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2021 Kumar Iffco Nano Fertilizers For Sustainable Crop Production

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Indian Journal of Fertilisers 17 (11) : 1206-1214, November, et al. Indian Journal of Fertilisers 17 (11)

Nano Fertilizers for Sustainable Crop Production, Higher

Nutrient Use Efficiency and Enhanced Profitability
Yogendra Kumar, Tarunendu Singh, Ramesh Raliya and K.N. Tiwari
Indian Farmers Fertiliser Cooperative Limited, New Delhi
Received : 20/09/2021 Accepted : 28/10/2021
Nano fertilizers hold potential to fulfil plant nutrition requirements, ensure farmers profitability and impart sustainability
to crop production systems without compromising on crop yields. Nanotechnology employs nanomaterials in the
range of 1 nm to 100 nm; particles in this range have unique characteristics having effective interaction at target sites.
IFFCO has indigenously innovated at its Nano Biotechnology Research Centre (NBRC), Kalol, Gujarat and introduced
nano fertilizers viz., Nano urea –liquid (nano N), nano zinc (Zn), and nano copper (Cu). These have been branded
as IFFCO NANO UREA, IFFCO NANO ZINC, and IFFCO NANO COPPER. These are in sync with OECD Testing
Guidelines (TGs) and Guidelines for Testing of NAIPs and Food Products released by the Department of Biotechnology,
Government of India. Their efficacy was evaluated on the basis of multi-location-multi-crop trials under varying crop
seasons, both by the research institutes and also on the progressive farmers’ fields. Harvested produce of crops
applied with IFFCO nano-urea, nano-zinc, and nano-copper have been found to be fit for consumption. Foliar sprays
of the nano fertilizer at critical crop growth stages either alone or in combination have been found to increase crop
yields even at reduced levels of application of their conventional analogues. IFFCO nano urea (liquid) has been
notified under FCO, 1985 and commercial production has started. This paper reviews the efficacy and benefits of
these nano fertilizers in increasing the nutrient use efficiency (NUE) and crop productivity, and sustainability and
profitability of major crop production systems.

Key Words: Nano fertilizer, nano urea-liquid, nano zinc, nano copper, nutrient use efficiency, sustainability, profitability

Introduction comparatively low salt accumulation in soil vis-à-

vis conventional fertilizers. These effectively meet
Chemical fertilizers contribute to over 40% of our
crop nutrient requirement with increased
agriculture food grain production (Stewart and
bioavailability of nutrients in the plant system and
Roberts, 2012). However, their indiscriminate and
also in the root rhizosphere.
imbalanced application has environmental and
ecological consequences. Losses of nutrients from Foliar applied nano fertilizers increase NUE and
agricultural fields due to leaching (NO3) and gaseous nutritional quality of crops through bio-fortification.
emissions (NH3 and N2O) have been the leading causes These nanoscale nutrients have desired particle
of environmental pollution and one of the factors shape, particle size, particle purity, composition,
responsible for climate change. Nitrogen use efficiency concentration, stability, poly dispersity index (PDI)
in the range of 20-50% is affecting the sustainability value, pH and crystal phase. They are bioavailable
of our agriculture production systems. This fact has and within the scientific limits of application as per
been of great concern for the scientists, policy makers, their desired content in plants thus, fulfilling plant
industry and the farming community of the country. nutritional requirement as a fertilizer. Nanoscale
Nanotechnology, which utilizes nanomaterials of less nutrients when sprayed on plant leaves, are taken by
than 100 nm size, has emerged as an innovative science two mechanisms: one - direct uptake or stomatal
to develop concentrated sources of plant nutrients uptake and second is by surface absorption. Due to
having higher-absorption rate, utilization efficacy, and ultra-small particle size, such nutrients can rapidly
minimum losses. Nanotechnology-based fertilizers be taken by the plants and as a consequence minimize
are made by encapsulating or developing plant the nutrient losses. Inside the plant cell, these
nutrients in its nanoforms and ultimately delivering nutrients slowly release the active nutrient
them as nano-sized emulsions. Nanoscale nutrients component which involves itself in the plant’s
can effectively enter the plant leaves, trigger nutrient cellular metabolism for their growth and
pathways and achieve higher nutrient use efficiency development. Therefore, it is critical to develop
(NUE) than their bulk counterparts resulting into nanotechnology-based nano fertilizers that are
better crop production with lesser environment available for ready uptake by the plants.
footprint. Nano fertilizers have benefits in terms of
Nanotechnology is a possible route for sustainably
application and small requirement by mass volume,
and precisely attaining these objectives for which
slow / control release mechanism, reduction in
scientists are actively researching-nanoparticles for
transportation and application cost, and cause
use in plant science and agriculture. A number of inorganic, organic and composite nanomaterials have

