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Bhs Inggris 2

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Text 1.

A girl who was captured by pirates and taken to be a slave ended up becoming a

Mary Thompson was a young woman from Cork, Ireland. A man from Spain
asked her to marry him. Mary agreed and set off on sailing ship for Spain.

Before the ship arrived, pirates came aboard. They captured Mary and brought
her to the slave market in Morocco. The Sultan, ruler of the country, heard of the new
woman who was for sale as a slave.

When he saw Mary, he fell in love with her and decided to make her his queen.
She became Empress Mary, and she helped to rule Morocco for thirty years.

1. The best title of the text is ….

A. Cork, Ireland
B. An Ocean Trip
C. From Slave to Queen
D. The Sultan of Morocco

2. Mary Thompson was taken to Morocco by ….

A. the Sultan
B. pirates
C. slaves
D. friends

3. Mary Thompson helped to rule Morocco for ….

A. 3 years
B. 13 years
C. 24 years
D. 30 years

4. People taken to the slave market by the pirates were ….

A. killed
B. given away
C. sold
D. traded
5. “ … pirates came aboard…” ( paragraph 3).
The word “ aboard “ means ….
A. wood
B. over the ocean
C. slowly
D. onto the ship
Answer : (1C, 2B, 3D, 4D, 5D )

Text 2.
Molly Ritter works in the oil fields of the San Joaquin Valley in California. She
takes a part wells, and repairs pipelines and pumps.

Workers on oil rigs must wear steel-toed shoes and hard hats for protection.
Mrs. Ritter cuts off her long blond hair so her hat would fit properly. She wears blue
jeans and a sweat shirt.

Mrs. Ritter took the job after her two children were grown. She had always been
strong. At one time she had been a truck driver. She likes her job in the oil fields better.
It also pays more money. She believes that anyone who is strong, like being outdoors,
and does not mind getting dirty would like the job as much as she does.

6. The best title of the text is ….

A. Pipelines and pumps
B. Molly Ritter discovers Oil
C. Molly Ritter – Oil Fields Worker
D. Molly Ritter – Truck Driver

7. You can tell from the story, working in oil fields ….

A. is easy
B. can be dangerous
C. does not pay much
D. is for men only

8. “…and repairs pipelines and pumps…” ( paragraph 1)

The word “ repairs “ means ….
A. describes
B. fixes
C. plants
D. drills

9. According to the story, Molly Ritter has ….

A. red hair
B. a wig
C. blond hair
D. no hat
10. Which statements is TRUE about Molly Ritter?
A. She wears blue jeans and a sweat shirt.
B. She likes her job in the oil fields better.
C. She likes being outdoors
D. She keeps her blond hair long ANSWER : 6C, 7B, 8B, 9C, 10D)

Text 3.
The Ninety-Nines is the club of women who fly planes, helicopters, or balloons. It
was started in 1929.When ninety-nine women joined, the club got its name.

Amelia Earhart, the first president, was the first woman to fly across the Atlantic.
She also became the first woman to fly from Honolulu to California alone. As president
of Ninety-Nines, she wanted members “ to fly for the fun of it.”

Members of the Ninety-Nines still fly “ for the fun of it.”They also fly search and
rescue missions with the Civil War Patrol, take part in National Air Education Programs,
and teach Girl Scouts flying in the Wing Scout Program.

11. The best title of the text is ….

A. Girl Scouts
B. The Civil air Patrol
C. Women’ s Flying Club
D. Learning How to fly

12. The club was named for ….

A. an airplane
B. the age of the members
C. the number of the members
D. its location

13. You can tell from the story that the Ninety-Nines ….
A. have no purpose
B. have more than one purposes
C. do not fly for fun
D. are useless

14. “…They also fly search and rescue missions….” ( paragraph 3)

The word “ rescue “ means ….
A. save
B. take
C. fly
D. join
15. Thing not involved in the Ninety-nines was ….
A. Ninety-Nines was presided by Amelia Earhart
B. Ninety-Nines took part in search and rescue
C. Ninety –Nines’ members were men and women
D. Ninety-Nines taught Gil Scouts
(ANSWER: 11C,12C,13B,14A,15C)

Text 4.

