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Future Anxiety in Students of Communication and Islamic Broadcasting Program - The Correlation With Resilience - Journal of Public Health Research

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Future anxiety in students of communication

and Islamic broadcasting program: The
correlation with resilience

Hana MutiaFaculty of Nursing, Universitas Indonesia, Depok, West Java ,

Giur Hargiana | Department of Mental Health Nursing, Faculty of Nursing, Universitas Indonesia, Depok,
West Java, Indonesia.
One of the anxiety disorders in students is future anxiety. A high level of unemployment becomes the
most significant stressor of this anxiety. In 2019, the department of communication became the
department with the highest unemployment rate in the world. The students of Communication and
Islamic Broadcasting Department feel this phenomenon and find difficulties in finding a job. This
condition triggers the students' concerns about the future. In this case, future anxiety can be influenced
by one of the protective factors, namely resilience. This study aims to identify the correlation between
resilience and future anxiety of the Communication and Islamic Broadcasting Department students.

Design and Methods: This study was conducted by employing a cross-sectional design and involving
students of the Communication and Islamic Broadcasting Department (n = 238) of Universitas Ibn
Khaldun, Bogor. This study used the Connor-Davidson Resilience Scale 10 questionnaire to measure the
resilience and Future Anxiety Scale to measure future anxiety. Meanwhile, the bivariate analysis between
resilience and future anxiety was conducted by employing the Pearson product-moment correlation.

Results: This reveals a negative correlation between resilience and future anxiety (-0.379) with a moderate

Conclusions: This study recommends several efforts to increase resilience for stress management,
possibly guided by nurses. Moreover, higher education institutions can facilitate students by providing
counseling and training in time management, enhancing adaptive coping, and developing the alumni
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association as media of future planning discussion for students.

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