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Pradeep Cordinate

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•' r • ,J

\ 1 ) II/ I I
\( ,,
\ J

, ,Jr t,nt r , n
\ (), } \ llf>hltli I
,~ .. ,lpt nl( ' I 1"
,1 ,,11 t ,
\ ,c I ~ 2
' ,rtv .flHI C II •O ' lf1hA1 I

( ( •'
l h i1 1'4 U fihnt
N lf 1 - 2 ( )
U 1tt • rt t1
lhrl ,.nl Olf '
-2 N
,,.,_ , re mr '< J ll'tll Ii
( ()( j

- 2 two (} ux,1ta10
t ,1 n crc ,na rc
( CJ f ... C - Cll
I ( J

3 - I (wo o ucc1 yl 1cc
o- atom, 1ona111
\, t.(
', ;wrn:c um • rytyJ
- I One N anti gtyc1rua1 1J
onc O
I '"T)I •r, / atom
r. ,. 1< ;O - 1
., / ,'I
. II I
One N and c.hme1h 1gly
one O-a1om 1Jx1m.i1u

' 1 f',-n tad en tot e

r,, ,. !" " d1 am 1n c
' ( .I ' ,i 'l I' ,n
- 3 Three O cthylenct11
and two N- amine
atom trtJtct.ttu

, I ' " " adt nta t~

' ... , ,. n e d 1;i m I n c -4 1\vo N and cthylenei, •
r A'• ,,tc <.H7 ,,,n fou r O ummc
; atom, tctr aBCCUllo

, f r11rt rnt .,t~
,cro ~
m < lll N ll 2
1Cf ll ~
rn, lti •d I l
() ~
Jt'r ~,
C' II I ' ' ,en ~◄
r I I1 • I( J
u ft,!

. ,. n' ,1 ,i, ( ( )
,a u
,er I,
phm ()hW .
t ,-~ ,rr, , ( ')
n~ I' 11 ,
/ l• l 1
ph, ''r>htnt
!-, 1lltt ,urc.1
/( JI l

p, r1u1n"
/1,'.I C) I\\C I '\ l lh\ltn1;
.illlll l'- u1,in11nr

,crn two N thpyrtc.lyl

:i 1om,

,cro ' Ii.Vil N phcn:m-

,11 n mc; rhm/mc

+I N hyJra1101um

+ N 1111 rt )Sllnll.llfl

+ N n1mio:um

igands: If then; arc several ligand -. of the -.:1m1.. tvpc!, ih,

indicate the numh cr nf ligand ~ nl th.11 type h
, as ligand
... s, ,, c , hJII \\Tit c tc tr.1am m 10c Nol£ 1J,al bot
be retained.
r11unher. cg.. chpyn<lyl or cthjle ne d1..unim., then bL'
Li • tn·. te rt a • pcnta. h1..xa and the name of th<.. group
refi.., bLS. etc. J!, use<l beca use 1f <l1 1s U\ccJ. 11 rnJkr'
Cl Cl u encra uy, uu.._ u.:1111~ v, ' " '"' ... ,." ' "."'.tl10.~
comp ound is s lar ted wtth a s mall latte ~. .
J, _J,- (NH2'-' H )~ 1l'l21
(ii ) The na me o f the comp lex e ntity 1s Writt~.
J l- unc wo nJ witho ut any gaps.
"yrn d1chlu ndo ou11ku, (mcrhylonunc)
(iii) 1n iunic c:omp lexcs, the name of the coll:
h 1pl11tin um(II J ch Io n d e
plcx ion i!- wrill c n a~ o ne word but the t:ounter io-
~xarnples. The following cxamplci- illuslr al c
o m l,;nclal urc o f mono nucl ear compl exes.
is writte n with a gap .
naming the courdinulion comp ounds , also (iv) Jn case of n_on-i~nic co mplex es, the fu
1bc r lhc fnll uwi ng points : name of the comp lex 1s wntle n as o ne word.

