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Emergent Literacy Intervention For Vulnerable Pres

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Emergent Literacy Intervention for Vulnerable Preschoolers

Article  in  American Journal of Speech-Language Pathology · September 2003

DOI: 10.1044/1058-0360(2003/078) · Source: PubMed

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5 authors, including:

Sy-Miin Chow Kevin William Flanigan

Pennsylvania State University West Chester University


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Emergent Literacy Intervention for Vulnerable

Preschoolers: Relative Effects of Two

Laura M. Justice
Sy-Miin Chow
Cara Capellini
Kevin Flanigan
Sarah Colton
University of Virginia, Charlottesville

This study determined the relative efficacy of knowledge over the entire 12-week intervention
an experimental explicit emergent literacy program; growth was significantly greater during
intervention program for preschoolers experienc- the experimental explicit intervention program
ing multiple risk factors. Using an alternating compared to the comparison program. An
treatment research design, children completed examination of individual differences and
two 6-week waves of intervention in small intervention outcome showed oral language
groups; one wave featured the experimental skills and literacy orientation to predict emergent
explicit intervention program, whereas the other literacy performance at the end of the program.
featured a comparison program. Emergent
literacy assessment was conducted at pretest Key Words: emergent literacy, language
and at the end of each wave. Results indicated disorders in children, intervention, at-risk,
significant widespread gains in emergent literacy preschool

mergent literacy refers to the foundation upon which describes children’s ability to implicitly and explicitly
children’s conventional reading and writing abilities represent spoken language as comprising discrete and
are built. More specifically, this term is used to recurrent sound elements (e.g., phonemes, syllables,
describe the behaviors, skills, and concepts of young words; Bradley & Bryant, 1985; Torgesen & Davis, 1996;
children that develop into and precede conventional Whitehurst & Lonigan, 1998; Wise, Ring, & Olson, 1999).
literacy (Kaderavek & Sulzby, 1998b; Sulzby, 1985). For Knowledge across both domains is acquired gradually and,
most children, the emergent literacy foundation is acquired for many children, incidentally during the course of early
within the period preceding formal literacy instruction, childhood.
transcending birth to about 6 years of age. Prediction studies following children from preschool or
Generally speaking, this foundation comprises two kindergarten into elementary school have consistently
distinct but highly interrelated areas of development: shown that performance on an array of emergent literacy
written language awareness and phonological awareness tasks reliably predicts children’s later literacy achievement
(Justice & Ezell, 2001b; van Kleeck, 1998). These domains (e.g., Badian, 1982; Catts, Fey, Zhang, & Tomblin, 1999,
refer, respectively, to children’s acquisition of knowledge 2001; Stuart, 1995; for review, see Scarborough, 1998).
about the orthography and the phonology of one’s own Children performing well on emergent literacy tasks
language. Written language awareness describes the generally have superior conventional literacy outcomes
implicit and explicit knowledge children acquire concern- relative to children demonstrating lower levels of perfor-
ing the fundamental properties of print, such as the mance. Prediction studies have also shown indices of both
relationship between print and speech and the functions written language and phonological awareness to contribute
and forms of particular written language units (e.g., letters, uniquely to conventional literacy outcomes (Badian, 1982,
words, punctuation marks; Hiebert, 1981; Justice & Ezell, 1986; Stuart, 1995; for review, see Scarborough, 1998).
2000, 2002; Lomax & McGee, 1987; Whitehurst & Taken together, the importance of young children’s written
Lonigan, 1998). Phonological awareness, in contrast, language and phonological awareness for later literacy
American Journal of Speech-Language Pathology • Vol. 12 • 320–332 • August 2003 • © American Speech-Language-Hearing Association
320 American Journal of Speech-Language Pathology • Vol. 12 • 320–332 • August 2003
achievement argues for the need for increased focus on in kindergarten, encompassing such diverse areas as
preschool emergent literacy intervention as a proactive vocabulary knowledge, grammatical understanding, and
model for preventing reading difficulties (Snow, Burns, & narrative comprehension (Catts et al., 1999). Preschool and
Griffin, 1998). Effective early intervention programs kindergarten children experiencing more severe and/or
should result in substantial, widespread growth across both widespread language difficulties appear to be at relatively
emergent literacy domains for those children most vulner- greater risk for poor literacy outcomes (Bishop & Adams,
able for emergent and conventional literacy difficulties. 1990). Findings such as these unequivocally argue the need
for increased emphasis on a preventive model of literacy
intervention for children with LI.
Children Vulnerable for Literacy
The majority of children, by virtue of being immersed Poverty
in a literate society, acquire emergent literacy concepts and As important as oral language proficiency is to emer-
skills relatively effortlessly during the course of early gent literacy development, the latter also appears to be
childhood. Nevertheless, some children appear particularly strongly mediated by the frequency with which children
vulnerable for experiencing difficulties achieving an are formally and informally exposed to language and
adequate emergent literacy foundation (for an overview of literacy in the home, school, and community (Frijters,
key risk factors, see Snow et al., 1998; also see Catts et al., Barron, & Brunello, 2000; Leseman & de Jong, 1998;
2001). Of relevance to the research reported here are two McCormick & Mason, 1986; Neuman, 1999; Ninio, 1980;
circumstances associated with a significant increase in risk Purcell-Gates, 1996). Children who seldom interact with
status for emergent literacy difficulties: oral language written language (e.g., through parent–child shared
impairment (LI) and poverty. storybook reading experiences) have more difficulty
acquiring emergent literacy knowledge compared to peers
with more frequent literacy opportunities (e.g., Raz &
Oral LI Bryant, 1990; Wells, 1985). Limited exposure to oral and
There is a reciprocal and robust association between written language is a circumstance encountered relatively
young children’s oral language proficiency and emergent often by young children reared in low-socioeconomic
literacy development (Boudreau & Hedberg, 1999; status (SES) households, and it is a situation that may
Chaney, 1992; Dickinson & Tabors, 1991; Lonigan, contribute to the relatively low levels of emergent literacy
Burgess, & Anthony, 2000). Prediction studies have shown skill observed in low-SES children (e.g., Feitelson &
that an array of discrete oral language proficiency indices, Goldstein, 1986; McCormick & Mason, 1986; Ninio, 1980;
including measures of vocabulary and grammar, consis- Teale, 1986; Whitehurst et al., 1994).
tently serve as moderate to robust predictors of conven- Indeed, converging evidence has provided considerable
tional literacy outcome (for review, see Scarborough, 1998, documentation that both emergent and conventional
2000). Moreover, the prediction strength becomes increas- literacy skills of children from low-SES households differ
ingly powerful when several measures of language are in comparison to those of their peers from middle- and
combined into a composite index of language proficiency upper-SES households (e.g., Bowey, 1995; Chaney, 1994;
(Lonigan et al., 2000; Scarborough, 1998). Dickinson & Snow, 1987; Fernandez-Fein & Baker, 1997;
It is thus not particularly surprising that young children Justice & Ezell, 2001b; Lonigan et al., 1999; Warren-
exhibiting significant difficulties with oral language Leubecker & Carter, 1988; White, 1982). Dickinson and
proficiency are at increased risk for delayed attainment of Snow (1987) contrasted the performance of young children
emergent literacy knowledge and also are relatively more from low- and middle-SES households on a series of
likely than their typically developing peers to experience written language awareness tasks, finding that middle-SES
poor conventional literacy outcomes (Bird, Bishop, & children performed significantly better than low-SES
Freeman, 1995; Bishop & Adams, 1990; Boudreau & children on measures of print production, book reading
Hedberg, 1999; Catts, 1993; Magnusson & Naucler, 1990, concepts, and environmental print decoding. Lonigan and
1993). Preschool children with LI consistently show colleagues (1999) more recently reported similar findings
depressed performance relative to their peers on an array of when comparing the emergent literacy performance of low-
emergent literacy tasks addressing both written language SES children in Head Start to that of children in a childcare
and phonological awareness (e.g., Boudreau & Hedberg, serving middle-SES families. Children in Head Start
1999; Gillam & Johnston, 1985; Magnusson & Naucler, demonstrated relatively low levels of skill on measures of
1993). Likewise, studies of school-age children with alphabet knowledge, letter-sound knowledge, book reading
reading difficulties have revealed a notably high frequency concepts, and environmental print decoding.
of earlier deficits in diverse areas of oral language. One These same patterns of comparatively poor performance
prospective study of second graders with reading problems when comparing low-SES children to their more advan-
found that many of these children as toddlers had exhibited taged peers have also been observed when looking at
significant difficulties with oral language development phonological awareness performance; children’s perfor-
(Scarborough, 1990). A more recent study found 57% of mance on measures of phonological awareness has
183 children characterized as poor readers in second grade consistently been shown to be influenced by SES (e.g.,
to have exhibited difficulties in receptive language ability Chaney, 1994; Fernandez-Fein & Baker, 1997; Nittrouer,

