16efoz 20eoz
16efoz 20eoz
16efoz 20eoz
11EFOZ/13EOZ, 11.5EFOZ/14EOZ
13EFOZ/15.5EOZ, 16EFOZ/20EOZ
17.5EFOZ/20EOZ, 19EFOZ/23EOZ
100EFOZ/125EOZ, 125EFOZ/150EOZ
TP-6069 6/03d
Battery gases. Explosion can cause Servicing the fuel system. A flash Carbon monoxide symptoms.
severe injury or death. Battery gases fire can cause severe injury or death. Carbon monoxide can cause severe
can cause an explosion. Do not smoke Do not smoke or permit flames or nausea, fainting, or death. Carbon
or permit flames or sparks to occur near sparks near the carburetor, fuel line, monoxide is a poisonous gas present in
a battery at any time, particularly when fuel filter, fuel pump, or other potential exhaust gases. Carbon monoxide
it is charging. Do not dispose of a sources of spilled fuels or fuel vapors. poisoning symptoms include but are
battery in a fire. To prevent burns and Catch fuels in an approved container not limited to the following:
sparks that could cause an explosion, when removing the fuel line or D Light-headedness, dizziness
avoid touching the battery terminals carburetor. D Physical fatigue, weakness in
with tools or other metal objects. joints and muscles
Servicing the air cleaner. A sudden
Remove all jewelry before servicing the D Sleepiness, mental fatigue,
backfire can cause severe injury or
equipment. Discharge static electricity inability to concentrate
death. Do not operate the generator
or speak clearly, blurred vision
from your body before touching set with the air cleaner/silencer
D Stomachache, vomiting, nausea
batteries by first touching a grounded removed.
If experiencing any of these symptoms
metal surface away from the battery. To
Combustible materials. A sudden and carbon monoxide poisoning is
avoid sparks, do not disturb the battery
flash fire can cause severe injury or possible, seek fresh air immediately
charger connections while the battery and remain active. Do not sit, lie down,
death. Do not smoke or permit flames
is charging. Always turn the battery or fall asleep. Alert others to the
or sparks near the fuel system. Keep
charger off before disconnecting the the compartment and the generator set possibility of carbon monoxide
battery connections. Ventilate the clean and free of debris to minimize the poisoning. Seek medical attention if
compartments containing batteries to risk of fire. Wipe up spilled fuels and the condition of affected persons does
prevent accumulation of explosive engine oil. not improve within minutes of breathing
gases. fresh air.
Combustible materials. A fire can
Battery short circuits. Explosion cause severe injury or death. Copper tubing exhaust systems.
can cause severe injury or death. Generator set engine fuels and fuel Carbon monoxide can cause severe
Short circuits can cause bodily injury vapors are flammable and explosive. nausea, fainting, or death. Do not
and/or equipment damage. Handle these materials carefully to use copper tubing in diesel exhaust
Disconnect the battery before minimize the risk of fire or explosion. systems. Sulfur in diesel exhaust
generator set installation or Equip the compartment or nearby area causes rapid deterioration of copper
maintenance. Remove all jewelry with a fully charged fire extinguisher. tubing exhaust systems, resulting in
before servicing the equipment. Use Select a fire extinguisher rated ABC or exhaust/water leakage.
tools with insulated handles. Remove BC for electrical fires or as
the negative (--) lead first when recommended by the local fire code or
disconnecting the battery. Reconnect an authorized agency. Train all
personnel on fire extinguisher
the negative (--) lead last when
operation and fire prevention
reconnecting the battery. Never
connect the negative (--) battery cable
to the positive (+) connection terminal
of the starter solenoid. Do not test the
battery condition by shorting the
terminals together.
Information in this publication represents data available marine generator set. For operating instructions, refer
at the time of print. Kohler Co. reserves the right to to the operation manual.
change this publication and the products represented
without notice and without any obligation or liability Marine generator set installations must comply with all
whatsoever. applicable regulations and standards.
