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1568 Bishop's Margin (27) DANIEL

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1568 Bishop's Margin.

Dan 1:1 thirde yere] Reade, 4. Reg. 24. a Ier. 25 a.

Dan 1:2 lande of Sennar] Which was a plaine by Babylon, where was the temple of the great
god, and is here taken for Babylon.
Dan 1:3 chiefe chamberlaine] Or, maister of the Eunuches.
Dan 1:4 may stand] Aswel to serue at the tables as in other offices.
Dan 1:7 other names] Either because they would declare their power, as conquerours, to
chaunge the names of thē they ouercame, or els for hatred of their Hebrew names.
Dan 1:15 fatter in the fleshe] Or, better liking.
Dan 1:17 learning & wysdome] Meaning liberall sentences & naturall knowledge, which was
used where these were conuersaunt.
visions and dreames] So that he only was a prophete, and none of the o ther, for
by dreames and visions God appeared to his prophetes, Num. 12. a.
Dan 1:18 time was expired] Of the three yeres aboue mencioned verse. 5.
Dan 1:21 unto the first yere] That is, he was esteemed in Babylon as a prophete, and in
aucthoritie so long as the commō wealth stoode.
Dan 2:1 the seconde yere] The father and the sonne were both called by this name, so that it is
ment of the sonne when he raigned alone: for he raigned also after a sorte with his father: Or
els in the seconde yere of his generall conquest of other Barberous nations.
Dan 2:2 sorcerers, and the Chaldees] He vnderstandeth that men give to superstition &
studie of vayne artes and sciences. It appeareth by the nature of the worde which signifieth as
deuils, that they wrought their wonders by the power of the deuill.
Dan 2:4 the Syrians speache] That is, the Chaldeās tongue, which the prophete mencioned
here, because he mynded to write his visions not in the Hebrue tongue, but in the Chaldeās,
which was familiar and knowen in many nations.
Dan 2:8 redeeme the time] Ye seke occasion of delayes, vntill some other affaires might
happen, and make me forget the matter.
Dan 2:20 The name of God be praysed] Psal 113 a.
Dan 2:28 a God in heauen] Hereby he smiteth the king with a certayne feare and reuerence
of God, that he might be the more apt to receaue the hye misteries that should be reuealed.
Dan 2:31 great image] By this is vnderstanded the world.
Dan 2:32 fine gold…siluer…brasse] By golde, siluer, brasse and iron, are mēt the Chaldean,

Persian, Macedonian, Romane kingdome, which shoulde successiuely rule the world till Christ
which is here called the stone come hym selfe and destroy the last.
Dan 2:38 head of golde] The first monarchie of the Chaldeās.
Dan 2:39 another kingdome] The second of the Persians.
third kingdome] That is, of the Macedonians.
Dan 2:40 fourth kingdome] That is, of the Romanes.
Dan 2:41 deuided] That is, either by ciuil warres and discordes, or els into two sortes of
people: the one shoulde be warlike, and therfore compared to iron, the other factious and
seditious, and therefore compared to clay & earth.
Dan 2:43 seede of men] They shal thinke to make them selues strong by mariages & affinities:
yet shall they neuer be ioyned in heartes.
Dan 2:44 a kingdome] Meaning the kingdome of Christ.
stand for ever] It shalbe eternal, for the spirite that is in the church, is life eternall
Rom. 8. b.
Dan 2:45 without any handes] That is, that the kingdome of Christ should be set vp by god,
not by men.
Dan 2:46 rewardes] To perfourme his promesse made to him that should interprete his
dreame, as verse 6.
Dan 2:47 your God] This confession was but a sodaine motion, as it was also in Pharao. Exo.
9.c. but his heart was not touched, as appeared, soone afterwarde.
Dan 2:49 made request] This he did, not for ambition or priuate profite, but for the benefite of
his brethrē, which before were sore afflicted, & now by these officers caled and relieued.
sate in the kinges gate] Remained in the court as one of the kinges chiefe
Dan 3:2 dedication of the image] Sewing that the idol is not knowne for an idol so long as it is
with the workeman: but whē the ceremonies and customes are recited and vsed, and the
consent of the people is there, then of a blocke they thinke they haue made a god.
king had set vp] This was sufficient with the wicked at al times to approue their
religion, if the kinges authoritie were al leaged for the establishement therof, not considering
in the meane time what gods word dyd permit.
Dan 3:4 people, nations, and languages] The two daungerous weapons wherwith Satan
assaileth the children of God, is the consent of the multitude, and the crueltie of the
Dan 3:8 cried out] That is, accused the Iewes with an outcrie.
Dan 3:12 Sidrach, Misach, and Abednego] It semeth that they named not Daniel, because
he was greatly in the kings fauour, thinking if these three had ben destroyed, thei might haue
better occasion to accuse Daniel after: and this declareth that this politic of erecting this

