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© 2021. Cybersource Corporation. All rights reserved.

Cybersource Corporation (Cybersource) furnishes this document and the software described in this document under the applicable agreement between the reader of this document (You) and Cybersource
(Agreement). You may use this document and/or software only in accordance with the terms of the Agreement. Except as expressly set forth in the Agreement, the information contained in this document is subject
to change without notice and therefore should not be interpreted in any way as a guarantee or warranty by Cybersource. Cybersource assumes no responsibility or liability for any errors that may appear in this
document. The copyrighted software that accompanies this document is licensed to You for use only in strict accordance with the Agreement. You should read the Agreement carefully before using the software.
Except as permitted by the Agreement, You may not reproduce any part of this document, store this document in a retrieval system, or transmit this document, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical,
recording, or otherwise, without the prior written consent of Cybersource.

Restricted Rights Legends

For Government or defense agencies: Use, duplication, or disclosure by the Government or defense agencies is subject to restrictions as set forth the Rights in Technical Data and Computer Software clause at DFARS
252.227-7013 and in similar clauses in the FAR and NASA FAR Supplement.

For civilian agencies: Use, reproduction, or disclosure is subject to restrictions set forth in subparagraphs (a) through (d) of the Commercial Computer Software Restricted Rights clause at 52.227-19 and the
limitations set forth in Cybersource Corporation's standard commercial agreement for this software. Unpublished rights reserved under the copyright laws of the United States.


Authorize.Net, eCheck.Net, and The Power of Payment are registered trademarks of Cybersource Corporation. Cybersource, Cybersource Payment Manager, Cybersource Risk Manager, Cybersource Decision Manager,
and Cybersource Connect are trademarks and/or service marks of Cybersource Corporation. Visa, Visa International, Cybersource, the Visa logo, and the Cybersource logo are the registered trademarks of Visa
International in the United States and other countries. All other trademarks, service marks, registered marks, or registered service marks are the property of their respective owners.

SCMP API Fields | 2


Identifier for the issuing bank that provided the customer’s encoded account number.
This field is supported only on Chase Paymentech Solutions. Contact the processor to obtain the bank’s ID.

Related information: Encoded Account Numbers


• Field Type: Request

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 3

Mapping Information

• REST Field: paymentInformation.card.accountEncoderId

• SCMP API Field: account_encoder_id

• Simple Order API Field: card_accountEncoderID

SCMP API Fields | 3


Identifier that was assigned to you by your acquirer.

This value must be printed on the receipt.

This field is supported only for Cybersource integrations.


• Field Type: Response

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 15

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: processorInformation.merchantNumber

• SCMP API Field: acquirer_merchant_number

• Simple Order API Field: acquirerMerchantNumber

SCMP API Fields | 4


Transaction ID generated by the access control server.

This field is supported only for Cartes Bancaires Fast'R transactions on Credit Mutuel-CIC.

When you request the payer authentication and authorization services separately, get the value for this field from the pa_acs_transaction_id response field.


• Field Type: Request

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 36

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: consumerAuthenticationInformation.acsTransactionId

• SCMP API Field: acs_server_transaction_id

• Simple Order API Field: ccAuthService_acsServerTransactionID

SCMP API Fields | 5

additional_amount0 through additional_amount4

Additional amount.

This field is supported only on American Express Direct.

Sequence of fields from additional_amount0 to additional_amount4.


• Field Type: Request

• Data Type: Decimal

• Data Length: 12

Mapping Information

• REST Field: orderInformation.amountDetails.amexAdditionalAmounts[0].amount through orderInformation.amountDetails.amexAdditionalAmounts[4].amount

• SCMP API Fields: additional_amount0 through additional_amount4

• Simple Order API Fields: purchaseTotals_additionalAmount0 through purchaseTotals_additionalAmount4

SCMP API Fields | 6

additional_amount_type0 through additional_amount_type4

Additional amount type.

This field is supported only on American Express Direct.

Sequence of fields from additional_amount_type0 to additional_amount_type4.

For the possible values, see Additional Amount Types.


• Field Type: Request

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 3

Mapping Information

• REST Field: orderInformation.amountDetails.amexAdditionalAmounts[0].code through orderInformation.amountDetails.amexAdditionalAmounts[4].code

• SCMP API Fields: additional_amount_type0 through additional_amount_type4

• Simple Order API Fields: purchaseTotals_additionalAmountType0 through purchaseTotals_additionalAmountType4

SCMP API Fields | 7


Additional information about a decline.

This field is returned only for Visa Platform Connect.


• Field Type: Response

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 255

Mapping Information

• REST Field: processorInformation.responseDetails

• SCMP API Field: additional_data

• Simple Order API Field: additionalData

SCMP API Fields | 8


Processor-defined response category code.

This field is returned only for:

• Japanese issuers

• Domestic transactions in Japan

• Credit Mutuel-CIC—the value returned in this field is a processor transaction ID required for troubleshooting. The associated detail error code is in the auth_auth_response
field or the auth_reversal_auth_response field, depending on which service you requested.


• Credit Mutuel-CIC:

◦ Field Type: Response

◦ Data Type: String

◦ Data Length: 36

• All other processors:

◦ Field Type: Response

◦ Data Type: Integer

◦ Data Length: 3

SCMP API Fields | 9

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: processorInformation.responseCategoryCode

• SCMP API Field: additional_processor_response

• Simple Order API Field: additionalProcessorResponse

SCMP API Fields | 10


Fee the issuer charges when the recipient’s currency is not the same as the sender’s currency. When this fee is charged, the grand total amount must include the fee.


• Field Type: Request

• Data Type: Decimal

• Data Length: 12

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: orderInformation.amountDetails.foreignExchangeFee

• SCMP API Field: aft_foreign_exchange_fee

• Simple Order API Field: aft_foreignExchangeFee

SCMP API Fields | 11


Indicates whether the transaction is an AFT transaction.

Possible values:

• Y: This is an AFT transaction.

• N (default): This is not an AFT transaction.


• Field Type: Request

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 1

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: processingInformation.authorizationOptions.aftIndicator

• SCMP API Field: aft_indicator

• Simple Order API Field: aft_indicator

SCMP API Fields | 12


Fee you are charging for the transaction. When this fee is charged, the grand total amount must include the fee.


• Field Type: Request

• Data Type: Decimal

• Data Length: 12

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: orderInformation.amountDetails.serviceFeeAmount

• SCMP API Field: aft_service_fee

• Simple Order API Field: aft_serviceFee

SCMP API Fields | 13


Flag for a mass transit transaction that indicates whether the authorization is aggregated.

This field is supported only for mass transit transactions.

Possible values:

• Y: Aggregated

• N (default): Not aggregated

Visa Platform Connect

The value for this field corresponds to the following data in the TC 33 capture file:

• Record: CP01 TCR7

• Position: 150-151

• Field: Transit Transaction Type Indicator

The TC 33 Capture file contains information about the payments and credits that a merchant submits to Cybersource. Visa Platform Connect creates the TC 33 Capture file at the
end of the day and sends it to the merchant’s acquirer, who uses this information to facilitate end-of-day clearing processing with payment networks.


• Field Type: Request

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 1

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Mapping Information

• REST API Field: No corresponding field

• SCMP API Field: aggregated_auth_indicator

• Simple Order API Field: ccAuthService_aggregatedAuthIndicator

SCMP API Fields | 15


Value that identifies you as a payment aggregator.

Get this value from the processor.

FDC Compass

This value must consist of uppercase letters.

Visa Platform Connect

The value for this field corresponds to the following data in the TC 33 capture file:

• Record: CP01 TCR6

• Position: 95-105

• Field: Market Identifier / Payment Facilitator ID


• Field Type: Request

• Data Type:

◦ Visa Platform Connect: Decimal

◦ Other Processors: String

• Data Length:

SCMP API Fields | 16

◦ American Express Direct: 20

◦ Chase Paymentech Solutions: 20

◦ Cielo: 11

◦ FDC Compass: 20

◦ FDC Nashville Global: 15

◦ Getnet: 11

◦ Rede: 11

◦ Software Express: 20

◦ Visa Platform Connect: American Express: 20, Mastercard: 11, Visa: 11

Mapping Information

• REST Field: aggregatorInformation.aggregatorId

• SCMP API Field: aggregator_id

• Simple Order API Fields:

◦ ccAuthService_aggregatorID

◦ ccCaptureService_aggregatorID

◦ ccCreditService_aggregatorID

◦ octService_aggregatorID

SCMP API Fields | 17


Payment aggregator business name.

FDC Compass

This value must consist of uppercase letters.


This value must consist of uppercase letters. Special characters are not allowed.

Visa Platform Connect

The value for this field does not map to the TC 33 capture file.


• Field Type: Request

• Type: String

• Length:

◦ American Express Direct: Maximum length of the aggregator name depends on the length of the sub-merchant name. The combined length for both values must not
exceed 37 characters.

◦ FDC Compass: Maximum length of the aggregator name depends on the length of the sub-merchant name. The combined length for both values must not exceed 37

◦ FDC Nashville Global: 12

SCMP API Fields | 18

◦ Getnet: 7

◦ Software Express: 37

◦ Visa Platform Connect: With American Express, the maximum length of the aggregator name depends on the length of the sub-merchant name. The combined length
for both values must not exceed 36 characters. Not used with other card types.

Mapping Information

• REST Field:

• SCMP API Field: aggregator_name

• Simple Order API Fields:

◦ ccAuthService_aggregatorName

◦ ccCaptureService_aggregatorName

◦ ccCreditService_aggregatorName

SCMP API Fields | 19


International Air Transport Association (IATA) code for the carrier for this leg of the trip.

Required for each leg.

Payer Authentication

Payer Authentication services only use the first leg of the trip.


• Field Type: Request

• Data Type:String

• Data Length:2

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: travelInformation.legs[].carrierCode

• SCMP API Field: airline_leg#_carrier_code

• Simple Order API Field: airlineData_leg_#_carrierCode

SCMP API Fields | 20


International Air Transport Association (IATA) code for the destination airport for this leg of the trip.

Payer Authentication

Payer Authentication services only use the first leg of the trip.


• Field Type: Request

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 5

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: travelInformation.legs[].destination

• SCMP API Field: airline_leg#_destination

• Simple Order API Field: airlineData_leg_#_destination

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Departure date for the first leg of the trip.


Payer Authentication

The numbered element name should contain 0 instead of #. Payer Authentication services only use the first leg of the trip.


• Field Type: Request

• Data Type: Integer

• Data Length: 8

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: travelInformation.legs[].departureDate

• SCMP API Field: airline_leg#_leg_departure_date

• Simple Order API Field: airlineData_leg_#_departureDate

SCMP API Fields | 22


International Air Transport Association (IATA) code for the originating airport for the first leg of the trip.


• Field Type: Request

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 5

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: travelInformation.legs[].origination

• SCMP API Field: airline_leg#_originating_airport_code

• Simple Order API Field: airlineData_leg_#_originatingAirportCode

SCMP API Fields | 23


Number of passengers for whom the ticket was issued.

If you do not include this field in your request, Cybersource uses a default value of 1.


• Field Type: Request

• Data Type: Integer

• Data Length: 3

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: travelInformation.numberOfPassengers

• SCMP API Field: airline_number_of_passengers

• Simple Order API Field: airlineData_numberOfPassengers

SCMP API Fields | 24


First name of the passenger to whom the ticket was issued.

If there are multiple passengers, include all listed on the ticket. Do not include special characters such as commas, hyphens, or apostrophes. Only ASCII characters are supported.


• Field Type: Request

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 60

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: travelInformation.passengers[].firstName

• SCMP API Field: airline_passenger#_firstname

• Simple Order API Field: airlineData_passenger_#_firstName

SCMP API Fields | 25


Last name of the passenger to whom the ticket was issued.

If there are multiple passengers, include all listed on the ticket. Do not include special characters such as commas, hyphens, or apostrophes. Only ASCII characters are supported.


• Field Type: Request

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 60

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: travelInformation.passengers.[]lastName

• SCMP API Field: airline_passenger#_lastname

• Simple Order API Field: airlineData_passenger_#_lastName

SCMP API Fields | 26

alternate_tax_amount (Offer Level)

Amount collected for a special type of tax.


Do not confuse this offer-level field with the alternate_tax_amount order-level field.

FDC Nashville Global

Visa: VAT or other tax amount.

Mastercard: Tax amount collected for a special type of tax. Do not set this field to 0 (zero).


FDC Nashville Global

• Field Type: Offer-level request

• Data Type: Decimal

• Data Length: 13

Worldpay VAP

• Field Type: Offer-level request

• Data Type: Decimal

SCMP API Fields | 27

• Data Length: 8

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: orderInformation.lineItems[].taxDetails[].amount

• SCMP API Field: alternate_tax_amount

• Simple Order API Field: item_#_alternateTaxAmount

Processor Field Names

The following list provides the Level II/Level III processor field name for each processor that supports Level II or Level III data:

• FDC Nashville Global: Item Other Tax Amount

• Worldpay VAP: taxAmount

SCMP API Fields | 28

alternate_tax_amount (Offer Level for OmniPay Direct)

Tax amount on shipping/freight.


OmniPay Direct

• Field Type: Offer-level request

• Data Type: Decimal

• Data Length: 12

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: orderInformation.lineItems[].taxDetails[].amount

• SCMP API Field: alternate_tax_amount

• Simple Order API Field: item_#_alternateTaxAmount

Processor Field Names

The following list provides the Level II/Level III processor field name for each processor that supports Level II or Level III data:

• OmniPay Direct: VAT / Tax Amount (Freight or Shipping)

SCMP API Fields | 29

alternate_tax_amount (Order Level)

Total amount of alternate tax for the order.


Do not confuse this order-level field with the alternative_tax_amount offer-level field.

FDC Nashville Global

The total should not include the local tax amount (tax_amount field) and national tax (national_tax field) incluced in the total tax (tax_amount field).


The maximum amount is 99,999.99.

RBS WorldPay Atlanta

The maximum amount is 99,999.99.


Chase Paymentech Solutions

• Field Type: Request

• Data Type: Decimal

• Data Length: 10

SCMP API Fields | 30

Elavon Americas

• Field Type: Request

• Data Type: Decimal

• Data Length: 12

FDC Compass

• Field Type: Request

• Data Type: Decimal

• Data Length: 10

FDC Nashville Global

• Field Type: Request

• Data Type: Decimal

• Data Length: 11


• Field Type: Request

• Data Type: Decimal

• Data Length: 12

RBS WorldPay Atlanta

• Field Type: Request

• Data Type: Decimal

SCMP API Fields | 31

• Data Length: 8

TSYS Acquiring Solutions

• Field Type: Request

• Data Type: Decimal

• Data Length: 10

Mapping Information

• REST API Fields: orderInformation.amountDetails.taxDetails[].amount

• SCMP API Field: alternate_tax_amount

• Simple Order API Field: otherTax_alternateTaxAmount

Processor Field Names

The following list the processors using this field and the corresponding processor field name:

• Chase Paymentech Solutions: Alternate Tax Amount

• Elavon Americas: National / Alternate Tax and Other Tax

• FDC Compass: Alternate Tax Amount

• FDC Nashville Global: Other Tax Amount

• GPN: Other Tax

• RBS WorldPay Atlanta: VAT Tax Amount

SCMP API Fields | 32

• TSYS Acquiring Solutions: Alternate Tax Amount

SCMP API Fields | 33


A flag that indicates whether an alternative tax amount (alternate_tax_amount) is included in the request.

Possible values for this field:

• 0: Alternate tax amount is not included in the request

• 1: Alternate tax amount is included in the request


• Field Type: Request

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 1

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: N/A

• SCMP API Field: alternate_tax_amount_indicator

• Simple Order API Field: otherTax_alternateTaxIndicator

Processor Field Names

The following list provides the Level II/Level III processor field name for each processor that supports Level II or Level III data:

• Elavon Americas: National /Alternate Tax Included

SCMP API Fields | 34

• FDC Nashville Global: Other Tax Indicator

• RBS WorldPay Atlanta: Alternate Tax Indicator

• TSYS Acquiring Solutions: Alternate Tax Amount Indicator

SCMP API Fields | 35

alternate_tax_id (Offer Level)

Your tax ID number to use for the alternate tax amount.


Elavon Americas

• Field Type: Offer-level request

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 15

FDC Nashville Global

• Field Type: Offer-level request

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 15

RBS WorldPay Atlanta

• Field Type: Offer-level request

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 15

TSYS Acquiring Solutions

SCMP API Fields | 36

• Field Type: Offer-level request

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 15

Worldpay VAP

• Field Type: Offer-level request

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 20

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: orderInformation.lineItems[].taxDetails[].taxID

• SCMP API Field: alternate_tax_id

• Simple Order API Field: item_#_alternateTaxID

Processor Field Names

The following list provides the Level II/Level III processor field name for each processor that supports Level II or Level III data:

• Elavon Americas (Field name for Mastercard): Tax Amount

• FDC Nashville Global: Tax Amount 1 Tax ID

• RBS WorldPay Atlanta: Alternate Tax ID

• TSYS Acquiring Solutions: Alternate Tax Identifier

SCMP API Fields | 37

• Worldpay VAP: cardAcceptorTaxId

SCMP API Fields | 38

alternate_tax_id (Order Level)

Your tax ID number to use for the alternate tax amount.


Chase Paymentech Solutions

• Field Type: Request

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 15

FDC Compass

• Field Type: Request

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 15

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: orderInformation.amountDetails.taxDetails[].taxID

• SCMP API Field: alternate_tax_id

• Simple Order API Field: otherTax_alternateTaxID

SCMP API Fields | 39

Processor Field Names

The following list provides the Level II/Level III processor field name for each processor that supports Level II or Level III data:

• Chase Paymentech Solutions: Alternate Tax ID

• FDC Compass: Alternate Tax ID

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Alternative tax rate applied to the item.

FDC Nashville Global

For Mastercard, this is the rate for a special tax.

For Visa, this is a VAT tax or other tax rate.

OmniPay Direct

This rate is used to generate the value of the alternate_tax_amount Offer-level field.

Whe you include the alternate_tax_amount Offer-level field or the national_tax request field, do not include the alternate_tax_rate field. The national_tax request field rate will
be set using the following equation:

national_tax / amount field.

For Visa, this is a VAT tax or other tax rate.


FDC Nashville Global

• Field Type: Offer-level

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 5

SCMP API Fields | 41


• Field Type: Offer-level

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 5

OmniPay Direct

• Field Type: Offer-level

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 4

Worldpay VAP

• Field Type: Offer-level

• Data Type: Decimal

• Data Length: 8

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: orderInformation.lineItems[].taxDetails[].rate

• SCMP API Field: alternate_tax_amount

• Simple Order API Field: item_#_alternateTaxRate

Processor Field Names

The following list provides the Level II/Level III processor field name for each processor that supports Level II or Level III data:

SCMP API Fields | 42

• FDC Nashville Global: Item Tax Rate Applied

• GPN: Tax Rate N

• OmniPay Direct: VAT / TAx Rate (Freight or Shipping)

• Worldpay VAP: taxRate

SCMP API Fields | 43


For Mastercard: flag that defines tax categories for domestic processing in certain locations.

For Visa: VAT or other tax type.


FDC Nashville Global

• Field Type: Offer-level request

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 4

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: orderInformation.lineItems[].taxDetails[].code

• SCMP API Field: alternate_tax_type_applied

• Simple Order API Field: item_#_ alternateTaxTypeApplied

Processor Field Names

The following list provides the Level II/Level III processor field name for each processor that supports Level II or Level III data:

• FDC Nashville Global: Item Tax Type Applied

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Flag that indicates the type of tax collected for alternate_tax_amount.

Possible values:

• 00: unknown

• 01: federal or national sales tax

• 02: states sales tax

• 03: city sales tax

• 04: local sales tax

• 05: municipal sales tax

• 06: other tax

• 10: value-added tax (VAT)

• 11: goods and services tax (GST)

• 12: provincial sales tax

• 20: room tax

• 21: occupancy tax

• 22: energy tax

SCMP API Fields | 45


FDC Nashville Global

• Field Type: Offer-level

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 2

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: orderInformation.lineItems[].taxDetails[].code

• SCMP API Field: alternate_tax_type_identifier

• Simple Order API Field: item_#_ alternateTaxType

Processor Field Names

The following list provides the Level II/Level III processor field name for each processor that supports Level II or Level III data:

• FDC Nashville Global: Tax Type Identifier

SCMP API Fields | 46


Transaction Advice Addendum (TAA) fields.

This topic describes the sequence of fields from amexdata_taa1 to amexdata_taa4.

These fields provide a description to display on the customer’s American Express card statement. When you provide TAA fields, start with amexdata_taa1, then ...taa2, and so on.
Skipping a TAA field causes subsequent TAA fields to be ignored.

Before using these fields, contact customer support to have your account enabled for this feature.

These fields are frequently used for Level II transactions.

Releated Inforamation

Level II and Level III Processing Using the SCMP API

Merchant Descriptors Using the SCMP API


Level II and Level III Transactions

This field is supported for the following Level II and Level III transactions:

American Express Direct

• Field Type: Request

SCMP API Fields | 47

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 40

Chase Paymentech Solutions

• Field Type: Request

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 40

FDC Compass

• Field Type: Request

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 40

Visa Platform Connect

• Field Type: Request

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 40

Worldpay VAP

• Field Type: Request

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 26

SCMP API Fields | 48

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: orderInformation.invoiceDetails.transactionAdviceAddendum[].data

• SCMP API Fields:

◦ amexdata_taa1

◦ amexdata_taa2

◦ amexdata_taa3

◦ amexdata_taa4

• Simple Order API Fields:

◦ invoiceHeader_amexDataTAA1

◦ invoiceHeader_amexDataTAA2

◦ invoiceHeader_amexDataTAA3

◦ invoiceHeader_amexDataTAA4

Processor Field Names

The following list provides the Level II/Level III processor field name for each processor that supports Level II or Level III data:

• American Express Direct: N/A

• Chase Paymentech Solutions:

◦ TAA1

◦ TAA2

◦ TAA3

SCMP API Fields | 49

◦ TAA4

• FDC Compass:

◦ TAA1

◦ TAA2

◦ TAA3

◦ TAA4

• Visa Platform Connect:

◦ amexDataTAA1

◦ amexDataTAA2

◦ amexDataTAA3

◦ amexDataTAA4

• Worldpay VAP: itemDescription

SCMP API Fields | 50


Per-item price of the product.

This is an offer-level field.

This value cannot be negative. You can include a decimal point (.), but you cannot include any other special characters. The amount is truncated to the correct number of decimal

Important: Some processors have specific requirements and limitations, such as maximum amounts and maximum field lengths.

Important: Visa Platform Connect limits authorization and capture amounts to 999999999999 (twelve 9s).

DCC with a Third-Party Provider

Set this field to the converted amount that was returned by the DCC provider. You must include either this field or grand_total_amount in a request.

Zero Amount Authorizations

If your processor supports zero amount authorizations, you can set this field to 0 for an authorization to find out whether the card is lost or stolen.



SCMP API Fields | 51

• Field Type: Offer-level

• Data Type: Decimal

• Data Length: 10

JCN Gateway

• Field Type: Offer-level

• Data Type: Decimal

• Data Length: 10

Other Processors

• Field Type: Offer-level

• Data Type: Decimal

• Data Length: 15

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: orderInformation.lineItems[].unitPrice

• SCMP API Field: amount

• Simple Order API Field: item_#_unitPrice

SCMP API Fields | 52


Authorized amount.


• Field Type: Response

• Data Type: Decimal

• Data Length: 15

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: To be released soon

• SCMP API Field: ap_auth_amount

• Simple Order API Field: apAuthReply_amount

SCMP API Fields | 53


URL to which the customer is directed after cancelling the payment.


• Field Type: Request

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 255

Mapping Information

• REST Field: To be released soon

• SCMP API Field: ap_auth_cancel_url

• Simple Order API Field: apAuthService_cancelURL

SCMP API Fields | 54


Date and time when the service was requested.


• Field Type: Response

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 20

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: To be released soon

• SCMP API Field: ap_auth_date_time

• Simple Order API Field: apAuthReply_DateTime

SCMP API Fields | 55


URL to which the customer is directed after a payment fails.


• Field Type: Request

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 255

Mapping Information

• REST Field: To be released soon

• SCMP API Field: ap_auth_failure_url

• Simple Order API Field: apAuthService_failureURL

SCMP API Fields | 56


The alternative payment service provider URL.

Direct the customer to this URL after the transaction is completed.


• Alternative Payment Authorization


• Field Type: Response

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 2048

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: To be released soon

• SCMP API Field: ap_auth_merchant_url

• Simple Order API Field: apAuthReply_merchantURL

SCMP API Fields | 57


Payment authorization status.

Possible value:

• AUTHORIZED: Payment successfully authorized.

• PENDING: Request received and waiting to be processed.

• FAILED: Request failed.


• Field Type: Response

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 15

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: To be released soon

• SCMP API Field: ap_auth_payment_status

• Simple Order API Field: apAuthReply_paymentStatus

SCMP API Fields | 58


Code from the alternative payment processor that describes why the authorization is pending or failed.


• Field Type: Response

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 5

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: To be released soon.

• SCMP API Field: ap_auth_processor_response

• Simple Order API Field: apAuthReply_processorResponse

SCMP API Fields | 59


Processor transaction ID.

This value is a unique identifier for the transaction.


• Field Type: Response

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 50

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: To be released soon

• SCMP API Field: ap_auth_processor_trans_id

• Simple Order API Field: apAuthReply_processorTransactionID

SCMP API Fields | 60


Flag that indicates whether the service request was successful.

Possible values:

• -1: An error occurred.

• 0: The request was declined.

• 1: The request was successful.


• Field Type: Response

• Data Type: Integer

• Data Length: 1

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: No corresponding field

• SCMP API Field: ap_auth_rcode

• Simple Order API Field: No corresponding field

SCMP API Fields | 61


Request ID of the authorization for which you are requesting this service.


• Field Type: Request

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 26

Mapping Information

• REST Field: To be released soon

• SCMP API Field: ap_auth_request_id

• Simple Order API Fields:

◦ apAuthReversalService_authRequestID

◦ apCaptureService_authRequestID

SCMP API Fields | 62


Response code from the processor.


• Field Type: Response

• Data Type: Integer

• Data Length: 5

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: To be released soon.

• SCMP API Field: ap_auth_response_code

• Simple Order API Field: apAuthReply_responseCode

SCMP API Fields | 63


Authorized amount.


• Field Type: Response

• Data Type: Decimal

• Data Length: 15

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: To be released soon

• SCMP API Field: ap_auth_reversal_amount

• Simple Order API Field: apAuthReversalReply_amount

SCMP API Fields | 64


Date and time when the service was requested.


• Field Type: Response

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 20

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: To be released soon

• SCMP API Field: ap_auth_reversal_date_time

• Simple Order API Field: apAuthReversalReply_DateTime

SCMP API Fields | 65


Authorization reversal status returned from the payment processor.

Possible values:

• Auth-reversed: Authorization reversal successfully processed.

• Failed: Authorization reversal failed.


• Field Type: Response

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 15

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: To be released soon

• SCMP API Field: ap_auth_reversalpayment_status

• Simple Order API Field: apAuthReversalReply_paymentStatus

SCMP API Fields | 66


Code from the alternative payment processor that describes why the authorization reversal is pending or failed.


• Field Type: Response

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 5

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: To be released soon.

• SCMP API Field: ap_auth_reversal_processor_response

• Simple Order API Field: apAuthReversalReply_processorResponse

SCMP API Fields | 67


Flag that indicates whether the service request was successful.

Possible values:

• -1: An error occurred.

• 0: The request was declined.

• 1: The request was successful.


• Field Type: Response

• Data Type: Integer

• Data Length: 1

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: No corresponding field

• SCMP API Field: ap_auth_reversal_rcode

• Simple Order API Field: No corresponding field

SCMP API Fields | 68


Response code from the processor.


• Field Type: Response

• Data Type: Integer

• Data Length: 5

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: To be released soon.

• SCMP API Field: ap_auth_reversal_response_code

• Simple Order API Field: apAuthReversalReply_responseCode

SCMP API Fields | 69


One-word description of the result of the service request.


• Field Type: Response

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 50

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: No corresponding field

• SCMP API Field: ap_auth_reversal_rflag

• Simple Order API Field: No corresponding field

SCMP API Fields | 70


Message that explains the response flag ap_auth_reversal_rflag.

Do not display this message to the customer, and do not use this field to write an error handler.


• Field Type: Response

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 255

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: No corresponding field

• SCMP API Field: ap_auth_reversal_rmsg

• Simple Order API Field: No corresponding field

SCMP API Fields | 71


Processor authorization reversal status.

Possible values:

• AUTH_REVERSED: Authorization successfully reversed.

• FAILED: Request failed.


• Field Type: Response

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 15

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: No corresponding field

• SCMP API Field: ap_auth_reversal_status

• Simple Order API Field: No corresponding field

SCMP API Fields | 72


Reference number for the transaction.

You can use this value to reconcile Cybersource reports with processor reports.

This value is not returned for all processors.


• Field Type: Response

• Data Type: Integer

• Data Length: 60

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: To be released soon.

• SCMP API Field: ap_auth_reversal_trans_ref_no

• Simple Order API Field: apAuthReversalReply_reconciliationID

SCMP API Fields | 73


One-word description of the result of the service request.


• Field Type: Response

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 50

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: No corresponding field

• SCMP API Field: ap_auth_rflag

• Simple Order API Field: No corresponding field

SCMP API Fields | 74


Message that explains the response flag ap_auth_rflag.

Do not display this message to the customer, and do not use this field to write an error handler.


• Field Type: Response

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 255

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: No corresponding field

• SCMP API Field: ap_auth_rmsg

• Simple Order API Field: No corresponding field

SCMP API Fields | 75


Flag that indicates whether the service request was successful.

Possible values:

• AUTHORIZED: Payment successfully authorized.

• PENDING: Request received and waiting to be processed.

• FAILED: Request failed.


• Field Type: Response

• Data Type: Integer

• Data Length: 1

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: No corresponding field

• SCMP API Field: ap_auth_status

• Simple Order API Field: No corresponding field

SCMP API Fields | 76


URL to which the customer is directed after completing the payment.


• Field Type: Request

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 255

Mapping Information

• REST Field: To be released soon

• SCMP API Field: ap_auth_success_url

• Simple Order API Field: apAuthService_successURL

SCMP API Fields | 77


Reference number for the transaction.

You can use this value to reconcile Cybersource reports with processor reports.

This value is not returned for all processors.


• Field Type: Response

• Data Type: Integer

• Data Length: 60

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: To be released soon.

• SCMP API Field: ap_auth_trans_ref_no

• Simple Order API Field: apAuthReply_reconciliationID

SCMP API Fields | 78


Authorized amount.


• Field Type: Response

• Data Type: Decimal

• Data Length: 15

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: To be released soon

• SCMP API Field: ap_capture_amount

• Simple Order API Field: apCaptureReply_amount

SCMP API Fields | 79


Capture status returned from the payment processor.

Possible values:

• Pending: Request received and waiting to be processed.

• Settled: Capture successfully processed.

• Failed: Capture failed.


• Field Type: Response

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 15

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: To be released soon

• SCMP API Field: ap_capture_payment_status

• Simple Order API Field: apCaptureReply_paymentStatus

SCMP API Fields | 80


Code from the alternative payment processor that describes why the capture is pending or failed.


• Field Type: Response

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 5

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: To be released soon.

• SCMP API Field: ap_capture_processor_response

• Simple Order API Field: apCaptureReply_processorResponse

SCMP API Fields | 81


Flag that indicates whether the service request was successful.

Possible values:

• -1: An error occurred.

• 0: The request was declined.

• 1: The request was successful.


• Field Type: Response

• Data Type: Integer

• Data Length: 1

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: No corresponding field

• SCMP API Field: ap_capture_rcode

• Simple Order API Field: No corresponding field

SCMP API Fields | 82


Response code from the processor.


• Field Type: Response

• Data Type: Integer

• Data Length: 5

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: To be released soon.

• SCMP API Field: ap_capture_response_code

• Simple Order API Field: apCaptureReply_responseCode

SCMP API Fields | 83


One-word description of the result of the service request.


• Field Type: Response

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 50

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: No corresponding field

• SCMP API Field: ap_capture_rflag

• Simple Order API Field: No corresponding field

SCMP API Fields | 84


Message that explains the response flag ap_auth_rflag.

Do not display this message to the customer, and do not use this field to write an error handler.


• Field Type: Response

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 255

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: No corresponding field

• SCMP API Field: ap_capture_rmsg

• Simple Order API Field: No corresponding field

SCMP API Fields | 85


Flag that indicates whether the service request was successful.

Possible values:

• FAILED: Request failed.

• PENDING: Request received and waiting to be processed.

• SETTLED: Payment successfully captured.


• Field Type: Response

• Data Type: Integer

• Data Length: 1

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: No corresponding field

• SCMP API Field: ap_capture_status

• Simple Order API Field: No corresponding field

SCMP API Fields | 86


Reference number for the transaction.

You can use this value to reconcile Cybersource reports with processor reports.

This value is not returned for all processors.


• Field Type: Response

• Data Type: Integer

• Data Length: 60

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: To be released soon.

• SCMP API Field: ap_capture_trans_ref_no

• Simple Order API Field: apCaptureReply_reconciliationID

SCMP API Fields | 87


Transaction identifier (TID) that is used to identify and track a transaction throughout its life cycle.


• Field Type: Response

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 15

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: To be released soon

• SCMP API Field: ap_capture_transaction_id

• Simple Order API Field: No corresponding field

SCMP API Fields | 88


Payment status returned from the payment processor.

Possible values:

• Pending: Request received and waiting to be processed.

• Settled: Payment successfully processed.

• Failed: Payment failed.


• Field Type: Response

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 15

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: To be released soon

• SCMP API Field: ap_check_status_payment_status

• Simple Order API Field: apCheckStatusReply_paymentStatus

SCMP API Fields | 89


Code from the alternative payment processor that describes why the request is pending or failed.


• Field Type: Response

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 5

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: To be released soon.

• SCMP API Field: ap_check_status_processor_response

• Simple Order API Field: apCheckStatusReply_processorResponse

SCMP API Fields | 90


Flag that indicates whether the service request was successful.

Possible values:

• -1: An error occurred.

• 0: The request was declined.

• 1: The request was successful.


• Field Type: Response

• Data Type: Integer

• Data Length: 1

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: No corresponding field

• SCMP API Field: ap_check_status_rcode

• Simple Order API Field: No corresponding field

SCMP API Fields | 91


Request ID of the authorization, authorization reversal, capture, sale, or credit service for which you are requesting the check status service.


• Field Type: Request

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 26

Mapping Information

• REST Field: To be released soon

• SCMP API Field: ap_check_status_request_id

• Simple Order API Field: apCheckStatusService_checkStatusRequestID

SCMP API Fields | 92


Response code from the processor.


• Field Type: Response

• Data Type: Integer

• Data Length: 5

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: To be released soon.

• SCMP API Field: ap_check_status_response_code

• Simple Order API Field: No corresponding field

SCMP API Fields | 93


One-word description of the result of the service request.


• Field Type: Response

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 50

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: No corresponding field

• SCMP API Field: ap_check_status_rflag

• Simple Order API Field: No corresponding field

SCMP API Fields | 94


Message that explains the response flag ap_check_status_rflag.

Do not display this message to the customer, and do not use this field to write an error handler.


• Field Type: Response

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 255

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: No corresponding field

• SCMP API Field: ap_check_status_rmsg

• Simple Order API Field: No corresponding field

SCMP API Fields | 95


Flag that indicates whether the service request was successful.

Possible values:













• Field Type: Response

• Data Type: Integer

SCMP API Fields | 96

• Data Length: 1

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: No corresponding field

• SCMP API Field: ap_check_status_status

• Simple Order API Field: No corresponding field

SCMP API Fields | 97


Reference number for the transaction.

You can use this value to reconcile Cybersource reports with processor reports.

This value is not returned for all processors.


• Field Type: Response

• Data Type: Integer

• Data Length: 60

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: To be released soon.

• SCMP API Field: ap_check_status_trans_ref_no

• Simple Order API Field: apCheckStatusReply_reconciliationID

SCMP API Fields | 98


Unique identifier associated with the option name.


option2=id:3^name:Minimum Amount
option4=id:5^name:Maximum Amount


• Field Type: Response

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 34

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: To be released soon

• SCMP API Field: ap_option#id

• Simple Order API Field: apOptionsReply_option_#_id

SCMP API Fields | 99


Name associated with the option ID.


option2=id:3^name:Minimum Amount
option4=id:5^name:Maximum Amount


• Field Type: Response

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 60

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: To be released soon

• SCMP API Field: ap_option#name

• Simple Order API Field: apOptionsReply_option_#_name

SCMP API Fields | 100


The number of options requested from the processor.

Possible values: 1-250


• Field Type: Response

• Data Type: Integer

• Data Length: 3

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: To be released soon

• SCMP API Field: ap_options_count

• Simple Order API Field: apOptionsReply_count

SCMP API Fields | 101


The maximum number of options to be retrieved from the processor and displayed to the consumer.
Possible values: 1-250.


• Field Type: Request

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 3

Mapping Information

• REST Field: To be released soon

• SCMP API Field: ap_options_limit

• Simple Order API Field: apOptionsService_limit

SCMP API Fields | 102

ap_options_offset (Request)

Offset from the first item in the list of options received from the processor.
If you want to display the options in multiple lists, this number represents the first option displayed in each list. Possible values: 0-9999


• Field Type: Request

• Data Type: Numeric

• Data Length: 4

Mapping Information

• REST Field: To be released soon

• SCMP API Field: ap_options_offset

• Simple Order API Field: apOptionsService_offset

SCMP API Fields | 103


Offset from the first item in the list of options received from the processor.
If you want to display the options in multiple lists, this number represents the first option displayed in each list. Possible values: 0-9999


• Field Type: Response

• Data Type: Integer

• Data Length: 4

Mapping Information

• REST Field: To be released soon

• SCMP API Field: ap_options_offset

• Simple Order API Field: apOptionsReply_offset

SCMP API Fields | 104


Flag that indicates whether the service request was successful.

Possible values:

• -1: An error occurred.

• 0: The request was declined.

• 1: The request was successful.


• Field Type: Response

• Data Type: Integer

• Data Length: 1

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: No corresponding field

• SCMP API Field: ap_options_rcode

• Simple Order API Field: No corresponding field

SCMP API Fields | 105


Response code from the processor.


• Field Type: Response

• Data Type: Integer

• Data Length: 5

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: To be released soon.

• SCMP API Field: ap_options_response_code

• Simple Order API Field: apOptionsReply_responseCode

SCMP API Fields | 106


One-word description of the result of the service request.


• Field Type: Response

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 50

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: No corresponding field

• SCMP API Field: ap_options_rflag

• Simple Order API Field: No corresponding field

SCMP API Fields | 107


Message that explains the response flag ap_options_rflag.

Do not display this message to the customer, and do not use this field to write an error handler.


• Field Type: Response

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 255

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: No corresponding field

• SCMP API Field: ap_options_rmsg

• Simple Order API Field: No corresponding field

SCMP API Fields | 108


The total number of options requested from the processor.

Possible values: 1-100000


• Field Type: Response

• Data Type: Integer

• Data Length: 6

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: To be released soon

• SCMP API Field: ap_options_total_count

• Simple Order API Field: apOptionsReply_totalCount

SCMP API Fields | 109


Three-digit value that indicates the payment type.

Possible values:

• afp: Afterpay and Clearpay


• Field Type: Request

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 3

Mapping Information

• REST Field: To be released soon

• SCMP API Field: ap_payment_type

• Simple Order API Field: apPaymentType

SCMP API Fields | 110


Authorized amount.


• Field Type: Response

• Data Type: Decimal

• Data Length: 15

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: To be released soon

• SCMP API Field: ap_refund_amount

• Simple Order API Field: apRefundReply_amount

SCMP API Fields | 111


Date and time when the service was requested.


• Field Type: Response

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 20

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: To be released soon

• SCMP API Field: ap_refund_date_time

• Simple Order API Field: apRefundReply_DateTime

SCMP API Fields | 112


Refund status returned from the payment processor.

Possible values:

• Pending: Request received and waiting to be processed.

• Refunded: Refund successfully processed.

• Failed: Refund failed.


• Field Type: Response

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 15

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: To be released soon

• SCMP API Field: ap_refund_payment_status

• Simple Order API Field: apRefundReply_paymentStatus

SCMP API Fields | 113


Code from the alternative payment processor that describes why the refund is pending or failed.


• Field Type: Response

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 5

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: To be released soon.

• SCMP API Field: ap_refund_processor_response

• Simple Order API Field: apRefundReply_processorResponse

SCMP API Fields | 114


Flag that indicates whether the service request was successful.

Possible values:

• -1: An error occurred.

• 0: The request was declined.

• 1: The request was successful.


• Field Type: Response

• Data Type: Integer

• Data Length: 1

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: No corresponding field

• SCMP API Field: ap_refund_rcode

• Simple Order API Field: No corresponding field

SCMP API Fields | 115


Request ID of the sale or capture for which you are requesting the credit service.


• Field Type: Request

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 26

Mapping Information

• REST Field: To be released soon

• SCMP API Field: ap_refund_request_id

• Simple Order API Field: apRefundService_refundRequestID

SCMP API Fields | 116


Response code from the processor.


• Field Type: Response

• Data Type: Integer

• Data Length: 5

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: To be released soon.

• SCMP API Field: ap_refund_response_code

• Simple Order API Field: apRefundReply_responseCode

SCMP API Fields | 117


Reference for the refund.


• Field Type: Response

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 32

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: To be released soon

• SCMP API Field: ap_refund_return_ref

• Simple Order API Field: apRefundReply_returnRef

SCMP API Fields | 118


One-word description of the result of the service request.


• Field Type: Response

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 50

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: No corresponding field

• SCMP API Field: ap_refund_rflag

• Simple Order API Field: No corresponding field

SCMP API Fields | 119


Message that explains the response flag ap_refund_rflag.

Do not display this message to the customer, and do not use this field to write an error handler.


• Field Type: Response

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 255

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: No corresponding field

• SCMP API Field: ap_refund_rmsg

• Simple Order API Field: No corresponding field

SCMP API Fields | 120


Flag that indicates whether the service request was successful.

Possible values:

• REFUNDED: Payment successfully refunded.

• PENDING: Request received and waiting to be processed.

• FAILED: Request failed.


• Field Type: Response

• Data Type: Integer

• Data Length: 1

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: No corresponding field

• SCMP API Field: ap_refund_status

• Simple Order API Field: No corresponding field

SCMP API Fields | 121


Reference number for the transaction.

You can use this value to reconcile Cybersource reports with processor reports.

This value is not returned for all processors.


• Field Type: Response

• Data Type: Integer

• Data Length: 60

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: To be released soon.

• SCMP API Field: ap_refund_trans_ref_no

• Simple Order API Field: apRefundReply_reconciliationID

SCMP API Fields | 122


Transaction identifier (TID) that is used to identify and track a transaction throughout its life cycle.


• Field Type: Response

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 15

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: To be released soon

• SCMP API Field: ap_refund_transaction_id

• Simple Order API Field: apRefundReply_transactionID

SCMP API Fields | 123


Authorized amount.


• Field Type: Response

• Data Type: Decimal

• Data Length: 15

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: To be released soon

• SCMP API Field: ap_sale_amount

• Simple Order API Field: apSaleReply_amount

SCMP API Fields | 124


URL to which the customer is directed after cancelling the payment.


• Field Type: Request

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 255

Mapping Information

• REST Field: To be released soon

• SCMP API Field: ap_sale_cancel_url

• Simple Order API Field: apSaleService_cancelURL

SCMP API Fields | 125


URL to which the customer is directed after a payment fails.


• Field Type: Request

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 255

Mapping Information

• REST Field: To be released soon

• SCMP API Field: ap_sale_failure_url

• Simple Order API Field: apSaleService_failureURL

SCMP API Fields | 126


The alternative payment service provider URL.

Direct the customer to this URL after the transaction is completed.


• Alternative Payment Sale


• Field Type: Response

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 2048

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: To be released soon

• SCMP API Field: ap_sale_merchant_url

• Simple Order API Field: apSaleReply_merchantURL

SCMP API Fields | 127


Sale status returned from the payment processor.

Possible values:

• Pending: Request received and waiting to be processed.

• Settled: Sale successfully processed.

• Failed: Sale failed.


• Field Type: Response

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 15

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: To be released soon

• SCMP API Field: ap_sale_payment_status

• Simple Order API Field: apSaleReply_paymentStatus

SCMP API Fields | 128


Code from the alternative payment processor that describes why the sale is pending or failed.


• Field Type: Response

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 5

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: To be released soon.

• SCMP API Field: ap_sale_processor_response

• Simple Order API Field: apSaleReply_processorResponse

SCMP API Fields | 129


Processor transaction ID.

This value is a unique identifier for the transaction.


• Field Type: Response

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 50

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: To be released soon

• SCMP API Field: ap_sale_processor_trans_id

• Simple Order API Field: apSaleReply_processorTransactionID

SCMP API Fields | 130


Flag that indicates whether the service request was successful.

Possible values:

• -1: An error occurred.

• 0: The request was declined.

• 1: The request was successful.


• Field Type: Response

• Data Type: Integer

• Data Length: 1

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: No corresponding field

• SCMP API Field: ap_sale_rcode

• Simple Order API Field: No corresponding field

SCMP API Fields | 131


Response code from the processor.


• Alternative Payment Sale


• Field Type: Response

• Data Type: Integer

• Data Length: 5

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: To be released soon.

• SCMP API Field: ap_sale_response_code

• Simple Order API Field: apSaleReply_responseCode

SCMP API Fields | 132


One-word description of the result of the service request.


• Field Type: Response

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 50

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: No corresponding field

• SCMP API Field: ap_sale_rflag

• Simple Order API Field: No corresponding field

SCMP API Fields | 133


Message that explains the response flag ap_sale_rflag.

Do not display this message to the customer, and do not use this field to write an error handler.


• Field Type: Response

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 255

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: No corresponding field

• SCMP API Field: ap_sale_rmsg

• Simple Order API Field: No corresponding field

SCMP API Fields | 134


Flag that indicates whether the service request was successful.

Possible values:

• PENDING: Request received and waiting to be processed.

• FAILED: Request failed.


• Field Type: Response

• Data Type: Integer

• Data Length: 1

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: No corresponding field

• SCMP API Field: ap_sale_status

• Simple Order API Field: No corresponding field

SCMP API Fields | 135


URL to which the customer is directed after completing the payment.


• Field Type: Request

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 255

Mapping Information

• REST Field: To be released soon

• SCMP API Field: ap_sale_success_url

• Simple Order API Field: apSaleService_successURL

SCMP API Fields | 136


Reference number for the transaction.

You can use this value to reconcile Cybersource reports with processor reports.

This value is not returned for all processors.


• Field Type: Response

• Data Type: Integer

• Data Length: 60

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: To be released soon.

• SCMP API Field: ap_sale_trans_ref_no

• Simple Order API Field: apSaleReply_reconciliationID

SCMP API Fields | 137


Remaining balance on the account.


• Field Type: Response

• Data Type: Decimal

• Data Length: 12

Mapping Information

• REST Field: paymentInformation.accountFeatures.balanceAmount

• SCMP API Field: auth_account_balance

• Simple Order API Field: ccAuthReply_accountBalance

SCMP API Fields | 138


Currency of the remaining balance on the account.


• Field Type: Response

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 5

Mapping Information

• REST Field: paymentInformation.accountFeatures.currency

• SCMP API Field: auth_account_balance_currency

• Simple Order API Field: ccAuthReply_accountBalanceCurrency

SCMP API Fields | 139


Sign for the remaining balance on the account.

This field is returned only when the processor sends this value.

Possible values:

• positive

• negative


• Field Type: Response

• Type: String

• Length: 8

Mapping Information

• REST Field: paymentInformation.accountFeatures.balanceSign

• SCMP API Field: auth_account_balance_sign

• Simple Order API Field: ccAuthReply_accountBalanceSign

SCMP API Fields | 140


Type of account.

This field is returned only when you request a balance inquiry.


Possible values:

• 00: Not applicable or not specified.

• 10: Savings account.

• 20: Checking account.

• 30: Credit card account.

• 40: Universal account.


• Field Type: Response

• Type: String

• Length: 2

Mapping Information

• REST Field: paymentInformation.accountFeatures.accountType

SCMP API Fields | 141

• SCMP API Field: auth_account_type

• Simple Order API Field: ccAuthReply_accountType

SCMP API Fields | 142


Affluence indicator.

Chase Paymentech Solutions

Flag that indicates whether a customer has high credit limits.

On Chase Paymentech Solutions, this field is returned for Visa, Mastercard, Discover, and Diners Club.

This information enables you to market high cost items to these customers and to understand the kinds of cards that high income customers are using.

Possible values:

• Y: Yes, the customer has high credit limits.

• N: No, the customer does not have high credit limits.

• X: Not applicable / Unknown.

Worldpay VAP

Flag that indicates whether a Visa customer or Mastercard customer is in one of the affluent categories.

Possible values:

• AFFLUENT: High income customer with high spending pattern (>100k USD annual income and >40k USD annual card usage).

• MASS AFFLUENT: High income customer (>100k USD annual income).

SCMP API Fields | 143


• Chase Paymentech Solutions:

◦ Field Type: Response

◦ Type: String

◦ Length: 1

• Worldpay VAP:

◦ Field Type: Response

◦ Type: String

◦ Length: 13

Mapping Information

• REST Field: paymentInformation.accountFeatures.affluenceIndicator

• SCMP API Field: auth_affluence_indicator

• Simple Order API Field: ccAuthReply_affluenceIndicator

SCMP API Fields | 144


Type of amount.

This field is returned only when you request a balance inquiry.

The issuer determines the value for this field.

Possible values for deposit accounts:

• 01: Current ledger (posted) balance.

• 02: Current available balance, which is typically the ledger balance minus outstanding authorizations. Some depository institutions also include pending deposits and the
credit or overdraft line associated with the account.

Possible values for credit card accounts:

• 01: Credit amount remaining for customer (open to buy).

• 02: Credit limit.


• Field Type: Response

• Type: String

• Length: 2

SCMP API Fields | 145

Mapping Information

• REST Field: paymentInformation.accountFeatures.balanceAmountType

• SCMP API Field: auth_amount_type

• Simple Order API Field: ccAuthReply_amountType

SCMP API Fields | 146


Amount that was authorized.


• Field Type: Response

• Data Type: Decimal

• Data Length: 15

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: orderInformation.amountDetails.authorizedAmount

• SCMP API Field: auth_auth_amount

• Simple Order API Field: ccAuthReply_amount

SCMP API Fields | 147


AVS result.


• Field Type: Response

• Type: String

• Length: 1

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: processorInformation.avs.code

• SCMP API Field: auth_auth_avs

• Simple Order API Field: ccAuthReply_avsCode

SCMP API Fields | 148


Authorization code.

This field is returned only when the processor sends this value.

Elavon Encrypted Account Number Program

The returned value is OFFLINE.

TSYS Acquiring Solutions

The returned value for a successful zero amount authorization is 000000.


• Field Type: Response

• Type: String

• Length: 7

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: processorInformation.approvalCode

• SCMP API Field: auth_auth_code

• Simple Order API Field: ccAuthReply_authorizationCode

SCMP API Fields | 149


Error message from the issuer or the processor.

This field is returned only when the processor sends this value.

Important: Do not use this field to evaluate the result of the request.


When this value is 08, you can accept the transaction if the customer provides you with identification.


This value is the response code sent from Atos and it might also include the response code from the bank.

Format: aa,bb with the two values separated by a comma and where:

• aa is the two-digit error message from Atos.

• bb is the optional two-digit error message from the bank.

Comercio Latino

This value is the status code and the error or response code received from the processor separated by a colon.

Format: [status code]:E[error code] or [status code]:R[response code]

Example: 2:R06

SCMP API Fields | 150

JCN Gateway

Processor-defined detail error code. The associated response category code is in the additional_processor_response field.


• JCN Gateway:

◦ Field Type: Response

◦ Data Type: String

◦ Data Length: 3

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: processorInformation.responseCode

• SCMP API Field: auth_auth_response

• Simple Order API Field: ccAuthReply_processorResponse

SCMP API Fields | 151


Time of authorization in UTC.


• Field Type: Response

• Type: Date and time

• Length: 20

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: submitTimeUTC

• SCMP API Field: auth_auth_time

• Simple Order API Field: ccAuthReply_authorizedDateTime

SCMP API Fields | 152


AVS result code sent directly from the processor.

This field is returned only when the processor sends this value.

Important: Do not use this value to evaluate the AVS result. Use this value only when debugging your order management system.


• Field Type: Response

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 10

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: processorInformation.avs.codeRaw

• SCMP API Field: auth_avs_raw

• Simple Order API Field: ccAuthReply_avsCodeRaw

SCMP API Fields | 153


Date on which the customer initiated a contactless transit transaction.

This field is supported only for mass transit transactions.

Format: MMDD


• Field Type: Request

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 4

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: processingInformation.captureOptions.dateToCapture

• SCMP API Field: auth_capture_date

• Simple Order API Field: ccAuthService_captureDate

SCMP API Fields | 154


Card category.

Visa Platform Connect

Visa product ID.


Visa or Mastercard product ID.


Mastercard product ID associated with the primary account number (PAN).

RBS WorldPay Atlanta

Type of card used in the transaction.

Possible values:

• B: Business card.

• O: Noncommercial card.

• R: Corporate card.

• S: Purchase card.

• Blank: Purchase card not supported.

SCMP API Fields | 155

Worldpay VAP

Type of card used in the transaction.

Important: Before using this field on Worldpay VAP, you must contact customer support to have your account configured for this feature.

The only possible value is PREPAID, which specifies a prepaid card.


• Visa Platform Connect:

◦ Field Type: Response

◦ Data Type: String

◦ Data Length: 3

• GPN:

◦ Field Type: Response

◦ Data Type: String

◦ Data Length: 3

• GPX:

◦ Field Type: Response

◦ Data Type: String

◦ Data Length: 3

• RBS WorldPay Atlanta:

SCMP API Fields | 156

◦ Field Type: Response

◦ Data Type: String

◦ Data Length: 1

• Worldpay VAP:

◦ Field Type: Response

◦ Data Type: String

◦ Data Length: 7

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: paymentInformation.accountFeatures.category

• SCMP API Field: auth_card_category

• Simple Order API Field: ccAuthReply_cardCategory

SCMP API Fields | 157


Flag that indicates whether the card is a commercial card.

This field is returned only for Visa and Mastercard on Chase Paymentech Solutions.

A commercial card enables you to include Level II data in a request.

Possible values:

• Y: Yes, the card is a commercial card.

• N: No, the card is not a commercial card.

• X: Not applicable / Unknown.


• Field Type: Response

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 1

Mapping Information

• REST Field: paymentInformation.accountFeatures.commercial

• SCMP API Field: auth_card_commercial

SCMP API Fields | 158

• Simple Order API Field: ccAuthReply_cardCommercial

SCMP API Fields | 159


Type of commercial card.

This field is returned only for Visa Platform Connect.

Possible values:

• B: Business card.

• R: Corporate card.

• S: Purchasing card.

• 0: Noncommercial card.


• Field Type: Response

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 1

Mapping Information

• REST Field:

• SCMP API Field: auth_card_group

SCMP API Fields | 160

• Simple Order API Field: ccAuthReply_cardGroup

SCMP API Fields | 161


Flag that indicates whether the card is a healthcare card.

This field is returned only for Visa and Mastercard on Chase Paymentech Solutions.

Possible values:

• Y: Yes, the card is a healthcare card.

• N: No, the card is not a healthcare card.

• X: Not applicable / Unknown.


• Field Type: Response

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 1

Mapping Information

• REST Field: paymentInformation.accountFeatures.healthCare

• SCMP API Field: auth_card_healthcare

• Simple Order API Field: ccAuthReply_cardHealthcare

SCMP API Fields | 162


Country in which the card was issued.

This field is returned only for Visa, Mastercard, Discover, Diners Club, JCB, and Maestro (International) on Chase Paymentech Solutions.

This information enables you to determine whether the card was issued domestically or internationally.


• Field Type: Response

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 3

Mapping Information

• REST Field:

• SCMP API Field: auth_card_issuer_country

• Simple Order API Field: ccAuthReply_cardIssuerCountry

SCMP API Fields | 163


This field indicates whether the card is eligible for Level III interchange fees.
This field is returned only for Visa and Mastercard on Chase Paymentech Solutions.

This information enables you to include Level III data in a request.

Possible values:

• Y: Yes, the card is eligible for Level III interchange fees.

• N: No, the card is not eligible for Level III interchange fees.

• X: Not applicable / Unknown.


• Field Type: Request

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 1

Mapping Information

• REST Field: paymentInformation.accountFeatures.level3Eligible

• SCMP API Field: auth_card_level_3_eligible

SCMP API Fields | 164

• Simple Order API Field: ccAuthReply_cardLevel3Eligible

SCMP API Fields | 165


This field indicates whether the card is a payroll card.

This field is returned only for Visa, Discover, Diners Club, and JCB on Chase Paymentech Solutions.

Possible values:

• Y: Yes, the card is a payroll card.

• N: No, the card is not a payroll card.

• X: Not applicable / Unknown.


• Field Type: Response

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 1

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: paymentInformation.accountFeatures.payRoll

• SCMP API Field: auth_card_payroll

• Simple Order API Field: ccAuthReply_cardPayroll

SCMP API Fields | 166


This field indicates whether the card is supported for PINless debits.
This field is returned only for Visa and Mastercard on Chase Paymentech Solutions.

Possible values:

• Y: Yes, the card is supported for PINless debits.

• N: No, the card is not supported for PINless debits.

• X: Not applicable / Unknown.


• Field Type: Response

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 1

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: paymentInformation.accountFeatures.pinlessDebit

• SCMP API Field: auth_card_pinless_debit

• Simple Order API Field: ccAuthReply_cardPINlessDebit

SCMP API Fields | 167


This field indicates whether the card is a prepaid card.

