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Bergan V Evans JCPC 2018 0044 Judgment

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Trinity Term

[2019] UKPC 33
Privy Council Appeal No 0044 of 2018


Bergan (Appellant) v Evans (Respondent)

(St Christopher and Nevis)

From the Court of Appeal of the Eastern Caribbean

Supreme Court (St Christopher and Nevis)

Lord Carnwath
Lord Hodge
Lady Black
Lord Briggs
Lord Kitchin


1 July 2019

Heard on 9 May 2019

Appellant Respondent
Damian Kelsick James Guthrie QC
Garth Wilkin Angelina Gracy Sookoo-Bobb
(Instructed by Myers (Instructed by Simons
Fletcher & Gordon) Muirhead & Burton LLP)


1. This appeal, brought with the permission of the Court of Appeal of the Eastern
Caribbean, is concerned with the procedure for the deployment of medical expert
evidence in personal injury litigation in St Kitts and Nevis. Specifically, the issue is
whether the special provisions about the attaching of medical reports to a statement of
claim for personal injuries in the Civil Procedure Rules 2000 (“the CPR”), and the
special provision for admissibility in evidence of written medical reports in section 163
of the Evidence Act 2011, displace what, read on its own, appears to be a general rule,
applicable to all expert evidence, that it may not be deployed without the court’s
permission, in rule 32.6 of the CPR.

2. The Board approaches issues about civil procedure and the law of evidence with
considerable restraint, all the more so where it is, as here, invited to depart from the
broadly uniform view about those issues taken by the courts below. Those courts are
generally better informed than the Board about the particular conditions and norms of
civil litigation in which the rules of procedure and the law of evidence have effect. Even
in a case, such as the present, where Part 32 closely follows the slightly earlier provision
about expert evidence in the Civil Procedure Rules of England and Wales, it forms part
of a body of procedural rules which are by no means the same, read as a whole, and
regulates the conduct of civil proceedings in a jurisdiction with which the courts below
are much more familiar than is the Board. It by no means follows therefore, merely
because a rule is, like rule 32.6, worded in almost identical terms as its English ancestor,
that it must be assumed to have precisely the same meaning, effect and scope.

3. As will appear, on the facts of the present case, the dictates of fairness, common
sense and justice militate strongly in favour of the outcome reached by the courts below.
Nonetheless, as the Court of Appeal acknowledged, the route by which that outcome
was reached involves an interpretation of the CPR and the Evidence Act (and their
potential interaction) which gives rise to an important point of practice, likely to have
consequences across the whole of the important field of personal injury litigation. It is
for that reason, rather than because of the particular merits of this case, that the Court
of Appeal thought it appropriate to give permission to appeal to the Board.

Page 2
The Facts

4. The respondent Sheryl Evans was involved in a road traffic accident on 15

August 2006, in which she alleges that she suffered a neck injury due to the negligent
driving of the appellant Keithlyn Bergan.

5. The respondent issued proceedings in August 2012. In her Amended Claim Form
she described her injury as:

“‘Chronic myofascial neck pains’ and ‘cervical disc disease as a

result of disc herniation with mass effect on the spinal cord …’.”

Since she wished to rely upon the evidence of her attending physician Dr Mervyn Laws,
she attached to her claim form four successive reports from Dr Laws about her injuries,
as required by CPR rule 8.9(3).

6. In his defence filed in October 2012 the appellant pleaded that he “neither
admitted nor denied” the allegations of personal injury, since he had no knowledge
thereof. More generally, he denied that the claimant had suffered any injury, loss or
damage as a result of any negligence on his part.

7. Although there was a Case Management Conference in December 2012, which

gave directions for trial, the court did not at that stage make any case management
provision about expert evidence. In March 2013 the respondent applied for, but was
refused, permission to call Dr Laws as her expert medical witness, to give evidence in
accordance with his reports, as attached to the Amended Claim Form. The documents
before the Board do not explain why this application was refused, but the Board was
informed by Mr Guthrie QC for the respondent, upon instructions, that the application
had been refused because, although summarised in Dr Laws’ reports, his curriculum
vitae had not been set out in the affidavit in support of the application.

