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My First Grammar 2 Workbook Full

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Have a Feelimg of Success

with lVty First &ramxman !


My First Grammar is a fun and easy grammar book series designed for young English learners.
The grammar concepts and activities in this series are designed for the needs of elementary school
students from the second to fourth grade. My First Grammar uses a spiral approach in presenting
essential grammar points. This allows students to study from any book in the series without missing
important grammar points. My First Grammar provides various learner-centered activities, which
encourage active learning. Colorful illustrations and real photos help students use visualization skills
in their learning process.
My First Grammar's main concern is nurturing a feeling of success while students learn grammar.
By providing age-appropriate grammar structures, sentences, and activities, this grammar series
helps students maintain the feeling of success and interest. Constant linking and cumulative reviews
ensure that students reuse the grammar concepts and retain them.
My First Grammar offers three books in the series. Each book consists of 6 units of four lessons.
Each lesson is designed to provide curriculum for one full class. For this reason, there is no need for
teachers to prepare individual lesson plans. Cumulative quizzes and progress tests which are
included in each book, enable teachers to monitor and assess their students' language development
throughout the course.
Teachers are of great importance to the success of their classrooms. The Teacher's Manual of
My First Grammar will assist them in using the materials to their greatest potential. With the full set of
materials from My First Grammar, teachers will be given the tools to create a lasting English mastery
within their students.

Organization of the Workbook :;#q-itrj,

I Look and Learn sections present the grammar concepts with an additional explanation in
Korean. This helps students clarifu the grammar concepts they have learned in English in class.
Students will have the chance to learn grammar terminology both in English and Korean.

I Look and Practice sections provide a number of various activities that help consolidate the
grammar targets.

C Link and Review sections help students prepare for the cumulative quizzes in the following
lessons. All of the previous targets are revisited and linked through various learner-centered

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Lesson I Negatives
Be-Verbs:Affirmatives and 06
Lesson 2 Be-Verts:Yes/No Questions 09
Lesson 3 PossessivesandThis/That/These/Those 12
Lesson 4 What/Who/Whose with Be-Vefus 15

Lesson I Singular and Plural Nouns 1B

Lesson 2 Count and Noncount Nouns 21
Lesson 3 a/an/some + Noun 24
Lesson 4 a/an/the + Noun 27

Lesson I Prepositions of Place

Lesson 2 Adjectives
Lesson 3 Comparatives
Lesson 4 Progress Test 1
Lesson I PresentSimple: Affirmatives 42
Lesson 2 Present Simple: Has/Does/Goes 45
Lesson 3 Present Simple: Negatives 48
Lesson 4 Present Simple: Yes/No Questions 51

Lesson I Present Continuous: Affirmatives 54

Lesson 2 Present Continuous: Negatives 57
Lesson 3 Present Continuous: Yes/No Questions 60
Lesson 4 WhatAVho in Present Continuous 63

Lesson I There+Be+Noun 66
Lesson 2 Helping Verts: Can/May 69
Lesson 3 lmperatives: Do/Don't 72
Lesson 4 Progress Test 2 75
Pronouns and Be-Verbs
Lesson 1 : Affirmatives and Negatives

lBe E,[.lel Be-VerbE: Affirmatiues

@ <Be>!/.l verbEgole.l 7|8 7lE€?l Sl.tE '*0lff Ets '*0ll ?lEl'sl *g 7lT!tt.
@ <Be>$/.tsl EEtlts Tol sr:bj**ts.l tt0ll qef gelrlq, {?ff, are, is>el ltl gltf.
E * Singular i
E# Plurat

lam = I'm We are = We're

You are = You're You are = You're
is = He's/She's/lt's

He/She/lt : They are = They're

@ <Be>$/.tel +qtE ccr:traeiian3 +olgi <ts*Ent* *q,\t * g0lEl.

Look and Practice

A. Look and write.



I amnot = l'm not We are not = We aren't
You are not = You aren't You are not = You aren't
He/She/ll is not = He/She/lt isn't They are not = They aren't

@ <is/are + nob3 <isn't/aren'b>E €q^l sl-[,.€.'. .E+S= d'm nobg-E €q,\l *tl.

A. Choose and write.

2 3

4 sffiffi5
B. Rewrite the sentence with the contraction form.

1 We are not girls. ,@ ' Wq are*dt qirls,

2 lamaprince.
3 She is not a doctor.

4 lt is a computer.

5 They are not bananas. i,@

5 He is a dancer.

7 You are taxi drivers.

C. Match and write.

are gorillas.

.6 A

Pronouns and Be-Verbs
Lesson 2 Be *tlbrbs: Yes/ltlo Questions

lBe Ellgl 9EEI Be-Verbs: YeslNo Quertions

@ <Be>grtsl e.|=Ee <Be>5,\lE *01 l/w*/youlshelhelit/th*y *ofl tsbtl.

You are a student. * Are you a student?

@ <No>E I}|=J--J qts <Be>EAl'9 *ef <isn'tlaren'L$ ilxl?j, <Yes>E t[l'JEr' ttH= +Eg &Il Ll=tl.
El .F. Question ttl B Answer
Am 1...? Yes, you are. No, you aren't.
Sii-gutar Are You"'? Yes, lam. No, l'm not.
ls she/he/it...? Yes, she/he/it is. No, she/helit isn't.
Are we...? Yes, you are. No, you aren't.
p]r[r Are you...? Yes, we are. No, we aren't.
Are they...? Yes, they are. No, they aren't.

A. Look and write the answer.

2 ,3

ls he a painter? Are you a vet? : ls it a gorilla?

No, he isrlt

ls she a singer? , Are you doctors? Are they tigers?

B. Look and write the question.

5 6

c. Circle the correct answer.


O Yes, it is. o No, I'm not.

@ Yes, they are. @ No, we aren't.

o No, it isn't. O Yes, she is.

@ No, they aren't. @ Yes, he is.
Link and Review
A. Look and write.

tt isrl+ a printer.
tt is a computer.

They kittens.
They puppies.


B. Read and write the question or the answer.

' 1 Are ,!on a tennis player? Yes, I am.
a train? No, it isn't.

jets? Yes, they are.

a taxi driver? No, she isn't.

Are you an artist? Yes,

ls he a pianist? No,

Are you cooks? Yes,

Pronouns and Be-Verbs
Lesson 3 Possmsives and This/That/These/Those

tAf,4] Possessives

@ <1, we, you, she, he, it, they>= ?ler}|Bl.ElI +EtrL

@ <my, your, his, her, its, our, thei>! EeqBIlg'I 35${c..8 '*9'tlE 7[t!trl..
I my Llgl we our of lEol
you your LIE you your qelEsl
he his - r Hrfol they their --]gOl
she her r qrlq
it its _ tzl{ ihey their :laEsl

o 4+rl rl30ll= EJ.l r':*r.:r:713rt.

my book your hat his dad its tail our school their bags

@) E^lel A+43 Eol Floll <'s>E Eq

Amy's book the cat's tail Tom and Jerry's tent

L k and Practice , .