l\\ '\ l) C<>MPl,l'X COMP OUND

IC 'o (NI 13 ) 6 J Cl3 hexaamminecobalt (III) chloride

1Cr(I 12 O)4 C~)NO3 tetraaquadichloridocbromium (III) nitrate .
1g <11
!Co( Nl t 3 ) 4 Cl(NO2))NO3 tetraamminechloridonitrocobalt (III) nitrate.
K3 I Fc(c; O4)J) potassium trioxalatoferrate (III)
K3 j Co(CN)5 (NO) J potassium pentacyanonitrosylcohal1a1e (II).
K I Pl(NH3 )Ct3 ] potassium amminetrichloridoplatinate (fl ).
N32 [CrF4 O1 sodium tetraflu oridooxochromate (IV)
N¾ (SiF6 ] sodium hexa0u oridosilicate (IV)
1Cr(en )j)C13 tris (ethan e-!, 2-c.tiaminc) chromium (III) chloride.
[CoCl2 (en)i)SO4 dichloridobis (ethane-I, 2-diamine) cobalt (IV) su lphatc .
Dextro K:J[Ir(c;O4 )J] potassium (+ )or d-trioxalatoiridate (Ill).
Na3 [re(c; O4 )J) sodium trioxalatoferrate (III).
[Co(N H3 ) 4 (H2 O)Br) (NO ) tetraammineaquabro midocobalt (Ill) nitrate .
3 2
[Cr(H2 O)6 ]C13 hexaaq uachromium (III) chloride
Hg ICo(NCS)4 J- mercury tetraiso thiocya natocobaltate (II).
or mercury tetrathiocyanato-N-cobaltate (II)
!CoCl(en)i(O NO))+ chloridobis (ethane-I , 2-diamme) nitritocobalt ( 111) ion.
INi(C 0)4] tetraca rbonylnickel (0)
K4 1Ni(CN)4 ] potassium tetracyanonickelate (0)
ICr(l 12 O)4 Cl 2 )CI tetraaquadichloric.tochromium (111 ) chlorid e
1co (Nll 3 )J (NO2 )J] triamm inelrinitrocobalt (Ill)
j Pt (NI l3)i Cl2I diamminedichlorido platinum (ll)
!Co( Nll 3) 5 (CO3 )1Cl
pentaamminecarbonatocobalt (Ill) chloride
1coC12 (en ) 2 ] SO4
dichlorobis (ethane-I , 2-diam ine) cobalt (IV) sulphate
IPt (N ll3)4 Cl2 j IPt Cl4)
tetraammined ichloridoplat inum (IV) tc trachlondoplaunate (U
Fc4 !Fe(CN)6 h
fcrm: hcxacyano tcrrate (II)
!Co(N l I3 ) 4 C'l2 h 1Cr(CN)
lctrnammmcu1 chlond ocobalt (Ill) hcxacyanochroma1 c: (Ill
U (AlH4J
lithium tetrahytlndoalummate ( ill )
f Cr(PPh3)(CO)sJ
pentacarbonyltn phe n-. lphosoh11wrh r m , , .. , "' '"
\ 11 1 1l 11,111 , r, !-l/17
Iii, 1. h,11 1". .. ' 111 tiH; 1..cnt r·,1 m ·t I -
n,cu l,11t11n , t.,t c ) nl u, 11, '. I el •~ ,1t 11m (,,,niL .,, the
,. ,e n t .1 1.:h ,1ru • . . J l
Rul t, 111 1 " 111 1111 1 I ii , l ,11 11111 1, , 111 , u 11 11 p lc, i 111111 I"' ••l ed lii•,ind, ,...1.: \.,11ne iv l ite
h.,, (" ..i, C ,Hh Ii, I II l 'I d . tll h d 111 ',\ ' \ t 11111 i) I I
It lhl' l lt 11rHl' 11 11 lhl' l:111111 ,lcx ,1111
l 11 l , 1111p 11ll' I h 1 11\l l llli l I ,11 l , 11111 11 \ .111d 111 111111, "\ , thc n
,nx.1d. 11' "" " ,II L nl I ht.. met I
,, l 11111, 1 l..11P\\ the- d1.11 Jtl' " " 'll d l,v l ,11h t vp l 11i 1l11· l1gu nd11 (w11 h 111,~n, ) ., • i h,11 ~L,11n
, , , 11, rl11 , ,, d1111 1· · " l,111,m ,
(i11 ) S,m.c ., molc1. ulc i,I th1.. . .
(,) 1 hl , 1111 p k H\11 (, 011 11 11.' t 10 11 ) \\l ll'thl' I u1111p1111nd u~ u who le '" nc 111r OI IL1H1,r d111.1t H1 n
,.,11,1111H . 11111 111 hc h,l\ l'~ ltl-c li er .md l,111 i(', h I • 111•1 p 1l\1l 1vc
11 rn l .1rr.c mu, t )C cquul 111 l hi.: l ot ,I II I . h
11 , 1.h.11 ~,· .1, 1HH" 1. 1d 1l ,1I T l . .. . . ' l. ll,,1 ' L J f (!e
tc 1.:,1ltl lfl~ and a nion, .,re, lh c rcln r1. muh ,plt •d
v,) <.. ' h , 11 ~t' 1)11 l h t· n1 111pk, 11 111 ( r1 11, 1di11 .1110 11 l,y Mtc h 1.;n n~t a nt:-- :--11 t hal I he chuq.1,1; h c1.i 1
fl ,
... ,
m u 111,1
, nl 1l\) 1, 1. o mp u ll·d ,111 the ti .... 1., th at 11 1~ 1·q11 11I 111 ll 'l' r 1111 ,;tunl :-- give tlu.: numhu 111 I L II 1•\'
It II\ ~

