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2022-24 syllabus By: Sultan ALShehri

 Progressive waves
 Wave Motion
 First of all, a progressive wave is a wave that transfers/propagates
energy as a result of oscillations/vibrations without transferring matter.
 Energy is transferred through moving oscillations or vibrations. These
can be seen in vibrations of ropes or springs

Waves can be shown through vibrations in ropes or springs

 The oscillations/vibrations can be perpendicular or parallel to the

direction of wave travel:
o When they are perpendicular, they are transverse waves
o When they are parallel, they are longitudinal waves

 Ripple tanks
 Waves can also be demonstrated by ripple
tanks. These produce a combination of
transverse and longitudinal waves
 Ripple tank is a transparent glass or plastic tray
that can be filled with water and used to show
the wave behaviour of surface water ripples.
 Ripple tanks may be used to demonstrate the
wave properties of reflection, refraction and diffraction

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 Displacement, amplitude, phase difference, period, frequency, wavelength,

and speed
 Displacement (x) of a wave is the distance from the rest/equilibrium
position. It is a vector quantity; it can be positive or negative

 Amplitude (A) is the maximum distance (of a particle/point on the wave)

from its equilibrium position;
or just maximum displacement (of a particle/point on the wave)

 Wavelength (λ) is the distance moved by wavefront/energy during one

oscillation of source or
Minimum distance between two wavefronts (e.g. crest to crest) or
Distance between two adjacent wavefronts

 These are all measured in metres (m)

Diagrams showing the amplitude and wavelength of a wave

 Period (T) or time period, is the time taken for one complete oscillation
(or cycle of the wave) or
 Shortest time between two wavefronts (or points in phase)
 Measured in seconds (s)

Diagrams showing the time period of a wave

 Frequency (f) is the number of complete oscillations per unit time of the
source (or of a point on the wave). Measured in Hertz (Hz) or s-1

Frequency equation

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 Speed (v) is the distance travelled by the wave per unit time.
 It is the speed at which energy is transferred ( or speed of wavefront)
 Measured in metres per second(m s-1)

 Phase
 The phase difference tells us how much a point or a wave is in front or
behind another
 It is the amount by which one oscillation leads or lags behind another
 This can be found from the relative positive of the crests or troughs of
two different waves of the same frequency
o When the crests or troughs are aligned, the waves are in phase
o When the crest of one wave aligns with the trough of another, they are in antiphase

 Points P and S, with a separation of one wavelength λ between them,

have a phase difference of 360o (can also be said as 0o). The phase
difference between any other two points between P and S can have any
value between 0o and 360o.
 A complete cycle of the wave is thought of as 360 (Note: o means degrees)

 In general, when the separation between two oscillating particles on a

wave is x, then the phase difference φ between these particles in degrees
can be calculated using the expression:

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Phase differences
between two waves,
A and B.

 The diagram below shows the green wave leads the purple wave by ¼ λ

Two waves ¼ λ out of phase

 In contrast, the purple wave is said to lag behind the green wave by ¼ λ
 Phase difference is measured in fractions of a wavelength,
degrees or radians
 The phase difference can be calculated from two different points on the
same wave or the same point on two different waves
 The phase difference between two points:
o In phase is 360o or 2π radians
o In anti-phase is 180o or π radians

 The graph of displacement of particles on a transverse wave against

distance travelled by the wave, for displacement zero at distance zero,
has the form of the graph of sin θ against θ.

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 Worked Example
Plane waves on the surface of water at a particular instant are represented by
the diagram below.

The waves have a frequency of 2.5 Hz. Determine:

a. The amplitude
b. The wavelength
c. The phase difference between points A and B

 When labelling the wavelength and time period on a diagram, make sure
that your arrows go from the very top of a wave to the very top of the
next one. If your arrow is too short, you will lose marks. The same goes
for labelling amplitude, don’t draw an arrow from the bottom to the top
of the wave, this will lose you marks too.

