12 Key Ring Dec 2021
12 Key Ring Dec 2021
12 Key Ring Dec 2021
RiNG officers
25 December 2021
The Official Magazine of The British Ring No. 25 of
The International Brotherhood of Magicians For Private Circulation
5 A Study in Scarlet: Holmes and Watson in harmony
6 Brian’s Bulletin: a Dickens of a Turkey
8 Collaborative Conjuring: Christmas collection
10 For My Last Trick: Show's over: a polished finish for your act
13 Three Book Challenge: Mike Driver’s selection
PAGE 10 14 Carol’s Convention Carousel: this month Terry Herbert goes back
16 A Bit Moore Magic: Moore embarrassing moments
17 Nonvention 2021: part two
22 Rick’s Magic Musings: Rick’s all Tic and Tac
28 Puzzle Corner: coins, matchsticks and jigsaws
IBC Beyond the Web: Aidan Heritage updates
PAGE 14 24 Kids’ Corner: boxing clever
2 The Editor’s View
3 President’s View
4 From the Executive Secretary
particularly interested in the l Set the cards, Watson cards
Collaborative Conjuring item face up and Holmes cards on
from Chris Wardle and top face down
James Ward in the l The cards are mixed by the
November issue. I have, Your Editor turns detective performer. Do what you wish,
based on an old principle, come any over. At this point (with a but do not turn any over
up with a follow-on item, which polite excuse) the performer, with l Allow the spectator to do the
may be of interest. I am not hands at the back, turns away same
sure of the origin of the modus from the spectator, requesting the l Turn your back to the spectator
operandi here, but will ask cards be returned either way up. whilst they are shuffling and
Chris and James as they are The performer then turns to face ask for them to be returned
my usual first port of call with the spectator again. Now, unable to your hands, which are now
any enquiry about principles to see the cards, a few behind your back
based on maths. Any incantations are recited and the l Turn to face the spectator, as
information gleaned will be cards brought forward. you recite your incantations
published in a future edition of They are dealt down in two (a few words about the story
Key Ring. piles, one following the other (as A Study in Scarlet wouldn’t
As many of you will be opposed to an alternate deal). I go amiss at this point) and, as
aware, A Study in Scarlet was cannot say exactly what the two this is going on deal off five
the first of Sir Arthur Conan piles will show, as it will differ cards and turn this stack over
Doyle’s Holmes stories that almost each time (within the returning them to the pile
brought together Sherlock realms of possible combinations), l Bring the cards to the front,
Holmes and Dr Watson. but they will certainly match. For deal down two individual
example, there will be the same piles and the number of face
Effect: amount of scarlet backs showing up and face down cards in
The performer shows ten cards, in each pile and the same number each pile will match
all with solid scarlet coloured of Watson face up cards in one Thanks for the inspiration boys.
backs. There are five showing pile and equally the same number Elementary my dear Wardle or
items connected with Holmes: of Holmes cards face up in the should I say: elementary my
deerstalker, pipe, magnifying other. Simple, but effective! dear Ward(son)!
glass, microscope and a violin.
Then there are five cards with
items that could be associated
with Watson: bowler hat, fob
watch, doctor’s bag,
stethoscope and a copy of
Gray’s Anatomy. These cards The Holmes Cards
are held in the palm, face
upwards and the Holmes cards
placed on top, face down. The
performer demonstrates the
mixing of the cards and
requests a spectator to do the
same, but stresses not to turn The Watson Cards All cards with plain scarlet backs
7 Purple number, remove the list showing ANSWER: Just one will do the trick!
8 Green them the OTHER SIDE, which has
9 Lilac the force words listed in the even NUMBER 11
10 Pink positions, 2, 4, 6 and 8! Here’s a tip we got from the late,
great Steve Evans. If you want to
They say 7, for example, and so NUMBER 9 remove permanent pen from a
choose purple. They pull the Look at this sum: hard surface, e.g. a Sharpie
cracker and find inside a purple 1+9+1+9+1 marker, rub over it with a dry wipe
hat, a purple balloon and even a Can you perform a simple pen. You can then rub this off with
joke printed on purple paper! operation to turn this total into 15? a cloth and it removes the
permanent marker at the same
WORKING: ANSWER: You don’t need to use time!
