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The Way of Awakening

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Author of The Miracle Self and The Giving Self
Other Writings and Recordings By Paul F. Gorman
To order go to

The Miracle Self
The Giving Self
The Way Of Awakening

True Silence Of Mind
A Course In Spiritual Prosperity
Stand On Truth 100 Percent
Affluence Of Infinity
Infinity Of Being
The Metaphysics Of Truth
The Metaphysics Of Truth Part 2
The Simplicity Of Truth
Simplicity Of Truth: The Practice
The Spiritual Kingdom

The Finished Kingdom
True Oneness
Science And Practice Of Spiritual Prosperity
Science And Practice Of Spiritual Healing
Spirit Is
The Impersonal Self
Rising To Mystical Consciousness
Absolute Surrender To God
Mystical Healing
Evidencing Illumined Consciousness
Practice Of Illumined Silence
Practitioners Retreat
God Already Is
Rest In God
Silence Lives Me
Miracle Of Truth Consciousness
Demonstrate Infinity
The Pearl Of Truth
The Way of Awakening
Copyright © 2012 by Paul F. Gorman

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted

in any form without the express permission in writing from the publisher,
except by a reviewer who may quote brief passages for review purposes.



Miracle Self Publications

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In The Beginning

1 The First Truth

2 Taking The First Truth Deeper
3 A Purer Understanding
4 Introducing The Second Truth
5 The Revelation Of Oneness
6 The Lost Buddha And Christ Consciousness
7 Consciousness Is The Miracle
8 The Fields Are Already White For Harvest
9 Under The Government Of God
10 The Third Truth
11 The God Experience
12 Living As Infinite Being
In The Beginning

In the beginning of awakening, as spirit stirs within conscious-

ness, five aspects of Truth blossom into realization:
* The pure “I” of Being—the Truth and Fullness of Being
Itself—is Infinite; Infinity Itself; the Infinitude of Truth being All
that Is.
* The Truth of Being—the pure “I” of you, me and all—is
Omnipresence being omnipresent at each point of Itself: the
Whole of God, the Infinite Allness of spirit and truth, is pres-
ent at every point of Itself at the same time.
* Truth is ever Manifest, Tangible and Visible. There is no
“Unmanifest”, “Intangible” or “Invisible” Truth.
* Truth is One; Oneness. “There is no other”; there is not
‘two’ or ‘twoness’. There is nothing, anywhere, under any cir-
cumstance or condition but the One Truth, therefore the One
Infinity of Being, Body, Thing, Amount, Activity and Condi-
tion. There is not God and. There is just God; just Truth; just In-
finity; just Wholeness and Completeness of All everywhere


* Because Truth is One being Oneness, Omnipresence being

Omnipresent, It does not and cannot ‘change’ Its Substance,
Form, Character, Nature, Presence. Consider: where would that
‘change’ be happening, or exist, in omnipresence being om-
nipresent; in One being Oneness?
The more your individual consciousness and mine is being
Truth—which means constantly knowing and being these 5 as-
pects of Truth rather than that of a lower ‘level’ or ‘degree’ of
awareness that accepts material, physical, finite existence—the
more the Infinity of Being is experienced as real, tangible and
practical in every situation and condition of daily experience.


Fundamentally, the only struggle we have with the material ex-

perience of life is that of mistaken identity.
Because God—Spirit and Truth—is the only Presence, the
Infinitude Itself, then You are That, I am That, All is That.
That, the I Am, is the only Truthful Identity.
Therefore the more we seek Truth to reveal Itself as har-
mony of one sort or another in our lives (our conceptual expe-
rience), and the more urgently we seek it—usually because an
experience of illness, unhappiness, lack, limitation or insecurity
is affecting us—the more we ‘chase’ That which We already Are
and Have. We chase the un-chase-able.
It is in ‘chasing the un-chase-able’ that we delay Truthful ex-
perience—the miracle of Truth tangibly evidencing Itself as our
everyday conceptual harmony, health, wealth, peace, happiness


and purpose; our true infinity, freedom and purpose of being.

‘Chasing’ Truth is what we do when look for the secret on page
after page of book after book; by traveling the world’s ‘holy
places’ hoping to discover It there; listening to dozens of class
audios, or attending dozens of live classes hoping that they, or
the ‘next one’ will reveal It to us; latching onto truth statement
after truth statement trying to evidence the truth it speaks of, or
trying to ‘make’ its truth ‘work’ in our experience.
As we have discovered ‘chasing’ Truth does not, and cannot,
It is only when we come to realize that We already are Truth
and that everything everywhere already Is, and contains, the full-
ness of Truth that we become still and quiet and are able to begin
witnessing Truth as everyday experience.


Because Truth is indivisible—because the Whole exists at every

point in infinity at the same time—one Truth statement—any
Truth statement—is, and contains, the whole truth.
In other words, any one Truth statement is, and contains, the
whole ‘secret’ of awakening.
We haven’t recognized this and so we do not stick with one
or at most a handful of Truth statements, deepening our un-
derstanding of them, enriching consciousness with their truth.
Thereby we miss it; we pass by the very truth we’re seeking.
Yet ‘enriching’ consciousness by taking one, or just a very few,
truth statements and really ‘working’ with them, seeking the


depth and richness of their truth, and letting that revealed truth
become evident in our experience, is the great key to illuminat-
ing consciousness (spiritual awakening).
This ‘enriching’ of consciousness is what Jesus explains in
the Parable of the Sower (the Bible; Mark 4):

1 And again He began to teach by the sea. And a great multi-

tude was gathered to Him, so that He got into a boat and sat in
it on the sea; and the whole multitude was on the land facing the
2 Then He taught them many things by parables, and said to
them in His teaching:
3 Listen! Behold, a sower went out to sow.
4 And it happened, as he sowed, that some seed fell by the
wayside; and the birds of the air came and devoured it.
5 Some fell on stony ground, where it did not have much
earth; and immediately it sprang up because it had no depth of
6 But when the sun was up it was scorched, and because it
had no root it withered away.
7 And some seed fell among thorns; and the thorns grew up
and choked it, and it yielded no crop.
8 But other seed fell on good ground and yielded a crop that
sprang up, increased and produced: some thirtyfold, some sixty,
and some a hundred.
9 And He said to them, He who has ears to hear, let him
10 But when He was alone, those around Him with the


twelve asked Him about the parable.

11 And He said to them, To you it has been given to know
the mystery of the kingdom of God; but to those who are out-
side, all things come in parables,
12 so that seeing they may see and not perceive, And hear-
ing they may hear and not understand; Lest they should turn (to
13 And He said to them, Do you not understand this para-
ble? How then will you understand all the parables?
14 The sower sows the word.
15 And these are the ones by the wayside where the word is
sown. When they hear, Satan (material belief) comes immedi-
ately and takes away the word that was sown in their hearts.
16 These likewise are the ones sown on stony ground who,
when they hear the word, immediately receive it with gladness;
17 and they have no root in themselves, and so endure only
for a time. Afterward, when tribulation or persecution arises for
the word’s sake, immediately they stumble.
18 Now these are the ones sown among thorns; they are the
ones who hear the word,
19 and the cares of this world, the deceitfulness of riches
(material belief and desire), and the desires for other things en-
tering in choke the word, and it becomes unfruitful.
20 But these are the ones sown on good ground, those who
hear the word, accept it, and bear fruit: some thirtyfold, some
sixty, and some a hundred.



The key to illumined consciousness is depth of Truth awareness.

The depth of truth awareness is the “good ground” Jesus speaks
of, which bears rich fruit (rich harmonious spiritual and con-
ceptual experience; All being One)—”some thirtyfold, some
sixty, and some a hundred.”
We enrich consciousness by deepening truth awareness.
“Know the truth, and that very truth will set you free.” We
can interpret: “The greater depth and specificity of truth you know,
the greater freedom and fruitage of life as that very truth you ex-
Why? Consciousness is tangible experience—tangible body,
form, amount, activity, condition. Therefore, the depth of truth
consciousness we are being is the ‘richness’ and ‘treasure’ of truth
experience we evidence conceptually.
Remember: All is One being Oneness, the ‘inner’ and the
‘outer’ being One not two; not different. Consciousness does
not ‘produce’ conceptual experience; consciousness being the one
Infinite Presence and Substance—having no ‘inner’ versus
‘outer’—is the substance, form, body, amount, activity and con-
dition that looks (appears to be) conceptual as we observe the
content of consciousness ‘through’ the conceptual (human)
Therefore the greater depth of truth we have (know) the
greater depth of truth we evidence (as in the parable of the



For the rest of our awakening we will be taking three primary

truth statements to work with for twelve weeks. This Beginning
Week we need to prepare and fertilize the soil of consciousness
in readiness for the ‘planting’ of the three truth statements.
We do this by deepening our understanding of what has been
given us this week. The deeper we understand what has been ex-
plained above, the more prepared and fertilized becomes our soil
of consciousness.
We want—as Jesus shared—for our consciousness to be the
“good ground” that has depth and the nutrients of under-
standing and acceptance that yield rich fruitage— “(This) seed fell
on good ground and yielded a crop that sprang up, increased and produced:
some thirtyfold, some sixty, and some a hundred.”
I suggest you read these “In The Beginning” pages at least
once per day, ideally two, three, four times a day. Then take
them into meditation, pondering them, awakening to them, un-
derstanding them, realizing them.
Interlace pondering with silence in and through that which
you have pondered so that it now ‘takes root and grows’—re-
veals more and more of itself as true and real.
Aim to devote at least four hours a day to reading these
pages, meditating upon them, and to silence, through and as
which the Message speaks to you and becomes, immediately, the
more evident good and abundant form of every aspect of you.

Chapter One


With the last seven days of preparing and enriching the soil (re-
ceptivity) of consciousness we are ready to plant our primary
realizations of Truth.
Perhaps the three most significant and ‘complete’ realizations
of truth ever given mankind are the following (these particular
statements are taken from the Bible, but in spiritual scripture
the world over we find the same three truths revealed):

1, “All things were made through Him, and without Him

nothing was made that was made,”—and—”God saw every
thing that he had made, and, behold, it was very good.”
2, “The earth is the Lord’s, and the fulness thereof; the world,
and they that dwell therein.” Therefore “I am that I am.”
3, “Unless the LORD builds the house, they labor in vain
who build it; Unless the LORD guards the city, the watchman


stays awake in vain.”

We are being given (planting) all three now so that they can
each start taking root. We will be working with and expounding
on these three throughout the book, allowing them to take deep
root, grow, blossom and produce rich fruitage in individual ex-
perience and for the good of all.
We are working with the first alone this week (let the other
two rest in consciousness this week; no attention need be given


“All things were made through Him, and without Him nothing
was made that was made.” (Gospel of John 1:3)
And, “God saw every thing that he had made, and, behold,
it was very good.” (Genesis 1:31)
We must take Truth literally. Truth must become a living,
moving reality to us. Truth must become what we are in living
Of course, Truth is already what we are, but because Truth,
God, the Infinite, is consciousness the entire ‘secret’ is conscious
awareness of Who and What we are.
Always, it is about being consciously aware.
Truth is True; Truth is the One, therefore only Reality. But
unless and until we each become (awaken) consciously aware of
Truth being What and Who we are, and What All Is, then It
and the boundless Perfection of Life It Is cannot be evident tan-


gibly in and as our experience.

I’ll give you a good example. A few months ago we took a
trip to Boulder, Colorado for a few days. We love vegetarian
food and so were looking for a nice vegetarian restaurant as we
explored downtown and the charming Pearl Street Mall.
Not a vegetarian restaurant anywhere in sight.
Well, after a wonderful first day’s visit we decided to head
back to our hotel. Just as we were within 50 yards of the front
door there was a first class vegetarian restaurant!
We had walked right past it on our way in and out of the
hotel but we had no conscious awareness of its presence, therefore
it ‘did not exist tangibly’ in and as our experience.
It was there, tangibly and visibly. Yet without our conscious
awareness it was ‘not there’; it was ‘intangible and invisible’. It is
only ‘there’ for those who are consciously aware of its presence.
The very moment we became consciously aware of it, it was tan-
gible and visible as our immediate fulfillment of experience.
This is exactly what happens as we awaken to any aspect of
life. All awakening is the same thing, the awakening to more of
Truth. All is God—”All things were made through Him, and
without Him nothing was made that was made”—therefore
everything everywhere without exception—in our case at the
time, the vegetarian restaurant—is God. No matter what we dis-
cover, what we learn, it is God appearing tangibly and visibly to
us, as us, as our awakening or unfolding conscious awareness (con-
sciousness) of the infinity of That Which Is.
Every moment of every day—no matter what we name the
thoughts, things and activities which constitute our day—is al-


ways an act of awakening to—becoming consciously aware of—That

which Is, because That Which Is is the Only Is.
It is the act of awakening—becoming consciously aware—that is
tangible and visible individual experience, because awareness is
always embodied. There is no unmanifest or unembodied God,
Truth, Awareness. God is fully Manifest, fully Embodied, infi-
nitely so. The Kingdom of God (the only kingdom) is finished.
Therefore awareness is Finished, Complete, Whole. “The place
whereon you stand is Holy (Whole) ground.” The whole secret
therefore is awakening to That Finished Kingdom of Is. And
awakening is an act of consciousness; an act of becoming con-
sciously aware of That Which Is.
Therefore the next question is, “What is God? What are ‘All
things were made through Him, and without Him nothing was
made that was made.’? What is ‘God saw every thing that he
had made, and, behold, it was very good.’?”
Here’s the answer, and this is the missing key to all spiritual
awakening, Truth, healing, fulfillment:

“God is Spirit: and they that worship him

must worship him in spirit and in truth.”
(Gospel of John 4:24)


Ponder deeply throughout the week—day and night, hour fol-

lowed by hour—that God is Spirit; Truth is Spirit; You and All are


Spirit, therefore Infinite, Incorporeal and Omnipresent in Body,

Form, Amount, Nature, Character and Condition.
Realize that it is your individual pondering, contemplating, ‘keep-
ing your mind on God’ that is the ‘taking root’ of Truth in con-
sciousness—the lesson of Jesus’ Parable of the Sower.
No one—not even Jesus or Gautama—can do this for us.
Only we ourselves can do it for ourselves.
The deeper you ponder this truth; the deeper you explore it,
‘work’ it, ‘chew’ on it, and the more you allow the silence, after
or interweaved with pondering, to be the space in which and
through which It sprouts forth, blossoms and becomes
fruitage—becomes more consciously known, experienced, felt—
the more those blossoms become tangible and visible as your
experience of One Harmony omnipresent; one experience of
good, ‘inner’ and ‘outer’; the actual experience of Oneness as
your life.

I Am with you throughout, the Light of My Silence

bathing you, supporting you, the gentle balm of Truth
surrounding you, protecting you, awakening your
consciousness each and every hour.

Chapter Two


As the roots of a plant grow, so do its young leaves and branches.

The ‘inner’ growth is evident as ‘outer’ form too.
One without the other is impossible because the plant is one
whole not ‘two’ separate parts; not ‘one’ feeding or producing
the ‘other’.
The deeper and more developed the roots become, the
greater and more abundant are the outer forms of foliage, buds,
flowers and fruit—all one expression happening.
In this way, the deeper Truth is known and felt as true, and as
one—the more we live Truth rather than occasionally think about
It, attempting to ‘use’ It to improve our ‘outer’ experience of
life; the more we are aware of the oneness of Truth rather than a
false awareness of an ‘inner’ versus ‘outer’ sense of life—then
the more tangibly evident is the whole of our ‘inner’ and ‘outer’
harmony, consciously being lived as One.


Miracles of Truth begin to reveal themselves as we take the

roots of Truth deeper into the enriched soil of consciousness,
like the miracle of the vine revealing its multitude of buds, fo-
liage, flowers and fruit, appearing as its roots continue to grow
deeper, more wide-spread, nourished by rich and fertile soil.
It is therefore with such joy that we take the first truth deeper
this week, remembering that just one truth statement contains
the whole of Truth, therefore the whole of the fruitage of truth
(see In The Beginning).


Remember, what we are doing is not ‘work’, it is the ‘growth’

(the revealing) of your truth of being—the miracle of the infinity
of You, your World, Your true fulfillment of Purpose—tangi-
bly evident, formed and real here and now.
Taking these truth statements deeper and deeper into con-
sciousness is not ‘practice’ for some future good. It is the actual
revealing of the truth of You, the infinity of Your Being, evi-
dent here and now, this day, just as the growing roots of the vine
are not ‘practice’ for future blossom and fruit.
Each day of root growth beneath the ground is ‘also’ re-
vealed as greater foliage, blossom and fruit growth above the
ground, all being one whole. It may seem for a short while, to ma-
terial awareness, as if the roots grow ‘before’ more leaves and
fruit appear. But the more we are aware of omnipresence—of
one Whole not ‘two’—the more immediately oneness is experienced.
All Already Is. Nothing of Truth—therefore nothing of Any-


thing Anywhere—becomes Truth, becomes manifest, becomes tangi-

ble. All already Is.


Never let the Truth of the Finished Kingdom slip from your
conscious awareness. Keep the truth of It alive in consciousness
each and every hour:
All is already Complete.
God is Finished, Whole, Complete, Perfect.
God is not still working on His Kingdom. Nothing is ‘born’,
‘growing’, ‘maturing’, then ‘dying’. Nothing is ‘evolving’. The
Kingdom Is; the Universe Is; the Earth Is—All One Finished
Body of Truth, God, Paradise, infinite in Form, Expression and
Purpose; omnipresent as You.
The Spiritual Universe Is before (meaning ‘within’, not ‘be-
fore’ as in a sense of time) the image of universe (see Genesis
Spiritual Man Is before the image of man (named ‘mental and
Light fills the universe before the image of the sun is in the
All already Is; all forms of imagery are ‘secondary’ as
‘earthly’ (what we name ‘human; material; physical’) experience.
All is God’s Perfect Spiritual Kingdom, Being, Body, Form,
Activity, Amount from ‘the beginning’ (eternity happening as
the very Essence, Truth and Reality of God, You, All; All
One)—the Omnipresence of The Infinite happening as You (be-


cause “I Am the Lord and beside Me there is none else” Isaiah

45:6), sublime Being-ness in divine order, undisturb-able Bliss,
Peace and Joy of Being, immaculate beyond apprehension, tran-
scendental, boundless, celestial, beatific, sacred, wonderful infi-
nitely beyond the deepest possible intellectual experience.