image, was inuented by the malicious flatterers, which sought no thing but the destruction of
the Iewes, whom they accused of rebellion and ingratitude.
Dan 3:16 not carefull to aunswere] They should haue done iniurie to God if they should haue
doubted in this holy cause, and therfore they say that they are resolued to die for gods cause.
Dan 3:17 able to deliuer vs] They ground on two poyntes: first on the power & prouidēce of
God ouer them ; secondly on their cause, which was gods glorie, and the testifying of his true
religion with their blood, and so make open confession, that they will not to much as
outwardly consent to idolatrie.
Dan 3:25 sonne of God] That is, an angel of God, as verse 28.
Dan 4:1 the whole earth] Meaning so farre as his dominion extended.
Dan 4:3 an euerlasting kingdome] Reade chap. 2.f.
Dan 4:5 a dreame] This was another dreame, beside that which he saw of the foure empires.
Dan 4:13 a watcher] Which was an angel of God.
Dan 4:16 heart be chaunged] That is, let him be depriued of natural reason and mans
Dan 4:17 decree of the watchers] This was the decree of God him selfe as appeareth in the 24.
verse folowing, but it is called the decree of the watchmen or angels, be cause they brought it
and reuealed it: which the holy ones desire to come to passe, so consenting to the decree of
god, that the proude might be brought downe, & the humble exalted.
Dan 4:19 his thoughtes troubled him] Partly considering the great iudgementes of God in
the horrible punishment of this graat prince: & partly moued with pitie of his cause, whom
God had commaunded the Iewes to wishe wel to, and pray for as Ier. 19. B.
Dan 4:23 till seuen times passe ouer him] Wherby he meaneth a long space, as seuen yeres
or seuen quarters of yeres, or seuē monethes: for the interpretation is diuers.
Dan 4:25 fed like oxen] Not that his shape or fourme was chaunged into a beast: but that he
was either striken mad, and so auoided mans companie: or was cast out for his tirannie, and
so wandred among the beastes and ate hearbes and grasse.
till thou knowe] Daniel sheweth the cause why God thus punished him.
Dan 4:27 breake of thy sinnes] Ceasse frō prouoking god to anger any longer by thy sinnes:
and where thou hast cruelly oppressed many poore, be now merciful vnto them in
righteousnesse, so shall the errours of the former lyfe be redressed.
Dan 4:29 after twelue monethes] After that Daniel had declared this vision: & this his pryde
declared in the next verse, sheweth that it is not in mā to conuert to God, except his spirite
moue him, seyng that these terrible threatninges could not moue him to repent.
Dan 4:34 time was past] That is, the seuen times or yeres mentioned in the verses .16,. and
23. & 25.
Dan 4:36 counsellers and princes] By whom it seemeth he was put from his kingdome

