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Data Analysis - From Data To Dashboard With Python, Dash, and Plotly - by Brad Bartram - Towards Data Science

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Published in Towards Data Science

Brad Bartram Following

Jan 8 · 19 min read · Listen



Data Analysis: From Data to Dashboard with Python, Dash, and Plotly
A data analysis scenario to up your analysis game and provide better results

It kind of looks like someone’s doing something important here — Photo by fauxels from Pexels

Way back in 1998, I was working at a growing startup and my boss came to me with a task, which was to provide a set of client reports for some of
our partners. As a project manager with very little formal training, this was new to me and forced me on this path of trying to be better. Decades
later, I’m still working through it and trying to teach what I’ve learned along the way.

If you’re like me, you will likely scream if you see one more project involving the stock datasets. Gapminder is nice but by now it’s played out. Seeing
one more dashboard built on Covid data doesn’t really give much value.

That’s what drove the process behind this project and article. But, that’s not all.

I regularly use economic data in my projects. My previous article focused on commodity reports, but there’s a whole store of other data provided by
the United States Federal Reserve’s FRED system that we can also use. Here is a link to the previous article if you’re so inclined — though I will say
some of that previous article tends to inform this one:

Creating a better dashboard with Python, Dash, and Plotly

A walkthrough to get you started with whipping up dashboards easily using python.
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For me, this project began as a refactor of existing code. I use this data regularly, but when I first approached it, I took a very simple and non-intuitive
approach. I wanted to get it done so it lacked a lot of the features I wanted. I decided to re-work it from the ground up, which also gave the
opportunity for a teachable moment.

This is what we’re going to create today, which is 100% python using the Dash framework:

Our dashboard / analysis project — Image by me

Without further belaboring the narrative, let’s get started.

If you’re reading through this top to bottom, here is what you can expect to get out of this article:

1. Learn to build a professional quality data analysis dashboard, completely in python using the Dash / Plotly frameworks using a non-standard
data set.

2. Obtaining the data.

3. Understanding the data and the challenges it will pose.

4. Methods used to manipulate the data in various forms.

5. Construction of the dashboard framework to view and analyze the data.

6. Developing several distinct chart types using plotly libraries to visualize the data in different ways.

I know some people find these articles from searches in trying to solve a specific problem. For you, you can get some useful insights and code that
may move you further down your specific path.

In total, I have about 30 hours spent in putting this system together. Most of that time was spent mining through docs and references and blogs
trying to get around key challenges. Throughout, I will call out many of these concepts since some are not well documented or in easy to find

To work through this article, you will need several things that are all easily avialable:

Computer that can run Python (at least version 3.7 though I developed this using python 3.9)

The modules listed in the “requirements.txt” file

The code from my repository:

GitHub - brad-darksbian/fed_dashboard: A simple Dash and Plotly dashboard to review and compare…
A simple dashboard to view federal economic data. This system uses the included CSV file of federal economic data to…
Some nice-to-haves, but not specifically required is a Fed API Key for updating the data using the script.
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In the past, I wrote an entire article about obtaining this data. If interested, check it out:

Using Python to Get and Store Federal Economic Data

Begin the data journey with some first steps of the data intake process.

As is my style with an article such as this, I wrote the code in a highly iterative and logical format so almost any skill level can understand it. I have
deliberately avoided any nuanced structures or complex methods specifically to keep approachability high. As a result, some of the code can be a bit
slower and go through extraneous steps, so there is opportunity to refactor on your own for practice and skill development.

Data Discussion
The first step in any analysis project is to know and understand the data you will work with. This is no different. In fact, this data is specifically a little
more challenging, so it does require some understanding of what’s going on.

A sample data file is located in the repository directory named data/fed_data.csv:

Sample of fed_data.csv

The core of this data is a simple arrangement of the fields report_date, data, report_name, hash, and release_date. But they do bear some

The report_date field is the date of the specific report. It, along with report_name create what could be considered the unique identifier. Well, in
theory, but I’ll cover that soon enough.

The data field is relatively self-explanatory. This is the numeric data for the report_name associated with the report_date.

The report_name is the code the FRED system uses to reference a specific report. It is cryptic and not really human-readable unless you memorize
them all. In total, there are over 200,000 reports available, so good luck with that.

The hash is a function output from my database to provide a unique key for each distinct data record. It is ignored in this application.

