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Matrix Effects Pesticide QuEChERS UHPLC - MSMS Herbal Matrix 2023

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Food Chemistry 405 (2023) 134755

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Evaluation of matrix effects for pesticide residue analysis by QuEChERs

coupled with UHPLC-MS/MS in complex herbal matrix
Xiaoli Wu , Zimian Ding *
Institute of Medicinal Plant Development, Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences & Peking Union Medical College, Beijing 100193, PR China


Keywords: Matrix effects (MEs) can heavily affect the accuracy and reproducibility of a pesticide residue analysis method,
Matrix effect especially in complex matrices such as herbs. Therefore, it is of great importance to assess MEs of pesticides in
Pesticide residue analysis herbal matrices. In this research, the MEs of 28 pesticides and their metabolites in five types of herbs repre­
senting different medicinal parts were evaluated by UHPLC-MS/MS analysis after QuEChERs pretreatment.
Herbal matrix
Suppression MEs were found for most organophosphorus and carbamate pesticides while enhancement MEs were
observed for sulfonylurea. Besides, stronger inhibition effects were observed for early or late elution pesticides
and in matrices of Lonicerae japonicae flos and Perillae folium. Some pesticides were observed with enhancement
MEs in Astragali radix. These results indicated that MEs were mainly affected by the retention time of the ana­
lytes, the ionization mode of the precursor ions, the overall structure of the compounds, and the chemical
composition of the matrices.

1. Introduction residue analysis (Ferrer, Lozano, Agüera, Girón, & Fernández-Alba,

2011). However, quantification of trace pesticide residues in complex
Herbal medicines are applied worldwide as drugs for preventing and matrices such as herbs is still challenging because these matrices have
curing diseases (WHO, 2013). Some herbs, such as Perillae folium and low water content and a high number of undesired components such as
Lonicerae japonicae flos, are also commonly used as food supplements or sugars, phenolics, flavonoids, natural pigments, and essential oils
food additives due to the special active components they contain (Lu (Rutkowska, Łozowicka, & Kaczyński, 2019). Co-extraction of these
et al., 2022). But like other plants, herbs can also be contaminated with compounds in the sample may lead to fundamental matrix effects (MEs),
pesticides during agricultural practices such as the use of contaminated causing matrix interference or signal suppression/enhancement of
water sources and cultivation in contaminated soil (Luo et al., 2021; target analytes. The phenomenon of MEs prevails in both LC–MS/MSand
Tripathy, Basak, Varghese, & Saha, 2015). Long exposure to low doses of gas chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (GC–MS/MS). The
some pesticides may pose potential health risks such as endocrine former usually shows inhibition MEs due to the competition between the
disruption, infertility, immune suppression, carcinogenic, and terato­ non-volatile components in the matrix (such as fatty acids, glycerates,
genic effects (Tripathy et al., 2015). For example, the previous study salts, etc.) and the analytes, which hinders the formation efficiency of
revealed that pesticides were detected in the majority (99.3 %) of analyte ions (Panuwet et al., 2016). While the latter usually shows
Lonicerae japonicae flos samples and carbofuran may pose a potential enhancement MEs due to the blockage of active sites in the capillary
acute health risk to specific population (Wu, Wang, Gu, Xue, & Wu, column or the injector liner by matrix components, which improve the
2021). Therefore, it is urgent to develop effective quantitative methods mass transfer of the target analyte (Rahman, EI-Aty, & Shim, 2013). But
for monitoring pesticide residue in herbs. the precise mechanisms of MEs are still not fully understood.
Liquid chromatography combined with tandem mass spectrometry The approaches to overcome MEs include improvement of sample
(LC–MS/MS) is a fundamentally analytical technique for pesticide preparation, dilution of sample extracts, use of internal standards, and

