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6 Publications Development of Mechanical Engineers Skills

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International Conference on Mechanical, Automotive and Mechatronics Engineering (ICMAME 2023)

29-30 April 2023, Dubai, UAE

Development of Mechanical Engineers Skills for an

Emerging Electric Vehicles Industry
Mohamed Rady Mohamed Darwish Maysam Abbod
Mechanical Engineering Department Department of Electronic and Department of Electronic and
Faculty of Engineering Electrical Engineering Electrical Engineering
King Abdulaziz University Brunel University London Brunel University London
Rabigh, KSA London, UK London, UK

Eydhah Almatrafi Chun Sing Lai

Mechanical Engineering Department Department of Electronic and
Faculty of Engineering Electrical Engineering
King Abdulaziz University Brunel University London
Rabigh, KSA London, UK

Abstract— The last ten years have seen a steady stream of The ecosystem of smart electric transportation includes
inventive and beneficial advances in the field of electric more than just electric vehicles. New electric mobility
vehicles (EVs), which may help society in a variety of ways, technologies will undoubtedly alter the demands of the labor
from improved quality of life to economic and environmental market in cities. A wider and more adaptable set of skills are
benefits. The field of engineering is expanding in the world of necessary for highly qualified professionals [3]. In order to
electric vehicles. Engineers that can collaborate across many keep up with trends in the business and in the field of
disciplines are far more in demand by businesses. The study of research, academic programs must incorporate new
job duties and technical competencies based on market
technologies. The authors of [4] focused on challenges
demands for mechanical engineering is presented in the
related to electric mobility to identify acceptable educational
current article. This study is based on job descriptions and job
postings from EVs firms. Following the investigation, job roles,
approaches that would be helpful when teaching about
technical abilities, and engineering tools needed to build a electric mobility at various educational levels. The
career for mechanical engineering graduates in the field of EVs improvement of graduate curricula in advanced automobile
and Electric Mobility are categorized. A list of topics that are industry has been covered in earlier works. The experiences
crucial for knowledge and comprehension in the field of from global initiatives created through partnership with
electric vehicles is revealed by the analysis. Additionally, students from various colleges around the world have been
integrating new engineering software tools for systems design recounted in [5].
and analysis into the designed curriculum is imperative for
A Center for Advanced Automotive Technology (CAAT)
mechanical engineering graduates. The present analysis is
helpful for creating new programs, adding courses, or was formed as an Advanced Technological Education center
upgrading existing ones in the area of electric vehicles. with financing from the National Science Foundation [6] to
support the collaborative work, developing and driving
Keywords— Engineering Education, Electric Vehicles, systematic curricula improvements. The center identified
Technical Skills, Job Market, Mechanical Engineering curriculum deficiencies with the help of business partners
and gave teachers professional development to remedy such
I. INTRODUCTION gaps. The authors of [7] described a two-year graduate
The last ten years have seen a steady stream of inventive curriculum in smart electromobility. Programs from across
and beneficial advances in the field of electric vehicles the world have been analyzed to determine potential growth
(EVs), which may help society in a variety of ways, from areas for electric vehicles and smart mobility. Computer
improved quality of life to economic and environmental science, mechanical and electrical engineering, law,
benefits. The market for plug-in electric vehicles for marketing, and public policy are among the subjects covered
passengers is growing significantly. In 2021, a total of 6.75 in multi- and transdisciplinary courses.
million electric vehicles were sold. In 2021, more EVs were Universities and open-education programs must provide
sold in a single week than were sold in the entire year of resources to support personal and professional development
2012. In the first half of 2022, a total of 4,3 million new EVs in order to enable the next generation to meet the skills
were delivered, an increase of +62% over the first half of requirements and challenges of the EV employment market
2021 [1]. In the following years, it is expected that this and E-Mobility. Company involvement is crucial in the
tendency will continue. The governments of KSA and the creation of engineering education programs, even though
UAE are making significant investments in the Gulf area to university curricula shouldn't be wholly determined by how
achieve a 30% EV penetration rate by 2030 [2]. By putting employers view their educational needs. The current article
money into EVs and renewable energy sources, KSA and the presents an overview of technical skills and job roles based
UAE have demonstrated a progressive approach to the on market demands. This study is based on job descriptions
adoption of EVs. and job postings from EVs firms. The analysis produced a
classification of the job duties, technical abilities, and
engineering tools necessary for a mechanical engineering

