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Connectedness Full Journal

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Table of contents

Living Purpose 3
Finding your living purpose 5
Putting your purpose into action 11
The AWESOME model of setting goals 14
The 3 Most Important Questions Training 20
The 6-Phase Meditation Training (Part 1) 25
The 6-Phase Meditation Transcript 28
The 6-Phase Meditation Training (Part 2) 33
Lofty Questions 38

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Connectedness Part 1 - Living Purpose

Purpose is our North Star. The WHY behind everything we do.

It is something that we always as human beings have searched for. Some of

humanity’s biggest questions are: Why do we exist? Why have we been born on this

When we feel overwhelmed or unmotivated, it’s most likely because we don’t know
what we seek in life. We are not clear on our purpose.

Even when we understand the importance of living your purpose, I would say about
95% of the world doesn’t live a purposeful life.

Why we don't live a purposeful life

1. Our education system: As children, our main purpose is just being alive. There is no
search for meaning and no chase, we just are.

And then we are put into the education system, where we have to go through
di erent stages in the journey in order to graduate and nally be able to live our

Our education system prepares us to “be something”.

2. We want to t inside an imposed model of reality: Society teaches us that if we

work a lot and make a lot of money, then we will be able to live our purpose.

But purpose transcends economic bene ts. You can live your purpose, even if it
doesn't monetarily bene t you!

We constantly see what everyone else is doing in their life, and feel pressured to keep
up with what everyone else is doing.

The more you accumulate, the more you want. But in the end, this is not what makes
you happy! Living in alignment with your purpose is.

3. We learn by analogy as a child and then live from analogy as an adult:

One of the ways that nature keeps us safe is to notice what others are doing around
us, so we can stay safe. So while learning from analogy was a great idea when you
were a child because you learned that re is hot and we shouldn't touch it, it
becomes a problem as an adult in an unawakened society, a society where we are
chasing versus living, truly living our purpose.

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Why we need purpose

When we live in alignment with our higher calling and our best self, we are more
joyous, more alive, and become magnets that attract our desires.

This creates a more fulfilled life.

2 Understandings of Purpose:

1. Spiritual Understanding - You are always in purpose as long as you can untangle
from the society’s requirements around you.

2. Social Understanding - For people that want to live their purpose while also do
things in the world. Who don't want to just sit around and enjoy life, but also make
meaning of it.

Neither path is wrong, it just depends on what is the journey that you want to

Living Purpose: purpose as a living thing. The purpose that once defined, may evolve
as you evolve. It also gives you meaning behind everything you do.

Observation exercises

1. Observe your thoughts

• Sit for 15 minutes and observe your thoughts.

• Choose an environment where you won’t be distracted.

• This is not a meditative state where you visualize something else, the idea is to
observe your thoughts.

This will help you understand how much your thoughts are influenced by you, and
how much they are influenced by other people. It will also expand your awareness
about yourself, and make it easier to find your purpose.

What insights did you get after observing your thoughts?

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2. Reflection questions

Ask yourself:

1. What feels exciting to me to devote my life to? Or What feels exciting to me to

devote my next 3-5 years to?

2. Does this make me feel alive? Does this make me feel excited?

Finding your living purpose

3 Key Characteristics of Living Purpose:

1. Living Purpose is not a place to get to, it's a place to be.

2. It needs to engage with the world.

3. It is likely to evolve.

Now that you understand the three characteristics of living purpose, let's identify how
to find your living purpose.

4 Elements to Living Purpose:

1. Understanding of self: How well do you understand yourself? How are you making a
conscious effort to understand yourself?

You can use tools like:

• Myers Briggs personality test

• Wealth dynamics test

• Dharma archetype quiz

• Breakthrough Blueprint

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Write your insights below

2. What gives you joy?: What makes you lose track of time? What makes you joyful?

What gives YOU joy?

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3. What can you do with it? (Your purpose). Here is where you take all your skills and
knowledge, and put them to work. Take action.

4. Make it useful for the world: What can you do for the world? Can you create some
impact in the world? Can you create some contribution to society?

This is how you generate income from your life purpose!

Questions that will help you identify the 4 elements of your purpose

1. What are the things that you are willing to do, or would do even when they are

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2. What are the activities when you engage in you forget about time? Almost like you
are in trance.