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2022-24 syllabus By: Sultan ALShehri

 The use of the time-base and y-gain of a Cathode-Ray Oscilloscope

 A Cathode-Ray Oscilloscope (CRO) is a laboratory instrument used to
display, measure and analyse waveforms of electrical circuits
 An A.C. current on an oscilloscope is represented as a transverse wave.
Therefore you can determine its frequency and amplitude
 The x-axis is the time and the y-axis is the voltage (or y-gain)
 There are many controls on an oscilloscope, but the most important are
the time-base and the y-gain.
o The time-base controls how quickly the spot/trace moves across the screen and needs
to be adjusted so that your wave is displayed in a manner that you can see clearly.
o The y-gain controls the height of the displayed wave.

Diagram of Cathode-Ray Oscilloscope display showing wavelength and time-base setting

 The period of the wave can be determined from the time-base This
is how many seconds each division represents measured commonly in s
div-1 or
s cm-1
 Use as many wavelengths shown on the screen as possible to reduce
 Dividing the total time by the number of wavelengths will give the time
period T (Time taken for one complete oscillation)
 The frequency is then determined through 1/T
o Note: The distance between two peaks on the oscilloscope display gives the Period of
the wave, not the wavelength. In addition, the amplitude of the displayed sine wave,
determined from the y-gain, is in fact the amplitude of the input electric signal in volts
and not a direct measurement of the sound wave’s amplitude.
 You can measure the frequency of sound waves using a cathode-ray
oscilloscope (CRO) or oscilloscope for short. The image shows how.
 A microphone is connected to the
input of the CRO. The microphone
converts the sound waves into a
varying voltage that has the same
frequency as the sound waves. This
voltage is displayed on the CRO

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 It is best to think of a CRO as a voltmeter that is capable of displaying a

rapidly varying voltage.
 To do this, its spot moves across the screen at a steady speed, set by the
time-base control. At the same time, the spot moves up and down
according to the voltage of the input.
 Hence, the display on the screen is a graph of the varying voltage on the
(vertical) y-axis, with time on the (horizontal) x-axis. If we know the
horizontal scale, we can determine the period and hence the frequency
of the sound wave. Worked example 1 shows how to do this.

 A summary of this (from 9702_w10_qp_23 question 3):

o Connect microphone / (terminals of) loudspeaker to Y-plates of C.R.O
o Adjust C.R.O to produce steady wave of 1 (or 2) cycles / wavelengths on screen
o Measure length of cycle / wavelength λ and note time-base b
o Frequency = 1 / λb (where b is measured as s cm–1, and T = λb)
 Worked Example 1
The image shows the trace on an oscilloscope screen
when sound waves are detected by a microphone.
The time-base is set at 1 ms div−1. The y-gain is set to
20 mV div−1. Determine the frequency of the sound
waves and the amplitude of the oscilloscope trace.

1) Determine the period of the trace on the screen, in scale divisions. From the image, you
can see that the period is equivalent to 4.0 scale divisions (div).
o Period T = 4.0 div

2) Determine the period in seconds (s) using the time-base setting.

Period T = 4.0 div × time-base setting = 4.0 div × 1 ms div−1 = 4.0 ms.
Hint: Notice how div and div−1cancel out.
o 1 ms = 10 s
o Therefore, period T = 4.0 × 10 s

3) Calculate the frequency f from the period T:

o So, the sound wave frequency is 250 Hz.

4) Determine the amplitude of the trace on the screen, in scale divisions. From the image,
you can see that the amplitude is equivalent to 3.5 scale divisions (div). Remember that
the amplitude is measured from the 0 volt position.
o Amplitude of trace = 3.5 div

5) Determine the amplitude in volts (V) using the y-gain setting.