A. Correct the sentence.

I It is he house. )_ili:Nt
I+ is his hor,rse,
2 They are Amy kittens. :tilt:-

3 It is we car. .lr)l

4 They are I ducks.

5 lt is they school. .,:,i:H.l

6 They are she pens. i11,1'

7 They are you cups. ,ifit,

lrl{EJ| B/.tl This/ThatlThere/Those,
o /.lErolLt 7tE:l7l!* rHB,rlri.
^l/.lE|]B/.tEt ^l-E=
@ dhi>gl<thab8 E# sing*iar, <these>9l<those>E ffi pt*ratOll l'lE:dtrt.

Tlnlol 9,1= ql This is a pencil.

ol7llol,^=, oJ These are pencils.
^|aJlo1 ^l=J=
Eal ?l= nll That is a fox.
T14/x121=, IJ ,\taJ/rl &aJ= Those are foxes.

€) e.lEEoll,(-l <this/thab3 <ibB, <thesetthos*b <thelf}e EflH-"tri.

ls this/that a pencil? is.

Yes, it No, it isn't.
Are these/those foxes? Yes, they are. No, they aren't.

A. Look, circle and write.

'q-@ g That, her

This, his
Thd is her house.

2tr6 o This, its

@ These, its

o These, their
@ Those, his

O This, her
I. ffit.
@ That, his

Mg /@1 o This, our
@ That, my

A. Read and write.

1 ls ' . she a dancer? Yes, she is.

iz Are you a cook? No,

{3 a dog? Yes, it is.

i, 4 ls he a cowboy? No,

5 alligators? Yes, they are.

,. 6 Are you artists? No,

B. Circle the correct answer.

i:: iz- These are notebooks.

ta- t
I : -:i
Owe @ our @it

-- tl '-.4
That is house. -.
O its @it @ it's
. a-taa
7?::' E
"!.j:.;, ,,t'l are her albums.
:-T: ._4.
Olt @ Tnat @ Those
?ni: :..e
:.?, This is computer.
O @ne @it

rAai : r;A

'ir:, + are their gloves.

:a- a
\:: -:
: :=,

.-:* O That @ These @ This
-;!::. ::..:4
7-ta :a:l:=
This is jacket.
Ti 6'i,&
O you @ they @ your

:: T'
z*it:, :,:iE
:.:r3." is my pencil.
f.- .G.

+Yiir :,'.4-
-E O That @th_:::* @ These
tjjt., .-tt+t

Pronouns and Be-Verbs 'i

Lesson 4 with Be-Verbs

lBe E.rrtst ol=EllB^ll ltYhatAllfhaf!$hose'with Be-Verbs

@ <What, Who, Whose>E gErHB^lafr -dq-.
@ <Whab= rhi:":E0ll Sall,tJ 55 ge '*B:F$ilUrtf?'elb Xo[r].
What is it? It's a coat.

@ <Who>E rFJ p*apleoll trafl,q Eib ge '-b h?Bt-l71ta?'atc'* F0ltrl.

Who are they? They are Amy's sisters.

@ <whose>= a?E p*ssessi*ns0lt Ellal| Eb gtr ''-8 \:?91 4gLlrt?'ef= *0lr[.

Whose book is this? lt's Ken's book.

Circle and write.

CDWhosewhat Who
@ She is my teacher.
is she?

Who What are they?

W Whose fhey are flags.

? m Who What cell phone is it?

@ Whose It is Jason's cell phone.

4 r3t
Who What is it?

Whose It is a printer.

ffi Who What
are they?
They are our friends.

15 :
-. -;r-#q
B. Look and write the question with Who, What or Whose.

C. Read and write the question with Who, What or Whose.

1 Who c.r€ they They are Michelle's brothers.

2 2 It is their car.

3 It is an umbrella.

4 books They are Clare's books.

5 She is my sister.

6 They are zebras.

7 He is her grandpa.

I camera ? It is Jason's camera.

A. Look and write.

It isrit a dog. lt is a bear.

We teachers. We cooks.

Is he a vet? ,

is my cell phone.

This is not your key. This is key.

are Mike's balls.

B. Choose and write.

i. ::.jt : |).jIi:.:
.,,irlVhf,t !$-lfiOrr ,,::,rrr;

Whc.f are they? They are oranges.

album is it? It is Sara's album.

is he?

5 is she? She is my sister.

6 watch is it? It is Kate's watch.

-- trE
. ^- r,'.;€
Lesson 1 and Plural Nouns

tE+E.tlgf Singular and Plural lrlouns

O 'J+E,\t
singular n*e-:r:b 6tLte.l AlH, EE, SA lEb ,tl-39 LlElL}lq,
++E^l plurai r:***ts /.lEt, 5=, 84 sb € 0l8gE LlEttlrt.
@ rtl+Esl E^l= e+E= EJ=71 s{"'ll Et+eql<-*€ Egtrl.
a book + books an apple ."e* apples

@ <-s, -ch, -sh, -x>-E ELI= E,\k t+E0ll <*€s>E E?Jtrl-.

abus *- buses a watch ==+* watches a dish =+- dishes abox-+-. boxes

@ (^tE + y)e ELI= Eolb <n E <i>e <-es>€ E?lrt.

abafiY-q* babies a cilY*-<' cities

@ <-fl-fe>e ELt= E.,t lts <f/fe>E <r>-E HtfI <-e*E E?]t].

a leaf + leaves a knife =z- knives

@ g8-d +rl0l fl= E+4 E^t7l ?,Itr+.

a man --? men a child =-?- ch'ldten afoot -+ leet a mOUSe .=4"' fntC€

A. Read and write.

$lngilIar' ,'tingdlar:
fox ba by

city bus
cat knife
Ieaf mouse
foot melon
toy 4* woman
B. Look and write.


C. Choose and write.

i ,.,1,

! ,: :



:ft il

puppy desk , knife i

leG,t€ :

Link an
Correc.] the underlined word.

1 That is he computer.

2 Are they gorillas? No, they are

3 ls it she jacket? Yes, it is.

4 What cell phone is that? It's Jack's cell phone.

5 Who are they? They are ostriches.

B. Choose and write.

What Who Whose

'@,,,@** 'ffi@,-
chair is it?' are they? are they?

