Ijlbps 64a41891092d7
Ijlbps 64a41891092d7
Ijlbps 64a41891092d7
Abstract: Miniature heat pipes of 5 mm in diameter and 150 mm in length with a 10 W thermal capacity
are designed, fabricated, and tested. Different thermal loads were used in experiments to evaluate heat pipe
performance with and without working fluid. Common solvents including water, methanol, and acetone
were utilized in the experiment. Thermocouples were used to record the temperature profile throughout the
length of the heat pipe. Thermal resistance and the total heat transfer coefficient were used to measure the
heat pipe's effectiveness. It was found that the performance characteristics changed depending on the
quantity of liquid stocked. Finally, the optimal liquid fill ratio is determined in terms of reduced temperature
differential, increased heat transfer coefficient, and decreased thermal resistance. Researchers in this area
will benefit greatly from having access to this study's published data. The Miniature heat pipe has its highest
overall heat transfer coefficient while using acetone as the working fluid.
The heat pipe is a closed, hollow tube filled with a given in the specialist literature to ensure the
liquid having a boiling point near to the target mathematical models are accurate.An analytical
temperature. The tube is submerged in two different formula for the minimal meniscus radius was
temperatures, one at each end. The pipe's job is to developed using the momentum conservation and
carry heat from the warmer area to the cooler Laplace-Young equations.limit was achieved in
one.Both theoretical and practical studies were micro- and nano-sized heat pipes 4. The impacts of
conducted to determine heat pipe's dominant contact angle, vapor pressure drop, tilt angle,
factors and defining features.1, 2. Garcia et al. groove size, and channel angle were included into
looked into the capillary structure of micro heat these calculations, as were shear forces at the
pipes to develop a mathematical model and its liquid/solid and liquid/vapor interfaces.
numerical solution for laminar two-phase flow of In light of the latest experimental results 5, the
liquid and vapor of working fluid. 3. In the original analytical model created by Cotter to
mathematical model, the vapor flows in a single estimate the maximum heat transmission capacity
dimension while the liquid flows in a quasi-single in micro heat pipes has been reevaluated. Although
dimension in a steady state. For a micro heat pipe it produces trends that are inagreement with the
with a capillary structure with a cross section in the actual data, the original model greatly overpredicts
shape of a four-tipped asteroid, the authors provide the maximum heat transfer capacity since it
data on the longitudinal distributions of the mass assumed a fixed evaporator zone, as is the case with
flow rate, the pressure, and the traverse section area most models. A semi-empirical correlation has
of the phases, as well as the curvature radius of the been created in an attempt to give a more precise
liquid-vapor interface. Maximum heat transfer forecasting tool.
capacity in respect to capillary pressure is
investigated. Results gained are verified with data
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Bangladesh University of Engineering & Technology,Dhaka-1000, Bangladesh.
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Chittagong University of Engineering & Technology, Chittagong, Bangladesh
*Corresponding email: aloke@me.buet.ac.bd
The intricate nature of micro heat pipe heat that uses the boiling heat-transfer process in a
transfer necessitated the development of a compact area. Based on this idea, two wickless
mathematical model 6 to reliably predict the network heat-pipes (or thermal spreaders) are
heat transport capacities and temperature developed, manufactured, and tested. The
gradients that contribute to the overall axial copper or aluminum thermal spreaders are
temperature decrease. The model's fluid and wickless, cross-grooved heat transmission
heat transfer are regulated using a third-order devices. They disperse a localized heat source
ordinary differential equation. analytical across a considerably broader area. Therefore,
solution for the two-dimensional heat air cooling may be used to disperse the high heat
conduction equation that governs the macro flux produced by the concentrated heat source.
evaporating film region in the triangular Water and methanol are used to put the network
corners; effects of the vapor flow on the liquid of heat pipes through their paces in a variety of
flow in the micro heat pipe; flow and operational situations and orientations with
condensation of the thin film due to surface respect to the gravity vector. Total heat input is
tension in the condenser; and capillary flow 393 W, with maximal heat fluxes of roughly 40
along the axial direction of the micro heat pipe. W/cm2 for methanol and 110W/cm2 for water.