Amplitude = 3.5 div × y-setting = 3.5 div × 20 mV div−1 = 70 mV
o Hint: Notice how div and div cancel out again.
o 1 mV = 10 V
o Therefore, amplitude = 70 × 10 V = 0.070 V

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 Worked Example 2
A cathode-ray oscilloscope (CRO) is used to display the trace from a sound wave.
The time-base is set at 7 µs mm-1.

What is the frequency of the sound wave?

A 2.4 Hz B 24 Hz C 2.4 kHz D 24 kHz

 The time-base setting varies with units for seconds (commonly ms) and
the unit length (commonly mm). Unit conversions are very important for
the calculation of the time period and frequency

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 The wave equation (v = f λ)

 Using the definitions of speed, frequency and wavelength, the wave
equation v = fλ can be derived
 This is an important relationship between three key properties of a wave
 The derivation for this is shown below

v = λ / (1/f) ; giving us v = fλ

 The wave equation links the speed, frequency and wavelength of a wave
 This is relevant for both transverse and longitudinal waves

The Wave Equation

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 The wave equation tells us that for a wave of constant speed:

o As the wavelength increases, the frequency decreases
o As the wavelength decreases, the frequency increases
 They’re inversely proportional

The relationship between frequency and wavelength of a wave

Speeds of light and sound in some mediums

 Worked Example
The wave in the diagram below has a speed of 340 m s–1.

What is the wavelength of the wave?

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 You may also see the wave equation be written as c = fλ where c is the
wave speed. However, c is often used to represent a specific speed ー
the speed of light ( 3 x 108 ms-1). Only electromagnetic waves travel at
this speed, therefore it’s best practice to use v for any speed that isn’t
the speed of light instead.

 Wave Energy
 Waves transfer energy between points, without transferring matter
 When a wave travels between two points, no matter actually travels with
o The points on the wave simply vibrate back and forth about fixed positions
 It is important to realise that, for both types of mechanical wave
(longitudinal and transverse), the particles that make up the material
through which the wave is travelling do not move along – they only
oscillate about a fixed point. It is energy that is transmitted by the
wave. Each particle vibrates; as it does so, it pushes its neighbour,
transferring energy to it. Then that particle pushes its neighbour, which
pushes its neighbour. In this way, energy is transmitted from one particle
to the next, to the next and so on down the line.
 Waves that transfer energy are known as progressive waves
 Waves that do not transfer energy are known as stationary waves

 Wave Intensity
 Progressive waves transfer energy
 The amount of energy passing through a unit area per unit time is
the intensity of the wave
 Therefore, the intensity (of a progressive wave) is defined as the
average power transmitted by a wave through a surface per unit area

Intensity is equal to the power per unit area

 The area the wave passes through is perpendicular to the direction of its
 As a wave spreads out, its amplitude decreases. This suggests that the
intensity I of a wave is related to its amplitude A. In fact, intensity I is
proportional to the square of the amplitude A
 The intensity of a progressive wave is also proportional to its frequency

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Intensity is proportional to the amplitude2 and frequency2

 This means that if the frequency or the amplitude of one wave is
doubled, the intensity increases by a factor of 4 ( i.e. x4)

 Spherical waves
 A spherical wave is a wave from a point source which spreads out equally
in all directions
 The area the wave passes through is the surface area of a sphere: 4πr
 As the wave travels further from the source, the energy it carries passes
through increasingly larger areas as shown in the diagram below:

Intensity is proportional to the amplitude squared

 Assuming there’s no absorption of the wave energy, the

intensity I decreases with increasing distance from the source
o The wave may ‘spread out’ (as when light is spreading out from a lamp).
o The wave may be absorbed or scattered (as when light passes through the Earth’s
 Note the intensity is proportional to 1/r2
o This means when the source is twice as far away, the intensity is 4 times less
 The 1/r2 relationship is known in physics as the inverse square law

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 Worked Example
The intensity of a progressive wave is proportional to the square of the
amplitude of the wave. It is also proportional to the square of the frequency. The
variation with time t of displacement x of particles when two progressive waves
Q and P pass separately through a medium, are shown on the graphs.