$,$ara's chair' They are pandas. They are Tim's friends-,

C. Read and write.

$ingular Singular
desk desks watch
city child
th ief key

Lesson 2 Count and Noncount Nouns

Look an

t€ + 9l= E,\lgl € + flts BAfl Co*nt:and troncount Nouns

O Ell0ll= tr + 91ts BAI c*r:nt rrou*g] g + Sb 8].1**rz**zsr:: ****71 ?ltf.

@ € + 9l= E^te*unt **unollb EI+BI} €+trol?Ir+.

a cookie _+- cookies abus += buses aleal -e' leaves
@ € + fl= B,\l *cr:e***t r:*u;':0lb Et+, E+sl gEXTi Agq, <alan>3l Etzll fltr|'.

A. Choose and write.

truck umbrella Tup ; - ,',[f}OIIef I*3f

Count Noun - Singular Gount Noun - Plural

r.:x a

B. took and write.
2 3

C. Read and write.

' :

ffi ffi
'r.-:: 1r : 'ir'tr'
7;-:;:?;|:. :

*E;,,sh"::e.,f g;";j

ffi ffi


ffi re

: ir ::ri:i:''l


:.4€::1-..::..a...;4jr. -'L- .-a


, :: -,'.'ir:'i :rir;Lrti+t
.-.,. .--...-.--;--. ....,;t::t:.::::a::,#-

ffi ffi
: :":4.1':aa:.a:t:=

. . : :]..:.::;:
:'l:-:,t:r,a=a.=aE : .- : -


ostrich ice cream


JUrCe cup tea ant melon i


Link and Rev
A. Look and write.

ls it a
Y-.::---a--- 4

B. took, choose and write.

@ tr:=



'n.\-jS;,'' z



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& 23j
Lesson 3 alanlsome + Noun

k and Learn ffitu l

[a/anlsome + B,t[] alanlsom€ + Ho*lr

O <a/an>P E+E,\t gq $q, '6fl_lel*'E *Etg. '' '

a cookie a lamp an apple an umbrella

@<some>$ 'H 7flel, e+ZE'= FEitl. {some> +iqb € + flts gr|9] q+E0lLt tr + S.b E^l7l
+ 91trl..
some cookies some apples some milk some homework

@ <some>3 E + ?l= B^tsl E+Bqb grtl & * trr}.

some cookie (X) some apple (X)

k and Practice
A. write a an or some.
'1 4
0 r43

2 juice IO (, orange
# bed 1I ffi, cheese

4 ,o, egg 12 ffi friends

5 @ nuts 13 & book

(a> fln
6 -- '
& lamp 14 ffi homework

7 @ ant 15 ffi rabbits

I socks 16 ,@, umbrella

B. Use the word on the left and complete the sentence.

iI book We need some books

t.2 tea Can I have some ?

3 knife We need some

4 lce cream We want some

5 bread I want some

G box We need some

C. Look, choose and write.

ostrich \# child tiger elephant
balloon hippo bird sheep alligator

I lsee Sorn€ lions

Z. I see

3 lsee
4 lsee
5 lsee
6 lsee
7 lsee
I lsee
I lsee
I0 I see

A. Look and write.

a duck?
.: r rt
it is.

ls he your brother?
shoes are they? Are they ?
No, he isn't.
They are
9re Tom's shoes
shoes. Yes, they are.
, t*e is brother.
:..'. :.;:,--::..:' ..',;::i.::..r:f,.,:;: ii,:r:=r,.irri':

B. Match and write. -

pple x


1, r0 @-r";;i 'a

1t ;,;:l'1
.'&I1 a _jet i


Lesson 4 alanlthe + Noun

O tr^|*rticleollts +8+,\t<a/an>r[ Etr,il <th*zt ?l.gH, EAIE EAI g0ll +{ilElrt.

@ +8+,\t<a/an>P € + ?l= E^tel Et+B 9011 4{4, '6fL[s]-'= *Etrt.
a chair a bird an umbrella

@ SrJ,\t dhe>ts g0ll "J:iIE I specifi* thing$ rl,ti'gg 4 *ti.

I see a bird. The bird is blue.

@ 6lt_l+t0ll fi,E A *** and *nly S0ll* <thp= E?!*.

the sun the moon the sky

nd Practice
A. took and write a, an or the.
12 4

cat moon elephant map

5 6 7 I

sea ant cup earth


B. Match and write.

He has puppy and

a 'a

We have some .i

2 z?
Z _apples are in the basket. ;

i Loor at the girt. i
She is playing the piano.

She has computer.
4 @

:.: computer is on the desk. i

, I see
alligator. ,

_alligatorv1. has hat.
,..,*--.- --.*"...,i

C. Read and write a, an or the.


1 f Ihave I
o- hat. The hat is yellow.


She has umbrella. umbrella is small.

Look at sky. lt is gray.

house. house is big.

5i We see
moon. lt is round today.

6! _ I
He has jacket. jacket is black.

7 i Look at clouds. They are white.

A. Look and write a, an, the, or some.

The mouse has Sorn€ cheese.

3 ':=:=j,,,::,.. ed water.


B. Circle the correct answer.

are they? They are flags.

O Who
' @ What @ Whose

What is it? It is

O a milk @ an milk @ milk

What are they? They are

O toy @ toys @atoY

Whose computer is it? It is computer.

O their @ they @ she

Are you a vet? . I'm a nurse.

@ Yes, you are. @ No, l'm not. @ Yes,

(T: :
Prepositions and Adiectives
Lesson 1 Frepositione of Place

IEAE LlElLHts Eil,ttl Prepositions of Place

O <in, on, under, in front of, behind>E 84= LlElLllS Exl,tf {sr****iti*r,E- EAI g0ll +tl.
r!^l/.l +(zJ,tl) +B/.L

in 910il The cat is in ihe box.

on ploil The bird is on the box.
under 0llt|oll The mouse is under the box.
in front of goil The dog is in front of the door.
behind +loil The snake is behind the door.

@ <Where>ts '-ol cltrloll' ?,,1.=^l ga= Eg El t{ goil 44= goltrf.

Where is the dog? It's in front of the door.

A. took and write.

Where a.r€ the fish tanks? Where _ the tree?

They the table. It the house.

3 4

Where the lions? Where the box?

They the cave. It the door.

B. Read and write.

Where arQ the ha-fs The hat$ are in the bagi

2 The amO front of the window,

f is in
3 ? The pupOles are on chair,
4 The ooritta oenind the car:
5 fne altiOators are under the trees,

6 ? The tefeRhone on the table,


7 The lemons are in the box.

c. Look and write.

1 _----_---7
//{r4/_-.<_ rr,r flbei," F*$,,.'
:: I
Wher€-a e'del.b?
Where are the giraffes?

3 4


Where is the cat? Where is the boy?

5 6
ptrate C# swinrmingpoor

Where is the cake? Where are the girls?