What appears to be born, to grow, develop, mature and even-

tually die is simply collective and individual awareness moving.
God Already Is; the Finished Kingdom is what it says: Fin-
ished. God is Wholly Finished. Omnipresence is Wholly Finished
and Present here and now as You, as Me, as All— “The place
whereon you stand (You are Being) is Holy (Whole; Om-
nipresent) ground.” (Exodus 3:5; Acts 7:33)
What appears as evolution, growth, development, progress
is simply awareness of the Finished Kingdom happening as your
moving, moment-by-moment activity of consciousness.
The critical truth to realize is that All is already Whole, Fin-
ished, in Perfect divine Completion and Order. Nothing—not a
true grain or fiber or wisp or form or amount—is missing from
you, separate or apart from you and your spontaneous tangible
experience at every step, every breath, every point of you.
All is One, without exception, without condition, without
You are That Oneness; I am that Oneness; All is that One-
ness—in Its Perfect Finished State of Being and Experience—
simply witnessed as ‘happening’ or ‘evolving’ or ‘growing’ as an


act of conscious awareness but never as an Actual Act (because All

is Already Finished, Done, Whole, Complete).
It is because of the truth of the finished kingdom of God,
Oneness, Wholeness, Omnipresence that there is no ‘practice’
for some future good experience. All deepening of spiritual
awareness is the revealing of more of the omnipresent Good of
the infinity of Being, Truth, that You are—already Whole,
Complete, Finished in every way, every detail, every breath.
As we know this truth—”Know the truth and the truth will
set you free”—we relax in confidence and joy in the activity of
forever deepening truth awareness by ‘working’ with these truth
The very act of pondering truth deeper and deeper; the very
act of forever expounding and substantiating our individual
awareness of the great spiritual truths is the revealing of greater
and richer tangible forms and activities of Good happening as your
conscious awareness therefore as your tangible experience (“Conscious-
ness is tangible experience,” The Miracle Self) just as the very
act of the roots of the vine growing and spreading ‘under the
ground’ is the growth and flourishing of the vine’s leaves, blos-
soms and fruit.
All is one happening: the Oneness of Omnipresence reveal-
ing ever more of Itself to and as ‘human’ experience by the ac-
tivity of conscious awareness of the Finished Kingdom happening collectively
and individually as specific awareness of being, form, activity,
amount, situation, condition, place.
The grass does not grow; awareness moves over the speci-
ficity of the finished kingdom of ‘Grass’ forever Whole, Divine


and Perfect, and that movement of conscious awareness appears

as the experience of grass growing, being cut, growing again.
No material activity ever touches or disturbs (cuts) the True
Grass (Divine Idea). It ever Is and remains a divine state of un-
touchable, undisturb-able Form, but ‘human’ awareness moving as
a sense of time and space makes it seem to grow, be cut, grow
In the same way you are forever Whole, Complete, the Di-
vinity of Being individually and uniquely being the Whole of the
Finished Kingdom of God happening here and now as You and
every minute detail and experience of you and your infinite
world—All One Being, One Happening, One Form, One Ex-
perience, never ‘two’, never Spirit ‘feeding’ or ‘supplying’ or
eventually ‘becoming’ your tangible, visible experience.
So now, as we continue to delve deeper into conscious aware-
ness of the Truth of Being—your Truth of Being and mine—by
our ever deeper pondering, contemplating, and meditating on
these truths, we realize that this very act is now to be evident as
greater, richer, more joyous, beautiful and harmonious tangible
experience as the oneness of ‘both’ inner and outer experience.
Truth realization is never ‘work’ for some future ‘result’;
never ‘practice’ for some future good. It is the here and now of
spiritual experience, purpose, being, ‘inner’ and ‘outer’ all Being
One—”Make the inner the outer, and make the outer the
inner,” Jesus, Gospel of Thomas.
It is the here and now of revealing the Truth of the Infinity of
You as One Whole, the true and spiritual Freedom of You as
One Whole, and the truth that Earth is Heaven here and now


as One Whole, “and beside Me (God, Truth, Heaven) there is

none else”.



Knowing what has been said today, let us gleefully and with joy-
ous openness and expectation, ponder even deeper our First
Truth of Truths:

“All things were made through Him, and without Him

nothing was made that was made.”
(Gospel of John 1:3)

“God saw every thing that he had made,

and, behold, it was very good.”
(Genesis 1:31)


“God is Spirit: and they that worship him

must worship him in spirit and in truth.”
(Gospel of John 4:24)

More and deeper than ever before, live with this incredible truth
at every step of your hour, day and week.
Look at every person, thing, amount, condition and place


you experience at each moment. Realize that no matter how it

appears to ‘human’ awareness, no matter how it acts, its nature,
its character, its form, its color, its scent, its taste, its seeming rea-
son or purpose, what actually and literally is here and now is God,
Spirit and Truth, the Infinite appearing to be finite, the divine
appearing to be human, physical, material.
It is That which is “made through Him, and without Him
nothing was made that was made.” And because the ‘him, her
or it’ of your awareness is God Only and therefore of God (of
the Oneness of God, Omnipresence) he, she or it is very good
in Truth—”God saw every thing that he had made, and, be-
hold, it was very good.”
Realize deeper than ever before that every he, she or it is
Spirit and Truth—”God is Spirit: and they that worship him
must worship him (recognize All) in spirit and in truth.”


In order to achieve this deeper awareness of truth we must slow

down. We must have, be, a consciousness of spaciousness, gen-
tleness, stillness, peace, tranquility.
In that spaciousness the miracle of Truth is evident.
In the normal rush and bustle of ‘human, material’ activity
Truth cannot possibly be evident.
Truth is peace, stillness, spaciousness, silence and only in and as
that same consciousness Being You, Being Me, can Truth be evident.
That makes sense, doesn’t it?
If Truth is Peace, Stillness, Spaciousness, Silence then it is


perfectly logical and understandable that It is only witnessed,

experienced, in the consciousness that It Is.
Lastly, always remember that after, or interwoven with, your
pondering, contemplating, meditating have plenty of silence—be
silence—many, many times throughout the day.
It is only in and as the silence of you that the ‘growth’ (the re-
vealing) of greater Truth evident as tangible experience hap-


You are never alone. The whole readership of this book is one
body of being, one consciousness, one truth of being awaken-
You are That, and are continually in My Consciousness; you
are known as Your Truth; you are tangibly realized as Your
Truth and the Truth of every detail of you and your world. I—
Paul—do not have to ‘personally’ know that you are reading
this book, and keep you in ‘my’ consciousness. Consciousness
Knows; Consciousness is ‘your’ consciousness and mine.
Therefore, rest and relax in My—The One—Consciousness
supporting you, protecting you, flooding you, permeating every
detail of your world and experience.
As you know this, and rest and relax, and be open to It, you
will feel Its presence filling you within, Being You, revealing the
Life, Love, Beauty, Bounty, Harmony and Peace that is Your
Truth here and now.

Chapter Three


Perhaps the most wonderful and clarifying way we can under-

stand what God Is—the Truth and infinity of Being; the Truth
and infinity of All—is Consciousness.
Let’s not say we know this! Yes, we’ve heard it over and over
but we know it only when we are experiencing It, being It—
when we are witnessing the very presence and form of God,
Truth, Limitlessness being our experience in and out, as every-
thing everywhere, losing the ‘skin’ or ‘veil’ of material sense—
material belief; material experience—to reveal truthful being,
body, form, activity, and amount.
So let us delve deeper into Consciousness being what God,
All, Is because without a clear and tangible understanding we
cannot experience Truth alive as our being, our presence—the


truth of all life experience.


God is Consciousness. The entirety of God—the entirety of the

Infinitude; All that God Is and Has, therefore All that Is, with-
out exception—is Consciousness.
The All that we name God—which is one hundred percent
Consciousness—exists Wholly Complete, Manifest, Tangible
and Visible as Itself in perfect, intricately divine Order at every
point of Itself simultaneously.
This intricately divine Order—Consciousness—is the infi-
nite Body of Awareness being All, appearing to five-sense mind
as the individual and unique body of awareness—conscious-
ness—named ‘you’, ‘me’ and ‘all’.
There is no life but the Wholeness of Life being infinitely in-
dividual, unique and intricately perfect Bodies of Awareness.
That is what You are, I am, All is. The very fact that you are
alive—that you have life—means that you are, and have, the
Whole of Life, the Whole and intricately perfect Infinity that
God Is, Being the Entirety of Itself—a Body of the Whole of
Awareness being Individual and Unique Presence—that human
sense has named as you, me, and all.



Consciousness is pure Consciousness, there being—literally—

”none else”—”I am God and beside Me there is none else.”

It is on the misunderstanding of this Truth—this Fact—that

spiritual understanding falls down. Despite over 4000 years of
spiritual truth being revealed and evidenced we fall down by be-
lieving that there is God—Pure Consciousness—and a material,
physical being and universe.
We believe we have to somehow ‘demonstrate’ or ‘evidence’
or ‘manifest’ or ‘reveal’ in our lives all the good that God Is.
We believe that God is some kind of storehouse from which
we get or draw or manifest our good. We believe that God, Pure
Consciousness, has to somehow be ‘brought’ or ‘converted’ to
the ‘material, physical’ experience of life.
Do you see that it is this very belief that is the sense of sepa-
ration that keeps the Whole of Good which We Are and Have
from our experience here and now?
The belief that something ‘else’ than God Itself has to hap-
pen in order for ‘material, physical’ life to be full of unstoppable
and unconditional good is the very belief that empties experi-
ence of the good it Is, is filled to overflowing with, and has as
every breath of its very being, and cannot ever be without!
No, there is nothing but Pure God, Pure Consciousness. It is
right here, on this point that is found the reason so few of the
population of the world—even of the spiritually fertile of the
world—fail to experience the great truths and promises of Truth
in and as every day life. It is the sole reason we struggle with life,
in any and every way struggle is still experienced, individually
and collectively.
There is no other reason for the lacks, limitations, discords
and diseases that rack and ravage the world. There is no other


place than God, Pure Consciousness, to look for the solution to

any and every problem the world, including you and I individ-
ually, has or ever will have.


Consciousness—Life, God, Spirit, Truth—does not have within

It or as It, nor does It produce or form or become, any name,
body, form, object, amount, condition, circumstance, or activ-
ity as the conceptual mind knows of life experience.
Pure Consciousness does not change Its Nature, Substance,
Body, Form, Amount or Activity. And because pure Conscious-
ness is All there Is—the Infinite Itself, there being nothing else
of existence possible (otherwise the Infinite would not truly be
infinite, which of course is not possible)—Pure Consciousness is
the only truthful experience, the only experience which is Full,
Whole, Complete, Perfect and Free.
Pure Consciousness is the only way in which the unstoppable
fullness, perfection, freedom and joy of life is experienced.
There is not God Life and your life, or mine. There is not
God Life and converted God Life appearing as material, phys-
ical life. There is only God Life.


God is not ‘within’ your mind or body. God is the ‘withinness’

of consciousness, which means the ‘purity’ of consciousness.
The term ‘within consciousness’ means ‘pure consciousness’


not any kind of physical withinness; not a center within a shell;

not a central substance or beingness ‘within’ a body or a mind,
but ‘pure consciousness’ devoid of, or before, a thought, a word,
a thing, a name.
This is the Great Key to spiritual living: living the experience
of Pure Consciousness without or before a thought, a word, a
thing, a name.
The whole of infinity, the Whole of God, the whole of every-
thing the Infinite Is and Has—all the infinity of Mind, Body,
Form, Thing, Activity, Amount, Condition, Circumstance,
Place, World, Universe—is Pure Consciousness. Nothing else
exists; nothing else at all exists.
Therefore if we have in mind the need or desire for anything
‘else’ at all, there is the reason for the experience of lack and
limitation, disease and discord.
There is nothing ‘else’ than God Itself, Consciousness Itself,
therefore if we have a sense of anything ‘else’ or any ‘other’ con-
dition or experience needed or desired than Pure God Itself—
Pure Consciousness Itself—then it becomes obvious why we
struggle along in lack and limitation.


With this clarity let us now gain a purer understanding of the

First Truth:

“All things were made through Him, and without Him

nothing was made that was made.”
(Gospel of John 1:3)



“God saw every thing that he had made,

and, behold, it was very good.”
(Genesis 1:31)


“God is Spirit: and they that worship him

must worship him in spirit and in truth.”
(Gospel of John 4:24)

Let’s understand this as: “All things were (are) made through
and as Pure Consciousness, and without Pure Consciousness
nothing was (is) made that was (is) made,” and, “Pure Con-
sciousness sees every thing that It has made, and, behold, it is
very good—very pure, made of pure consciousness,” and, “God
is Pure Consciousness: and they that worship him must worship
him in the truth—the undeviating fact—that All is Pure Con-


Let us devote each hour of this week—as our ‘formal’ medita-

tion and silence periods and as maintained underlying aware-
ness during our work and family activities—that Only Pure
Consciousness Is, that nothing at all exists but Pure Conscious-
ness, and that, therefore, all we need and all we can desire is and


must be only that of Pure Consciousness.

All ‘else’ is nothing more than 3-dimensional images formed
as the conceptual mind—the ‘human’ degree of awareness—
observes Oneness through its five senses.
There is nothing ‘else’ yet there appears to be. But that which
appears to be is nothing but images—imaginations; forms of
the conceptual mind of the One Pure Consciousness that Is In-
finitely All.
Stay consciously aware of this truth every hour as best you
can. Then have as much ‘formal’ meditation on it, pondering it,
deepening your awareness of it, opening out the truth of it as
your reality and the reality of all.
Also realize this, and allow yourself to experience It as often
as you can each day: Pure Consciousness is Silence. The Infinity of
Good, omnipresent right where You are, happening as the
Truth and Wholeness of you, the infinite Completeness of You
this and every minute of your experience, is found only to Be,
and is experienced only in and as, Silence.
Therefore, only as we are silent—attentive, keen and re-
sponsive to the infinity of Pure Consciousness happening as the
Truth of Individual Being; the individual, unique and intricately
perfect and whole in every detail You that you are—do we dis-
cover the solution to every individual and collective problem,
no matter what that problem is, or how urgent, overwhelming,
large scale or impossible to overcome it seems to be to human
Not only do we discover the solution ‘within’ and as Si-
lence—Pure Consciousness—but we discover it to be already


manifest, whole, complete and perfect to all involved. “Before

you call I will answer.” Before the naming of anything, before
the conceptual experience, before any ‘human’ or ‘worldly’ ex-
perience—either good or bad—God Is, Pure Consciousness Is,
All Perfection Is.
Before, before, before!—Within, within, within!
Do you see this now? Do you see where we have continued
to be confused, therefore continued to experience degrees of
lack, limitation, discord, disharmony, disease that we have not
been able to escape, to free ourselves from?
Please read this Third Chapter Message over and over until
the undeviating truth of it solidly registers in your awareness.
Meditate on it ceaselessly; let Silence be your way of living,
your way of experience, never allowing world belief to convince
you there is something ‘else’ you need. There is nothing else you
need because nothing ‘else’ Exists.
Pure Consciousness is All there Is. Live as, and on, It. Feast
on It. Love It alone, seek It alone, be the Body of Awareness
who’s Reality is Pure Consciousness alone.
Realize this; let It live you in and through your silence. Then
watch the miracles that take place in and as your being; your
entire experience.

Chapter Four


Do you now thoroughly understand that God—Spirit and

Truth—is Infinite, therefore nothing but God Is?
The Infinitude, God, is what it suggests: Infinite. Therefore
nothing but Infinity can exist; nothing but Spirit and Truth exist;
nothing ‘else’ exists.
Therefore if something exists—anything and everything
within and throughout all of infinity and eternality, whether ‘we’
name it a person, animal, plant or vegetable; an object, a place,
an activity, a condition or circumstance—that existence, without
exception, is Spirit and Truth; God; Infinity.
Furthermore, because the Whole of God exists at every point
of Itself at the same time—Omnipresence being Om-
nipresent—anything and everything that exists, without excep-
tion, is the whole of Spirit and Truth simply appearing as a


particular ‘he, she or it’.

Appearance is one hundred percent deceptive. Spirit and
Truth has nothing to do with the way in which It appears con-
ceptually. The way Spirit and Truth appear to be as observed
through, and experienced as, the five ‘human’ senses has noth-
ing whatsoever to do with what Truthfully is Here, There and
Everywhere; what Truth actually Is.
Yet as Truth is experienced happening as individual being—con-
sciousness—the conceptual (mental, material, physical) appear-
ance is illumined, revealed as harmonious, complete, healthy,
wealthy, loving and peaceful .
Do you thoroughly understand this now? Then the second
Truth is ready to be planted in your consciousness:


“The earth is the Lord’s

and the fullness thereof.”

This is the great key to Oneness experienced tangibly both ‘in’ and
The ‘earth’—which is what we have named the material,
physical sense of experience—is nothing more or less or differ-
ent than the fullness (omnipresence) of God.
Why is that true? Because God is Infinite; the Infinitude It-
self and everything everywhere in, and of, It.
Therefore all experience is of God. What ‘else’ could experi-
ence consist of if All is God?


All Being is God. What ‘else’ could Being be or consist of if

All is God?
All Thing is God. What ‘else’ could Thing be or consist of if
All is God?
All Amount is God. What ‘else’ could Amount be or consist
of if All is God?
All Activity is God. What ‘else’ could Activity be or consist of
if All is God?
All Place is God. What ‘else’ could Place be or consist of if All
is God?
All Condition and Circumstance is God. What ‘else’ could Con-
dition and Circumstance be or consist of if All is God?


The way All is experienced through and as the human five

senses is illusory, maya, misconception—a foggy, dim, slow fac-
ulty of awareness of the One which Is.
There is no Truth in what appears to be—the way God ap-
pears to look through, or to, the five senses—in the same as there
is no truth in the appearance of the sun ‘turning itself off ’ at dusk.
The sun is not turning itself off, the sun is shining just as brightly
as ever, but the appearance of dusk to human sense looks as if the
sun is dimming.
Appearance is deceptive.
No matter what is appearing as everything everywhere ma-
terially and physically—good or bad, positive or negative, much
or little, ease or struggle, peace or disharmony—there is no Truth


to that appearance.
Lao Tzu’s incredible statement, “If you can name it, it is not
true” is literal. Only God Is. The first Truth—its three state-
ments—have given us a beautiful clarity about Only God Is;
Only Spirit and Truth Is; Only Infinity Is.
Now we can easily understand why “The earth is the Lord’s
and the fullness thereof.”
No matter what we ‘name’ God (the infinitude of Being and
Experience)—in this case the name ‘earth’—it is still, and only,
God for there is “none else”.


Devote yourself this week to pondering—more and more con-

sistently and deeply, every available moment—the truth that
everything everywhere of your experience, everything that
touches your consciousness—every being, object, animal, insect,
plant, vegetable, activity, amount, condition, circumstance and
place—everything you see, hear, taste, touch, smell and ponder—
is in fact, despite appearance, “the earth” that is “the Lord’s and
the fullness (omnipresence) thereof.”
Realize that the appearance of all in your life is, without ex-
ception—despite the way it appears to be and act, despite its ap-
parent nature, character, form, size, weight, amount; despite its
name—is in Truth, God, Infinity Itself and the Whole of Infinity sim-
ply appearing through, or to, any one or all of your five senses
to be the ‘he, she or it’ you’re experiencing in a name-able way.
Simply stated: everything everywhere is God, Infinity, Truth,


Spirit, Omnipresence despite what perception suggests it is.

Remember: depth of pondering this truth is the key to lifting
and enriching consciousness.
It is all about depth.
The deeper you ponder this truth—the more earnestly you con-
template everything that comes into or up against your con-
sciousness hour by hour, day by day—the more consistently you
keep your awareness of the fact that God is the only, only despite
the way everything of the material, physical, worldly experience
looks to be—the more you are spiritually lifting and enriching
your consciousness of Truth.
And the more you lift and enrich consciousness—the more
you spiritualize consciousness—the more evidence of spiritual har-
mony, life, abundance, peace, joy, love and fulfilling purpose you
tangibly experience because there is no unembodied God,
awareness, consciousness.