The release_date is where things get tricky with the data. You see, on a regular basis, the Fed releases economic data on specific dates during the
month, but from time to time they will revise the data with updated information. The release_date tells us the updates for the data. So, the true
unique key is report_date, report_name, and release_date, which will have a distinct data field.

If we only cared about the most recent data, our schema would be narrow and tall with distinct records on each row covering multiple reports. That
would be very similar to other analysis data sets we commonly work with in practice. Adding the release_date gives us a different dimension
however. It makes this exercise a bit more challenging and allows us to stretch our data analysis muscles a little more.

First Steps
We know that we need to read in our data and probably do some formatting. We also know that we are going to output this to a dashboard for use.
Let’s set that up.

Much like in my commodities dashboard (linked in the intro) I started with a basic framework all included in the repository: — this is the layout file and driver for the dash dashboard. More on that later. — this is the file that is called by and sets up some of our global dataframes and constructs. — this is the workhorse for processing and functional logic. — this is a container file to organize various layouts and visual elements for charts.

For these initial steps, we will concern ourselves with the file.
We have a basic understanding of the format of our data, so our first task is to get it into the system in a manner that we can readily work with. For
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this, we read the whole data file into a Pandas dataframe.

# Base retrieval function - reads from CSV

def get_fed_data():

file_path = base_path + "fed_data.csv"

# file_path = base_path + "fed_dump.csv"

df = pd.read_csv(file_path, na_values="x")


{"data": "report_data", "hash": "report_hash"},



df["report_date"] = df["report_date"].values.astype("datetime64[D]")

df["release_date"] = df["release_date"].values.astype("datetime64[D]")

return df

This function is pretty straightforward. We pull the configurable base_path variable (not shown) into a format for file_path, which is fed into the
read_csv pandas function to create dataframe “df”. From there, we simply rename some columns for consistency and ensure data types are correct
for the dates. Then we return the processed data frame.

All simple so far.

However, we can’t just plunk this raw dataframe into a chart and let the magic algorithms do their thing. We need to think about what we need to do
with that data individually.

Here lies a challenge with a project like this. No one gave me a spec sheet or instructions for what I needed to get out of it. I had to figure it out
myself. The horror…

When faced with ambiguous requirements, you often have to think in generic terms. That’s where I started this stage.

I knew I would need to extract the data based on various criteria and formats, so I began creating some helper functions that could be called
individually or as part of a larger process to filter and refine.

I won’t go through all of them, but this is the general template:

# function to pull specific report

def get_report_from_fed_data(df1, report_name):

df = df1.copy()

df = df[df["report_name"] == report_name]

df.sort_values(by=["report_date"], inplace=True)

df.reset_index(drop=True, inplace=True)

return df

This specific function is defined to pull all rows of an input dataframe based on a report name that is passed in.

I first begin by making a copy of the dataframe. I do this because if you modify data within a dataframe slice, you will get warnings from pandas. I
HATE warnings like that.

The next line simply does the filter on the copy of the passed-in dataframe. This line is mostly what changes from helper function to helper function
through this section of code.

I finally sort the resulting data frame appropriately and logically based on what the function is designed to do and then reset the index. The last step
is so that the returned dataframe has a consistent index that only encompasses that rows returned.

I have helper functions for filtering to an exact report_date or a report_date greater than or equal to a passed in date as well as similar functions for
release_date. All in all, these cover most of the conditions I could see being used to create charts.

Taking the time now to plan out what is possibly needed is ultimately much more efficient than trying to do it on the fly. Thinking about the
underlying data and anticipating use cases provides a better contextual understanding and can often save time down the road.

Data Labelling
As I began to think more about my end results, I realized I had an annoying gap that I should fix. It goes back to that pesky report_name value and
the cryptic nature of it.
To be more user friendly, I should provide a long name that can be referenced. So, I created another function. This is abbreviated here just for sake of
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brevity, but the core is intact:

def add_report_long_names(df1):

df = df1.copy()

if df.loc[index, "report_name"] == "AMDMUO":


index, "report_long_name"

] = "Manufacturers Unfilled Orders: Durable Goods"

df.loc[index, "category"] = "Production"

return df

The snippet code above relates to the header image I provided on the data. In this, I simply examine the report_name filed and if it is equal to
“AMDMUO” I set a report_long_name value equal to “Manufacturers Unfilled Orders: Durable Goods”. I also take the opportunity to put in a
category of “Production”.

At the time I did this, I had no direct idea in mind for the category, but I did know that I probably wanted to do something with it.