Justice et al.: Emergent Literacy Intervention 321

1996). Accordingly, of note is Scarborough’s (1998, 2000) Neuman, 1999; Teale, 1986; Whitehurst et al., 1988),
recent contention that SES is a more powerful predictor of given that it is a context that is familiar, meaningful,
literacy outcome than measures of emergent literacy skill, interesting, and motivating to the preschool child (Watkins
oral language proficiency, home literacy experience, or & Bunce, 1996). Hypothetically, children’s emergent
nonverbal intellectual ability. literacy knowledge is advanced within shared reading and
other such literacy-based interactions both through adult
mediation and scaffolding, as well as the child’s own
Promoting Emergent Literacy active interest and engagement as an increasingly literate
in At-Risk Preschoolers partner (Justice & Ezell, 1999).
Young children experiencing multiple risk factors, such as Emergent literacy interventions for at-risk preschoolers
oral language difficulties concomitant with limited language guided by the parameters of such theoretical principles
exposure due to living in poverty, appear particularly emphasize the need to increase children’s naturalistic
vulnerable for entering kindergarten and/or first grade exposure to literacy concepts as well as their participation
lacking adequate emergent literacy precursors. Such circum- in meaningful literacy events. Increased exposure and
stances compound the likelihood that these children will have participation in literacy events enhances children’s
proximal as well as ongoing difficulties meeting the rigors of emergent literacy knowledge in an implicit manner, that is,
formal literacy instruction, given the relative stability of without direct instruction. Interventions designed to
individual differences in reading achievement during the increase children’s participation in adult–child storybook
elementary years (Francis, Shaywitz, Stuebing, Shaywitz, & reading would be consistent with such an approach (e.g.,
Fletcher, 1996; Juel, 1988; Stanovich, 1986). Ezell, Justice, & Parsons, 2000; Justice & Ezell, 2000,
To the extent that children demonstrating difficulties 2002; Whitehurst et al., 1994, 1999), as are interventions
with the timely achievement of emergent literacy knowl- that increase children’s interactions with print during play
edge are so identified, interventions can be delivered to and other dramatic activities, or promote children’s
promote timely achievement of key literacy precursors exposure to print within the classroom (e.g., Christie &
(e.g., Harris, 1986; Justice & Ezell, 2000; Neuman, 1999; Enz, 1992; Harris, 1986; Katims, 1991; Neuman, 1999;
Neuman & Roskos, 1993). Consistent with a preventive Neuman & Roskos, 1993; Vukelich, 1994).
model for reducing the incidence of reading disabilities Nevertheless, for young children experiencing multiple
(Snow et al., 1998), the provision of preschool emergent risk factors adversely affecting the timely attainment of
literacy intervention has emerged as a seemingly powerful emergent literacy knowledge, a more explicit approach to
vehicle for reducing the risk for later problems with intervention may be required. The perspective is such that
conventional literacy (e.g., see Whitehurst et al., 1994, at-risk children, particularly those experiencing significant
1999). To ensure the effectiveness of this proactive model developmental difficulties, attain the most benefit from
of prevention, there is a significant need to systematically participating in carefully constructed activities designed
evaluate intervention approaches believed to be effective explicitly to promote emergent literacy performance in key
for promoting emergent literacy in at-risk children. areas (e.g., see Fey, Catts, & Larrivee, 1995; Lundberg,
Frost, & Petersen, 1988; O’Connor, Jenkins, Leicester, &
Slocum, 1993; van Kleeck, Gillam, & McFadden, 1998).
Emergent Literacy Intervention: Skills in key areas, such as letter naming or rhyming, are
Current Perspectives directly targeted through structured tasks. Often, explicit
Emergent literacy interventions for young at-risk approaches use a specific developmentally derived
children are generally framed within the theoretical curriculum in which children participate in a set series of
perspective that emergent literacy knowledge is best activities for a particular amount of time each day or week.
acquired through frequent, informal, naturalistic, and One example of such is the Sound Foundations Program
meaningful interactions with literacy-related artifacts (e.g., (Byrne & Fielding-Barnsley, 1991), used effectively by
books, writing instruments; Watkins & Bunce, 1996; Whitehurst et al. (1994) to increase the emergent literacy
Watson, Layton, Pierce, & Abraham, 1994). Mediated skills of Head Start children.
interaction with such artifacts under the guidance of more The argument for a more explicit approach to interven-
capable and knowledgeable individuals (e.g., parents, tion is twofold, derived primarily from the language
teachers, siblings, friends) is a primary vehicle through intervention literature (e.g., Fey et al., 1995; Paul, 2001).
which children acquire increasingly sophisticated levels of The first argument is, quite simply, that time is of the
emergent literacy knowledge (Justice & Ezell, 1999). essence, thus making a case for efficiency and expediency
There are indeed numerous naturally occurring contexts of intervention efforts. The perspective is thus that engage-
in which young children acquire emergent literacy knowl- ment in explicit instructional activities is the most efficient
edge, including informal interactions with print con- route to skill development; activities can be designed to
textualized within the community or household environ- target those areas in which children have particular
ment (see Neuman & Celano, 2001). Adult–child shared difficulties or areas that are most highly associated with
storybook reading, for instance, is viewed by many later literacy outcomes (see Lundberg et al., 1988). The
theorists as a particularly potent means for development need for efficiency is bolstered by evidence showing that
(e.g., Bus, 2001; Bus, Van Ijzendoorn, & Pellegrini, 1995; literacy problems are more difficult to remediate than they
Clay, 1998; Crawford, 1995; Dickinson & Smith, 1994; are to prevent (Juel, 1988; Stanovich, 1986). The second