Dan 4:37 I Nabuchodonozor] He doth not onely prayse God for his deliueraunce, but also
confesseth his fault, that God only may haue the glorie, and man the shame, and that he may
be exorted and men cast downe.
Dan 5:1 King Balthasar] Daniel reciteth this historie of king Balthasar, Euil Meredachs
sonne, to shew gods iudgementes against the wicked, for the deliueraunce of his church, and
how the prophecie of Ieremi was true that they should be deliuered after seuentie yeres.
before the thousande] That is, not alone, as commonly he was wont, but in a
solemne banket, whervnto he receaued all his nobles to accompanie him.
Dan 5:2 his father] Meaning his graundfather.
Dan 5:5 against the candlesticke] That it might the better be seene.
Dan 5:6 his knees smote] So he that before contemned God, was moued by this sight to
tremble for feare of gods iudgementes.
Dan 5:10 the queene] This some thinke was his mother, other, his graūdmother: of al likelyhod
a woman of great age, that could remember the actes of Daniel.
Dan 5:11 the wyse men] Reade chap. 4.b. and this declareth, both that this name was odious
unto him, and also that he did not vse these vile practizes, because he was not among them
when all were called.
Dan 5:18 Nabuchodonozor thy father] Before he read the writing, he declareth to the king
his great ingratitude toward God, who could not be moued to geue him his glorie, considering
his wonderfull worke toward his graundfather: and so sheweth that he sinneth, not of
ignoraunce, but of malice.
Dan 5:22 Balthasar] Or, Belsasar.
Dan 5:24 Then] After that God had so long time differred his anger, & patiently wayted for
thyne amen dement.
Dan 5:25 MENE MENE] This worde is doubled, not onely to exaggerate the certainetie of the
matter, but also as some thinke, the one to signifie the ende of the king, the other the ende of
the kingdome.
Dan 5:31 Darius] Cyrus his sonne in lawe gaue him this title of honour, although Cyrus in
effect had the dominion.
Dan 6:4 sought an occasion] Thus the wicked can not abide the graces of god in others, but
seeke by al occasions to deface them, therefore against such assaultes there is no better
remedie then to walke vp rightly in the feare of God, and to haue good conscience.
Dan 6:10 windowes…stoode open] Because he woulde not by his scilence shew that he
consented to this wicked decree, he set open his windowes to ward Hierusalem when he
prayed, both to stirre vp him selfe with the remembraunce of gods promises to his people,
when they should pray toward that temple: & also that others might see, that he woulde
neuer consent in heart nor deede, for these fewe dayes, to any thing contrary to gods glory.
Dan 6:15 may not be altered] Thus the wicked maintaine yl lawes by constancie & aucthoritie,
which is oftimes eyther lightnes or stubbernes, when as the innocentes thereby perishe: and

therfore gouernours ought neither to teare, nor be ashamed to breake such.
Dan 6:22 myne vngiltinesse] Myne vprightnes in this thing wherein I was charged, was
approued of God.
neuer offended] For he did disobey the kinges wicked commaūdement to obey
God, and so did no iniurie to ye king, who ought to commaunde nothing wher by god should
be dishonoured.
Dan 6:23 he put his trust in his God] Because he committed himselfe wholy vnto God,
whose cause he did defend: he was assured that nothing but good could come vnto him,
wherein we see the power of faith, as Hebr. xi. e.
Dan 6:24 to cast them into] A terible example a gainst all that contrary to their conscience
make cruel lawes to destroy gods children: and also admonisheth princes how to punish such,
when their wickednes is come to light, though not in euery poynt, or with like circumstaunces,
yet to execute true iustice.
Dan 7:1 which dream] Whereas the people of Israel loked for a continuall quietnes after
these se uentie yeres, as Ieremie had declared: he sheweth that this rest should not be a
deliueraunce from all troubles, but a beginning: and therefore moued them to loke for a
continual affliction, til the Messias be vttered & reuealed by whom they shoulde haue a
spiritual deliveraunce, and all the promises fulfilled whereof they should haue a certaine token
in the destruction of the babylonical kingdome.
Dan 7:2 four winds] Which signified that there shoulde be horrible troubles and afflictions in
the worlde in all quarters.
Dan 7:4 a lion] The beastes are kinges, kingdomes, or monarchies: By the lion the kingdome
of Babylon is vnderstanded, which speedyly vanquished the nations adioyning: but after his
winges were pluckt and his kingdome taken away, he returned to the condition of a man, and
no lion.
Dan 7:5 beare] The second monarchie of the Persians and Medes.
Dan 7:6 leopard] The third monarchie of the Macedonians.
foure] That is, his foure chiefe captaines, which had the empire after his death
deuided among them.
Dan 7:7 fourth beaste] That is, the Romane empire, which was as a monster & coulde not be
compared to any beast, because the nature of none was able to expresse it.
ten hornes] Which signifie ten kinges, as verses. 24.
Dan 7:9 ancient of dayes] That is, God, which was before all times.
wheeles] So was the maner in olde time of princes thrones, to be made so, that
they might be moued and remoued the easelier.
bookes] This is ment of the first comming of Christe, when as the wyll of God was
plainely reuealed by his gospell.
Dan 7:13 came one] Which is mēt of Christ who had not yet taken vpon him mans nature,

