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Proteins of albumen functional properties 291




Ana Cláudia Carraro Alleoni

R. Athaualpa Vaz de Melo, 179 - 13405-216 - Piracicaba, SP - Brasil.

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ABSTRACT: Hen eggwhite proteins have been extensively utilized as ingredients in food processing
because of their unique functional properties, such as gelling and foaming. This work reviews the molecular
basis of the eggwhite proteins targeting the development of these functional properties during processing.
Key words: ovalbumin, coagulation, gel, denaturation


RESUMO: As proteínas da clara do ovo de galinha têm sido extensivamente usadas como ingredientes em
alimentos processados, devido às suas propriedades funcionais, tais como gelatinização e formação de
espuma. Essa revisão aborda as bases moleculares das proteínas da clara do ovo para o desenvolvimento
dessas propriedades funcionais durante o processamento.
Palavras-chave: ovalbumina, coagulação, gel, desnaturação


The eggwhite has 9.7 to 12% protein (Vadehra
Hen eggwhite have been extensively used as & Nath, 1973; Mine, 1995) and can be considered a sys-
processed food ingredients, because of their functional tem built out of numerous globular proteins in an aque-
properties of gelation and foam formation, ovalbumin ous solution. The seven largest fractions are ovalbumins
proteins of chicken eggs have been used as processed A1 and A2, ovoglobulins G1, G2 and G3, ovomucoid and
food ingredients (Mine, 1995). Gelation has evident conalbumin. Table 1 presents amounts of several pro-
importance given the amount of available products to teins of eggwhite and some of their properties.
consumers, such as desserts, puddings, reformulated
1. Ovalbumin
meat products, tofu, and surimi. The success of many
Ovalbumin constitutes 54% of eggwhite’s to-
cooked food is related to protein coagulation, espe-
tal protein (Zabik, 1992) and is its main protein
cially the coagulation of egg proteins. Eggwhite and (Stevens, 1996). Vadehra & Nath (1973), Osuga &
yolk can coagulate and act as linkage with other in- Feeney (1977), and Zabik (1992) report the existence
gredients (Mine, 1995). of three ovalbumin fractions (A1, A2 and A3), detected
Proteins make gels through ordinate polymer- by electrophoretic techniques. These fractions differ re-
ization of molecules, providing a three-dimensional garding the phosphorus content of their molecules.
network, and this process occurs by the transformation Ovalbumin A1 has two phosphate groups per molecule,
of the viscous liquid in a viscous-elastic matrix A 2 has one group, and A 3 has no phosphate group
(Hermanssom, 1979). Foam is found in bread, cakes, (Vadehra & Nath, 1973; Zabik, 1992). Ovalbumin is a
cookies, meringues, ice creams, and several bakery monomer, globular phospoglycoprotein with molecu-
products. These products depend on air incorporation lar weight of 44.5 kDa, isoelectric point of 4.5, and
to maintain their texture and structures during and af- has 385 residues from aminoacids (Nisbet et al., 1981),
ter processing. The proteins encapsulate and retain air, half of them hydrophobic (Powrie & Nakai, 1985;
improving the desirable textural attributes. The abil- Zabik, 1992; Mine, 1995).
ity of protein to form and stabilize foam is related to Ovalbumin contains 3.5% carbohydrates and
its amphiphilic behavior (polar/nonpolar) (Du et al., has four free sulphydrilic groups and a disulphide group.
2002). This study aims to review the molecular bases It can be denatured by heat exposure, by surface absorp-
of ovalbumin proteins and their functional properties tion, in films, through agitation, or by the action of sev-
of gel and foam formation and stabilization. eral denaturant agents (Vadehra & Nath, 1973).

