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Comparative Heart

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e Charts of Vcncbmre Animal ry ,n<, ,\r

r 611
r/ T:ible 60-lO. Com1n1rative Account r
O 11 eurts or Yrrtebrate Typrs.
Dogfish Frog
( Scoliodon ) (Rana) Lizard
(V roma.ttix
Pigeon Rabbit
( Columha) ( Oryctolag,u )
Hearl lies mid - Heart lies mid -
(ioP of ventrally bcnc.ith Henn li es mid .
ventrally beneath Hearl li es mid- Heart lies enclosed
:. ~rt in bodY pharynx in p~ri- ventrally above
oesophagus in tho- ventrally in tho-
card ia l cavity sternum in tho- in a median peri-
racic cavity. Sep- racic cavity sur-
separated from racic cavity. cardia! cavity of
tum lransversum is rounded by lobes of thorax, between
peritoneal ~~vity absent. There is no spctum Ii vcr.
by a part1llon, lransversum. the pleural cavi-
tics contai ning
called septum
transvcrsum, perfo-
rated by a peri-
cardi o-peritoneal
Heart lies pro- Heart lies enclosed
: pericardium Heart completely
tected within a by a thin, transpar- Heart lies pro- Heart enclosed by
2-layercd mem- ent, 2-layered sac, lccted within a 2- a thin, 2-laycrcd, surrounded by a 2-
branous peri - the pericardium. laycred, thin, transparent, mcm- layered mcmbra-
cardium. lransparcnt sac, branous sac, the nous sac, the peri-
d Small, S-shapcd, thc pericardium. pericardium. cardium.
Small, somewhat
,s11,e,shapc an . dorso - ventrally conical or triangu- Small, roughly lri- Comparative I y Larger pear-
colour ' bent and reddish angular and red- larger, conical in shaped and reddish
lar and reddish in
brown. dish in colour. shape and reddish in colour.
Consists of a linear in colour.
iCbambcrs 3 - c h a m b e r e d,
series of 4 cham- 3 -c h a m b e r e d , 4 - ch am b e r e d, 4 . c h am b tr e d ,
made of 2 auricles
made of 2 auricles made of 2 auricles made of 2 auricles
bers : sinus veno- and 1 ventricle. and one incom-
sus, auricle, ven- and 2 ventricles. and 2 ventriclcs,
Auricles not de- pletely divided not
Ventricles all distinguishable
tricle and conus, marcated exter- ventricle, all distinguishable externally.
all distinguished nally. Besides, faintly demar- externally.
externally. But sinus vcnosus and cated externally.
only auricle and truncus arteriosus Sinus vcnosus also
ventricle are true also present. present.
chambers, hence
· ~~nus venosus Triangular, ex- Triangular, dark- Sinus venosus is Sinus venosus ab- Sinus venosus
tending trans- coloured, attached large, bilobed, at- sent, said to be absent and merged
versely over poste- dorsally over au- tached trans- incorporated into into right auricle.
rior region of ven- ricles and ven- versely to dorsal right auricle. Thus Their union mar-
tricle and fused tricles. Receives surface of auricles. 3 caval veins open · k.ed externally
with pericardial venus blood by 3 Formed by the un- directly into right by· a groove,
wall. Receives venae cavae : two ion of 2 precavals auricle. sulcw terminali.s,
venous blood from anterior precavals and 1 postcaval. and internally by a
body by two ducti and one posterior muscular ridge,
Cuvieri laterally postcaval, joining crista terminalis. 3
and two hepaJic si- at its angles. vcnae cavae open
nuses posteriorly. directly into right
lS1t11,atrlal . Si'nus venosus Sinus venosus
'Ptrture Sinus opens into Sinus opens into Sinus opens mto
posterior end of au- dorsal wall of _au- right . 1e
aunc absent. However, absent. However,f
ricle by a sinu- ricle by a large, through ~ oval opening of post- opening . o ~st-
th caval into right au- caval into nght
atrial aperture oval, sinu-atrial aperture wi m~s- ricle guarded by a _auricle guarded by
guarded by a pair aperture guarded cular lips and with• muscular Eusla- a rudimentary
of membranous by a pair of flap- 0 ut valves accord- . l
ing to Bhalla. • chian valve. Eustachian va ve.
valves. like valves.
I 612 l

Characters Dogftsh J?rog Lizard Pigeon

I • t I
( Scoliodon ) (Rana) ( Uromastix) ( Columha)

7. Atria or Atrium or auricle Auricles somewhat Two auricles di- Two auricles di-
auricles Two auricles co·
somewhat triangu- rectangular. Do vidcd completely vidcd by an inter-
pJetely separat
lar. Undivided not form auricular by an inter-auricu- auricular septwn .
internally due to appendages. Inter- far septum. Right Dorsal antcro-r:,e-
by an inte
auricuafar sept
lack of an inter- nally divided com- auricle gives off a dial diverticulum
Right auricle wi
auricular septum. pletely into right small diverticulwn a bsent.
out diverticulum.
and left auricles by from its dorsal an -
an inter-auricular tern- medial sur-
septum. face.