neither was the sonne of Dauid according to the flesh, as he was after warde, but appeared
then a figure, and that in the cloudes.
Dan 7:16 unto one] Meaning, of the angels, as verse. X.
Dan 7:18 high saintes] That is, Gods elect people, which in shall haue a kingdome and church
to continue in foreuer.
Dan 7:20 his felowes] That is, the three other empires.
Dan 7:27 to the people] That is, to the church.
Dan 8:1 after that which I had seene] After the generall vision, he cōmeth to certaine
particular visions, as touching the destruction of ye monarchie of the Persians and
Macedonians, for the ruine of the Babylonians was at hande, and also he had sufficiently
spoken thereof.
Dan 8:2 Elam] Elam is Persia.
Dan 8:3 a ramme] That is, the kingdome of the Persians & Medes now ioyned together.
one was hyer] Meaning Cyrus, who after grewe greater in power then Darius his
vncle and father in lawe.
Dan 8:4 no beastes] No kinges or nations.
Dan 8:5 hee goate] Meaning, Alexander, that came with great expedition.
horne] Though he came in the name of all Grecia, yet he bare the title and dignitie
of the generall captaine, so that the strength was attributed to him: which is ment by this
Dan 8:7 he smote] Alexander ouercame Darius in two battailes, and so had the kingdomes of
the Medes & Persians.
Dan 8:8 great horne] Alexanders great power was broken: for when he had ouercome at the
east, he thought to returne toward Grecia, to subdue them that were had rebelled, and so
dyed by the way.
four notible ones] For Cassander had Macedonia, Seleurus Syria, Antigonus Asia
the lesse, and Ptolemeus Egypt.
Dan 8:9 little horne] Antiochus Epiphanes.
south] Toward Egypt.
east] Ptolemais.
pleasaunt lande] Judea.
Dan 8:10 It grew] Antiochus who raged against the elect of God.
Dan 8:11 the prince] That is, God.
the dayle] He laboured to abolishe gods religion, and to cast downe his seruice.
Dan 8:12 shall cast] This horne shall abolishe for a time the true doctrine, and so corrupt gods

Dan 8:13 the sainctes] One of the angels.
Palmoni] That is, a secrete one, or a marueylous one, whereby is vnderstanded
Christe the reuealer of all secretes.
Dan 8:14 euening and the morning] Euening and morning, do signifie a naturall day, that is,
2300 dayes.
Dan 8:15 like the similitude of a man] That is, Christe.
Dan 8:16 betweene Ulai] That is, betweene the bankes of the riuer Ulai.
make this man understande] This power to commaunde the angel, declareth it
was God.
Dan 8:17 time of the ende] That is, the vision shalbe fulfilled hereafter in time conuenient.
Dan 8:23 fierce countenaunce] That is, Antiochus, who should be impudent, shameles, subtill
and craftie.
Dan 8:24 not in his strength] That is, not like Alexanders strength.
mightie and the holy] Both the Gentiles that dwell about him, and the Iewes.
Dan 8:25 prince of princes] Meaning, against God.
without hande] God would destroy him with a notable plague. 2.Mach.9.v.
Dan 8:26 euening and the morning] Reade verse 14.
Dan 9:1 Ahasuerus] Otherwyse called Astiages.
realme of the Chaldees] For Cyrus led with ambition, wēt about warres in other
countreys, & therfore Darius had the title, though Cyrus were king in effect.
Dan 9:2 by bookes] Though he were an excellent prophete, yet he dayly encreased in
knowledge by reading the scriptures.
Dan 9:4 them that love him] them that love thee.
Dan 9:10 the voyce] He sheweth that they rebell against God, which serue him not according
to his commaundement and worde.
Dan 9:11 the curse] As Deute. 27. c. or the curse confirmed by an oth.
Dan 9:16 thy righteousnes] That is, according to al the mercyfull promises, and the
perfourmaūce therof.
Dan 9:17 let thy face shine] Shew thy selfe fauourable.
the Lordes sake] That is, for thy Christes sake, in whom thou wylt accept all our
Dan 9:18 our owne righteousnes] Declaring that the godly flee onely vnto gods mercies, and
renounce their owne workes, when they seeke for remission of their sinnes.