322 American Journal of Speech-Language Pathology • Vol. 12 • 320–332 • August 2003

argument is that children experiencing difficulties with children located in mid-central Virginia. Participation in
emergent literacy development require more formalized or this center was based on a family’s demonstration of low-
structured opportunities to develop key skills. These income household status or other social service need and/or
children, for whatever reasons, are not developing skills in presence of a developmental disability by a child. School
the same manner or rate as their typically achieving peers. administrators referred children to participate in the present
To this end, the argument is such that a more direct study based on results of speech-language screening
approach is required to encourage skill development in conducted at the start of the academic year. Any child
critical areas. This approach has been shown to be effective failing one or more portions of the Fluharty Preschool
for children exhibiting a range of adverse developmental Speech and Language Screening Test (Fluharty, 1978) was
circumstances (e.g., Layton, Deeny, Upton, & Tall, 1998; referred to the first author; 23 referrals were made. After
Majsterek, Shorr, & Erion, 2000; O’Connor et al., 1993; these children’s parents were provided the opportunity to
van Kleeck et al., 1998). enroll their children in the study (15 were so enrolled),
program participation was made available to other children
The Present Study in the preschool, until 18 available program slots were
filled. Only 1 participant was currently receiving speech-
There is a notable corpus of work providing supportive language intervention at the time of the study.
evidence for various approaches to address the emergent Participant Description. Eighteen children (5 girls, 13
literacy needs of typical and at-risk preschool children boys) attending eight different preschool classrooms
(e.g., Bradley & Bryant, 1985; Harris, 1986; Justice & participated. The children ranged in age from 48 to 60
Ezell, 2000, 2002; Katims, 1991; Lundberg et al., 1988; months, with a mean age of 53 months (SD = 3.5 months).
Neuman & Roskos, 1993; O’Connor et al., 1993; van All children were native English speakers and resided in
Kleeck et al., 1998; Vukelich, 1994; Whitehurst et al., homes in which English was the primary language spoken.
1994). Nevertheless, few studies have involved preschool In terms of ethnicity, 16 children were African-American
children experiencing multiple risk factors, such as and two were Caucasian; this demographic ratio approxi-
children reared in poverty while simultaneously experienc- mated that of the school’s student population. All children
ing oral language difficulties. Given these children’s resided in households with incomes at or below the U.S.
particular vulnerability for later literacy difficulties, there Department of Health and Human Services’ federal
is a real need to determine the extent to which various poverty guidelines. Screening of nonverbal cognition using
approaches to emergent literacy intervention effectively the Bead Memory subtest of the Stanford-Binet Intelli-
and efficiently influences widespread literacy growth. gence Scale–Fourth Edition (Thorndike, Hagen, & Sattler,
In the study reported here, the relative efficacy of two 1991) by school administrators showed all children
approaches to emergent literacy intervention was examined performing within the low- to above-average range; none
for a small cohort of 4-year-old children experiencing of the children were believed to exhibit significant intellec-
multiple risk factors. The majority of participants exhibited tual difficulties.
significant difficulty with oral language development, and Upon enrollment in the study, children’s hearing,
all of the children were residing in a low-SES community speech, and language skills were evaluated for descriptive
and attending an “at-risk” preschool. The primary goal was purposes. Testing was conducted by supervised graduate
to determine the relative efficacy of an experimental speech-language pathology students. All children passed a
explicit approach to emergent literacy intervention, in pure-tone bilateral hearing screening at 30 dB across the
which children participated in structured activities de- frequencies of 1000, 2000, and 4000 Hz. Children’s speech
signed to promote their skills in targeted areas transcending production was evaluated using the Goldman-Fristoe Test
both written language and phonological awareness. It was of Articulation (GFTA; Goldman & Fristoe, 1985); 1 child
hypothesized that an explicit approach to intervention was not evaluated because he refused testing, although
would result in rapid and widespread gains in emergent naturalistic observations by the first author suggested
literacy, relative to a less structured approach. significantly impaired speech production skills and poor
Three specific aims were addressed. The first aim was intelligibility. Receptive and expressive language skills for
to determine the extent to which 12 weeks of emergent all children were evaluated using the Preschool Language
literacy intervention influenced the emergent literacy skills Scale–3 (PLS-3; Zimmerman, Steiner, & Pond, 1992).
of at-risk preschool children. The second aim was to Table 1 provides a general overview of child character-
characterize the efficacy of an experimental explicit istics. Data in Table 2 provide additional detail about the
intervention program relative to a comparison program for children, including individual child profiles for language
promoting the preschoolers’ skills, whereas the third goal and speech production performance. Designation of LI was
was to identify child characteristics most predictive of based on a standard score of 81 or below (–1.25 SD) on the
emergent literacy outcome following intervention. Receptive and/or Expressive Language subtests of the
PLS-3, whereas designation of speech production impair-
Method ment was based on a percentile rank of 25 or below
(bottom quartile) on the GFTA. As seen from Table 2, 5
Participants children demonstrated typically developing language and
Recruitment. The children were recruited from a single speech production skills, 1 showed typically developing
urban preschool center serving primarily African-American language skills in the presence of speech production