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292 Alleoni

Table 1 - Physical-chemical characteristics of albumen proteins (Source: Powrie & Nakai, 1985).
P r o te in Alb ume n IP M o le c ula r We ight Td C ha r a c te r is tic
% d r y we ight Da °C
O va lb umin 54.0 4.5 44,500 84.0 F o s fo glic o p r o te in
C o na lb umin 12.0 6.1 77,700 61.0 Link a ge with me ta l io ns
O vo muc o id 11 . 0 4.1 28,000 77.0 I nhib ito r y to tr yp s in
O vo muc in 3.5 4.5- 5.0 5.5- 8.3 x 106 - S ia lo p r o te in
Lis o zime 3.4 10.7 14,300 75.0 -
Glo b ulin G2 4.0 5.5 49,000 92.5 -
Glo b ulin G3 4.0 5.8 49,000 - -
Avid in 0.05 10.0 68,300 - Link a ge with b io tine
IP - isoelectric point; Td – denaturation temperature.

During storage, ovalbumin is altered to s-oval- 2. Conalbumin or Ovotransferin

bumin, an extra heat-stable form (denaturation at Conalbumin or ovotransferin is glycoprotein
92.5°C) in comparison to ovalbumin (denaturation at that represents 13% of eggwhite; its molecular weight
84.0°C), as determined by thermogram of the differ- varies from 60 to 95 kDa, with isoelectric point between
ential scanning calorimeter (DSC) (Donovan & Mapes, 6.0 and 6.6 (Vadhera & Nath, 1973). Conalbumin can
1976). S-ovalbumin has a slightly lighter molecular bind to metal ions and form a protein-metal complex re-
weight than ovalbumin and its relative quantity in the sistant to denaturation by heat, pressure, proteolitic en-
eggwhite can increase during the storage period, from zymes, and denaturant agents (Azary & Feeney, 1958).
5% in fresh eggs to 81% after six months of refriger- This protein is complexed with two mols of metallic ion
ated storage. Both pH and temperature also affect the per molecule with relative stability, and its ability to
s-albumin formation (Vadehra & Nath, 1973). The s- bound to Fe is related to its antimicrobial activity. Con-
ovalbumin dependency on pH indicates a step of ini- albumin has about 15 disulphide bindings and about
tial ionization involving a sulphydrilic group and an 55% reactive residues (Zabik, 1992).
amino group, or even the dependency on the concen-
tration of hydroxyl ion, similar to an alkaline hydroly- 3. Ovomucoid
sis (Smith & Back, 1965). The conversion of ovalbu- Ovomucoid is a glycoprotein bearing from 20
min to the extra stable form s-ovalbumin results from to 25% carbohydrates (Osuga & Feeney, 1977). It is
differences in the structure of covalent bonding (Zabik, resistant to heat denaturation in acid solutions, and
1992). When eggs are covered with oil, coated with present inhibitory activity to trypsin (Stadelman &
whey concentrate protein (Alleoni & Antunes, 2004), Coterril, 1973). Osuga & Feeney (1977) observed that
or stored under refrigeration, this conversion is delayed ovomucoid from poultry eggs inhibits the bovine
as a result of the lower carbon dioxide loss by the pores trypsin but not the human trypsin. Ovomucoid’s mo-
of the egg shell. lecular weight varies from 26,100 to 28,300 Da, and
Alleoni (1997) evaluated effects of storage its isoelectric point lies between 3.9 and 4.3 (Vadehra
periods and two temperatures on poultry eggs. S-oval- & Nath, 1973). This protein is stabilized by hydropho-
bumin contents registered were 18, 26 and 24% bic strengths and its high resistance to heat results from
in eggs stored at 8°C for 7, 14 and 21 days, respec- its high cystine contents and, consequently, to the high
tively. When stored at 25°C, eggs presented 56 and number of disulphide linkages – eight (Vadehra &
69% s-ovalbumin at 7 and 14 days, respectively. Nath, 1973).
Smith & Back (1965) showed that 95% of ovalbumin
is converted to s-ovalbumin when an ovalbumin so- 4. Ovomucin
lution at pH 10 is kept and 55°C for 20 h. The maxi- Ovomucin is a glycosulphiprotein that contrib-
mum production of s-ovalbumin occurs at pH 9.2 and utes to the gel-like structure of the eggwhite thick layer.
the minimum at pH 7.9, both at 20°C (Nguyen & The eggwhite has two forms of ovomucin; the in-
Smith, 1984). These refereed differences do not pro- soluble form characterizes the high viscosity of
vide full explanation regarding the properties of s- eggwhite’s thin layer (Hayakawa & Sato, 1977). Ovo-
ovalbumin, but properly exemplifies how little mucin presents from one to 2% of eggwhite’s total pro-
changes in a given protein can significantly affect its teins (Vadehra & Nath, 1973), and differs from other
properties. proteins because its molecule is extremely large and

