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Task 1

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Complaint letter………………………………….………………………………….4

Request letter…………………………………….…………………………………..8

Application letter………………………………………..…………………………12

Apology letter……………………………………………………………………….17

Invitation letter………………………………………..……………………………21

Thank you letter……………………………………….…………………………..25

Condolence letter………………………………………….………………………32

Ushbu kitob CEFR (MULTI-LEVEL) imtixoniga tayyorlanayotganlar
uchun mo’ljallangan. Bu kitobni puxta o’rganish orqali siz imtixonda
yuqori ballni qo’lga kiritishingiz mumkin. Bu kitobdan foydalanishga hech
qanday cheklov yo’q, lekin umuman o’zgartirmagan xolatda.
Hammangizga omad yor bo’lsin !

Nuraliyev Qahramon

Complaint letter
(Shikoyat xati)
Biror narsadan norozilikni, biror narsani tuzatish kerakligini talab qilib
yoziladigan xat - Complaint letter (shikoyat xati) deb ataladi. Masalan siz o’z
shahringizdagi birorta muommoni hal qilinishini xohlaysiz, aytaylik: chiqindilarni
yig’adigan xodimlar yaxshi ishlamaydi va siz ularni ustidan shikoyat qilib shahar
hokimyatiga xat yozyapsiz bunday xat turi Complaint letterga misol bo’ladi. Bundan
tashqari birorta xarid qilgan narsangiz o’ylaganingizdek bo’lib chiqmadi va siz o’sha
do’kon boshlig’iga shikoyat xati yozasiz. Bir so’z bilan aytrganda nimadandir
norozlikni bildiradigan xat turi – Complaint letter deyiladi.
CEFR letterlarini yozishda reja asosida, qoliblar bilan, tartib bilan yozish sizga
yuqori ball olishingizga yordam beradi. Masalan complaint lettrimizni quydagi
tartibda yozsak maqsadga muvofiq bo’lardi.
Birinchi, xatni boshlashda
1. Reason for writing (xatni yozish sababi):
I am writing in order to complain about
I am writing to complain about
I am writing regarding
I am writing to express my dissatisfaction with
2. Introducing the complaint (shikoyatingizni tanishtirish):
Topic sentence stating the positive point. + However, + problem….Example: We
thoroughly enjoyed the first week of the holiday. However, after that we
a number of problems.
I am (extremely) dissatisfied / dissappointed with the service / goods that I
/ bought because
3. First complaint (birinchi muommo, shikoyat):
First of all
The first problem is / was
My first complaint is
My first concern is
The first thing I would like to draw your attention to is
4. Further complaints (boshqa shikoyatlar):
In addition
In addition to this
Added to this
…… is / was also unsatisfactory / unacceptable
Not only ……, but also
To make matters worse,
5. Mentioning negative consequences (salbiy xolatlarni ta’kidlash):
I'm afraid that…
6. Expressing Dissatisfaction (o’zingizning noroziliklaringizni ifodalash):
It is not acceptable to / that
I am not at all pleased that
I am disappointed because
7. Demanding action (talab qilayotgan harakatingiz, nima qilishlarini
I suggest that you replace the item
I therefore suggest that I be given a full refund
I would be grateful if my money was refunded
I would be grateful if you could give me a full refund
I would like to request that
To resolve the problem, I would appreciate it if you could
8. Ending the letter (xatni yakunlash):
I look forward to hearing from you
I look forward to receiving a full refund
I look forward to receiving a replacement
I look forward to receiving your explanation
I look forward to your reply and a resolution to my problem

!!! Yuqoridagi kirish so’zlarni qolib tarzida yodlab oling va o’z

letteringizda foydalaning.

!!! Odatda savol turi quydagicha beriladi. Sample answerlar bilan
LETTER TOPIC . You recently had your computer fixed at a local
computer store, however, you are not pleased with the service you received.
Write a letter to the store manager. In the letter:
• describe the situation
• explain why you are dissatisfied
• say what you want the manager to do
Write at least 150 words.

Dear Sir or Madam,

I am one of your loyal customers and I always take your service for any
computer repair works. However, this time I am writing to complain about a poor
customer service that I received on 20th September from your shop. I am really
disappointed with the service and I hope you will take prompt action after
investigating the letter.
A few days ago my computer showed some anomalies and every few hours, it
got restarted automatically. In fact, I didn’t pay much attention to this issue until the
problem became more frequent. So, I took my computer to your store on 15th
September and your customer care officer promised to fix the problem in a day or
two. However, he took a week to call me and when I brought my computer home, I
found that nothing has been done. The restarting problem reappeared as usual while
I paid $100 to your shop and waited for one week to have it fixed.
This is a frustrating and daunting experience that I have had with your service
and I would ask you to investigate the reason for this poor customer support. Please
send someone to my home to have the issue fixed or refund the service charge that
I have already paid for apparently nothing.
I am looking forward to hearing from you soon.
Yours faithfully,
Milad Rahimi

