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BPC Annual Report 2010

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AnnuAl RepoRt 2010

Bhutan power Corporation limited Website :

Bhutan power Corporation limited Meeting your energy needs

Bhutan Power Corporation Limited

Year of Incorporation : 1st July, 2002 Registered Office : P.O Box 580 Thimphu, Bhutan Tele No : 975 2 325095 Fax No : 975 2 322279 Website :

Values of BPC
Achieving our Vision & Mission requires dedicated people who are bright, creative, and energetic, and who possess the following values: Integrity and honesty Care for customers and stakeholders Socially and environmentally conscious Taking on challenges

To be Customer Centric, Commercially Viable and Socially Conscious, and to contribute to the Socio-economic Development of the Country.

To Transmit, Distribute and Supply Electricity within the Country, Wheel Electricity for Export, and practice Good Corporate Governance. Electricity for All by 2013

Bhutan Power Corporation Annual Report 2010

CONTENTS Directors Report Auditors Report Balance Sheet Profit and Loss Account Cash Flow Statement Notes for Cash Flow Statements Schedules Forming part of Balance Sheet Schedules Forming part of the Profit and Loss Account Notes on Account forming Part of Balanced Sheet and the Profit and Loss Account Annexure to Auditors Report Profit Variance Analysis Financial Highlights PAGE NO 4 10 12 13 14 15 16 20 23 31 36 37

Bhutan Power Corporation Annual Report 2010

Directors Report
Directors Report on the Performance of Bhutan Power Corporation Limited for the year 2010
(1st January - 31st December 2010)

Introduction As the Chairman of the BPC Board of Directors, it gives me great pleasure to present this report to Druk Holding and Investments Ltd. (DHI), the Shareholder of BPC, on the performance of the Bhutan Power Corporation Limited for the period covering 1st January 2010 to 31st December 2010. Operational Performance The domestic electricity demand has reached 257 MW in 2010 and the customer base has grown over 108,799. During the year BPC has added 17,029 customers which comprises of 11,868 rural and 994 Fill- in households through Rural Electrification (RE) program, and 4167 normal service connections. BPC purchased 1631.28 Million of units (MU) of energy, mainly from DGPC, to cater to the domestic demand, out of which royalty energy was 1,082.478 MU. Total sale to various categories of customers was 1570.77 MU. Sales growth increased by 14.5% over the previous year. BPC also wheeled 5579.472 MU of energy for export by DGPC to India as against 5404.82 MU in 2009. The global loss for the year was 1.17% whereas the domestic T&D loss was 5.07%. BPC has been able to efficiently cope up with the expansion of power system and meet the increased load demand with expected reliability of SAIFI and SAIDI of 2.5 interruptions per customer per year and 4.62 hours of interruption per customer per year, respectively. Towards delivery of effective and timely customer services and care, 135 service centers with multi-task staff have been established across the country. In yet another effort to improve the customer services, BPC launched on-line internet billing system in Thimphu and Phuentsholing by which customers can now pay their electricity bills online through internet bank transfer. The Customer Satisfaction survey conducted by the Institute of Management Studies through DHI revealed that 96% of BPCs customers are satisfied. BPC has been entrusted the role of System Coordinator since 2007. Recognizing the high rate of expansion of power system and growth in network complexity, need was felt by BPC to establish a National Load Dispatch Center (NLDC), so as to enable online monitoring of power systems operations for carrying out effective dispatching of load and coordination with generating plants of DGPC and the Indian Eastern Grid system operator. The establishment of NLDC, which involves an investment of over Nu. 205 million, is currently underway and is expected to be completed by October 2011.

Bhutan Power Corporation Annual Report 2010

Financial Performance Assets The company has achieved huge growth in terms of building its asset base. The asset of the company stands at worth Nu 15,852 million as on 31st December 2010. This corresponds to an average growth rate of 16.3% over the last three years. In the year 2010, the asset has increased by 31% over that of previous year on account of good progress of capital works achieved during the year. Loan Portfolio The Company has drawn a loan of Nu 1,026.988 million from JICA and Nu 681.536 million from ADB for Rural Electrification works totaling to Nu 1,708.524 million during the year. The Corporation also made a principal repayment of Nu 126.296 million for the existing loans. The total loan portfolio increased to Nu 4,085.478 million during the year. Grants The Company received capital grant of Nu 1,246.07 million for undertaking RE and deposit works. After adjustments and transfer of the grant to paid-up equity capital, the cumulative grant at the end of the year is Nu 2,183.780 million. Net Worth The net worth of the company today is Nu 11,751.4 million and the average growth rate of the net worth has been 15.3% for the last three years. For the current year, the net worth has increased by about 22%. Revenue BPC earned gross revenue of Nu 3,366.153 million during the year as compared to Nu 2,900.986 million in the previous year. The growth in the overall revenue is about 16.03 % from the previous year. The revenue from sale of electricity grew by 21.53 % from Nu 2,161.087 million in 2009 to Nu 2,626.410 million in 2010. The revenue earnings from wheeling decreased to Nu 651.660 million in 2010 from Nu 675.602 million in 2009 which is on account of reduction in the wheeling tariff from Nu 0.125 per unit to Nu 0.111 per unit with effect from 1st August 2010. Expenditure The overall expenses increased from Nu 1,478.108 million in 2009 to Nu 1,569.001 million during the year net of prior period adjustments. The increase in the spending is about 6% as compared to the previous year. The purchase of power cost grew by 15%, employee cost increased by 13%, operation and maintenance cost by 16% and Administrative expenses by - 4% as compared to the previous year. There has been reduction in the purchase rate of royalty energy from Nu 0.30 per unit to Nu 0.13 per unit with effect from 1st August 2010. The corporation paid interest on loan for RE Project and Tala transmission assets amounting to Nu 78.108 million. The RE projects and Tala transmission assets attract interest rates of 6% and 9 % respectively per annum.

Bhutan Power Corporation Annual Report 2010

Profit, Tax and Dividend BPC made a net profit before tax of Nu 1,353.196 million as against Nu 986.452 million in 2009 which is an increase of about 37%. The Corporate Income Tax for the year is assessed at Nu 354.776 million against Nu 254.015 million in 2009. A dividend of Nu 99.607 million has been proposed for the year after adjustment of Nu 150 million from previous years payout. For the previous year, dividend of Nu 333.109 million was paid. An amount of Nu 894.974 million is proposed to be retained as Reserve to enable BPC to take up system expansion works. Capital Expenditure During the year, the Corporation spent Nu 3,376.19 million towards capital expenditure. Of this, asset worth about Nu 1,009 million has been added and Nu 2,367 million is still under Capital Works in Progress. The capital spending for the year has been 85.53% of the budget, which is the highest achieved till date. The main source of cash for meeting the expenses of the Company during the year has come from its own operations while the capital expenditures on RE and replacement of ground wire by OPGW were supplemented from the RGoB as Grant. The larger portion of the RE works were financed through Loans. The funds for the construction of 400 kV Punatshangchu I transmission lines were received from the Punatsangchhu-I Project Authority. Power System Expansion Programs BPC has completed the construction of the 66 kV Yurmo-Bumthang transmission line and reached Kurichhu grid electricity supply to Bumthang during the year. A state-of-art 33 kV GIS substation, the first of its kind in the country, has been commissioned in Garpang for supply of electricity to Bumthang Dzongkhag. For linking the Eastern and Western Grids and to enhance national energy security, BPC is carrying out the construction of the 220 kV double circuit Dagachhu-Tsirang-Jigmeling and 132 kV Jigmeling-Lodrai transmission lines. The construction of the lines is progressing well and scheduled for commissioning by July 2011. The scope of the 400 kV Punatsangchhu-I power evacuation plan was finalized and involves construction of two 400 kV double circuit transmission lines from Punatsangchhu-I to Lhamoizingkha using twin ACSR MOOSE conductors. The contract for construction of the transmission lines was awarded in August 2010. The project is scheduled to be completed by August 2014. The construction of the 132 kV transmission line from Nganglam substation to Dungsam Cement Project at Nganglam was completed and the line was formally handed over. BPC is also undertaking ICT connectivity infrastructure projects to implement Broadband Master Plan of the Royal Government. The live - line replacement of ground wire with Optical Ground Wire (OPGW) for achieving national connectivity and creation of three International Gateways are progressing as per schedule. Contract for laying of All Dielectric Self Supporting (ADSS) Optical fiber project, with the objective to achieve ICT connectivity to Trashiyangtse and Gasa Dzongkhag headquarters and 205 Gewogs in the country through optical fiber networks by using low and medium voltage distribution poles, has been signed in December 2010.