Chapter Five


If “the earth is the Lord’s and the fullness thereof ” then all not
only Is, but also ‘belongs’ to, God, Spirit, Truth.
All is God. All, All, All.
All is God Being that Allness; All is the Macro being the Micro,
and the Micro being the Macro. All is God Being the Fullness of
Itself, the Completeness of Itself, the Oneness of Itself, the Har-
mony, Peace, Bliss of Itself, in Oneness with and as Itself, Self-
Complete, Self-Whole, Self-Fulfilled.
All is always Complete, Whole, in divine Balance, under di-
vine Government, Perfect, Fulfilled, Flawless, Indefectible.
All, without exception.
All is the Whole of Infinity omnipresent as each specific as-
pect, or moment, of individual awareness. Each specific aspect
of awareness—to the dim ‘human’ mind—looks as if it is, or


appears as if it is, a specific, objectified aspect of matter or

being—described as “the earth” in this truth statement.
It appears as if we are looking at—observing; experiencing—
an object, an amount, a size, a weight, a distance, space, an ac-
tivity, a substance or material, a human being, an animal, an
insect, a plant, a flower, a vegetable, a mineral, a cell, an atom,
a sub-atomic particle. It appears as if we are under the ‘law’ of
process, of method, of cause and effect, and the time it takes
for the cause to produce the effect somewhere in space.
It seems as if we can ‘speed up life’ or ‘slow down life’ by our
degree of knowledge and skill; our ability to increase and main-
tain the ‘good’ whilst decreasing or overcoming the ‘bad’.
It seems as if we are subject to either positive or negative
‘outside forces’, forces which are ‘greater than us’. These forces
work either for or against us. Some are constructive, some de-
structive. It seems as if it is down to ‘luck’ or ‘destiny’ or ‘karma’
as to which ‘type’ of force works on us in which department of
our lives.
It seems as if we can ‘improve’ or ‘heal’ or ‘succeed’ or ‘pros-
per’ or ‘save’ or ‘pacify’ our experience if we have sufficient
knowledge and skill, sufficient resource, sufficient friends or
‘contacts’—either of our own or those of somebody else that
we can borrow. The ‘force of health’ works ‘for us’ while the
‘force of disease’ works ‘against us’. The ‘force of economics’
combined with our individual ‘knowledge and ability to be suc-
cessful’ in our chosen work either helps or hinders our success,
security and prosperity in job, career, business or practice. Our
‘ability in love’ results in either true and lasting relationships,


particularly the one, true love of our life, or a string of unsatis-

factory attempts at love, without finding or being able to ‘keep’
our one, true love. Our ‘ability to keep peace and harmony’ as
a human race determines the stability or instability of our
world. It seems as if world peace, union, balance, love, equality,
safety and security is ‘controlled’ by, therefore ‘dependent’ on,
both individual and group morality, decency, honesty, integrity.
But the way all appears to be is not the way all Is.


Only God Is, despite appearance to, or through, or as the

‘human’ dimness of mind. Only Spirit and Truth Is despite the ad-
mittedly convincing way in which the mind, body and world—
and all its apparent ‘powers’—look as if they are acting upon
our experience. We heard in Stand On Truth: “Wherever you
look, there I Am; wherever you place your awareness, there I Am;
whatever you see, hear, taste, touch, smell or think, it is I.”
Yes, “The earth is the Lord’s and the fullness thereof.”


Because All is God, all is infinite.

There are no ‘numbers’ in God. All, without exception, is in-
finite. There is no unmanifest God, therefore whatever is—
whatever is manifest—is infinite. It is Infinity Itself. God is
infinite manifestation. Everything everywhere is infinity Itself
being the very presence of inexhaustible embodiment, form,


and activity.
You are the Infinity of Being. Everything everywhere—
whether we name it a person, place, thing, condition, plant, veg-
etable, mineral, cell, atom or sub-atomic particle—is Infinity
Being that being, that form, that condition, that activity.
“The earth is the Lord’s and the fullness thereof.”


Because All is God, there is no personal self, nor personal thing.

You are the Infinity of Being, not a finite being; you are an im-
personal being, not a personal being.
You are the Infinity of Being with infinity as your Resource,
which never depletes. Your world is infinite and impersonal, to
be shared unconditionally with All.
Because, “The earth is the Lord’s and the fullness thereof ”
you do not own anything—not even your body; not even a sin-
gle breath. All is God and God’s.
You do not own any ‘thing’ anymore than you own sunshine,
or gravity, or aerodynamics, or mathematics, or the ocean, the
sky, the clouds, the rain, the snowflakes. All is God therefore all
is universal, impersonal and infinite.


You experience; you do not own.

You individually experience sunshine, gravity, aerodynamics,
mathematics, the ocean, the sky, the clouds, the rain, the


snowflakes. You do not own these, not even one.

In the same way, because “The (whole) earth is the Lord’s
and the fullness (everything everywhere, without exception)
thereof ” you individually experience everything of life, but you
‘own’ nothing.
You are the guest of life, not the owner. You are the guest of
absolutely everything of life, never the owner. You are the guest of
your body; you do not own it. You are the guest of your love re-
lationship; you do not own him or her. You are the guest of your
home, your furniture and furnishings, your electronics, your ob-
jects; you do not own them. You are the guest of money; you do
not own it, nor can you earn it. You are the guest of your job,
career, business or practice; you do not own it. You are the guest
of your customers, clients or patients; you do not own them.
You are the guest of absolutely every person, thing, place,
condition and activity in your universe; you own nothing be-
cause, “The earth is the Lord’s and the fullness thereof.”


In understanding the truth that All is God therefore ‘owned by’

God—and in understanding that the Whole of God is embod-
ied in and as your individual consciousness because Conscious-
ness is indivisible and omnipresent—the whole of Being present
at and as each point of Itself at the same time—you realize that
“The earth is the Lord’s and the fullness thereof ” is true of your
very consciousness.
You are That. “I Am that I am.” Your pure consciousness is “the


Lord” therefore “the earth and the fullness thereof ” is yours—

as Pure Consciousness; God Consciousness.
In releasing your sense of ownership of people, home, job,
career, business, things, conditions, amounts, circumstances—
everything of the personal sense of being—you free yourself as
spiritual Being. Imagine!—free of all ownership, therefore re-
sponsibility. The moment we free ourselves of the sense of own-
ership we free ourselves of all limiting and burdensome
Every person, thing, amount or condition that has bound us,
now cannot. We are free in Spirit. We no longer attach to the
conceptual experience—the physical ‘persons’ or material
‘things’ and ‘conditions’ of experience. We stay unattached. We
stay spacious, loose, free. We know that in Spirit, in Truth, we are
the very infinity of being Itself. We need nothing ‘else’ because all is
already us and ours. “Son you are ever with me, and all that I have
is yours.”
I need nothing because I already Am All. I Am All. I Have
All. I Am the infinity of consciousness, fully manifest. I Am in-
finite manifestation, infinite form, infinite being in every way—
free, omnipresent, omniscient and omnipotent.
I Am that I Am.


Ponder deeply, “The earth is the Lord’s and the fullness thereof.”
Ponder deeply that you own nothing; that all is God and
God’s; all is impersonal, universal, “one for all, and all for one”.


Start to detach from all you sense as being ‘yours’. Start ‘loos-
ening’ your hold on all people, things, amounts, conditions, ac-
tivities. Realize all as God and God’s, not to be ‘gained’ or
‘owned’ but humbly experienced and creatively and impartially
shared as fulfillment of being, of all of life, each hour and step
of unfolding experience.
Start establishing a sense of true spaciousness about, and
around, and as all—a deep stillness and spaciousness of You as
Truth, as Spirit, as Peace, as Consciousness.
Realize deeper and deeper that as you release the beings,
things and conditions of “this world” you are free in Spirit.
Then you have all in and as the freedom of truthful Being.
In ‘ownership’ you are restricted, bound, limited to that
which you ‘own’. In releasing ownership you discover you have
infinity; you are infinity; you are the Substance, Nature, Char-
acter, Form and Amount of infinity.
It is releasing ownership—that of the personal sense of life—
you are free, and presented with and as All, Here, Now.
You are now free in Spirit as concept—in God as Earth, and
everything of God as Earth, all being One, here, now, eternally.
“I am in the world but not of it.” I have the freedom of the
world because I know my truth, the truth that All is God, the truth
that “The earth is the Lord’s and the fullness thereof ” and I Am
I am not of concept but of Truth. I am in the conceptual ex-
perience (“this world”) but not of it. I am of the Infinity of Being,
therefore I Am and Have infinity of All, without owning a sin-
gle thing.


I am free in non-ownership; in the impersonal, universal

truth of being, sharing All with all, unconditionally, impartially,
each hour, each day.
The more I share the more I have as individual experience.
The more of the impersonal, universal Beingness I am being the
more of the beauty, bounty and freedom of infinity is my expe-
rience. “Give and it shall be given unto you, pressed down,
shaken together, running over shall men (the whole material
sense of experience) give unto you.”
Think deeply on these things this week. Don’t let an hour
slip by without turning your awareness to these astonishing
truths. Have many periods of silence, letting Truth be felt hap-
pening within you, as you, as your Truth of All, here and now.
Remember, as you deepen your awareness of these beautiful
truths by pondering them, living with them, chewing on them,
loving them!, your consciousness is enriched, and because “con-
sciousness is experience” so is your palpable experience en-
riched, all being One.
I Am with you 24 hours a day. My stillness, My peace, My si-
lence is yours. Truth Consciousness embraces you, supports you,
lifts you, enriches you. Bathe in It many times throughout the
day and night. Allow It to ‘seek you’ as you rest in the Stillness
and Peace and Wholeness of Being, receptive to the miracle of
Truth happening as You, experienced as you.

Chapter Six



There is a sublime state of consciousness that sees through all

appearance to Truth. It has been referred to as the healing con-
sciousness (more accurately the revealing consciousness)—the Bud-
dha or Christ consciousness; that state of consciousness which
reveals, through the fog of the ‘human’ mind, That unchange-
able-able Perfection; That which already, and eternally, Is.
Once attained, that consciousness is able to reveal what to
human perception is miracle after miracle of Good.
Lack, discord and disease of any name or nature cannot exist
in the presence of this state of consciousness.
Nothing but the tangible revelation of Good is possible to it.
It is now time for you to attain it.



In the statement, “The earth is the Lord’s and the fullness

thereof ” we are given the truth of One Presence.
As always we must understand this truth statement as being
literal. One Presence is the literal Truth.
God Is. And because God Is is the infinity of the Infinitude
Itself, nothing ‘else’ is; nothing ‘else’ exists’ nothing ‘else’ can.
Strangely, the ‘human’ mind hears or reads that God Is—
that God is infinite, and that nothing ‘else’ therefore can be—
then carries straight on accepting the human self and material
world with all its lacks, limitations, discords and diseases, trying
to apply or bring God Is to its experience.
In other words, God Is is not taken literally—”The earth is
the Lord’s and the fullness thereof ” is not taken literally. If it
was, every person who has grasped even a grain of its truth
would be stopped in their tracks at every step, remembering and
realizing that despite the way God, Truth, Oneness appears to
them at any moment, all actually is Boundless, Omnipresent
and Perfect.
Let us therefore deepen our understanding of the statement:
“The earth—even though every being and every thing of it ap-
pears conceptual, finite, separate, of many different natures,
amounts, characters, categories and powers, many good and
many bad—is actually and exclusively God Is and the fullness of
God Is.”
When we are able to look at any being, thing, amount or con-
dition—either good or bad—and realize that despite the way it


appears to be, it is actually, literally, and exclusively God Is, then

we are attaining the Buddha or Christ consciousness.


We have to look at any appearance and realize that despite the

quality it seems to have, and the seeming effect of that quality—
either good effect or bad effect, constructive effect or destructive
effect—actually only God has, or is, Quality therefore it—the
appearing him, her or it—has no quality at all of its own self.
“The earth is the Lord’s and the fullness thereof.” There is
nothing but God Is despite all and every appearance.
When we can dismiss all appearing quality and effect in the
realization that only God Is, therefore the only Quality all is and
has is God, we are able to ‘invite’ God—invite the one True
Quality—to reveal Itself by opening our consciousness to That
which truly and already Is. How? “Be still, and know that I am
God... Stand still and see the salvation (harmony and whole-
ness) of the Lord (Truth), which will be shown to you this day.”
Our untroubled, detached (from appearance), peaceful and
receptive consciousness is the openness and silence that reveals
Truth where untruth appears to be.
Only Truth Is. Oneness Is. One Being, One Presence, One
Power, One Quality. It is only a troubled, attached (to appear-
ance) consciousness that obscures That which Is.
We are always witnessing God Is (Truth) because there is no
‘other’ Presence to witness, but by being attached to appearance
—believing it, loving it, hating it, or fearing it—our senses are


fogged and unable to witness the Truth of what appears to us.


Appearance ‘just is’. We don’t have to understand it, argue with

it, fight it, improve it, prosper it, pacify or heal it. There is noth-
ing Real in or of the appearance, therefore nothing with which
to engage, or ‘do’ something about. It is appearance only, not
That being so, why argue with it, battle with it, attempt to
heal it? It is this very misunderstanding of appearance, and the
very attempt to fix appearance, that has been the death (in
human experience) of the greatest spiritual teachings of the ages.
Appearance ‘just is’. Appearance doesn’t matter. It has no
Reality, no Power, no Quality, no Truth. Leave it alone in the re-
alization that only God Is, and then—in your rested, quiet, un-
troubled and detached consciousness (because it has only ever
been your unrested, busy, troubled and attached mind that ob-
scures Truth)—Truth becomes visible and tangible.
Let’s say you are looking at railway tracks. From where you
stand the tracks appear to be set at the proper distance from
each other. But up in the distance they appear to be joined to-
gether. How is that so? Are they truly joined together? No. It is
nothing but an optical illusion. The appearance ‘just is’. You
don’t have to understand why, neither do you have to do any-
thing about it. You don’t have to run up there and force the
tracks apart before the train arrives. You simply have to know
the truth that, despite appearance, the tracks are perfectly set


apart. “Know the truth, and that very truth will set you free.”
Now let’s say someone calls you with a headache. What will
you do? Well, most so-called ‘spiritual’ practitioners will quickly
get to work on either knowing the truth of the person, or the
non-truth of the headache. What they have failed to realize—
and are therefore unable to demonstrate—is that there is no
truth of the person as she or he appears, nor non-truth of the
headache as it appears. The ‘good’ person is not in Truth having
a ‘bad’ experience. Both the ‘good’ and the ‘bad’ are just ap-
pearance. There is no Truth to be found in either the appear-
ance of the person or the headache. Nothing appearing is
Truth; all which appears is just appearance, imagery, nothing
more, nothing different. Because it is nothing but appearance it
is neither good nor bad despite its suggestion of being ‘good’ or
‘bad’, ‘positive’ or ‘negative’, ‘harmonious and complete’ or
‘disharmonious and incomplete’.


The saddest thing to witness these days in once truthful spiritual

teachings is the acceptance of appearance as something real,
an entity of its own which Truth can get rid of or ‘heal’; the ac-
ceptance of two powers—one lessor, untruthful power which
the second, greater power of Truth can overcome.
So many people write saying they have an appearance of a
migraine, or cancer, or loneliness, or depression, or lack, or in-
security, or homelessness, or family discord, or fear and ask me
to heal it (reveal the Truth of it). Well, there is no Truth to be


found within the appearance. No Truth can be made evident in

or from or through the appearance because the appearance is
one hundred percent illusion, just as are the joined together rail-
way tracks.
Spiritual students have latched onto the word ‘appearance’
and now made it a power they want to be rid of. The power of
a mental or physical or material problem has now been dropped
for the power of ‘appearance’, which has now become the fash-
ionable problem to be healed, or prospered, or pacified. But do
you see that if we have an ‘appearance’ to be healed we still
have two powers—the ‘lessor’ power of an appearance versus
the ‘greater’ power of Truth, Truth being able to overcome ‘ap-
But Truth contains nothing but Itself—no ‘appearance’, no
‘other’ under any circumstances or conditions whatsoever. All
but Truth Itself is illusory appearance, nothing more; nothing
different. And appearance, because it is nothing but appearance,
needs no more ‘done’ about it than images on the movie screen
need something ‘done’ about them.


There is just One Presence, One Power, One Quality, One

Amount, One Condition, One Being, One Body, One Form.
Everything that appears isn’t That, so forget appearance. Forget
it, and instead do this:
Instantly realize that the appearance—the whole of it in-
cluding all its detail—’just is’ and is therefore of no conse-


quence. It has no power because only God Is power. It has no

quality because only God Is quality. It has no body or form or
amount because only God Is body, form and amount. It has no
activity or condition because only God Is activity and condi-
tion. It has no ‘good’ quality or ‘bad’ quality because only God
Is. It has no ‘constructive’ quality or ‘destructive’ quality be-
cause only God Is. It has no ‘abundant’ quality or ‘lacking’ qual-
ity because only God Is. It has no ‘healthy’ quality or ‘unhealthy’
quality because only God Is. It has no ‘intelligent’ or ‘unintelli-
gent’ quality because only God Is. It has no ‘presence’ or ‘ab-
sence’ because only God Is. It isn’t a ‘he, she or it’ because only
God Is.
Then—in a state of detached and untroubled consciousness
(no belief, love, hate or fear of the appearance)—rest in the deep
stillness and silence of God Is, and there witness God Presence.
You may witness God as a feeling of peace welling up within,
or of love or joy or harmony or freedom or light or warmth or
heat permeating your body or an area of the body. You may
witness God as a truth statement suddenly filling your aware-
ness, or as an instruction either audibly or inaudibly.
There are infinite ways in and as which God can be experi-
enced, so don’t limit it. Stay silent, open and receptive expecting
a God experience of one sort or another.
As soon as you have it, the ‘healing’—revealing of Truth—
is complete; the discordant or diseased appearance is ‘cleared’
as revealed truthful appearance. In our example of a person
calling with a headache, we instantly recognize the whole scene
as appearance only. Both the person and the headache are ap-


pearance only—an appearance that needs no understanding,

and no dealing with. The person in the appearance is neither
good nor bad, and the headache in the appearance is neither
good nor bad. Neither have any quality of their own because
only God Is and Has the One and only Quality. Therefore the
whole appearance ‘just is’. It is nothing but an image in mind.
In this ‘just is’ realization your consciousness is untroubled
and detached from the appearance, ready to ‘invite’ God to re-
veal the Truth of what is appearing as your consciousness. In
and as the openness, silence and receptivity of your conscious-
ness Truth reveals Itself where untruth appears to be; the ap-
pearance becomes healthy, harmonious and free.


Realize more deeply the non-reality of all appearance.

Detach more from all appearance, both ‘good’ and ‘bad’. Be-
come less and less troubled by any and every ‘negative’ appear-
ance in the realization that Only God Is.
In this realization, rest more, be silent more, be receptive to
the ‘inner voice’ of Truth forever revealing Itself as your con-
sciousness, your being, your world and everything in it and of it
—Truth being the Fullness of You.
I Am with you 24 hours a day, holding the consciousness of
Truth for you, as you, as all in and of your world. Rest back in
It Itself, rely on It Itself, Trust It Itself happening as You, “closer
than breathing.”

Chapter Seven


If you have devoted the suggested one week to contemplating

and really working with each chapter’s truth message, you have
beautifully enriched and deepened consciousness, and are now
ready for an incredible revelation.
Let’s journey on it today. As you do, remember, the key to
spiritual awakening is depth and vitality of Truth taking good,
strong root in well-fertilized ‘ground’—consciousness—growing
forth, blossoming, then bearing fruit as individual consciousness.
It is the spiritually lifted and enriched consciousness that
bears fruit richly, experiencing the good of life unbounded, un-
conditional, with “twelve baskets full left over”. Therefore read
slowly, purposefully, richly. Take in the depth of meaning each
sentence offers you. Bathe in its truth. Relish and savor the mes-


sage as “the pearl of great price”, for indeed it is the truth.