3. What did you do as a child that gave you joy?

4. If you were to die 1 year from now, what would you do in this year?

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5. What are some key challenges that shaped you as a human being? What did you
learn about yourself? 

6. Write down what your values are

*You have the “Find your Core Values” sheet to help you find them.

7. What are you really good at?

*Feel free to ask people who know you for help using the template below

Template to ask your friends & colleagues for feedback on what you are good at:

Hi (name of person)!

I am working on discovering what I’m really good at. You as my (friend/colleague),

have known me for (amount of time), and can help me get to know myself better.

I would really appreciate your help with this particular exercise.

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Knowing what you know about me, what do you think are the 3 reasons that you
would call upon me when you need help?

Can you highlight 2 or 3 things that you believe make me extraordinary? Those things
that you believe are my bigger strengths.

Thank you!

8. How can all these traits, skills, and obstacles turn into meaningful work?

How can your work be useful to the world?

These questions will help you get more clarity around your purpose. But this is only
where you start. Then you have to put your purpose into action.

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Putting your purpose into action

Once you identify your living purpose, you want to go through a goal-setting

You will find 2 separate worksheets that will help you define clear goals:

1. The 3 Most Important Questions

2. The AWESOME model of setting goals

Now, helping your clients transition from a life that “happens to them”, to a purposeful
life that they can create is sometimes difficult.

Coaching for Transition from current reality to new reality

1. Sense of safety - This is the inner knowing that everything will be OK, no matter
what happens in life.

2. Minimal Livable Income: One of the ways to create safe transition plans is to set up
economic structure our income structure that makes sense (Minimal Livable Income).
This is where you help your client identify what is the minimum income that they need
to generate for them to feel safe for them to be taking care of their needs

And once this minimum level of income is achieved and there is some sense of
security and safety. That is only when we start disrupting their current reality in an
absolute way.

3. Disrupt their current reality (after creating safety): Take small steps forward,
allowing your client to fully integrate one part before moving to the next.

Your Notes:

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Find Your Core Values

What values represent your primary way of being?

Below you will find a list of words that may be seen as a value. Circle the ones that
pop out for you. There may be 5-10-20 words that may represent your value.

Accountability Courage Harmony Passion

Adaptability Creativity Health Patience
Altruism Decisiveness Honesty Persistence
Assertiveness Dependability Honor Playfulness
Awareness Discipline Hope Purpose
Balance Drive Humility Realistic
Boldness Efficiency Humor Respect
Calm Empathy Individuality Responsibility
Candor Enthusiasm Inspiring Security
Charity Equality Intelligence Self-reliance
Common sense Fairness Justice Selfless
Compassion Fidelity Kindness Service
Confidence Freedom Logic Tolerance
Connection Fun Love Transparency
Consistency Generosity Loyalty Trustworthy
Conviction Gratitude Openness Understanding
Cooperation Happiness Optimism Unity

Choose the values that resonate with you the most. Feel free to add more!

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Come up with your top 6. Now compare them with each other. Say if you picked
honesty and courage. If you could only choose one, what would you choose honesty
or courage? Pick one. Go across all the words you chose until you settle with the final

Choose your top 2-4 values

How can you be more congruent with your values and the way you show up in the

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The AWESOME model of setting goals

This is one of the most effective tools I have found when it comes to setting effective
goals and creating results, both in my personal life and my business. This is designed
to keep your commitment going for long periods of time, building your motivation and
creating the needed actions you need.

The AWESOME model has 7 elements to ensure that you can turn your vision into your

• Ambition: This is about focusing on the future. On the ideal reality that you want to

• Why: Your why will fuel your motivation and help you overcome any obstacle along
the way to your goal.

• Executable: Your goal has to be big enough that makes you feel excited, but not
too big as to paralyze you with fear.

• Specific: Do I understand all the elements that make up my goal, so I know how to
measure if I'm on the right track?

• Objective: You have clarity on what are the steps you need to take to move
towards your goal.

• Measurable: You have to have ways to measure your progress on a monthly basis,
to know where you stand.

• Expiration: Your goal has to have an expiring timeline, because a deadline will
naturally move you into action.

What is the big vision you have for your life for the next 5 years?

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What do you want to create in these different areas of your life?