Bhutan Power Corporation Annual Report 2010

During the year, the Engineering and Design services of BPC provided in-house technical services on the engineering and design aspects of all its transmission and distribution projects, except for the 400 kV Punatsangchhu-I Project for which the technical services of Powergrid Corporation of India Limited has been hired. In the field of ICT, BPC is fully involved in the implementation of the SAP-ERP for integrated management of information systems and business operations. The Project ilogmey with its mission to create a knowledge based, customer centric efficient corporate environment, through integrated, accurate and accessible information & decision support system is planning to go live with its 20 modules in April 2011. The implementation of the ERP Project was started from June 24, 2010 with the Implementation Partner (IP), Wipro Ltd, India. Rural Electrification (RE) BPC has been entrusted to fulfill one of the most important development priorities for the country, i.e., Electricity for All by 2013, which involves reaching grid electricity to 40,257 rural households. The entrustment of this mandate posed a huge challenge to BPC, considering that up to end of the 9th FYP, only 52% was the coverage of RE. BPC is however following a well charted plan to achieve the target. During the year, BPC has electrified 11,868 rural homes through various funding sources, i.e. JICA, ADB and ADA. BPC has also, through its own funding, carried out Fill-in RE of 994 households. The rural populace has been very appreciative to the BPC for bringing Light and enhancing their quality of Life. Human Resources Management In an effort to meet the huge requirement of manpower for the power expansion programs and the various RE Programs, 160 new employees from various academic backgrounds were recruited during the year. Recognizing the importance of developing the human resource capacity in BPC, a total of 9,744 person days of trainings was conducted both incountry and ex-country. Furthermore, BPC provided three full scholarships and two partial scholarships for eligible employees to pursue Masters Degrees in fields relevant to BPC. Corporate Governance Seven Board meetings were held during the year and the quorums of these meetings were duly maintained. The Annual General Meeting for the year 2009 was held on 15th April 2010, thereby complying with the Companies Act, 2000. Upon the requisition of the Shareholder, an Extraordinary General Meeting was also held on 10th November 2010 to pass a resolution for the alteration of the Articles of Incorporation of BPC to align it with the DHI Ownership Policy. Since BPC had to undertake huge volume of procurement of goods and services, many Board Level Tender Committee meetings were held and tenders were awarded in timely and transparent manner. In order to ensure transparent management systems and controls, BPC continually re-assesses the effectiveness of strategies and policies in place. A number of Manuals such as the revised BPC-Service Rules and Regulations 2010, Inventory Manual, Vendor Performance Management System and Inventory Management Manual were framed and implemented during the year. Overall, the company is ensuring that its activities and plans are in line with its Corporate Strategic Plan 2007.

Bhutan Power Corporation Annual Report 2010

Compact signed with DHI The Compact signed with DHI outlines the major activities to be taken up by BPC for the year and accordingly these have been set as targets to be achieved for the year. BPC has achieved most of the targets set in the compact for 2010, including the profit margin. The payout of the 10% Performance Based Variable Allowance to the employees of BPC is based on the achievement of the compact targets. The overall achievement of BPC with respect to Compact targets is 99.86%. Performance Based Incentive System (PBIS) Achievement The Corporation has achieved the targets set against most parameters such as the Profit, reliability (SAIFI and SAIDI), system losses and current budget compliance. The overall achievement of the company was 83.42%. As per Board directives, the overall payout for the company against PBIS achievement has been adjusted to maintain at two months of the companys basic salary. Corporate Social Responsibility and subscription to the Philosophy of Gross National Happiness (GNH) BPC endeavors to mainstream the principles of GNH in all its plans and operations. It is also enshrined in BPCs vision statement to be socially conscious and contribute to the socioeconomic development of the country. By implementing the RE projects to achieve Electricity for All by 2013, BPC is providing access to clean renewable energy to the rural mass to alleviate poverty and uplift their socioeconomic condition. The implementation of this noble cause is a direct contribution by BPC to achieve GNH. BPC is, through its own funding and initiative, implementing RE fill-in project in order to electrify the left out or newly built homes in the already electrified rural areas. During the year, contributions, monetary or in-kind, were made by the corporation to various religious and other institutions in line with the Donation Policy of BPC. The total amount of monetary donation was Nu 1.634 million for the year. On 1st July 2010, BPC celebrated the BPC Day to mark the incorporation of BPC eight years ago on 1st July 2002. In order to commemorate the event, a blood donation campaign was organized in the BPC Corporate Office premises in collaboration with the JDWNR Hospital, Thimphu. Challenges Inview of the lean flow electricity generation constraints a major challenge for BPC will be to match the supply and demand of electricity in winter when the demand is at its maximum. This problem is likely to continue until additional generation is available with commissioning of the Puna-I HEP and other projects thereafter. Arrangement for re-import of power from India especially to meet the winter peaking shortages is being explored. While BPC is actively implementing the RE projects in all Dzongkhags for completion by 2013, the remoteness of the villages in difficult terrains continues to pose challenges to BPC in transporting the materials. Further, with the simultaneous implementation of the hydroelectric power projects under the 10,000 MW development plan, BPC will have to construct the transmission lines and pooling stations for evacuation of power in line with the hydroelectric projects completion schedules. This is expected to pose a huge challenge

Bhutan Power Corporation Annual Report 2010

which would stretch the institutional capacity of BPC. Along with the obligation to construct the transmission and distribution infrastructures and establishing National ICT connectivity , BPC has to also simultaneously put in place proper O&M setups to look after the new power and ICT infrastructures. An immediate issue being faced by BPC is the high attrition rate of employees from BPC, particularly at the management and mid-management level, due to more attractive service conditions in other organizations. This issue, which is already a pressing concern, needs to be given priority at the level of the Board and Shareholder, in order to retain and motivate the existing staff and to also attract much more expertise and skills in the near future. Acknowledgement On behalf of the Board of Directors, I take this opportunity to extend our sincere gratitude and appreciation to the Ministry of Economic Affairs, Ministry of Finance and the Department of Energy for their timely assistance in terms of policy interventions and other matters. Our appreciation also goes to the Department of Forests, Bhutan Electricity Authority, Land Commission, National Environment Commission, Druk Green Power Corporation Ltd. for their continued support and cooperation. Thanks are also due to Power Grid Corporation of India Ltd, Central Electricity Authority of India, Electricity Generating Authority of Thailand, Provincial Electricity Authority of Thailand and other agencies who have been closely associated with BPC. We remain thankful to the ADB, JICA and ADA for their funding and technical assistance due to which BPC is confident to fulfill the target of Electricity for all by 2013. Our special gratitude goes to Druk Holding & Investments for their invaluable guidance and continued support towards instituting best business practices in BPC.

The Board would like to place on record our appreciation for the dynamic leadership provided by the Managing Director and the dedicated service and hard work put in by the management and employees of BPC which resulted in an exemplary performance of the Company. The Board would like to urge BPC to sustain and improve upon its level of competence to achieve greater heights of success and fulfill the expectations of its stakeholders and customers. Towards this, the Board would like to assure its full support to the management of BPC.