Abbreviations: ME, matrix effect; UHPLC-MS/MS, ultra-high performance liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry; QuEChERs, quick, easy, cheap,
effective, rugged, and safe; LC-MS/MS, liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry; GC-MS/MS, gas chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry; MRM,
multiple reaction monitoring; TR, retention time.
* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (Z. Ding).
Received 30 June 2022; Received in revised form 9 October 2022; Accepted 23 October 2022
Available online 29 October 2022
0308-8146/© 2022 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
X. Wu and Z. Ding Food Chemistry 405 (2023) 134755

performance of matrix-matched calibration (Raposo & Barceló, 2021). obtained from Sinopharm Chemical Reagent Beijing Co., ltd. (China).
But the available research is mainly involved in fruits and vegetables, Pinelliae rhizome, Astragali radix, Dendrobii offcinalis caulis, Lonicerae
research on complex matrices such as herbs is limited. Rutkowska et al japonicae flos, and Perillae folium were collected from local commercial
established a series of methods for minimizing MEs in dried complex herbal markets and stored at − 18 ◦ C.
matrices. By using the combination of PSA, ENVI-Carb, and MgSO4 as
cleanup sorbents, MEs were reduced for most pesticides in dried herbs 2.2. UHPLC-MS/MS determination
(Rutkowska, Łozowicka, & Kaczyński, 2017). Under the optimal com­
bination of clean-up sorbent, matrix-matched calibration was proved to Pesticides were detected by a LC-20AD Shimadzu liquid chroma­
be a feasible method to compensate for MEs of pesticides in complex tography system (Shimadzu, Tokyo, Japan) coupled with an Applied
seed matrices (Rutkowska, Łozowicka, & Kaczyński, 2020). Besides, Biosystems 5500 triple quadrupole tandem mass spectrometer equipped
three approaches were also applied to minimize MEs of pesticides in with electrospray ionization (ESI) (AB SCIEX, CA, USA). Chromato­
dried herbs and fruits, and the injection of analyte protectants at the graphic separation was performed on a Hypersil GOLD C18 column
beginning of the sequence was found to be the most promising (Rut­ (100 mm, 2.1 mm i.d., 1.9 μm) (Thermo Scientific, CA, USA) with a flow
kowska et al., 2019). These studies are all focused on MEs by GC–MS/MS rate of 0.2 mL/min at 30 ◦ C. The elution solvent was acetonitrile (A) and
analysis. Since the effects and causes of the two techniques are different, 0.1 % formic acid in water (B). The gradient elution was shown in
more research is needed on LC-MS/MS aspect. Moreover, it should be Fig. 1A and performed as follows: 30 % of acetonitrile at 0–0.5 min;
stressed that MEs can only be reduced to some extent but cannot be change to 90 % of acetonitrile at 0.5–9 min; maintain 90 % of acetoni­
eliminated completely, especially in complex matrices (Rutkowska trile at 9–13 min; return to 30 % of acetonitrile at 13–14 min and hold
et al., 2019). Therefore, it is necessary to explore the contributing pa­ for 4 min. The pesticides were analyzed in the positive mode of ESI and
rameters that affect MEs. the scheduled multiple reaction monitoring (MRM) parameters are
MEs are associated with many factors such as the sample preparation shown in Table 1.
method, the chemical nature of the analytes, the sample matrix, the
elution conditions, and so on (Trufelli, Palma, Famiglini, & Cappiello, 2.3. Sample preparation
2011). It was found that MEs were more pronounced for early and late
eluting pesticides, the possible reasons may be due to the chromato­ The herbs were fully ground and homogenized before analysis.
graphic separation or ionization efficiency of the analytes and the loss of Samples were prepared by the following QuEChERs method. Firstly, 3 g
analytes by adsorption in the operating system, respectively (Li, Liu, of the sample was weighed into a centrifuge tube (50 mL) and 15 mL of
Duan, Saint, & Mulcahy, 2015). Matrix fingerprinting showed that acetic acid solution (1 %) was added. After soaking for 30 min, aceto­
difficult matrices commodities provided a higher number of co- nitrile (15 mL) was added to the mixture and vortexed for 5 min (500 r/