A deer bounding across an open field is a beautiful sight. It is amazing that a deer
can move so quickly, since it weighs from 300 to 400 pounds.

The Florida Key deer is a deer that most people would not recognize. It lives on a
small group of islands near Florida. Key deer, which weigh only about seventy pounds
and are a little over two feet tall, are among the smallest of the deer family. Years ago,
hunters killed almost all of them. There were only forty still alive in 1947. It was then
that the national government came to the rescue. It made the key deer a national park
where no one can hunt.

Today the Florida Key are safe. Each year they increase in number.

16. The best title of the text is ….

A. A Beautiful Sight
B. Seventy Pounds of Fur
C. The Florida Key Deer
D. Amazing Speed

17. The Florida Key deer live on ….

A. mountain
B. volcanoes
C. islands
D. meat

18. The Florida Key deer are ….

A. safe
B. larger
C. disappearing
D. ugly

19. The national government helps to ….

A. protect animals
B. find islands
C. kill deer
D. weigh deer

20. “…A deer bounding across an open field….” ( paragraph 1)

The word “ bounding” means ….
A. crawling
B. walking
C. leaping
D. looking
(ANSWER : 16C, 17C, 18A, 19A, 20C )

Text 5.
The Civil War was over! Northern soldiers, over 1,500 of them, were released
from southern prison camps near Vicksburg, Mississippi. They crowded to get on board
the “steamship, “which would take them home. The “Sultana” usually carried 350
passengers. That day in 1865 it carried nearly 2,000.

Early in the trip, the “Sultana” developed engine difficulty. Still it sailed on. Then,
in the middle of Mississippi River, the ship exploded. Fire spread throughout the entire
ship. The passengers not killed by the explosion or the fire dove overboard.
Unfortunately, the Mississippi River was three miles wide at that point because of
floods. Only five hundred of the nearly 2,000 passengers lived.

It was the worst ship disaster in United States’ waters.

21. The best title of the text is ….

A. Sailing up the Mississippi River
B. Going Home at Last
C. The Sinking of the “Sultana”
D. Fire and Floods

22. The “Sultana” usually carried about ….

A. 350 passengers
B. 1,500 passengers
A. 1,865 passengers
A. 2,000 passengers

23. The Mississippi River was three miles wide because of ….

A. winds
B. snow
C. geography
D. floods
24. Some of the soldiers on the “Sultana” ….
A. starved
B. drowned
C. flew to safety
D. died of smallpox

25. “…Fire spread throughout the entire ship.” ( paragraph 2)

The word “entire” means ….
A. empty
B. underwater
C. whole
D. unknown
ANSWER : (21C, 22A, 23D, 24C, 25C)

Text 6 For question

Every year, women line up on a street, each holding a frying pan with a pancake
in it. A whistle is blown and the women ran off down the street, flipping the pancakes in
their frying pans as they run. The crowd cheers. The woman who runs 415 yards first,
without dropping her pancake, is the winner.

It’s a real race, and it’s been run every year in the town of Onley, England for 500
years! In America, a group of women started having a similar ace about twenty-five
years ago. The race was held in Liberal , Kansas.

Now the race is called the International Pancake Race. Every year, right after the
race, the American and the English talk by telephone and compare times. The fastest
woman is declared the world champion pancake flipper!

26. The best title of the text is ….

A. Cooking Pancake
B. A cheering crowd
C. Racing with Pancakes
D. Eating Pancakes

27. There has been a pancake race in Onley, England, for ….

A. 25 years
B. 50 years
C. 415 years
D. 500 years
28. The story suggests that the American and England pancake races are held ….
A. three months a part
B. at night
C. on the same day
D. for men only

29. The word “ similar “ in paragraph means ….

A. same kind of
B. different kind of
C. familiar with
D. dangerous

30. “…each holding a frying pan with a pancake in it.” ( paragraph 1 ).