979-8-3503-2120-3/23/$31.00 ©2023 IEEE

graduate to pursue a career in the field of EVs and EM. This involved in EVs industry and require engineers with a variety
analysis might be helpful for designing new courses, adding of backgrounds. For instance, to conduct in-depth talks with
existing ones, or revising existing programs domain of their counterparts in cross-functional teams, mechanical
electric vehicles. engineers must have a strong understanding of
electrical/electronical systems. Engineers with experience in
II. TECHNICAL AND INTERDISCIPLINARY SKILL data networks, electrical engineering, software engineering,
REQUIREMENTS signal processing, robotics, artificial intelligence, and
Driven by sustainability and shifting customer behavior, cybersecurity technologies are also in great demand. The
the automobile and transportation industries are moving traditional STEM (science, technology, engineering, and
quickly toward a new world. Electric vehicles, autonomous mathematics) talents will continue to be a crucial component
driving operating systems, connected cars, fleet of the skill set in this demanding environment.
management, mobility fleet sharing, connectivity cloud, Also still required will be the "traditional" automotive
onboard sensors, energy/charging stations, smart grid, engineer with in-depth knowledge of mechanical,
parking management, and new business models are mechatronic, and materials science. A "universal" engineer
anticipated to make up the future environment of electric with a broader understanding of other technical disciplines
mobility. The technical expertise needed by engineers will, however, become more and more important in the
working in the field of electric vehicles will be the main context of electrified, linked, autonomous, and shared
topic of this article. The major components of different types transportation. Companies foresee a broad transition in the
of electric vehicles including HEV (Hybrid Electric required profile from a pure mechanical engineer to one that
Vehicles), PHEV (Plug in Hybrid Electric Vehicles, and combines mechanical, electronics, or software engineering
BEV (Battery Electric Vehicles) are shown in Fig. 1. It [3].
should be highlighted that multidisciplinary teams are

Fig. 1. Major components of electric vehicles, HEV (Hybrid Electric Vehicle), PHEV (Plug in Hybrid Electric Vehicle), BEV (Battery Electric Vehicle).