F11r11111lnh · llu- 1·11111p111111tl h-t n rn111 - I I) f>Odium pent 111·ynnonilro~1'l:,,11lph1t1 0rcrr11 tc
111hw1H111 nchlur1dun1l111l1 (Ill I d 1lurhk . tlll I
(II ) [101.nsshun tetrnhytlro,cozl ncute l ll J
(Stlllpk 1t1n) = ( 'I
I 11r Ihe ,·111110111.1111 m c nt 11) . w111111g 111s1 the ~ym hol (i) Cu11nn (simple 11.m ) = Na ...
f.ll nw t.11 .11 11111 .,nd ltlc n the h~ands 111 the .1lph.1hct1t·nl 1:, ir Ihe rn<1rtl111:1110 n cn111y, "ming fi rst the S} mix
,,rdn fur 111c111I ntmn and then the 11~:mds in 1hc .1lphabc11cal
( ',II l l ll1 ( l'\ll\ll'lt• \ ll Ill) a [ ( \ ) ( N 11 J ) ,. l 11 20 ) ( 'IJ' t'rLlcr.
"here \ 1s the r h:irgc nn t i ll' crnnplcx ,on. Amon ( cnmplcx 1cm) = I FL' ( CN ), l NO l S li
t o~lll.1111m srn1 i.: u l (Ubal1 l = + 1 + l- 5) + ( 0 ) + ( - ~) = - ➔
+ c:h.1rgc 1111 lhc ltganc.b , ,. , Ch:ir£l' un anio n = - ➔
\ = + 1 + 0 +0+ ( 1) = + 2 Chnrgc on llllC cntto n ( i\ u +) = + 1
( 11 2 0 :ind Nl l 3 : 11 1: ncutr.,t groups nnd rnrry 1111 llnt.11wm~ th e 11~1i:.1t 1vc nml I\Cf,lttvc c h.lrfC:- th ~
, h.1rgc Only d 1tnr1clo grm• p rnmcs d 1.,rge = I) lurmuln nt the rnmpound will 11c N.1 4 1FclL·N, ~1ND r, 1
( ·11:1rgc o n nnc ,\l\1nn = I
(11 ) Cnllun = K+
l ' hnr~c o n eomplc:1. c-11 110 11 = + 2
Cle.•1Iv two :11110 11s will neutralise the churtc ot the Anton (rompkx ion) = \ Ln(O l 1)4 1l
r .1111111 \ =+2 +( - '1 )= - ~
I knrc . tu1 mu l.i 1 11 the g,H~n compound,~ ,.,· . Charge l>n the :tl1ll"1 = - ~
1( \ 1 (NI IJ1,1 (I Ii l ) t ·qc11 C hurgc l')ll one r.111011 ( i.. ' ) = + l
\\'rift' tlw formu lut> of the fu llowin~ U:.11.mcing tlw p,.':-111\l· .11HI nc~.111, c!-.. ,
t..1rmula ot lhc nimpound \\Ill he K 1l/nlt ll 114 1
, 1111rd 111:1 1 11,n 1·u 1111w u11ds:

l \ ,Jm ,·, of flit" htJdTfl ~ WJll l/l(I/ICIII (fll t!ll/UI~ fln.' rt, ( l'i) d1chlo ru1c1rnamm111crnlx111 ( 111 ) 11,11
l,'11·oi th«' qut·,rwn ptl/tt'r)
(1'11 ) po1,1s., ,um pc1l1 .ICV:lllOI\IIH)-'\ k,1h.tll.1lc I ll
I. \ \ nt-.· d1m11 the !(1rm u l,l1.: ul l hc ln llo\\tnf r oor-
(1•111 ) b1s(ace tylncc:1u1rn11 ,) ll.Whlll,1t.l1uni ( I\
,1111,lli.1.1 d'lll!'llU lhl'
2. Wntc t lll\\ n the turmul.1c nl th1..· 11 ,111 1\\ tn~ l,,.
t I) l1n.1.1qu.l1r, 'fl ( 11) ,u lpll,11t'
ordma11on nimpnund."
\11 ) p, ,t.l" 1um 1rtrJl., ,111n nickcl.1H· (Ill )
(r) hC\,,ammincpl:Hmum ( I\ ) , h 1~,n,'l
\,.:, ,·hl,'r,,n 1r1)J1.1mmmq1l .•1111um ( 11 )
l·', r, ,1. ,:--, ~. m hi:, . ,, .1111.1tcrnlle ( Ill ) ( 11) , o,.hum
\ 1, , r 1l,r,,,l1.11,, n,1'ltpl,H1nu m t 11 ) 10n ,hn1m .1tl" ( II )
~l • h ____ _.J_I::•·.:.•":·:.:':"::.:•·- - - - - -- -
- - - - - :..
~rH · H< ., p ,::o r; t c=r-, s r,rJQp
I \'\I1l " 1,l , .. N,11 , th 111m pln .... , \ l ( d "!l l 4 1!\
' \\
'l, 1l 1 \ 1 ,1111, 11•11

11,. \V11 h. 1h l 11 I I'/\( n , 1ml 111

(1)!( 111N ll i. N01 J< 1, Hql< r(ll 10 i~\c \ h.i•,e
1 1
(Ill) \l 11( l(N0 ) ccn, \ ~ ( I\ l I(
1 1 o ( \ <c:n > ,
1 1
17. Wnt c l\Jl'/\C nam e~ ot the lolltM1ng
11 l,,, I\ l' \ l ' n,11ne~1111 hctollowmg :
(1) iec1C12(cn>il so. (11) \N1 1n), . 1
. l'l nt ll :l))0J'.'\U 4 (11 ) K.\rc.-(CN)6 1 (11i) K \P1C1 (Nll )\
3 3 (1v) {( r!en ,
.. ,, I<1\t'.l1)3Jl'I , u •
\ ~- '\,m1c 1'1t: {n\lo,, mg romp\cxi.:s
Ut Wrn c IUP/\C name o f P'tB rCl(;\O ,f\1
~ er•
' "-d \l I C,0 4)3\ 2
ur \PICl(N ll Cll )( NH )i\C'I
1 3
11 1ln('di 3)6 C03 JCI. 3
or \ CoCI(N 0 1) ( N 11 ) 4 \Cl.