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Proteins of albumen functional properties 293

contains sulphate esthers, large amounts of cystine (in- 1. Gelation

terconnected through intermolecular linkages), and Gel is an intermediary form between solid and
50% of the total eggwhite sialic acid contents liquid. It is the cross-linking among polymeric mol-
(Stadelman & Coterril, 1973). Ovomucin’s molecular ecules which make an intermolecular network within
weight varies from 5.5 to 8.3 MDa. Ovomucin also has a liquid medium. In food systems, this liquid is water,
a substantial amount of disulphide groups, and up to a solvent which affects the nature and the magnitude
33% carbohydrates (Vadehra & Nath, 1973). of intermolecular strengths that keep the integrity of
the polymeric network. This network retains water,
5. Lysozyme
avoiding losses (Oakenfull, 1987). Food processing
Lysozyme is a glycoprotein, a single polypep-
and the development of new products require ingredi-
tide chain with 129 residues of aminoacids linked by
ents such as the gelling agents, which build up a struc-
four disulphide bonds, representing 3.5% of the
tural matrix that supplies food’s desirable texture
eggwhite; its molecular weight ranges from 14,300 to
(Phillips et al., 1994).
14,600 Da, and its isoelectric point is 10.7 (Stadelman
Gels can be described by their capacity to im-
& Coterril, 1973). Lysozyme was previously placed in
mobilize liquids, by their macromolecular structure, by
the ovoglobulin group and referred to as G1. Lysozyme’s
their texture, and by their rheological properties
acid and basic lateral chains and terminal groups are dis-
(Phillips et al., 1994). Gel formed from protein was
tributed in the molecular surface. The localization of
primarily described as a two-step process:
polar chain also seems to be in the surface, although
1. The first step involves changes in the con-
most non-polar chains (hydrophobic) are inside the mol-
formation (usually induced by heat) or partial denatur-
ecule. One of the hydrophobic groups is localized in the
ation of the protein molecule. With denaturation, the
protein’s surface, exactly where the protein’s active site
dispersion velocity increases as a result of increasing
of is located (Li-Chan & Nakai, 1989).
molecular dimensions caused by unfolding of the pro-
6. Ovoglobulins G2 and G3 tein molecule (Ferry, 1948). In this protein dispersion,
Ovoglobulins encompass altogether 0.4% of the first features of an elastic solid appear.
the total eggwhite’s proteins. Their molecular weights 2. In the second step, a gradual association or
range from 30,000 to 45,000 Da, and their isoelectric molecule aggregations of denatured proteins leads to
points are 5.5 and 5.8 for G2 and G 3, respectively. an exponential increase of viscosity, and to the forma-
Ovoglobulins have 3.2 to 3.7% hexoses and 2.4 to tion of a continuous network. Process formation in this
2.5% hexosamines (Vadehra & Nath, 1973). step is slower, in comparison to the first step, and ends
when an organized network is formed. If the 2nd step
FUNCTIONAL PROPERTIES OF GELATION occurred any faster, a disorganized protein cluster (a
AND FOAMING coagulum) would be formed; this coagulum would not
Proteins present physical-chemical functional be able to hold water, consequently resulting in syner-
properties that contribute to the desirable characteris- esis (Phillips et al., 1994).
tics of a food and its physical behavior during prepa- The establishment of gel networks at 85 to
ration, transformation and storage. Many functional 90°C is attributed to the formation of covalent link-
properties depend on the exposition of hydrophobic ages, to the changes of thiol group to disulphide link-
groups in the molecular surface and the interactions of ages, and to hydrophobic interactions (Phillips et al.,
these groups with oil (emulsion), air (foam) or other 1994). These interactions between nonpolar segments
protein molecules, such as gels and coagula (Li-Chan of adjacent polypeptides occur only if these polypep-
& Nakai, 1989). tides are opened, induced by heating. Cooling increases
Considering that the residues of hydrophobic the hydrogen bonds. The change reaction from thiol
aminoacids are generally located inside globular pro- group to disulphide linkage is important for thermal
teins molecules, the unfolding of the native structure gelation, given that it produces crossed covalent link-
during the processing steps of food, such as homog- ages involving and stabilizing the gel matrix. The elas-
enization, liquidification or heating, can be necessary ticity property of gel is directly proportional to the den-
to allow these hydrophobic groups to participate in the sity of cross-linking in the network (Phillips et al.,
intermolecular interactions (Kato et al., 1989; Li-Chan 1994).
& Nakai, 1991). The molecular flexibility of a protein The first step of thermal coagulation comprises
can be constrained by strength of hydrophobic and in- the formation of disulphide linkages which exposes
ternal electrostatic interactions that keep the native hydrophobic groups (Shimada & Matsuhita, 1980).
structure, as well by the presence of covalent During heating, eggwhite is polymerized by intermo-
disulphide intra-molecular bonds (Mine, 1995). lecular exchange linkages from sulphydrilic groups to