Simply load the cracker addition, subtraction,
beforehand by opening up one multiplication or division, just the NUMBER 12
end carefully and switching the operation of turning the question Always remember these two
contents. If they call an ODD upside down! magical words. They will open
number between 1 and 10 – i.e. up the doors in your life.
3, 5, 7 or 9 – then these are all NUMBER 10 ‘Push’ and ‘Pull’.
synonyms of purple and match How many magicians does it take Happy Christmas!
the prediction. If they call an EVEN to do magic?
How you finish your act could well who can also sing or play a was turned round and revealed
be the item by which people musical instrument is equally the words, “Time Gentlemen
remember you. It’s not the ‘be all admired. You only need to look at Please!” With a slight change of
and end all’ of your performance, the success of Mel Harvey over wording, it would be equally
but an aspect I would like to deal the years. effective and suitable for use
with here. The correct finale is One of the all-time favourites as today.
important in all acts, but it’s just a finisher has been the Multiplying Over the years, there have been
that, in close up, the size of the Bottles. Originally, a nine bottle some rather saucy props with
props tends to be scaled down. routine, but latterly some which to end an act. Chinese
However, the impact needs to be manufacturers created a twelve Goodnight was popular at one
the same. bottle version. Tommy Cooper time, but times change and
For many years, in my view, made a big finish of this effect by attitudes with it. I do remember a
there have been basically four adding additional loads, with each magician writing an article on
types of act: stage patter or silent, steal making it easier, as more
in either case played straight (e.g. cover became available. The only
mentalism) or for laughs. Then problem I found with this whole
close up for a relatively formal thing was when striking the stage.
seated audience and, finally, the Bottles, being a little unstable,
act of the Illusionist. I know there could fall over and give away the
are variations on these categories; secret when being carried off. This
for example patter mixed with is bad enough behind the tabs, but
illusion and close up in the form of imagine the embarrassment on an
street magic, mix and mingle or open cabaret floor.
table magic (for functions). There I found the answer in a prop Fin Jon
is technically one other, in effect a supplied many years ago by David such items, with the title X Rated
non-magician, e.g. comedian or Hemingway. It worked like this: Props, but perhaps it is best to
vocalist, who puts in a good trick You performed the routine on a leave it there; well, for the
and is appreciated more for tray. At the end, a cover in the purpose of this piece anyway.
having a second string to their form of a box which had no base, A false tab ending, where the
bow. This is in no way went over the bottles and this was audience thinks you have finished
intended to deride the trunk clipped to the tray. It was and then you hit them with
official magician, as lifted off with a handle and, as something else, has always drawn
conversely a magician your closing words were said, it extra applause and maybe an
additional curtain call. Many
performers have finished on the
Zombie, but in many ways it
lacked a finish. Strong enough if
you had mastered slow moves
and the finesse of Fin Jon, with
Terry watching Dove Pan Demonstration Terry with President Oscar Paulson
Terry, Al Wood and Claude Perry Terry, John Salisse, Jim Peasy, Redvers Dexter
next one shows John Salisse, Magic Company led by their held in the HQ hotels, which were
Jim Peasy, and Redvers Dexter Damaging Director Geoffrey always full of fun and laughter,
admiring our medals from the Robinson’ with his gang of usually featuring people like Ken
South London Magicians Guild, fugitives (mostly from the London Brooke. Not a pack of cards in
now known as The South London Society of Magicians) who would sight!
Magic Society. put on a mad crazy show on the The British Ring Conventions
The many varied and wonderful last late night of the convention, have always been my favourite
Gala Shows over the years are with proceeds from donations (in magical gatherings. Not so much
also special highlights, especially lieu of an admission fee) for the for the magic but meeting up with
the one at Eastbourne in 1986, benefit of the Welfare Fund. These old friends we only see once a
which featured Harry Blackstone would be held ‘somewhere in the year and for the fun and sociability
Jnr presenting The Floating Light basement of the Convention hotel we have.