extracted compounds than other commodities (Gómez-Ramos, Rajski, min). Then a mixture of MgSO4 (6 g) and CH3COONa (1.5 g) was added
Lozano, & Fernández-Alba, 2016). However, it was unfortunate that the to the above mixture. After immediately shaking, cooling in an ice bath
clean-up step showed a slight reduction for commodities with strong for 10 min, and centrifuging for 5 min (4000 r/min), 9 mL of the su­
MEs (Kittlaus, Schimanke, Kempe, & Speer, 2012). Another extremely pernatant was transferred to a dispersed solid phase extraction purifi­
important factor that affects MEs is the properties of analytes. For cation tube containing MgSO4 (900 mg), PSA (300 mg), C18 (300 mg),
example, nonpolar regions and oxygenated groups in the analytes may silica gel (300 mg), and GCB (90 mg). The purification tube was oscil­
lead to an increase in ionization efficiency in the presence of the co- lated and centrifugated, then 5 mL of supernatant was carefully pipetted
eluting matrix and the corresponding signal enhancement (Moham­ and concentrated on a nitrogen blower and diluted to 1.0 mL with
med et al., 2020). Although the above-mentioned studies show that ME acetonitrile. Finally, 2 μL of test solution was injected into the system for
depends on many factors such as the conditions of analysis, the types of analysis.
matrices, and the properties of analytes, they are seldom involved in
complex matrices such as herbs and lack systematical investigation on 2.4. Evaluation of matrix effect (ME)
the chemical composition of the pesticides.
The aim of the current study was to evaluate the influence factors of Both matrix-matched calibration curves and solvent calibration
MEs for pesticide analysis in complex herbal matrices. For the research, curves were established for the assessment of MEs. Solvent standards
28 kinds of pesticides (including sulfonylurea, organophosphorus, were prepared by diluting the stock mixture standard solutions (0.1–1
carbamate, and their metabolites) and five herbs representing different µg/mL) with acetonitrile to 1–10 ng/mL, 2–20 ng/mL, 5–50 ng/mL,
medicinal parts (root, rhizome, stem, leaf, flower) were selected as the 10–100 ng/mL, and 20–200 ng/mL, respectively. The matrix-matched
test subjects. QuEChERs (quick, easy, cheap, effective, rugged, and safe), standards were obtained to the same concentrations by diluting with
the most popular method for pesticide residue analysis in herbs (Rut­ the blank matrix solution.
kowska et al., 2017, 2019), was also developed for sample preparation. ME was calculated by the following equation: ME (%) = (slope in
The pesticides were determined by an ultra-high performance liquid matrix/slope solvent in matrix − 1) × 100 %. Signal suppression would
chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (UHPLC-MS/MS). Both occur if ME < 0 while signal enhancement would occur if ME > 0. |ME|
matrix-matched calibration curves and solvent calibration curves were > 50 % means strong ME and 20 % <|ME|≤ 50 % indicates medium ME.
established for the assessment of MEs. |ME|≤ 20 % is considered negligible due to the shift between repeat­
ability values (Ferrer et al., 2011; Raposo & Barceló, 2021).
2. Materials and methods
3. Results and discussion
2.1. Chemicals and reagents
3.1. Effect of retention time
The pesticide mixture standard solutions (2–20 µg/mL), N-propyl
ethylenediamine (PSA), octadecylsilane bonded silica gel (C18), silica The gradient elution method is usually used for the separation and
gel, and graphitized carbon black (GCB) were acquired from ANPEL determination of multiple pesticides. It was reported that MEs of pesti­
Laboratory Technologies Inc. (Shanghai, China). HPLC grade acetoni­ cides were strongly affected by the elution conditions since co-
trile and formic acid were purchased from Fisher Scientific (Thermo extractives were separated within the same chromatographic gradient
Fisher Scientific, USA). Analytical reagents of anhydrous sodium acetate (run) (Kittlaus et al., 2012). Therefore, the effect of retention time (TR)
(CH3COONa) and anhydrous magnesium sulfate (MgSO4) were of the analytes was also discussed in this research.