Something that is not usually obvious to new analysts working with this type of data is figuring out a method for direct comparison between two
wildly different values. How do we normalize that so we can plot a comparison directly on a chart and have it make sense?

A practical way to describe it is how do you plot comparative performance of something like Amazon and Walmart on a chart using stock data? The
easiest method is to define the comparison based on rates of change.

The same process works here. And, I do it quite often with type of data.

Luckily, pandas makes short work of it:

def period_change(df):

df["period_change"] = df.report_data.pct_change()

df["relative_change"] = 1 - df.iloc[0].report_data / df.report_data

return df

This function is designed to sit at the end of a filtering chain. It expects that the dataframe fed in will be a distinct report, filtered to a single date and
ordered by that date.

The function adds two fields, one for the period change, which is the rate of change from the prior row. The other is the baseline change, which is
the percent change from the first row of the dataframe.

But, for this to work, we need that absolute unique, last value:

def get_latest_data(df1):

df = df1.copy()

df = df.sort_values("release_date").groupby("report_date").tail(1)

df.sort_values(by=["report_date"], inplace=True)

df.reset_index(drop=True, inplace=True)

return df

Again, this is the same template as the other helpers, but in this case, the filter takes the raw dataframe, sorts by release_date, groups by report_date,
and pulls the newest entry in the grouped list. As new releases are added, this function makes sure the newest data is used. Simple and effective and
allows us to easily feed a clean dataframe into the period_change function.

As soon as I added the category field, I knew I wanted to use it. I still wasn’t sure how specifically, but I did need a means of getting all relevant data
from a category and not a report.

Unlike the other helper functions that build upon each other, this function would have to work on the main data frame. That didn’t thrill me, but it’s
the way it has to be.

def get_category_data_from_fed_data(df1, report_name, report_date):

df = df1.copy()

master_list = df["report_name"].unique()

master_list = pd.DataFrame(master_list, columns=["report_name"])

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master_list = add_report_long_names(master_list)

filtered_list = master_list[master_list["report_name"] == report_name]

filtered_list = master_list[

master_list["category"] == filtered_list.category.iloc[0]

df_out = pd.DataFrame()

for index, row in filtered_list.iterrows():

temp_df = get_report_from_fed_data(df, row.report_name)

temp_df = get_report_after_date_fed_data(temp_df, report_date)

temp_df = get_latest_data(temp_df)

temp_df = period_change(temp_df)

temp_df = add_report_long_names(temp_df)

df_out = df_out.append(



df_out["period_change"] = df_out["period_change"].fillna(0)

return df_out

This took a little bit of processing gymnastics, so I’ll step through it.

For inputs, we take the master dataframe along with a specific target report to use as a base to determine category. We also pass in the report_date as
a starting point to limit our scope.

Like the other helpers, we create a copy to work on. Again, let’s avoid those warnings.

Our first step is to create a unique list of the reports, which is then converted from an array back to a dataframe. This allows us to feed that list of
reports into the add_report_long_names function to give us the long names and categories for each.

We then create a filtered list of just the report name we’re interested in. Ideally, this should only be one row, but I was a bit paranoid so I assumed
there might be a condition where more than one row existed. That explains the second level filter to just get the first row’s category.

Finally, we create an empty data frame to hold our results and loop through the rows of the filtered_list against the main dataframe. This loop shows
the waterfall filtering in action. For each row, we get the matching report, we then filter the result to get just the dates after the start date, we then
take that result and pull just the latest data, we take that result and add the period change fields, then we run that result through the
add_report_long_names function to add additional descriptors. At the bottom of the waterfall, we take the result and add it to the output dataframe.

This leaves us with a clean set of report data matching on the category descriptor.

And that’s the data processing portion of our program. We are now ready to put this data to use.

Like my commodities report dashboard, I started with a clean slate. I won’t belabor the discussion on that here, but if interested check out the article
linked in the introduction.

After much debate and determining what I really wanted to see displayed on a regular basis, I settled on a pretty simple arrangement and design.

The layout is a basic grid as provided by the dash-bootstrap-components module with the CYBORG bootstrap theme applied. I like dark colors for my

Note that in order to get my charts to match, I used the plotly template.default setting of “plotly_dark”.

Here is how I set up my layout:

Row 1: Header and title.

Row2: Report Selector with Start Date selector.

Row 3: Information bar showing latest report date, latest release date, and latest data value.

Row 4: Raw Data scatter chart.