For and on behalf of the BPC Board

(Yeshi Wangdi) Chairman

Bhutan Power Corporation Annual Report 2010

Auditors Report
1. We have audited the attached Balance Sheet of Bhutan Power Corporation Limited (the Corporation) as at 31st December, 2010 and the related Profit and Loss Account and Cash Flow Statement of the Corporation for the year ended on that date annexed thereto all of which we have signed under reference to this report. These financial statements are the responsibility of the Corporations Management. Our responsibility is to express an opinion on these financial statements based on our audit. We conducted our audit in accordance with the generally accepted auditing standards and in keeping with the General Terms of Reference and Minimum Audit Examination and Reporting Requirements issued by the Royal Audit Authority, as given in Schedule XIV of the Companies Act of The Kingdom of Bhutan, 2000. Those standards require that we plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements are free of material misstatements. An audit includes examining on a test basis, evidences supporting the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements. An audit also includes assessing the accounting principles used and significant estimates made by the management, as well as evaluating the overall financial presentation. We believe that our audit provides a reasonable basis for our opinion. As required by Section 75 of the Companies Act of the Kingdom of Bhutan, 2000 read with Section II of Schedule XIV thereto (the Minimum Audit Examination and Reporting Requirements) we enclose in the Annexure - I a statement on the matters specified therein, to the extent applicable. We report that: 4.1 Our examination was made in accordance with the generally accepted accounting standards and accordingly included such tests of accounting records and such other auditing procedures as we considered appropriate for the purposes of our audit. 4.2 We have obtained all the information and explanations which to the best of our knowledge and belief were necessary for the purpose of our audit. 4.3 In our opinion proper books of account as required by law have been kept by the Corporation so far as appears from our examination of the books.





Bhutan Power Corporation Annual Report 2010

4.4 The Balance Sheet, Profit and Loss Account and Cash Flow Statement dealt within this report have been prepared on the basis of generally accepted accounting principles and that the financial statements are in agreement with the books of account. 5. As disclosed in Accounting Policy No. 3 of Schedule 19, the method of accounting for depreciation followed by the Company is based on calculations made at the rates which are different from those prescribed by the Companies Act of the Kingdom of Bhutan, 2000, resulting in short charging of depreciation by Nu. 171,569,964, overstatement of Net Block of Fixed Assets by Nu. 171,569,964 and overstatement of Net Worth by the same amount. In our opinion and to the best of our information and according to the explanations given to us and subject to our comments in paragraph 5 above, the said accounts together with schedules, significant accounting policies and notes on accounts, give the information required by the Companies Act of the Kingdom of Bhutan, 2000, in the manner so required and give a true and fair view:a) In the case of Balance Sheet, of the state of affairs of the Corporation as at 31st December 2010; b) In the case of Profit and Loss Account, of the Corporations profit for the year ended on that date and c) In the case of the Cash Flow Statement, of the movement of cash during the year ended on that date.


Dated, the 21 day of March,2010 Kolkata.

For S. S. KOTHARI & ASSOCIATES Chartered Accountants (FRN: 305147E)

(P.K. BHATTACHARYA) Partner Membership No. 015899

Bhutan Power Corporation Annual Report 2010


Balance Sheet
PARTICULARS Schedules As at 31st December 2010 Amount (Nu) As at 31st December 2009 Amount (Nu) SOURCES OF FUND Shareholders Fund Share Capital Reserves and Surplus Loan Funds Total APPLICATION OF FUNDS Fixed Assets Gross Block Less- Depreciation Net Block Capital Work in Progress Current Assets,Loans and Advances Inventories Debtors Cash and Bank Balances Other Current Assets Loan and Advances Total Current Assets Less: Current Liabilities and Provisions Current Liabilities Provisions Total current liabilities & Provisions Net Current Assets Total Notes on Accounts In terms of our separate report of even date For S. S. Kothari & Associates Chartered Accountants 19 Schedule 1 to 11 and Schedule 19 form an integral part of the Balance Sheet 10 11 1,146,352,511 1,182,828,764 2,329,181,275 2,155,392,299 15,851,757,549 701,329,446 1,021,949,450 1,723,278,896 1,328,761,480 12,121,232,952 5 6 7 8 9 365,094,070 102,175,763 2,231,514,009 754,783,443 1,031,006,289 4,484,573,574 369,996,149 199,233,517 1,785,694,297 337,765,215 359,351,198 3,052,040,375 4 12,720,419,308 2,778,312,766 9,942,106,543 3,754,258,707 13,696,365,250 11,760,087,034 2,354,721,911 9,405,365,122 1,387,106,350 10,792,471,472 1 2 3 7,315,673,000 4,435,679,272 11,751,352,272 4,100,405,277 15,851,757,549 7,258,771,000 2,343,672,132 9,602,443,132 2,518,789,820 12,121,232,952

21 Old Court House Street Kolkata-700001 The 2/3.2011



Managing Director



Bhutan Power Corporation Annual Report 2010

PARTICULARS INCOME Electricity Revenue Other Revenue Total EXPENDITURE Purchase of Power Employee Cost Operation and Maintenance Expenses Administration and Other Expenses Finance Charges Prior period adjustments Total Profit before Depreciation Depreciation Profit after Depreciation Provision for Tax Profit after tax Proposed Dividend Transfer to Insurance Reserve Profit(Loss) for the period Balance brought forward Balance carried to Balance Sheet Notes on Accounts 19 14 15 16 17 18 897,450,929 489,665,116 139,712,776 40,074,306 78,108,094 (76,010,178) 1,569,001,042 1,797,151,795 443,955,868 1,353,195,927 354,766,000 998,429,927 99,607,482 3,848,084 894,974,361 1,269,575,377 2,164,549,738 779,288,080 434,656,011 120,862,101 41,621,512 112,659,178 (9,480,427) 1,479,606,455 1,421,379,260 434,927,367 986,451,893 254,015,170 732,436,722 333,109,181 1,832,000 397,495,542 872,079,836 1,269,575,377 12 13 3,278,069,504 88,083,333 3,366,152,837 2,836,689,369 64,296,345 2,900,985,715 Schedules 2010 Amount (Nu) 2009 Amount (Nu)

Schedules 12 to 19 form integral part of the Profit and Loss Account In terms of our separate Report of even date

For S. S. Kothari & Associates Chartered Accountants

21 Old Court House Street Kolkata-700001 The2/3.2011



Managing Director


Bhutan Power Corporation Annual Report 2010



For the period from Ist January to 31st December Amount (Nu). Net cash flow from operating activities ( Note - 1) Returns on investments and servicing of finance ( Note 2) Tax paid during the year Capital expenditure ( Note 3) Net cash inflow/(outflow) from investing activities Net cash inflow/(outflow) before financing Financing (Note 4) Net cash inflow/(outflow) from financing activities Increase/(Decrease ) in cash Opening cash and cash equivalents Closing cash and cash equivalents Cash Inflow In terms of our separate report of even date 1,595,595,693 (379,613,317) (254,015,170) (3,347,849,646) (3,981,478,134) (2,385,882,441) 2,831,702,153 2,831,702,153 445,819,712 1,785,694,297 2,231,514,009 445,819,712 For the period from Ist January to 31st December Amount (Nu). 1,671,191,048 (249,958,723) (242,074,346) (1,312,153,374) (1,804,186,442) (132,995,394) 759,637,464 759,637,464 626,642,070 1,159,052,228 1,785,694,297 626,642,070