This field is returned only for Visa, Mastercard, Discover, Diners Club, and JCB on Chase Paymentech Solutions.

This information enables you to determine when a gift card or prepaid card is presented for use when establishing a new recurring, installment, or deferred billing relationship.

Possible values:

• Y: Yes, the card is a prepaid card.

• N: No, the card is not a prepaid card.

• X: Not applicable / Unknown.


• Field Type: Response

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 1

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: paymentInformation.accountFeatures.prepaid

• SCMP API Field: auth_card_prepaid

SCMP API Fields | 168

• Simple Order API Field: ccAuthReply_cardPrepaid

SCMP API Fields | 169


This field indicates whether the card is regulated according to the Durbin Amendment.
This field is returned only for Visa, Mastercard, Discover, Diners Club, and JCB on Chase Paymentech Solutions.

When a card is regulated according to the Durbin Amendment, it means that the issuer has assets that exceed 10B USD and is subject to price caps and interchange rules.

Possible values:

• Y: Yes, the card is regulated according to the Durbin Amendment.

• N: No, the card is not regulated according to the Durbin Amendment.

• X: Not applicable / Unknown.


• Field Type: Request

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 1

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: paymentInformation.accountFeatures.regulated

• SCMP API Field: auth_card_regulated

SCMP API Fields | 170

• Simple Order API Field: ccAuthReply_cardRegulated

SCMP API Fields | 171


This field indicates whether the card is a signature debit card.

This field is returned only for Visa, Mastercard, and Maestro (International) on Chase Paymentech Solutions.

This information enables you to alter the way an order is processed. For example, you might not want to reauthorize a transaction for a signature debit card, or you might want to
perform reversals promptly for a signature debit card.

Possible values:

• Y: Yes, the card is a signature debit card.

• N: No, the card is not a signature debit card.

• X: Not applicable / Unknown.


• Field Type: Response

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 1

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: paymentInformation.accountFeatures.signatureDebit

• SCMP API Field: auth_card_signature_debit

SCMP API Fields | 172

• Simple Order API Field: ccAuthReply_cardSignatureDebit

SCMP API Fields | 173


Mapped response code for American Express SafeKey, RuPay PaySecure, or Visa Secure.

Important: a value of 0 for a Visa transaction indicates that Visa downgraded the transaction. When Visa approves an authorization and downgrades it, you are liable for
the transaction. To confirm the downgrade, look at the e-commerce indicator for the transaction in the Business Center. You can proceed with the transaction if you want to
accept liability. If you do not want to accept liability, reverse the authorization, attempt to authenticate the customer again, and request another authorization.

American Express SafeKey Response Codes

Response Code Description
1 CAVV failed validation and authentication.
2 CAVV passed validation and authentication.
3 CAVV passed the validation attempt.
4 CAVV failed the validation attempt.
7 CAVV failed the validation attempt and the issuer is available.
8 CAVV passed the validation attempt and the issuer is available.
9 CAVV failed the validation attempt and the issuer is not available.
A CAVV passed the validation attempt and the issuer is not available.
U Issuer does not participate or 3D secure data was not used.
99 An unknown value was returned from the processor.

Visa Secure Response Codes

Response Code Description
0 CAVV not validated because erroneous data was submitted.

SCMP API Fields | 174

Visa Secure Response Codes (continued)
Response Code Description

Important: Visa downgraded the transaction. When you receive an authorization approval and the CAVV response code
is 0, you are liable for the transaction. To confirm the downgrade, look at the e-commerce indicator for the transaction in the
Business Center. You can proceed with the transaction if you want to accept liability. If you do not want to accept liability,
reverse the authorization, attempt to authenticate the customer again, and request another authorization.

1 CAVV failed validation and authentication.

2 CAVV passed validation and authentication.
3 CAVV passed the validation attempt.
4 CAVV failed the validation attempt.
6 CAVV not validated because the issuer does not participate.
7 CAVV failed the validation attempt and the issuer is available.
8 CAVV passed the validation attempt and the issuer is available.
9 CAVV failed the validation attempt and the issuer is not available.
A CAVV passed the validation attempt and the issuer is not available.
B CAVV passed the validation with information only; no liability shift.
C CAVV attempted but not validated; issuer did not return CAVV code.
D CAVV not validated or authenticated; issuer did not return CAVV code.
I Invalid security data.
U Issuer does not participate or 3-D secure data was not used.
99 An unknown value was returned from the processor.


• Field Type: Response

SCMP API Fields | 175

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 3

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: processorInformation.consumerAuthenticationResponse.code

• SCMP API Field: auth_cavv_response_code

• Simple Order API Field: ccAuthReply_cavvResponseCode

SCMP API Fields | 176


CAVV response code sent directly from the processor for American Express SafeKey, RuPay PaySecure, or Visa Secure.


• Field Type: Response

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 3

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: processorInformation.consumerAuthenticationResponse.codeRaw

• SCMP API Field: auth_cavv_response_code_raw

• Simple Order API Field: ccAuthReply_cavvResponseCodeRaw

SCMP API Fields | 177


Authorization code.

Authorization Service

Authorization code you received from an authorization that you performed outside the system.

Capture Service

Authorization code that you received verbally.


• Authorization:

◦ Field Type: Request

◦ Data Type: String

◦ Data Length: 6

• Capture:

◦ JCN Gateway:

Field Type: Request

Data Type: String

Data Length: 7

SCMP API Fields | 178

◦ All other processors:

Field Type: Request

Data Type: String

Data Length: 6

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: processingInformation.authorizationOptions.verbalAuthCode

• SCMP API Field: auth_code

• Simple Order API Fields:

◦ ccAuthService_verbalAuthCode

◦ ccCaptureService_verbalAuthCode

SCMP API Fields | 179


CVN result code.

CVN Codes
Code Description
D The transaction was determined to be suspicious by the issuing bank.
I The CVN failed the processor's data validation check.
M The CVN matched.
N The CVN did not match.
P The CVN was not processed by the processor for an unspecified reason.
S The CVN is on the card but was not included in the request.
U Card verification is not supported by the issuing bank.
X Card verification is not supported by the payment card company.
1 Card verification is not supported for this processor or card type.
2 An unrecognized result code was returned by the processor for the card verification response.
3 No result code was returned by the processor.


• Field Type: Response

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 1

SCMP API Fields | 180

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: processorInformation.cardVerification.resultCode

• SCMP API Field: auth_cv_result

• Simple Order API Field: ccAuthReply_cvCode

SCMP API Fields | 181


CVN result code sent directly from the processor.

This field is returned only when the processor sends this value.

Important: Do not use this value to evaluate the CVN result. Use this value only when debugging your order management system.


• Field Type: Response

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 11

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: processorInformation.cardVerification.resultCodeRaw

• SCMP API Field: auth_cv_result_raw

• Simple Order API Field: ccAuthReply_cvCodeRaw

SCMP API Fields | 182


Indicates whether the authorization request was delayed because connectivity was interrupted.

This field is supported only for mass transit transactions.

Possible values:

• Y: Deferred authorization

• N (default): Not a deferred authorization

Visa Platform Connect

The value for this field corresponds to the following data in the TC 33 capture file:

• First data item:

◦ Record: CP01 TCR0

◦ Position: 160-163

◦ Field: Message Reason Code

• Second data item:

◦ Record: CP01 TCR7

◦ Position: 150-151

◦ Field: Transit Transaction Type Indicator

SCMP API Fields | 183

The TC 33 Capture file contains information about the payments and credits that a merchant submits to Cybersource. Visa Platform Connect creates the TC 33 Capture file at the
end of the day and sends it to the merchant’s acquirer, who uses this information to facilitate end-of-day clearing processing with payment networks.


• Field Type: Request

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 1

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: No corresponding field

• SCMP API Field: auth_deferred_auth_indicator

• Simple Order API Field: ccAuthService_deferredAuthIndicator

SCMP API Fields | 184


Fraud score for a MasterCard transaction.

This field is returned only for Visa Platform Connect.

• Positions 1-3: Fraud score. This value ranges from 001 to 998, where 001 indicates the least likely fraudulent transaction and 998 indicates the most likely fraudulent

• Positions 4-5: Reason code that specifies the reason for the fraud score. Possible values:

◦ 01: Suspicious cross border activity.

◦ 02: Suspicious transaction.

◦ 03: High number of transactions.

◦ 04: High number of transactions at an unattended terminal.

◦ 05: Suspicious recent history of transactions.

◦ 06: Suspicious activity and high number of transactions.

◦ 07: Suspicious cardholder not present activity.

◦ 08: Suspicious activity and low number of transactions.

◦ 09: Suspicious service station activity.

◦ 10: Suspicious online activity.

◦ 11: High amount transaction or high cumulated amount recently spent.

◦ 12: Suspicious gambling activity.

SCMP API Fields | 185

◦ 13: Suspicious phone or mail order activity.

◦ 14: Suspicious grocery store activity.

◦ 15: High risk country.

◦ 16: High amount, high number of transactions, and cross border.

◦ 17: Suspicious activity including previous declined transactions.

◦ 18: Suspicious airline activity.

◦ 19: Score forced to be 001 because the transaction being scored was a 04xx message.

◦ 20: Not a financial transaction.

◦ 21: Abnormal geographic activity.

◦ 22: Abnormal, high frequency at the same MCC.

◦ 23: High amount recent ATM activity.

◦ 24: Suspicious recent ATM activity or suspicious ATM activity following a recent abnormal activity.

◦ 25: Suspicious telecom activity.

◦ 26: High number of international ATM transactions.

◦ 27: High cumulated withdrawal amount on international ATM.

◦ 28: High velocity of domestic ATM transactions.

◦ 29: High risk MCC.

• Positions 6-32: Reserved for future use.

SCMP API Fields | 186


• Field Type: Response

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 32

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: processorInformation.emsTransactionRiskScore

• SCMP API Field: auth_ems_transaction_risk_score

• Simple Order API Field: ccAuthReply_emsTransactionRiskScore

SCMP API Fields | 187


Raw electronic verification response code from the processor for the customer’s email address.


• Field Type: Response

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 1

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: processorInformation.electronicVerificationResults.emailRaw

• SCMP API Field: auth_ev_email_raw

• Simple Order API Field: ccAuthReply_evEmailRaw

SCMP API Fields | 188


Mapped electronic verification response code for the customer’s email address.


• Field Type: Response

• Type: String

• Length: 1

Mapping Information

• REST API Field:

• SCMP API Field: auth_ev_email

• Simple Order API Field: ccAuthReply_evEmail

SCMP API Fields | 189


Raw electronic verification response code from the processor for the customer’s last name.


• Field Type: Response

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: s1

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: processorInformation.electronicVerificationResults.codeRaw

• SCMP API Field: auth_ev_name_raw

• Simple Order API Field: ccAuthReply_evNameRaw

SCMP API Fields | 190


Mapped electronic verification response code for the customer’s name.


• Field Type: Response

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 1

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: processorInformation.electronicVerificationResults.code

• SCMP API Field: auth_ev_name

• Simple Order API Field: ccAuthReply_evName

SCMP API Fields | 191


Raw electronic verification response code from the processor for the customer’s phone number.


• Field Type: Response

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 1

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: processorInformation.electronicVerificationResults.phoneNumberRaw

• SCMP API Field: auth_ev_phone_number_raw

• Simple Order API Field: ccAuthReply_evPhoneNumberRaw

SCMP API Fields | 192


Mapped electronic verification response code for the customer’s phone number.


• Field Type: Response

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 1

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: processorInformation.electronicVerificationResults.phoneNumber

• SCMP API Field: auth_ev_phone_number

• Simple Order API Field: ccAuthReply_evPhoneNumber

SCMP API Fields | 193


Raw electronic verification response code from the processor for the customer’s postal code.


• Field Type: Response

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 1

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: processorInformation.electronicVerificationResults.postalCodeRaw

• SCMP API Field: auth_ev_postal_code_raw

• Simple Order API Field: ccAuthReply_evPostalCodeRaw

SCMP API Fields | 194


Mapped electronic verification response code for the customer’s postal code.


• Field Type: Response

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 1

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: processorInformation.electronicVerificationResults.postalCode

• SCMP API Field: auth_ev_postal_code

• Simple Order API Field: ccAuthReply_evPostalCode

SCMP API Fields | 195


Raw electronic verification response code from the processor for the customer’s street address.


• Field Type: Response

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 1

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: processorInformation.electronicVerificationResults.streetRaw

• SCMP API Field: auth_ev_street_raw

• Simple Order API Field: ccAuthReply_evStreetRaw

SCMP API Fields | 196


Mapped electronic verification response code for the customer’s street address.


• Field Type: Response

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 1

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: processorInformation.electronicVerificationResults.street

• SCMP API Field: auth_ev_street

• Simple Order API Field: ccAuthReply_evStreet

SCMP API Fields | 197


Flag that specifies whether this transaction is the first in a series of recurring payments.

This field is supported only on Atos, FDC Nashville Global, and OmniPay Direct.

Possible values:

• Y: Yes, this is the first payment in a series of recurring payments.

• N (default): No, this is not the first payment in a series of recurring payments.


• Field Type: Request

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 1

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: processingInformation.recurringOptions.firstRecurringPayment

• SCMP API Field: auth_first_recurring_payment

• Simple Order API Field: ccAuthService_firstRecurringPayment

SCMP API Fields | 198


Name of the Japanese acquirer that processed the transaction.

This field is returned only for JCN Gateway.

Contact the Cybersource Japan Support Group for more information.


• Field Type: Response

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 32

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: processorInformation.forwardedAcquirerCode

• SCMP API Field: auth_forward

• Simple Order API Field: ccAuthReply_forwardCode

SCMP API Fields | 199


Type of authorization that was performed.

This field is not returned for unmarked authorizations. Some processors that support the final authorization indicator do not send this field.

Possible values for all processors except Visa Platform Connect:

• 0: Preauthorization.

• 1: Final authorization.

Visa Platform Connect

Possible value for Visa transactions:

• 0: Authorization for an estimated amount.

Possible values for Mastercard transactions:

• 0: Preauthorization.

• 1: Final authorization.

• 2: Undefined authorization.


• Field Type: Response

• Data Type: String

SCMP API Fields | 200

• Data Length: 1

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: processorInformation.authIndicator

• SCMP API Field: auth_indicator

• Simple Order API Field: authIndicator

SCMP API Fields | 201


Purpose of the authorization.

Possible values:

• 0: Preauthorization.

• 1: Final authorization.

To set the default for this field, contact customer support.

Barclays and Elavon

The default for Barclays and Elavon is 1 (final authorization). To change the default for this field, contact customer support.

Visa Platform Connect

When the value for this field is 0, it corresponds to the following data in the TC 33 capture file:

• Record: CP01 TCR0

• Position: 164

• Field: Additional Authorization Indicators

When the value for this field is 1, it does not correspond to any data in the TC 33 capture file.


• Field Type: Request

SCMP API Fields | 202

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 1

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: processingInformation.authorizationOptions.authIndicator

• SCMP API Field: auth_indicator

• Simple Order API Field: authIndicator

SCMP API Fields | 203


Additional costs divided by the amount funded.

This field is returned only for two kinds of installment payments in Brazil on Visa Platform Connect:

• Crediario with Visa: this field is included in the authorization response for a Crediario eligibility request when the issuer approves the customer's request for Crediario
installment payments.

• Mastercard.

Example A value of 1.0 specifies 1%.

Example A value of 4.0 specifies 4%.

The value for this field corresponds to the following data in the TC 33 capture file:

• Record: CP01 TCR9

• Position: 140-143

• Field: Percent of Total Other Costs


• Field Type: Response

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 4

SCMP API Fields | 204

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: installmentInformation.additionalCostsPercentage

• SCMP API Field: auth_installment_additional_costs_percentage

• Simple Order API Field: installment_additionalCostsPercentage

SCMP API Fields | 205


Additional costs charged by the issuer to fund the installment payments.

This field is returned only for two kinds of installment payments in Brazil on Visa Platform Connect:

• Crediario with Visa: this field is included in the authorization response for the Crediario eligibility request when the issuer approves the customer's request for Crediario
installment payments.

• Mastercard.

The value for this field corresponds to the following data in the TC 33 capture file:

• Record: CP01 TCR9

• Position: 128-139

• Field: Total Other Costs


• Field Type: Response

• Data Type: Decimal

• Data Length: 12

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: installmentInformation.additionalCosts

• SCMP API Field: auth_installment_additional_costs

SCMP API Fields | 206

• Simple Order API Field: installment_additionalCosts

SCMP API Fields | 207


Amount funded.

This field is returned only for two kinds of installment payments in Brazil on Visa Platform Connect:

• Crediario with Visa: this field is included in the authorization response for the Crediario eligibility request when the issuer approves the customer's request for Crediario
installment payments.

• Mastercard.

The value for this field corresponds to the following data in the TC 33 capture file:

• Record: CP01 TCR9

• Position: 48-59

• Field: Total Amount Funded


• Field Type: Response

• Data Type: Decimal

• Data Length: 12

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: installmentInformation.amountFunded

• SCMP API Field: auth_installment_amount_funded

SCMP API Fields | 208

• Simple Order API Field: installment_amountFunded

SCMP API Fields | 209


Amount requested divided by the amount funded.

This field is returned only for two kinds of installment payments in Brazil on Visa Platform Connect:

• Crediario with Visa: this field is included in the authorization response for the Crediario eligibility request when the issuer approves the customer's request for Crediario
installment payments.

• Mastercard.

Example: A value of 90.0 specifies 90%.

Example: A value of 93.7 specifies 93.7%.

The value for this field corresponds to the following data in the TC 33 capture file:

• Record: CP01 TCR9

• Position: 60-63

• Field: Percent of Amount Requested


• Field Type: Response

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 4

SCMP API Fields | 210

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: installmentInformation.amountRequestedPercentage

• SCMP API Field: auth_installment_amount_requested_percentage

• Simple Order API Field: installment_amountRequestedPercentage

SCMP API Fields | 211


Amount of the current installment payment.

This field is returned only for Mastercard installment payments on Visa Platform Connect in all countries except Croatia and Georgia.


The value for this field corresponds to the following data in the TC 33 capture file:

• Record: CP01 TCR9

• Position: 26-37

• Field: Amount of Each Installment


The value for this field corresponds to the following data in the TC 33 capture file:

• Record: CP01 TCR5

• Position: 23-34

• Field: Amount of Each Installment

Other Countries

The value for this field corresponds to the following data in the TC 33 capture file:

• Record: CP01 TCR5

SCMP API Fields | 212

• Position: 63-74

• Field: Mastercard Subsequent Installment Amount


• Field Type: Response

• Data Type: Decimal

• Data Length: 12

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: installmentInformation.amount

• SCMP API Field: auth_installment_amount

• Simple Order API Field: installment_amount

SCMP API Fields | 213


Annual cost of financing the installment payments.

This field is returned only for Crediario installment payments in Brazil on Visa Platform Connect.

This field is included in the authorization response for the Crediario eligibility request when the issuer approves the customer's request for Crediario installment payments in

The value for this field corresponds to the following data in the TC 33 capture file:

• Record: CP01 TCR9

• Position: 158-164

• Field: Annual Total Cost of Financing


• Field Type: Response

• Data Type: Decimal

• Data Length: 7

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: installmentInformation.annualFinancingCost

• SCMP API Field: auth_installment_annual_financing_cost

SCMP API Fields | 214

• Simple Order API Field: installment_annualFinancingCost

SCMP API Fields | 215


Annual interest rate.

This field is returned only for two kinds of installment payments on Visa Platform Connect:

• Crediario with Visa in Brazil: this field is included in the authorization response for the Crediario eligibility request when the issuer approves the customer's request for
Crediario installment payments.

• Mastercard in all countries except Brazil, Croatia, Georgia, and Greece.

Example: A value of 1.0 specifies 1%.

Example: A value of 4.0 specifies 4%.


The value for this field corresponds to the following data in the TC 33 capture file:

• Record: CP01 TCR9

• Position: 151-157

• Field: Annual Interest Rate

Other Countries

The value for this field corresponds to the following data in the TC 33 capture file:

• Record: CP01 TCR5

• Position: 58-62

SCMP API Fields | 216

• Field: Mastercard Annual Percentage Rate


• Field Type: Response

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 7

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: installmentInformation.annualInterestRate

• SCMP API Field: auth_installment_annual_interest_rate

• Simple Order API Field: installment_annualInterestRate

SCMP API Fields | 217


Expenses divided by the amount funded.

This field is returned only for two kinds of installment payments in Brazil on Visa Platform Connect:

• Crediario with Visa: this field is included in the authorization response for the Crediario eligibility request when the issuer approves the customer's request for Crediario
installment payments.

• Mastercard.

Example: A value of 1.0 specifies 1%.

Example: A value of 4.0 specifies 4%.

The value for this field corresponds to the following data in the TC 33 capture file:

• Record: CP01 TCR9

• Position: 76-79

• Field: Percent of Total Expenses


• Field Type: Response

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 4

SCMP API Fields | 218

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: installmentInformation.expensesPercentage

• SCMP API Field: auth_installment_expenses_percentage

• Simple Order API Field: installment_expensesPercentage

SCMP API Fields | 219


Expenses charged by the issuer to fund the installment payments.

This field is returned only for two kinds of installment payments in Brazil on Visa Platform Connect:

• Crediario with Visa: this field is included in the authorization response for the Crediario eligibility request when the issuer approves the customer's request for Crediario
installment payments.

• Mastercard.

The value for this field corresponds to the following data in the TC 33 capture file:

• Record: CP01 TCR9

• Position: 64-75

• Field: Total Expenses


• Field Type: Response

• Data Type: Decimal

• Data Length: 12

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: installmentInformation.expenses

• SCMP API Field: auth_installment_expenses

SCMP API Fields | 220

• Simple Order API Field: installment_expenses

SCMP API Fields | 221


Fees divided by the amount funded.

This field is returned only for two kinds of installment payments in Brazil on Visa Platform Connect:

• Crediario with Visa: this field is included in the authorization response for the Crediario eligibility request when the issuer approves the customer's request for Crediario
installment payments.

• Mastercard.

Example: A value of 1.0 specifies 1%.

Example: A value of 4.0 specifies 4%.

The value for this field corresponds to the following data in the TC 33 capture file:

• Record: CP01 TCR9

• Position: 92-95

• Field: Percent of Total Fees


• Field Type: Response

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 4

SCMP API Fields | 222

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: installmentInformation.feesPercentage

• SCMP API Field: auth_installment_fees_percentage

• Simple Order API Field: installment_feesPercentage

SCMP API Fields | 223


Fees charged by the issuer to fund the installment payments.

This field is returned only for two kinds of installment payments on Visa Platform Connect:

• Crediario with Visa in Brazil: this field is included in the authorization response for the Crediario eligibility request when the issuer approves the customer's request for
Crediario installment payments.

• Mastercard in all countries except Croatia, Georgia, and Greece.


The value for this field corresponds to the following data in the TC 33 capture file:

• Record: CP01 TCR9

• Position: 80-91

• Field: Total Fees

Other Countries

The value for this field corresponds to the following data in the TC 33 capture file:

• Record: CP01 TCR5

• Position: 46-57

• Field: Mastercard Installment Fee

SCMP API Fields | 224


• Field Type: Response

• Data Type: Decimal

• Data Length: 12

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: installmentInformation.fees

• SCMP API Field: auth_installment_fees

• Simple Order API Field: installment_fees

SCMP API Fields | 225


Amount of the first installment payment.

This field is returned only for Mastercard installment payments on Visa Platform Connect in all countries except Brazil, Croatia, Georgia, and Greece.

The issuer provides this value when the first installment payment is successful.

The value for this field corresponds to the following data in the TC 33 capture file:

• Record: CP01 TCR5

• Position: 23-34

• Field: Amount of Each Installment


Mapping Information

• REST API Field: installmentInformation.firstInstallmentAmount

• SCMP API Field: auth_installment_first_installment_amount

• Simple Order API Field: installment_firstInstallmentAmount

SCMP API Fields | 226


Date of the first installment payment.

This field is returned only for Mastercard installment payments on Visa Platform Connect in Greece.

Format: YYMMDD

The value for this field corresponds to the following data in the TC 33 capture file:

• Record: CP01 TCR5

• Position: 102-107

• Field: Mastercard Greece First Installment Due Date


• Field Type: Response

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 6

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: installmentInformation.firstInstallmentDate

• SCMP API Field: auth_installment_first_installment_date

SCMP API Fields | 227

• Simple Order API Field: installment_firstInstallmentDate

SCMP API Fields | 228


Insurance costs divided by the amount funded.

This field is returned only for two kinds of installment payments in Brazil on Visa Platform Connect:

• Crediario with Visa: this field is included in the authorization response for the Crediario eligibility request when the issuer approves the customer's request for Crediario
installment payments.

• Mastercard.

Example: A value of 1.0 specifies 1%.

Example: A value of 4.0 specifies 4%.

The value for this field corresponds to the following data in the TC 33 capture file:

• Record: CP01 TCR9

• Position: 124-127

• Field: Percent of Total Insurance


• Field Type: Response

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 4

SCMP API Fields | 229

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: installmentInformation.insurancePercentage

• SCMP API Field: auth_installment_insurance_percentage

• Simple Order API Field: installment_insurancePercentage

SCMP API Fields | 230


Insurance charged by the issuer to fund the installment payments.

This field is returned only for two kinds of installment payments in Brazil on Visa Platform Connect:

• Crediario with Visa: this field is included in the authorization response for the Crediario eligibility request when the issuer approves the customer's request for Crediario
installment payments.

• Mastercard.

The value for this field corresponds to the following data in the TC 33 capture file:

• Record: CP01 TCR9

• Position: 112-123

• Field: Total Insurance


• Field Type: Request

• Data Type: Decimal

• Data Length: 12

Mapping Information

• REST API Field:

• SCMP API Field: auth_installment_insurance

SCMP API Fields | 231

• Simple Order API Field: installment_insurance

SCMP API Fields | 232


Maximum number of installments offered by the issuer for this purchase.

This field is returned only for installment payments with Mastercard on Visa Platform Connect in all countries except Brazil, Croatia, Georgia, and Greece.

The issuer provides this value when the first installment payment is successful.

The value for this field corresponds to the following data in the TC 33 capture file:

• Record: CP01 TCR5

• Position: 77-78

• Field: Mastercard Maximum Number Of Installments


• Field Type: Response

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 2

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: installmentInformation.maximumTotalCount

• SCMP API Field: auth_installment_maximum_total_count

SCMP API Fields | 233

• Simple Order API Field: installment_maximumTotalCount

SCMP API Fields | 234


Minimum number of installments offered by the issuer for this purchase.

This field is returned only for installment payments with Mastercard on Visa Platform Connect in all countries except Brazil, Croatia, Georgia, and Greece.

The issuer provides this value when the first installment payment is successful.

The value for this field corresponds to the following data in the TC 33 capture file:

• Record: CP01 TCR5

• Position: 75-76

• Field: Mastercard Minimum Number Of Installments


• Field Type: Response

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 2

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: installmentInformation.minimumTotalCount

• SCMP API Field: auth_installment_minimum_total_count

SCMP API Fields | 235

• Simple Order API Field: installment_minimumTotalCount

SCMP API Fields | 236


Monthly interest rate.

This field is returned only for two kinds of installment payments on Visa Platform Connect:

• Crediario with Visa in Brazil: this field is included in the authorization response for the Crediario eligibility request when the issuer approves the customer's request for
Crediario installment payments.

• MMastercard in all countries except Croatia, Georgia, and Greece.

Example: A value of 1.0 specifies 1%.

Example: A value of 4.0 specifies 4%.


The value for this field corresponds to the following data in the TC 33 capture file:

• Record: CP01 TCR9

• Position: 144-150

• Field: Monthly Interest Rate

Other Countries

The value for this field corresponds to the following data in the TC 33 capture file:

• Record: CP01 TCR5

• Position: 41-45

SCMP API Fields | 237

• Field: Mastercard Interest Rate


• Field Type: Response

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 7

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: installmentInformation.monthlyInterestRate

• SCMP API Field: auth_installment_monthly_interest_rate

• Simple Order API Field: installment_monthlyInterestRate

SCMP API Fields | 238


Taxes divided by the amount funded.

This field is returned only for two kinds of installment payments in Brazil on Visa Platform Connect:

• Crediario with Visa: this field is included in the authorization response for the Crediario eligibility request when the issuer approves the customer's request for Crediario
installment payments.

• Mastercard.

Example: A value of 1.0 specifies 1%.

Example: A value of 4.0 specifies 4%.

The value for this field corresponds to the following data in the TC 33 capture file:

• Record: CP01 TCR9

• Position: 108-111

• Field: Percent of Total Taxes


• Field Type: Response

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 4

SCMP API Fields | 239

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: installmentInformation.taxesPercentage

• SCMP API Field: auth_installment_taxes_percentage

• Simple Order API Field: installment_taxesPercentage

SCMP API Fields | 240


Taxes collected by the issuer to fund the installment payments.

This field is returned only for two kinds of installment payments in Brazil on Visa Platform Connect:

• Crediario with Visa: this field is included in the authorization response for the Crediario eligibility request when the issuer approves the customer's request for Crediario
installment payments.

• Mastercard.

The value for this field corresponds to the following data in the TC 33 capture file:

• Record: CP01 TCR9

• Position: 96-107

• Field: Total Taxes


• Field Type: Response

• Type: Decimal

• Data Length: 12

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: installmentInformation.taxes

• SCMP API Field: auth_installment_taxes

SCMP API Fields | 241

• Simple Order API Field: installment_taxes

SCMP API Fields | 242


Total amount of the loan that is being paid in installments.

This field is returned only for installment payments with Mastercard on Visa Platform Connect in all countries except Croatia, Georgia, and Greece.


The value for this field corresponds to the following data in the TC 33 capture file:

• Record: CP01 TCR9

• Position: 8-19

• Field: Installment Total Amount

Other Countries

The value for this field corresponds to the following data in the TC 33 capture file:

• Record: CP01 TCR5

• Position: 5-16

• Field: Installment Payment Total Amount


• Field Type: Response

• Data Type: Decimal

SCMP API Fields | 243

• Data Length: 12

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: installmentInformation.totalAmount

• SCMP API Field: auth_installment_total_amount

• Simple Order API Field: installment_totalAmount

SCMP API Fields | 244


Total number of installments.

This field is returned only for installment payments with Mastercard on Visa Platform Connect in all countries except Brazil, Croatia, Georgia, and Greece.

The value for this field corresponds to the following data in the TC 33 capture file:

• Record: CP01 TCR5

• Position: 20-22

• Field: Number Of Installments


• Field Type: Response

• Data Type: Integer

• Data Length: 2

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: installmentInformation.totalCount

• SCMP API Field: auth_installment_total_count

• Simple Order API Field: installment_totalCount

SCMP API Fields | 245


Flag that specifies whether to request that the processor use least-cost routing for the transaction.

This field is supported only on Worldpay VAP.

When the request includes this field, this value overrides the information in your account.

Possible values:

• Y: Request that the processor use least-cost routing for the transaction

• N (default): Do not request that the processor use least-cost routing for the transaction


• Field Type: Response

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 1

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: No corresponding field name for the API.

• SCMP API Field: auth_least_cost_routing

• Simple Order API Field: ccAuthService_leastCostRouting

SCMP API Fields | 246


Raw merchant advice code sent directly from the processor.

This field is returned only for Mastercard.

Possible values:

• 00: No information, or response not provided.

• 01: New account information is available. Obtain the new information.

• 02: Try again later.

• 03: Do not try again. Obtain another type of payment from the customer.

• 04: Problem with a token or a partial shipment indicator. Do not try again.

• 08: Payment blocked by the payment card company.

• 21: Recurring payment cancellation service.

• 99: An unknown value was returned from the processor.

Visa Platform Connect

The value for this field corresponds to the following data in the TC 33 capture file:

• Record: CP01 TCR7

• Position: 96-99

• Field: Response Data—Merchant Advice Code

SCMP API Fields | 247


• Field Type: Response

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 2

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: processorInformation.merchantAdvice.codeRaw

• SCMP API Field: auth_merchant_advice_code_raw

• Simple Order API Field: ccAuthReply_merchantAdviceCodeRaw

SCMP API Fields | 248


Reason that the recurring payment transaction was declined.

For some processors, this field is used only for Mastercard. For other processors, this field is used for Visa and Mastercard. And for other processors, this field is not implemented.

Possible values:

• 00: No information, or response not provided.

• 01: New account information is available. Obtain the new information.

• 02: Try again later.

• 03: Do not try again. Obtain another type of payment from the customer.

• 04: Problem with a token or a partial shipment indicator. Do not try again.

• 08: Payment blocked by the payment card company.

• 21: Recurring payment cancellation service.

• 99: An unknown value was returned from the processor.


• Field Type: Response

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 2

SCMP API Fields | 249

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: processorInformation.merchantAdvice.code

• SCMP API Field: auth_merchant_advice_code

• Simple Order API Field: ccAuthReply_merchantAdviceCode

SCMP API Fields | 250


Merchant ID that was used to create the subscription or token for which the service was requested.


• Field Type: Response

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 30

Mapping Information

• REST Field: No corresponding field name for the API.

• SCMP API Field: auth_owner_merchant_id

• Simple Order API Field: ccAuthReply_ownerMerchantID

SCMP API Fields | 251


Flag that specifies whether to enable the transaction for partial authorization.

When a request includes this field, this value overrides the information in your account. Possible values:

• Y: Enable the transaction for partial authorization.

• N: Do not enable the transaction for partial authorization.

Visa Platform Connect

To set the default for this field, contact customer support.

The value for this field corresponds to the following data in the TC 33 capture file:

• Record: CP01 TCR0

• Position: 164

• Field: Additional Authorization Indicators


• Field Type: Request

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 1

SCMP API Fields | 252

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: processingInformation.authorizationOptions.partialAuthIndicator

• SCMP API Field: auth_partial_auth_indicator

• Simple Order API Field: ccAuthService_partialAuthIndicator

SCMP API Fields | 253


Result of the Mastercard card-on-file token service.

Mastercard provides this value to Cybersource.

This field is returned only for Visa Platform Connect.

Possible values:

• C: Service completed successfully.

• F: One of the following:

◦ Incorrect Mastercard POS entry mode. The Mastercard POS entry mode should be 81 for an authorization or authorization reversal.

◦ Incorrect Mastercard POS entry mode. The Mastercard POS entry mode should be 01 for a tokenized request.

◦ Token requestor ID is missing or formatted incorrectly.

• I: One of the following:

◦ Invalid token requestor ID.

◦ Suspended or deactivated token.

◦ Invalid token (not in mapping table).

• T: Invalid combination of token requestor ID and token.

• U: Expired token.

• W: Primary account number (PAN) listed in electronic warning bulletin. This field is returned only for Visa Platform Connect.

SCMP API Fields | 254


• Field Type: Response

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 1

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: processorInformation.masterCardServiceReplyCode

• SCMP API Field: auth_payment_card_service_result

• Simple Order API Field: ccAuthReply_paymentCardServiceResult

SCMP API Fields | 255


Mastercard service that was used for the transaction.

Mastercard provides this value to Cybersource.

This field is returned only for Visa Platform Connect.

Possible value is 53: Mastercard card-on-file token service.

The value for this field corresponds to the following data in the TC 33 capture file:

• Record: CP01 TCR6

• Position: 133-134

• Field: Mastercard Merchant on-behalf service

The TC 33 Capture file contains information about the payments and credits that a merchant submits to Cybersource. Visa Platform Connect creates the TC 33 Capture file at the
end of the day and sends it to the merchant’s acquirer, who uses this information to facilitate end-of-day clearing processing with payment networks.


• Field Type: Response

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 2

SCMP API Fields | 256

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: processorInformation.masterCardServiceCode

• SCMP API Field: auth_payment_card_service

• Simple Order API Field: ccAuthReply_paymentCardService

SCMP API Fields | 257


Network transaction identifier (TID).

You can use this value to identify a specific transaction when you are discussing the transaction with your processor. Not all processors provide this value.

For Cielo, this value is the non-sequential unit (NSU) and is returned for all transactions. Cielo or the issuing bank generates the value.

For Credit Mutuel-CIC, this value is the proof of sale or non-sequential unit (NSU) number. The Cielo acquirer, Rede acquirer, or issuing bank generates the value.

For Visa Platform Connect, the following values are returned for each card type:

• American Express: American Express generates this value. It is included in all replies from the American Express Global Network (AEGN).

• Mastercard: This value is the qualification information for the Mastercard Interchange Compliance (MIC) program. It is used for all Mastercard responses coming from
Banknet through Visa to certified acquirers. Format:

◦ Bits 1-4: Banknet date

◦ Bits 5-7: Mastercard product ID

◦ Bits 8-13: Banknet reference number generated by Mastercard for each transaction

◦ Bits 14-15: Spaces

• Visa and Other Card Types: The payment card company generates this value. It is unique for each original authorization and identifies a transaction throughout its life cycle.

For GPN, the following values are returned for each card type:

• ◦ American Express: The payment card company generates this value. This value is saved and sent to the processor in all subsequent capture requests.

◦ Discover: The payment card company generates this value. This value is saved and sent to the processor in all subsequent requests for full authorization reversals and

SCMP API Fields | 258

◦ Mastercard: The payment card company generates this value. This value is saved and sent to the processor in all subsequent requests for full authorization reversals
and captures. Format:

▪ Bits 1-9: Banknet reference number generated by Mastercard for each transaction

▪ Bits 10-13: Banknet date

▪ Bits 14-15: Spaces

◦ Visa: The payment card company generates this value. This value is saved and sent to the processor in all subsequent requests for full authorization reversals and

◦ Other Card Types: Not used.


Credit Mutuel-CIC:

• Field Type: Response

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 20


• Field Type: Response

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 22

All other processors:

• Field Type: Response

SCMP API Fields | 259

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 15

Mapping Information

• REST Field: processorInformation.transactionID

• SCMP API Field: auth_payment_network_transaction_id

• Simple Order API Field: ccAuthReply_paymentNetworkTransactionID

SCMP API Fields | 260


Personal identifier result.

This field is returned only for Redecard in Brazil for Cybersource Latin American Processing. This field is returned only when the personal ID result is returned by the processor.

If you included personal_id in the request, this value indicates whether personal_id matched a value in a record on file.

Possible values:

• Y: Match

• N: No match

• K: Not supported

• U: Unknown

• Z: No response returned

Cybersource Latin American Processing is the name of a specific processing connection. Cybersource Latin American Processing does not refer to the general topic of processing
in Latin America. The information in this field description, or in this section of the field description, is for the specific processing connection called Cybersource Latin American
Processing. It is not for any other Latin American processors.


• Field Type: Response

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 1

SCMP API Fields | 261

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: processorInformation.customer.personalIDResult

• SCMP API Field: auth_personal_id_result

• Simple Order API Field: ccAuthReply_personalIDCode

SCMP API Fields | 262


Point-of-sale details for the transaction.

This field is returned only for American Express Direct.

Cybersource generates this value, which consists of a series of codes that identify terminal capability, security data, and specific conditions present at the time the transaction
occurred. To comply with the CAPN requirements, this value must be included in all subsequent follow-on requests, such as captures and follow-on credits.

When you perform authorizations, captures, and credits through Cybersource, Cybersource passes this value from the authorization service to the subsequent services for you.
However, when you perform authorizations through Cybersource and perform subsequent services through other financial institutions, you must ensure that requests for captures
and credits include this value.


• Field Type: Response

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 12

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: pointOfSaleInformation.amexCAPNData

• SCMP API Field: auth_pos_data

• Simple Order API Field: ccAuthReply_posData

SCMP API Fields | 263


Processor transaction ID.

This field is returned only for Cielo, Cybersource Latin American Processing, and Moneris.

Cielo and Cybersource Latin American Processing

This value is a unique identifier for the transaction.

Cybersource Latin American Processing is the name of a specific processing connection. Cybersource Latin American Processing does not refer to the general topic of processing
in Latin America. The information in this field description, or in this section of the field description, is for the specific processing connection called Cybersource Latin American
Processing. It is not for any other Latin American processors.


This value identifies the transaction on a host system. It contains the following information:

• Terminal used to process the transaction

• Shift during which the transaction took place

• Batch number

• Transaction number within the batch

You must store this value. If you give the customer a receipt, display this value on the receipt.

Example: For the value 66012345001069003:

• Terminal ID = 66012345

SCMP API Fields | 264

• Shift number = 001

• Batch number = 069

• Transaction number = 003


• Cielo and Cybersource Latin American Processing:

◦ Field Type: Response

◦ Data Type: String

◦ Data Length: 50

• Moneris:

◦ Field Type: Response

◦ Data Type: Positive Integer

◦ Data Length: 18

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: processorInformation.transactionID

• SCMP API Field: auth_processor_trans_id

• Simple Order API Field: ccAuthReply_processorTransactionID

SCMP API Fields | 265


Flag that indicates whether the service request was successful.

Possible values:

• -1: An error occurred.

• 0: The request was declined.

• 1: The request was successful.


• Field Type: Response

• Data Type: Integer

• Data Length: 1

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: No corresponding field

• SCMP API Field: auth_rcode

• Simple Order API Field: No corresponding field

SCMP API Fields | 266


Reconciliation reference number.

This field is returned only for Visa Platform Connect and Ingenico ePayments.

Visa Platform Connect

Retrieval request number.

Ingenico ePayments

Unique number that Cybersource generates to identify the transaction. You can use this value to identify transactions in the Ingenico ePayments Collections Report, which
provides settlement information. Contact customer support for information about the report.


• Field Type: Response

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 20

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: No corresponding API field.

• SCMP API Field: auth_reconciliation_reference_number

SCMP API Fields | 267

• Simple Order API Field: ccAuthReply_reconciliationReferenceNumber

SCMP API Fields | 268


Referral response number for a verbal authorization.

This field is returned only for FDMS Nashville when using an American Express card.

Give this number to American Express when you call them for a verbal authorization.


• Field Type: Response

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 6

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: processorInformation.amexVerbalAuthReferenceNumber

• SCMP API Field: auth_referral_response_number

• Simple Order API Field: ccAuthReply_referralResponseNumber

SCMP API Fields | 269


Amount you requested to be authorized.

This field is returned only for partial authorizations.


• Field Type: Response

• Data Type: Decimal

• Data Length: 15

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: orderInformation.amountDetails.totalAmount

• SCMP API Field: auth_request_amount

• Simple Order API Field: ccAuthReply_requestAmount

SCMP API Fields | 270


Currency for the amount you requested to be authorized.

This field is returned only for partial authorizations.


• Field Type: Response

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 5

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: orderInformation.amountDetails.currency

• SCMP API Field: auth_request_currency

• Simple Order API Field: ccAuthReply_requestCurrency

SCMP API Fields | 271


Request ID of the authorization for which you are requesting this service.


• Field Type: Request

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 26

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: No corresponding field.

• SCMP API Field: auth_request_id

• Simple Order API Fields:

◦ ccAuthReversalService_authRequestID

◦ ccCaptureService_authRequestID

◦ ccCheckStatusService_authRequestID

◦ ccIncrementalAuthService_authRequestID

SCMP API Fields | 272


Request token for the authorization for which you are requesting this service.

This value is an encoded string that contains no confidential information, such as an account number or card verification number.


• Field Type: Request

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 256

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: No corresponding API field.

• SCMP API Field: auth_request_token

• Simple Order API Fields:

◦ ccAuthReversalService_authRequestToken

◦ ccCaptureService_authRequestToken

SCMP API Fields | 273


Amount that was reversed.


• Field Type: Response

• Data Type: Decimal

• Data Length: 15

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: reversalAmountDetails.reversedAmount

• SCMP API Field: auth_reversal_amount

• Simple Order API Field: ccAuthReversalReply_amount

SCMP API Fields | 274


Authorization code.

This field is returned only when the value is sent by the processor.


• Field Type: Response

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 6

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: authorizationInformation.approvalCode

• SCMP API Field: auth_reversal_auth_code

• Simple Order API Field: ccAuthReversalReply_authorizationCode

SCMP API Fields | 275


Error message from the issuer or the processor.

This field is returned only when the processor sends this value.

Important: Do not use this field to evaluate the result of the request.

JCN Gateway

Processor-defined detail error code. The associated response category code is in the additional_processor_response field.


• JCN Gateway:

◦ Field Type: Response

◦ Data Type: String

◦ Data Length: 3

• All other processors:

◦ Field Type: Response

◦ Data Type: String

◦ Data Length: 10

SCMP API Fields | 276

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: processorInformation.responseCode

• SCMP API Field: auth_reversal_auth_response

• Simple Order API Field: ccAuthReversalReply_processorResponse

SCMP API Fields | 277


Name of the Japanese acquirer that processed the transaction.

This field is returned only for JCN Gateway.

Contact the Cybersource Japan Support Group for more information.


• Field Type: Response

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 32

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: processorInformation.forwardedAcquirerCode

• SCMP API Field: auth_reversal_forward

• Simple Order API Field: ccAuthReversalReply_forwardCode

SCMP API Fields | 278

auth_reversal payment_card_service_result

Result of the Mastercard card-on-file token service.

Mastercard provides this value to Cybersource.

This field is returned only for Visa Platform Connect.

Possible values:

• C: Service completed successfully.

• F: One of the following:

◦ Incorrect Mastercard POS entry mode. The Mastercard POS entry mode should be 81 for an authorization or authorization reversal.

◦ Incorrect Mastercard POS entry mode. The Mastercard POS entry mode should be 01 for a tokenized request.

◦ Token requestor ID is missing or formatted incorrectly.

• I: One of the following:

◦ Invalid token requestor ID.

◦ Suspended or deactivated token.

◦ Invalid token (not in mapping table).

• T: Invalid combination of token requestor ID and token.

• U: Expired token.

• W: Primary account number (PAN) listed in electronic warning bulletin. This field is returned only for Visa Platform Connect

SCMP API Fields | 279


• Field Type: Response

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 1

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: processorInformation.masterCardServiceReplyCode

• SCMP API Field: auth_reversal_payment_card_service_result

• Simple Order API Field: ccAuthReversalReply_paymentCardServiceResult

SCMP API Fields | 280


Mastercard service that was used for the transaction.

Mastercard provides this value to Cybersource.

This field is returned only for Visa Platform Connect.

Possible value is 53: Mastercard card-on-file token service.

The value for this field corresponds to the following data in the TC 33 capture file:

• Record: CP01 TCR6

• Position: 133-134

• Field: Mastercard Merchant on-behalf service

The TC 33 Capture file contains information about the payments and credits that a merchant submits to Cybersource. Visa Platform Connect creates the TC 33 Capture file at the
end of the day and sends it to the merchant’s acquirer, who uses this information to facilitate end-of-day clearing processing with payment networks.


• Field Type: Response

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 2

SCMP API Fields | 281

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: processorInformation.masterCardServiceCode

• SCMP API Field: auth_reversal_payment_card_service

• Simple Order API Field: ccAuthReversalReply_paymentCardService

SCMP API Fields | 282


Processor transaction ID.

This field is returned only for Moneris.

This value identifies the transaction on a host system. It contains the following information:

• Terminal used to process the transaction.

• Shift during which the transaction took place.

• Batch number.

• Transaction number within the batch.

You must store this value. If you give the customer a receipt, display this value on the receipt.

Example For the value 66012345001069003:

• Terminal ID = 66012345

• Shift number = 001

• Batch number = 069

• Transaction number = 003


• Field Type: Response

SCMP API Fields | 283

• Data Type: Positive Integer

• Data Length: 18

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: processorInformation.transactionID

• SCMP API Field: auth_reversal_processor_trans_id

• Simple Order API Field: ccAuthReversalReply_processorTransactionID

SCMP API Fields | 284


Flag that indicates whether the service request was successful.

Possible values:

• -1: An error occurred.

• 0: The request was declined.

• 1: The request was successful.


• Type: Integer

• Length: 1

Mapping Information

• SCMP API Field: auth_reversal_rcode

• Simple Order API Field: No corresponding field.

SCMP API Fields | 285


Reason for the authorization reversal.

Set the value for this field to 34, which indicates suspected fraud.

This field is ignored for processors that do not support this value.


• Field Type: Request

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 3

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: reversalInformation.reason

• SCMP API Field: auth_reversal_reason

• Simple Order API Field: ccAuthReversalService_reversalReason

SCMP API Fields | 286


Time in UTC when the full authorization reversal was requested.


• Field Type: Response

• Data Type: Date and time

• Data Length: 20

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: submitTimeUTC

• SCMP API Field: auth_reversal_request_time

• Simple Order API Field: ccAuthReversalReply_requestDateTime

SCMP API Fields | 287


One-word description of the result of the service request.


• Type: String

• Length: 50

Mapping Information

• SCMP API Field: auth_reversal_rflag

• Simple Order API Field: No corresponding field.

SCMP API Fields | 288


Message that explains the response flag auth_reversal_rflag.

Do not display this message to the customer, and do not use this field to write an error handler.


• Type: String

• Length: 255

Mapping Information

• SCMP API Field: auth_reversal_rmsg

• Simple Order API Field: No corresponding field.

SCMP API Fields | 289


Reference number for the transaction.

You can use this value to reconcile Cybersource reports with processor reports.

This value is not returned for all processors.


• Field Type: Response

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 60

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: reconciliationID

• SCMP API Field: auth_reversal_trans_ref_no

• Simple Order API Field: ccAuthReversalReply_reconciliationID

SCMP API Fields | 290


One-word description of the result of the service request.


• Field Type: Response

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 50

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: No corresponding field

• SCMP API Field: auth_rflag

• Simple Order API Field: No corresponding field

SCMP API Fields | 291


Message that explains the response flag auth_rflag.

Do not display this message to the customer, and do not use this field to write an error handler.

Credit Mutuel-CIC

This value might also include a text message from Credit Mutuel-CIC.


• Field Type: Response

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 255

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: No corresponding field

• SCMP API Field: auth_rmsg

• Simple Order API Field: No corresponding field

SCMP API Fields | 292


Reference number for the transaction.

You can use this value to reconcile Cybersource reports with processor reports.

This value is not returned for all processors.



• Field Type: Response

• Data Type: Integer

• Data Length: 6

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: processingInformation.reconciliationID

• SCMP API Field: auth_trans_ref_no

• Simple Order API Field: ccAuthService_reconciliationID

SCMP API Fields | 293


Transaction identifier (TID) that is used to identify and track a transaction throughout its life cycle.
This field is returned only for American Express Direct.

American Express generates this value. To comply with the CAPN requirements, this value must be included in all subsequent follow-on requests, such as captures and follow-on

When you perform authorizations, captures, and credits through Cybersource, Cybersource passes this value from the authorization service to the subsequent services for you.
However, when you perform authorizations through Cybersource and perform subsequent services through other financial institutions, you must ensure that requests for captures
and credits include this value.


• Field Type: Response

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 15

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: processorInformation.transactionID

• SCMP API Field: auth_transaction_id

• Simple Order API Field: ccAuthReply_transactionID

SCMP API Fields | 294


Transaction integrity classification provided by Mastercard.

This field is returned only for Visa Platform Connect.

This value indicates Mastercard’s evaluation of the transaction’s safety and security.

Possible values for card-present transactions:

• A1: EMV or token in a secure, trusted environment.

• B1: EMV or chip equivalent.

• C1: Magnetic stripe.

• E1: Key entered.

• U0: Unclassified.

Possible values for card-not-present transactions:

• A2: Digital transactions.

• B2: Authenticated checkout.

• C2: Transaction validation.

• D2: Enhanced data.

• E2: Generic messaging.

• U0: Unclassified.

SCMP API Fields | 295

For information about these values, contact Mastercard or your acquirer.

The value for this field corresponds to the following data in the TC 33 capture file:

• Record: CP01 TCR6

• Position: 136-137

• Field: Mastercard Transaction Integrity Classification


• Field Type: Response

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 2

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: processorInformation.transactionIntegrityCode

• SCMP API Field: auth_transaction_integrity

• Simple Order API Field: ccAuthReply_transactionIntegrity

SCMP API Fields | 296


Type of authentication for which the transaction qualifies as determined by the Mastercard authentication service, which confirms the identity of the cardholder.

Mastercard provides this value to Cybersource.

This field is returned only for Visa Platform Connect.

Possible values:

• 1: Transaction qualifies for Mastercard authentication type 1.

• 2: Transaction qualifies for Mastercard authentication type 2.

The value for this field corresponds to the following data in the TC 33 capture file:

• Record: CP01 TCR6

• Position: 132

• Field: Mastercard Member Defined Data

The TC 33 Capture file contains information about the payments and credits that a merchant submits to Cybersource. Visa Platform Connect creates the TC 33 Capture file at the
end of the day and sends it to the merchant’s acquirer, who uses this information to facilitate end-of-day clearing processing with payment networks.


• Field Type: Response

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 1

SCMP API Fields | 297

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: processorInformation.masterCardAuthenticationType

• SCMP API Field: auth_transaction_qualification

• Simple Order API Field: ccAuthReply_transactionQualification

SCMP API Fields | 298


Authorization type.

Possible values:

• AUTOCAPTURE: Automatic capture.

• STANDARDCAPTURE: Standard capture.

• verbal: Forced capture or verbal authorization.

Automatic Capture and Standard Capture

To request an automatic capture if your account is not configured for automatic captures, set this field to AUTOCAPTURE and include it in a bundled authorization and capture request.

To override an automatic capture and request a standard capture if your account is configured for automatic captures, set this field to STANDARDCAPTURE and include it in a standard
authorization or bundled authorization and capture request.

Forced Capture

A forced capture occurs when you process an authorization outside the Cybersourcesystem but then capture the order through Cybersource. To indicate that you are performing a
forced capture, set this field to verbal and include it in a bundled authorization and capture request along with other fields required for a forced capture.

Verbal Authorization

When you request an authorization through Cybersource, the issuing bank might ask you to call the payment processor to answer questions about the transaction. When this
happens, the processor gives you a verbal authorization code for the transaction. To indicate that you are capturing a verbal authorization, set this field to verbal and include it in a
capture request along with other fields required for a verbal authorization.

SCMP API Fields | 299


Automatic Capture and Standard Capture:

• Field Type: Request

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 15

Forced Capture and Verbal Authorization:

• Field Type: Request

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 11

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: processingInformation.authorizationOptions.authType

• SCMP API Field: auth_type

• Simple Order API Fields:

◦ ccAuthService_authType

◦ ccCaptureService_authType

SCMP API Fields | 300


Type of customer verification data you are requesting.

This field is supported only for Mastercard installment payments in Poland on Visa Platform Connect.

After receiving the authorization request, the issuer sends you the type of data you requested by means of a communication method or network that does not include Visa
Platform Connect. Use the data to verify the customer's identity.

Possible values:

• 01: Customer's personal data.

• 02: Customer's age.


• Field Type: Request

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 2

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: issuerInformation.verificationType

• SCMP API Field: auth_verification_type

SCMP API Fields | 301

• Simple Order API Field: ccAuthService_verificationType

SCMP API Fields | 302


Exemption indicator for payer authentication outage.

This flag specifies whether the transaction is exempt from strong customer authentication (SCA) requirements in Europe because payer authentication is not available.

Possible values:

• 0 (default): Not exempt.

• 1: Exempt from SCA requirements because payer authentication is not available.

This field is supported only on Visa Platform Connect.

For Mastercard transactions, the value for this field corresponds to the following data in the TC 33 capture file:

• Record: CP01 TCR6

• Position: 145-146

• Field: Mastercard Low-Risk Merchant Indicator


• Field Type: Request

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 1

SCMP API Fields | 303

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: consumerAuthenticationInformation.strongAuthentication.OutageExemptionIndicator

• SCMP API Field: authentication_outage_exemption_indicator

• Simple Order API Field: ccAuthService_authenticationOutageExemptionIndicator

SCMP API Fields | 304

authorized_contact_ name

The name of the individual or the company contacted for company authorized purchases.


Visa Platform Connect

• Field Type: Request

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 36

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: orderInformation.invoiceDetails.purchaseContactName

• SCMP API Field: authorized_contact_name

• Simple Order API Field: invoiceHeader_authorizedContactName

Processor Field Names

The following list provides the Level II/Level III processor field name for each processor that supports Level II or Level III data:

• Visa Platform Connect: authorizedContactName

SCMP API Fields | 305


Flag that specifies whether to return balance information.

Possible values:

• Y: Return balance information.

• N: Do not return balance information.


• Field Type: Request

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 1

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: processingInformation.authorizationOptions.balanceInquiry

• SCMP API Field: balance_inquiry

• Simple Order API Field: balanceInquiry

SCMP API Fields | 306


First line of the billing street address as it appears in the payment card issuer records.


The value for this field must not include colons (:) or non-ASCII characters.

FDMS Nashville

When the street name is numeric, it must be sent in numeric format. For example, if the address is One First Street, it must be sent as 1 1st Street.

Visa Platform Connect


When you populate billing street address 1 and billing street address 2, Visa Platform Connect concatenates the two values. If the concatenated value exceeds 40 characters,
Visa Platform Connect truncates the value at 40 characters before sending it to Visa and the issuing bank. Truncating this value affects AVS results and therefore might also
affect risk decisions and charge backs.

Credit card networks cannot process transactions that contain non-ASCII characters. Visa Platform Connect accepts and stores non-ASCII characters correctly and displays them
correctly in reports. However, the limitation of the payment card networks prevents Visa Platform Connect from transmitting non-ASCII characters to the payment card networks.
Therefore, Visa Platform Connect replaces non-ASCII characters with meaningless ASCII characters for transmission to the payment card networks.


• Atos:

◦ Field Type: Request

SCMP API Fields | 307

◦ Data Type: String

◦ Data Length: 29

• Chase Paymentech Solutions:

◦ Field Type: Request

◦ Data Type: String

◦ Data Length: 20

• Moneris:

◦ Field Type: Request

◦ Data Type: String

◦ Data Length: 50

• Visa Platform Connect:

◦ Field Type: Request

◦ Data Type: String

◦ Data Length: 40

• Worldpay VAP:

◦ Field Type: Request

◦ Data Type: String

◦ Data Length: 35

SCMP API Fields | 308

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: orderInformation.billTo.address1

• SCMP API Field: bill_address1

• Simple Order API Field: billTo_street1

SCMP API Fields | 309


Additional address information.