“The earth” in our statement “The earth is the Lord’s and the
fullness thereof ” means ‘consciousness’—lower case ‘c’—the
conceptual awareness, therefore experience, of the human being
and the world of matter.
Everything, infinitely, is consciousness. Therefore the refer-
ence to ‘earth’ is a reference to consciousness—”consciousness
is the Lord’s and the fullness thereof ”.
Whenever you have a question come back to the foundation
of truth: God is Consciousness, and because God is infinite
“there is none else”, therefore there is none else but consciousness
(see Chapter One).
We can go further, and understand the word ‘Lord’ as mean-
ing ‘Consciousness’ because there is nothing but.
We now have: “The earth—consciousness—is the Lord’s (Its
Self; Consciousness)—and the fullness thereof.” Interpreted: “All
of experience is consciousness being that experience, and the
object of experience is the fullness of consciousness. The Whole
of God—Consciousness—is present at every point of Itself si-
So let us understand this: everything in and of individual con-
sciousness—your consciousness and mine—everything, every-
thing, everything whether a mountain or a speck of dust, an ocean
or a dew drop, a human being or a nanobe, an entire body or a
single cell, every being in the universe or one, all the money in


the world or a penny, a billion miles or an inch, all the space in

the cosmos or all the space between two atoms, all the time in
eternity or this one millisecond—everything we can name, with-
out exception—is consciousness witnessed as Itself but concep-
tually experienced as and through the conceptual sense of
awareness—the ‘human’ mind—finitely, conditional, all occur-
ring within a sense of time and space, cause and effect.
All that Actually Is is pure Consciousness being the fullness of Itself
at every point of infinity at the same time. But because of the low de-
gree of awareness of The One Consciousness—that awareness,
or being, we name ‘human’; the mental, physical, material ex-
perience of ‘human’ life—the One Infinite and Omnipresent
Consciousness of Being appears to be finite, conceptual and sep-
arate from everything of Itself, happening within, and of, time;
occupying space; everything having a cause or being an effect.
But the Truth is: God is Consciousness. The Whole of God
is being the Whole of Itself at every point of awareness at the
same time.
All is One Infinite Whole being Itself—Pure Conscious-
ness—as You, as Me, as All. You are The One Wholeness of
Being. “I am that I am.” Therefore, “Wherever you look, there
I Am; whatever you see, hear, taste, touch, smell or think It is I
and the fullness thereof.”


We do not have our ‘own’ consciousness. There is no conscious-

ness but God Consciousness—as we have said, conceptually ex-


perienced because of the conceptual sense of mind named

This awareness of no consciousness being ‘mine’; all consciousness
being God, therefore God’s is a giant leap in awakening.
“The earth—consciousness—is the Lord’s—God Itself—and
the fullness thereof,” because nothing but the fullness Exists.
When we catch even a grain of what this truly means we begin
to experience a freedom of being never imagined possible.

Your consciousness is FuLL to overflowing with miracles;

your consciousness and the fullness thereof
IS the One Eternal Miracle of God
already Manifest and Visible

You have been searching for a miracle you have thought will
heal your life, yet the very consciousness you have been search-
ing with is Itself the infinity of inexhaustible miracles—the One Great
Miracle of God Itself being the fullness of Itself as You.
Every speck of consciousness is alive as God, infinite Good,
Beauty, Bounty, Love, Joy and Freedom of Being. Your entire
consciousness—every breath and particle of it—is a miracle of
boundless proportion. Every breath, every place, every aspect,
every moment of your consciousness—everywhere infinitely, as
far as your consciousness can go, whatever it’s doing, wherever
it goes, whatever your awareness is being aware—is wholly alive
as unconditional Good already fully Manifest, Tangible and Vis-
ible as You, for You, as the fulfillment of God Itself being Itself
as You, ever ‘seeking Its fullness as you’, ever seeking to pierce


material sense to reveal Truthful sense, as the new light of dawn

pierces the shadows of the earth.


Consciousness requires individual awareness in order to be expe-

rienced individually, just as each of us must open the curtains in
order to individually experience sunlight.
Let us understand this at a deeper level than it has been un-
derstood before, otherwise the above statement seems dualistic
therefore confusing.
If you have thoroughly understood the message so far you
know that God—Consciousness—is All there Is. You are That,
I am That, All is That and the Fullness thereof because nothing but
the Whole exists at every point of Itself simultaneously.
From hereon—to understand the infinite degrees of con-
ceptual experience we name ‘life’ in all its degrees, and in par-
ticular, for us, the degree of conceptual experience we name
‘human, mental, physical, material’ life—we realize that all de-
scribable—conceptual—life experience is simply degrees ‘less’ than or ‘dim-
mer’ than the Fullness Itself.
The ‘less than’ or ‘dimmer than’ experience is nothing but a
degree of conscious awareness of the Whole of Oneness being You;
the Whole of God being the infinity of Itself, as You.
The less your conscious awareness of the Wholeness You
Are, the less is your experience—your tangible freedom, health,
wealth, success, love, happiness, peace, joy— because conscious-
ness is tangible experience. The greater your conscious awareness of


the Wholeness You Are, the greater is your experience—your

tangible freedom, health, wealth, success, love, happiness, peace,
No consciousness is unexpressed, intangible, unmanifest, in-
visible. Consciousness is always Expressed, Tangible, Manifest,
Visible. Do you see that? Oneness is Oneness! There is none else.
There is nowhere else. There is no Body or Form or Activity or
Amount ‘else’. Where would that ‘else’ exist in literal Oneness?
It would not, cannot, and does not—not even in the ‘imagina-
tion’ of the human sense. Therefore because All is Conscious-
ness being Itself—Oneness being Its and Only Presence, Body,
Form, Amount, Activity—there is no ‘other’ state or place or
experience It ‘fills’ or ‘makes’ manifest, ‘makes’ tangible, ‘makes’
There is not God ‘and’. There is not a Spirit World ‘and’ a
material world which Spirit fills or heals or harmonizes or pros-
pers or pacifies.
All is One, and that One is Consciousness fully Manifest,
Tangible, Visible and Present as You, for where ‘else’ can your
consciousness be other than right here as Itself happening; as the
very I of Itself as You happening; Being?
Yes, this consciousness, right here, is It, and You are That; I
am That; All is That.


Because of this truth you understand that whatever degree of

awareness you consciously have—or we can say you are consciously


being—is your manifest, tangible, visible experience.

How full of good is your experience here and now? The an-
swer will depend on your degree of conscious awareness of
Truth, omnipresent as You, witnessed as the good of the mate-
rial world as you peer at consciously-realized Good Itself
through the five senses.
Realize that—despite the degree of lack or limitation, pain
or suffering you or your world may be experiencing this mo-
ment—right here where you are, this minute, is the fullness of
unconditional God, Good, the miracle of You already manifest,
tangible and visible “as far as your eye can see”.


The scriptural reference “as far as the eye can see” means “by
the degree of Truth you are consciously aware of; you are consciously
being”—as far as your degree of conscious awareness of Truth
takes you.
Conscious awareness is the entire key. Imagine I blindfolded you
and took you to my favorite place. You have never been to this
place—you have no conscious awareness of it—so when we ar-
rive we each have a completely different awareness, therefore ex-
perience, of the same place. I have a good, familiar conscious
awareness of this place. It is my favorite place so I have spent
much time here. I am familiar with, and appreciate many of its
details—its beauty, peace, scenery; its geography; its variety of
life form, color, fragrance, character, activity, sound; its path-
ways, nooks and crannies; its feel.


You have no conscious awareness of it. You have never been

here before. Plus you are blindfolded so your experience is
Now let’s say I cut a small hole in the blindfold. You are sud-
denly able to see a little of this place. You have a little more con-
scious awareness of it. You are now able to experience a greater
degree of it. Being consciously aware is your tangible experi-
ence. You can begin to describe that which you now have con-
scious awareness of whereas, a moment ago, you had little or no
conscious awareness of that which you couldn’t see. Because
you couldn’t see you had little or no experience.
Now let’s say I cut a hole two or three times larger. You now
have two or three times the degree of conscious awareness of
this place, therefore your tangible experience is now two or three
times greater. Finally the blindfold is removed and you have full
conscious awareness therefore unhindered experience of the place
“whereon we stand”.
The only difference between full experience and no or little
experience is the degree of individual conscious awareness we each
have. Equally we can understand that if either you or I were
asleep in this place, we are unconscious of it, therefore unable
to have a conscious experience of it.
In all these examples the place remains the same—the full-
ness of itself; the fully manifest, tangible and visible presence of
itself. It is simply, and only, the degree of conscious awareness we
each, individually have—we each are being—that determines
our individual tangible experience of it. Consciousness is tangible
experience. Is that clearer now?


Conscious awareness of Truth works in exactly this way.

God, Truth, is fully Present here and now, right where you are—
actually as You; Being Itself as You—just as my favorite place is
fully present and manifest. “The place whereon you stand is
Holy (Whole) ground.” The Being you are being is always,
ceaselessly the fullness of God being God, God being Itself as
the infinity—the entirety and omnipresence—of Itself as You.
Your versus my individual experience of our Wholeness of
Truth is entirely dependent on the degree of conscious awareness
of Truth we each, individually have, or are being, moment by mo-
ment, hour by hour, day by day.
The fact that God, Truth, is fully Present, fully Manifest, Tan-
gible and Visible as the entirety of You, Me, All, as the “place
whereon you stand”—the very ‘place’ your consciousness is
being conscious of moment by moment—doesn’t help in the
slightest in our experience of It until we each, individually, become
consciously aware of It.
By the degree we become consciously aware of Truth we ex-
perience Good as our life, in and by and of that degree—no less,
no more, no different.


Truth, being Principle, is an exact science just as is the principle of

mathematics or aerodynamics or gravity. We ‘get’ what we ‘give
to’ any principle; we ‘receive’ the degree we are being aware of;
we experience the degree of Truth we are consciously being.
The more we are consciously aware of the truth of mathe-


matics or aerodynamics or gravity the more these principles

‘give’ us. The more we are consciously aware of, and act in ac-
cordance with them, the more of their fullness is revealed—is
manifest, visible and tangible to us—therefore the more of their
qualities we experience and benefit from.



Because God Is Consciousness, because the Whole of God is

present at every point of Itself simultaneously, and because the
consciousness that You are Is God Consciousness, indivisible,
therefore Whole, forever Present as That which appears as in-
dividual you, me, all—because of this your consciousness is full
to overflowing with miracles. Your consciousness and mine is
the Miracle.
Every pinpoint of the consciousness you are, you have, is the
Miracle of God being the fullness of Itself as Your utter and
unconditional fulfillment of Being. Every point of your aware-
ness—despite what appears to be—is a miracle of unbridled
beauty, bounty, life, love and truth, even conceptually.
This is true because God is Consciousness and the fullness
thereof. The fullness of God exists fully Manifest, Tangible and
Visible at every point of Itself simultaneously—”The earth
(consciousness) is the Lord’s (God) and the fullness thereof.”
But this Truth—this Fact—does your experience no good
unless you are consciously aware of the Miracle everywhere pres-
ent in and as your consciousness. We can state it like this: the fact


that It is True doesn’t ‘show’ in and as your experience unless It

is being consciously realized. It is only the conscious awareness of
Truth Itself happening as the infinity of your consciousness that
is the tangible experience of Good witnessed conceptually as
‘human’ good. This is the great key to all tangible experience of
Truth; to all spiritual awakening; to all truthful Being.


Become more and more consciously aware that every point and
place of your consciousness is the Miracle of God Itself—the
boundless, unconditional Gift of God being the Miracle of Your
Fulfillment at and as every place, every moment, every aspect of
your consciousness.
Realize more and more that the way your experience appears
to be, and acts, is not Truth, not God Itself, not the Miracle You
are, but just finite, illusory appearance—illusory or ‘foggy’ ex-
Remember, nothing of appearance—of either good or
bad—has quality of its own because only God Is and Has Qual-
ity. Therefore we ignore all appearance—both the ‘problem’
and ‘solution’—and seek God, Spirit, Truth, the “kingdom of heaven”
instead. Seek the Miracle that exists as every point of your con-
sciousness—the Paradise of Truthful Being and Freedom of All,
fully Manifest, Tangible and Visible as your consciousness,
everywhere within and of it, omnipresent.
It is your greater conscious awareness of Truth—the one
Truth—that opens the doorway of truthful, tangible experience.


It is conscious awareness that opens and reveals the miracle of

You, the miracle of every aspect of your experience. Therefore
develop the discipline this week and forevermore of turning
within to become consciously aware of your consciousness Itself
realizing that your consciousness Itself is, and reveals, the Mir-
acle that is God omnipresent.
Turn within twenty, thirty, fifty, one hundred times each day,
until you are doing so without thinking, to rest attention on Con-
sciousness Itself being your consciousness and the miracle
Devote more and more time to being the attentive silence of
being—the Silence of the Miracle of You being tangibly expe-
rienced; the Gift of God unconditionally pouring Itself forth as
You, for the Truth and Good of All.
Indeed, “The earth—consciousness—is the Lord’s—God—
and the fullness thereof.”

Chapter Eight



We now delve deeper still into our second truth statement, “The
earth is the Lord’s and the fullness thereof ” by opening con-
sciousness to one of the greatest lessons ever given mankind—
’mankind’ being the 3-dimensional state, or degree, of
consciousness; the ‘material, physical, conceptual, earthly’ state
of consciousness.
We find ourselves 2000 years ago—which is taking place in
your consciousness right now, for there is only Now—in the city
of Samaria watching the Master talking with the woman by the

It was about the sixth hour. A woman of Samaria came to draw water.
Jesus said to her, “Give Me a drink,” for His disciples had gone away into


the city to buy food.

Then the woman of Samaria said to Him, “How is it that You, being
a Jew, ask a drink from me, a Samaritan woman?” For Jews have no deal-
ings with Samaritans.
Jesus answered and said to her, “If you knew the gift of God, and who
it is who says to you, ‘Give Me a drink,’ you would have asked Him, and
He would have given you living water.”
The woman said to Him, “Sir, You have nothing to draw with, and the
well is deep. Where then do You get that living water?”
You see Jesus was not talking of the material type of water (nor was he
ever speaking of the ‘material type’ of anything). He was speaking of the
True Water: Spirit and Truth. So we hear him answering her:
“Whoever drinks of this water (material type water) will thirst again,
but whoever drinks of the water that I shall give him will never thirst. The
water that I shall give him will become in him a fountain of water spring-
ing up into everlasting life.”
The woman said to Him, “Sir, give me this water, that I may not thirst,
nor come here to draw.”
By now Jesus had been teaching all morning and His disciples had re-
turned with food and urged him to eat.
He lovingly turned to His friends. “I have food to eat of which you do
not know,” he told them.


After all the time they’d been with him they still had not come
to understood the difference between the illusory sense of Spirit
named matter—in this instance, material food—and Spirit Itself


being the one and only True Food, True Substance, True Form.
Yes, “I have food to eat of which you do not know.” My food
is Spirit felt welling up within, fulfilling my sense of being—tan-
gibly fulfilling it. That is the one and only True Food, and it liter-
ally feeds me at any degree of consciousness I may be living. It
may feed me without the appearance of a food agency—any 3-
dimensional, objectified appearance of food. Or it may well and
usually does for most people appear 3-dimensionally, objectively,
so easily and ‘naturally’ that the unenlightened might say ‘noth-
ing unusual has happened’, just a good and perfect sufficiency
of food being witnessed for all. Or it can appear miraculously
out of the ‘clear blue sky’ if there are no ‘natural’ means for its
presence. But appear it will, and infallibly does, when we un-
derstand the True Food that is Spirit and Truth, and when we
rely on It alone.
To illustrate this truth further for His friends, he went on to
explain, “Do you not say, ‘There are still four months and then comes the
harvest’? Behold, I say to you, lift up your eyes and look at the fields, for they
are already white for harvest!” (Bible: John 4:31-35)
Jesus is telling us not to assume there is a delay in spiritual ful-
fillment. Spirit Is All already, and is Here and Now no matter
how It seems to be to the senses.
Don’t look ‘out there’ and believe what you observe has any
reality or power or season or evolutionary process to it. What it
Truly is—what all Truly is—is Spirit and Truth, which is already
and always Whole, Complete, Manifest, Perfect here and now.
Hence, “Do you not say, ‘There are still four months and then comes
the harvest’?—do you not say, because you’re looking ‘out there’,


judging what appears to be, that there is a delay, a season or

process or method to wait for before you experience fulfillment?
“Behold, I say to you, lift up your eyes and look at the fields, for they are
already white for harvest!” I say to you, Spirit and Truth are the
only Reality no matter what the 3-dimensional appearance
seems to suggest. Therefore look to Spirit and Truth—”look
up”—for then you will discover that the fields—the material ap-
pearance—are already white for harvest—already Fulfilled
Form, fully manifest, visible and tangible, available to your ex-
perience here and now as long as you are consciously aware of this



Take a few days to contemplate these three master-truths of

1, “Whoever drinks of this water will thirst again, but who-
ever drinks of the water that I shall give him will never thirst.
The water that I shall give him will become in him a fountain
of water springing up into everlasting life.”
2, “I have food to eat of which you do not know.”
3, “Do you not say, ‘There are still four months and then
comes the harvest’? Behold, I say to you, lift up your eyes and
look at the fields, for they are already white for harvest!”

Bear in mind always, Jesus told us, “God is Spirit, and those who
worship Him must worship in spirit and truth.” He told this to


the woman of Samaria in explaining the nature of the True

Water, the True All.
Therefore—always—the ‘food’ he speaks of, the ‘flesh’, the
‘bread’, the ‘wine’, the ‘life’, the ‘currency’ is Spirit and Truth.
That is the Real Presence, the Real Substance, the Real Body, the
Real Form, the Real Food, the Real Amount, the Only Only,
the One even though It appears through the five senses to be material
or physical form, finite in nature, limited in amount, variable in
Contemplate this now, gently, deeply, richly. Take these in-
credible truths deeper into your consciousness than ever before!
Remember: depth is the key to spiritual living, spiritual ‘demon-
Integrate your contemplation with silent listening or atten-
tiveness for Truth Itself to reveal a greater sense of these truths
as your consciousness.
Then watch what happens during these next few days. If you
really devote yourself to this contemplation, and silence in
which you feel Spirit happening within, watch the miracle that
takes place. Watch what reveals Itself in and as and to your tan-
gible experience.
Always remember that Heaven is right here as your very con-
sciousness. There is no searching, no delay. There is just the
need to experience and release That which already Is.
The whole of infinity is contained in and as your conscious-
ness, continually revealing—being—the fullness of Itself as Your
omnipresent experience as you know the truth, and enable It to
pour through evermore fruitfully in, and through, your silence


and receptivity.
Think. The whole of Infinity is already fully Manifest and
Omnipresent as the You that You are. Infinity is the presence of
You, the Body of You, the Capacity of You. Infinity of all good
form and condition is what you Have. But it is the realization of
this Great Truth, and then the living of It—the true, living re-
liance on It alone—that ‘releases’ that infinity, making it visible
and tangible to 3-dimensional sense.
Ponder, ponder, and ponder more these extraordinary truths.
Ponder them deeper, day and night.
Every minute of further pondering, contemplating, chewing
on, and then sitting in silence to allow Truth to ‘spring forth as
living waters’—to be the very tangibility of fulfillment—deep-
ens and enriches conscious awareness of the reality of Truth,
therefore the embodiment of truthful, joyous, harmonious and
free life experience. Every minute of pondering truth and letting
Truth—in your silence and receptivity—abide in you.

“I am the vine, you are the branches. He who remains

(abides) with me, and I with him, will bear abundant fruit; for
without me (Truth) you can do nothing.” John 15:5

~ PART 2 ~

How was it that Jesus was able to realize any and every appear-
ing illness, lack, limitation or disharmony as being false, then
promptly demonstrate the nothingness of that appearance?


How was it that he demonstrated, beyond any doubt, that only

fulfillment Is?
Let us understand this now. You have devoted a few days to
pondering the truth revealed in Part 1. I hope wonderful, greater
clarity has and continues to spring forth for you. Now let’s go

“Whoever drinks of this water (material type water; the image of

the True Water) will thirst again, but whoever drinks of the water that
I shall give him (Spirit Itself) will never thirst. The water that I shall give
him will become in him a fountain of water springing up into everlasting

The Master is revealing the freedom of being. As long as we

rely on the material degree of experience we will forever run dry
of it, in all its forms. We will continually need to renew it, “earn”
more, protect it, exert mental, physical and material effort to
maintain it. It will never satisfy us; it always varies; it will even-
tually fail us; it will never fulfill us as we have thought it would.
Why? The mental, physical and material is not Real, not
True because it is not Spirit Itself; God Itself; Principle. All but
the experience of God Itself is but an image of God, therefore
unreal; a false image or experience of That which truly Is.

“...whoever drinks of the water that I shall give him (God Itself; Spirit
and Truth Itself) will never thirst. The water that I shall give him will be-
come in him a fountain of water springing up into everlasting life.”