For S. S. Kothari & Associates Chartered Accountants

21 Old Court House Street Kolkata-700001 The2/3.2011



Managing Director



Bhutan Power Corporation Annual Report 2010


Note - 1. Net Cash flow from Operating Activities Indirect Method For the period from Ist January to 31st December 2010 Amount (Nu). Net profit before tax/operating profit Add: Increase in Capital Reserve Add back:- Depreciation charges Interest payable Prior Period Depreciation Loss on sale of fixed assets Deduct:Profit on sale of fixed assets Interest receivable 31,603,957 31,603,957 1,843,655,931 (Increase)/Decrease in stock (Increase)/Decrease in Debtors (Increase)/Decrease in Loans & advances (Increase)/Decrease in other current assets Increase/(Decrease) in Creditors Net cash flow from operating activities Note - 2 Returns on investments and servicing of finance Interest received Interest paid Dividends paid Dividend received Total Note - 3 Capital expenditure Payments to acquire intangible fixed assets Payments to acquire tangible fixed assets Payments for capital work-in -progress Receipts from sales of tangible fixed assets Total Note - 4 Financing Issue of Shares & Debentures-cash Issue of Shares & Debentures-other than cash Increase in Capital reserve Loan taken Total 56,902,000 1,193,184,696 1,581,615,457 2,831,702,153 1,372,286,000 (871,011,254) 258,362,718 759,637,464 (1,009,032,646) (2,367,152,357) 28,335,357 (3,347,849,646) (473,961,430) (850,705,743) 12,513,799 (1,312,153,374) 31,603,957 78,108,094 333,109,181 (379,613,317) 13,920,455 112,659,178 151,220,000 (249,958,723) 4,902,079 97,057,754 (913,729,437) (417,018,228) 980,727,594 1,595,595,693 443,955,868 78,108,094 522,063,962 434,927,367 112,659,178 4,875,074 13,920,455 18,795,529 18,795,529 1,515,242,908 (51,840,576) (92,908,705) (98,957,738) (234,020,656) 633,675,815 1,671,191,048 547,586,545 1,353,195,927 For the period from Ist January to 31st December 2009 Amount (Nu). 986,451,893 -

Bhutan Power Corporation Annual Report 2010


Schedules forming part of Balance Sheet as at 31st December 2010

As at 31st December, 2010 Amount(Nu) Schedule1: Share Capital PARTICULARS Authorised Share Capital (7,500,000 equity shares of Nu 1000/- each) Issued, Subscribed and Paid up 4,875,828 equity shares fully paid up for consideration other than cash 2,439,845 equity shares fully paid up in cash (previous year 2,382,943) Total Schedule2: Reserves and Surplus (a) Profit and Loss Account (b) Capital Reserve As per Last account Add. Addtions during the year Less Charged to Depreciation Less Trasfers/Adjustment 30,333,223 6,869,536 694,103 47,300 36,461,356 (c ) RGoB Grant Reserve Account Addition during the year (a) RGoB (b) Puna Tshangchu 400 kV Less adjustment during the year (d ) Insurance Reserve Total Schedule 3:Loan Funds Unsecured Loan : From Royal Government of Bhutan Interest During Construction Interest accrued & due on unsecured loans Total 3,788,972,168 296,506,604 14,926,505 4,100,405,277 2,173,799,045 329,451,783 15,538,993 2,518,789,820 496,072,000 750,000,000 59,015,438 2,183,780,094 50,888,084 4,435,679,272 1,376,746,800 996,723,532 47,040,000 2,343,672,132 520,462,919 996,723,532 691,861 14,035,512 30,333,223 1,853,007,413 45,060,595 2,164,549,738 1,269,575,377 4,875,828,000 2,439,845,000 7,315,673,000 4,875,828,000 2,382,943,000 7,258,771,000 7,500,000,000 7,500,000,000 As at 31st December, 2009 Amount(Nu)


Bhutan Power Corporation Annual Report 2010

Schedules forming part of the Balance Sheet as at 31st December, 2010

Schedule-4 : Fixed Assets

Gross Block Disposal during the year (Nu) 62,658,377 615,868 30,461 226,487 29,239,344 6,755,539,556 877,587,555 711,859,438 287,607,565 33,971,975 177,334,359 542,618,296 150,224,672 49,375,039 657,382,279 81,753,545 20,164,055 125,633 30,460 135,891.65 3,796,242 (Nu) (Nu) Balance as on 31/12/10 For the year On disposal Depreciation Net Block as on 31/12/2010 (Nu) 101,791,967 199,569,251 321,443,648 1,051,125,672 62,658,377 555,590,312 343,049,045 390,415,790 5,704,413,884 Net Block as on 31/12/09 (Nu) 59,764,505 456,473,273 313,647,043 424,478,360 5,437,656,877


Gross Block as on 31/12/09

Additions during the year (Nu) 2,893,872 119,771,329 78,777,040 469,534,468


Accumulated Depreciation as on 31/12/009 (Nu)

Accumulated Depreciation as on 31/12/2010 (Nu)





Other Civil Structures


Generation Equipments


Transmission Lines and Equipments 233,478,382 74,104,655 7,559,604 300,397,817 3,916,713 3,473,038,438 638,805,084 223,334,765


Distribution Lines


75,764,541 63,444,760

3,925,249 6,133,068

710,644,376 280,647,007

2,762,394,062 19,750,810

2,604,671,686 10,518,001

Other Equipments 23,686,825 6,786,076 48,700,376 15,911,700 2,121,656 31,348,081 12,720,419,308 11,760,087,034 4,990,242 185,577,026




79,209,878 16,198,846 2,354,721,911 1,928,067,519

20,687,020 3,214,119 443,955,868 434,927,367

4,485,761 1,733,258 20,365,563 8,272,975

95,411,137 17,679,708 2,778,312,766 2,354,721,911

90,165,889 13,668,373 9,942,106,542 9,405,365,122

87,670,564 10,484,814 9,405,365,122

Furniture and Fixtures


Bhutan Power Corporation Annual Report 2010





Figures for previous year



As at 31st December Amount(Nu) Schedule 5: Inventories Stores and Spares Stores & Spares at Site Total Schedule 6: Sundry Debtors (Unsecured ) Debts outstanding for more than six months Other Debts 2,203,666 105,012,958 107,216,624 Sundry Debtors Considered Good Considered Doubtful Less: Provision for doubtful debts Total Schedule 7: Cash and Bank Balances Cash in hand Bank Balances in Current Account with BoB RMA Bills Fixed Deposit Fixed Deposit -Gratuity fund Total Schedule 8: Other Current Assets Pre-Paid Expenses Prepaid Loan BST refund Welfare loan Miscellaneous current asset Interst income receivable Prepaid tax (TDS) Total Schedule 9: Loans and Advances Unsecured,considered good Personal Advances Advances to Suppliers/Contractors Travel advance to employees Advance to employees for expenses Advance to employess for Capital Works Other advance Total 49,910 1,023,894,566 45,465 390,911 10,321 6,615,115 1,031,006,289 42,821,940 109,183,332 869,242 389,515 66,455,339 29,839,973 505,224,102 754,783,443 5,572,653 738,509,334 300,000,000 988,461,258 198,970,764 2,231,514,009 102,175,763 5,040,861 107,216,624 5,040,861 102,175,763 343,849,536 21,244,534 365,094,070

As at 31st December Amount(Nu)

341,614,278 28,381,871 369,996,149

28,010,508 177,390,962 205,401,471

199,233,517 6,167,954 205,401,471 6,167,954 199,233,517 3,095,489 1,522,727,735 82,373,520 177,497,553 1,785,694,297

73,140,814 968,760 120,357 6,789,286 5,731,132 251,014,866 337,765,215

51,184 351,959,476 366,366 265,200 760 6,708,211 359,351,198


Bhutan Power Corporation Annual Report 2010

As at 31st December Amount(Nu) Schedule 10: Current Liabilities Sundry Creditors - Suppliers Sundry Creditors - Contractors Sundry Creditors - Power Capacity Reserve charge Energy & Meter Security Security deposit from Suppliers/Contractor EMD from supplier/contractor Income Tax deducted from Contractors/Suppliers Other employee related liabilities Leave Encashment - Payable Bonus Payable PBVA payable Retention Money - Contractors Deposit receipt-deposit work Unpaid cheques Total Schedule 11: Provisions Provision for Expenses Provision for gratuity Provision of Corporate Income tax Proposed Dividend Total 30,438,480 201,927,286 850,855,516 99,607,482 1,182,828,764 92,605,949 187,895,844 428,748,326 7,653,375 95,359,302 7,342,870 117,247 2,101,951 30,183,563 41,914,587 24,806,866 139,250,547 88,248,281 123,803 1,146,352,511