Bulb, which was, and still is, one – just follow your nose!’ I had the
of the most amazing illusions that ‘dubious’ pleasure of taking part
I have ever seen. in the show at Scarborough in
However, Fringe Shows have 1969, being billed as ‘The poor
always been one of my absolute man’s Rin Tin Tin’!
favourite aspects of conventions, I also recall attending a lot of
and I remember ‘The New Era late-night/early morning sessions
Roy Field watched unborn child. She was also behind what we would now call
the live zoom – Ian a good actress, convincing poltergeist activity. Pots, plates
Keable gave us a the male midwives in and pans fell mysteriously to the
fascinating attendance, although they floor or flew across the room.
PowerPoint could have been more Even when Mrs Golding, the
presentation about suspicious when only parts frightened owner of the house,
his new book ‘The of rabbits, rather than live took refuge with a friend and took
Century of ones, were being ’born’. Ann with her, the pandemonium
Deception: the birth The case of William- followed. One would have thought
of the hoax in eighteenth century Henry Ireland stirred memories that the link between the
England’. He began by defining a for me of historical bibliography paranormal activity and the maid
hoax and its differentiation from lectures when I was a student. would have caused suspicion, but
magic. Hoaxes should be amusing The end product of his hoax it was regarded, well into the 20th
as well as fooling and non- was the ‘discovery’ of a lost play century by many as genuine
financially motivated. Scams, by William Shakespeare, poltergeist activity. Ann later
such as ‘thimble rigging’ which Vortigern. The brilliance of the confessed her trickery with
also began in the 18th century, deceit was that he produced many techniques still used
can still be found today in the small scale forgeries by magicians today.
form of the shells and pea game, purportedly written by Finally, Ian related
or the ‘Find the Lady’ three card Shakespeare such as his favourite hoax –
monte. They differ from benign letters, notes, bills of the Bottle Conjuror.
but amusing pranks. Elaborate sale with references An advertisement
hoaxes can be as difficult to pull to the forthcoming appeared in a
off as complicated magic tricks play. By the time the newspaper saying
or illusions. lost play was actually that a man would
Three successful 18th century ‘discovered’ the climb inside a
hoaxes were described as good background standard sized
and well-known examples. The evidence had bottle on the stage
first was the case of Mary Toft, theoretically verified of a London
famous for seemingly giving birth the claim. Vortigern theatre. The
to rabbits. Mary, who worked as a was actually staged crowds turned up
hop picker, certainly had a known for one night at for the
fascination with rabbits and this Drury Lane Theatre performance, but
fact made her eventual claims in 1796. the performer did
Ian in a bottle
gullibility, or even today would an
intrigued audience turn up to see
what it was all about?
It was a fascinating afternoon
with, maybe, the realization that
people do not change and that
hoaxes, benign and malign, can
still be believed. Many of us will
now, I am sure, be ordering Ian’s
new book to learn more about
these and other historical hoaxes.
The Century of Deception: The
Birth of the Hoax in Eighteenth
Century England by Ian Keable is
now widely available. Check out
www.centuryofdeception.com for
details of where to buy it. If you
would like an inscribed copy, get
in touch directly with Ian Keable
Philip Hitchcock
Lnewsockdown insomnia black cards in any are dealt fairly, the blocking cards
was not all bad horizontal, vertical, or will fall into arrangements
and I utilised diagonal line. The resulting in four levels of chance
some of that extra black cards will be that the volunteer can win.
time to think about referred to as winning The worst-case scenario for the
routines that I used cards, indicating they performer is a pattern where 5/8
to do and revisiting signal success for the lines are blocked giving the
old lecture notes and volunteer no matter volunteer winning odds of 38%.
books. In one of Nick the performance plot. Fig 4 Other patterns have 6/8
Trost’s Gambling The performer Fig 5 and 7/8 Fig 6 lines blocked
Routines series, I stresses that there and give the volunteer odds of
rediscovered several are twice as many 25% and 13% of winning.