19. Wmc IUPAC name of\P t (N H }iC~ \-
14. ,.,me the complex K.ilCu(CN)a4\· 3
S 8 i. u \J

II AN Su, r·
I . (1) hexaamminechrom,um (111) ,on 8. tetracyanonickclate (H ) ion.
( 11 ) hexaaquamanganese (11) ion 9. pentaamminecarbonatocoball ( nl) chlo
( 111 ) hexacyanoferrate (ll) ion
10. pentammmechloridocoba\t ( lll ) chlonctc
( 11·) hexaamminenickel (11) chlonde
1 t. (i) hexaaquamanganese (11) sulphate
(, ) hexacyanocoba\ta1e (lll ) ion (ii) potassium hexacyanoferrate ( 11)
( w} calci um hexacyanoferrate (II)
(iii) uis (ethane- l, 2-<.hamine) cobalt (111) ch~_
( \.'ti ) hexaamminecobal t (ill) chloride
12. (i) potassium trioxa\atoaluminate (111 )
(v11q tetraaquaclichlorid ochrom1um
(Til) nitrate ( ii) hexa ammme carb onat ocoball l11 l) chla:1c
( tr) tetraamminechloridonitrocobalt (Ill) ~
nitrate 13. potassiu m hexa nitratoco balt ate.
(x ) potassium amminetrichlo ridoplatinate (II)
14. potassium tctracyanocup rate .
(xi) chlu ndot riphenyl phosphine palladium
(ll)-,,- 15. potassium trioxa\atoferrate (Ul) .
d1chloml o chloridotnphcnyl phos pbine palladium
'1 1) 16. (i) pcntaam minenitrocoba\t (lTl) chloride
(.t1q tctrt1pym.hnc plaunium (II ) tetrach\ondo- (ii) pentaaquathiocyanato chro mium t\\\ 1Jn
pla1111alc ( II ). tiii) ch\o ndo bis (ethane -\ . 2-d,amint.'. ,, :
• •
2. ( 1) pcnrn.:imrrnnechlomlocoball (Ill ) chlo
ride (lll ) ion
, 11 ) Lhlomlob1s( cthanc -1, 2-tlinmme) nitri li1•) d1chlond o bi~ (ethane- I 2-lh,•r~mc
toco balt
' 111 ) ll,ll (Ill ) chlo ndc .
3. , , 1 hext1,1mmmcchrom1um (Ill) ion 17. (i) d1chloricto bts (l!thanc-1 2-c.11,imme
11 J hc:\.s .immmcmckel ( 11 ) (lV) sulphate
4. , r,;ci -.u.i.: t1.:tr,1th10cyandtocobaltatc ( II ) (i1 ) tetra carbon) 1md, d (0)
(11 ) p<llcl'-'>h.Jffi UICarhony\(...)'cll1Qnt lr~Oba\tate (0 ) (iii) po 1a--s1um ammmct m:hl or-.)p'a'11'\a1e 11'
5. tnam mm cc.ubonJtOCoba\l ( \1t ) chlo ride (ii·) tns lct han e-l. 2-1.hammc) cbrom1um
6. l' ) pntoss1um h~, al")Jnote rr:ne 1\1 ) chlo nctc
l i,) Ht ammmebrom1dochloridon1tropl:mnate
:ridmmmed1chlor1Jomtr~o n1um plau mum 11\\
( 11) bromide. lhammmechloncto meth ylammc~ldllnuO\ \ ll
.,_ Dt>t.i,,1um 1r1uxJiat0alummru: e (lll) chlo nde. tetraammmech\on don llrl u)\:'. i'
CtJ 29.
(Fc( C, 11 )])
(N i(d m s>il hL,(C)'Cll• pl. n lUl hc nv
l ) ,11 ,n 111 1
9/1 5 '
h1, (u1n,c1hyl~•lv11,u111,11
111 nu •' '• II
32 . I un ut l , 11..11 hu ny
(C o ( NH ) ll 11111,,nit,inl. t I II
3 6 1C'1S04 J
33. (( N H 3) sCr - O l l - Cr hc x1 1a mm mc u1h,1l1
tll {I II l l hh >rill 1. ,ul ph
(N ll3 l5 l
n,pc nt an nm un cc hr om ,u
,, tt.
m (I II ) , h yl1r ux .,
pc nt aa m m m cc hr um 1
34. ((C O> JFc (C O 1um ( 111) ch hm cle
>J Fe (C O) J)
lrl11< ar bo nyl-b1S(ln ca
, o re tha t lh e th re
e C O b'TOups in the
rbonyt iro n (0 )) or ,1.1 ,
mi dd le ar c br idg e gr m ,o en ~
ou ps . .r tio ny \
N ot e ca re fu lly th at
ltg,10 d • am m o m•a (N in na m in g th e am in es
H3 ), th er e ar e tw o 'm , th er e is only one 'm
' in th e wa r·• ' a m
' in th e na m e 'am m
in e'. u me • b u1 in n am in g the
C om m o n na m es in
pl ac e of IU PAC na m
(i) St ru ct ur e of th e es ar e also us ed w he
co m plex is not certain n
, e.g., zincate ion, Zno
(ii) Th ey ar e m or e co
nv en ie nt th an th e 1.U l-
.P.A .C. na m es , e.g.,
C om pl ex
Commonly used nam
---------- e IUPAC na m e.
' K,. IFe (C N )61 Potassium fe rr o cyan id
e Potassium bexacyanof
K3 IF e( C N ) ) crratc (U)
6 Po ta ss iu m fe rr ic ya ni de
Po ta ssium be xacyanof
Na3 (C o( O N O ) ) 3 - er ra te ( Ul }
6 So di um cobaltinitrite
So di um hexanitrito co
N ~ (F e( C N ) NO) Sodium ni tro pr us~ide
ba lta tc (i ll )
So dium ni tro so ni um
(N O is pr es en t as N pe ntacyano
O +) • fe rr ate (l l)