8. The respondent did not appeal that refusal, or make a fresh application for
permission to deploy Dr Laws’ evidence under rule 32.6 with a further affidavit setting
out his CV, because, so the Board was informed, her legal team had by then concluded
that, those reports having been attached to her Amended Claim Form, no such
permission was required.

9. In April 2013 the respondent filed and served a further medical report, from a Dr
Hendrickson, indicating by a Supplemental List of Documents an intention to rely upon
it. Again, no application for permission to do so was made under rule 32.6 because the

Page 3
respondent’s legal team conceived that section 163 of the Evidence Act made it
unnecessary for her to do so, there having been no objection to the admissibility of Dr
Hendrickson’s report under section 163(2)(c)(ii).

10. No issue about the deployment of expert evidence was raised at the pre-trial
review on 15 November 2013, nor (in response to an inquiry from the trial judge), on
16 December 2013, the day before the trial was listed to commence.

11. At the beginning of the trial on 17 December, objection was taken on the
appellant’s behalf to the admission of the expert evidence of both Dr Laws and Dr
Hendrickson, on the basis that permission to do so had not been obtained by the
respondent under Part 32. The trial was adjourned for written submissions about those
(and other procedural) issues. In August 2014 the trial judge Ramdhani J (Ag) ruled that
the evidence of both doctors could be deployed at the resumed trial. He held that Dr
Laws’ evidence could be relied upon by the respondent because of the appellant’s
failure to deal with it in his defence, contrary to rule 10.6, even though permission to
rely upon it under rule 32.6 had been sought and refused. As to Dr Hendrickson’s
evidence, the judge ruled that section 163 of the Evidence Act enabled the respondent
to rely upon his report without needing to obtain permission under rule 32.6. The Court
of Appeal (Pereira CJ, Blenman and Thom JAA) agreed with that analysis.

The Law

12. This appeal turns entirely on the interpretation of the CPR and the Evidence Act,
and the inter-relationship between them. The relevant provisions of the CPR are as


The Overriding Objective

(1) The overriding objective of these Rules is to enable the

court to deal with cases justly.

(2) Dealing justly with the case includes -

a. ensuring, so far as is practicable, that the parties are

on an equal footing,

Page 4
b. saving expense,

c. dealing with cases in ways which are proportionate

to the -

i. amount of money involved;

ii. importance of the case;

iii. complexity of the issues; and

iv. financial position of each party;

d. ensuring that it is dealt with expeditiously, and

e. allotting to it an appropriate share of the court’s

resources, while taking into account the need to allot
resources to other cases.

Application of overriding objective by the court

1.2 The court must seek to give effect to the overriding

objective when it -

a) exercises any discretion given to it by the Rules, or

b) interprets any rule.

Duty of parties

1.3 It is the duty of the parties to help the court to further the
overriding objective.

 Part 25 deals with the court’s duty to forward the

overriding objective by active case management.”

Page 5
13. Part 8, headed “How to Start Proceedings”, sets out at rules 8.6 and 8.7 the
general requirements for setting out the claimant’s case in the claim form or statement
of claim. Rule 8.7A provides that:

“The claimant may not rely on any allegation or factual argument

which is not set out in the claim, but which could have been set out
there, unless the court gives permission or the parties agree.”

14. Under the heading “Special Requirements applying to claims for personal
injuries”, rule 8.9 provides (so far as is relevant) as follows:

“8.9(3) If the claimant intends to rely at trial on the evidence of a

medical practitioner, the claimant must attach to the claim form a
report from the medical practitioner on the personal injuries
alleged in the claim.

(4) Paragraph (3) does not restrict the right of the claimant to
call other or additional medical evidence at the trial of the claim.”

15. Part 10 deals with the requirements of a Defence. Under the heading
“Defendant’s duty to set out case” rule 10.5 sets out the general requirements as follows:

“(1) The defence must set out all the facts on which the
defendant relies to dispute the claim.

(3) In the defence the defendant must say which (if any)
allegations in the claim form or statement of claim -

(a) are admitted;

(b) are denied;

(c) are neither admitted nor denied, because the

defendant does not know whether they are true;


Page 6
(d) the defendant wishes the claimant to prove.

(5) If in relation to any allegation in the claim form or statement

of claim, the defendant does not -

(a) admit it; or

(b) deny it and put forward a different version of events;

the defendant must state the reasons for resisting the allegation.”