November 2021 Nano Fertilizers for Sustenance of Crop Production, Nutrient Use Efficiency and Profitability 1207

been tested on various plants to assess their potential biosafety – bio toxicity as per OECD testing guidelines
impact on plant growth, development and (TGs) and “Guidelines for Evaluation of Nano-Based-
productivity. The influence of nanoparticles on plants Agri-Input & Food products in India 2020” released
depends greatly on the intrinsic properties (size, by the Department of Biotechnology (DBT),
shape, surface area, surface charge, etc.) and extrinsic Government of India which are harmonized as per
nano bio interactions of the nanoparticles. international guidelines.
At nano scale, physical and chemical properties of Materials and Methods
nano fertilizers are dynamic and different from their
counterpart. Due to higher surface area to volume size IFFCO’s Nano Fertilizers
ratio and nano size, these have high availability and Nano fertilizers like nano urea – liquid (nano N), nano
absorption capacity. It facilitates better uptake from
zinc and nano copper, as displayed in Photo 1 have
soil or leaves, resulting in production of more
been manufactured by IFFCO with indigenous
photosynthates; root and shoot biomass required for
research and development. These nano material
healthy crops.
formulations were characterized for their morphology
IFFCO has successfully innovated and developed nano by transmission electron microscopy (TEM) (test
urea – liquid (nano nitrogen), nano zinc and nano method: ISO 21363:2020), hydrodynamic size (test
copper at its Nano Biotechnology Research Centre method: ASTM E3247-20), and zeta potential (test
(NBRC) Kalol, Gujarat. These nanoscale products method: ISO13099-1) by dynamic light scattering, pH
utilise the benefit of dynamics of shape, size, surface by pH meter (test method: ASTM E70-07), and viscosity
area and bioassimilation. Globally, nano fertiliser by rotational viscometer (test method: ASTM D2196-
trials had not been done on country-wide farm fields 10). Elemental concentration of nano nitrogen was
and generalisations are largely based on localized obtained as total nitrogen percentage by weight using
trials, pot or polyhouse study. It is for the first time
the test method, ASTM D3590-02. Similarly, Zn
that large scale field trials on nano fertiliser i.e. nano
urea – liquid (nano N), nano zinc and nano copper concentration in the nano zinc formulation was
have been undertaken by IFFCO in all the agro estimated using inductively coupled plasma – mass
climatic zones of the country. IFFCO-nano fertilizers spectroscopy (ICP-MS) using the test method ASTM
were evaluated through multi-location, multi-crop, D8110-17. Nano fertilizers were characterized and
‘On station’ trials under National Agriculture diluted with an effective concentration of nano
Research System (NARS). 11,000 ‘On farm’ trials were nitrogen as 100 ppm, nano zinc as 20 ppm, and nano
conducted on progressive farmers’ fields covering 94 copper as 10 ppm. The diluted nano formulations were
crops across the country since 2019. Efficacy, crop mixed just before the use. The nano formulations were
productivity and profitability of IFFCO nano foliar-sprayed on the plant leaves two to three times
fertilizers [nano urea – liquid (nano N), nano Zn and during the life cycle of the plant at critical growth
nano Cu] in terms of better nutrient use efficiency, stages.
sustainable crop production and benefit cost ratio are
discussed in the paper. Due to the manifold increase Nano Urea – Liquid (Nano N)
in surface area, their work efficiency was high. An IFFCO nano urea (liquid) has been notified under
extensive characterization of IFFCO nano fertilizers Fertiliser (Inorganic, Organic or Mixed) (Control) Order
has also been undertaken by IFFCO – NBRC at Kalol. 1985 (FCO, 1985), Government of India. As per
These nano fertiliser products were evaluated for specifications of IFFCO nano urea – liquid (nano