Use the specification sheets as a guide in planning your
The safe and successful operation of a marine power installation. Use current dimension drawings and wiring
system depends primarily on the installation. See diagrams.
Figure 1-1. Use this manual as a guide to install the
1 2
12 6
11 7
1. Exhaust mixer elbow (exhaust/water outlet) (not shown) 10. Fuel return line *
2. Heat exchanger (not shown) 11. Hose clamps
3. Coolant recovery tank (located on the unit on some models) 12. Fuel supply line *
4. Seawater strainer * 13. Mounting tray (mounting skid on 33--150 kW models)
5. Seawater pump (seawater inlet) 14. Battery/battery storage box
6. Seawater line * 15. Battery cables
7. Seacock * 16. Exhaust hose or exhaust line *
8. Craft stringers 17. Electrical leads (AC output leads/remote start panel leads)
9. Fuel feed pump (fuel inlet) * * Indicated components must conform to USCG regulations.
Note: See text for complete explanation of installation Note: Use two hose clamps on each end of all flexible
requirements. exhaust hose connections.
2.1 General Considerations Allow clearance for vibration and cooling during
operation. Allow a minimum of 38 mm (1.5 in.)
The key to installation is location. Before making final clearance on all sides (top, front, rear, and sides) of a
plans for locating a generator set, consider the generator set without an optional sound shield. Refer to
following. the instruction sheet for minimum clearances for
sound-shielded units. Also, allow space for the power
Installation Location Considerations takeoff (PTO) option, if equipped.
1. Choose a location that allows adequate space for Diesel generator sets are not ignition-protected. USCG
cooling and exhaust system installation, fuel Regulation 183.410 requires ignition-protected devices
system installation, ventilation, and service access only in gasoline/gaseous-fueled environments.
to the generator set (engine and generator).
3.1 Ventilation
Engine combustion, generator cooling, and expulsion of
flammable and lethal fumes require ventilation. Provide
ventilation compliant with USCG Regulations governing
sizing of vents and other considerations. 1
Note: ISO 3046 derates apply. See Appendix C. Do not align the strainer (in relation to the craft’s direction
of travel) with any other through-hull intakes. See
Figure 3-3. Flush mount the recommended through-hull
Model Allowable Intake Restriction
strainer. Install slotted-hole-design strainers with the
3.5EFOZ/4EOZ 200 mm H2O (1.96 kPa or less) slots parallel to the direction of the vessel’s movement.
4--125EFOZ/5--150EOZ 635 mm H2O (6.23 kPa or less)
8 5
Arrow Description
10 Direction of Flow
Freshwater (Coolant/Antifreeze)
Figure 3-6 Typical Closed/Heat Exchanger Cooling System (4/6.5/8.5/9/23/27EFOZ and 5/8/10/28/32EOZ
11 Seawater
Freshwater (Coolant/Antifreeze)
Figure 3-7 Typical Closed/Heat Exchanger Cooling System (11--20EFOZ,13--24EOZ, 33--125EFOZ and
40--150EOZ Models)
Figure 3-8 Direct Water-Cooled Cooling System (3.5EFOZ and 4EOZ Models)
Allowable Exhaust
Back Pressure,
Model ≤ kPa (mm H2O)
4/8.5/9/23/27EFOZ and
9.81 (1000)
16 12
1. Slight lift improves silencing and prevents water backwash 13. Minimum exhaust hose pitch of 1.3 cm per 30.5 cm (0.5 in.
into the silencer (keep below the level of the exhaust per ft.)
manifold outlet) 14. Maximum distance between silencer and exhaust mixer
2. Silencer (customer-supplied) elbow of 3 m (10 ft.)
3. Exhaust manifold outlet 15. Minimum exhaust hose pitch of 1.3 cm per 30.5 cm (0.5 in.
4. Exhaust mixer elbow per ft.)
5. Heat exchanger (locations vary by model) 16. Minimum exhaust outlet distance above waterline of 10 cm
6. Coolant recovery tank (located on the unit on some models) (4 in.). Note: Vessel fully loaded.
7. Locate the coolant recovery tank at the same height as the Note: Data applies to both rear- and side-exhaust installations.