Health & wellbeing

Important relationships

Growth & development

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Career & professional life


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Now take your Big Vision from the last exercise, and let's start organizing your goals
based on the AWESOME model:
Repeat this for each area of life:

Health & wellbeing

Ambition: What do want? Why it matters to me Executable: Exciting & doable

Speci c & Objective: What do Measurable: How will I Expiration: By when do I want
I need to move towards my measure my progress every to achieve my goal?
goal? month?

Important relationships

Ambition: What do want? Why it matters to me Executable: Exciting & doable

Speci c & Objective: What do Measurable: How will I Expiration: By when do I want
I need to move towards my measure my progress every to achieve my goal?
goal? month?

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Growth & Development

Ambition: What do want? Why it matters to me Executable: Exciting & doable

Speci c & Objective: What do Measurable: How will I Expiration: By when do I want
I need to move towards my measure my progress every to achieve my goal?
goal? month?

Career & Professional life

Ambition: What do want? Why it matters to me Executable: Exciting & doable

Speci c & Objective: What do Measurable: How will I Expiration: By when do I want
I need to move towards my measure my progress every to achieve my goal?
goal? month?

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Ambition: What do want? Why it matters to me Executable: Exciting & doable

Speci c & Objective: What do Measurable: How will I Expiration: By when do I want
I need to move towards my measure my progress every to achieve my goal?
goal? month?

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The 3 Most Important Questions Training

Welcome Mindvalley future coaches!

My name is Vishen Lakhiani, founder of Mindvalley, and in this training, you will learn
how to teach some of Mindvalley’s core learning methodologies, core methods, and
tools to really help create a transformation in an individual.

I think the very idea of being a life coach is a powerful career choice, because you
get to create change in others, inspire, motivate and help other people become their
best selves.

I've always believed that this is a core driver of the human soul.

Tony Robbins in his famous TED talk spoke about the six human drivers. He said the
two most important things that we seek as human beings that really lead to
happiness are growth and contribution.

The 3 Most Important Questions

This is a powerful methodology for goal setting, which I created back in 2012, posted
it on YouTube, and it became viral. It helps people get really clear on what they want
to create in their lives.

You can use this training for one-on-one coaching, or in a group training.

I also talk about this methodology in my book The Code of the Extraordinary Mind
(2017). This book hit the number one book ranking in Amazon across all categories,
and it will not only help you understand where the 3 Most Important Questions came
from, but also transform the way you approach life.

Key ideas:

The “Great Sidetrack” - This is when the Culturescape distracts us from who we really

Culturescape - The massive tangled web of human beliefs, ideas, and rituals that
entrap us. The culturescape tells us who to be, what to do, what is right what is
wrong, and it is completely made up.

It's made up by our past generations, passed on from one generation to the next. So
in the end, it is really peer pressure from dead people!

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Our words de ne how we see the world - We decide what meaning we want to give
to our words. None of the words are tangible.

Take for example success. What does it mean for you? It may mean something to
you, and a completely di erent thing for another person.

So be mindful of the meaning you give to your words, and focus on what your soul is
asking you to be.

Ken Wilber he says that there are two types of truth out there: Absolute & Relative.
Absolute Truth is something that cannot be questioned. It is what it is, like: water is
Relative truth is truth that we decide is true based on our upbringing.

The idea is not to judge, but rather to see that when we set goals, we have to be
mindful of what we really want to create for ourselves, and not set them based on
others’ expectations, or made-up concepts.

A really great book to read in order to understand these concepts is Sapiens, by

Yuval Noah Harari.

We live in two worlds:

1. The physical world, which is what you can feel
2. The world of cognition, which is the world of human ideas passed on from
generation to generation.

Words de ne what we see, and when you create a new word, you're actually creating
a new construct in the cognitive mind.

These constructs can entrap you of free you. Through 3MIQ we look to get more
mindful about the word you choose, so you can live a beautiful life on your own terms.

Words related to the 3MIQ

Means goals: Based on the culturescape, and what other people expect from you
(Conforming to the rules of society). A means goal is something you do in order to get
the experience you want to have.
They usually have a “so” in them. Example: I want to be rich so I ….

End goals: Based on what your soul really wants. Make you feel ful lled. An end goal
is what you actually desire. Based on your heart, and often related to feelings.

Brules: Bullshit rules that we adopt to simplify our understanding of the world.