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294 Alleoni

disulphide linkages, which makes a network. Thermo- been similar to ovalbumin and to s-ovalbumin, the re-
coagulation requires balance of electrostatic attractions sistance of heat-induced s-ovalbumin gel was lower
between protein molecules and hydrophobic interac- than the resistance of ovalbumin gel at several tem-
tions during the gel formation (Ma & Holme, 1982). peratures.
The physical integrity of gels depends on the Alleoni & Antunes (2005) registered higher
balance between attractive and repulsive strengths of hardness in eggwhite gels when pH varied from 9.0 to
the protein molecules involved in the system 9.45 than when pH varied from 7.7 and 8.1. The s-
(Hermanssom, 1979; Schmidt, 1981; Kinsella, 1984; ovalbumin can, along with other proteins, increase
Mulvihill & Kinsella, 1987; Ziegler & Foegeding, hardness of albumen gel, i.e., when pH is around 9.0
1990). If the attractive strengths predominate, a coagu- there is an increase in the percentage of this protein
lum is formed, and water is driven off the network ma- in the eggwhite, while there is a minimum transforma-
trix. If the repulsive strengths dominate, a three-dimen- tion from ovalbumin to s-ovalbumin when pH ranges
sional network can not be formed (Kinsella, 1984). from 7.0 to 8.0. In the literature, there is no indication
The nature and properties of gels are influ- regarding an increase of other kinds of proteins with
enced by several factors, such as protein concentra- increasing pH.
tion, solution pH, nature, and concentration of the The success of egg cooking depends on time
electrolyte (Mulvihill & Kinsella, 1988). Gelation can and temperature. The exposition to very high tempera-
occur during heating or cooling and depends on the tures for an extended period results in a
nature of the protein and on the process itself. The supercoagulation. Good results can be obtained with
heat-induced formation of translucent gel network in- high temperatures if the cooking period is properly
volves the ordinate association of unfolded chains of shorter. Heating is needed to achieve the optimum
polypeptides through non-covalent bonds (e.g. hydro- hardness, but can also bring on undesirable syneresis
gen bounds, ionic and hydrophobic interactions) and (Lowe, 1955). The syneresis registered by Chen & Hsu
in some cases, through covalent bonds (disulphide (1981) may have resulted from supercoagulation, when
linkages) (Hermanssom, 1979; Xiong & Kinsella, the whole egg and the eggwhite were cooked in mi-
1990). crowaves, but the cooking velocity induced by the mi-
The protein-protein, non-covalent interactions crowaves and the tendency of how heating is carried
occur during the formation of reversible and non-re- out harden the supercoagulation prevention in some
versible gels. The crossed intermolecular linkages be- foods (Yang & Baldwin, 1995). Alleoni & Antunes
tween developed chains of polypeptides vary exten- (2005) observed increased expressible moisture in
sively and are essential to gel formation (Phillips et al., eggwhite gels at pH between 7 and 8, in comparison
1994). The kind and the extension of non-covalent in- to those with pH around 9.
teractions, such as hydrophobic and ‘Van der Waals’ When puddings are cooked at high tempera-
interactions, hydrogen bounds and ionic interactions, tures, there is little difference between the optimum
are related to the nature of the protein, to its concen- thicken and the breakdown of the product. When
tration, to the solution pH, to the denaturation inten- cooking is proceeded in water bath, the optimum tem-
sity caused by heating and by the ionic medium perature is 87°C, and the denaturation temperature is
(Schmidt, 1981), and interfere with the attractive and 92°C (Yang & Baldwin, 1995). Differences in gel-
repulsive strengths of the three-dimensional network. forming ability among globular proteins generally re-
Therefore, excess attractive strength cause coagulation, flect the variety of degrees of protein-protein inter-
and excess repulsive strength causes dissolution of the actions and the number and extension of interactive
network’s structure. sites available within the opened molecule (Phillips
Montejano et al. (1984) reported that the rigid- et al., 1994).
ity of the eggwhite started at 71°C and increased at The intermolecular disulphide linkages in-
83°C, and the elasticity developed between 70 and crease the stability of the gel matrix. The increased size
74°C. Denaturation of ovalbumin occurred from 79° of polypeptide chains can delay the rupture of non-co-
to 84°C. The increase of temperature and the heating valent interactions, and favor the gel network stabil-
period improve the linkages with water molecules and ity. The inaccessible thiol groups become exposed and
increases cross-linking in the gel structure (Yang & can be activated by the unfolding of protein molecule
Baldwin, 1995). during heating, or by alterations in the solvent condi-
The stability of s-ovalbumin regarding the de- tions (Kella & Kinsella, 1988). Consequently, the re-
naturation by heating can affect the gelation proper- active thiol groups are exposed and can yield intermo-
ties of eggwhite. Shitamori et al. (1984) reported that lecular disulphide bond (Schmidt et al., 1979). The re-
even though the profiles of pH in gel formation have actions of intermolecular changes of thiol-disulphide
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Proteins of albumen functional properties 295