Dan 9:19 Lorde consider] Thus he could not content him selfe with any vehemencie of
wordes, when he was so led with a feruent zeale, considering gods promise made to the citie
in respect of the Church, & for the aduauncement of gods glory.
Dan 9:24 Seuētie Weekes] He alludeth to Ieremies prophecie whereby he declared there
shoulde be seuentie yeres of the Iewes captiuitie for the execution of gods iudgemēt: but
now gods mercie should seuen folde exceede his iudgmēt, in geuing thē seuentie times seuen
yeres of a happier state though not al together voide of affliction: which amounteth to foure
hundreth & ninetie yeres, euen to the comming of Christe, & so then it should continue for
Dan 9:25 from the going forth] From the time that Cyrus gaue thē leaue to depart.
seven weekes] And these seuen weekes make fourtie nine yeres, wherof three are
referred to the time of the laying of the foundation of the temple, & 46 to the building of it, as
Iohn. 2.d.
straitnes of time] That is, in a troublous time.
Dan 9:26 threescore & two weekes] Counting from the sixt yere of Derius, who gaue the
second comaūdement for the building of the temple, are 62. weekes. which make 434 yeres:
which comprehend the time from the building of the temple to the baptisme of Christe. In the
last weeke of the seuentie, shall Christe preach, shew miracles, and suffer.
not for himselfe] That is, not for any of his owne desertes or offences, as Esai.
prince that shal come] Meaning Titus Vespasianus sonne, who shoulde come &
destroy both the temple and the people without all hope of recovery.
Dan 9:27 He shall confirm] By preaching the gospell, he confirmed his promise: first to the
Iewes, & after to the Gentiles.
oblation to ceasse] That is, by Christes sacrifice vpon the crosse all ceremonies of
the lawe were fulfilled, still remission of sinnes purchased, so that there remayned no more
oblation or offering for sinnes, as Hebre. 10. c.
overspreading of abhominations] Meaning that Hierusalem and the sanctuarie
should be utterly destroyed for their rebellion against God. Or some reade, that the plagues
shalbe so great, that they shall all be astinied at them.
Dan 10:1 third yere of Cyrus] He noteth this third yere, because at this time the building of
the temple began to be hindred by Cambises Cyrus sonne, when the father made warre in
Asia minor against the Scithians, which was a discouraging to the godly, and a great feare to
Dan 10:13 prince of the kingdome of Persia] Meaning Cambises, who raigned in his fathers
absence, did not onely hinder thus long the building of the temple, but would haue further
raged if God had not sent me to resist him: and therfore haue I stayed for the profite of the
Dan 10:20 prince of Greke land] Meaning, that he would not onely brydle the rage of

Cambises, but also the other kinges of Persia, by Alexander the king of Macedonia.
Dan 10:21 Michael your prince] For this angel was appoynted for the defence of the Churche,
under Christ, who is the head thereof.
Dan 11:1 stood to comfort him] The angel assureth Daniel, that god hath geuen him power to
perfourme these thinges, seeing he appoynted him to assist Darius when he ouercame the
Dan 11:2 three kings in Persia] Wherof Cyrus was the first, the second Cambises, the third
Darius Histaspis, the fourth Xerxes.
stirre up all] For he raysed up all the east countreys to fight against the Grecians:
and albeit he had in his armie nine hundred thousand men, yet in foure battailes he was
discomfited and fled away with shame.
Dan 11:3 mightie king] That is, Alexander the great.
shalbe broken] Reade. Chap. 8. B.
Dan 11:5 king of the south] To wit, Ptolemeus king of Egypt.
one of his princes] That is, Antiochus the sonne of Seleucus & one of Alexanders
princes shalbe more mightie, for he shall haue both Asia and Syria.
Dan 11:6 daughter of the south] That is, Berniece the daughter of Ptolemeus Philadelphus
shalbe geuen in mariage to Antiochus Theos, thinkyng by this affinitie, that Syria and Egypt
should haue a continuall peace together.
the arme] That force and strength shall not continue: for sons after, Berenice and
her young son after her husbandes death was slayne of her stepson Seleucus Calinicus the
sonne of Laodice the lawfull wyfe of Antiochus, but put awaye for this womans sake.
Dan 11:7 her rootes] Meaning that Ptolemeus Euergetes after the death of his father
Philadelphus, shoulde succeede in the kingdome, being of the same stocke that Berenice was.
with an armie] To reuenge his sisters death against Antiochus Calinicus king of
Dan 11:10 styrred up] Meaning Seleucus & Antiochus the greate, the sonne of Calinicus, shall
make warre against Ptolomeus Philopator the sonne of Philadelphus.
one shal come] Here he chaungeth the number, for one of them perished by the
waye, & Antiochus Magnus mainteyned the warre alone.
stirred up at his fortresse] Philopator mistrusting good successe for his wicked
parricide, durst not meete Antiochus in Siria: but whē he him selfe was in daunger also for
Egypt his owne coūtrie, he was stirred vp to resiste, & put Antiochus to the foyle at that tyme.
Dan 11:13 kyng of the north] Meaning Antiochus the great, king of the north or Siria.
Dan 11:14 manye stande] Not only Antiochus, but also Philip, kyng of Macedonia.
seditious chydren] For vnder Omas, whiche falsely alleaged that place of Esai.
xix. c. certayne of the Iewes accompanied him into Egypt to fulfyll his prophecie. Also the