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The 3 most important questions categories


1. What do I want to experience in life?

• If I had unlimited resources, what would my life look like?

• What would I be doing?
• Who is there with me?
• What do I want to experience with friends and family?
• How are my relationships?
• How is my home?
• Where do I want to travel?
• What activities or hobbies am I engaging in?
• What does success look like for me?
• Write down everything that you could possibly dream of doing or having that would
make you feel happy and joyful.


2. How do I want to grow and develop myself?

• What new skills do I want to learn?

• What languages do I want to master?
• What character traits do I want to improve?
• How can I learn to take better care of myself?
• Write down anything you want to develop in your life.

3. How do I want to contribute to the world?

• How could I contribute to my family, friends, society, city, or even the entire planet?
*No matter how big or small your ideas, write down everything that comes to you.
• What is the legacy I want to leave?
• How can I make the world a better place?
• What problem do I want to solve for the planet?

Take no more than 90 seconds per category. The point is not to overthink it, but let
the answers ow through you. This is how you will hear the answers that instantly
come to you, straight from your heart.

Use the table below, and keep on writing for the full 90 seconds and do not stop. At
some point, your critical mind shuts o and you start writing what matters.

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Experiences Growth Contribution

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“The most exciting people in the world do not have a career. What they have is a
mission”, Vishen Lakhiani, from The Code of the Extraordinary Mind.

*Please take the 3 Most Important Questions Quest on Mindvalley after this
presentation, so you can understand how the tool really works. You will also
understand how to actually teach this and apply this.

There will be some repetition of some of the ideas I'm sharing here inside the quest.
That’s okay. Repetition is reinforcement, and it means you're more likely to remember
the elements of this methodology.

Your Notes

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The 6-Phase Meditation Training (Part 1)

Here you will learn how to coach people on the Six-Phase meditation.

The 6-Phase Meditation is a protocol that I created sometime around 2012, to help
me hack meditation, and get the best results in a faster, e ective, and optimized way.

In the old times, meditation was a hermetic practice, where you were able to
meditate in full silence and away from the world for many hours or days at an end. In
these modern times, this no longer works.

This is why the 6-Phase meditation is so powerful.

What you're going to learn here gives you incredible results in a relatively short
amount of time. It's easy to learn, easy to maintain, and you do not have to practice
for more than 15 minutes a day.

There are two parts to this training:

Part 1: Watch this video to get all the background information on the 6-Phase.
Then go and take the Mindvalley quest on the 6-Phase meditation to learn the entire

Part 2: Watch the 6-Phase Meditation Training (Part 2) to go even deeper into the

What is meditation?
Meditation is a way of accessing altered states of mind, and going into di erent
states of beingness to improve perceptual diversity.

In his book Altered Traits, Daniel Goleman shows that global interest in meditation
started accelerating since 2010.

Meditation is a controllable way of tapping into an alpha state to shift your reality,
your emotional states and levels of happiness.

In meditation you reduce your brainwave frequency from the beta (or waking state
frequency), to the alpha, beta and other frequencies that positively a ect your
overall state, and help you nd solutions to any problem.

Meditation is a way to bring for all the most powerful aspects of your Spirit to help
create an ideal world for yourself.

Now to do that, we got to move from meditation to what I call a transcendent


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The 6-Phase Meditation is what I call a transcendent practice that ts your modern
style of living and that you can use daily to improve all areas of your life.

A transcendent practice is any practice that takes your attention away from the
physical world and makes it go within to uplevel and boost yourself.

You want to have your levels of compassion, your levels of happiness of gratitude,
your peace, your vision, your sense of control, and your feelings of being supported at
a high level all the time.

The 6-Phase Meditation is about putting together six of the most powerful
scienti cally-backed transcendent practices into one uni ed approach that lets you
experience the profound bene cial e ects of meditation without factors that make
meditation hard for so many people.

The goal is not meditation it is optimized meditation.

What you're going to learn here is the equivalent of minimum-e ective-dose exercise.
for meditation, based on decades of my own work with di erent forms of meditation
plus data backed up by science.

When you start meditating, your life becomes more than just about you. You expand
your awareness to encompass everything else, and you will feel more connected with
the rest of humanity with the rest of the world.