Justice et al.: Emergent Literacy Intervention 323

TABLE 1. Group characteristics of child participants (n = 18).

Variable M SD Range

Chronological age (in months) 53 3.5 48–60

Speech production (percentile) 49 28.4 3–99
Receptive language (standard score) 81 13.7 65–103
Expressive language (standard score) 81 15.3 62–107
Total language (standard score) 79 15.4 59–104

Note. Speech production = percentile rank from the Goldman-Fristoe Test of Articulation (Goldman
& Fristoe, 1985). Receptive language and expressive language = standard scores from the Auditory
Comprehension and Expressive Communication subtests, respectively, of the Preschool Language
Scale–Third Edition (PLS-3; Zimmerman et al., 1992); total language = Total Language score from
the PLS-3. Normative references for the PLS-3 are M = 100, SD = 15.

impairment, 6 showed receptive and/or expressive LI scheduling block (allowing for only three 30-min sessions)
with speech production impairment, and 6 showed during the typical school day.
receptive and/or expressive LI without speech production Following group assignment, children then completed a
difficulty. 12-week emergent literacy intervention conducted in two
consecutive 6-week waves, with the order of waves
counterbalanced across the two groups. Children com-
General Procedures pleted the intervention waves in small groups of 6 children
A within-subjects alternating treatment research design each; Group A (6 children) was a single group, whereas
involving two intervention programs (experimental Group B (12 children) was randomly subdivided further
explicit, comparison) served as the framework for this into two groups of 6 children.
investigation. At the start of the study, children were Equivalency for the two groups was examined post hoc
administered an emergent literacy pretest and then were across the following variables: chronological age, speech
randomly assigned to one of two groups: Group A (n = 6) production (percentile rank from the GFTA), and language
or B (n = 12). The uneven group composition resulted from proficiency (Total Language score from the PLS-3).
scheduling and design constraints, in which the 18-child Determination of group equivalency was conducted via a
sample needed to receive two interventions in a 1.5 hr series of independent samples t tests with an alpha level of

TABLE 2. Individual characteristics of participants (n = 18).

Child Receptive Expressive Speech

(Group) Language Language Production General Profile

1 (A) 103 104 68 Typically developing language and speech production skills
2 (A) 82 90 79 Typically developing language and speech production skills
3 (A) 87 97 63 Typically developing language and speech production skills
4 (A) 65 62 55 Receptive/expressive language impairment; typical speech production skills
5 (A) 94 81 19 Expressive language impairment; speech production impairment
6 (A) 67 68 3 Receptive/expressive language impairment; speech production impairment
7 (B) 71 84 19 Receptive language impairment; speech production impairment
8 (B) 80 62 3 Receptive/expressive language impairment; speech production impairment
9 (B) 65 64 60 Receptive/expressive language impairment; typical speech production skills
10 (B) 70 73 44 Receptive/expressive language impairment; typical speech production skills
11 (B) 73 64 NA Receptive/expressive language impairment; speech production impairment suggested
12 (B) 74 75 68 Receptive/expressive language impairment; typical speech production skills
13 (B) 66 81 67 Receptive/expressive language impairment; typical speech production skills
14 (B) 84 81 15 Expressive language impairment; speech production impairment
15 (B) 103 95 15 Typically developing language skills; speech production impairment
16 (B) 98 107 99 Typically developing language and speech production skills
17 (B) 98 105 44 Typically developing language and speech production skills
18 (B) 69 72 43 Receptive/expressive language impairment; typical speech production skills

Note. Receptive language and expressive language = standard scores from the Auditory Comprehension and Expressive Communication
subtests of the Preschool Language Scale–Third Edition (Zimmerman et al., 1992). Speech production = percentile rank from the Goldman-
Fristoe Test of Articulation (Goldman & Fristoe, 1985).