(T he formulation of th
e bo ~d examination qu (x ii) (Pt(py) I {PtC1
tior.s is ru given in the e.v- 4 4)
que.rtton pa pu )
1. N am e th e fo 2. Write J.U .P.A. C. na
llowing co ordina tio n me of
us in g I. U .P.A.C. syste compounds (i) [Co(N H ) CIJ Cl
m 3 5 2 (ri ){Co (e n)iCI lO '.'- O )j-
(i) [Cr (N H3 )6]3 + 3. Write IU PAC na mes
(ii ) [M n (~ 0) 61 2+ for Lhe fo ll°"'1ng :
(i ) [C r(N H ) j3 + (ii
(ii i) [F e (C N ) J4 - 3 6 ) {Nt(N H3)6) Cl1
6 (iv ) (Ni (NH3)6) Cl2 4. Write the IUPAC
na me of
(v ) (C o (C N ) J3 - (i) H g{Co(CNS ) }
6 (v i) Ca2 (Fe (C N )61 4
(ii) K( Co (C N) (C O )i(
(vii) [Co (N H ) JC NO )}
3 6 13 (viii ) (C r( H 20 )4Cl2)l N 03 5. N ame 1he complex
(a ) [C o (N H ) Cl (N (Co(NH 3 >3C03 JCl
3 4 02 )J N 03 6. Name 1hc followm
g complexes
(x ) K IPl ( N H 3) Cl3J (i) K [Fe(C N) I
4 6 >1 s B 20 0.
(x i ) P, (ii ) \P t(N H 3)J(NO )C
/ Cl........._ /C l l:d Br
cc 6Hs h C 1 /u , c 1/ 7. G ive IUPAC nJm c
ot Kd .\1 l1 Ll
Pu ........._ P(C6lls )3 • l
' ... .., u ,._ .., • H
- - SB :;,002
• It IS in te resti ng to - . f ,-.;o ro m ICJCC) ;ir e
no te th at ma1o nt y .o d b don;iu on of ele
b~ ctrons from
ro so m um io n (NO +) M r,.; b: d bo nd in g t rcg,u-dcd as be ing fo mi e y
to th e me tal at o.m will (s1m1 lar to M -C ba cl •ls d\SCUSSed 1a1cr
th • ,- I -..:o at l) fir bo nd ing an carbon)from
t 11 4) H \J. . . ow ev er sin ce we ha ve
an iua
st ncccsso ry ro rm all )
10 1rans£
,o 10 mc:tJ I
• . '0 + y nc u ra . c:r C'ne ele ctron
.TI (,ng d Fe (111) to Fe ( II) ,n 1h c aOC>\
!'\O to ~ an t ta:.c I·
(-' 1 ( ,, 1h-1 u l 1111111 111 1-t 111 lluiwch . A ll l111,,111d . 1-- l/

T~--7 ,·,;~ i7 '

" "''"' I IW/.-' 1ifll 1 , 111•1111.d I ll " " " ' ' ' " ' ' , II ( 11,llll( ' d
111 1 11 , I li t . .r, ,la,il 1t1 " .ti 111 tk1 1,1ll 11v.1 d by I l1c _11 ,1111t'
,, I 1l1L 1111 ,.., ., ,,11 11 ' 1lt ll I /11 ,.,, ''" " f ll ll l t d 1111· , •• / lll, 1
1/1t· 11 \ ' L' f " l ' 11/ I /1 .11 11\1 ti f111 "" 111111• I li e f11r11111l.1

