Busway - ILine II Data Sheet
Busway - ILine II Data Sheet
Busway - ILine II Data Sheet
• I-Line Busway manufactured by Square-D offers a complete line of compatible, sandwich-type feeder
and plug-in busway lengths and fittings. It allows maximum flexibility, ease of installation, and offers
electrical efficiency in the distribution of low voltage power for both commercial and industrial
• I-Line busway has been used to supply power in thousands of installations throughout the world for
more than three decades. Our broad range of I-Line busway products include: I-Line II Plug-in and
Feeder styles from 800A to 5000A with Bi-Metal conductors, and from 630A to 6300A with Copper
conductors. I-Line II busways is on instructed in three-pole and four-pole full neutral configurations for
system voltages to 1000 Volts and are rated to allow 100% of the current to flow continuously.
• Busway installation is quick and easy. The compact, totally enclosed design is lightweight and easy to
handle. Labour studies have shown that a 75% savings in installation time is not uncommon when
comparing I-Line busway with cable and conduit installations. This significant reduction in installation
time can result in total installed cost for busway being significantly lower than other distribution
• In addition, a wide variety of busway components and plug-in units are available from stock for fast
• When you need busway, select the best I-Line busway. Our design and construction has been time-
tested in many years of use throughout the world. No matter how you compare, I-LINE busway is your
solid first choice.
• Schneider busway certified by IEC 61439-6 full type test in KEMA lab and the KEMA-KEUR certificate
Sandwich Construction
• I-Line feeder and plug-in busway both utilize sandwich-type construction to provide superior voltage
drop characteristics, even at low power factors.
• Steel housing sides and Aluminium tops and bottoms have been carefully designed to reduce
component eight and minimize the hysteresis and eddy current losses that are common in all steel
• Plug-in busway ratings that utilize two or three bus bars per phase have a phase paralleling feature at
the joint assembly of each straight length. This helps equalize bus bar loading when plugs are
mounted on one side only.
• The plug-in housing has notches along the top rail for easy alignment and installation of plug-in
• Within the same ampere rating, all I-Line II busway lengths and fittings are fully compatible between
feeder and plug-In styles using standard universal tie channels (housing “splice plates”) supplied with
each component.
Product Description
• I-Line II busway uses the same two layers of polyester film to insulate the bus bars. Insulation offers
high quality dielectric strength and long life expectancy.
Schneider Busway Systems
Compact Size
• I-Line II busway is compact. The small size means it may be used in locations where feeder circuits
would not otherwise be possible. Efficient use of light-weight raw materials is an additional factor in
I-Line busway’s compact design.
• I-Line busway housing appearance has been further enhanced by the addition of a multi-million dollar
cationic electrode position paint system to our production facility. I-Line busway users get a tough,
durable uniform “E-Coat” epoxy paint finish, making their busway installations functional and
attractive for years to come.
• Colour: ANSI 49 gray, special colour are optional upon customer’s request.
Schneider Busway Systems
• All bus bars are insulated using Class B rated (130 °C (266 °F) vendor certified) materials to prolong
insulation life. I-Line busway insulation consists of two layers of heat-formed polyester film
surrounding each bus bar. On plug-in busway lengths, all insulation is notched at the openings to
allow plug-in unit mounting.
Earthing Bus
• I-Line II is furnished with integral earthing bus as a standard where the earthing bus is the bus housing
itself and completely encloses the bus sandwich, it’s rated at 50% capacity, the earthing bus is
continuous bonding between top and bottom bus.
Dielectric Testing
• UL and CSA require a one-time dielectric test for all new busway designs prior to certification. This
test, at two times rated voltage plus 1000 Vac (2200 Vac), is intended to confirm the integrity of the
insulation system. I-LINE busway passes this test.
• Every length and fitting of our busway must also pass a 7500 Vdc “hi-pot” test before shipment from
the factory. This additional test helps ensure the highest quality busway possible for our customers.
Schneider Busway Systems
Voltage Drop
• Because of its extremely low reactance, I-Line busway voltage drop is low. This efficient design
allows power to be delivered in an installation with the highest efficiency possible. This makes I-
Line busway ideal for efficient power distribution in commercial or industrial facilities.
• Use silver plated Bi-metal cladding on Aluminum conductor though high current and high
• Special process enabling molecular fusion of Copper and Aluminum though the use of very high
• Pressure and temperature.
• All Connection zone are silver to silver contacts.
Plug-in Busway
Schneider Busway Systems
1. Molded plug-in opening insulator—Adds NOTE: Internal barriers are standard on both feeder
insulation and support at plug-in contact area. and plug-in busway. All interior spaces are barriered
2. EZ Joint Pak connector assembly—Includes like- to stop hot gases.
phase connector on higher ampere ratings with NOTE: Hangers fit both feeder and plug-in
more than one conductor per phase (plug-in bus busway without blocking access to openings.
3. Ground jaw for plug-in unit— Has a “blow-on” NOTE: I-Line plug-in units (15 A–1600 A) fit both
design similar to phase jaw connection. original and I-LINE II busway.
4. Fittings—Includes elbows, tees, and flanged NOTE: I-Line II plug-in busway with sandwich
ends that are easily removed and refitted with construction also includes features depicted for
the use of our EZ Joint Pak assembly without feeder style on page
disturbing adjacent lengths.
Feeder Busway
Schneider Busway Systems
• Fire Resistance
As Required by standards, I-Line II busbar trunking complies with:
1- Material resistance to abnormal temperatures,
2- Flame propagation resistance,
3- Fire barrier function when going through a partition wall,
4- Conservation of all circuits for 0.5~2 hours in fire resistance sheath.
Schneider Busway Systems
Trunking Cross-section
• Copper Busway
Schneider Busway Systems
Protection function
Schneider Plug-in unit equipped with Schneider original protection
unit, which
can provide complete overload protection, short circuit protection
and earthing
malfunction protection. The maximum interrupting is 150KA.
■ Transparent shield over Line side parts - that means safety &
Schneider Busway Systems
Schneider Busway Systems
Example. For a total rms current of 2356 A, (estimation based on power drawn
by loads, including harmonics), the operational current is 2500 A.
THD is estimated at 30%. The appropriate trunking is I-LINE II 3000 A.
Schneider Busway Systems
Schneider Busway Systems