X. Wu and Z. Ding Food Chemistry 405 (2023) 134755

Fig. 1. (A) Gradient elution for the separation and determination of the pesticides. (B) elution time and MEs of the pesticides in five matrices throughout the
UHPLC run.

Table 1
Chemical class, retention time (TR), Molecular mass, parent ion, quantification ion pair, confirmation ion pair of the pesticides.
No. Pesticide Chemical class TR Molecular Parent ion Quantification ion pair CE Confirmation ion pair CE DP
(min) mass (m/z) (V) (m/z) (V) (V)

1 Methamidophos Organophosphate 1.40 141.13 [M + H]+ 142.0>94.0 19 142.0>125.0 18 54

2 Aldicarb-sulfoxide Carbamate 1.42 206.26 [M + H]+ 207.0>132.0 10 207.0>89.0 20 51
3 Monocrotophos Organophosphate 1.64 223.16 [M + H]+ 224.1>193.0 14 224.1>127.0 21 71
4 Aldicarb-sulfone Carbamate 1.81 222.26 [M + H]+ 223.0>148.0 11 223.0>76.0 15 60
5 Carbofuran-3- Carbamate 2.48 237.25 [M + H]+ 238.1>181.1 14 238.1>163.0 20 50
6 Phosfolan Organophosphate 3.30 255.3 [M + H]+ 256.2>61.0 4 256.2>139.9 22 51
7 Fenamiphos- Organophosphate 3.84 319.36 [M + H]+ 320.1>233.0 34 320.1>292.0 21 80
8 Phosphamidon Organophosphate 4.07 299.69 [M + H]+ 300.0>174.0 19 300.0>127.0 36 75
9 Aldicarb Carbamate 4.27 190.26 [M + 208.1>116.0 11 208.1>89.0 20 34
10 Fenamiphos-sulfone Organophosphate 5.14 335.36 [M + H]+ 336.1>266.0 28 336.1>308.1 20 80
11 Metsulfuron-methyl Triazinylsulfonylurea 5.14 381.36 [M + H]+ 382.1>167.1 18 382.1>141.0 22 60
12 Carbofuran Carbamate 5.46 221.26 [M + H]+ 222.1>165.0 17 222.1>123.0 28 40
13 Chlorsulfuron Triazinylsulfonylurea 5.55 357.77 [M + H]+ 358.0>141.0 20 358.0>167.0 13 60
14 Ethametsulfuron- Triazinylsulfonylurea 5.71 410.41 [M + H]+ 411.1>196.1 23 411.1>168.1 35 49
15 Phorate-sulfoxide Organophosphate 5.78 276.38 [M + H]+ 277.0>199.0 10 277.0>97.0 25 55
16 Terbufos-sulfoxide Organophosphate 6.88 304.43 [M + H]+ 305.1>187.0 10 305.1>153.0 15 60
17 Phorate-sulfone Organophosphate 7.18 292.22 [M + H]+ 293.0>247.0 10 293.0>115.0 30 50
18 Isocarbophos Organophosphate 7.18 288.0 [M + 312.1>270.0 20 312.1>236.1 25 90
19 Fenamiphos Organophosphate 7.58 303.36 [M + H]+ 304.1>217.1 21 304.1>234.0 18 77
20 Ethoprophos Organophosphate 7.87 242.3 [M + H]+ 243.0>131.0 25 243.0>173.0 16 51
21 Terbufos-sulfone Organophosphate 8.00 320.43 [M + H]+ 321.1>143.0 20 321.1>171.0 18 75
22 Isazafos Organophosphate 8.74 313.74 [M + H]+ 314.1>120.0 25 314.1>162.1 18 55
23 Cadusafos Organophosphate 9.26 270.39 [M + H]+ 271.0>159.0 19 271.0>215.0 11 65
24 Coumaphos Organophosphate 9.26 362.62 [M + H]+ 363.0>227.0 35 363.0>307.0 22 80
25 Isofenphos-methyl Organophosphate 9.30 331.37 [M + H]+ 332.0>273.0 10 332.0>231.0 30 50
26 Fonofos Organophosphate 9.46 246.3 [M + H]+ 247.0>109.1 25 247.0>137.0 20 50
27 Sulfotep Organophosphate 9.51 322.32 [M + H]+ 323.0>171.1 21 323.0>115.0 33 70
28 Phorate Organophosphate 9.60 260.4 [M + H]+ 261.0>75.0 19 261.0>47.0 49 50