8. Atrial wall Thin-walled, Thin waUed, with- Thin-walled, inner C o mparativ e ly

C o m par a ti vel
spongy, moder- out muscular pro- lining forming a th ick-walled with thick walled. Inn
ately muscular. cesses. network. of low inn er su rface surface raised int
muscular ridges. raised in to muscu- a network of mu
lar ridges. cular ridges call
musculi pectinati.
9. Auricular Each auricle lat- Absent Absent Absent Each auricle pr
appendix erally projects be- duccd behind int cci
yond ventricle as a s~ollen flap, th tr'
ear - like auricular auricular appen 1r
appendages. du:, slightly cover
ing the ventricle 0
its side.
10. Pulmonary Absent and there- A common pulmo- A common pulmo- Four pulmon ary Two pulmonar
veins fore do not open nary vein opens nary vein opens ve ins open by a veins open by
into auricle. into left auricle. into left auricle common aperture common openin
into left auricle. into left auricle.
11. Auriculo- Atrium opens into Both auricles open Both auricles com- There a re two There are
ventricular ventricle through into ventricle. pos- municate behind separate circular separate auricul
aperture & its dorsal wall by a teriorly through a with ventricle auriculo-ven tric u- ventricular aper
vaJves single auriculo- common large au- through separate Jar aperture s . tures. Right aper
ventricular aper- ric ulo-ven tricular right and left au- Right valve i s ture is guarded b
ture guarded by a aperture guarded ric ulo-ven tricular made of a large a lricuspid valv
pair of membra- by 2 pairs of flap- apertures due to muscular fold, made of 3 triangu
nous valves. like valves. backward exten- while left valve is lar flaps or cusps
sion of interauricu- bicuspid, made of while left bicuspi
lar septum into two membranous or milral valve 1. A
ventricle, each flaps. consists of 2 flap
guarded by a valve only.
of one semilunar

12. Ventricles Small, pear- Small, conical, Small, conical Two right and Two large and
sha~ thic.k- thjck-walled undi- thic.kwalled cham- left. large, thick- thick-walled right
wallcd undivided vided chamber ber lying behind walled ventricles, and left ventricle.,
chamber lying lying posterior to auricles. Incom- completely sepa- completely sepa·
ventral to sinus and · auricles. No in- pletely divided by rated by a vertical rated by a vertical
auricle. /nJerven- tervenlricular sep- a prominent ob- interventritular inter-ventricular
18. F
tricular septum not tum. liq ue muscular septum. septum.
found. ridge or septum
ipto a larger dorsal
part, cavum dor-
sale, and a smaller
ventral part,
cavum pulmonale.
""n11rative Charts of Vert ebrate Animal T~ s I 613
~ C~~

\~ - ----::=--- = - - - - - - -
Dogfish Frog Rabbit
\ Characters Lizard Pigeon
( Scoliodon ) (Rana) ( Oryctolag,u)
\\ ( Columha )
( Uromastix )

-~ ~ ~ ~ ~ - -- - = ~
\ I ~
\ ' Chordae Cavity of ventricle Flap s of auriculo
Free edges of au- Flaps of .auriculo- Free edges- of
ventricular valve
~~ I~1c11dincac trave rsed by nu- ric ul o-ven tricular ventricular valves valvular flaps con-
'\ mero us m _ uscular atta ched to wall of valves attached to attached to papil- nected to papil lary
strands, chordae •
. i.,. ventr1c1e by thread inner wall of ven- lary muscles by muscles by long,
!~ndineae, g1vmg like chordae lend- tricl e by firm chordae tendineae tough, connective
'(\ ineae
\\ 1 a spongy texture. cords, the chordae tissue strands,
tendineae. chordae tend -
\ 111eae .
Columnae Absent lrreguJar strands or Prominent ridges Bars of muscles Small irregular
1'• carneac ridge s given from raised from inner traversing cavi ties muscular ridg e!
inner wall of ven- surface of wall of of ventricles. . projecting from
1111 tricle. verticle. ' wall of ventricles.
These are promi- These are large,
1~ ~)
Abs ent Absent Absent
~, J~ papillary
• 1, JJ)UScles ilent muscular pro- conical, nipple-
. 0/ ., jections from inner shaped musc ular
\ wall of ventricles. elevations from
~ ~t
inner wall of ven-
~ tricles.
~~ s or truncus
~ ~ 16, Con us or
trunc us Conu
Conus arteriosus is Truncus arteriosus Conus or truncus Conus or iosus absent.
abse nt. arter
·"i, ~ .truncus a stou~ undivided, is a pear-shaped arteriosus absent. arteriosus
-~ arteriosus muscular tube tube arising anteri-
-7 ~. given anteriorly by orly from right
~; ventricle. Its cav- ventral side of
ity contains 2 rows · ventricle. It's cav-
of 5 :1 semi1W1ar ity is divided by 3
valves each, 3 semilunar valves
larger and 2 into a distal
smaller. Spir al c h a m b e r ,
valve absent. syna ngiw n and a
proximal cham-
ber, pylangium.
Latter is further di-
vided by a spiral
valve into cavwn
pulm ocu tane um
and cavwn aor-
ral aorta ab- Ventral aorta ab-
ic arches Con us leads anteri- Trun cus bifurcates Ventral aorta ab- Vent c sent. Only 2 aortic
Aort into sent. · 3 aortic sent. Only 2 aorti
orly into a ventral anteriorly es present ;
arches arise di- arches arise: pul- arch
aorta whi~h gives right and left rectly, from ven- monary from right pulmonary arising
off 5 pairs of lat- trunks each divid ·from right ven-
ing in to 3 aortic tricle : pulmonary ventricle an4 right
eral arotic arches. systemic lt avin g tricle and left
arches : common from cavum pul- . syste mic from left
t ul left ventricle
carotid, systemic monille and . right vent ricle .
I~ and pulmocuJane- and left systemic
ous. Ventral aorta from cavum dor-
~ '
,ir~P 18. Fora men Abs ent
Abse nt
sale .
Present at the point Absent Absent
, of contact where
Panizzae two systemic
arches cross each
614 J

