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Pf2e Actions Dark

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STRIKE [one-action] 471    A TTACK   Attack with a weapon or unarmed attack. CS: deal double damage STRIDE [one-action]   M OVE   Move up to your Speed. Fly [one-action] CRB pg. 472    Burrow [one-action] CRB pg. 472   
DECEPTION (TRAINED) - Target is flat-footed against your next melee attack this turn.   M ENTAL  STEP [one-action] 471    M OVE   Move 5 feet without triggering reactions.
FEINT [one-action] 246 
CS: Target is flat-footed against all your melee attacks until the end of your next turn.  CF: CS effect, but with inverted targets. ACROBATICS VS REFLEX - Move up to your Speed, including through the space of one enemy as if difficult terrain.
TUMBLE THROUGH [one-action] 240    M OVE  
Attempt to get free when grabbed, restrained, or immobilized. CS: and Stride up to 5' Fail: Your movement ends at the enemy, and you trigger reactions as if you had moved out of the square you started in.
ESCAPE [one-action] 470    A TTACK  
Uses unarmed attack modifier, Acrobatics, or Athletics. CF: can't try again until your next turn STEALTH (SECRET) - Move at half Speed while being undetected.
SNEAK [one-action] 252    M OVE   Fail: detected but still hidden  CF: become observed
The following combat maneuvers usually require having a hand free and for the target to be no more than one size larger.
DROP PRONE [one-action]   M OVE   Fall prone.
ATHLETICS VS FORTITUDE - Grab an opponent with a free hand until your next turn ends. CS: target is restrained instead
GRAPPLE [one-action] 242    A TTACK   CRAWL [one-action] 470    M OVE   Move 5 feet while prone (if Speed is 10'+).
Fail: release the target if you already had it grabbed or restrained  CF: and the target can grab you or push you prone
STAND [one-action]   M OVE   Stand up from prone.
SHOVE [one-action] 243    A TTACK   ATHLETICS VS FORTITUDE - Push an opponent 5(10) feet away from you. You can follow. CF: fall prone

TRIP [one-action] 243    A TTACK   ATHLETICS VS REFLEX - Knock an opponent prone. CS: and deal 1d6 blunt dmg  CF: fall prone LEAP [one-action] 470    M OVE   Leap 10' horizontally (if Speed is 15'+) or 15' (if Speed is 30'+); or leap 5' horizontally plus 3' vertically.

ATHLETICS VS REFLEX (TRAINED) - Knock something out of an opponent’s grasp. CS: target drops the object HIGH JUMP [two-actions] 242    M OVE   ATHLETICS VS DC 30 - Stride 10' and then leap 5'(8'/3') vertically. CS: or 10' horiz. + 5' vert.  CF: no leap & fall prone
DISARM [one-action] 243    A TTACK  
ATHLETICS VS DISTANCE IN FEET - Stride 10' and then leap the full distance.
Target gets a -2 circ. penalty on checks involving the object until target's next turn starts. CF: become flat-footed until your next turn LONG JUMP [two-actions] 242    M OVE   Fail: normal Leap  CF: and fall prone

ATHLETICS - Swim 10'(15') through water. CF: lose 1 round of air

SWIM [one-action] 243 & 463    M OVE  
If haven’t succeeded at a Swim action on a turn you fully spent in water, you sink 10 feet or get moved by the current.
MAGICAL ACTIONS ATHLETICS - With both hands free, move 5'(10') up, down, or across an incline.
CLIMB [one-action] 241 & 463    M OVE   CF: fall & land prone
Cast a spell you have prepared or in your repertoire.
CAST A SPELL (usually) [two-actions] 302  BALANCE [one-action] 240    M OVE   ACROBATICS - Move across a narrow surface or uneven ground as if difficult terrain. CS: full speed  CF: fall & turn ends
  M ANIPULATE   for Material, Somatic or Focus components.   CONCENTRATE   for Verbal components.
DISMISS [one-action] 305    CONCENTRATE   End one spell or item effect. REFLEX VS CLIMB DC - Stop your fall using a free hand and reduce the fall damage so far by 20 feet.
GRAB AN EDGE [reaction] 472    M ANIPULATE  
CS: no need for a free hand and reduce dmg by 30'  CF: take 10 dmg per 20' fallen so far
SUSTAIN [one-action] 304 & 534    CONCENTRATE   Extend one spell or item effect until the end of your next turn.
ARREST A FALL [reaction] 472  ACROBATICS VS DC 15 - Slow your fall while flying.
If you notice a spell being cast and have the same spell prepared or in your repertoire, you automatically identify it and the level it's cast at.
IDENTIFY SPELL [one-action] 305    CONCENTRATE   *TRADITION (SECRET) - Identify a spell that you witnessed being cast. CF: misidentify MANEUVER IN FLIGHT [one-action] 240    M OVE   ACROBATICS (TRAINED) - Perform a difficult maneuver while flying. Fail: can't move or bad consequence  CF: worse consequence

