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ZX210-6 • 210LC-6 • 210LCN-6 • 240N-6

Technical Manual



TTDC450-EN-00 Hydraulic Excavator

Service Manual consists of the following separate Part No.

Technical Manual (Operational Principle) : Vol. No.TODC450-EN
Technical Manual (Troubleshooting) : Vol. No.TTDC450-EN
Workshop Manual : Vol. No.WDC450-EN
PRINTED IN JAPAN (K) 2016, 06 Engine Manual : Vol. No.ETDC150-EN, EWDC150-EN


Group 1 Introduction Swing Motor Drainage.....................................................T4-5-26
Operational Performance Tests....................................... T4-1-1 Travel Motor Drainage.....................................................T4-5-28
Preparation for Performance Tests................................ T4-1-2
Group 6 Adjustment
Group 2 Standard Rewrite of Aftertreatment Device Serial No............... T4-6-1
Operational Performance Standard Table.................. T4-2-1 How to Clear Fault Code.................................................... T4-6-2
Main Pump P-Q Diagram (P1, P2)................................T4-2-11 Procedure after Replacing DCU and ECM................... T4-6-3
Main Pump P-Q Diagram (P3)........................................T4-2-12 Air Bleeding from the Diesel Exhaust Fluid
Sensor Activating Range.................................................T4-2-14 Defrosting Piping........................................................... T4-6-4
MPDr. Monitor Indicating Values..................................T4-2-16 How to Check Manual Regeneration Switch............. T4-6-5
Remedy at DEF Pressure Decrease................................ T4-6-6
Group 3 Engine Test Remedy at DEF Abnormal Quality................................. T4-6-8
Engine Speed........................................................................ T4-3-1 Clean DEF Tank...................................................................T4-6-10
Lubricant Consumption.................................................... T4-3-4 Remedy when Mixing Oil in DEF Tank........................T4-6-12
Group 4 Machine Performance Test
Travel Speed.......................................................................... T4-4-1
Track Revolution Speed..................................................... T4-4-2
Mistrack Check...................................................................... T4-4-3
Travel Parking Leakage...................................................... T4-4-4
Swing Speed.......................................................................... T4-4-5
Swing Function Drift Check............................................. T4-4-6
Swing Motor Leakage........................................................ T4-4-8
Maximum Swingable Slant Angle................................T4-4-10
Swing Bearing Play............................................................T4-4-12
Hydraulic Cylinder Cycle Time.......................................T4-4-14
Dig Function Drift Check.................................................T4-4-16
Control Lever Operating Force......................................T4-4-19
Control Lever Stroke.........................................................T4-4-20
Combined Operation of Boom Raise and
Swing Function Check................................................T4-4-21
Combined Operation of Boom Raise and
Arm Roll-In Function Check......................................T4-4-22
Clearance of Front Attachment Connecting
Group 5 Component Test
Primary Pilot Pressure......................................................... T4-5-1
Secondary Pilot Pressure................................................... T4-5-3
5-Spool Solenoid Valve Set Pressure............................. T4-5-4
2-Spool Solenoid Valve (Aftertreatment Device
Regeneration Control) Set Pressure......................... T4-5-5
Main Pump Delivery Pressure......................................... T4-5-7
Main Relief Set Pressure.................................................... T4-5-8
Relief Pressure (when relieving swing)......................T4-5-12
Overload Relief Valve Set Pressure..............................T4-5-14
Main Pump Flow Rate Measurement.........................T4-5-16



Group 1 Diagnosing Procedure DEF Tank................................................................................T5-4-16
Introduction........................................................................... T5-1-1 DEF Supply Module...........................................................T5-4-16
Diagnosis Procedure........................................................... T5-1-2 Layout of Attachment Spec. Parts ..............................T5-4-18
Electrical System Inspection............................................ T5-1-5 Components Related with Breaker..............................T5-4-20
Precautions for Inspection and Maintenance .......... T5-1-6 Components in Control Valve........................................T5-4-24
Instructions for Disconnecting Connectors............... T5-1-8 Pilot Port................................................................................T5-4-46
Fuse Inspection...................................................................T5-1-10 Port Layout of Control Valve (Main Circuit)..............T5-4-50
Fusible Link Inspection....................................................T5-1-13 Port Layout of Control Valve (Pilot Circuit)...............T5-4-52
Battery Voltage Check......................................................T5-1-14
Group 5 Troubleshooting A
Alternator Check................................................................T5-1-15
Troubleshooting A (Base Machine Diagnosis
Continuity Check...............................................................T5-1-16
By Using Fault Codes) Procedure.............................. T5-5-1
Voltage and Current Measurement.............................T5-1-18
MC Fault Code List............................................................... T5-5-3
Check by False Signal.......................................................T5-1-26
ECM Fault Code List...........................................................T5-5-24
Test Wire Harness...............................................................T5-1-27
DCU Fault Code List..........................................................T5-5-38
Group 2 Monitor Monitor Controller (Monitor) Fault Code List..........T5-5-45
Outline..................................................................................... T5-2-1 Monitor Controller (Information)
Operating Procedures of Service Menu....................... T5-2-2 Fault Code List...............................................................T5-5-46
Setting Menu.......................................................................T5-2-43 Air Conditioner Controller Fault Code List................T5-5-49
Inspection of Engine Oil Level, Coolant Communication Terminal Fault Code List.................T5-5-50
Level, Hour Meter, and Fuel Gauge........................T5-2-48 MC Fault Codes 11000 to 11002...................................T5-5-51
Fuel Gauge, Coolant Temperature Gauge, DEF MC Fault Code 11003.......................................................T5-5-52
Gauge...............................................................................T5-2-49 MC Fault Codes 11006, 11007,11009..........................T5-5-55
Monitor Controller (Monitor) Fault Codes
Group 3 e-Service 13002, 13003, 13005...................................................T5-5-55
Outline..................................................................................... T5-3-1 CAN0 Harness Check........................................................T5-5-56
List of Operation Data........................................................ T5-3-2 ISO-CAN (Engine) Harness Check................................T5-5-60
Communication System.................................................... T5-3-4 MC Fault Codes 11008, 11010.......................................T5-5-63
Group 4 Component Layout Monitor Controller (Monitor) Fault
Main Component................................................................. T5-4-1 Codes 13004, 13006, 13007......................................T5-5-63
Electrical System (Overview)........................................... T5-4-3 CAN1 Harness Check........................................................T5-5-64
Electrical System (Rear Tray)............................................. T5-4-4 MC Fault Code 11100.......................................................T5-5-67
Electrical System (Switch Panel)..................................... T5-4-5 MC Fault Code 11101.......................................................T5-5-68
Electrical System (Utility Space)..................................... T5-4-6 MC Fault Codes 11200 to 11202...................................T5-5-69
Electrical System (Relays).................................................. T5-4-7 MC Fault Code 11203.......................................................T5-5-70
Engine...................................................................................... T5-4-8 MC Fault Codes 11206 to 11208...................................T5-5-71
Aftertreatment Device....................................................... T5-4-9 MC Fault Codes 11301 to 11303...................................T5-5-72
Pump Device.......................................................................T5-4-10 MC Fault Codes 11304, 11307, 11325.........................T5-5-73
Around Pump Device.......................................................T5-4-11 MC Fault Codes 11995, 11997.......................................T5-5-74
Control Valve.......................................................................T5-4-12 MC Fault Code 11400.......................................................T5-5-75
Signal Control Valve..........................................................T5-4-12 MC Fault Code 11401.......................................................T5-5-76
Swing Device.......................................................................T5-4-14 MC Fault Code 11402.......................................................T5-5-77
Travel Device.......................................................................T5-4-14 MC Fault Code 11403.......................................................T5-5-78
5-Spool Solenoid Valve Unit...........................................T5-4-15 MC Fault Code 11406.......................................................T5-5-79
2-Spool Solenoid Valve Unit (Aftertreatment Device MC Fault Code 11407.......................................................T5-5-80
Regeneration Control)................................................T5-4-15 MC Fault Code 11408.......................................................T5-5-81

MC Fault Code 11409.......................................................T5-5-82
MC Fault Code 11410.......................................................T5-5-83
MC Fault Code 11411.......................................................T5-5-84
MC Fault Codes 11434, 11435.......................................T5-5-85
MC Fault Code 11436.......................................................T5-5-86
MC Fault Codes 11458, 11459.......................................T5-5-87
MC Fault Code 11427.......................................................T5-5-88
MC Fault Code 11428.......................................................T5-5-89
MC Fault Code 11901.......................................................T5-5-90
MC Fault Codes 20010 to 20012...................................T5-5-91
Monitor Controller (Information)
Fault Codes 13304, 13310.........................................T5-5-92
Monitor Controller (Information)
Fault Code 13311..........................................................T5-5-93
Monitor Controller (Information)
Fault Codes 20100 to 20114.....................................T5-5-94
Monitor Controller (Information)
Fault Codes 20109 to 20149.....................................T5-5-95
Air Conditioner Controller Fault Codes 11 to 22.....T5-5-96
Air Conditioner Controller Fault Codes 43 to 92.....T5-5-97
Group 6 Troubleshooting B
Troubleshooting B (Machine Diagnosis by
Using Trouble Symptom) Procedure....................... T5-6-1
Relationship between Machine Trouble
Symptoms and Related Parts..................................... T5-6-3
Correlation between Trouble Symptoms and Part
Engine System Troubleshooting..................................T5-6-48
All Actuator System Troubleshooting.........................T5-6-58
Front Attachment System Troubleshooting.............T5-6-66
Swing System Troubleshooting....................................T5-6-81
Travel System Troubleshooting....................................T5-6-83
Other System Troubleshooting.....................................T5-6-89
Exchange Inspection Method.......................................T5-6-94
How to Lowering Boom When Emergency and When
Engine Stops without Hose Rupture Valve.........T5-6-97
How to Lowering Boom When Emergency and When
Engine Stops with Hose Rupture Valve................T5-6-98
Attachment Circuit Pressure Release Procedure....T5-6-99
Group 7 Air Conditioner
Outline..................................................................................... T5-7-1
Functions of Main Parts..................................................... T5-7-4
Troubleshooting................................................................... T5-7-9
Air Conditioner Controller Fault Code List................T5-7-10
Air Conditioner Controller Fault Codes 11 to 22.....T5-7-11
Air Conditioner Controller Fault Codes 43 to 92.....T5-7-12
Work after Replacing Components.............................T5-7-34
Refill Compressor Oil........................................................T5-7-35
Charge Air Conditioner with Refrigerant..................T5-7-36
Hose and Pipe Tightening Torque................................T5-7-44

To The Reader
This manual is written for an experienced technician to  If you have any questions or comments, at if you found
provide technical information needed to maintain and any errors regarding the contents of this manual,
repair this machine. please contact using “Service Manual Revision Request
The machine specification and description according to Form” at the end of this manual. (Note: Do not tear off
destination may be explained on this manual. the form. Copy it for usage.):
 Technical Information Center Hitachi Construction
 Be sure to thoroughly read this manual for correct Machinery Co., Ltd.
product information and service procedures.  TEL: 81-29-832-7084
 FAX: 81-29-831-1162
 E-mail:

Additional References
Please refer to the other materials (operator’s manual,
parts catalog, engine technical material and Hitachi
training material etc.) in addition to this manual.

