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Name: Ankita Pimpale Roll No: 99

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Name : ankita pimpale Roll no : 99

Subject : advertising in contemporary society.

Topic : business negotiation technics in brazil.

Negotiation occurs in business, non-profit organizations, government branches, legal proceedings, among nations and in personal situations such as marriage, divorce, parenting, and everyday life. Nowadays different nations communicate frequently. Negotiation is becoming an important issue, which is not confined only in the domestic affairs. At the same time, the values vary from nations to nations, so does the practice of negotiation. There is not an acknowledged standard and it is only a set of established rules which are obeyed by all the people. Therefore, a business man should be familiar with all the protocols in all fields, such as politics, economics, and culture and military. International business is no longer the privilege of the minority of people. More and more people prefer to go into business. In the era of human-oriented society, how to respect others and maintain one's dignity becomes a challenge. International business etiquette is the basic knowledge which should be applied in the competition in the international business environment. . This thesis requires a clear definition of commercial negotiation skill and systematically explains its contents, categorizations, features, principles, functions and practices. And also shows the significance of the international business skill. Negotiation is most common means of managing the inevitable conflicts which arises between business organizations. The importance of negotiation in business is an invaluable component in any great business endeavour. In the competitive field of business you want to be sure that the importance of negotiation in business is not only stressed within the company you own or work for, you want to stress the exceptional and crucial value it plays. Truly, the importance of negotiation in business can be the difference between companies that thrive and companies that soon falter and often go out of business. Having a consultant who possesses exceptional negotiation skills in business can and will help you and your company make wise, financially sound deals with other vendors, consultants, and business associates that will help keep your business afloat and financially lucrative. With the a skilled negotiation consultant your business will be able to ask the right questions and find solid final prices for company supplies, contracts with consultants, and other such important financial decisions that can make or break a companies financial standing. Without a skilled negotiation consultant many companies have blindly purchased or entered into contracts and deals that they could have spent significantly less business dollars on. With every dollar that is spent needlessly, a companys well-being and security is placed in jeopardy.

History: The Portuguese were the first European settlers to arrive in the area, led by adventurous Pedro Cabral, who began the colonial period in 1500. The Portuguese reportedly found native Indians numbering around seven million. Most tribes were peripatetic, with only limited agriculture and temporary dwellings, although villages often had as many as 5000 inhabitants. Cultural life appears to have been richly developed, although both tribal warfare and cannibalism were ubiquitous. The few remaining traces of Brazil's Indian tribes reveal little of their lifestyle, unlike the evidence from other Andean tribes. Today, fewer than 200,000 of Brazil's indigenous people survive, most of who inhabit the jungle areas. Geography: Location: Eastern South America bordering Argentina 1,224 km, Bolivia 3,400 km, Colombia 1,643 km, French Guiana 673 km, Guyana 1,119 km, Paraguay 1,290 km, Peru 1,560 km, Suriname 597 km, Uruguay 985 km, Venezuela 2,200 km Capital: Brasilia. Flag:

Climate: mostly tropical, but temperate in south Population: 184,101,10 Religions: Roman Catholic 80% Government: federative republic Politics of Brazil: The Brazilian Federation is the "indissoluble union" of three distinct political entities: the States, the Municipalities and the Federal District. The Union, the states and the Federal District, and the municipalities, are the "spheres of government." The Federation is set on five fundamental principles: sovereignty, citizenship, dignity of human beings, the social values of labour and freedom of enterprise, and political pluralism. All members of the executive and legislative branches are directly elected.