16. Under the heading “Special requirements applying to claims for personal
injuries”, rule 10.6 provides as follows:

“(1) This rule sets out additional requirements with which a

defendant to a claim for personal injuries must comply.

(2) If the claimant has attached to the claim form or statement

of claim a report from a medical practitioner on the personal
injuries which the claimant is alleged to have suffered, the
defendant must state in the defence -

(a) whether all or any part of the medical report is

agreed; and

(b) if any part of the medical report is disputed, the

nature of the dispute.

(3) If the defendant intends to rely on a report from a medical

practitioner to dispute any part of the claimant’s claim for personal
injuries and the defendant has obtained such a report, the defendant
must attach that report to the defence.”

17. Mirroring rule 8.7A, rule 10.7 provides, under the heading “Consequences of not
setting out defence” as follows:

Page 7
“10.7 The defendant may not rely on any allegation or factual
argument which is not set out in the defence, but which could have
been set out there, unless the court gives permission or the parties

18. Part 25 headed “Case Management - The Objective” requires the court to further
the overriding objective by actively managing cases. Specific examples of active case
management include the following:

“25.1 … (b) considering whether the likely benefits of taking a

particular step will justify the cost of taking it; …

(k) giving directions to ensure that the trial of the case

proceeds quickly and efficiently;

(l) identifying the issues at an early stage …”

19. Part 32 headed “Experts and Assessors” deals comprehensively with the
provision of expert evidence to assist the court. Under the heading “General duty of
court and of parties” rule 32.2 provides that:

“Expert evidence must be restricted to that which is reasonably

required to resolve the proceedings justly.”

20. Under the heading “Court’s power to restrict expert evidence”, rule 32.6 provides
as follows:

“(1) A party may not call an expert witness or put in the report
of an expert witness without the court’s permission.

(2) The general rule is that the court’s permission is to be given

at a case management conference.

(3) When a party applies for permission under this rule -

(a) that party must name the expert witness and identify
the nature of his or her expertise;

Page 8

(b) any permission granted shall be in relation to that

expert witness only.

(4) The oral or written expert witness’ evidence may not be

called or put in unless the party wishing to call or put in that
evidence has served a report of the evidence which the expert
witness intends to give.

(5) The court must direct by what date the report must be

Rule 32.7 provides that expert evidence is to be given in a written report unless the court
directs otherwise, but that this rule is subject to any enactment restricting the use of
hearsay evidence.

21. The Evidence Act 2011 makes new provision about evidence in (inter alia) civil
proceedings. Section 163, headed “Admissibility of medical certificates and reports”
provides as follows:

“(1) Notwithstanding any enactment or law, and subject to the

conditions specified in subsection (2), the following documents are
admissible in evidence before a court in civil and criminal

(a) the certificate or report of a registered medical

practitioner in respect of any of the following

(i) the medical condition of a person;

(ii) the nature and extent of any injuries to that

person, including the probable effects of the injuries;

(iii) the cause of the medical condition or of any

of the injuries;

Page 9
(iv) the nature of the instrument, if any, with
which any of the injuries were caused;

(v) the degree of force that was used; and

(vi) any other significant aspects of the injuries;


(b) a certificate or report of an analyst or consultant in

the field of bacteriology, pathology, radiology or
toxicology in respect of his examination or analysis of any

(2) The conditions to which subsection (1) refers are that

(a) the document purports to be signed by the person

who made it;

(b) the document contains a declaration by the person

making it, declaring the facts set out therein to be true to the
best of his knowledge and belief and the opinions expressed
therein to be honestly held;

(c) before the hearing at which the document is to be

tendered in evidence,

(i) a copy thereof is served by or on behalf of the

party proposing to tender it on the other parties to the
proceedings; and

(ii) none of the other parties to the proceedings

have, within seven days from the service of the
document, served on the party serving the document,
a notice objecting to the document being tendered in

(3) Subsection (2)(c) does not apply if the parties to the

proceedings agree, before or during the hearing, to the tendering
of the document.

Page 10
(4) Notwithstanding subsection (1), the court may, of its own
motion or on application by any party to the proceedings, require
a person who tendered a document in evidence under this section,
to attend before the court and give evidence.”