Tic Tac Toe challenges with winning cards as red cards so that However, if the three blocking
playing cards that I used to have a the odds are stacked two-to one cards form one of the diagonal
lot of fun with. One challenge that in the volunteer’s favour. The red lines there are no winning lines at
Nick Trost explained very briefly is cards will be referred to as all. Fig 7 If the volunteer shuffles
easy to miss, but I think it is worth blocking cards, as they prevent the cards and deals them, the
unpacking a bit more. It used nine the spectator meeting the odds of turning over no blocking
cards, six of one colour and three challenge set out in the cards are between 38% and 0%,
of the other. Fig 1 Incorporated performance plot. The volunteer with the average somewhere in
into playing card routines, this can ‘win’ on occasion, but when it between depending on the
challenge routine can be matters will always turn over a number of patterns at each level.
impromptu or ‘prepared’, close-up blocking card in the line. This is a However, as magicians there
or scaled up. In addition, if you good effect to entertain and ‘jazz’
don’t like gambling or card with and can combine smoothly Fig 1
routines you can adapt the with a Three Card Monte routine.
principles, theme and plot quite Fig 3
easily using numbers, letters, Even without any secret
symbols, or pictures instead. You intervention, the game is weighted
just use any cards that fall into heavily against the volunteer. The
two easily distinguished sets. The odds quoted to the volunteer (6/9
illustrations below use either or 2/3) are only true when turning
playing cards or blank and printed the first card. From there on the
business cards to demonstrate odds diminish rapidly. The Fig 5
how easy it is to personalise the volunteer must still turn two more
effect to the performer or a client’s winning cards, and they have to
wishes. be in a straight line. However,
The cards are handed to the from a magician’s perspective, it
volunteer. They are given the is the rule that the cards must be
opportunity to shuffle and then turned over in a line that makes
asked to lay them out in a three- things interesting. There are eight
by-three grid. Fig 2 lines to choose from in a nine-
The challenge is to turn three card grid, and, even if the cards
are several principles that we can shuffled and set out the cards. If they want to mix the cards,
invoke to influence the the cards are not in that layout, pretending you do not care either
probabilities. For sections of a you can give the volunteer the way. They may well go straight to
routine where you think it opportunity to mix the cards face the deal. If so, you can patter from
important that the spectator down on the table. Whatever the the standpoint that you are certain
handles the cards and mixes them result, prepare some entertaining a winning line will not be the
freely there is a strong possibility lines for all eventualities. outcome.
of the spectator turning over a In performance, why not start After each phase use a Three
blocking card. Using marked with the blocking cards in stack Card Brag stacking technique.
cards, either, pre-prepared or positions 1, 5 and 9. Demonstrate Face down (if using marked cards)
marked in play, allows the patterns dealing the grid of nine cards and or face up (checking the cards
to be identified as the cards are collect the cards apparently at have not been tampered with),
laid out and alternative patter random but without changing the scoop the cards in groups of three
lines adopted. If there are winning stack positions of the blocking with a blocking card in the correct
lines possible, you patter from the cards. Emphasise that there are positions to place them in a
standpoint that this is a game of ‘nine factorial’ or 362,880 diagonal line when the next grid is
chance, which you are going to try different ways of dealing 9 cards dealt. You may need to mix the
and win but nothing is certain. The (true) and there is no way of cards face up to get ideal scoop
cards may be dealt with no winning predicting which one is on the positions, but it will look different
lines. If so, you will be able to table. You can false shuffle and each time. Fig 8
state with absolute certainty that cut if you like. Then hand the pack I hope this stimulates more
the volunteer cannot meet the over and ask your helper to deal ideas on this Nick Trost gambling
challenge, even after they have the grid as demonstrated. Ask if challenge.
P erhaps
Christmas is the
most ideal time to
are Christmas packs of
cards, adaptable for
most packet card
down coins without a sticker
showing, until only one coin is left.
This coloured coin (with double
show off your tricks, whilst good stickers) matches the prediction
magical abilities quality Happy Family you made before you started. Was
either as a cards make card tricks it chance, intuition or magic?
children’s more suitable for While discussions are taking
entertainer, cabaret children. Various place, switch the double coin and
artist or close-up Christmas decorations, its mate for another colour and it
performer. It like small baubles, are can be done again!