324 American Journal of Speech-Language Pathology • Vol. 12 • 320–332 • August 2003

.05. Results indicated that the two groups did not signifi- engage children in literature-based activities featuring an
cantly differ in chronological age, t(16) = 0.46, p = .651; implicit focus on oral and written language. Each session
speech production, t(16) = 0.08, p = .934; or oral language, included two components: (a) adult–child shared storybook
t(16) = 0.487, p = .633. reading, and (b) story retelling activity.
Intervention Waves. One intervention wave featured the At the start of each session, children were read a
experimental explicit emergent literacy program, whereas storybook by one of the two interventionists. A variety of
the other wave featured a comparison program. Regardless storybooks was used, including several different genres
of program, each wave consisted of 12 sessions; sessions (e.g., rhyming, narrative) and formats (e.g., lift-the-flap,
were held twice weekly, each lasting approximately 30 big books). The interventionists used several strategies in
min. All sessions were conducted in a small private room the shared reading sessions to promote children’s active
at the children’s preschool center, and were conducted by involvement and verbal involvement. First, prediction
two professionals working collaboratively, one a speech- strategies were used in all shared readings to encourage
language pathologist and the other a reading specialist. children’s engagement with the storyline. When the book
Both professionals had graduate-level training in interven- was introduced, children were asked to predict what might
tion principles for working with children with LI. For the happen in the story; during the reading, the adult reader
duration of the 12-week intervention, children’s teachers stopped three or more times to provide children with
and school administrators were blind to the design, content, opportunities to predict or discuss narrative events.
and sequence of the intervention. Likewise, the two Second, dialogic strategies (Whitehurst et al., 1988) were
interventionists were blind to the types of emergent literacy used to promote children’s verbal involvement; these
measures being administered over the course of the study, strategies included asking open-ended questions, respond-
as well as to children’s performance on these assessments. ing to children’s interests, and giving praise and feedback.
Experimental explicit intervention program. Each child Following the reading of each storybook, the intervention-
completed a 6-week wave encompassing twelve 30-min ists lead the children through a retelling activity, such as
small-group sessions featuring an explicit approach to reenacting the story or drawing and discussing pictures
emergent literacy intervention. These sessions were representing key story events. A lesson plan was used to
designed to directly engage children in activities that sequence and structure the activities of the 12 sessions.
promote their attention to the orthographic features of Lesson plans are available from the first author.
written language and the phonologic features of oral
language. Although individual sessions varied somewhat in
specific activities featured, each session included three Measures
components: (a) name writing, (b) alphabet recitation, and Emergent Literacy Assessment. Children’s emergent
(c) phonological awareness games. literacy knowledge was evaluated three times during the
Each session began with a name writing activity, in course of this study: at pretest, at interim, and at posttest.
which children were asked to “sign in” by tracing the Pre- and posttesting was conducted prior to and immedi-
letters in their names using paper and crayons. Children ately following the 12-week intervention period, whereas
were provided assistance as they worked to name and interim testing was conducted in a 1-week period between
identify the letters in their own names. Subsequently, the two intervention waves.
individual features of children’s names were discussed by Five criterion-referenced measures, all of which were
the group (e.g., children were asked to find “whose name derived from the extant literature, were used to examine
starts with a B”). Next, children were provided laminated children’s emergent literacy knowledge. The test protocol
cards depicting the alphabet letters and corresponding was designed to reflect both written language awareness
pictures, and were lead through two to three alphabet (alphabet knowledge, print awareness, name writing) and
recitations. Recitations involved singing the alphabet song phonological awareness (phonological segmentation,
with children pointing to the letters on their cards. This rhyme production). All measures commenced with simple
was followed by several alphabet games, such as having instructions followed by demonstration and practice items
the children use their cards to find the letters in their whenever appropriate. No praise, reinforcement, or
names. Lastly, children completed one or more phonologi- corrective feedback was given during testing, with the
cal awareness games, focussing on rhyme detection, rhyme exception of praise for on- and off-task behavior as needed
production, sentence or syllable segmentation, or initial (e.g., “Nice sitting” or “I like how hard you’re working”).
sound identification. For instance, in one game, children Measures were administered by supervised, trained speech-
were each provided a picture card depicting a common language pathology graduate students. The examiners were
object (e.g., hat, bat, car), and were then asked to indicate blind to children’s previous performance levels as well as
whether their cards rhymed with a target picture shown by to their group assignment. The instruments are available
an interventionist (e.g., cat). For each session, a lesson plan from the first author.
(available from the first author) was used to sequence and Alphabet knowledge. Children’s knowledge of the
structure the activities. names of the 26 upper-case alphabet letters was tested
Comparison intervention program. All children also using the Alphabet Knowledge subtest of the Phonological
completed a 6-week wave comprising twelve 30-min Awareness Literacy Screening–PreKindergarten (PALS-
small-group sessions featuring adult–child shared story- PreK; Invernizzi, Sullivan & Meier, 2001). Children were
book reading. These sessions were designed to actively shown an 8 in. × 11 in. test sheet depicting the alphabet