In comparison to micro heat pipes, the effects of METHOD OF EXPERIMENT
the working limit, liquid locking, and length A copper tube with an inner diameter of 5 mm
give MHP its own distinct physical phenomena. and an outside diameter of 8 mm is used to create
In other words, micro heat pipes smaller than 1 the heat pipe (Fig. 1). An evaporator heater of 230
mm are susceptible to the liquid blockage volts and 50 watts was constructed out of a Ni-Cr
phenomenon, which causes condenser liquid to wire of 8 millimeters in diameter and 50
gather at the condenser's outlet and results in millimeters in length. Asbestos is used for
incomplete heat transfer. In MHP, if the
insulation in the heat pipe's evaporator and
condenser is cooled too much, the vapor
temperature will drop, resulting in a lower adiabatic sections to reduce heat loss. Both a
maximum heat transfer rate. Significant impacts variac and a multimeter were supplied for use in
due to the heat pipe's total length and the regulating and monitoring the power supply. We
capillary limit show, too, among the heat pipe's measured temperatures using K-Type
operational restrictions. 7. The requirements, thermocouple wires (the positions of the
design restrictions, and financial resources of thermocouples are shown in Fig. 1; thermocouple
the project's creators will determine which heat 1 is located 20 mm from the base, while
pipe cooling method will be the most suitable. thermocouples 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6 are located at 40,
A simple analytical model was created to 70, 90, 120, and 140 mm). To get an accurate
estimate the performance of counter-flow heat reading, a simple 8-channel digital thermometer
exchanger units using thermosyphon 8, and the is employed. The condenser end has five copper
properties of such units were tested fins brazed onto it; each fin is 50 mm in length,
experimentally. Heat pipes or a two-phase 15 mm in breadth, and 0.5 mm thick. Both dry run
closed thermosyphon are used as the heat- (no working fluid in the tube) and wet run
transfer element. No matter the geometry of the (working fluid present) conditions were used in
element bundle, the maximum heat-transfer rate the experiments. When there is no fluid within the
is proportional to the ratio of the heated-to-
heat pipe, it acts much like a metal conductor.
cooled lengths of the heat-transfer elements. In
their work, Zuo and Gunnerson 9 analyzed the Heat pipes (those containing a working fluid) are
heat transport in an angled two-phase closed evaluated according on how well they operate.
thermosyphon. Because the thin layer of liquid Turning the heat "on" and keeping tabs on the
on the top side is simpler to boil off, the steadily rising temperature until a steady state is
inclination-induced circumferential flow is bad reached is a common protocol. To optimize the
for drying out but beneficial for flooding fluid stockpile, the performance of the micro heat
because the thick film on the underneath pipe was investigated by repeating the
corresponds to a significant gravity force. Cao experiments with varying heat inputs and fill
and Gao 10 looked into a network heat pipe idea ratios.
Fig. 1: Schematic Arrangement of experimental setup
Temperature (oC)
10 30 50 70 90 110 130
Distance (mm)
Fig. 2: Axial temperature profile for DRY RUN
Figures 2–5 depict the axial temperature distribution throughout the heat pipe during dry run and wet run
(55% fill ratios).
Figure 2 depicts the temperature changes in the evaporator, adiabatic section, and condenser as a function
of distance during a dry run. The results demonstrate that when heat is added, the temperature gradient
between the condenser and evaporator becomes steeper. Since a steeper temperature gradient is
100 2W
80 10W
Temperature (oC)
Te Tc
R= Q
C/W (1)
And the overall heat transfer co-efficient is given by- 20
Fig. 3: Axial temperature profile for Water With55%fill ratio
Dry RunWater MethanolAcetone
0 2 4 612 8 10
Power (Watt)
Fig. 4: Axial temperature profile for Methanol With 55% fill ratio
Fig. 6: variations of thermal resistance with different heat inputs for 35% fill ratio
60 10
Thermal Resistance (oC/W)
Temperature (oC)
40 4
Dry RunWater MethanolAcetone
10 30 50 70 90 110 130
Distance (mm) 0
Fig. 5: Axial temperature profile for Acetone With 55% fill ratio
necessary in the case of simple conduction heat The slopes of the axial temperature distributions
transfer to enhance heat transmission. are less for methanol than they are for water or
When compared to dry run, where the axial dry run, and they are much smaller for acetone as
temperature distribution has steeper slopes for the working fluid than they are for water or
the same heat inputs, the wet run has shallower methanol.