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Rows 1–4 — Image by Author

Row 5: Line charts on periodic changes from last value and from the baseline start date.

Row 5 — Periodic charts — Image by Author

Row 6: Header

Row 7: Surface Charts on Category comparison for change from last value and from baseline start.

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Row 6 and 7 — Surface Chart category comparisons — Image by Author

This gives me a total of five charts. Let’s build those.

Raw Data Scatter Chart

Row 4: Raw Data Scatter Chart — Image by Author

The value of this chart to me is that it allows me to not only see the trend based on report_date, but also shows the revision history based on
release_date. The image above is Consumer Price Index, which does not have significant revisions, but other charts have major value revisions,
which is interesting.

Because this is a scatter chart, I applied the built in LOWESS regression line to get a general idea of linear trend. Also on this chart is the side color
bar, which allows color on the chart to be used as a cue on the age of the data point.

Using plotly express, this is a simple chart to construct:

def basic_chart(df, long_name):

df["release_int"] = (df.release_date - pd.Timestamp("1970-01-01")) // pd.Timedelta(


fig = px.scatter(









"release_int": False,

"release_date": "| %b %d, %Y",

"category": True,
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title=(long_name + " Raw Data"),




title="Release Date<br> -",









return fig

The major function needing to be performed is adding a column for the color bar. Plotly requires color data to be a numeric format. Since I am trying
to apply it based on the release_date, it’s just using the built-in pandas time functions to convert the date field to the unix time. Now we have a
reference column to define the color bar and markers.

After that, the format of the chart itself is almost completely stock. The hurdles I faced was in modifying the colorbar to use the date for the labels vs.
using the integer values. This is laid out in the ticktext line in the update_layout function.

Note, since I define most of my charts as functions to be called by callbacks, I leave the line commented in the code. This allows me to
troubleshoot and design without having the overhead of the entire Dash app. Running it is as simple as adding a function call at the bottom of the
file and running the file.

Because of our earlier work, the callback is similarly easy to decipher.


dash.dependencies.Output("basic-chart", "figure"),

dash.dependencies.Input("report", "value"),

dash.dependencies.Input("start-date", "date"),


def basic_report(report, init_date):

# set the date from the picker

if init_date is not None:

date_object = date.fromisoformat(init_date)

date_string = date_object.strftime("%Y-%m-%d")

# Filter to the report level

df = sf.get_report_from_fed_data(bl.fed_df, report)

df1 = sf.get_report_after_date_fed_data(df, date_string)

# Filter again to the release

df2 = sf.get_release_after_date_fed_data(df1, date_string)

# Assign long names

df2 = sf.add_report_long_names(df2)

long_name = df2.report_long_name.iloc[0]

fig = sf.basic_chart(df2, long_name)

return fig

For input, the app sends the report name and the start date to the callback function. Now we take those values and feed them into the body of the
callback function.

The first if statement ensures the date is not empty, which it never should be and formats it into a string that we can use in our helper functions.

The function then calls the get_report function feeding in the main dataframe, it filters it in to get the relevant dates, then filters to get releases after
the start date. Finally, it adds the long names since those are used in the title of the chart and grabs one for a variable to be fed into the basic_chart
function shown above.

The function creates the chart and returns it as a figure object to the basic-chart id that is held in row 4 of the application.
basic_data = dbc.Row(
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style={"height": "70vh"},





Of course, this is the basic row layout. Here we can see the config parameter references the file and applies the tool_config
parameters to add the drawing tools I like. The value “md-12” is the configuration for the theme in bootstrap that sets the chart to take up the whole

Periodic Charts
The periodic charts are essentially similar to each other and are called in similar fashion to the basic scatter. I won’t spend a lot of time on them here,
but as always, if you have questions — please reach out.

def baseline_change_chart(df, long_name):

fig = go.Figure(layout=lc.layout)








fig.add_hline(y=0, line_color="white")



title=(long_name + " Change from Baseline"),




return fig

Above is the code for the baseline chart and is constructed with the plotly go.Figure methods. I opted for this over the plotly express functions
because even at this stage I wasn’t completely certain how I wanted to construct my charts.

However, this chart type gives an additional example, so it works out well.

This, like the other chart type, is almost perfectly text book. The major diversions here are the application of styles from the layout_configs file, the
addition of a horizontal line, and the filltozeroy parameter.

In the file, the callback does similar chained filtering to get to the correct final dataframe. Since the data is only using distinct most recent
dates, one more helper function is used.