Fig. 1A shows the gradients for infusion experiments and the elution monocrotophos (TR = 1.64 min), isocarbophos (TR = 7.18 min),
zone of the analytes. The mobile phase was with 30 % acetonitrile at the isofenphos-methyl (TR = 9.3 min), fonofos (TR = 9.46 min), sulfotep (TR
beginning, reached high organic concentrations (90 % acetonitrile) at = 9.51 min), and phorate (TR = 9.6 min) in most matrices. This indi­
the stage of gradient elution, and adjusted to the starting conditions (30 cated that both early and late eluting pesticides were observed with
% acetonitrile) at the final stage. It can be seen from Fig. 1A that the strongly signal decrease, which was identical with that in the literature
pesticides are eluted in the region of 1.4 ~ 9.6 min and the retention (Li et al., 2015). The suppression effects of the early-eluting pesticides
time (TR) for the pesticides is listed in Table 1. (methamidophos, aldicarb-sulfoxide, and monocrotophos) may be due
Fig. 1B shows TR distribution of the pesticides and their corre­ to the co-eluting of highly polar coexistence compounds on the reversed-
sponding ME in the five matrices throughout the gradient run. It is phase column, which may affect the ionization efficiency of the target
known that compounds with greater polarity eluted earlier while that analyte (Kittlaus et al., 2012). Another reason could be that lower
with less polarity eluted later during LC separation on a C18 column. organic content at the initial eluting time may affect the ESI ionization
Strong signal suppression (ME > 50 %) was observed for meth­ (Li et al., 2015). The decrease effects of late eluting pesticides (iso­
amidophos (TR = 1.40 min), aldicarb-sulfoxide (TR = 1.42 min), fenphos-methyl, fonofos, sulfotep, and phorate) may be due to certain

X. Wu and Z. Ding Food Chemistry 405 (2023) 134755

specific surface adsorption in the system (such as sample loop, sample in completely new intensities (Kittlaus et al., 2012).
vial, and flow patch) during the detection process rather than electro­
spray or ionization efficiency (Li et al., 2015). In addition to the above 3.2. Effect of the chemical structure of the analytes
results, most of the pesticides in the middle elution region (2.48 ~ 9.26
min) were observed with moderate MEs except isocarbophos, which The chemical nature of the compounds, such as molecular polarity,
indicates it may be strongly influenced by other factors. molecular weight, and functional groups may be another key factor that
Similar trends were observed in diverse herbs except for that stron­ affects the ME (Trufelli et al., 2011). 28 kinds of pesticides and their
ger suppression MEs were observed in Lonicerae japonicae flos and Per­ metabolites, including organophosphorus pesticides, carbamate pesti­
illae folium than in other matrices, especially for early or late elution cides, and sulfonylurea herbicides, were investigated in this study. The
pesticides. The results indicated that MEs of the pesticides may be sus­ structures of representative compounds are presented in Fig. 2 and
ceptible to these two matrices. Besides, Astragali radix was found to have categorized into four main groups: (A) primary amine (–NH2), (B) sul­
apparent signal enhancement effects on metsulfuron-methyl (TR = 5.14 fonylurea, (C) carbamate, and (D) organophosphorus.
min), chlorsulfuron (TR = 5.55 min), and ethametsulfuron-methyl (TR = It can be seen from Fig. 1B that methamidophos (TR = 1.40 min) and
5.71 min), which may be attributed to some special components it isocarbophos exhibit stronger inhibitory effects (ME < − 50 %) in all
contains. matrices and the value of isocarbophos (TR = 7.18 min) in Perillae folium
Although the retention time of the pesticides has a significant impact is even up to − 86.9 %. Coincidentally, only the two pesticides have the
on their MEs, modification of a well-established chromatographic con­ group of –NH2 (Fig. 2A). Although amino was considered to be a func­
dition is not recommended. It is because slight modification may lead to tional group that interacted with the active surfaces and caused signal
time drift of the analytes and co-eluting substance, which may also result enhancement/suppression in GC system (Saka et al., 2013), it may not

Fig. 2. Chemical structures of representative pesticides.