LETTER TOPIC . You are not happy about a service you received
You are not happy about a service you received a couple of days ago from a
company and you have decided to complain about it.
Write a letter to the company to complain about the poor service you
received from its employee.
In your letter, express:
• why you went to the shop/office
• how the employees behaved to offend you
• what you expect the company to do
Sample Answer :
Dear Sir or Madam,
I am writing to register a complaint with you regarding poor service, and the
rude attitude by your stuff that I experienced last Monday when I visited your shop.
I am hoping you would take proper steps so that no other customer feel humiliated
the way I did.
I went to your shop on Monday, 24th November, with the intention of
purchasing a microwave oven for my home. While I was in your shop, not a single
employee approached and offered me any assistance! They were watching a soap
opera on the television and were fully focused on the show. I decided to ask one of
the employees for help but he showed no interest to help me. He was actually rude
when I asked him what types of microwave ovens were available in the shop and if
he could assist me. He pointed out his finger to another employee and this gesture
was extremely awkward. I wasn't there to ask a favour, rather purchase a product
and the unprofessional employees you have are surely going to cost your business.
I regret to have been in your shop and will never be there. However, you
should know how poorly your staff treats your customers. I am hoping you would
take initiatives to offer better customer experience in the future by hiring more
professional employees.
Yours faithfully,
________ (Name)

Request letter
(Talab xati)
Request letter – bu rasmiy xat turi bo’lib, rasmiy joylardan biror narsani
so’rashda, iltimos qilishda va taklif qilishda yoziladi. Bu hujjatlarga ham o’xshab
ketadi. Bu sizning xo’jayiningizga yoki boshqaruvchingizga oyligingizni oshirishlari
so’rash uchun, yoki lavozimingizni ko’tarishlarini iltimos qilish uchun yozilishi
Bundan tashqari Request letter biror kompaniya yoki shirkatlarga ehson
qilishlarini taklif qilib, biror qariyalar uyidan yoki bolalar uyi tomonidan yozilishi
Request letter strukturasi va foydali so’zlar

1. Dear Sir/Madam, (or name if given) Xatni boshlashda ishlatish mumkin.

2. The purpose of the letter: explanation, reason for writing (1-2 sentences
what kind of information you are interested in) (Xatni yozishdan
maqsad: tushintirish, yozish sababini va nimaga qiziqayotganimizni 1,2
gap orqali ifodalaymiz.
I am writing to ask for information about membership in the Snap Fitness
Sports club
I am writing to ask for complete itinerary of a trip to Africa that I booked
with your company
I am writing in response to ... / I was interested in your advertisement in
I am writing to inquire about ...
3. Explanation in more detail: who you are, exactly what information you
need, why, when and in what form you need it (letter, fax, email)
Who am I? (Ko’proq detallar orqali kimligimizni, nimani xohlashimizni,
nima uchun kerakligini batafsilroq yoritamiz)
I have read your advertisement of the … and would like to get more
4. What information do I request? (Nima ma’lumotni talab qilishimizni
The information I would like to obtain should include following:
Firstly, I would like to know ...
I would be grateful whether you could tell me what the price is.
I wonder if I need insurance / I wonder if you could ...

I would be interested to know if I will get a certificate
I would like to know more about ... / I would be grateful if you could ...
I wonder if you could possibly tell/send me …
Could you possibly send … / May I request …?
Could you please send me further details …?
5. Why? When?(qachon va nima uchun)
I would appreciate (it) if you could inform me as soon as possible
I would like to receive it as soon as possible but not later than a week
before flight
6. In what form?(qanday ko’rinishda javob berishlarini ifodalaymiz)
You could send the above-mentioned information to my e-mail or a fax
It would be of great help if you could fax me the details
You can contact me on my mobile phone number which is: 0454 ...
7. Formal ending, name, signature (Rasmiy xolatda tugatamiz)
I look forward to hearing from you!
I look forward to receiving a prompt reply!
Yours sincerely, ... (you know the name of person you are writing to)
Yours faithfully, ... (you don't know the name!)

!!! Yuqoridagi kirish so’zlarni qolib tarzida yodlab oling va o’z letteringizda

Sample letters
LETTER TOPIC . You are working for a company. You need to take some
time off work and want to ask your manager about this. Write a letter to
your manager. In your letter:
 explain why you want to take time
 give details of the amount of time you need
 suggest how your work could be covered while you are away
Hello Andrew,
I am writing to request you to grant me leave of absence for 2 days. As you
know, nthe customer was extremely disappointed with our previous delivery as their
expectation regarding quality and the timeline of the release was too high. To meet
their requirement, I had been working consecutively for 3 weeks even on the
weekends. Now, considering the number of hours I spent in office last month, I have
decided to take a short break from work.
I am planning a short vacation on November 21st and 22nd. As the following
days are weekends, I will get a total of 4 days of holiday. I would like to visit my native
place during these holidays and get some time for myself before commencing work
on the next project. I assure you that my absence will in no way affect my work as
my teammate Sara has agreed to fill me for me. In addition, I will continuously
monitor my email inbox and reply to customer queries without delay.
I look forward to getting my leave application approved as early as possible.
Yours sincerely

LETTER TOPIC . You want to start your own small business. Write a letter
to a bank requesting information about obtaining a business loan to finance
your new company.
In your letter, include the following information:
• what kind of business you want to start
• how much money you need
• the length of time over which you would expect to repay the money
Write at least 150 words