The 6-phase meditation is the most optimal form of meditation I have found. It is
composed of six transcendent practices that will elevate you. All of these have been
scienti cally proven and tested on millions of people.

The 6 Phases:
1. Compassion.
2. Gratitude.
3. Forgiveness.
4. Envisioning the Future.
5. Your Perfect Day.
6. The Blessing.

The rst 3 phases focus on the Present. The last 3 phases focus on the Future

How do you meditate?

Sit in a comfortable position, keeping your back straight. Comfortable, but at the
same time in a position that allow you to be alert.

If you get distracted, no big deal, just come back to your meditation.

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Don't be obsessed about being still, you don’t need that!

Now go watch the 6-Phase Meditation Quest on Mindvalley, and we will continue
with a deeper level of this training next week!

Your Notes:

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The 6-Phase Meditation Transcript

We will begin with Phase One: Compassion. I want you to bring to mind someone
whom you truly love. This may be a family member, a friend, a lover, or even a pet.

See this soul in front of you. And as you do so, feel the love that they ll you with. Feel
that love in your heart.

Now, give this love a color. Perhaps a light green, pink, white, or blue.

Now take a deep breath. And as you exhale, imagine this light of love expanding
from your heart area to ll your entire body.

Take another deep breath. And as you do, feel the light of this love move out from
beyond your body to ll the room that you're currently in.

And as this light expands to ll the room, imagine this feeling of love emanating from
you to all life in the room; to every person, every pet, even every plant.

Now take a deep breath. And as you exhale, imagine this light of love, lling the entire
building, touching everything that represents life within the building.

Take a deep breath. And as you exhale, imagine this love emanating further now to
cover the entire city you're in. You may feel into a sense of the city or see the city as if
you were looking at it on a map. See the city covered in the light of this love and

Now take a deep breath. And as you exhale, feel this light of love ll the entire
country that you're in. As you did for your city, you may see the country as if you're
looking at it on a map, or you could even bring to mind your nation’s ag.

Imagine your love and compassion emanating from your heart to every human being,
animal, and plant within this country.

Take another deep breath. And as you exhale, allow your love and compassion to
expand so much, that it covers the entire planet.

See the entire globe in front of you with all its countries, people, animals, and plants
covered with the light of your love.

You may even repeat a blessing or a mantra for every living creature on Earth, such

“May you be well, may you be free of su ering, may you be at peace.”

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You’ve now completed Phase One.

We now move to Phase Two: Gratitude.
I want you to bring to mind three things that you're grateful for in your personal life.

They could have happened in the past day, week, month, year, or even years ago. As
you re ect on that which you’re grateful for, focus on the emotions they bring out in
you. Feel the joy, the love, the lightness, and the appreciation that you felt the
moment you received these gifts or lived these experiences.

Now think about your work life. Think about three things that you can be grateful for
in your career that perhaps happened within the last twenty-four hours or seven

Whether you’re appreciating a kind word from a coworker, a project going well, or the
income you made, feel all the positive emotions and give thanks.

And now we moved to the third level of gratitude: gratitude for yourself.

Think about three aspects of your being. It could be related to your body, your mind,
aspects of your personality, anything you’re grateful for about yourself.

Give thanks and gratitude for these three aspects of yourself, feeling the joy and the
positive emotions as you bring to mind each unique aspect of you.

We now come to Phase Three: Forgiveness.

Think of some incident or some occasion that caused a negative charge to build
within you. It could be something small, or something big. But if you're just starting
out, start with something minor. See that person that you need to forgive standing in
front of you in a safe space in your mind.

It could be a beach, a forest, or a garden, wherever you feel safe.

Look at them and express how you feel. Tell them exactly what they did to harm or
betray you as if you were reading the charge out in court.

For a few moments, allow yourself to feel the pain.

Now stop focusing on the pain and draw your attention to the person who wronged
you again. Try to see it from their eyes, as di cult as this may initially seem. Think
about how they may perceive the situation. You can go further and think about what
they could have experienced in their life that caused them to behave in this way.
Remember, hurt people hurt people.

After you’ve seen the situation from their eyes, re ect on what you may have learned
from this incident.

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How did it help you grow? Did this incident help you become stronger or wiser? And
now, as you see this person in front of you, choose to forgive them.
If you can, imagine giving them a hug as a symbol of your forgiveness.