31 il

, ,'i,,.;,ii#
A. Read and write a, an, the, or X.
'l! il
i,,1 have X mone,.

,t I ..,
/ It is _ apple.

- 3 ,, lt is zebra. -.,4 The ship is on sea.

,i,5- Lookat-sky. ,.,6 It is _ sugar.

B. Look and write.

1 2

Where is t-he cup? :

'. :N)I
Whose albums are they?
-- 9,8
! ltls ::r'the plate.
They are albums.

3 4

ltlhere is the umbrella? \Alhat is it?

It is the bed. It is elephant.

5 rz r ./-\
IZ_\ /'.6=r[ 6
I' r',( VZ * Al.
k:Zt AY+t* /^\
f,*.&ffb (FEi
slr 1 \wui**
are they? Where are the cars?
They are Mike's friends. They are _ the house.

7 I

is the dog? Where is the plant?

It's in the basket. It's the sofa.

Prepositions and Adiectives
Lebson 2 Adiectives

Look and

tEE,\ll Adjectives
O EE^t adjectivets lPJolLl €trollt SEtlE €86l= g0ltl.
@ AE 1: 'EE,\l + E/.L
EE^l7l E^l golt^1 E^l-= +q=q.
It is a tree. *;a*
lt is a big tree.
They are balloons. -<? They are red balloons.

rBe E,tl +
@ EE l: et,tL
EE^l7t<Be>8,\t9 +ol= €E:ettrl.
=q =q^l
The tree is big. The balloons are red'

A. Look and write.

;1 iS c.- Srytc..r€, rug.
i = Tfre rug i5 S+ec're

They trees.
,,* tall
* = The trees

It cat.
3 cute
= The cat

= The turtle


B. Read, match, and write.

1 she is a happy baby. €=--- @ The giraffes

2 lt is a new building. @ \ \- e The baby is hc'ppy

3 table. @
It is a round @ The car

4 They are tall giraffes. e @ The building _.

5 tt is a blue car. @ @ The table

C. Look and write the sentence in the right order.

1 .'- "'
rs new boy smart
Ita is The
eetl phone a student

f+ i5 a- n9w cell phone,


short are
tahle a
trees They
r$ Square

5 6
an jacket -----1-:=-
'+L- ':

It old
trains are
=l:[-\ They fast
is t+T=e

Link and
A. Circle and write.

There are three children

is it? It is an ox.

I want some

earth is round.

B. Look, choose and write.

1 The puppy is in {ront o{ the girl. 3 The boy has bread.

{"G *


5 ltisa watch. 7 Her hair is

6 The flowers are the vase. I They are windows.

aan ln under long square old

Ullord Bank some rn.t(3ldot behind short round new

; ,,,:::iS
Prepositions and ltdiectives
Lesson 3 Comparatives

lE8,t'tel HIE.EI Comparatives

o HIE= *on:p*raiiv*8 7fle.1 rl|SE HJi[g q *q. rHlaE + thanrg E^.lg J.l86lq,
' =
11 -alc['= *?]tt.

My sister is taller than l. I think dancing is more interesting than movies.

€) 13tr EE^lel BIEE

. EE/.l E0l <-e>3 E?1tr}.
long - longer tall - taller
. EE^l7t rE.E.S + ExP=..,oE EH Z+ E! H q ur <-e>E E?lrt.
fat - fatter hot - hotter

@ 28tr ol.8= 7tT! BE^19 HIEE

. EE^l Soll <more>= EEtt.
beautiful - more beautiful exciting - more exciting
. zZE BE^t7l <y>E EulE <pE <b-tr Hl+r. <*epg E?lE_l.
busy - busier happy - happier

A. Write the comparatives.

1 tall tc.ller o exciting
2 expensive t0 long

3 hot 11 interesting
4 fast 12 big

5 happy '13 easy

6 short 14 sad
7 dangerous I5 small
I fat 16 pretty

B. Look and write.

1 His hair is shorter thc.n her hair.

2 The hippo is the giraffe.
3 The ant is the bear.
4 The soccer ball is the golf ball.

@8h., 'ftq, " %,^=_
5 The baby is the boy.
' $ The coffee is water.
| 7 The raincoat is the jacket. i

r 8 The car is the bike.


C. Wrlte the sentence in the right order.

1 morelsisters/Cinderellalthan /islbeautifu! ther t . t
*. Cinderella i5 rnoFs bec.ur,ti{nl *hc'n her sis*Qrs,
2 Amyl is lthan I Mike /younger I . I
** Amy
3 Tom's / more / apartment t house I is I than / expensive I my t . t

@ Tom's house
4 running / l/ is lthinklthan /walking leasier/. /
* | think


Link and Review
A. Look and write.
H B:S happy/sad

Where is the telephone? They are clowns.

It is on the table. = The clowns are


It is are the pandas?

* The coffee is They are _ the tent.

is the garden? Itisa

It is the house. = The zebra is

B. Read, circle and write.

1 She is
2 ltis
a bride.

3 is our school. Those That These
4 is it? !t is an umbrella. What Who Whose
] He a student. aren't isn't am not
6 a doctor? Are we ls it Are you

Prepositions and Adiectives
Lesson 4 Progla*a Test 1

Link and Review

A. Circle the correct answer.
It is car.

or @ Mike @ Mike's
are they? They are albums.
O What @ Who @ Whose
alligators? No, they aren't.

O Are they @lsit @ ls she

She has umbrella.

Oa @an @ the
Look at sun. lt's on the mountain top.
Oa @an @ the
is their ball.
O That @ These @ Those
We want ice cream.

Oa @an @ some
is he? He is Tim's son.
O What @ Who @ Whose
I see dog. dog is on the sofa.
O a, The @a,A @ the, A
It is
O a water @ water @ waters

: l:,:,ilj,iil
B. Look and write.

Where is the zebra? It

ft is behind the = The snake

are the dolls?


It is
the floor. = The sugar

5 6

are the books?

= The house the box.

C. Write the sentence in the right order.

1 older / Tom's / My I car I is I than / motorcycle I . I
a, tgy 6sp is older thc.-n To;5 rnotorcYcle.
2 The /the / is / expensive / computer/TV/ more lthan I .l
**- The computer
3 l/ is/than /think/ interesting / English /science lmore I .l
*> I think

4 Sara /taller/ brother/ her I is I lhan I . I

** Safa

D. Look and write.

1 The doll is rn the bag.

2 The computer is the printer.
3 The cake is

4 lce cream is water.

5 Itisa teddy bear.

6 The post box is the house.
7 The cat is than the dog.

8 The train is the car.

E. Circle the correct word.

1 we need , /@ water.