Sample Answer :
Dear Sir or Madam,
I am writing to inquire about the possibility of a business loan from your bank
to finance a startup business I have planned to commence soon. I am hoping you
would provide me with some information and document requirements so that I can
apply for the loan.
I have completed my graduation from the University of Edison and my major
was marketing. Now I am interested to start a coffee shop of my own and need a
loan to support it. I own the location of the shop and have some prior experience of
working at a large coffee shop. A business outlining firm responsible for the business
plan has suggested a capital requirement of $10,000 for the coffee shop. I can finance
50% of the fund requirement and need another $5000 as a loan from your bank.
My father would be ready to be a guarantor for the loan and I can repay the
loan amount with interest within 2 years. However, I need three months' grace period
before I start repaying my monthly instalment.
I would really appreciate it if you could send me details of the loan including
the ninterest rates, monthly instalment amount and so on. Also, forward me the
documents I need to fill in and submit to actually apply for the loan.
Yours faithfully,
_______ (Name)

Application letter
(Ariza xati, ish uchun )
Application letter – cover letter nomi bilan ham mashhur bo’lib, bu asosan
siz tomoningizdan ish beruvchiga yoziladigan xatdir. Bunda siz o’z qobilyatlaringizni,
yutuqlaringizni yoritib berishingiz va o’zingizning qiziqishlaringizni ifodalashingiz
Shuningdek siz qaysi sohaga tayinlashsa yaxshi ish bershingizni va qaysi
kasbni eggalasangiz ular uchun foydali bo’lishini ifodalashingiz kerak. Bir so’z bilan
aytganda siz o’z qobilyatlaringizni ochib berasiz.

What to include in a 'Apply to a job' letter (Bu xat turi nimalarni o’z
ichiga oladi):
1. Specify what position you are applying to.
2. Mention how you have learned about the job announcement.
3. Whether you are applying as a full-time or part-time employee.
4. Mention about your education and skills.
5. Also, say what special skills and qualities you have that make you an
excellent fit for the job.
6. Say the employer when you can meet them for the interview.
7. Also, outline when you can join if you are selected.

Common Phrases To Include In Cover Letters (Ap letter uchun umumiy


There are a variety of phrases which can be used when penning a cover letter,
and most of the time, you will find that using a specific template can help greatly.
Let’s look at some of the most common ways to express what you want to say in a
cover letter. (Ushbu quydagi frazalar ya’ni qoliblar sizga Ap letterni reja bilan sifatli
yozishga yordam beradi)
1. Introduction (Kirish, tanishtiruv qism)
In order to introduce yourself, you may include any of the following phrases.
• At present, I am studying at…..
• At the moment, I am working for…..
• For the last 5 years, I have been working in the position of…..
• My current job title is…
2. Reason For Writing (yozish sababi)
In this section, you will need to explain why you are contacting the reader.

•I am writing in response to an advertisement which was placed in…….
•I am enquiring as to whether you currently have any positions in the area
•I am writing to apply for the position of…
3. Education And Previous Experience (ta’lim va tajribaga oid ma’lumotlar)
Your prospective employer is going to be interested to know what qualifications
you have, here are some ways to express this information.LETTER WRITING
•I have experience in…..and have worked at…….for the last…..years.
• My education includes a degree from XY university.
•I have been studying (subject) for 3 years.
•I am a native English speaker and have ample knowledge of Spanish and
4. What Makes You Ideal For This Position? (bu sizga berilayotgan lavozim
orqali erishadigan yutuqlaringiz)
You are going to want to convince the reader that you are the best option for
this position.
•I am a driven and ambitious person who is keen to learn new skills.
•I believe I am the best choice for this position as I have a lot of experience in
my previous role.
•I feel that I am the most suitable candidate for this job because of my ambition
and drive to make a change.
•I am excited to have the opportunity to be able to work with a reputable
company like yours.
5. Closing Statement (bayonotingizni yopishda ishlatilishi kerak bo’lgan
At the end of your letter, you will need to close off by saying thank you.
• Thank you for taking the time to read through my application.
• Please contact me at any time should you wish to arrange a meeting.
• Please do not hesitate to contact me for any further information.
•I appreciate your consideration for this application and look forward to
hearing from you.
6. First paragraph (dastlabki paragrifda)
I am writing in response to your advertisement in the Sunday Times, dated 28
April 2012.
Please accept this letter as an expression of my interest in the position of…
A copy of my résumé has been enclosed for your review.
I would like to express my interest in the position of….

I am writing to express my interest in the …. position at … (company name).
As a recent graduate with …. experience, I believe I am a strong candidate for a
position at … (company name).
Although I am a recent university graduate, my .… (skill) and …. (skill) will make
me an excellent ….
7. Second paragraph (ikkinchi paragrifda)
As seen from my enclosed résumé, my experience and accomplishments match
the mrequirements of this position.
I would like to point out …. (information relevant to the position).
During my two years with … (company name), I initiated extensive
improvements that resulted in garnering 30 more clients for the period ending
I possess the right combination of …. skills to be an asset to your organisation.
I understand the value of ….
I have a very strong interest in .…
Experience has taught me how to .…
For the past two years I have been working as …. at …. (company name).
8. Third paragraph (uchunchi paragrifda)
I would appreciate the opportunity to meet with you to discuss how my
qualifications make me ideally suited to the position.
I would appreciate the opportunity to meet and speak with you in person.
I would welcome the opportunity to meet with you to discuss my potential
contributions to your company.
I believe that my skill-set perfectly matches your requirements.
I look forward to hearing from you.
I look forward to your response.
If I may, I will contact you next week to discuss ….
I would be interested in learning more about ….
I look forward to speaking with you about….
Thank you for your time and consideration.
My CV contains additional information on ….
It would be an honour to start my career with your company, and I am
confident that
I will be an asset to the business.