.v~_'\J, .v1~✓
\\ li t. f l ' -.v111htil , 11 / !ht fl fl' t. d .11 11 111 1·, w 11 ll c 11 111 ... 1 •
I ft c p1tll',L' d1, 111 , 1·11 .11 1· 1H• I 111 be t rc cl
"'"It d 1 ft r 111111111µ rli" ,dpl1.1hc 11r .d rndn h 11 c x-
·"""'1. tl1t· • 11mpl1 , . jl ' r (N I I i),1( ·1 (N<>1)1 SC>11 .
, .. 11 ,,n, Ld .,, te l, .,.,11 11111111-rhlt 1nd 1111111 11pl:,1 i1111111
( f \ ) :.11 lph ,il l b
tS> N:1111 l11g of flit· rn111plt·x ion and E11rlb1g off ht· Cornplox S1rnllar Groups For
1T1tl ntl 111rtal ufm11 : Li~.111d:. :,n; 11.1111cd li 1!-.l lnll11wcd ~ans os
(a) Square plam1r Al 1,3. & 2,4 At 1 ,4 ll. 2.3
I,, Lhc 111c1.d .11 u, 11. T ht: l' 11di11i•. nl Ilac 11.1111c uf Ihe mcl al (b) Octahedral At1 ,6.2.4& 3,5 2.3 4,S etc
,k l'cntb u111111 rlw n.1I U1 c nl lhl' crn nplc.:x io 11.
gro ups p rcsc nl al o pposite positions l, 6 ; 2, 4 an ,
(u) 11 1hl' n 11nplc x iu n i:. a ru fion or I ht· cnur-
3, 5 p o~ilio n~ re pre sent trans w her eas !timilc.1
d111,11 u11 1 L'lllllJ1U1J11d i., 11011 -iouk, lht: name of lhc
groups at the adjo ining positi ons ( 1, 2 ; I, 3 ; I, 4
u : 111 111 t· 1a l i1u1 i!\ writt e n ns !-. UCh fo llowe d by ii:.
I, 5, ; 2, 3 ; 3, 4 ; 4, 5, 2, 5 ; 6, 2, 6, 3 ; 6, 4 or 6, :
ox,i dal 1011 :.l a l t' ind ic:ilc d hy Ro m u11 numi.;ral (such
positions) represent cis.
•,:. 11, 111 , I V) i111hc p:m: nthcscs al 1hc c.;nJ o f the
(7) Naming of the Optical is omers : Dextrc
n.11m; ul th L· 111 l' l ,Jl wi 1h11111 a 11 v :. ra ce hL'. lwcc n 1he
and lacvo ro tato ry o ptically active compo unds arc
l\\ ri. ( ll) i~ u~c d f111 .111 m:ida1inn ~t al c.; nf /.Crt> a nd :1
n;speclivcJy d esign ated e ither hy ( +) and ( - ) 01
nu.',.i1ivL· llXi J.1t io11 ~tal c.; i~ s how11 by a negative 1-ig n
hy d- a nd J-, e.K. , ( + ) o r d- ~ {Cr (C2 0 4 h J i}
lidl)rl' lilt· 1{0111:111 numera l. T hu~, oxidation sl al c
" ' nickel i 11 K.1 j N r (CN),1' i:. (0) und 1ha 1 of coba ll potassium (+)or d-trioxaJa tochromate (Ill ).
in N.i f C n (C0)4 l i~ ( - I ) . (8) Naming of Bridging Groups in
Polynuclear Coordination Compounds : Jf the
Sum i; 11lhcr c x,,mplt:!\ arc ~•~ fo llows : complex conta ins two o r mo re meta l ion.,;, ll ,~
jt'ulN I 13 ),,l S0 4 1c1ruamm1 m.:coppcr ( II ) sulphate lc rmc<l polynuclear. The mo no de nla te ligands tha t
link the two me tal ato ms simultaneously are called
I \qN I 13 ) 2 1 C l u1amm 111cs1lwr ( I ) rhlnrrdc
bridging Jigandr o r bridge and are separated
/Nittlmg)2 J
I 1';, NI 13 )2 Cl 4 /
his (d1111c1hylglyrncimn10) nickel ( JI)
d1:1m111111c1c1rachlo ro pl:i1inum ( l V )
tb ) If th e comp lex io 11 is anion . I he name of
dcnot[e d by the ;:i:::_r
from the rest o f the complex by hyph ens and

rIi.: t. c nlr"I metal c;11om i:. mad e to L'.ml i11 - ate

"1llowcJ hv the o xic.JaliPn nu m bt.:r in brac kets
\ ,1lwu1 .any ., pat·i: b c lwl'l.: n th e m, e.g, Na 3 IA IF6 1 is
(en )i Co'-...O H / C o (en)i
is na med as bis (elh ane- 1, 2-diarn ine) coba lt ( 11 1)-
(S0 4 ) 2