You may repeat this process with the same incident and the same person every day
as you do the 6 Phase, depending on the gravity of the incident. When you feel like
you can hug the person with no negative charge, you can move on to another

We now come to Phase Four: Envisioning Your Future. I want you to bring to mind
your visions and your dreams for your life three years ahead.

Remember, we often overestimate what we can do in one year, but underestimate

what we can do in three. So think of your life three years from now as if it were a
movie on a screen in front of you. Bring to mind any area of your life that you care

You may run through a perfect scene of your life three years from now, or you may
choose two to three speci c goals that you have for yourself. These could be
connected to your career, or your love life, your health, your tness, where you wish to
travel...they could be goals linked to your personal growth or spirituality.

Either way, make the visions of these goals as vivid as you can. Bring in all ve senses.
What do you see? If your vision isn’t your dominant sense, what can you hear? What
can you smell? What sensations and feelings can you feel?

Think about this goal as if it's already happening.

I will give you a few minutes to linger with your future visions. Remember to bring in all
ve senses.

What do you see?

What do you hear?
What do you feel, smell, and taste? Who else is in the scene with you?

It helps to see other people bene t from your accomplishments.

As you wrap up, know that this future vision is on its way to you.

We now go to Phase Five: Your Perfect Day.

Think of your day as a series of stages or segments. You’re about to see each section
unfolding with perfect intention.

We'll start with your morning just after you're done completing your meditation. If
you’re meditating at night, this will be the morning you’re waking up into.

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Set an intention for how you would want your morning to unfold.

What’s the rst thing you’re doing? Perhaps you see your morning exercises going
wonderfully. Maybe you taste your delicious, nourishing breakfast on your tongue...see
your working, studying or leisure day going perfectly. See the time progressing, 9am,
10am, 11am...

See smiling faces around you, see beautiful synchronicities coming to pass and
feelings of ease and joy.

See your lunchtime going beautifully, feeling inspired, deeply connected with yourself
and those around you, peaceful and positive.

You may bring to mind speci c meetings or events you have happening during the
day and set an intention for each of these to ow as you’d like them to.

See the time progressing, 2pm, 3pm, 4pm, 5pm...

As you wrap up your day, perhaps see yourself returning home, or meeting with loved
ones, enjoying laughter, relaxation, joy, and happiness.

See your evening time going wonderfully.

And now see yourself going to bed, about to have a wonderful, refreshing, healthy
night's sleep.

You’ve now completed Phase Five.

We now go to Phase Six: The Blessing.

You’ll now ask for a blessing to conclude your practice and to support you on your
life's journey today.

Take a moment to connect to whatever higher power you believe in; whether that’s a
certain deity, the Universe, the ‘ eld’; whichever word you use to describe your higher
power. If you’re an atheist, see an older, wiser version of yourself blessing you and
your intentions.

Imagine this blessing as a beautiful golden or white light shining down from above.
Allow this light to travel its way through your head all the way down your spine, all the
way down to the tips of your toes.

Now, imagine this light expanding from your body to form a bubble around you,
enveloping you in a shield of loving, in nitely powerful light sent by your higher power.
Know that this blessing will be with you for the rest of your day to protect you from
negativity, support you, and ll you with all the qualities you need to ourish.

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This is your blessing.

You have now completed the 6 Phase Meditation.

I'm now going to count from one to ve. When I reach the count of ve, you'll be wide
awake, feeling wonderful, in perfect health, feeling better than before.

One, two, three, get ready to open your eyes at the count of ve feeling wonderful, in
perfect health, feeling better than before, four, ve...eyes open, wide awake, feeling
alert, wonderful, positive, refreshed, better than before.

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The 6-Phase Meditation Training (Part 2)

By now, you should have gone through the 6-Phase Meditation quest in Mindvalley.

If you haven’t, please go back and take it before you continue. Otherwise, this
training here is going to be pretty advanced!

In this training, I'm going to add more nuances and layers to what you have learned
in the quest. I will also share with you some really interesting philosophies, ideas that
will help you take your coaching sessions to the next level.

The 6 Phases

Phase 1: Compassion

Compassion comes from the value of Unity, which is found in the most advanced
species. Unity is the idea that we are all one, there’s no separation between all

“The expansion of WE”

This notion will help you experience life in a whole new di erent way. You will see
everyone else as part of you. Just try for 24 hours.