they are highly helpful in emphasizing the key tools and skill
needs for engineers to work in this emerging field. Jobs with
III. MARKET ANALYSIS OF JOB FUNCTIONS AND mechanical engineering background requirements are only
REQUIRED SKILLS considered in the present study. Tables I to VI contain the list
The authors made use of LinkedIn, one of the biggest of positions that require a mechanical background. The job
professional networks on the internet, to publicize posts from functions are described, and the knowledge and skill
reputable businesses in the electric vehicle industry. requirements are also given. Other soft skills necessary for
"Engineers, Electric Vehicles, and Electric Mobility" are the the jobs are not included. Because they apply to all job
search terms. The research produced a wide range of job functions, soft skills are not included in this list.
names, responsibilities, competencies, and prerequisites. The The analysis shows a set of subjects that are essential for
data are filtered and categorized, and it is discovered that knowledge and understanding in the domain of electric
vehicles. Also, engineering software tools have become very C. Product testing software
essential for an engineering graduate. The software tools Another class of software tools provide integrated
required in EVs industry are categorized in the following solution for test-based engineering that combines high-speed
sections with a brief description of each to highlight the multi-physics data collecting with an extensive set of
subject area and essential topics supported by this software. integrated testing, analytics, and modeling tools for a variety
A. Mechanical Computer-Aided Design (MCAD) programs, of test purposes. An example is Simcenter Testlab.
or CAD software
SolidWorks, Siemens NX, PTC Creo, and CATIA 3D REQUIREMENTS
solid modeling are examples of 3D solid modeling software. Job Description: Battery Packs Engineer
These resources are essential for any business today that
designs and manufactures physical items. Regardless of the Job Functions:
complexity of the model, they are used to build exact - Mechanical design and packaging of battery back components, power
geometry, carry out simple static structural analysis on electronic enclosures and thermal management systems.
components and assemblies, and evaluate the kinematic - Mechanical integration of battery pack components into vehicle
motion of designs using integrated design animation. - Mechanical structural design, cell mounting, spacing, connecting,
Additionally, additive manufacturing design tools are cooling, integration of electrical fuses, contactors, wiring, and cooling
included. system.
- Bill of Materials Management (BOM) and production support.
Additionally, programs like ANSYS that use finite- - Development of design reports and documentation.
element modeling are crucial for the numerical resolution of - Using parametric CAD models for production of design drawings.
a wide range of engineering applications such as static and - Implementation of relevant ANSI and ISO standards.
dynamic structural analysis, heat transfer, fluid flow, - Geometric Dimensioning and Tolerancing (GD&T) for multi-part
functional assemblies .
acoustics and electromagnetics. - Tolerance stack up analysis of an assembly requirement.
- Design for Manufacturing and Assembly (DFMA or DFM/A) in
B. Product quality, planning, and management software product design.
Software for advanced product quality planning (APQP) - Collaboration with lead engineers and members of multidisciplinary
is crucial for the automobile sector. In order to ensure that teams (vehicle, modeling, and simulation).
the product being produced complies with specific quality Job Requirements
management standards. The main phases of the APQP Engineering materials - different materials and grades - mechanical
process include plan and define, product and process design, simulation techniques and processes - manufacturing processes -
and validation, feedback evaluation, and corrective action. automotive standards - design for manufacturability - basic power
electronic – electric vehicles systems & architecture – electrical, thermal,
A comprehensive PLM software system called Product and mechanical characteristics of battery cells/modules/packs and testing.
Lifecycle Management (PLM) is used to handle an Skills:
organization's data, content, documentation, and processes. It Background in: modeling, simulation and analysis of durability, thermal,
offers all the resources required for the distribution, electrical systems - prototype development and component validation –
transmission, visualization, and publication of the product plastic injection mold design - seals, machining, Aluminium die casting -
metal stamping.
data. A good example is the Windchill software, which can Familiarity with: Advanced product quality planning (APQP) procedures
handle models made with PTC Creo and other important and techniques to develop products – Development of CAD models on
CAD programs. commercial platforms such as CREO, NX and CATIA - routing wire
harnesses, sheet metal parts, plastic parts, and machined items using CAD.
Design For Six Sigma (DFSS) tools are used to design
and build new products or services with at least a 4-Sigma
performance. The DFSS strategy uses experiments and data TABLE II. VEHICLE PLATFORM ENGINEER JOB FUNCTIONS AND
analysis in a systematic manner to design, implement, and REQUIREMENTS
improve products and services. By developing products and Job Description: Vehicle Platform Engineer
services that are more useful, practical, safe, and durable, the
aim is to decrease waste across all processes and boost Job Functions:
customer satisfaction. - Lead the development of Vehicle Platform systems through the entire
product development process from Project Definition to Product
Control of requirements is essential to reduce costs, Launch.
increase efficiency, and improve the quality of products. - Develop mechanical system concepts to meet vehicle platform
Engineering Requirements Management tools are used to requirements and utilize analytical tools to verify a robust design.
- Utilize DFMEA and DVP tools to mitigate system design risk
collect, trace, analyze, and manage changes to product throughout the concept, design, and validation phases of the program.
information. An example is Systems Applications and - Create and maintain up-to-date project schedules and develop
Products (SAP) that is a business application integration mitigation plans as needed to meet program milestones.
software solution for enterprise resource planning (ERP). - Coordinate regularly during the development process with other
IBM® Dynamic Object-Oriented Requirements System engineering teams.
Job Requirements
(DOORS) is another example. Knowledge:
Other software are used for managing the stages and of Vehicles components and systems
product development, including requirements capture,
CREO / CREO View / Windchill (or similar) - Phase Gate development
problem tracking, workflow automation, and test planning process - Use of Design for Six Sigma (DFSS) tools.
and execution such as TestTrack Quality Management
Software (QMS).

