accessing information in any of the modules stated above depends on the process of login verification. Only after valid login one can access the desired web pages. This shows a high level of dependency between these processes. 5.3 Data Dependencies All the modules have simple input-output function. Data is transferred from one module to another as an input and the output is also data element. 6. Interface Description: 6.1 Human-Machine Interface: Not applicable 6.2 EXTERNAL INTERFACE 6.2.1User Interface: This system provides easy interface to the user. There is no need of a detailed knowledge of computer. 6.2.2 Interface Design Rules: While designing the user interface, we have kept following points in mind. The appearance of the form should be standard which provide the appropriate initial information of the user. It provides short time filling process to the user. It is not complex to the user, every field is easily understandable.



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