Justice et al.: Emergent Literacy Intervention 325

letters in randomized order; the examiner pointed to each of children’s orientation to literacy (i.e., literacy interest)
letter and asked the child to name it. Responses were were collected at the end of the first and second wave of
scored as 0 (incorrect) or 1 (correct). The total possible intervention. Specifically, each interventionist indepen-
number of points was 26. dently completed the Kaderavek–Sulzby Rating of Orienta-
Print awareness. This test, described in Justice and tion to Book Reading (KS-ROB; Kaderavek & Sulzby,
Ezell (2001a), examined children’s knowledge of print and 2001). Each child was individually rated on this
book reading conventions, such as book orientation and 4-point scale, which provides a global rating of children’s
print directionality. The test represented a modified version responsiveness and motivation toward participating in
of Clay’s (1979) Concepts About Print test; modification literacy events. The lowest score of 1 represents refusal to
occurred primarily to make the test more appropriate for participate or complete lack of engagement, whereas the
younger children, such that more difficult items (such as highest score of 4 represents eager participation and high
sight word recognition) were eliminated. The test involves interest. Given the high correlation between the two
14 tasks administered during an adult–child shared book interventionists’ ratings of individual children (r = .69,
reading of a commercially available children’s storybook, p = .002), the two ratings for each child were combined
Nine Ducks Nine (Hayes, 1990). This 30-page book and averaged. Likewise, children’s orientation scores for
contains large print and multiple instances of embedded, each intervention wave were highly correlated (r = .81,
contextualized print within the illustrations. Following p = .000), suggesting that literacy orientation did not vary
Justice and Ezell’s (2001a) protocol, the examiner read the for the two approaches (i.e., explicit vs. embedded). A
target book with the child, during which a series of tasks composite orientation score, consisting of orientation
were presented (e.g., “Show me the front of the book” and scores averaged across both intervention waves, was used
“Show me the name of this book”). Correct responses in all subsequent analyses. The average composite orienta-
typically received one point, although for several items the tion score was 2.6 (SD = 0.89, range = 1–4).
correct response received two points and an alternative Second, a measure of children’s behavior during
response received one point. Incorrect responses (including intervention activities was collected at the end of the 12-
no response) received 0 points; 18 points were possible. week intervention period. The two interventionists were
Name writing. Children’s ability to write their own asked to describe children’s behavior by independently
names (and more generally, their familiarity with writing) completing a 25-item behavioral observation checklist for
was tested using the Writing subtest of the PALS-PreK. each child, adapted from Achenbach (1991). The checklist
Children were provided an 8 in. × 11 in. piece of paper and described a series of behaviors (e.g., fidgets, demands a lot
were asked to draw their portrait and write their name. of attention, disturbs other pupils) and the frequency with
Name writing was scored using a 7-point scale (see which each behavior was observed during intervention
Invernizzi et al., 2001), in which a scribble or picture (never, sometimes, often) was scored for individual
representing both picture and written name received 0 children. The highest possible score (50 points) indicated
points, and a name written correctly received 7 points. The a significant level of behavioral problems during inter-
highest possible score was 7. vention, whereas the lowest possible score (0 points)
Phonological segmentation. Children’s ability to segment indicated rare occurrences of behavioral problems.
spoken language units (i.e., sentences into words, words into Correlational analysis showed a high correlation between
syllables) was tested using the Segmentation subtest of the the two interventionists’ scores for individual children (r
Phonological Awareness Test (PAT; Robertson & Salter, = .67, p = .003); thus, a behavior score was calculated for
1997). In the first 10 tasks, which examined sentence each child using the average of the two scores. The mean
segmentation, children were presented with a series of behavior score for children in this study was 13.9 (SD =
three- to five-word sentences (e.g., He can swim) and were 15.3, range = 0–44).
asked to repeat each sentence back while clapping for each
word. In the second 10 tasks, which examined syllable Results
segmentation, children were presented with a series of one-
to four-syllable words (e.g., pizza, calendar) and were General Effects of the 12-Week
asked to repeat the word back while clapping for each part Intervention Program
(i.e., syllable) of the word. Responses were scored as 0 Data were first analyzed to determine the influence of
(incorrect) or 1 (correct). The total number of possible the emergent literacy intervention as a whole, that is, to
points was 20. characterize children’s growth over the 12-week program
Rhyme production. Children’s ability to generate encompassing both the experimental and comparison
rhymes was examined using the Rhyme Production items intervention programs. A repeated-measures multivariate
of the Rhyming subtest of the PAT (Robertson & Salter, analysis of variance was conducted, with time (pretest,
1997). Children were given a series of 10 words (e.g., can, posttest) as the within-subjects factor and program (experi-
pot, wrinkle, brother) and were asked to produce a word mental explicit, comparison) as the between-subjects
rhyming with each target. Responses were scored as 0 factor. With respect to this research aim, we were particu-
(incorrect) or 1 (correct). The total possible number of larly interested in determining the extent to which time
points was 10. emerged as a significant main effect. Children’s raw scores
Additional measures. Two additional measures were on the five emergent literacy measures served as the
administered during the course of this study. First, measures dependent variables.

326 American Journal of Speech-Language Pathology • Vol. 12 • 320–332 • August 2003

TABLE 3. Changes in emergent literacy performance over the 12-week intervention program
(n = 18).

Measure Pretest Posttest

(Points Possible) M SD M SD

Alphabet knowledge (26) 5.3 6.8 12.7 8.6

Print awareness (18) 5.0 3.2 7.6 3.6
Name writing (7) 2.3 2.0 3.7 1.5
Phonological segmentation (20) 3.5 2.4 10.3 4.2
Rhyme production (10) 0.7 2.3 3.9 4.1

Table 3 depicts changes in children’s scores from pre- to collapsed across the entire 12-week period, without regard
posttest on the five emergent literacy measures. Visual to children’s performance levels at the start of each wave.
inspection of these data suggests growth over time for all This is a particularly important consideration in the present
areas examined. Statistical analyses supported this observa- study given the alternating treatment design, in which
tion, with the test statistic showing a significant main effect children’s experiences prior to a particular wave may have
for time based on Wilks’s criterion, F(5, 25) = 11.84, p = influenced their growth within that wave. For instance,
.000. In contrast, there was no significant finding for Group A children began the comparison program follow-
program, F(5, 25) = 0.708, p = .623, nor was there a Time × ing 6 weeks of the experimental explicit program, whereas
Program interaction, F(5, 25) = 2.153, p = .092. Group B children experienced the opposite schedule.
These findings indicate that children made substantial A second set of analyses, using a series of paired-
gains in collective consideration of the emergent literacy samples t tests, was thus conducted to determine the extent
measures over the 12-week intervention period. Univariate of change for the five dependent measures during each
tests for the main effect for time showed significant growth intervention wave. We took children’s preexisting differ-
for each of the five measures: alphabet knowledge, ences in performance levels at the start of each wave as a
F(1, 29) = 25.37, p = .000; print awareness, F(1, 29) = baseline level against which performance at the end of the
10.54, p = .003; name writing, F(1, 29) = 4.385, p = .045; intervention wave was compared. These analyses con-
phonological segmentation, F(1, 29) = 25.868, p = .000; trolled for variability in performance levels at the start of
and rhyme production, F(1, 29) = 12.454, p = .001. each wave within and across individual children. Table 4
depicts children’s scores on each dependent measure at the
beginning and end of the two 6-week intervention waves.
Effectiveness of the Experimental Results showed that children’s scores on each emergent
Explicit Approach to Intervention literacy measure significantly improved from the beginning
Data were also analyzed to compare the magnitude of to the end of the 6-week experimental explicit intervention
growth in emergent literacy for the two intervention waves, program: alphabet knowledge, t(14) = 7.025, p = .000;
contrasting the experimental explicit program and the print awareness, t(17) = 3.302, p = .004; name writing,
comparison program. The question of whether the experi- t(17) = 2.365, p = .03; phonological segmentation, t(16) =
mental explicit approach exerted an advantage was 4.735, p = .000; and rhyme production, t(16) = 3.469,
partially addressed by the multivariate test described p = .003. The same set of comparisons was done to
previously, in which program served as a between-subjects characterize the extent of growth during the 6-week
factor. At the multivariate level, the test statistic indicated comparison program. During this wave, children showed
no significant main effect for program. However, in this significant growth only for phonological segmentation,
particular analysis, children’s gains across each wave were t(13) = 2.662, p = .02. Pre- to postwave changes for the

