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Corporate Resolution To Borrow and Pledge

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RESOLVED, that this corporation borrow from Regions Bank (hereinafter called the “Bank) from time to time, such sums of money as, in the judgment
of the Authorized Persons (as hereinafter defined), this corporation may require, on such term and conditions and at such rates of interest as the Bank and the
Authorized Persons (as hereinafter defined) may agree,
RESOLVED FURTHER, that any ______________________(specify number) of the following named persons

_______________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________
(name) (name)
_______________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________

_______________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________

of this corporation (and _______________________________ of such persons acting together being defined as the “Authorized Persons”), be and they are
hereby authorized, empowered and directed for and on behalf and in the name of this corporation, (1) to execute and deliver to the Bank such notes or other
evidences of indebtedness of this corporation for the monies so borrowed, with interest thereon, as the Bank may require, and to execute and deliver from
time to time renewals or extensions of such notes or other evidences of indebtedness; (2) to convey, grant, assign, transfer, pledge, mortgage, grant a security
interest in, or otherwise hypothecate and deliver by such instruments in writing or otherwise as may be demanded by the Bank, any of the property of this
corporation as may be required by the Bank to secure the payment of any notes or other indebtedness of this corporation to the Bank, whether arising
pursuant to this resolution or otherwise; and (3) to perform all acts and execute and deliver all instruments which the Bank may deem necessary or desirable
to carry out the purposes of these resolutions;
RESOLVED FURTHER, that any one of the Authorized Persons be and he is hereby authorized, empowered and directed to discount with or sell to the
Bank conditional sales contracts, notes, acceptances, draft, receivables, and other evidences of indebtedness payable to this corporation, upon such terms as
may be agreed upon by him and the Bank, and to endorse in the name of this corporation said conditional sales contracts, notes, acceptances, drafts,
receivables and other evidences of indebtedness so discounted, and to guarantee the payment of the same to the Bank;
RESOLVED FURTHER, that, from time to time, the Authorized Persons be and they are hereby authorized, empowered and directed for and on behalf
of this corporation, to apply for and obtain from the Bank letters of credit in such amounts, for such fees and on such terms and conditions as the Authorized
Persons and the Bank may agree and in connection therewith to execute such agreements, applications, trust receipts, pledge agreements, notes, guaranties,
indemnities and other financial undertakings as the Bank may require;
RESOLVED FURTHER, that any and all notes, other evidences of indebtedness, applications for letters of credit, security agreements, mortgages,
assignments, pledge agreements, and hypothecation agreements heretofore executed and delivered to the Bank for or in the name of the corporation by any
person be and the same are hereby ratified, approved and confirmed, and the actions of any such person in executing the same and borrowing the money,
obtaining letters of credit and / or granting a security interest in, mortgaging, assigning, pledging or otherwise hypothecating the corporation’s property
evidenced thereby be and the same are hereby ratified, approved and confirmed;
RESOLVED FURTHER, that this resolution shall continue in full force and effect until the Bank shall receive official notice in writing from the
corporation of the revocation thereof by a resolution duly adopted by the Board of Directors of the corporation, and that the certification of the Secretary of
this corporation as to the signatures of the above named persons shall be binding on this corporation.

I, ______________________________________________________, Secretary of ______________________________________________, a corporation
duly organized and existing under the laws of the State of _______________, do hereby certify that the foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of
resolutions of the Board of Directors of said corporation, duly and regularly passed and adopted at a meeting of the Board of Directors of said corporation
which was duly and regularly called and held on the _______________ day of _____________, _________, at which meeting a quorum of the Board of
Directors of said corporation was at all times present and acting.
I further certify that said resolutions are still in full force and effect, have not been amended or revoked and have been recorded in the minute books of this
corporation, and that the specimen signatures appearing below are the signatures of the persons authorized to sign for this corporation by virtue of said
______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________
SIGNATURE NAME (Type or Print)
______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________

______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________

______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________

______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand as such Secretary, and affixed the corporate seal of said corporation this _______________ day of
__________________, ____________.
(If none, so state)

Signature (Secretary)

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