Sample letters
LETTER TOPIC . You recently noticed a local restaurant that was offering a
part-time job.
Write a letter to the restaurant’s manager. In your letter,
– explain that you would like to apply for the job
– give some details of any relevant experience that you have
– specify the days and times that would suit you
You should write at least 150 words.

Dear Sir / Madam,

I am writing to you to express my interest in your job advertisement for a chef
that I saw posted on the local village board. As I have currently moved to Brenton as
a qualified chef, I would therefore like to apply for this position.
I noticed from the job description that you require someone who can both
cook in a creative and healthy way, and who can communicate with and manage staff
in an effective manner. My previous job was as an assistant chef at Brew’s restaurant
in London, where I was responsible for preparing all the dishes on the restaurant’s
menu and coming up with inventive recipes to present to the head chef. I am also
personally very interested in healthy living and this is always reflected in how I cook.
I was also responsible at Brew’s for managing the cleaning and serving staff at the
restaurant, in which capacity I found I was able to build good working relationships
with all the staff in my responsibility.
I noticed that this is a part-time job. My preferred days for working would be
Monday, Wednesday and Friday afternoons and evenings. I would be available until
late at night on those days and I would also be able to work two Saturdays of each
I look forward to hearing from you soon. Please let me know if you require any
further information.
Yours sincerely,
Marisa Thompson

LETTER TOPIC . You are looking for a full-time job, and recently you saw a
job opening in an advertisement.
Write a letter to the company. In your letter:
• introduce yourself
• explain what sort of job you would like to do
• and say what experience and skills you have
You should write at least 150 words.

Dear Sir or Madam,

I am writing to apply for the assistant manager post in your Hotel - The
Adventure Inn, that you have advertised in a local newspaper recently. I would really
appreciate it if you could spare some of your precious time to further discuss my
candidacy in a formal interview.
I would like to work as an assistant manager that would enable me to work
closely with the hotel staff and with the management. This way, I would be able to
best serve my position on the one hand and learn valuable experience on the other
I have completed my graduation from City University in 2019 and my major
was Tourism and Hospitality. Afterwards, I have worked for two four-star hotels and
my current job as an assistant manager at the Gilbert hotel makes me a suitable
candidate for the post. I do not see enough career growth opportunity with my
current employer and that's why would like to switch my job.
I look forward to hearing from you soon. Should you need any further details,
please do not hesitate to call me.
Yours sincerely,
Paul Jenkins

Apology Letter
Ushbu xat turi nomidan ma’lumki, kechirim so’rash uzur so’rash
uchun ishlatiladigan xat turi hisoblanadi. Masalan: siz uyingizda bayram
uyishtirdingiz oqibatda qo’shningiz kechasi bilan shovqundan uhlay
olmadi va sizdan ranjishdi. Shunaqa xolatda siz unga Apology letter
yozasiz. Bundan tashqari biror do’stingiz sizni uyiga taklif qidi lekin siz
borolmadingiz shunaqa paytda ham Apology letter yoziladi.
Bir so’z bilan aytganda uzur ma’nosidagi barcha xatlar apology
letterga misol bo’ladi.

What to include in an apology letter (Apology letter o’z ichiga nimalarni

Express your remorse, and say that "I'm sorry" (in an informal letter) or "Please
accept my sincere apology" (in a semi-formal or formal letter) in the opening
line(s) of your letter. Specifically mention why you are sorry /you are apologizing for.
That will give the recipient of the letter a clear idea that you understand what you
did. Take responsibility for the situation. Don't give an excuse, rather admit your
fault. Offer to make some amends.
Useful Language for Letter of Apology
(foydali qolib so’zlar)
1. Opening Remarks (xatni ochish uchun ishlatiladigan so’zlar):
•I am writing to apologise for
•I must apologise for
• Please accept my sincerest apologies for
• How can I apologise enough for
•I must apologise profusely for
•I am very sorry that I was not able to come.
•I wish to sincerely apologize for missing the meeting.
•I deeply regret that I was not in attendance.
•I am writing to apologise for all the noise coming from my flat over the past
few days.
• Please give me a chance to explain and apologise.
•I hope you will understand when I say that
• What can I say, except I'm sorry that…
• I’m sorry for
•I owe you an apology42TTER WRITING EXERCISES
• I’m so sorry if I upset you in any way
•I can’t describe how sorry I am and how guilty I feel
•I apologize for missing your party.
•I regret that I couldn’t make it.
• Please accept my apology.
• I’m so sorry I wasn’t able to come.
2. Closing Remarks (xatni yopish uchun)
• Once again, sincerest apologies for
•I hope you will accept my apologies
•I hope my apologies will be/are accepted
•I hope you believe me when I say how sorry I am
•I can’t tell you how sorry I am
•I beg you to forgive me for
• There is no excuse for... and I hope you’ll forgive me