Do you see now why illumined consciousness is able to say,

quite literally, “I have food to eat of which you do not know.”?
The only true food is God Itself—Spirit and Truth Itself.
When we live on Spirit and Truth we discover — by the degree
we’re living it — that It literally feeds us with everything needed
for complete and utter Fulfillment and Purpose of Being.
More and more—as individual spiritual awareness increases,
replacing material awareness—Fulfillment satisfies the material
sense of experience without the ‘agency’ of the seemingly re-
quired material form. For instance, the more you live on the
True Food that is Spirit and Truth the more you discover the
material agency (image) of food—the material “meat, the wine,
and water”—is unneeded.
Spirit and Truth literally “feeds” the experience of body
without material food. The True Body is incorporeal—spirit
alone. Why would the spiritual body require material food? It
doesn’t, and the more we lift into the spiritual awareness of our
truthful being and body, the less of the material sense of qual-
ity, form or amount we need for fulfillment.
Mostly, during our rising into the spiritual awareness, the
agency is still needed. There is much evidence that Jesus in-
cluded at least a little material food in his diet although much of
the time, maybe mostly, he was satisfied by the “food that you
know not of ”. But whether Spirit and Truth is experienced as
‘material’ food or pure Spiritual Food—Spiritual Presence—the
fulfillment of “food” always appears exactly when needed and
as perfect quality, form and amount.



“Do you not say, ‘There are still four months and then comes the
harvest’? Behold, I say to you, lift up your eyes and look at the
fields, for they are already white for harvest!”
The Master is explaining that if we continue to look at the
material scene and believe it, we enslave ourselves in the prison
of appearance: in materiality and its laws; its methods, seasons,
processes; its time and space; its pairs of opposites: good and
bad—”Do you not say, ‘There are still four months and then
comes the harvest’?” “Whoever drinks of this water—material-
ity—will thirst again.”
But the moment it is recognize that only God Is; only Spirit
and Truth Is, and because God, Spirit and Truth, is Om-
nipresent, the Whole being Present at every point of Itself at
the same time—therefore the Whole of Fulfillment eternally pres-
ent right where you are, here and now, in and as any and every
good form required—individual being discovers boundless free-
dom and completeness.
“Do not judge by the appearance, but judge righteous judge-
ment.” Judge only by God alone Is; Spirit alone Is; Truth alone
Is; Infinity alone Is; Omnipresence alone Is.
No person, organization, object or condition of appear-
ance—that which is name-able—can bind you, limit you, delay
you, overwhelm you, disturb or destroy you the moment you catch
the great Truth that God alone Is, therefore, Yes!, “I have food
to eat of which you do not know.” Yes!, “Whoever drinks of the
water that I shall give him will never thirst. The water that I


shall give him will become in him a fountain of water springing

up into everlasting life.” Yes!, “I say to you, lift up your eyes and
look at the fields, for they are already white for harvest!”



How can illumined consciousness say to material consciousness,

“Food is already prepared and ready for you to feast on,” when
by physical evidence something still has to ‘happen’ in order for
food to be present? You say, ‘There are still four months and
then comes the harvest.’ There is the reason. Whatever is hap-
pening as individual consciousness is tangible experience. Con-
sciousness—despite the way it seems to be or act as what we
name and believe to be matter—is the only substance and form
of you, of me, of all. Therefore the ‘ingredients’ or ‘flavor’ of
your consciousness versus mine is your tangible experience ver-
sus mine. Nothing is happening but consciousness.
Illumined (spiritual) consciousness knows that the only True
Food—Fulfillment in and of any form and amount—is God;
Spirit and Truth, and God, being Omnipresence, is fully here
now as the only here and now. There literally is nothing but God,
Spirit, Truth being the entirety of your mind, body and world,
and every atom, form, activity and amount of it. There is liter-
ally and most practically nothing but the infinity of God, Good,
despite the way It all appears to the dim sense of mind.
Never will the full—fulfilling—tangible experience of God,
Good, happen in one minute’s time, or tomorrow, or next week,


next month or one year from now. God Is, now. Never is God—
Good—experience-able in the future, not even sixty seconds
away from this very moment.


God Is now. God is now. God Is now!

Oh, just dwelling on ‘God Is now’ in the realization that God
Is everything—literally everything everywhere!—fills us with
such peace, harmony, joy and freedom, welling up within, burst-
ing forth, flowing over, permeating all of consciousness! You
need nothing else than God Is now because there isn’t anything
but God. Therefore when you have God you have all.
When will we awaken to this great truth of Truths? The full-
ness of God is happening as the entire experience of you this
very minute, eternally. Just accept It! Just wake up to It and de-
sire nothing ‘else’.
Do not desire physical health and vitality, youthful body,
plentiful food, abundant money, loving relationship, satisfying
companionship and friend, successful career, home, family, com-
munity, peaceful world. These are all the water that satisfies not.
“Whoever drinks of this water will thirst again.”
Desire God alone; pure Consciousness alone; the conscious
awareness of the presence of Infinity alone. The fields of pure
Consciousness are always plump with fruit—white for harvest—
despite all material evidence to the contrary. Material evidence
is nothing but a state of dim or foggy awareness veiling the
Completeness of That which Truly Is. Remember that always.


In fact, it will be worth taking that statement and tattooing it

on your forearm so that you never forget it. Material evidence is
nothing but a state of dim or foggy awareness veiling the Completeness of
That which Truly Is.
Look into your life and realize that all evidence of limitation,
lack, discord, negativity, disease is nothing more than a state of
false, or dim, or foggy consciousness veiling Truth. Nothing
more; nothing different. Truth is fully Present right where you
are but material sense cannot see It. That’s all. It is always just a mat-
ter of seeing rightly. “Open his eyes that he may see.”
Material perception is not Real; not True. It has no sub-
stance, law or principle to uphold or sustain it. The very mo-
ment illumined—lifted—consciousness comes to the scene
Truth is revealed, and limitless good evidenced. “Lift up your
eyes and look at the fields, for they are already white for har-
Lift up, lift up, lift up your eyes! Lift up awareness—your “eyes”;
your sense—to God alone Is! Stop looking at, believing, react-
ing to, and therefore being limited by, whatever the material
scene appears to be. Look up and there you find that God Is, and
the fullness thereof—”The earth is the Lord’s and the fullness


Realize that God alone Is.

Nothing ‘else’ is. Only God Is, literally. Deeply ponder this
Truth. Realize the nowness of God alone Is. You need nothing —


literally nothing—but the conscious awareness of God alone;

Consciousness alone. Despite all material evidence to the con-
trary the fullness of God is Present right where you are, as you,
this minute, eternally, therefore—again literally—all good body,
person, form, amount, activity, place and position is present with
you, as your entire experience, this minute and forever.
You are the Freedom of Being, the Fulfillment of God Being,
Being Itself as the image and character of You. You are the
“image and likeness” of God Itself because there is “none else”.
Only God Is, therefore the Isness that is you is That, and the full-
ness thereof.
“I Am that I am.”
“The earth is the Lord’s and the fullness thereof.”
You never need concern yourself with the physical, the ma-
terial, the earthly. You never need concern yourself with the ful-
fillment of the material plane. As extraordinary or even
unbelievable as this sounds, it is literally true.
Jesus, Gautama and every enlightened being has told us, and
proven, this very Principle of Being yet mass consciousness has
been infertile to it; not been able to hear it. The masses have
not realized Jesus was speaking literally when he said:

“Take no thought for your life, what ye shall eat; neither for the body,
what ye shall put on.
The life is more than meat, and the body is more than raiment.
Consider the ravens: for they neither sow nor reap; which neither have
storehouse nor barn; and God feeds them: how much more are ye better than
the fowls?


And which of you with taking thought can add to his stature one cubit?
If ye then be not able to do that thing which is least, why take ye thought
for the rest?
Consider the lilies how they grow: they toil not, they spin not; and yet I
say unto you, that Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of these.
If then God so clothe the grass, which is to day in the field, and to mor-
row is cast into the oven; how much more will he clothe you, O ye of little
And seek not ye what ye shall eat, or what ye shall drink, neither be ye
of doubtful mind.
For all these things do the nations of the world seek after: and your Fa-
ther knows that ye have need of these things.
But rather seek ye the kingdom of God; and all these things shall be
added unto you.
Fear not, little flock; for it is your Father’s good pleasure to give you the
Sell that ye have, and give alms; provide yourselves bags which wax not
old, a treasure in the heavens that fails not, where no thief approaches, nei-
ther moth corrupts.
For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also.”

Ponder these things deeply. Make them your hourly food and
water and wine. Take them as your love; enjoy the most beau-
tiful love affair with them. Ponder them morning, noon and
night. Honor them, serve them, give them freedom to be them-
selves as you, in and through your silence.

Chapter Nine


~ OF GOD ~

Just a blink away from your immediate apprehension is the per-

fection, boundlessness and individual divine purpose of the
True Kingdom—the Only Actual Kingdom, the Kingdom of
God, Good, Love, Heaven—being your complete and utter ful-
filled Life experience.
Every infinitesimal detail is in place, pre-prepared for you—
”I prepare a place for you” (John 14:2); “Before you call I will
answer.” (Isaiah 65:24)
Every whisper, every breath, every step, every purpose, every
activity, as utter fulfillment of Good, is already prepared and complete
in every way as You and for You. The Kingdom is Finished not
still under construction. The Finished Kingdom is the only King-
dom—the Kingdom being the Whole of Itself as You, here,
now, eternally unfolding, revealing more and greater aspects and


facets of the sublime and inconceivable Truth of Being; God,

happening as Itself, as the Being you misperceive—in your
human sense of identity—as being ‘you’.
Remember our first Truth. It tells us just this: “All things were
made through Him, and without Him nothing was made that
was made.” ( John 1:3)
“God saw every thing that he had made, and, behold, it was
very good.” (Genesis 1:31)
His “works were finished from the foundation of the world.”
(Hebrews 4:3)
Therefore let us again hear our opening statement: “Just a
blink away from your immediate apprehension is the True
Kingdom—the Only Actual Kingdom, the Kingdom of God,
Good, Love, Heaven—being your complete and utter fulfilled
Life experience.”



Stop here for 5 or 10 or 30 minutes—or as long as you wish!

Feel the Finished Kingdom—the Kingdom of God, Truth,
utter Completeness of Good “with none else”—happening as the
very you you are, here and now, “closer than breathing”.
Feel Its rhythm.
Feel Its gentle pulse happening as You.
Feel Its Peace, Its Love, Its Grace happening as You.
Feel Its Silence. That Silence is the Truth of You, the Com-


pleteness of You, the Purpose of You. That Silence felt happen-

ing as you is the greatest Power on earth; your greatest gift of Life
and Love to mankind; your greatest gift of peace and freedom
to earth.
That Silence is happening as the entirety of God Being the
entirety of You twenty-four hours a day. It is only the mind fix-
ated on the mental, physical and material degree of awareness
that keeps the Silence, therefore the Perfection and Wholeness
of Truth as All, hidden from ‘human’ sense.
When the mind relaxes its fixation on its own formation—the
mental, physical and material—it ‘makes space’ for the Silence
to be felt happening. “Be still, and know that I—the very I of
you; the very Consciousness of you—am God.” Still the mind,
turn within, and begin to feel Presence happening. Simply re-
move awareness from the seeming, to the Real—the Presence of
Life Itself happening as You; the Presence of Omnipresence
happening as what you feel to be ‘you’.
As you practice this you begin to be able to feel your con-
sciousness, your life, your presence happening; your ‘energy’
happening. It doesn’t matter how you describe it. The important
thing is that you become still, withdraw attention from the
‘outer’ to the ‘inner’, and become receptive to the feeling of the
presence of Spirit, Truth, God happening as You. “Be still, and
know that I am God.”


“Stand still and see (feel; witness; experience) the salvation (the


presence; the fullness; the completeness) of the Lord which he

will show you this day (this very moment).” Bathe in It; let It
flood you, permeate you, fill you full—fill your conscious aware-
ness; have you be fully consciously aware—of Itself.
Be peaceful; be still; be spacious.
Listen; be open; receive.
That’s all.


From the human standpoint—the human degree of aware-

ness—the kingdom looks somewhat incomplete, out of place,
contentious, unhappy, limited, lacking, discordant, diseased, un-
safe, insecure, unreliable, variable.
But this standpoint, or ‘view’, of the Kingdom is simply a
low or foggy degree of awareness, not true seeing, or clear seeing.
“I see but I see with glasses darkly.” Apprehension—’seeing
clearly’—is the only aspect of being we are dealing with in awak-
ening. Nothing else; nothing different; nothing less.
Awakening is just what it says: awakening—becoming ‘clear-
sighted’; becoming fully conscious of That which Is: Truth rather
than untruth; to the Miracle of God Being Itself in infinite ex-
pression, form, quality and amount, right here, now, happen-
ing as You.
Our state of conscious awareness—spiritual apprehension—
determines our state of experience. Nothing we see, hear, taste,


touch, smell or think is apprehension of Truth. Rather it is ap-

prehension of concepts of Truth, but never Truth Itself.
Yet right here—wherever you see, hear, taste, touch, smell
and whatever you think—is Holy Ground; the fullness of God
in, and as, full Manifestation, Form and Expression, All-Com-
plete, Whole, Perfect, Purposeful, Joyous and Free. Indeed, it is
time to truly ignore appearance as the presence or power or
amount or character it suggests it is.
Never judge by the appearance. Nothing of appearance, ever, is
Truth. Therefore ignore it. Nothing that seems to be, Is. There-
fore nothing that seems to be ‘good’ Is; nothing that seems to be
‘bad’ Is. Why judge therefore? Why fret? Why worry? Why fear?
Why react? Why make effort in the direction of trying to fix or
pacify or heal or prosper the appearance? Why struggle and
strive to either improve the ‘bad’ things and conditions of ap-
pearance or gain more of the ‘good’ things and conditions of
Making such effort is where and how we fail as awakening
beings. We have not taken literally Jesus’ decree to, “Take no
thought for your life—life as it appears; the world and all its de-
tail as it appears to ‘human’ apprehension. Judge not according
to the appearance but judge righteous judgement.”
Judge by—sense by; react and respond to; rely on—Truth
alone; God alone; the Presence and Reality of Spirit and Truth alone.


Dismiss appearance; immerse yourself in God Consciousness.


Close eyes, turn ‘within’—to your consciousness—where you

are unperturbed by appearance, and think:

All is God.
Nothing exists that exists that is not God and the Whole thereof. Noth-
ing exists that is different than, or less than, the infinity and omnipresence
that is God Itself.
God Is; nothing ‘else’ is.
Therefore all is under the government of God, for there is none else.

Look anywhere in your world—at anything that appears to

be; anything of the 3-dimensional, conceptual appearance,
good or bad—and realize immediately that what appears is not
True, not Real, therefore has no power, no substance, no form,
no life, no amount, no quality of its own.
What you are Truly, literally observing is the Fullness of God
at, and as, the very point, substance and form of awareness you
are experiencing. As you now perceive the ‘withinness’—the
Truth—of this experience—this appearing being, thing,
amount, activity or condition—realize that ‘it’ is actually—de-
spite all ways in which it appears or acts—fully governed by, and
being, the God Presence It truly Is.
Not a hair is missing, or out of place. Not a ‘person’ or ‘thing’
or ‘condition’ of absolute fulfillment is separate or apart from
this very place you are observing; this very experience you are
Omnipresence is this very place and condition you are ob-
serving. Omnipresence is It; You are It. “I am that I am.” Noth-


ing ‘else’ or ‘less’; nothing ‘different’. Omnipresence—the

Whole of God, Good, Life, Love, Freedom, Completeness, Ful-
filled Purpose of Being—Your Truthful Being—Is actually this
place, this condition, you are observing; this experience you are
being as the infinity of individual consciousness happening this
moment as you.
It doesn’t matter where you place your consciousness; what
your consciousness is observing of itself at any moment whether
that be your sense of mind, body, family, home, neighborhood,
community, country, world, universe or any finite detail of it.
How it looks, acts, and what it tells your senses about itself is
not important because it is not Real or Truthful. What you are
actually observing—which means actually being, because all is con-
sciousness being—is the utter Perfection and unadulterated Com-
pleteness of God, Good, Love, Fulfillment of Being,
unconditional Freedom and Infinity of All under the divine
Government of Itself.



Nothing is missing from the utter fulfillment of each part, place

and moment of awareness; experience—each moment and cir-
cumstance you observe; each moment and condition of con-
sciousness happening; each moment and condition of you
—your individual consciousness; beingness—happening.
It is true that as we look out through the lens of the five-sense
mind Truth appears not to be so. That is why Jesus admonished:


Judge not according to the appearance.

That which appears to be as we observe the 3-dimensional
experience of the mind is a lie. It is nothing more than false or
foggy or ‘dark’ imagery of That which Truly Is. Nothing the
mind experiences is Real! All mind experience is conceptual for-
mation, false imagery, non-Reality. Therefore why judge what
‘is’ and what is ‘not’ by the suggestion of false sense?
Interestingly, Webster describes image as:
1: a reproduction or imitation of the form of a person or
thing; especially : an imitation in solid form : statue.
2a: the optical counterpart of an object produced by an op-
tical device (as a lens or mirror) or an electronic device; b: a vi-
sual representation of something: as (1): a likeness of an object
produced on a photographic material (2): a picture produced
on an electronic display (as a television or computer screen).
3: exact likeness : semblance (God created man in his own
image—Genesis 1:27)
4a: a tangible or visible representation : incarnation (the
image of filial devotion); b archaic: an illusory form : appari-
5a (1): a mental picture or impression of something (had a
negative body image of herself) (2): a mental conception held
in common by members of a group and symbolic of a basic at-
titude and orientation (a disorderly courtroom can seriously tar-
nish a community’s image of justice — Herbert Brownell); b :
idea, concept.
6: a vivid or graphic representation or description.
7: figure of speech.


8: a popular conception (as of a person, institution, or nation)

projected especially through the mass media (promoting a cor-
porate image of brotherly love and concern—R. C. Buck)


Realize: any image, anything we are able to name, is concep-

tual, conditional, 3-dimensional and finite. Therefore it is a sub-
jective experience, and if subjective then of opinion either
individually or collectively, therefore never of Reality.
My friends, stop—once and for all—judging by appearance:
believing it, reacting to it, loving, hating, fearing it; exerting ef-
fort for it—either to gain its good or be rid of its bad.
It literally—even in and of the ‘worldly, human, mental, ma-
terial, physical’ experience—is nothing but false imagery; subjec-
tive, conceptual, 3-dimensional, ‘human’ experience. It is just
as if we are watching a movie that we could say is “nothing but
false imagery; subjective, conceptual, 3-dimensional, ‘human’


Rest your awareness just a blink deeper than on that which ap-
pears to be. Rest back in the unconditionally loving omnipres-
ence of That which is True—That which is Your Truth here,
everywhere, wherever you place your awareness, wherever you
are being at every moment.
Realize that this very place “on which you stand” is Holy


ground, Whole and Complete Being, Body, Thing, Activity,

Amount and Condition—God Itself and the “fullness
thereof ”—under the full Government of Itself—of God, Good,
Life, Love, Completeness of Joy, Harmony and Peace, fulfill-
ment of Being in every Way.
Rest, rest, rest in the Government of God being All you ex-
perience. Then watch how that Government reveals all in and
as your every moment of experience to be True, Lively, Loving,
Plentiful and Free.
Think deeply about All being the finished Kingdom of
Good, and All being Governed by that Good—Life, Love, Ful-
fillment of Joy, Abundance of All Thing and Circumstance and
Activity, unconditional to anything you do or fail to do, think or
fail to think, anything either ‘negative’ or ‘positive’ in appear-
ance or deed.
Think, think. Realize that every tiny detail of your experi-
ence—without exception, without condition—is governed and
complete as the Whole of Good happening as, and for, your ful-
filled and freely-expressing experience, and purpose, of life. Pon-
der these things deeply, gently, sacredly, for there is no other
Truth, no other Reality, no other World, no other You, no other
Then let the governed experience of Truth become, in your
sacred silence and receptivity, “a fountain of water springing up
into everlasting life”—the experience of all that appears to be
discordant “springing up into a wellspring of ” harmonious,
healthy, peaceful, happy, wise, abundant and divinely fulfilled
being, for His—Truth’s—Purpose, the Good of All universally
and unconditionally witnessed as all five-sense experience.
Chapter Ten


We have come a long way in the first nine chapters. If you have
been seriously working with and pondering each Week’s truths,
contemplating their profound meanings—ever deeper and more
dimensionally, with ever greater texture and flavor (which never
ceases from becoming more and fresh: the daily “fresh manna”)—
your consciousness is already much spiritually nourished, lifted
and enriched with greater harmony evident in most or at least
some of your world.
The flow of witnessed ‘fruitage’ is becoming evident in what,
to the five senses, is called ‘tangible ways’.