reminds us how versatile magic ideal for Cups and Balls and One It’s always a pleasure to hear
can be and an ideal medium for in Pocket and Two in the Hand, as from Ian Adair and learn about his
“breaking the ice” and bringing well as Torn and Restored cracker latest ideas, especially twists on
folk together with a common hat, or Christmas card prediction. popular effects. This time he
purpose of enjoyment as well You’ll be amazed at the ideas wrote: “I am having fun
as being thought provoking and you’ll discover just by showing friends an old
entertaining. looking at the retail Betcha type stunt. I’ve
For those who don’t do displays in your added a magical climax
close-up on a regular basis is local shops. Save to it, which really
this opportunity taken seriously your old Christmas makes a difference.”
or do you just put something in cards, cut them down to The original
the pocket? Is it the same as playing card size and you stunt is one
years past and treated in a have your own unique pack which uses a
flippant or casual sort of way? of cards. square of paper with a
We all have our favourite ‘party Christmas is also an ideal hole through its centre. You hand
piece,’ but do we give it some time to bring out those effects someone a ten pence sized coin
thought to add to this, making which combine magic and and ask them if they can push it
up a theme of several effects? puzzles. Again, it’s a great way to through the hole. Of course, they
These could be seemingly get everyone in a group involved. can’t because the hole is smaller
casually performed, but taking For instance, use five coins with a than the coin. You explain it can be
the experience to higher and different coloured sticker on each. done by magic by folding the
more professional level. On one, put a similar sticker on square of paper in half (see
Many of the popular standard BOTH sides. Spectators take it in illustration) and holding both
close-up effects can be slanted turn to shake the coins in their sides. Then bend these up so the
towards Christmas, using hands and throw them on the coin falls through easily.
seasonal items on sale. There table. You remove all the face “My addition,” says Ian. “Is that
once several folk have tried to gimmicked coin through the hole. spectators that this time you
accomplish this and failed, Make sure you cover the curled can push it through the hole
casually switch the genuine coin edges and casually show it (after without folding or bending the
for one which is bent (If you all, they have seen the real one paper. Watch the faces of
cannot bend the coin in a vice, get moments before). Then pretend to onlookers as they pick up the
someone to do it for you.) Hold the bend it between the fingers back paper square and the bent coin.
paper square flat and in an open and forth and drop it through the (The latter cannot be
state and simply drop the hole in the paper. Tell the straightened out!)
Thanks Ian for another great
idea. If YOU have any ideas to
add to this theme, please let me
have them. Who knows, with
this internet and lack of paper
instructions, all these “goodies”
could be lost.
members’ area, we have
with videos. If you
VIDEO menu choice itself
there would be windows of
opportunity if other things had to
take priority. If you have content
members’ area so that members
can watch them whenever they
wish. I would love some of you to
you will get to a page of general you can offer to members, I’d love volunteer to help with this. For
videos. If you click the videos from to hear from you! each video I will need to have a
Bob Hamilton sub menu you will Just after Eastbourne, The picture, a sensible title, and some
find more. I’m not certain this is British Ring Members’ forum was keywords to help people search. It
the best layout but I’m also set up on facebook. I decided to would be nice to have a brief
conscious that pages with videos set myself a challenge of posting description as well. For any one
on can take a while to load so I a video a day (I like taking on video, this shouldn’t take much
wanted to reduce the load time. projects as you will have noticed). more time than it takes to watch
These videos (being in the At the time of writing, I’ve posted the video. However, as you can
members’ area) are specifically in excess of 700 videos for imagine, if I do it on my own it will
for our members benefit. As you members to enjoy. These are all take some considerable time! If
know, we use the members’ area publicly available on the internet, you can spare a small amount of
to host our Nonventions and we I’ve just done the hard work time to do even one video, then
would love to increase the content finding them. During the first that will speed up the process so
in the video area for the benefit of Nonvention I posted a list of all the please get in touch with me. Don’t
members. Suggestion could videos found so far. Going forget to see them as I post them
include even more Nonventions forwards, I intend to build a join us on Facebook! I will keep
(nice, but a lot of work for some!) searchable archive of these in the going as long as I can find
and having specific lectures – interesting videos and people
perhaps from past conventions – keep watching them!
available for a limited amount of
time. The British Ring has never
had regular meetings and has
people from all walks of life with
different priorities. That was my
principle behind the Nonvention
planning that although it would be
“live” for those who wanted it,