Example: Attention: Accounts Payable


The value for this field must not include colons (:) or non-ASCII characters.

Chase Paymentech Solutions, FDC Compass, and TSYS Acquiring Solutions

This value is used for AVS.

FDMS Nashville

The billing address 1 and billing address 2 fields together cannot exceed 20 characters.

Visa Platform Connect


When you populate billing street address 1 and billing street address 2, Visa Platform Connect concatenates the two values. If the concatenated value exceeds 40 characters,
Visa Platform Connect truncates the value at 40 characters before sending it to Visa and the issuing bank. Truncating this value affects AVS results and therefore might also
affect risk decisions and charge backs.

Credit card networks cannot process transactions that contain non-ASCII characters. Visa Platform Connect accepts and stores non-ASCII characters correctly and displays them
correctly in reports. However, the limitation of the payment card networks prevents Visa Platform Connect from transmitting non-ASCII characters to the payment card networks.
Therefore, Visa Platform Connect replaces non-ASCII characters with meaningless ASCII characters for transmission to the payment card networks.

SCMP API Fields | 310


• Atos:

◦ Field Type: Request

◦ Data Type: String

◦ Data Length: 29

• Chase Paymentech Solutions:

◦ Field Type: Request

◦ Data Type: String

◦ Data Length: 20

• Moneris

◦ Field Type: Request

◦ Data Type: String

◦ Data Length: 50

• Visa Platform Connect

◦ Field Type: Request

◦ Data Type: String

◦ Data Length: 40

• Worldpay VAP

◦ Field Type: Request

◦ Data Type: String

SCMP API Fields | 311

◦ Data Length: 35

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: orderInformation.billTo.address2

• SCMP API Field: bill_address2

• Simple Order API Field: billTo_street2

SCMP API Fields | 312


Amount that was captured.


• Field Type: Response

• Data Type: Decimal

• Data Length: 15

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: orderInformation.amountDetails.totalAmount

• SCMP API Field: bill_bill_amount

• Simple Order API Field: ccCaptureReply_amount

SCMP API Fields | 313


Time at which capture is requested in UTC.


• Field Type: Response

• Data Type: Date and time

• Data Length: 20

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: submitTimeUTC

• SCMP API Field: bill_bill_request_time

• Simple Order API Field: ccCaptureReply_requestDateTime

SCMP API Fields | 314


Building number in the street address.

This field is supported only for:

• Transactions on Cielo.

• Redecard customer validation on Cybersource Latin American Processing.

Example: If the street address is:

Rua da Quitanda 187

then the building number is 187.

Cybersource Latin American Processing

Cybersource Latin American Processing is the name of a specific processing connection. Cybersource Latin American Processing does not refer to the general topic of processing
in Latin America. The information in this field description, or in this section of the field description, is for the specific processing connection called Cybersource Latin American
Processing. It is not for any other Latin American processors.


• Field Type: Request

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 256

SCMP API Fields | 315

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: orderInformation.billTo.buildingNumber

• SCMP API Field: bill_building_number

• Simple Order API Field: billTo_buildingNumber

SCMP API Fields | 316


City in the billing address.


The value for this field must not include colons (:) or non-ASCII characters.

Visa Platform Connect

Credit card networks cannot process transactions that contain non-ASCII characters. Visa Platform Connect accepts and stores non-ASCII characters correctly and displays them
correctly in reports. However, the limitations of the payment card networks prevent Cybersource Latin American Processing from transmitting non-ASCII characters to the
payment card networks. Therefore, Cybersource Latin American Processing replaces non-ASCII characters with meaningless ASCII characters for transmission to the payment card



• Field Type: Request

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 32

Other Processors

• Field Type: Request

• Data Type: String

SCMP API Fields | 317

• Data Length: 50

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: orderInformation.billTo.locality

• SCMP API Field: bill_city

• Simple Order API Field: billTo_city

SCMP API Fields | 318


Tax identifier for the customer’s company.

This field is supported only for these kinds of payments on Visa Platform Connect:

• BNDES transactions

• Installment payments with Mastercard

Set the value for this field to the Cadastro Nacional da Pessoa Jurídica (CNPJ). The request must include this field or personal_id. When a request includes both fields, the value for
the personal_id field is sent to the processor and the bill_company_tax_id field is ignored.

For BNDES transactions, the value for this field corresponds to the following data in the TC 33 capture file:

• Record: CP07 TCR6

• Position: 26-39

• Field: Buyer ID

For installment payments with Mastercard in Brazil, the value for this field corresponds to the following data in the TC 33 capture file:

• Record: CP07 TCR4

• Position: 26-39

• Field: Buyer ID


• Field Type: Request

SCMP API Fields | 319

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 9

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: buyerInformation.companyTaxId

• SCMP API Field: bill_company_tax_id

• Simple Order API Field: billTo_companyTaxID

SCMP API Fields | 320


Country in the billing address.

Use a two-character ISO country code.

Visa Platform Connect

Credit card networks cannot process transactions that contain non-ASCII characters. Visa Platform Connect accepts and stores non-ASCII characters correctly and displays them
correctly in reports. However, the limitations of the payment card networks prevent Cybersource Latin American Processing from transmitting non-ASCII characters to the
payment card networks. Therefore, Cybersource Latin American Processing replaces non-ASCII characters with meaningless ASCII characters for transmission to the payment card


• Field Type: Request

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 2

Mapping Information

• REST API Field:

• SCMP API Field: bill_country

• Simple Order API Field: billTo_country

SCMP API Fields | 321


Customer’s neighborhood, community, or region (a barrio in Brazil) within the city or municipality.
This field is supported only on Cielo.


• Field Type: Request

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 50

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: orderInformation.billTo.district

• SCMP API Field: bill_district

• Simple Order API Field: billTo_district

SCMP API Fields | 322


Your tax ID number.


This field is supported for aggregator authorizations.


This field is supported for aggregator authorizations. All characters must be numbers.


This field is supported for aggregator authorizations.

Software Express

This field is supported for aggregator authorizations.

Visa Platform Connect

This field is supported for these kinds of payments:

• Authorizations with Mastercard in Argentina, Chile, and Paraguay. The value for this field corresponds to the following data in the TC 33 capture file:

◦ Record: CP01 TCR8

◦ Position: 110-124

◦ Field: Merchant Tax ID

SCMP API Fields | 323

• BNDES transactions in Brazil. The value for this field is your Cadastro Nacional da Pessoa Jurídica (CNPJ) number. The value for this field corresponds to the following data in
the TC 33 capture file:

◦ Record: CP07 TCR6

◦ Position: 40-59

◦ Field: BNDES Reference Field 1

• Installment payments with Mastercard in Croatia. The value for this field corresponds to the following data in the TC 33 capture file:

◦ Record: CP01 TCR5

◦ Position: 79-98

◦ Field: Mastercard Croatia Domestic Card Acceptor Tax ID


• Field Type: Request

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 15

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: merchantInformation.taxId

• SCMP API Field: bill_merchant_tax_id

• Simple Order API Field: billTo_merchantTaxID

SCMP API Fields | 324


Indicates payment for bill or payment towards existing contractual loan.

For Visa card types only.

• Authorization service: Flag that specifies whether this payment is for a bill or for an existing contractual loan. This value is case sensitive. Possible values:

◦ Y: Visa bill payment or loan payment.

◦ N (default): Not a Visa bill payment or loan payment.

• Capture service: Flag that specifies whether this is a credit for a bill that the customer paid with a Visa card. Possible values:

◦ Y: Credit for a Visa bill payment.

◦ N (default): Not a credit for a Visa bill payment.


• Field Type: Request

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 1

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: processingInformation.authorizationOptions.billPayment

• SCMP API Field: bill_payment

• Simple Order API Fields:

SCMP API Fields | 325

◦ For Card-Not-Present and Card-Present Transactions: ccAuthService_billPayment

◦ For Card-Not-Present Transactions Only: ccCreditService_billPayment

SCMP API Fields | 326


Reason for the payment.

Possible values:

• 001: Utility payment.

• 002: Government services.

• 003: Mobile phone top-up.

• 004: Coupon payment.

This field is supported only for bill payments in Brazil with Mastercard on Visa Platform Connect.

The value for this field corresponds to the following data in the TC 33 capture file:

• Record: CP07 TCR0

• Position: 48-50

• Field: Bill Payment Transaction Type Identifier


• Field Type: Request

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 3

SCMP API Fields | 327

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: processingInformation.authorizationOptions.billPaymentType

• SCMP API Field: bill_payment_type

• Simple Order API Field: billPaymentType

SCMP API Fields | 328


Point-of-sale data.

This field is supported only for the American Express card type on American Express Direct and FDMS South.

This field enables you to comply with American Express CAPN requirements.

Forced Capture

Obtain the value for this field from the authorization response.

Verbal Authorization

You cannot obtain a value for this field so Cybersource uses the default value. The default value is generated based on various factors of the transaction such as:

• Whether the transaction is an e-commerce transaction.

• Whether the transaction is a card-present transaction.

• Whether the payment data is swiped or keyed.


• Field Type: Request

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 12

SCMP API Fields | 329

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: pointOfSaleInformation.amexCapnData

• SCMP API Field: bill_pos_data

• Simple Order API Field: ccCaptureService_posData

SCMP API Fields | 330


Processor transaction ID.

This field is returned only for Moneris.

This value identifies the transaction on a host system. It contains the following information:

• Terminal used to process the transaction.

• Shift during which the transaction took place.

• Batch number.

• Transaction number within the batch.

You must store this value. If you give the customer a receipt, display this value on the receipt.

Example For the value 66012345001069003:

• Terminal ID = 66012345

• Shift number = 001

• Batch number = 069

• Transaction number = 003


• Field Type: Response

SCMP API Fields | 331

• Data Type: Positive Integer

• Data Length: 18

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: processorInformation.transactionID

• SCMP API Field: bill_processor_trans_id

• Simple Order API Field: ccCaptureReply_processorTransactionID

SCMP API Fields | 332


Flag that indicates whether the service request was successful.

Possible values:

• -1: An error occurred.

• 0: The request was declined.

• 1: The request was successful.


• Field Type: Response

• Data Type: Integer

• Data Length: 1

Mapping Information

• SCMP API Field: bill_rcode

• Simple Order API Field: No corresponding field.

SCMP API Fields | 333


Unique number that Cybersource generates to identify the transaction.

This field is returned only for Ingenico ePayments.

You can use this value to identify transactions in the Ingenico ePayments Collections Report, which provides settlement information. Contact customer support for information
about the report.


• Field Type: Response

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 20

Mapping Information

• SCMP API Field: bill_reconciliation_reference_number

• Simple Order API Field: ccCaptureReply_reconciliationReferenceNumber

SCMP API Fields | 334


Request ID for the capture that you want to credit.

This value creates a follow-on credit by linking the credit to the capture. When you include this field, you do not need to include several other credit request fields.


• Field Type: Request

• Data Type: String

• Length: 26

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: No corresponding field.

• SCMP API Field:bill_request_id

• Simple Order API Field: ccCreditService_captureRequestID

SCMP API Fields | 335


Request token for the capture that you want to credit.

This value is an encoded string that contains no confidential information, such as an account number or card verification number.


• Field Type: Request

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 256

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: No corresponding field name for the API.

• SCMP API Field: bill_request_token

• Simple Order API Field: ccCreditService_captureRequestToken

SCMP API Fields | 336


One-word description of the result of the service request.


• Type: String

• Length: 50

Mapping Information

• SCMP API Field: bill_rflag

• Simple Order API Field: No corresponding field.

SCMP API Fields | 337


Message that explains the response flag bill_rflag.

Do not display this message to the customer, and do not use this field to write an error handler.


• Type: String

• Length: 255

Mapping Information

• SCMP API Field: bill_rmsg

• Simple Order API Field: No corresponding field.

SCMP API Fields | 338


State or province in the billing address.

Use a state, province, or territory code.

Visa Platform Connect

Credit card networks cannot process transactions that contain non-ASCII characters. Visa Platform Connect accepts and stores non-ASCII characters correctly and displays them
correctly in reports. However, the limitations of the payment card networks prevent Cybersource Latin American Processing from transmitting non-ASCII characters to the
payment card networks. Therefore, Cybersource Latin American Processing replaces non-ASCII characters with meaningless ASCII characters for transmission to the payment card


• Field Type: Request

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 2

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: orderInformation.billTo.administrativeArea

• SCMP API Field: bill_state

• Simple Order API Field: billTo_state

SCMP API Fields | 339


Reference number for the transaction.

You can use this value to reconcile Cybersource reports with processor reports.


• Atos:

◦ Field Type: Response

◦ Data Type: Integer

◦ Data Length: 6

• FDC Nashville Global:

◦ Field Type: Response

◦ Data Type: String

◦ Length: 8

• All other processors:

◦ Field Type: Response

◦ Data Type: String

◦ Data Length: 60

SCMP API Fields | 340

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: reconciliationID

• SCMP API Field: bill_trans_ref_no

• Simple Order API Field: ccCaptureReply_reconciliationID

SCMP API Fields | 341


Transaction ID (TID).

This field is supported only for the American Express card type on American Express Direct and FDMS South.

This field enables you to comply with American Express CAPN requirements.

Forced Capture

Obtain the value for this field from the authorization response.

Verbal Authorization

You cannot obtain a value for this field so Cybersource uses the default value of 000000000000000 (15 zeros).


• Field Type: Request

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 15

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: processingInformation.authorizationOptions.verbalAuthTransactionId

• SCMP API Field: bill_transaction_id

SCMP API Fields | 342

• Simple Order API Field: ccCaptureService_transactionID

SCMP API Fields | 343


Postal code in the billing address.

The postal code must consist of 5 to 9 digits.

When the billing country is the U.S., the 9-digit postal code must follow this format: [5 digits][dash][4 digits].

Example: 12345-6789

When the billing country is Canada, the 6-digit postal code must follow this format: [alpha][numeric][alpha][space][numeric][alpha][numeric]

Example: A1B 2C3

American Express Direct

Before the postal code is sent to the processor, all non-alphanumeric characters are removed, and if the remaining value is longer than nine characters, the value is truncated
starting from the right side.


The value for this field must not include colons (:) or non-ASCII characters.

Visa Platform Connect

Credit card networks cannot process transactions that contain non-ASCII characters. Visa Platform Connect accepts and stores non-ASCII characters correctly and displays them
correctly in reports. However, the limitations of the payment card networks prevent Cybersource Latin American Processing from transmitting non-ASCII characters to the
payment card networks. Therefore, Cybersource Latin American Processing replaces non-ASCII characters with meaningless ASCII characters for transmission to the payment card

SCMP API Fields | 344


• Comercio Latino

◦ Field Type: Request

◦ Data Type: String

◦ Data Length: 9

• Visa Platform Connect

◦ Field Type: Request

◦ Data Type: String

◦ Data Length: 9

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: orderInformation.billTo.postalCode

• SCMP API Field: bill_zip

• Simple Order API Field: billTo_postalCode

SCMP API Fields | 345


Type of transaction.

This field is a pass-through, which means that the value is not verified or modified in any way before it is sent to the processor.

You can provide a business application ID in this field or in your account. When a request includes this field, the value in the field overrides the information in your account. Call
customer support to update your account information.

Possible values for non-Payouts transactions:

• AA: Account to account.

• BB: Business to business.

• BI: Bank-initiated money transfer.

• BP: Non-card bill payment.

• CC: Cash claim.

• CI: Cash in.

• CO: Cash out.

• CP: Card bill payment.

• FD: Funds disbursement (general), including:

◦ Commission payments

◦ Digital goods or games

◦ Insurance payments

SCMP API Fields | 346

◦ Loan disbursements

◦ Lottery payouts

◦ Shared economy

◦ Non-government-initiated tax refund services such as tax preparation businesses

• GD: Government disbursement, including:

◦ Government-initiated tax refunds

◦ Government benefit and welfare disbursements

• GP: Gambling payout other than online gambling.

• LO: Loyalty credits and rebates (not supported in European systems).

• MA: Mobile air time payment.

• MD: Merchant disbursement (acquirers or aggregators settling to merchants).

• MI: Merchant-initiated money transfer.

• MP: Face-to-face merchant payment.

• OG: Online gambling payout.

• PD: Payroll pension disbursement.

• PG: Payment to government.

• PP: Person to person.

• PS: Payment for goods and services (general).

• TU: Top-up for enhanced prepaid loads.

• WT: Wallet transfer.

SCMP API Fields | 347

Payouts on Barclays, FDC Compass, and Visa Platform Connect

Possible values:

• BB: Business to business.

• FD: Funds disbursement (general), including:

◦ Commission payments

◦ Digital goods or games

◦ Insurance payments

◦ Loan disbursements

◦ Lottery payouts

◦ Shared economy

◦ Non-government-initiated tax refund services such as tax preparation businesses

• GD: Government disbursement, including:

◦ Government-initiated tax refunds

◦ Government benefit and welfare disbursements

• GP: Gambling payout other than online gambling.

• LO: Loyalty credits and rebates (not supported in European systems).

• MD: Merchant disbursement (acquirers or aggregators settling to merchants).

• OG: Online gambling payout.

• PD: Payroll pension disbursement.

• WT: Wallet transfer.

SCMP API Fields | 348

Payouts on Chase Paymentech Solutions

Possible values:

• PP: Person to person.

• WT: Wallet transfer.

Visa Platform Connect

The value for this field corresponds to the following data in the TC 33 capture file:

• Record: CP01 TCR8

• Position: 108-109

• Field: Business Application Identifier (BAI)


• Field Type: Request

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 2

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: processingInformation.businessApplicationId

• SCMP API Field: business_application_id

• Simple Order API Field: invoiceHeader_businessApplicationID

SCMP API Fields | 349


Capture number when requesting multiple partial captures for one authorization.

This value is used along with capture_total_count to track which capture is being processed.

Example: These are the values for the second of five captures:


Visa Platform Connect

The value for this field corresponds to the following data in the TC 33 capture file:

• Record: CP01 TCR8

• Position: 158-159

• Field: Clearing Sequence Number


• Field Type: Request

• Data Type: Integer

• Data Length: 2

SCMP API Fields | 350

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: processingInformation.captureOptions.captureSequenceNumber

• SCMP API Field: capture_sequence

• Simple Order API Field: ccCaptureService_sequence

SCMP API Fields | 351


Total number of captures when requesting multiple partial captures for one authorization.

This value is used along with capture_sequence to track which capture is being processed.

Example: These are the values for the second of five captures:


Visa Platform Connect

The value for this field corresponds to the following data in the TC 33 capture file:

• Record: CP01 TCR8

• Position: 160-161

• Field: Clearing Sequence Count


• Field Type: Request

• Data Type: Integer

• Data Length: 2

SCMP API Fields | 352

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: processingInformation.captureOptions.totalCaptureCount

• SCMP API Field: capture_total_count

• Simple Order API Field: ccCaptureService_totalCount

SCMP API Fields | 353


Reference number that facilitates card acceptor/corporation communication and record keeping.


Visa Platform Connect

• Field Type: Request

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 25

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: merchantInformation.cardAcceptorReferenceNumber

• SCMP API Field: card_acceptor_ref_number

• Simple Order API Field: invoiceHeader_cardAcceptorRefNumber

Processor Field Names

The following list provides the Level II/Level III processor field name for each processor that supports Level II or Level III data:

• Visa Platform Connect: cardAcceptorRefNumber

SCMP API Fields | 354


Payment card data that was encrypted by the POS terminal.

Supported only on Visa Platform Connect.

Credit Card Transactions

The encrypted data can be track data or keyed data and is in tag-length-value (TLV) format. A data set consists of encrypted data and the encryption attributes that are associated
with the encrypted data. This field can contain multiple data sets.

PIN Debit Transactions

This field contains the PIN data, which is optional because some networks no longer require the PIN. Your agreement with the debit networks determines whether the customer
must provide a PIN.


• Field Type: Request

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 255

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: No corresponding field

• SCMP API Field: card_encrypted_data

SCMP API Fields | 355

• Simple Order API Field: card_encryptedData

SCMP API Fields | 356


Card password.

The card password consists of 2 digits and is considered Personally Identifiable Information (PII).


• Field Type: Request

• Data Type: Numeric String

• Data Length: 2

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: paymentInformation.card.passPhrase

• SCMP API Field: card_pass_phrase

• Simple Order API Field: card_passPhrase

SCMP API Fields | 357


Personal data used to validate the identify of the cardholder.

The data used will be either 6 digits representing the cardholder's date of birth or a 10-digit business number. This data is considered Personally Identifiable Information (PII).


• Field Type: Request

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: Up to 10

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: paymentInformation.card.personalData

• SCMP API Field: card_personal_data

• Simple Order API Field: card_personalData

SCMP API Fields | 358


Flag that indicates whether the prepaid card is reloadable.

This field is returned only for Worldpay VAP.

Possible values:

• Yes: Prepaid card is reloadable.

• No: Prepaid card is not reloadable.

• Unknown: Cannot be determined whether prepaid card is reloadable.


• Field Type: Response

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 7

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: paymentAccountInformation.card.prepaidReloadableCode

• SCMP API Field: card_prepaid_reloadable

• Simple Order API Field: card_prepaidReloadable

SCMP API Fields | 359


Description for type of prepaid card.

This field is returned only for Worldpay VAP.

Example GIFT




• Field Type: Response

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 50

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: No corresponding field name for this API.

• SCMP API Field: card_prepaid_type

• Simple Order API Field: card_prepaidType

SCMP API Fields | 360


Indicates whether the card is present at the time of the transaction.

Possible values:

• N: Card is not present

• Y: Card is present


• Field Type: Request

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 1

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: pointOfSaleInformation.cardPresent

• SCMP API Field: card_present

• Simple Order API Field: pos_cardPresent

SCMP API Fields | 361


Name of the card product.

This field is supported only for BNDES transactions on Visa Platform Connect.

Set the value for this field to BNDES.

The value for this field corresponds to the following data in the TC 33 capture file:

• Record: CP07 TCR4

• Position: 115-120

• Field: Brazil Country Data


• Field Type: Request

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 15

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: paymentInformation.card.productName

• SCMP API Field: card_product_name

SCMP API Fields | 362

• Simple Order API Field: card_productName

SCMP API Fields | 363


Last four digits of the customer’s account number.

You can use this value on the receipt that you give to the customer.

Card-Not-Present and PIN Debit Transactions

This field is returned only for tokenized transactions.

Card-Present Transactions

This field is returned in the response message when the client software that is installed on the POS terminal uses the Token Management Service (TMS) to retrieve tokenized
payment details.

You must contact customer support to have your account enabled to receive these fields in the credit response message.

This field is supported only for Cybersource integrations.

Visa Platform Connect

The value for this field corresponds to the following data in the TC 33 capture file:

• Record: CP01 TCR8

• Position: 85

• Field: American Express last 4 PAN return indicator

The TC 33 Capture file contains information about the payments and credits that a merchant submits to Cybersource. Visa Platform Connect creates the TC 33 Capture file at the
end of the day and sends it to the merchant’s acquirer, who uses this information to facilitate end-of-day clearing processing with payment networks.

SCMP API Fields | 364


• Field Type: Response

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 4

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: paymentInformation.card.suffix

• SCMP API Field: card_suffix

• Simple Order API Field: card_suffix

SCMP API Fields | 365

card_type (Response)

Three-digit value that indicates the card type.

All cards from the issuers below are supported along with Visa and Mastercard.

• BC

• Hana

• Hyundai

• KB Kookmin

• Lotte

• NH Nonghyup

• Samsung

• Shinhan

Possible Values

Each processor and acquirer supports some of the following card types. No processor or acquirer supports all card types.
001: Visa

For all processors except Ingenico ePayments and SIX, the Visa Electron card type is processed the same way that the Visa debit card is processed. Use card type
value 001 for Visa Electron.
002: Mastercard and Eurocard

For Eurocard, which is the European regional brand of Mastercard, you must include the card type field in a request for an authorization or stand-alone credit.
003: American Express

SCMP API Fields | 366

004: Discover

005: Diners Club

006: Carte Blanche

For this card type, you must include the card type field in a request for an authorization or stand-alone credit.
007: JCB

For this card type, you must include the card type field in a request for an authorization or stand-alone credit.
014: EnRoute

For this card type, you must include the card type field in a request for an authorization or stand-alone credit.
021: JAL

For this card type, you must include the card type field in a request for an authorization or stand-alone credit.
024: Maestro (UK Domestic)

031: Delta

Delta. Use this value only for Ingenico ePayments. For other processors, use 001 for all Visa card types. For this card type, you must include the card type field in a
request for an authorization or stand-alone credit.
033: Visa Electron

Use this value only for Ingenico ePayments and SIX. For other processors, use 001 for all Visa card types. For this card type, you must include the card type field in a
request for an authorization or stand-alone credit.
034: Dankort

For this card type, you must include the card type field in a request for an authorization or stand-alone credit.
036: Cartes Bancaires

For this card type, you must include the card type field in a request for an authorization or stand-alone credit.
037: Carta Si

For this card type, you must include the card type field in a request for an authorization or stand-alone credit.
039: Encoded account number

This value is supported only on Chase Paymentech Solutions. For this value, you must include the card type field in a request for an authorization or stand-alone

SCMP API Fields | 367

040: UATP

For this card type, you must include the card type field in a request for an authorization or stand-alone credit.
042: Maestro (International)

For this card type, you must include the card type field in a request for an authorization or stand-alone credit.
050: Hipercard

For this card type on 3.0, , or , you must include the card type field in a request for an authorization or stand-alone credit. This card type is not supported on 1.5.
051: Aura

054: Elo

For this card type on or , you must include the card type field in a request for an authorization or stand-alone credit.
058: Carnet

061: RuPay

062: China UnionPay

Cybersource Integrations

This field is included in the response message when the client software that is installed on the POS terminal uses the Token Management Service (TMS) to retrieve tokenized
payment details. You must contact customer support to have your account enabled to receive these fields in the credit response message.


• Field Type: Response

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 3

SCMP API Fields | 368

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: paymentInformation.card.type

• SCMP API Field: card_type

• Simple Order API Field: card_cardType

SCMP API Fields | 369

card_type (Request)

Three-digit value that indicates the card type.

Important: Provide the card type even when it is optional for your processor and card type. Omitting the card type can cause the transaction to be processed with the
wrong card type.

Visa Platform Connect

The value for this field corresponds to the following data in the TC 33 capture file:

• Record: CP01-TCR1

• Position: 70-71

• Field: Card ID

The TC 33 Capture file contains information about the payments and credits that a merchant submits to Cybersource. Visa Platform Connect creates the TC 33 Capture file at the
end of the day and sends it to the merchant’s acquirer, who uses this information to facilitate end-of-day clearing processing with payment networks.

All cards from the issuers below are supported along with Visa and Mastercard. Always use code 065 for all card types.

• BC

• Hana

• Hyundai

• KB Kookmin

• Lotte

SCMP API Fields | 370

• NH Nonghyup

• Samsung

• Shinhan

Possible Values

Each payment method, processor, and acquirer support different card types. See the table of supported processors and card types for the payment method you are implementing.
001: Visa

For all processors except Ingenico ePayments and SIX, the Visa Electron card type is processed the same way that the Visa debit card is processed. Use card type
value 001 for Visa Electron.
002: Mastercard and Eurocard

For Eurocard, which is the European regional brand of Mastercard, you must include the card type field in a request for an authorization or stand-alone credit.
003: American Express

004: Discover

005: Diners Club

006: Carte Blanche

For this card type, you must include the card type field in a request for an authorization or stand-alone credit.
007: JCB

For this card type, you must include the card type field in a request for an authorization or stand-alone credit.
014: EnRoute

For this card type, you must include the card type field in a request for an authorization or stand-alone credit.
021: JAL

For this card type, you must include the card type field in a request for an authorization or stand-alone credit.
024: Maestro (UK Domestic)

031: Delta

SCMP API Fields | 371

Use this value only for Ingenico ePayments. For other processors, use 001 for all Visa card types. For this card type, you must include the card type field in a request
for an authorization or stand-alone credit.
033: Visa Electron

Use this value only for Ingenico ePayments and SIX. For other processors, use 001 for all Visa card types. For this card type, you must include the card type field in a
request for an authorization or stand-alone credit.
034: Dankort

For this card type, you must include the card type field in a request for an authorization or stand-alone credit.
036: Cartes Bancaires

For this card type, you must include the card type field in a request for an authorization or stand-alone credit.
037: Carta Si

For this card type, you must include the card type field in a request for an authorization or stand-alone credit.
039: Encoded account number

This value is supported only on Chase Paymentech Solutions. For this value, you must include the card type field in a request for an authorization or stand-alone
040: UATP

For this card type, you must include the card type field in a request for an authorization or stand-alone credit.
042: Maestro (International)

For this card type, you must include the card type field in a request for an authorization or stand-alone credit.
050: Hipercard

For this card type on Cielo 3.0, Getnet, or , you must include the card type field in a request for an authorization or stand-alone credit. This card type is not supported
on 1.5.
051: Aura

054: Elo

For this card type on Getnet or Rede, you must include the card type field in a request for an authorization or stand-alone credit.
058: Carnet

061: RuPay

SCMP API Fields | 372

062: China UnionPay

065: Korean Domestic Cards

For this card type on Getnet or Rede, you must include the card type field in a request for an authorization or stand-alone credit.


• Field Type: Request

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 3

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: paymentInformation.card.type and paymentInformation.tokenizedCard.type

• SCMP API Field: card_type

• Simple Order API Field: card_cardType

SCMP API Fields | 373


Flag that identifies how the card type was selected.

This field is supported only on Credit Mutuel- CIC.

Possible values:

• 0: Card type was selected based on default acquirer settings.

• 1: Customer selected the card type.


• Field Type: Request

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 1

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: paymentInformation.card.typeSelectionIndicator

• SCMP API Field: card_type_selection_indicator

• Simple Order API Field: cardTypeSelectionIndicator

SCMP API Fields | 374


Flag that specifies how to use the card for the requested transaction.

This field is supported only for Mastercard transactions in Brazil on Visa Platform Connect.

Possible values:

• C: Credit transaction.

• D: Debit transaction.

The value for this field corresponds to the following data in the TC 33 capture file:

• Record: CP07 TCR0

• Position: 51

• Field: Combination Card Transaction Identifier


• Field Type: Request

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 1

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: paymentInformation.card.useAs

SCMP API Fields | 375

• SCMP API Field: card_usage

• Simple Order API Field: card_usage

SCMP API Fields | 376


Method that was used to verify the cardholder's identity.

Possible values:

• 0: No verification

• 1: Signature

• 2: PIN

This field is supported only for Cybersource integrations.


• Field Type: Request

• Data Type: Integer

• Data Length: 1

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: pointOfSaleInformation.emv.cardholderVerificationMethodUsed

• SCMP API Field: cardholder_verification_method

• Simple Order API Field: ccAuthService_cardholderVerificationMethod

SCMP API Fields | 377


Flag that indicates whether the card number corresponds to a virtual card number.

This field is returned only for Worldpay VAP.

Possible values:

• Y: Card number corresponds to a virtual card number.

• N: Card number does not correspond to a virtual card number.


• Type: String

• Length: 5

Mapping Information

• SCMP API Field: card_virtual

• Simple Order API Field: card_virtual

SCMP API Fields | 378


Cashback amount requested by the customer.

The value for this field must be in the acquirer’s currency.

Card-Present Credit Card Transactions

This field is supported only on Visa Platform Connect in Germany.

The value for this field corresponds to the following data in the TC 33 capture file:

• Record: CP01 TCR8

• Position: 15-23

• Field: Cashback Amount

The TC 33 Capture file contains information about the payments and credits that a merchant submits to Cybersource. Visa Platform Connect creates the TC 33 Capture file at the
end of the day and sends it to the merchant’s acquirer, who uses this information to facilitate end-of-day clearing processing with payment networks.

PIN Debit Transactions

This field is supported only on FDC Nashville Global and Visa Platform Connect.

When a cashback amount is included in a request, the cashback amount must be included in the value for the grand_total_amount field.


• Field Type: Request

SCMP API Fields | 379

• Data Type: Decimal

• Data Length:

◦ Authorization: 9

◦ Authorization Reversal: 9

◦ PIN Debit Purchase: 13

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: orderInformation.amountDetails.cashbackAmount

• SCMP API Field: cashback_amount

• Simple Order API Field: cashbackAmount

SCMP API Fields | 380


Type of cardholder-activated terminal.

Possible values:

• 1: Automated dispensing machine

• 2: Self-service terminal

• 3: Limited amount terminal

• 4: In-flight commerce (IFC) terminal

• 5: Radio frequency device

• 6: Mobile acceptance terminal

• 7: Electronic cash register

• 8: E-commerce device at your location

• 9: Terminal or cash register that uses a dialup connection to connect to the transaction processing network

Applicable Values for Card-Present Transactions:

• Chase Paymentech Solutions: Only values 1, 2, and 3 are supported.

• FDC Nashville Global: Only values 7, 8, and 9 are supported.

• GPN: Only values 6, 7, 8, and 9 are supported.

• JCN Gateway: Only values 6, 7, 8, and 9 are supported.

• TSYS Acquiring Solutions: Only value 6 is supported.

SCMP API Fields | 381

• Visa Platform Connect: Values 1 through 6 are supported, but some acquirers do not support all six values.

Applicable Values for PIN Debit Transactions:

Only values 7, 8, and 9 are supported.


• Field Type: Request

• Data Type: Non-negative integer

• Data Length: 1

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: pointOfSaleInformation.catLevel

• SCMP API Field: cat_level

• Simple Order API Field: pos_catLevel

SCMP API Fields | 382


Affiliate organization.

This field is supported only on Worldpay VAP.

You can use this information for selective analytics and reporting.

Contact your processor to have your account enabled for this feature.


• Field Type: Request

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 25

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: No corresponding field name for this API.

• SCMP API Field: category_affiliate

• Simple Order API Field: category_affiliate

SCMP API Fields | 383


Marketing campaign.

This field is supported only on Worldpay VAP.

You can use this information for selective analytics and reporting.

Contact your processor to have your account enabled for this feature.


• Field Type: Request

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 25

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: No corresponding REST API field.

• SCMP API Field: category_campaign

• Simple Order API Field: category_campaign

SCMP API Fields | 384


Merchant-defined category or group.

This field is supported only on Worldpay VAP.

You can use this information for selective analytics and reporting.

Contact your processor to have your account enabled for this feature.


• Field Type: Request

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 25

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: No corresponding REST API field.

• SCMP API Field: category_group

• Simple Order API Field: category_group

SCMP API Fields | 385


Algorithm for generating a cardholder authentication verification value (CAVV) or universal cardholder authentication field (UCAF) data.

This field is supported only for these processors:

• Atos

• Credit Mutuel-CIC

• Ingenico ePayments when a third-party provider authenticates the transaction

When you request the payer authentication and authorization services separately, get the value for this field from the pa_validate_cavv_algorithm response field.

Possible values:

• 0: Hash-based message authentication code (HMAC)

• 1: Card verification value (CVV)

• 2: CVV with authentication transaction number (ATN)


• Field Type: Request

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 1

SCMP API Fields | 386

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: consumerAuthenticationInformation.cavvAlgorithm

• SCMP API Field: cavv_algorithm

• Simple Order API Field: ccAuthService_cavvAlgorithm

SCMP API Fields | 387


Cardholder authentication verification value (CAVV).

This value is a transaction identifier generated by the issuing bank during Visa Secure, JCB J/Secure, or ProtectBuy payer authentication.

This value must be 28-character Base64 or 40-character hex binary.

For Visa Secure on FDC Nashville Global, this field is set to the value for the transaction identifier (XID) when the XID is present in the authorization request and the CAVV is not

When you request the payer authentication and authorization services separately, get the value for this field from the pa_validate_cavv response field.

Apple Pay and Samsung Pay Transactions

• American Express: for a 20-byte cryptogram, set this field to the cryptogram for authorizations with payment network tokens. For a 40-byte cryptogram, set this field to
block A of the cryptogram for authorizations with payment network tokens.

• Discover: the value for this field can be a 20 or 40-character hex binary. All cryptograms use of these formats.

• Visa: the value for this field must be 28-character base 64 or 40-character hex binary. All cryptograms use one of these formats.

Visa Platform Connect

The value for this field corresponds to the following data in the TC 33 capture file:

• Record: CP01 TCR8

• Position: 77-78

• Field: CAVV version and authentication action

SCMP API Fields | 388

The TC 33 Capture file contains information about the payments and credits that a merchant submits to Cybersource. Visa Platform Connect creates the TC 33 Capture file at the
end of the day and sends it to the merchant’s acquirer, who uses this information to facilitate end-of-day clearing processing with payment networks.


• Field Type: Request

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 40

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: consumerAuthenticationInformation.cavv

• SCMP API Field: cavv

• Simple Order API Field: ccAuthService_cavv

SCMP API Fields | 389


Reason that the strong customer authentication was canceled.

This field is supported only for Cartes Bancaires Fast'R transactions on Credit Mutuel-CIC.

The transaction was not cancelled. It was sent to the payment card company and the issuer who can reject it with a soft decline by requesting additional cardholder authentication.

Possible values:

• 01: Cardholder selected Cancel.

• 03: Decoupled authentication caused the transaction to time out.

• 04: Transaction timed out at the access control server (ACS), which is a server on the issuer side of the 3D Secure protocol. This value includes all ACS timeouts not covered
by the value 05.

• 05: Transaction timed out at the ACS because the first challenge request was not received by the ACS.

• 06: Transaction error as determined by the 3D Secure server.

• 07: Unknown.

• 08: Cybersource software timed out.

When you request the payer authentication and authorization services separately, get the value for this field from the pa_enroll_challenge_cancel_code or
pa_validate_challenge_cancel_code response field.


• Field Type: Request

SCMP API Fields | 390

• Data Type: Integer

• Data Length: 2

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: consumerAuthenticationInformation.challengeCancelCode

• SCMP API Field: challenge_cancel_code

• Simple Order API Field: ccAuthService_challengeCancelCode

SCMP API Fields | 391


Authorization code.

This field is returned only when the payment status is AUTHORIZED.


• Field Type: Response

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 6

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: No corresponding field.

• SCMP API Field: check_status_auth_code

• Simple Order API Field: ccCheckStatusReply_authorizationCode

SCMP API Fields | 392


Authorization status.

Possible values:

• AUTHORIZED: Payment was authorized.

• DECLINED: Authorization request was declined.


• Field Type: Response

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 20

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: No corresponding field.

• SCMP API Field: check_status_payment_status

• Simple Order API Field: ccCheckStatusReply_paymentStatus

SCMP API Fields | 393


Flag that indicates whether the service request was successful.

Possible values:

• -1: An error occurred.

• 0: The request was declined.

• 1: The request was successful.


• Type: Integer

• Length: 1

Mapping Information

• SCMP API Field: check_status_rcode

• Simple Order API Field: No corresponding field.

SCMP API Fields | 394


One-word description of the result of the service request.


• Type: String

• Length: 50

Mapping Information

• SCMP API Field: check_status_rflag

• Simple Order API Field: No corresponding field.

SCMP API Fields | 395


Message that explains the response flag check_status_rflag.

Do not display this message to the customer, and do not use this field to write an error handler.


• Type: String

• Length: 255

Mapping Information

• SCMP API Field: check_status_rmsg

• Simple Order API Field: No corresponding field.

SCMP API Fields | 396


Version of the client library used to request the transaction.


• Field Type: Response

• Type: String

• Length: 50

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: No corresponding field.

• SCMP API Field: client_lib_version

• Simple Order API Field: No corresponding field.

SCMP API Fields | 397


Brief description or comments for the order.

This value is not sent to the processor. Instead, the value is forwarded to the Cybersource reporting software.

This field is supported only for Cybersource integrations.


• Field Type: Request

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 255

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: No corresponding field

• SCMP API Field: comments

• Simple Order API Field: comments

SCMP API Fields | 398


Commodity code used to classify an item.


Chase Paymentech Solutions

• Field Type: Offer-level request

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 12

Elavon Americas

• Field Type: Offer-level request

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 12

FDC Compass

• Field Type: Offer-level request

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 12

FDC Nashville Global

SCMP API Fields | 399

• Field Type: Offer-level request

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 12


• Field Type: Offer-level request

• Data Type: String

• Data Length for Mastercard: 15

• Data Length for Visa: 12

OmniPay Direct

• Field Type: Offer-level request

• Data Type: String

• Data Length for Mastercard: 4

• Data Length for Visa: 12

RBS WorldPay Atlanta

• Field Type: Offer-level request

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 12

TSYS Acquiring Solutions

• Field Type: Offer-level

SCMP API Fields | 400

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 12

Visa Platform Connect

• Field Type: Offer-level request

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 12

Worldpay VAP

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 12

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: orderInformation.lineItems[].commodityCode

• SCMP API Field: commodity_code

• Simple Order API Field: item_#_commodityCode

Processor Field Names

Processor-specific field names for each processor supporting this field for Level II or Level III processing:

• Chase Paymentech Solutions: Item Commodity Code

• Visa Platform Connect: commodityCode

• Elavon Americas: Item Commodity Code

SCMP API Fields | 401

• FDC Compass: Item Commodity Code

• FDC Nashville Global: Item Commodity Code

• GPN: Item Commodity Code

• OmniPay Direct: Item Commodity Code

• RBS WorldPay Atlanta: Commodity Code

• TSYS Acquiring Solutions: Item Commodity Code

• Worldpay VAP: commodityCode

SCMP API Fields | 402


First line in the street address of the company purchasing the product.


American Express Direct

• Field Type: Request

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 40

Mapping Information

• REST API Field:

• SCMP API Field: company_address1

• Simple Order API Field: billTo_companyStreet1

Processor Field Names

The following list provides the Level II/Level III processor field name for each processor that supports Level II or Level III data:

• American Express Direct: N/A

SCMP API Fields | 403


Additional address information for the company purchasing the product.

Example: Attention: Accounts Payable


American Express Direct

• Field Type: Request

• Data Type: string

• Data Length: 40

Mapping Information

• REST API Field:

• SCMP API Field: company_address2

• Simple Order API Field: billTo_companyStreet2

Processor Field Names

The following list provides the Level II/Level III processor field name for each processor that supports Level II or Level III data:

• American Express Direct: N/A

SCMP API Fields | 404


City in the address of the company purchasing the product.


American Express Direct

• Field Type: Request

• Data Type: string

• Data Length: 30

Mapping Information

• REST API Field:

• SCMP API Field: company_city

• Simple Order API Field: billTo_companyCity

Processor Field Names

The following list provides the Level II/Level III processor field name for each processor that supports Level II or Level III data:

• American Express Direct: N/A

SCMP API Fields | 405


Two-digit ISO standard code for the country in the address of the company purchasing the product.

For more information on ISO standard country codes, see ISO Standard Country Codes.


American Express Direct

• Field Type: Request

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 2

Mapping Information

• REST API Field:

• SCMP API Field: company_country

• Simple Order API Field: billTo_companyCountry

Processor Field Names

The following list provides the Level II/Level III processor field name for each processor that supports Level II or Level III data:

• American Express Direct: N/A

SCMP API Fields | 406


Name of the customer’s company.

Visa Platform Connect

Credit card networks cannot process transactions that contain non-ASCII characters. Visa Platform Connect accepts and stores non-ASCII characters correctly and displays them
correctly in reports. However, the limitations of the payment card networks prevent Cybersource Latin American Processing from transmitting non-ASCII characters to the
payment card networks. Therefore, Cybersource Latin American Processing replaces non-ASCII characters with meaningless ASCII characters for transmission to the payment card


American Express Direct and Ingenico ePayments processors:

• Field Type: Request

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 40

Moneris processor:

• Field Type: Request

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 50

Visa Platform Connect processor:

• Field Type: Request

SCMP API Fields | 407

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 60

Mapping Information

• REST API Field:

• SCMP API Field: company_name

• Simple Order API Field: billTo_company

SCMP API Fields | 408


State or province in the address of the company purchasing the product.

For US and Canadian transactions, use the standard two digit state / province codes.

For more information, see State, Province, and Territory Codes for the United States and Canada.


American Express Direct

• Field Type: Request

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 2

Mapping Information

• REST API Field:

• SCMP API Field: company_state

• Simple Order API Field: billTo_companyState

Processor Field Names

The following list provides the Level II/Level III processor field name for each processor that supports Level II or Level III data:

SCMP API Fields | 409

• American Express Direct: N/A

SCMP API Fields | 410


Postal code in the address of the company purchasing the product.

For U.S. transactions, the postal code must consist of the 5 digit or 9 digit format:

• 5-digit zip format: 12345

• 9-digit zip+ format: 12345-6789

For Canadian transactions, the postal code must use the 6-digit potal code format:

• 6-digit format: A1B 2C3


American Express Direct

• Field Type: Request

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 10

Mapping Information

• REST API Field:

• SCMP API Field: company_zip

• Simple Order API Field: billTo_companyPostalCode

SCMP API Fields | 411

Processor Field Names

The following list provides the Level II/Level III processor field name for each processor that supports Level II or Level III data:

• American Express Direct: N/A

SCMP API Fields | 412


Credit authorization code.

This field is returned only when the issuer returns this value and the credit is authorized.


• Field Type: Response

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 6

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: processorInformation.approvalCode

• SCMP API Field: credit_auth_code

• Simple Order API Field: ccCreditReply_authorizationCode

SCMP API Fields | 413


Network transaction identifier (TID).

This field is returned only for Visa Platform Connect and only when the credit is authorized.

You can use this value to identify a specific transaction when you are discussing the transaction with your acquirer.


• Field Type: Response

• Type: String

• Length: 15

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: processorInformation.networkTransactionId

• SCMP API Field: credit_auth_payment_network_transaction_id

• Simple Order API Field: ccCreditReply_paymentNetworkTransactionID

SCMP API Fields | 414


Error message from the issuer or the processor.

This field is returned only when the credit is authorized and the processor sends this value.

Important: Do not use this field to evaluate the result of the request.


• Field Type: Response

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 10

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: processorInformation.responseCode

• SCMP API Field: credit_auth_response

• Simple Order API Field: ccCreditReply_processorResponse

SCMP API Fields | 415


Amount that was credited.


• Field Type: Response

• Data Type: Decimal

• Data Length: 15

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: creditAmountDetails.creditAmount and refundAmountDetails.refundAmount

• SCMP API Field: credit_credit_amount

• Simple Order API Field: ccCreditReply_amount

SCMP API Fields | 416


Date and time when the service was requested.


• Field Type: Response

• Data Type: Date and time

• Data Length: 20

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: submitTimeUtc

• SCMP API Field: credit_credit_request_time

• Simple Order API Field: ccCreditReply_requestDateTime

SCMP API Fields | 417


Name of the Japanese acquirer that processed the transaction.

This field is returned only for JCN Gateway.

Contact the Cybersource Japan Support Group for more information.


• Field Type: Response

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 32

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: processorInformation.forwardedAcquirerCode

• SCMP API Field: credit_forward

• Simple Order API Field: ccCreditReply_forwardCode

SCMP API Fields | 418


Merchant ID that was used to create the subscription or token for which the service was requested.


• Field Type: Response

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 30

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: No corresponding field

• SCMP API Field: credit_owner_merchant_id

• Simple Order API Field: ccCreditReply_ownerMerchantID

SCMP API Fields | 419


Processor transaction ID.

This field is returned only for Moneris.

This value identifies the transaction on a host system. It contains the following information:

• Terminal used to process the transaction.

• Shift during which the transaction took place.

• Batch number.

• Transaction number within the batch.

You must store this value. If you give the customer a receipt, display this value on the receipt.

Example For the value 66012345001069003:

• Terminal ID = 66012345

• Shift number = 001

• Batch number = 069

• Transaction number = 003


• Field Type: Response

SCMP API Fields | 420

• Data Type: Positive Integer

• Data Length: 18

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: processorInformation.transactionID

• SCMP API Field: credit_processor_trans_id

• Simple Order API Field: ccCreditReply_processorTransactionID

SCMP API Fields | 421


Flag that indicates whether the service request was successful.

Possible values:

• -1: An error occurred.

• 0: The request was declined.

• 1: The request was successful.


• Type: Integer

• Length: 1

Mapping Information

• SCMP API Field: credit_rcode

• Simple Order API Field: No corresponding field.

SCMP API Fields | 422


Unique number that Cybersource generates to identify the transaction.

This field is returned only for Ingenico ePayments.

You can use this value to identify transactions in the Ingenico ePayments Collections Report, which provides settlement information. Contact customer support for information
about the report.


• Field Type: Response

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 20

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: No corresponding field.

• SCMP API Field: credit_reconciliation_reference_number

• Simple Order API Field: ccCreditReply_reconciliationReferenceNumber

SCMP API Fields | 423


One-word description of the result of the service request.


• Type: String

• Length: 50

Mapping Information

• SCMP API Field: credit_rflag

• Simple Order API Field: No corresponding field.

SCMP API Fields | 424


Message that explains the response flag credit_rflag

Do not display this message to the customer, and do not use this field to write an error handler.


• Type: String

• Length: 255

Mapping Information

• SCMP API Field: credit_rmsg

• Simple Order API Field: No corresponding field.

SCMP API Fields | 425


Reference number for the transaction.

You can use this value to reconcile Cybersource reports with processor reports.



• Field Type: Response

• Data Type: Integer

• Data Length: 6

• FDC Nashville Global:

◦ Field Type: Response

◦ Data Type: String

◦ Data Length: 8

• All other processors:

◦ Field Type: Response

◦ Data Type: String

◦ Data Length: 60

SCMP API Fields | 426

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: reconciliationID

• SCMP API Field: credit_trans_ref_no

• Simple Order API Field: ccCreditReply_reconciliationID

SCMP API Fields | 427


Flag that specifies whether the payment is for the purchase of cryptocurrency.

This field is supported only for Visa transactions on Visa Platform Connect.

Possible values:

• Y: Payment is for the purchase of cryptocurrency.

• N (default): Payment is not for the purchase of cryptocurrency.

The value for this field does not map to the TC 33 capture file.

The TC 33 Capture file contains information about the payments and credits that a merchant submits to Cybersource. Visa Platform Connect creates the TC 33 Capture file at the
end of the day and sends it to the merchant’s acquirer, who uses this information to facilitate end-of-day clearing processing with payment networks.


• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 1

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: No corresponding field.

• SCMP API Field: cryptocurrency_purchase

SCMP API Fields | 428

• Simple Order API Field: ccAuthService_cryptocurrencyPurchase

SCMP API Fields | 429

currency (Response)

Currency used for the order.

Use a three-character ISO currency code.

For an authorization reversal or capture, you must use the same currency that was used for the authorization.

DCC with a Third-Party Provider: Customer’s billing currency.


• Field Type: Response

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 5

Mapping Information

• REST API Fields:

◦ orderInformation.amountDetails.currency

◦ creditAmountDetails.currency

◦ refundAmountDetails.currency

◦ reversalAmountDetails.currency

• SCMP API Field: currency

SCMP API Fields | 430

• Simple Order API Field: purchaseTotals_currency

SCMP API Fields | 431

currency (Request)

Currency used for the order.

For possible values, refer to ISO Standard Currency Codes.

For authorization reversal or capture services, you must use the same currency that was used for the authorization.

For the PIN debit reversal service, you must use the same currency that was used for the PIN debit purchase or PIN debit credit that you are reversing.

DCC with a Third-Party Provider

Customer’s billing currency.


• Field Type: Request

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 5

Mapping Information

• REST API Fields:

◦ orderInformation.amountDetails.currency

◦ reversalInformation.amountDetails.currency

• SCMP API Field: currency

SCMP API Fields | 432

• Simple Order API Field: purchaseTotals_currency

SCMP API Fields | 433


Free form data about the transaction.

This field is supported only on FDC Nashville Global.

This value is forwarded to your processor, which then forwards the value to your acquirer during settlement.

When you provide this field in separate authorization and capture requests for the same order, the value from the capture request is forwarded to your processor.


• Field Type: Request

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 32

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: No corresponding field.

• SCMP API Field: custom_data1

• Simple Order API Field: invoiceHeader_customData_1

SCMP API Fields | 434


Date the cardholder’s account was last changed.

This includes changes to the billing or shipping address, new payment accounts or new users added. This field can contain one of these values:

• -1: Guest account

• 0: Changed during this transaction

If neither applies, enter the date in YYYYMMDD format.


• Field Type: Request

• Data Type: Integer

• Data Length: 8

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: riskInformation.buyerHistory.customerAccount.lastChangeDate

• SCMP API Field: customer_account_change_date

• Simple Order API Field: billTo_customerAccountChangeDate

SCMP API Fields | 435


Date the cardholder opened the account.

This field can contain one of these values:

• -1: Guest account

• 0: Opened during this transaction

If neither applies, enter the date in YYYYMMDD format.


• Field Type: Request

• Data Type: Integer

• Data Length: 8

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: riskInformation.buyerHistory.customerAccount.createDate

• SCMP API Field: customer_account_create_date

• Simple Order API Field: billTo_customerAccountCreateDate

SCMP API Fields | 436


Your identifier for the customer.

Credit Mutuel-CIC

For recurring payments in Mexico, the value for this field is the customer’s contract number.

Before you request the authorization, you must inform the issuer about the customer contract numbers that will be used for recurring transactions.

Ingenico ePayments

The value for this field cannot include spaces.


For recurring payments in Mexico, the value for this field is the customer’s contract number.

Worldpay VAP

For a follow-on credit, Cybersource checks the following locations, in the order given, for a customer account ID value and uses the first value it finds:

1. customer_account_id value in the follow-on credit request.

2. customer_account_id value that was used for the capture that is being credited.

3. customer_account_id value that was used for the original authorization.

If a customer account ID value cannot be found in any of these locations, then no value is used.

SCMP API Fields | 437


• Credit Mutuel-CIC:

◦ Field Type: Request

◦ Data Type: String

◦ Data Length: 20

• Ingenico ePayments:

◦ Field Type: Request

◦ Data Type: String

◦ Data Length: 15

• Prosa:

◦ Field Type: Request

◦ Data Type: String

◦ Data Length: 20

• All other processors:

◦ Field Type: Request

◦ Data Type: String

◦ Data Length: 100

When a subscription or customer profile is being created, the maximum length for this field for most processors is 30. Otherwise, the maximum length is 100.

SCMP API Fields | 438

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: buyerInformation.merchantCustomerId

• SCMP API Field: customer_account_id

• Simple Order API Field: billTo_customerID

SCMP API Fields | 439


Date the cardholder last changed or reset password on account.

This field can contain one of these values:

• -1: Guest account

• 0: Changed during this transaction

If neither applies, enter the date in YYYYMMDD format.


• Field Type: Request

• Data Type: Integer

• Data Length: 8

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: riskInformation.buyerHistory.customerAccount.passwordChangeDate

• SCMP API Field: customer_account_password_change_date

• Simple Order API Field: billTo_customerAccountPasswordChangeDate

SCMP API Fields | 440


Flag that specifies whether a CVN code was sent.

Possible values:

• 0 (default): CVN service not requested. This default value is used when you do not include the customer_cc_cv_number field in the request.

• 1 (default): CVN service requested and supported. This default value is used when you include the customer_cc_cv_number field in the request.

• 2: CVN on payment card is illegible.

• 9: CVN not imprinted on payment card.


• Field Type: Request

• Data Type: Nonnegative integer

• Data Length: 1

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: paymentInformation.card.securityCodeIndicator

• SCMP API Field: customer_cc_cv_indicator

• Simple Order API Field: card_cvIndicator

SCMP API Fields | 441


Card verification number (CVN).

Refer to the CVN information in Credit Card Services Using the SCMP API.


• Field Type: Request

• Data Type: Nonnegative integer

• Data Length: 4

Mapping Information

• REST API Fields:

◦ paymentInformation.card.securityCode

◦ paymentInformation.tokenizedCard.securityCode

• SCMP API Field: customer_cc_cv_number

• Simple Order API Field: card_cvNumber

SCMP API Fields | 442


Two-digit month in which the payment card expires.

Format: MM

Possible values: 01 through 12. Leading 0 is required.

Barclays and Streamline

For Maestro (UK Domestic and International) cards, this value must be valid (01 through 12) but is not required to be a valid expiration date. In other words, an expiration date
that is in the past does not cause Cybersource to reject a request. However, an invalid expiration date might cause the issuer to reject a request.

Chase Paymentech Solutions

For encoded account numbers (card_type=039), set the value for this field to 12 if the card does not provide an expiration date.


• Field Type: Request

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 2

Mapping Information

• REST API Fields:

◦ paymentInformation.card.expirationMonth

SCMP API Fields | 443

◦ paymentInformation.tokenizedCard.expirationMonth

• SCMP API Field: customer_cc_expmo

• Simple Order API Field: card_expirationMonth

SCMP API Fields | 444


Four-digit year in which the payment card expires.

Format: YYYY


For Maestro (UK Domestic and International) cards on Barclays and Streamline, this value must be valid (1900 through 3000) but is not required to be a valid expiration date. In
other words, an expiration date that is in the past does not cause Cybersource to reject a request. However, an invalid expiration date might cause the issuer to reject a request.


For Maestro (UK Domestic and International) cards on Barclays and Streamline, this value must be valid (1900 through 3000) but is not required to be a valid expiration date. In
other words, an expiration date that is in the past does not cause Cybersource to reject a request. However, an invalid expiration date might cause the issuer to reject a request.

Chase Paymentech Solutions

For encoded account numbers (card_type=039), set the value for this field to 2021 if the card does not provide an expiration date.

FDC Nashville Global

You can provide two digits or four digits. When you provide two digits, they must be the last two digits of the year.

FDMS South

You can provide two digits or four digits. When you provide two digits, they must be the last two digits of the year.

SCMP API Fields | 445


• FDC Nashville Global: You can provide two digits or four digits. When you provide two digits, they must be the last two digits of the year.