groups can promote an increase of crossed disulphide bubble is separated by a lamella. Air bubbles are origi-
linkages within the gel matrix, according to the reac- nally spherical (high internal pressure), and the lamella
tion scheme. is dense (thick), containing large amounts of fluid. Liq-
uid in the polyedric foam is distributed among lamel-
– S – S – S*H – + – S*H – S – S - ↔ HS – S – S – S – S – SH
lar channels where the films are located. The drainage
The dimerous molecule formed by this reac- of lamellar fluids is the main destabilization strength,
tion can keep on reacting with sulphydrylic groups in causing air bubbles to get closer and take on polyedric
other protein molecules, producing the necessary cross- shape (Adamson, 1982).
linking to gelation (Phillips et al., 1994). Although the During the formation of protein-based foam, a
formation of a protein network is described by two sequence of reactions occurs. An energy input if re-
steps (Shimada & Matsushita, 1980), the presence of quired for triggering the process, and the soluble pro-
soluble aggregates that precedes the network forma- teins reach the air-water interface by diffusion, adsorp-
tion has been already reported to several proteins (Ma tion, concentration and critical surface tension
& Holme, 1982; Nakamura et al., 1984). In addition (Phillips, 1981; German & Phillips, 1989). The rear-
to these steps, a third one has been proposed, involv- rangement of polypeptides occurs in the interface and
ing denaturation followed by soluble aggregation and is oriented by polar mobility, which is directed to wa-
by interaction of aggregates within the network, evi- ter, and the nonpolar segments preferably lead to air
dences supported by electronic microscopy (Beveridge particles. This process occurs through the non-cova-
et al., 1980). lent interactions of the polypeptides, and is the base
Ferry (1948) introduced the concept that ge- of a cohesive, continuous film (Phillips, 1981). The
lation occurs in two steps; he emphasized the impor- structural components and the attractive electrostatic
tance of the relation between denaturation and aggre- interactions (strengths) that enable intermolecular as-
gation. If the attractive strengths are broken by dena- sociations improve foaming properties; exceedingly
turation, this should quickly promote the chain asso- repulsive electrostatic interactions lessen foaming abil-
ciation. This would result in accumulation of free de- ity. The extension of molecular interactions of proteins
natured proteins, as an intermediary phase. In these in the air-water interface and the properties of the in-
conditions, a thin layer of gel should be formed. A terfacial film depend on the kind of protein and the
rough gel should be formed when increasing attractive dominant conditions of the solution, which determine
strengths lead to gelation before the accumulation of foam formation and stabilization (Phillips et al., 1994).
many free chains. With increasing attractive strengths, The foaming properties of proteins are funda-
only aggregates should be formed. The relationship mentally related to their properties of forming films in
between denaturation and association affects the kind the air-water interface. Proteins that can be opened and
of formed network in either mechanism: two steps or quickly adsorbed present better foaming properties
one of three steps (Oakenfull, 1987). The coagulation than those slowly adsorbed and whose structures are
reaction in endothermic, i.e., absorbs heat. Therefore, more difficult to be opened in the interface. The same
the velocity of this reaction is affected by temperature. strengths that determine the structure and flexibility of
Feeney (1964) listed proteins according to the a protein, such as the electrostatic and hydrophobic in-
percentage existent on the solid albumen: ovalbumin teractions, and the disulphide linkages also determine
54%; conalbumin 13%; ovomucoid 11%; lysozyme the interfacial behavior and the protein properties
3.5%; ovomucin 1.5%; flavoprotein-apoprotein 0.8%; (Phillips et al., 1994).
proteinase inhibitor 0.1%; avidin 0.05%, and non-iden- During the interfacial movement, the partially-
tified proteins 8%. Only ovomucoid and ovomucin are opened proteins form new intermolecular associations
not coagulable by heat (Johnson & Zabik, 1981); ex- with neighboring molecules and form cohesive films,
cept when complexed with Fe or Al, conalbumin is es- essential to foam formation (Kinsella & Phillips, 1989).
pecially sensitive to heat (Cunningham & Lineweaver, In homogenous systems, the main attractive strengths
1965). The denaturation temperatures of conalbumin, are hydrogen bounds, hydrophobic interactions, elec-
globulin, ovalbumin and lysozyme are 57.3, 72.0, 71.5, trostatic and van der Waals forces (Kinsella, 1984). The
and 81.5°C, respectively (Yang & Baldwin, 1995). strength magnitude, which keeps the native protein
structure either in solution or at the interface, is im-
2. Foaming portant in the foaming properties (Adamson, 1982).
There are two main foam classes: the spheri- Barmore (1934) apud Halling (1981), showed
cal and the polyedric foams. Protein-based foams are the stability decrease of foam in the super-beating of
formed by air bubbles. Each droplet is involved by a the eggwhite, and the drainage increase correlated to
thin and continuous film of protein molecules and each the decrease of viscosity of the liquid drained off.
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296 Alleoni