As at 31st December Amount(Nu) 74,225,336 36,289,671 289,531,561 7,683,898 78,410,079 6,048,944 378,483 70,271 3,869,606 27,600,620 38,345,492 67,022,324 71,822,508 30,654 701,329,446

15,071,137 177,679,616 496,089,516 333,109,181 1,021,949,450

Bhutan Power Corporation Annual Report 2010


Schedules forming part of the Profit and Loss Account for the year ended 31st December 2010
Schedule 12: Electricity Revenue 2010 Amount (Nu) 2009 Amount (Nu)

Electricity Revenue Sundries Demand Charges Wheeling charges Total Schedule 13: Other Revenue Lease of OPGW optical Revenue grant Interest on FDR Income from deposit works Tender form sales Sale and repair of Transformer Profit on sale/disposal/ of Assets Rental income Hire charges Liquidated damages Other misc. income Audit recoveries Total Schedule 14: Employee Cost Salary PF Contribution Staff Training Gratuity Medical expenses reimbursements TA/DA ( In Country) TA/DA ( Outside Country) Leave travel Concession Leave Encashment Performance Based Incentive system Uniforms

2,391,842,785 19,995,084 214,571,893 651,659,742 3,278,069,504

1,947,732,336 22,534,329 190,820,725 675,601,979 2,836,689,369

3,303,397 31,603,957 6,750,629 1,747,500 1,251,025 10,008,629 920,397 20,495,884 11,807,478 194,437 88,083,333

305,337 13,920,455 4,072,129 2,923,700 923,836 4,875,074 9,641,825 957,294 12,488,573 12,689,795 1,498,326 64,296,345

313,090,080 22,013,686 37,841,409 21,180,217 1,299,590 13,728,783 2,679,168 15,923,046 17,242,683 41,856,118 2,810,336 489,665,116

276,366,396 17,275,808 35,849,370 13,042,078 1,004,132 23,396,545 3,006,821 14,216,809 16,195,361 33,431,559 871,132 434,656,011


Bhutan Power Corporation Annual Report 2010

2010 Amount (Nu) Schedule 15: Operation and Maintenance costs Repair and Maintenance of Building Vehicles and transport equipment Distribution system Other civil structures Transmsiion system Hydels Diesel Generators Office equipment Other electrical equipment Plant and machineries Meter and metering equipment Furniture Other assets Distribution system (Travel) Transmission system (Travel) Consumables Lubricants Povision of obsolescence of material Total Schedule 16: Administrative and Other Expenses Bank charges Rent on Buildings Hired Rent on Other Properties Hired/ Lease Line Rent Rates and Taxes Water Cess/ Sewerage Charges Rental Vehicle Rental of land Telephone/Fax/Internet Expenses Postage/ Courier/ Telegram Printing and Stationery Meeting Fees Consultancy Fees / Charges Registration Charges License Fess Auditors Fees / Expenses Hospitality and Entertainment Expenses Publicity and Advertisement Books , Periodicals and Newspapers Electricity Charges Misc. Administration and General expenses 1,135,631 291,587 1,483,295 894,528 145,849 25,000 6,483 2,900,706 318,033 8,299,812 1,373,415 5,951,676 377,227 4,136,270 2,493,134 119,764 4,270,141 1,274,749 5,781,198 21,484,889 48,745,397 10,546,643 7,764,633 901,551 5,673,297 2,523,441 974,587 6,269,567 5,661,285 319,895 198,685 9,245,986 9,149,728 3,855,978 616,016 139,712,776

2009 Amount (Nu)

4,049,116 19,929,857 35,645,932 5,175,289 22,063,838 1,972,895 3,957,426 1,709,187 128,159 7,283,789 4,480,619 397,487 909,054

11,563,286 258,395 1,337,773 120,862,101

1,550,301 1,482,336 967,580 424,317 108,054 12,140 3,458,057 320,298 8,504,921 1,334,540 713,371 5,469,279 452,723 2,629,251 1,990,648 153,843 3,683,112 720,739

Bhutan Power Corporation Annual Report 2010


2010 Amount (Nu) Insurance Charges on Fixed Assets Donations and Contributions Transportation charges Writeoffs Provison for doubtful debts (Net) Bad Debts writen off Loss on sale/disposal of asset 617,167 1,633,887 78,672 21,896 514,937 413,047 1,297,398 40,074,306 Schedule 17: Finance Charges Interest on RGOB unsecured loan RE Interest on RGOB unsecured loan on THP asset 7,554,020 70,554,074 78,108,094 Schedule 18: Prior period expenses Prior period energy Charge Adjustment to past billing Other misc income Purchase of Power Establishment Expenses Adm & General expenses Repair and Maintenance Current liab. No longer required Excess pro.for doubtful debts Depreciation (450,989) 28,891 (1,604,250) 32,365 94,202 (65,567,600) 1,547,863 (3,758,886) (1,641,638) (4,690,136) (76,010,178)

2009 Amount (Nu) 893,321 4,410,565 577,915 125,008 1,502,274 136,919 41,621,512

42,105,104 70,554,074 112,659,178

(10,355,100) 66,032 (181,896) (22,050) (86,008) 1,223,434 (9,122) (45,250) (70,468) (9,480,427)


Bhutan Power Corporation Annual Report 2010

Schedule 19 Notes on accounts forming part of the Balance Sheet as at 31st December, 2010 and the Profit and Loss Account for the year ended on that date.
A. Nature of Operations Bhutan Power Corporation Limited is engaged in providing electricity to all residents of the Kingdom of Bhutan. It is involved in construction and erection of transmission towers, transmission power lines and substations for procurement of power from the power generation corporations in Bhutan and in transmission and distribution of the same both within the country and in export of power to India. B. 1. Significant Accounting Policies: Basis of Preparation The financial statements have been prepared to comply in all material respects with the generally accepted accounting principles and the relevant provisions of the Companies Act of the Kingdom of Bhutan, 2000, except in the cases and to the extent stated elsewhere. The financial statements have been prepared under the historical cost convention on an accrual basis except as stated otherwise. The accounting policies have been consistently applied by the Corporation and are consistent with those used in the previous year. The preparation of financial statements in conformity with generally accepted principles requires the use of estimates and assumptions that affect the reported amounts of assets and liabilities and disclosure of contingent liabilities at the date of the financial statements and the reported amounts of revenues and expenses during the reporting period. Although these estimates are based on managements best knowledge of current event and actions, actual results ultimately may differ from those estimates. 2. Fixed Assets

(a) Fixed Assets are stated at cost of acquisition, including any costs attributable for bringing the assets to their working conditions for their intended use less accumulated depreciation. The date of capitalization is the actual date when the particular asset has been put to use. Capital work in progress is stated at amount expended up to the date of the Balance Sheet.

Bhutan Power Corporation Annual Report 2010


Financing costs relating to acquisition of fixed assets are also included to the extent they relate to the period till such assets are ready to be put to use. (b) Indirect Expenses and overheads relating to projects incurred during the construction period are capitalized. Depreciation Depreciation on fixed assets is provided on straight line method at the rates prescribed by the management on the basis of the economic life of the Assets, which are different from the rates prescribed under Section 66(3) of the Companies Act of the Kingdom of Bhutan, 2000. No depreciation is provided on fixed assets sold or retired during the year. 4. Grants & Subsidies Capital Receipts including Grants and Subsidies from the Government related to depreciable assets are treated as Capital Reserves, unless otherwise specified by the Government, and apportioned over the life of the asset by way of depreciation charge. Grants and subsidies from Government are recognized on cash basis. Grant/subsidy relating to an expense is recognized as income over the periods necessary to match them with the related cost which they are intended to compensate. 5. i. ii. iii. Inventory Inventories are valued at lower of cost or net realizable value. Cost is calculated on FIFO basis and comprises of expenditure incurred in the normal course of business in bringing such inventories to its location. Obsolete, slow moving and defective stocks are generally identified at the time of physical verification of inventories and where necessary, adjustment is made for the same. As the Corporation is engaged in the distribution of electricity, there are no finished goods or raw materials. Net realizable value is the estimated selling price in the ordinary course of business, less estimated costs to make the sale. Loose tools are charged off to consumption on purchase.


iv. v. vi.


