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1.1 OBE Syllabus-Theology 1

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Contact Nos.: 0917 146 6759 • Email:

Course Title: Theology 1

Number of Units: 3
Course Description: This course covers the general introduction to theology (religion, the task of
systematic theology, overview of Reformed theology, certainty of theological knowledge, relationship
between faith and reason, and the science of dogmatic theology), Trinity and God’s attributes,
revelation, bibliology (inspiration and infallibility), and God’s decrees (creation, providence, and

Learning Outcomes: At the end of the course, the students shall be able to develop and nurture
competencies in critical thinking, managing information, creativity and innovation and personal growth
and well-being by achieving the following learning outcomes:

Course Content: Personal Growth and Holistic Well-Being

1. To identify the issues in discussing the essence of religion, the location of religion in man,
and the most satisfactory explanation for the origin of religion.
2. To have an overview of the history, principles, and perspectives of Reformed theology
3. To know the history, definition and the use of the term “dogmatics.”
4. To identify God’s attributes in general and to distinguish between His incommunicable and
communicable attributes.
5. To understand the orthodox stance on the doctrine of the Trinity.

1. To appreciate the importance of revelation to attain theological certainty
2. To appreciate the fact that reason has a place in theological study
3. To appreciate the doctrine of revelation providing authority in the field of ethics and
4. To foster a deep sense of gratitude and duty that growth in theological understanding is an
ethical responsibility.
5. To make a choice between scientific acceptability and keeping the objective character of
6. To raise an awareness that the current concept of science needs to be revised
7. To understand, appreciate, and critique Kaftan’s view of theological reformation
8. To affirm the existence of God as basic presupposition in the study of theology
9. That by acknowledging the connection between our knowledge of God and the knowledge
of ourselves, and how we corrupt such innate knowledge of God, we learn to humble
10. To appreciate the biblical idea of revelation in the midst of confusing debates on the subject
11. To receive comfort in understanding the doctrine of providence
12. To foster gratitude and receive comfort in understanding the doctrine of predestination
Creativity and Innovation

1. To come up with a viable option in responding to the cultural challenges caused by

evolutionary theories
2. To reply and post in discussion forums and to keep revising them based on the feedback
received both from the teacher and fellow students. 
3. To track the growth of your ideas by monitoring your digital portfolio. 
4. To demonstrate progress by writing reflective essays. 

Critical Thinking

1. To see Reformed theology from a theological-apologetic perspective

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2. To identify the distinctive characteristics of Reformed theology

3. To be able to engage in a reasoned dialogue knowing that different kinds of certainty exist.
4. To have the ability to engage in public discourse understanding the Reformed perspective
about the relationship between faith and reason
5. To discern erroneous intellectual assumptions that reject the basic importance of the role of
revelation in philosophy.
6. To defend the Reformed doctrine of inspiration and inerrancy of the Holy Scriptures.
7. To face the challenges posed by postmodernism.
8. To expose the failure of natural sciences in providing a comprehensive worldview to explain
all existence.
9. To utilize the firm conviction about the biblical doctrine of creation in the critical evaluation
of diverse evolutionary theories.

Managing Information

1. To synthesize topics that have been discussed in this course. 

2. To create and store all your files in your electronic portfolio
3. To research on specific topics that interest you and start blogging them.

Number of Hours: 3 hours every week for 15 weeks or 45 hours in a semester.

Course Outline and Time Frame:

Week Number Topics
1 Class Orientation and Presentation of Syllabus
The Religious Foundations of Theology (Bavinck, Reformed Dogmatics:
Prolegomena Volume 1, pp. 235-279)
2 Overview of Reformed Theology (Bavinck, “Reformed Dogmatics: Prolegomena
Volume 1,” pp. 175-204; Cornelius Van Til, “Introduction to Systematic
Theology,” Preface; John Frame, “Cornelius Van Til: An Analysis of His Thought,”
pp. 4-6, 389-396; Simon Kistemaker, “Calvinism: Its History, Principles &
Perspectives;” John R. de Witt, “What is Reformed Faith?”)
3 Certainty of Theological Knowledge, (Bavinck, Reformed Dogmatics:
Prolegomena Volume 1, pp. 76-82; Allen, “A Case for Christian Theology in a
Postmodern World,” pp. 1-19).
4 The Place of Reason in Theology and Relationship Between Faith and Reason
(Cornelius Van Til, An Introduction to Systematic Theology, pp. 21-47; Herman
Bavinck, Reformed Dogmatics: Prolegomena Volume 1, pp. 616-621)
5 The Science of Dogmatic Theology 1 (Herman Bavinck, Reformed Dogmatics
Prolegomena Volume 1, pp. 25-38)
6 Incommunicable Attributes of God (Third Millennium, We Believe in God Lesson
7 Communicable Attributes of God (Third Millennium, We Believe in God Lesson
8 Trinity: Unity (Third Millennium, Trinity Lessons 1 & 2)