Manual Composition
This manual consists the Technical Manual, the Workshop  Information included in the Workshop Manual:
Manual and the Engine Manual. Technical information needed for maintenance and
repair of the machine, tools and devices needed for
 Information included in the Technical Manual: maintenance and repair, maintenance standards, and
Technical information needed for redelivery and delivery, removal / installation and assemble / disassemble
operation and activation of all devices and systems, procedures.
operational performance tests, and troubleshooting
procedures.  Information included in the Engine Manual:
Technical information needed for redelivery and delivery
and maintenance and repair of the machine, operation
and activation of all devices and systems, troubleshooting
and assemble / disassemble procedures.

Page Number
Each page has a number, located on the center lower part
of the page, and each number contains the following

 Technical Manual: T 1-3-5  Workshop Manual: W 1-3-2-5
T Technical Manual W Workshop Manual
1 Section Number 1 Section Number
3 Group Number 3 Group Number
5 Consecutive Page Number for Each Group 2 Sub Group Number
5 Consecutive Page Number for Each Group

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TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) IN-1
Safety Alert Symbol and Headline Notations
In this manual, the following safety alert symbol and
signal words are used to alert the reader to the potential d CAUTION:
for personal injury of machine damage. Indicates potentially hazardous situation which could, if
not avoided, result in personal injury or death.
d This is the safety alert symbol. When you see this
symbol, be alert to the potential for personal injury. IMPORTANT:
Never fail to follow the safety instructions prescribed Indicates a situation which, if not conformed to the
along with the safety alert symbol. instructions, could result in damage to the machine.
The safety alert symbol is also used to draw attention to
component/part weights.
To avoid injury and damage, be sure to use appropriate fNOTE:
lifting techniques and equipment when lifting heavy Indicates supplementary technical information or know-
parts. how.

Units Used
SI Units (International System of Units) are used in this A table for conversion from SI units to other system units
manual. is shown below for reference purposes.

Quantity To Convert From Into Multiply By

Length mm in 0.03937
mm ft 0.003281
Volume L US gal 0.2642
L US qt 1.057
m3 yd3 1.308
Weight kg lb 2.205
Force N kgf 0.10197
N lbf 0.2248
Torque N·m kgf·m 0.10197
Pressure MPa kgf/cm 2
MPa psi 145.0
Power kW PS 1.360
kW HP 1.341
Temperature °C °F °C×1.8+32
Velocity km/h mph 0.6214
min -1
rpm 1.0
Flow rate L/min US gpm 0.2642
mL/rev cc/rev 1.0

TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) IN-2

Symbol / Name Explanation

TO Technical manual (Operational principle)Technical manual (Operational Principle).
TT Technical manual (Troubleshooting) Technical manual (Troubleshooting).
T/M Technical manual Technical manual.
W, W/M Workshop manual Workshop manual (Removal and Installation, Disassembly
and Assembly).
MC Main Controller Main controller. MC controls the engine, pump, and valve
according to the machine operating condition.
ECM Engine Control Module Engine controller. ECM controls fuel injection amount
according to the machine operating condition.
VGS Variable Geometry System controller Variable turbo controller. VGS is an exhaust turbo charged
system to supercharge the exhaust energy while running
the engine at slow idle speed. VGS optimizes the turbine
rotation, improves the performance at slow-speed torque
and the acceleration, reduces fuel consumption, and reduces
particulate matter (PM) by adjusting the nozzle opening of
turbine housing.
GSM Global System for Mobile communications Communication controller. GSM is a type of wireless
controller communication system, is used in more than on 100
countries around Europe and Asia, and becomes the factual
global standards of the mobile telephone.
GPS Global Positioning System Global positioning system.
CAN Controller Area Network CAN communication. CAN is a serial communications
protocol internationally-standardized by ISO (International
Organization for Standardization).
A/C Air Conditioner Air conditioner.
OP, OPT Option Optional component.
MPDr. Maintenance Pro Dr. MPDr. is software that troubleshooting, monitoring, and
A/I Auto-Idle Auto-idle.
WU Warming-Up Warming-up.
Li Low (Slow) Idle Slow idle engine speed.
ATT Attachment Attachment. Attachment is optional parts such as breaker,
crusher, and pulverizer in this manual.
HI, Hi High Travel fast position.
LO, Lo Low Travel slow position.

TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) SY-1

Symbol / Name Explanation

DPF Diesel Particulate Filter DPF is a filter which removes particulate matter (PM)
including the toxic substance of exhaust gas of the diesel
engine. Exhaust particulate removal equipment.
DPD Diesel Particulate Diffuser DPD is an exhaust emission control system, a type of DPF,
which cleans up particulate matter (PM) of diesel engine
exhaust gas. DPD is a ceramic filter which traps and filters
PM of exhaust gas. DPD burns up accumulated PM when PM
increases and regenerates the filter.
DOC Diesel Oxidation Catalyst Oxidation catalyst for the diesel engine. Diesel oxidation
catalyst oxidizes unburnt fuel and raises exhaust
CSF Catalyzed Soot Filter Filter. The filter traps, burns, and remove particulate matter
(PM) by using high-temperature-exhaust gas with diesel
oxidation catalyst. Catalyst is applied onto the filter. This
advances PM burning.
PM Particulate Matter Particulate matter.
EGR Exhaust Gas Recirculation The EGR control re-circulates a part of exhaust gas in the
intake manifold and combines it with intake-air. Therefore,
combustion temperature is lowered and generation of oxide
of nitrogen (NOx) is controlled.
HRV Hose Rupture Valve Hose rupture valve.
LLC Long Life Coolant Long life coolant.
SCR Selective Catalytic Reduction The urea SCR system injects diesel exhaust fluid to nitrogen
oxide (NOx) exhausted from the engine and purifies NOx.
DCU Dosing Control Unit Urea SCR system controller. DCU controls the diesel exhaust
fluid injection amount according to the machine operating
S/M Supply Module Diesel exhaust fluid supply module. The diesel exhaust fluid
supply module pumps diesel exhaust fluid to the dosing
module (D/M). Then, it returns diesel exhaust fluid in the
diesel exhaust fluid circuit when the key switch is turned
D/M Dosing Module Dosing module. The dosing module (D/M) injects diesel
exhaust fluid into the exhaust piping according to the signal
from DCU.
NOx Nitrogen Oxide Nitrogen oxide.
DEF Diesel Exhaust Fluid Diesel exhaust fluid. The diesel exhaust fluid concentration is
32.5 %, which is specified in ISO22241.

TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) SY-2

Recognize Safety Information

 When you see these symbols on your machine or in this
manual, be alert to the potential for personal injury.
 Follow recommended precautions and safe operating


Understand Signal Words

 On machine safety signs, signal words designating the
degree or level of hazard - DANGER, WARNING, or CAUTION
- are used with the safety alert symbol.
 DANGER indicates an imminently hazardous situation
which, if not avoided, will result in death or serious injury.
 WARNING indicates a potentially hazardous situation
which, if not avoided, could result in death or serious
 CAUTION indicates a potentially hazardous situation
which, if not avoided, may result in minor or moderate
 DANGER or WARNING safety signs are located near
specific hazards. General precautions are listed on
CAUTION safety signs.
 Some safety signs are occasionally used on this machine
that do not use any of the designated signal words
mentioned above after the safety alert symbol.

 CAUTION also calls attention to safety message in this

 To avoid confusing machine protection with personal safety
messages, a signal word IMPORTANT indicates a situation
which, if not avoided, could result in damage to the

 fNOTE: Indicates an additional explanation for a piece of


TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) SA-1

Follow Safety Instructions

 Carefully read and follow all safety signs on the machine
and all safety messages in the operator's manual.
 Safety signs should be installed, maintained and replaced
when necessary.
 If a safety sign or operator's manual is damaged or
missing, order a replacement from your authorized dealer
in the same way you order other replacement parts (be
sure to state machine model and serial number when
 Learn how to operate the machine and its controls correctly
and safely.
 Allow only trained, qualified, authorized personnel to
operate the machine. SA-003
 Keep your machine in proper working condition.
 Unauthorized modifications of the machine may impair
its function and/or safety and affect machine life.
 Do not modify any machine parts without authorization.
Failure to do so may deteriorate the safety, function, and/
or service life of the part. In addition, personal accident,
machine trouble, and/or damage to material caused by
unauthorized modifications will void Hitachi Warranty
 Never attempt to modify or disassemble the inlet/exhaust
parts and the aftertreatment device. Avoid shocks to the
element of the aftertreatment device, such as striking
or dropping objects onto the element. Failure to do so
may affect the exhaust gas purifying device, possibly
damaging it or lowering its performance.
 Do not use attachments and/or optional parts or
equipment not authorized by Hitachi. Failure to do so
may deteriorate the safety, function, and/or service life
of the machine. In addition, personal accident, machine
trouble, and/or damage to material caused by using
unauthorized attachments and/or optional parts or
equipment will void Hitachi Warranty Policy.
 The safety messages in this SAFETY chapter are intended
to illustrate basic safety procedures of machines. However
it is impossible for these safety messages to cover every
hazardous situation you may encounter. If you have any
questions, you should first consult your supervisor and/
or your authorized dealer before operating or performing
maintenance work on the machine.

TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) SA-2

Prepare for Emergencies

 Be prepared for a fire or an accident.
 Keep a first aid kit and fire extinguisher on hand.
 Thoroughly read and understand the label attached on
the fire extinguisher to use it properly.
 To ensure that a fire extinguisher can be always used
when necessary, check and service the fire extinguisher
at the recommended intervals as specified in the fire
extinguisher manual.
 Establish emergency procedure guidelines to cope with
fires and accidents.
 Keep emergency numbers for doctors, ambulance
service, hospital, and fire department posted near your
telephone. SA-437

Wear Protective Clothing

 Wear close fitting clothing and safety equipment
appropriate to the job.

You may need:

A hard hat
Safety shoes
Safety glasses, goggles, or face shield
Heavy gloves
Hearing protection
Reflective clothing SA-438
Wet weather gear
Respirator or filter mask
Be sure to wear the correct equipment and clothing for the
job. Do not take any chances.
 Avoid wearing loose clothing, jewelry, or other items that
can catch on control levers or other parts of the machine.
 Operating equipment safely requires the full attention of
the operator. Do not wear radio or music headphones while
operating the machine.

TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) SA-3

Protect Against Noise

 Prolonged exposure to loud noise can cause impairment or
loss of hearing.
 Wear a suitable hearing protective device such as
earmuffs or earplugs to protect against objectionable or
uncomfortably loud noises.


Inspect Machine
 Inspect your machine carefully each day or shift by walking
around it before you start it to avoid personal injury.
 In the walk-around inspection be sure to cover all points
described in the "Inspect Machine Daily Before Starting"
section in the operator’s manual.


TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) SA-4
General Precautions for the Cab
 Before entering the cab, thoroughly remove all dirt
and/or oil such as mud, grease, soil or stones from the
soles of your work boots. If any controls such as a pedal
is operated while with dirt and/or oil on the soles of the
operator’s work boots, the operator’s foot may slip off
the pedal, possibly resulting in a personal accident.
 Do not mess up around the operator’s seat with parts,
tools, soil, stones, obstacles that may fold up or turn
over, cans or lunch box. The levers or pedals become
inoperable if obstacle jams in operation stroke of the
travel levers/pedals, pilot control shut-off lever or control
levers, which may result in serious injury or death.
 Avoid storing transparent bottles in the cab. Do not
attach any transparent type window decorations on
the windowpanes as they may focus sunlight, possibly
starting a fire.
 Refrain from listening to the radio, or using music
headphones or mobile telephones in the cab while
operating the machine.
 Keep all flammable materials and/or explosives away
from the machine.
 After using the ashtray, always cover it to extinguish the
match and/or tobacco.
 Do not leave cigarette lighters in the cab. When the
temperature in the cab increases, the lighter may
 Correctly lay the floor mat specific to the machine. If
another floor mat is used, it may be displaced and
contact with the travel pedals during operation, resulting
in serious injury or death.

TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) SA-5

Use Handholds and Steps

 Falling is one of the major causes of personal injury.
 When you get on and off the machine, always face the
machine and maintain a three-point contact with the
steps and handrails.
 Do not use any controls as hand-holds.
 Never jump on or off the machine. Never mount or
dismount a moving machine.
 Before getting on or off the machine, check the condition
of the steps and handrails for sticking of slippery material
like grease or mud. Thoroughly remove such material if
stack. In addition, repair the damage to the steps and/or
handrails. Retighten loose bolts.
 Never get on and off the machine with tools in your

Adjust the Operator's Seat

 A seat which is poorly adjusted for the individual operator,
or the work to be undertaken, may quickly fatigue the
operator leading to misoperation.
 The seat should be adjusted whenever the operator of the
machine changes.
 The operator should be able to fully depress the pedals
and to correctly operate the control levers with his back
against the seat back.
 If not, move the seat forward or backward, and check
 Adjust the rear view mirror position so that the best rear
visibility is obtained from the operator’s seat. If the mirror
is broken, immediately replace it with a new one.

TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) SA-6
Ensure Safety Before Rising from or Leaving
Operator’s Seat
 Before rising from the operator’s seat to open/close either
side window or to adjust the seat position, be sure to first
lower the front attachment to the ground and then move
the pilot control shut-off lever to the LOCK position. Failure
to do so may allow the machine to unexpectedly move
when a body part unintentionally comes in contact with
a control lever and/or pedal, possibly resulting in serious
personal injury or death.
 Before leaving the machine, be sure to first lower the front
attachment to the ground and then move the pilot control
shut-off lever to the LOCK position. Turn the key switch OFF
to stop the engine.
 Before leaving the machine, close all windows, doors, and
access covers and lock them.

Fasten Your Seat Belt

 If the machine should overturn, the operator may become
injured and/or thrown from the cab. Additionally the
operator may be crushed by the overturning machine,
resulting in serious injury or death.
 Prior to operating the machine, thoroughly examine
webbing, buckle and attaching hardware. If any item is
damaged or worn, replace the seat belt or component
before operating the machine.
 Be sure to remain seated with the seat belt securely
fastened at all times when the machine is in operation to SA-237
minimize the chance of injury from an accident.
 We recommend that the seat belt is replaced every three
years regardless of its apparent condition.

TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) SA-7

Move and Operate Machine Safely

 Bystanders can be run over.
 Take extra care not to run over bystanders. Confirm the
location of bystanders before moving, swinging, or
operating the machine.
 Always keep the travel alarm and horn in working
condition (if equipped). It warns people when the
machine starts to move.
 Use a signal person when moving, swinging, or operating
the machine in congested areas. Coordinate hand signals
before starting the machine.
 Use appropriate illumination. Check that all lights are SA-426
operable before operating the machine. If any faulty
illumination is present, immediately repair it.
 Ensure the cab door, windows, doors and covers are
securely locked.
 Check the mirrors and the monitor in the cab for
If there is, replace the problem part (s) or clean the mirror,
camera lens and the monitor display.
Refer to Rear View Monitor section in the operator's
manual for information on cleaning the camera lens and
the monitor display.

Operate Only from Operator's Seat

 Inappropriate engine starting procedures may cause the
machine to runaway, possibly resulting in serious injury or
 Start the engine only when seated in the operator's seat.
 Never start the engine while standing on the track or
 Do not start engine by shorting across starter terminals.
 Before starting the engine, confirm that all control levers
are in neutral.
 Before starting the engine, confirm the safety around the SA-444
machine and sound the horn to alert bystanders.

TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) SA-8

Jump Starting
 Battery gas can explode, resulting in serious injury.
 If the engine must be jump started, be sure to follow
the instructions shown in the “OPERATING THE ENGINE”
chapter in the operator’s manual.
 The operator must be in the operator’s seat so that the
machine will be under control when the engine starts.
Jump starting is a two-person operation.
 Never use a frozen battery.
 Failure to follow correct jump starting procedures could
result in a battery explosion or a runaway machine.

Keep Riders off Machine

 Riders on machine are subject to injury such as being struck
by foreign objects and being thrown off the machine.
 Only the operator should be on the machine. Keep riders
 Riders also obstruct the operator’s view, resulting in the
machine being operated in an unsafe manner.


TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) SA-9

Precautions for Operations

 Investigate the work site before starting operations.
 Be sure to wear close fitting clothing and safety
equipment appropriate for the job, such as a hard hat,
etc. when operating the machine.
 Keep bystanders and obstacles clear of the area of
machine operation.
Keep persons other than the operator away from areas
where there is danger, such as from flying objects.
Always be aware of the surroundings while operating.
When working in a small area surrounded by obstacles,
take care not to hit the upperstructure against obstacles.
 When loading onto trucks, bring the bucket over the truck
beds from the rear side. Take care not to swing the bucket
over the cab or over any person.


TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) SA-10

Investigate Job Site Beforehand

 When working at the edge of an excavation or on a road
shoulder, the machine could tip over, possibly resulting in
serious injury or death.
 Investigate the configuration and ground conditions of
the job site beforehand to prevent the machine from
falling and to prevent the ground, stockpiles or banks
from collapsing.
 Make a work plan. Use machines appropriate to the work
and job site.
 Reinforce ground, edges and road shoulders as
necessary. Keep the machine well back from the edges of
excavations and road shoulders.
 When working on an incline or on a road shoulder, SA-380
employ a signal person as required.
 Confirm that your machine is equipped with a FOPS cab
before working in areas where the possibility of falling
stones or debris exist.
 When the ground footing is weak, reinforce the ground
before starting work.
 When working on frozen ground, be extremely alert. As
ambient temperatures rise, footing becomes loose and
 Beware the possibility of fire when operating the machine
near flammable materials such as dry grass.

TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) SA-11
 Make sure the worksite has sufficient strength to firmly
support the machine.
When working close to an excavation or at road
shoulders, operate the machine with the tracks positioned
perpendicular to the cliff face with travel motors at the rear,
so that the machine can more easily evacuate if the cliff face
 If working on the bottom of a cliff or a high bank is required,
be sure to investigate the area first and confirm that no
danger of the cliff or bank collapsing exists. If any possibility
of cliff or bank collapsing exists, do not work on the area.
 Soft ground may collapse when the machine is operated on
it, possibly causing the machine to tip over. When working
on soft ground is required, be sure to reinforce the ground
first using steel plates strong and firm enough to easily
support the machine.
 Note that there is always a possibility of machine tipping
over when working on rough terrain or on slopes. Prevent M104-05-016
machine tipping over from occurring. When operating on
rough terrain or on slopes:
 Reduce the engine speed.
 Select slow travel speed mode.
 Operate the machine slowly and be cautious with
machine movements.

Install OPG Guard

In case the machine is operated in areas where the possibilities
of falling stones or debris exist, equip Hitachi OPG guard.
Consult your authorized dealer for installing the OPG guard.
In order not to impair operator protective structure:
Replace damaged OPG guard. Never attempt to repair or
modify the guard.

OPG: Operator Protective Guard


Restriction of Attachment Installation

Do not install an attachment which exceeds the specified
weight for the machine structure.

TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) SA-12

Provide Signals for Jobs Involving Multiple

 For jobs involving multiple machines, provide signals
commonly known by all personnel involved. Also, appoint
a signal person to coordinate the job site. Make sure that all
personnel obey the signal person’s directions.


Confirm Direction of Machine to Be Driven

 Incorrect travel pedal/lever operation may result in serious
injury or death.
 Before driving the machine, confirm the position of the
undercarriage in relation to the operator’s position. If the
travel motors are located in front of the cab, the machine
will move in reverse when travel pedals/levers are
operated facing forwards.


TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) SA-13

Drive Machine Safely

 Before driving the machine, always confirm that the travel
levers/pedals direction corresponds to the direction you
wish to drive.
 Be sure to detour around any obstructions.
 Avoid traveling over obstructions. Soil, fragments of rocks,
and/or metal pieces may scatter around the machine. Do A
not allow personnel to stay around the machine while

 Driving on a slope may cause the machine to slip or SA-657

overturn, possibly resulting in serious injury or death.
 Never attempt to ascend or descend 35 degrees or
steeper slopes.
 Be sure to fasten the seat belt.
 When driving up or down a slope, keep the bucket facing
the direction of travel, approximately 0.2 to 0.3 m (see A
on the right) above the ground.
 If the machine starts to skid or becomes unstable,
immediately lower the bucket to the ground and stop.
 Driving across the face of a slope or steering on a
slope may cause the machine to skid or turnover. If A SA-658
the direction must be changed, move the machine to
level ground, then, change the direction to ensure safe




TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) SA-14
 Avoid swinging the upperstructure on slopes. Never
attempt to swing the upperstructure downhill. The
machine may tip over. If swinging uphill is unavoidable,
carefully operate the upperstructure and boom at slow
 If the engine stalls on a slope, immediately lower the
bucket to the ground. Return the control levers to neutral.
Then, restart the engine.
 Be sure to thoroughly warm up the machine before
ascending steep slopes. If hydraulic oil has not warmed
up sufficiently, sufficient performance may not be Travel Motor
 Use a signal person when moving, swinging or operating M104-05-008
the machine in congested areas. Coordinate hand signals
before starting the machine.
 Before moving machine, determine which way to move
travel pedals/levers for the direction you want to go.
When the travel motors are in the rear, pushing down
on the front of the travel pedals or pushing the levers
forward moves the machine forward, towards the idlers.
An arrow-mark seal is stuck on the inside surface of the
side frame to indicate the machine front direction.
 Select a travel route that is as flat as possible. Steer the
Arrow -mark
machine as straight as possible, making small gradual
changes in direction. M178-03-001
 Before traveling on them, check the strengths of bridges
and road shoulders, and reinforce if necessary.
 Use wood plates in order not to damage the road surface.
Be careful of steering when operating on asphalt roads in
 When crossing train tracks, use wood plates in order not
to damage them.
 Do not make contact with electric wires or bridges.
 When crossing a river, measure the depth of the river
using the bucket, and cross slowly. Do not cross the river
when the depth of the river is deeper than the upper
edge of the upper roller.
 When traveling on rough terrain, reduce engine speed.
Select slow travel speed. Slower speed will reduce
possible damage to the machine.
 Avoid operations that may damage the track and
undercarriage components.
 During freezing weather, always clean snow and ice from
track shoes before loading and unloading the machine, to
prevent the machine from slipping.

TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) SA-15

Avoid Injury from Rollaway Accidents

 Death or serious injury may result if you attempt to mount
or stop a moving machine.

To avoid rollaways:
 Select level ground when possible to park the machine.
 Do not park the machine on a gradient.
 Lower the bucket and/or other work tools to the ground.
 Turn the auto-idle switch OFF.
 Run the engine at slow idle speed without load for 5
minutes to cool down the engine.
 Stop the engine and remove the key from the key switch.
 Pull the pilot control shut-off lever to LOCK position.
 Block both tracks and lower the bucket to the ground.
Thrust the bucket teeth into the ground if you must park
on a gradient.
 Position the machine to prevent rolling.
 Park at a reasonable distance from other machines.


TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) SA-16

Avoid Injury from Back-Over and Swing

 If any person is present near the machine when backing or
swinging the upperstructure, the machine may hit or run
over that person, resulting in serious injury or death.
To avoid back-over and swing accidents:
 Always look around BEFORE YOU BACK UP AND SWING
 Keep the travel alarm in working condition (if equipped).
VIEW. SA-383
Use hand signals, which conform to your local regulations,
when work conditions require a signal person.
 No machine motions shall be made unless signals are
clearly understood by both signal person and operator.
 Learn the meanings of all flags, signs, and markings used
on the job and confirm who has the responsibility for
 Keep windows, mirrors, and lights clean and in good
 Dust, heavy rain, fog, etc., can reduce visibility. As visibility
decreases, reduce speed and use proper lighting.
 Read and understand all operating instructions in the SA-384
operator’s manual.

TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) SA-17

Keep People Clear from Working Area

 People around the operating machine may be hit severely
by the swinging front attachment or counterweight, be
caught in other objects, and/or be struck by flying objects,
resulting in serious injury or death.
 Set up barriers and/or put a “NO ADMISSION” sign at
the machine operating site and areas exposed by flying
objects to prevent anyone from entering the work area.
 Before operating the machine, set up barriers to the
sides and rear area of the bucket swing radius to prevent
anyone from entering the work area.


Never Position the Bucket Over Anyone

 Never lift, move, or swing the bucket above anyone or
above the truck cab.
Serious injury or machine damage may result due to bucket
load spill or due to collision with the bucket.


TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) SA-18
Avoid Undercutting
 In order to retreat from the edge of an excavation if the
footing should collapse, always position the undercarriage
perpendicular to the edge of the excavation with the travel
motors at the rear.
 If the footing starts to collapse and if retreat is not
possible, do not panic. Often, the machine can be secured
by lowering the front attachment, in such cases.


Avoid Tipping
 The danger of tipping is always present when operating on
a grade, possibly resulting in serious injury or death.
To avoid tipping:
 Be extra careful before operating on a gradient.
 Prepare machine operating area flat.
 Keep the bucket low to the ground and close to the SA-012
 Reduce operating speeds to avoid tipping or slipping.
 Avoid changing direction when traveling on grades.
 NEVER attempt to travel across a grade steeper than 15
degrees if crossing the grade is unavoidable.
 Reduce swing speed as necessary when swinging loads.

 Be careful when working on frozen ground.

 Temperature increases will cause the ground to become
soft and make ground travel unstable.


TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) SA-19

Never Undercut a High Bank

 The edges could collapse or a land slide could occur causing
serious injury or death.


Dig with Caution

 Accidental severing of underground cables or gas lines may
cause an explosion and/or fire, possibly resulting in serious
injury or death.
 Before digging check the location of cables, gas lines, and
water lines.
 Keep the minimum distance required, by law, from cables,
gas lines, and water lines.
 If a fiber optic cable should be accidentally severed, do
not look into the end. Doing so may result in serious eye
 Contact your local “diggers hot line” if available in your
area , and/or the utility companies directly.
Have them mark all underground utilities.

Operate with Caution
 If the front attachment or any other part of the machine hits
against an overhead obstacle, such as a bridge, both the
machine and the overhead obstacle will be damaged, and
personal injury may result as well.
 Take care to avoid hitting overhead obstacles with the
boom or arm.


TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) SA-20

Avoid Power Lines

 Serious injury or death can result if the machine or front
attachments are not kept a safe distance from electric lines.
 When operating near an electric line, never move any part
of the machine or load to within 3 m plus twice the line
insulator length of overhead wires.
 Check and comply with any local regulations that may
 Wet ground will expand the area that could cause any
person on it to be affected by electric shock. Keep all
bystanders or co-workers away from the site.


Precautions for Lightning

 Lightning may strike the machine.

If lightning comes close, immediately stop the operation,

and take the following action.

 When you are around the machine or operating cab-

less machine, evacuate to a safe place far away from the
 When you are in the cab, stay in the cab until lightning
has passed and safety is assured. Close the cab doors and
windows. Lower the bucket to the ground, and stop the
engine. Put your hands on your lap to avoid contact with
any metal surfaces. Never go out of the cab.
If lightning strikes the machine or near the machine,
check all of the machine safety devices for any failure after
lightning has passed and safety is assured. If any trouble is
found, operate the machine only after repairing it.

TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) SA-21

Object Handling
 If a lifted load should fall, any person nearby may be
struck by the falling load or may be crushed underneath it,
resulting in serious injury or death.
 When using the machine for craning operations, be sure
to comply with all local regulations.
 Do not use damaged chains or frayed cables, slings, or
 Before craning, position the upperstructure with the
travel motors at the rear.
 Move the load slowly and carefully. Never move it
 Keep all persons well away from the load.
 Never move a load over a person’s head.
 Do not allow anyone to approach the load until it is safely
and securely situated on supporting blocks or on the
 Never attach a sling or chain to the bucket teeth. They
may come off, causing the load to fall.


Protect Against Flying Debris

 If flying debris hit eyes or any other part of the body, serious
injury may result.
 Guard against injury from flying pieces of metal or debris;
wear goggles or safety glasses.
 Keep bystanders away from the working area before
striking any object.
 Always close the front windows, doors, door windows and
the overhead window when operating the machine.


TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) SA-22

Park Machine Safely

To avoid accidents:
 Park machine on a firm, level surface.
 Lower bucket to the ground.
 Turn auto-idle switch OFF.
 Run engine at slow idle speed without load for 5 minutes.
 Turn key switch to OFF to stop engine.
 Remove the key from the key switch.
 Pull the pilot control shut-off lever to the LOCK position.
 Close windows, roof vent, and cab door.
 Lock all access doors and compartments.


Handle Fluids Safely−Avoid Fires

 Handle fuel with care; it is highly flammable. If fuel ignites,
an explosion and/or a fire may occur, possibly resulting in
serious injury or death.
 Do not refuel the machine while smoking or when near
open flame or sparks.
 Always stop the engine before refueling the machine.
 Fill the fuel tank outdoors.

 All fuels, most lubricants, and some coolants are flammable.

 Store flammable fluids well away from fire hazards.
 Do not incinerate or puncture pressurized containers.
 Do not store oily rags; they can ignite and burn SA-018
 Securely tighten the fuel and oil filler caps.


TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) SA-23

Transport Safely
 Take care the machine may turn over when loading or
unloading the machine onto or off of a truck or trailer.
 Observe the related regulations and rules for safe
 Select an appropriate truck or trailer for the machine to
be transported.
 Be sure to use a signal person.
 Always follow the following precautions for loading or
1. Select solid and level ground.
2. Always use a ramp or deck strong enough to support the
machine weight. SA-395

3. Turn auto-idle switch OFF.

4. Always select the slow speed mode with the travel mode
5. Never load or unload the machine onto or off a truck
or trailer using the front attachment functions when
driving up or down the ramp.
6. Never steer the machine while on the ramp. If the
traveling direction must be changed while on the ramp,
unload the machine from the ramp, reposition the
machine on the ground, then try loading again.
7. At the top end of the ramp where it meets the flatbed,
there is a sudden bump. Take care when traveling over it.
8. Place blocks in front of and behind the tires. Securely
fasten the machine to the truck or trailer deck with wire

Be sure to further follow the details described in the

"TRANSPORTING" section in the operator's manual.

TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) SA-24

Practice Safe Maintenance

To avoid accidents:
 Understand service procedures before starting work.
 Keep the work area clean and dry.
 Do not spray water or steam inside cab.
 Never lubricate or service the machine while it is moving.
 Keep hands, feet and clothing away from power-driven

Before servicing the machine:

1. Park the machine on a level surface.
2. Lower the bucket to the ground.
3. Turn the auto-idle switch off.
4. Run the engine at slow idle speed without load for 5
5. Turn the key switch to OFF to stop engine.
6. Relieve the pressure in the hydraulic system by moving
the control levers several times. SA-028

7. Remove the key from the key switch.

8. Attach a “Do Not Operate” tag on the control lever.
9. Pull the pilot control shut-off lever to the LOCK position.
10. Allow the engine to cool.

 If a maintenance procedure must be performed with the

engine running, do not leave the machine unattended.
 If the machine must be raised, maintain a 90 to 110˚
angle between the boom and arm. Securely support any
machine elements that must be raised for service work.
 Inspect certain parts periodically and repair or replace as
necessary. Refer to the section discussing that part in the
“MAINTENANCE” chapter in the operator's manual. SA-527
 Keep all parts in good condition and properly installed.
 Fix damage immediately. Replace worn or broken parts.
Remove any buildup of grease, oil, or debris.
 When cleaning parts, always use nonflammable
detergent oil. Never use highly flammable oil such as fuel
oil and gasoline to clean parts or surfaces.
 Turn the battery disconnect switch to OFF before
adjusting the electrical systems or performing welding on
the machine.

TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) SA-25
 Sufficiently illuminate the work site. Use a maintenance
work light when working under or inside the machine.
 Always use a work light protected with a guard. If the
light bulb is broken, spilled fuel, oil, antifreeze fluid, or
window washer fluid may catch fire.


Warn Others of Service Work

 Unexpected machine movement can cause serious injury.
 Before performing any work on the machine, attach a “Do
Not Operate” tag on the control lever.
This tag is available from your authorized dealer.


Support Machine Properly

 Never attempt to work on the machine without securing
the machine first.
 Always lower the attachment to the ground before you
work on the machine.
 If you must work on a lifted machine or attachment,
securely support the machine or attachment. Do not
support the machine on cinder blocks, hollow tires, or
props that may crumble under continuous load. Do not
work under a machine that is supported solely by a jack.

TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) SA-26

Stay Clear of Moving Parts

 Entanglement in moving parts can cause serious injury.
 To prevent accidents, care should be taken to ensure that
hands, feet, clothing, jewelry and hair do not become
entangled when working around rotating parts.