22. The Evidence Act 2011 replaced an evidence regime, in force at the time of the
inauguration of the CPR in 2002, which broadly replicated the English law of civil
evidence. In particular, section 12 of the Evidence Act Cap 3.12 (for St Kitts and Nevis)
provided that:

“Every document, which, by any law now in force, or hereinafter

to be in force, is or shall be admissible in evidence in any Court of
Justice in England, shall be admissible in evidence in the like
manner, to the same extent, and for the same purpose, in any court
in the state, or before any person having by law, or by consent of
parties, authority to hear, receive and examine evidence.”


23. An important part of the reasoning of the courts below for their conclusion that
the respondent was entitled to rely at trial on the reports of Dr Laws was that the
appellant had failed to plead properly in relation to those reports in its defence, contrary
to rule 10.6, by a mere non-admission, upon the basis that he had no knowledge of the
particulars of the injuries alleged. At para 33 the judge said:

“In this case the defendant did not, in his defence, dispute any part
of any of the medical reports which were attached [to] the claim
form. This being the case, the defendant is now barred from taking
any issue with the medical reports of Dr Laws which were attached
to the claim form.”

24. Mr Kelsick for the appellant submitted that the judge’s analysis (with which the
Court of Appeal agreed) was wrong. Rule 10.6 did not deprive the defendant to a
personal injury claim of the ordinary right simply not to admit (rather than admit or
deny) an allegation of fact where he had no knowledge of its truth or falsity. In the
context of a system of civil procedure which did not provide for pre-action protocols, a
construction of rules 10.5 and 10.6 which prohibited the defendant to a personal injuries
claim from not admitting particulars of the claimant’s injuries, as set out in the
claimant’s annexed medical reports, would have draconian consequences. A defendant
might typically be faced with detailed particulars of injuries about which he could not
be expected to know anything until he had requested and obtained an opportunity for
his own medical expert to carry out an examination of the claimant. Rule 10.6 was not

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intended to derogate from a defendant’s ordinary right to plead a non-admission, set out
in rule 10.3(c). Bearing in mind that the time provided for service of a defence by rule
10.3(3) is 28 days, and that the parties may only agree an extension up to 56 days, under
rule 10.3(7), if rule 10.6 does prohibit the defendant to a personal injuries claim from
not admitting the detailed contents of the claimant’s attached medical reports, then such
defendants will generally find themselves hard-pressed to plead compliant defences
within the ordinary time periods specified by the CPR, unless there happens to have
been a co-operative process, including a medical examination of the claimant by the
defendant’s medical expert, prior to the issue of proceedings.

25. This is a sensible and forceful submission, but the Board is nonetheless
persuaded that the rigorous interpretation of rule 10.6 by the courts below, prohibiting
the mere non-admission of the matters alleged in the claimant’s attached medical report,
is correct. The Board’s reasons are as follows.

26. Rule 10.6(2) is clear and prescriptive in its language, in relation to the particular
category of civil claims consisting of a personal injuries claim where the claim form or
statement of claim has a medical report attached. The defendant “must state in the
defence” whether all or part of the medical report is agreed and, if a part is disputed, the
nature of the dispute. The contrast between rule 10.5 (which expressly permits non-
admissions) and rule 10.6 (which does not) is sharp, and makes it impossible either to
imply a right to plead a non-admission into rule 10.6, or to treat such a right as available
even in personal injury cases, by reason of rule 10.5. Furthermore, rule 10.6(3) requires
a defendant who intends to rely on a report from his own medical practitioner to dispute
any part of the claimant’s claim for personal injuries to attach any report which he has
obtained to his defence.

27. The clear purpose of these provisions, which impose front-loading burdens on
claimants and defendants in personal injury cases, is to require the parties at the earliest
stage, before the court undertakes detailed case management, to flesh out the detail of
the dispute (if any) about the extent of the claimant’s injuries, rather than to leave the
ambit of that dispute to emerge as the case proceeds towards trial, or even to appear for
the first time during cross-examination, all under the cover of a pleaded non-admission.
Medical expert evidence may be relevant not only as to the extent of personal injuries
but as to the causes of them and those issues frequently form a central part of the issues
for determination at any trial. Furthermore, an early identification of the ambit of the
dispute about the claimant’s injuries is likely to facilitate the resolution of the case by
mediation or some other form of alternative dispute resolution.