Oaractt:n Do¢L"' Frog Liza rd Pigeo n

( Sc<>liodo " ) ( RtVta) ( Uromastix) Rabbit
( Columba)
( Oryctola1:us )
tj._ World ng H cart rcc e1 ves Heart receiv c:S V«>- Mixing of venous Heart completely
onl y vcnoo.s blood nous as well as and oxygenated Heart 4-charn.
4-chambered with-
from body and oxygenated bcrcd as in bird
bloods occurs in out mixing of ve- H s.
sends it to gills bloods. It supplies _e nce with double
incompletely di- nous and oxygen-
only for aeration . mixed blood to dif- circulation, ve-
vided ventricle. ated bloods . Hence
Called ve1w1t.1 fercn t regions of nous blood going to
Hence transitional with double circu-
ltLart with a .; body. Called tran- lungs and oxygen-
heart with single lation and more
circwlaJ ion. si t ional hea rt ated blood to body
circulation and efficient. and more cffi~
with a single circu- less efficient. cien t.
lai io n .

Table 60-11. Comparative Account of Brain in Vertebrate Types .


Characten Dogfish Frog Lizard Pigeon Rabbit
( Scoliodon ( Rana ) ( Urorruisti.x ) ( Columba Orycto/agw )

L Cranium Brain enclosed within Cranium bony. Cranium bony, Cranium bony. Cranium bony.
a artilaginou1 era- 0
l. She & maJn parts Brain 1UJ1>le, elon- Brain simple, elon- Elongated as in frog, Brain relatively larger Brain relatively larg-
gated, flauened, gated, flattened, but · comparatively and more complex est cooiplex and niost
thrice as long as
broad, and made of
wne 3 basic parts -
forcbrain. midbrain &
nearly 3 times longer
than · broad. Made of
same 3 main parts ·-
forebrain, midbrain &
larger and broader.
Similarly made of
forebrain, midbrain
and hindbrain.
than in reptiles.
little • longer than
broad. Made of usual
3 main parts.
A advanced. Nearly
twice as long 11
broad. Made of usual
3. main pans.
hindbrain. hindbrain.
J_:1.{enJ.nga Brain protected by a Brain protected by 2
Brain protected by 2 Brain protected by 2 Brain protected by 3
single membrane, membranes.: a thin membranes.: piama- meninges : pia-arch- membranes : pia-
!M/WU: primitiva. imer piamaur and ter and dv.ramater, as noid and dwamater. mater, arachnoid and
a thick outer dura- in frog. dwramater.
mat er.


4. Pcmdoa Attached to antero- Attached side by side Attached in front of Attached anteriorly to .Attached distinctly 10
1-.cnl angles <1ccrc-- in front of cerebrum, cerebrum without cerebral hemispheres anterior end of cer~
brum, · hence widely demarcated by slight constrictions, and and largely covered brwn.
separated. constrictioru. side by side. by them.
5. Shape and me Large, bilobed, Small aoo spherical Small in prop<Xtion Smal~ conical due to Smal~ elongated cilc
highly developed. due to poor ICII.SC of due to poor serue of poor sense of smell to ~ sense of
Hence brain called anell in frog. smell. smell.
nou brain. Sense of
smell highly devel-
6. Puu Differentiated im.o a No differentiation Each drawn out into a No distinction into Olfactory tracti re-
slender IIOUt olfac- between tract and narrow, slender olfactory peduncles main covered bcnealh
tory tract or pe,dw,cle bulb. pedwacle bearing dis- and olfactory bulbs. cerebrum. Club-
and a bilobed olfac- tally a small oodule - shaped bwlbs visible.·
tory bulb. · like olfactory__ bwlb. dor~~lt

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