18mb9016 - Indian Economy & Policy
18mb9016 - Indian Economy & Policy
18mb9016 - Indian Economy & Policy
Subject with Code :INDIAN ECONOMY & POLICY ( 18MB9016 ) Course & Branch: MBA
Year & Sem: II-MBA & III-Sem Regulation: R18
1. Define economy and describe characteristics of Indian economy?
2. Discuss history of Indian economy
3. Explain pre-colonial, colonial, post-colonial economy of India?
4. Define de-industrialization? How India’s De-industrialization was different to other nations?
5. Define Poverty? Discuss different committee findings on Poverty in India?
6. Explain Inequality in Indian economy?
7. What is the importance and contribution of primary sector to Indian economy?
8. What is the importance and contribution of secondary sector to Indian economy?
9. What is the importance and contribution of service sector to Indian economy?
10. What are different types of economies? Discuss?
1. What is Business Environment? Explain its nature and scope.
2. Discuss the nature and dynamics of business environment. What factors trigger changes in the
business environment?
3. What is Industrial policy? Explain about Industrial policy1991?
4. How does external environment affect business decisions?
5. What factors account for the complexity of business environment?
6. What is public relations environment of a firm?
7. What is the mechanism of FDI in India?
8. Give a brief description of latest industrial policy of Indian government.
9. Explain the following :
a. Liberalization.
b. Privatization.
10. Explain the following:
a) Globalization?
b) FDI in India
1. Make a note on the foreign trade policy in India. Mention the difference between foreign trade
policies from the British India to Independent India.
2. What is Balance of payment? Explain the structure of Balance of payments.
3. Explain the role and functions of EXIM Bank?
4. Write about the significance of BOP.
5. Give a detailed account of the magnitude and direction of Indian International trade.
6. What are the causes for disequilibrium of BOP? Explain in detail.
7. Mention the corrective measures adopted by the countries in to adjust the disequilibrium in balance
of payments.
8. Write short notes on:
a. Bilateral trade agreements
b. Multilateral trade agreements
9. Give a brief description of 2015-2020 EXIM policy of Indian government.
10. Distinguish between:
a. Bilateral and multilateral trade agreements
b. Positive and negative disequilibrium in BOP.
Case Studies
Case Study 1:
Kapil Sharma is working as the Country Head of a company which owns a chain of malls under the name
of ‘Virtuoso’ in the various parts of India. Through an analysis report of the business environment, it has
been brought to his notice that in the coming years, shopping at a mall will not be a necessity for the buyers
as purchases can be made online from anywhere and at any time with ease and at the consumer’s
convenience. Hence, malls will have to provide much more than shopping to be able to attract customers.
So, he recommends that ‘Virtuoso’ malls should to be restructured into recreation centres, offering more
spaces to socialize, host events and concerts, and provide ample Food and Beverages options.
Consequently the share of entertainment segment and Beverages segment in the overall mall space is
increased by 20%. As a result, the company gains enormously by getting the first mover advantage.
1. Identify the various environmental factors affecting Virtuoso malls in the above case.
2. Explain about the ‘Threats’ and ‘Opportunities’ to be faced by the Virtuoso malls from the above case.
Case Study 2:
Veena, after completing her MBA, took up a job in a multinational company named ‘Fortio’. The company
was paying good salary and perks to its employees. The wages were within the paying capacity of the
company that provided the employees a reasonable standard of living. The company also had a good work-
culture and the behaviour of superiors was very good towards their subordinates. Veena was very happy in
this organization, but due to long working hours she did not have time to cook her meals. She had to
depend on outside food, which was deteriorating her health. She observed that this problem was faced by
many of her colleagues, not only in her company but also in many other companies. This was because of
increase in the number of working women and non-availability of hygienic home-cooked food. She
identified this as a great opportunity and decided to give up her job to supply packaged home-cooked food
to office goers at a reasonable price. At the end of the day she also started distributing the left-over food in
the nearby night-shelters.
2. Identify the opportunities and threats posed by the environment for Veena’s business.
3. Identify any two values being communicated by the company to the society in the above case.
Case Study 3:
After completing his education, Arun joins his father in their family business of manufacturing cookware.
As a businessman, his father is rigid in his approach and has fixed ideas about various issues. He tends to
maintain a distance from the factory workers. However, Arun is more receptive to the needs of the workers
and doesn’t seem to believe in any class-differences. He believes that the prosperity of their business
greatly depends upon the prosperity of their workers and vice versa. At the same time, he has a good
understanding of the business environment. Therefore, he introduces a new range of green pans that
provide a healthy cooking surface, as they are manufactured with all ceramic or silicon coating and are
considered safer than the traditional petroleum based non-stick surfaces which may contain toxic
substances. Although, the new cookware range is highly priced, he expects a ready market for it as both the
purchasing power of people and their preference for better quality products have increased over the years.
1. Identify the nature of management which is being reflected in the different styles of management in
practice adopted by Arun and his father.
2. Name and explain the related internal environmental factors of the first question.
Case Study 4:
Lately many companies have planned for significant investment in organized retailing in India. Several
factors have prompted their decisions in this regard. Customer income is rising. People have developed a
taste for better quality products even though they may have to pay more. The aspiration levels have
increased. The government has also liberalized its economic policies in this regard and permitted even cent
per cent foreign direct investment in some sectors of retailing.
1. Identify changes in business environment under different heads — economic, social, technological,
political and legal that have facilitated the companies’ decisions to plan significant investments in
organized retailing.
2. What has been the impact of these changes with regard to globalization and privatization?