X. Wu and Z. Ding Food Chemistry 405 (2023) 134755

be the major factor in LC-MS analysis. As concluded in 3.1, the stronger structure. Phenylphosphos and its metabolites showed relatively weak
depression effect of methamidophos is related to its earlier elution time depression MEs with the mean value of − 22.2 % (fenamiphos), − 10.5 %
but that of isocarbophos may be attributed to other factors. It is observed (fenamiphos-sulfone), and − 4.7 % (fenamiphos-sulfoxide), respectively.
in Table 1 that the parent ion of isocarbophos is [M + Na]+ (m/z = This, like sulfonylurea herbicides, may also be ascribed to the presence
312.1) instead of [M + H]+. It may be because the occurrence of sodium of the non-polar region of phenyl in the analytes.
adducts is susceptible to sample composition since small changes may After the upwards analyzing, the following conclusions can be
derive from the major analyte signal drifting and differences in the mass drawn: (1) excluding the effects of elution time, the majority of carba­
spectrum (Lara-Ortega, Robles-Molina, Brandt, Schütz, & Franzke, mate and organophosphorus are observed with weak to moderate in­
2018). In conclusion, the presence of –NH2 has effects on the polarity hibition MEs, while sulfonylurea herbicides are observed with
and ionization mode of the analytes in LC-MS/MS analysis, which may enhancement MEs; (2) the presence of nonpolar groups in the molecular
result in a strong matrix suppression effect. structure such as phenyl, carbon chain may reduce the degree of sup­
It was worth noticing that 3 sulfonylurea herbicides (mesulfuron, pression MEs of the analytes, while the polar groups such as the group of
aminosulfuron, and chlorsulfuron) (Fig. 2B) showed rare signal –OH and -Cl increase suppression MEs; (3) the occurrence of strong
enhancement effects, with the mean value of 14.5 %, 17.6 %, and 3.3 %, signal suppression is not only due to the early or late elution time of the
respectively. This phenomenon has also been reported by other authors, analytes but also the ionization mode of parent ion since sodium adduct
but the hypotheses to explain the signal enhancement are still lacking [M + Na]+ is susceptible to the matrix.
(Mohammed et al., 2020; Trufelli et al., 2011). One reason may be that
the presence of non-polar regions in the molecular structure, such as 3.3. Effects of herbal matrices
phenyl and triazinyl, oxygenated group, and carbonyl group, increase
the surface activity in resulting ESI + droplets and the ionization effi­ In HPLC-MS/MS analysis, matrix components can affect the ion in­
ciency (Chawla et al., 2017; Mohammed et al., 2020). The other reason tensity of a target analyte by interfering with its ionization or competing
may be that the matrix components can act as dopants and increase the with the target analyte for the available charges (Panuwet et al., 2016).
ionization efficiency of analytes with high ionization energy (Steiner, Therefore, the matrix is one of the principal factors that affect the MEs of
Krska, Malachova, Taschl, & Sulyok, 2020). In addition, chlorsulfotron pesticides. Dried herbs have more significant MEs due to their low water
showed less signal enhancement compared with methyl sulfotron and content, high number of co-extractives, and special active components
aminosulfotron, and even signal depression in Dendrobii offcinalis caulis such as sugars, phenolics, flavonoids, natural pigments, and essential
and Perillae folium. It may because that the substituent group of –COO- in oils (Rutkowska et al., 2019). MEs in five representative herbs were
the molecular structure is displayed by a highly electronegative group of investigated in this study and the results are presented in Fig. 3. The
Cl, which decreases the ionization efficiency (Chawla et al., 2017; herbs are Pinelliae rhizome, Astragali radix, Dendrobii offcinalis caulis,
Mohammed et al., 2020). Lonicerae japonicae flos, and Perillae folium and their medicinal parts are
Carbamate pesticides (Fig. 2C), which contain the group of -O-CO- rhizome, root, stem, flower, and leaf, respectively.
NH-, were observed with weak or moderate matrix inhibition effect in Fig. 3A indicates that the majority of the pesticides are influenced by
the five herbs except for aldicarb sulfoxide. Both aldicarb-sulfoxide (TR signal suppressions (ME < 0) in all tested matrices. The boxplot of the