heat exchanger
8. Maximum seawater pump lift of 1 m (3 ft.) Note: Use two hose clamps on each end of all flexible exhaust
9. Seawater strainer hose connections.
10. Seacock
11. Intake strainer Note: Read the text for complete explanation of dimensions
12. Engine-driven seawater pump and other installation considerations.
3 7 8
4 11
Waterline 19
20 16
17 14 TP-5856-4
Exhaust Hose
Models without Sound Shield Models with Sound Shield mm (in.)
3.5/4/6.5/8.5/9EFOZ 4/6.5/8.5/9/11/11.5/13/16/17.5/19/20EFOZ
4/5/8/10EOZ 5/8/10/13/14/15.5/20/23/24EOZ 51 (2.0)
11/11.5/13/16/17.5/19/20/23/27EFOZ 27EFOZ
13/14/15.5/20/23/24/28/32EOZ 32EOZ 76 (3.0)
40EOZ 40EOZ 89 (3.5)
40/55/70/80/100/125EFOZ 40/55/70/80/100/125EFOZ
50/65/80/99/125/150EOZ 50/65/80/99/125/150EOZ 102 (4.0)
tank and installation must conform to USCG Regulations. 1. Fuel line to propulsion engine
2. Fuel line to generator set
Note: Fuel system installations must conform to USCG
Regulations. Figure 5-1 Multiple Dip Tube Arrangement
Note: Voltage/frequency adjustable. Some 9. Check that the generator set master switch is in the
four-lead generator sets are not OFF position. Reconnect the generator set engine
voltage/frequency adjustable. To determine starting battery, negative (--) lead last.
adjustment possibilities, check the model’s
specification sheet or service manual. If you
are reconnecting the generator set from a
single-voltage to a dual-voltage
configuration (example: from 120-volt to
120/240-volt) or a dual voltage to a single
voltage (example: from 120/240-volt to
120-volt) with the same primary voltage, do
not adjust the voltage/frequency
adjustment. Adjust the voltage/frequency
for frequency changes or setting changes of
the primary voltage (example: from 120-volt
to 100-volt). Refer to the model’s
specification sheet for reconnection
The scope of these topics is too extensive to be fully 1. Subpart I—Electrical Equipment
discussed here. Consult your local marine authority for
more information. 2. Subpart J—Fuel Systems
Before installing the generator set, check the available U.S. Commercial Vessel Installation
wiring diagrams in the operation manual to become
familiar with the electrical system.
Title 46CFR, Chapter I, U.S. Coast Guard
Use the drawings in this section for installation Model No. Drawing Page
purposes. Consult the supplier and verify that the 3.5EFOZ and 4EOZ ADV-6652A-B 30
drawings are the most current for your specifications.