TABLE 4. Within-subject comparison of growth during comparison and experimental explicit


Comparison Experimental Explicit

Prewave Postwave Prewave Postwave

Alphabet knowledge 7.3 8.5 9.8 8.9 6.7 7.5 12.0 9.1
Print awareness 6.4 3.4 7.1 3.1 5.1 3.1 7.5 3.5
Name writing 3.5 1.5 3.8 1.6 2.9 2.4 4.0 1.4
Phonological segmentation 5.1 3.2 8.3 3.5 4.4 3.2 8.8 4.8
Rhyme production 0.9 2.6 1.9 3.3 1.4 2.9 4.1 4.2

Justice et al.: Emergent Literacy Intervention 327

other four emergent literacy measures were not significant: accounted for 57.6% of the variance among the outcome
alphabet knowledge, t(14) = 1.814, p = .091; print aware- variables; this component score was used as the dependent
ness, t(15) = 0.848, p = .41; name writing, t(14) = 1, variable in our regression analysis.
p = .334; and rhyme production, t(13) = 1.508, p = .155. The four predictors together accounted for 74.4% (65.8%
adjusted) of the variance in literacy outcome. R for regression
was significantly different from zero, F(4, 12) = 8.70, p =
Predicting Emergent Literacy Outcome: .002. However, in terms of individual predictors, only oral
Influence of Individual Differences language and literacy orientation contributed significantly to
The third aim of this study was to identify those child the prediction of literacy outcome. The 95% confidence
characteristics most predictive of outcome following 12 limits of the regression coefficient for oral language were
weeks of emergent literacy intervention. As can be seen in 0.023 to 0.106 and those for orientation were .050 to 2.056.
Table 3, there was considerable variability in children’s On the basis of the squared semipartial correlations (sri2), oral
emergent literacy performance at the end of intervention. language in isolation contributed to 24.8% of the explained
We explored four indices as possible predictors of emer- variance, and orientation constituted another 11.2% in unique
gent literacy outcome: literacy orientation (composite variability. Although post hoc correlation analysis revealed
orientation score from the KS-ROB), oral language (total that the children’s speech production and behavior were
language standard score from the PLS-3), speech produc- moderately correlated with literacy outcome (r = .45 and
tion (percentile rank from the GFTA), and behavior (raw –.42, respectively), these two predictors did not contribute
score from the behavioral checklist). Selection of predic- significantly to the prediction of literacy outcome. The
tors was derived from the extant literature suggesting their unstandardized regression coefficients (B), standardized
unique and substantial associations with emergent literacy regression coefficients (β), and other results from the
development (e.g., Bishop & Adams, 1990; Boudreau & regression analysis are summarized in Table 5.
Hedberg, 1999; Frijters et al., 2000; Kaderavek & Sulzby,
1998a; for review, see Scarborough, 1998; also see Conclusions and Discussion
Whitehurst & Lonigan, 1998).
A multiple regression analysis was conducted with these The following provides an overview of the major findings
four predictors entered simultaneously, as the extant of this study. First, preschool children exhibiting multiple
literature has yet to clarify the relative contribution of these risk factors demonstrated substantial emergent literacy
predictors to emergent literacy growth. We regressed the growth during the 12-week intervention period, encompass-
four predictors onto a variable representing literacy ing both the experimental explicit program and the compari-
performance at the end of the intervention (rather than son program. The gains observed were widespread, encom-
growth during intervention), as the gradual emergence of passing both written language and phonological awareness.
literacy variability during the 12-week intervention period Growth was most robust for alphabet knowledge, phonologi-
reflected an aspect of intervention research that has often cal segmentation, and rhyme production; in these three areas,
been bypassed. To obtain a composite index of literacy children’s task performance more than doubled over the 12-
outcome, we performed a principal components analysis on week intervention period.
children’s scores on the five emergent literacy measures at Second, children’s emergent literacy performance
the end of intervention. Despite the widespread use of changes were more profound during the experimental
principal components analysis and the eigenvalue one rule explicit intervention program, relative to the comparison
as a method of data reduction (e.g, Whitehurst et al., 1994), condition featuring adult–child shared storybook reading.
we recognize that some researchers have questioned the In the 6 weeks children spent participating in explicit,
relative merits of this technique as compared to the more structured emergent literacy activities targeting awareness
theoretically oriented common factor analysis (Bentler & of the written language and phonological features of
Kano, 1990; McArdle, 1990; Widaman, 1993). Neverthe- language, substantial widespread change was observed,
less, in the present study, we opted for principal compo-
nents analysis rather than common factor analysis because TABLE 5. Standard multiple regression of four predictors on
we wanted to focus on examining the variability in literacy literacy outcome.
performance following the intervention program.
Results from the principal components analysis indi- sr 2
cated that five components were needed to account for all Variables B β (unique)
of the variability in the children’s literacy performance;
Intercept –4.940
however, only the largest unrotated component was used in
Oral language –8.382** .570 .25
subsequent data analysis to represent an overall emergent
Speech production 0.065 .095
literacy outcome. All five literacy measures were observed
Behavior 0.006 .149
to have moderate to high loadings (ranging from .29 to .57)
Orientation 1.053* .555 .11
on this component. This corresponded well with our
intention to derive a single composite index that could 2 a 2
Note. R = .74 ; Adjusted R = .66; R = .86**
represent equally well both the written language and a
Unique variability = .36; shared variability = .38.
phonological awareness aspects of literacy outcome. This *p < .05. **p < .01.
component (hereafter referred to as literacy outcome)