• FDMS South: You can provide two digits or four digits. When you provide two digits, they must be the last two digits of the year.

Mapping Information

• REST API Fields:

◦ paymentInformation.card.expirationYear

◦ paymentInformation.tokenizedCard.expirationYear

• SCMP API Field: customer_cc_expyr

• Simple Order API Field: card_expirationYear

SCMP API Fields | 446


Number of times a Maestro (UK Domestic) card has been issued to the account holder.

The card might or might not have an issue number. The number can consist of one or two digits, and the first digit might be a zero. When you include this value in a request,
include exactly what is printed on the card. A value of 2 is different than a value of 02.

Do not include the field, even with a blank value, if the card is not a Maestro (UK Domestic) card.

The issue number is not required for Maestro (UK Domestic) transactions.


• Field Type: Request

• Type: String

• Length: 5

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: paymentInformation.card.issueNumber

• SCMP API Field: customer_cc_issue_number

• Simple Order API Field: card_issueNumber

SCMP API Fields | 447


Payment card number or network token.

Chase Paymentech Solutions

When processing encoded account numbers, use this field for the encoded account number.


• FDMS Nashville (Card-Present Transactions only):

◦ Field Type: Request

◦ Data Type: Nonnegative integer

◦ Data Length: 19

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: paymentInformation.card.number

• SCMP API Field: customer_cc_number

• Simple Order API Field: card_accountNumber

SCMP API Fields | 448


Month of the start of the Maestro (UK Domestic) card validity period.

Do not include the field, even with a blank value, if the card is not a Maestro (UK Domestic) card.

Possible values: 01 through 12.

The start date is not required for Maestro (UK Domestic) transactions.


• Field Type: Request

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 2

• Data Format: MM

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: paymentInformation.card.startMonth

• SCMP API Field: customer_cc_startmo

• Simple Order API Field: card_startMonth

SCMP API Fields | 449


Year of the start of the Maestro (UK Domestic) card validity period.

Do not include the field, even with a blank value, if the card is not a Maestro (UK Domestic) card.

The start date is not required for Maestro (UK Domestic) transactions.


• Field Type: Request

• Data Type: Nonnegative Integer

• Data Length: 4

• Data Format: YYYY

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: paymentInformation.card.startYear

• SCMP API Field: customer_cc_startyr

• Simple Order API Field: card_startYear

SCMP API Fields | 450


Customer's email address, including full domain name.

Format: name@host.domain

Visa Platform Connect

Credit card networks cannot process transactions that contain non-ASCII characters. Visa Platform Connect accepts and stores non-ASCII characters correctly and displays them
correctly in reports. However, the limitations of the payment card networks prevent Cybersource Latin American Processing from transmitting non-ASCII characters to the
payment card networks. Therefore, Cybersource Latin American Processing replaces non-ASCII characters with meaningless ASCII characters for transmission to the payment card


• Field Type: Request

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 255

Mapping Information

• REST API Field:

• SCMP API Field: customer_email

• Simple Order API Field: billTo_email

SCMP API Fields | 451


Customer’s first name.

Value should match value on card.

Cybersource Latin American Processing


For an authorization request, Cybersource Latin American Processing concatenates customer_firstname and customer_lastname . If the concatenated value exceeds 30
characters, Cybersource Latin American Processing declines the authorization request.

Cybersource Latin American Processing is the name of a specific processing connection. Cybersource Latin American Processing does not refer to the general topic of processing
in Latin America. The information in this field description, or in this section of the field description, is for the specific processing connection called Cybersource Latin American
Processing. It is not for any other Latin American processors.

Visa Platform Connect

Credit card networks cannot process transactions that contain non-ASCII characters. Visa Platform Connect accepts and stores non-ASCII characters correctly and displays them
correctly in reports. However, the limitations of the payment card networks prevent Cybersource Latin American Processing from transmitting non-ASCII characters to the
payment card networks. Therefore, Cybersource Latin American Processing replaces non-ASCII characters with meaningless ASCII characters for transmission to the payment card


• Cybersource Latin American Processing

◦ Field Type: Request

SCMP API Fields | 452

◦ Data Type: String

◦ Data Length: See field description

• Worldpay VAP

◦ Field Type: Request

◦ Data Type: String

◦ Data Length: 25

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: orderInformation.billTo.firstName

• SCMP API Field: customer_firstname

• Simple Order API Field: billTo_firstName

SCMP API Fields | 453


DNS resolved hostname from customer_ipaddress.


• Field Type: Request

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 60

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: deviceInformation.hostName

• SCMP API Field: customer_hostname

• Simple Order API Field: billTo_hostname

SCMP API Fields | 454


Customer’s IP address.


• Field Type: Request

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 45

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: deviceInformation.ipAddress

• SCMP API Field: customer_ipaddress

• Simple Order API Field: billTo_ipAddress

SCMP API Fields | 455


Customer’s last name.

Value should match value on card.

Cybersource Latin American Processing


For an authorization request, Cybersource Latin American Processing concatenates customer_firstname and customer_lastname . If the concatenated value exceeds 30
characters, Cybersource Latin American Processing declines the authorization request.

Cybersource Latin American Processing is the name of a specific processing connection. Cybersource Latin American Processing does not refer to the general topic of processing
in Latin America. The information in this field description, or in this section of the field description, is for the specific processing connection called Cybersource Latin American
Processing. It is not for any other Latin American processors.


• Cybersource Latin American Processing:

◦ Field Type: Request

◦ Data Type: String

◦ Data Length: See field description

• Worldpay VAP:

◦ Field Type: Request

SCMP API Fields | 456

◦ Data Type: String

◦ Data Length: 25

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: orderInformation.billTo.lastName

• SCMP API Field: customer_lastname

• Simple Order API Field: billTo_lastName

SCMP API Fields | 457


Issuing country for the cardholder’s passport.


• Field Type: Request

• Data Type: Integer

• Data Length: 3

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: No corresponding field.

• SCMP API Field: customer_passport_country

• Simple Order API Field: billTo_passportCountry

SCMP API Fields | 458


The cardholder’s passport number.


• Field Type: Request

• Data Type:String

• Data Length: 40

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: No corresponding field.

• SCMP API Field: customer_passport_number

• Simple Order API Field: billTo_passportNumber

SCMP API Fields | 459


Customer's phone number.

Include the country code when the order is from outside the U.S.

Visa Platform Connect

Credit card networks cannot process transactions that contain non-ASCII characters. Visa Platform Connect accepts and stores non-ASCII characters correctly and displays them
correctly in reports. However, the limitations of the payment card networks prevent Cybersource Latin American Processing from transmitting non-ASCII characters to the
payment card networks. Therefore, Cybersource Latin American Processing replaces non-ASCII characters with meaningless ASCII characters for transmission to the payment card

For installment payments with Mastercard in Brazil, the value for this field corresponds to the following data in the TC 33 capture file:

• Record: CP07 TCR4

• Position: 40-50

• Field: Buyer Phone Number

The TC 33 Capture file contains information about the payments and credits that a merchant submits to Cybersource. Visa Platform Connect creates the TC 33 Capture file at the
end of the day and sends it to the merchant’s acquirer, who uses this information to facilitate end-of-day clearing processing with payment networks.


• Visa Platform Connect for Installment Payments with Mastercard in Brazil:

◦ Field Type: Request

◦ Type: String

SCMP API Fields | 460

◦ Length: 11

• Other Processors:

◦ Field Type: Request

◦ Type: String

◦ Length: 15

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: orderInformation.billTo.phoneNumber

• SCMP API Field: customer_phone

• Simple Order API Field: billTo_phoneNumber

SCMP API Fields | 461


Flag indicating that DCC is being used for the transaction.

Set the value for this field to 1.


• Field Type: Request

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 1

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: currencyConversion.indicator

• SCMP API Field: dcc_indicator

• Simple Order API Field: dcc_dccIndicator

SCMP API Fields | 462


Unique identifier that the DCC provider generates.


• Field Type: Request

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 60

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: reconciliationId

• SCMP API Field: dcc_reference_number

• Simple Order API Field: dcc_referenceNumber

SCMP API Fields | 463


Flag that specifies whether this is a payment towards an existing contractual loan.

Possible values:

• Y: Loan payment.

• N (default): Not a loan payment.


• Field Type: Request

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 5

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: processingInformation.recurringOptions.loanPayment

• SCMP API Field: debt_indicator

• Simple Order API Field: debtIndicator

SCMP API Fields | 464


Flag for a mass transit transaction that indicates whether the purpose of the authorization is to recover debt.

This field is supported only for mass transit transactions.

Possible values:

• Y: Debt recovery transaction

• N (default): Not a debt recovery transaction

Visa Platform Connect

The value for this field corresponds to the following data in the TC 33 capture file:

• Record: CP01 TCR7

• Position: 150-151

• Field: Transit Transaction Type Indicator

The TC 33 Capture file contains information about the payments and credits that a merchant submits to Cybersource. Visa Platform Connect creates the TC 33 Capture file at the
end of the day and sends it to the merchant’s acquirer, who uses this information to facilitate end-of-day clearing processing with payment networks.


• Field Type: Request

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 1

SCMP API Fields | 465

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: processingInformation.debtRecoveryIndicator

• SCMP API Field: debt_recovery_indicator

• Simple Order API Field: ccAuthService_debtRecoveryIndicator

SCMP API Fields | 466


Summary of the result of the overall request.

Possible values:

• ACCEPT: Request succeeded.

• ERROR: System error occurred.

• REJECT: One or more of the service requests were declined.

• REVIEW: The order was flagged for review. This value is returned only when you use Token Management Service.


• Field Type: Response

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 6

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: No corresponding field

• SCMP API Field: No corresponding field

• Simple Order API Field: decision

SCMP API Fields | 467


List of AVS codes that cause the request to be declined for AVS reasons.

Use a comma to separate the values in the list.

Important: To receive declines for the AVS code N, include the value N in the list.


• Field Type: Request

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 255

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: processingInformation.authorizationOptions.declineAvsFlags

• SCMP API Field: decline_avs_flags

• Simple Order API Field: businessRules_declineAVSFlags

SCMP API Fields | 468


Exemption indicator for delegated authentication.

This flag specifies whether the transaction is exempt from strong customer authentication (SCA) requirements in Europe because the authentication was delegated to a different
provider, such as an acquirer or payment technology provider (PTP).

Possible values:

• 0 (default): Not exempt.

• 1: Exempt from SCA requirements because the authentication was delegated to a different provider

Visa Platform Connect

For Mastercard transactions, the value for this field corresponds to the following data in the TC 33 capture file:

• Record: CP01 TCR6

• Position: 145-146

• Field: Mastercard Low-Risk Merchant Indicator


• Field Type: Request

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 1

SCMP API Fields | 469

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: consumerAuthenticationInformation.strongAuthentication.delegatedAuthenticationExemptionIndicator

• SCMP API Field: delegated_authentication_exemption_indicator

• Simple Order API Field: ccAuthService_delegatedAuthenticationExemptionIndicator

SCMP API Fields | 470


Transaction ID that the directory server generates during authentication.

When you request the payer authentication and authorization services separately, get the value for this field from the pa_enroll_directory_server_transaction_id or
pa_validate_directory_server_transaction_id response field.

Mastercard Identity Check on Visa Platform Connect

The value for this field corresponds to the following data in the TC 33 capture file:

• Record: CP01 TCR7

• Position: 114-149

• Field: MC AVV Verification—Directory Server Transaction ID

The TC 33 Capture file contains information about the payments and credits that a merchant submits to Cybersource. Visa Platform Connect creates the TC 33 Capture file at the
end of the day and sends it to the merchant’s acquirer, who uses this information to facilitate end-of-day clearing processing with payment networks.


• Field Type: Request

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 36

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: consumerAuthenticationInformation.directoryServerTransactionId

SCMP API Fields | 471

• SCMP API Field: directory_server_transaction_id

• Simple Order API Fields: ccAuthService_directoryServerTransactionID

SCMP API Fields | 472


Discount applied to the item.

FDC Nashville Global

Do not set this field to 0 (zero) for Mastercard transactions.

The maximum value of this field is 99,999.99

This field may be required for all Level III processing, depending on your merchant category code. Check with your processor.


Chase Paymentech Solutions

• Field Type: Offer-level request

• Data Type: Decimal

• Data Length (Mastercard): 10

• Data Length (Visa): 13

• Field Type: Offer-level request

• Data Type: Decimal

• Data Length (Mastercard): 9

• Data Length (Visa): 12

SCMP API Fields | 473

FDC Compass

• Field Type: Offer-level request

• Data Type: Decimal

• Data Length (Mastercard): 10

• Data Length (Visa): 13

FDC Nashville Global

• Field Type: Offer-level request

• Data Type: Decimal

• Data Length: 13


• Field Type: Offer-level request

• Data Type: Decimal

• Data Length: 12

OmniPay Direct

• Field Type: Offer-level request

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 12

RBS WorldPay Atlanta

• Field Type: Offer-level request

SCMP API Fields | 474

• Data Type: Numeric

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 8

TSYS Acquiring Solutions

• Field Type: Offer-level request

• Data Type: Decimal

• Length: 13

Visa Platform Connect

• Field Type: Offer-level request

• Data Type: Decimal

• Data Length: 12

Worldpay VAP

• Field Type: Offer-level request

• Data Type: Decimal

• Data Length: 8

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: orderInformation.lineItems[].discountAmount

• SCMP API Field: discount_amount

SCMP API Fields | 475

• Simple Order API Field: item_#_discountAmount

Processor Field Names

Processor-specific field names for each processor supporting this field for Level II or Level III processing:

• Chase Paymentech Solutions:

◦ Mastercard: Discount Amount

◦ Visa: Discount Amount for Line Item

• Elavon Americas:

◦ Mastercard: Discount Amount

◦ Visa: Discount Amount Per Line Item

• FDC Compass:

◦ Mastercard: Discount Amount

◦ Visa: Discount Amount for Line Item

• FDC Nashville Global: Item Discount Amount

• GPN: Item Discount

• OmniPay Direct:

◦ Mastercard: Discount Amount

◦ Visa: Discount Amount for Line Item

• RBS WorldPay Atlanta: Discount Amount

• TSYS Acquiring Solutions:

SCMP API Fields | 476

◦ Mastercard: Discount Amount

◦ Visa: Discount Amount Per Line Item

• Visa Platform Connect: discountAmount

• Worldpay VAP: Item Discount Amount

SCMP API Fields | 477


Flag indicating a discount was applied to the item.

Possible values:

• Y: Discount applied

• N: No Discount applied

This field is automatically set to Y if the discount_amount field is greater than 0.


Chase Paymentech Solutions

• Field Type: Offer-level request

• Type: String

• Length: 1

Elavon Americas

• Field Type: Offer-level request

• Type: String

• Length: 1

FDC Compass

SCMP API Fields | 478

• Field Type: Offer-level request

• Type: String

• Length: 1

OmniPay Direct

• Field Type: Offer-level request

• Type: String

• Length: 1

TSYS Acquiring Solutions

• Field Type: Offer-level request

• Type: String

• Length: 1

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: orderInformation.lineItems[].discountApplied

• SCMP API Field: discount_indicator

• Simple Order API Field: item_#_discountIndicator

Processor Field Names

The following list provides the Level II/Level III processor field name for each processor that supports Level II or Level III data:

• Chase Paymentech Solutions: Discount Indicator

SCMP API Fields | 479

• Elavon Americas: Discount Indicator

• FDC Compass: Discount Indicator

• TSYS Acquiring Solutions: Discount Indicator

SCMP API Fields | 480


Flag to indicate how you handle discount at the line item level.

Possible values:

• 0: no line level discount provided

• 1: tax was calculated on the post-discount line item total

• 2: tax was calculated on the pre-discount line item total

Visa inserts a 0 (zero) value if an invalid value is included in this field.

This field relates to the value in the discount_amount field.


Visa Platform Connect

• Field Type: Offer-level request

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 1

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: orderInformation.lineItems[].taxAppliedAfterDiscount

• SCMP API Field: discount_management_indicator

SCMP API Fields | 481

• Simple Order API Field: item_#_discountManagementIndicator

Processor Field Names

The following list provides the Level II/Level III processor field name for each processor that supports Level II or Level III data:

• Visa Platform Connect: discountManagementIndicator

SCMP API Fields | 482


Rate at which the item is discounted.

Additional details for all processors and all txns (Level II/III and non-Level II/III).

GPN, TSYS Acquiring Solutions, and Visa Platform Connect

A maximum of 2 decimal places is allowed. Example 5.25 (=5.25%)

OmniPay Direct

Valid range: 0.010 to 0.999 (1% to 99.9%). Example 0.050 (=5%)

RBS WorldPay Atlanta

Maximum amount is 99.99. Example 5.25 (=5.25%)



• Field Type: Offer-level request

• Data Type: Decimal

• Data Length: 5

OmniPay Direct

SCMP API Fields | 483

• Field Type: Offer-level request

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 5

RBS WorldPay Atlanta

• Field Type: Offer-level request

• Data Type: Numberic

• Data Length: 5

TSYS Acquiring Solutions

• Field Type: Offer-level request

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 6

Visa Platform Connect

• Field Type: Offer-level request

• Data Type: Decimal

• Data Length: 5

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: orderInformation.lineItems[].discountRate

• SCMP API Field: discount_rate

SCMP API Fields | 484

• Simple Order API Field: item_#_discountRate

Processor Field Names

The following list provides the Level II/Level III processor field name for each processor that supports Level II or Level III data:

• GPN: Item Discount Rate

• OmniPay Direct: Item Discount Rate

• RBS WorldPay Atlanta: Discount Rate

• TSYS Acquiring Solutions: Item Discount Rate

• Visa Platform Connect: discountRate

SCMP API Fields | 485


Dynamic payment descriptor extension (DPDE) that specifies the month for which you are billing the customer.

This field is supported only on JCN Gateway and is not supported for all Japanese acquirers.

Depending on your business model, you might bill for a service that has already been provided, such as a telephone service, or you might bill for a service that is going to be
provided, such as a subscription to investment information. This value lets the customer know which month the payment is for.


• Field Type: Request

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 4

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: No corresponding field.

• SCMP API Field: dpde_billing_month

• Simple Order API Field:

◦ ccCaptureService_dpdeBillingMonth

◦ ccCreditService_dpdeBillingMonth

SCMP API Fields | 486


Number of days that the customer plans to stay at the lodging.

For a lodging deposit, the value for this field specifies the number of days covered by the advance payment.

Possible values: 01 through 99.


• Field Type: Request

• Data Type: Integer

• Data Length: 2

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: travelInformation.duration

• SCMP API Field: duration

• Simple Order API Field: ccIncrementalAuthService_duration

SCMP API Fields | 487


Total charges for any import or export duties included in the order.

FDC Nashville Global

This value cannot be negative.

FDMS South

This value cannot be negative.


The maximum value for this field is: 99,999.99.


Chase Paymentech Solutions

• Field Type: Request

• Data Type: Decimal

• Data Length for Mastercard: 10

• Data Length for Visa: 13

Elavon Americas

• Field Type: Request

SCMP API Fields | 488

• Data Type: Decimal

• Data Length: 12

FDC Compass

• Field Type: Request

• Data Type: Decimal

• Data Length for Mastercard: 10

• Data Length for Visa: 13

FDC Nashville Global

• Field Type: Request

• Data Type: Decimal

• Data Length: 11

FDMS South

• Field Type: Request

• Data Type: Decimal

• Data Length: 15


• Field Type: Request

• Data Type: Decimal

• Data Length: 12

SCMP API Fields | 489

OmniPay Direct

• Field Type: Request

• Data Type: Decimal

• Data Length: 12

RBS WorldPay Atlanta

• Field Type: Request

• Data Type: Decimal

• Data Length: 8

TSYS Acquiring Solutions

• Field Type: Request

• Data Type: Decimal

• Data Length: 13

Visa Platform Connect

• Field Type: Request

• Data Type: Decimal

• Data Length: 12

Worldpay VAP

• Data Type: Decimal

• Data Length: 8

SCMP API Fields | 490

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: orderInformation.amountDetails.dutyAmount

• SCMP API Field: duty_amount

• Simple Order API Field: purchaseTotals_dutyAmount

Processor Field Names

The following list provides the Level II/Level III processor field name for each processor that supports Level II or Level III data:

• Chase Paymentech Solutions: Duty Amount

• Elavon Americas: Duty Amount

• FDC Compass: Duty Amount

• FDC Nashville Global: Duty Amount

• FDMS South: N/A

• GPN: Duty Amount

• OmniPay Direct: Duty Amount

• RBS WorldPay Atlanta: Duty Amount

• TSYS Acquiring Solutions: Duty Amount

• Visa Platform Connect: dutyAmount

• Worldpay VAP: dutyAmount

SCMP API Fields | 491


Flag that indicates whether the duty amount should be interpreted as negative or positive.

Possible values:

• negative: duty amount is considered negative and represents a refund on the invoice

• positive: duty amount is considered positive and represents a cost on the invoice

This field relates to the value in the duty_amount field.


Visa Platform Connect

• Field Type: Request

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 8

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: No corresponding field

• SCMP API Field: duty_amount_sign

• Simple Order API Field: purchaseTotals_dutyAmountSign

SCMP API Fields | 492

Processor Field Names

The following list provides the Level III processor field name for each processor that supports Level III data:

• Visa Platform Connect: dutyAmountSign

SCMP API Fields | 493


Type of transaction.

Some payment card companies use this information when determining discount rates.

Possible Values for the Authorization Service:

E-commerce Indicator Values

Value Description
aesk American Express SafeKey authentication was successful.
aesk attempted American Express SafeKey authentication was attempted but did not succeed.
dipd Discover card type.
install Installment payment.
install_internet Non-U.S. e-commerce (Internet) installment payment.
internet Default value for authorizations. E-commerce order placed using a website. On Ingenico ePayments, this value is supported only
for Carte Bancaires.
js JCB J/Secure authentication was successful.
js_attempted JCB J/Secure authentication was attempted but did not succeed.
moto Mail order or telephone order. On Ingenico ePayments, this value is supported only for Cartes Bancaires.
moto_cc Mail order or telephone order from a call center.
pb ProtectBuy authentication was successful.
pb_attempted ProtectBuy authentication was attempted but did not succeed.
recurring Recurring payment that is a U.S. transaction or non-U.S. mail order/telephone order (MOTO) transaction.

SCMP API Fields | 494

E-commerce Indicator Values (continued)
Value Description
recurring_internet Recurring payment that is a non-U.S. e-commerce (Internet) transaction.
retail Card-present transaction.
rpy RuPay PaySecure authentication was successful
spa • For Mastercard Identity Check: Authentication was successful or was attempted but did not succeed. The e-commerce
indicator for all Mastercard Identity Check transactions, including authentication attempts, must be set to spa. Otherwise,
the transactions are processed as non-Identity Check transactions.

• For secure transactions for Credit Mutuel-CIC: Authentication was successful for a co-badged Mastercard and Cartes
Bancaires card.
spa_failure Authentication for a co-badged Mastercard and Cartes Bancaires card was attempted but did not succeed.

• For Mastercard Identity Check: Authentication failed.

• For secure transactions for Credit Mutuel-CIC: Authentication failed for a co-badged Mastercard and Cartes Bancaires card.
vbv For Visa Secure: Authentication was successful. For secure transactions for Credit Mutuel-CIC: Authentication was successful for
a co-badged Visa and Cartes Bancaires card.
vbv_attempted For Visa Secure: Authentication was attempted but did not succeed. For secure transactions for Credit Mutuel-CIC:
Authentication for a co-badged Visa and Cartes Bancaires card was attempted but did not succeed.
vbv_failure For Visa Secure: Authentication failed. For secure transactions for Credit Mutuel-CIC: Authentication failed for a co-badged Visa
and Cartes Bancaires card.

Possible Values for the Credit Service:

• internet: E-commerce order placed through a website. On Ingenico ePayments, this value is supported only for Cartes Bancaires.

• moto: Mail order or telephone order. Not supported on Cielo or UATP. On Ingenico ePayments, this value is supported only for Cartes Bancaires.

• recurring: Recurring payment that is a U.S. transaction or non-U.S. mail order / telephone order (MOTO) transaction.

• recurring_internet: Recurring payment that is a non-U.S. e-commerce (Internet) transaction.

SCMP API Fields | 495

Apple Pay

For the merchant decryption method, one of the following values is required: aesk, dipb, internet, spa, vbv.

Ingenico ePayments

When you omit this field on Ingenico ePayments, the processor uses the default transaction type that they have on file for you.

Card-Present Transactions

For a card-present transaction, you must set this field to retail.

Payer Authentication

When you request the payer authentication and authorization services separately, get the value for this field from the pa_validate_e_commerce_indicator response field.


For Chase Paymentech Solutions, the value for an account funding transaction (AFT) and original credit transaction (OCT) is internet.


For FDC Compass and Visa Platform Connect, the value for an original credit transaction (OCT) is internet.

PIN Debit Transactions

For a PIN debit transaction, you must set this field to retail.

Samsung Pay

For the merchant decryption method, one of the following values is required: aesk, internet, spa.

SCMP API Fields | 496


• Field Type: Request

• Data Type: String

• Data Length:

◦ Account funding transaction (AFT): 20

◦ Card-not-present transaction: 20

◦ Card-present transaction: 20

◦ Original credit transaction (OCT): 13

◦ PIN debit transaction: 13

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: processingInformation.commerceIndicator

• SCMP API Field: e_commerce_indicator

• Simple Order API Fields:

◦ ccAuthService_commerceIndicator

◦ ccCreditService_commerceIndicator

◦ octService_commerceIndicator

◦ pinDebitCreditService_commerceIndicator

◦ pinDebitPurchaseService_commerceIndicator

SCMP API Fields | 497


Raw electronic commerce indicator (ECI).

When you request the payer authentication and authorization services separately, get the value for this field from the pa_validate_eci_raw response field.


• Field Type: Request

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 2

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: consumerAuthenticationInformation.eciRaw

• SCMP API Field: eci_raw

• Simple Order API Field: ccAuthService_eciRaw

SCMP API Fields | 498


3D Secure transaction flow.

This field is supported only for Cartes Bancaires Fast'R transactions on Credit Mutuel-CIC.

When you request the payer authentication and authorization services separately, get the value for this field from the pa_enroll_effective_authentication_type or
pa_validate_effective_authentication_type response field.

Possible values:

• CH: Challenge. Strong customer authentication is required. The cardholder must prove that they are present and enter the payment details by providing two of the following

◦ Something on the cardholder's body. Example: fingerprint.

◦ Something the cardholder has. Examples: plastic card, mobile device, token generator.

◦ Something the cardholder knows. Examples: PIN, password.

• FD: Frictionless with delegation. The issuer does not require cardholder authentication, but the payment card company might require it.

• FR: Frictionless. The transaction can proceed without cardholder authentication.


• Field Type: Request

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 2

SCMP API Fields | 499

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: consumerAuthenticationInformation.effectiveAuthenticationType

• SCMP API Field: effective_authentication_type

• Simple Order API Field: ccAuthService_effectiveAuthenticationType

SCMP API Fields | 500


Flag that specifies whether the authorization request is a Crediario eligibility inquiry.

This field is supported only for Crediario installment payments in Brazil on Visa Platform Connect.

Set the value for this field to Crediario.


• Field Type: Request

• Type: String

• Length: 9

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: installmentInformation.eligibilityInquiry

• SCMP API Field: eligibility_inquiry

• Simple Order API Field: eligibilityInquiry

SCMP API Fields | 501


Cryptogram validation results returned by the entity or service specified in emv_reply_chip_ validation_type.

Possible values:

• A: Application cryptogram is valid, but the application transaction counter (ATC) is outside the allowed range. (A large increase in ATC values can indicate data copying or
other fraud.)

• C: Chip validation was completed successfully.

• E: Application cryptogram is valid, but the ATC indicates possible replay fraud.

• F: Format error in the chip data.

• G: Application cryptogram is valid but is not a valid authorization request cryptogram (ARQC).

• I: Application cryptogram is invalid.

• T: Application cryptogram is valid, but terminal verification results (TVR) or card verification results (CVR) are invalid.

• U: Application cryptogram could not be validated because of a technical error.

This field is returned only for Mastercard near-field communication (NFC) authorizations that use payment network tokens on Visa Platform Connect.


• Field Type: Request

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 1

SCMP API Fields | 502

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: pointOfSaleInformation.emv.chipValidationResult

• SCMP API Field: emv_reply_chip_validation_results

• Simple Order API Field: emvReply_chipValidationResults

SCMP API Fields | 503


Entity or service that provided the validation results returned in the emv_reply_chip_ validation_results field.

Possible values:

• 02: Mastercard pre-validation service. The Mastercard authorization platform validated the cryptogram before the issuer received the authorization request.

• 03: Mastercard stand-in service. The Mastercard authorization platform validated the cryptogram because the issuer was not available.

• 50: Issuer.

• 90: Chip fall-back transaction downgrade process. The chip could not be read.

This field is returned only for Mastercard near-field communication (NFC) authorizations that use payment network tokens on Visa Platform Connect.


• Field Type: Request

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 2

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: pointOfSaleInformation.emv.chipValidationType

• SCMP API Field: emv_reply_chip_validation_type

SCMP API Fields | 504

• Simple Order API Field: emvReply_chipValidationType

SCMP API Fields | 505

emv_reply_combined_tags (response)

EMV data that is transmitted from the chip card to the issuer and from the issuer to the chip card.

The EMV data is in the tag-length-value format and includes chip card tags, terminal tags, and transaction detail tags.

For more information about the individual tags, see the Application Specification section in the EMV specifications.

Information about EMV in this topic applies to payment card processing and PIN debit processing. All other information applies only to payment card processing. PIN debit
processing is available with the FDC Nashville Global and Visa Platform Connect processors.


Visa Platform Connect for card-present transactions

• Field Type: Response

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 252

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: pointOfSaleInformation.emv.tags

• SCMP API Field: emv_reply_combined_tags

• Simple Order API Field: emvReply_combinedTags

SCMP API Fields | 506


Number assigned to a specific card when two or more cards are associated with the same primary account number.

This value enables issuers to distinguish among multiple cards that are linked to the same account. This value can also act as a tracking tool when the issuer reissues cards. When
this value is available, it is provided by the chip reader. When the chip reader does not provide this value, do not include this field in your request.

Information about EMV in this topic applies to payment card processing and PIN debit processing. All other information in this topic applies only to payment card processing. PIN
debit processing is available only on Visa Platform Connect and FDC Nashville Global.


American Express Direct

• Field Type: Request

• Data Type: String with numbers only

• Data Length: 2

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: pointOfSaleInformation.emv.cardSequenceNumber

• SCMP API Field: emv_request_card_sequence_number

• Simple Order API Field: emvRequest_cardSequenceNumber

SCMP API Fields | 507

emv_request_combined_tags (request)

EMV data that is transmitted from the chip card to the issuer and from the issuer to the chip card.

The EMV data is in the tag-length-value format and includes chip card tags, terminal tags, and transaction detail tags.


The following tags contain sensitive information and must not be included in this field:

• 56: Track 1 equivalent data

• 57: Track 2 equivalent data

• 5A: Application PAN

• 5F20: Cardholder name

• 5F24: Application expiration date

• 99: Transaction PIN

• 9F0B: Cardholder name (extended)

• 9F1F: Track 1 discretionary data

• 9F20: Track 2 discretionary data

For information about the individual tags, see the “Application Specification” section in the EMV Specifications.

For captures, this field is required for contact EMV transactions. Otherwise, it is optional.

SCMP API Fields | 508

For credits, this field is required for contact EMV stand-alone credits and contactless EMV standalone credits. Otherwise, it is optional.


For contact EMV captures, contact EMV stand-alone credits, and contactless EMV stand-alone credits, you must include the following tags in this field. For all other types of
EMV transactions, the following tags are optional:

• 95: Terminal verification results

• 9F10: Issuer application data

• 9F26: Application cryptogram

Information in this topic about EMV applies to payment card processing and PIN debit processing. All other information in this topic applies only to payment card processing.

PIN debit processing is available on Visa Platform Connect and FDC Nashville Global.

Visa Platform Connect

Include the following tag for better interchange rates:

• 84: Dedicated file name

The value for Tag 84 corresponds to the following data in the TC 33 capture file:

• Record: CP02 TCR0

• Position: 118-149

• Field: Dedicated File Name - Application ID (AID)

SCMP API Fields | 509

The TC 33 Capture file contains information about the payments and credits that a merchant submits to Cybersource. Visa Platform Connect creates the TC 33 Capture file at the
end of the day and sends it to the merchant’s acquirer, who uses this information to facilitate end-of-day clearing processing with payment networks.


Visa Platform Connect

• Field Type: Request

• Data Length in Japan: 199 bytes

• Data Type and Length in Other Countries:

◦ Data Type: String

◦ Data Length: 252

JCN Gateway

• Field Type: Request

• Data Length: 199 bytes

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: pointOfSaleInformation.emv.tags

• SCMP API Field: emv_request_combined_tags

• Simple Order API Field: emvRequest_combinedTags

SCMP API Fields | 510


Reason for the EMV fallback transaction.

An EMV fallback transaction occurs when an EMV transaction fails for one of these reasons:

• Technical failure: the EMV terminal or EMV card cannot read and process chip data.

• Empty candidate list failure: the EMV terminal does not have any applications in common with the EMV card. EMV terminals are coded to determine whether the terminal
and EMV card have any applications in common. EMV terminals provide this information to you.

Possible values:

• 1: Transaction was initiated with information from a magnetic stripe, and the previous transaction at the EMV terminal either used information from a successful chip read
or it was not a chip transaction.

• 2: Transaction was initiated with information from a magnetic stripe, and the previous transaction at the EMV terminal was an EMV fallback transaction because the
attempted chip read was unsuccessful.

This field is supported on JCN Gateway and GPN.


• Field Type: Request

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 1

SCMP API Fields | 511

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: pointOfSaleInformation.emv.fallbackCondition

• SCMP API Field: emv_request_fallback_condition

• Simple Order API Field: emvRequest_fallbackCondition

SCMP API Fields | 512


Indicates that a fallback method was used to enter payment card information into the POS terminal.

When a technical problem prevents a successful exchange of information between a chip card and a chip-capable terminal:

1. Swipe the card or key the payment card information into the POS terminal.

2. Use the pos_entry_mode field to indicate whether the information was swiped or keyed.

Possible values:

• Y: Fallback method was used

• N (default): Fallback method was not used

This field is supported on American Express Direct, Chase Paymentech Solutions, FDC Nashville Global, GPN, JCN Gateway, OmniPay Direct, and SIX.


• Field Type: Request

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 5

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: pointOfSaleInformation.emv.fallback

• SCMP API Field: emv_request_fallback

SCMP API Fields | 513

• Simple Order API Field: emvRequest_fallback

SCMP API Fields | 514


Indicates that this is a duplicate authorization request.

When you receive the issuer_pin_request field in an authorization response message, you must respond with the customer's PIN in a duplicate authorization request.

Possible value:

• 1: This is a duplicate authorization request

This field is supported only for Mastercard transactions on Visa Platform Connect.


• Field Type: Request

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 1

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: No corresponding field

• SCMP API Field: emv_request_repeat

• Simple Order API Field: emvRequest_repeat

SCMP API Fields | 515


Card-present transactions: encrypted payment data.

Digital payment transactions: encrypted payment data value. If you are using the Cybersource decryption option, populate this field with the encrypted payment data value
returned by the Full Wallet request.


• Field Type: Request

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 3072

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: paymentInformation.fluidData.value

• SCMP API Field: encrypted_payment_data

• Simple Order API Field: encryptedPayment_data

SCMP API Fields | 516


Format of the encrypted payment data.



• Blue PCI P2PE: Ymx1ZWZpbg==



• Field Type: Request

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 128

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: paymentInformation.fluidData.descriptor

• SCMP API Field: encrypted_payment_descriptor

• Simple Order API Field: encryptedPayment_descriptor

SCMP API Fields | 517


Encoding method used to encrypt the payment data.

For Apple Pay transactions, the encoding method is Base64.


• Field Type: Request

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 6

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: paymentInformation.fluidData.encoding

• SCMP API Field: encrypted_payment_encoding

• Simple Order API Field: encryptedPayment_encoding

SCMP API Fields | 518


Error code returned by Bluefin when the decryption fails.

Bluefin Error Codes

1001: Visa

Generic or unkown error code.


Internal system configuration setup error.


Internal system configuration setup error.


Internal system configuration setup error.


Internal system configuration setup error.


Internal system configuration setup error.


Device not found or device not recognized.


Device not active.


Invalid firmware version.


All decryptions failed.

SCMP API Fields | 519


Decryption failed for some other reason.


Decrypted result did not include payment card information.


• Field Type: Response

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 4

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: No corresponding field

• SCMP API Field: encrypted_payment_error_code

• Simple Order API Field: encryptedPayment_errorCode

SCMP API Fields | 520


Unique transaction identifier returned by Bluefin.

You can use this value for tracking and reporting.


• Field Type: Response

• Data Type: Integer

• Data Length: 25

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: No corresponding field

• SCMP API Field: encrypted_payment_reference_id

• Simple Order API Field: encryptedPayment_referenceID

SCMP API Fields | 521


Exchange rate returned by the DCC provider.

The value for this field includes a decimal point and a maximum of four decimal places.


• Field Type: Request

• Data Type: Decimal

• Data Length: 16

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: orderInformation.amountDetails.exchangeRate

• SCMP API Field: exchange_rate

• Simple Order API Field: purchaseTotals_exchangeRate

SCMP API Fields | 522


Time stamp for the exchange rate.

This value is returned by the DCC provider. This value must be in GMT.


• Field Type: Request

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 14

• Data Format: YYYYMMDDhhmmss

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: orderInformation.amountDetails.exchangeRateTimeStamp

• SCMP API Field: exchange_rate_timestamp

• Simple Order API Field: purchaseTotals_exchangeRateTimeStamp

SCMP API Fields | 523


Number of months over which the cardholder can pay for the purchase.

You can use this field when offering extended credit to a cardholder at a retail location. The cardholder provides this value. The issuer pays you for the purchase in one payment,
and then the cardholder pays the issuer in the number of monthly payments specified by this value.

This field is supported only for acquirers in South Africa using Visa Platform Connect.


• Field Type: Request

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 2

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: processingInformation.extendedCreditTotalCount

• SCMP API Field: extended_credit_total_count

• Simple Order API Field: extendedCreditTotalCount

SCMP API Fields | 524


Interchange reimbursement fee program indicator (FPI), which is used when assessing the fee applied to a cross-border or domestic Asia Pacific financial transaction.

Acquirers and issues retain and return the FPI value in chargeback and representments.


• Field Type: Response

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 3

Mapping Information

• REST API Field:Information.feeProgramIndicator

• SCMP API Field: fee_program_indicator

• Simple Order API Field: feeProgramIndicator

SCMP API Fields | 525


Converted amount that was returned by the DCC provider.


• Field Type: Request

• Data Type: Decimal

• Length: 15

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: orderInformation.amountDetails.foreignAmount

• SCMP API Field: foreign_amount

• Simple Order API Field: purchaseTotals_foreignAmount

SCMP API Fields | 526


Customer’s billing currency.


• Field Type: Request

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 5

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: orderInformation.amountDetails.foreignCurrency

• SCMP API Field: foreign_currency

• Simple Order API Field: purchaseTotals_foreignCurrency

SCMP API Fields | 527


The total freight or shipping and handling charges for the order.

For Level III transacations with Visa, the field value is set to 0 when this field is not included in the request.


Chase Paymentech Solutions

• Field Type: Request

• Data Type: Decimal

• Data Length for Mastercard: 10

• Data Length for Visa: 13

Elavon Americas

• Field Type: Request

• Data Type: Decimal

• Data Length: 12

FDC Compass

• Field Type: Request

• Data Type: Decimal

SCMP API Fields | 528

• Data Length for Mastercard: 10

• Data Length for Visa: 13

FDC Nashville Global

• Field Type: Request

• Data Type: Decimal

• Data Length: 13


• Field Type: Request

• Data Type: Decimal

• Data Length: 12

OmniPay Direct

• Field Type: Request

• Data Type: Decimal

• Data Length: 12

RBS WorldPay Atlanta

• Field Type: Request

• Data Type: Numeric

• Data Length: 8

SCMP API Fields | 529

TSYS Acquiring Solutions

• Field Type: Request

• Data Type: Decimal

• Data Length: 13

Visa Platform Connect

• Field Type: Request

• Data Type: Decimal

• Data Length: 12

Worldpay VAP

• Data Type: Decimal

• Data Length: 8

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: orderInformation.amountDetails.freightAmount

• SCMP API Field: freight_amount

• Simple Order API Field: purchaseTotals_freightAmount

Processor Field Names

The following list the processors and the corresponding processor field mapped to this field:

• Chase Paymentech Solutions: Freight Amount

SCMP API Fields | 530

• Elavon Americas: Freight/Shipping Amount

• FDC Compass: Freight Amount

• FDC Nashville Global: Freight Amount

• GPN: Freight Amount

• OmniPay Direct: Freight Amount / Shipping Amount

• RBS WorldPay Atlanta: Freight Amount

• TSYS Acquiring Solutions: Freight Amount

• Visa Platform Connect: freightAmount

• Worldpay VAP: shipping amount

SCMP API Fields | 531


Flag that indicates if the freight (shipping) amount should be interpreted as negative or positive.

Possible values:

• negative: freight amount is considered negative and represents a refund on the invoice

• positive: freight amount is considered positive and represents a cost on the invoice

This field relates to the value in the freight_amount field.


Visa Platform Connect

• Field Type: Request

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 8

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: No corresponding field

• SCMP API Field: freight_amount_sign

• Simple Order API Field: purchaseTotals_freightAmountSign

SCMP API Fields | 532

Processor Field Names

The following list provides the Level III processor field name for each processor that supports Level III data:

• Visa Platform Connect: freightAmountSign

SCMP API Fields | 533


Grand total for the order.

This value cannot be negative. You can include a decimal point (.), but you cannot include any other special characters. The amount is truncated to the correct number of decimal

Important: Some processors have specific requirements and limitations, such as maximum amounts and maximum field lengths.

DCC with a Third-Party Provider

Set this field to the converted amount that was returned by the DCC provider. You must include either this field or offer0 and the offer-level field amount in a request.

Original Credit Transaction (OCT) on FDC Compass or Visa Platform Connect

Amount must be less than or equal to 50,000 USD. Amount limits differ depending on limitations imposed by your acquirer in addition to local laws and regulations. Contact your
acquirer for more information.

PIN Debit Transactions

If the transaction includes a cash-back amount, that amount must be included in this total amount. If the transaction includes a surcharge amount, that amount must be included in
this total amount.

Zero Amount Authorizations

If your processor supports zero amount authorizations, you can set this field to 0 for the authorization to verify whether the card is lost or stolen.

SCMP API Fields | 534


Comercio Latino

• Field Type: Request

• Data Type: Decimal

• Data Length: 19

Mapping Information

• REST API Fields:

◦ orderInformation.amountDetails.totalAmount

◦ reversalInformation.amountDetails.totalAmount

• SCMP API Field: grand_total_amount

• Simple Order API Field: purchaseTotals_grandTotalAmount

SCMP API Fields | 535


Gratuity or tip amount for restaurants when the card is present.

Allowed only when the industry_datatype field value is restaurant.

Restaurant data is supported only on Visa Platform Connect.

When your customer uses a debit card or prepaid card, and you receive a partial authorization, the payment networks recommend that you do not submit a capture amount that is
higher than the authorized amount. When the capture amount exceeds the partial amount that was approved, the issuer has chargeback rights for the excess amount.


• Field Type: Request

• Data Type: Decimal

• Data Length: 12

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: orderInformation.amountDetails.gratuityAmount

• SCMP API Field: gratuity_amount

• Simple Order API Field: ccCaptureService_gratuityAmount

SCMP API Fields | 536


Flag that indicates whether the tax amount is included in the Line Item Total.

Possible values:

• Y: Tax included in item amount

• N: Tax not included in item amount


Chase Paymentech Solutions

• Field Type: Offer-level request

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 1

Elavon Americas

• Field Type: Offer-level request

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 1

FDC Compass

• Field Type: Offer-level request

SCMP API Fields | 537

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 1

RBS WorldPay Atlanta

• Field Type: Offer-level request

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 1

TSYS Acquiring Solutions

• Field Type: Offer-level request

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 1

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: orderInformation.lineItems[].amountIncludesTax

• SCMP API Field: gross_net_indicator

• Simple Order API Field: item_#_grossNetIndicator

Processor Field Names

The following list provides the Level II/Level III processor field name for each processor that supports Level II or Level III data:

• Chase Paymentech Solutions: Gross/Net Indicator

• Elavon Americas (Mastercard): Net/Gross Indicator

SCMP API Fields | 538

• FDC Compass: Gross Net Indicator

• RBS WorldPay Atlanta: Gross Net Indicator

• TSYS Acquiring Solutions: Net/Gross Indicator

SCMP API Fields | 539


Amount of the healthcare payment.

Replace the # character with a sequential number from 0 to 4. Send this field with a corresponding health_care_#_amount_type field.




• Field Type: Request

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 13

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: healthCareInformation.amountDetails.amount

• SCMP API Field: health_care_#_amount

• Simple Order API Field: healthCare#_amount

SCMP API Fields | 540


Type of healthcare payment.

Mastercard possible values:

• eligible-total: total amount of healthcare.

• prescription

Visa possible values:

• clinic

• dental

• healthcare: total amount of healthcare.

• healthcare-transit

• prescription

• vision

Replace the # character with a sequential number from 0 to 4. Send this field with a corresponding health_care_#_amount field.



SCMP API Fields | 541


• Field Type: Request

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 35

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: healthCareInformation.amountDetails.amountType

• SCMP API Field: health_care_#_amount_type

• Simple Order API Field: healthCare#_amountType

SCMP API Fields | 542


Indicates the bit depth of the color palette for displaying images, in bits per pixel.

Example 24


• Field Type: Request

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: deviceInformation.httpBrowserColorDepth

• SCMP API Field: http_browser_color_depth

• Simple Order API Field: billTo_httpBrowserColorDepth

SCMP API Fields | 543


Indicates the ability of the cardholder browser to execute Java.

The value is returned from the navigator.javaEnabled property. This field can contain one of these values:

• true

• false


• Field Type: Request

• Data Type: Boolean

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: deviceInformation.httpBrowserJavaEnabled

• SCMP API Field: http_browser_java_enabled

• Simple Order API Field: billTo_httpBrowserJavaEnabled

SCMP API Fields | 544


Indicates the ability of the cardholder browser to execute JavaScript.

This value is available from the fingerprint details of the cardholder's browser. This field can contain one of these values:

• true

• false


• Field Type: Request

• Data Type: Boolean

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: deviceInformation.httpBrowserJavaScriptEnabled

• SCMP API Field: http_browser_javascript_enabled

• Simple Order API Field: billTo_httpBrowserJavaScriptEnabled

SCMP API Fields | 545


Indicates the browser language as defined in IETF BCP47.

Example en-US


• Field Type: Request

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 8

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: deviceInformation.httpBrowserLanguage

• SCMP API Field: http_browser_language

• Simple Order API Field: billTo_httpBrowserLanguage

SCMP API Fields | 546


Total height of the cardholder's screen in pixels.

Example 864


• Field Type: Request

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 6

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: deviceInformation.httpBrowserScreenHeight

• SCMP API Field: http_browser_screen_height

• Simple Order API Field: billTo_httpBrowserScreenHeight

SCMP API Fields | 547


Total width of the cardholder's screen in pixels.

Example 1536


• Field Type: Request

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 6

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: deviceInformation.httpBrowserScreenWidth

• SCMP API Field: http_browser_screen_width

• Simple Order API Field: billTo_httpBrowserScreenWidth

SCMP API Fields | 548


Time difference between UTC time and the cardholder browser local time, in minutes.

Example 300


• Field Type: Request

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 5

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: deviceInformation.httpBrowserTimeDifference

• SCMP API Field: http_browser_time_difference

• Simple Order API Field: billTo_httpBrowserTimeDifference

SCMP API Fields | 549


Customer’s browser as identified from the HTTP header data.


Mozilla is the value that identifies the Netscape browser.

Chrome is the value that identifies the Google Chrome browser.


• Field Type: Request

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 40

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: deviceInformation.userAgent

• SCMP API Field: http_browser_type

• Simple Order API Field: billTo_httpBrowserType

SCMP API Fields | 550


Services to process for the request.

You must include at least one service in the request.


• Field Type: Request

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 255

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: No corresponding field.

• SCMP API Field: ics_applications

• Simple Order API Field: No corresponding field

SCMP API Fields | 551


Flag that indicates whether the entire request was successful.

Possible values:

• -1: An error occurred

• 0: The request was declined

• 1: The request was successful

For details about these values, see the information about handling replies in the getting started guide.


• Field Type: Response

• Data Type: Integer

• Data Length: 1

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: No corresponding field.

• SCMP API Field: ics_rcode

• Simple Order API Field: No corresponding field.

SCMP API Fields | 552


One-word description of the result of the entire request.


• Field Type: Response

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 50

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: No corresponding field

• SCMP API Field: ics_rflag

• Simple Order API Field: No corresponding field

SCMP API Fields | 553


Message that explains the response flag ics_rflag.

Important: Do not display this message to the customer, and do not use this field to write an error handler.


• Field Type: Response

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 255

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: No corresponding field

• SCMP API Field: ics_rmsg

• Simple Order API Field: No corresponding field

SCMP API Fields | 554


Flag for a sale request that specifies whether to allow the capture service to run even when the authorization receives an AVS decline.

An AVS decline is indicated by a response flag value of DAVSNO.

Possible values:

• yes: Ignore the results of AVS checking and run the capture service.

• no (default): If the authorization receives an AVS decline, do not run the capture service.

When the value of this field is yes, the list in the decline_avs_flags field is ignored.


• Field Type: Request

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 3

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: processingInformation.authorizationOptions.ignoreAvsResult

• SCMP API Field: ignore_avs

• Simple Order API Field: businessRules_ignoreAVSResult

SCMP API Fields | 555


Flag for a sale request that specifies whether to allow the capture service to run even when the authorization receives a CVN decline.

A CVN decline is indicated by an auth_cv_result value of D or N.

Possible values:

• yes: Ignore the results of CVN checking and run the capture service.

• no (default): If the authorization receives a CVN decline, do not run the capture service.


• Field Type: Request

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 3

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: processingInformation.authorizationOptions.ignoreCvResult

• SCMP API Field: ignore_bad_cv

• Simple Order API Field: businessRules_ignoreCVResult

SCMP API Fields | 556


Amount that was authorized.


• Field Type: Response

• Data Type: Decimal

• Data Length: 15

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: orderInformation.amountDetails.authorizedAmount

• SCMP API Field: incremental_auth_amount

• Simple Order API Field: ccIncrementalAuthReply_amount

SCMP API Fields | 557


Visa product ID.


• Field Type: Response

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 3

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: paymentInformation.accountFeatures.category

• SCMP API Field: incremental_auth_card_category

• Simple Order API Field: ccIncrementalAuthReply_cardCategory

SCMP API Fields | 558


Authorization code.

This field is returned only when the processor returns this value.


• Field Type: Response

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 7

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: processorInformation.approvalCode

• SCMP API Field: incremental_auth_code

• Simple Order API Field: ccIncrementalAuthReply_authorizationCode

SCMP API Fields | 559


Network transaction identifier (TID).

You can use this value to identify a specific transaction when you are discussing the transaction with your processor.


• Field Type: Response

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 15

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: processorInformation.transactionId

• SCMP API Field: incremental_auth_payment_network_transaction_id

• Simple Order API Field: ccIncrementalAuthReply_paymentNetworkTransactionID

SCMP API Fields | 560


Flag that indicates whether the service request was successful.

Possible values:

• -1: An error occurred.

• 0: The request was declined.

• 1: The request was successful.


• Type: Integer

• Length: 1

Mapping Information

• SCMP API Field: incremental_auth_rcode

• Simple Order API Field: No corresponding field.

SCMP API Fields | 561


Error message from the issuer or the processor.

This field is returned only when the processor sends this value.

Important: Do not use this field to evaluate the result of the request.


• Field Type: Response

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 10

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: processorInformation.responseCode

• SCMP API Field: incremental_auth_response

• Simple Order API Field: ccIncrementalAuthReply_processorResponse

SCMP API Fields | 562


One-word description of the result of the service request.


• Type: String

• Length: 50

Mapping Information

• SCMP API Field: incremental_auth_rflag

• Simple Order API Field: No corresponding field.

SCMP API Fields | 563


Message that explains the response flag incremental_auth_rflag.

Do not display this message to the customer, and do not use this field to write an error handler.


• Type: String

• Length: 255

Mapping Information

• SCMP API Field: incremental_auth_rmsg

• Simple Order API Field: No corresponding field.

SCMP API Fields | 564


Date and time of authorization.


• Field Type: Response

• Data Type: Date and time

• Data Length: 20

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: submitTimeUtc

• SCMP API Field: incremental_auth_time

• Simple Order API Field: ccIncrementalAuthReply_authorizedDateTime

SCMP API Fields | 565


Reference number for the transaction.

You can use this value to reconcile Cybersource reports with processor reports.


• Field Type: Response

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 60

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: reconciliationId

• SCMP API Field: incremental_auth_trans_ref_no

• Simple Order API Field: ccIncrementalAuthReply_reconciliationID

SCMP API Fields | 566


Indicates whether the transaction includes industry data.

For certain industries, you must set this field to an industry data value to be sent to the processor. When this field is not set to an industry value or is not included in the request,
industry data does not go to the processor.

Documentation for Industry-Specific Processing

Industry Documentation
airline Airline Processing Using the SCMP API
auto_rental Auto Processing guide (contact customer support)
healthcare_medical Healthcare Processing guide (contact customer support)
healthcare_transit Healthcare Processing guide (contact customer support)
lodging Lodging Processing guide (contact customer support)
restaurant Card-Present Processing Using the SCMP API
transit Card-Present Processing Using the SCMP API


• Field Type: Request

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 10

SCMP API Fields | 567

Mapping Information

• REST API Field:processingInformation.industryDataType

• SCMP API Field: industry_datatype

• Simple Order API Fields:

◦ ccAuthService_industryDatatype

◦ ccCaptureService_industryDatatype

◦ ccCreditService_industryDatatype

SCMP API Fields | 568


Additional costs divided by the amount funded.

This field is supported only for Crediario installment payments in Brazil on Visa Platform Connect.

Example A value of 1.0 specifies 1%.

Example A value of 4.0 specifies 4%.

Obtain the value for this field from the authorization response for a Crediario eligibility request.

The value for this field corresponds to the following data in the TC 33 capture file:

• Record: CP01 TCR9

• Position: 140-143

• Field: Percent of Total Other Costs


• Field Type: Request

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 4

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: installmentInformation.additionalCostsPercentage

SCMP API Fields | 569

• SCMP API Field: installment_additional_costs_percentage

• Simple Order API Field: installment_additionalCostsPercentage

SCMP API Fields | 570


Additional costs charged by the issuer to fund the installment payments.

This field is supported only for Crediario installment payments in Brazil on Visa Platform Connect.

Obtain the value for this field from the authorization response for a Crediario eligibility request.

The value for this field corresponds to the following data in the TC 33 capture file:

• Record: CP01 TCR9

• Position: 128-139

• Field: Total Other Costs


• Field Type: Request

• Data Type: Decimal

• Data Length: 12

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: installmentInformation.additionalCosts

• SCMP API Field: installment_additional_costs

SCMP API Fields | 571

• Simple Order API Field: installment_additionalCosts

SCMP API Fields | 572


Amount funded.

This field is supported only for Crediario installment payments in Brazil on Visa Platform Connect.

Obtain the value for this field from the authorization response for a Crediario eligibility request.

The value for this field corresponds to the following data in the TC 33 capture file:

• Record: CP01 TCR9

• Position: 48-59 Field: Total Amount Funded


• Field Type: Request

• Data Type: Decimal

• Data Length: 12

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: installmentInformation.amountFunded

• SCMP API Field: installment_amount_funded

• Simple Order API Field: installment_amountFunded

SCMP API Fields | 573


Amount requested divided by the amount funded.

This field is supported only for Crediario installment payments in Brazil on Visa Platform Connect.

Example A value of 90.0 specifies 90%.

Example A value of 93.7 specifies 93.7%.

Obtain the value for this field from the authorization response for a Crediario eligibility request.

The value for this field corresponds to the following data in the TC 33 capture file:

• Record: CP01 TCR9

• Position: 60-63

• Field: Percent of Amount Requested


• Field Type: Request

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 4

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: installmentInformation.amountRequestedPercentage

SCMP API Fields | 574

• SCMP API Field: installment_amount_requested_percentage

• Simple Order API Field: installment_amountRequestedPercentage

SCMP API Fields | 575


Amount for the current installment payment.

This field is supported only on Visa Platform Connect.


The value for this field corresponds to the following data in the TC 33 capture file:

• Record: CP01 TCR9

• Position: 26-37

• Field: Installment Amount


In Brazil, this field is supported only for Crediario installment payments.

When you do not include this field in a request for a Crediario installment payment, a value of 0 is sent to the processor.

The value for this field corresponds to the following data in the TC 33 capture file:

• Record: CP01 TCR9

• Position: 26-37

• Field: Amount of Each Installment


SCMP API Fields | 576

The value for this field corresponds to the following data in the TC 33 capture file:

• Record: CP01 TCR9

• Position: 24-35

• Field: Installment Amount

Georgia (Sakartvelo)

In Georgia, this field is supported only for installment payments.

The value for this field corresponds to the following data in the TC 33 capture file:

• Record: CP01 TCR5

• Position: 63-74

• Mastercard Subsequent Installment Amount


• Field Type: Request

• Data Type: Decimal

• Length:12

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: installmentInformation.amount

• SCMP API Field: installment_amount

SCMP API Fields | 577

• Simple Order API Field: installment_amount

SCMP API Fields | 578


Annual cost of financing the installment payments.