Table 1. Specifications of IFFCO Nano Urea (Liquid) as per

Clause 20 D of FCO, 1985

S. Parameters Specifications

1 Total nitrogen (% by wt.) 1-5

2 Particle size in nanometer (nm)
in one dimension (minimum 50 %
of the material)
a) Physical particle size 20-50
b) Hydrodynamic particle size 20-80
3 Zeta potential in mV ( +/- scale) > 30
Photo 1. Bottles of Nano Urea- Liquid (Nano Nitrogen) 4 Viscosity in cps 5-30
(500 mL), Nano Zinc (250 mL) and Nano Copper
(250 mL) 5 pH 4.5-6.0

1208 Kumar et al. Indian Journal of Fertilisers 17 (11)

nitrogen), the particle size is less than 100 nm Biotechnology, Government of India. These have been
(Table 1). It contains 4% N and has a shelf-life of about evaluated by NABL-accredited and GLP-certified
2 years. It has a zeta potential > 30 and is stable. Nano laboratories (Table 2) and are reported to be safe for
urea – liquid (nano nitrogen) is sprayed @ 2 – 4 mL the user and for the environment.
L -1 of water depending on the crop nitrogen Multi-location multi-crop on-station and on-farm
requirement, crop canopy development, and amount trials of IFFCO nano fertilizers were conducted for
of water required for the standing crop. It is sprayed studying the impact of these fertilizers on
at critical crop growth stages when crop canopy is sustainability of crop production, nutrient use
suitably developed for proper intake of foliar
efficiency, and farmers’ profitability (Photo 2).
nutrients. First spray of nano urea is undertaken at
Research and farmer field trials have been undertaken
30-35 days after germination or 20-25 days after
by IFFCO for last more than 4 seasons on 13 crops at
transplanting and the second spray at one week before
flowering. Number of sprays and spray concentration 43 locations (on-station) and on 94 crops across 21
were synchronised as per the crop N requirement. states (on-farm) since 2019. Trials were continued
during Kharif 2021-22 too in all the agro-climatic
Nano Zinc and Nano Copper regions of India. Treatments were varied as per the
IFFCO nano zinc and IFFCO nano copper are applied research programme of IFFCO and the participating
@ 2 mL L-1 of water. Nano zinc contains 1% Zn and institute(s), depending upon the crop N requirement
nano copper contains 0.8% Cu in nano form. These are and testing facilities available at the research
applied at critical crop growth stages when the zinc institutes. Graded levels of nitrogen (100 %, 75%,
requirement is more or at a time when the crop may 50%, No N-control) or replacement levels based on
be experiencing its stress. One spray of nano zinc split or top-dressed application of N fertilizers
should be done 30-35 days after germination or 20-25 like urea (33% replacement, 50% replacement,
days after transplanting and one spray of nano copper 66% replacement or 100% replacement) were tested
should be done one week before flowering. Combined with single, double or triple spray of either single
spray of nano urea, nano zinc and nano copper can nano fertilizer or combination of nano urea-liquid
also be done by mixing the product. (nano N), nano zinc and nano copper. Randomised
IFFCO nano fertilizers can be applied to most of cereals, block design (RBD) or CRBD, split plot with 3
millets, pulses, legumes, oilseeds, vegetables and fruit replications were undertaken. All the standard
crops. Biosafety–biotoxicity studies of nano fertilizers analysis and estimation procedures, statistical
[Nano Urea – liquid (Nano Nitrogen), Nano Zinc and designs, standard recommended doses of fertilizers
Nano Copper] were undertaken as per “Guidelines (RDFs) for crops as per agro-climatic location, and
for Evaluation of Nano-Based-Agri-Input & Food stage of fertilizer application (basal, top-dressing)
Products in India -2020” released by Department of were adopted. Plant protection, weed control and
Table 2. Safety, biosafety and toxicity – Studies of IFFCO nano fertilizers by NABL* Accredited GLP** certified laboratories.