Fruitage is the litmus test. Always tangible evidence is the test we

give ourselves. If there is no greater visible, tangible harmony


and plenty in our experience there is no greater spiritual conscious-

ness, or, as yet, insufficient spiritualization of consciousness to ev-
idence Itself as what we name ‘the fruits’—the tangible,
‘material’ good of experience.


God is One—One Consciousness, One Being, One Body, One

Place, One Amount, One Condition, One Happening—Ex-
pression; Activity—One World, One Now.
There is never ‘inner’ enriched consciousness without ‘outer’
tangible evidence unless you entertain the idea of the ‘inner’
being different than the ‘outer’. All is One! All, all, all! There is
no such thing as an ‘inner’ versus an ‘outer’ in Truth. In One-
ness, how can there be ‘two’? How could Oneness consist of
‘two’ states of consciousness, ‘two’ states of embodiment, ‘two’
states of manifestation, ‘two’ states of tangibility, ‘two’ states of
visibility—one state ‘unembodied, unmanifest, intangible and in-
visible’ to human sense with another state or area ‘embodied,
manifest, tangible and visible’?
What would be happening, where, and to what, to prompt and
cause the change from intangible to tangible when God already
Is All, One, Complete, Whole and Omnipresent? “The place
whereon you stand (your consciousness) is Holy—Whole; Om-
Remember: “The earth—consciousness—is the Lord’s and
the fullness—completeness, wholeness, oneness—thereof.” God
is already Complete, One, Manifest, Tangible, Visible. Or we can state


it like this: there is only One state of Being: Whole.

It is spiritual awareness that ‘makes’ the Wholeness of Being
visible and tangible at any and every degree of consciousness,
including all ‘physical and material’ degrees. Truth does not be-
come manifest, visible and tangible to or as a ‘different’ degree of
consciousness. No! Rather it is the rising into and as spiritual
awareness which is that ‘allowing’ or ‘enabling’ or ‘truth’ of con-
sciousness that sees That which already, eternally and infinitely
Is visibly and tangibly as conceptual sense.
Spiritual consciousness is that consciousness which sees Truth
visibly and tangibly because the falsity of consciousness is no
longer occupying conscious space, clouding from perception
That which Is.
The lifting and enriching of consciousness increases specific
and overall spiritual awareness, replacing material awareness.
Hour by hour of absorbing ourselves in Truth messages, inte-
grated with silence in which we ‘listen’ to the Presence of Truth
happening within, material consciousness is gradually replaced
with spiritual. As each and every degree of increased spiritual
awareness happens as your consciousness there the evidence of it—
the fruitage of it—unfolds or blossoms as our so-called physical and mate-
rial harmony because all is One not ‘two’; the ‘inner’ is the ‘outer’
and the ‘outer’ is the ‘inner’.



Go back through chapters 1-9 of this book. Everything you


need to tangibly lift and enrich consciousness—with fruits evi-

dent—is contained in these wonderful messages from on High.
Take each chapter deeper into your consciousness. Live with it
more fully, more consistently. Fall in love with it; take it everywhere
with you. Ponder the miracle of Life, the miracle that is You in
Truth, here, now, omnipresent.
Realize the literal Oneness of Truth—the literal Oneness of
the ‘inner’ being the ‘outer’ and the ‘outer’ being the ‘inner’—
rather than continuing to entertain and believe the false idea of
a God of Spirit and a man of matter. No, no! There is just God
being All, therefore there is just God being Itself as You and Your
entire World experience which means there is just Spirit and Truth
being All, which appears to be—as and through the conditioned,
conceptual mind we name human—material, physical, earthly.
Forget appearance once and for all. Realize all is God—Spirit
and Truth omnipresent. All, all, all! without exception and with-
out any mental hocus pocus by you or me, or even by Gautama
or Jesus or Shankara or Isaiah or Mohammed or Nanak or any
other illumined Master. In their own words all have told us, “I,
of my own self, am nothing; it is the Father within me that does
the works.”
God Is, already. God Is One and Oneness. Therefore as that
Truth is individually realized by a greater degree it is quickly evident
as the good in all of life. Use this as the one and only ‘measure’
of your true spiritual progress. “By their fruits you shall know
them.” Of course that is true in Oneness. It could be no other
way. Therefore revisit chapters 1-9. Keep working with them
for as long as it takes to start witnessing the fruits of your in-


creasing spiritual consciousness, bursting forth with new and

glorious fruit like the vineyard in spring. That bursting forth will
not be long, my friend, as you keep working, keep pondering,
keep nourishing consciousness, keep knowing the truth as re-
vealed in these pages.
And now—if you are ready—let’s move on.


All the work until this point, at which we are now ready to wit-
ness “The Lord build the house”; Truth being the Fullness of
your our consciousness—has been preparation for the Experience—
the tangible Experience of God, the Kingdom of Heaven, the
Miracle we’ve been searching for, rising into, and waiting for—
now felt happening in, and as, and throughout our being—an actual
felt experience of that Something happening within.
All the ‘work’ of pondering, contemplating, chewing on, liv-
ing with truth in our minds morning, noon and night—thinking
about truth, fertilizing our consciousness in this way, nurturing,
developing, ‘spiritualizing’ our consciousness—is not the Expe-
rience Itself but a preparation for the The Experience; the mak-
ing-ready of consciousness so that out of, as, and through your
prepared, lifted, purified state Truth is now able to spring forth
into tangibility as the tangible, visible good universe of you.
Without this preparation—this withdrawing attention and
belief from the ‘outer’ to the Truth ‘within’, thereby making the
mind peaceful, spacious and receptive like a sponge ready to be
filled with the bountiful waters of the ocean—no truth can be


felt happening, therefore tangibly evidenced. There is no way an

‘unprepared’ consciousness can evidence (be the environment,
or atmosphere of) Truth anymore than rocky ground can evi-
dence (be the environment, or atmosphere of) a healthy, fruitful
orchard, or dark can be the environment or atmosphere of light.
There has to be the environment of Truth—a spiritual con-
sciousness; a consciousness filled with spiritual awareness rather
than material, physical, earthly awareness—for there to be
Truth evident. There has to be a clean window for there to be sun-
shine in our home. If the window is dirty or darkened it is not
the environment or atmosphere in which and through which
sunshine can be evident; if the window is grimy then only a lit-
tle sunshine can be evident.
Indeed there has to be a clean consciousness—a pure, clear
consciousness—’pure’ and ‘clear’ meaning spiritual; a con-
sciousness thinking about, aware of, realizing that all is God, Spirit
and Truth, and feeling that Spirit and Truth happening within—
for there to be Truth evident as that consciousness; that ‘you’
and ‘me’ as our tangible world. Our world is simply our formed,
tangible consciousness—the ‘one’ and the ‘other’ being the same
One Substance and Formation.
If there is not the actual, tangible experience of God, Truth, Spirit
felt happening as your individual withinness there is no Truth ev-
ident as your universe, nor any condition of it.
And so we arrive at the divine experience of Truth Itself hap-
pening as our Experience as ‘we’ are now still and quiet—a
silent, attentive state of being—witness to That which Is, hap-
pening As Itself, as what we ‘humanly’ name ‘you’ and ‘me’.


Truth felt happening within is what the Psalmist describes in

our third truth statement:

“unless the LORD builds the house, they labor in vain who build it;
unless the LORD guards the city, the watchman stays awake in vain.”
Psalm 127:1

‘House’ is ‘consciousness’. Unless Truth Itself is felt happening

as individual consciousness—”Unless the Lord builds the
house”—then Truth cannot ‘build’—be evident as—your
‘house’—your world of good mind, body, thing, amount, rela-
tionship, home, family, place, condition and circumstance.
All the thinking in eternity cannot evidence one single brick of
your True House—your True You; True Universe, True Expe-
rience of life. All the thinking you can ever do, all the intellec-
tualizing, all the learning even of the most beautiful and
profound truths—cannot evidence a single actual form of Truth


Do not make the mistake of assuming that truth-thinking can

evidence Truth whereas non-truth thinking cannot. No thinking—
truthful or non-truthful; even spiritual—can evidence a single
cubit of Truth. “Take no thought; Who among you by taking
thought can add one cubit to your stature?”
Thinking of Truth—’spiritualizing’ consciousness—the pon-
dering, the filling our minds with Truth morning, noon and


night, lifting consciousness into the awareness of Spirit and

Truth rather than earth and matter—prepares consciousness so
that the Truth which always Is, and Is fully Manifest as All—
the Finished Kingdom omnipresent—can be more evident as,
and through, the purified environment of spiritualized con-


You cannot evidence God; I cannot; Jesus, Buddha, Shankara,

Moses, Isaiah, and Elijah cannot. Only God can evidence God as in-
dividual Being and as that Being’s awareness.
Think how ludicrous it would be if ‘we’ could evidence God!
That would make us greater than, or at least equal to, God. It
would give us a power that God does not have. It would make
us necessary assistants in the Kingdom of Heaven. It would
mean ‘we’ have a role to play ‘for’ God—in other words, God
would not be complete in all ways, especially in the ‘human’
way, without our particular power or use of mind which was
able to manifest God where God was unable to manifest Itself,
by Itself; we would play the role of making God visible and tan-
gible where God was invisible and intangible. What nonsense!
How ludicrous and egoistic a proposition!
Yet this is what millions of spiritual students are attempting
to do every day—attempting to ‘get God’ to fulfill their idea of
good mind, body and world; visualizing, praying for, meditating
for, affirming, even being silent in the hope that that silence will
make God tangible in individual and world affairs.


Realize once and for all: thinking has no Truth-power or abil-

ity whatsoever. Only God can evidence Itself; Only God already
Is the fullness of Its fully Manifest Omnipresence. Get this into
your consciousness forever:

Only God can evidence Itself... Only God can evidence It-
self... Only God can evidence Itself... Only God can evidence It-
self... Only God can evidence Itself !

Therefore ‘you’ and ‘I’ have to be still and silent and attentive
to God felt happening as the deep withinness, the pure Truth of
consciousness—your very consciousness and mine as the One
Truth Consciousness; the One, indivisible, fully embodied and
complete consciousness being All.
Only when we have sufficiently nourished, nurtured, fertil-
ized, and spiritually lifted the mind with the truth that God Is
the Infinitude, therefore All, therefore nothing ‘else’ is true,
nothing ‘else’ is real, nothing’ else’ has power or substance or
body or form or function or activity or amount or condition or
place (in the way we have done in the chapters of this book) is
consciousness able to be still and quiet, peaceful, sufficiently un-
worried, fearless, open and attentive to That which Is. Only then
is consciousness able to feel Truth happening within.



Indeed, God is happening as Itself as You 24 hours a day. Of


course that is true! Only God Is and God is always Whole, Com-
plete, ‘fully happening’, fully Present, Finished as the fullness of
Itself as You, me, and all.
But are you consciously aware of that ‘happening’ happening
as you? No! You are mostly aware of everything but Truth! You
are mostly aware of what appears to be—the mental, material,
physical, earthly way in which the Kingdom appears to be to the
‘human’ conceptual, 3-dimensional mind.
But now—with consciousness prepared and fertile—you are
able to be still and silent, receptive and expectant of the expe-
rience of That which Is—the happening of God happening as
Itself as You, then witnessed as your individual awareness—the
“Lord building your house”—a house abundant.


Nothing else but this is the miracle of Truth—That which you

consciously experience as happening within with no effort on your part,
no thinking it so—just a still and silent openness and receptiv-
ity to That which is forever happening as your Truth, now tan-
gibly felt as a welling-up of peace or harmony or joy or a sense
of release or lightness or warmth or freedom from burden, re-
sponsibility, and effort.
That is the Miracle of You felt, experienced, tangibly realized, the
oneness of which bears “rich fruit” as harmony, peace, abun-
dance and freedom of life experience, all being One, the ‘inner’
being the ‘outer’ and the ‘outer’ being the ‘inner’.



Realize only God can evidence God. Therefore, maintain a nour-

ished and fertile consciousness by continuing to ponder Truth.
Never cease consciously realizing the presence and wholeness
of Truth 24 hours a day—this pondering being the opening and
nourishing of consciousness—and then rest more often
throughout the day, be silent more often, listen more often to
your deep silence of your withinness; be evermore attentive to
the depth of consciousness which Is the fulfillment of Itself, fully
Manifest and Visible, now individually and uniquely witnessed
as ‘your’ fully manifest and visible good.
Be still, silent, attentive to, and expectant of, “The Lord
building your house”, Truth being your consciousness, Con-
sciousness being consciousness as you. If you do not, then all the
truth pondering in the universe will be “in vain”. You and I can-
not build our truth house; only God Is, therefore only God Is the
House; only God evidences (‘builds’) Itself—builds, reveals, It’s
House, It’s Finished House as the unconditional, omnipresent
and irrepressible Good of You, Your World and every detail of
It, which—when peered at through and as the five-senses of con-
sciousness—is witnessed as the all-good, healthy, prosperous, har-
monious and peaceful conceptual, ‘material’ world of you.
The fields of your universe are rich with heavenly fruit when
the Lord builds the house; barren when thought attempts to build it.
Indeed: “The earth is the Lord’s and the fullness thereof,”
and, “Unless the LORD builds the house, they labor in vain
who build it; Unless the LORD guards the city, the watchman
stays awake in vain.”
Chapter Eleven


Nothing but God felt or heard happening within is your Good wit-
nessed—your demonstration.
If there is no inner experience of God felt happening there
is no good evident.
Thinking does not make it so. Knowledge—knowing truth—
does not make it so. Manipulating the mental, material or phys-
ical does not make it so. Only God Is therefore only God
experienced—felt—happening within is Good become cogniz-
able to 3-dimensional awareness. And when God becomes cog-
nizable to individual awareness miracles are witnessed in the
3-dimensional experience.
All the work of knowing truth deeper and more thoroughly,
more vividly, more concretely; all the work of lifting belief and
fixation away from the mental, material and physical, away from
time and space, process and method, amount and condition, av-


enue and activity, cause and effect into the awareness that Only
God Is, is preparation for the Experience Itself, never—as its
own self—the experience itself.
The mind must be still, rested, peaceful from belief in, con-
cern about, or effort for, the 3-dimensional appearance—the
way the Kingdom of Oneness appears to be through ‘human’ per-
ception; that which we name ‘mental, material and physical’.
In fact, we should from now drop the idea of ‘inner’ versus
‘outer’ for the awareness of the literal Kingdom of Oneness as
being the Only. How wonderful and freeing to lose the false no-
tion of ‘within’ versus ‘without’! There never has been such di-
vision! All is One; All is God; All is Omnipresence. Where,
therefore, does a ‘within’ versus a ‘without’ exist? Where in One-
ness, God, Omnipresence, does ‘two’ exist—two of anything,
including that duality deemed as ‘inner’ versus ‘outer’.
The more we grasp the truth that what we name the ‘human,
mental, material, physical’ experience of life is simply a 3-di-
mensional cognizance—consciousness; awareness; observance;
perception—of the Kingdom of Oneness; the One, infinite, di-
mensionless All; the I Am that is God Being All; the Infinite
Being Itself as You, Me, All—the more we will realize the truth
and practicality of omnipresence—All Life Form and Activity
everywhere present, fully Manifest and Complete, Whole and
Perfect, unconditionally manifest, visible, tangible; freely avail-
able to and as your experience and mine at every moment, as
the fulfillment of every condition, situation and place.
Wherever you place your awareness there is the Infinity and Om-
nipresence of Oneness. Forget completely the false idea of ‘within’


versus ‘without’. “When you make the two one, and when you
make the inner as the outer and the outer as the inner and the
above as the below, and when you make the male and the fe-
male into a single one, so that the male will not be male and the
female not be female... then shall you enter the kingdom.” Jesus,
Gospel of Thomas, saying 22.
Using the phrase “enter the kingdom” Jesus is referring to
the Kingdom of truthful Consciousness, the Kingdom of
Awareness that the I of being is God, Allness, Infinity, Om-
nipresence, The One Being being the being you are, the being
I am; the being All are—the Kingdom of Consciousness, of “I
Am that I am.”
All is One—One Being, One Body, One Form, One Condi-
tion, One Activity, One Amount, One Truth omnipresent as,
and wherever, individual awareness is placed—any place of indi-
vidual attention; your or my observance or focus of attention
happening at, or as, a specific point, person, thing, activity, con-
dition, or place.
“I live and move and have my being in God,” must be real-
ized as, “I live and move and have my being in omnipresent One-
ness; as omnipresent Oneness; as Omnipresence Itself happening as the being
I am, and my entire experience; my entire world and everything everywhere
of it.”
This is critical to your awareness now as we make ourselves
open and receptive to the One presence that Is, and witness It
as the Oneness of our here and now tangible experience.
Realize well: all the experience of God happening as our
being will not be evident 3-dimensionally if we are living a di-


vided consciousness, an ‘inner’ versus an ‘outer’ sense of life.

This ‘divided’ consciousness is one of the major reasons so
many long-standing spiritual students, who regularly do feel a
beautiful peace happening within, are not able to evidence the
fruits of It in their ‘outer’ world of material and physical form.
It is experienced ‘within’ yet their ‘without’ is devoid of evi-
denced good in one way, or many. Yes!, because they have—they
are believing; they are being—a consciousness of ‘within’ ver-
sus ‘without’; the “divided house” Jesus warned about.
The very moment oneness is truly realized—true Oneness of
Presence, Being, Form, Place, Thing, Activity, Amount, Condi-
tion—then indeed Truth is infallibly evidenced everywhere
about, as everything everywhere. The Peace ‘within’ is the peace
‘without’, all being One, ever-Manifest Presence and Form, un-
divided and undivide-able.*



The only Presence, Power, Body, Form, Amount and Activity is

God, Truth, Spirit. Therefore the only experience is God, Truth,
Spirit felt happening as your Being; felt happening ‘within’.
An ‘experience’ is felt; it is sensed; a sensed presence, a conscious
awareness; a realized happening; a conscious happenstance.

*NOTE: we will continue to use the words 'within' and 'without'—'inner' and 'outer'—but al-
ways realize that these words refer to nothing more than a sense of 'within the body' or 'outside
of the body'; the 'withinness' of us and the expansiveness—'outer'—of us, and that truthfully,
actually, literally All is One; All is Omnipresence.


Webster defines ‘experience’ as:

1a: direct observation of or participation in events as a basis

of knowledge b : the fact or state of having been affected by or
gained knowledge through direct observation or participation.
2: practical knowledge, skill, or practice derived from direct
observation of or participation in events or in a particular ac-
3: the conscious events that make up an individual life.
4: something personally encountered, undergone, or lived
5: the act or process of directly perceiving events or reality.