with remote options ADV-6652B-B 31
Installation drawings show exhaust outlet locations, fuel
4EFOZ and 5EOZ ADV-5850A-H 32
inlet and return connections, siphon break locations,
with sound shield ADV-5850B-H 33
and battery connections. See Figure 7-1 for installation
drawing identification. 6.5EFOZ and 8EOZ ADV-6284A-J 34
with sound shield ADV-6284B-J 35
8.5/9EFOZ and 10EOZ ADV-6026A-K 36
with sound shield ADV-6026B-K 37
11EFOZ and 13EOZ ADV-6512A-D 38
with sound shield ADV-6512B-D 39
11.5/13EFOZ and 14/15.5EOZ ADV-6513A-C 40
with sound shield ADV-6513B-C 41
16/17.5EFOZ and 20EOZ ADV-6481A-D 42
with sound shield ADV-6481B-D 43
19/20EFOZ and 23/24EOZ ADV-6494A-C 44
with sound shield ADV-6494B-C 45
23/27EFOZ and 28/32EOZ ADV-6285A-F 46
with sound shield ADV-6285B-F 47
33EFOZ and 40EOZ ADV-6581A-E 48
with fuel/water separator
and dry exhaust elbow ADV-6581B-E 49
with sound shield ADV-6581C-E 50
with electric clutch ADV-6581D-E 51
40EFOZ and 50EOZ ADV-6582A-E 52
with fuel/water separator
and dry exhaust elbow ADV-6582B-E 53
with sound shield ADV-6582C-E 54
with electric clutch ADV-6582D-E 55
55EFOZ and 65EOZ ADV-6583A-E 56
with fuel/water separator
and dry exhaust elbow ADV-6583B-E 57
with sound shield ADV-6583C-E 58
with electric clutch ADV-6583D-E 59
70/80EFOZ and 80/99EOZ ADV-6603A-D 60
with fuel/water separator
and dry exhaust elbow ADV-6603B-D 61
with sound shield ADV-6603C-D 62
with electric clutch ADV-6603D-D 63
100/125EFOZ and 125/150EOZ ADV-6594A-D 64
with sound shield ADV-6594B-D 65
with dry exhaust elbow ADV-6594C-D 66
Figure 7-9 Dimension Drawing, 8.5/9EFOZ and 10EOZ with Sound Shield
Figure 7-13 Dimension Drawing, 11.5/13EFOZ and 14/15.5EOZ with Sound Shield
Figure 7-15 Dimension Drawing, 16/17.5EFOZ and 20EOZ with Sound Shield
Figure 7-17 Dimension Drawing, 19/20EFOZ and 23/24EOZ with Sound Shield
Figure 7-19 Dimension Drawing, 23/27EFOZ and 28/32EOZ with Sound Shield
Figure 7-21 Dimension Drawing, 33EFOZ/40EOZ with Fuel/Water Separator and Dry Exhaust Elbow
Figure 7-25 Dimension Drawing, 40EFOZ/50EOZ with Fuel/Water Separator and Dry Exhaust Elbow
Figure 7-29 Dimension Drawing, 55EFOZ/65EOZ with Fuel/Water Separator and Dry Exhaust Elbow
Figure 7-33 Dimension Drawing, 70/80EFOZ and 80/99EOZ with Fuel/Water Separator and Dry Exhaust Elbow
Figure 7-34 Dimension Drawing, 70/80EFOZ and 80/99EOZ with Sound Shield
Figure 7-35 Dimension Drawing, 70/80EFOZ and 80/99EOZ with Electric Clutch
Figure 7-37 Dimension Drawing, 100/125EFOZ and 125/150EOZ with Sound Shield
Figure 7-38 Dimension Drawing, 100/125EFOZ and 125/150EOZ with Dry Exhaust Elbow
4 3 2 1
4 3 2 1 3-Wire
Figure 8-1 100--120-Volt, 3-Wire Configuration
Stator Leads
60 Hz 50 Hz
8.1.2 100--120/200--240-Volt
L0--L1 100--120 Volt 100--120 Volt
Configurations L0--L2 100--120 Volt 100--120 Volt
L1--L2 200--240 Volt 200--240 Volt
The 100--120/200--240-volt configuration does not use
a jumper lead. If the unit was originally wired for straight
Figure 8-3 100--120/200--240-Volt, 3-Wire
100--120 volt, 3-wire, remove the jumper lead (see
Figure 8-1 for location). Select a two-pole circuit
Note: Current Transformers (CTs) are not used on all sets. CT dot or “HI” toward generator.