The intensity of wave Q is I0. What is the intensity of wave P?

 The key concept with intensity is that it has an inverse square

relationship with distance (not a linear one). This means the energy of a
wave decreases very rapidly with increasing distance

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 Transverse and longitudinal waves

 Comparison between Transverse and Longitudinal Waves
 In mechanical waves, particles oscillate about fixed points
 The direction of oscillations with regards to the direction of wave travel
determine what type of wave it is

 Transverse waves
 A transverse wave is a wave in which the particles’ oscillation(s) is/are
perpendicular to the direction of the wave travel/ energy propagation
 Displacement of particles is perpendicular to direction of energy
 Transverse waves show areas of crests (peaks) and troughs

Diagram of a transverse wave

 Examples of transverse waves are:
o Electromagnetic waves e.g. radio, visible light, UV
o Vibrations on a guitar string
 These can be shown on a rope
 Transverse waves can be polarised

 Longitudinal waves
 A longitudinal wave is a wave in which the particles’ oscillation(s)
is/are parallel to the direction of the wave travel/energy propagation
 Longitudinal waves show areas of compressions and rarefactions

Diagram of a longitudinal wave

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 Examples of longitudinal waves are:

o Sound waves
o Ultrasound waves
 These can be shown on a slinky spring
 Wavelength can be measured from centre of one compression
(or rarefaction) to the centre of the next compression/(or rarefaction)
 Longitudinal waves cannot be polarised
However, this can be difficult to draw; you will often see a longitudinal
wave represented as if it were a sine wave. The displacement referred to
in the graph is the displacement of the particles in the wave. Maximum
displacement represents a compression, while minimum displacement
represents a rarefaction.
 The diagram below shows the equivalent of a wavelength on a
longitudinal wave

 Graphical Representations of Transverse and Longitudinal Waves

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 Worked Example
The graph shows how the displacement of a particle in a wave varies with time.

Which statement is correct?

A. The wave has an amplitude of 2 cm and could be either transverse or longitudinal.
B. The wave has an amplitude of 2 cm and has a time period of 6 s.
C. The wave has an amplitude of 4 cm and has a time period of 4 s.
D. The wave has an amplitude of 4 cm and must be transverse.

 Both transverse and longitudinal waves can look like transverse waves
when plotted on a graph – make sure you read the question and look for
whether the wave travels parallel (longitudinal)
or perpendicular (transverse) to the direction of travel to confirm which
type of wave it is.

 Doppler effect for sound waves

 Doppler effect of Sound
 The Doppler effect is the change in observed/apparent frequency when
the source moves relative to the observer.
 The whistle of a train or the siren of an ambulance appears to decrease in
frequency (sounds lower in pitch) as it moves further away from you
 This frequency change due to the relative motion between a source of
sound or light and an observer is known as the doppler effect (or doppler

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 When the observer (e.g. yourself) and the source of sound (e.g.
ambulance siren) are both stationary, the waves are at
the same frequency for both the observer and the source
 The curved lines represent regions of compression in the air. They’re
curved because the waves are spreading out equally in all directions
from the source. The distance between the compressions is the
wavelength. If the wavelength doesn’t change, the number of
compressions that reach the observer per second is constant and is
determined by the wave speed.

Stationary source and observer

 Since source is stationary, waves arrive at P and to observer at the same
rate, and so sound of the same frequency can be heard in both positions.

 When the source starts to move towards the observer (figure below), the
wavelength of the waves is shortened. The sound therefore appears at
a higher frequency to the observer

Moving source and stationary observer

 Notice how the waves are closer together between the source and the
observer compared to point P and the source
 This also works if the source is moving away from the observer. If the
observer was at point P instead, they would hear the sound at a lower
frequency due to the wavelength of the waves broadening

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 The wavelength is shortened, while frequency is increased when the

source is moving towards the observer
 The wavelength is broadened/stretched out, while frequency
is decreased when the source is moving away from the observer
 Worked Example
A cyclist rides a bike ringing their bell past a stationary observer. Which of the
following accurately describes the doppler shift caused by the sound of the bell?