328 American Journal of Speech-Language Pathology • Vol. 12 • 320–332 • August 2003

encompassing all areas of performance examined. In severe impairments are less influenced by intervention. For
contrast, performance changes during the comparison these children in particular, qualitatively and quantitatively
program were notably modest, with only phonological different intervention approaches may be required to
segmentation showing significant change. optimize early and later literacy outcomes.
Third, children’s oral language proficiency and their With respect to literacy orientation, several researchers
orientation to literacy emerged as significant and unique have recently argued the importance of literacy orientation
predictors of emergent literacy outcome. Oral language or literacy interest to facilitating emergent literacy growth
skill explained nearly 25% of the variance in literacy (e.g., Frijters et al., 2000; Whitehurst & Lonigan, 1998).
outcome, whereas orientation constituted another 11% in Kaderavek and Sulzby (1998a), in particular, have studied
unique variability. This finding demonstrates the impact of literacy orientation in children experiencing oral language
oral language proficiency to children’s responsiveness to problems, finding that preschoolers with LI are relatively
emergent literacy intervention, and also argues the impor- more likely to exhibit low orientation to literacy activities.
tance of orientation, or literacy interest, as an additional These researchers have also asserted that low orientation
mediating influence. may contribute to the protracted nature of these young-
This study provides evidence that emergent literacy sters’ emergent literacy development, and have argued for
intervention can make meaningful differences to young at- applied research to further elucidate the role of orientation
risk children, particularly those experiencing multiple risk in emergent literacy development.
factors. The findings argue the importance of children’s Convergent with Kaderavek and Sulzby’s (1998a)
participation in explicit instructional activities focused on argument of the importance of literacy orientation to
specific areas of skill development (e.g., letter naming, emergent literacy development, we found orientation to
name writing, rhyming). Explicit intervention was found explain a significant portion of the variance in literacy
to be more effective and efficient for advancing wide- outcome. Children’s engagement and interest in literacy
spread change (i.e., affecting all of the performance activities therefore seems critical to successful literacy
indicators studied) relative to literature-based activities in achievement, even in the earliest stages of development. Of
which literacy goals were less explicitly addressed. additional note is the finding that oral language and literacy
Importantly, the performance indices (i.e., dependent orientation together explained a substantial amount of the
variables) used in this study comprised measures highly variance in literacy outcome, accounting for a significant
associated with later literacy achievement. Thus, given the 36% of variability in outcome. This suggests that children
current interest in identifying approaches that effectively with LI who concomitantly exhibit low literacy orientation
and efficiently promote skill development in areas may be particularly vulnerable for experiencing only
associated with literacy outcome, particularly for at-risk marginal gains during literacy intervention.
children, this study provides critical evidence that partici- Several limitations should be noted. The first involves
pation in explicit skill-building activities is an effective our measures. Only quantitative indices of emergent
means for enhancing emergent literacy growth. literacy performance were collected; likewise, these
Two additional observations from this investigation are measures represented only several discrete areas of
of significance in light of the present interest in structuring performance. These data may not adequately reflect how
effective emergent literacy intervention for at-risk children. children may perform on other more diverse types of
These observations concern oral language and literacy performance-based or observational instruments examining
orientation. With respect to oral language, it is currently children’s naturalistic literacy behaviors or skills in other
understood that although not all preschool children with contexts of use (e.g., in the classroom, at home). Future
oral language problems will go on to experience reading research examining the effectiveness of various interven-
difficulties, the rate of reading problems among these tion approaches should examine literacy performance
children is higher than occurs for their nonimpaired peers across various contexts of use and employ a variety of
(Catts et al., 2001). Several prospective studies of the qualitative and quantitative indices. Likewise, it is impor-
association between school-age reading proficiency and tant to note that our prediction equation explained only a
history of preschool LI have suggested that reading moderate portion of the unique variability in outcome.
problems are more likely to occur in children having Further investigations are needed to study additional
relatively severe and/or widespread language difficulties literacy, language, social, and behavioral indices that may
(i.e., affecting multiple aspects of language performance; be associated with intervention outcome
e.g., Bird et al., 1995; Bishop & Adams, 1990). The second set of limitations, related to the first,
The present findings contribute to this research base by concerns our assessment focus. We examined only
delineating the substantial mediating influence of oral emergent literacy task performance, pursuant to the a priori
language proficiency to the outcome of preschool emergent aims of this clinical investigation. We therefore did not
literacy intervention. Children’s oral language proficiency characterize children’s oral language skills, except to
played a significant role in explaining the variance in develop a descriptive profile of children at the start of
emergent literacy skills at the end of the intervention intervention. This is an important limitation in that we
period. These findings suggest the possibility that the link were unable to examine the relative influence of the two
between the severity of LI during preschool and the intervention programs on oral language ability. There is
tendency for these children to have lower reading out- considerable evidence demonstrating the impact of
comes in the elementary years is that children with more participation in shared storybook reading interactions, as

Justice et al.: Emergent Literacy Intervention 329

featured in the comparison program, upon oral language Bentler, P. M., & Kano, Y. (1990). On the equivalence of
growth (e.g., Crain-Thoreson & Dale, 1999; Senechal, factors and components. Multivariate Behavioral Research,
LeFevre, Thomas, & Daley, 1998; Whitehurst et al., 1988). 25, 67–74.
The impact of various emergent literacy intervention Bird, J., Bishop, D. V. M., & Freeman, N. H. (1995). Phono-
logical awareness and literacy development in children with
approaches on oral language growth is an important
expressive phonological impairments. Journal of Speech and
direction for future research. Of additional note concerning Hearing Research, 38, 446–462.
the language assessment is our use of a single standardized Bishop, D., & Adams, C. (1990). A prospective study of the
measure for characterizing language performance. Experts relationship between specific language impairment, phono-
have recently questioned the normative references and logical disorders, and reading retardation. Journal of Child
validity of such instruments for evaluating the language Psychology and Psychiatry, 21, 1027–1050.
performance of children from diverse backgrounds, includ- Boudreau, D. M., & Hedberg, N. L. (1999). A comparison of
ing those reared in low-SES households (e.g., Kayser, 1995). early literacy skills in children with specific language
The use of multiple language measures, particularly those impairment and their typically developing peers. American
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Bowey, J. (1995). Socioeconomic status differences in preschool
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A third limitation involves the sample, which was small Bradley, L., & Bryant, P. (1985). Rhyme and reason in reading
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meta-analysis on intergenerational transmission of literacy.
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Review of Educational Research, 65, 1–21.
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research. Questions that yet need to be addressed include: from a longitudinal investigation. Scientific Studies of
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332 American Journal of Speech-Language Pathology • Vol. 12 • 320–332 • August 2003

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