This field is supported only for Crediario installment payments in Brazil on Visa Platform Connect.

Obtain the value for this field from the authorization response for a Crediario eligibility request.

The value for this field corresponds to the following data in the TC 33 capture file:

• Record: CP01 TCR9

• Position: 158-164

• Field: Annual Total Cost of Financing


• Field Type: Request

• Data Type: Decimal

• Data Length: 7

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: installmentInformation.annualFinancingCost

• SCMP API Field: installment_annual_financing_cost

SCMP API Fields | 579

• Simple Order API Field: installment_annualFinancingCost

SCMP API Fields | 580


Annual interest rate.

This field is supported only on Visa Platform Connect.

Example A value of 1.0 specifies 1%.

Example A value of 4.0 specifies 4%.

In Brazil, obtain the value for this field from the authorization response for a Crediario eligibility request.

For Crediario installment payments in Brazil, the value for this field corresponds to the following data in the TC 33 capture file:

• Record: CP01 TCR9

• Position: 151-157

• Field: Annual Interest Rate

In Chile, the value for this field corresponds to the following data in the TC 33 capture file:

• Record: CP01 TCR9

• Position: 36-39

• Field: Transaction Interest Rate


• Field Type: Request

SCMP API Fields | 581

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 7

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: installmentInformation.annualInterestRate

• SCMP API Field: installment_annual_interest_rate

• Simple Order API Field: installment_annualInterestRate

SCMP API Fields | 582


Down payment.

This field is supported only for airline transactions on Getnet.


• Field Type: Request

• Data Type: Decimal

• Data Length:12

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: installmentInformation.downPayment

• SCMP API Field: installment_down_payment

• Simple Order API Field: installment_downPayment

SCMP API Fields | 583


Expenses divided by the amount funded.

This field is supported only for Crediario installment payments in Brazil on Visa Platform Connect.

Example A value of 1.0 specifies 1%.

Example A value of 4.0 specifies 4%.

Obtain the value for this field from the authorization response for a Crediario eligibility request.

The value for this field corresponds to the following data in the TC 33 capture file:

• Record: CP01 TCR9

• Position: 76-79

• Field: Percent of Total Expenses


• Field Type: Request

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 4

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: installmentInformation.expensesPercentage

SCMP API Fields | 584

• SCMP API Field: installment_expenses_percentage

• Simple Order API Field: installment_expensesPercentage

SCMP API Fields | 585


Expenses charged by the issuer to fund the installment payments.

This field is supported only for Crediario installment payments in Brazil on Visa Platform Connect.

Obtain the value for this field from the authorization response for a Crediario eligibility request.

The value for this field corresponds to the following data in the TC 33 capture file:

• Record: CP01 TCR9

• Position: 64-75

• Field: Total Expenses


• Field Type: Request

• Data Type: Decimal

• Data Length: 12

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: installmentInformation.expenses

• SCMP API Field: installment_expenses

SCMP API Fields | 586

• Simple Order API Field: installment_expenses

SCMP API Fields | 587


Fees divided by the amount funded.

This field is supported only for Crediario installment payments in Brazil on Visa Platform Connect.

Example A value of 1.0 specifies 1%.

Example A value of 4.0 specifies 4%.

Obtain the value for this field from the authorization response for a Crediario eligibility request.

The value for this field corresponds to the following data in the TC 33 capture file:

• Record: CP01 TCR9

• Position: 92-95

• Field: Percent of Total Fees


• Field Type: Request

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 4

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: installmentInformation.feesPercentage

SCMP API Fields | 588

• SCMP API Field: installment_fees_percentage

• Simple Order API Field: installment_feesPercentage

SCMP API Fields | 589


Fees charged by the issuer to fund the installment payments.

This field is supported only for Crediario installment payments in Brazil on Visa Platform Connect.

Obtain the value for this field from the authorization response for a Crediario eligibility request.

The value for this field corresponds to the following data in the TC 33 capture file:

• Record: CP01 TCR9

• Position: 80-91

• Field: Total Fees


• Field Type: Request

• Data Type: Decimal

• Data Length: 12

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: installmentInformation.fees

• SCMP API Field: installment_fees

SCMP API Fields | 590

• Simple Order API Field: installment_fees

SCMP API Fields | 591


Amount of the first installment payment.

This field is supported only for Mastercard installment payments in Georgia (Sakartvelo) on Visa Platform Connect.

The value for this field corresponds to the following data in the TC 33 capture file:

• Record: CP01 TCR5

• Position: 23-34

• Field: Amount of Each Installment


• Field Type: Request

• Data Type: Decimal

• Data Length: 12

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: installmentInformation.firstInstallmentAmount

• SCMP API Field: installment_first_installment_amount

• Simple Order API Field: installment_firstInstallmentAmount

SCMP API Fields | 592


Date of the first installment payment.

This field is supported only on Visa Platform Connect.

When you do not include this field, a string of six zeros (000000) is sent to the processor.

In Argentina, the value for this field corresponds to the following data in the TC 33 capture file:

• Record: CP01 TCR9

• Position: 38-43

• Field: Consumer Deferred Sale

For Crediario installment payments in Brazil, the value for this field corresponds to the following data in the TC 33 capture file:

• Record: CP01 TCR9

• Position: 42-47

• Field: Date of First Installment


• Field Type: Request

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 6

SCMP API Fields | 593

• Format: YYMMDD

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: installmentInformation.firstInstallmentDate

• SCMP API Field: installment_first_installment_date

• Simple Order API Field: installment_firstInstallmentDate

SCMP API Fields | 594


Frequency of the installment payments.

This field is supported only on Visa Platform Connect.

When you do not include this field in a request for a Credario installment payment, a space character is sent to the processor.

Possible values:

• B: Biweekly.

• M: Monthly.

• W: Weekly.

For Credario installment payments, the value for this field corresponds to the following data in the TC 33 capture file:

• Record: CP01 TCR9

• Position: 41

• Field: Installment Frequency


• Field Type: Request

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 1

SCMP API Fields | 595

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: installmentInformation.frequency

• SCMP API Field: installment_frequency

• Simple Order API Field: installment_frequency

SCMP API Fields | 596


Grace period requested by the customer before the first installment payment is due.

This field is supported only on Prosa and Visa Platform Connect.


Length of grace period in months.

Valid values: 00 through 99.

When the value for the installment plan type field is 07, the installment grace period duration must be greater than 00.

Visa Platform Connect

This field is supported only for Mastercard installment payments in Brazil and Greece.

When you include this field in a request, you must also include the grace period duration type field.

The value for this field corresponds to the following data in the TC 33 capture file:

• Record: CP01 TCR5

• Position: 100-101

• Field: Mastercard Grace Period Details

SCMP API Fields | 597


• Field Type: Request

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 2

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: installmentInformation.gracePeriodDuration

• SCMP API Field: installment_grace_period_duration

• Simple Order API Field: installment_gracePeriodDuration

SCMP API Fields | 598


Unit for the requested grace period duration.

This field is supported only for Mastercard installment payments in Brazil and Greece on Visa Platform Connect.

Possible values:

• D: Days.

• W: Weeks.

• M: Months.

The value for this field corresponds to the following data in the TC 33 capture file:

• Record: CP01 TCR5

• Position: 99

• Field: Mastercard Grace Period Details


• Field Type: Request

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 1

SCMP API Fields | 599

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: installmentInformation.gracePeriodDurationType

• SCMP API Field: installment_grace_period_duration_type

• Simple Order API Field: installment_gracePeriodDurationType

SCMP API Fields | 600


Insurance costs divided by the amount funded.

This field is supported only for Crediario installment payments in Brazil on Visa Platform Connect.

Example A value of 1.0 specifies 1%.

Example A value of 4.0 specifies 4%.

Obtain the value for this field from the authorization response for a Crediario eligibility request.

The value for this field corresponds to the following data in the TC 33 capture file:

• Record: CP01 TCR9

• Position: 124-127

• Field: Percent of Total Insurance


• Field Type: Request

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 4

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: installmentInformation.insurancePercentage

SCMP API Fields | 601

• SCMP API Field: installment_insurance_percentage

• Simple Order API Field: installment_insurancePercentage

SCMP API Fields | 602


Insurance charged by the issuer to fund the installment payments.

This field is supported only for Crediario installment payments in Brazil on Visa Platform Connect.

Obtain this value from the authorization response for a Crediario eligibility request.

The value for this field corresponds to the following data in the TC 33 capture file.

• Record: CP01 TCR9

• Position: 112-123

• Field: Total Insurance


• Field Type: Request

• Data Type: Decimal

• Data Length: 12

Mapping Information

• REST API Field:

• SCMP API Field: installment_insurance

SCMP API Fields | 603

• Simple Order API Field: installment_insurance

SCMP API Fields | 604


Invoice information that you want to provide to the issuer.

This field is supported only for installment payments with Mastercard on Visa Platform Connect in Brazil.

This value is similar to a tracking number and is the same for all installment payments for one purchase.

The value for this field corresponds to the following data in the TC 33 capture file:

• Record: CP01 TCR4

• Position: 51-70

• Field: Purchase Identification


• Field Type: Request

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 20

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: installmentInformation.invoiceData

• SCMP API Field: installment_invoice_data

SCMP API Fields | 605

• Simple Order API Field: installment_invoiceData

SCMP API Fields | 606


Monthly interest rate.

This field is supported only for installment payments on Visa Platform Connect.

Example A value of 1.0 specifies 1%.

Example A value of 4.0 specifies 4%.


This field is included in the authorization response for a Crediario eligibility request when the issuer approves the customer's request for Crediario installment payments in Brazil.

The value for this field corresponds to the following data in the TC 33 capture file:

• Record: CP01 TCR9

• Position: 144-150

• Field: Monthly Interest Rate

Georgia (Sakartvelo)

The value for this field corresponds to the following data in the TC 33 capture file:

• Record: CP01 TCR5

• Position: 41-45

• Field: Mastercard Interest Rate

SCMP API Fields | 607


• Field Type: Request

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 7

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: installmentInformation.monthlyInterestRate

• SCMP API Field: installment_monthly_interest_rate

• Simple Order API Field: installment_monthlyInterestRate

SCMP API Fields | 608


Payment plan for the installments.

This field is supported only for installment payments on Visa Platform Connect.

Possible values:

• 0 (default): Regular installment. This value is not allowed for airline transactions.

• 1: Installment payment with down payment.

• 2: Installment payment without down payment. This value is supported only for airline transactions.

• 3: Installment payment; down payment and boarding fee will follow. This value is supported only for airline transactions.

• 4: Down payment only; regular installment payment will follow.

• 5: Boarding fee only. This value is supported only for airline transactions.


In Brazil, this field is supported only for installment payments with Visa.

The value for this field corresponds to the following data in the TC 33 capture file:

• Record: CP07 TCR1

• Position: 9

• Field: Merchant Installment Supporting Information

Rest of World

SCMP API Fields | 609

In all countries except Brazil, Croatia, Georgia, and Greece, this field is supported only for installment payments with Mastercard.

The value for this field corresponds to the following data in the TC 33 capture file:

• Record: CP01 TCR5

• Position: 35-37

• Field: Installment Payment Number


• Field Type: Request

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 1

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: installmentInformation.paymentType

• SCMP API Field: installment_payment_type

• Simple Order API Field: installment_paymentType

SCMP API Fields | 610


Identifier for the issuer-funded installment plan.

This field is supported only on Visa Platform Connect in Chile.

Possible values:

• 0: No deferred period.

• 1: Deferred period 1.

• 2: Deferred period 2.

• 3: Deferred period 3.

The value for this field corresponds to the following data in the TC 33 capture file:

• Record: CP01 TCR9

• Position: 40

• Field: Deferred Period


• Field Type: Request

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 50

SCMP API Fields | 611

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: installmentInformation.planId

• SCMP API Field: installment_plan_id

• Simple Order API Field: installment_planID

SCMP API Fields | 612


Type of installment plan.

This field is supported only on American Express Direct, Cielo, Cybersource Latin American Processing, Prosa, and Visa Platform Connect.

American Express Direct, Cielo, and Cybersource Latin American Processing

Possible values:

• 1: Merchant-funded installment plan.

• 2: Issuer-funded installment plan.

When you do not include this field in the request, the value in your account is used. To change the value in your account, contact customer service.

Cybersource Latin American Processing is the name of a specific processing connection. Cybersource Latin American Processing does not refer to the general topic of processing
in Latin America. The information in this field description, or in this section of the field description, is for the specific processing connection called Cybersource Latin American
Processing. It is not for any other Latin American processors.


Possible values:

• 00: Not a promotion.

• 03: Interest is not charged to the customer.

• 05: Interest is charged to the customer.

• 07: Skip payment: buy now and pay the full amount later in one payment.

SCMP API Fields | 613

Visa Platform Connect with American Express

American Express-defined code that specifies the type of installment plan. Contact American Express for:

• Information about the kinds of installment plans that American Express provides.

• Values for this field.

For installment payments with American Express in Brazil, the value for this field corresponds to the following data in the TC 33 capture file:

• Record: CP07 TCR3

• Position: 5-6

• Field: Plan Type

Visa Platform Connect with Visa or Mastercard

Possible values:

• 1 or 01: Merchant-funded installment plan.

• 2 or 02: Issuer-funded installment plan.

• 3 or 03: Co-branded merchant financed—only with Mastercard in Brazil.

• 4 or 04: Issuer merchant co-financed—only with Mastercard in Brazil.

• 43: Crediario installment plan—only with Visa in Brazil.

• 7 or 07: Merchant-funded government plan—only with Visa in Argentina.

For installment payments in Argentina, the value for this field corresponds to the following data in the TC 33 capture file:

• Record: CP01 TCR9

SCMP API Fields | 614

• Position: 22-23

• Field: Installment Type

For installment payments in Chile, the value for this field corresponds to the following data in the TC 33 capture file:

• Record: CP01 TCR9

• Position: 23

• Field: Installment Type

For installment payments with Visa in Brazil, the value for this field corresponds to the following data in the TC 33 capture file:

• Record: CP07 TCR1

• Position: 5-6

• Field: Installment Type

For all other kinds of installment payments, the value for this field corresponds to the following data in the TC 33 capture file:

• Record: CP01 TCR5

• Position: 39-40

• Field: Installment Plan Type


Prosa and Visa Platform Connect:

• Field Type: Request

• Data Type: String

SCMP API Fields | 615

• Data Length: 2

All Other Processors:

• Field Type: Request

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 1

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: installmentInformation.planType

• SCMP API Field: installment_plan_type

• Simple Order API Field: installment_planType

SCMP API Fields | 616


Installment payment number.

This field is used along with installment_total_count to track which payment is being processed.

Example: These are the values for the second of five payments:


Visa Platform Connect

When you do not include this field in a request for a Crediario installment payment, a value of 0 is sent to the processor.

For Crediario installment payments, the value for this field corresponds to the following data in the TC 33 capture file:

• Record: CP01 TCR9

• Position: 38-40

• Field: Installment Payment Number


• Field Type: Request

• Data Type: Integer

SCMP API Fields | 617

• Data Length: 2

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: installmentInformation.sequence

• SCMP API Field: installment_sequence

• Simple Order API Field: installment_sequence

SCMP API Fields | 618


Taxes divided by the amount funded.

This field is supported only for Crediario installment payments in Brazil on Visa Platform Connect.

Example A value of 1.0 specifies 1%.

Example A value of 4.0 specifies 4%.

This field is included in the authorization response for a Crediario eligibility request when the issuer approves the customer's request for Crediario installment payments in Brazil.

The value for this field corresponds to the following data in the TC 33 capture file:

• Record: CP01 TCR9

• Position: 108-111

• Field: Percent of Total Taxes


• Field Type: Request

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 4

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: installmentInformation.taxesPercentage

SCMP API Fields | 619

• SCMP API Field: installment_taxes_percentage

• Simple Order API Field: installment_taxesPercentage

SCMP API Fields | 620


Taxes collected by the issuer to fund the installment payments.

This field is included in the authorization response for a Crediario eligibility request when the issuer approves the customer's request for Crediario installment payments in Brazil.

This field is supported only for Crediario installment payments in Brazil on Visa Platform Connect.

The value for this field corresponds to the following data in the TC 33 capture file:

• Record: CP01 TCR9

• Position: 96-107

• Field: Total Taxes


• Field Type: Request

• Type: Decimal

• Length: 12

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: installmentInformation.taxes

• SCMP API Field: installment_taxes

SCMP API Fields | 621

• Simple Order API Field: installment_taxes

SCMP API Fields | 622


Total amount of the loan that is being paid in installments.

This field is supported only on Visa Platform Connect.


• Field Type: Request

• Data Type: Decimal

• Data Length: 12

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: installmentInformation.totalAmount

• SCMP API Field: installment_total_amount

• Simple Order API Field: installment_totalAmount

SCMP API Fields | 623


Total number of installment payments.

This field is used along with installment_sequence to track which payment is being processed.

Example: These are the values for the second of five payments:


American Express Direct, Cielo, and Credit Mutuel-CIC

This value is the total number of installments that you approved.

Cybersource Latin American Processing in Brazil

This value is the total number of installments that you approved. The default is 1.

Cybersource Latin American Processing is the name of a specific processing connection. Cybersource Latin American Processing does not refer to the general topic of processing
in Latin America. The information in this field description, or in this section of the field description, is for the specific processing connection called Cybersource Latin American
Processing. It is not for any other Latin American processors.


Valid values: 00 through 99.

When the value for the installment plan type field is 07, the installment total count is set to 00.

SCMP API Fields | 624

Visa Platform Connect in Argentina

Valid values with Mastercard: 02 through 99.

Valid values with Visa: 00 through 99.

• Record: CP01 TCR9

• Position: 24-25

• Field: Number of Installments

Visa Platform Connect in Brazil

For Mastercard installments and for Crediario installment payments with Visa, the value for this field corresponds to the following data in the TC 33 capture file:

• Record: CP01 TCR9

• Position: 23-25

• Field: Number of Installments

Visa Platform Connect in Chile

Valid values: 02 through 48.

• Record: CP01 TCR9

• Position: 20-22

• Field: Number of Installments

Visa Platform Connect in All Countries Except Argentina, Brazil, and Chile

The value for this field corresponds to the following data in the TC 33 capture file:

SCMP API Fields | 625

• Record: CP01 TCR5

• Position: 20-22

• Field: Number of Installments

For installment payments with American Express or with Visa, the value for this field corresponds to the following data in the TC 33 capture file:

• Record: CP07 TCR3

• Position: 7-8

• Field: Number of Installments


• Field Type: Request

• Data Type: Integer

• Data Length: 2

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: installmentInformation.totalCount

• SCMP API Field: installment_total_count

• Simple Order API Field: installment_totalCount

SCMP API Fields | 626


Field to support an invoice number for a transaction.

You must specify the number of offer lines that will include an invoice number. By default, the first offer line includes an invoice number field. By default, the first offer line
includes an invoice number field. The invoice number field can be included for up to 10 offer lines.


American Express Direct

• Field Type: Offer-level request

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 23

Chase Paymentech Solutions

• Field Type: Offer-level request

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 23

FDC Compass

• Field Type: Offer-level request

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 23

SCMP API Fields | 627

FDMS Nashville

• Field Type: Offer-level request

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 23

FDMS South

• Field Type: Offer-level request

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 23


• Field Type: Offer-level request

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 23

RBS WorldPay Atlanta

• Field Type: Offer-level request

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 23

TSYS Acquiring Solutions

• Field Type: Offer-level request

• Data Type: String

SCMP API Fields | 628

• Data Length: 23

Visa Platform Connect

• Field Type: Offer-level request

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 15


• Field Type: Offer-level request

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 23

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: orderInformation.lineItems[].invoiceNumber

• SCMP API Field: invoice_number

• Simple Order API Field: item_#_invoiceNumber

Processor Field Names

The following list provides the Level II/Level III processor field name for each processor that supports Level II or Level III data.

• American Express Direct: N/A

• Chase Paymentech Solutions: N/A

• FDC Compass: N/A

SCMP API Fields | 629

• FDC Nashville Global: N/A

• FDMS Nashville: Amount

• FDMS South: Amount

• GPN: Amount

• RBS WorldPay Atlanta: Amount

• TSYS Acquiring Solutions: Amount

• Visa Platform Connect: invoiceNumber

• Worldpay VAP: invoiceNumber

SCMP API Fields | 630


Data defined by the issuer.

This field is supported only for Visa and Mastercard on Visa Platform Connect.

The value for this field corresponds to the following data in the TC 33 capture file:

• Record: CP08 TCR1

• Position: 9-168

• Field: Free Form Text


• Field Type: Request

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 255

Important: For an authorization, the maximum length for this value is 255 characters. In the capture file, the value is truncated at 161 characters.

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: issuerInformation.discretionaryData and processingInformation.issuer.discretionaryData

• SCMP API Field: issuer_additional_data

SCMP API Fields | 631

• Simple Order API Field: issuer_additionalData

SCMP API Fields | 632


Text message from the issuer.

If you give the customer a receipt, display this value on the receipt.


• Field Type: Response

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 250

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: No corresponding field.

• SCMP API Field: issuer_message

• Simple Order API Field: issuer_message

SCMP API Fields | 633


Value of 1 in this field indicates that the issuer requires a PIN.

When you request an authorization for a card-present transaction but do not include a PIN in the request, the issuer can require the PIN. To complete the authorization:

1. Request a PIN from the customer.

2. Send a duplicate authorization request that includes the PIN and the emv_request_repeat field.

This field is supported only for Mastercard transactions on Visa Platform Connect.


• Field Type: Response

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 1

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: No corresponding field

• SCMP API Field: issuer_pin_request

• Simple Order API Field: ccAuthReply_issuerPINrequest

SCMP API Fields | 634


Additional authorization code that must be printed on the receipt when returned by the processor.

This value is generated by the processor and is returned only for a successful transaction.

Processors supported for card-present transactions:

• FDC Nashville Global


Processor supported for card-not-present transactions:



• Field Type: Response

• Data Type: Integer

• Data Length: 6

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: issuerInformation.responseCode

• SCMP API Field: issuer_response_code

SCMP API Fields | 635

• Simple Order API Field: issuer_responseCode

SCMP API Fields | 636


Reason that the issuer declined your request for a strong customer authentication exemption.

This field is supported only on Visa Platform Connect.

This value is a series of a maximum of 20 four-digit codes and no delimiters. Possible codes:

• 8401: You are not participating in the Visa Trusted Listing program.

• 8402: Issuer is not participating in the Visa Trusted Listing program.

• 8403: Your business is not included on the cardholder's list of trusted merchants.

• 8404: Issuer response is unclear or invalid.

• 8473: Your business is not included on the cardholder's list of trusted merchants.

• 8474: Transaction information does not meet the exemption criteria.

Visa Platform Connect

The value for this field corresponds to the following data in the TC 33 capture file:

• Record: CP07 TCR9

• Position: 61-140

• Field: Reasons for Not Honoring SCA Exemptions

SCMP API Fields | 637


• Field Type: Response

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 80

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: consumerAuthenticationInformation.strongAuthentication.issuerInformation.riskAnalysisExemptionResult

• SCMP API Field: issuer_risk_analysis_exemption_result

• Simple Order API Field: issuer_riskAnalysisExemptionResult

• Secure Acceptance API Field: No corresponding field.

SCMP API Fields | 638


Business name in alphanumeric characters.

This field is supported only on JCN Gateway and for the Sumitomo Mitsui Card Co. acquirer on Visa Platform Connect.


• Field Type: Request

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 25

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: processingInformation.japanPaymentOptions.businessNameAlphaNumeric

• SCMP API Field: jpo_business_name_alphanumeric

• Simple Order API Field: jpo_businessNameAlphanumeric

SCMP API Fields | 639


Business name in Japanese characters.

This field is supported only on JCN Gateway and for the Sumitomo Mitsui Card Co. acquirer on Visa Platform Connect.


• Field Type: Request

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 25

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: processingInformation.japanPaymentOptions.businessName

• SCMP API Field: jpo_business_name_japanese

• Simple Order API Field: jpo_businessNameJapanese

SCMP API Fields | 640


Business name in Katakana characters.

This field is supported only on JCN Gateway and for the Sumitomo Mitsui Card Co. acquirer on Visa Platform Connect.


• Field Type: Request

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 25

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: processingInformation.japanPaymentOptions.businessNameKatakana

• SCMP API Field: jpo_business_name_katakana

• Simple Order API Field: jpo_businessNameKatakana

SCMP API Fields | 641


First billing month for a transaction that uses installment payments.

This field is supported only on JCN Gateway and for the Sumitomo Mitsui Card Co. acquirer on Visa Platform Connect.

Possible values: 01 through 12.

When you do not include this field in a request that uses installment payments for one of the Japanese payment options, the first billing month is set to the calendar month that
follows the transaction date.


• Field Type: Request

• Data Type: Integer

• Data Length: 2

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: processingInformation.japanPaymentOptions.firstBillingMonth

• SCMP API Field: jpo_first_billing_month

• Simple Order API Field: jpo_firstBillingMonth

SCMP API Fields | 642


Number of installment payments.

This field is supported only on JCN Gateway and for the Sumitomo Mitsui Card Co. acquirer on Visa Platform Connect.


• Field Type: Request

• Data Type: Integer

• Data Length: 2

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: processingInformation.japanPaymentOptions.installments

• SCMP API Field: jpo_installments

• Simple Order API Field: jpo_installments

SCMP API Fields | 643


Unique Japan Credit Card Association (JCCA) terminal identifier that is provided by Cybersource.

The difference between this field and the terminal_id field is that you can define the terminal_id field, but the jpo_jcca_terminal_id field is defined by the JCCA and is used only
in Japan.

This field is supported on JCN Gateway and Visa Platform Connect.

Visa Platform Connect

The value for this field corresponds to the following data in the TC 33 capture file:

• Record: CP01 TCR9

• Position: 130-142

• Field: Terminal Identification Number

The TC 33 Capture file contains information about the payments and credits that a merchant submits to Cybersource. Visa Platform Connect creates the TC 33 Capture file at the
end of the day and sends it to the merchant’s acquirer, who uses this information to facilitate end-of-day clearing processing with payment networks.


• Field Type: Request

• Data Type: Integer

• Data Length: 13

SCMP API Fields | 644

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: processingInformation.japanPaymentOptions.terminalId

• SCMP API Field: jpo_jcca_terminal_id

• Simple Order API Field: jpo_jccaTerminalID

SCMP API Fields | 645


Japanese Industrial Standard Type 2 (JIS2) track data from the front of the card.

This field is supported only on JCN Gateway and Visa Platform Connect.


• Field Type: Request

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 69

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: processingInformation.japanPaymentOptions.jis2TrackData

• SCMP API Field: jpo_jis2_track_data

• Simple Order API Field: jpo_jis2TrackData

SCMP API Fields | 646


Type of Japanese payment option.

This field is supported only on JCN Gateway and for the Sumitomo Mitsui Card Co. acquirer on Visa Platform Connect.

Possible values:

• 1 (default): Single payment.

• 2: Bonus payment.

• 4: Installment payment.

• 5: Revolving payment.

• 6: Combination of bonus payment and installment payment.


• Field Type: Request

• Data Type: Integer

• Data Length: 1

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: processingInformation.japanPaymentOptions.paymentMethod

• SCMP API Field: jpo_payment_method

SCMP API Fields | 647

• Simple Order API Field: jpo_paymentMethod

SCMP API Fields | 648


Value that links the current authorization request to the original authorization request.

This value is used for partial authorizations and split shipments. Set this value to the request ID that was returned in the response message from the original authorization request.


• Field Type: Request

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 26

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: processingInformation.linkId

• SCMP API Field: link_to_request

• Simple Order API Field: linkToRequest

SCMP API Fields | 649


Flag that specifies whether a loan is for a recoverable item or a non-recoverable item.

This field is supported only for BNDES transactions on Visa Platform Connect.

Possible values:

• N: Non-recoverable item.

• R: Recoverable item.

The value for this field corresponds to the following data in the TC 33 capture file:

• Record: CP07 TCR2

• Position: 26

• Field: Asset Indicator


• Field Type: Request

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 1

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: processingInformation.loanOptions.assetType

SCMP API Fields | 650

• SCMP API Field: loan_asset_type

• Simple Order API Field: loan_assetType

SCMP API Fields | 651


Type of loan or installment payment plan based on an agreement between you and the issuer.

This field is supported only for these kinds of payments on Visa Platform Connect:

• BINDES transactions

• Installment payments with Mastercard in Brazil



Example: BNDES-Type1

Example: CBN

Example: FINAME

For BNDES transactions, the value for this field corresponds to the following data in the TC 33 capture file:

• Record: CP07 TCR2

• Position: 27-46

• Field: Loan Type

For installment payments with Mastercard in Brazil, the value for this field corresponds to the following data in the TC 33 capture file:

• Record: CP07 TCR4

SCMP API Fields | 652

• Position: 5-24

• Field: Financing Type


• Field Type: Request

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 20

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: processingInformation.loanOptions.type

• SCMP API Field: loan_type

• Simple Order API Field: loan_type

SCMP API Fields | 653


Flag that indicates whether local sales tax is included in the order total.

Possible values:

• 0: local sales tax not included

• 1: local sales tax included

• 2: tax exempt order


Elavon Americas

• Field Type: Request

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 1

OmniPay Direct

• Field Type: Request

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 1

TSYS Acquiring Solutions

SCMP API Fields | 654

• Field Type: Request

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 1

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: orderInformation.lineItems[].taxDetails[].code

• SCMP API Field: local_tax_indicator

• Simple Order API Field: otherTax_localTaxIndicator

Processor Field Names

The following list provides the Level II/Level III processor field name for each processor that supports Level II or Level III data:

• Elavon Americas: Sales Tax Included

• OmniPay Direct: Local Tax Included

• TSYS Acquiring Solutions: Local Tax Included Flag

SCMP API Fields | 655

local_tax (Offer-level)

Sales tax applied to the item.

Important: For Mastercard, do not set this field to 0 (zero).


FDC Nashville Global

• Field Type: Offer-level request

• Data Type: Decimal

• Data Length: 13

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: orderInformation.lineItems[].taxDetails[].amount

• SCMP API Field: local_tax

• Simple Order API Field: item_#_localTax

Processor Field Names

The following list provides the Level II/Level III processor field name for each processor that supports Level II or Level III data:

SCMP API Fields | 656

• FDC Nashville Global: Item Local Tax Amount

SCMP API Fields | 657

local_tax (Order-level)

Sales tax applied to the item.


Elavon Americas

• Field Type: Request

• Data Type: Decimal

• Data Length: 10

FDC Nashville Global

• Field Type: Request

• Data Type: Decimal

• Data Length: 13

TSYS Acquiring Solutions

• Field Type: Request

• Data Type: Decimal

• Data Length: 13

SCMP API Fields | 658

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: orderInformation.lineItems[].taxDetails[].amount

• SCMP API Field: local_tax

• Simple Order API Field: otherTax_localTaxAmount

Processor Field Names

The following list provides the Level II/Level III processor field name for each processor that supports Level II or Level III data:

• Elavon Americas: Sales Tax Amount

• TSYS Acquiring Solutions: Local Tax

SCMP API Fields | 659


Exemption indicator for a low payment amount.

This flag specifies whether the transaction is exempt from strong customer authentication (SCA) requirements in Europe because the payment amount is low.

Possible values:

• 0 (default): Not exempt.

• 1: Exempt from SCA requirements because the payment amount is low.

Visa Platform Connect

For Mastercard transactions, the value for this field corresponds to the following data in the TC 33 capture file:

• Record: CP01 TCR6

• Position: 145-146

• Field: Mastercard Low-Risk Merchant Indicator

For transactions with other card types, the value for this field corresponds to the following data in the TC 33 capture file:

• Record: CP01 TCR8

• Position: 126

• Field: Low Value Exemption Indicator

SCMP API Fields | 660


• Field Type: Request

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 1

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: consumerAuthenticationInformation.strongAuthentication.lowValueExemptionIndicator

• SCMP API Field: low_value_exemption_indicator

• Simple Order API Fields: ccAuthService_lowValueExemptionIndicator

SCMP API Fields | 661


Identifier for the merchandise.

This field is supported for American Express Direct, JCN Gateway, and Visa Platform Connect.

American Express Direct

The value is 1000: gift card.

JCN Gateway

This value must be right justified. In Japan, this value is called a goods code.

Visa Platform Connect

This value must be right justified. In Japan, this value is called a goods code.


• Field Type: Request

• Data Type: Integer

• Data Length: 7

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: orderInformation.invoiceDetails.merchandiseCode

SCMP API Fields | 662

• SCMP API Field: merchandise_code

• Simple Order API Field: merchandiseCode

SCMP API Fields | 663


Merchant category code for domestic transactions.

This field is supported only on Visa Platform Connect and OmniPay Direct.

The value for this field is a four-digit number that the payment card industry uses to classify merchants into market segments. A payment card company assigned one or more of
these values to your business when you started accepting the payment card company’s cards. Including this field in a request for a domestic transaction might reduce interchange

Visa Platform Connect

This field is supported only for domestic transactions with Visa or Mastercard in Spain. Domestic means that you and the customer are in the same country.

When you include this field in a Visa request, you must also include the merchant_category_code field.

When you include this field in a Mastercard request, including the merchant_category_code field is optional.

OmniPay Direct

When you include this field in a request:

• Do not include the merchant_category_code field.

• The value for this field overrides the value in your account.

This field is supported only for:

• Domestic transactions with Mastercard in Spain. Domestic means that you and the customer are in the same country.

• Merchants enrolled in the OmniPay Direct interchange program.

SCMP API Fields | 664

• First Data Merchant Solutions (Europe) on OmniPay Direct.


• Field Type: Request

• Data Type: Integer

• Length: 4

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: merchantInformation.categoryCodeDomestic

• SCMP API Field: merchant_category_code_domestic

• Simple Order API Field: merchantCategoryCodeDomestic

SCMP API Fields | 665


Four-digit number that the payment card industry uses to classify merchants into market segments.

A payment card company assigned one or more of these values to your business when you started accepting the payment card company’s cards.

When you do not include this field in a request, the value in your account is used.

Visa Platform Connect

The value for this field corresponds to the following data in the TC 33 capture file:

• Record: CP01 TCR4

• Position: 150-153

• Field: Merchant Category Code


• Field Type: Request

• Data Type: Integer

• Data Length: 4

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: merchantInformation.categoryCode

• SCMP API Field: merchant_category_code

SCMP API Fields | 666

• Simple Order API Field: merchantCategoryCode

SCMP API Fields | 667

merchant_defined_data1 through merchant_defined_data100

Fields that you can use to store information.

This topic describes the sequence of fields from merchant_defined_data1 through merchant_defined_data100.

Warning: Merchant-defined data fields are not intended to and must not be used to capture personally identifying information. Accordingly, merchants are prohibited from
capturing, obtaining, and/or transmitting any personally identifying information in or via the merchant-defined data fields. Personally identifying information includes, but
is not limited to, address, payment card number, social security number, driver's license number, state-issued identification number, passport number, and card verification
numbers (CVV, CVC2, CVV2, CID, CVN). In the event Cybersource discovers that a merchant is capturing and/or transmitting personally identifying information via the
merchant-defined data fields, whether or not intentionally, Cybersource will immediately suspend the merchant's account, which will result in a rejection of any and all
transaction requests submitted by the merchant after the point of suspension.

Payer Authentication

Only fields 1 through 5 are supported in Payer Authentication. The value appears in the Case Management Details window in the Business Center. The first four fields are the same
fields that are used by the Secure Data services.

Visa Platform Connect

For installment payments with Mastercard in Brazil, use merchant_defined_data1 and merchantDefinedData_mddField_2merchant_defined_data2 for data that you want to
provide to the issuer to identify the transaction.

For installment payments with Mastercard in Brazil:

• The value for merchant_defined_data1 corresponds to the following data in the TC 33 capture file:

◦ Record: CP07 TCR5

◦ Position: 25-44

SCMP API Fields | 668

◦ Field: Reference Field 2

• The value for merchant_defined_data2 corresponds to the following data in the TC 33 capture file:

◦ Record: CP07 TCR5

◦ Position: 45-64

◦ Field: Reference Field 3


• Installment payments with Mastercard on Visa Platform Connect in Brazil:

◦ Field Type: Request

◦ Data Type: String

◦ Data Length: 20

• All other transactions:

◦ Field Type: Request

◦ Data Type: String

◦ Data Length: 255

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 255

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: merchantDefinedInformation[].key

SCMP API Fields | 669

• SCMP API Field: merchant_defined_data1 through merchant_defined_data100

• Simple Order API Field: merchantDefinedData_mddField_1 through merchantDefinedData_mddField_100

SCMP API Fields | 670


City for your business location.

This value might be displayed on the cardholder’s statement.

When you do not include this value in your PIN debit request, Cybersource uses the merchant city from your account.

Important: The value must consist of English characters.


For an OCT transaction, the only supported value is Visa Direct.


• Field Type: Request

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 13

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: merchantInformation.merchantDescriptor.locality

• SCMP API Field: merchant_descriptor_city

SCMP API Fields | 671

• Simple Order API Field: invoiceHeader_merchantDescriptorCity

SCMP API Fields | 672


Contact information for your business.

This value must be the city in which your store or outlet is located.

When you include more than one consecutive space, extra spaces are removed.

This value might be displayed on the cardholder’s statement.


For Chase Paymentech Solutions, you must use one of the following formats:







• A: Alphanumeric (alpha or numeric)

• C: Character (alpha or blank)

• N: Numeric

• P: Alpha

SCMP API Fields | 673


• Field Type: Request

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 13

Mapping Information

• REST API Field:

• SCMP API Field: merchant_descriptor_contact

• Simple Order API Field: invoiceHeader_merchantDescriptorContact

SCMP API Fields | 674


Country code for your business location.

Use the standard ISO Standard Country Codes.

Important: This value must consist of English characters.

This value might be displayed on the cardholder’s statement.

When you do not include this value in your request, Cybersource uses the merchant country from your account.

If your business is located in the U.S. or Canada and you include this field in a request, you must also include merchant_ descriptor_state.


• Field Type: Request

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 2

Mapping Information

• REST API Field:

• SCMP API Field: merchant_descriptor_country

SCMP API Fields | 675

• Simple Order API Field: invoiceHeader_merchantDescriptorCountry

SCMP API Fields | 676


Postal code for your business location.

Important: This value must consist of Engligh characters.

Important: Mastercard requires a postal code for any country that uses postal codes. You can provide the postal code in your Cybersource account or you can include this
field in your request.

This value might be displayed on the cardholder’s statement.

If your business is domiciled in the U.S., you can use a 5-digit or 9-digit postal code. A 9-digit postal code must follow this format: [5 digits][dash][4 digits] Example: 12345-6789

If your business is domiciled in Canada, you can use a 6-digit or 9-digit postal code. A 6-digit postal code must follow this format: [alpha][numeric][alpha][space] [numeric][alpha]
[numeric] Example: A1B 2C3

When you do not include this value in your PIN debit request, Cybersource uses the merchant postal code from your account.


• Field Type: Request

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 14

SCMP API Fields | 677

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: merchantInformation.merchantDescriptor.postalCode

• SCMP API Field: merchant_descriptor_postal_code

• Simple Order API Field: invoiceHeader_merchantDescriptorPostalCode

SCMP API Fields | 678


Your business name.

This name is displayed on the cardholder’s statement. When you include more than one consecutive space, extra spaces are removed.

Important: The value must consist of English characters.

Payouts on Chase Paymentech Solutions

Use one these formats:

• <12-character merchant name>*<9-character product description>

• <7-character merchant name>*<14-character product description>

• <3-character merchant name>*<18-character product description>

Payouts on FDC Compass and Visa Platform Connect

For a credit card bill payment, set the value for this field to the name of the originator providing the credit card bill payment service.

For a funds disbursement, set the value for this field to the name of the originator sending the funds disbursement.

For a prepaid load, set the value for this field to the name of the partner providing the reload service.

PIN Debits

When you do not include this value in a PIN debit request, Cybersource uses the merchant name in your account.

SCMP API Fields | 679


• Field Type: Request

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 23

Mapping Information

• REST API Field:

• SCMP API Field: merchant_descriptor

• Simple Order API Field: invoiceHeader_merchantDescriptor

SCMP API Fields | 680


State code or region code for your business location.

Use the standard state, province, and territory codes for the United States and Canada.

This field is supported only for businesses located in the U.S. or Canada.

Important: This value must consist of Engligh characters.

This value might be displayed on the cardholder’s statement.

When you do not include this value in your PIN debit request, Cybersource uses the merchant state from your account.


• Field Type: Request

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 2

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: merchantInformation.merchantDescriptor.administrativeArea

• SCMP API Field: merchant_descriptor_state

SCMP API Fields | 681

• Simple Order API Field: invoiceHeader_merchantDescriptorState

SCMP API Fields | 682


Street address for your business location.

Important: This value must consist of English characters.

This value might be displayed on the cardholder’s statement.

When you include this value in your request, Cybersource recommends you also include the merchant descriptor country, merchant descriptor state, and merchant descriptor
postal code in your request.


• Field Type: Request

• Data Type: String

• Data Length:

◦ Visa Platform Connect: 29

◦ All other processors: 60

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: merchantInformation.merchantDescriptor.address1

• SCMP API Field: merchant_descriptor_street

SCMP API Fields | 683

• Simple Order API Field: invoiceHeader_merchantDescriptorStreet

SCMP API Fields | 684


URL or reverse domain name for your business.

This field is supported only for Mastercard digital secure remote payment (DSRP) transactions on FDC Compass and Visa Platform Connect.


• Field Type: Request

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 127

• Special Symbols Allowed:

◦ Forward slash (/)

◦ Colon(:)

◦ Period (.)

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: merchantInformation.merchantDomainName

• SCMP API Field: merchant_domain_name

• Simple Order API Field: merchantDomainName

SCMP API Fields | 685


Your merchant ID. Use the same merchant ID for evaluation, testing, and production.


• Field Type: Request

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 30

Mapping Information

• REST API Field:

◦ For payment processing: The merchant ID value is passed in the HTTP header v-c-merchant-id.

◦ For terminal management: merchantId

• SCMP API Field: merchant_id

• Simple Order API Field: merchantID

SCMP API Fields | 686


Identification code for the product.

This is an offer-level field.


• Field Type: Offer-level

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 255

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: orderInformation.lineItems[].productSku

• SCMP API Field: merchant_product_sku

• Simple Order API Field: item_#_productSKU

SCMP API Fields | 687

merchant_ref_number (Request)

Order reference or tracking number that you generate.

You should provide a unique value for each transaction so that you can perform meaningful searches for the transaction. Refer to the Getting Started with Cybersource Advanced

Card-Not-Present Transactions

FDC Nashville Global: Certain circumstances can cause the processor to truncate this value to 15 or 17 characters for Level II and Level III processing, which can cause a
discrepancy between the value you submit and the value included in some processor reports.

Card-Present Transactions

FDC Nashville Global: The value for this field must be numeric and must be fewer than 9 digits. When you do not send a valid value, Cybersource creates one for you. However, the
value is not returned to you, so you cannot use the merchant reference number to track the order.

PIN Debit Transactions

Requests for PIN debit reversals need to use the same merchant reference number that was used in the transaction that is being reversed.


• Asia, Middle East, and Africa Gateway:

◦ Field Type: Request

◦ Data Type: String

◦ Data Length: 40

SCMP API Fields | 688

• Atos:

◦ Field Type: Request

◦ Data Type: String

◦ Data Length: 32

• Elavon Americas:

◦ Field Type: Request

◦ Data Type: String

◦ Data Length: 39

• RuPay Credit Services:

◦ Field Type: Request

◦ Data Type: String

◦ Data Length: 24

• RuPay Other Services:

◦ Field Type: Request

◦ Data Type: String

◦ Data Length: 50

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: clientReferenceInformation.code

• SCMP API Field: merchant_ref_number

SCMP API Fields | 689

• Simple Order API Field: merchantReferenceCode

SCMP API Fields | 690

merchant_ref_number (Response)

Order reference or tracking number that you provided in the request.

If you included multi-byte characters in this field in the request, the returned value might include corrupted characters.

FDC Nashville Global

When a card-present request does not include a merchant reference number, this value is provided by the client software that is installed on the POS terminal.

Sometimes the processor truncates this value to 15 or 17 characters for Level II and Level III processing. This can cause a discrepancy between the value you submit and the value
included in some processor reports.


When a card-present request does not include a merchant reference number, this value is provided by the client software that is installed on the POS terminal.


• Field Type: Response

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 50

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: clientReferenceInformation.code

• SCMP API Field: merchant_ref_number

SCMP API Fields | 691

• Simple Order API Field: merchantReferenceCode

SCMP API Fields | 692


Identifier that you assign to the transaction.

Optional field for PIN debit purchase or credit requests.

PIN Debit Reversal Transactions

For a PIN debit reversal, your request must include a request ID or a merchant transaction identifier. The suggested format for this value is:

• Positions 1-4: Last four charcters or your merchant ID

• Postions 5-7: Julian date. Format: ddd

• Positions 8-13: Time stamp. Format: hhmmss

• Positions 14-15: Two random characters. One way to generate two random characters is to use a counter from 01-99.


• Field Type: Request

• Data Type: String

• Data Length:

◦ Credit Card Transactions: 30

◦ PIN Debit Transactions: 15

SCMP API Fields | 693

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: clientReferenceInformation.transactionId

• SCMP API Field: merchant_transaction_identifier

• Simple Order API Field: merchantTransactionIdentifier

SCMP API Fields | 694


Your government-assigned tax identification number.


Elavon Americas

• Field Type: Request

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 20


• Field Type: Request

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 20

OmniPay Direct

• Field Type: Request

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 21

RBS WorldPay Atlanta

SCMP API Fields | 695

• Field Type: Request

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 20

TSYS Acquiring Solutions

• Field Type: Request

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 20

Visa Platform Connect

• Field Type: Request

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 20

Worldpay VAP

• Field Type: Request

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 20

For processors that support Payouts

• Field Type: Request

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 13

SCMP API Fields | 696

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: merchantInformation.vatRegistrationNumber

• SCMP API Field: merchant_vat_registration_number

• Simple Order API Field: invoiceHeader_merchantVATRegistrationNumber

Processor Field Names

The following list provides the Level II/Level III processor field name for each processor that supports Level II or Level III data:

• Elavon Americas: Merchant VAT Reg / Single Business Reference Number

• GPN: Merchant VAT Number

• OmniPay Direct: Merchant VAT Registration / Single Business Reference Number / Merchant Tax ID / Corporation VAT Number

• RBS WorldPay Atlanta: Merchant VAT Number

• TSYS Acquiring Solutions: Merchant VAT Registration Number

• Visa Platform Connect: merchantVATRegistrationNumber

• Worldpay VAP: cardAcceptorTaxId

SCMP API Fields | 697


Type of payment initiated from a cardholder’s mobile device.

This field is supported only for Mastercard transactions on Visa Platform Connect.

Possible values:

• 1: Customer-initiated remote purchase, face-to-face

• 2: Customer-initiated remote purchase, e-commerce

• 3: Customer-initiated remote purchase, mail order / telephone order

• 4: Customer-initiated bill pay

• 5: Customer-initiated top up

• 6: Customer-initiated cash out

• 7: ATM-triggered or agent-initiated cash out

• 8: Merchant-initiated remote purchase, face-to-face

• 9: Merchant-initiated remote purchase, e-commerce

Visa Platform Connect

The value for this field corresponds to the following data in the TC 33 capture file:

• Record: CP01 TCR6

• Position: 94

SCMP API Fields | 698

• Field: Mastercard Mobile Remote Payment Program Indicator

The TC 33 Capture file contains information about the payments and credits that a merchant submits to Cybersource. Visa Platform Connect creates the TC 33 Capture file at the
end of the day and sends it to the merchant’s acquirer, who uses this information to facilitate end-of-day clearing processing with payment networks.


• Field Type: Request

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 1

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: processingInformation.mobileRemotePaymentType

• SCMP API Field: mobile_remote_payment_type

• Simple Order API Field: ccAuthService_mobileRemotePaymentType

SCMP API Fields | 699


Type of mPOS device.

Possible values:

• 0: Dongle

• 1: Phone or tablet

This field is supported for Mastercard transactions on Visa Platform Connect.

Visa Platform Connect

The value for this field corresponds to the following data in the TC 33 capture file:

• Record: CP01 TCR6

• Position: 141

• Field: Mastercard mPOS Transaction

The TC 33 Capture file contains information about the payments and credits that a merchant submits to Cybersource. Visa Platform Connect creates the TC 33 Capture file at the
end of the day and sends it to the merchant’s acquirer, who uses this information to facilitate end-of-day clearing processing with payment networks.


• Field Type: Request

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 1

SCMP API Fields | 700

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: No corresponding field

• SCMP API Field: mpos_device_type

• Simple Order API Field: mPOS_deviceType

SCMP API Fields | 701


Supplementary domestic transaction information provided by the acquirer.


• Field Type: Request

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 123

Important: For an authorization, the maximum length for this value is 255 characters. In the capture file, the value is truncated at 161 characters.

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: processingInformation.nationalNetDomesticData

• SCMP API Field: national_net_domestic_data

• Simple Order API Field: nationalNetDomesticData

SCMP API Fields | 702

national_tax (Offer-level)

Amount of national tax or value added tax for countries in which more than one tax is applied.

Provide this value if national_tax differs from tax_amount. If you do not provide this value, Cybersource assumes that national_tax is equal to tax_amount.


FDC Nashville Global

• Field Type: Offer-level request

• Data Type: Decimal

• Data Length: 11

FDMS South

• Field Type: Offer-level request

• Data Type: Decimal

• Data Length: 15

Visa Platform Connect

• Field Type: Offer-level request

• Data Type: Decimal

• Data Length: 12

SCMP API Fields | 703

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: orderInformation.lineItems[].taxDetails[].amount

• SCMP API Field: national_tax

• Simple Order API Field: item_#_nationalTax

Processor Field Names

The following list provides the Level II/Level III processor field name for each processor that supports Level II or Level III data:

• FDC Nashville Global: National Tax Amount

• FDMS South: N/A

• Visa Platform Connect: nationalTaxAmount

SCMP API Fields | 704

national_tax (Order-level)

Amount of national tax or value added tax for countries in which more than one tax is applied to an order.

Provide this value if national_tax differs from tax_amount. If you do not provide this value, Cybersource assumes that national_tax is equal to tax_amount.


Elavon Americas

• Field Type: Request

• Data Type: Decimal

• Data Length: 12


• Field Type: Request

• Data Type: Decimal

• Data Length: 12

OmniPay Direct

• Field Type: Request

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 12

SCMP API Fields | 705

TSYS Acquiring Solutions

• Field Type: Request

• Data Type: Decimal

• Data Length: 13

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: orderInformation.amountDetails.taxDetails[].amount

• SCMP API Field: national_tax

• Simple Order API Field: otherTax_nationalTaxAmount

Processor Field Names

The following list provides the Level II/Level III processor field name for each processor that supports Level II or Level III data:

• Elavon Americas: National/Alternate Tax

• GPN: National Tax

• OmniPay Direct: National Tax

• TSYS Acquiring Solutions: National Tax Amount

SCMP API Fields | 706


Flag that indicates whether a national tax is included in the order total.

Possible values:

• 0: national tax not included

• 1: national tax included

This value must be 1 if the sum of all national_tax values > 0.

If you do not include any national_tax values in your request, Cybersource does not include national_tax_indicator in the data it sends to the processor.


Elavon Americas

• Field Type: Request

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 1

OmniPay Direct

• Field Type: Request

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 1

SCMP API Fields | 707

TSYS Acquiring Solutions

• Field Type: Request

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 1

Visa Platform Connect

• Field Type: Request

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 1

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: orderInformation.amountDetails.nationalTaxIncluded

• SCMP API Field: national_tax_indicator

• Simple Order API Field: otherTax_nationalTaxIndicator

Processor Field Names

The following list provides the Level II/Level III processor field name for each processor that supports Level II or Level III data:

• Elavon Americas: National / Alternate Tax Included

• OmniPay Direct: National Tax Included

• TSYS Acquiring Solutions: National Tax Included Flag

SCMP API Fields | 708

• Visa Platform Connect: nationalTaxIncluded

SCMP API Fields | 709


Priority order of the networks through which the transaction will be routed.

Important: This field is supported only for businesses located in the U.S.

Set this value to a series of one-character network codes in your preferred order:

Network Code
Accel E
Alaska Option 3
CU24 C
Interlink G
Maestro 8
Pulse H
Shazam 7
Star M
Visa V

For example, if the Star network is your first preference and Pulse is your second preference, set this field to a value of MH.

SCMP API Fields | 710

When you do not include this value in your PIN debit request, Cybersource uses the list of network codes from your account.


• Field Type: Request

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 30

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: processingInformation.networkRoutingOrder

• SCMP API Field: network_order

• Simple Order API Fields:

◦ pinDebitCreditService_networkOrder

◦ pinDebitPurchaseService_networkOrder

SCMP API Fields | 711


Token authentication verification value cryptogram.

For token-based transactions with 3D Secure, you must submit both types of cryptograms: network token and 3D Secure.

The value for this field must be 28-character Base64 or 40-character hex binary. All cryptograms use one of these formats.


• Field Type: Request

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 40

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: paymentinformation.tokenizedCard.cryptogram

• SCMP API Field: network_token_cryptogram

• Simple Order API Field: ccAuthService_networkTokenCryptogram

SCMP API Fields | 712


Transaction amount.


• Field Type: Response

• Data Type: Decimal

• Data Length: 15

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: orderInformation.amountDetails.totalAmount

• SCMP API Field: oct_amount

• Simple Order API Field: octReply_amount

SCMP API Fields | 713


Issuer-generated approval code for the transaction.


• Field Type: Response

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 6

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: processorInformation.approvalCode

• SCMP API Field: oct_approval_code

• Simple Order API Field: octReply_approvalCode

SCMP API Fields | 714


Network transaction identifier (TID). This value can be used to identify a specific transaction when you are discussing the transaction with your processor.


• Field Type: Response

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 15

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: processorInformation.transactionId

• SCMP API Field: oct_payment_network_transaction_id

• Simple Order API Field: octReply_paymentNetworkTransactionID

SCMP API Fields | 715


Flag that indicates whether the service request was successful.

Possible values:

• -1: An error occurred

• 0: The request was declined

• 1: The request was successful


• Field Type: Response

• Data Type: Integer

• Data Length: 5

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: No corresponding field.

• SCMP API Field: oct_rcode

• Simple Order API Field: No corresponding field.

SCMP API Fields | 716


Date and time when the service was requested.


• Field Type: Response

• Data Type: Date and time

• Data Length: 20

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: submitTimeUtc

• SCMP API Field: oct_request_time

• Simple Order API Field: octReply_requestDateTime

SCMP API Fields | 717


Transaction status from the processor.

Possible values:

• 00: Successful transaction.

• 12: Issuer declined the transaction.

• 13: Amount exceeded the maximum limit allowed for this type of OCT.

• 57: The cardholder is not set up to receive this type of OCT.

• 61: Issuer declined the transaction because exceeds the cumulative total amount limit.

• 62: Restricted card. OCT cannot be sent to an embargoed country (Cuba, Iran, North Korea, Syria, or Sudan).

• 64: Transaction does not fulfill anti-money laundering requirements because the required sender and recipient information was not sent.

• 65: Issuer declined the transaction because it exceeds the cumulative total count limit.

• 91: Issuer is unavailable.

• 93: Transaction cannot be completed because it violates the law.

• 94: Duplicate transaction.

• 96: Error while performing the transaction.


• Field Type: Response

SCMP API Fields | 718

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 10

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: processorInformation.responseCode

• SCMP API Field: oct_response_code

• Simple Order API Field: octReply_processorResponse

SCMP API Fields | 719


One-word description of the result of the OCT service request.


• Field Type: Response

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 50

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: No corresponding field.

• SCMP API Field: oct_rflag

• Simple Order API Field: No corresponding field.

SCMP API Fields | 720


Message that explains the response flag (oct_rflag). Do not display this message to the customer, and do not use this field to write an error handler.


• Field Type: Response

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 255

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: No corresponding field.

• SCMP API Field: oct_rmsg

• Simple Order API Field: No corresponding field.

SCMP API Fields | 721


Reference number that you use to reconcile your Cybersource reports with your processor reports. See Getting Started with Cybersource Advanced for the SCMP API for
information about transaction tracking and reconciliation.


• Field Type: Response

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 60

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: processingInformation.reconciliationId

• SCMP API Field: oct_trans_ref_no

• Simple Order API Field: octReply_reconciliationID

SCMP API Fields | 722

offer0 through offerN

Offers (line items of the order) for the request.

You must include either offer0 and the offer-level field amount, or the request-level field grand_total_amount in a request.


• Field Type: Request

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 50

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: No corresponding field. The REST API uses an array of line items.

• SCMP API Field: offer0 through offerN

• Simple Order API Field: No corresponding field. The Simple Order API uses item-level fields.

SCMP API Fields | 723


Total discount applied to the order.

Example: A $20.00 discount off the order total.

RBS WorldPay Atlanta

For RBS WorldPay Atlanta transactions only: The discount amount cannot exceed 999999.99.