= 1.42 min) and aldicarb-sulfone (TR = 1.81 min) are oxidation me­ ME data shows that Pinelliae rhizome, Astragali radix, and Lonicerae
tabolites of aldicarb (TR = 4.27 min). The change in eluting time indi­ japonicae flos have relatively low dispersion and inhibition level with
cated that oxidation greatly increased the polarity of the analytes. As average value of –22.8 %, − 17.6 %, and − 25.5 %, while Lonicerae
already mentioned in 3.1, the strong signal inhibition of aldicarb sulf­ japonicae flos and Perillae folium have relatively high dispersion and in­
oxide may be due to its short retention (TR = 1.42 min). However, hibition level with the average value of − 36.7 % and − 41.8 %.
aldicarb-sulfone, which has a similar eluting time (TR = 1.81 min), was Fig. 3B shows that the weak, medium, and strong MEs are in the
observed with a medium inhibition ME. It may be because co-eluting range of 14 ~ 46 %, 46 ~ 61 %, and 7 ~ 39 %, respectively. The per­
matrix compounds were not a broad band but narrow peaks in the centages of moderate ME in Pinelliae rhizome, Astragali radix, and Perillae
chromatography (Kittlaus et al., 2012). It was worth noting that folium are all 46 %. Of the five evaluated matrices, Pinelliae rhizoma was
although aldicarb-sulfone and aldicarb differ in TR, they presented the one with the least ME, as 46 % of the tested pesticides presented
similar inhibition percentages of MEs. In addition, carbofuran-3- weak ME and only 7 % of the pesticides presented strong ME. On the
hydroxy exhibited a larger signal inhibition effect than carbofuran. It other hand, Perillae folium exhibited the highest ME, with 14 % of
may be because the presence of the –OH group in the molecular struc­ compounds having weak ME and 39 % having strong ME. Similar to
ture affected the ionization efficiency of the analytes (Trufelli et al., Pinelliae rhizoma, Astragali radix also presented smaller ME with 43 % of
2011). pesticides exhibiting weak ME and 11 % exhibiting strong ME. In Den­
Most organophosphorus pesticides show moderate inhibition MEs in drobii offcinalis caulis, 61 % of pesticides showed medium ME, 32 %
the five herbs. Three types of pesticides were selected to investigate the showed weak ME, and the rest showed strong ME (7 %). In Lonicerae
relationship between MEs and chemical structure: phorate, terbufos, japonicae flos, half of the pesticides (50 %) are affected by medium ME,
fenamiphos, and their metabolites (Fig. 2D). It can be drawn from TR weak ME (21 %), and strong ME (29 %) expected the other half.
that, similar to aldicarb and its metabolites, oxidation also greatly in­ In comparing the matrices, it can be concluded that stronger MEs
creases the polarity of organophosphorus pesticides. Signal depression were observed in Lonicerae japonicae flos and Perillae folium. It is known
effects were all observed for phorate (TR = 9.6), phorate-sulfone (TR = that signal suppression may be associated with the co-elute components
7.18 min), and phorate-sulfoxide (TR = 5.78 min), with average values such as volatiles, pigments, sugars, and other interfering species, which
of − 44.8 %, − 23.6 %, and − 28.0 %, respectively. As referred to in 3.1, affect the chromatographic separation and ionization process of target
the stronger inhibiting effect of phorate was mainly owing to its longer analytes (Chawla et al., 2017; Mohammed et al., 2020). It can be seen
TR. Terbufos-sulfone (TR = 8.00 min) and terbufos-sulfoxide (TR = 6.88 from Fig. 3C that the extracts of Perillae folium and Lonicerae japonicae
min) are the homologs of phorate-sulfone (TR = 7.18 min) and phorate- flos are rich in pigment compared with Astragali radix and Pinelliae rhi­
sulfoxide (TR = 5.78 min), respectively. The average depression MEs of zoma. Therefore, pigments in the matrices may be one factor that results
the former two were − 20.3 % and − 23.4 %, and the latter were − 23.6 % in matrix suppression effects. But this is just a speculation and still needs
and − 28.0 %. This indicated that depression MEs decreased as the car­ to be proved by more tests.
bon chain increased. It may be due to the alkyl group has electron-giving
group capacity and the electron-giving capacity of -C(CH3)3 is greater
than that of –CH3, which increases the nonpolarity of the molecular