Bhutan Power Corporation Annual Report 2010

6. Revenue Recognition Electricity Revenue i. Revenue from the Sale of Electricity within Bhutan is recognized on the basis of bills raised on the consumers, net of discount for prompt payment of bills, and do not include any duty payable to the Government. Revenues from Demand charges, Connection charges, Wheeling charges or any other amounts recoverable from the consumers, except delayed payment surcharge, are also recognized on the basis of bills raised on the consumers. Delayed payment surcharge is determined and recognized on receipt of overdue payments from the consumers. Rates for electricity and wheeling charges are as approved by the Bhutan Electricity Authority. Doubtful debts are provided for in the accounts based on the policy of the Corporation as decided by the Board from time to time.


iii. iv. v.

Other Revenue Revenues other than electricity revenue, as mentioned above, are recognized and accounted for on accrual basis, except where stated otherwise. Penalty claims etc. are recognized on cash basis. Interest Revenue is recognized on a time-proportion basis taking into account the amount outstanding and the rate applicable. 7. i. Retirement benefits The Corporation contributes to Provident Fund administered by National Pension and Provident Fund and such contributions are charged to revenue every year on the basis of as and when the contribution to the Fund becomes due. Gratuity is provided on the basis of entitlement of each employee as per the Corporations Service Rules at the end of the year without doing actuarial valuation. Leave encashment and medical benefits are provided for in the financial statements on accrual basis without doing actuarial valuation. Foreign Currency Transactions Transactions in foreign currency are recorded using the exchange rate prevailing at the date of transactions. At the Balance Sheet date monetary assets and liabilities

ii. iii.


Bhutan Power Corporation Annual Report 2010


denominated in foreign currency are recorded using the closing exchange rates. All other foreign currency assets and liabilities are stated at the rates ruling at the year-end other than those covered by forward contracts, which are stated at the contracted rates. Exchange differences arising on foreign currency transactions are recognized in the Profit & Loss Account. 9. Contingent Liabilities Liabilities are provided if there are reasonable prospects of such liabilities maturing. Other contingent liabilities are disclosed by way of note. Income Tax: Current Tax is determined in respect of taxable income for the year based on applicable rates & laws. Deferred tax is not recognized in the books. 11. Expenditure on new projects and substantial expansion: Expenditure on material, labour and contractors appointed for executing the project are capitalized. Indirect expenditure and overheads relating to projects incurred during construction period are capitalized. All direct capital expenditure on expansion is capitalized. Direct expenditure is capitalized only if they increase the value of the asset beyond its original standard of performance. C. 1) Notes on Accounts: Bhutan Power Corporation Limited was incorporated on 1st July 2002 as wholly owned company of the Royal Government of Bhutan and Fixed Assets transferred from erstwhile Department of Power was taken at written down value of Nu 1,760.89 million. Subsequently, Bhutan Power Corporation Limited became a subsidiary company of Druk Holding & Investments Limited (a Royal Government of Bhutan Undertaking) consequent upon transfer of shares from the Ministry of Finance, Royal Government of Bhutan to Druk Holding & Investments Ltd., and currently all the shares are held by the Holding Company. (a ) Provision for Taxation has been made in the accounts after the following adjustment :-




Bhutan Power Corporation Annual Report 2010

Amount in Nu
2010 Book profit for the year Less difference between maximum allowable depreciation as per Income Tax Act and Depreciation charged in the Accounts ( Nu 615,525,831.04-Nu 443,955,867.18) Taxable Profit (loss) after adjustment Add Provision for Doubtful Debts (Net) Provision for obsolescence of material Taxable Profit Provision for Corporate Income tax @ 30% 1,353,195,928 (171,569,964) 2009 986,451,893 (142,574,707)

1,181,625,964 927,984 1,182,553,948 354,766,000

843,877,186 1,502,274 1,337,773 846,717,234 254,015,170

(b) The final tax liability is subject to assessment by the concerned Authority. 3) a) b) Gratuity: Gratuity liability has been computed on the assumption that all the employees ceased to be employed as on 31st December 2010. In respect of Gratuity the Corporation has been depositing the difference between opening and closing liability in fixed deposit specifically marked as Investment towards Gratuity Liability. As on 31st December 2010 value of such Investment is Nu 198,970,764 as against the total Gratuity liability of Nu 201,927,285 indicating a shortfall of Nu 2,956,521 which shall be invested in the year 2011. c) In accordance with the Generally Accepted Accounting Principle and provision of section 12.2 of Income Tax Act of Kingdom of Bhutan, 2001 interest income of Nu. 8,874,877.63 pertaining to such Investment have been credited to Gratuity Liability. There has been a domestic tariff revision from 1st August 2010. The revised weighted average tariff is Nu.1.659 /unit as compared to Nu. 1.561 /unit before the revision. Details of Capital Grants received during the year.
Sl.No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Source Punatsangchu Hydro Electric Project Authority Department of Energy Department of Energy Department of Energy DIT, MoIC Department of Energy Department of Energy Department of Energy Department of Energy Total Amount 750,000,000 66,469,000 157,570,000 73,952,000 103,000,000 19,615,000 28,784,000 122,000 46,560,000 1,246,072,000 Purpose Construction of 400kV transmission line RE ADB IV RE JICA RE JICA Implementation of National Broadband Master plan ADB RE III RE ADB IV SDA grant for RE-Tangsibji, RE ACB VI

4) 5)

Bhutan Power Corporation Annual Report 2010



Particulars of Unsecured Loans from Royal Government of Bhutan.

Particulars RE I RE II RE III THP THP IDC RE JICA RE IV- ADB Total Balance as on 1.1.2010 215,905,776 403,168,430 437,479,408 686,974,312 395,342,139 180,669,992 183,710,770 2,503,250,827 Received during the year Repaid during the year 8,304,068 18,325,838 830,924 98,835,535 1,026,988,060 681,536,250 1,708,524,310 Interest 12,638,792 23,493,724 4,374,794 37,600,784 Balance as on 31.12.2010 207,601,708 384,842,592 437,479,408 686,143,388 296,506,604 1,207,658,052 865,247,020 4,085,478,772




Movement of Capital work in progress during the year is as stated below:Particulars CWIP as on 1.1.2010 Addition during the year Total Capitalized /Adjustment during the year Balance as on 31.12. 2010 Amount in Nu 1,387,106,350 3,267,330,141 4,654,436,491 900,177,784 3,754,258,707

10) O&M expenditure pertaining to the following units have been capitalized during the year:Sl.No i) ii) iii) iv) v) vi) vii) viii) ix) x) xi) xii) xiii) xiv) xv) Divisions D&CD TCS Tsirang TCS Trongsa TCS Deothang 400 KV Punatahngchu Transmission Line RED , HQ RECD Thimphu RECD Tsirang RECD Samtse RECD S Jongkhar RECD Gelephu RECD Mongar Urban Electrification NLCD Project OPGW Project Total Amount (Nu) 4,795,307 9,644,251 4,099,962 1,180,561 12,687,950 5,100,973 7,256,263 7,981,834 5,546,616 5,978,818 9,899,849 10,920,287 4,616,334 753,406 319,667 90,782,079