Chase Paymentech Solutions

• Field Type: Request

• Data Length: 13

• Data Type: Decimal

Elavon Americas

• Field Type: Request

• Data Type: Decimal

• Data Length: 12

FDC Compass

• Field Type: Request

SCMP API Fields | 724

• Data Type: Decimal

• Data Length: 13

FDC Nashville Global

• Field Type: Request

• Data Type: Decimal

• Data Length: 11


• Field Type: Request

• Data Type: Decimal

• Data Length: 12

OmniPay Direct

• Field Type: Request

• Data Type: Decimal

• Data Length: 12

RBS WorldPay Atlanta

• Field Type: Request

• Data Type: Decimal

• Data Length: 8

SCMP API Fields | 725

TSYS Acquiring Solutions

• Field Type: Request

• Data Type: Decimal

• Data Length: 13

Visa Platform Connect

• Field Type: Request

• Data Type: Decimal

• Data Length: 12

Worldpay VAP

• Data Type: Decimal

• Data Length: 8

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: orderInformation.amountDetails.discountAmount

• SCMP API Field: order_discount_amount

• Simple Order API Field: purchaseTotals_discountAmount

Processor Field Names

Processor-specific field names for each processor supporting this field for Level II or Level III processing:

• Chase Paymentech Solutions: Discount Amount Applied to Order

SCMP API Fields | 726

• Elavon Americas: Discount Amount

• FDC Compass: Discount Amount Applied to Order

• FDC Nashville Global: Discount Amount

• GPN: Discount Amount

• OmniPay Direct: Discount Amount / Total Discount

• RBS WorldPay Atlanta: Discount Amount

• TSYS Acquiring Solutions: Discount Amount

• Visa Platform Connect: discountAmount

• Worldpay VAP: discountAmount

SCMP API Fields | 727


Flag that indicates whether the invoice level discount amount should be interpreted as negative or positive.

Possible values:

• negative: discount amount is considered as a discount refund for the invoice.

• positive: discount amount is considered as a discount for the invoice.

A positive value for the discount amount is considered to reduce the amount of the invoice.

This field relates to the value in the order_discount_amount field.


Visa Platform Connect

• Field Type: Request

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 8

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: No corresponding field

• SCMP API Field: order_discount_amount_sign

• Simple Order API Field: purchaseTotals_discountAmountSign

SCMP API Fields | 728

Processor Field Names

The following list provides the Level II/Level III processor field name for each processor that supports Level II or Level III data:

• Visa Platform Connect: discountAmountSign

SCMP API Fields | 729


Flag that indicates how the merchant manages discounts.

Possible values:

• 0: no invoice level discount included

• 1: tax calculated on the post-discount invoice total

• 2: tax calculated on the pre-discount invoice total

This field relates to the value in the order_discount_amount field.


Visa Platform Connect

• Field Type: Request

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 1

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: orderInformation.amountDetails.taxAppliedAfterDiscount

• SCMP API Field: order_discount_management_indicator

• Simple Order API Field: purchaseTotals_discountManagementIndicator

SCMP API Fields | 730

Processor Field Names

The following list provides the Level II/Level III processor field name for each processor that supports Level II or Level III data:

• Visa Platform Connect: discountManagementIndicator

SCMP API Fields | 731


Request token value returned from a previous request.

This value links the previous request to the current follow-on request.

This value is an encoded string that contains no confidential information, such as an account number or card verification number.


• Field Type: Request

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 256

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: No corresponding REST API field.

• SCMP API Field: order_request_token

• Simple Order API Field: orderRequestToken

SCMP API Fields | 732


Amount in your original pricing currency.

This value cannot be negative. You can include a decimal point (.) in this field to denote the currency exponent, but you cannot include any other special characters. If needed, the
amount is truncated to the correct number of decimal places.


• Field Type: Request

• Data Type: Decimal

• Data Length: 15

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: orderInformation.amountDetails.originalAmount

• SCMP API Field: original_amount

• Simple Order API Field: purchaseTotals_originalAmount

SCMP API Fields | 733


Your local pricing currency code.


• Field Type: Request

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 5

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: orderInformation.amountDetails.originalCurrency

• SCMP API Field: original_currency

• Simple Order API Field: purchaseTotals_originalCurrency

SCMP API Fields | 734


Amount of the original transaction.


• Field Type: Response

• Data Type: Decimal

• Data Length: 15

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: reversalAmountDetails.originalTransactionAmount and voidAmountDetails.originalTransactionAmount

• SCMP API Field: original_transaction_amount

• Simple Order API Field: originalTransaction_amount

SCMP API Fields | 735


Response flag for the original transaction.


• Type: String

• Length: 50

Mapping Information

• REST Field: authorizationInformation.reasonCode

• SCMP API Field: original_transaction_rflag

• Simple Order API Field: No corresponding field

SCMP API Fields | 736


Tax amount for the tax type identified by in the item_#_otherTax_#_rateitem_#_otheTax_#_typeother_tax#_type field.

For more information on tax fields, see: Example: Three Tax Line Items for One Item


American Express Direct

• Field Type: Request

• Data Type: Decimal

• Data Length for Canadian dollars: 7

• Data Length for U.S. dollas: 9

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: orderInformation.lineItems[].taxDetails[].amount

• SCMP API Field: other_tax#_amount

• Simple Order API Field: item_#_otherTax_#_amount

Processor Field Names

The following list provides the Level II/Level III processor field name for each processor that supports Level II or Level III data:

SCMP API Fields | 737

• American Express Direct: N/A

SCMP API Fields | 738


Tax rate for the tax line item.

A maximum of 2 decimal places is allowed. Valid range is 0.00 to 99.99. The value can also be zero.

For example:

• 60%: offer0:taxRate=60.00

• 25.5%: offer0:taxRate=25.50

• 33.33%: offer0:taxRate=33.33

For more information on tax fields, see: Tax Fields


American Express Direct

• Field Type: Offer-level request

• Data Type: Decimal

• Data Length: 4

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: orderInformation.amountDetails.taxDetails[].rate

• SCMP API Field: other_tax#_rate

SCMP API Fields | 739

• Simple Order API Field: item_#_otherTax_#_rate

Processor Field Names

The following list provides the Level II/Level III processor field name for each processor that supports Level II or Level III data:

• American Express Direct: N/A

SCMP API Fields | 740


Status for exemption from sales and use tax.

This field is a pass-though field. This means Cybersource does not verify the value or modify it in any way befoe sending it to the precessor. For possible values, see: Tax Fields

For more information on tax fields, see: Example: Three Tax Line Items for One Item


American Express Direct

• Field Type: Request

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 1

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: orderInformation.lineItems[].exemptAmount

• SCMP API Field: other_tax#_status_indicator

• Simple Order API Field: item_#_otherTax_#_statusIndicator

Processor Field Names

The following list provides the Level II/Level III processor field name for each processor that supports Level II or Level III data:

SCMP API Fields | 741

• American Express Direct: N/A

SCMP API Fields | 742


Defines the type of tax for the other_tax#_amountitem_#_otherTax_#_amount field.

Possible values include:

• 02: State sales tax

• 03: City sales tax

• 04: Local sales tax

• 10: Value-added tax

• 11: Goods and services tax

• 12: Provincial sales tax

• 13: Harmonized sales tax

• 14: Quebec sales tax

• 23: City tax

• 24: County or parish sales tax

• 25: County tax

• 26: Environment tax

• 27: State and local sales tax (combined)

This field is a pass-though field. This means Cybersource does not verify the value or modify it in any way befoe sending it to the precessor.

SCMP API Fields | 743

For more information on tax fields, see: Example: Three Tax Line Items for One Item


American Express Direct

• Field Type: Request

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 2

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: N/A

• SCMP API Field: other_tax#_type

• Simple Order API Field: item_#_otherTax_#_type

Processor Field Names

The following list provides the Level II/Level III processor field name for each processor that supports Level II or Level III data:

• American Express Direct: N/A

SCMP API Fields | 744


Type of account for a line of credit or prepaid card.

This field is supported only for combo card transactions in Brazil on Visa Platform Connect.

Include this field when the value for the or override_payment_method field is line of credit (LI) or prepaid card (PP).

Line of Credit

Possible values:

• AGRC: Visa Agro Custeio.

• AGRE: Visa Agro Electron.

• AGRI: Visa Agro Investimento.

• AGRO: Visa Agro.

Prepaid Card

Possible values:

• VVA: Visa Vale Alimentacao.

• VVF: Visa Vale Flex.

• VVR: Visa Vale Refeicao.

TC 33 Capture File

SCMP API Fields | 745

The value for this field corresponds to the following data in the TC 33 capture file:

• Record: CP07 TCR0

• Position: 44-47

• Field: Account Accessed


Mapping Information

• REST API Field: paymentInformation.card.sourceAccountTypeDetails

• SCMP API Field: override_payment_details

• Simple Order API Fields:

◦ ccAuthService_overridePaymentDetails

◦ ccCreditService_overridePaymentDetails

SCMP API Fields | 746


Flag that specifies the type of account associated with the card.

The cardholder provides this information during the payment process.

Possible values:

• CH: Checking account

• CR: Credit card account

• SA: Savings account

This field is required for transactions with Brazilian-issued cards.

Combo cards in Brazil contain credit and debit functionality in a single card. Visa systems use a credit bank identification number (BIN) for this type of card. Using the BIN to
determine whether a card is debit or credit can cause transactions with these cards to be processed incorrectly. It is strongly recommended that you include this field for combo
card transactions.

Cielo and Comercio Latino for Credit Card Transactions

On these processors, this field is supported only for authorizations. Possible values:

• CR: Credit card

• DB: Debit card

Visa Platform Connect for Credit Card Transactions

For combo card transactions with Mastercard in Brazil, the card_usage field is also supported.

SCMP API Fields | 747

Possible values:

• CH: Checking account

• CR: Credit card account

• LI: Line of credit or credit portion of combo card

• PP: Prepaid card or prepaid portion of combo card

• SA: Savings account

The value for this field corresponds to the following data in the TC 33 capture file:

• Record: CP07 TCR0

• Positions: 42-43

• Field: Account Selection

The TC 33 Capture file contains information about the payments and credits that a merchant submits to Cybersource. Visa Platform Connect creates the TC 33 Capture file at the
end of the day and sends it to the merchant’s acquirer, who uses this information to facilitate end-of-day clearing processing with payment networks.


• Field Type: Request

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 2

Mapping Information

• REST API Fields:

◦ paymentInformation.card.useAs

SCMP API Fields | 748

◦ paymentInformation.card.sourceAccountType

• SCMP API Field: override_payment_method

• Simple Order API Fields:

◦ ccAuthService_overridePaymentMethod

◦ ccCreditService_overridePaymentMethod

◦ pinDebitCreditService_overridePaymentMethod

SCMP API Fields | 749


Number of purchases with this cardholder account during the previous six months.

Recommended for Discover ProtectBuy.


• Field Type: Request

• Data Type: Integer

• Data Length: 4

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: No corresponding field.

• SCMP API Field: pa_account_purchases

• Simple Order API Field: payerAuthEnrollService_accountPurchases

SCMP API Fields | 750


Issuers should be aware of the acquirer's country code when the acquirer country differs from the merchant country, and the acquirer is in the EEA (European Economic Area).


• Field Type: Request

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 2

Mapping Information

• REST API Field:

• SCMP API Field: pa_acquirer_country

• Simple Order API Field: payerAuthEnrollService_acquirerCountry

SCMP API Fields | 751


You can send this override field to set the challenge window size to display to the cardholder. The Access Control Server (ACS) replies with content that is formatted appropriately
for this window size to allow for the best user experience.

The sizes are width x height in pixels of the window displayed in the cardholder browser. Possible values:

• 01: 250x400

• 02: 390x400

• 03: 500x600

• 04: 600x400

• 05: Full page


• Field Type: Request

• Data Type: Integer

• Data Length: 2

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: consumerAuthenticationInformation.acsWindowSize

• SCMP API Field: pa_acs_window_size

SCMP API Fields | 752

• Simple Order API Field: payerAuthEnrollService_acsWindowSize

SCMP API Fields | 753


Number of add card attempts in the last 24 hours.

Recommended for Discover ProtectBuy.


• Field Type: Request

• Data Type: Integer

• Data Length: 3

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: riskInformation.buyerHistory.addCardAttempts

• SCMP API Field: pa_add_card_attempts

• Simple Order API Field: payerAuthEnrollService_addCardAttempts

SCMP API Fields | 754


Data that documents and supports a specific authentication process.


• Field Type: Request

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 2048

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: consumerAuthenticationInformation.alternateAuthenticationData

• SCMP API Field: pa_alternate_authentication_data

• Simple Order API Field: payerAuthEnrollService_alternateAuthenticationData

SCMP API Fields | 755


Date and time in UTC of the cardholder authentication.



• Field Type: Request

• Data Type: Integer

• Data Length: 12

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: consumerAuthenticationInformation.alternateAuthenticationDate

• SCMP API Field: pa_alternate_authentication_date

• Simple Order API Field: payerAuthEnrollService_alternateAuthenticationDate

SCMP API Fields | 756


Date and time in UTC of the cardholder authentication.



• Field Type: Request

• Data Type: Integer

• Data Length: 12

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: consumerAuthenticationInformation.alternateAuthenticationDate

• SCMP API Field: pa_alternate_authentication_date

• Simple Order API Field: payerAuthEnrollService_alternateAuthenticationDate

SCMP API Fields | 757


Mechanism used by the cardholder to authenticate to the 3D Secure requestor.

Possible values:

• 01: No authentication occurred

• 02: Login using merchant system credentials

• 03: Login using Federated ID

• 04: Login using issuer credentials

• 05: Login using third-party authenticator

• 06: Login using FIDO Authenticator


• Field Type: Request

• Data Type: Integer

• Data Length: 2

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: consumerAuthenticationInformation.alternateAuthenticationMethod

• SCMP API Field: pa_alternate_authentication_method

SCMP API Fields | 758

• Simple Order API Field: payerAuthEnrollService_alternateAuthenticationMethod

SCMP API Fields | 759


Date and time that the 3D Secure server authenticated the cardholder.

This field is supported only for Cartes Bancaires Fast'R transactions on Credit Mutuel-CIC.



• Field Type: Request

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 14

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: consumerAuthenticationInformation.authenticationDate

• SCMP API Field: pa_authentication_date

• Simple Order API Field: ccAuthService_paAuthenticationDate

SCMP API Fields | 760


Indicates the type of authentication request.

Possible values:

• 01: Payment transaction

• 02: Recurring transaction

• 03: Installment transaction

• 04: Add card

• 05: Maintain card

• 06: Cardholder verification as part of EMV token ID&V (identity and verification)


• Field Type: Request

• Data Type: Integer

• Data Length: 2

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: consumerAuthenticationInformation.strongAuthentication.authenticationIndicator

• SCMP API Field: pa_authentication_indicator

SCMP API Fields | 761

• Simple Order API Field: payerAuthEnrollService_authenticationIndicator

SCMP API Fields | 762


Authentication type or challenge that you presented to the cardholder at checkout after requesting Cartes Bancaires Fast'R through the Cybersource payer authentication services.

This field is supported only for Cartes Bancaires Fast'R transactions on Credit Mutuel-CIC.

A challenge means that strong customer authentication is required. The challenge status does the following:

• Informs the issuer about the alternative authentication methods that the cardholder used.

• Enables you to override default values for one transaction at a time and increase the authorization acceptance rate at the risk of accepting a liability shift for the transaction.

Possible values:

• 01: No preference.

• 02: No challenge requested, but the reason is unknown.

• 03: You requested the challenge. You can default to this value for every transaction when you see an increase in fraud rates.

• 04: Challenge mandated. Strong customer authentication is required when one of the following is true:

◦ Transaction amount exceeds 30 EUR and there have been at least five transactions on the payment card during the preceding week.

◦ Cumulative amount for the payment card during the preceding week exceeds 100 EUR.

• 05: No challenge requested because transactional risk analysis has already been performed.

• 06: No challenge requested because the purpose of this transaction is to share data, not to move money.

• 07: No challenge requested because strong consumer authentication has already been performed.

• 08: No challenge requested because the cardholder is on a white list of exempt cardholders.

SCMP API Fields | 763

• 09: Challenge requested by issuer. Determine whether the cardholder is on a white list of exempt cardholders.

When you request the payer authentication and authorization services separately, get the value for this field from the pa_enroll_challenge_code response field.


• Field Type: Request

• Data Type: Integer

• Data Length: 2

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: consumerAuthenticationInformation.challengeCode

• SCMP API Field: pa_challenge_code

• Simple Order API Field: ccAuthService_paChallengeCode

SCMP API Fields | 764


An alias that uniquely identifies the customer's account and credit card on file.

This field is required if Tokenization is enabled in the merchant profile settings.


• Field Type: Request

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 128

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: consumerAuthenticationInformation.customerCardAlias

• SCMP API Field: pa_customer_cc_alias

• Simple Order API Field: payerAuthEnrollService_customerCCAlias

SCMP API Fields | 765


Indicates that the card being used is the one designated as the primary payment card for purchase.

This field can contain one of these values:

• true

• false

Recommended for Discover ProtectBuy.


• Field Type: Request

• Data Type: Boolean

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: consumerAuthenticationInformation.defaultCard

• SCMP API Field: pa_default_card

• Simple Order API Field: payerAuthEnrollService_defaultCard

SCMP API Fields | 766


Indicates the channel used for the transaction.

Required for SDK integration. Possible Values:


• Browser

• 3RI (3D Secure Integrator Request)

Important: If you use the SDK integration, this field is dynamically set to SDK. If you use the JavaScript code, this field is dynamically set to Browser. For merchant-initiated
or 3RI transactions, you must set the field to 3RI. If you use this field in addition to JavaScript code, you must set the field to Browser.


• Field Type: Request

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 10

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: consumerAuthenticationInformation.deviceChannel

• SCMP API Field: pa_device_channel

SCMP API Fields | 767

• Simple Order API Field: payerAuthEnrollService_deviceChannel

SCMP API Fields | 768


Indicates whether the merchant experienced suspicious activity (including previous fraud) on the account.

This field can contain one of these values:

• 01: No suspicious activity

• 02: Suspicious activity observed


• Field Type: Request

• Data Type: String

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 2

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: No corresponding field.

• SCMP API Field: pa_fraud_activity

• Simple Order API Field: payerAuthEnrollService_fraudActivity

SCMP API Fields | 769


The purchase amount total for prepaid gift cards in major units.

Example 123.45 USD=123


• Field Type: Request

• Data Type: Integer

• Data Length: 15

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: No corresponding field.

• SCMP API Field: pa_gift_card_amount

• Simple Order API Field: payerAuthEnrollService_giftCardAmount

SCMP API Fields | 770


Total count of individual prepaid gift cards purchased.


• Field Type: Request

• Data Type: Integer

• Data Length: 2

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: No corresponding field.

• SCMP API Field: pa_gift_card_count

• Simple Order API Field: payerAuthEnrollService_giftCardCount

SCMP API Fields | 771


Currency used for the gift card purchase.

Use the standard ISO codes located in the Support Center.


• Field Type: Request

• Data Type: Integer

• Data Length: 3

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: No corresponding field.

• SCMP API Field: pa_gift_card_currency

• Simple Order API Field: payerAuthEnrollService_giftCardCurrency

SCMP API Fields | 772


Value of the Accept header sent by the customer’s web browser.

Important: If the customer’s browser provides a value, you must include it in your request.


• Field Type: Request

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 255

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: deviceInformation.httpAcceptBrowserValue

• SCMP API Field: pa_http_accept

• Simple Order API Field: payerAuthEnrollService_httpAccept

SCMP API Fields | 773


The exact content of the HTTP accept header.


• Field Type: Request

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 256

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: deviceInformation.httpAcceptContent

• SCMP API Field: pa_http_user_accept

• Simple Order API Field: payerAuthEnrollService_httpUserAccept

SCMP API Fields | 774


Value of the User-Agent header sent by the customer’s web browser.

Important: If the customer’s browser provides a value, you must include it in your request.


• Field Type: Request

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 255

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: deviceInformation.userAgentBrowserValue

• SCMP API Field: pa_http_user_agent

• Simple Order API Field: payerAuthEnrollService_httpUserAgent

SCMP API Fields | 775


An integer value greater than 1 indicating the maximum number of permitted authorizations for installment payments.

Important: This value is required if the merchant and cardholder have agreed to installment payments.


• Field Type: Request

• Data Type: Integer

• Data Length: 4

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: recurringPaymentInformation.numberOfPayments

• SCMP API Field: pa_installment_total_count

• Simple Order API Field: payerAuthEnrollService_installmentTotalCount

SCMP API Fields | 776


Indicates whether the customer has opted in for marketing offers.

This field can contain one of these values:

• true

• false

Recommended for Discover ProtectBuy.


• Field Type: Request

• Data Type: Boolean

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: consumerAuthenticationInformation.marketingOptIn

• SCMP API Field: pa_marketing_optin

• Simple Order API Field: payerAuthEnrollService_marketingOptIn

SCMP API Fields | 777


Indicates origin of the marketing offer.

Recommended for Discover ProtectBuy.


• Field Type: Request

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 40

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: consumerAuthenticationInformation.marketingSource

• SCMP API Field: pa_marketing_source

• Simple Order API Field: payerAuthEnrollService_marketingSource

SCMP API Fields | 778


Merchant category code.


• Field Type: Request

• Data Type: Integer

• Data Length: 4

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: consumerAuthenticationInformation.mcc

• SCMP API Field: pa_mcc

• Simple Order API Field: payerAuthEnrollService_MCC

SCMP API Fields | 779


Calculated by merchants according to Payment Service Directive 2 (PSD2) and Regulatory Technical Standards (RTS). European Economic Area (EEA) card fraud divided by all EEA
card volumes.

Possible Values:

• 1: Represents fraud rate <=1

• 2: Represents fraud rate >1 and <=6

• 3: Represents fraud rate >6 and <=13

• 4: Represents fraud rate >13 and <=25

• 5: Represents fraud rate >25


• Field Type: Request

• Data Type: Integer

• Data Length: 2

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: consumerAuthenticationInformation.merchantFraudRate

• SCMP API Field: pa_merchant_fraud_rate

SCMP API Fields | 780

• Simple Order API Field: payerAuthEnrollService_merchantFraudRate

SCMP API Fields | 781


Your company’s name as you want it to appear to the customer in the issuing bank’s authentication form.

This value overrides the value specified by your merchant bank.


• Field Type: Request

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 25

For Paymentech processor using Cybersource Payouts, the maximum data length is 22.

Mapping Information

• REST API Field:

• SCMP API Field: pa_merchant_name

• Simple Order API Field: payerAuthEnrollService_merchantName

SCMP API Fields | 782


Indicates whether the consumer is a new or existing customer with the merchant.

This field can contain one of these values:

• true

• false


• Field Type: Request

• Data Type: Boolean

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: No corresponding field.

• SCMP API Field: pa_merchant_new_customer

• Simple Order API Field: payerAuthEnrollService_merchantNewCustomer

SCMP API Fields | 783


Risk score provided by merchants.


• Field Type: Request

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 20

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: consumerAuthenticationInformation.merchantScore

• SCMP API Field: pa_merchant_score

• Simple Order API Field: payerAuthEnrollService_merchantScore

SCMP API Fields | 784


Address of your company’s Web site, for example, http://

This value overrides the value specified by your merchant bank.


• Field Type: Request

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 255

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: merchantInformation.merchantDescriptor.url

• SCMP API Field: pa_merchant_url

• Simple Order API Field: payerAuthEnrollService_merchantURL

SCMP API Fields | 785


Category of the message for a specific use case.

Possible values:

• 01: PA (payment authentication)

• 03-79: Reserved for EMVCo future use (values invalid until defined by EMVCo)

• 80-99: Reserved for directory server use


• Field Type: Request

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 2

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: consumerAuthenticationInformation.messageCategory

• SCMP API Field: pa_message_category

• Simple Order API Field: payerAuthEnrollService_messageCategory

SCMP API Fields | 786


Cardholder’s mobile phone number.


• Field Type: Request

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: buyerInformation.mobilePhone

• SCMP API Field: pa_mobile_phone

• Simple Order API Field: payerAuthEnrollService_mobilePhone

SCMP API Fields | 787


Score calculated by the 3D Secure scoring platform.

This field is supported only for Cartes Bancaires Fast'R transactions on Credit Mutuel-CIC.

Possible values: 00 - 99.

When you request the payer authentication and authorization services separately, get the value for this field from the pa_network_score response field.


• Field Type: Request

• Data Type: Integer

• Data Length: 2

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: consumerAuthenticationInformation.networkScore

• SCMP API Field: pa_network_score

• Simple Order API Field: ccAuthService_paNetworkScore

SCMP API Fields | 788


Specifies the payment account type used for the transaction.

This field overrides other payment types that might be specified in the request. Use one of the following values for this field:

• NA: Not applicable. Do not override other payment types that are specified in the request.

• CR: Credit card

• DB: Debit card

• VSAVR: Visa Vale Refeicao

• VSAVA: Visa Vale Alimentacao


• Field Type: Request

• Data Type:String

• Data Length: 10

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: consumerAuthenticationInformation.overridePaymentMethod

• SCMP API Field: pa_override_payment_method

SCMP API Fields | 789

• Simple Order API Field: payerAuthEnrollService_overridePaymentMethod

SCMP API Fields | 790


Date the payment account was added to the cardholder account.

This field can contain one of these values:

• -1: Guest account

• 0: Added during this transaction

If neither applies, enter the date in YYYYMMDD format.

Recommended for Discover ProtectBuy.


• Field Type: Request

• Data Type: Integer

• Data Length: 8

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: No corresponding field.

• SCMP API Field: pa_payment_account_date

• Simple Order API Field: payerAuthEnrollService_paymentAccountDate

SCMP API Fields | 791


Expected date that a pre-ordered purchase will be available.



• Field Type: Request

• Data Type: Integer

• Data Length: 8

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: No corresponding field.

• SCMP API Field: pa_pre_order_date

• Simple Order API Field: payerAuthEnrollService_preorderDate

SCMP API Fields | 792


Indicates whether cardholder is placing an order with a future availability or release date.

This field can contain one of these values:

• 01: Merchandise available

• 02: Future availability


• Field Type: Request

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 2

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: No corresponding field.

• SCMP API Field: pa_pre_order

• Simple Order API Field: payerAuthEnrollService_preorder

SCMP API Fields | 793


This field contains data that the ACS can use to verify the authentication process.


• Field Type: Request

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 2048

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: consumerAuthenticationInformation.priorAuthenticationData

• SCMP API Field: pa_prior_authentication_data

• Simple Order API Field: payerAuthEnrollService_priorAuthenticationData

SCMP API Fields | 794


Method the cardholder used previously to authenticate to the 3D Secure requester.

Possible values:

• 01: Frictionless authentication occurred by ACS

• 02: Cardholder challenge occurred by ACS

• 03: AVS verified

• 04: Other issuer methods

• 05-79: Reserved for EMVCo future use (values invalid until defined by EMVCo)

• 80-99: Reserved for directory server use


• Field Type: Request

• Data Type: Integer

• Data Length: 2

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: consumerAuthenticationInformation.priorAuthenticationMethod

• SCMP API Field: pa_prior_authentication_method

SCMP API Fields | 795

• Simple Order API Field: payerAuthEnrollService_priorAuthenticationMethod

SCMP API Fields | 796


This field contains the ACS transaction ID for a prior authenticated transaction.

For example, the first recurring transaction that was authenticated with the cardholder.


• Field Type: Request

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 36

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: consumerAuthenticationInformation.priorAuthenticationReferenceId

• SCMP API Field: pa_prior_authentication_reference_id

• Simple Order API Field: payerAuthEnrollService_priorAuthenticationReferenceID

SCMP API Fields | 797


Date and time in UTC of the prior cardholder authentication.



• Field Type: Request

• Data Type: Integer

• Data Length: 12

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: consumerAuthenticationInformation.priorAuthenticationTime

• SCMP API Field: pa_prior_authentication_time

• Simple Order API Field: payerAuthEnrollService_priorAuthenticationTime

SCMP API Fields | 798


Specifies the product code, which designates the type of transaction.

Specify one of the following values for this field:

• AIR: Airline purchase

• ACC: Accommodation Rental

• ACF: Account funding

• CHA: Check acceptance

• DIG: Digital Goods

• DSP: Cash Dispensing

• GAS: Fuel

• GEN: General Retail

• LUX: Luxury Retail

• PAL: Prepaid activation and load

• PHY: Goods or services purchase

• QCT: Quasi-cash transaction

• REN: Car Rental

• RES: Restaurant

• SVC: Services

SCMP API Fields | 799

• TBD: Other

• TRA: Travel


• Request: Required

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 3

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: consumerAuthenticationInformation.productCode

• SCMP API Field: pa_product_code

• Simple Order API Field: payerAuthEnrollService_productCode

SCMP API Fields | 800


The date after which no further recurring authorizations should be performed.



• Request: Required

• Data Type: Integer

• Data Length: 8

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: recurringPaymentInformation.endDate

• SCMP API Field: pa_recurring_end_date

• Simple Order API Field: payerAuthEnrollService_recurringEndDate

SCMP API Fields | 801


Integer value indicating the minimum number of days between recurring authorizations.

A frequency of monthly is indicated by the value 28. Multiple of 28 days will be used to indicate months.

Example: 6 months = 168

Example values accepted (31 days):

• 31

• 031

• 0031


• Request: Required

• Data Type: Integer

• Data Length: 4

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: recurringPaymentInformation.frequency

• SCMP API Field: pa_recurring_frequency

SCMP API Fields | 802

• Simple Order API Field: payerAuthEnrollService_ recurringFrequency

SCMP API Fields | 803


Date of original purchase. Required for recurring transactions.

If this field is empty, the current date is used.


• Field Type: Request

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 17

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: recurringPaymentInformation.originalPurchaseDate

• SCMP API Field: pa_recurring_original_purchase_date

• Simple Order API Field: payerAuthEnrollService_recurringOriginalPurchaseDate

SCMP API Fields | 804


Indicates whether the cardholder is reordering previously purchased merchandise.

This field can contain one of these values:

• 01: First time ordered

• 02: Reordered


• Field Type: Request

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 2

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: orderInformation.reordered

• SCMP API Field: pa_reorder

• Simple Order API Field: payerAuthEnrollService_reorder

SCMP API Fields | 805


Indicates the type of 3RI request (3D Secure Integrator Request).

Possible Values:

• 01: Recurring transaction

• 02: Installment transaction

• 03: Add card

• 04: Maintain card

• 05: Account verification

• 06: Split/delayed shipment

• 07: Top-up

• 08: Mail Order

• 09: Telephone Order

• 10: Whitelist status check

• 11: Other payment

EMV 3D Secure version 2.1.0 supports values 01-05. Version 2.2.0 supports values 01- 11.


• Field Type: Request

SCMP API Fields | 806

• Data Type: Integer

• Data Length: 2

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: consumerAuthenticationInformation.requestorInitiatedAuthenticationIndicator

• SCMP API Field: pa_requestor_initiated_authentication_indicator

• Simple Order API Field: payerAuthEnrollService_requestorInitiatedAuthenticationIndicator

SCMP API Fields | 807


JSON Web Token (JWT) returned by the 3D Secure provider when the authentication is complete.


• Request: Required

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 2048

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: consumerAuthenticationInformation.responseAccessToken

• SCMP API Field: pa_response_access_token

• Simple Order API Field: payerAuthValidateService_responseAccessToken

SCMP API Fields | 808


URL of your return page.

This return URL is added to the step-up JWT and returned in the response of the Payer Authentication enrollment call. Your return URL page serves as a listening URL. Cardinal
sends a POST response to your return URL when the bank session completes that contains the completed bank session’s transaction ID. Your return page should capture the
transaction ID and send it in the Payer Authentication validation call.


• Field Type:Request

• Data Type:String

• Data Length:2048

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: consumerAuthenticationInformation.returnUrl

• SCMP API Field: pa_return_url

• Simple Order API Field: payerAuthEnrollService_returnURL

SCMP API Fields | 809


This field indicates the maximum amount of time for all 3D Secure 2.x messages to be communicated between all components (in minutes).

Possible Values:

• Greater than or equal to 05 (05 is the minimum timeout to set)

• Default is set to 15


• Field Type: Request

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 2

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: consumerAuthenticationInformation.sdkMaxTimeout

• SCMP API Field: pa_sdk_max_timeout

• Simple Order API Field: payerAuthEnrollService_sdkMaxTimeout

SCMP API Fields | 810


Date when the shipping address for this transaction was first used.

This field can contain one of these values:

• -1: Guest account

• 0: First used during this transaction

If neither applies, enter the date in YYYYMMDD format.

Recommended for Discover ProtectBuy.


• Field Type: Request

• Data Type: Integer

• Data Length: 8

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: No correspoinding field.

• SCMP API Field: pa_ship_address_usage_date

• Simple Order API Field: payerAuthEnrollService_shipAddressUsageDate

SCMP API Fields | 811


Payer authentication result (PARes) message returned by the card-issuing bank.

If you need to show proof of enrollment checking, you may need to decrypt and parse the string for the information required by the payment card company.

Important: The value is in Base64. You must remove all carriage returns and line feeds before adding the PARes to the request.


• Field Type: Request

• Data Type: String

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: consumerAuthenticationInformation.signedPares

• SCMP API Field: pa_signedpares

• Simple Order API Field: payerAuthValidateService_signedPARes

SCMP API Fields | 812


3D Secure version that was used to process the transaction.

Example: 1.0.2

Example: 2.0.0

Visa Platform Connect

The value for this field corresponds to the following data in the TC 33 capture file:

• Record: CP01 TCR7

• Position: 113

• Field: MC AVV Verification—Program Protocol

The TC 33 Capture file contains information about the payments and credits that a merchant submits to Cybersource. Visa Platform Connect creates the TC 33 Capture file at the
end of the day and sends it to the merchant’s acquirer, who uses this information to facilitate end-of-day clearing processing with payment networks.


• Field Type: Request

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 20

SCMP API Fields | 813

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: consumerAuthenticationInformation.paSpecificationVersion

• SCMP API Field: pa_specification_version

• Simple Order API Field: ccAuthService_paSpecificationVersion

SCMP API Fields | 814


Number of transaction (successful or abandoned) for this cardholder account within the last 24 hours.

Recommended for Discover ProtectBuy.


• Field Type: Request

• Data Type: Integer

• Data Length: 3

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: riskInformation.buyerHistory.transactionCountDay

• SCMP API Field: pa_transaction_count_day

• Simple Order API Field: payerAuthEnrollService_transactionCountDay

SCMP API Fields | 815


Number of transactions (successful and abandoned) for this cardholder account within the last year.

Recommended for Discover ProtectBuy.


• Field Type: Request

• Data Type: Integer

• Data Length: 3

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: riskInformation.buyerHistory.transactionCountYear

• SCMP API Field: pa_transaction_count_year

• Simple Order API Field: payerAuthEnrollService_transactionCountYear

SCMP API Fields | 816


Transaction mode identifier. Identifies the channel from which the transaction originates.

Possible values:

• M: MOTO (Mail Order Telephone Order)

• R: Retail

• S: eCommerce

• P: Mobile Device

• T: Tablet


• Field Type: Request

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 1

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: consumerAuthentication.strongAuthentication.transactionMode

• SCMP API Field: pa_transaction_mode

SCMP API Fields | 817

• Simple Order API Field: payerAuthEnrollService_transactionMode

SCMP API Fields | 818


Reason for payer authentication response status.

This field is supported only for Cartes Bancaires Fast'R transactions on Credit Mutuel-CIC.

Possible values:

• 01: Card authentication failed.

• 02: Unknown device. Example: Device fingerprint not recognised because the device is an old mobile phone.

• 03: Unsupported device.

• 04: Exceeds authentication frequency limit. Strong customer authentication is required every six transactions or when the cumulative amount for the payment card during
the preceding week exceeds 100 EUR.

• 05: Expired card.

• 06: Invalid card number.

• 07: Invalid transaction.

• 08: No card record. The card was not found in the 3D Secure server database.

• 09: Security failure as determined by 3D Secure server.

• 10: Stolen card.

• 11: Suspected fraud.

• 12: Cardholder is not permitted to perform this transaction.

• 13: Cardholder is not enrolled in 3D Secure service.

SCMP API Fields | 819

• 14: Transaction timed out at the access control server (ACS), which is a server on the issuer side of the 3D Secure protocol.

• 15: Low confidence as determined by 3D Secure server.

• 16: Medium confidence.

• 17: High confidence.

• 18: Very high confidence.

• 19: Exceeds the maximum number of challenges permitted by the ACS.

• 20: Non-payment transaction is not supported.

• 21: 3D Secure request for information, such as BIN lookup, is not supported.

• 22: ACS technical problem.

• 23: Decoupled authentication is required by the ACS but you did not request it.

• 24: Your maximum expiration time was exceeded.

• 25: There was not enough time for decoupled authentication to authenticate the cardholder.

• 26: Authentication was attempted but the cardholder was not authenticated.

When you request the payer authentication and authorization services separately, get the value for this field from the pa_enroll_pares_status_reason or
pa_validate_pares_status_reason response field.


• Field Type: Request

• Data Type: Integer

• Data Length: 2

SCMP API Fields | 820

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: consumerAuthenticationInformation.signedParesStatusReason

• SCMP API Field: pares_status_reason

• Simple Order API Field: ccAuthService_paresStatusReason

SCMP API Fields | 821


Payer authentication response status.

This field is supported only on the following processors:

• Asia, Middle East, and Africa Gateway for Mastercard Identity Check and Visa Secure transactions.

• Atos for Mastercard Identity Check and Visa Secure transactions.

• Credit Mutuel-CIC for Cartes Bancaires Fast'R and Mastercard Identity Check transactions.

• Ingenico ePayments for:

◦ Mastercard Identity Check transactions when a third-party provider authenticates the transaction.

◦ Visa Secure transactions when a third-party provider authenticates the transaction.

When you request the payer authentication and authorization services separately, get the value for this field from the pa_validate_pares_status response field.

Possible values:

• Y: Customer was successfully authenticated.

• A: Authentication was attempted.

• N: Customer failed or canceled authentication. Transaction denied.

• U: Authentication was not completed. The reason is unknown.


• Field Type: Request

SCMP API Fields | 822

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 1

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: consumerAuthenticationInformation.paresStatus

• SCMP API Field: pares_status

• Simple Order API Field: ccAuthService_paresStatus

SCMP API Fields | 823


Partial primary account number (PAN) and International Bank Account Number (IBAN).
This field is returned only for Mastercard transactions on Visa Platform Connect.

The issuer provides the value for this field, which consists of four digits of the PAN and seven digits of the IBAN.


• Field Type: Response

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 11

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: No corresponding field

• SCMP API Field: partial_pan_and_iban

• Simple Order API Field: ccAuthReply_partialPANandIBAN

SCMP API Fields | 824


Value that links the previous transaction to the current follow-on request.

This value is assigned by the client software that is installed on the POS terminal, which makes it available to the terminal’s software and to Cybersource. Therefore, you can use
this value to reconcile transactions between Cybersource and the terminal’s software.

This value is not sent to the processor. Instead, the value is forwarded to the Cybersource reporting software.

This field is supported only for Cybersource integrations.


• Field Type: Request

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 32

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: clientReferenceInformation.partner.originalTransactionId

• SCMP API Field: partner_original_transaction_id

• Simple Order API Field: partnerOriginalTransactionID

SCMP API Fields | 825


Version of the software installed on the POS terminal.

This value is provided by the client software that is installed on the POS terminal.

This value is not sent to the processor. Instead, the value is forwarded to the Cybersource reporting software.

This field is supported only for Cybersource integrations.


• Field Type: Request

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 32

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: pointOfSaleInformation.partnerSdkVersion

• SCMP API Field: partner_sdk_version

• Simple Order API Field: partnerSDKversion

SCMP API Fields | 826


Visa-generated reference number that identifies a transaction for which you provided one of the following:

• Visa primary account number (PAN)

• Visa-generated token for a PAN

This reference number provides a link to the cardholder account and to all transactions for that account.

Visa Platform Connect

For transactions with American Express, the value for this field corresponds to the following data in the TC 33 capture file:

• Record: CP01 TCR8

• Position: 79-107

• Field: PAR—Payment Account Reference

For Token Management Service transactions, the value for this field corresponds to the following data in the TC 33 capture file:

• Record: CP01 TCR8

• Position: 79-110

• Field: Payment Account Reference

The TC 33 Capture file contains information about the payments and credits that a merchant submits to Cybersource. Visa Platform Connect creates the TC 33 Capture file at the
end of the day and sends it to the merchant’s acquirer, who uses this information to facilitate end-of-day clearing processing with payment networks.

SCMP API Fields | 827


• Field Type: Response

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 32

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: processorInformation.paymentAccountReferenceNumber

• SCMP API Field: payment_account_reference

• Simple Order API Field: paymentAccountReference

SCMP API Fields | 828


Mastercard-defined code that indicates how the account information was obtained.

This field is supported only for Mastercard on Visa Platform Connect.

Possible values:

• 00 (default): Card

• 01: Removable secure element that is personalized for use with a mobile phone and controlled by the wireless service provider; examples: subscriber identity module (SIM),
universal integrated circuit card (UICC)

• 02: Key fob

• 03: Watch

• 04: Mobile tag

• 05: Wristband

• 06: Mobile phone case or sleeve

• 07: Mobile phone with a non-removable, secure element that is controlled by the wireless service provider

• 08: Removable secure element that is personalized for use with a mobile phone and not controlled by the wireless service provider; example: memory card

• 09: Mobile phone with a non-removable, secure element that is not controlled by the wireless service provider

• 10: Removable secure element that is personalized for use with a tablet or e-book and is controlled by the wireless service provider; examples: subscriber identity module
(SIM), universal integrated circuit card (UICC)

• 11: Tablet or e-book with a non-removable, secure element that is controlled by the wireless service provider

• 12: Removable secure element that is personalized for use with a tablet or e-book and is not controlled by the wireless service provider

SCMP API Fields | 829

• 13: Tablet or e-book with a non-removable, secure element that is not controlled by the wireless service provider


• Field Type: Request

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 2

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: paymentInformation.initiationChannel

• SCMP API Field: payment_initiation_channel

• Simple Order API Field: paymentInitiationChannel

SCMP API Fields | 830


Status of the account.

This field is returned only for Visa Platform Connect.

Possible values:

• N: Nonregulated

• R: Regulated


• Field Type: Response

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 1

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: paymentInformation.accountFeatures.accountStatus

• SCMP API Field: payment_network_token_account_status

• Simple Order API Field: paymentNetworkToken_accountStatus

SCMP API Fields | 831

payment_network_token_assurance_level (Request)

Confidence level of the tokenization.

This value is assigned by the token service provider.

Apple Pay, Google Pay, and Samsung Pay Transactions: This field is supported only for FDC Compass and Visa Platform Connect.


• Field Type: Request

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 2

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: paymentInformation.tokenizedCard.assuranceLevel

• SCMP API Field: payment_network_token_assurance_level

• Simple Order API Field: paymentNetworkToken_assuranceLevel

SCMP API Fields | 832

payment_network_token_assurance_level (Response)

Confidence level of the tokenization.

This value is assigned by the token service provider.

Apple Pay, Google Pay, and Samsung Pay Transactions: This field is supported only for FDC Compass and Visa Platform Connect.


• Field Type: Request

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 2

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: paymentInformation.tokenizedCard.assuranceLevel

• SCMP API Field: payment_network_token_assurance_level

• Simple Order API Field: paymentNetworkToken_assuranceLevel

SCMP API Fields | 833


Type of technology used in the device to store token data.

This field is supported only for FDC Compass.

Possible values:

• 001: Secure Element (SE). Smart card or memory with restricted access and encryption to prevent data tampering. For storing payment credentials, an SE is tested against a
set of requirements defined by the payment networks.

• 002: Host card emulation (HCE). Emulation of a smart card by using software to create a virtual and exact representation of the card. Sensitive data is stored in a database
that is hosted in the cloud. For storing payment credentials, a database must meet very stringent security requirements that exceed PCI DSS.


• Field Type: Request

• Data Type: Integer

• Data Length: 3

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: paymentInformation.tokenizedCard.storageMethod

• SCMP API Field: payment_network_token_device_tech_type

• Simple Order API Field: paymentNetworkToken_deviceTechType

SCMP API Fields | 834


Mastercard product ID associated with the primary account number (PAN).

This field is returned only for Mastercard transactions on Visa Platform Connect.

For the possible values available for this field, refer to Mastercard Product IDs in the credit card services guide (see Related information below).


• Field Type: Response

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 3

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: paymentInformation.accountFeatures.category

• SCMP API Field: payment_network_token_original_card_category

• Simple Order API Field: paymentNetworkToken_originalCardCategory

SCMP API Fields | 835

payment_network_token_requestor_id (Request)

Value that identifies your business and indicates that the cardholder’s account number is tokenized.

This value is assigned by the token service provider and is unique within the token service provider’s database.

This field is supported only for Chase Paymentech Solutions, FDC Nashville Global, and Visa Platform Connect.


• Field Type: Request

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 11

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: paymentInformation.tokenizedCard.requestorId

• SCMP API Field: payment_network_token_requestor_id

• Simple Order API Field: paymentNetworkToken_requestorID

SCMP API Fields | 836

payment_network_token_requestor_id (Response)

Value that identifies your business and indicates that the cardholder’s account number is tokenized.

This value is assigned by the token service provider and is unique within the token service provider’s database.

This value is returned only if the processor provides it.

This field is returned only for FDC Nashville Global and Visa Platform Connect.


• Field Type: Response

• Data Type: Integer

• Data Length: 11

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: paymentInformation.tokenizedCard.requestorId

• SCMP API Field: payment_network_token_requestor_id

• Simple Order API Field: paymentNetworkToken_requestorID

SCMP API Fields | 837


Type of transaction that provided the token data.

This value does not specify the token service provider; it specifies the entity that provided you with information about the token.

Possible values:

• 1: In-app transactions (for Apple Pay, Google Pay, and Samsung Pay transactions).

• 2: Near-field communication (NFC) transaction. The customer’s mobile device provided the token data for a contactless EMV transaction. For recurring transactions, use this
value if the original transaction was a contactless EMV transaction.

For Google Pay transactions, this field is used only for merchant-initiated transactions with Elavon Americas.


• Field Type: Request

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 1

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: paymentInformation.tokenizedCard.transactionType

• SCMP API Field: payment_network_token_transaction_type

SCMP API Fields | 838

• Simple Order API Field: paymentNetworkToken_transactionType

SCMP API Fields | 839


Type of payment solution that is being used for the transaction.

This unique ID distinguishes digital payment solution transactions and authorizations with payment network tokens on the Cybersource platform for reporting purposes.

Possible values:

• 001: Apple Pay

• 012: Google Pay

• 008: Samsung Pay

• 014: Mastercard credential-on-file (COF) payment network token. Returned in authorizations that use a payment network token associated with a TMS token.

• 015: Visa credential-on-file (COF) payment network token. Returned in authorizations that use a payment network token associated with a TMS token.

• visacheckout: Visa Click to Pay.


• Apple Pay, Google Pay, Samsung Pay, Visa payment network tokens, and Mastercard payment network tokens:

◦ Field Type: Request and Response

◦ Data Type: String

◦ Data Length: 3

• Visa Click to Pay:

◦ Field Type: Request

SCMP API Fields | 840

◦ Data Type: String

◦ Data Length: 12

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: processingInformation.paymentSolution

• SCMP API Field: payment_solution

• Simple Order API Field: paymentSolution

SCMP API Fields | 841


Identifier for the customer.

This field is supported only on Cielo 3.0, Credit Mutuel-CIC, Cybersource Latin American Processing and Visa Platform Connect.

Cielo 3.0

Set this field to the Cadastro Nacional da Pessoa Jurídica (CNPJ) or Cadastro de Pessoas Fisicas (CPF).

Credit Mutuel-CIC

Set this field to the Cadastro de Pessoas Fisicas (CPF).

Cybersource Latin American Processing

This field is supported only for Redecard in Brazil. Set this field to the Cadastro de Pessoas Fisicas (CPF), which is required for AVS for Redecard in Brazil.

Cybersource Latin American Processing is the name of a specific processing connection. Cybersource Latin American Processing does not refer to the general topic of processing
in Latin America. The information in this field description, or in this section of the field description, is for the specific processing connection called Cybersource Latin American
Processing. It is not for any other Latin American processors.

Visa Platform Connect

This field is supported only for these kinds of payments:

• BNDES transactions

• Installment payments with Mastercard in Brazil

Set this field to the Cadastro de Pessoas Fisicas (CPF). The request must include this field or bill_company_tax_id.

SCMP API Fields | 842

For BNDES transactions, the value for this field corresponds to the following data in the TC 33 capture file:

• Record: CP07 TCR2

• Position: 7-21

• Field: Cardholder Tax ID

For installment payments with Mastercard in Brazil, the value for this field corresponds to the following data in the TC 33 capture file:

• Record: CP07 TCR4

• Position: 26-39

• Field: Buyer ID


• Cielo 3.0:

◦ Field Type: Request

◦ Data Type: String

◦ Data Length: 18

• Commerico Latino:

◦ Field Type: Request

◦ Data Type: String

◦ Data Length: 18

• Visa Platform Connect:

◦ Field Type: Request

SCMP API Fields | 843

◦ Data Type: String

◦ Data Length: 26

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: buyerInformation.personalIdentification[].id and buyerInformation.personalIdentification[].type

• SCMP API Field: personal_id

• Simple Order API Field: billTo_personalID

SCMP API Fields | 844


Type of value used for the personal_id field.

This field is supported only on Cielo 3.0.

Possible values:

• BR_CNPJ: Cadastro Nacional da Pessoa Jurídica (CNPJ).

• BR_CPF: Cadastro de Pessoas Fisicas (CPF).


• Field Type: Request

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 7

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: buyerInformation.personalIdentification[].type

• SCMP API Field: personal_id_type

• Simple Order API Field: personalID_type

SCMP API Fields | 845


Encrypted PIN.

This value is provided by the client software that is installed on the POS terminal.

This field is supported only for Cybersource integrations and only for processors that support chip and online PIN transactions.


• Field Type: Request

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 16

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: pointOfSaleInformation.encryptedPin

• SCMP API Field: pin_data_encrypted_pin

• Simple Order API Field: pinDataEncryptedPIN

SCMP API Fields | 846


Combination of the POS terminal's unique identifier and a transaction counter that is used when decrypting the encrypted PIN.

The entity that injected the PIN encryption keys into the terminal decrypts the encrypted PIN and creates this value.

For all terminals that are using derived unique key per transaction (DUKPT) encryption, this is generated as a single number within the terminal.

This field is supported only for Cybersource integrations and only for processors that support chip and online PIN transactions.


• Field Type: Request

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 20

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: pointOfSaleInformation.encryptedKeySerialNumber

• SCMP API Field: pin_data_key_serial_number

• Simple Order API Field: pinDataKeySerialNumber

SCMP API Fields | 847


Format that is used to encode the PIN block.

This value is provided by the client software that is installed on the POS terminal.

Possible values:

• 0: ISO 9564 format 0

• 1: ISO 9564 format 1

• 2: ISO 9564 format 2

• 3: ISO 9564 format 3

This field is supported only for Cybersource integrations and only for processors that support chip and online PIN transactions.


• Field Type: Request

• Data Type: Integer

• Data Length: 1

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: No corresponding field

• SCMP API Field: pin_data_pin_block_encoding_format

SCMP API Fields | 848

• Simple Order API Field: pinDataPINblockEncodingFormat

SCMP API Fields | 849


Amount that was credited to the cardholder’s account.


• Field Type: Response

• Data Type: Decimal

• Data Length: 15

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: creditAmountDetails.creditAmount

• SCMP API Field: pin_debit_credit_auth_amount

• Simple Order API Field: pinDebitCreditReply_amount

SCMP API Fields | 850


Authorization code that is returned by the processor.


• Field Type: Response

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 6

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: processorInformation.approvalCode

• SCMP API Field: pin_debit_credit_authorization_code

• Simple Order API Field: pinDebitCreditReply_authorizationCode

SCMP API Fields | 851


Network that was used to route the transaction.

Possible values:

Network Code
Accel E
Alaska Option 3
CU24 C
Interlink G
Maestro 8
Pulse H
Shazam 7
Star M
Visa V


• Field Type: Response

• Data Type: String

SCMP API Fields | 852

• Data Length: 4

Mapping Information

• REST API Field:

• SCMP API Field: pin_debit_credit_network_code

• Simple Order API Field: pinDebitCreditReply_networkCode

SCMP API Fields | 853


Response value that is returned by the processor or bank.

Important: Do not use this field to evaluate the results of the transaction request.


• Field Type: Response

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 2

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: processorInformation.responseCode

• SCMP API Field: pin_debit_credit_processor_response

• Simple Order API Field: pinDebitCreditReply_processorResponse

SCMP API Fields | 854


Flag that indicates whether the request for the PIN debit credit service was successful.

Possible values:

• -1: An error occurred.

• 0: The request was declined.

• 1: The request was successful.

Refer to the Getting Started with Cybersource Advanced guide (see Related Information below) for information about order tracking and reconciliation.


• Field Type: Response

• Data Type: Integer

• Data Length: 1

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: No corresponding field

• SCMP API Field: pin_debit_credit_rcode

• Simple Order API Field: No corresponding field

SCMP API Fields | 855


One-word description of the result of the request for the PIN debit credit service.


• Field Type: Reply

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 50

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: No corresponding field

• SCMP API Field: pin_debit_credit_rflag

• Simple Order API Field: No corresponding field

SCMP API Fields | 856


Message that explains the response flag pin_ debit_credit_rflag.

Important: Do not display this message to the customer, and do not use this field to write an error handler.


• Field Type: Response

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 255

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: No corresponding field

• SCMP API Field: pin_debit_credit_rmsg

• Simple Order API Field: No corresponding field

SCMP API Fields | 857


Time when the PIN debit credit was requested.

Format: YYYY-MM-DDThhmmssZ

Example: 2014-08-11T224757Z is equal to August 11, 2014, at 10:47:57 P.M.

The T separates the date and the time. The Z indicates UTC.


• Field Type: Response

• Data Type: Date and time

• Data Length: 20

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: submitTimeUtc

• SCMP API Field: pin_debit_credit_time

• Simple Order API Field: pinDebitCreditReply_dateTime

SCMP API Fields | 858


Reference number for the transaction.

Refer to the Getting Started with Cybersource Advanced guide for information about order tracking and reconciliation.


• Field Type: Response

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 60

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: reconciliationId

• SCMP API Field: pin_debit_credit_trans_ref_no

• Simple Order API Field: pinDebitCreditReply_reconciliationID

SCMP API Fields | 859


Transaction identifier generated by the processor.


• Field Type: Response

• Data Type: Integer

• Data Length: 15

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: processorInformation.transactionId

• SCMP API Field: pin_debit_credit_transaction_id

• Simple Order API Field: pinDebitCreditReply_transactionID

SCMP API Fields | 860


Flag that specifies the category for the EBT transaction.

Possible values:

• cash: Cash benefits, which can be used to purchase any item at a participating retailer, as well as to obtain cash-back or make a cash withdrawal from a participating ATM.

• food: Food stamp benefits, which can be used only to purchase food items authorized by the USDA SNAP program.


• Field Type: Request

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 4

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: processingInformation.electronicBeniftsTransfer.category

• SCMP API Field: pin_debit_ebt_category

• Simple Order API Fields:

◦ pinDebitPurchaseService_ebtCategory

◦ pinDebitCreditService_ebtCategory

SCMP API Fields | 861


The serial number printed on the EBT voucher.


• Field Type: Request

• Data Type: Integer

• Data Length: 15

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: processingInformation.electronicBeniftsTransfer.voucherSerialNumber

• SCMP API Field: pin_debit_ebt_voucher_serial_number

• Simple Order API Field: pinDebitPurchaseService_ebtVoucherSerialNumber

SCMP API Fields | 862


Flag that indicates that this transaction is an EBT transaction.

Possible value: EBT


• Field Type: Request

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 3

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: processingInformation.purchaseOptions.isElectronicBenefitsTransfer

• SCMP API Field: pin_debit_payment_type

• Simple Order API Fields:

◦ pinDebitCreditService_paymentType

◦ pinDebitPurchaseService_paymentType

SCMP API Fields | 863


Currency of the remaining balance on the prepaid card.


• Field Type: Response

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 5

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: paymentInformation.accountFeatures.currency

• SCMP API Field: pin_debit_purchase_account_balance_currency

• Simple Order API Field: pinDebitPurchaseReply_accountBalanceCurrency

SCMP API Fields | 864


Remaining balance on the prepaid card.


• Field Type: Response

• Data Type: Decimal

• Data Length: 12

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: paymentInformation.accountFeatures.balanceAmount

• SCMP API Field: pin_debit_purchase_auth_amount

• Simple Order API Field: pinDebitPurchaseReply_accountBalance

SCMP API Fields | 865


Sign for the remaining balance on the prepaid card.

Returned only when the processor returns this value.

Possible values:

• Positive

• Negative


• Field Type: Response

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 8

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: paymentInformation.accountFeatures.balanceSign

• SCMP API Field: pin_debit_purchase_account_balance_sign

• Simple Order API Field: pinDebitPurchaseReply_accountBalanceSign

SCMP API Fields | 866


Type of account.

This value is returned only if you requested a balance inquiry.

Possible values:

• 00: Not applicable or not specified

• 10: Savings account

• 20: Checking account

• 40: Universal account

• 96: Cash benefits account

• 98: Food stamp account


• Field Type: Response

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 2

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: paymentInformation.accountFeatures.accountType

SCMP API Fields | 867

• SCMP API Field: pin_debit_purchase_account_type

• Simple Order API Field: pinDebitPurchaseReply_accountType

SCMP API Fields | 868


Type of amount.

This value is returned only if you requested a balance inquiry.

The issuer determines the value that is returned.

Possible values:

• 00: Current ledger (posted) balance.

• 02: Current available balance, which is typically the ledger balance less outstanding authorizations. Some depository institutions also include pending deposits and the credit
or overdraft line associated with the account.


• Field Type: Response

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 2

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: paymentInformation.accountFeatures.balanceAmountType

• SCMP API Field: pin_debit_purchase_amount_type

SCMP API Fields | 869

• Simple Order API Field: pinDebitPurchaseReply_amountType

SCMP API Fields | 870


Amount of the purchase.


• Field Type: Response

• Data Type: Decimal

• Data Length: 15

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: orderInformation.amountDetails.authorizedAmount

• SCMP API Field: pin_debit_purchase_auth_amount

• Simple Order API Field: pinDebitPurchaseReply_amount

SCMP API Fields | 871

pin_debit_purchase_authorization_code (Request)

Authorization code for an EBT voucher transaction.

This code is provided by the issuer to you over the phone.