Surface Charts
Over the past few months, I have come to love surface charts for some things. I discovered that while line charts over a longer period can show
change adequately, seeing it laid out as a topographical surface in 3d reinforces not only the change, but the interplay between distinct categories.

The downside is that these charts required a bit of pondering to work out. If I were designing a one-off or with defined data that’s nicely packaged,
the chart can be built easily. That’s the situation I found while adding a surface chart to my commodities report data. Here, we have a different

The surface charts are designed to compare the relative movements of n+1 reports within a category. That makes creating a flexible template a bit
more interesting.

If you’ve stuck with this article for this long, here’s one of the big payoffs. I have not seen this covered elsewhere in my internet journey.

Like the other examples, we’ll define a function to generate a chart based off the processed dataframe:
def category_chart_baseline(df1, report_name, report_date):
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df = get_category_data_from_fed_data(df1, report_name, report_date)

x_data = df["report_date"].unique()

y_data = df["report_long_name"].unique()

z_data = []

for i in y_data:

z_data.append(df[df["report_long_name"] == i]["relative_change"] * 100)

fig = go.Figure(



"z": {

"show": True,

"start": -0.01,

"end": 0.01,

"size": 0.05,

"width": 1,

"color": "black",






category = df.category.iloc[0]

begin_date = np.datetime_as_string(x_data.min(), unit="D")

end_date = np.datetime_as_string(x_data.max(), unit="D")



+ " Report Baseline Comparison (% Change): <br>"

+ begin_date

+ " - "

+ end_date,


"xaxis_title": "",

"yaxis_title": "",

"zaxis_title": "",

"camera_eye": {"x": 1, "y": -1, "z": 0.75},

"aspectratio": {"x": 0.75, "y": 0.75, "z": 0.5},








return fig

Because we’re using the get_category_data function, the data frame passed in has to be the master dataframe. But, along with that, we also pass in
the report and the start date — both provided from the callback as determined by the application. That makes the first part simple.

Next, we generate an array of unique dates for our x-axis and a unique list of reports using the long_report_name for our y-axis. For our z-axis, we
loop over the data frame by long report name and feed the report_data values into an array of arrays of percentage values.

Since everything maintains the same sort order, the Y and Z axes will align.

The rest of the function is just setting up the layout and defining the aspects and camera angles by preference. There’s also setting up the title section
variables as well, but by now those should be pretty obvious and old hat.

And remember I said the callback was simple?

# Period Chart


dash.dependencies.Output("category-baseline-chart", "figure"),

dash.dependencies.Input("report", "value"),

dash.dependencies.Input("start-date", "date"),


def category_baseline_report(report, init_date):

if init_date is not None:

date_object = date.fromisoformat(init_date)

date_string = date_object.strftime("%Y-%m-%d")

fig = sf.category_chart_baseline(bl.fed_df, report, date_string)

return fig Open in app

Because we went through the trouble of defining our logic functionally upfront, this complex chart comes down to effectively just one line aside from
the boilerplate.

Probably the coolest chart type becomes one of the easiest to actually implement.

The hard stuff is done. By now, you have a good idea on working with a somewhat challenging data set and an app that can run it for analyzing
broad categories of economic data. That’s a big accomplishment. But, there are a few items that I want to address.

In the repository, I have included an assets directory that includes my stylesheet. This styles the dropdown selector as well as the date selector. Some
of this took a while to hunt down and figure out (again, I’m not really a front-end guy). It’s a good resource for figuring out how this app lays out.

Test Yourself
For me, this is a work in progress. There were a few things I deliberately left off that I thought would make a cool challenge for someone trying to
practice some of the concepts.

1. Add a range slider to the charts to view windows of time.

2. Refactor some of the logic into a class-based approach.

3. Add a layout config to the layout_configs file to style the surface charts.

4. Configure the period line charts to add an arbitrary second or third report.

5. Link up the application to have a database backend instead of a CSV file.

There are others, but try to find new ways to challenge your skills. Learning and growing is never wasted effort.

This about does it for this article. I hope you found it informative, educational, or at least somewhat valuable.

I encourage you to find ways to test your analysis skills. Dig into Dash and Plotly more. I am constantly amazed by the depth and capability of the
work these developers have put into it.

While I said it before, it bears repeating. I love to teach and explain. If you have gone through this whole article and don’t understand something or
just want a different example, please reach out. I’m more than happy to respond and help however I can.

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