9 Trinity: Diversity (Third Millennium, Trinity Lesson 3)

10 The Idea of a Philosophy of Revelation, (Bavinck, Philosophy of Revelation, pp.

11 Revelation and Philosophy (Bavinck, Philosophy of Revelation, pp. 30-82)
12 Inerrancy (John H. Gerstner, 33 pages; Biblical Inerrancy, Gary North, The Hoax
of Higher Criticism, 80 pages)
13 Creation (Gary North, Cosmologies in Conflict: Creation vs. Evolution in the
Economic Commentary of Genesis, pp. 357-424)
14 God’s Plan & Works (Third Millennium, We Believe in God Lesson 4, 30 pages)
15 Predestination (Warfield, Chongshin Paper; Berkhof, pp. 109-125)

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Learning Plan:

Learning Outcome Topics Methodology Resources Assessment

To identify the issues in The Religious Advanced Bavinck, Reformed Digital or

discussing the essence of Foundations of reading, Dogmatics: Prolegomena electronic
religion, the location of Theology online Volume 1, pp. 235-279 portfolio
religion in man, and the most question- containing
satisfactory explanation for based lecture reading log,
the origin of religion. and discussion essays, forum
forum replies and
To have an overview of the Overview of Advanced Bavinck, “Reformed Digital or
history, principles, and Reformed reading, Dogmatics: Prolegomena electronic
perspectives of Reformed Theology online Volume 1,” pp. 175-204; portfolio
theology question- Cornelius Van Til, containing
To see Reformed theology based lecture “Introduction to reading log,
from a theological-apologetic and discussion Systematic Theology,” essays, forum
perspective, and forum Preface; John Frame, replies and
To identify the distinctive “Cornelius Van Til: An posts
characteristics of Reformed Analysis of His Thought,”
theology pp. 4-6, 389-396; Simon
Kistemaker, “Calvinism: Its
History, Principles &
Perspectives;” John R. de
Witt, “What is Reformed
To face the challenges posed Certainty of Advanced Bavinck, Reformed Digital or
by postmodernism Theological reading, Dogmatics: Prolegomena electronic
To realize the existence of Knowledge online Volume 1, pp. 76-82; portfolio
different kinds of certainty question- Allen, “A Case for Christian containing
To appreciate the based lecture Theology in a Postmodern reading log,
importance of revelation to and discussion World,” pp. 1-19 essays, forum
attain theological certainty forum replies and
To appreciate the fact that The Place of Advanced Cornelius Van Til, An Digital or
reason has a place in Reason in reading, Introduction to Systematic electronic
theological study Theology and online Theology, pp. 21-47; portfolio
To understand the Reformed Relationship question- Herman Bavinck, containing
perspective about the Between Faith and based lecture Reformed Dogmatics: reading log,
relationship between faith Reason and discussion Prolegomena Volume 1, essays, forum
and reason forum pp. 616-621 replies and
To know the history, The Science of Advanced Herman Bavinck, Digital or
definition and the use of the Dogmatic Theology reading, Reformed Dogmatics electronic
term “dogmatics.” online Prolegomena Volume 1, portfolio
To appreciate the doctrine of question- pp. 11-46 containing
revelation providing based lecture reading log,
authority in the field of and discussion essays, forum
ethics and apologetics. forum replies and
To foster deep sense of posts
gratitude and duty that
growth in theological
understanding is an ethical
To make a choice between
scientific acceptability and
keeping the objective
character of Christianity.
To raise an awareness that
the current concept of
science needs to be revised
To understand, appreciate,

Contact Nos.: 0917 146 6759 • Email:

and critique Kaftan’s view of

theological reformation
To understand how God is Incommunicable Advanced Third Millennium, We Digital or
different from his creation. Attributes of God reading, Believe in God Lesson 2 30 electronic
online pages portfolio
question- containing
based lecture reading log,
and discussion essays, forum
forum replies and
To understand how God is Communicable Advanced Third Millennium, We Digital or
like man whom He created in Attributes of God reading, Believe in God Lesson 3, electronic
his image online 24 pages portfolio
question- containing
based lecture reading log,
and discussion essays, forum
forum replies and
To understand the orthodox Trinity: Unity Advanced Third Millennium, Trinity Digital or
doctrine of the Trinity that reading, Lessons 1 & 2, 44 pages electronic
gives equal emphasis at the online portfolio
divine oneness, divine question- containing
Threeness and divine based lecture reading log,
equality. and discussion essays, forum
To understand the unity of forum replies and
the Trinity by how He reveals posts
Himself in the Bible as three
uncreated persons.
To understand the Trinity: Diversity Advanced Third Millennium, Trinity Digital or
relationships between the reading, Lesson 3, 26 pages electronic
members and the roles of online portfolio
the persons of the Trinity question- containing
based lecture reading log,
and discussion essays, forum
forum replies and
The Idea of Advanced Bavinck, Philosophy of Digital or
Revelation in reading, Revelation, pp. 1-28 electronic
Philosophy online portfolio
question- containing
based lecture reading log,
and discussion essays, forum
forum replies and
To see the importance of Philosophy and Advanced Bavinck, Philosophy of Digital or
revelation in philosophy Revelation reading, Revelation, pp. 30-82 electronic
online portfolio
question- containing
based lecture reading log,
and discussion essays, forum
forum replies and
To understand the Reformed Inerrancy Advanced John H. Gerstner, Biblical Digital or
doctrine of biblical inerrancy reading, Inerrancy,33 pages; Gary electronic
online North, The Hoax of Higher portfolio
Criticism, 80 pages
question- containing
based lecture reading log,
and discussion essays, forum
forum replies and
To expose the failure of Cosmologies in Advanced Gary North, Cosmologies Digital or
natural sciences in providing Conflict reading, in Conflict: Creation vs. electronic
a comprehensive worldview online Evolution in the Economic portfolio
Contact Nos.: 0917 146 6759 • Email:

to explain all existence. question- Commentary of Genesis, containing

To defend the doctrine of based lecture pp. 357-424 reading log,
creation against evolution and discussion essays, forum
To understand how Puritans forum replies and
view the nature, history, posts
office, present work, and the
idea of communion with
To understand how Puritans
view the history and power
of Satan and demons.
To raise an awareness that
there is an ongoing battle
against Satan’s devices.
To receive comfort in Providence: God’s Advanced Third Millennium, We Digital or
understanding the doctrine Plan & Works reading, Believe in God Lesson 4, electronic
of providence online 30 pages portfolio
question- containing
based lecture reading log,
and discussion essays, forum
forum replies and
To foster gratitude and Predestination Advanced Warfield, Chongshin Digital or
receive comfort in reading, Paper; Berkhof, pp. 109- electronic
understanding the doctrine online 125 portfolio
of predestination. question- containing
based lecture reading log,
and discussion essays, forum
forum replies and

Required Readings and Other Materials:

 Bavinck, Herman.1953. The Philosophy of Revelation. Grand Rapids, Michigan: Wm. B. Eerdmans
Publishing Company.
 Bavinck, Herman. 2003. Reformed Dogmatics: Prolegomena Volume One. Grand Rapids,
Michigan: Baker Academic.
 Beeke, Joel R. & Mark Jones. 2012. A Puritan Theology: Doctrine for Life. Grand Rapids,
Michigan: Reformation Heritage Books.
 Berkhof, Louis. 1958. Systematic Theology. PA, USA: The Banner of Truth Trust.
 Calvin, John. Translated by Henry Beveridge 1989. Institutes of Christian Religion. Grand Rapids,
Michigan: Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Company..
 Murray, John. 1976. Collected Writings of John Murray Volume 1: The Claims of Truth. PA, USA:
The Banner of Truth Trust.
 ___________. 1982. Collected Writings of John Murray Volume 4: Studies in Theology. PA, USA:
The Banner of Truth Trust.
 North, Gary. 1982. The Dominion Covenant: Genesis – Appendix C: Cosmologies in Conflict:
Creation vs. Evolution. Tyler, Texas: Institute for Christian Economics.
 Van Til, Cornelius. 1967. The Protestant Doctrine of Scripture. PA, USA: Westminster Theological

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 ________________. 1974. An Introduction to Systematic Theology. Phillipsburg, New Jersey:

Presbyterian and Reformed Publishing Company.
 Course Manuscripts from Third Millennium Ministries:
 We Believe in God Lesson 2: Incommunicable Attributes
 We Believe in God Lesson 3: Communicable Attributes
 We Believe in God Lesson 4: God’s Plan & Works
 Trinity Lessons 1 to 3
Course Requirements:
Students’ portfolio is a compilation of the following course requirements:
1. Attendance/Class Participation. Studying under the new normal is challenging. In distance
education, we recognize the difficulty of Internet connectivity, digital literacy and the
availability of the students’ schedule. Hence, in asynchronous arrangement, we
acknowledge the preferential option of the students in terms of time and mode of delivery
of instructional materials.
2. Electronic Portfolio. Students are expected to create an electronic portfolio in Google sites
or in other free online platforms and store there all their files.
3. Forum Participation: This includes both replies and personal posts. Each student is expected
to have a minimum of one reply per discussion forum. A total of 10 replies is ideal.
Regarding personal posts, the student is required to create 1 discussion topic of his own
choice from the 10 topics covered in the course.
4. Reading Assignment. The student must submit his Reading Log at the end of the semester
indicating that he completed a total of 560 pages reading assignment.
5. Reflection Papers. Students are required to write a one-page essay to share their thoughts
on the assigned course manuscript and apply what they learned to their own life, education
and ministry. Each student must submit a total of 10 reflection papers.
6. Final Examination. There will only be one examination in this course at the end of the
Course Grading:
1. Attendance/Class Participation 10%
2. Electronic Portfolio/Reflection Papers 30%
3. Forum Participation 20%
4. Reading Assignment 20%
5. Final Examination 20%
6. Total 100%

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