The word “ it “ refers to ….
A. whistle
B. frying pan
C. pancake
D. street
Answer : (26C,27D,28C,29B,30B)

Text 7.
The hunters that lived in Australia over 2,400 years ago did not have guns to help
them kill animals for food. They had only the spear. Then they designed a new weapon
– the “ killing stick.”It was a heavy, curved piece of wood that could fly through the air
to kill a bird or animal. Sometime later a hunter probably made a lighter model of the
killing stick for his children. He made this lighter could learn how to throw and become
good hunters. This light stick is called a boomerang.
A boomerang flies through the air, makes a large circle, and then returns to the
person who threw it. If you ever throw a boomerang, be careful! It can hurt your hand
if you do not catch it correctly.

31. The best title of the text is ….

A. Life in Australia
B. Hunting with spears
C. The History of Boomerang
D. Be careful of Boomerang

32. The killing stick was ….

A. harmless
B. heavy
C. straight
D. light
33. The killing stick was used for ….
A. playing
B. teaching
C. firing
D. hunting

34. “…then returns to the person…” ( paragraph 2 )

The word “ returns “ means ….
A. runs
B. comes back
C. stays
D. goes away

35. “…if you do not catch it correctly.” ( paragraph 2 )

The word “ it “ refers to ….
A. boomerang
B. air
C. circle
D. killing stick
Answer : (31C,3 2B,3 3C,34B.35A )

Text 8.
A desert is a place where very little water falls from the sky and there are few
plants. You might be surprised to find out where the largest desert is located. It is not
the large Sahara Desert in Africa or is in Antarctica – at the Great American desert. It is
in Antarctica – at the South Pole.
It is true that most deserts have sand, while Antarctica is covered with snow. But
– Antarctica has no rain and only six inches of snow in a whole year. This is the same as
having a half inches of rain, less the amount that falls on California’s Death Valley. The
only vegetation is a little most.
Antarctica is not only the world’s largest desert, but it is also the most unusual.

36. The best title of the text is ….

A. The World’s Largest Desert
B. The Sahara Desert of Africa
C. The North Pole
D. Snow and Sand

37. Yearly, Antarctica has ….

A. ten inches of rain
B. six inches of snow
C. six inches of rain
D. no snow or rain
38. “…The only vegetation is a little most.” ( paragraph 2)
The word “ vegetation “ means ….
A. peas and carrots
B. plant life
C. people
D. snow or rain

39. Which of the following statements is NOTTRUE about the text?

A. The Antarctica Desert has no rain
B. The Antarctica is located in South Pole
C. The Antarctica Desert is not the largest desert
D. The Antarctica Desert is the most unusual desert

40. Sahara Desert is located in . . . .

A. South Pole
B. Africa
C. America
D. California
ANSWER : (36A,37B,38B,39C,40B )

Text 9.
One of the most unusual schools in the world is a school in California. At this
school people learn to drive fast. Most drivers, of course, know that speeding is
dangerous, but some people – like police and ambulance drivers – need to drive at high
speeds at certain times.

The school teachers a three - day course on a special test track. The driver learns
skid control and how to pursue other cars at high speeds. Another thing they learn is
How to escape from cars chasing them.

Driving is not a good thing to do, but if it’s your job, it’s best to learn how to do it

41. The best title of the text is….

A. Ambulance Drivers
B. A School for Fast Driving
C. Special Test Track
D. Driving to California
42. The story says that most drivers know that speeding is ….
A. safe
B. dangerous
C. fun
D. impossible

43. The story says that one person who sometimes needs to speed is ….
A. the gardener
B. the letter carrier
C. an ambulance driver
D. a bus driver

44. One thing NOT taught at the driving school is ….

A. skid control
B. how to drive fast
C. how to repair cars
D. how to escape from cars

45. “…how to pursue other cars at high speeds.” ( paragraph 2)

The word “ pursue “ means ….
A. chase
B. lift
C. open
D. untie
Answer : (41B, 42B, 43C,44C,45A )

Text 10.
In the Connecticut River, as it flows through the state of Massachusetts, there is
a little island called Clark’s Island. People who live in the area don’t call it by that name;
they call it Captain Kidd’s Island, because people say that the pirate, Captain Kidd, one
buried a treasure there.