Tests conducted by IFFCO as per DBT# & OECD*** Guidelines

Human Health Safety
Dermal toxicity – IATA for skin corrosion and irritation (OECD TG 404 ); Skin Absorption Study (OECD TG 428); Eye Irritation
Investigation (OECD TG 437); Inhalation Toxicity Study of Nanoparticles (OECD TG 433); Genotoxicity Study (OECD TG 473);
Cytotoxicity Study (MTT & Neutral Red Assay)
Aquatic / Ecological - Environment Safety, Toxicity
Inhibition test in fresh water alga (OECD TG 201); Immobilization test in Daphnia (OECD TG 202); Toxicity in tropical fish (OECD
TG 203); Fish embryo toxicity study (OECD TG 236); Earthworm reproduction study (OECD TG 222); Stability test of the
nanomaterials (OECD TG 318); Soil – water leaching – spray on soil (OECD 312); Packaging compatibility test (OECD, ENV/JM/
MONO (2019)12)
Rhizosphere, Contamination and Toxicity Studies
Toxicity on Microbes (FCO 1985 & DBT); Microbial Contamination study (FCO 1985 & DBT); Toxicity on mice and chicken
(OECD 407 & DBT)
Stability and Trophic Transfer
NMR analyses of nitrogen; Plant uptake studies (DBT) Food Toxicity, Nutritional Value and Human Safety
Nutritional analyses (FSSAI@)
Symbols’ description
*NABL – National Accreditation Board for Testing and Calibration Laboratories
**GLP - Good Laboratory Practices
*** OECD- Organization of Economic Cooperation and Development
# DBT – Department of Biotechnology, Government of India
@ FSSAI- Food Safety & Standards Authority of India

November 2021 Nano Fertilizers for Sustenance of Crop Production, Nutrient Use Efficiency and Profitability 1209

Photo 2. On-station and On-farm trials of IFFCO nano fertilizers conducted on research farms and farmers’
fields across India

irrigation were undertaken as per the need of crop. better crop harvest with lesser nitrogen application
Growth and yield attributes, grain and straw yield, per unit area thus, leading to better farm economics.
soil analysis, root studies, microbial studies, Spraying of nano urea – liquid (nano nitrogen) meets
quantitative and qualitative analysis of 100 ppm N requirement of crop at critical growth
physiological and biochemical traits were stages and triggers positive crop response, fulfils
selectively undertaken. Foliar sprays of nano its nutritional requirement and also improves
fertilizers were undertaken through hand/battery nutrient availability in the rhizosphere. When
- operated knapsack sprayers with flat fan or cut sprayed on leaves, nano urea – liquid (nano nitrogen)
nozzles for complete coverage of leaves. Spray was fertilizer easily gets absorbed and also enters
repeated wherever rain occurred within 12 hours through stomata due to its nano size (<100 nm). It is
of the application of spray. Foliar spray was done distributed to other plant parts through phloem
during morning or evening hours when there is no
translocation and metabolically assimilated as per
dew. Precautions were exercised by the operator.
He protected himself by covering his body and the plant’s need. Nano urea contains nanoscale
wearing hand gloves and face mask while spraying nitrogen particles (18-30 nm) which have more
nano fertilizers. surface area (10,000 times over 1 mm urea prill) and
number of particles (55,000 nano urea – liquid (Nano
Results and Discussion
nitrogen) particles over 1 mm urea prill by mass
IFFCO has introduced nano urea (liquid) nitrogen volume). Nano urea – liquid (nano nitrogen)
to address low or declining use efficiency of nitrogen. particles with pore size (20 nm) can easily penetrate
Nano urea – liquid (Nano Nitrogen) utilises the
through cell wall and reach up to plasma membrane.
dynamics of shape, size, surface area and better
assimilation. Its application enhances plant Large size particles (20 - 50 nm) can penetrate
metabolic processes, promotes meristematic through stomatal pores. These are also transported
activities; ensures higher apical growth and leaf via phloem cells through plasmodesmata (40 nm
photosynthetic area, triggers enzymes, and induces diameter) to other plant parts. These can bind to
mechanisms/pathways inside the plant for carrier proteins through aquaporin, ion channels,
achieving the desired N levels in amino acids/ and through endocytosis and metabolized inside
protein content, chlorophyll content, nucleic acid, the plant cell. Primary aim of nano zinc and nano
photosynthates, etc. copper nanofertilizers is to substitute their
Precise and targeted application of nitrogen through conventional fertilizer analogues which have use
foliar application of nano urea – liquid (nano efficiency between 2-5 %, increase crop productivity,
nitrogen) reduces urea losses; increases nutrient and enhance its quality through agronomic
uptake efficiency; and addresses environmental fortification. Furthermore, nano zinc also helps
issues of soil, air and water pollution. It results in plant to take up more phosphorus, leads to better