Nothing but God Experience happening as individual experi-

ence is truthful experience. All ‘other’ experience is false, illu-
sory, vaporous imagery with no law to sustain it, no body or
form or activity or amount or condition of Truth. Therefore it
varies, depletes, is unreliable, finite, let’s us down. Nothing we
can think, know or do, either mentally, physically or materially,
is Truth Itself.
Only God Is Truth; only God Experience is Truthful expe-
rience—the One True, invariable, effortlessly ever-present and
unconditional Good of All Experience, always here, now, fully
Manifest and Tangible without exception.
Hence, “Unless the Lord build the house they labor in vain
who build it.” All the knowing of truth, all the affirming of
truth, all the contemplating and pondering of truth is not a grain
of Truth Itself. Knowing, affirming, contemplating, pondering—


all this is of the mind. It is the activity of the mind only not of Truth
It is good and necessary as preparation to have the mind be still and
peaceful, unattached and unconcerned with that which appears
to be. But it is never Truth Itself therefore “they labor in vain”
who rely on truth known by and of the mind.
Yet, “He that believeth on Me, as the scripture hath said, out
of his belly (being) shall flow rivers of living water.” John 7:38
“Whosoever drinks of this water (truth known by and of the
mind; materiality; physicality) shall thirst again: But whosoever
drinks of the water that I shall give him (Truth Itself ‘given’ to
you by Consciousness Itself felt happening as your conscious-
ness) shall never thirst; but the water that I shall give him shall
be in him a well of water springing up into everlasting life.” John
The “well of water springing up into everlasting life” is the
One Substance, One Body, One Form, One Amount, One Free-
dom, One Joy of Being—God Itself experienced—as the Good
that All Is, in infinite variety of form and character, opportu-
nity and purpose fulfilled as It is observed and experienced .
Again Jesus instructs us of the One Experience: “For I say
unto you, I will not any more eat thereof, until it be fulfilled in the
kingdom of God. And he took the cup, and gave thanks, and
said, Take this, and divide it among yourselves: For I say unto
you, I will not drink of the fruit of the vine, until the kingdom of
God shall come. And he took bread, and gave thanks, and brake
it, and gave unto them, saying, This is my body which is given for
you: this do in remembrance of me.” Luke 22: 16-19


Oh, if everyone could understand this profound statement

of Jesus! “I will not drink of the fruit of the vine, until the king-
dom of God shall come.” The entire secret of awakened self is
contained in these seventeen words. “I will not (I cannot) drink
of the fruit of the vine (because there isn’t any) until the king-
dom of God (the God Experience happening within) shall come
(shall be felt happening within).
There it is, the whole secret—the secret of evidenced un-
conditional Good, the Miracle of Life Itself tangibly experi-
enced in and as All of You.
It is this “kingdom of God coming (felt happening)” that is
the very Finished Kingdom Itself experienced as you, by you,
for you. It is your utter fulfillment of Being, the One Com-
pleteness of Being and Its Purpose uniquely and individually
experienced as you and everything everywhere of your entirety,
as far as you wish to look throughout your consciousness.
It is felt as peace or harmony or joy or bliss or ecstasy or free-
dom or a sense of release from burden or light or warmth or
heat or formlessness or spaciousness or oneness as all. Or it can
be heard as a clarity of truth or as audible words or instruction.
It can be felt as a gentle touch of Love Itself assuring you that
all is well. It can be the remembrance of a beautiful truth state-
ment ‘welling up within’. It can be experienced in any way and
as any form. The important thing to understand is that this God
experience felt happening in one way or another is the only evident
Truth, the only actual Truth experience or demonstration; the only miracle.
The 3-dimensional visibility is infallible as one experiences
Truth Itself happening because All is One not two. Remember:


do not be the ‘house divided’, unable to witness the Good made

visible—revealed—as the Truth Experience.


There is no life in your universe but the One Life consciously ex-
perienced as happening as you, in the deep silence of your
‘human’ sense. As you consciously and consistently realize this
truth in the mind—which keeps the mind rested and still, unat-
tached and unconcerned with appearance—then only as you
consciously feel God happening within is more abundant and
richer life visible, tangible and perfectly formed as your body
and the body of all in your life.
“I Am come that you may have life, and that you may have
it more abundantly.” John 10:10
As you feel the God Experience happening within—the “I
Am”—the “kingdom of God coming”—you can be assured that
you are tangibly Whole, healed and forever untouchable by ill-
ness, disease or accident. You can be assured that you have re-
ceived your wealth and purpose, your safety and security, your
love and happiness. But you must feel the God Experience hap-
pening within before you have, as tangible form, the God Body,
the God Life, the God infinity of Supply, the God Safety and
Protection, the invincibility of Truth being everything You Are,
everything You Have, cognized as all good and omnipresent 3-
dimensional experience: person, thing, amount, activity, pur-
pose and resource.



If you are lacking what is named ‘health’ do not be deceived.

The body is the One Body eternally Whole, Perfect, Vital and
Free. What you are ‘lacking’ is consciously felt God experience.
That is all because God Is All.
Therefore, after all your truth knowing, contemplating and
pondering “Stand still and see (experience; feel happening) the
salvation (Truth, Wholeness) of the Lord (of Truth) which He
will show to you this day (your consciousness will reveal as it’s all-
good this day).” Exodus 14:13
Be still, silent, open, receptive and patiently “wait upon the
Lord”. Wait for the very omnipresence of Infinite Life, Love,
Abundance, Person, Place and Purpose Itself—God Itself; Truth
Itself; the Miracle Itself—to be felt happening within, for: “Evildo-
ers (those of material consciousness) shall be (are) cut off (unable
to evidence Truth; That which Is): but those that wait upon the
LORD, they shall inherit the earth.” Psalm 37:9
And, “They that wait upon the LORD shall renew their
strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall
run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint.” Isa-
iah 40:31
The Book of Isaiah describes the emptiness, pain and suf-
fering experienced by the material consciousness, and the abun-
dance, ability, strength, glory and freedom of the consciousness
imbued with, and experienced as God felt happening within.
Here are a few more versus of this Chapter 40. Read them
with spiritual discernment, the understanding that only the God


experience consciously felt happening is Truth experienced;

Truth ‘achieved’; the actual awakened and freed state of Being ex-
1Comfort ye, comfort ye my people, saith your God.
3The voice of him that crieth in the wilderness, Prepare ye
the way of the LORD, make straight in the desert a highway for
our God.
4Every valley shall be exalted, and every mountain and hill
shall be made low: and the crooked shall be made straight, and
the rough places plain:
5And the glory of the LORD shall be revealed, and all flesh
shall see it together: for the mouth of the LORD hath spoken
6All flesh is grass, and all the goodliness thereof is as the
flower of the field:
7The grass withereth, the flower fadeth: because the spirit
of the LORD bloweth upon it: surely the people is grass.
8The grass withereth, the flower fadeth: but the word of our
God shall stand for ever.
9 O zion, that bringest good tidings, get thee up into the high
mountain; O Jerusalem, that bringest good tidings, lift up thy
voice with strength; lift it up, be not afraid; say unto the cities of
Judah, Behold your God!
10Behold, the Lord GOD will come with strong hand, and
his arm shall rule for him: behold, his reward is with him, and
his work before him.
11He shall feed his flock like a shepherd: he shall gather the
lambs with his arm, and carry them in his bosom, and shall gen-


tly lead those that are with young.

12Who hath measured the waters in the hollow of his hand,
and meted out heaven with the span, and comprehended the
dust of the earth in a measure, and weighed the mountains in
scales, and the hills in a balance?
13Who hath directed the Spirit of the LORD, or being his
counsellor hath taught him?
14With whom took he counsel, and who instructed him, and
taught him in the path of judgment, and taught him knowledge,
and shewed to him the way of understanding?
15Behold, the nations are as a drop of a bucket, and are
counted as the small dust of the balance: behold, he taketh up
the isles as a very little thing.
16And Lebanon is not sufficient to burn, nor the beasts
thereof sufficient for a burnt offering.
17All nations before him are as nothing; and they are
counted to him less than nothing, and vanity.
18To whom then will ye liken God? or what likeness will ye
compare unto him?
19The workman melteth a graven image, and the goldsmith
spreadeth it over with gold, and casteth silver chains.
20He that is so impoverished that he hath no oblation
chooseth a tree that will not rot; he seeketh unto him a cunning
workman to prepare a graven image, that shall not be moved.
21Have ye not known? have ye not heard? hath it not been
told you from the beginning? have ye not understood from the
foundations of the earth?
22It is he that sitteth upon the circle of the earth, and the in-


habitants thereof are as grasshoppers; that stretcheth out the

heavens as a curtain, and spreadeth them out as a tent to dwell
23That bringeth the princes to nothing; he maketh the
judges of the earth as vanity.
24Yea, they shall not be planted; yea, they shall not be sown:
yea, their stock shall not take root in the earth: and he shall also
blow upon them, and they shall wither, and the whirlwind shall
take them away as stubble.
25To whom then will ye liken me, or shall I be equal? saith
the Holy One.
26Lift up your eyes on high, and behold who hath created
these things, that bringeth out their host by number: he calleth
them all by names by the greatness of his might, for that he is
strong in power; not one faileth.
28Hast thou not known? hast thou not heard, that the ever-
lasting God, the LORD, the Creator of the ends of the earth,
fainteth not, neither is weary? there is no searching of his un-
29He giveth power to the faint; and to them that have no
might he increaseth strength.
30Even the youths shall faint and be weary, and the young
men shall utterly fall:
31But they that wait upon the LORD shall renew their
strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall
run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint.

Doesn’t this speak to you of the whole world of material ‘good


and bad’, of finiteness, struggle, discord, disease, poverty,

famine, cruelty, injustice, unhappiness, impossibility and the en-
tire secret of Truth evidenced as you, and all who “wait upon
the Lord”?
Really we could do a whole weekend of classes on this one
chapter of Isaiah. Maybe one day we will. Never would Truth
be clearer and more tangibly evident than from the day we truly
understand what Isaiah is sharing with us, and from the mo-
ment we continually live Truth which means living the actual,
tangible experience of God felt happening within as our one and
only reliance, our one and only resource, our one and only True
everything everywhere, rather than mental, material and phys-
ical living.


“I am the way, the truth, and the life.” John 14:6

“To this end was I born and for this cause came I into the
world, that I should bear witness unto the truth.” John 18:37

“Christ (Truth; Consciousness) shall give thee light.” Eph-

esians. 5:15

“Christ is all, and in all.” Col. 3:11

“He (Truth experienced happening) dispels darkness (mate-

rial limitation, discord, disease, poverty) by the light of Truth


and delivers (reveals the Truth of) them who through fear and
death were all their lifetime subject to bondage.” Heb. 2:15

“He is before all things, and by him all things consist.” Colos-
sians. 1:17

“In him is life, and the life is the light of men.” John 1:4

“I am the light of the world; he that follows me (knows and

tangibly experiences Truth happening within) shall not walk in
darkness, but shall have the light of life.” John 8:12

“I am the bread of life; he that comes to me shall never

hunger, and he that believes on me shall never thirst.” John 6:35

“Every one that is of truth hears my voice (consciously ex-

periences Truth happening, and relies on none else).” John 18:37

“He that abides in me, and I in him (take note!), the same
brings forth much fruit.” John 15:5

“Without me ye can do nothing.” John 15:5

“Come unto me (Truth within, consciously felt happening) all

ye that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take
my yoke upon you, and learn of me... and ye shall find rest unto
your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.” Matt.


“Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you: not as the
world gives, give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, nei-
ther let it be afraid.” John 14:27

“Ye shall receive power after the Holy Ghost (Truth) is come
upon you (is consciously experienced).” Acts 1:8

“When he, the Spirit of Truth, is come, he will guide you

into all truth.” John 16:13

“The Comforter (Truth experienced), even the Holy Spirit...

he shall teach you all things.” John 14:26

“I will put my Spirit in you, and you shall live.” Ezek. 37:14

“Know ye not that you are the temple of God (Truth fully
embodied and perfect), and that the Spirit (Life; Experience;
Actuality; Tangibility) of God dwells in you?” 1 Cor. 3:16

“Where the Spirit of the Lord is (where the experience of

God felt happening within is taking place as the individual con-
sciousness of you, me), there is liberty.” 2 Cor. 3:17

“It is not ye that speak (live; experience Truth; Be Truth), but

the Spirit of your Father (Truth Itself forever seeking expres-
sion as you) which speaks in you (as you).” Matt. 10:20


“It is the Spirit that bears witness, because the Spirit is (the
only) Truth.” 1 John 5:7

“Not by might, nor by power, but by my Spirit, saith the Lord

of hosts.” zech. 4:6

“It is the Spirit that quickens (evidences Truthful Life; All

Good), the flesh (the mental, physical, material) profits nothing.”
John 6:63

“Now we have received, not the spirit of the world, but the
Spirit which is of God; that we might know (tangibly experi-
ence) the things that are freely given us of God.” 1 Cor. 2:12


Our work is not ‘ours’ but His—Truth’s.

Rest, turn within, be still, attentive and receptive; be patient
while you “wait on the Lord”.
Wait until you achieve sufficient stillness, silence and recep-
tivity—seeking the experience of God for It’s sake only, not for
any reason of ‘yours’ or the ‘worlds’—until you feel Truth hap-
pening, welling-up, stirring within.
This is our daily work now—being still enough, silent
enough, attentive enough so that That Which Is happening as
Itself twenty four hours a day can be felt happening.
That alone is the Miracle; that alone is Truth evidenced; that
alone is the ‘healing’—the revealing of Truthful Being, Body,


Thing, Amount, Activity, Place, Condition, World and Universe.

Let us devote ourselves more and more consistently to God,
to Truth, to Spirit, thereby revealing all beings as divine; all
things, activities and amounts as the Oneness of Love and Giv-
ingness; all of this world as Heaven, the Omnipresence of God,
Good with “none else”.
Only by this way of living—being—are we awake; are we
truthful to Truth; can we say we love God.

Chapter Twelve


“Be not afraid nor dismayed by reason of this great multi-

tude; for the battle is not yours, but God’s.” 2 Chron. 20:15
“And he arose, and rebuked the wind, and said unto the sea,
Peace, be still. And the wind ceased, and there was a great
calm.” Mark 4:39
“And he will love thee, and bless thee, and multiply thee: he
will also bless the fruit of thy womb, and the fruit of thy land,
thy corn, and thy wine, and thine oil, the increase of thy kine,
and the flocks of thy sheep, in the land which he sware
unto thy fathers to give thee.” Deuteronomy 7:13
“Give, and it shall be given unto you; good measure, pressed
down, and shaken together, and running over, shall men give


into your bosom. For with the same measure that ye mete withal
it shall be measured to you again.” Luke 6:38


As we arrive at the wondrous state of consciousness that knows

only God Is, only Omnipresence Is—the Self-Inclusive, Self-Con-
tained Allness of Good—the Only Is infinitely and uncondi-
tionally—we have just one true purpose: to let “The Lord build
the house”, to let the Kingdom of God be visible and tangible
as our consciousness, wherever we are and whatever our activ-
ity, as all body, form, amount, expression, place and condition,
as the good and glory of All.
We are no longer concerned about, or fearful of, the “great
multitudes” of conceptual experience and condition because we
know their nothingness, their “this world” imagery, not Real-
ity—their literal non-power, non-substance, non-form, non-en-
tity; their inability to effect us when we know the Truth and live It.
We understand that because God, Spirit and Truth, is the
One, therefore only, Power we must be a transparency of being
for It to be experienced, for “the Lord to build the house.”
We understand, “Be not afraid nor dismayed by reason of
this great multitude; for the battle is not yours, but God’s.”
It is The One Power of God Is that dissolves all negative, dis-
cordant, diseased, disruptive, lacking, limited 3-dimensional ex-
perience, or appearance, to reveal Truth.
Yes, “the battle is not yours, but God’s.” The ‘battle’ of build-


ing the house of Truth—revealing Truth as all consciousness—

is “the Lord’s” not ‘ours’. The ‘battle’ of revealing Truth where
discord or limitation appears to human sense is also “the
We as a human sense of being have no power, no substance,
no form of our own. “I can of my own self do nothing.” There-
fore how could we ‘build the house’? How could we reveal
Truth? What materials do we have with which to build It, to re-
veal It? What Substance, what Power, what Intelligence? “My
thoughts are not your thoughts; my ways are not your ways; I
am the Lord and beside Me there is none else.”
And so we rest. We settle down peacefully, relaxed and still of
being, silent and receptive, relinquishing our sense and opening
our being to Truth, making of ourselves a vessel for God, empty
of thought and effort, silent, open and willing for God to be
God as what appears as us.
No matter what pictured experience faces us, we immedi-
ately become still and receptive to Truth, remembering: “Be not
afraid nor dismayed by reason of this great multitude; for the
battle is not yours, but God’s.” In and as that rest, that con-
sciousness of Peace, all is revealed as peaceful, harmonious and
good because consciousness Is the allness of Experience; con-
sciousness Is the Self-Inclusive Allness witnessed as “this world”
and everything in it and of it, All being One.


“And he arose, and rebuked the wind, and said unto the sea,


Peace, be still. And the wind ceased, and there was a great
calm.” Mark 4:39
The disciple Mark is describing a spiritual account not his-
torical or material. “He arose” means he “lifted consciousness,”
he “realized Truth,” he “raised his consciousness” to pure
Truth, ignoring all appearance in the knowledge of its noth-
ingness, acknowledging the Allness, Omnipotence, Omnipres-
ence and Omniscience of Truth. “He arose” is our “laboring
in the fields”—pondering, contemplating, chewing on Truth to
again lift consciousness to an illumined state.
Then he “rebuked the wind”. He “looked upon the appear-
ing discord and knew the Truth that Only God Is.”
Webster defines “rebuke” as:
1a: to criticize sharply : reprimand.
1b: to serve as a rebuke to.
2: to turn back or keep down : check.
3: an expression of strong disapproval : reprimand.
We can interpret: to sharply know the nothingness of dis-
cord and the Allness of Truth; to “reprimand” the untruthful
appearance; to “check” it; to “strongly disapprove” of it, or
“strongly ignore” it in knowing that Only Truth Is.
Then “he said unto the sea (consciousness), Peace, be still”.
He “told” his consciousness to be peaceful and still rather than
accepting a collective activity of discord. His consciousness be-
came filled with, and as, Peace and Stillness, Harmony and Ful-
fillment, Love and Calm.
He “demanded” truthful experience as his tangible conscious
environment, or atmosphere.


“And the wind ceased, and there was a great calm.” Always
the appearing environment reveals itself to be harmonious and
complete when Truth is consistently felt happening within, and
known as the Self-Inclusive Allness of all; God felt happening as
individual consciousness—”the Lord building the house”—
Truth being the One Substance, Form and Character of All ex-
Jesus was so completely filled with and as Truth that quickly
“the wind ceased, and there was a great calm.” The imagery of
discordant collective consciousness calmed down and became
peaceful and well in the presence of Oneness; of Truth Con-
sciousness. Such was his illumined consciousness—his living
awareness that All is God and none else; his living beingness as
God Itself with none other—that the disciples were amazed, “saying
one to another, What manner of man is this, that even the wind
and the sea obey him?”
The “manner of man” that “this world” and everything
everywhere of it “obeys” is the spiritual man, the illumined con-
sciousness that does not have God and man, world, or condition,
but just God—no thought, no power “of my own self ” but a still
and peaceful transparency of being—consciousness—that is the
window of Truth radiating universally as All Good, Peace, and
If the disciples had understood Jesus’ teaching they would
not have said, “What manner of man is this, that even the wind
and the sea obey him?” They would have realized they were
witnessing God Consciousness reveal It’s Harmony, It’s Truth
which unconditionally unveils harmonious consciousness, there-


fore harmonious world because consciousness is the infinity of

all experience. Consciousness is the infinity of being—the One
Substance and Life of Being that appears through ‘human’
awareness to be all that is material and physical.
“If you see me you see the Father that sent me.” All is God,
Spirit, Truth. All is! All is! All is! Therefore when you sense any
person, any thing, any activity, any condition, any place it is God
actually—”the Father”—despite the way that appearance acts,
despite its appearing condition or place, despite its apparent pos-
itive or negative disposition.
The appearance is one hundred percent illusory, either good
or bad—indeed neither good nor bad; just God. Spiritual con-
sciousness—”the manner of man”—knows this, therefore is
undisturbed by appearance. It knows what Truly Is—hidden
from perception by the foggy mask of ‘human’ awareness: God
Itself, pure Harmony, Freedom and Joy of Being and World,
Oneness Being, always and instantaneously available as tangible
experience by the knowing of this Truth and then the letting of
God reveal Itself through and as the stillness, tranquility and trans-
parency of God consciousness.
Wherever attention is placed, or being, that ‘place’ is God
happening as awareness rather than what ‘appears to be’ hap-
pening as person, place, thing, activity, amount, condition.
“Where the presence of the Lord is, there is liberty”—liberty as
spiritual consciousness which appears to be liberty ‘from’ all mate-
rial ties, or ‘as’ material condition or situation. All material lim-
itation or discord melts to reveal truthful experience as spiritual
consciousness realizes and is being Itself as every ‘place’ and ‘form’.