RECOGNIZE SPELL [reaction] 265    CONCENTRATE   *TRADITION (SECRET) (FEAT) - Identify a spell being cast within line of sight. CS: +1 c.bonus vs the spell  CF: misidentify
INTERACT [one-action] 470    M ANIPULATE   Grab an object, open a door, draw an item, or do a similar action.
RELEASE [free-action] 470    M ANIPULATE   Release something you’re holding without triggering reactions.
AVERT GAZE [one-action] 472  Get a +2 circumstance bonus against visual abilities.
Call forth the effect of an item by properly activating it.
TAKE COVER [one-action] 471  Gain cover +2, or get greater cover +4 if you have cover. ACTIVATE [one-action]+ OR [reaction] 532 
  M ANIPULATE   for Interact activations.   CONCENTRATE  for Command or Envision activations.
RAISE A SHIELD / PARRY [one-action] 472 & 283 Put up a shield (or parry weapon) to get its bonus to AC. (+2 AC for most shields; +1 AC for parry weapons)
TRICK MAGIC ITEM [one-action] 268    MANIPULATE  *TRADITION (FEAT) - Temporarily grants you the ability to use the item. CF: can't try again until daily prep.
(FEAT) - Reduces the damage of a physical attack by the raised shield's Hardness.
SHIELD BLOCK [reaction] 266  INVEST AN ITEM [one-action]+ 531    MANIPULATE  You invest your energy in an item to benefit from its constant magical abilities. (max 10 items per day)
Both you and the shield take any remaining damage. (Objects generally break at half HP and are destroyed at 0 HP.)
THIEVERY (TRAINED) - Disarm a trap or another complex device. CS: two success & no trace
DISABLE DEVICE [two-actions]+ 253    MANIPULATE 
(thieves' tools can be helpful, sometimes they are required) CF: trigger the device
MORE CONFLICT FOCUSED ACTIONS PICK A LOCK [two-actions]+ 253    M ANIPULATE   THIEVERY (TRAINED) - Open a lock with thieves' tools. CS: two success & no trace  CF: break the tools

DELAY [free-action] 470  Delay the start of your turn; start your turn later after another creature's turn ends. ATHLETICS - Break open a door, window, or container. CS: no damage on target
FORCE OPEN [one-action] 242    A TTACK  
(-2 i.penalty when prying without a crowbar) CF: -2 c.penalty on future attempts
READY [two-actions] + [reaction] 470    CONCENTRATE   Prepare to take a single/free action as a reaction with a given trigger. (save MAP)

DECEPTION - Use a diversion to temporarily become hidden. (targets gain a +4 c.bonus against your diversions for 1 minute)
CREATE A DIVERSION [one-action] 246    M ENTAL 
MEDICINE ACTIONS usually require holding or wearing healer's tools and having a hand free.
  M ANIPULATE   for a gesture or trick.   A UDITORY  &   LINGUISTIC  for distracting words.