Imagine that everyone who crosses your path is an extension of you. This is the single
idea that could change the world virtually overnight.

Charles Darwin, predicted this in 1872 in his book: The Descent of Man, and Selection
in Relation to Sex.

In that book, he talks about the Di usion of Sympathy, which refers to the term of
spreading compassion in order to evolve as species.

The world depends on our level of consciousness. Ken Wilber explains about our
spiritual evolution in States and Stages:

• States are transient, and you can go in and out of them (“Waking up”).
• Stages are an irreversible shift (“Growing up”).

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Phase 2: Gratitude

“If your dream is the seed, action is the water to grow the seed, sunlight is the
consistency, gratitude is the fertilizer”, Lisa Nichols

Gratitude increases your levels of happiness, positively a ects your biology, energizes
you, gives you higher emotional intelligence, more forgiving attitudes, less depression,
less anxiousness, more feelings of being socially connected, better sleep, and fewer

By just focusing a few minutes on gratitude each day, you will get to experience all
these bene ts! Gratitude on:

Your personal life: home, habits, rituals, family, friends, etc.

Work-life: Focus on what you love about your work only.
Self-love: your creativity, your body, and your habits or behaviors, how
compassionate you are, etc.

Phase 3: Forgiveness

Forgiveness allows you to: free yourself from all negative charges, manifest easier,
heal faster, easily connect to a higher power, decrease your levels of anger and
hostility and increase your feelings of love & compassion.

I personally went to Dave Asprey’s 40 Years of Zen, where they measure people’s
brainwaves when using di erent methodologies, and found that forgiveness had the
highest correlation with the brainwave states of set Roshi monks.

When you practice forgiveness, your left and right brain go into what is called left
and right brain synchronicity, which makes your alpha waves have a have higher

Rules of forgiveness:
• You can forgive anything and anyone.
• Forgiveness frees YOU: While it is not the same as pardoning, you decide that you
are not going to let that act negatively impact you.
• Forgiveness is not about dropping the charge. You can't change the past but you
can change your feelings about it.
• The other person does not have to forgive you in return.

Remember that hurt people hurt people.

*If you want to go deeper in the topic of forgiveness, you can read the book: “The
little soul and the sun”, by Neale Donald Walsch

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Forgiveness method
1. Identify the person or act you want to forgive.
2. Create the space for forgiveness.
3. Read the charges: tell the person how their actions made you feel.
4. Allow yourself to feel the anger and pain (for no more than 2 minutes).
5. Think of what you learned in the event.
6. Think of how the other person may have been hurt in the past.
7. See the situation from their eyes.
8. Forgive into love.

Advanced tips around forgiveness:

• Pick something easy to forgive rst. Start with something small, and as you have
more practice, you can forgive bigger things.
• After you forgive the person, you can call upon a Spiritual advisor and ask: “Have I
forgiven enough?”. If your guide says yes, you can move to the next person. If your
guide says no, you can repeat the process.

Phase 4: Envisioning the Future

Phases 1, 2, and 3 were all about the present state. The next phases go into creating
our future.

You want to go into this phase ideally after the 3MIQ exercise.

How to envision your future:

1. Start by choosing one of your goals that really excites you.
2. Put yourself in a state where you can practice creative visualization.
3. Imagine a giant TV screen 6-9 feet in front of you.
4. Visualize your ideal outcome unfolding in front of you, in full color, in 3D.
Incorporate smells, colors, emotions.

*If you want to go deeper to understand creative visualization, and how to do the
metal screen, check out our Creative Visualization quest in Mindvalley.

Other powerful tips around creative visualization:

1. Be unrealistic!
Get out of the parameters of what you think is possible.

Dream big: Bill Gates said- “All of us overestimate what we can do with one year, but
we underestimate what we can do in three”

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How do you know if you're being unrealistic? A great goal should scare you a little
and excite you a lot. (Say 80% excitement and 20% scared)

2. Trust

You don’t have to know how to get to your goals. Once you visualize your ideal future,
you have to trust that the right people, the coincidences, and synchronicities will
come to move you towards that goal.

3. Take small steps forward

And then what you want to do is take baby steps towards the goal.