2 It is aI juiee
juice .

3 Look at a / the sea.

4 Who I What is it? lt's a duck.

5 Who I What are they? They are Tim's daughters.

6 What are they? They are leafs / lea,ves

Present Simple
Lesson 1 Present Simple: Affirmatives

[flrl|,tlrllol eBE] Present Simple: Affirmatives

o E4^l^ll= tr4sl HJ=EI= ++olLl E1l= LIEIH rtl| r ?1trt.
@ E^ll,\lll388 *ffir;i:*:i1,*0ll,q +ol7t 3Ee E+ *,*i*?a*/21al 4?,
S, EEt|oll qalll 5/.lsl Floll <-s/-es>E E?.!tr|-.
. tfl+=sl .JHJEll Flollts <-s>= E?ltl.
. <-s, -sh,
-ch, -x>E ELI= g, <-es>= E?.!trl.
watch *+ watches mix "+ mixes
. (xtB + y)e E+= 5,\l= <l>E <Fe H[+r" <*es>E E?]tt.
fly - 11;s. crY * cries
. (Eg + y)e ELt= E t= <-s>E]
pay + pays enjoy * =Ett.

@ ll-=E Elt0lLt SEll= LlElr-t|= "JE <be>8^tE rllelel t}l+Esl E,\t= oJHJS&alr -d+.

A. Write the correct verb form in the present tense.
l$.oulweIlhey. shelhelit llyoulwelthey she/he/it

I talk ta-lks o cry

2 study TO watch
3 send ?1 love

4 brush 1a mix
5 drink r3 clean
6 ride 74 play

7 fix t5 teach
I listen '15 cook

B. Look and write the correct verb form.

Iy:] She riJes her bike every day.

ffiffi Sam math every evening.

[*r* I
I a book every day.

a walk every morning.

i li:Pi j The,girls to music every day.

C. Number and write.

Link and Review
A. Circle the correct word.
1 We have cookies.
Oa @an @ some

Sam has book. book is fun.

O a, The @a,A @ the, The

The baby needs milk.

O some @a @an

I see two

O tniet @ thiefs @ thieves

B..Look and write.

The boy is The car is
It is hat.
the tree,

C. Write the correct word form.

coldr , lce cream is colAer than water.

2 'lintei$#ing, " I think English is than history.

3 ,big' ' My house is than Sam's house.
4 Tom a movie every night.
5 ,:PlA Sara soccer every afternoon.

6 stuO,y He English every day.

Present Simple
Lesson 2 Prcsent $imple: Has/Does/Goes

[flxl|,tlfilol Present Simple Has/Boe#6oes

O +51 E,\l fte$i:lar ?erbs
tr4,rl^11 3EE affirmativeoll{ +ol7} 3?18 Et+ h*lshefkg e+, E^le.l BE}loll q4 +l0ll
<-s/-es>E E9ltt. =,\tE
. ttl+Esl gH.tE f Fl0llE <-*E E?ltrl'. ,

.4-s, -sft, -ch, -)G-E ELI= EAlts <-es>E E?1trt.

. (^tg + y)e. ELI= <pE <i>E. Hl+-!. <-es>E E?1trl.

@ 5l[ lrr*gi:iar Y=rbs

<have, do, go>el eol +^l= q=rl gts EAtTl gttrt.
go "..> goes
have .-* has do .... does

Look and Practice

A. Circle the correct word and write.


3 have Michelle many friends.

4 go They to work by bus every day.

do Tom his homework every evening.

6 have You a beautiful house.

aI go
:;rrli'.rr..1':l:r:',;il::,:il :.r.

.i.g@ef Mr. Anderson shopping every Saturday.

do My dad the housework every Sunday.

9 have ,,,;,tha$;...i. Ken and Ben dinner at home every day.

B. Read, choose and write.

do my homework gets up watches news
tkink,-. ',, .:,. ,,,fug1le'klneh I drinks has,lunch l

:8,*r** go to bed go to school goes to bed goes to work ggw'


C. Choose and write.

1 We a beautiful garden.
2 Sara to the ice rink every Saturday.
3 Tom his homework at the library every day.

Link and Review
A. Write the correct verb form.

f:lG I ha*. some friends in France.

LJ to a flower shop every Friday.

Michelle her room every Sunday.

=teril Clare a cute dog.

@- My sister TV every night.

t]EG Jack hot coffee every morning.

B. Circle the correct answer.

1 What are they? pencils.

@ They are @ltis @ This is

2 A basketball is a baseball.
O oig @ bigger than @ bigger
are the books? They are on the sofa.
O Who @ What @ Where

4 We need bananas.
O some @a @an
5 What is it? It is cheese.
Oa @an @x
6 Sally has car. car is black.
O a, The @a,A @ the, A

T I want water.
O colder than @ cold @a
Present Simple
Lesson 3 Present Simple: Negatives

[flil/.ldol +EE] Present $imple: Hegatives

6 prl,tlr{9 FEE nesa:iveCIlAl +ol7l 1, 2!!$iiy*u Sts'€+ w*ly*uftheyg ,J+oll=
rdon't +
5/.l flBrE +tt.
ll/ouMe/They drink. * l/You/Weffhey don't drink.

@ +01713?18 E+ she/he/itE zJ.$ollirdoesn't + E\l EEJE +tl.

She/He/lt drinks. * She/He/lt doesn't drink.

@ <don'>ts <do nobol, <doesn'bts <does nob9 +EBOltrl.

A. Look, match and write.
doesn't ,L!k; ffhd Mrs. Johnson
read coffee.

ffi don't

Ttm doesd* rea-d
gve,ry morning.

a newspaper

to the
drink svvimming pool on Monday.

doesn't Vc basketball.
4 &
have We'play soccer.

doesn't Jeson lunch

5 \\ @
go ,r gt:hgme.

B. Read and write don't or doesn't.

brush her hair at night.

take a bath every day.

go shopping on Sundays.

do the dishes at night.

6 We _ listen to music in the morning. I;

C. Read and write.

o Tony Pla.Ys *he Piano

x He Joesrlt pla.y the violin
o Sam

x He

books o We
movies x We

gym o Sally

ice rink x She

o Michelle

x She

, Z computer o Jim
6 need
printer x He


and Review
A. Look and write.
:al (


Sara is
He has SornQ cheese. frog than Kevin.

Where are the dishes? What is it? lt's a teddy

We need some
They are bear. !t is

B. Write the correct verb form in the present tense.

. _h?* Sam ha-s a nice car.
,21 listen She to music every morning.
3. , eook . Tony dinner every evening.
4. go My dad to work by car.

C. Wrlte the negative form in the present tense.

-1 study Sara French.
4: play r They soccer.