• Field Type: Request

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 6

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: processingInformation.authorizationOptions.verbalAuthCode

• SCMP API Field: pin_debit_purchase_authorization_code

• Simple Order API Field: pinDebitPurchaseService_authorizationCode

SCMP API Fields | 872

pin_debit_purchase_authorization_code (Response)

Authorization code that is returned by the processor.


• Field Type: Response

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 6

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: processorInformation.approvalCode

• SCMP API Field: pin_debit_purchase_authorization_code

• Simple Order API Field: pinDebitPurchaseReply_authorizationCode

SCMP API Fields | 873


Network that was used to route the transaction.

Possible values:

Network Code
Accel E
Alaska Option 3
CU24 C
Interlink G
Maestro 8
Pulse H
Shazam 7
Star M
Visa V


• Field Type: Response

• Data Type: String

SCMP API Fields | 874

• Data Length: 4

Mapping Information

• REST API Field:

• SCMP API Field: pin_debit_purchase_network_code

• Simple Order API Field: pinDebitPurchaseReply_networkCode

SCMP API Fields | 875


Flag that indicates whether the transaction is enabled for partial authorization.

When the request includes this field, this value overrides the information in your account.

Possible values:

• Y: Enable the transaction for partial authorization.

• N: Do not enable the transaction for partial authorization.


• Field Type: Request

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 5

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: processingInformation.authorizationOptions.partialAuthIndicator

• SCMP API Field: pin_debit_purchase_partial_auth_indicator

• Simple Order API Field: pinDebitPurchaseService_partialAuthIndicator

SCMP API Fields | 876


Response value that is returned by the processor or bank.

Important: Do not use this field to evaluate the results of the transaction request.


• Field Type: Response

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 2

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: processorInformation.responseCode

• SCMP API Field: pin_debit_purchase_processor_response

• Simple Order API Field: pinDebitPurchaseReply_processorResponse

SCMP API Fields | 877


Flag that indicates whether the request for the PIN debit credit service was successful.

Possible values:

• -1: An error occurred.

• 0: The request was declined.

• 1: The request was successful.

Refer to the Getting Started guides (see Related Information below) for information about these values.


• Field Type: Response

• Data Type: Integer

• Data Length: 1

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: No corresponding field

• SCMP API Field: pin_debit_purchase_rcode

• Simple Order API Field: No corresponding field

SCMP API Fields | 878


Amount you requested for the PIN debit purchase.

This value is returned for partial authorizations.


• Field Type: Response

• Data Type: Decimal

• Data Length: 15

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: orderInformation.amountDetails.totalAmount

• SCMP API Field: pin_debit_purchase_request_amount

• Simple Order API Field: pinDebitPurchaseReply_requestAmount

SCMP API Fields | 879


Currency for the amount you requested for the PIN debit purchase.

This value is returned for partial authorizations.

Refer to ISO Standard Currency Codes for possible values.


• Field Type: Response

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 5

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: orderInformation.amountDetails.currency

• SCMP API Field: pin_debit_purchase_request_currency

• Simple Order API Field: pinDebitPurchaseReply_requestCurrency

SCMP API Fields | 880


One-word description of the result of the request for the PIN debit purchase service.


• Field Type: Response

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 50

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: No corresponding field

• SCMP API Field: pin_debit_purchase_rflag

• Simple Order API Field: No corresponding field

SCMP API Fields | 881


Message that explains the response flag pin_ debit_purchase_rflag.

Important: Do not display this message to the customer, and do not use this field to write an error handler.


• Field Type: Response

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 255

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: No corresponding field

• SCMP API Field: pin_debit_purchase_rmsg

• Simple Order API Field: No corresponding field

SCMP API Fields | 882


Time when the PIN debit credit was requested.

Format: YYYY-MM-DDThhmmssZ

Example: 2014-08-11T224757Z is equal to August 11, 2014, at 10:47:57 P.M.

The T separates the date and the time. The Z indicates UTC.


• Field Type: Response

• Data Type: Date and time

• Data Length: 20

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: submitTimeUtc

• SCMP API Field: pin_debit_purchase_time

• Simple Order API Field: pinDebitPurchaseReply_dateTime

SCMP API Fields | 883


Reference number for the transaction.

Refer to the Getting Started guide (see Related Informaiton below) for information about order tracking and reconciliation.


• Field Type: Response

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 60

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: reconciliationId

• SCMP API Field: pin_debit_purchase_trans_ref_no

• Simple Order API Field: pinDebitPurchaseReply_reconciliationID

SCMP API Fields | 884


Transaction identifier generated by the processor.


• Field Type: Response

• Data Type: Integer

• Data Length: 15

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: processorInformation.transactionId

• SCMP API Field: pin_debit_purchase_transaction_id

• Simple Order API Field: pinDebitPurchaseReply_transactionID

SCMP API Fields | 885


Request ID of the PIN debit purchase or PIN debit credit that you want to reverse.

Your request must include a request ID or a merchant transaction identifier.


• Field Type: Request

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 26

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: No corresponding field

• SCMP API Field: pin_debit_request_id

• Simple Order API Field: pinDebitReversalService_pinDebitRequestID

SCMP API Fields | 886


Amount of the reversal.


• Field Type: Response

• Data Type: Decimal

• Data Length: 15

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: voidAmountDetails.voidAmount

• SCMP API Field: pin_debit_reversal_auth_amount

• Simple Order API Field: pinDebitReversalReply_amount

SCMP API Fields | 887


Response value that is returned by the processor or bank.

Important: Do not use this field to evaluate the results of the transaction request.


• Field Type: Response

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 2

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: processorInformation.responseCode

• SCMP API Field: pin_debit_reversal_processor_response

• Simple Order API Field: pinDebitReversalReply_processorResponse

SCMP API Fields | 888


Flag that indicates whether the request for the PIN debit reversal service was successful.

Possible values:

• -1: An error occurred.

• 0: The request was declined.

• 1: The request was successful.

Refer to the Getting Started guides (see Related Information below) for information about these values.


• Field Type: Response

• Data Type: Integer

• Data Length: 1

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: No corresponding field

• SCMP API Field: pin_debit_reversal_rcode

• Simple Order API Field: No corresponding field

SCMP API Fields | 889


One-word description of the result of the request for the PIN debit reversal service.


• Field Type: Response

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 50

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: No corresponding field

• SCMP API Field: pin_debit_reversal_rflag

• Simple Order API Field: No corresponding field

SCMP API Fields | 890


Message that explains the response flag pin_ debit_reversal_rflag.

Important: Do not display this message to the customer, and do not use this field to write an error handler.


• Field Type: Response

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 255

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: No corresponding field

• SCMP API Field: pin_debit_reversal_rmsg

• Simple Order API Field: No corresponding field

SCMP API Fields | 891


Time when the PIN debit reversal was requested.

Format: YYYY-MM-DDThhmmssZ

Example: 2014-08-11T224757Z is equal to August 11, 2014, at 10:47:57 P.M.

The T separates the date and the time. The Z indicates UTC.


• Field Type: Response

• Data Type: Date and time

• Data Length: 20

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: submitTimeUtc

• SCMP API Field: pin_debit_reversal_time

• Simple Order API Field: pinDebitReversalReply_dateTime

SCMP API Fields | 892


Reference number for the transaction.

Refer to the Getting Started guide (see Related Informaiton below) for information about order tracking and reconciliation.


• Field Type: Response

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 60

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: reconciliationId

• SCMP API Field: pin_debit_reversal_trans_ref_no

• Simple Order API Field: pinDebitReversalReply_reconciliationID

SCMP API Fields | 893


Flag that indicates an EBT voucher transaction.

Possible value: verbal


• Field Type: Request

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 6

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: processingInformation.purchaseOptions.type

• SCMP API Field: pin_debit_transaction_type

• Simple Order API Field: pinDebitPurchaseService_transactionType

SCMP API Fields | 894


Value created by the client software that uniquely identifies the POS device.

This value is not sent to the processor. Instead, the value is forwarded to the Cybersource reporting software.

This field is supported only for Cybersource integrations.


• Field Type: Request

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 32

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: pointOfSaleInformation.deviceId

• SCMP API Field: pos_device_id

• Simple Order API Field: pos_deviceID

SCMP API Fields | 895


Method of entering payment card information into the POS terminal.

Possible values:

• contact: Read from direct contact with chip card

• contactless: Read from a contactless interface using chip data

• keyed: Manually keyed into POS terminal.

For card-present transactions, this value is not supported on OmniPay Direct.

For PIN debit transactions, this value is not supported.

• msd: Read from a contactless interface using magnetic stripe data (MSD).

For card-present transactions, this value is not supported on OmniPay Direct.

• swiped: Read from payment card magnetic stripe

The contact, contactless, and msd values are supported only for EMV transactions.


• Field Type: Request

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 11

SCMP API Fields | 896

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: pointOfSaleInformation.entryMode

• SCMP API Field: pos_entry_mode

• Simple Order API Field: pos_entryMode

SCMP API Fields | 897


Operating environment.

This field is supported only on American Express Direct and Visa Platform Connect.

Possible values for Mastercard:

• 2: On merchant premises, unattended, or customer terminal. Examples: oil, kiosks, self-checkout, home computer, mobile telephone, personal digital assistant (PDA).
Customer terminal is supported only for Mastercard transactions on Visa Platform Connect.

• 4: Off merchant premises, unattended, or customer terminal. Examples: vending machines, ,mobile telephone, personal digital assistant. Customer terminal is supported
only for Mastercard transactions on Visa Platform Connect.

Possible values for all card types except Mastercard:

• 0: No terminal used or unknown environment.

• 1: On merchant premises, attended.

• 2: On merchant premises, unattended. Examples: oil, kiosks, self-checkout, mobile telephone, personal digital assistant (PDA).

• 3: Off merchant premises, attended. Examples: portable POS devices at trade shows, at service calls, or in taxis.

• 4: Off merchant premises, unattended. Examples: vending machines, home computer, mobile telephone, PDA.

• 5: On premises of customer, unattended.

• 9: Unknown delivery mode.

• S: Electronic delivery of product. Examples: music, software, or eTickets that are downloaded over the Internet.

• T: Physical delivery of product. Examples: music or software that is delivered by mail or by a courier.

SCMP API Fields | 898


• Field Type: Request

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 1

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: pointOfSaleInformation.operatingEnvironment

• SCMP API Field: pos_environment

• Simple Order API Field: pos_environment

SCMP API Fields | 899


Mastercard service code that is included in the track data.

You can extract the service code from the track data and provide it in this API field.

This field is supported only for Mastercard on Visa Platform Connect.


• Field Type: Request

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 3

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: No corresponding field

• SCMP API Field: pos_service_code

• Simple Order API Field: pos_serviceCode

SCMP API Fields | 900


Amount that is guaranteed for a post-dated transaction.

This field is supported only for post-dated transactions with Mastercard in Brazil on Visa Platform Connect.

The guaranteed amount is specified in an agreement between you and the issuer.

A post-dated transaction enables a customer to make a purchase using a debit Mastercard and to have the debit post to the customer's account at a later date.

Format: 8 digits including 2 minor units, BRL currency only.

The value for this field corresponds to the following data in the TC 33 capture file:

• Record: CP07 TCR0

• Position: 5-12

• Field: Mastercard Post-Dated Transaction Details


• Field Type: Request

• Type: Decimal

• Length: 8

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: No corresponding field.

SCMP API Fields | 901

• SCMP API Field: postdated_transaction_guarantee_amount

• Simple Order API Field: postdatedTransaction_guaranteeAmount

SCMP API Fields | 902


Flag that indicates whether a post-dated transaction has a guarantee.

This field is supported only for post-dated transactions with Mastercard in Brazil on Visa Platform Connect.

The guarantee is specified in an agreement between you and the issuer. The customer tells you whether they would like the transaction to be post-dated. The issuer provides the

A post-dated transaction enables a customer to make a purchase using a debit Mastercard and to have the debit post to the customer's account at a later date.

Possible values:

• Y: Post-dated transaction has a guarantee.

• N: Post-dated transaction does not have a guarantee.

The value for this field corresponds to the following data in the TC 33 capture file:

• Record: CP07 TCR0

• Position: 55

• Field: Mastercard Post-Dated Transaction Details


• Field Type: Request

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 1

SCMP API Fields | 903

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: No corresponding field.

• SCMP API Field: postdated_transaction_guarantee_indicator

• Simple Order API Field: postdatedTransaction_guaranteeIndicator

SCMP API Fields | 904


Date you plan to send a capture request for a post-dated transaction.

This field is supported only for post-dated transactions with Mastercard in Brazil on Visa Platform Connect.

A post-dated transaction enables a customer to make a purchase using a debit Mastercard and to have the debit post to the customer's account at a later date.


The value for this field corresponds to the following data in the TC 33 capture file:

• Record: CP07 TCR0

• Position: 13-18

• Field: Mastercard Post-Dated Transaction Details


• Field Type: Request

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 8

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: No corresonding field.

• SCMP API Field: postdated_transaction_settlement_date

SCMP API Fields | 905

• Simple Order API Field: postdatedTransaction_settlementDate

SCMP API Fields | 906


Value that identifies the acquirer to use for the transaction.

This value is supported only on Visa Platform Connect.

Contact customer support to get the value for this field.


• Field Type: Request

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 3

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: processingInformation.processorId

• SCMP API Field: processor_id

• Simple Order API Field: processorID

SCMP API Fields | 907


Type of product.

This is an offer-level field.

This value is used to determine the category that the product is in, such as electronic, physical, service, or shipping.

Possible values:

• adult_content: Adult content.

• coupon: Coupon applied to the entire order.

• default: Default value for the product code. The value default is used when a request message does not include a value for the product code.

• electronic_good: Electronic product other than software.

• electronic_software: Software distributed electronically rather than on disks or other media.

• gift_certificate: Gift certificate.

• handling_only: Fee that you charge your customer to cover your administrative selling costs.

• service: Service that you perform for your customer.

• shipping_and_handling: Handling portion is the fee that you charge your customer to cover your administrative selling costs. Shipping is the charge for shipping the product
to your customer.

• shipping_only: Charge for transporting tangible personal property from your location to your customer. You must maintain documentation that clearly establishes the
location where the title to the property passed from you to your customer.

• subscription: subscription to a website or other content.

SCMP API Fields | 908

For an authorization request, when you set this field to a value other than default or any of the values for shipping or handling, the following fields are required:

• merchant_product_sku

• product_name

• quantity


• Field Type: Offer-level

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 255

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: orderInformation.lineItems[].productCode

• SCMP API Field: product_code

• Simple Order API Field: item_#_productCode

SCMP API Fields | 909


Name of product.

This is an offer-level field.


• Field Type: Offer-level

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 255

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: orderInformation.lineItems[].productName

• SCMP API Field: product_name

• Simple Order API Field: item_#_productName

SCMP API Fields | 910


Customer ID reference number that identifies the customer for a Level II transaction.


FDMS South

• Field Type: Request

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 17

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: buyerInformation.merchantCustomerID

• SCMP API Field: purchaser_code

• Simple Order API Field: invoiceHeader_purchaserCode

Processor Field Names

The following list provides the Level II/Level III processor field name for each processor that supports Level II or Level III data:

• FDMS South: N/A

SCMP API Fields | 911


Date the order was processed.

Worldpay VAP

All other processors


Elavon Americas

• Field Type: Request

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 6


• Field Type: Request

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 6

OmniPay Direct

• Field Type: Request

• Data Type: String

SCMP API Fields | 912

• Data Length: 6

RBS WorldPay Atlanta

• Field Type: Request

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 6

TSYS Acquiring Solutions

• Field Type: Request

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 6

Visa Platform Connect

• Field Type: Request

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 6

Worldpay VAP

• Field Type: Request

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 10

SCMP API Fields | 913

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: orderInformation.invoiceDetails.purchaseOrderDate

• SCMP API Field: purchaser_order_date

• Simple Order API Field: invoiceHeader_purchaserOrderDate

Processor Field Names

The following list provides the Level II/Level III processor field name for each processor that supports Level II or Level III data:

• Elavon Americas: Order Date

• GPN: Order Date

• OmniPay Direct: Order Date

• RBS WorldPay Atlanta: Order Date

• TSYS Acquiring Solutions: Order Date

• Visa Platform Connect: purchaserOrderDate

• Worldpay VAP: orderDate

SCMP API Fields | 914

purchaser_vat_ registration_number

Customer's government-assigned tax identification number.


Elavon Americas

• Field Type: Request

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 13

FDC Nashville Global

• Field Type: Request

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 13

FDMS South

• Field Type: Request

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 13


SCMP API Fields | 915

• Field Type: Request

• Data Type: String

• Data Length for Mastercard: 20

• Data Length for Visa: 15

OmniPay Direct

• Field Type: Request

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 13

RBS WorldPay Atlanta

• Field Type: Request

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 13

TSYS Acquiring Solutions

• Field Type: Request

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 13

Visa Platform Connect

• Field Type: Request

• Data Type: String

SCMP API Fields | 916

• Data Length: 20

For processors that support Payouts

• Field Type: Request

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 13

Mapping Information

• REST API Field:

◦ buyerInformation.vatRegistrationNumber

◦ senderInformation.vatRegistrationNumber

• SCMP API Field: purchaser_vat_registration_number

• Simple Order API Field: invoiceHeader_purchaserVATRegistrationNumber

Processor Field Names

The following list provides the Level II/Level III processor field name for each processor that supports Level II or Level III data:

• Elavon Americas: Customer VAT Registration Number

• FDC Nashville Global: Customer VAT Registration Number

• FDMS South: N/A

• GPN: Customer VAT Number

• OmniPay Direct: Customer VAT Registration Number

SCMP API Fields | 917

• RBS WorldPay Atlanta: Customer VAT Number

• TSYS Acquiring Solutions: Customer VAT Registration Number

• Visa Platform Connect: purchaseVATRegistrationNumber

SCMP API Fields | 918


Flag that indicates the capture or credit request includes Level III data.

Set the value for this field to 3.


American Express Direct

• Field Type: Request

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 1

Chase Paymentech Solutions

• Field Type: Request

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 1

FDC Compass

• Field Type: Request

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 1

SCMP API Fields | 919

FDC Nashville Global

• Field Type: Request

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 1


• Field Type: Request

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 1

OmniPay Direct

• Field Type: Request

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 1

RBS WorldPay Atlanta

• Field Type: Request

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 1

TSYS Acquiring Solutions

• Field Type: Request

• Data Type: String

SCMP API Fields | 920

• Data Length: 1

Visa Platform Connect

• Field Type: Request

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 1

Worldpay VAP

• Field Type: Request

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 1

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: processingInformation.purchaseLevel

• SCMP API Field: purchasing_level

• Simple Order API Fields:

◦ ccCaptureService_purchasingLevel

◦ ccCreditService_purchasingLevel

Processor Field Names

The following list provides the Level II/Level III processor field name for each processor that supports Level II or Level III data:

• American Express Direct: N/A

SCMP API Fields | 921

• Chase Paymentech Solutions: N/A

• FDC Compass: N/A

• FDC Nashville Global: N/A

• GPN: N/A

• OmniPay Direct: N/A

• RBS WorldPay Atlanta: N/A

• TSYS Acquiring Solutions: N/A

• Visa Platform Connect: N/A

• Worldpay VAPP: N/A

SCMP API Fields | 922


Quantity of the product.

This is an offer-level field.

The default is 1.


• Field Type: Offer-level request

• Data Type: Nonnegative integer

• Data Length: 10

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: orderInformation.lineItems[].quantity

• SCMP API Field: quantity

• Simple Order API Field: item_#_quantity

SCMP API Fields | 923


Receipt number.

Credit Card Transactions

This field is returned only for American Express Direct and Visa Platform Connect.

• American Express Direct: System trace audit number (STAN). This value identifies the transaction and is useful when investigating a chargeback dispute.

• Visa Platform Connect: System trace number that must be printed on the customer’s receipt.


• Field Type: Response

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 6

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: processorInformation.systemTraceAuditNumber

• SCMP API Field: receipt_number

• Simple Order API Field: receiptNumber

SCMP API Fields | 924


Identifier for the recipient’s account.

Set the value for this field to the first six digits and last four digits of the recipient’s account number.

This field is a pass-through, which means that the value is not verified or modified in any way before it is sent to the processor. If the field is not required for the transaction, it is
not forwarded to the processor.


• Field Type: Request

• Data Type: String with numbers only

• Data Length: 10

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: recipientInformation.accountId

• SCMP API Field: recipient_account_id

• Simple Order API Field: recipient_accountID

SCMP API Fields | 925


The street address of the recipient.

This field is supported only on FDC Compass.


• Field Type: Request

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 50

Mapping Information

• REST API Field:recipientInformation.address1

• SCMP API Field: recipient_address

• Simple Order API Field: recipient_address

SCMP API Fields | 926


Amount deposited into the recipient's account by the issuer.


• Field Type: Response

• Data Type: Decimal

• Data Length: 15

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: orderInformation.amountDetails.settlementAmount

• SCMP API Field: recipient_billing_amount

• Simple Order API Field: recipient_billingAmount

SCMP API Fields | 927


Conversion rate between the sender’s currency and recipient’s currency used by the issuer to deposit the funds into the recipient’s account.


• Field Type: Response

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 8

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: No corresponding field

• SCMP API Field: recipient_billing_conversion_rate

• Simple Order API Field: recipient_billingConversionRate

SCMP API Fields | 928


Currency used by the issuer to deposit the funds into the recipient’s account. See the ISO Standard Currency Codes reference guide.


• Field Type: Response

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 3

Mapping Information

• REST API Field:orderInformation.amountDetails.settlementCurrency

• SCMP API Field: recipient_billing_currency

• Simple Order API Field: recipient_billingCurrency

SCMP API Fields | 929


The city of the recipient.

This field is supported only on FDC Compass.


• Field Type: Request

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 25

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: recipientInformation.locality

• SCMP API Field: recipient_city

• Simple Order API Field: recipient_city

SCMP API Fields | 930


The country associated with the address of the recipient.

This field is supported only on FDC Compass.


• Field Type: Request

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 2

Mapping Information

• REST API Field:

• SCMP API Field: recipient_country

• Simple Order API Field: recipient_country

Related information
ISO Standard Country Codes

SCMP API Fields | 931


Recipient’s date of birth.

This field is a pass-through, which means that it is verified that the value is eight numeric characters but otherwise the value is not verified or modified in any way before it is sent
to the processor. If the field is not required for the transaction, it is not forwarded to the processor.


• Field Type: Request

• Data Type: String with numbers only

• Data Length: 8

• Format: YYYYMMDD

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: recipientInformation.dateOfBirth

• SCMP API Field: recipient_date_of_birth

• Simple Order API Field: recipient_dateOfBirth

SCMP API Fields | 932


First name of the recipient.


• Field Type: Request

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 35

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: recipientInformation.firstName

• SCMP API Field: recipient_firstname

• Simple Order API Field: recipient_firstName

SCMP API Fields | 933


Recipient’s last name.

This field is a pass-through, which means that the value is not verified or modified in any way before it is sent to the processor. If the field is not required for the transaction, it is
not forwarded to the processor.


• Field Type: Request

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 35

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: recipientInformation.lastName

• SCMP API Field: recipient_lastname

• Simple Order API Field: recipient_lastName

SCMP API Fields | 934


Middle initial of the recipient.

This field is supported only on FDC Compass


• Field Type: Request

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 1

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: recipientInformation.middleInitial

• SCMP API Field: recipient_middleinitial

• Simple Order API Field: recipient_middleInitial

SCMP API Fields | 935


Middle name of the recipient.


• Field Type: Request

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 35

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: recipientInformation.middleName

• SCMP API Field: recipient_middlename

• Simple Order API Field: recipient_middleName

SCMP API Fields | 936


First name or whole name of the recipient.


• Field Type: Request

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 30

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: No corresponding field

• SCMP API Field: recipient_name

• Simple Order API Field: recipient_name

SCMP API Fields | 937


Phone number of the recipient.

This field is supported only on FDC Compass


• Field Type: Request

• Data Type: String with numbers only

• Data Length: 20

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: recipientInformation.phoneNumber

• SCMP API Field: recipient_phone_number

• Simple Order API Field: recipient_phoneNumber

SCMP API Fields | 938


Partial postal code for the recipient’s address.

Example: If the postal code is NN5 7SG, the value for this field should be the first part of the postal code: NN5.

This field is a pass-through, which means that the value is not verified or modified in any way before it is sent to the processor. If the field is not required for the transaction, it is
not forwarded to the processor.

For Payouts, this field is supported only on FDC Compass.


• Field Type: Request

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 10

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: recipientInformation.postalCode

• SCMP API Field: recipient_postal_code

• Simple Order API Field: recipient_postalCode

SCMP API Fields | 939


State or province of the recipient.

This field is supported only on FDC Compass


• Field Type:Request

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 2

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: recipientInformation.administrativeArea

• SCMP API Field: recipient_state

• Simple Order API Field: recipient_state

Related information
State, Province, and Territory Codes for the United States and Canada

SCMP API Fields | 940


Code that identifies the value of the reference_data_number field.

This field is a pass-through, which means that this value is not verified or modified in any way before it is sent to the processor.


American Express Direct

• Field Type: Request

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 3

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: orderInformation.invoiceDetails.referenceDataCode

• SCMP API Field: reference_data_code

• Simple Order API Field: invoiceHeader_referenceDataCode

Processor Field Names

The following list provides the Level II/Level III processor field name for each processor that supports Level II or Level III data:

• American Express Direct: N/A

SCMP API Fields | 941


Code that identifies the value of the corresponding reference_data_#__number field

Possible values:

• AN: Client-defined asset code

• MG: Manufacturers part number

• PO: Purchase order number

• SK: Supplier stock keeping unit number

• UP: Universal product code

• VC: Supplier catalog number

• VP: Vender part number

This field is a pass-though field. This means Cybersource does not verify the value or modify it in any way before sending it to the precessor.


American Express Direct

• Field Type: Offer-level request

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 2

SCMP API Fields | 942

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: orderInformation.lineItems[].referenceDataCode

• SCMP API Field: reference_data_#__code

• Simple Order API Field: item_#_referenceData_#_code

Processor Field Names

The following list provides the Level II/Level III processor field name for each processor that supports Level II or Level III data:

• American Express Direct: N/A

SCMP API Fields | 943


Reference number. The meaning of this value is defined by the value of the corresponding reference_data_#__code field.


American Express Direct

• Field Type: Line ItemOffer-level request

• Data Type: String

• Data Length for code PO: 22

• Data Length for code VC: 20

• Data Length for all other codes: 30

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: orderInformation.lineItems[].referenceDataNumber

• SCMP API Field: reference_data_#__number

• Simple Order API Field: item_#_referenceData_#_number

Processor Field Names

The following list provides the Level II/Level III processor field name for each processor that supports Level II or Level III data:

SCMP API Fields | 944

• American Express Direct: N/A

SCMP API Fields | 945


The reference number associated with the reference_data_code field.

The meaning of this reference number is defined by the reference_data_code field.

This field is a pass-through, which means that this value is not verified or modified in any way before it is sent to the processor.


American Express Direct

• Field Type: Request

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 30

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: orderInformation.invoiceDetails.referenceDataNumber

• SCMP API Field: reference_data_number

• Simple Order API Field: invoiceHeader_referenceDataNumber

Processor Field Names

The following list provides the Level II/Level III processor field name for each processor that supports Level II or Level III data:

SCMP API Fields | 946

• American Express Direct: N/A

SCMP API Fields | 947


Value that you create that enables you to identify a group of transactions.

This field is supported only on Worldpay VAP.


• Field Type: Request

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 25

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: processingInformation.reportGroup

• SCMP API Field: report_group

• Simple Order API Field: reportGroup

SCMP API Fields | 948


Request identifier that the client software generates.


• Field Type: Response

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 26

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: No corresponding field. The value is returned in the endpoint of the resource that was requested.

• SCMP API Field: request_id

• Simple Order API Field: requestID

SCMP API Fields | 949


Request token data.

This value is an encoded string that contains no confidential information, such as an account number or card verification number.

When you request the authorization and capture services together, the request token is for the capture response only.


• Field Type: Response

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 256

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: No corresponding field

• SCMP API Field: request_token

• Simple Order API Field: requestToken

SCMP API Fields | 950


Flag that indicates whether a full authorization reversal was successfully submitted.

This field is returned only for FDC Nashville Global.

Possible values:

• Y: Authorization reversal was successfully submitted.

• N: Authorization reversal was not successfully submitted. You must send a credit request for a refund.


• Field Type: Response

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 1

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: authorizationInformation.reversalSubmitted

• SCMP API Field: reversal_submitted

• Simple Order API Field: voidReply_reversalSubmitted

SCMP API Fields | 951


Exemption indicator for a low risk transaction.

This flag specifies whether the transaction is exempt from strong customer authentication (SCA) requirements in Europe because it is a low-risk transaction.

Low-risk transactions are described by the Payments Service Directive 2/Regulatory Technical Standards (PSD2/RTS) regulations.

Possible values:

• 0 (default): Not exempt.

• 1: Exempt from SCA requirements because the transaction is low risk.

Visa Platform Connect

To set the default for this field, contact customer support.

For Mastercard transactions, the value for this field corresponds to the following data in the TC 33 capture file:

• Record: CP01 TCR6

• Position: 145-146

• Field: Mastercard Low-Risk Merchant Indicator

For transactions with other card types, the value for this field corresponds to the following data in the TC 33 capture file:

• Record: CP01 TCR8

• Position: 127

SCMP API Fields | 952

• Field: Transaction Risk Analysis Exemption Indicator


• Field Type: Request

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 1

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: consumerAuthenticationInformation.strongAuthentication.riskAnalysisExemptionIndicator

• SCMP API Field: risk_analysis_exemption_indicator

• Simple Order API Field: ccAuthService_riskAnalysisExemptionIndicator

SCMP API Fields | 953


Name of the network on which the transaction was routed.

This field is supported only on FDC Nashville Global.

Possible values:




• Visa

• Mastercard


• Field Type: Response

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 10

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: processorInformation.routing.networkName

• SCMP API Field: routing_network_label

SCMP API Fields | 954

• Simple Order API Field: routing_networkLabel

SCMP API Fields | 955


Indicates whether the transaction was routed on a credit network, a debit network, or the STAR signature debit network.

Possible values:

• C: Credit network

• D: Debit network (without signature)

• S: STAR signature debit network

This field is supported only on FDC Nashville Global.


• Field Type: Response

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 1

Mapping Information

• REST API Field:

• SCMP API Field: routing_network_type

• Simple Order API Field: routing_networkType

SCMP API Fields | 956


Indicates whether you need to obtain the cardholder's signature.

Possible values:

• Y: You need to obtain the cardholder's signature.

• N: You do not need to obtain the cardholder's signature.

This field is supported only on FDC Nashville Global.


• Field Type: Response

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 1

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: processorInformation.routing.customerSignatureRequired

• SCMP API Field: routing_signature_cvm_required

• Simple Order API Field: routing_signatureCVMRequired

SCMP API Fields | 957


Company ID assigned to an independent sales organization.

This field is supported only for aggregator transactions. Get the value for this field from the payment card company.

Visa Platform Connect

The value for this field corresponds to the following data in the TC 33 capture file:

• Record: CP01 TCR6

• Position: 106-116

• Field: Independent Sales Organization ID


• Field Type: Request

• Data Type: Nonnegative integer

• Data Length: 11

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: merchantInformation.salesOrganizationId

• SCMP API Field: sales_organization_id

SCMP API Fields | 958

• Simple Order API Field: invoiceHeader_salesOrganizationID

SCMP API Fields | 959

sales_slip_number (Request)

Transaction identifier that you generate.

This field is supported only on JCN Gateway and Visa Platform Connect.

Visa Platform Connect

In Argentina, the value for this field corresponds to the following data in the TC 33 capture file:

• Record: CP01 TCR9

• Position: 8-15

• Field: Field Purchase Receipt Number

In Japan, the value for this field corresponds to the following data in the TC 33 capture file:

• Record: CP01 TCR9

• Position: 143-147

• Field: Sales Slip Number

The TC 33 Capture file contains information about the payments and credits that a merchant submits to Cybersource. Visa Platform Connect creates the TC 33 Capture file at the
end of the day and sends it to the merchant’s acquirer, who uses this information to facilitate end-of-day clearing processing with payment networks.


• Field Type: Request

• Data Type: Interger

SCMP API Fields | 960

• Data Length in Argentina: 8

• Data Length in Japan: 5

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: processorInformation.salesSlipNumber

• SCMP API Field: sales_slip_number

• Simple Order API Field: salesSlipNumber

SCMP API Fields | 961

sales_slip_number (Response)

Transaction identifier.

The difference between this field and the receipt_number field is that Cybersource generates the receipt number for the field, and you must print the receipt number on the
receipt. However, for the processorInformation.salesSlipNumber field, you can generate the sales slip number, and you can choose to print the sales slip number on the receipt.

This field is supported only on JCN Gateway and Visa Platform Connect.


• Field Type: Response

• Data Type: Interger

• Data Length: 5

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: processorInformation.salesSlipNumber

• SCMP API Field: sales_slip_number

• Simple Order API Field: salesSlipNumber

SCMP API Fields | 962


Exemption indicator for a secure corporate payment.

This flag specifies whether the transaction is exempt from strong customer authentication (SCA) requirements in Europe because the payment is a secure corporate payment.
Indicates that dedicated payment processes and procedures were used.

Possible values:

• 0 (default): Not exempt.

• 1: Exempt from SCA requirements because the payment is a secure corporate payment.

Visa Platform Connect

For Mastercard transactions, the value for this field corresponds to the following data in the TC 33 capture file:

• Record: CP01 TCR6

• Position: 145-146

• Field: Mastercard Low-Risk Merchant Indicator

For transactions with other card types, the value for this field corresponds to the following data in the TC 33 capture file:

• Record: CP01 TCR8

• Position: 129

• Field: Secure Corporate Payment Indicator

SCMP API Fields | 963


• Field Type: Request

• Data Type: String

• Dats Length: 1

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: consumerAuthenticationInformation.strongAuthentication.secureCorporatePaymentIndicator

• SCMP API Field: secure_corporate_payment_indicator

• Simple Order API Field:

◦ ccAuthService_secureCorporatePaymentIndicator

◦ payerAuthEnrollService_secureCorporatePaymentIndicator

SCMP API Fields | 964


The account number of the entity funding the transaction. The value for this field can be a payment card account number or bank account number.


• Field Type: Request

• Data Type: String with numbers only

• Data Length: 20

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: senderInformation.account.number

• SCMP API Field: sender_account_number

• Simple Order API Field: sender_accountNumber

SCMP API Fields | 965


Street address of sender.


• Field Type: Request

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 50

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: senderInformation.address1

• SCMP API Field: sender_address

• Simple Order API Field: sender_address

SCMP API Fields | 966


City of sender.


• Field Type: Request

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 25

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: senderInformation.locality

• SCMP API Field: sender_city

• Simple Order API Field: sender_city

SCMP API Fields | 967


Country of sender.


• Field Type: Request

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 2

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: senderInformation.countryCode

• SCMP API Field: sender_country

• Simple Order API Field: sender_country

Related information
ISO Standard Country Codes

SCMP API Fields | 968


Date of birth of the sender.



• Field Type: Request

• Data Type: String with numbers only

• Data Length: 8

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: senderInformation.dateOfBirth

• SCMP API Field: sender_date_of_birth

• Simple Order API Field: sender_dateOfBirth

SCMP API Fields | 969


First name of sender when the sender is an individual. When the sender is a business or government entity, use the sender_name field instead.

Visa Platform Connect

The value for this field corresponds to the following data in the TC 33 capture file:

• Record: CP09 TCR3

• Position: 5-39

• Field: Account Owner Name-Given

The TC 33 Capture file contains information about the payments and credits that a merchant submits to Cybersource. Visa Platform Connect creates the TC 33 Capture file at the
end of the day and sends it to the merchant’s acquirer, who uses this information to facilitate end-of-day clearing processing with payment networks.


• Field Type: Request

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 35

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: senderInformation.firstName

• SCMP API Field: sender_firstname

SCMP API Fields | 970

• Simple Order API Field: sender_firstName

SCMP API Fields | 971


Last name of sender when the sender is an individual. When the sender is a business or government entity, use the sender_name field instead.

Visa Platform Connect

The value for this field corresponds to the following data in the TC 33 capture file:

• Record: CP09 TCR3

• Position: 75-109

• Field: Account Owner Last Name

The TC 33 Capture file contains information about the payments and credits that a merchant submits to Cybersource. Visa Platform Connect creates the TC 33 Capture file at the
end of the day and sends it to the merchant’s acquirer, who uses this information to facilitate end-of-day clearing processing with payment networks.


• Field Type: Request

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 35

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: senderInformation.lastName

• SCMP API Field: sender_lastname

SCMP API Fields | 972

• Simple Order API Field: sender_lastName

SCMP API Fields | 973


Middle initial of sender when the sender is an individual. When the sender is a business or government entity, use the sender_name field instead.



• Field Type: Request

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 1

Mapping Information

• REST API Field:senderInformation.middleInitial

• SCMP API Field: sender_middleinitial

• Simple Order API Field: sender_middleInitial

SCMP API Fields | 974


Middle name of sender when the sender is an individual. When the sender is a business or government entity, use the sender_name field instead.

Visa Platform Connect

The value for this field corresponds to the following data in the TC 33 capture file:

• Record: CP09 TCR3

• Position: 40-74

• Field: Account Owner Middle Name

The TC 33 Capture file contains information about the payments and credits that a merchant submits to Cybersource. Visa Platform Connect creates the TC 33 Capture file at the
end of the day and sends it to the merchant’s acquirer, who uses this information to facilitate end-of-day clearing processing with payment networks.


• Field Type: Request

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 35

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: senderInformation.middleName

• SCMP API Field: sender_middlename

SCMP API Fields | 975

• Simple Order API Field: sender_middleName

SCMP API Fields | 976


First name of whole name of the sender. Name of sender when the sender is a business or government entity.

FDC Compass

When the sender is an individual, use the sender_firstname and fields instead.

Visa Platform Connect

Funds Disbursement: This value is the first name of the originator sending the funds disbursement.


Chase Paymentech Solutions

• Field Type: Request

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 30

FDC Compass

• Field Type: Request

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 24

Visa Platform Connect

SCMP API Fields | 977

• Field Type: Request

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 30

Mapping Information

• REST API Field:

• SCMP API Field: sender_name

• Simple Order API Field: sender_name

SCMP API Fields | 978


Phone number of the sender.

This field is supported only on FDC Compass.

Merchant Disbursement: This value is your business phone number.


• Field Type: Request

• Data Type: String with numbers only

• Data Length: 20

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: senderInformation.phoneNumber

• SCMP API Field: sender_phone_number

• Simple Order API Field: sender_phoneNumber

SCMP API Fields | 979


Postal code of sender.


• Field Type: Request

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 10

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: senderInformation.postalCode

• SCMP API Field: sender_postal_code

• Simple Order API Field: sender_postalCode

SCMP API Fields | 980


Reference number generated by you that uniquely identifies the sender.


• Field Type: Request

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 19

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: senderInformation.referenceNumber

• SCMP API Field: sender_reference_number

• Simple Order API Field: sender_referenceNumber

SCMP API Fields | 981


Source of funds.

Possible values:

• 01: Credit card.

• 02: Debit card.

• 03: Prepaid card.

• 04: Depends on the processor:

◦ Chase Paymentech Solutions: cash

◦ FDC Compass: deposit account

◦ Visa Platform Connect: cash

• 05: Debit or deposit account that is not linked to a Visa card. Includes checking accounts, savings accounts, proprietary debit or ATM card accounts, and digital wallet

• 06: Credit account that is not linked to a Visa card. Includes credit cards and proprietary lines of credit.

Funds Disbursement: For FDC Compass, the best value for funds disbursement is 04 to identify that the originator used a deposit account to fund the disbursement. For Visa
Platform Connect, the best value for funds disbursement is 05.

Credit Card Bill Payment: This value must be 02, 03, 04, or 05.


• Field Type: Request

SCMP API Fields | 982

• Data Type: String with numbers only

• Data Length: 2

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: senderInformation.account.fundsSource

• SCMP API Field: sender_source_of_funds

• Simple Order API Field: sender_sourceOfFunds

SCMP API Fields | 983


State of sender.


• Field Type: Request

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 2

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: senderInformation.administrativeArea

• SCMP API Field: sender_state

• Simple Order API Field: sender_state

Related information
State, Province, and Territory Codes for the United States and Canada

SCMP API Fields | 984


Street address from where the product is shipped.


American Express Direct

• Field Type: Request

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 40

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: No corresponding field for this API

• SCMP API Field: ship_from_address1

• Simple Order API Field: shipFrom_street1

Processor Field Names

The following list provides the Level II/Level III processor field name for each processor that supports Level II or Level III data:

• American Express Direct: N/A

SCMP API Fields | 985


Additional address information for the company that ships the product.


American Express Direct

• Field Type: Request

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 40

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: No corresponding field for this API

• SCMP API Field: ship_from_address2

• Simple Order API Field: shipFrom_street2

Processor Field Names

The following list provides the Level II/Level III processor field name for each processor that supports Level II or Level III data:

• American Express Direct: N/A

SCMP API Fields | 986


City from where the product is shipped.


American Express Direct

• Field Type: Request

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 30

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: orderInformation.shippingDetails.shipFromLocality

• SCMP API Field: ship_from_city

• Simple Order API Field: shipFrom_city

Processor Field Names

The following list provides the Level II/Level III processor field name for each processor that supports Level II or Level III data:

• American Express Direct: N/A

SCMP API Fields | 987


Name of company that is shipping the product.


American Express Direct

• Field Type: Request

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 40

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: No corresponding field name for this API

• SCMP API Field: ship_from_company_name

• Simple Order API Field: shipFrom_companyName

Processor Field Names

The following list provides the Level II/Level III processor field name for each processor that supports Level II or Level III data:

• American Express Direct: N/A

SCMP API Fields | 988


Two-digit ISO country code from where the product is shipped.


American Express Direct

• Field Type: Request

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 2

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: orderInformation.shippingDetails.shipFromCountry

• SCMP API Field: ship_from_country

• Simple Order API Field: shipFrom_country

Processor Field Names

The following list provides the Level II/Level III processor field name for each processor that supports Level II or Level III data:

• American Express Direct: N/A

SCMP API Fields | 989


Email address of the company that ships the product.


American Express Direct

• Field Type: Request

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 40

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: No corresponding field name for this API

• SCMP API Field: ship_from_company_email

• Simple Order API Field: shipFrom_email

Processor Field Names

The following list provides the Level II/Level III processor field name for each processor that supports Level II or Level III data:

• American Express Direct: N/A

SCMP API Fields | 990


First name of the person who is shipping the product.

The combined length of this field and the orderInformation.billTo.last.nameship_from_lastnameship_from_lastName field must not exceed 40 characters.


American Express Direct

• Field Type: Request

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 40, see description

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: No corresponding field name for this API

• SCMP API Field: ship_from_firstname

• Simple Order API Field: shipFrom_firstName

Processor Field Names

The following list provides the Level II/Level III processor field name for each processor that supports Level II or Level III data:

• American Express Direct: N/A

SCMP API Fields | 991


Last name of the person who is shipping the product.

The combined length of this field and the orderInformation.billTo.first.nameship_from_firstnameship_from_firstName field must not exceed 40 characters.


American Express Direct

• Field Type: Request

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 40, see description

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: No corresponding field name for this API

• SCMP API Field: ship_from_lastname

• Simple Order API Field: shipFrom_lastName

Processor Field Names

The following list provides the Level II/Level III processor field name for each processor that supports Level II or Level III data:

• American Express Direct: N/A

SCMP API Fields | 992


Phone number of the company that ships the product.


American Express Direct

• Field Type: Request

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 15, see description

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: No corresponding field name for this API

• SCMP API Field: ship_from_phone

• Simple Order API Field: shipFrom_phoneNumber

Processor Field Names

The following list provides the Level II/Level III processor field name for each processor that supports Level II or Level III data:

• American Express Direct: N/A

SCMP API Fields | 993


State from which the product is shipped.


American Express Direct

• Field Type: Request

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 2, see description

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: orderInformation.shippingDetails.shipFromAdministrativeArea

• SCMP API Field: ship_from_state

• Simple Order API Field: shipFrom_state

Processor Field Names

The following list provides the Level II/Level III processor field name for each processor that supports Level II or Level III data:

• American Express Direct: N/A

SCMP API Fields | 994


Postal code for the address from which the goods are shipped, which is used to establish nexus.

The default is the postal code associated with your account. The postal code must consist of 5 to 9 digits.


Format for 9-digit postal code in the U.S.: [5 digits][dash][4 digits]

Example: 12345-6789


Format for 6-digit postal code in Canada: [alpha][numeric][alpha][space] [numeric][alpha][numeric]

Example: A1B 2C3


• Field Type: Request

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 10

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: orderInformation.shippingDetails.shipFromPostalCode

SCMP API Fields | 995

• SCMP API Field: ship_from_zip

• Simple Order API Field: shipFrom_postalCode

SCMP API Fields | 996


First line of the shipping address.


• Worldpay VAP:

◦ Data Type: Request

◦ Data Format: String

◦ Data Length: 35

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: orderInformation.shipTo.address1

• SCMP API Field: ship_to_address1

• Simple Order API Field: shipTo_street1

SCMP API Fields | 997


Second line of the shipping address.


• Worldpay VAP:

◦ Data Type: Request

◦ Data Format: String

◦ Data Length: 35

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: orderInformation.shipTo.address2

• SCMP API Field: ship_to_address2

• Simple Order API Field: shipTo_street2

SCMP API Fields | 998


Building number in the street address.

Example: The building number is 187 in the following address:

Rua da Quitanda 187


• Field Type: Request

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 15

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: orderInformation.shipTo.buildingNumber

• SCMP API Field: ship_to_building_number

• Simple Order API Field: shipTo_buildingNumber

SCMP API Fields | 999


City of the shipping address.


• Field Type: Request

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 40

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: orderInformation.shipTo.locality

• SCMP API Field: ship_to_city

• Simple Order API Field: shipTo_city

SCMP API Fields | 1000


Country of the shipping address.

Use a two-character ISO country code.

Tax Calculation

Optional field for U.S., Canadian, international tax, and value added taxes.


• Data Type: Request

• Data Format: String

• Data Length: 2

Mapping Information

• REST API Field:

• SCMP API Field: ship_to_country

• Simple Order API Field: shipTo_country

SCMP API Fields | 1001

ship_to_county (Request)

County of the shipping address.


• Field Type: Request

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 80

Mapping Information

• SCMP API Field: ship_to_county

• Simple Order API Field: shipTo_county

SCMP API Fields | 1002


Indicates destination chosen for the transaction.

Possible values:

• 01 : Ship to cardholder billing address

• 02 : Ship to another verified address on file with merchant

• 03 : Ship to address that is different than billing address

• 04 : Ship to store (store address should be populated on request)

• 05 : Digital goods

• 06 : Travel and event tickets, not shipped

• 07 : Other


• Field Type: Request

• Data Type: Integer

• Data Length: 2

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: orderInformation.shipTo.destinationCode

• SCMP API Field: ship_to_destination_code

SCMP API Fields | 1003

• Simple Order API Field: shipTo_destinationCode

SCMP API Fields | 1004


Shipping destination.

Example Commercial, residential, store


• Field Type: Request

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 25

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: No corresponding field.

• SCMP API Field: ship_to_destination_types

• Simple Order API Field: shipTo_destinationTypes

SCMP API Fields | 1005


Neighborhood, community, or region within a city or municipality.


• Field Type: Request

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 50

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: orderInformation.shipTo.district

• SCMP API Field: ship_to_district

• Simple Order API Field: shipTo_district

SCMP API Fields | 1006


First name of the person receiving the shipment.


• Worldpay VAP:

◦ Field Type: Request

◦ Data Type: String

◦ Data Length: 25

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: orderInformation.shipTo.firstName

• SCMP API Field: ship_to_firstname

• Simple Order API Field: shipTo_firstName

SCMP API Fields | 1007


Last name of the person receiving the shipment.


• Worldpay VAP:

◦ Field Type: Request

◦ Data Type: String

◦ Data Length: 25

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: orderInformation.shipTo.lastName

• SCMP API Field: ship_to_lastname

• Simple Order API Field: shipTo_lastName

SCMP API Fields | 1008


Phone number for the shipping address.


• Field Type: Request

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 15

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: orderInformation.shipTo.phoneNumber

• SCMP API Field: ship_to_phone

• Simple Order API Field: shipTo_phoneNumber

SCMP API Fields | 1009


State or province of the shipping address.

Use a state, province, or territory code.

Tax Calculation

Optional field for U.S. and Canadian taxes. Not applicable to international and value added taxes. Billing address objects will be used to determine the cardholder’s location when
shipTo objects are not present.


• Field Type: Request

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 2

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: orderInformation.shipTo.administrativeArea

• SCMP API Field: ship_to_state

• Simple Order API Field: shipTo_state

SCMP API Fields | 1010


Postal code for the shipping address.

The postal code must consist of 5 to 9 digits.


Format: [alpha][numeric][alpha][space][numeric][alpha][numeric]

Example: A1B 2C3


Format: [5 digits][dash][4 digits]

Example: 12345-6789

American Express Direct: Before sending the postal code to the processor, all non-alphanumeric characters are removed. If the remaining value is longer than nine characters,
the value is truncated starting from the right side.


• Field Type: Request

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 10

SCMP API Fields | 1011

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: orderInformation.shipTo.postalCode

• SCMP API Field: ship_to_zip

• Simple Order API Field: shipTo_postalCode

SCMP API Fields | 1012


Shipping method for the product.

Possible values:

• lowcost: Lowest-cost service.

• sameday: Courier or same-day service.

• oneday: Next-day or overnight service.

• twoday: Two-day service.

• threeday: Three-day service.

• pickup: Store pick-up.

• other: Other shipping method.

• none: No shipping method because product is a service or subscription.


• Field Type: Request

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 10

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: orderInformation.shippingDetails.shippingMethod

SCMP API Fields | 1013

• SCMP API Field: shipping_method

• Simple Order API Field: shipTo_shippingMethod

SCMP API Fields | 1014


Flag to indicate whether the tax_amount should be interpreted as a positive or negative value.

Possible values:

• negative

• positive


Visa Platform Connect

• Field Type: Offer-level request

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 8

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: N/A

• SCMP API Field: sign

• Simple Order API Field: item_#_sign

Processor Field Names

The following list provides the Level II/Level III processor field name for each processor that supports Level II or Level III data:

SCMP API Fields | 1015

• Visa Platform Connect: sign

SCMP API Fields | 1016


When connectivity is unavailable, the client software that is installed on the POS terminal can store a transaction in its memory and send it for authorization when connectivity is

This value is provided by the client software that is installed on the POS terminal.

This value is not sent to the processor. Instead, the value is forwarded to the Cybersource reporting software.

Possible values:

• Y: Transaction was stored and then forwarded.

• N (default): Transaction was not stored and then forwarded.

This field is supported only for Cybersource integrations.


• Field Type: Request

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 1

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: pointOfSaleInformation.storeAndForwardIndicator

• SCMP API Field: store_and_forward_indicator

SCMP API Fields | 1017

• Simple Order API Field: pos_storeAndForwardIndicator

SCMP API Fields | 1018


Sub-merchant’s city.

FDC Compass

This value must consist of uppercase characters.


Allowable characters are letters, numbers, and spaces. Special characters are not allowed.

Visa Platform Connect

The value for this field does not map to the TC 33 capture file.


• Field Type: Request

• Data Type: String

• Data Length:

◦ American Express Direct: 14

◦ Cielo: 13

◦ FDC Compass: 21

◦ FDC Nashville Global: 11

SCMP API Fields | 1019

◦ Getnet: 13—When length is greater than 13, characters to the right of the 13th character are discarded.

◦ Rede: 13

◦ Software Express: 21

◦ Visa Platform Connect: 14

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: aggregatorInformation.subMerchant.locality

• SCMP API Field: submerchant_city

• Simple Order API Field: invoiceHeader_submerchantCity

SCMP API Fields | 1020


Sub-merchant’s country.

Use a two-character ISO country code.

FDC Compass

This value must consist of uppercase letters.

Visa Platform Connect

The value for this field does not map to the TC 33 capture file.


• Field Type: Request

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 3

Mapping Information

• REST API Field:

• SCMP API Field: submerchant_country

• Simple Order API Field: invoiceHeader_submerchantCountry

SCMP API Fields | 1021


Sub-merchant's email address.

Visa Platform Connect

With American Express, the value of this field corresponds to the following data in the TC 33 capture file:

• Record: CP01 TCRB

• Position: 25-64

• Field: American Express Seller Email Address


• Field Type: Request

• Data Type: String

• Data Length:

◦ American Express Direct: 40

◦ Visa Platform Connect: 40

◦ FDC Compass: 40

◦ FDC Nashville Global: 19

◦ All other processors: 40

SCMP API Fields | 1022

Mapping Information

• REST API Field:

• SCMP API Field: submerchant_email

• Simple Order API Field: invoiceHeader_submerchantEmail

SCMP API Fields | 1023


ID that you assigned to the sub-merchant.

FDC Compass

This value must consist of uppercase letters.

Visa Platform Connect

With American Express, the value of this field corresponds to the following data in the TC 33 capture file:

• Record: CP01 TCRB

• Position: 65-84

• Field: American Express Seller ID

With Mastercard and Visa, the value of this field corresponds to the following data in the TC 33 capture file:

• Record: CP01 TCR6

• Position: 117-131

• Field: Sub-Merchant ID


• Field Type: Request

• Data Type: String

SCMP API Fields | 1024

• Data Length:

◦ American Express Direct: 20

◦ Cielo: 15

◦ FDC Compass: 20

◦ FDC Nashville Global: 14

◦ Getnet: 15

◦ Rede: 15

◦ Software Express: 20

◦ Visa Platform Connect: American Express: 20, Mastercard: 15, Visa: 15

Mapping Information

• REST API Field:

• SCMP API Field: submerchant_id

• Simple Order API Field: invoiceHeader_submerchantID

SCMP API Fields | 1025


Unique identifier assigned by the payment card company to the sub-merchant.

This field is supported only for aggregator authorizations on FDC Nashville Global with American Express.


• Field Type: Request

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 15

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: aggregatorInformation.subMerchant.cardAcceptorId

• SCMP API Field: submerchant_merchant_id

• Simple Order API Field: invoiceHeader_submerchantMerchantID

SCMP API Fields | 1026


Sub-merchant’s business name.

Visa Platform Connect

The value for this field corresponds to the following data in the TC 33 capture file:

• Record: CP01 TCRB

• Position: 109-146

• Field: American Express Seller Name

FDC Compass

This value must consist of uppercase characters.


• Field Type: Request

• Data Type: String

• Data Length:

◦ American Express Direct: Maximum length of the sub-merchant name depends on the length of the aggregator name. The combined length for both values must not
exceed 37 characters.

◦ FDC Compass: American Express: 19. Mastercard: maximum length of the sub-merchant name depends on the length of the aggregator name. The combined length for
both values must not exceed 37 characters.

SCMP API Fields | 1027

◦ FDC Nashville Global: American Express: 12. Mastercard: maximum length of the sub-merchant name depends on the length of the aggregator name: if aggregator
name length is 1 through 3, maximum sub-merchant name length is 21; if aggregator name length is 4 through 7, maximum sub-merchant name length is 17; if
aggregator name length is 8 through 12, maximum sub-merchant name length is 12.

◦ Visa Platform Connect: With American Express, the maximum length of the sub-merchant name depends on the length of the aggregator name. The combined length
for both values must not exceed 36 characters. Not used with other card types.

Mapping Information

• REST API Field:

• SCMP API Field: submerchant_name

• Simple Order API Field: invoiceHeader_submerchantName

SCMP API Fields | 1028


Partial postal code for the sub-merchant’s address.

FDC Compass

This value must consist of uppercase letters.


All characters must be numbers. Special characters are not allowed.

Visa Platform Connect

The value for this field does not map to the TC 33 capture file.


• Field Type: Request

• Data Type: String

• Data Length:

◦ American Express Direct: 10

◦ Cielo: 9

◦ FDC Compass: 15

◦ FDC Nashville Global: 9

SCMP API Fields | 1029

◦ Getnet: 9

◦ Rede: 9

◦ Software Express: 15

◦ Visa Platform Connect: 10

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: aggregatorInformation.subMerchant.postalCode

• SCMP API Field: submerchant_postal_code

• Simple Order API Field: invoiceHeader_submerchantPostalCode

SCMP API Fields | 1030


Sub-merchant’s region.

This field is supported only for aggregator authorizations on FDC Nashville Global.

Example: NE indicates that the sub-merchant is in the northeast region.


• Field Type: Request

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 3

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: aggregatorInformation.subMerchant.region

• SCMP API Field: submerchant_region

• Simple Order API Field: invoiceHeader_submerchantRegion

SCMP API Fields | 1031


Sub-merchant’s state or province.

Use a state, province, or territory code.

FDC Compass

This value must consist of uppercase characters.


All characters must be uppercase letters. Special characters are not allowed.

Visa Platform Connect

The value for this field corresponds to the following data in the TC 33 capture file:

• Record: CP01 TCR4

• Position: 164-166

• Field: Region Code


• Field Type: Request

• Data Type: String

• Data Length:

SCMP API Fields | 1032

◦ Getnet: 2—When length is greater than 2, characters to the right of the 2nd character are discarded.

◦ All Other Processors: 3

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: aggregatorInformation.subMerchant.administrativeArea

• SCMP API Field: submerchant_state

• Simple Order API Field: invoiceHeader_submerchantState

SCMP API Fields | 1033


First line of the sub-merchant’s street address.

FDC Compass

This value must consist of uppercase letters.


Allowable characters are letters, numbers, and spaces. Special characters are not allowed.

Visa Platform Connect

The value for this field does not map to the TC 33 capture file.