X. Wu and Z. Ding Food Chemistry 405 (2023) 134755

Fig. 3. (A) box plot of MEs of the pesticides in herbal matrices (B)Number and percentage of pesticide for weak, medium, and strong MEs in herbal matrices (C)
Acetonitrile extract of Pinelliae rhizome (a), Astragali radix (b), Dendrobii offcinalis caulis(c), Lonicerae japonicae flos (d), and Perillae folium (e).

3.4. Relative MEs of analytes in herbal matrices

As can be concluded that MEs were rather different in diverse

matrices, and this led to the variability of analytical results between
different types of matrices. However, the value of ME near zero is not
necessary to obtain reliable results. In addition to the above mentioned
that an absolute ME of<20 % represents a lack of significance, analytical
response variability in samples from different donors/sources below 15
% represents a lack of significant ME (Kasperkiewicz, Lendor, & Paw­
liszyn, 2022; Panuwet et al., 2016; Raposo & Barceló, 2021). Therefore,
relative MEs are expressed as relative stand deviation (RSD) of slopes of
matrix-matched calibration curves constructed in tested herbs spiked
with pesticide standards. The calibration curves of representative pes­
ticides in solvent and five herbs are shown in Fig. 4.
It can be seen from Fig. 4 that 43 % of the pesticides (12 out of 28)
resulted in RSD values of slopes<15 % in the five matrices. The orders
are: phorate-sulfoxide (7.8 %), phosphamidon (10.0 %), chlorsulfuron
(10.6 %), terbufos-sulfoxide (10.9 %), ethametsulfuron-methyl (12.2
%), cadusafos (12.8 %), carbofuran (13.0 %), fenamiphos-sulfone (13.0
%), phorate-sulfone (13.4 %), ethoprophos (14.0 %), terbufos-sulfone
(14.2 %), and metsulfuron-methyl (14.5 %). These pesticides are
considered not affected by intra-matrix variations. It was a coincidence
that lower relative MEs were mainly concentrated amid in the elution
zone (from 4 min to 8 min). Therefore, elution time may be one of the
major factors that affect relative MEs. Special consideration is required
for the other pesticides which have larger relative MEs. Variability be­
tween matrices or batches from different origins should not be negligible Fig. 4. Relative matrix effects of pesticides in five herbs.
for these pesticides. For example, the higher variability is observed for
isofenphos-methyl (41.8 %, Pesticide No. 25) and fenamiphos (38.8 %,
The matrix-matched calibration curves and solvent calibration
Pesticide No. 19), which indicates that special attention should be paid
curves of four typical pesticides (isofenphos-methyl, phosphamidon,
for the analysis of them in different matrices.
fenamiphos, and isazafos) are shown in Fig. 5. As for isofenphos-methyl

X. Wu and Z. Ding Food Chemistry 405 (2023) 134755

Fig. 5. Matrix-matched calibration curves in herbal matrices of (A) isofenphos-methyl, (B) phosphamidon, (C) fenamiphos, and (D) isazafos.

(Fig. 5A), the biggest inhibiting effect was observed in Perillae folium and but further studies are required to confirm the composition and probable
the smallest inhibiting effect was observed in Pinelliae rhizome. Similar cause. We do hope this study can help explore the occurrence mecha­
result was also observed for phosphamidon (Fig. 5B), but with negligible nisms of ME and develop approaches for reducing or compensating ME.
intra-matrix variations (RSD < 15 %).
Both fenamiphos (Fig. 5C) and chlorsulfuron (Fig. 5D) were observed CRediT authorship contribution statement
with enhancement MEs in Astragali radix. And this phenomenon was also
observed for other pesticides such as ethametsulfuron-methyl, metsul­ Xiaoli Wu: Methodology, Resources, Investigation, Writing – orig­
furon-methyl, and fenamiphos-sulfone. This indicated that some special inal draft, Funding acquisition, Conceptualization. Zimian Ding:
components in Astragali radix may affect the MEs of these pesticides. Methodology, Resources, Writing – review & editing.
Calycosin, which was reported to be one of the main active compounds
in Astragali radix, may be one of the components due to the non-polar Declaration of Competing Interest
region such as phenyl it contains (Lu et al., 2022). However, more
research is needed to confirm the speculation. The authors declare that they have no known competing financial
interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to influence
4. Conclusion the work reported in this paper.

In this study, five herbs representing different medicinal parts were Data availability
taken as complex matrices to evaluate the MEs of 28 pesticides and their
metabolites by UHPLC-MS/MS analysis. Inhibition MEs were observed Data will be made available on request.
for most pesticides. Stronger inhibitions were observed for pesticides of
early or late elution time and matrices of Lonicerae japonicae flos and Acknowledgments
Perillae folium. On the other hand, enhancement MEs were observed for
pesticides of sulfonylurea and matrices of Astragali radix. The presence This work was funded by the CAMS Innovation Fund for Medical
of nonpolar groups such as phenyl and alkyl in chemical structure may Sciences (CIFMS, 2022-I2M-1-017) and the National Natural Science
reduce the inhibition MEs while polar groups such as hydroxy and Foundation of China (No. 81803721).
chlorine increase inhibition effects. Primary and secondary metabolites
in herbs may also lead to the increase or decrease of the inhibition MEs,

X. Wu and Z. Ding Food Chemistry 405 (2023) 134755

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