BON MOT [one-action] APG pg. 203    CONCENTRATE   DIPLOMACY VS WILL (FEAT) - Distract a foe with a witty quip.   AUDITORY   &   LINGUISTIC  (target can retort) MEDICINE VS RECOVERY DC + 5 - Stabilize: Target loses the dying condition. CF: +1 dying condition
Target takes a -2(-3) status penalty to Perception and Will saves for 1 minute. CF: get the -2 penalty instead
FIRST AID [two-actions] 248    M ANIPULATE  
  M ENTAL     EMOTION  MEDICINE VS EFFECT DC - Stop bleeding: Target gets an extra check to stop bleeding. CF: deal bleed dmg
DEMORALIZE [one-action] 247    CONCENTRATE   INTIMIDATION VS WILL - Shake an enemy’s resolve.   A UDITORY  (range of 30 feet)  (interpersonal 10 minutes CD)
MEDICINE (FEAT) - Heal in combat.
BATTLE MEDICINE [one-action] 258    M ANIPULATE     H EALING  (24 hours CD on target)
  M ENTAL     EMOTION    F EAR   Target becomes Frightened 1(2). (-4 c.penalty if you're not using a language the target can understand)
DC 15 : 2d8(4d8) HP (E-DC 20 : +10 HP; M-DC 30 : +30 HP; L-DC 40 : +50 HP) CF: deal 1d8 dmg
TREAT WOUND 10 MIN 249    M ANIPULATE   MEDICINE (TRAINED) - Heal and remove the wounded condition.   H EALING  (1 hour CD on target)
CLOAK AND DAGGER INTERACTIONS TREAT POISON [one-action] 248    M ANIPULATE   MEDICINE (TRAINED) - Grants a +2(+4) circ. bonus to the next save vs poison. CF: -2 c.penalty
PERCEPTION (SECRET) - Locate creatures and *objects within an area (usually a 30' cone; or a 15' burst within LOS) . TREAT DISEASE 8 HOURS 248    M ANIPULATE   MEDICINE (TRAINED) - Grants a +2(+4) circ. bonus to the next save vs disease. CF: -2 c.penalty
SEEK [one-action] CRB pg. 471   CONCENTRATE  
Creatures go from undetected to hidden, or from hidden to observed. CS: creatures go from undetected to observed
POINT OUT [one-action] Indicate the location of a creature to your allies.
HIDE [one-action] 251  STEALTH (SECRET) - Use cover or concealment to become hidden.
AID [one-action] + [reaction] 470  DC 20 check to grant a +1 circumstance bonus. CS: +2; Master: +3; Legendary: +4    CF: -1 c.penalty
SNEAK [one-action] 252    M OVE   STEALTH (SECRET) - Move at half Speed while being undetected. Fail: detected but still hidden  CF: become observed
RECALL KNOWLEDGE [one-action] 239    CONCENTRATE   (SECRET) - Remember a bit of knowledge about the subject. CS: get more info  CF: get false info
CONCEAL AN OBJECT [one-action] 251    MANIPULATE  STEALTH (SECRET) - Hide an object of light bulk.
DIPLOMACY - Make a request of a friendly or helpful creature. CS: target agrees without qualifications
PALM AN OBJECT [one-action] 253    MANIPULATE  THIEVERY (SECRET) - Palm an unattended object of negligible bulk. Fail: you palm the object but get noticed REQUEST [one-action] 247    M ENTAL    CONCENTRATE  
  A UDITORY  &   LINGUISTIC  Fail: target might propose an alternative  CF: target's attitude toward you decreases
STEAL [one-action] 253    M ANIPULATE   THIEVERY (SECRET) - Steal an object of negligible bulk from a creature. Fail: noticed, and fail to steal if noticed by the target PERFORM [one-action] 250    CONCENTRATE   PERFORMANCE - Make a brief performance (song, dance, joke). CS: impress  CF: show incompetence

LIE [three-actions]+ 246    M ENTAL    CONCENTRATE   DECEPTION (SECRET) - Fool someone with an untruth.   A UDITORY   &   LINGUISTIC  Fail: target gains a +4 c.bonus against your lies COMMAND AN ANIMAL [one-action] 249    CONCENTRATE   NATURE - Issue an order to an animal.   A UDITORY   CF: target misbehaves or misunderstands

SENSE MOTIVE [one-action] 471    CONCENTRATE   PERCEPTION (SECRET) - Detect abnormal behavior. CS: detect true intent   CF: misidentify MOUNT [one-action] 472    M OVE   Get on an allied animal bigger than you to ride it.