Law of brazil: Brazilian law is based on Roman-Germanic traditions and civil law concepts prevail over common law practice. Most of Brazilian law is codified, although non-codified statutes also represent a substantial part, playing a complementary role. Economy of brazil: Brazil is the largest national economy in Latin America, the world's seventh largest economy at market exchange rates and the eighth largest in purchasing power parity (PPP), according to the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank. Brazil has a mixed economy with abundant natural resources. The Brazilian economy has been predicted to become one of the five largest in the world in the decades to come, the GDP per capita following and growing. Level of education: Brazil is considered the strongest and most powerful country in Latin America. However, because of bad judgment and lack of willingness of politicians, the educational system in Brazil is still really weak. Over the last 10 years, some advances have been made in education. For example, the government has increased the facilities for children, and parents are required to keep their children ages 7 to 14 in school. Despite advances, the Brazilian educational system has many challenges. Teachers are not adequately trained and many children in Brazil are being moved through school even though they have not mastered the basics, such as reading and math. Culture in brazil: Brazilian culture is a culture of a very diverse nature. An ethnic and cultural mixing occurred in the colonial period between Native Americans, Portuguese and Africans formed the bulk of Brazilian culture. The family is the foundation of the social structure and forms the basis of stability for most people. Families tend to be large and the extended family is quite close. Brazils culture is generally group-oriented. Asserting individual preferences may be seen as less important than having a sense of belonging to a group, conforming to its norms, and maintaining harmony among its members. Building lasting and trusting personal relationships is therefore critically important to most Brazilians, who often find it essential to establish strong bonds prior to closing any deals. People in this country usually want to do business only with those they know, like, and trust. If they initially seem suspicious and non-committal, you may be able to overcome this with consistent friendliness, dedication, and goodwill. Proceed with serious business discussions only after your counterparts have become very comfortable with you. This can be an extremely time-consuming process and often requires several trips to strengthen the bonds. You are unlikely to get anywhere without significant investments of both time and money. People may base their trust in others on past experience. In order to establish productive business cooperation, it will be critically important to keep and demonstrate a long-term

perspective and commitment. Brazilians may expect that you value people and relationships more strongly than your business objectives. They tend to distrust people who appear unwilling to spend the necessary time or whose motives for relationship building are unclear. Business relationships in this country exist between people, not necessarily between companies. Even when you have won your local business partners friendship and trust, they will not necessarily trust others from your company. That makes it very important to keep company interfaces unchanged. Changing a key contact may require the relationship building process to start over. While Brazilians are usually warm and friendly, they are also very proud and may be easily offended by comments that leave room for misunderstandings. Saving face and respecting everyones honour and personal pride are crucial requirements for doing business in the country. Openly criticizing someone in front of others can have a devastating impact on your negotiation. Avoid open conflict, and know that politeness is crucial. In addition, showing genuine interest and compassion will win peoples hearts. Customs in Brazil: Meeting: Men shake hands when greeting one another, while maintaining steady eye contact. Women generally kiss each other, starting with the left and alternating cheeks. Hugging and backslapping are common greetings among Brazilian friends. If a woman wishes to shake hands with a man, she should extend her hand first. Gift Giving: If invited to a Brazilian's house, bring the hostess flowers or a small gift. Orchids are considered a very nice gift, but avoid purple ones. Avoid giving anything purple or black as these are mourning colours. Gifts are opened when received. Dining: If you are invited to a Brazilian's house: Arrive at least 30 minutes late if the invitation is for dinner. Arrive up to an hour late for a party or large gathering. Brazilians dress with a flair and judge others on their appearance. Casual dress is more formal than in many other countries. Always dress elegantly and err on the side of over-dressing rather than underdressing. If you did not bring a gift to the hostess, flowers the next day are always appreciated.

Language in brazil:

Language is one of the strongest elements of Brazil's national unity. Portuguese is spoken by nearly 100% of the population. The only exceptions are some members of Amerindian groups and pockets of immigrants, primarily from Japan and South Korea, who have not yet learned Portuguese. The principal families of Indian languages are Tup, Arawak, Carib, and G. Many businesspeople speak at least some English. With some high-ranking managers, it may be useful to engage an interpreter. To avoid offending the other side, ask beforehand whether an interpreter should be present at a meeting. When communicating in English, speak in short, simple sentences and avoid using jargon and slang. It will help people with a limited command of English if you speak slowly, summarize your key points often, and pause frequently to allow for interpretation. Even when the main meeting language is English, your counterparts may frequently speak Portuguese among themselves, not necessarily to shut you out from the discussion but to reduce their discomfort and ensure a common understanding among them.

Business dress etiquettes in Brazil:

Other social facts: Social events do not require strict punctuality. While it is best to arrive at dinners close to the agreed time, being late to a party by 30 minutes or more is perfectly acceptable. Business may be discussed during meals in Brazil. Gift giving in business settings is rare, at least as long as no strong relationship exists. It is best not to bring a gift to an initial meeting in order to avoid raising suspicions about your motives. A topic that is best avoided is the countrys relationship with Argentina. In addition, do not refer to citizens of the United States as Americans. Brazilians are sensitive to this point as they feel that the term includes them.

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