 If the cyclist is riding past (away from) the observer, the wavelength of
sound waves are going to become longer
o This rules out options A and C
 A longer wavelength means a lower frequency (from the wave equation)
 Lower frequency creates a lower sound pitch
o Therefore, the answer is row D

 Calculating observed frequency

 When a source of sound waves moves relative to a stationary observer,
the observed frequency can be calculated using the equation below:

Doppler effect equation

 (Remember; v = fλ). There are two
different speeds involved in this
situation. The source is moving with
speed vs . The sound waves travel
through the air with speed v, which is
unaffected by the speed of the
source. (Remember, the speed of a
wave depends only on the medium it
is travelling through.)

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 The frequency and wavelength observed by an observer will change

according to the speed vs at which the source is moving relative to the
stationary observer. Image above shows how we can calculate the
observed wavelength λ0 and the observed frequency f0.
 The wave sections shown in image represent the fs wavelengths emitted
by the source in 1s. Provided the source is stationary (Image A), the
length of this section is equal to the wave speed v. The wavelength
observed by the observer is simply:

 The situation is different when the source is moving away (receding)

from the observer (Image B). In 1 s, the source moves a distance vs. Now
the section of fs wavelengths will have a length equal to v + vs. The
observed wavelength is now given by:

 Therefore, the observed frequency is given by:

 If the source is moving towards the observer, the section of fs

wavelengths will be compressed into a shorter length equal to v – vs , and
the observed frequency will be given by:

 By combining the two equations, we get:

 The wave velocity for sound waves in air is 340 ms-1

 The ± depends on whether the source is moving towards or away from
the observer
o If the source is moving towards, the denominator is v – vs
o If the source is moving away, the denominator is v + vs

 When the plus sign applies to a receding source and the minus sign to an
approaching source. Note these important points:
o The frequency fs of the source is not affected by the movement of the source.
o The speed v of the waves as they travel through the air (or other medium) is also
unaffected by the movement of the source.

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 Worked Example
A police car siren emits a sound wave with a frequency of 450 Hz. The car is
travelling away from an observer at speed of 45 m/s. The speed of sound is 340
ms- 1. Which of the following is the frequency the observer hears?
A. 519 Hz B. 483 Hz C. 397 Hz D. 358 Hz

 Be careful as to which frequency and velocity you use in the equation.

The ‘source’ is always the object which is moving and the ‘observer’ is
always stationary.

 Electromagnetic spectrum
 Properties of Electromagnetic Waves
 Visible light is just one part of a much bigger spectrum: The
Electromagnetic Spectrum
 All electromagnetic waves have the following properties in common:
o They are all transverse waves (can be polarised)
o They can all travel in a vacuum
o They all travel at the same speed, c, in a vacuum (free space) — the speed of light
3 × 108ms-1
o Undergo diffraction, interference, superposition
o Can be reflected/refracted
o Oscillating electric and magnetic fields
o Not affected by electric and magnetic fields
 The speed of light in air is approximately the same (3 x 108 ms-1)
 Progressive electromagnetic waves transfer energy from a source (where
they’re emitted) to a receiver (where they’re absorbed).