28. While it is true that 28 days would be a very tough timetable in which a defendant
could respond in detail to particulars of medical injuries notified for the first time in a
medical report attached to the claim form, the parties are both required by rule 1.3 to
help the court further the overriding objective, and the court has power to extend the

Page 12
time for service of a defence beyond the 56 day period upon which the parties may
agree. If a claimant declined to co-operate in submitting to an early medical examination
by the defendant’s expert, then it may easily be supposed that the court would be
generous in affording the defendant an extension of time. Furthermore, although there
are no formal pre-action protocols in force in St Kitts and Nevis there is no reason to
suppose that a claimant in a personal injuries claim will not typically provide reasonably
detailed information about their injuries to an intended defendant before the
commencement of proceedings, together with an opportunity for a medical
examination, even before the claim form is served. There is nothing to stop a defendant
threatened with such a claim from seeking a medical examination of the claimant before
the issue of proceedings, and any lack of co-operation in that regard by the claimant
may, again, easily justify the court in giving a defendant generous extra time to prepare
and serve a properly particularised defence.

29. By contrast, the construction of rules 10.5 and 10.6 which preserves a
defendant’s right not to admit particulars of the claimant’s injuries set out in an attached
medical report because the defendant does not at that stage have knowledge of them,
would subvert the obvious purpose of the special requirements applying to claims of
personal injuries both in rule 8.9 (affecting claimants) and rule 10.6 (affecting
defendants). In particular, uncertainty as to the ambit of the dispute in relation to the
claimant’s injuries is likely to impede the court’s duty, under rule 32.2, to restrict the
expert evidence to that which is reasonably required to resolve the proceedings justly.

30. It follows that the Board agrees with the judge’s conclusion that the appellant’s
defence was defective when served and, because no application to amend it was made
thereafter, that it remained defective until the date fixed for the trial.

31. The second question is whether that defect in the defence of itself enabled the
claimant to establish its case at trial as to the extent of her personal injuries. It is not
clear to the Board from reading the relevant part of the judge’s judgment (quoted at para
23 above) whether the judge thought that the consequence of the defendant’s failure to
deal with Dr Laws’ reports in his defence meant that their contents were deemed to be
admitted, so that no evidence (written or otherwise) was needed to prove that part of the
claimant’s case, or whether the defective defence simply entitled the claimant to prove
her case as to the extent of her injuries by relying on Dr Laws’ reports, without needing
permission to deploy them under rule 32.6, and indeed despite having had permission
to do so previously refused.

32. The Board can see no route to the judge’s conclusion by means of a deemed
admission by the defendant of that part of the claimant’s case. Nothing in the CPR
providing for such a deemed admission was drawn to the Board’s attention, and the
general rule is that, leaving aside judgment in default, a claimant faced with a defective
or even non-existent defence still has to prove her case, even though that may typically

Page 13
be achieved in a relatively summary way, and the court may in such circumstance
prohibit the defendant, as a matter of discretion, from taking any active steps to resist
that part of the claimant’s case, whether by cross-examination or the deployment of
evidence by way of challenge.

33. Nor is the Board persuaded by the alternative analysis, namely that a failure by
a defendant to plead, in conformity with rule 10.6, to the claimant’s attached medical
report means that the claimant can then deploy that report in evidence without the need
to seek permission under rule 32.6. In short, the ability to deploy the attached medical
report in evidence is not the automatic consequence of a defective defence. Deployment
of expert evidence is governed by rule 32.6, and is subject to the court’s control of case

34. A defendant’s failure to plead, as required by rule 10.6, to a claimant’s attached

medical report will however, in the Board’s view, frequently constitute a strong reason
for the court to give permission to the claimant to deploy the attached report in evidence
for the purpose of proving its case, under rule 32.6. Indeed, the Board finds it most
surprising that the court did not give that permission when the respondent applied for it
in March 2013, some four months after the service of the defective defence, and
(apparently) in the absence of any application by the defendant to amend to bring it into
conformity with rule 10.6. Although that refusal was not appealed (because, apparently,
the respondent thought it unnecessary to do so), it created no issue estoppel. Since it
was based on the narrowest technical objection, namely that Dr Laws’ CV was
contained in his reports rather than in the accompanying affidavit, that defect, if it really
is a defect, could now easily be remedied and Dr Laws’ reports admitted into evidence
for the simple reason that, nearly seven years after the service of the claim form and the
attached reports, the appellant has still not identified what, if any, parts of them are in