11) Adjustment of assets transferred to Capital Reserve i. The Corporation has procured an Emergency Restoration System (ERS) in the year 2006 (included in the Asset Schedule under Transmission Lines and Equipments) for


Bhutan Power Corporation Annual Report 2010

which Chukha Hydro Power Corporation and Kurichu Hydro Power Corporation had contributed Nu 8.60 million & Nu 4.30 million respectively and the balance of the cost (Nu 4.30 million) is borne by the Corporation. Such contribution was credited to the capital reserve. Proportionate amount of depreciation for the year Nu 429,991 pertaining to cost borne by the above two agencies has been deducted from the capital reserve during the year. ii. The Corporation has procured Inventory Management Software amounting to Nu 1.310 million in 2007 which was funded by Asian Development Bank. Such contribution has been credited to the Capital Reserve and proportionate amount of depreciation for the year Nu 261,870 have been adjusted from capital reserve. The Corporation has received Tools and Plants amounting to Nu 6,687,800 from Japan International Cooperation Agency during the year which has been credited to Capital Reserve. Out of the total amount received, Tools and Plants worth Nu 6,640500 has been capitalized and balance amounting to Nu 47,300 being in the nature of consumables has been expensed during the year. Depreciation for the year for the capitalized items amounting to Nu 2,241.67 and the amount expensed has been deducted from Capital reserve.


12) A reserve fund of Nu 3.848 million has been appropriated from retained earning to mitigate the risk of BPC assets against any damages due to natural calamities. This is not funded separately. 13) Remunerations paid/payable to the Managing Director (excluding gratuity) during the year. 2010 2009

Remuneration Sitting fees

Nu. 1,258,044/Nu. 142,000/-

Nu. 1,207,760/Nu. 151,000/-

14) Quantitative Information of purchase and sales of power:

2010 Units ( MU) Purchase Hydel DG Sale 1,631.283 23.211 0.246 1,570.772 2,606.415 Amount in Nu million 897.451 2009 Units ( MU) 1,416.994 25.278 0.138 1,371.915 2,138.553 Amount in Nu million 779.288

15) Cost of Energy purchased from the Generating companies:

Bhutan Power Corporation Annual Report 2010



Energy Drawn Available (MU)

Royalty Energy Paid at Royalty charge (MU) 149.916 176.071 309.789 390.730 28.436 27.538 1082.479 Rate (Nu) Amount (Million Nu) 44.975 22.889 92.937 50.795 8.531 3.580 223.706

Additional Energy Quantity (MU) Rate (Nu) Amount (Million Nu)

Total (Million Nu)


182.983 147.467 651.715 455.219 104.466 86.184 1628.034

999.439 1173.804 2065.259 2604.866 189.573 183.586 7216.526

0.30 0.13 0.30 0.13 0.30 0.13

33.07 -28.60 341.93 64.49 76.03 58.65 545.556

1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20

39.681 -34.324 410.311 77.387 91.236 70.376 654.667

84.655 -11.435 503.248 128.182 99.767 73.956 878.373


KHP Total

16) The Corporation is contingently liable for unexecuted Capital commitment contracts amounting to Nu. 11,140 million and claims against the Company not acknowledged as debts Nu. 7,336 million. 17) Segment Results for the year 2010 are given below:Generation REVENUE EXPENDITURES PROFIT 31.343 (31.343) Transmission 651.660 247.771 403.889 Distribution 2,626.410 1,211.780 1,414.630 Others 88.083 78.108 9.975 Total 3,366.153 1,569.001 1,797.152


Previous years figures have been regrouped /rearranged wherever necessary.

Signatures to Schedules 1 to 18.

For S. S. KOTHARI & ASSOCIATES Chartered Accountants

(P. K. BHATTACHARYA) Partner The 21 March, 2011


Managing Director



Bhutan Power Corporation Annual Report 2010

REFERRED TO IN OUR AUDIT REPORT OF EVEN DATE MINIMUM AUDIT EXAMINATION AND REPORTING REQUIREMENTS 1.1 The Corporation has maintained proper records to show full particulars including quantitative details of the fixed assets. In accordance with a phased programme adopted by the Company to complete physical verification all fixed assets within a cycle of 3 years, certain fixed assets have been physically verified during the year. Physical verification of all the Units have been completed during the year as per the phased programme and discrepancies noticed on such verification, which were not material, have been adjusted. 1.2 1.3 None of the fixed assets have been revalued during the year. The physical verifications of stores and spares at all locations except for TMD, Thimphu, TMD, Phuentsholing and TMD, Gyelposhing were conducted during the year. As the Corporation is engaged in transmission and distribution of electricity, the question of physical verification of finished goods and raw materials does not arise. In our opinion and according to information and explanations given to us, the procedures of physical verification of stock followed by the management are adequate in relation to the size of the Corporation and the nature of its business. However, efforts should be made to complete physical verification of stores and spares at all locations within the year. The discrepancies noticed on physical verification of stocks as compared to book records in respect of all Units where physical verification have been conducted except in ESD, Thimphu, ESD, Samdrup Jongkhar and ESD, Tsirang, have been adjusted in the books of accounts and the discrepancies were not material. In respect of ESD, Thimphu, ESD Samdrup Jongkhar and ESD, Tsirang, shortage / excess have not been adjusted pending ascertainment of the same on compilation and finalization of the physical verification reports and also discrepancies, if any, remain unadjusted pending completion of physical verification of TMD, Thimphu, TMD, Phuentsholing and TMD, Gyelposhing. On the basis of our examination of stock records, we are of the opinion that the valuation of the stock is fair and proper and in accordance with the normally accepted accounting principles and as per the policy of the Corporation. During the year the Company has ascertained the extent of slow-moving and non-moving items at RSD, Gelephu at Nu. 312,749 and Nu. 609,329 respectively. Pending technical assessment of the items and ascertainment of the extent of obsolescence, no provision has been made for the same. Slow moving and non-moving items of other Regional Stores and O&M Stores are in the process of being ascertained. The basis of valuation of stock is same as in the preceding year.




Bhutan Power Corporation Annual Report 2010



The Corporation has taken unsecured loans from the Royal Government of Bhutan and the rate of interest and other terms and conditions of such loans are not prima facie prejudicial to the interest of the Corporation. The Corporation has not taken any loan from any companies under the same management.

1.8 1.9

The Corporation has not granted loans to any company under the same Management. The Corporation, wherever it has given any loans and advances to its staff or other parties against purchases orders / work orders, has generally ensured that repayments / adjustments are made promptly and as per the stipulations. The loans and advances granted by the Corporation to officers/staff are in keeping with the provisions of its service rules. We have not come across instances of excessive/frequent advances or any accumulation of large advances against particular individual. The Corporation has established adequate system of internal controls to ensure completeness, accuracy and reliability of accounting records, carrying out the business in an orderly and efficient manner, to safeguard the assets of the company as well as to ensure adherence to the rules/regulations and system and procedures. However, based on the Units visited by us we are of the opinion that the system of documentation (such as Goods Receipt Notes and Completion Certificates) for maintenance of records and accounting of fixed assets and stores and spares (capital and revenue) needs to be further strengthened. Also effective steps should be taken for completing reconciliation of Inventory balances at the earliest. There is a system of competitive bidding commensurate with the size of the Corporation and nature of its business, for the purchase of goods and services including stores, plant and machinery, equipment and other assets. The Corporation is engaged in transmission and distribution of electricity and purchases and sales of electricity are regulated by the Bhutan Electricity Authority.






In absence of declarations received from the Directors, we are unable to specifically ascertain whether there is any transaction for purchases and sales of goods and services made in pursuance of contracts or arrangements entered into with the director(s) or any other party(ies) related to the director(s) or with companies or firms in which the director(s) are directly or indirectly interested. However, the Directors of the Corporation are all Government nominees and there may or may not be transactions with other Government Companies. The damaged items have been identified and auctioned off during the year. No further provision is required on this account.