Most people want to go from the beginning to the unrealistic goal in a straight line.
But that's not really how it works. It's typically a series of insights and our hearts as we

Don't wait to have everything gured out. Take a baby step and then you will adjust
along the way.

Phase 5: The Perfect Day

So now you have your three-year vision. You're seeing it on your mental screen.

Now you want to align your daily actions towards this three-year goal. And this is
where segment intending comes in.

Segment intending is a tool originally from Abraham Hicks’ series of books on the Law
of Attraction, written by Esther Hicks.

Here you can invite your clients to play, and ask themselves questions that bring a
positive intention to each segment of their day. Such as:

Wouldn't it be wonderful if when I woke up this morning I felt good /I felt energized?
Wouldn’t it be wonderful if the cafe I usually go to brings my order on time?
Wouldn't it be wonderful if my boss was really nice today?

This exercise works great with clients who are usually negative.

If your client has already a more positive attitude, and is more con dent, you can go
straight into declaring an intention for each segment of their day. For example:

I'm going to have the most amazing workout.

I'm going to have the most incredible commute today, and come back home super
I'm gonna spend two and a half hours with my loved ones in total peace and bliss.

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Phase 6: The Blessing

Phase six is where we bring it all together.

You can be spiritual but not religious, maybe an atheist. That's OK. This phase is not
tied to any type of religion or any type of spiritual identity.

It's a tool that should be acceptable to everyone.

You have given compassion to the world, you have been grateful, you have forgiven
what you needed to let go, you have visualized your ideal future, and declared how
you want your perfect day to unfold.

Now in this phase, you ask for a blessing from whatever deity you believe in. If you
don't believe in any deity, you can bless yourself.

Your Notes:

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Lofty Questions
Lofty questions - A powerful technique to help you reprogram your mind towards
beliefs and new realities that you want to move your life to.

I usually use it in Phase 4 of the 6-Phase Meditation (Creative Visualization).

In my book, The Buddha and the Badass, I talk about this in the chapter called
Identity Shifting, where I open with this quote:

“The Universe acts as a mirror, it re ects back to you what you are. The miracle of this
is that you can shift your identity and the world will obey. The universe will not give
you what you want, but it will re ect to you who you are”, Reverend Michael Beckwith

This is called the law of resonance: You attract what you believe you are.

How do we change your identity of who we are?

This is when Lofty Questions come in. This is a tool developed by Christie Marie
Sheldon, (Mindvalley author), that helps you shift your beliefs. That in turn shifts your
identity, and that is what activates the law of resonance.

The Universe will always respond to the questions that you ask. So if you want to
elevate your life, you must elevate the quality of your questions as well.

As you're working with clients, ask them to write their lofty questions based on the
goals that they have.

While the goals are a target to move towards, the lofty questions create an identity
shift that builds new beliefs and activates di erent aspects of their being, to move
them towards those beliefs.

The subconscious is a powerful goal-setting mechanism. There's this part of our brain
called the reticular activating system, and we know that when we set a goal, our
brains make us notice opportunities towards that more often.

By asking questions, our subconscious starts to look for the answers right away!

Examples of Lofty questions for well-being

• Why am I always learning and growing?
• Why do I eat only the foods that are best for my body?
• Why do I have such a sexy, ripped, muscular body?
• Why am I getting younger and younger every year?
• Why is my body healing itself and getting better every year?

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Examples of Lofty questions for creativity and inspiration

• Why do I have such powerful intuition?
• Why are my days always lled with so much inspiration?
• Why am I so clear on my goals and visions?
• Why am I such an amazing writer, producer & lmmaker?
• Why is my day-to-day work so inspiring?

Examples of Lofty questions for abundance and power

• Why am I so good at managing, keeping and multiplying money?
• Why is my income growing every year with ease?
• Why do I have such a beautiful home in (insert location)?
• Why am I such a powerful manifestor?
• Why do I have the universe on my side?

Examples of Lofty questions for love and connection

• Why do I spark love and joy to everyone who comes into my life?
• Why am I always surrounded by love?
• Why do I have such an amazing relationship with my kids?
• Why do I have such an amazing relationship with my partner?
• Why do I have such an amazing team of people working with me?

If you want to get a list of all of Vishen’s lofty questions, you can go to https:// and search for “Lofty questions”

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