Job Description: Mechanical Design Engineer Job Description: Thermal Analysis Engineer/ Powertrain Cooling Engineer

Job Functions: Job Functions:

- Responsible for all mechanical engineering activities from - Oversee and/or support the activities related to thermal design and
design/construction in the concept phase, the development phase until analysis.
successful launch of projects for E-Mobility products. - Establish and documents system level design requirements for
- Manage all the engineering changes and problem solving during the environmental/thermal engineering, such as performance,
development phase in close coordination with other departments and environment, functionality, life, envelope, and integration.
customers. - Use models and tools to perform and record studies of
- Perform reviews/clarifications of all technical specifications. environmental/thermal components and systems in order to validate
- Document technical requirements with mechanical design team to or evaluate the design.
ensure all requirements are clear and covered by the design, including - Work with project teams to define project goals and product
any functional safety requirements applicable or interfacing with the specifications
mechanical design in the requirement management system. - In partnership with the Industrial Design team, ensure the appropriate
- Capable to perform a detailed mechanical part and integration of tradeoffs are made for cooling system packaging / air flow and
assembly design concept for high power electronics and PCBA. vehicle styling
- Discuss mechanical drawings on a mechanical engineering base. - Integrate cooling system technologies into off-road vehicles
- Participate in test phases and steps of the FMEA. - Work with Powertrain team in the development, specification, and
- Support manufacturing and assembly plants concerning design implementation of cooling systems in support of current and future
changes (CAD, Bill of Materials BOM, and Documentation). models
Job Requirements - Provide Cooling system technical support to: Project Engineers,
Knowledge: Designers, Design Engineers, Purchasing, Manufacturing, Powertrain,
Automotive mechanical systems Quality Assurance and Service
Skills: - Use data acquisition to quantify cooling system performance for field
Using CATIA software - design, analysis, and integration of mechanical development and performance evaluation
design modules - requirement analysis, specification, testing, and validation - Benchmark competitive designs
of mechanical design - E-Mobility standards - Design tools (NX, DOORS, - Analyze manufacturing and field problems and recommend and
SAP, TestTrack, ANSYS) - mechanical design involving products like implement solutions
BMS, OBC, DC-DC Converters for E-Mobility automotive systems - - Cross train and support development and validation of other vehicle
calculate or simulate worst-case-tolerance analysis. subsystems including clutching, drive line, brakes, intake, exhaust,
and suspensions.
Job Requirements
Cooling system function, design, and development - Creo-parametric and
windchill release system experience preferred - system specifications.
Job Description: Vehicle Quality Assurance Engineer


- Investigate Root Cause and create Counter measure concern in
Process and Customer feedback. The development of curriculum to prepare the
- Planning and cooperate with relate function to assurance vehicle. mechanical engineering graduates for the emerging market
- Improve Team to achieve the Target of Quality. of electric vehicles can take many actions depending on the
Job Requirements
framework and structure of existing programs. These
Analytic Skill (Root Cause analysis / PDCA - Plan-Do-Check-Act Cycle / include:
Logical thinking / etc.)
1. Including Application Problems within Existing Courses
Current course instructions can be modified to
TABLE V. VEHICLE DYNAMICS ENGINEER JOB FUNCTIONS AND incorporate electric vehicle application problems relevant to
REQUIREMENTS industrial applications.
Job Description: Vehicle Dynamics Engineer 2. Development of Open-ended Project Course
Job Functions: The foundation of this course is the creation of a
- Testing, data collection, and analysis multidisciplinary design and construction team for
- Coordinate tests at proving grounds, local roads, and test rigs. competitive prototype vehicles. The creation of prototypes,
- Collect data to correlate vehicle dynamics models. This includes steer engineering analysis, and testing are all integrated into this
robot, ride, NVH, and rig data.
- Communicate findings with Vehicle Dynamics, Modeling, Chassis
course. The students practice hands-on activities for product
Design, and Chassis Controls teams. development, design constraints, market competition, and
- Develop test standards that result in the highest quality data possible. manufacturing limitations.
- Document vehicle test configuration to ensure the best correlations
possible. 3. Vehicle Systems Option in Mechanical Engineering
- Investigate how different proving grounds alter vehicle attributes. Program
- Make recommendations on ideal proving grounds for different test
Courses that form the core courses of vehicles systems
Job Requirements can be included as an option in the study program. Examples
Skills: include courses such as electric vehicle systems, vehicle
Test instrumentation and calibration (Simcenter Test lab hardware/software instrumentation, and vehicle Dynamics.
tools, microphones, and accelerometers).
4. Engineering Degree with Electric Vehicle Option
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ACKNOWLEDGMENT systems-msc, last accessed on January 3rd, 2023.

The authors would like to thank the British Council for the
funding of the project on “UK-Saudi Electric Vehicles

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