Prevent Parts from Flying

 Grease in the track adjuster is under high pressure. Failure
to follow the precautions below may result in serious injury,
blindness, or death.
 Do not attempt to remove GREASE FITTING or VALVE
 Do not attempt to remove the valve stop plate.
 As pieces may fly off, be sure to keep body and face away
from valve.
 Never attempt to disassemble the track adjuster.
Inadvertent disassembling of the track adjuster may
cause the parts such as a spring to fly off, possibly SA-344
resulting in severe personal injury or death.

 Travel reduction gears are under pressure.

 As pieces may fly off, be sure to keep body and face away
from AIR RELEASE PLUG to avoid injury.
 GEAR OIL is hot. Wait for GEAR OIL to cool, then gradually
loosen AIR RELEASE PLUG to release pressure.

TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) SA-27

Avoid Injury from Attachment Falling Accident

 Stored attachments such as buckets, hydraulic hammers,
and blades can fall and cause serious injury or death.
 To avoid possible personal injury from attachment falling
accident, use a platform when replacing an attachment.
 Securely store attachments such as a bucket, blade,
breaker and other parts to prevent falling.
 Keep children and bystanders away from attachment
storage areas.


Prevent Burns
Hot spraying fluids:

 After operation, engine coolant is hot and under pressure.

Hot water or steam is contained in the engine, expansion
tank and heater lines.
Skin contact with escaping hot water or steam can cause
severe burns.
 Avoid possible injury from hot spraying water. DO NOT
remove the expansion tank cap until the engine is cool.
When opening, turn the cap slowly to the stop. Allow all
pressure to be released before removing the cap.
 The hydraulic oil tank is pressurized. Again, be sure to SA-039
release all pressure before removing the cap.

Hot fluids and surfaces:

 Engine oil, gear oil and hydraulic oil also become hot during
The engine, hoses, lines and other parts become hot as well.
 Wait for the oil and components to cool before starting
any maintenance or inspection work.


TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) SA-28

Replace Rubber Hoses Periodically

 Rubber hoses that contain flammable fluids under pressure
may break due to aging, fatigue, and abrasion. It is very
difficult to gauge the extent of deterioration due to aging,
fatigue, and abrasion of rubber hoses by inspection alone.
 Periodically replace the rubber hoses. (See the page of
“Periodic replacement of parts” in the operator’s manual.)

 Failure to periodically replace rubber hoses may cause a fire,

fluid injection into skin, or the front attachment to fall on a
person nearby, which may result in severe burns, gangrene,
or otherwise serious injury or death.

Avoid High-Pressure Fluids

 Fluids such as diesel fuel or hydraulic oil under pressure can
penetrate the skin or eyes causing serious injury, blindness
or death.
 Avoid this hazard by relieving pressure before
disconnecting hydraulic or other lines.
 Tighten all connections before applying pressure.
 Search for leaks with a piece of cardboard; take care to
protect hands and body from high-pressure fluids. Wear a
face shield or goggles for eye protection.
 If an accident occurs, see a doctor familiar with this
type of injury immediately. Any fluid injected into the SA-031
skin must be surgically removed within a few hours or
gangrene may result.



TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) SA-29

Prevent Fires
Check for Oil Leaks:
 Fuel, hydraulic oil and lubricant leaks can lead to fires.
 Check for oil leaks due to missing or loose clamps, kinked
hoses, lines or hoses that rub against each other, damage
to the oil cooler, and loose oil cooler flange bolts.
 Tighten, repair or replace any missing, loose or damaged
clamps, lines, hoses, oil cooler and oil cooler flange bolts.
 Do not bend or strike high-pressure lines.
 Never install bent or damaged lines, pipes, or hoses.
 Replace fuel hoses and hydraulic hoses periodically even
if there is no abnormality in their external appearance.
Check for Shorts:
 Short circuits can cause fires.
 Clean and tighten all electrical connections.
 Check before each shift or after eight (8) to ten (10) hours
operation for loose, kinked, hardened or frayed electrical
cables and wires.
 Check before each shift or after eight (8) to ten (10) hours
operation for missing or damaged terminal caps.
 DO NOT OPERATE MACHINE if cable or wires are loose,
kinked, etc.
 Never attempt to modify electric wirings.

TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) SA-30
Clean up Flammable Materials:
 Spilled fuel and oil, trash, grease, debris, accumulated coal
dust, and other flammable materials may cause fires.
 Prevent fires by inspecting and cleaning the machine
daily, and by removing adhered oil or accumulated
flammable materials immediately. Check and clean high
temperature parts such as the exhaust outlet and muffler
earlier than the normal interval.
 Do not wrap high temperature parts such as a muffler or
exhaust pipe with oil absorbents.
 Do not store oily cloths as they are vulnerable to catching
 Keep flammable materials away from open flames.
 Do not ignite or crush a pressurized or sealed container.
 Wire screens may be provided on openings on the engine
compartment covers to prevent flammable materials
such as dead leaves from entering. However, flammable
materials which have passed through the wire screen
may cause fires. Check and clean the machine every
day and immediately remove accumulated flammable

Check Key Switch:

 If a fire breaks out, failure to stop the engine will escalate
the fire, hampering fire fighting.
Always check key switch function before operating the
machine every day:
1. Start the engine and run it at slow idle.
2. Turn the key switch to the OFF position to confirm that
the engine stops.
 If any abnormalities are found, be sure to repair them
before operating the machine.

Check Heat Shields:

 Damaged or missing heat shields may lead to fires.

 Damaged or missing heat shields must be repaired or

replaced before operating the machine.
 If hydraulic hoses are broken while the engine cover is
open, splattered oil on the high temperature parts such
as muffler may cause fire. Always close the engine cover
while operating the machine.

TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) SA-31

Evacuating in Case of Fire

 If a fire breaks out, evacuate the machine in the following
 Stop the engine by turning the key switch to the OFF
position if there is time.
 Use a fire extinguisher if there is time.
 Exit the machine.
 In an emergency, if the cab door or front window can not
be opened, break the front or rear window pane with
the emergency evacuation hammer to escape from the
cab. Refer to the explanation pages on the Emergency SA-393
Evacuation Method in the operator's manual.


Beware of Exhaust Fumes

 Prevent asphyxiation. Engine exhaust fumes can cause
sickness or death.
 If you must operate in a building, be sure there is
adequate ventilation. Either use an exhaust pipe
extension to remove the exhaust fumes or open doors
and windows to bring enough outside air into the area.
 White smoke may be generated during the
aftertreatment device regeneration. Do not attempt to
do aftertreatment device manual regeneration in a badly
ventilated indoors.


TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) SA-32
Precautions for Welding and Grinding
 Welding may generate gas and/or small fires.
 Be sure to perform welding in a well ventilated and
prepared area. Store flammable materials in a safe place
before starting welding.
 Only qualified personnel should perform welding. Never
allow an unqualified person to perform welding.
 Turn the battery disconnect switch to the OFF position
before performing welding on the machine.
 Grinding on the machine may create fire hazards. Store
flammable materials in a safe place before starting grinding.
 After finishing welding and grinding, recheck that there are SA-818
no abnormalities such as the area surrounding the welded
area still smoldering.

TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) SA-33

Avoid Heating Near Pressurized Fluid Lines

 Flammable spray can be generated by heating near
pressurized fluid lines, resulting in severe burns to yourself
and bystanders.
 Do not heat by welding, soldering, or using a torch near
pressurized fluid lines or other flammable materials.
 Pressurized lines can be accidentally cut when heat goes
beyond the immediate flame area. Install temporary
fire-resistant guards to protect hoses or other materials
before engaging in welding, soldering, etc.


Avoid Applying Heat to Lines Containing

Flammable Fluids
 Do not weld or flame cut pipes or tubes that contain
flammable fluids.
 Clean pipes and tubes thoroughly with non-flammable
solvent before welding or flame cutting.

Precautions for Handling Accumulator and Gas

High-pressure nitrogen gas is sealed in the accumulator and
the gas damper. Inappropriate handling may cause explosion,
possibly resulting in serious injury or death.

Strictly comply with the following items:

 Do not disassemble the unit.
 Keep the units away from open flames and fire.
 Do not bore a hole, do not cut by torch.
 Avoid giving shocks by hitting or rolling the unit.
 Before disposing of the unit, sealed gas must be released.
Consult your authorized dealer.

TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) SA-34

Remove Paint Before Welding or Heating

 Hazardous fumes can be generated when paint is heated by
welding, soldering, or using a torch. If inhaled, these fumes
may cause sickness.
 Avoid potentially toxic fumes and dust.
 Do all such work outside or in a well-ventilated area.
Dispose of paint and solvent properly.
 Remove paint before welding or heating:
1. If you sand or grind paint, avoid breathing the dust.
Wear an approved respirator.
2. If you use solvent or paint stripper, remove stripper with SA-029
soap and water before welding. Remove solvent or paint
stripper containers and other flammable materials from
area. Allow fumes to disperse at least 15 minutes before
welding or heating.

Beware of Asbestos and Silica Dust and Other

 Take care not to inhale dust produced in the work site.
Inhalation of asbestos fibers may be the cause of lung
cancer. Inhalation of silica dust or other contaminations
may cause sickness.
 Depending on the work site conditions, the risk
of inhaling asbestos fiber, silica dust or other
contaminations may exist. Spray water to prevent
asbestos fibers, silica dust or other contaminations from
becoming airborne. Do not use compressed air.
 When operating the machine in a work site where
asbestos fibers, silica dust or other contaminations might SA-029
be present, be sure to operate the machine upwind, and
wear a mask rated to prevent the inhalation of asbestos,
silica dust or other contaminations.
 Keep bystanders out of the work site during operation.
 Asbestos fibers might be present in imitation parts. Use
only genuine Hitachi Parts.

TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) SA-35

Prevent Battery Explosions

 Battery gas can explode.
 Keep sparks, lighted matches, and flame away from the
top of battery.
 Never check battery charge by placing a metal object
across the posts. Use a voltmeter or hydrometer.
 Do not charge a frozen battery; it may explode. Warm the
battery to 16 ˚C first.
 Do not continue to use or charge the battery when
electrolyte level is lower than specified. Explosion of the
battery may result.
 Loose terminals may produce sparks. Securely tighten all
terminals. SA-032
 Connect terminals to the correct electrical poles. Failure
to do so may cause damage to the electrical parts or fire.

 Battery electrolyte is poisonous. If the battery should

explode, battery electrolyte may be splashed into eyes,
possibly resulting in blindness.
 Be sure to wear eye protection when checking electrolyte
specific gravity.

Service Air Conditioning System Safely

 If spilled onto skin, refrigerant may cause a cold contact
 Refer to the instructions described on the container for
proper use when handling the refrigerant.
 Use a recovery and recycling system to avoid leaking
refrigerant into the atmosphere.
 Never touch the refrigerant.


TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) SA-36

Handle Chemical Products Safely

 Direct exposure to hazardous chemicals can cause serious
injury. Potentially hazardous chemicals used with your
machine include such items as lubricants, coolants, paints,
and adhesives.
 Safety Data Sheet (SDS) provides specific details on
chemical products: physical and health hazards, safety
procedures, and emergency response techniques.
 Check the SDS before you start any job using a hazardous
chemical. That way you will know exactly what the risks
are and how to do the job safely. Then follow procedures
and use recommended equipment.
 See your authorized dealer for SDS’s (available only in
English) on chemical products used with your machine. SA-2579

Dispose of Waste Properly

 Improperly disposing of waste can threaten the
environment and ecology. Potentially harmful waste used
with Hitachi equipment includes such items as oil, fuel,
coolant, DEF, brake fluid, filters, and batteries.
 Use leakproof containers when draining fluids. Do not use
food or beverage containers that may mislead someone
into drinking from them.
 Do not pour waste onto the ground, down a drain, or into
any water source.
 Air conditioning refrigerants escaping into the air can
damage the Earth’s atmosphere. Government regulations
may require a certified air conditioning service center to SA-226
recover and recycle used air conditioning refrigerants.
 Inquire on the proper way to recycle or dispose of waste
from your local environmental or recycling center, or from
your authorized dealer.

TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) SA-37

Never Ride Attachment

Never allow anyone to ride on attachments or the load. This is
an extremely dangerous practice.

Notes on Aftertreatment Device

About Aftertreatment Device
The aftertreatment device removes particulate matter (PM)
and NOx (Nitrogen Oxide) from the exhaust gas. Follow the
instructions below to prevent the aftertreatment device
from being damaged.

dWARNING: Exhaust gas from the aftertreatment

device, muffler, exhaust piping and tail piping
becomes hot during and right after engine running
and regeneration of aftertreatment device. Keep away
from the exhaust system or hot gas from the exhaust
piping during regeneration. Be careful to avoid skin
contact with exhaust gas. It may cause severe burns.

 White smoke may be generated during aftertreatment

device regeneration. Do not attempt to perform
aftertreatment device manual regeneration in a badly
ventilated area.

 Do not touch water coming directly out of the

aftertreatment device. The water is mildly-acidic by
oxidation catalyst mounted in the aftertreatment device.
If filter water spills on your skin, immediately flush it out
with clean water.

Precautions for Communication Terminal

Electrical wave transmitted from the communication terminal
may cause malfunction of other electronic devices.
Inquire to the device manufacturer for information on
electrical wave disturbance when using an electronic device
near the communication terminal.

TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) SA-38
Precautions for Communication Terminal
This machine has a communication terminal equipment
emitting electrical waves installed inside the rear tray situated
at the back of the operator's seat. There is a possibility that
a medical device, including an implantable device such as a
cardiac pacemaker, could be affected and malfunction due the
electrical waves emitted from the communication terminal

Any person fitted with a medical device such as the above SA-2302
should not use this machine, unless the medical device and
the rear tray are at least 22 centimeters apart at all times. If
this condition cannot be met, please contact your authorized
dealer and have the person in charge stop the communication
terminal equipment from functioning completely, and confirm
that it is not emitting electrical waves.
This machine is equipped with a communication terminal type
A or type B.
Consult your nearest authorized dealer for the type of
communication terminal.

Specific Absorption Rate ("SAR") (measured by 10 g per unit) of

communication terminal equipments:
Type A Type B
E-GSM900 0.573 W/kg (914.8 MHz) 0.12 W/kg (897.6 MHz)
DCS-1800 0.130 W/kg (1710.2 MHz) 0.06 W/kg (1748.0 MHz)
WCDMA Band I 0.271 W/kg (1950.0 MHz) 0.05 W/kg (1950.0 MHz)
WCDMA Band VIII - 0.10 W/kg (892.6 MHz)

*This data was measured by having each type of

communication terminal equipment, such as the
communication terminal equipment used with this machine,
and a human body set apart by 3 centimeters.
* SAR is a measure of the amount of radio frequency energy
absorbed by the body when using a wireless application such
as a mobile phone.

In Japan: *Under the Japanese Radio Act and other relevant

Japanese regulations, the maximum SAR value is 2 W/kg (as of
March 2010).

In EU Member nation: *Under the "Council Recommendation

1999/519/EC 12 July 1999'; the maximum SAR value is 2 W/kg
(as of March 2010).

TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) SA-39
 Do not attempt to disassemble, repair, modification and
displacement of the communication terminal, antenna
and cables. Failure to do so may cause damage or fire on
the machine and the communication terminal. (Before
removing or installing the communication terminal, consult
your authorized dealer.)

 Do not pinch or forcibly pull cables, cords and connectors.

Failure to do so may cause damage or fire on the machine
and the communication terminal due to short/broken

TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) SA-40

Notes on Protection of Operator’s Station when

the Machine Rolls Over
The cab corresponds to the structure to protect the operator
by absorbing impact energy when the machine rolls over (Roll-
Over Protective Structure (ROPS)).
However, when modifying the machine or installing a
special attachment causing the machine mass to exceed the
maximum operating mass described in the ROPS certification,
the cab cannot fulfill its protective function, possibly causing
serious injury or death.

In order to safeguard the protective structure, follow the

instructions below.
 Consult your authorized dealer before welding parts or
drilling a hole on the cab, which possibly reduces the cab SS-3636
 Be sure to always fasten the seat belt when operating
the machine. If the machine rolls over without operator
fastening the seat belt, the operator may become injured,
may be thrown out from the cab and/or may become
crushed under the machine even though the cab has the
protective structure.

The ROPS certification is valid under the following conditions.

 The machine mass is lower than the maximum operating
mass described in the ROPS certification.
 The ROPS is properly installed.
 No modification is made to the ROPS.
 The ROPS is free from damage.

Maximum operating
Applicable Machine Model Number mass assuring the ROPS

Certificate number ROPS Model
of the ROPS Number

TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) SA-41
Before Returning the Machine to the Customer
 After maintenance or repair work is complete, confirm that:
 The machine is functioning properly, especially the safety
 Worn or damaged parts have been repaired or replaced.


TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) SA-42
Group 1 Introduction
Group 2 Standard
Group 3 Engine Test
Group 4 Excavator Test
TECHNICAL MANUAL Group 5 Component Test
Group 6 Adjustment
Group 1 Diagnosing Procedure
Group 2 Monitor
Group 3 e-Service
Group 4 Component Layout
Group 5 Troubleshooting A
Group 6 Troubleshooting B
Group 7 Air Conditioner

All information, illustrations and

specifications in this manual are based on
the latest product information available
at the time of publication. The right is
reserved to make changes at any time
without notice.

Hitachi Construction Machinery Co., Ltd.
Tokyo, Japan
All rights reserved




Group 1 Introduction Swing Motor Drainage.....................................................T4-5-26
Operational Performance Tests....................................... T4-1-1 Travel Motor Drainage.....................................................T4-5-28
Preparation for Performance Tests................................ T4-1-2
Group 6 Adjustment
Group 2 Standard Rewrite of Aftertreatment Device Serial No............... T4-6-1
Operational Performance Standard Table.................. T4-2-1 How to Clear Fault Code.................................................... T4-6-2
Main Pump P-Q Diagram (P1, P2)................................T4-2-11 Procedure after Replacing DCU and ECM................... T4-6-3
Main Pump P-Q Diagram (P3)........................................T4-2-12 Air Bleeding from the Diesel Exhaust Fluid
Sensor Activating Range.................................................T4-2-14 Defrosting Piping........................................................... T4-6-4
MPDr. Monitor Indicating Values..................................T4-2-16 How to Check Manual Regeneration Switch............. T4-6-5
Remedy at DEF Pressure Decrease................................ T4-6-6
Group 3 Engine Test Remedy at DEF Abnormal Quality................................. T4-6-8
Engine Speed........................................................................ T4-3-1 Clean DEF Tank...................................................................T4-6-10
Lubricant Consumption.................................................... T4-3-4 Remedy when Mixing Oil in DEF Tank........................T4-6-12
Group 4 Machine Performance Test
Travel Speed.......................................................................... T4-4-1
Track Revolution Speed..................................................... T4-4-2
Mistrack Check...................................................................... T4-4-3
Travel Parking Leakage...................................................... T4-4-4
Swing Speed.......................................................................... T4-4-5
Swing Function Drift Check............................................. T4-4-6
Swing Motor Leakage........................................................ T4-4-8
Maximum Swingable Slant Angle................................T4-4-10
Swing Bearing Play............................................................T4-4-12
Hydraulic Cylinder Cycle Time.......................................T4-4-14
Dig Function Drift Check.................................................T4-4-16
Control Lever Operating Force......................................T4-4-19
Control Lever Stroke.........................................................T4-4-20
Combined Operation of Boom Raise and
Swing Function Check................................................T4-4-21
Combined Operation of Boom Raise and
Arm Roll-In Function Check......................................T4-4-22
Clearance of Front Attachment Connecting
Group 5 Component Test
Primary Pilot Pressure......................................................... T4-5-1
Secondary Pilot Pressure................................................... T4-5-3
5-Spool Solenoid Valve Set Pressure............................. T4-5-4
2-Spool Solenoid Valve (Aftertreatment Device
Regeneration Control) Set Pressure......................... T4-5-5
Main Pump Delivery Pressure......................................... T4-5-7
Main Relief Set Pressure.................................................... T4-5-8
Relief Pressure (when relieving swing)......................T4-5-12
Overload Relief Valve Set Pressure..............................T4-5-14
Main Pump Flow Rate Measurement.........................T4-5-16

TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) DC450T-4-1

TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) DC450T-4-2
Group 1 Introduction

Operational Performance Tests

Use operational performance test procedure to The machine performance does not always deteriorate
quantitatively check all system and functions on the as the working hours increase. However, the machine
machine. performance is normally considered to reduce in
proportion to the increase of the operation hours.
Purpose of Performance Tests Accordingly, restoring the machine performance by
repair, adjustment, or replacement shall consider the
1. To comprehensively evaluate each operational
number of the machine’s working hours.
function by comparing the performance test data
with the standard values.
Definition of “Performance Standard”
2. According to the evaluation results, repair, adjust, or
1. Operation speed values and dimensions of the new
replace parts or components as necessary to restore
the machine’s performance to the desired standard.
2. Operational performance of new components
3. To economically operate the machine under
adjusted to specifications. Allowable errors will be
optimal conditions.
indicated as necessary.

Kinds of Tests
1. Base machine performance test is to check the
operational performance of each system such as
engine, travel, swing, and hydraulic cylinders.
2. Hydraulic component unit test is to check the
operational performance of each component such
as hydraulic pump, motor, and various kinds of

Performance Standards
“Performance Standard” is shown in tables to evaluate
the performance test data.

Precautions for Evaluation of Test Data

1. To evaluate not only that the test data are correct,
but also in what range the test data are.
2. Be sure to evaluate the test data based on the
machine operation hours, kinds and state of work
loads, and machine maintenance conditions.

TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) T4-1-1
Group 1 Introduction

Preparation for Performance Tests

Observe the following rules in order to carry out
performance tests accurately and safely.

1. Repair any defects and damage found, such as oil
or water leaks, loose bolts, cracks and so on, before
starting to test.

1. Select a hard and flat surface.
2. Secure enough space to allow the machine to run
straight more than 20 m (65 ft 7 in), and to make a
full swing with the front attachment extended.
3. If required, rope off the test area and provide
signboards to keep unauthorized personnel away.