Present Simple
Lesson 4 Prp*ent Simple: Yes/ltlo Questions

[flIl,\lrllgl Yes/No 9EE] Present Simple: YeslNo Questions

@ Yes/No 9EE qr:e*::*i:S 'Sl/olLl9'-e LfrlJ ars*v;*rolts elEE0ltl.
@ E^|J,t.l^iloll,(l +cl7t 1, 2?.!8 ZtV*z: Ei lf *;*iy*ts:t?:*Z* e+ e]EEe.l EE[l=
(Do + fol + E;,,\t flE...?)oltt. flllts {Yes, *ol + do.), F€E rtlts (No, +q + don't.)E. tH'J-dtt.
tr = Question t}| .J Answer
Yes. l/you/we/they do.
Do llyou/we/they swim?
No, l/youlwe/they don't.

@ +Gl7l 3EA 'J+ *rz*lrz*li1oJ eg q==ej Eellts {Does + $ol + E,'.[ gB"'?)0ltt.
nll= fies, #ol + does.), +59 Ellts (No, *ol + doesn't.)-E ttl'J-.Jtt.
tr Quesiion rJ| .J Answer
= Yes, she/he/it does.
Does shelhe/it swim?
No, she/he/it doesn't.

Practice €*d.il1
A. Read and write the answer.
1 Do you have a cat? No, I Jorlt
2 Do they study English every day? Yes,

3 Does Sara play the piano? Yes,

4 Does Michelle have a sister? No,

5 Do Mike and Jim go to school by bus? No,

6 Does Anne cook dinner at home? Yes,

7 Does Tom have an uncle? No,

I Do you and Jim like green tea? Yes,

B. Read and write the question.


Mike has many friends. Does Mike ha-re rna.ny {rienJs

rienJs ? i

3 Tim trikes hot tea. ,

4 I gc to the gym everyr day.

Clare plays the violin.

We have two sisters. ')

C. Look and write the question.

at 6:00? No, she doesn't.

* S= {:*

4 Sally to the swimming pool? Yes, she does.

5 John the violin? Yes, he does.
school bY bus? No, they don't.
," "-,?-".-'h"Y lo
A. Choose, circle and write.
1 go (gGD
Y-_---r' MyJ mom Soes to school every saturday.
2 smaller than small Jim's shoes are
3 have has Tony a brother.
4 taller than tall My sister is Mike.

5 The A They have a cat. cat is on the sofa.

B. Write the question in the present tense.

1 play Does Mike plc.Y soccer? Yes, he does.

2 have you a cat? No, I don't.

3 study Clare English? No, she doesn't.

4 watch you TV? Yes, we do.

do Amy exercise? Yes, she does.

C. Look and write.

Jason Iikes swimming.
. .
ffi skating

doesrlt ha-r€
$hg aotrSn" a brother.
q vr vrr rvt. j:: He skating.

We play tennis. Where are the dolls?

We baseball. They are the rug.

Present Gontinuous
Lesson 1 Ffiesent Continuous: Affi rmatives


tfl rt|1=gg 9l tEEl Present Contin uous: Affirrnatives

O -d4tl=dE pi*$**r e*::iinr.:***P trrtl T!"J6?l 5alE UEtUtrl. '-alz ?1= 60lrt'=
(be 5,t1e1 trItlB + 5^l -ing)E *rl-. =6|q,
I am reading. Wellou/They are reading. She/He/lt is reading.

@ 5^lv*rb9 <-inpBE 'JE= SHg E,llE EEIlotl qe|g 37[rl 6+71 q,lrl.
. tt|+Esl 5,\toll= .^l gB0ll <-ins>* E?IEI.
eat '+ eating raln -+ raining
.Ei,\l flEol <-e>E ELt= 3+ <-e>E H.0lla <>s E?Jtrl.
take =+ taking make *+ making
.=^l ?Eol lgtrololq, rEEg + trJxl$_,o+ gllts 3+0llb BflE rtE= -d H q .,.r2<-ing>= EoJrl.
plan -+ planning get -* getting

O *,::e the correct verb form in the present continuous tense.

read I a.rn rea.dirvq

_....-.-----'E_ a book.

2 write John a letter.

3 slng She

4 play Tom basketball.

5 take We a walk.

6 SWIM You

B. Look and write.
)) What is everyone doing now?
,4,- '-\
,*- 2
\--4 \
l))sd WW ii,ffi
He is eatirq an apple.
--------d-* I I They

3 4

*ffi WW l,w
He Tom and Jim

5 6

:3€ i'riW:

AryY her hands. Jason with his dog.

C. Write the sentence in the right order.

1 1*inffi prKerffi,'. coff=ffi; , .re'.',,u,,.idffi

Kevin is drinkirnq coffee,

@ _..r.

' "@ t '=t''' '

'..,....,.. he:\ffitr, .fiSteniffffi

5 ,=.We'ffi ,.:.,Engliffi ,, are-'-"!ffi
Link and Review
Look and write.

1 Does Tom have a computer? Ye-<. he dag-<

2 Is it a square plate? No, it isn't. lt is

3 Sally have a piano? Yes, she does.

4 Where are the bags? They are the sofa.

B. took, choose and write.

,n ,9) What is everyone doing now?

W ,E@,
1 The girls a-rs ec'ting
The bear
The boys _
ice cream.

w. 4 Mom
5 The girl

sing dance, cook Play

C. Complete the sentence.

1 1 study : X ;-----:--*--..__.,--
i W" dorl+ st*Jy Engtish every day.
2 have O Jason a big dog.

Present Gontinuous
Lesson 2 Present Continuous: Negatives

o E(d€no'

tflIfiT!ilEsl +dEl Present Continuoas: Negatives

o trrHTl:"JBsl +8=3 (be E^19 E4e + not +.8:rFing)01tr1.

38= Affirmative +8E Negative

I am reading. I am not reading.
YouMe/They are reading. You/We/They are not reading.
She/Hellt is reading. She/Hellt is not reading.

@ <be>E/.le[<nobol +EEe fl4 egBq +€eqfA1s g,+ fltl.

l'm not reading. YouArVe/They aren't reading. She/He/lt isn't reading.


A. Look, choose and write.

stand talk eat

,m, ffi -?)

The girl isrl+ srngrng. t *tudtti "

She is dancinq
---------------- I
4 (w...,i
ffiE -*=\
$s[ red
Fq\ l\<ff{
The,,hey* figfrti{tg. W,e : :, .,,,,,:.::: itting
They, ,W€
5 6 %;1
\:z/ \
lA ))
The',dog sJ i*9. hsy. $6o&i ,

It FJe
B. Look and write.
)) What is everyone doing now?

is str.rdvi
isri* pla

-. _ - - -- -. - _ _ - -. -.1 - _ -. -_ -.... -_. --....-. -.... -------_-

o Sally and CIare coffee.