From time to time, people decide to attempt to find the buried treasure. They
easily row out to the island in small boats and dig, hoping to hit a treasure chest.

So far no one has found any jewels or gold. May be the story about Captain
Kidd’s treasure is true, and may be it isn’t, but people like to think it is. May be someday
someone will dig in the right spot and find the pirate’s hidden treasure.

46. The best title of the text is ….

A. The Connecticut River
B. Rowing to the island
C. Captain Kidd’s treasure
D. Gold and Jewels
47. The story says that Captain Kidd was a ….
A. sailor
B. pirate
C. explorer
D. millionaire

48. The story suggest that the island is ….

A. far from the land
B. extremely long
C. very large
D. not far from the land

49. “…who live in the area don’t call it by that name…” ( paragraph 1 )
The word “ it “ refers to ….
A. Connecticut River
B. the state of Massachusetts
C. Clark’s Island
D. Kidd’s Island

50. “…people decide to attempt to find…” ( paragraph 2)

The word “ attempt” means ….
A. strike
B. fail
C. try
D. desire
ANSWER:( 46C, 47B, 48D, 49C, 50C)

Text 11

14 Venecia Road
South Ealing
London W5, England
08 /04 / 12
Dear Budi,

I was pleased to get your latest latter. It was a nice letter to read. I hope to get another
one soon.
I’m planning to spend this summer holiday in Malaysia and Indonesia. I’ve heard a lot
about Malaysia, but much about Indonesia. So could you tell me more about Indonesia? I
particularly want information about the important tourist destinations with their places of
That’s all for now. I’m looking forward to hearing from you soon. My best regards to
your parents. Bye.
Best wishes,
Bruce Milne
51. Bruce Milne sent the letter to Budi in ….
A. January
B. April
C. August
D. December Answer : B

52. “…I particularly want information about the important….” ( paragraph 2)

The word “ particularly “ means ….
A. similarly
B. acceptably
C. nearly
D. especially Answer : D

53. Bruce Milne intended to spend his summer holiday in ….

A. one country
B. two countries
C. three countries
D. four countries Answer : B

54. “… important tourist destinations with their places of interest.” ( paragraph 2)

The word “ their “ refers to ….
A. England and Indonesia
B. London and Malaysia
C. Malaysia and Indonesia
D. England and Indonesia Answer : Text 12
For question no. 55 to 56


Enrollment form

Child’s Details Please print or write clearly

First name : David Family name : Lax

Date of birth: 03/05/1990 Sex : Male

Child’s residential address : 23 Hasting Road, South Brisbane 4101

School : St. Joseph Primary School.

Teacher’s name : Mrs. A Simmons Class : Year 5

Doctor’s name and phone contact : Dr. Alexander Ph. 96759021

Please underline the days your child will attend the center each week

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

55. The child will attend the center . . . every week.
A. one day
B. two days
C. three days
D. four days Answer : B.

56. The child was born in . . . .

A. 1980
B. 1985
C. 1990
D. 1995 Answer : C

Text 13.

When Mrs. Green retired from her job in a big city, she went to live at an
attractive village out in the country, and began to go into the nearest town every
Saturday to buy food. She tried several stores and finally chose the most convenient
one and began to shop there regularly every week.
After she visited the stores several times, the cashier began to recognize her and
smile and say, Good morning, Mrs. Brown,” whenever she came to pay for the things
she had bought.
At first Mrs. Green didn’t mind this, but after a few weeks, she said to the cashier
one Saturday, ”Excuse me, but my last name’s Green, not Brown. “ The cashier smiled
cheerfully and said, “I’m sorry.”
But the following week, she said to her, “Do you know, Mrs. Brown, there is
another lady who comes to our store every Saturday who looks just like you.”

