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UAE Hydrogen Roadmap - Eng

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UAE Hydrogen Leadership Roadmap

4th November 2021

Hydrogen Landscape and UAE Competitive Advantage

Low carbon hydrogen expected to be a 400+ Hydrogen will further enable the diversification of
billion-dollar business in 2050 and a key the UAE economy through the expansion in
measure to combat climate change existing industries and growth of new industries

New alliances are already in place with partners

The UAE is well positioned to be a leader in low
who are excited to be part of the hydrogen
carbon hydrogen with natural competitive
future with the UAE and who bring new
advantages in both blue and green hydrogen
capabilities and technologies

The UAE Hydrogen Leadership Roadmap is

Hydrogen to play a significant role in the UAE
already being underpinned by National
National Energy Strategy 2050 and UAE Net
Champions with world-leading low carbon
Zero by 2050 Strategic Initiative
hydrogen projects, pilots, and test cargoes

The UAE with strong financial capabilities and a The UAE is fostering innovation to enable the
stable political and regulatory environment for global energy transition, providing the right
long term investments ecosystem for low carbon hydrogen projects

UAE advocates for the development of low carbon hydrogen

Key climate Massive International Improving

measure potential momentum economics

Low carbon hydrogen is ~350 Mtpa global 45 countries with national The UAE well positioned
needed for net zero with demand and +$400B hydrogen strategies or to be a top quartile
a long-term commitment market potential by 2050 actively developing them producer of H2 through
required in 2⁰C path low-cost gas and world
leading solar PV

Source: BloombergNEF 2020; IEA 2021

Low-cost gas will help the UAE to play a leading role in
developing and maturing the low carbon hydrogen market

UAE amongst the countries globally with the lowest solar costs
for green hydrogen and with available land for solar PV

The UAE is well UAE National Champions are already present across the end-
to-end value chain for hydrogen and ammonia

positioned to be a UAE starts from a position of strength, with 7+ projects

leader in low underway, developments on the ground, and 4 test cargos sold

carbon hydrogen Existing alliances forged in Japan, South Korea and Europe with
key off-takers, infrastructure players and technology leaders and
more alliances are to be created

Favorable geographic positioning of the UAE to key future low

carbon hydrogen markets in both Asia and Europe

The UAE ranked the fourth best country to live and work in the
world and is the highest value nation brand in the Middle East
Source: Brand Finance Nation Brands 2021; HSBC Expat Explorer Survey
The UAE is targeting 25% market share of low
carbon hydrogen and derivatives in key import
markets by 2030 with an initial focus on Japan,
South Korea, India, and Europe while in
parallel pursuing export opportunities across
other markets.

Global leader 25% market 7+ projects

in hydrogen share announced

UAE with ambition We will target a We are well on

to be a global 25% market share the way with 7+
leader in low in key import projects planned
carbon hydrogen markets to deliver 0.5 mtpa

The UAE is well on its way to champion the development of low carbon
hydrogen projects

Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum Solar

Taziz - Ruwais chemical hub 4 Park
1 • 1 mtpa blue ammonia production • First solar PV and green hydrogen
plant located in the Taziz producing facility in the MENA region
chemicals hub • Demonstration scale
• 0.2 mtpa H2 equivalent capacity

Abu Dhabi, Khalifa Industrial Zone

5 • Final goal of 200kt of ammonia
4 test cargos of blue ammonia
Masdar – Demonstration plant already sold by ADNOC 4 and 40kt of H2 annual production
2 • Green H2 initially for road 5
• 0.1 mtpa H2 equivalent capacity
transport, then expanding to 6
• e-kerosene synthesis and ocean 2
shipping 7 TAQA & Abu Dhabi Ports
1 6 • Green ammonia project under
• Demonstration scale 3
discussion powered by a 2 GW solar
based electrolyzer facility
UAE Hydrogen Hub • 0.1 mtpa H2 equivalent capacity
• Initial development of 1GW of low
carbon hydrogen together with BP
as well as pioneering TAQA & Emirates Steel
7 • MOU for large-scale green hydrogen
decarbonized air corridors
between the UK and UAE project enabling the first green steel
• 0.1-0.2 mtpa H2 equivalent produced in the MENA region
UAE's Hydrogen Leadership Roadmap - 3 Key Objectives

Ambition: UAE as a global leader in low carbon hydrogen and home to a robust
and vibrant low carbon hydrogen ecosystem

1 2 3

Generate new sources of Provide low carbon Enable UAE Net Zero
value for UAE through low hydrogen and derivative by 2050 Strategic Initiative
carbon hydrogen and industrial opportunities in hard to abate
derivatives exports in the UAE sectors

Provide a clear regulatory Develop new low carbon
Leverage existing and new Provide land and
framework backed by hydrogen technology and Access green financing
Government to associated infrastructure
policies, incentives, competencies through the UAE and
Government relationships resources to support UAE
standards, certifications, through value adding international
to accelerate growth of production and develop
and clear roles among partnerships and domestic capital markets
domestic ecosystem the domestic ecosystem
UAE entities R&D efforts

Mtpa H2 in 2050 Target applications

Oil refining and ammonia

UAE Net Zero by Industrial heat and steel

2050 Strategic
Initiative and UAE Power storage

National Energy Heavy road transport

Strategy 2050
Ocean shipping
Hydrogen a (optional international travel)

key enabler Sustainable aviation fuel

(optional international travel)
Domestic UAE Hydrogen
demand in net-zero 2050

Source: IEA World Energy Balances; IEA WEO 2020; Incumbent fuel demand: Grey hydrogen Natural gas Crude-oil based products
GlobalData; Nexant Note: Assuming aggressive decarbonization to arrive at net-zero by 2050 – underpinning regulation yet to be defined
Source: IEA World Energy Balances; IEA WEO 2020; GlobalData; Nexant 7
UAE's Hydrogen Leadership Roadmap to be ramped rapidly with first
demonstrations already underway

Estimated time of market materialization

2021 2025 2030 2035 2040+ Priority segments

Low-carbon ammonia pilot • Key Asian import markets

1 shipments at world-leading scale
Low carbon ammonia exports
power and non-power

UAE domestic
2 demonstration pilots
UAE domestic decarbonization • UAE use cases

Sustainable aviation fuel demonstration and pioneering

3 decarbonized air corridors with UK and potentially others
Sustainable Aviation Fuel (SAF) exports • Sustainable aviation fuel

4 Green steel demonstration Green steel exports • Europe steel

• Key Asian import markets

5 Low carbon hydrogen exports

Methanol exports and ammonia • Ocean shipping

6 for ocean shipping exports • Methanol

Government enablers are precursors in the near term

Set up regulatory framework backed by Establish roles, responsibilities, and Define available land for Develop value adding partnerships
policies, incentives, standards, certifications governance of key UAE entities low carbon hydrogen through trade discussions (ongoing)


Abu Dhabi Hydrogen Alliance National Hydrogen Technical Committee

Glossary for UAE Hydrogen Leadership Roadmap

Term Definition

Hydrogen produced with low carbon emissions either as blue hydrogen based on
Low carbon hydrogen fossil fuels and with carbon capture and storage for emitted carbon or green
hydrogen produced based on renewable energy with an electrolyzer

UAE's National Champions in low carbon hydrogen are the key players in the
National Champions development of the domestic industry including ADNOC, ADQ, Mubadala,
DEWA, Beaa and Masdar

The unified energy strategy in the UAE towards 2050 based on supply and
UAE National Energy Strategy 2050
demand targets

UAE Net Zero by 2050 Strategic Initiative National strategic initiative to reach domestic net-zero emissions by 2050

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