1210 Kumar et al. Indian Journal of Fertilisers 17 (11)


Figure 1. Effect of nano fertilizers on wheat grain yield at Regional Research Station,
Anand during rabi seasons of 2019-20 and 2020-21

physiological growth, and brings uniformity in ha -1 ) and straw yield (6,933 kg ha -1 ) (Figure 1).
shape and size of fruits. Similarly, nano copper Application of nanofertilizer did not change the
builds innate immunity of crops against harmful electrical conductivity, pH, organic carbon, available
fungal and bacterial pathogens which affects their major nutrients (N, P 2O5 and K2O) as well as DTPA
overall growth and development. When nano zinc extractable micronutrients (Fe, Mn, Cu) in soil after
and nano copper are sprayed on the leaves because of harvest of wheat crop. The experimental soil was
small size these can be easily absorbed by the plant classified as Typic Haplustept having loamy sand
either directly or through stomatal openings. On soil texture, slightly alkaline (8.01) in reaction (pH:1:2
entering through the leaves, these are distributed to H2O). Organic carbon and available N contents
plant parts through phloem translocation and were low. Available K 2 O and available P 2 O 5 were
metabolically assimilated as per the plant’s need. Data medium in status.
received from different research institutes/state
In experimental trials conducted under kanhar
agriculture universities largely confirmed the
(Vertisols) soils at the Research Farm of IGKVV, Raipur
performance of nano fertilizers. Variability occurred
during rabi 2019-20 and 2020-21 on performance of
due to soil conditions, fertility status, human error
wheat (cv. GW-366), application of 2 sprays of nano
and crop type. Results confirm that NUE can be
nitrogen (tillering and before flowering) with 50% N
improved by synchronizing the nutrient availability
+ 100% PKZn increased the yield of wheat crop and
as per the need of the crops. Here, foliar application of
saved 50% on N as the yields obtained with this
nano fertilizers at critical growth stages of crops can
treatment were at with those of 100% RDF. Response
provide opportunity for improving nutrient of nano nitrogen is also likely to be influenced by the
utilisation, arresting/minimising nutrient losses from initial nutrient status of the soil. Soil was neutral in
the crop production system (Liu and Lal, 2015; Preetha reaction, low in organic carbon and available
and Balakrishnan, 2017; Raliya et al., 2018; Kumar et nitrogen, medium in available potassium, but all the
al., 2020a,b, 2021; Lahari et al., 2021). micronutrients were above the critical level of their
Crop-wise and cropping system-wise results are deficiencies. As reflected in yield and yield attributes,
summarised as below: wheat variety WH-711 responded well to nano urea
– liquid (nano nitrogen) fertilizer application at
Maize – Wheat and Mustard – Pearl Millet Cropping CCSHAU, Hisar farm during kharif 2019-20.
Systems Application of 75% NPK with 2 sprays of nano
Results of field experiments conducted at the nitrogen at 27 days after sowing (DAS) and 44 DAS
Regional Research Station, Anand, Gujarat during produced wheat grain yield statistically at par with
2019-20 and 2020-21 on wheat (cv. GW 451) that obtained with 100% RDF, suggesting on 25%
demonstrated that application of 50% N along with saving on N-fertilizer.
foliar application of nano nitrogen at tillering stages A field experiment was conducted at University Farm
(25 DAS), nano zinc (at 38 DAS) and nano copper (at 53 of GBPUAT, Pantnagar on wheat (cv. HD 2967) in rabi
DAS) significantly increased the grain yield (5,813 kg 2020-21 in a sandy loam soil (pH 6,29; EC 0.26 dS m-1)

November 2021 Nano Fertilizers for Sustenance of Crop Production, Nutrient Use Efficiency and Profitability 1211