57. Where did Mrs. Brown buy food?

A. In a big city
B. in the nearest town
B. in an attractive village
D. in a luxurious stores Answer : B

58. How often did she go shopping?

A. Once a week
B. Twice a week
C. Three times a week
D. Every day Answer :A
59. “ ... Mrs. Green retired from her job…”
The word “ retired “ means . . . .
A. promoted to higher position
B. moved to another job
C. changed profession
D, stopped working Answer : D

60. “…finally chose the most convenient one …” ( paragraph 1)

The word “ one “ refers to . . . .
A. shop
B. town
C. store
D. city Answer : C

Text 14.

Mrs. Brown’s old grandfather lived with her and her husband. Every morning he
went for a walk in the park and came home at half past twelve for his lunch.
But one morning a police car stopped outside Mrs. Brown’s house at twelve
o’clock, and two policemen helped her grandfather to get out. One of them said to Mrs.
Brown,” the poor old gentleman lost his way in the park and telephoned us for help, so
we sent a car to bring him home. “ Mrs. Brown was very surprised, but she thanked the
policemen and they left.
“But, grandfather,” she then said, “ you have been to that park nearly every day
for twenty years. How did you lose your way there?”
The old man smiled, closed one eye and said, “ I didn’t quite lose my way, I just
tired and I didn’t want to walk home.”

61. How many person live in Mrs. Brown’s house?

A. Two
B. Three
C. Four
D. Five Answer : B

62. “…Every morning he went for a walk in the park …” ( paragraph 1 )

The word “ he” refers to . . . .
A. Mr. Brown
B. Mrs. Brown’s father
C. Mr. Brown’s grandfather
D. Mrs. Brown’s grandfather Answer : D
63. ”… you have been to that park nearly every day…” ( paragraph 3 )
The word “ nearly “ means . . . .
A. almost
B. often
C. frequent
D. always Answer : A

64. Why did Mrs. Brown’s grandfather pretend that he forgot his way?
A. He wanted to get on a police car
B. He didn’t like staying in the park
C. He never took a walk in the park
D. He didn’t want to walk home. Answer : D


65. Tommy and Rico are brothers but they look very ….
A. differ
B. different
C. difference
D. differently Answer : B

66. The lady …. won the beauty contest got trophy.

A. who
B. whom
C. whose
D which Answer : A

67. “Aren’t you going to make room reservation?”

“ No, I’ll have my guide ……………..”
A. to do it
B. do it
C. done it
D. does it Answer : B

68. My father can’t speak English, ….

A. also my mother
B. but my mother can’t
C. and my mother can’t either
D. and my mother can’t too Answer : C
69. Active : A famous painter painted my photograph.
Passive : My photograph …. by a famous painter.
A. painted
B. had painted
C. had been painted
D was painted Answer : D

70. Anton : “ May I watch TV with my friends?”

Father : “ No, You …. turn it off until the thunder has gone.
A. must
B. may
C. can
D. might Answer : A

71. You wouldn’t have won the competition if he hadn’t …. you.

A. help
B. helps
C. helped
D. helping Answer : C

72. They have been waiting for you …. nine o’clock A.M.
A. for
B. since
C. at
D. until Answer: B

73. “ He needs a driving-license because he is a driver.

We can also say, ” …. ” , he needs a driving license.
A. Being a diver
B. Become a driver
C. Having a driver
D. Having been a driver Answer: A.