,\ They


x She

Tom TV.

He to music.

Mike and Jason


The baby



Link and Review
A. Circle and write.
1 MY sister does her homework every day. do G*e
2 Tom a black car. have has

3 Jason's dog is than Mike's dog. smart smarter

4 CIare like pizza. doesnft don't

5 They the housework every Sunday. do does

you like apples? Yes, Do Does

6 I

7 My house isn't new. lt is older old

I Mickey his bike every day. ride rides

I They newspapers every morntng. read reads


Present Gontinuous
Lesson 3 Present Continuous: Yes/hlo Questions

tflrt|1=gggl glE=] Prerent Contin*ous: YeslNo Questions

o Eiltl="JB0fl^1 Yes/No eIEEP (Be Eirlg flxllB + +ol + EAf -ins...?)E EEtlE '+=rl.
E Question tJ| .J Answer
a, E Am ljumping? Yes, you are. No, you aren't.

i- E, Are you jumping? Yes, I am. No, l'm not.

6 ls she/he/it jumping? Yes, she/he/it is. No, she/he/it isn't.

i : Are we jumping? Yes, you are. No, you aren't.

qr -:
(L Are you iumping? Yes, we are. No, we aren't.
Are they jumping? Yes, they are. No, they aren't.

@ <No>tr LH'J--J q= <Be> E:A[e] fojS <isn'VarenlbB &rlE-t, <Yes>-E tH'J-g ttllts +qrEE ^^xl ?J=tl.

E took and Practlce Eeg*5i

A. Read and wlite the answer.

o ls she doing her homework? Yes, she is

2 Are they going home? Yes,

3 ls Tom reading a book? No,
4 Is he watching a movie? Yes,
5 Are you talking on the phone? No,
6 Is he sleeping? No,
I l
ls Clare cooking? No,

No, sFE brt't :::--.:j::'L:l


C. Look and write the question.

Are +hey sleepinS

Yes, they are.

Yes, she is.

Yes, they are.

E^\ ,A

yfl{ ''
,ry-> Yes, I am.


Link and R

A. Circle the correct answer.

Mike dinner. He is drinking hot tea.

i w" . we are Iearning.

i O aren't teachlng
1 teaching G)
@ ISn't tgaching €,
isn't tQacnlng doesn'tI IeaGIr
@ ooesn teach
.... * ,-:-......'--i

her jacket.

': Her shoes are 1

a:, :

: O expensive @ more expensive @ pretty i

1"::-- --:

_ your mom have a Yes, she

O Does, does @ Do, do @ls,is ;

play the violin.

-than -
@ am not

@ don't ;



B. Look and write.

ll' s "* t #
r \--J

the dog ea-tinq

-, ?- Yes, it is.

2 the girls ? Yes, they are.

3 ls Jim playing a computer game?

4 Is Tom riding his bike?

Present Gontinuous
Lesson 4 , .W:Ii#Ulfho in Preeent Gontinuous

[e'lEEllB,l.tE ,tlriElts flUeBgql slEE] WhatjWho in Present Continuous

O <Whab3 Esoll^l q4lolsl Egg 6tr flgq +XE'olelb Fg 7lt!tr|.
EE Question r[| H Answer
aml : : You are doing your homework.
What are you ' doing? : I am making dinner in the kitchen.
She is playing the piano.
is she
@ <Who>-= +olel q=g 6tr ?1s4 +rf e.l= FE 7rT.ltrt.
EE Question
M"ty is singing.
Who is singing? ' The bird is singing.
, The girls are singing.

A. Circle and write.

Who is cleaning the floor?
My sister is cleaning the floor.

is dancing?
2 Who What
Tom dancjng:
are they doing?
3 Who What
They are making breakfast.

is at the door?
4 Who What
Michelle is at the door.

is your dog doing?

5 Who What
It's sleeping.

: .:,t:lriti.

B. Read and write the question.
:: .:.

1 Who_ is pla-vin:l the Pia-no/

Michelle is playing the piano.

.2 What They are talking on the phone.

r3 Who 2 Sally is singing.

4 .; who My friends are cooking.


5 ,i What He is crying.

C. Look and write.

watch TV

Who is ska-tiry? 3 What

Jim is skating. They are watching TV.

2 What are your friends doing? 4 Who is eating ice cream?

have luneh drive Tom :

What 2 7 What Tom 2i

They are having lunch. He is playing basketball. :

What is she doing? I Who is cleaning the floor?

A. Correct the underlined word.
1 Jim have a new bike.
h ha-s
:l:t l.':;il I i


2 Thev are bake cookies. """ " "tsF


3 I goes to a movie every Sunday.

*" " ' ": ' " 'tu!'

4 My dad watch TV every evening.


6 She aren't readinganewspaper.


B. Look and write.

- K*vis:fiae**

&,zxVi2r2* ?.€ar. &*z*****tz

eat rread talk draw listen

1 Who is JrinkinS water z Sally is drinking water.

& Kevin and Jason ? They are talking.

3 Who is writing a letter?

4 What are Amy and lris doing?
5 ls Clare talking on the phone?

6 Tom ? Yes, he is.

7 John Yes, he is.

Helping Verbs and lmperatives
Lesson 1 There+Be+Noun

lThere + Be E,\l + B,\ll There + Be + f{oun

@ <There is/are>ts '-01 glc['el *g 7]rlq, <There is-> Efgqb Et+gll, <There are> r[B0ll= Erl-.
E+E^T ++B^t
There is a sandwich. There are some sandwiches.
There isn't a sandwich. There aren't any sandwiches.
ls there a sandwich? Are there any sandwiches?
Yes, there is. / No, there isn't. Yes, there are. / No, there aren't.

@ <some>3 38=011, <an)>= elEErf +€Eotl *El.

<some/any>= € + ?l= E^fel ++e s= € + flb gilsl. EtZl # + ?lrl.
€ + ?t= E^te] ++E E+HbE^[
3EE There are some sandwiches. There is some milk.
+EE There aren't any sandwiches. There isn't any milk.
EEE Are there any sandwiches? ls there any milk?

@ <some/anp= € + ?l= E^tel E+Er+ *ifil S + Htrt.

There is some sandwich. (X) There isn't any sandwich. (X)

A. Read, choose and write.

There isnit Th31e are There ar.en't


There is a doll. 6 some lemons.

2 some boxes. 7 any towels.

any oranges. 8 some ants.

4 an album. I any cheese.

any water. IO a lion.

B. Look, circle and write.
@ @

Gffi1 ThQrQ c.r9 Sorn9 ba-gS,
bags (o) book (xf

%tfsers {o}
" Y;,"'
lions {x}
A 4A

@ ln"'1 I

apple (o) milk (x)

i', "---_.":"-:
A B^
H :a
:: an somei@
t, L,J l^.. - . - - ..."

ia an

water (o) juice (x) any iO

fs there a$Y cheese?