1.111K d ,1:. :.o dium hexall uornal umi na lc (Ill ). p-amido-µ- hydroxobis (etha ne- I, 2-J iaminc)
(c) \Vhc n I li e l·,,111plcx i~ an ucid, i.e., th e coball (III) s ulphate . Simi la rly. the complex inn .
.11 1.1 11 .., JI a4. 1hc 11.tmc u l' l li l' m c la l i:. mad e to e nd 3
n - ic l n llnwnl h v 1ht: " o rJ 'acid ', e.g., (NH,), co(NH)co (NH3 ), ] ...
14 jPl ( CN)r. l ts nam t .J .1, hcxacya no plut in ic ( II )
[ N02
(6) Na ming of the c;cometricul isomers : In is named as te traammineco balt ( Il l) ·,J1 •in11Jo-.u ·
,t nrn c l c r,. I he rt: rm CH is u., cd l o d csig- nitrolelraammine cobalt (J U) ion.
J lc :- i111il.1r gnlup~ a l J dJ..itc nl p(1!\ilin ns .111J trans (9) Naming of CoordJnutfo n Compound~
1 J c:- ignJl c ~im ilJ r g roup, .11 op pu, il l! pn:- itions. containing metal-metal bonding. II 1hc complc~
Fur c xamplt', lnr H/IUJr<' planar cvmple.\ 1.·s . e nt ity conta in ~ one m elul - mct.t l bo nd. rb t: prc:f1,x_b,
111 il.H gniup~ prol'nl .ti l c111d: lir 2 JllU J LH J and 1s usccJ wit h 1he naml! of the: mc.;cc1l ..irorn Fnr c..:.,
• ( I . ,, CllOrOtnJ IH.,I
111 I ,111J 4 p n:-1li1rn:- rq1n;~cn1 n.1 \\ hih; ~,milar arnph:, narnrng o 1be ~yrnm e n c.. .
n up, prc~c nt .11 I <Jlld 1 tir : .ind 4 p w,illl)n:- compuund l:Ontaining Pr - Pt bonding L'- dlw,r r..itt. J
pr1..~cnl r,1111 .1 . In "' rc1ltcrfral c, '"'/'lt:.\<'j, :,,i mibr bclO\\ :
- I · d1hc1p1.J:>
1 Jll\C
J \ ,. 1. • • ,1, • "'" ",,,. .,, "' .,,,.,1r•nt'l.,1 11n· ltt·.111th \\ere numcd in 1h,- n rdt'r · ncca11,c. nc utr.t an
CH3 -C= N: dimelhylgJyoximc (dmg).
Small lette rs are used in the abbreviations.
(v) Amb idcn tate ligands. As alrea dy ment ioned , these
coordinating atom s. It is essential to desig nate lhc poin t of attac unid rntat c IIKu11,Lr witlr ,,.,,,~ ti,
hmen t of a ligan d hy pl,u.-mg the:" 1
or t~e ~ono r atom attac hed after the name of the grou ps sepa
rated hy hyph en, t .g., in thi<><yan,.,~~
natntc 1C>ns, we have two optio ns each.

- SCN , thiocyanato and -NC S, isolhiucyanalo; - N02 nitro and - ONO , ni1rir o
Thus , (NH4) 3 (Cr (SCN) J is nam ed as amm oniu m hcxa
6 thioc yana to-S-cJ1rorn:t1c (lli •
(NH4 )i (Pt (NC S) ) is nam ed as ammonium hcxathiocyanato-N
6 -platinatc (JV) .
Similarly, [Co( N02 ) 6 )3 - is nam ed as hexanitro-N-cobaltatc
(Ill) ion wl1crcas /Cu(ON()J /J-
nam cd as hexa nitro -0-co balta tc (Ill) ion. 0

In plac e of symbols like S,N, etc. different names of the ligan

isoth iocy anat o, and nitro or nitrito etc. d~ may be used, e.g., thioc yanato
Som e com mon ligands alongwith their formulae, charges, dono
in the Tabl e 9.3. r atom~ and their name s arc list·

T.IB I.L lJ.J. ~•>ni l' l·11m 1111 111 li:.!.IIH h ., nd thttr name -.
\ (~fl \ L -~_\.\( E
t~Y, tBOL LS FD )
I f Ol{\ l l'I.,\ C H ,\ I{( ;r: 1)0:'\ 0lt NAMI: (;1\1 \
AT O l\1/ I N Tf ff

- - - -- -- - .
I \ 10!\i ~ CO ~H'I.E X

(a) Unid entat e I

Cyan ide ion : CN- I

I - 1 C cynno
j 1I:ihd e 10n 1
x- (F- , Cl-, Br-, 1-) I
I - l X hahdo (nuor~

I chlorido/
brom ido/
IHydride ion 11-
I - 1 II
Nitro N0 2 I
-1 N mtro
I .
I" '.trito

I N,tru e 1~n ONO - - 1 0

1Nitra te 10n N03 - 1 N 1mmu o

IH)'droxsde son OH- - 1 ()


hydr~ o
Amid e 10n NH2 - 1 N

jTh1<>C)'3natc u.1n scN - - 1 s !


ttuoc yana tc 10n scs - - 1 N 1501hl<)C) ~m:sll>

- 1 0 .iccta to
02- - 2 0 0 :<0

bale c.arl>outc and nitrat e ions. two awnu could be coord ina h c ion 1n • nu
·la1C,5 U1 r • ted h > r c 5:m
0 . -
,,.,_._u d)den tatc ligands. e.g.. iJl case or cql- IOll. we f
have O - C (

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