35. The courts below did not hold, nor did the respondent submit to the Board, that
the mere attaching of medical reports to the claim form (or statement of claim) has the
effect of enabling a claimant to deploy them at trial, regardless of whether the defendant
complies with, or is in breach of, rule 10.6. That must be correct. The regime for
pleading in personal injury cases constituted by the combined effect of rules 8.9 and
10.6 is merely aimed at establishing a convenient way of identifying the issues
susceptible to medical evidence, rather than identifying the evidence which the court
may permit to be deployed for the resolution of those issues. In the ordinary course,
where a claimant attaches medical reports to her claim form or statement of claim, a
defendant may well respond by attaching medical reports of his own to his defence. But
the court may well conclude that the ambit of the dispute is such that it may more justly
and proportionately be resolved by the use of a single expert, independent of either of
the parties, as Mr Kelsick informed the Board commonly occurs. More generally, rule
8.9(3) does not limit the claimant to attaching only a single medical report to her claim
form, or reports from a single medical expert. In the present case the claimant attached

Page 14
four of them. It would be an extraordinary restriction upon the court’s duty and power
to limit expert evidence to that which is reasonably required to resolve the proceedings
justly if the claimant could secure the right to deploy any number of experts of her
choice, merely by attaching their reports to her claim form.

36. The Board can see no good reason why the CPR should be interpreted as
conferring that disproportionate right upon a claimant merely because the defendant’s
defence failed to comply with rule 10.6. On the contrary, in such a case, where the
defendant had failed to identify the ambit of any dispute about the claimant’s injuries,
it would be likely that less, rather than more, expert evidence would be required to be
deployed at any trial.

37. The practical outcome of this appeal, in relation to Dr Laws’ evidence, is

therefore that permission to deploy his evidence is still required under rule 32.6 but that
obtaining it, even at this late stage, ought to be a formality, subject only to the question,
which the Board has not been invited to examine, whether in the absence of any pleaded
challenge to his reports by the defendant, the deployment of all four of them, or the
attendance of Dr Laws at trial, is really necessary.

38. Turning to Dr Hendrickson, the conclusion of the courts below that the claimant
is at liberty to deploy his expert evidence was based upon their reasoning that, where
section 163 of the Evidence Act renders the written report of a medical practitioner
admissible as documentary evidence in civil proceedings, the party relying upon it may
deploy it as expert evidence in civil proceedings without the need to obtain permission
to do so under rule 32.6. Their conclusion, supported by the respondent’s submissions
to the Board, was that section 163 constitutes an entirely separate route to the
deployment of the evidence of registered medical practitioners which by-passes the
requirements of rule 32.6, both because it is a specific provision about a narrow type of
expert evidence which ousts the generality of rule 32.6, containing its own procedure
for court control in the face of objections, and because section 163(1) provides that it is
to apply “notwithstanding any enactment or law” to the contrary.

39. The Board respectfully disagrees with that analysis. Section 163 is about the
admissibility, or otherwise, of documentary medical evidence, as opposed to the
traditional requirement to adduce oral testimony. That is a cold question of law about
admissibility. It has nothing at all to do with the quite separate case management
question as to what evidence a party is to be permitted to adduce (whether in oral or
documentary form) by way of expert evidence, within the general duty of the court and
the parties to limit expert evidence to that which is reasonably required to resolve the
proceedings justly, under rule 32.2. That may be described as a deployment question
rather than a matter of admissibility. The two concepts are entirely distinct, and the
provision for admissibility of documentary medical evidence in section 163 does not

Page 15
override the requirement of permission for its deployment under rule 32.6 because the
two provisions are not in any way inconsistent with each other.

40. Starting with section 163, it is important to note that its operation in rendering
admissible a documentary medical report or certificate under subsection (1) is entirely
mechanical and admits of no discretionary intervention by the court. The document is
admissible if it is of a type identified in subsection (1) but only if the conditions in
subsection (2) are satisfied, and those conditions include non-objection by any other
party to the proceedings within seven days from the service of the document: see
subsection (2)(c)(ii). If there is objection, then the document is simply not admissible
pursuant to the Act. If there is no objection, it is admissible. The exercise of the court’s
statutory power under section 163(4) to require a person tendering such a document in
evidence to attend and give evidence does not render the document inadmissible.