The more you ignore appearance—accept it as only ap-

pearance not Reality, not power, not body or form or character
or category of its own self—and remain in and as God awareness—
the spiritual as opposed to material consciousness—the more
you witness “the wind and the sea obey him”; the storms of life,
the discord, disease, lacks and limitations of life “obey” you, dis-
solving to reveal truthful, unlimited and healthy mind, body and


“And he will love thee, and bless thee, and multiply thee: he will
also bless the fruit of thy womb, and the fruit of thy land, thy
corn, and thy wine, and thine oil, the increase of thy kine, and
the flocks of thy sheep, in the land which he sware unto thy fa-
thers to give thee.” Deuteronomy 7:13
As we finally recognize—literally and tangibly—that God Is,
that nothing ‘else’ is—therefore as our thoughts, our pondering,
our desire and our effort is continually to know more of God; to
be taught of God which is to experience the Presence of Truth
happening as our being, our all-inclusive Mind being All; to turn
to Truth, Consciousness for and as all; to seek the kingdom of
God, Truth, Spirit, the finished kingdom of Omniscience, Om-
nipresence, Omnipotence fully Manifest, Visible and Tangible
as and to Itself, Spiritual consciousness—we have discovered the
greatest secret of harmonious, whole and purposeful life.
We have discovered that True Life and everything of It is


Finished, Whole, Perfect, Purposeful and instantaneously Avail-

able as Omnipresent.
We discover that the limitlessness of being is made tangible
as an act of ever-opening conscious awareness of the omnipres-
ence and form of All already Formed and Whole, never of
‘manifestation’ or ‘creation’.
We discover the fullness and omnipresence, omnipotence and
omniscience of Infinity to be the boundlessness of Itself Being
the Being you are, and I am. We discover that our True Pur-
pose here on and as the wholeness of earth—always individual
and unique to each—is to reveal the One Truth everywhere we
are, for the good of the whole; the release and freedom of All
without condition, without creed, without conceptual idea or
We discover that the world and its people, things, amounts
and conditions give of their good, their best, their substance and
amount, as a flower openly gives of its beauty, form and fra-
grance. We discover Truth being evident ‘through and as all’,
being the Allness, Substance and Form of individual True Pur-
pose on earth as spiritual consciousness—Beingness—as all be-
ings open spiritually, fulfilling each and every step, every move,
every place, every opportunity and activity involved.
The 3-dimensional appearance of the World opens and gives
of itself to you, as and for your fulfillment of Purpose, as the
continual opportunity to reveal the Truth of God, Good, un-
flinchingly, freely, unconditionally.
Beings, animals, plants, vegetables, objects, activities and op-
portunities lean their good towards you, offering themselves and


their beauty, their bounty, their joy, their harmony, the entire
creation being the Oneness of Good that is God becoming vis-
ible and tangible as the transparency of personal self, the di-
vinity of Being, the illumined, Buddha, Christ consciousness,
tangibly opening everywhere as You, revealed as Its fullness for
all, at every step.
Indeed, “He will love thee, and bless thee, and multiply thee:
he will also bless the fruit of thy womb, and the fruit of thy land,
thy corn, and thy wine, and thine oil, the increase of thy kine,
and the flocks of thy sheep, in the land which he sware unto thy
fathers to give thee.”
Your Being—All-inclusive of the 3-dimensional experience
called “this world”—is ever full to overflowing, fulfilled, con-
Our truthful Purpose is now clear and one-pointed: to give,
serve and share of our infinity and divinity of Being, in all ways
and of all things.


“Give, and it shall be given unto you; good measure, pressed

down, and shaken together, and running over, shall men give
into your bosom. For with the same measure that ye mete withal
it shall be measured to you again.” Luke 6:38
In 2011 it was revealed to me: “At the end of the day, the
only human malady is a lack of giving.” As we awaken to the
truth that the Whole of God is embodied in and as individual


consciousness—the Whole of God, the Infinitude Itself, existing

at every point of Itself simultaneously, which is the Whole of
the Infinite existing as You and All—as Jesus described it, “The
kingdom of God is within you,”—we realize there is just one way
in which to tangibly witness the infinity of Being in ‘both’ the
‘inner’ and the ‘outer’: to freely give of it.
Nothing Truthful can be gained, earned or won. Nothing
can be added or taken away. All is within; All is Consciousness,
God, Spirit, fully embodied in, and as, your individual con-
sciousness, and mine. In order to witness the One Conscious-
ness—the so-called intangible, transcendental, incorporeal, the
kingdom of heaven and Its treasures—as individual conscious-
ness—the so-called tangible, objective, corporeal, physical, ma-
terial, worldly—one has to give of it, pour it out, release it.
Imagine the sun failing to give of its being, to pour out its
substance of light and heat. There would be no confusion about
why its experience—its universe—was lacking and limited in
light and heat, including every aspect, form and activity of light
and heat.
Imagine its confusion if, witnessing lack and limitation of
light and heat throughout its universe, it attempted to borrow
from other suns. Imagine its confusion if it attempted to gain
or earn or win light and heat from outside of itself by employing
outside vehicles, avenues or methods, or by any other means
than that of releasing the infinity of its own being—the infinity of all
light and heat it is and has; that only it itself is and has, therefore
can witness.
Of course, it is only as the sun pours out what it is and has that,


first, it becomes visible and tangible in the magnified universe

and, second, endlessly more of it becomes visible and tangible;
its substance and every form thereof is ‘multiplied’, more abun-
dantly evident, “good measure, pressed down, shaken together,
running over”.
As a hosepipe, the more water it pours forth the more is
made visible and tangible; the more abundance of water is ev-
ident in its world, and every form and activity thereof.
As soon as we awaken to the Truth of Being, which is the
Spiritual Infinity of Being, fully embodied within and as indi-
vidual consciousness, we realize the same ‘giving’ principle ap-
plies for us. We must give of ourselves in order to witness our
wholeness and happiness of life. Life must be outflow not inflow.
The more we attempt to ‘get’ from life the more we live in a
darkness of consciousness with all its appearing lacks and limi-
tations; the more we give, pour out, express, share, serve the more of
the miracle of Truth is revealed as our experience.


Because of Oneness—Omnipresence—the outflow of you can

and does appear from anywhere and everywhere in your king-
dom, your universe.
Unlike the sun and hosepipe metaphors which pour forth
and evidence their substance, activity and form from, literally,
within themselves ‘to the without’, Oneness pours forth ‘from all
over itself ’—both inner and outer—and gives back—reveals
more good—again ‘from all over itself ’, both inner and outer, all


‘giving’ and ‘receiving’ being one and the same action, ever mul-
tiplying, ever revealing more of the infinity of Oneness being ex-
pressed; ‘given’.
Oneness cannot perform in any other way. Think; there
would have to be ‘twoness’ in order for there to be a giving
‘from’ within ‘to’ the without, the ‘giving’ being the expression,
the revealing, of good. There would have to be ‘two’ activities,
a cause and an effect, the giving triggering the receiving. This
cannot be—and is not—true or possible in Oneness, omnipres-
All is One. All is one expression witnessed. Oneness, om-
nipresence, does not have a ‘cause’ department versus an ‘ef-
fect’ department. Omnipresence is what it claims: All being One!
Not only All being One but All as One—One Consciousness,
One Expression, One Form, One Object, One Place, One Con-
As we heard loud and clear in Affluence of Infinity: bring all
the multitudes of your conceptual world into Oneness. Bring all
of your world and its infinity of names and conditions back here,
into the home of consciousness, into Oneness. Dissolve the end-
less variety of people, things, activities, amounts, avenues, meth-
ods, processes, conditions, and the whole of time and space in
which it all seems to operate and be subject to, into One, that One
being God, Truth, Spirit, Pure Consciousness, Omnipresence,
here, now.
Now tell me: where in the Oneness of Truth is there a ‘cause’
that triggers an ‘effect’? Where would there be a ‘giving inner’
that triggers a ‘giving back outer’? Of course there is not. All is


One Activity of Oneness revealing ever more abundant meas-

ure of that very thing which is being recognized, expressed, poured
forth, given, as the glory of Itself for the fulfillment of the
Whole of Itself, conceptually experienced as ‘human’ and
‘world’ fulfillment.
As ‘you’ give, what is truthfully happening, and literally and
tangibly visible to you if you recognize it, is the Whole Oneness of
You giving of Itself.
Your Whole Consciousness—your whole world and every
person, thing, character, amount, activity, place and purpose in
it, and of it—is giving, pouring forth its beauty, bounty, form, ac-
tivity, all as love, as your blessing, as your fulfilled experience,
‘for’ your good and divine purpose, so that ‘your’ giving-good
becomes the revealed good of the world.
Therefore, do you see that “the more you give” the more
“your world” gives to you? Do you see that “the more you give”
the more you can continue to give of the more you have?
Again, listen to Jesus: “Give, and it shall be given unto you;
good measure, pressed down, and shaken together, and running
over, shall men give into your bosom. For with the same meas-
ure that ye mete withal it shall be measured to you again.”
Now how afraid are you to give ceaselessly? How hesitant
are you to make giving your way of life? Do you see that giving
in this realization and activity of Oneness always and infallibly ‘gives
back’ more than seems to be given because from the minute you
realize you are giving infinity you discover that infinity can’t help
but ‘give back’—reveal—more of Itself. Infinity cannot help
‘multiply’ the ‘loaves and fishes’ as the boundless good and ful-


filling forms of every place and situation as you are being the giv-
ing expression.
Giving Truthfully as Oneness is not a one-for-one deal! It’s a
one for two, or three, or five, or ten, or one hundred fact of
Truth. “He that heareth the word, and understandeth it, also
beareth fruit, and bringeth forth, some an hundredfold, some
sixty, some thirty.” Matthew 13:23
The act of giving as all-inclusive Oneness is the “bearing fruit
and bringing it forth”, the revealing of the miracle of Life every-
where present as Wholesome, Boundless, Perfect, Free and Pur-
You are never giving an ‘amount’ or a ‘type’ or ‘category’ of
anything even though materially it appears so. You are now al-
ways giving—therefore ‘receiving’; witnessing—the ever-greater
‘multiplication’ and tangibility of Infinity as all form.
In your living awareness of all-inclusive Oneness—’inner’
and ‘outer’ being the same One Place, One Environment, One
Being, You—when you give that giving evidences the revealing,
the ‘giving back’ of the world to you. Your environment opens
itself out, evermore beautifully and bountifully, as your con-
Remember, giving is the act of revealing more of the infinity of
substance and form which You are and have ‘within’, as the
Whole Oneness of You—the complete infinity of your all-in-
clusive Oneness. This looks like, from material sense, an ‘inner’
being versus an ‘outer’ world—an ‘inner’ being ‘giving’ to an
‘outer’ being and world. But the appearance is false. The Truth
is that Oneness reveals more and more of the infinity of Its


Good as It expresses, pours Itself ‘out’, ‘gives’ as omnipresent ful-

The entire infinity of Good exists fully Manifest and uncon-
ditional at, and as, every place of your universe; your con-
sciousness—every grain of everything everywhere in, and as,
your infinity of being (‘being’ meaning the entirety of ‘inner’
and ‘outer’ experience of life; all being One, nor separate or dif-
ferent). It is everywhere, plump, laden with fruit, simply await-
ing recognition and silence and receptivity of mind in which Its
boundless Good is revealed. That boundless Good appears, to
your and my conceptual mind—conceptual consciousness—as
the very good mind, body, form, activity, amount and condition
of utter fulfillment of that, and every, moment of awareness;
that very place or condition; the instantaneous good and fulfill-
ment of that, and every, seeming need, desire or demand. It is
all about revealing That which Is, which occurs by expressing That
which Is as the very Way of Life conceptually pouring out as
‘human’ giving, serving and sharing.
This is what Jesus explains in his instruction: “Give, and it
shall be given unto you; good measure, pressed down, and
shaken together, and running over, shall men (the seeming
‘outer’) give into your bosom. For with the same measure that ye
mete withal it shall be measured to you again.”
It is what Malachi explains in his breathtaking third chapter:
“Prove me now herewith, saith the Lord of hosts, if I will not
open you the windows of heaven, and pour you out a blessing,
that there shall not be room enough to receive it.”
Yes, “I... will pour you out a blessing...” I Am (You; Oneness)


the pouring out and the revealed blessing ‘coming back’ so abun-
dantly that there shall not be room to receive it, all being one ac-
tivity of revealing the Infinity of Being as All.
Do you see? Giving is receiving. Giving does not ‘trigger’ re-
ceiving. All is one and the same act, the same presence, the same infi-
nite form revealing ever more of Itself as It is expressed. The moment
you realize this beautiful truth giving becomes an addiction; giv-
ing becomes the only truthful, legitimate and unbounded way of
being, with greater, more beautiful, more bountiful, more mys-
tical and miraculous abundance of truth tangibly evident as every
act of giving, and every form evident.
As we give as the consciousness of all-inclusive Oneness our
‘giving’ is known and evidenced as the revealing of the infinity of
Truth in and as what we name the ‘tangible outer’; the ‘mater-
ial’ miracles revealed as tangibly present, as and by the act of giv-
ing. The miracle of Life is not an ‘effect’ of a ‘cause’; It is the
expression, ‘givingness’, of Truthful Being.
My friends, take heed. Understand the miracle of Oneness,
the miracle of You—Truth—and be It. Be the fullness of your
Truth freely and ceaselessly pouring forth the infinity of Your-
Self, in all ways and forms, no matter whether the mind refers
to these as ‘intangible’ or ‘tangible’. Then witness the miracles
evidenced all over your kingdom; witness the miracle you are for
and as the good and union of all; the Principle of Truth evi-
denced as your pouring forth—revealing—the Wholeness of
Truthful Being.
This is why Jesus told us: “Verily, verily, I say unto you, He
that believeth on me (the All-Inclusive Oneness of Truth), the


works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these

shall he do.” John 14:12
It is giving as All-Inclusive Oneness that reveals—evidences—
the miracle, the “works”, of Truth.
Understand this, be Truth, and give to all ceaselessly and un-
conditionally. Never go anywhere without giving something;
never visit any person or place without giving something to that
person or place. Do not ‘take’ from person, place or condition;
always give to him, her and it; “feed” him, her or it; “supply”
him, her or it; nourish and enrich him, her or it somehow, with
something—flowers, a note or card of love and appreciation,
sweets or chocolates, food, fruit, cinema or theater tickets, a
book or CD, dollars, a painting or picture, a shirt or blouse or
scarf... something; anything! Inclusively, and most important of
all, give of your silence and receptivity, your nothingness of
‘human’ being therefore the Allness of Truthful Being. Thereby
what you can give is boundless as you realize all as Infinity; all
as Spirit simply appearing through the five senses as matter.



The point is that in continually giving of your infinity of being

you continually reveal more of that infinity. “I am come that
you may have life and that you may have it more abundantly.”
The “I” that “comes” (awakens, and is felt happening within)
has no other purpose than to give ceaselessly of Itself, of God,
“I”, of the infinity of Spirit and Truth that It Is. In doing so—


the very act of doing so—the miraculous “works” of Truth are re-
vealed right at the place or as the condition where untruth
seemed to exist.
There is no limit to what you witness as you know YourSelf
and All as one hundred percent spiritual being living in and as the
Spiritual Universe of Self—the kingdom of God with ‘none
else’ existing; the All-Inclusive Oneness of God Being All.


Take good time reading, then pondering deeply, each aspect of

this last message. Each is a heavenly treasure, yours to freely take
ownership of, then witness as the miracle of truthful Life, your
life, your fulfillment of purpose and joy for the good of All.
Start giving—pouring forth—the infinity you Are and Have
in all ways, all forms. Never again ‘take’ from life. Taking from
life is literally taking from yourself, thrusting your experience
into lack and limitation, discord and struggle. Taking is dark;
giving is light.
Give yourself the gift of giving; the gift of light—illumined
consciousness. It is the greatest gift in the universe, the greatest
treasure in heaven, the greatest purpose of Being.
As you give ceaselessly, unselfishly and unconditionally your
True Light shines evermore brightly and powerfully, and the
world reveals its Truth. It reacts and responds—the ‘world’
being the Oneness of ‘I’, You, conceptually experienced as your
‘human’ self.
Every person, thing, amount and condition being the image and


likeness of God Itself reacts and responds ‘to you’—as your spiri-
tual Oneness and Completeness—by giving ‘back’ to you, ful-
filling your Purpose of Being in order that you may give more
abundantly; in order that your life may be fulfilled as the savior
and truth of the world. “I am come that you may have life, and
have it more abundantly.”
In this way—this way only—can we look into the eyes of Jesus
and answer “Yes” when he asks, “Do you love me?” You re-
member his answer to Simon when the disciple said, Yes mas-
ter, you know that I love you. “Then feed my sheep.” Three
times Jesus had to ask Simon the same question because the dis-
ciple intellectually understood Truth but hadn’t yet awakened to
Life’s one True purpose and fulfillment: giving of oneSelf, in all
ways, at all times.
Truthful being is giving, period. There is no other truthful
reason for being. Without giving to—loving; feeding; supply-
ing—your kingdom, “this world”, we cannot truthfully say we
love God, Spirit, Truth. We cannot truthfully claim to be seek-
ing God; we cannot truthfully claim to be seeking spiritual awak-
ening. Only in the tangible act of being Love—which means giving
the gifts of Love, for Love ceaselessly gives of Its Self—can we
say “I love you”; I truly am seeking by tangibly being Truth to the
best of my daily ability.
Indeed, “Give, and it shall be given unto you; good measure,
pressed down, and shaken together, and running over, shall men
give into your bosom. For with the same measure that ye mete
withal it shall be measured to you again.”
Yes! Because the ‘you’ that is ‘giving’ and the ‘you’ that is


being ‘given unto’ is the very same you experiencing the very same
act—infinitely and forever opening, revealing its omnipresence
in greater, richer, more bountiful and beautiful degrees, giving
of itself—revealing of Self—in ‘multiplied’ ways because ‘you’
are that whole Oneness of infinity expressing, giving, being. You
are the infinity of Omnipresence ever revealing, blossoming, and
experiencing more of Itself right here, as the very place, the
very being that is you, as all.
Yes, “Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on me,
the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these
shall he do.”
This is the key to Heaven, the Universe, the World, You. This
is the sacred key which unlocks the deepest Truth secrets, un-
veiling and revealing Its greatest treasures and highest purpose,
giving of Its Wholeness, God’s glory, God’s fullness, God’s You,
God’s All.

My greatest prayer is that you will continue working with the

Truth messages we’ve been given as this book, realizing that the
more, and each time, one ‘works’ them deeper into conscious-
ness as described, the more individual and collective conscious-
ness is nourished and enriched, becoming the still, silent and
receptive transparency of Truthful Being revealed, evident
everywhere-present, at and as every now, for the good and free-
dom of all beings and all world.
“As I be lifted up from the earth, I draw all men unto me.”


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