These changes in viscosity proved to be an important that can hold an air bubble, the protein components
feature of the super-beating. The viscosity decrease should present non-covalent interactions, such as elec-
does not sufficiently explain the increase in the drain- trostatic and hydrophobic strengths, hydrogen bounds
age rate in long periods of eggwhite beating. Conceiv- and disulphide linkages. The molecular features inher-
ably a specific protein component also performs an ent to proteins affect the formation and stability of pro-
important role in the eggwhite super-beating (Halling, tein-based foam (Kinsella & Phillips, 1989). The criti-
1981). cal balance of non-covalent interactions leads to the
The forces that act in the different stages of formation of a cohesive and viscous film, required to
foam stability are: stabilize the foam.
1. Attractive electrostatic force: essential to the The electrostatic repulsion can reduce foam
protein network formation and film cohesion, in ex- stability and delay the film formation. Disulphide link-
cess may cause coagulation of polypeptides. On the ages reduce the protein flexibility. The change of a
other hand, the role of electronegativity in foam sta- thiol group to a disulphide has great importance to
bilization has been attributed to the electrostatic repul- functional properties. Molecular alterations induced by
sion in adjacent films. Important features to the for- reduction of disulphide linkages among protein mol-
mation of optimum films in a simple system can de- ecules improve the film formation in the foam and its
lay the film formation and cause foam destabilization. stabilization (German & Phillips, 1989).
For instance, some rheological properties that improve The formation of disulphide linkages during
film stability are maximized in the isoelectric point the foam formation and the foaming properties of
range for many proteins; at this point solubility tends ovalbumin were studied by Doi et al. (1989), who
to a minimum. To determine foaming properties of a concluded that the essential factor to a stable foam
protein, it is necessary to know the balance between formation of ovalbumin was not the disulphide link-
hydrophobic and ionic components, although the pre- ages formation, but the network formation by other
cise location of these components in three-dimensional non-covalent interactions. The critical role of
molecular form is unknown (Phillips et al., 1994). disulphide binding is stabilizing the protein structure,
2. The nonpolar residues intensively contrib- constraining the molecular unfolding and preventing
ute to the interactive forces at the hydrophobic inter- the total exposition of hydrophobic regions (Li-Chan
face. So, they increase the surface activity in which the & Nakai, 1991). The formation of disulphide bind-
hydrophilic residues are associated to the decreasing ings at the air-water interface can improve foam sta-
surface activity, and can thus improve the film quality bility. The protein concentration, the film thickness,
and the foam stability (Nakai & Li-Chan, 1985). The the ionic strength, pH, temperature, and the presence
foam stability depends on the ability of surface activi- of other components in the food systems, in addition