having 0.86% organic carbon and 220.4 kg ha -1, 20.2

kg ha-1, and 200.8 kg ha-1 available N, available P and
available K, respectively. Results revealed that the
foliar sprays of nano nitrogen formulation in wheat
at 27 and 44 days after sowing along with 100%
fertilizer N gave numerically additional yield of 188
kg ha-1 over 100% fertilizer N alone. Two foliar sprays
of nano nitrogen with 75% and 50% fertilizer N
resulted in 181 and 245 kg ha-1 more grain yield than
the 75 and 50% fertilizer N alone application.
An experiment was conducted at the Research Farm
of ICAR- IARI, Pusa to assess the performance of nano + +
fertilizers under maize-wheat and pearl millet-
mustard cropping systems starting with effect from
Figure 2. Effect of nano N, nano Zn and nano Cu in absence
rabi 2019-20. Nano fertilizers were applied through of fertilizer NPK on the grain yield of wheat (Error
foliar sprays along with the graded N doses. Soils of bars indicate SEM+ (n=3))
the experimental farm site were sandy loam and
mildly alkaline (pH 8.22) and non-saline (EC 0.24 dS growth of rice crop as compared to the control.
m-1). Top soil (0-15 cm) contained 0.58% organic C; 272 Treatment with RDF (50% N + 100% PK) + 2 sprays
kg ha-1 available N, 22.3 kg ha-1 available P, 311 kg of Nano N recorded 5.30 t ha -1 yield over 4.26 t ha -1
ha-1 available K, and 0.84 mg kg -1 DTPA-extractable in RDF. Experimental trials were conducted at
Zn. Response of nanofertilizers was recorded in University of Agricultural and Horticultural
control plot block and in graded fertilizer block in Sciences, Shimoga on paddy (cv. Jyoti) during
both mustard and wheat (Figures 2 and 3). It was summer 2019-20 under drip irrigation. Maximum
observed through the application of nanofertilizers yield of 3,164 kg ha -1 and B:C ratio of 2.53 was
(alone or in combination) with graded doses of recorded in treatment T 5 (50% N and 2 sprays of
fertilizers that the fertilizer N dose by up to 25% in Nano N) while yield under RDF was 2,775 kg ha -1 .
wheat and 50% in mustard could be substituted by
the two sprays of nano nitrogen. Application of 2 Maize and Pearl Millet
sprays of nano nitrogen reduced the recommended N Foliar application of nano particles as an alternative
dosage by 50%. Application of 3 sprays of nano N + to soil application was found to be effective in
nano Zn + nano Cu alternately with 50% N and 50% enhancing yield and benefit-cost ratio in maize
Zn also led to a significant increase in yield which (Hybrid N-6240) during summer seasons of 2019-
was statistically at par with RDF. These results are in 20 and 2020-21 at UAS, Raichur, Karnataka (Ajith
consonance with those obtained at MPUAT, Kumar et al., 2021). Among the different
Udaipur; RARI, SKNAU, Jobner, Rajasthan; and combinations of nano fertilizers with recommended
BAU, Ranchi, Jharkhand. dose of fertilizers, the treatment T 11 [50% N, 100%
Paddy (Rice) PK, 0% Zinc + 2 sprays of nano N (4 mL L -1) mixed
with IFFCO Sagarika (2 mL L -1 )] showed significant
Nano fertilizer trials conducted at the Research Farm effect on the growth and yield parameters with
of IGKVV, Raipur on rice (cv. Rajeshwari) during kharif
2020 showed at par yield in treatment receiving 2
foliar sprays of nano urea – liquid (nano nitrogen)
with 50% saving of nitrogen with 100% RDF. Maximum
grain yield (5,848 kg ha -1) was observed in treatment
receiving 2 sprays of nano zinc.
Application of foliar spray of nano N, nano Zn, and
nano Cu fertilizers was found to be effective in terms
of improving growth and yield of paddy (cv. IR-30864)
– kharif 2020 at Mandya Farm of UAS, GKVK,
Bengaluru. Significantly higher yield (6.39 t ha-1 ) and
B:C ratio was recorded in the treatment receiving 50%
N, 0% Zn and 100% PK + alternate sprays of nano N, + +
nano Zn, and nano Cu while at par yield (6.34 t ha-1)
and B:C ratio (2.82) was recorded in RDF. Results of
the experiment conducted at Assam Agricultural Figure 3. Effect of nano N, nano Zn and nano Cu in absence
University on rice cv. Ranjit during kharif 2020-21 of fertilizer NPK on the seed yield of mustard (Error
revealed a positive impact of nano fertilizers on bars indicate SEM+ (n=3))