74. He returned to his village after he found it difficult to earn …. in the city.
A. a settlement
B. a success
C. an experience
d. a living Answer : D
75. “ Is Ani still away?”
“ Yes, I wish she …. here to help me complete the report.”
A. is
B. were
C. will be
D. would Answer : B

76. The man …. house is painted is the Manager of a new hotel.

A. who
B. whose
C. whom
D. to whom Answer : B

77. The motor-cycle has mechanic problem. It needs ….

A. mend
B. mends
C. mended
D. mending Answer : D

78. I think that my brother will be interested in watching that film, and ….
A. my sister won’t
B. my sister does, too
C. so will my sister
D. my sister won’t either Answer : C

79. My sister needs three …. to help her run her boutique.

A. mechanics
B. instructors
C. carpenters
D. assistants Answer : D

80. He parked his car in the wrong place and had to pay $20 parking….
A. area
B. resort
C. fine
D. charge Answer : C

81. Although the police suspected that someone had been involved in the robbery.
since they had no definite …. There was nothing they could do about it.
A. evidence
B. witness
C. testimony
D. probation Answer : A
82. Bill : Do you think she can help you in Math?
Tom : Sure. She is very good at it.
Bill : Let’s go and see her, then.
The underlined word expresses ….
A. giving opinion
B. asking for information
C. certainty
D. agreement Answer : C

83. Metta : The problem is very difficult for me.

Kiki : Is it? Why don’t you ask someone to help you.
The underline statement expresses ….
A. asking someone to do something
B. giving suggestion
C. refusing an offer
D. prohibition Answer : B

84. Traffic Warden : Can’t you see that sign?

Driver : Yes, I can see perfectly. But it says,” No parking within the radius of 50
m.” And I think we’re more than 70 m from the sign.
The underlined statement expresses ….

A. disagreement
B. uncertainty
C. happiness
D. opinion Answer : D

85. Mother : It’s eleven o’clock now. You are supposed to be in bed.
Child : I can’t sleep, Mom. I just want to get some hot milk. They say a glass of hot
milk before going to bed is good. Isn’t it right, Mom?
The underlined question expresses …….
A. refusing an offer
B. asking confirmation
C. incapability
D. dissatisfaction Answer : B

86. Irma : Hi, Virgo! How was the match yesterday?

Virgo : No good. Our team lost the match.
Irma : How come. Why?
The underlined statement expresses ….
A. denial
B. regret
C. accept an offer
D. congratulation Answer : B
87. Tommy : Hey, guys. Let me tell you something. We’re playing a part in a serial TV
film soon.
David : Are you kidding?
Tommy : No. Our class has been chosen for the shooting.
The bold-typed question expresses ….
A. indifference
B. disbelieve
C. dissatisfaction
D. promise Answer : B

88. I was supposed to go on holiday this month …. I fell ill and was unable to.
A. Moreover
B. On the other hand
C. Consequently
D. Unfortunately Answer : D

89. You are too serious. Try … for a change.

A. smiling
B. smile
C. to smiling
D. smiled Answer : A

90. The last round of the boxing match was the …. exciting of all.
A. real
B. worse
C. more
D. most Answer : D

91. The passengers . . . step out of the bus while it is still moving.
A. are not allowed
B. must not
C. cannot to
D. not to Answer : B

92. . . . very wealthy he goes to Europe every year.

A. Because of
B. Because
C. Being
D. As Answer : C
93. I want to go out . . . I changed my mind.
A. therefore
B. later
C. there
D. besides Answer : B

94. The farmer . . . obtained a better crop if he had used good fertilizers.
A. will
B. might
C. could
D. would have Answer : D

95. You must . . . the bottle before . . . the medicine.

A. shook, take
B. shake, taking
C. shaking, take
D. shaking, taking Answer : B.

96. “ Why don’t you ask your sister come along with us the exhibition?
“ I did, but she . . . stay at home.
A. liked
B. preferred
C. would rather
D. used to Answer : C

97. The reason why I’ m coming is . . . you overcome the problem.

A. help
B. to help
C. helping
D. helped Answer : B

98. “After I finished my writing, I had it printed.” This means that . . . .

A. I had printed my writing
B. My writing would be printed
C. Somebody printed my writing
D. I had to print my writing myself Answer : C

99. Rika : I met Riska at the Mall last week.

Ika : . . . . She went with Mersia, right?
A. So do I
B. I did too
C. Neither did I
D. I didn’t either Answer : B
100. I came to her house while she . . . her homework
A. was doing
B. did
C. has done
D. will do Answer : A

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