!!! Yuqoridagi kirish so’zlarni qolib tarzida yodlab oling va o’z letteringizda

LETTER TOPIC . You have been invited to attend an interview for a place
studying a course at a college. Unfortunately, because of a previous
appointment, you cannot come at the time they wish.
Write a letter to the admission tutor. In your letter
• explain your position
• apologise and offer to come on another day or later the same day
• also ask how long the interview will be, and whether there will be any
tests during it
You should write at least 150 words.

Sample Answer :

Dear Sir or Madam,

I have been accepted to join the Masters of Science programme in the

winter semester at your college. I am supposed to meet you in an interview next
Monday morning but I am afraid the timing contradicts another important
meeting. I am hoping that you would allow me to meet you sometime later on
that day or on a different day.

I work with Optus Telecom and they have scheduled a general meeting on
27th November which contradicts my interview with you. The meeting in the
office will start at 9.00 am whereas my interview with you is set at 10.00 am on
the same day. I understand how important it is for me to meet you to finalise my
admission and hoping that you would allow me to alter the timing as I really
cannot make it at 10 am on 27th November.

I sincerely apologize for the inconvenience and I request you to kindly

reschedule my interview for another day or after 2 pm on the same day. For this,
I shall always be thankful to you. Also, kindly let me know if I need to take any
tests as part of the interview process and how long the interview might continue.
I am looking forward to hearing from you soon.

Yours faithfully,

Namrita Roy

LETTER TOPIC . Your neighbours have recently written to you to complain
about the noise from your houseflat.
Write a letter to your neighbours. In your letter
• explain the reasons for the noise
• apologise
• describe what action you will take
You should write at least 150 words.

Sample Answer :

Dear Mr and Mrs Williams,

I hope you are doing great. It is a shame that we do not know each other very
well and I would like to apologise for that. I am writing this letter in response to
your complaint letter that you sent me yesterday about the noise from my flat. I
sincerely apologise for the inconvenience and humbly ask for your forgiveness.

With concern about home safety, my wife and I decided to install a few smoke
detectors in our flat, especially after we saw a devastating fire in our
neighbourhood lately. We bought the devices from an online store and started to
install and test the gadgets last Sunday. To ensure that the sound of the fire alarm
is loud enough and everyone in the house would notice it, we tested the devices for
about 30 minutes. Although the testing took place at midday last Sunday, my wife
and I are terribly sorry that your child’s nap was interrupted.

I really regret the event and request your forgiveness. Please accept this box
of chocolate as a token of my deepest regret for the inconvenience. We will be
more careful next time.

Yours sincerely,

Paul Lesner

Invitation Letter
(ta’klif xati)
Bu xat turi ham o’z nomidan ma’lumki, biror insonni birorta bayram, tadbir,
marosim yoki majlisga va shunga o’xshash yig’ilishga chaqirishda yoziladi. Masalan,
siz biror chet ellik do’stingizni tug’ilgan kunungizga, nikoh to’yingizga va hokozolarga
chaqirishda ishlatasiz.
Bir so’z bilan aytganda biror tanish insoningizni biror tadbirga taklif
qilishingizda ushbu xat turidan foydalanasiz.
Invitation Letter Writing Tips
Refer to the following writing tips to know how to write an invitation letter for
an event.

It must include the address, date, and time of the event on the left side
of the
• Make sure to mention the salutation at the beginning and your signature at
the ending of the letter.
• Make sure to write a grammatically correct and concise letter.
• It should indicate whether it is a formal or informal letter.
• The host must express his or her warm welcome to the guests.

Useful Language for Letters of Invitation

How do you start a letter of Invitation?

(qanday qilib xatni boshlash)

1. Opening Remarks (xatni ochib berish):

• We would be honoured if you
•I cordially invite you to
• Your presence would be appreciated at
• You are invited to attend
• I'm writing to invite you to ...
• I’d love it if you could come to
• We’re organising a ... and would love it if you could come,
2. Closing Remarks (xatni yopish):
• We would be grateful if you could
• Please indicate whether you will be able to attend
•I hope you’ll be able to make it
• Hope you can come
• Looking forward to seeing you then
• Please let me know as soon as possible, etc.

!!! Yuqoridagi kirish so’zlarni qolib tarzida yodlab oling va o’z

letteringizda foydalaning.

Sample answer:
LETTER TOPIC . You are planning to go to a music concert in your town
and would like a friend to accompany you. Write a letter to invite your
friend to the concert you are planning to go to.
In your letter, say:
• what the content of the music concert is
• where and when the music concert is
• why you think your friend should go to this concert
You should write at least 150 words.