angell sheweth that all these troubles whiche are in the Churche, are by the prouidence of
Dan 11:15 armes of the south] That is, the Egyptians with their captayne Scopas, were not
able to withstande Antiochus.
Dan 11:16 pleasaunt lande] He sheweth that he shall not only afflict ye Egyptians, but also the
Iewes, & shal enter into their coūtrey, wherof he admonisheth thē before, that they may
knowe that all these thinges come by Gods prouidence.
Dan 11:17 daughter of women] Antiochus maried his daughter Cleopatra to Ptolomeus
Epiphanes, therby the rather to ouercome hym: but she fauoured her husbande, and obayed
not the subtil practises of her father.
Dan 11:18 unto the iles] The Iewes maner was to call all coūtreys iles, that were deuided from
thē by the sea: yet Antiochus inuaded some that were iles indeede, as Euboca, Phocea,
Samos, Cyprus &c. and at length conducted his armie into Grecia.
prince shall cause] Whereas Antiochus contemned the Romanes, & put their
ambassadours to shame in all places, Attili us the consull & Scipto put him to flight, and
caused his shame to turne vpō his owne head.
Dan 11:19 overthrowen and fall] When as vnder the pretence of pouertie he woulde haue
robbed the temple of Iupiter Dodoncus, the countreymen slewe hym.
Dan 11:20 Then shall stande] That is, Seleucus shal succeede his father Antiochus, who
should shortly be destroied by poyson.
Dan 11:21 vyle person] Namely Antiochus Epiphanes, who was thought to be the occasion of
Seleucus his brothers death, & was of a vyle, cruel & flattering nature, and defrauded his
brothers son of the kyngdome, & vsurped the kyngdome with one consent of people.
Dan 11:22 armes shalbe overflowed] Antiochus shall not onlye vanquishe all the aydes that
Seleucus shal procure against him: but also Ptolomeus Philometor, whom he calleth here the
prince of the couenaunt.
Dan 11:23 leage made with him] For after that battayle, Philometor and his uncle Antiochus
made a leage.
small people] For Antiochus came vpon Philometor vnawares whē he suspected
Dan 11:24 his fathers] Meaning in Egypt.
Dan 11:25 he shal not stande] Philometor shalbe ouercome by treason.
Dan 11:26 they that feede] Signifiyng his princes and chiefe about him.
his armie shall overflowe] Antiochus shall vanquishe the Egyptians.
Dan 11:27 do mischiefe] The vncle and nephewe shall take truce and banket together, yet in
their heartes they shall imagine mischiefe one against another.
Dan 11:28 with great substance] Whiche he shall take of the Iewes in spoyling Hierusalem and
the temple, & this is tolde them before, to moue them to pacience, knowing all thinges are