    ATTACK  = Interacts with MAP.      MOVE  ,   MANIPULATE   &   CONCENTRATE  = Triggers for reactions, conditions & more. +2(+4/+1) = Bonus for Success, Critical Success or Failure  [one-action] SINGLE ACTION [two-actions] TWO-ACTION ACTIVITY [three-actions] THREE-ACTION ACTIVITY [free-action] FREE ACTION [reaction] REACTION
  777 = Page reference for the CRB = Core Rulebook    APG = Advanced Player Guide    GMG = Gamemastery Guide CS = Critical Success    Fail = Failure    CF = Critical Failure  by Iannick Daniel - v1.5 dark rulebook
Get a +2 (M: +3, L: +4) circumstance bonus from a willing expert ally performing a similar task. CRAFT * 244    M ANIPULATE   DAILY CRAFTING (TRAINED) - Make an item from raw materials.
You can also add your level to your proficiency bonus even if untrained. EARN INCOME 236  DAILY CRAFTING / LORE / PERFORMANCE (TRAINED) - Earn money.
REFOCUS 300    CONCENTRATE  10 MIN Regain your first focus point. SOCIETY / SURVIVAL - Provide yourself subsistence level food and shelter.
CRAFTING VS ITEM DC - Repair a damaged item by 5(10) HP + 5(10) HP per proficiency rank.
CS: also provide for a +1, or provide yourself comfortable living.
REPAIR * 243  10 MIN
(usually requires a repair kit and a stable surface) CF: deal 2d6 dmg - hardness to the item LONG TERM REST 481  24 HOURS Regain 2 × Level × Con.Mod.(min 1) Hit Points.
MEDICINE (TRAINED) - Heal and remove the wounded condition.   H EALING  (1 hour CD on target) MEDICINE (TRAINED) - Grants a +2(+4) circ. bonus to the next save vs disease.
DC 15 : 2d8(4d8) HP (E-DC 20 : +10 HP; M-DC 30 : +30 HP; L-DC 40 : +50 HP) CF: deal 1d8 dmg


CREATE FORGERY 251  1-7 DAYS SOCIETY (TRAINED) (SECRET) VS DC 20 - Create a forged document.
INTIMIDATION VS WILL - Bully a creature into doing what you want.   A UDITORY  &   LINGUISTIC 
LEARN NAME SoM pg. 245  1 WEEK (RARE) (SECRET) - Try to discover the target's private names and true name.
COERCE 247    EMOTION    M ENTAL     CONCENTRATE  1+ MIN Target cooperates for up to 1 day, then target's attitude downgrades to unfriendly. CS: won't retailiate soon
Fail: target's attitude downgrades to unfriendly  CF: becomes hostile and is immune for at least a week RETRAINING 481  1 WEEK Change one of your chosen feats, skills or class features.
GATHER INFORMATION 246  2+ HOURS DIPLOMACY (SECRET) - Canvass an area to learn about something specific. CF: get false info

MAKE AN IMPRESSION 246   MENTAL     CONCENTRATE  1+ MIN DIPLOMACY VS WILL - Temporarily improve the target's attitude by 1(2).   A UDITORY  &   LINGUISTIC  CF: -1 SUBSYSTEM ACTIVITIES
HUSTLE 480    M OVE   Double your travel speed for 10 × Con.Mod.(min 1) minutes. Make a favorable impression on an NPC to convince the NPC to support your cause.
SQUEEZE 241    M OVE   ACROBATICS (TRAINED) - Squeeze 5'(10')/min through a space you can barely fit through. CF: get stuck Gain 1(2) Influence Point with the chosen NPC. CF: lose 1 Influence Point
(SECRET) - Watch or study an NPC to learn more about that NPC’s preferences.


Choose to learn one of the following about the NPC:
the lowest skill DC that can Influence the NPC (skipping any skills that you already know)
CS: choose two
CF: get false info
AVOID NOTICE 479  STEALTH (SECRET) - Sneak or one personal bias, or one resistance, or one weakness.
COVER TRACKS [one-action] 252    M OVE     CONCENTRATE  SURVIVAL (TRAINED) - Cover your tracks.
TRACK [one-action] 252    M OVE     CONCENTRATE  SURVIVAL (TRAINED) - Follow tracks. Fail: can't try again for 1h  CF: for 24h RESEARCH GMG PG. 154 (154 TO 155)

DEFEND 249  Raise a Shield before first turn of combat. Comb through information to learn more about the topic at hand.
REPEAT A SPELL 480    CONCENTRATE  Constantly Activate an Item or Cast a Spell or Sustain an Effect. Gain 1(2) Research Point. CF: make a false discovery and lose 1 Research Point

SCOUT 480    CONCENTRATE  Grants the whole party a +1 circumstance bonus to initiative roll.
INVESTIGATE 480    CONCENTRATE  (SECRET) - Use Recall Knowledge on visible clues. INFILTRATION - PREPARATION ACTIVITIES GMG PG. 163 (160-163)