Figure 8-5 Generator Reconnection
L2 L1
L1 L2
L1--L2AMPS L2--L3
00000 STOP
1. Output voltage adjustment potentiometer
1. Lamp Jumper Figure 8-7 Voltage Adjustment
This is bpid
Figure 8-6 Meter Scale Lamp Jumper
2. With the generator set shut down, open the output LED4
L1 L1
2 1 3 4 2 1 3 4
To Generator To Shore
Set Power
L2 L2
6 5 7 8 To Generator 6 5 7 8 To Shore
Set Power
10 9 11 12
To Load
To Load
L1 L1
To Generator 1 2 6 5 To Shore 1 2 6 5
Set Power
L2 L2
3 4 8 7 To Generator 3 4 8 7 To Shore
Set Power
9 10 14 13
To Load
To Load
L1 L1
3 2 4 1 To Shore 3 2 4 1
To Generator
Set Power
L2 L2
7 6 8 5 To Generator 7 6 8 5 To Shore
Set Power
11 10 12 9
To Load
To Load
L2 L2
Note: Rheostat connection. Connect a
customer-provided rheostat across regulator
To Generator 7 6 8 5 To Shore
Set Power leads/terminals 33 and 66 to adjust the generator
output voltage from a location remote from the
L3 L3
generator set. The rheostat (10 kOhms, 1/2 watt
11 10 12 9
minimum) provides a 5-volt adjustment range.
L0 L0
15 14 16 13
L1 L2 L3 L0
To Load
Consider total wattage requirements (lights, motors, are DC powered by a 12-volt battery. Make sure the
appliances) when selecting a generator set or when calculated total wattage includes only lights actually on
sizing wattage usage in which available space and the generator set AC circuit.
construction limit the size of the generator set.
Air Conditioners
The starting characteristics of air conditioners vary
When figuring generator set capacity requirements for greatly; one 12,000 Btu unit has, for example, lower
loads that include electric motors, consider the high starting requirements than a 10,000 Btu unit of another
current demanded by the motors during startup. The variety. When using only one unit, there is usually no
inrush or starting current is typically 2--3 times higher starting problem, provided the lighting and appliance
than that required when the motor reaches normal load is not too high when starting the unit.
operating speed. Allow reserve for inrush demands plus
other loads which could be on the line as the electric Simultaneous starting of two air conditioning units,
motor starts. Use Figure 1 as a guide when selecting however, can present problems if the generator set
generator set capacity requirements involving motor capacity is marginal. Because of the variation in starting
loads. characteristics among air conditioners, this publication
makes no statements regarding multiple-motor starting
Motor Starting (Inrush) Running capabilities of the generator set covered. Consider
HP Watts Watts delayed starting or use of easy-starting devices on air
1/4 750 330 conditioner units whenever simultaneously starting
1/3 1000 400 more than one motor.
1/2 1500 600 See Figure 2 for typical air conditioner requirements.
3/4 2000 750 Information will vary with manufacturer.
1 3300 1100
2 4000 2000 Appliances
3 5000 3000
Generator sets often furnish AC for appliances such as
Figure 1 Motor Requirements TV, stereo, electric water heater, etc. With the exception
of the resistance-type loads such as the water heater,
Lighting requirements for appliances are usually low. Do not
overlook such loads when figuring total requirements.
To calculate lighting load, add the wattage of each Allow reserve capacity for anticipated appliance loads to
generator set-operated lamp. Note that not all of the avoid overloading a generator set.
lights or lamps are on the generator set AC circuit; some
The following list contains abbreviations that may appear in this publication.