Bhutan Power Corporation Annual Report 2010


As the Corporation is mainly engaged in transmission and distribution of electricity, this clause is not applicable. With regard to stores items, transformers and other project items directly transported by the Corporation, there is no insurance policy for handling/transit losses within Bhutan.


The Corporation is engaged in transmission and distribution of electricity, and so there is no question of breakage/loss in transit to its raw materials, finished goods and packing materials. However, reasonable records of energy received and energy distributed are maintained by the Corporation. The Corporation maintains scrap register to record sale and disposal of scraps. However, scraps and unserviceable items as disclosed by the Units were reported to the Board for approval of disposal and accordingly, based on Boards approval, they were auctioned at Phuntsholing. According to the records of the Corporation examined by us and according to the information and explanations given to us, in our opinion, the Corporation is regular in depositing its provident fund, salary tax and health tax, contract tax, Bhutan sales tax dues with the appropriate authorities. There was no undisputed amount payable in respect of tax deducted at source. According to the information and explanations given to us, and on the basis of our checking of the accounts and other books and records, to the best of our knowledge, no personal expenses have been debited to the Profit & Loss Account other than those payable under contractual obligations / service rules. The Corporation has reasonable system of recording receipts, issues and consumption of stores and allocating materials consumed to the respective jobs, commensurate with its size and nature of its business. Quantitative reconciliation is carried out at the end of the accounting year in respect of electricity. Board approval has been obtained for all write offs of losses in the books. There is a reasonable system of authorization at proper levels and adequate system of internal control commensurate with the size of the Corporation and nature of its business, on issue of stores and allocation of labour to jobs. The price for sale of electricity is fixed by the Bhutan Electricity Authority. The Corporation is engaged in transmission and distribution of electricity and the due dates of bills raised on the customers are fixed based on the category of the customers and the region. In our opinion, the credit allowed to the customers is reasonable. As there is no sale through commission agents, this clause is not applicable to the Corporation.



1.19 1.20


1.22 1.23 1.24

1.25 1.26


Bhutan Power Corporation Annual Report 2010



In our opinion, the system for follow-up with debtors and other parties for recovery of outstanding amounts are reasonable. Age-wise analysis of outstanding amounts is carried out by the management as and when required for information and follow-up action. The Corporation generally has surplus cash/bank balances and based on future requirements, funds are invested in Fixed Deposit with Banks and in Royal Monetary Authority Bills. According to the information and explanations given to us, and on the basis of examination of books and records, in our opinion and to the best of our knowledge, the activities carried out by the Corporation are lawful and intra vires to the Articles of Incorporation of the Corporation. On the basis of our verification and according to the information and explanations given to us, the Corporation has a regular system of approval of the Board for all capital investment decisions. Investments in new projects are made after considering the technical and economic feasibility of such projects. The Corporation has not made any financial investments of its funds in securities except occasional investments of surplus funds in Fixed Deposits with Banks and in Secured Bonds of Royal Monetary Authority of Bhutan. The Corporation has an adequate budgetary control system. The details of remunerations paid to the Managing Director and sitting fees paid to other directors are disclosed in the Notes to the Accounts. According to the information and explanations given to us, the directives of the Board have been complied with. Price fixation is done by the Bhutan Electricity Authority, set up by the Royal Government of Bhutan. On the basis of information received from the management, and on the basis of our verification of records and documents, price sensitive information, to the best of our knowledge, have not been transmitted by any officer of the Corporation, unauthorisedly to any other person with intent to benefit themselves. During the year the Corporation has identified the slow-moving and non-moving items of stores and spares at Central Stores and based on technical assessments of the items, provision has been made.




1.32 1.33 1.34 1.35



Bhutan Power Corporation Annual Report 2010

Computerized Accounting Environment a) The organizational and system development controls and other internal controls should be adequately strengthened by introducing on-line recording of transactions. However the Management has already taken effective steps to introduce ERP system shortly. b) Adequate safeguard measures and backup facilities exist in the organization. c) Adequate backup facilities and disaster recovery measures including keeping the files in different and remote locations is in place. d) There is an adequate operational control to ensure correctness and validity of input and output data information. e) Adequate measures are in place to control unauthorized access over computer installations and files. Based on the net asset position reflected by the Corporations Balance Sheet as at 31st December, 2009 and audited by us in accordance with the generally accepted auditing standards and on the basis of such other tests as we considered necessary in this regard, we have no reason to believe that the Corporation is not a going concern on the Balance Sheet date. According to the information and explanations given to us by the management and based on a Compliance Checklist compiled by the Corporation Officials, the Corporation has complied with all the provisions of the Companies Act of the Kingdom of Bhutan, 2000, except in case of charging of Depreciation in Accounts as disclosed in Accounting Policy No. 3 of Schedule 19. It is not possible for us to comment as regards adherence to all Laws, Rules and Regulations, System, Procedures and Practices by the Corporation, as comprehensive Compliance Reporting and Recording System of the Corporation in this regard is currently not in place. However, any non-compliance or departure from accepted practice and approved systems / procedures having effect on financial statements that came to our notice during the course of our audit have been indicated by the way of notes on accounts. Financial and Operational Resume of the Corporation has been given in Exhibits to this Annexure I. For S. S. KOTHARI & ASSOCIATES Chartered Accountants (FRN: 305147)





Place: Kolkata

Dated, the 21 dayMarch 2011

(P. K. BHATTACHARYA) Partner Membership No: 015899

Bhutan Power Corporation Annual Report 2010



PARTICULARS 2010 Amount (Nu) 2009 Amount (Nu) Variance Ramarks

INCOME Electricity Revenue Other Revenue Total EXPENDITURE Purchase of Power Employee Cost Operation and Maintenance Expenses Administration and Other Expenses Finance Charges Prior period adjustments Total Profit before Depreciation Depreciation Profit after Depreciation 897,450,929 489,665,116 139,712,776 40,074,306 78,108,094 (76,010,178) 1,569,001,042 1,797,151,795 443,955,868 1,353,195,927 779,288,080 434,656,011 120,862,101 41,621,512 112,659,178 (9,480,427) 1,479,606,455 1,421,379,260 434,927,367 986,451,893 118,162,849 A 55,009,105 A 18,850,674 A (1,547,206) F (34,551,084) F (66,529,751) F 89,394,588 375,772,535 F 9,028,501 A 366,744,034 F 3,278,069,504 0 88,083,333 3,366,152,837 2,836,689,369 0 64,296,345 2,900,985,715 23,786,988 465,167,123 F 441,380,135 F

NOTE F= Favourable A=Adverse


Bhutan Power Corporation Annual Report 2010


Particulars 2010 Nu in millions 3,278.07 88.08 1,631.28 0.55 1,570.77 1.66 489.67 0.31 139.71 0.09 1,797.15 1,353.20 0.53 0.35 9.16 21.75 1.93 1.77 2009 Nu in millions 2,836.69 62.80 1,414.44 0.55 1,371.91 1.56 434.66 0.32 120.86 0.09 1,421.38 986.45 0.49 0.31 8.43 18.57 1.77 1.56

Gross earning from sale of Electricity Other Revenue Power Purchase ( Gwh) Cost Per unit(Nu.) Power Sale ( Gwh) S.P. per unit(Nu.) Employee cost Employee cost per unit sold(Nu.) Operation & Maintenance expenses Expenses per unit (Nu.) Profit before Depreciation and Tax(PBDT) Profit Before Tax(PBT) RATIO ANALYSIS GP ratio Fixed Assets Turnover Ratio (Sales/ Average Net Block) Inventory Turnover Ratio (Sales/Average Inventory) Debtors Turnover Ratio (Sales/Average Debtors) Current Ratio (Current Assets/Current Liabilities) Quick Ratio (Current Asset-Inventory/Current Liabilities)

Bhutan Power Corporation Annual Report 2010


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