• Field Type: Request

• Data Type: String

• Data Length:

◦ American Express Direct: 29

◦ Cielo: 22

◦ FDC Compass: 38

◦ FDC Nashville Global: 25

SCMP API Fields | 1034

◦ Getnet: 40—When length is greater than 40, characters to the right of the 40th character are discarded.

◦ Rede: 48

◦ Software Express: 38

◦ Visa Platform Connect: 29

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: aggregatorInformation.subMerchant.address1

• SCMP API Field: submerchant_street

• Simple Order API Field: invoiceHeader_submerchantStreet

SCMP API Fields | 1035


Sub-merchant’s telephone number.

FDC Compass

This value must consist of numbers or a combinations of numbers and uppercase letters.




Visa Platform Connect

The value for this field corresponds to the following data in the TC 33 capture file:

• Record: CP01 TCRB

• Position: 5-24

• Field: American Express Seller Telephone Number


• Field Type: Request

• Data Type: String

• Data Length:

SCMP API Fields | 1036

◦ American Express Direct: 20

◦ Cielo: 13

◦ FDC Compass: 13

◦ FDC Nashville Global: 10

◦ Software Express: 20

◦ Visa Platform Connect: 20

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: aggregatorInformation.subMerchant.phoneNumber

• SCMP API Field: submerchant_telephone_number

• Simple Order API Field: invoiceHeader_submerchantTelephoneNumber

SCMP API Fields | 1037


Subscription ID or token ID.

When you use Recurring Billing or Token Management Service and you include this value in a request, many of the fields that are normally required for an authorization or credit
become optional.


When you include this field in your request, the following fields are optional :

• customer_cc_expmo

• customer_cc_expyr

• customer_cc_number


• Field Type: Request

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 26

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: paymentInformation.customer.customerId

• SCMP API Field: subscription_id

SCMP API Fields | 1038

• Simple Order API Field: recurringSubscriptionInfo_subscriptionID

SCMP API Fields | 1039


Indicates whether the customer initiated the transaction and whether the credentials are stored for future authorizations.

Future authorizations that use the stored credentials can be merchant-initiated transactions or credentials-on-file transactions.

Possible values:

• Y: Credentials are stored for future authorizations.

• N: Credentials are not stored for future authorizations.

Visa Platform Connect

The value for this field corresponds to the following data in the TC 33 capture file:

• Record: CP01 TCR1

• Position: 136

• Field: POS Environment


• Field Type: Request

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 1

SCMP API Fields | 1040

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: processingInformation.authorizationOptions.initiator.credentialStoredOnFile

• SCMP API Field: subsequent_auth_first

• Simple Order API Field: subsequentAuthFirst

SCMP API Fields | 1041


Amount of the original authorization.

This field is supported only for the following kinds of transactions with Discover:

• Merchant-initiated transactions.

• Recurring payments on FDC Nashville Global that use payment network tokens.

• Subsequent authorizations on FDC Nashville Global and Streamline.


• Field Type: Request

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 60

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: processingInformation.authorizationOptions.initiator.merchantInitiatedTransaction.originalAuthorizedAmount

• SCMP API Field: subsequent_auth_original_amount

• Simple Order API Field: subsequentAuthOriginalAmount

SCMP API Fields | 1042


Reason for the merchant-initiated transaction or incremental authorization.

This field is supported only for:

• The five kinds of merchant-initiated transactions in the following list.

• Incremental authorization service.

This field is supported only for the five kinds of merchant-initiated transactions in the following list.

Possible values:

• 1: Resubmission.

• 2: Delayed charge.

• 3: Reauthorization for split shipment.

• 4: No show.

• 5: Incremental authorization.

Visa Platform Connect

The value for this field corresponds to the following data in the TC 33 capture file:

• Record: CP01 TCR0

• Position: 160-163

• Field: Message Reason Code

SCMP API Fields | 1043


• Field Type: Request

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 1

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: processingInformation.authorizationOptions.initiator.merchantInitiatedTransaction.reason

• SCMP API Field: subsequent_auth_reason

• Simple Order API Field: subsequentAuthReason

SCMP API Fields | 1044


Indicates whether the transaction is a merchant-initiated transactionor subsequent authorization.

This field is supported only for:

• Merchant-initiated transactions.

• Subsequent authorizations on FDC Nashville Global and Streamline.

This field is supported only for merchant-initiated transactions.

Possible values:

• Y: Merchant-initiated transactionor subsequent authorization.

• N: Not a merchant-initiated transaction or subsequent authorization.

Visa Platform Connect

The value for this field does not correspond to any data in the TC 33 capture file.


• Field Type: Request

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 1

SCMP API Fields | 1045

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: processingInformation.authorizationOptions.initiator.type

• SCMP API Field: subsequent_auth

• Simple Order API Field: subsequentAuth

SCMP API Fields | 1046


Indicates whether you obtained the payment information from credentials on file (COF) instead of from the customer.

Possible values:

• Y: Transaction uses COF.

• N: Transaction does not use COF.

When you use the Token Management Service, this field is set to Y for you.


• Field Type: Request

• Type: String

• Length: 1

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: processingInformation.authorizationOptions.initiator.storedCredentialUsed

• SCMP API Field: subsequent_auth_stored_credential

• Simple Order API Field: subsequentAuthStoredCredential

SCMP API Fields | 1047


Network transaction identifier that was returned for a previous authorization in the series.
This field is supported only for:

• Merchant-initiated transactions.

• Installment payments on FDI Australia.

The value for this field was returned in the auth_payment_network_transaction_id field in the response message for either the original authorization in the series or the
previous authorization in the series.


• Field Type: Request

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 15

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: processingInformation.authorizationOptions.initiator.merchantInitiatedTransaction.previousTransactionID

• SCMP API Field: subsequent_auth_transaction_id

• Simple Order API Field: subsequentAuthTransactionID

SCMP API Fields | 1048


International description code of the overall order's goods or services.

Contact your acquirer or processor for a list of codes.

Elavon Americas

Used to categorize purchases for VAT reporting.

FDMS South

Used to categorize purchases for VAT reporting.


This field might be required for Level III processing depending on your merchant category code. Check with your processor for more information.


Elavon Americas

• Field Type: Request

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 4

FDMS South

SCMP API Fields | 1049

• Field Type: Request

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 4


• Field Type: Request

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 4

OmniPay Direct

• Field Type: Request

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 4

RBS WorldPay Atlanta

• Field Type: Request

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 4

TSYS Acquiring Solutions

• Field Type: Request

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 4

SCMP API Fields | 1050

Visa Platform Connect

• Field Type: Request

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 4

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: orderInformation.invoiceDetails.commodityCode

• SCMP API Field: summary_commodity_code

• Simple Order API Field: invoiceHeader_summaryCommodityCode

Processor Field Names

The following list provides the Level II/Level III processor field name for each processor that supports Level II or Level III data:

• Elavon Americas: Purchase Identifier

• FDMS South: N/A

• GPN: Summary Commodity Code and Commodity Code

• OmniPay Direct: Summary Commodity Code

• RBS WorldPay Atlanta: Commodity Code

• TSYS Acquiring Solutions: xxx

• Visa Platform Connect: summaryCommodityCode

SCMP API Fields | 1051


Text description of the item.

FDC Nashville Global

Due to the limited functionality of the supplier_order_reference field, you should use the offer-level product_nameitem-level item_#_productName field instead. Only include
on of these fields in a request. Including both fields may result in an error.


FDC Nashville Global

• Field Type: Request

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 25

OmniPay Direct

• Field Type: Request

• Data Type: String

• Data Length for Mastercard: 17

• Data Length for Visa: 25

SCMP API Fields | 1052

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: N/A

• SCMP API Field: supplier_order_reference

• Simple Order API Field: invoiceHeader_supplierOrderReference

Processor Field Names

The following list provides the Level II/Level III processor field name for each processor that supports Level II or Level III data:

• FDC Nashville Global: Item Description Part A

• OmniPay Direct: Purchase Identifier / Merchant Related Data / Merchant Reference Number

SCMP API Fields | 1053


Surcharge amount that you are charging the customer for the transaction.

This field is supported only on Visa Platform Connect.

The surcharge amount is included in the total transaction amount but is passed in a separate field to the issuer and acquirer for tracking. The issuer can provide information about
the surcharge amount to the customer.

PIN Debit Transactions

If you include a surcharge amount in the request, you must also do the following:

• Include the surcharge amount in the value for grand_total_amount

• Include the surcharge_sign field in the request.


• Field Type: Request

• Data Type: Decimal

• Data Length: 15

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: orderInformation.amountDetails.surcharge.amount

• SCMP API Field: surcharge_amount

SCMP API Fields | 1054

• Simple Order API Field: surchargeAmount

SCMP API Fields | 1055


Sign for the surcharge amount.

This field is supported only on Visa Platform Connect.

Possible values:

• C: Surcharge amount will be credited to the customer’s account.

• D: Surcharge amount will be debited from the customer’s account.

PIN Debit Transactions

If you include this field in the request, you must also include the surcharge_amount field.


• Field Type: Request

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 1

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: No corresponding field

• SCMP API Field: surcharge_sign

SCMP API Fields | 1056

• Simple Order API Field: surchargeSign

SCMP API Fields | 1057


Total tax to apply to the product.

This is an offer-level field.

This value cannot be negative. The tax amount and the offer amount must be in the same currency.

The tax amount value is additive as shown in the following example.

Example: This example uses a two-exponent currency such as USD:

1. You include the following offers in your request:


2. The total authorized amount is 32.40, not 30.00 with 2.40 of tax included.

Airline Processing

Tax portion of the order amount. This value cannot exceed 99999999999999 (fourteen 9s). Format: English characters only. Optional request field for a line item.

Tax Calculation

Optional field for U.S., Canadian, international tax, and value-added taxes.

When you want to include tax_amount and also request the tax service, see the tax calculation service guide.

SCMP API Fields | 1058


• Field Type: Offer-level

• Data Type: Decimal

• Data Length: 15

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: orderInformation.lineItems[].taxAmount

• SCMP API Field: tax_amount

• Simple Order API Field: item_#_taxAmount

SCMP API Fields | 1059

tax_indicator (OmniPay Direct)

Flag that indicates whether tax is included in the total purchase amount.

Possible values:

• Y: Tax is included

• N: Tax is not included


OmniPay Direct

• Field Type: Request

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 1

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: orderInformation.invoiceDetails.taxable

• SCMP API Field: tax_indicator

• Simple Order API Field: invoicceHeader_taxable

Processor Field Names

Processor-specific field names for each processor supporting this field for Level II or Level III processing:

SCMP API Fields | 1060

• OmniPay Direct: Detail Tax Amount Indicator

SCMP API Fields | 1061


Flag that indicates whether an order is taxable.

Possible values:

• Y: Order is taxable

• N: Order is not taxable

RBS WorldPay Atlanta

This field is required for Level II Mastercard and Visa transactions. If tax_amount = 0, set this field to falseN. If tax_amount > 0, set this field to trueY.

Visa Platform Connect

This value must be Y if the the tax_amount value > 0.

If you do not include any tax_amount values in your request, the tax_indicator field value is not included in the request.

Worldpay VAP

This field is required if tax_amount = 0. This field is optional if tax_amount > 0.


FDMS Nashville

• Field Type: Request

SCMP API Fields | 1062

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 1

FDMS South

• Field Type: Request

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 1

RBS WorldPay Atlanta

• Field Type: Request

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 1

Visa Platform Connect

• Field Type: Request

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 1

Worldpay VAP

• Field Type: Request

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 1

SCMP API Fields | 1063

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: orderInformation.invoiceDetails.taxable

• SCMP API Field: tax_indicator

• Simple Order API Field: invoicceHeader_taxable

Processor Field Names

The following list provides the Level II/Level III processor field name for each processor that supports Level II or Level III data:

• FDMS Nashville: N/A

• FDMS South: N/A

• RBS WorldPay Atlanta: Tax Exempt

• Visa Platform Connect: localTaxIncluded

• Worldpay VAP: taxExempt

SCMP API Fields | 1064


Indicates how tax is calculated.

Possible values:

• 0: Net prices with tax calculated at the line item level.

• 1: Net prices with tax calculated at the invoice level.

• 2: Gross prices with tax provided at the line item level.

• 3: Gross prices with tax provided at the invoice level.

• 4: No tax applied on the invoice for the transaction.


Visa Platform Connect

• Field Type: Request

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 1

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: orderInformation.amountDetails.taxAppliedLevel

• SCMP API Field: tax_management_indicator

SCMP API Fields | 1065

• Simple Order API Field: taxManagementIndicator

Processor Field Names

The following list provides the Level II/Level III processor field name for each processor that supports Level II or Level III data:

• Visa Platform Connect: taxManagementIndicator

SCMP API Fields | 1066


Tax rate applied to the item.

American Express Direct

The valid range is between 0.00 (0%) to 99.99 (99.99%). Values with more than 2 digits beyond the decimal point will be truncated.

• 60%: 60.00

• 25.5%: 25.50

• 33.33%: 33.33

For Visa: the valid range is 0.01 (1%) to 0.99 (99%). Only whole percentage values accepted; values with additional decimal places will be truncated.

Chase Paymentech Solutions

For Mastercard: the valid range is 0.00001 (0.001%) to 0.99999 (99.999%).

• 60%: 0.6000

• 25.5%: 0.2550

• 33.33%: 0.3333

For Visa: the valid range is 0.01 (1%) to 0.99 (99%).

• 60%: 0.60

• 25%: 0.25

SCMP API Fields | 1067

• 33%: 0.33

Elavon Americas

For Mastercard: the valid range is 0.00001 (0.001%) to 0.99999 (99.999%).

• 60%: 0.6000

• 25.5%: 0.2550

• 33.33%: 0.3333

For Visa: the valid range is 0.01 (1%) to 0.99 (99%).

• 60%: 0.60

• 25%: 0.25

• 33%: 0.33

FDC Compass

For Mastercard: the valid range is 0.00001 (0.001%) to 0.99999 (99.999%).

• 60%: 0.6000

• 25.5%: 0.2550

• 33.33%: 0.3333

For Visa: the valid range is 0.01 (1%) to 0.99 (99%).

• 60%: 0.60

• 25%: 0.25

SCMP API Fields | 1068

• 33%: 0.33

RBS WorldPay Atlanta

The valid range is between 0.00 (0%) to 99.99 (99.99%). Values with more than 2 digits beyond the decimal point will be truncated.

• 60%: 60.00

• 25.5%: 25.50

• 33.33%: 33.33

TSYS Acquiring Solutions

The valid range is between 0.00 (0%) to 99.99 (99.99%). Values with more than 2 digits beyond the decimal point will be truncated.

• 60%: 60.00

• 25.5%: 25.50

• 33.33%: 33.33

Visa Platform Connect

The valid range is between 0.00 (0%) to 99.99 (99.99%). Values with more than 2 digits beyond the decimal point will be truncated.

• 60%: 60.00

• 25.5%: 25.50

• 33.33%: 33.33


American Express Direct

SCMP API Fields | 1069

• Field Type: Offer-level request

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 4

Chase Paymentech Solutions

• Field Type: Offer-level request

• Data Type: Decimal

• Data Type: String

• Data Length for Mastercard: 7

• Data Length for Visa: 4

Elavon Americas

• Field Type: Offer-level request

• Data Type: Decimal

• Data Type: String

• Data Length for Mastercard: 5

• Data Length for Visa: 4

FDC Compass

• Field Type: Offer-level request

• Data Type: Decimal

• Data Type: String

SCMP API Fields | 1070

• Data Length for Mastercard: 7

• Data Length for Visa: 4

RBS WorldPay Atlanta

• Field Type: Offer-level request

• Data Type: Decimal

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 4

TSYS Acquiring Solutions

• Field Type: Offer-level request

• TData ype: Decimal

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 6

Visa Platform Connect

• Field Type: Offer-level request

• Data Type: Decimal

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 4

SCMP API Fields | 1071

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: orderInformation.lineItems[].taxRate

• SCMP API Field: tax_rate

• Simple Order API Field: item_#_taxRate

Processor Field Names

The following list provides the Level II/Level III processor field name for each processor that supports Level II or Level III data:

• American Express Direct: N/A

• Chase Paymentech Solutions: Tax Rate

• Elavon Americas:

◦ Mastercard: Tax Rate Applied

◦ Visa: VAT/Tax Rate

• FDC Compass: Tax Rate

• RBS WorldPay Atlanta: Tax Rate

• TSYS Acquiring Solutions:

◦ Mastercard: Tax Rate Applied

◦ Visa: VAT/Tax Rate

• Visa Platform Connect: taxRate

SCMP API Fields | 1072


Status for exemption from sales and use tax.

This field is a pass-though field, which means Cybersource does not verify the value or modify it in any way before sending it to the processor.


American Express Direct

• Field Type: Item-levelOffer-levelItem-level request

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 1

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: orderInformation.lineItems[].taxStatusIndicator

• SCMP API Field: tax_status_indicator

• Simple Order API Field: item_#_taxStatusIndicator

Processor Field Names

The following list provides the Level II/Level III processor field name for each processor that supports Level II or Level III data:

• American Express Direct: N/A

SCMP API Fields | 1073


Type of tax applied to the item.

The following codes can be used:

• 0000: unknown tax type

• 0001: federal/national sales tax

• 0002: state sales tax

• 0003: city sales tax

• 0004: local sales tax

• 0005: municipal sales tax

• 0006: other tax

• 0010: value-added tax (VAT)

• 0011: goods and services tax

• 0012: provincial sales tax

• 0013: harmonized sales tax

• 0014: Quebec sales tax (QST)

• 0020: room tax

• 0021: occupancy tax

• 0022: energy tax

SCMP API Fields | 1074

• blank: tax not supported on line item


Chase Paymentech Solutions

• Field Type: Offer-level request

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 4

Elavon Americas

• Field Type: Offer-level request

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 4

FDC Compass

• Field Type: Offer-level request

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 4

RBS WorldPay Atlanta

• Field Type: Offer-level request

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 4

SCMP API Fields | 1075

TSYS Acquiring Solutions

• Field Type: Offer-level request

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 4

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: orderInformation.lineItems[].taxTypeCode

• SCMP API Field: tax_type_applied

• Simple Order API Field: item_#_taxTypeApplied

Processor Field Names

The following list provides the Level II/Level III processor field name for each processor that supports Level II or Level III data:

• Chase Paymentech Solutions: Tax Type Applied

• Elavon Americas: Tax Type Applied

• FDC Compass: Tax Type Applied

• RBS WorldPay Atlanta: Tax Type

• TSYS Acquiring Solutions: Tax Type Applied

SCMP API Fields | 1076


POS terminal’s capability.

Possible values:

• 1: Terminal has a magnetic stripe reader only.

• 2: Terminal has a magnetic stripe reader and manual entry capability.

• 3: Terminal has manual entry capability only.

• 4: Terminal can read chip cards.

• 5: Terminal can read contactless chip cards; cannot use contact to read chip cards.

For an EMV transaction, the value of this field must be a 4 or 5.


• Field Type: Request

• Data Type: Integer

• Data Length: 1

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: pointOfSaleInformation.terminalCapability

• SCMP API Field: terminal_capability

SCMP API Fields | 1077

• Simple Order API Field: pos_terminalCapability

SCMP API Fields | 1078


Indicates whether the terminal can capture the card.

Possible values:

• 1: Terminal can capture card.

• 0: Terminal cannot capture card.

This field is supported only for Cybersource integrations. This field is not supported for FDC Nashville Global or SIX processors.


• Field Type: Request

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 1

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: pointOfSaleInformation.terminalCardCaptureCapability

• SCMP API Field: terminal_card_capture_capability

• Simple Order API Field: pos_terminalCardCaptureCapability

SCMP API Fields | 1079


Flag that indicates whether the terminal is compliant with standards mandated by the Reserve Bank of India for card-present domestic transactions in India.


• First character indicates whether the terminal supports terminal line encryption (TLE). Possible values:

◦ 1: Not certified

◦ 2: Certified

• Second character indicates whether the terminal supports Unique Key Per Transaction (UKPT) and Derived Unique Key Per Transaction (DUKPT). Possible values:

◦ 1: Not certified

◦ 2: Certified

Example: 21 indicates that the terminal supports TLE but does not support UKPT/DUKPT.

You and the terminal vendors are responsible for terminal certification. If you have questions, contact your acquirer.

Visa Platform Connect

This field is supported only for Mastercard transactions on Visa Platform Connect.

The value for this field corresponds to the following data in the TC 33 capture file:

• Record: CP01 TCR6

• Position: 92-93

• Field: Mastercard Terminal Compliance Indicator

SCMP API Fields | 1080

The TC 33 Capture file contains information about the payments and credits that a merchant submits to Cybersource. Visa Platform Connect creates the TC 33 Capture file at the
end of the day and sends it to the merchant’s acquirer, who uses this information to facilitate end-of-day clearing processing with payment networks.


• Field Type: Request

• Data Type: Integer

• Data Length: 2

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: pointOfSaleInformation.terminalCompliance

• SCMP API Field: terminal_compliance

• Simple Order API Field: pos_terminalCompliance

SCMP API Fields | 1081


Complete list of cardholder verification methods (CVMs) supported by the terminal.

Possible values:


• Signature

This field is supported only for Cybersource integrations.


• Field Type: Request

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 15

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: pointOfSaleInformation.cardholderVerificationMethod[]

• SCMP API Field: terminal_cvm_capabilities_#

• Simple Order API Field: pos_terminalCVMcapabilities_#

SCMP API Fields | 1082

terminal_id_alternate (request)

Identifier for an alternate terminal at your retail location.

You define the value for this field.

This field is supported only for Mastercard transactions on FDC Nashville Global. Use the terminal_id field to identify the main terminal at your retail location. When your retail
location has multiple terminals, use the pointOfSaleInformation.laneNumber field to identify the terminal used for the transaction.

This field is a pass-through, which means that the value is not checked or modified in any way before it is sent to the processor.


• Field Type: Request

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 8

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: pointOfSaleInformation.laneNumber

• SCMP API Field: terminal_id_alternate

• Simple Order API Field: pos_terminalIDAlternate

SCMP API Fields | 1083

terminal_id_alternate (response)

Identifier for an alternate terminal at your retail location.

You defined the value for this field in the request message. This value must be printed on the receipt.

This field is supported only for Mastercard transactions on FDC Nashville Global.


• Field Type: Response

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 8

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: pointOfSaleInformation.laneNumber

• SCMP API Field: terminal_id_alternate

• Simple Order API Field: pos_terminalIDAlternate

SCMP API Fields | 1084

terminal_id (request)

Identifier for the terminal at your retail location.

You can define this value yourself, but consult the processor for requirements.

FDC Nashville Global

To have your account configured to support this field, contact customer support. This value must be a value that FDC Nashville Global issued to you.

Visa Platform Connect

A list of all possible values is stored in your account. When terminal ID validation is enabled for your account, the value you send for this field is validated against the list each time
you include the field in a request. To enable or disable terminal ID validation, contact customer support.

When you do not include this field in a request, the default value in your account is used.


• Field Type: Request

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 8

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: pointOfSaleInformation.terminalID

• SCMP API Field: terminal_id

SCMP API Fields | 1085

• Simple Order API Field: pos_terminalID

SCMP API Fields | 1086

terminal_id (response)

Terminal identifier assigned by the acquirer.

This value must be printed on the receipt.

This field is supported only for Cybersource integrations.


• Field Type: Response

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 8

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: pointOfSaleInformation.terminalID

• SCMP API Field: terminal_id

• Simple Order API Field: pos_terminalID

SCMP API Fields | 1087


Complete list of card input methods supported by the terminal.

Possible values:

• Keyed: Terminal can accept card data that is entered manually.

• Swiped: Terminal can accept card data from a magnetic stripe reader.

• Contact:: Terminal can accept card data in EMV contact mode.

• Contactless:: Terminal can accept card data in EMV contactless mode.

• BarCode:: Terminal can read bar codes.

• QRcode:: Terminal can read QR codes.

• OCR:: Terminal can perform optical character recognition (OCR).

This field is supported only for Cybersource integrations.


• Field Type: Request

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 15

SCMP API Fields | 1088

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: pointOfSaleInformation.terminalInputCapability[]

• SCMP API Field: terminal_input_capabilities_#

• Simple Order API Field: pos_terminalInputCapabilities_#

SCMP API Fields | 1089


Indicates whether the terminal can print or display messages.

Possible values:

• 1: Neither

• 2: Print only

• 3:Display only

• 4:Print and display

This field is supported only for Cybersource integrations.


• Field Type: Request

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 1

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: pointOfSaleInformation.terminalOutputCapability

• SCMP API Field: terminal_output_capability

SCMP API Fields | 1090

• Simple Order API Field: pos_terminalOutputCapability

SCMP API Fields | 1091


Maximum PIN length that the terminal can capture.

Possible values:

• 0: No PIN capture capability

• 1: PIN capture capability unknown

• 4: Four characters

• 5: Five characters

• 6: Six characters

• 7: Seven characters

• 8: Eight characters

• 9: Nine characters

• 10: Ten characters

• 11: Eleven characters

• 12: Twelve characters

This field is supported only for Cybersource integrations.


• Field Type: Request

SCMP API Fields | 1092

• Data Type: Integer

• Data Length: 2

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: pointOfSaleInformation.terminalPinCapability

• SCMP API Field: terminal_pin_capability

• Simple Order API Field: pos_terminalPINcapability

SCMP API Fields | 1093


Terminal serial number assigned by the hardware manufacturer.

This value is provided by the client software that is installed on the POS terminal.

This value is not sent to the processor. Instead, the value is forwarded to the Cybersource reporting software.

This field is supported only for Cybersource integrations.


• Field Type: Request

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 32

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: pointOfSaleInformation.terminalSerialNumber

• SCMP API Field: terminal_serial_number

• Simple Order API Field: pos_terminalSerialNumber

SCMP API Fields | 1094


Type of terminal.

Possible values:

• 21: Attended terminal, online only

• 22: Attended terminal, offline with online capability

• 23: Attended terminal, offline only

• 24: Unattended terminal, online only

• 25: Unattended terminal, offline with online capability

• 26: Unattended terminal, offline only

This field is supported only for Cybersource integrations.


• Field Type: Request

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 2

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: No corresponding field

SCMP API Fields | 1095

• SCMP API Field: terminal_type

• Simple Order API Field: pos_terminalType

SCMP API Fields | 1096


Value that identifies the application vendor and application version for a third party gateway.

This field is supported only on Visa Platform Connect .

You are provided with this value during testing and validation.


• Field Type: Request

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 12

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: clientReferenceInformation.partner.thirdPartyCertificationNumber

• SCMP API Field: third_party_certification_number

• Simple Order API Field: thirdPartyCertificationNumber

SCMP API Fields | 1097


Number of seconds the system waits before returning a timeout error. The default is 110 seconds.


• Field Type: Request

• Data Type: Positive integer

• Data Length: 3

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: No corresponding field.

• SCMP API Field: timeout

• Simple Order API Field: No equivalent field

SCMP API Fields | 1098


Indicates whether Cybersource should use a payment network token that is associated with a TMS token for an authorization.

Possible values:

• ignore: Use a tokenized card number for an authorization, even if the TMS token has an associated payment network token.

• prefer: Use an associated payment network token for an authorization if the TMS token has one; otherwise, use the tokenized card number.


• Field Type: Request

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 6

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: tokenInformation.networkTokenOption

• SCMP API Field: tms_network_token_option

• Simple Order API Field: tokenSource_networkTokenOption

SCMP API Fields | 1099


Month in which the token expires.

This field is returned only for merchant-initiated transactions with Elavon Americas.

This field is included in the response message when it decrypts the payment blob for the tokenized transaction.

Format: MM

Possible values: 01 through 12.


• Field Type: Response

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 2

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: paymentInformation.tokenizedCard.expirationMonth

• SCMP API Field: token_expiration_month

• Simple Order API Field: token_expirationMonth

SCMP API Fields | 1100


Year in which the token expires.

This field is returned only for merchant-initiated transactions with Elavon Americas.

This field is included in the response message when it decrypts the payment blob for the tokenized transaction.

Format: YYYY


• Field Type: Response

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 4

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: paymentInformation.tokenizedCard.expirationYear

• SCMP API Field: token_expiration_year

• Simple Order API Field: token_expirationYear

SCMP API Fields | 1101


First six digits of token.

This field is returned only for merchant-initiated transactions with Elavon Americas.

This field is included in the response message when it decrypts the payment blob for the tokenized transaction.


• Field Type: Response

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 6

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: paymentInformation.tokenizedCard.prefix

• SCMP API Field: token_prefix

• Simple Order API Field: token_prefix

SCMP API Fields | 1102


Last four digits of token.

This field is returned only for merchant-initiated transactions with Elavon Americas.

This field is included in the response message when it decrypts the payment blob for the tokenized transaction.


• Field Type: Response

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 4

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: paymentInformation.tokenizedCard.suffix

• SCMP API Field: token_suffix

• Simple Order API Field: token_suffix

SCMP API Fields | 1103


Total amount for the item.

Normally calculated as the unit price x quantity.

For Chase Paymentech Solutions, FDC Compass and RBS WorldPay Atlanta transactions, do not use all zeros or spaces in Mastercard transactions.


Chase Paymentech Solutions

• Field Type: Offer-level request

• Data Type: Decimal

• Data Type: String

• Data Length for Matercard: 10

• Data Length for Visa: 13

Elavon Americas

• Field Type: Offer-level request

• Data Type: Decimal

• Data Type: String

• Data Length for Matercard: 9

• Data Length for Visa: 12

SCMP API Fields | 1104

FDC Compass

• Field Type: Offer-level request

• Data Type: Decimal

• Data Type: String

• Data Length for Matercard: 10

• Data Length for Visa: 13

OmniPay Direct

• Field Type: Offer-level request

• Data Type: Decimal

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 12

RBS WorldPay Atlanta

• Field Type: Offer-level request

• Data Type: Numeric

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 12

TSYS Acquiring Solutions

• Field Type: Offer-level request

• Data Type: Decimal

SCMP API Fields | 1105

• Data Type: String

• Data Length for Matercard: 10

• Data Length for Visa: 13

Visa Platform Connect

• Field Type: Offer-level request

• Data Type: Decimal

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 12

Worldpay VAP

• Field Type: Offer-level request

• Data Type: Decimal

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 8

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: orderInformation.lineItems[].totalAmount

• SCMP API Field: total_amount

• Simple Order API Field: item_#_totalAmount

SCMP API Fields | 1106

Processor Field Names

The following list provides the Level II/Level III processor field name for each processor that supports Level II or Level III data:

• Chase Paymentech Solutions: Line Item Total

• Elavon Americas:

◦ Mastercard: Extended Item Amount

◦ Visa: Line Item Total

• FDC Compass: Line Item Total

• OmniPay Direct: Line Item total / Extended Item Amount

• RBS WorldPay Atlanta: Line Total

• TSYS Acquiring Solutions:

◦ Mastercard: Extended Item Amount

◦ Visa: Line Item Total

• Visa Platform Connect: totalAmount

• Worldpay VAP: lineItemTotal

SCMP API Fields | 1107


Total number of items in the order.

This field is supported only for Cartes Bancaires Fast'R transactions on Credit Mutuel-CIC.

Possible values: 00 - 99.


• Field Type: Request

• Data Type: Integer

• Data Length: 2

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: orderInformation.totaloffersCount

• SCMP API Field: total_offers_count

• Simple Order API Field:

◦ ccAuthService_totaloffersCount

◦ payerAuthEnrollService_totalOffersCount

SCMP API Fields | 1108


Total tax amount for all the itemsoffers


American Express Direct

• Field Type: Request

• Data Type: Decimal

• Data Type: String

• Data Length for Canadian dollars: 7

• Data Length for U.S. dollas: 9

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: orderInformation.amountDetails.taxAmount

• SCMP API Field: total_tax_amount

• Simple Order API Field: purchaseTotals_taxAmount

Processor Field Names

The following list provides the Level II/Level III processor field name for each processor that supports Level II or Level III data:

SCMP API Fields | 1109

• American Express Direct: N/A

SCMP API Fields | 1110


Contains the tax type code that corresponds to the entry in the tax_amount field

Additional details for all processors and all txns (Level II/III and non-Level II/III).

Possible values:

• 056: Sales tax (U.S. Only)

• TX~: All taxes (Canada Only) Note: Replace ~ with a space.


Visa Platform Connect

• Field Type: Offer-level request

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 3

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: orderInformation.amountDetails.taxTypeCode

• SCMP API Field: total_tax_type_code

• Simple Order API Field: invoiceHeader_totalTaxTypeCode

SCMP API Fields | 1111

Processor Field Names

The following list provides the Level II/Level III processor field name for each processor that supports Level II or Level III data:

• Visa Platform Connect: totalTaxTypeCode

SCMP API Fields | 1112


For card-present transactions, this field applies to the card’s track 1 and 2 data. For PIN debit transactions, this field applies to track 2 data from the debit card; the sentinels are

Card-present Transactions

For FDMS Nashville, this value consists of one of the following:

• Track 1 data

• Data for both tracks 1 and 2


%B4111111111111111^SMITH/ JOHN ^2412101976110000868000000?;4111111111111111=24121019761186800000?

PIN Debit Transactions

In the following example, the card number is 4111111111111111, the expiration year is 16, and the expiration month is 12. The end sentinel (?) follows the final character of data
recorded on the track.




• Field Type: Request

SCMP API Fields | 1113

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 119

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: pointOfSaleInformation.trackData

• SCMP API Field: track_data

• Simple Order API Field: pos_trackData

SCMP API Fields | 1114

transaction_local_date_time (Request)

Local date and time at your physical location.

Include both the date and time in this field or leave it blank.

Format: YYYYMMDDhhmmss

• MM = month

• YYYY = year

• DD = day

• hh = hour

• mm = minutes

• ss = seconds

Card-Present Transactions

This field is supported only on Visa Platform Connect and GPX.

The value for this field corresponds to the following data in the TC 33 capture file:

• Record: CP01 TCR9

• Position: 16-21

• Field: Local Date

SCMP API Fields | 1115

The TC 33 Capture file contains information about the payments and credits that a merchant submits to Cybersource. Visa Platform Connect creates the TC 33 Capture file at the
end of the day and sends it to the merchant’s acquirer, who uses this information to facilitate end-of-day clearing processing with payment networks.


• Field Type: Request

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 14

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: merchantInformation.transactionLocalDateTime

• SCMP API Field: transaction_local_date_time

• Simple Order API Fields:

◦ ccIncrementalAuthService_transactionLocalDateTime

◦ transactionLocalDateTime

SCMP API Fields | 1116

transaction_local_date_time (Response)

Local date and time at your physical location.

Format: YYYYMMDDhhmmss

• MM = month

• YYYY = year

• DD = day

• hh = hour

• mm = minutes

• ss = seconds


• Field Type: Response

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 14

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: clientReferenceInformation.submitLocalDateTime

• SCMP API Field: transaction_local_date_time

SCMP API Fields | 1117

• Simple Order API Field: transactionLocalDateTime

SCMP API Fields | 1118


A temporary ID that represents the customer's payment data (which is securely stored in Visa Data Centers).

Use this ID in place of the payment data in an API request.


• Field Type: Request

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 64

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: No corresponding field.

• SCMP API Field: transient_token

• Simple Order API Field: tokenSource_transientToken

SCMP API Fields | 1119


Mode of transportation or type of transportation-related payment.

Possible values:

• 00: Use this value for debt recovery, more than one transportion mode, or an unknown transportation mode

• 01: Urban bus

• 02: Interurban bus

• 03: Light train mass transit

• 04: Train

• 05: Commuter train

• 06: Water-bome vehicle

• 07: Toll

• 08: Parking

• 09: Taxi

• 10: High-speed train

• 11: Rural bus

• 12: Express commuter train

• 13: Paratransit

• 14: Self-driving vehicle

SCMP API Fields | 1120

• 15: Coach

• 16: Locomotive

• 17: Powered motor coach

• 18: Trailer

• 19: Regional train

• 20: Inter-city transportation

• 21: Funicular train

• 22: Cable car

This field is supported only for mass transit transactions.

Visa Platform Connect

The value for this field corresponds to the following data in the TC 33 capture file:

• Record: CP01 TCR7

• Position: 153-154

• Field: Transportation Mode Indicator

The TC 33 Capture file contains information about the payments and credits that a merchant submits to Cybersource. Visa Platform Connect creates the TC 33 Capture file at the
end of the day and sends it to the merchant’s acquirer, who uses this information to facilitate end-of-day clearing processing with payment networks.


• Field Type: Request

• Data Type: String

SCMP API Fields | 1121

• Data Length: 2

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: No corresponding field

• SCMP API Field: transportation_mode

• Simple Order API Field: ccAuthService_transportationMode

SCMP API Fields | 1122


Exemption indicator for a trusted merchant.

This flag specifies whether the transaction is exempt from strong customer authentication (SCA) requirements in Europe because the customer trusts you.

Possible values:

• 0 (default): Not exempt.

• 1: Exempt from SCA requirements because the customer trusts the merchant.

Visa Platform Connect

For Mastercard transactions, the value for this field corresponds to the following data in the TC 33 capture file:

• Record: CP01 TCR6

• Position: 145-146

• Field: Mastercard Low-Risk Merchant Indicator

For transactions with other card types, the value for this field corresponds to the following data in the TC 33 capture file:

• Record: CP07 TCR9

• Position: 8

• Field: Trusted Merchant Exemption Indicator

SCMP API Fields | 1123


• Field Type: Request

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 1

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: consumerAuthenticationInformation.strongAuthentication.trustedMerchantExemptionIndicator

• SCMP API Field: trusted_merchant_exemption_indicator

• Simple Order API Field: ccAuthService_trustedMerchantExemptionIndicator

SCMP API Fields | 1124


Code that indicates whether the issuer honored or denied the customer's request for trusted merchant exemption.

This field is supported only on Visa Platform Connect.

Possible values:

• 1: Trusted merchant exemption validated.

• 2: Trusted merchant exemption failed validation.

SCMP API Fields | 1125


Code indicating whether the purchase is categorized as goods or services.

Possible values:

• 00: Goods

• 01: Services


Visa Platform Connect

• Field Type: Offer-level request

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 2

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: orderInformation.lineItems[].typeOfSupply

• SCMP API Field: type_of_supply

• Simple Order API Field: item_#_typeOfSupply

Processor Field Names

The following list provides the Level II/Level III processor field name for each processor that supports Level II or Level III data:

SCMP API Fields | 1126

• Visa Platform Connect: typeOfSupply

SCMP API Fields | 1127


Universal cardholder authentication field (UCAF) data.

Visa Platform Connect

The value for this field corresponds to the following data in the TC 33 capture file:

• Record: CP01 TCR8

• Position: 126-157

• Field: Mastercard UCAF Data

The TC 33 Capture file contains information about the payments and credits that a merchant submits to Cybersource. Visa Platform Connect creates the TC 33 Capture file at the
end of the day and sends it to the merchant’s acquirer, who uses this information to facilitate end-of-day clearing processing with payment networks.


• Field Type: Request

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 32

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: consumerAuthenticationInformation.ucafAuthenticationData

• SCMP API Field: ucaf_authentication_data

SCMP API Fields | 1128

• Simple Order API Field: ucaf_authenticationData

SCMP API Fields | 1129


Universal cardholder authentication field (UCAF) collection indicator to which the transaction was downgraded.

Apple Pay and Samsung Pay: set the value of this field to 2.

Visa Platform Connect

The value for this field corresponds to the following data in the TC 33 capture file.

• Record: CP01 TCR7

• Position: 5

• Field: Mastercard Electronic Commerce Indicators—UCAF Collection Indicator

The TC 33 Capture file contains information about the payments and credits that a merchant submits to Cybersource. Visa Platform Connect creates the TC 33 Capture file at the
end of the day and sends it to the merchant’s acquirer, who uses this information to facilitate end-of-day clearing processing with payment networks.


• Field Type: Request

• Data Type: Nonnegative integer

• Data Length: 1

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: consumerAuthenticationInformation.ucafCollectionIndicator

SCMP API Fields | 1130

• SCMP API Field: ucaf_collection_indicator

• Simple Order API Field: ucaf_collectionIndicator

SCMP API Fields | 1131


Reason the transaction was downgraded.

This field is returned only for downgraded Mastercard Identity Check transactions on Visa Platform Connect.

When you set the e-commerce indicator to a value that indicates that Mastercard Identity Check data is included in the request, Mastercard provides this value when the
transaction is downgraded.

Possible values:

• 0: The ucaf_authentication_data field is missing.

• 1: The value for the ucaf_authentication_data field is invalid.

The value for this field corresponds to the following data in the TC 33 capture file:

• Record: CP01 TCR6

• Position: 80

• Field: Mastercard Electronic Commerce Indicators


• Field Type: Response

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 1

SCMP API Fields | 1132

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: No corresonding field.

• SCMP API Field: ucaf_downgrade_reason_code

• Simple Order API Field: ucaf_downgradeReasonCode

SCMP API Fields | 1133


Code that specifies the unit of measure for the item.

For American Express Direct, see the EDI codes for units of measurement at:

For all other processors, see a list of available unit of measure codes at: Units of Measurement Codes

Chase Paymentech Solutions

Do not use all zeros or spaces in this field.

FDC Compass

Do not use all zeros or spaces in this field.

RBS WorldPay Atlanta

Do not use all zeros or spaces in this field.

TSYS Acquiring Solutions

Do not use all zeros or spaces in this field.


American Express Direct

• Field Type: Offer-level request

SCMP API Fields | 1134

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 12

Chase Paymentech Solutions

• Field Type: Offer-level request

• Data Type: Decimal

• Data Length for Mastercard: 3

• Data Length for Visa: 12

Elavon Americas

• Field Type: Offer-level request

• Data Type: String

• Data Length for Mastercard: 3

• Data Length for Visa: 12

FDC Compass

• Field Type: Offer-level request

• Data Type: String

• Data Length for Mastercard: 3

• Data Length for Visa: 12

FDC Nashville Global

• Field Type: Offer-level request

SCMP API Fields | 1135

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 12


• Field Type: Offer-level request

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 12

OmniPay Direct

• Field Type: Offer-level request

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 12

RBS WorldPay Atlanta

• Field Type: Offer-level request

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 12

TSYS Acquiring Solutions

• Field Type: Offer-level request

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 12

SCMP API Fields | 1136

Visa Platform Connect

• Field Type: Offer-level request

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 12

Worldpay VAP

• Field Type: Offer-level request

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 12

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: orderInformation.lineItems[].unitOfMeasure

• SCMP API Field: unit_of_measure

• Simple Order API Field: item_#_unitOfMeasure

Processor Field Names

The following list provides the Level II/Level III processor field name for each processor that supports Level II or Level III data:

• American Express Direct: N/A

• Chase Paymentech Solutions: Unit of Measure

• Elavon Americas: Unit of Measure

• FDC Compass: Unit of Measure

SCMP API Fields | 1137

• FDC Nashville Global: Item Bulk / Unit of Measure

• GPN: Unit of Measure

• OmniPay Direct: Unit of Measure Code / Item Unit of Measure

• RBS WorldPay Atlanta: Unit of Measure

• TSYS Acquiring Solutions:

◦ Mastercard: Item Unit of Measure

◦ Visa: Unit of Measure/Code

• Visa Platform Connect: unitOfMeasure

• Worldpay VAP: unitOfMeasure

SCMP API Fields | 1138


The values used by your customer to identify the order.

This value is typically a purchase order number.

It is recommended that you do not populate the field with all zeros or nines.

FDC Nashville Global

You must provide a value in this field or in the merchant_ref_number field.


American Express Direct

• Field Type: Request

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 17

Chase Paymentech Solutions

• Field Type: Request

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 25

Elavon Americas

SCMP API Fields | 1139

• Field Type: Request

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 17

FDC Compass

• Field Type: Request

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 25

FDC Nashville Global

• Field Type: Request

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 25

FDMS Nashville

• Field Type: Request

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 25

FDMS South

• Field Type: Request

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 25

SCMP API Fields | 1140


• Field Type: Request

• Data Type: String

• Data Length for Mastercard: 17

• Data Length for Visa: 25

OmniPay Direct

• Field Type: Request

• Data Type: String

• Data Length for Mastercard: 17

• Data Length for Visa: 25

RBS WorldPay Atlanta

• Field Type: Request

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 25

TSYS Acquiring Solutions

• Field Type: Request

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 25

Visa Platform Connect

SCMP API Fields | 1141

• Field Type: Request

• Data Type: String with numbers and letters only

• Data Length: 17

Worldpay VAP

• Field Type: Request

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 17

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: orderInformation.invoiceDetails.purchaseOrderNumber

• SCMP API Field: user_po

• Simple Order API Field: invoiceHeader_userPO

Processor Field Names

Processor-specific field names for each processor supporting this field for Level II or Level III processing:

• American Express Direct: N/A

• Chase Paymentech Solutions: Customer Reference Number

• Elavon Americas: Purchase Identifier

• FDC Compass: Customer Reference Number

• FDC Nashville Global: Customer Code

SCMP API Fields | 1142

• FDMS Nashville: N/A

• FDMS South: N/A

• GPN: Market Data - Customer Code and Reference Number

• OmniPay Direct: Customer Code / Customer Reference ID

• RBS WorldPay Atlanta: PC2 Customer ID

• TSYS Acquiring Solutions: N/A

• Visa Platform Connect: customerCode

• Worldpay VAP: customerReference

SCMP API Fields | 1143


VAT invoice number associated with the transaction.


Elavon Americas

• Field Type: Request

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 15

FDC Nashville Global

• Field Type: Request

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 15

RBS WorldPay Atlanta

• Field Type: Request

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 15

TSYS Acquiring Solutions

SCMP API Fields | 1144

• Field Type: Request

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 15

Visa Platform Connect

• Field Type: Request

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 15

Worldpay VAP

• Field Type: Request

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 15

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: orderInformation.invoiceDetails.vatInvoiceReferenceNumber

• SCMP API Field: vat_invoice_ref_number

• Simple Order API Field: invoiceHeader_vat*nvoiceReferenceNumber

Processor Field Names

The following list provides the Level II/Level III processor field name for each processor that supports Level II or Level III data:

• Elavon Americas: VAT Invoice Reference Number (Unique)

SCMP API Fields | 1145

• FDC Nashville Global: VAT Invoice Reference Number

• RBS WorldPay Atlanta: VAT Invoice Number

• TSYS Acquiring Solutions: Unique VAT Invoice Reference Number

• Visa Platform Connect: vatInvoiceReferenceNumber

• Worldpay VAP: Invoice Reference Number

SCMP API Fields | 1146


Rate used to calculate VAT.

If you do not provide this value, the rate is calculated as (national_tax x 100 / amount).


FDMS South

• Field Type: Offer-level request

• Data Type: Decimal

• Data Length: 5

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: orderInformation.lineItems[].taxDetails[].rate

• SCMP API Field: vat_rate

• Simple Order API Field: item_#_vatRate

Processor Field Names

The following list provides the Level II/Level III processor field name for each processor that supports Level II or Level III data:

• FDMS South: N/A

SCMP API Fields | 1147


The total amount of the Value Added Tax (VAT) or other tax included in the order.

RBS WorldPay Atlanta

The value of this field cannot exceed 999999.99.


Chase Paymentech Solutions

• Field Type: Request

• Data Type: Decimal

• Data Length: 13

Elavon Americas

• Field Type: Request

• Data Type: Decimal

• Data Length: 12

FDC Compass

• Field Type: Request

• Data Type: Decimal

SCMP API Fields | 1148

• Data Length: 13


• Field Type: Request

• Data Type: Decimal

• Data Length: 12

OmniPay Direct

• Field Type: Request

• Data Type: Decimal

• Data Length: 12

RBS WorldPay Atlanta

• Field Type: Request

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 8

TSYS Acquiring Solutions

• Field Type: Request

• Data Type: Decimal

• Length: 13

SCMP API Fields | 1149

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: orderInformation.amountDetails.taxDetails[].amount

• SCMP API Field: vat_tax_amount

• Simple Order API Field: otherTax_vatTaxAmount

Processor Field Names

Processor-specific field names for each processor supporting this field for Level II or Level III processing:

• Chase Paymentech Solutions: VAT/Tax Amount

• Elavon Americas: VAT / Tax Amount (Freight)

• FDC Compass: VAT/Tax Amount

• FDC Nashville Global: VAT/Tax Amount

• GPN: VAT/Tax Amount (Freight/Shipping)

• OmniPay Direct: VAT (Amount)

• RBS WorldPay Atlanta: VAT Tax Amount

• TSYS Acquiring Solutions: VAT/Tax Amount

SCMP API Fields | 1150


Flag that indicates if the VAT tax amount should be interpreted as positive or negative.

Possible values:

• negative: VAT amount is considered negative for the invoice

• positive: VAT amount is considered positive for the invoice

This field is related to the value in the vat_tax_amount field.


Visa Platform Connect

• Field Type: Request

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 8

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: N/A

• SCMP API Field: vat_tax_amount_sign

• Simple Order API Field: otherTax_vatTaxAmountSign

SCMP API Fields | 1151

Processor Field Names

The following list provides the Level II/Level III processor field name for each processor that supports Level II or Level III data:

• Visa Platform Connect: vatTaxAmountSign

SCMP API Fields | 1152


The Value Added Tax (VAT) or other tax rate used to calculate the tax applied to the order.

For RBS WorldPay Atlanta and TSYS Acquiring Solutions: The valid range is between .01 and 99.99 percent. The rate is entered as a decimal. For example:

• 60%: 0.6000

• 33.33%: 0.3333

• 25.5%: 0.2550

For Visa Platform Connect, the valid range is between 0.01 and 99.99 percent. The rate is entered as a percentage. For example:

• 60%: 60.00

• 33.33%: 33.33

• 25.5%: 25.50

For all other processors: The valid range is between 1 and 99 percent. The rate is entered as a decimal. For example:

• 60%: 0.60

• 33%: 0.33

• 25%: 0.25


Chase Paymentech Solutions

SCMP API Fields | 1153

• Field type: Request

• Data Type: Decimal

• Data Length: 4

Elavon Americas

• Field type: Request

• Data Type: Decimal

• Data Length: 4

FDC Compass

• Field type: Request

• Data Type: Decimal

• Data Length: 4

FDC Nashville Global

• Field type: Request

• Data Type: Decimal

• Data Length: 5


• Field type: Request

• Data Type: Decimal

• Data Length: 4

SCMP API Fields | 1154

OmniPay Direct

• Field type: Request

• Data Type: Decimal

• Data Length: 4

RBS WorldPay Atlanta

• Field type: Request

• Data Type: Numeric

• Data Length: 4

TSYS Acquiring Solutions

• Field type: Request

• Data Type: Decimal

• Data Length: 6

Visa Platform Connect

• Field type: Request

• Data Type: Decimal

• Data Length: 4

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: orderInformation.amountDetails.taxDetails[].rate

SCMP API Fields | 1155

• SCMP API Field: vat_tax_rate

• Simple Order API Field: otherTax_vatTaxRate

Processor Field Names

Processor-specific field names for each processor supporting this field for Level II or Level III processing:

• Chase Paymentech Solutions: VAT/Tax Rate

• Elavon Americas: VAT / Tax Rate (Freight)

• FDC Compass: VAT/Tax Rate

• FDC Nashville Global: VAT/Tax Rate

• GPN: VAT/Tax Rate (Freight/Shipping)

• OmniPay Direct: VAT (Rate)

• RBS WorldPay Atlanta: Tax Rate

• TSYS Acquiring Solutions: VAT/Tax Rate

• Visa Platform Connect: vat_tax_rate

SCMP API Fields | 1156


Identifier for a Visa Click to Pay order.

Visa Click to Pay provides a unique order ID for every transaction in the Visa Click to Pay callID field.


• Field Type: Request

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 48

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: processingInformation.visaCheckoutID

• SCMP API Field: vc_order_id

• Simple Order API Field: vc_orderID

SCMP API Fields | 1157


Verification response enrollment status.

This field is supported only on Asia, Middle East, and Africa Gateway.

When you request the payer authentication and authorization services separately, get the value for this field from the pa_enroll_veres_enrolled response field.

Possible values:

• Y: Authentication available.

• N: Customer not participating.

• U: Unable to authenticate regardless of the reason.


• Field Type: Request

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 1

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: consumerAuthenticationInformation.veresEnrolled

• SCMP API Field: veres_enrolled

SCMP API Fields | 1158

• Simple Order API Field: ccAuthService_veresEnrolled

SCMP API Fields | 1159


Processor response code.

The processor provides this value when a credit authorization reversal does not succeed.


• Field Type: Response

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 3

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: No corresponding field

• SCMP API Field: void_credit_auth_reversal_response

• Simple Order API Field:voidReply_creditAuthReversalResponse

SCMP API Fields | 1160


Flag that indicates whether the service request was successful.

Possible values:

• -1: An error occurred.

• 0: The request was declined.

• 1: The request was successful.


• Type: Integer

• Length: 1

Mapping Information

• SCMP API Field: void_rcode

• Simple Order API Field: No corresponding field

SCMP API Fields | 1161


Request ID of the capture or credit you want to void.


• Field Type: Request

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 26

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: No corresponding field.

• SCMP API Field: void_request_id

• Simple Order API Field: voidService_voidRequestID

SCMP API Fields | 1162


Value of the request token returned from a previous request for a service that you want to void.

This value is an encoded string that contains no confidential information, such as an account number or card verification number.


• Field Type: Request

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 256

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: No corresponding field

• SCMP API Field: void_request_token

• Simple Order API Field: voidService_voidRequestToken

SCMP API Fields | 1163


One-word description of the result of the service request.


• Type: String

• Length: 50

Mapping Information

• SCMP API Field: void_rflag

• Simple Order API Field: No corresponding field

SCMP API Fields | 1164


Message that explains the response flag void_rflag.

Do not display this message to the customer, and do not use this field to write an error handler.


• Type: String

• Length: 256

Mapping Information

• SCMP API Field: void_rmsg

• Simple Order API Field: No corresponding field

SCMP API Fields | 1165


Amount that was voided.


• Field Type: Response

• Data Type: Decimal

• Data Length: 15

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: voidAmountDetails.voidAmount

• SCMP API Field: void_void_amount

• Simple Order API Field: voidReply_amount

SCMP API Fields | 1166


Currency used for the order.


• Field Type: Response

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 5

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: voidAmountDetails.currency

• SCMP API Field: void_void_currency

• Simple Order API Field: voidReply_currency

SCMP API Fields | 1167


Date and time when the service was requested.

PIN Debit

Time when the PIN debit credit, PIN debit purchase or PIN debit reversal was requested.

Returned by PIN debit credit, PIN debit purchase or PIN debit reversal.


• Field Type: Response

• Data Type: Date and time

• Data Length: 20

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: submitTimeUTC

• SCMP API Field: void_void_request_time

• Simple Order API Field: voidReply_requestDateTime

SCMP API Fields | 1168


Type of wallet.

This field is supported only for Visa Click to Pay on FDC Compass, FDC Nashville Global, FDI Australia, TSYS Acquiring Solutions, and Visa Platform Connect.

Set the value for this field to VCIND.

On the following processors, the value that Cybersource sends to the processor is the value that the processor expects for this field:

• FDC Compass

• FDC Nashville Global

• FDI Australia

• TSYS Acquiring Solutions

Visa Platform Connect

This field is a passthrough; therefore, the value is not verified or modified in any way before it is sent to the processor.

The value for this field corresponds to the following data in the TC 33 capture file:

• Record: CP01 TCR8

• Position: 72-76

• Field: Agent Unique ID

SCMP API Fields | 1169


• Field Type: Request

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 5

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: paymentInformation.paymentSolution

• SCMP API Field: wallet_type

• Simple Order API Field: wallet_type

SCMP API Fields | 1170


Weight of the item.


American Express Direct

• Field Type: Offer-level field

• Data Type: Decimal

• Data Length: 9

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: orderInformation.lineItems[].weight

• SCMP API Field: weight_amount

• Simple Order API Field: item_#_weightAmount

Processor Field Names

The following list provides the Level II/Level III processor field name for each processor that supports Level II or Level III data:

• American Express Direct: N/A

SCMP API Fields | 1171


Type of weight

Possible values:

• B: Billed weight

• N: Actual net weight


American Express Direct

• Field Type: Offer-level

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 1

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: orderInformation.lineItems[].weightIdentifier

• SCMP API Field: weight_identifier

• Simple Order API Field: item_#_weightIdentifier

Processor Field Names

The following list provides the Level II/Level III processor field name for each processor that supports Level II or Level III data:

SCMP API Fields | 1172

• American Express Direct: N/A

SCMP API Fields | 1173


Code that specifies the unit of measurement for the weight amount.

For example, OZ specifies ounce and LB specifies pounds.

The values are defined by the ANSI Accredited Standards Committee (ASC).


American Express Direct

• Field Type: Offer-level

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 2

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: orderInformation.lineItems[].weightUnit

• SCMP API Field: weight_unit_measurement

• Simple Order API Field: item_#_weightunitOfMeasure

Processor Field Names

The following list provides the Level II/Level III processor field name for each processor that supports Level II or Level III data:

SCMP API Fields | 1174

• American Express Direct: N/A

SCMP API Fields | 1175


Transaction identifier.

This value must be 28-character Base64 or 40-character hex binary.

For Visa Secure on FDC Nashville Global, the CAVV field is set to the XID value when the XID is present in the authorization request and the CAVV is not present.

When you request the payer authentication and authorization services separately, get the value for this field from the pa_validate_xid response field.

Apple Pay and Samsung Pay Transactions

• American Express: For a 20-byte cryptogram, set this field to the cryptogram for authorizations with payment network tokens. For a 40-byte cryptogram, set this field to
block A of the cryptogram for authorizations with payment network tokens. All cryptograms use one of these formats.

• Visa: The value for this field must be 28-character base64 or 40-character hex binary. All cryptograms use one of these formats.


• Field Type: Request

• Data Type: String

• Data Length: 40

Mapping Information

• REST API Field: consumerAuthenticationInformation.xid

• SCMP API Field: xid

SCMP API Fields | 1176

• Simple Order API Field: ccAuthService_xid

SCMP API Fields | 1177

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