A, amp ampere CG center of gravity fglass. fiberglass
ABDC after bottom dead center CID cubic inch displacement FHM flat head machine (screw)
AC alternating current CL centerline fl. oz. fluid ounce
A/D analog to digital cm centimeter flex. flexible
ADC analog to digital converter CMOS complementary metal oxide freq. frequency
adj. adjust, adjustment substrate (semiconductor) FS full scale
ADV advertising dimensional cogen. cogeneration ft. foot, feet
drawing Com communications (port) ft. lbs. foot pounds (torque)
AHWT anticipatory high water conn. connection ft./min. feet per minute
temperature cont. continued g gram
AISI American Iron and Steel CPVC chlorinated polyvinyl chloride ga. gauge (meters, wire size)
Institute crit. critical
ALOP anticipatory low oil pressure gal. gallon
CRT cathode ray tube gen. generator
alt. alternator CSA Canadian Standards
Al aluminum genset generator set
Association GFI ground fault interrupter
ANSI American National Standards CT current transformer
Institute Cu copper GND, ground
(formerly American Standards gov. governor
Association, ASA) cu. in. cubic inch
cw. clockwise gph gallons per hour
AO anticipatory only
CWC city water-cooled gpm gallons per minute
API American Petroleum Institute
cyl. cylinder gr. grade, gross
approx. approximate, approximately
D/A digital to analog GRD equipment ground
AR as required, as requested
DAC digital to analog converter gr. wt. gross weight
AS as supplied, as stated, as
suggested dB decibel HxWxD height by width by depth
ASE American Society of Engineers dBA decibel (A weighted) HC hex cap
ASME American Society of DC direct current HCHT high cylinder head temperature
Mechanical Engineers DCR direct current resistance HD heavy duty
assy. assembly deg., ° degree HET high exhaust temperature
ASTM American Society for Testing dept. department hex hexagon
Materials dia. diameter Hg mercury (element)
ATDC after top dead center DI/EO dual inlet/end outlet HH hex head
ATS automatic transfer switch DIN Deutsches Institut fur Normung HHC hex head cap
auto. automatic e. V. HP horsepower
aux. auxiliary (also Deutsche Industrie hr. hour
A/V audiovisual Normenausschuss) HS heat shrink
avg. average DIP dual inline package hsg. housing
AVR automatic voltage regulator DPDT double-pole, double-throw HVAC heating, ventilation, and air
AWG American Wire Gauge DPST double-pole, single-throw conditioning
AWM appliance wiring material DS disconnect switch HWT high water temperature
bat. battery DVR digital voltage regulator Hz hertz (cycles per second)
BBDC before bottom dead center E, emer. emergency (power source) IC integrated circuit
BC battery charger, battery EDI electronic data interchange ID inside diameter, identification
charging EFR emergency frequency relay IEC International Electrotechnical
BCA battery charging alternator e.g. for example (exempli gratia) Commission
BCI Battery Council International EG electronic governor IEEE Institute of Electrical and
BDC before dead center EGSA Electrical Generating Systems Electronics Engineers
BHP brake horsepower Association IMS improved motor starting
blk. black (paint color), block EIA Electronic Industries in. inch
(engine) Association in. H2O inches of water
blk. htr. block heater EI/EO end inlet/end outlet in. Hg inches of mercury
BMEP brake mean effective pressure EMI electromagnetic interference in. lbs. inch pounds
bps bits per second emiss. emission Inc. incorporated
br. brass eng. engine ind. industrial
BTDC before top dead center EPA Environmental Protection int. internal
Agency int./ext. internal/external
Btu British thermal unit
EPS emergency power system I/O input/output
Btu/min. British thermal units per minute
ER emergency relay IP iron pipe
C Celsius, centigrade
ES engineering special, ISO International Organization for
cal. calorie engineered special
CARB California Air Resources Board Standardization
ESD electrostatic discharge J joule
CB circuit breaker est. estimated
cc cubic centimeter JIS Japanese Industry Standard
E-Stop emergency stop k kilo (1000)
CCA cold cranking amps etc. et cetera (and so forth)
ccw. counterclockwise K kelvin
exh. exhaust kA kiloampere
CEC Canadian Electrical Code
cfh cubic feet per hour
ext. external KB kilobyte (210 bytes)
F Fahrenheit, female
cfm cubic feet per minute
Kohler Co. develops the kilowatt output rating of a Kohlerr generator set installation. Figure 1 outlines the
marine generator set based upon the calculations calculations. Figure 2 contains examples of how heat
specified in ISO 3046 and ISO 8528-1. The calculations variables affect generator set ratings.
correct for environmental variables encountered in a
60 Hz 8.0
50 Hz 7.9
75 77 80 85 90 95 100 105 110 115 120
Temperature (_F)