Dear Taylor,
It has been a while since I have talked to you or met you in person. So, I
hope that everything is well with you. Anyway, I'm writing to request you to
accompany me to a musical concert which will be held on July 25.
With regard to the concert and its content, it will be an open-air music
concert which will take place at the National Football Stadium in my hometown in
Montreal. I am asking you to go with me because I believe you will love the
concert. A couple of your favourites and a few other top-class country singers are
going to play some of their most popular music at the concert. Besides, some
techno music will be played there, and I know how much you like it. Besides, I
don’t think that I would really be able to enjoy the concert all by myself.
So, let me know what you think about the idea. But, if you are really
interested to accompany me to the concert, just let me know within a few days so
that I can purchase the tickets for both of us in advance.
Warm wishes,
Julian Gonzalez

LETTER TOPIC . You are studying English at a private language school
attended by many international students. You are planning a surprise
birthday party for a friend who has been feeling particularly sad and
Write to another classmate and invite him/her to the party. In your letter:
• explain the reason for the party
• give the date and time of the party
• suggest what the classmate could bring to the party
Write at least 150 words.

Dear Tim,
How are you? Hope you're enjoying the English lessons at the language
school. Anyway, not sure if you're aware of it, but our good classmate, Robin,
from Turkey is going to have his 19th birthday next Friday, which falls on the 25th
of September, and I've made a plan to make it a surprise birthday party just after
our English language class.
By the way, in case you haven’t noticed, currently, Robin is going through a
rough time since he is feeling a bit more homesick than usual. Besides, he's also
struggling a lot to get used to this new culture of a foreign country. On top of that,
the news of his little sister’s sickness has also made him depressed. In this kind of
situation, giving him a big surprise on his birthday would certainly cheer him up.
Anyway, I already have a plan about who should bring what to the party.
Timothy and Kelly should bring their specially-made flower cake while Johnson
should bring his guitar to play his special tune. As for you and me, we will bring
the candles to decorate the cake and the banners to decorate the room.
Let's have a great party to cheer Robin up!
Warm wishes,

Thank You Letter
(tashakkur xati)
Bu xat turi ham o’z nomi bilan ma’lum, ya’ni tashakkurni ifodalash uchun
yoziladigan xat turi hisoblanadi. Bundan biz o’z yaqinlarimizga, tanishlarimizga va
umuman insonlarga o’z minnatdorchiligimizni ifodalashda foydalanamiz. Masalan:
siz biror do’stingiznikida mehmon bo’lib keldingiz. Siz o’sha do’stingizga uyingizga
kelgach minnatdorchilik xati yozasiz.
Umuman olganda minnatdorchilikni ifodalashda ushbu xat turidan

What to include in a 'Thank you' letter (Minnatdorchilik xati o’z ichiga

nimalarni oladi):

1. Mention the thing the person has done for you.

2. State how much you appreciate their effort.
3. Say what might have happened if the person did not offer his/her help.
4. You want to do something in return.

Words and Phrases to Use to Say Thank You

(raxmatimizni ifodalash uchun so’zlar va frazalar)
What's the best way to show your appreciation? When you're writing a thank-
you note, choose a phrase that fits the reason you are saying thank you.
If someone has helped you at work, on a project, or with a problem, let them know
you appreciate the assistance. If you are sending a job interview thank-you
note, thank the interviewer for his or her consideration. When people give you career
advice or a tip on a job opening, tell them you appreciate the guidance or the
suggestion. When you're sending a personal thank-you letter or message, simply
stating your thanks and appreciation is often all you need to do. That is, your note
does not need to be very lengthy.

1. General Thank-You Phrases (umumiy raxmat aytish frazalari)

These general thank-you phrases can be used for all personal and professional
• Thank you so much.
• Thank you very much.
•I appreciate your consideration/guidance/help/time.
•I sincerely appreciate ….