41. Turning to rule 32.6, read in conjunction with the court’s and the parties’ general
duty to limit expert evidence in rule 32.2, these provisions were intended (as in England
and Wales) to work a sea-change in the approach to expert evidence in civil proceedings
by subjecting the entirety of the deployment of expert evidence to active judicial control
by way of case management, in the pursuit of the overriding objective and, in particular,
the need to ensure proportionality and economy in the resolution of civil disputes. At
the time when Part 32 was introduced for St Kitts and Nevis in 2002 its law of evidence
was broadly the same as that in England and Wales, and it cannot sensibly be supposed
that the underlying purpose of rule 32.6 was narrower in those islands than it was in
England and Wales, where that fundamental reform was originally introduced, as a
result of Lord Woolf’s Reports.

42. To treat section 163 as a separate gateway to the deployment of medical expert
evidence in civil proceedings (rather than merely rendering documentary medical
evidence admissible) would be in the Board’s view to drive a coach and horses through
the beneficial effect of the introduction of court case management control of expert
evidence under rule 32.6, when there is nothing in the language of section 163 to suggest
that this is what was intended.

43. If section 163 were to constitute a by-pass around rule 32.6, then any party could
(if the other party failed to object in time) use it as a means for the deployment of any
amount of medical expert evidence from any number of registered practitioners, without
the court being able to do anything about it apart from require the persons tendering the
documents to attend court and give evidence. This would, in particular, enable parties,
by non-objection to each other’s tendered documents under section 163(2)(c), to burden
the court and the proceedings, at their own whim, with a riot of disproportionate expert
evidence, leaving the court powerless to do anything about it. Yet it is central to the new
civil procedural culture introduced by the CPR that the parties are no longer at liberty
to conduct their civil disputes in a disproportionate or inappropriate manner, because of

Page 16
the court’s power and duty actively to case manage the proceedings in furtherance of
the overriding objective.

44. For those reasons, the respondent did not obtain the right to deploy Dr
Hendrickson’s report by way of expert medical evidence in these proceedings merely
because it fell within the confines of section 163(1) and the conditions in subsection (2)
(including non-objection by the defendant) were satisfied.

45. But that is not the end of the matter. In his judgment dated 20 August 2014 the
judge (at para 30) having indicated that he had read Dr Hendrickson’s report in full,
directed that the claimant could deploy his report in evidence and further directed that
Dr Hendrickson attend to give evidence and be cross-examined. No doubt he did so
thinking that section 163, rather than rule 32.6, was the basis of his jurisdiction to make
those directions. Nonetheless they plainly permit the respondent to deploy his evidence
(both in documentary and oral form) at trial. Dr Hendrickson had a real contribution to
make as to the precise nature and consequences (in terms of therapy) of the respondent’s
injuries, beyond the evidence to be found in Dr Laws’ reports, and the Board can think
of no good reason why, if the matter had been approached, as it should have been, as an
application for permission under rule 32.6, permission should have been refused, all the
more so since, by the date listed for the trial, the appellant had known for some time
that the respondent wished to rely upon Dr Hendrickson’s evidence, and had taken no
steps, in particular at the pre-trial review or in response to the judge’s question to the
parties on the day before the trial, to raise any objection to its deployment. Thus the
judge’s decision to permit Dr Hendrickson’s report to be deployed and to require him
to attend to give oral evidence in fact satisfied the requirements of rule 32.6, objectively
viewed, and should not now be set aside. The appellant made criticisms of parts of Dr
Hendrickson’s report as containing opinions about matters outwith his personal
knowledge, but these are matters of detail which should be resolved at trial.

46. In the absence of any explanation to the contrary from the appellant, the Board
regards the objections taken at the outset of the trial to the deployment of Dr Laws’ and
Dr Hendrickson’s evidence as something in the nature of an ambush, far removed from
the defendant’s duty, as a party to civil proceedings, to help the court to further the
overriding objective. The Board is provisionally minded to take that into account when
dealing with the costs of this appeal, after receiving the parties’ written submissions.


47. For the reasons given, the Board will humbly advise Her Majesty that this appeal
should be allowed, to the extent indicated above.

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