1212 Kumar et al. Indian Journal of Fertilisers 17 (11)

maximum yield of 5,890 kg ha -1 and highest B:C of with 75% RDN and Zn; 100% RD of PK + 3 foliar
2.99. Treatment T 10 [50% N, 100% PK, 0% zinc + 2 sprays of nano N, Zn and Cu) over all other
sprays of nano N (4 mL L -1) mixed with nano Zn (2 treatments. Application of 50% RDN along with 2
mL L-1) and nano Cu (2 mL L -1)] was found superior sprays of nano N gave higher yield over 100% RDF
with regard to management of Turcicum leaf blight and was at par with the best treatment. Nutrient
disease with minimum of 18.20% severity. availability showed improvement with the foliar
Foliar application of nano N, nano Zn and nano Cu application of nano fertilizers [nano urea – liquid
significantly increased the yield attributing (nano N), nano Zn and nano Cu].
characters viz., plant height, days to silking, number Similarly, in experiments conducted with nano
of cobs per plant, number of seeds per cob, cobs per fertilizer in hybrid tomato (Ayushman) under drip
plot; ear length (cob); ear girth; test weight and root fertigation during kharif/summer 2019-20 at MPKV,
biomass in experiments conducted on maize during Rahuri, availability and uptake of nutrients was
kharif 2020-21 at AAU, Anand, Gujarat. Experiment found to be improved with foliar sprays of nano N,
conducted at RARI, SKNAU, Durgapura during Zn and Cu over other treatments. Significantly,
kharif 2020-21 also confirmed that foliar feeding of maximum yield of tomato (70.48 t ha -1 ) was
nano N + nano Zn in pearl millet (bajra) crop could recorded in treatment T 9 (100 % RDF + 2 sprays of
be an efficient method for maximizing yield under Nano Cu) receiving 2 sprays of nano copper followed
semi-arid conditions of Rajasthan. Application of by treatment T 8 (68.41 t ha -1 ) which received 2
nano N + nano Zn in combination with 50% of sprays of nano Zn along with 50% reduction in
recommended dose of traditional nitrogenous application of conventional zinc fertilizers.
fertilizers (urea) and zinc sulphate may provide an Treatment T9 also recorded highest B:C ratio of 4.34.
effective solution to enhance the crop growth and
productivity. Summary of the results on application of nano
urea – liquid (nano N) across locations revealed that
Cotton two foliar applications at critical growth stages of
Efficacy of nanoparticles on growth, yield crops like rice, wheat, maize, tomato, cucumber and
parameter and folia r diseases of cotton was capsicum led to a reduction in the application rate of
evaluated at Main Experimental Station (MES), UAS, fertilizer-N and also caused increase in the yield in
Raichur, Karnataka during 2020-21 on cotton range of: 3-23% in wheat, 5-11% in tomato, 3-24% in
(hybrid RCH-659). It was observed that application paddy/rice, 2-15% in maize, 5% in cucumber, and 18%
of nano fertilizers viz., nano Urea – liquid (nano in capsicum (Table 3). Foliar application of nano urea,
nitrogen) (@ 4 mL L-1) and nano Zn and nano Cu (@ 2 thus, increased the number of effective tillers,
mL L-1 ) in combination with 50% soil application of enhanced the growth and raised the biomass yield
fertilizers is an attractive alternative to the soil (both grain and straw yields) in most of the crops at
application of fertilizers for better growth and different locations. Economic benefits (BCR or ROI) of
development. It was found to be effective in nano fertilizer application have to be seen from the
enhancing yield as well as provided higher B:C perspective of extra yield achieved along with
ratio. First foliar spray of recommended reductions in fertilizer usage as well as direct and
nanoparticles at 45 DAS and the second spray at 65 indirect benefits in terms of reduction in the
DAS to cotton were given. Maximum yield of 2,434 environmental (soil-air-water) pollution.
kg ha -1 of seed cotton was recorded under the Farmer Field Trials (FFTs) with IFFCO Nano
treatment receiving 50% N, 100% PK and 0% Zn Fertilizers
application along with 2 sprays of nano N @ mL More than 11,000 FFTS were undertaken by IFFCO
L -1 mixed with Sagarika @ 2 mL L -1 followed by along with some trials in close coordination with
treatment receiving combined spray of nano ICAR-KVKs during rabi 2019-20. Results of 9073
fertilizers (nano N, nano Zn and nano Cu) with a successful trials on different crops indicated yield
yield of 2,333 kg ha -1 ; this yield was 23% (441 kg) increase of 8% with 50% less application of top-
more than the yield of 1892 kg ha -1 recorded in the dressed urea by the farmers.
RDF plot. Mean effects of nano fertilizers on grain yield of wheat
Onion and Tomato under different treatments, additional yields and
economic returns over FFPs with respect to 480 farmer
In an experimental trial conducted on onion (N-2- field demonstrations conducted in Rajasthan state are
4-1) under drip-fertigation at MPKV, Rahuri during presented in Figure 4. The lowest and highest grain
2019-20, 2 sprays of nano N increased the crop yield yields as influenced by different nano- treatments
even at 50% reduced dose of nitrogen (urea) over varied between 2,250 and 2,400 kg ha-1, and 6,410 and
RDF. Significantly superior yield of onion (38.92 t 6,875 kg ha -1, respectively; the mean yields were in
ha -1) was obtained in treatment T 11 (drip irrigation the range of 4,330 to 4,628 kg ha -1. The grain yield