• My sincere appreciation/gratitude/thanks.
• My thanks and appreciation.
• Please accept my deepest thanks.
• Thank you for your
2. Business Thank-You Phrases (ishga oid minnatdorchiliklar)
Sending a business thank-you note is not only professional; it’s a way to build a
relationship with your professional business contacts.
•I appreciate your assistance and look forward to your continuing to work on
our account.
• Many thanks for giving me this opportunity.
• Thank you for referring [individual name] to me for [services provided].
• Thank you for referring us to [company name].
• Thanks very much for the assistance you provide my business. It is sincerely
3. Personal Thank-You Phrases (shaxsiy raxmat aytish uchun frazalar)
Use these phrases to let someone know how much you appreciate what they
have done for you:
•I am grateful for your support.
•I appreciate you.
•I appreciate your taking the time.
•I value the insights and guidance you provide.
•I wanted to thank you as soon as possible.
•I truly appreciate the confidence you showed in me.
•I very much appreciate your help.
• It was very thoughtful of you.
• Thank you for your assistance.
• Thank you for everything you do.
• You are always so helpful.
• You are the best.
• You have been most helpful.
• You have my gratitude.
4. Professional and Career-Related Thank-Yous (ish davomidagi yordam va
ko’mak uchun raxmat aytish)
It’s always a good idea to thank everyone who has helped with your job search
and your career or provided other professional advice or assistance.
•I am so very thankful for your time.
•I appreciate the information and advice you have shared.
•I sincerely appreciate the assistance.
• Many thanks for your assistance.
• Many thanks for your time.
• Thank you for accepting my connection request.
• Thank you for connecting with me. It’s an honor!
• Thank you for the assistance you have provided me with during my job
• Thank you for all the help you have given me with my job search.
• Thank you for taking the time to talk to me. I very much appreciate the time
you spent discussing career options with me.
• Thank you for providing me with advice.
• Thank you for sharing your expertise.
• Thank you for speaking with me. Your insights were truly helpful.
• Thank you for spending time with me.
• Thank you for taking time from your schedule to talk to me.
5. Thank You for Your Consideration (e’tibor uchun raxmat aytish)
When you’re requesting something from an individual or an organization, be
sure to add “thank you for the consideration” or one of the following options to
your email or letter:
• Thank you very much for your consideration.
• Thank you for your consideration and forthcoming response.
• Thank you for your consideration and attention to this matter.
• Thank you for considering my request.
•I am very grateful for your consideration.
•I appreciate your consideration and look forward to hearing from you.
• Your consideration is sincerely appreciated.
6. Thank You for Help and Support (yordam va qo’llab quvvatlash uchun
raxmat aytish)
Has someone helped you out? Be sure to take the time to relay your gratitude.
•I appreciate your help.
•I am grateful for your help.
•I am so very grateful for your time.
• Thank you for such a wonderful contribution.
• Thank you for taking the time.
• Thank you for taking the trouble to help me.
• Thank you for all the help!
• Thank you for your assistance with this matter.
• Thank you so much for the help. Please let me know if I can return the favor.
• Your help is greatly appreciated.
•I am grateful for your help.
•I very much appreciate your support.
• Thank you for your support.
7. Thank You for a Job Interview (ish suhbati uchun raxmat aytish)
Thanking the interviewer after a one-on-one interview not only shows your
appreciation. It’s also a reminder that you’re a strong candidate for the job.
•I appreciate having the opportunity to speak with you today about the [job
title] position at [company name].

m I appreciate the time you and the [company name] team spent
e interviewing
•I appreciate your time and consideration in interviewing me for this position.
•I enjoyed speaking with you about the opportunity to work with your
•I greatly [or, “sincerely”] appreciate the time you took to interview me.
•I sincerely enjoyed meeting with you to discuss the [job title] opening.

I would like to thank you and your staff for the opportunity to meet
• Many thanks for the opportunity to meet with you.
• Thank you for speaking with me about the [job title] position at [company
• Thank you for the courtesy you extended to me during my interview.
8. Workplace Thank-You Phrases (ish joyingiz uchun raxmat aytish)
Bosses and employees love to be thanked, especially when they do something
•I really appreciate the effort you have contributed to your team's project.
•I sincerely appreciate your flexibility and willingness to help.
•I wanted to express my personal gratitude for the effort and extra time you
have contributed.
• Thank you for your confidence and support.
• Thank you for your help. I'm thrilled to have you on our team.
• Thank you for always going above and beyond.

• Thank you for showing what it means to be part of a team.
• Thank you so much for meeting with me yesterday regarding the project I’m
working on.

!!! Yuqoridagi kirish so’zlarni qolib tarzida yodlab oling va o’z

letteringizda foydalaning.

LETTER TOPIC . Last month you had a holiday overseas where you stayed
with some friends. They have just sent you some holiday photos.
Write a letter to your friends. In your letter:
• thank them for the holiday and the photos
• explain why you didn’t write earlier
• invite them to come and stay with you
Write at least 150 words.

Model Answer :
Dear David, James & Ethan,
Hope you all are doing great. I cannot express how much I enjoyed my time
with you guys, and how terribly I miss those days that I spent with you. I received
your letter yesterday and was quite surprised to find some of the best pictures we
took during our holiday in Singapore.
I guess this is the best opportunity to thank you for a great holiday and the
fabulous pictures that would remind me of a grand tour to Singapore. As soon as I
got back to Australia, I got busy with my thesis paper that I am supposed to submit
before the end of the current semester. This is my last semester at the university
and I will be free for a while after that and I would love to have you at my place.
Why don't you all come and visit me at the end of this December? I am sure
we will have a magnificent time together.
Stay fine and keep in touch.
Warm wishes,

LETTER TOPIC . After being involved in an accident, you were looked after
by a person you did not know before. Write a special thank you letter to
express your gratitude.
In your letter:
• introduce yourself and let him/her know why you are writing
• express your appreciation
• and offer him/ her to visit your home with his/her family
Write at least 150 words.
Sample Answer :
Dear George,
You were so kind and Godsend to look after me after I was involved in an
accident last Monday. I am writing to express my immeasurable admiration for
your altruistic and brave action.
I am Simon Annand, a math teacher at the Cherry Blossom high school, and I
live with my family at 24 Abbey Rise Street, London. On my way to the school at
around 8.30 am last Monday, my motorbike crashed with a private car near
Aberdeen Drive and I lost control. I was severely injured and could not move or pick
up my bike. If you had not decided to help me, the situation could have been worse.
I am so grateful to you for your kind help and generous words. You even
took the burden to take me to a nearby hospital and that was so noble of you. I
cannot express enough how thankful I am to you. When my parents and wife heard
about how courageously you assisted me, they prayed for you even though they
have never met you before.
I regret that I could not thank you enough. Please accept my invitation to
visit our home at your convenience and allow my family to thank you properly. I
have recovered quickly and the thanks go to you. Please visit us with your family
and let our brief encounter becomes an opportunity to know you more.
Yours truly,

Condolence Letter
(xamdardlik xati)
Bu xat turimiz ham o’z nomidan ma’lumki, biror tanishimiz,
qarindoshimizga hamdardlik bildirish uchun, ya’ni ularning boshiga biror
musibat tushganda yoziladigan xat turi hisoblanadi. Masalan, biror
do’stingizning oila a’zosi olamdan o’tdi va siz unga hamdardlik bildirish
uchun Condolence letter yozasiz.

