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Review Questions On Heredity

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Review questions on Heredity

True or False
1. Meiosis II is preceded by
a shorter interphase with
DNA replication.
2. Mitosis produces two
daughter cells with genetic
3. Human males inherit Y
chromosome from their
father through the egg cell.
4. A recessive allele doesn’t
express it self in
heterozygous case.
5. During anaphase of
mitosis, homologous
chromosomes separate but
centromere don’t split.
6. Meiotic cell division is
important for growth,
repair and replace worn-out
7. Homozygous albino and
Homozygous normal skin
parents may have an albino
8. Dominant alleles are
denoted by small letters .
9. In girls, meiosis I is
completed before birth and
meiosis II starts during
10. Human girls inherit both
X chromosomes from their
mother through the egg
11. Cancer
A. Reduction cell division
12. Cytokinesis
B. Alternate forms of a gene
13. Karyokinesis
C. Formation of sperm cells
14. Haploid(n)
D. Formation of ova(eggs)
15. Diploid(2n)
E. Combination of traits
16. Oogenesis
F. Cytoplasmic division
17. Spermatogenesis
G. Codominance
18. Alleles
H. Uncontrolled division of
19. Test cross
I. Two sets of chromosomes
in somatic cells
20. Cross breeding
J. One set of chromosomes
in gametes
21. Mitosis
K. Ee X ee
22. Meiosis
L. Nuclear division
23. Blood type AB
M. Equation cell division
24. A sperm cell
A. 23 B.
46 C.
D. Diploid
25. Why does Mendel chose
the garden pea plant for his
experiment, because
A. It is naturally self
pollinating plant but it
can also be artificially
cross pollinated
B. It has easily
recognisable contrasting
C. It has a short
generation or growing
D. All of the above
26. Embryonic stem cells of
the endoderm are
differentiated into ..............
A. Nervous B.
Skeletal C.
D. Muscular
27. A pair chromosomes
having similar size, shape
and gene sequence derived
from each parent are
called ..............
A. Homologous B
heterozygous C
D. Sex
28. During inte rphase
A. Chromosomes are less
visible C.
Organelles duplicate
B. DNA replication occurs
D. All of the above
29. A black dog genotype BB
is crossed with a black dog
genotype Bb. What are the
gametes produced by the
A. 50%BB B.
75%B C.
D. 25%B
30. What is the genotype of
the puppies produced from
the above cross?
A. 100%Bb B.
75%Bb C.
D. 100%bb
31. Which of the following
cell is a sex cell and contains
haploid chromosomes?
A. Bone cell B.
Ovum C.
Muscle cell
D. Neuron
32. After having six boys,
what is the chance the
couple to have a girl?
A. 0% B.
25% C.
50% D.
33. In humans, normal skin
colour is dominant on
albino. What is the chance
of getting an albino child, if
a heterozygous normal skin
man has a wife who is
heterozygous normal skin?
A. ½ B. ¼
C. ¾
D. 1
34. During which phase of
mitosis does centromere
split and sister chromatids
A. Interphase B.
Prophase C.
D. Anaphase
35. A man blood type B
marries a lady blood type A.
Their first child is blood type
O. Which blood type
genotype could not be
inherited by the second
36. In pea plants axial flower
is dominant on terminal
flower. What is the
genotypic ratio of the
offspring’s if a heterozygous
axial flower plant is test
A. 50%Aa:50%aa
C. 25%AA:50%Aa:25%aa
B. 50%axial:50%terminal
D. 100% Aa
37. Which stage comes after
telophase in the cell cycle?
A. Interphase B.
Cytokinesis C.
D. Anaphase
38. Which of the following
statements is necessarily
A. A DNA molecule can
contain five types of
nitrogen bases
B. Sperm cells contain a
pair of genes that code for
a trait
C. Anaphase is a stage of
mitosis when spindle
fibres shorten to split
D. Metaphase is a stage of
mitosis where the nuclear
membrane reappears
39. Which phase of the cell
cycle is the longest?
A. Anaphase B.
Interphase C.
Telophase D.
40. Which of the following
scientists gave the principles
of inheritance?
A. Mendel B.
Griffin C.
Johanssen D.
Watson and crick
41. Which of the following is
an example of genetic
A.One person has a scar but
his friend doesn’t
B. One person is older than
the other
C. Ayele eats meat but his
sister Roza is a vegetarian
D. Two children have
different eye colour
42. The two versions of a trait
(character) that are brought
in by the male and female
gametes are situated on:
A.Copies of the same
chromosomes C. Sex
B. Two different
D. Any chromosomes
43. In an experiment Mendel
found 1800 round seed and
600 wrinkled seed plant
offspring’s. Which of the
following could be the
genotype of the parents?
A. Rr X Rr
C. rr X rr
B. Rr X rr
D. RR X Rr
44. Which of the following
genotype represents
homozygous dominant?
A. Dd B. HH
C. Nn
D. Gg
45. Which of the following
genotype represents
homozygous recessive?
A. GG B. Aa
C. tt D.
46. In pea plants, pure
round(RR) is crossed with
pure wrinkled(rr). The ratio
of round and wrinkled seed
pea plants in the F1
generation respectively is
A. All round B. 1:1
C. 3:1
D. All wrinkled
47. The ratio of round and
wrinkled seed pea plants in
the F2 generation of the
above cross respectively is
A. 3:1 B. 1:3
C. 1:1
D. 9:1
48. The physical or
observable characteristics
of an organism is
called .......................
49. An allele that express in
the phenotype even if only
one copy is present is
50. The genetic expression of
an organism is
51. The preparatory or
resting stage before mitosis
is known as ....................
52. The type of cell division
that maintains the same
number of chromosomes is
known as ........
Short answer
53. Write four differences
between mitosis and
54. Write three differences
between meiosis I and
meiosis II?
55. Define the following
genetic terminologies
a. Pure breed
b. Gene
c. Cell cycle
d. Stem cells
e. Monohybrid
f. Synapsis
g. Crossing over
56. What happen during each
phase of mitosis.
a. Prophase
b. Metaphase
c. Anaphase
d. Telophase
57. In humans, straight
thumb is dominant on
curved thumb. A
heterozygous straight
thumb man marries a lady
with curved thumb.
a. The phenotype of
the parents
b. The genotype of the
c. The gametes
produced by the
d. Show the cross using
punnett square
e. The phenotypic ratio
of the offspring’s
f. The genotypic ratio
of the offspring’s
g. The
probability(chance) of
getting curved thumb

58. A woman blood type O

has a husband who is blood
type heterozygous A.
a. The phenotype of
the parents
b. The genotype of the
c. The gametes
produced by the
d. Show the cross using
punnett square
e. The phenotypic ratio
of the offspring’s
f. The genotypic ratio
of the offspring’s
g. The probability of
getting blood type O
59. In pea plants, red flower
is dominant on white
flower. A homozygous red
flower pea plant is test
crossed. Find
a. The genotype of the
b. Show the cross using
punnett square
c. The phenotypic and
genotypic ratio of the
d. The chance of
getting white flower
pea plants
60. Below is a family
pedigree showing albino
character through
generations. Answer the
questions based on the

a. What is the probability of

individual 22 being affected,
if individual 20 is carrier
and show the possible
b. What is the probability of
individual 18 being affected
and show the possible
c. If individual 20 is not
affected, what is the
probability of individual 21
will be a carrier and show
the possible genotype/s?
d. What is the probability of
individual 18 being a carrier
and show the possible
e.  What is the probability of
individual 18 being neither
affected nor a carrier and
show the possible

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