SEARCH 480    CONCENTRATE  PERCEPTION (SECRET) - Seek DIPLOMACY (SECRET) - Seek out rumors about the target. CS: and get a +2 circ. bonus to future preparation checks
Gain inside information about the target. CF: gain 1 AP and get a -2 circ. penalty to your next preparation check
↕ (Detect everything while moving at 300'/min or less; before you walk into it at 150'/min or less.)
DIPLOMACY / SOCIETY / LORE - Try to find a useful contact.
DETECT MAGIC 479    CONCENTRATE  Constantly cast Detect Magic. GAIN CONTACT
Gain a contact and 1 Edge Point. CF: future attempts suffer from a -2 circ. penalty; on repeat gain APs
DECEPTION / DIPLOMACY (SECRET) - Offer a bribe to your contact.
OTHER ACTIVITIES BRIBE CONTACT * Costs 1/10+ of the Currency per Additional PC listed on Table 10-9 (CRB pg. 509). Doubling the amount grants a +2 c.bonus.
AFFIX A TALISMAN 565  10 MIN Affix one talisman to one item. (can't have more than 1 talisman affixed on an item) The contact accepts the bribe and you gain 1 Edge Point. Fail: gain 1 useless EP and gain 1 AP  CF: and gain 2 APs instead

CALL COMPANION APG pg. 160  1 MIN Switch your active companion for another one of your animal companions. PERCEPTION / SOCIETY / STEALTH (SECRET) - Spend time observing the target.
Make observations that provide 1 Edge Point. CF: gain 1 EP that causes CF
SOCIETY (TRAINED) (SECRET) - Decipher a complicated or esoteric writing. CF: get false info
DECIPHER WRITING 234    CONCENTRATE  1+ MIN/P SOCIETY (SECRET) - Prepare a convincing forgery prop.
You understand the true meaning of a non-coded (or coded) message. Fail: -2 c.penalty on future attempts FORGE DOCUMENTS
Gain 1 Edge Point you can use only when presenting some form of paperwork. Fail: gain 1 useless EP  CF: that causes CF
IDENTIFY ALCHEMY * 245    CONCENTRATE  10 MIN CRAFTING (TRAINED) (SECRET) - Identify an alchemical item. CF: misidentify
CRAFTING / DECEPTION / PERFORMANCE / SOCIETY - Procure or create disguises.
MAGICAL TRADITION (TRAINED) (SECRET) - Identify a magical aura. CS: learn every detail SECURE DISGUISES
IDENTIFY MAGIC 238    CONCENTRATE  10 MIN Gain 1 Edge Point you can use only to maintain a cover identity.
Get a sense of what it does, how to activate it, and the name of any ongoing effect. Fail: 1 day CD  CF: misidentify
IMPERSONATE * 245    M ANIPULATE     CONCENTRATE  ~10 MIN DECEPTION (SECRET) - Create a disguise. Fail: target knows you're disguised  CF: and can recognize you
SURVIVAL (SECRET) - Search for a safe and secure location and then setup a campsite.
CS: +2 on encounters for 1 day, none for 1h  Fail: -2 on activities  CF: no activities and instant encounter check
PURSUE A LEAD APG pg. 56  1 MIN INVESTIGATOR - Examine the details of one potential clue related to the target.
SURVIVAL (SECRET) - Stay oriented in the wild and get a sense of cardinal directions.
(-2 i.penalty if no compass.) CS: excellent sense of where you are and exact cardinal directions

BORROW AN ARCANE SPELL 241  MAGICAL TRADITION (TRAINED) - Prepare a spell from a spellbook or scroll. Fail: can't try again today
MAGICAL TRADITION (TRAINED) - Spend materials to learn a spell from a spellbook or scroll.
CS: spend half materials  Fail: can't try again until next level  CF: and waste half materials

    ATTACK  = Interacts with MAP.      MOVE  ,   MANIPULATE   &   CONCENTRATE  = Triggers for reactions, conditions & more. +2(+4/+1) = Bonus for Success, Critical Success or Failure  [one-action] SINGLE ACTION [two-actions] TWO-ACTION ACTIVITY [three-actions] THREE-ACTION ACTIVITY [free-action] FREE ACTION [reaction] REACTION
  777 = Page reference for the CRB = Core Rulebook    APG = Advanced Player Guide    GMG = Gamemastery Guide CS = Critical Success    Fail = Failure    CF = Critical Failure  by Iannick Daniel - v1.5 dark rulebook

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