done by Gods prouidence.
Dan 11:30 ships of Chithim] That is, the Romane power shall come against him: for Publius
Popilius ambassadour, appointed him to depart in the Romanes name, to which thing he
obayed though with griefe: & to reuenge his rage, he came against the people of God the
seconde time.
forsake the holy couenaunt] With the Iewes that shall forsake the couenaunt of
the Lorde: first he was called against the Iewes by Iason the hye priest, and this seconde tyme
by Menelaus.
Dan 11:31 armes shall stande] That is, a great faction of the wicked Iewes shall holde with
sanctuarie of strength] So called, because the power of God was nothing
diminished, though this tiraūt set vp in the temple the image of Iupiter Olimpius, & so began
to corrupt the pure seruice of god, 2. Mach. 6. A.
Dan 11:33 understanding among the people] They that remayne constant among the people,
shall teache others by their example, and edifie many in the true religion.
fall with sworde] Wherby he exhorteth the godly to constancie, although they
shoulde perishe a thousande times, and though their miserie endure neuer so long.
Dan 11:34 a litle helpe] As God wyll not leaue his Church destitute, so he wyll not deliuer it all
at once: but so helpe, as they may styll seeme to fight vnder the crosse, as he did in the tyme
of the Machabees, wherof he prophecieth.
Dan 11:36 a kyng shall do what hym list] Because the angels purpose is to shewe the
whole course of the persecutions of the Iewes, vnto the comming of Christe, he nowe
speaketh of the Monarchie of the Romanes, whiche he noteth by the name of a kyng, who
were without all religion, & contemned the true God.
tyll the wrath be fulfilled] So long the tirauntes shall preuayle, as God hath
appointed to punishe his people: but he sheweth that it is but for a time.
Dan 11:37 God of his fathers] The Romanes shall obserue no certayne fourme of religion as
other nations, but shal change their gods at their pleasures, yea contemne them, & prefer
them selues aboue their Gods.
Dan 11:38 God Mauzzun] That is, the God of power and riches: they shall esteem their owne
power aboue all their gods, and worship it.
with golde and siluer] Vnder pretence of worshipping the gods, they shal
enriche their citie with the most precious iewels of all the world, be cause that hereby all men
shal haue them in admiration for their power and riches.
Dan 11:40 king of the south] That is, both the Egyptians and the Syrians shall at length
fighagainst the Romanes, but they shalbe Ouercome.
Dan 11:44 east and the north] When he shal heare that Crassus is slayne, & Antonius
he shall go foorth] For Augustus ouer came the Parthians, and recouered that

whiche Antonius had lost.

Dan 12:1 shal Michael stande vp] The angell here noteth two thinges: first that the Churche
shalbe in great affliction and trouble at Christes comming, and next that God well sende his
angell to declare it, whom here he calleth Michael.
Dan 12:2 shal awake] Meaning all shall rise at the generall resurrection, which here he
mentioneth, that the faythfull may euer haue respect vnto it, for in earth shal they finde no
Dan 12:3 They that be wyse] Or suche as teache & instruct others, or suche as haue kept the
feare of God & his religion.
they that turne many] He chiefely meaneth the ministers of Gods worde, and
next, all the faythfull which instruct the ignoraunt, and bring thē to the true knowledge of
Dan 12:4 go about] Not wandryng as vacaboundes, but to searche for knowledge God.
Dan 12:5 the river] Which was Tygris, in Hebrue Hiddekel, as Ezech. x. A.
Dan 12:7 right hand and his left] Which was a double othe, and did the more confirme the
tyme, tymes, and a halfe] Whereby the angell declareth rather that whiche
pertayneth to the comfort of the elect, that these afflicti ons shoulde once haue a certayne
ende, then that the tyme thereof should be certenly knowen, as a thing not expedient for
creatures to know. Act. i. a., Mat. 24. c.
Dan 12:11 the dayly] From the tyme that Christe by his sacrifice shall take away the sacrifice
and ceremonies of the lawe, and the destruction of the temple and citie, which is ment here
by the abhomible desolation.
thousande two hundred, and ninetie dayes] Signifyng that the tyme shalbe long,
& yet the chyldren of God ought not to be discouraged though it be differed.
Dan 12:12 thousande, three hundred, and fiue and thirtie dayes] In this number he addeth a
moneth and a halfe to the former number, signifiyng that it is not in man to appoynt the tyme
of Christes coming, but that they are blessed that paciently abide his appearing.
Dan 12:13 shalt rest] Signifyng that he should depart this life, & rise agayne with the elect,
whē God hath sufficiently humbled & purged his Churche.


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