Yes, there is





Link and Review
A. Circle and write.
I Tim is ea-fin3 cookies now. eats

2 They basketball now. are playing

3 Amy now? Does, cook

4 We swrmmrng now. is are

,:,fi::l!;,1',,i, :,1,,:r.
5 Kevin to church on Sundays. ,;...1';.r t. goes

6 Tom to school on Sundays. don't go doesn't go

7 you to church on Sundays? Does, go

B. Look and write.

I There is a knife on the tray.

2 some cups on the tray.
3 Are there forks?

Is there ice cream?


5 drawing?
Sally is drawing.
What is Sally's dad doing?
a newspaper.
7 Are the dogs sleeping?

Helping Verbs and Imperatives
Lesson 2 tlelping Verbs: CanlMay

t4E,\l] Helping Verbs: Can/May

O 4E,\l v*r*! E5,\f=
r E,\I-B 6lGE 5q, a+el elulE *11 -g!tr|. <can>3 '-:* t 9lr[',
<can/may>E '-ollE el= *g +=tl.
ts e Ability Et ar permission vl

I can swim. You can/may stay here.

I can't stand on my You can/may not open the box.
Can you ski? Yes, I can. Can/May I come in? Yes, you can/may.
No, I can't. No, you can/may not.

@ can4 mayE +EEA <can/may + nob9 eElltr &fltr|.

<can nobel <can'b0l-tr, <may nobfl +9Ie S.0l :ftll.E. ,\l8Eltl.
@ <Can/May t-?>i -= 6t|-E =€rl EolE trll /.l-€i6t= EEolt[.

Look and Practice

A. took and write the question.
l dance Can he dc.nce 2

o Yes, he can.

speak French?
ffie o Yes, they can.
M ride a bike?
ffi x No, she can't.

srng well?
(ryt x No, they can't.

[\ ?
W cook
H,\ o Yes, he can.

C. Look and write.

Can turtles swim? the boys climb trees?

Yesr they .,ai..

2 an ostrich fly? Sally play the piano?

D. Match and write.

@ffiffiil;\ @Mavl to Clare?

o ffi,ffi" \ Mavr your umbrella?

ffi". @ Mayl your book?

{rd; see
@ @ Mayl some juice?
+.+ria::-r::1:ia;;::>.-.n "-.**r

sffiffi"ffi@ @ Mayl your picture?

Link and Review
A. Look and write.
Ge-\ a.rQ some cookies.
@z* o x isrlt any milk.

x8 some orange juice.

@ o any sandwiches.

-@ ...There two hats.
@@ o .There a jacket.

@sffi :r ::: :,:. l:, :r :

,.,B=" ffi
t,l'll't.,t'.l" t''
a letter now.
x t' ,,not reading a book.

Jim is sleeping now.

o x He

-*.G =;^
=:: 'msrn runs every day.
X "t'$f16,
every day.

B. Circle and write.

May C*n you ski?

&ilay borrow your pen?
" I
May you speak English?
Do I use your computer?

5Do Are you have any friends in Japan?

6 .li ' sleeping Is the puppy
7 Can May ducks f!V?
,:.:f, What is Tom doing?

-? 71
: ,,'l:,Ji
Helping Verbs and Imperatives
Lesson 3 lmpratives: Do/Don't

tBBE] lmperatives: Do/Don't

O EaJE i*sxaziv*? SE}|HJollll -dEE Bgg q +clE 8+6[r Ei^t flEetr
^l^l6l7{Ll ^lE6lH, ^l+-eltf.
Stand up. Sit down. Open the window. Close the window.

@ +8EaJ== ES9 ?! g0ll ?l= flB0ll <Don'bE Eq& EflEltl.

Don't stand up. Don't open the window. Don't close the window.


A. Look, choose and write.

tu* gI, , ne$iet dsn''t srnokg

- don't park

You are in the library.

Be +r-ie+, please.

ffi rA. The movie is starting.

your cell phone.

This is a fire station.


You are on the plane.


B. Circle the correct answer.

1 You are sick. too much.

O Don't work @ Be working @ Work

2 Help me! the police!

O Don't call @ Call @ Be calling

3 I want to watch TV. Please, the TV.

O Turn off @ Don't turn on @ Turn on

4 I need to buy a book. PIease, me some money.

@ give @ Oe giving @ don't give

C. Choose and write.

This is very heavy. Plea-se, help rne,

2. -Vffi l'm thirsty.

\-, b

YeQ Dinner is ready.

It's raining outside

6 The baby is sleeping.

Turn on the heater. Wash yoyr hands. l

Sentence Give me some water. Plea\.t{elp me.

Don't open the window. Be quiet. tiif



A. Look and write.

There an MP3 player on Amy's desk.

There is on Amy's desk.

There some books on Amy's desk.

Amy to music now.
Is Mike eating an apple?

is the cat doing? lt is sleeping.

Mike's mom doing? She is reading a book.

B. write the correct verb form.

in the park every day.


Helping Verbs and Imperatives
Lesson 4 Progress Test 2

A. Look and write.

1 Mike isrl+ a bus driver. :,3 Whose house is that?
He is a taxi driver.
It is the house.

tigers? is he?
Yes, they are. He is my English teacher.

B. Circle and write.

I see three boxas

I \:--'--/
2 i children ! childs ,
I see two

It is

They are

I have flowers.

She needs some

earth is round.

I see dog. dog is in its house.

:' i


C. Change the verb form.


2 ;:.__._,....
Iook 6 : study
' ' i' ''' ''''' '''.': '' '' '''r'-''''' ''
3i go 7i eat

D. Look and write.

Where is the table?
the sofa.
2 the Iamps?
the table.

3rt coffee.

= The coffee
They biscuits.

hotl square = The biscuits

E. Use the verbs on the left and write.

She isntt wa-lkinq now. ghs i5 r*nning

It now. lt

now. We

F. Match the question and the answer.
1 Does he ride a bike?

2 What is your mom doing? ,

5 Do you have a dog?

4 Are they talking on the phone?

5 Who is driving? ..

G. Look and write.

13 'Water

1 Thefe c.r9 Sorn€, eggs. 3 There flower.

2 there bags? 4 there juice?
Yes, No,

H. Circle and write.

The students are studying in the library.

Be quiet.
Don't wear ! Wear It's cold outside. your gloves.

Turn on i Turn off You aren't watching TV. the TV.

May/Can Does I sit here?

5 Can May your brother ski?

is a new series for young English lealners, ,Usi*ga,fuaand easy approach to
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