slopes, suggesting enhanced heat transmission at Changes in Thermal Resistance (R) as a
even lower temperatures.At 10W heat input, the Function of Temperature: varying fill ratios for
heat pipe stops working as seen by the sudden the three working fluids result in varying thermal
shift in the slope of the axial temperature resistances, as shown in Figures 6-8, for the same
distribution for water (Fig. 3). At this point, more amount of heat input. These charts are helpful for
heat is lost via the evaporator than is gained by comparing thermal resistances of various
the condenser. All the other working fluids working fluids at varying fill ratios.
follow the same general patterns. Temperature-resistance differences with material
Fig. 7: Variations of thermal resistance with different heat inputs for 55% fill ratio
0 2 4 6 8 10 12
Power (Watt)
Fig. 8: Variations of thermal resistance with different heat inputs for 100% fill ratio
Above three figures (Figs. 6-8), we see the heat
inputs for dry run and wet run (for 35%, 55%, and Variations in the global heat transfer coefficients
100%). The lower thermal resistances shown in for a fill factor of one hundred percent
wet run are consistent across heat input intensities
and material kinds. liquids used for mechanical According to the results of the dry run, the forced
operations. The greatest thermal resistance values convective heat transfer at the fin end has
are seen during the dry run, and they remain an overall heat transfer co-efficient of
almost constant throughout a wide range of heat around 2000 W/m2-°C. By increasing
inputs. Acetone has the lowest thermal resistance the heat transfer rate via evaporation and
for any fill ratio and any heat input. The graph condensation inside the heat pipe,
pattern in Fig. 6 shows that, just as with other fill charging the heat pipe with working
ratios, lower thermal resistances may be fluids results in a significant increase in
produced for larger heat loads when using 35% heat transfer co-efficient.
fill. ratios. Figure 7 shows that at a fill ratio of
55%, the thermal resistance values fall for Heat transfer coefficients for water at 35% fill
methanol and acetone but rise for water after 6W. ratio (Fig. 9) are almost constant,
The efficiency of water increases to 6W at whereas those for working fluid
55%.Water and methanol exhibit almost identical methanol rise slightly with increasing
thermal resistance values at 100% fill ratio (Fig. heat input. The heat transfer coefficient
8), but acetone displays minimal values for for acetone dramatically rises.
greater heat inputs.
Fig. 9: Overall heat transfer co-efficients withdifferent heat inputs for 35% fill ratio
Dry Run
Heat Transfer Coefficient (W/m2K)
16000 Methanol
0 2 4 6 8 10 12
Power (Watt)
Fig. 10: Overall heat transfer co-efficients withdifferent heat inputs for 85% fill ratio
quickly with enhanced heat capacity.
Fig. 10 shows that at a fill ratio of 85%, the heat transfer co-efficient value decreases very slowly for water,
grows very slowly for methanol, and increases fluids.
extremely fast for acetone as the working fluid.
Heat transfer coefficients for water and methanol
are quite comparable at 100% fill ratio (Fig. 11),
but those for acetone are higher for increasing In Figs. 12 and 13, we have loads of 6 W and 10
heat inputs. W, respectively. At any given fill ratio, acetone
exhibits the smallest temperature fluctuations.
Acetone-filled heat pipes have a very high heat Acetone was shown to be the most effective
transfer coefficient. However, the burn out at working fluid throughout the investigated
maximum heat input limits this monotonic rise in temperature ranges.
heat transfer co-efficient value with load. It was When working with methanol and water, the fill
previously mentioned that this condition leads to ratio has a negligible impact on the temperature
"starving" in the evaporator section because the gap between the two phases. At greater fill ratios,
rate of condensate return is lower than the rate of however, acetone exhibits a smaller temperature
evaporation. differential. When using acetone as the working
Calculating the Ideal Fluid Filling Ratio fluid, the optimal result is achieved with a 100%
Evaporator-to-condenser temperature differential fill ratio of the evaporator volume, resulting in a
vs working fluid fill ratio as a percentage of minimal temperature gradient between the two
evaporator volume for all three heat transfer components.
Temp. Difference (T e-Tc ) oC
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