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Oscillating electric and magnetic fields in an electromagnetic wave

 Since electromagnetic waves can travel in vacuum, this implies that there
are no particles oscillating in the wave. Instead, an electric field and a
magnetic field oscillate perpendicular to each other, with the same
 An electromagnetic wave is a disturbance in the electric and magnetic
fields in space. Figure (above) shows how we can represent such a wave.
In this diagram, the wave is travelling from left to right. The electric field
is shown oscillating in the vertical plane. The magnetic field is shown
oscillating in the horizontal plane. These are arbitrary choices; the point
is that the two fields vary at right angles to each other, and also at right
angles to the direction in which the wave is travelling. This shows that
electromagnetic waves are transverse waves.
 Since they are transverse, all waves in this spectrum can be reflected,
refracted, diffracted, polarised and produce interference patterns

 Uses of electromagnetic waves

 Electromagnetic waves have a large number of uses. The main ones are
summarised in the table below

 You will be expected to recall the common properties of all

electromagnetic waves in an exam question; however the speed of light
will be given on the data sheet.

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 The approximate wavelengths’ range of regions of electromagnetic

 The electromagnetic spectrum is arranged in a specific order based on
their wavelengths or frequencies
 This order is shown in the diagram below from longest wavelength
(lowest frequency) to shortest wavelength (highest frequency)

Energy, wavelength and frequency for each part of the electromagnetic spectrum

 The higher the frequency, the higher the energy of the radiation
 Radiation with higher energy is highly ionising and is harmful to cells and
tissues causing cancer (e.g. UV, X-rays, Gamma rays)
 The approximate wavelengths in a vacuum of each radiation is listed in
the table below:
EM spectrum wavelengths and frequencies

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 To alternatively find the range of frequencies, convert the wavelengths

using the wave equation: c = fλ where c is the speed of light:
3.0 × 108 m s-1
 Here are some points to note:
o There are no clear divisions between the different ranges or bands in the spectrum. The
divisions shown in Table above are somewhat arbitrary.
o The naming of subdivisions is also arbitrary. For example, microwaves are sometimes
regarded as a subdivision of radio waves.
o The wavelengths in the range 400 nm to 700 nm in free space (vacuum) are visible to
the human eye. Remember, 1 nm = 10−9 m
o The ranges of X-rays and γ-rays overlap. The distinction is that X-rays are produced
when electrons decelerate rapidly or when they hit a target metal at high speeds. γ-
rays are produced by nuclear reactions, such as radioactive decay. There is no
difference whatsoever in the radiation between an X-ray and a γ-ray of wavelength,
say, 10−11 m.

 Worked Example
A is a source emitting microwaves and B is a source emitting X-rays. The table
suggests the frequencies for A and B. Which row is correct?

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 You will be expected to memorise the range of wavelengths for each type
of radiation, however you don’t need to learn the frequency ranges by
heart. Since all EM waves travel at the speed of light, you can convert
between frequency and wavelength using the wave equation in an exam

 Remember:
o What oscillate in a sound wave in air are particles/molecules in air
o What oscillate in an electromagnetic wave in vacuum is an electric field and a
magnetic field

 Visible Light
 Visible light is defined as the range of wavelengths (400 – 700 nm) which
are visible to the human eye
 Visible light is the only part of the spectrum detectable by the human eye
o However, this is only 0.0035% of the whole electromagnetic spectrum
 In the natural world, many animals, such as birds, bees and certain fish,
are able to perceive beyond visible light and can see infra-red and UV
wavelengths of light

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 Polarisation
 Transverse waves (e.g. electromagnetic waves) are waves with their
displacement perpendicular to their direction of travel. These oscillations
can happen in any plane perpendicular to the propagation direction
 Polarisation means Vibrations are in one direction
normal/perpendicular to direction of wave propagation
 Transverse waves can be polarised, this means:
o Vibrations are restricted to one direction
o These vibrations are still perpendicular to the direction of propagation/energy transfer
 The difference between unpolarised and polarised waves are shown in
the diagram below