November 2021 Nano Fertilizers for Sustenance of Crop Production, Nutrient Use Efficiency and Profitability 1213

Table 3. Effect of foliar application of nano urea–liquid (nano N) on different crops in “on-station’ trials across India
S. No. Location/State Crop Season Yield in RDF Yield in 50% N
plot (t ha-1) and nano N
(2 sprays) plot (t ha-1)
1 Annamalai, Tamil Nadu Capsicum Rabi 2019-20 16.30 19.21
2 Bengaluru, Karnataka Cucumber Rabi 2019-20 120.10 126.60
3 Telangana Maize Kharif/Summer 2019-20 6.63 6.75
4 Raichur, Karnataka Maize Kharif/Summer 2019-20 5.08 5.83
5 Raichur, Karnataka Maize Kharif 2020-21 4.74 4.94
6 Bengaluru, Karnataka Maize Kharif 2020-21 8.31 9.14
7 Shimoga, Karnataka Paddy Kharif/Summer 2019-20 & 2020-21 2.78 3.16
8 Jorhat, Assam Rice Kharif 2020-21 4.26 5.30
9 Bengaluru, Karnataka Rice Kharif 2020-21 5.26 5.42
10 Shimoga, Karnataka Tomato Kharif/Summer 2019-20 64.66 72.07
11 Rahuri, Maharashtra Tomato Kharif/Summer 2019-20 60.89 63.90
12 Anand, Gujarat Wheat Rabi 2019-20 & 2020-21 4.70 4.82
13 Ranchi, Jharkhand Wheat Rabi 2019-20 3.43 4.22
14 Udaipur, Rajasthan Wheat Rabi 2019-20 4.42 5.31
15 Jaipur, Rajasthan Wheat Rabi 2019-20 4.82 5.55
16 Ayodhya, Uttar Pradesh Wheat Rabi 2019-20 3.20 3.94

under T5 (FFP-50% N) + one spray of each of nano N, different treatments varied between 2650 and 2890
nano Zn and nano Cu) was highest (4,628 kg ha-1) with kg ha-1 being highest under T5 and the lowest under
additional increase of 298 kg ha -1 over FFP and per FFP with per cent increase of 9.91. The additional yield
cent increase of 6.97. The economic return over FFP under T5 over FFP was 240 kg ha-1 followed by T3 (185
was also highest with T5 (Rs. 5,727 ha -1) and second kg ha-1), T2 (100 kg ha-1) and T4 (10 kg ha-1). Economic
in order was T2 (FFP-50% N + 2 sprays of nano N). As returns over FFP were also highest with T5 (Rs. 10,620
compared to FFP, the economic return with T3 (FFP + 2 ha-1) followed by T3 (Rs. 8,186 ha-1), T2 (Rs. 4,425ha-1),
and T4 (Rs. 443 ha-1).
sprays of nano Zn) and T4 (FFP + 2 sprays of nano Cu)
were Rs. 3,080 ha -1 and RS. 2,791 ha -1, respectively. Conclusions
Data on grain yield, additional grain yield and Application of nanotechnology is increasing in every
economic returns of mustard with respect to 70 sphere of human life. In crop production, it provides
farmer field trials conducted in Rajasthan is presented an opportunity of developing/refining innovative and
in Figure 5. Results showed that the lowest yields need-based nutrient application. It offers reduced cost
varied in a very narrow range from 1,100 to 1,200 kg of agri-inputs as well as enhanced efficiency of
ha-1 and so did the highest yields which ranged from fertilizers with minimal losses to the environment.
4,200 to 4,600 kg ha -1 . The mean grain yield under Reactive N pollution (NO3-, NH4+, N2O) has emerged

Figure 4. Mean effects of nano fertilizers on grain yield of wheat and economic returns in farmer field trials (FFTs) conducted
in Rajasthan (No. of trials – 480) (Source: Kumar et al., 2020b)

1214 Kumar et al. Indian Journal of Fertilisers 17 (11)

Figure 5. Mean effects of nano fertilizers on seed yield of mustard and economic returns
(No. of trials – 70) (Source: Kumar et al., 2020b)

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