ties of proteins improving the film elasticity. Stability to physical-chemical properties of proteins, affect
can also reflect the balance between forces inside the foaming properties. For instance, the increase of the
film and the forces among adjacent bubbles (Kinsella protein concentration generally causes the formation
& Philips, 1989). of a thick lamellar film, which yields more stable
The formation process is related to the mixing foam (Phillips et al., 1994).
velocity, the beater geometry and the surface proper- Meringues and eggwhite cakes can be made
ties of the material to be foamed (Phillips et al., 1990). out of ovomucins and ovoglobulins alone. However,
The maximum levels of air incorporation during the when the ovalbumin is absent, the cake mass collapses
beating reflect in a better actual dynamic equilibrium after growing during the beating period (Yang &
between mechanical strength and the bubble destruc- Baldwin, 1995).
tion. This provides an actual measure of foam stabil- When the ovalbumin is alone in an Angel cake
ity. The foam stability is measured by the time required mixture, longer beating period is required for foaming
by a certain amount of liquid to be drained from the and the end product will have a thick texture
foam. The extension of protein film formation is re- (MacDonnel et al., 1955). Eggwhites from which
lated to the ability of the protein to diminish the sur- globulin and ovomucin are removed, require longer
face tension between the air droplet and the protein beating periods, and when these mixtures are used in
solution. The foam stability depends on the film na- cakes they cause a volume reduction. If the
ture, which reflects the extension of interactions within ovoglobulins are returned in the cake mixture, there is
the film matrix (Phillips et al., 1994). an increase in the volume, but the beating period is still
The structural characteristics of proteins lead- long. When the ovomucin is added replacing
ing to fast foam formation are low molecular weight ovoglobulin, the beating period is diminished, but the
and amphipathic molecules. To form a protein capsule volume of cakes is not improved. When both
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Proteins of albumen functional properties 297

ovoglobulin and ovomucin are added, an increase in in specific chemical conditions can be evaluated by
the cake quality is observed. The addition of a great monitoring the structure-function relations. This could
amount of ovomucin produces an increase in the ve- enable maximizing the beneficial and minimizing the
locity of foam formation and excessive coagulation of negative effects. The s-ovalbumin is a protein with dis-
proteins in the bubble surface, plus reduced elasticity tinct, different ability to form gel and foam. In the case
of the film surrounding the bubble. Therefore, the vol- of gels, its presence can diminish the moisture loss, a
ume of a cake baked from this mixture is smaller. The positive effect; but in the case of foam, this protein di-
addition of a larger quantity of ovoglobulin in the minishes the foam stability, a negative effect.
eggwhite causes a weak foaming property and in-
creases the cake volume. The stability in these cases REFERENCES
is obtained only when the quantity of ovomucin is
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