Selected Opening Phrases the Letters of Sympathy and Condolences

(albatta bu xatni hamdardlik ma’nosidagi gaplar bilan boshlash kerak)

It is important to convey compassion at the start of your letter. Some

traditional ways to do so are:
•I am so sorry to hear about the loss of _____________. He/she was a
fantastic individual who will be greatly missed everyone who knew him/her.
• We just heard the sad news of ______’s passing, and want you to know that
our thoughts and prayers are with you.
•I am very sad to hear of ______’s sudden death.
• It was painful to learn of _____'s death. I would like to extend my deepest
sympathies to you and your family at this time.
•I was devastated to hear the news of _______’s death. Please know that my
thoughts and prayers are with you.
• Please accept my sincere and heartfelt condolences at this most difficult of
times and please pass these feelings onto your family.
•I was absolutely saddened to hear of your uncle _______’s passing. He was
a great guy and I’ll always remember the many times he made us all laugh.
•I just heard of your husband’s sudden death. I am so very sorry, and am
praying for you and your children at this time.
• We are all shocked to hear of the sudden death of your nephew. Please
accept our deepest and heartfelt condolences.
•I would like to express my sincerest condolences on the passing of your
loving partner ________.
• Thank you for calling to tell me the sad news about ________. I really liked
him/her and my thoughts and prayers are with you and the children.

These are Sample Letters of Sympathy and Condolences for Social Media
Some short condolence phrases you can use for texts, emails, tweets, and
Facebook are:

• There are no words to express my sorrow for your loss.

• You are in my thoughts and prayers.
• Don’t forget how much we love and care about you.
• Please know that I am thinking of you and the rest of your family at this time
• My heart is heavy as I think of your Mom/Dad and the blessing she/he was to
• May the love of your family comfort you in the days ahead.
• Praying that the Lord will give you strength during this difficult time.
• Please accept my deepest sympathies for your loss; my prayers are with you
and your children during this difficult time.
• My sincere condolences. May you find comfort and the strength to cope
Our condolences to you at this sad time.

Closing Thoughts From the Letters of Sympathy and Condolences

(Condolence letterni yopish uchun frazalar)

The closing of your letter is as important as any other part. Some

special words of sympathy to close with are:

• With deepest sympathy,

• My/Our sincerest condolences,
• May God bless and comfort you and your family,
• Our thoughts and prayers are with you and your family,
• Thinking of you during this time and always,
• _____’s memory will be forever in our hearts,
• With all my love and condolences,
• With love and sympathy,

LETTER TOPIC . Sample condolence letter to a friend

Dear Rebecca,
I’m so sorry to hear about your mother’s passing. Nina was a very special
woman. I have such fond memories of growing up and spending the night at your
house. My mother wasn’t around much growing up, and yours really took me
under her wing.
She always tried to include me in special events like shopping for prom dresses
and birthday celebrations. I still remember the cake she baked for my 21st
birthday. Her love meant more to me than I could ever express.
It means so much to me that now our little girls are friends, too. I know you
want to keep Sarah close to you right now. But if there’s ever a time you need a little
space to yourself, just say the word. I’ll come to pick her up and she can spend the
night with Lucy at my house. I’m going to call you next weekend too and see if you
two are up for a playdate at the park.
I love you.

LETTER TOPIC . Sample condolence letter to a friend
Dear Sir,
We are writing in express our condolences for the loss of the Chairman of
your organization, Mr. Wilbur. We can understand it well what you are going
through, having lost your leader must be hard for the whole group. He was a great
person with remarkable qualities and he will always be remembered among
acquaintances and friends.
Your company made an incredible progress under his shrewd guidance. He
built up such a huge enterprise from a zero start, and it proves his great business
He was not only a successful businessman, but also a gentleman. It’s hard to
get over the things in such a sorrowful situation, but we understand that at the
same time, you have the responsibility on your shoulders to take care of your
Further, I hope that our business relations will be maintained even after his
departure. We also wanted to let you know about our company’s new offer
launched in the last week. With this new offer, we are offering 10% discount on
all products to our customers who have been associated with us for more than10
years. We have a very long business relationship with you, and we think that you
will give your due consideration to this offer.
Once again, please accept our deepest condolences for Mr. Wilbur. We hope
for the best for your company that it gets out of the current phase very soon and
gets back into the business and retains it position in the market.
Thanking You,
Lydia Goehr



Nuraliyev Qahramon +998(97)-890-23-23

Telegram kanalimiz: @IELTSwithNURALIYEV


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