Diagram showing the displacement of unpolarised and polarised transverse waves

 Longitudinal waves (e.g. sound waves) cannot be polarised since they

oscillate parallel to the direction of travel
 Waves can be polarised through a polariser or polarising filter(s). This
only allows oscillations in a certain plane to be transmitted
 Polarisation is a wave property associated with transverse waves only.
 Imagine you fixed one end of a rope to a post. Grab the other end of the
rope and pull it tight so that it is stretched out horizontally. Move the
rope repeatedly vertically up and down. This will produce a transverse
wave on the rope. The vibrations of the rope are in just one plane – the
vertical plane.
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 The vibrations are described as plane polarised in the vertical plane. You
can produce plane polarised vibrations in the horizontal plane by moving
the rope repeatedly from side to side. It would also be fun to keep
changing the direction of vibration of the rope – in this case, you will
produce an unpolarised wave where the vibrations are in more than one
 A plane polarised wave incident at a vertical slit will pass through this slit.
When the slit is turned through 90°, the plane polarised wave will be
blocked. When an unpolarised wave is incident at a vertical slit, then all
vibrations, other than those in the vertical plane, will be blocked (see
Figure below). The wave passing through the slit will be a plane polarised
wave in the vertical plane.

 Polarised light

Diagram showing an unpolarised and polarised wave travelling through polarisers

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2022-24 syllabus By: Sultan ALShehri

 Only unpolarised waves can be polarised as shown in diagram A

 When a polarised wave passes through a filter with a transmission axis
perpendicular to the wave (diagram B), none of the wave will pass
 Light can also be polarised through reflection, refraction and scattering
 An example of polarisation in everyday life is polaroid sunglasses. These
reduce glare caused by sunlight for drivers to see through windows and
fishermen to see beneath the water surface more clearly
 What would happen when you
view unpolarised light using
two Polaroids? Figure (right)
shows plane polarised light
produced by the first Polaroid.
This plane polarised light is
incident at the second
Polaroid, whose transmission
axis is initially vertical. The
second Polaroid is often
known as the analyser. The
incident light passes straight
through. Now rotate the
analyser through 90°, so its
transmission axis is
horizontal. This time, the analyser will absorb all the light, and will
appear black. Turning the analyser through a further 90° will let the light
through the analyser again.

 Worked Example
The following are statements about waves. Which statement below describes a
situation in which polarisation should happen?
A. Radio waves pass through a metal grid
B. Surface water waves are diffracted
C. Sound waves are reflected
D. Ultrasound waves pass through a metal grid
 Polarisation only occurs for transverse waves, therefore, C and D can be
ruled out as sound and ultrasound are both longitudinal waves
 Waves are not polarised when diffracted, hence we can also rule out
option B
 Radio waves are transverse waves – they can be polarised by a metal grid
so only the waves that fit through the grid will be transmitted,
therefore, A is correct

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 Malus's Law
 Malus’s law is used to find the intensity of an electromagnetic wave after
passing through a number of polarising filters

Malus’s law equation

 Recall that intensity is the power per unit area and measured in W m-2
 A polariser will only transmit light that is polarised parallel to its
transmission axis. This is seen in Malus’s law by the angle θ:
Table of transmission depending on polariser orientation

 The change in intensity against the angle of transmission axis is shown in

the graph below

 The half rule

 When unpolarised light passes through the first polariser, half the
intensity of the wave is always lost (Io/2)

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 Brewster’s angle
 Brewster’s angle is an angle of incidence at which light with a particular
polarisation is perfectly transmitted through a surface

 n1 is the refractive index of the initial material (in this case, air)
 n2 is the refractive index of the material scattering the light

 Worked Example
Unpolarised light is incident on a polariser. The light transmitted by the first
polariser is then incident on a second polariser. The polarising (or transmission)
axis of the second polariser is 30° to that of the first. The intensity incident on
the first polariser is I. What is the intensity emerging from the second polariser?
A. 0.75 I B. 0.38 I C. 0.87 I D. 0.43 I

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 Remember when using Malus’s law to square the cosine of the angle
(cos2 θ)
cos2 θ = (cos θ)2

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