1. Before starting to test, agree upon the signals to be
employed for communication among coworkers.
Once the test is started, be sure to communicate
with each other using these signals, and to follow
them without fail.
2. Operate the machine carefully and always give first
priority to safety.
3. While testing, always take care to avoid accidents
due to landslides or contact with high-voltage
power lines. Always confirm that there is sufficient
space for full swings.
4. Avoid polluting the machine and the ground with
leaking oil. Use oil pans to catch escaping oil. Pay
special attention to this when removing hydraulic T105-06-01-003


1. Accurately calibrate test instruments in advance to
obtain correct data.
2. Carry out tests under the exact test conditions
prescribed for each test item.
3. Repeat the same test and confirm that the test data
obtained can be produced repeatedly. Use mean
values of measurements if necessary.


TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) T4-1-2
Group 2 Standard

Operational Performance Standard Table The standard measurement conditions are as followings
unless instructed in each performance test procedure:
The standard Performance values are listed in the table  Engine Control Dial : Fast Idle
below.  Power Mode : PWR
The detailed measurement procedures are explained in  Auto-Idle Switch: OFF
T4-3, T4-4, and T4-5. Refer to the reference page.  Work Mode: Digging Mode
Values indicated in parentheses [ ] are reference values.  Coolant Temperature: 80 °C or more
 Hydraulic Oil Temperature : 50±5 °C
 The aftertreatment device regeneration control
should not be activated.

Performance Test Designation Unit Performance Remark Reference

Standard Page
ENGINE SPEED min-1 T4-3-1
Slow Idle Speed 800±50 Control Lever: Neutral, Pilot shut-off
lever: LOCK position, Value indicated on
Slow Idle Speed 900±50 Control Lever: Neutral, Pilot shut-off
lever: UNLOCK position, Value indicated
on MPDr.
Fast Idle Speed (with ECO 1800±50 Control Lever: Neutral, Value indicated
deactivated) on MPDr.
Fast Idle Speed (Heater control: 1700±50 Control Lever: Neutral, Pilot shut-off
OFF) lever: UNLOCK position, Value indicated
on MPDr.
Fast Idle Speed (Heater control: 1900±50 Pilot shut-off lever: LOCK position,
ON) Coolant temperature: 5 °C or less, Value
indicated on MPDr.
Fast Idle (Relief operation) 1800±50 Boom raise relief operation, Value
indicated on MPDr.
Fast Idle Speed (ECO mode) 1650±50 Control Lever: Neutral, ECO mode, Value
indicated on MPDr.
Fast Idle Speed (Travel HP mode) 2000±50 Travel relief operation (both travel right
and left), Value indicated on MPDr.
Auto-Idle Speed 1200±50 Value indicated on MPDr.
Manual Regeneration Engine 1400±50 Pilot shut-off lever: LOCK position,
Speed (Slow Idle Speed) Coolant temperature: 70 °C or more,
Value indicated on MPDr.
Warming-Up Speed 1400±50 Hydraulic oil temperature is 0 °C or less
or coolant temperature is 23 °C or less,
Value indicated on MPDr.

TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) T4-2-1
Group 2 Standard

Performance Test Designation Unit Performance Remark Reference

Standard Page
ENGINE COMPRESSION MPa 3.04±0.2 Engine speed: 200 min−1 Refer to Engine
VALVE CLEARANCE (IN, EX) mm 0.4 With the engine cold Refer to Engine
LUBRICANT CONSUMPTION mL/h 30 or less Hour meter: 2000 hours or less T4-3-4
(Rated output)
TRAVEL SPEED sec/10 m T4-4-1
Fast Speed Mode 6.6±0.6
Slow Speed Mode [10.2±1.0]
Fast Speed Mode 17.2±1.0 LC: 18.3±1.0
Slow Speed Mode 26.7±2.0 LC: 28.4±2.0
MISTRACK (With fast and slow mm/20 m 200 or less T4-4-3
travel speed modes)
SWING SPEED sec/3 rev 15.3±1.0 Bucket: empty T4-4-5
SWING FUNCTION DRIFT CHECK mm/180° 1600 or less Bucket: empty T4-4-6
SWING MOTOR LEAKAGE mm/5 min 0 Bucket: loaded T4-4-8
Weight: 1050 kg
MAXIMUM SWINGABLE SLANT deg 25 or more Bucket: loaded T4-4-10
ANGLE Weight: 1050 kg
SWING BEARING PLAY mm 1.0 or less Allowable limit: 2.8 T4-4-12

TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) T4-2-2
Group 2 Standard

Performance Test Designation Unit Performance Remark Reference

Standard Page
(Mono Boom) (without HRV) 0.8 m3 (PCSA heaped) bucket
Bucket: empty
Boom Raise 3.2±0.3
Boom Lower 2.3±0.3
Arm Roll-In 3.3±0.3
Arm Roll-Out 2.7±0.3
Bucket Roll-In 3.0±0.3
Bucket Roll-Out 2.1±0.3
(2-Piece Boom) (without HRV) 0.8 m3 (PCSA heaped) bucket
Bucket: empty
Boom Raise 4.1±0.3
Boom Lower 3.0±0.3
Arm Roll-In 3.3±0.3
Arm Roll-Out 2.7±0.3
Bucket Roll-In 3.0±0.3
Bucket Roll-Out 2.1±0.3
Positioning Lower 5.2±0.3
Positioning Raise 4.5±0.3

fNOTE: HRV: Hose Rupture Valve

TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) T4-2-3
Group 2 Standard

Performance Test Designation Unit Performance Remark Reference

Standard Page
(Mono Boom) (with HRV) 0.8 m3 (PCSA heaped) bucket
Bucket: empty
Boom Raise 3.2±0.3
Boom Lower 2.4±0.3
Arm Roll-In 3.3±0.3
Arm Roll-Out 2.7±0.3
Bucket Roll-In 3.0±0.3
Bucket Roll-Out 2.1±0.3
(2-Piece Boom) (with HRV) 0.8 m3 (PCSA heaped) bucket
Bucket: empty
Boom Raise 4.1±0.3
Boom Lower 3.1±0.3
Arm Roll-In 3.3±0.3
Arm Roll-Out 2.7±0.3
Bucket Roll-In 3.0±0.3
Bucket Roll-Out 2.1±0.3
Positioning Lower 5.2±0.3
Positioning Raise 4.5±0.3

fNOTE: HRV: Hose Rupture Valve

TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) T4-2-4
Group 2 Standard

Performance Test Designation Unit Performance Remark Reference

Standard Page
(Mono Boom) (without HRV) Without Bucket
Boom Raise 3.0±0.3
Boom Lower 2.7±0.3
Arm Roll-In 3.3±0.3
Arm Roll-Out 2.6±0.3
Bucket Roll-In 3.1±0.3
Bucket Roll-Out 2.1±0.3
(2-Piece Boom) (without HRV) Without Bucket
Boom Raise 3.4±0.3
Boom Lower 3.3±0.3
Arm Roll-In 3.5±0.3
Arm Roll-Out 2.6±0.3
Bucket Roll-In 3.1±0.3
Bucket Roll-Out 2.1±0.3
Positioning Lower 5.5±0.3
Positioning Raise 4.4±0.3

fNOTE: HRV: Hose Rupture Valve

TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) T4-2-5
Group 2 Standard

Performance Test Designation Unit Performance Remark Reference

Standard Page
(Mono Boom) (with HRV) Without Bucket
Boom Raise 3.0±0.3
Boom Lower 2.7±0.3
Arm Roll-In 3.3±0.3
Arm Roll-Out 2.6±0.3
Bucket Roll-In 3.1±0.3
Bucket Roll-Out 2.1±0.3
(2-Piece Boom) (with HRV) Without Bucket
Boom Raise 3.4±0.3
Boom Lower 3.4±0.3
Arm Roll-In 3.5±0.3
Arm Roll-Out 2.6±0.3
Bucket Roll-In 3.1±0.3
Bucket Roll-Out 2.1±0.3
Positioning Lower 5.5±0.3
Positioning Raise 4.4±0.3

fNOTE: HRV: Hose Rupture Valve

TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) T4-2-6
Group 2 Standard

Performance Test Designation Unit Performance Remark Reference

Standard Page
DIG FUNCTION DRIFT CHECK mm/5 min 2.91 m arm T4-4-16
(Mono Boom) 0.8 m3 (PCSA heaped) bucket
Boom Cylinder (Maximum Reach 20 or less Bucket: loaded
Position) Weight: 1050 kg
(Arm Roll-In Position) 5 or less Bucket: empty
Arm Cylinder (Maximum Reach 20 or less Bucket: loaded
Position) Weight: 1050 kg
(Arm Roll-In Position) 10 or less Bucket: empty
Bucket Cylinder (Maximum Reach 20 or less Bucket: loaded
Position) Weight: 1050 kg
(Arm Roll-In Position) 10 or less Bucket: empty
Bucket Bottom (Maximum Reach 150 or less Bucket: loaded
Position) Weight: 1050 kg
(Arm Roll-In Position) 90 or less Bucket: empty
DIG FUNCTION DRIFT CHECK mm/5 min 2.42 m arm
(2-Piece Boom) 0.8 m3 (PCSA heaped) bucket
Boom Cylinder (Maximum Reach 20 or less Bucket: loaded
Position) Weight: 1050 kg
(Arm Roll-In Position) 5 or less Bucket: empty
Arm Cylinder (Maximum Reach 20 or less Bucket: loaded
Position) Weight: 1050 kg
(Arm Roll-In Position) 10 or less Bucket: empty
Bucket Cylinder (Maximum Reach 20 or less Bucket: loaded
Position) Weight: 1050 kg
(Arm Roll-In Position) 10 or less Bucket: empty
Positioning Cylinder (Maximum Reach 40 or less Bucket: loaded
Position) Weight: 1050 kg
(Arm Roll-In Position) 30 or less Bucket: empty
Bucket Bottom (Maximum Reach 270 or less Bucket: loaded
Position) Weight: 1050 kg
(Arm Roll-In Position) 150 or less Bucket: empty

TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) T4-2-7
Group 2 Standard

Performance Test Designation Unit Performance Remark Reference

Standard Page
Front and Rear at Right Side 16 or less
Right and Left at Left Side 13 or less
Right and Left at Right Side 13 or less
Front and Rear at Left Side 16 or less
Travel Control Lever 28 or less
Front and Rear at Right Side 96±10
Right and Left at Left Side 81±10
Right and Left at Right Side 81±10
Front and Rear at Left Side 96±10
Travel Control Lever 120±10
COMBINED OPERATION OF BOOM RAISE sec 3.6±0.4 2.91 m arm T4-4-21
AND SWING FUNCTION CHECK 0.8 m3 (PCSA heaped) bucket
(The time required to swing the Bucket: empty
upperstructure 90 degrees)
Bucket Teeth Height: H mm 6600 or more
COMBINED OPERATION OF BOOM RAISE sec [4.3±0.5] 2.91 m arm T4-4-22
AND ARM ROLL-IN FUNCTION CHECK 0.8 m3 (PCSA heaped) bucket
(The time required for the arm to reach
the stroke end)

TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) T4-2-8
Group 2 Standard

Performance Test Designation Unit Performance Remark Reference

Standard Page
Main Frame and Boom Foot 1.0 or less Main Frame max 90.20 including Bushing
min 90.05 including Bushing
Boom Foot max 90.25 including Bushing
min 90.05 including Bushing
Pin max 90.00
min 89.93
Boom and Arm 1.0 or less Boom max 90.20 including Bushing
min 90.05 including Bushing
Arm max 90.25 including Bushing
min 90.05 including Bushing
Pin max 89.90
min 89.83
First Boom and 1.0 or less First Boom max 100.20 including Bushing
Second Boom min 100.05 including Bushing
(only machines with the 2-piece Second Boom max 100.25 including Bushing
boom attached)
min 100.05 including Bushing
Pin max 99.88
min 99.79

TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) T4-2-9
Group 2 Standard

Performance Test Designation Unit Performance Remark Reference

Standard Page
Engine: Fast Idle Speed 4.0 -0.5
Value indicated on MPDr.
Engine: Slow Idle Speed 3.8+1.0-0.5 Value indicated on MPDr.
(Engine: Fast Idle Speed and Slow Idle 3.4 to 4.0 Value indicated on MPDr.
Speed) (Control Lever: Full stroke)
SOLENOID VALVE SET PRESSURE MPa Value indicated T4-5-4, 5
on MPDr.±0.2
MAIN PUMP DELIVERY PRESSURE MPa 0.7+1.2-0.5 Control Lever: Neutral, Value T4-5-7
indicated on MPDr.
Arm (Relief operation) (P1, P2) 34.3+2.0-0.5 Value indicated on MPDr.
Boom (Relief operation) (P1, P2) 38.0+2.0-1.5 Value indicated on MPDr.
Boom (Relief operation) (P3) 38.5+2.0-0.5 Value indicated on MPDr.
Bucket (Relief operation) (P1) 35.0+2.0-0.5 Value indicated on MPDr.
Power Digging (P1, P2) 38.0+2.0-0.5 Value indicated on MPDr.
RELIEF PRESSURE (Relief operation of MPa 32.6+2.3-0.5 Value indicated on MPDr. T4-5-12
OVERLOAD RELIEF PRESSURE MPa (Reference values at 50 L/min) T4-5-14
Boom Lower, Arm Roll-In, Bucket 39.2 +1.0
Boom Raise, Arm Roll-Out, Bucket 39.2+1.0-0
MAIN PUMP FLOW RATE L/min Refer to T4-2-11, 12. T4-5-16
With constant speed 0.2 to 0.5
With the motor relieved [2 to 5]
With the track raised off the ground 10 less than Allowable limit: 10
With the motor relieved 15 less than Allowable limit: 15

TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) T4-2-10
Group 2 Standard

Main Pump P-Q Diagram (P1, P2)

 P-Q Control (Torque Control) Points on P-Q Line
(Reference: Measured at Test Stand) Delivery Pressure (P) Flow Rate (Q)
 Rated Pump Speed: 1800 min-1 MPa L/min
 Hydraulic Oil Temperature: 50±5 °C
A 4.9 212±3
B 14.7 [210]
fNOTE: Refer to T4-5-16.
C 17 184±6
D 20.5 [147]
E 28 110±6
F 34.3 83±10
The valve indicated in square brackets [ ] is only a
reference valve.

L/min B



TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) T4-2-11
Group 2 Standard

Main Pump P-Q Diagram (P3)

 P-Q Control (Torque Control) Points on P-Q Line
(Reference: Measured at Test Stand) Delivery Pressure (P) Flow Rate (Q)
 Rated Pump Speed: 1800 min-1 MPa L/min
 Hydraulic Oil Temperature: 50±5 °C
A 4.9 189±3
B 19.6 [185]
fNOTE: Refer to T4-5-16.
C 21.5 163±6
D 24.5 [145]
E 30.0 118±6
F 34.3 98±10
The valve indicated in square brackets [ ] is only a
reference valve.

L/min B



TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) T4-2-12
Group 2 Standard

 P-Q Control by Pump Control Pilot Pressure Signal

(Reference: Measured at Test Stand)
Points on Pi-Q Line
Pump Control Pressure (Pi) Flow Rate (Q)
 Rated Pump Speed: 1800 min-1 MPa L/min
 Hydraulic Oil Temperature: 50±5 °C (P1, P2) (P3)
f NOTE: Refer to T4-5-18. A 0.98±0.05 58±2 57±2
B 1.96 [132] [118]
C 2.94+0.05 −0.39 212±3 189±3
The valve indicated in square brackets [ ] is only a
reference valve.


MPa Pi


TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) T4-2-13
Group 2 Standard

Sensor Activating Range

1. Checking Method

 Hydraulic Oil Temperature: 50±5 °C

 Unless specified:

Engine Power Mode Work Mode Auto-Idle

Control Dial Switch
Fast Idle PWR Digging OFF

• Monitor each sensor by using MPDr..

2. Sensor Activating Range

Item Operation Specification

Engine Control Dial Slow Idle 0.3 to 1.0 V
Fast Idle 4.0 to 4.7 V
Pressure Sensor Control Lever: Neutral 0 to 0.1 MPa
Pilot Shut-Off Lever: LOCK
Control Lever: Full Stroke 3.3 to 3.9 MPa
Pilot Shut-Off Lever: UNLOCK
Pump Control Pressure Sensor Control Lever: Neutral 0 to 1 MPa
Control Lever: Full Stroke 2.9 to 3.9 MPa

TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) T4-2-14
Group 2 Standard


TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) T4-2-15
Group 2 Standard

MPDr. Monitor Indicating Values

The standard measurement conditions are as followings
unless instructed in each performance test procedure:
 Engine Control Dial : Fast Idle
 Power Mode : PWR
 Auto-Idle Switch: OFF
 Work Mode: Digging Mode
 Coolant Temperature: 80 °C or more
 Hydraulic Oil Temperature : 50±5 °C
 The aftertreatment device regeneration control
should not be activated.

Item Unit Reference Measured Value Remark
Value First Second Third Average
Actual Engine Speed min -1

No load 1700
When relieving arm roll-in 1800
Target Fuel Injection Qty mm3/st
No load 19
When relieving arm roll-in 107.5
Target Engine Speed min-1
No load 1700
When relieving arm roll-in 1800
Engine Torque %
No load 13
When relieving arm roll-in 78
Boost Pressure kPa
No load 130
When relieving arm roll-in 216
Directed Engine Speed min-1
No load 1700
When relieving arm roll-in 1800
Common Rail Pressure DP MPa
No load 0
When relieving arm roll-in 0
Engine Oil Pressure kPa
No load 632
When relieving arm roll-in 540
Common Rail Pressure MPa
No load 134
When relieving arm roll-in 174
Atmospheric Pressure MPa
No load 101
When relieving arm roll-in 101

TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) T4-2-16
Group 2 Standard

Item Unit Reference Measured Value Remark

Value First Second Third Average
ECM Battery Voltage V
No load 28.1
When relieving arm roll-in 28.1
EGR Opening Amount 1 %
No load 36.5
When relieving arm roll-in 40
ITH Opening Amount %
No load 100
When relieving arm roll-in 100
Actual Turbo Opening Amt %
No load 89.6
When relieving arm roll-in 71.2
DEF/AdBlue Level %
No load 92.8
When relieving arm roll-in 92.8
DEF/AdBlue Pressure hPa
No load 9000
When relieving arm roll-in 9000
Dosing Valve Status 0 to 255
No load 200
When relieving arm roll-in 216
DEF/AdBlue Concentration %
No load 31.5
When relieving arm roll-in 31.5
Dosing Valve Amount %
No load 0.4
When relieving arm roll-in 9.2
DEF/AdBlue S/M Pump Aperture %
No load 19.6
When relieving arm roll-in 22.4

TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) T4-2-17
Group 2 Standard

Item Unit Reference Measured Value Remark
Value First Second Third Average
Demand Engine Speed min-1
Fast Idle Speed (No load) 1700
Fast Idle Speed (When operating 1800 When relieving boom
a control lever) raise
Fast Idle Speed (Travel HP mode) 2000 When relieving travel
Fast Idle Speed (ECO mode) 1650 When relieving boom
Auto-Idle Speed 1200
Slow Idle Speed 800 Pilot shut-off lever:
LOCK position
Slow Idle Speed 900 Pilot shut-off lever:
UNLOCK position
Manual Regeneration Engine 800 Coolant temperature:
Speed 70 °C or more, Pilot
(Slow Idle Speed) shut-off lever: LOCK
Actual Engine Speed min-1
Fast Idle Speed (No load) 1700
Fast Idle Speed (When operating 1800 When relieving boom
a control lever) raise
Fast Idle Speed (Travel HP mode) 2000 When relieving travel
Fast Idle Speed (ECO mode) 1650 When relieving boom
Auto-Idle Speed 1200
Slow Idle Speed 800 Pilot shut-off lever:
LOCK position
Slow Idle Speed 900 Pilot shut-off lever:
UNLOCK position
Manual Regeneration Engine 1400 Coolant temperature:
Speed 70 °C or more, Pilot
(Slow Idle Speed) shut-off lever: LOCK

TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) T4-2-18
Group 2 Standard

Item Unit Reference Measured Value Remark

Value First Second Third Average
Engine Speed Deviation min-1
Fast Idle Speed (No load) 0
Fast Idle Speed (When operating 0 When relieving boom
a control lever) raise
Fast Idle Speed (Travel HP mode) 0 When relieving travel
Fast Idle Speed (ECO mode) 0 When relieving boom
Auto-Idle Speed 0
Slow Idle Speed 0 Pilot shut-off lever:
LOCK position
Slow Idle Speed 0 Pilot shut-off lever:
UNLOCK position
Manual Regeneration Engine 600 Coolant temperature:
Speed 70 °C or more, Pilot
(Slow Idle Speed) shut-off lever: LOCK
EC Dial V
Fast Idle 4.42
Slow Idle 0.58
Electric Lever Signal 1 V
Electric lever in neutral -
Electric lever in full stroke -

TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) T4-2-19
Group 2 Standard

Item Unit Reference Measured Value Remark

Value First Second Third Average
Tgt Pump 1 Flow Rate L
Control lever in neutral 39
Boom raise 17 When relieving
Boom lower -
Arm roll-in 72.5 When relieving
Arm roll-out 72.5 When relieving
Bucket roll-out 144.5 When relieving
Bucket roll-in 144.5 When relieving
Combined operation of boom 17 When relieving
raise, arm roll-in, and bucket
Tgt Pump 2 Flow Rate L
Control lever in neutral 39
Boom raise 17 When relieving
Boom lower -
Arm roll-in 72.5 When relieving
Arm roll-out 72.5 When relieving
Bucket roll-out 41 When relieving
Bucket roll-in 41 When relieving
Combined operation of boom 17 When relieving
raise, arm roll-in, and bucket
Tgt Pump 3 Flow Rate L
Control lever in neutral 39
Boom raise 81.5 When relieving
Boom lower -
Arm roll-in 10.5 When relieving
Arm roll-out 10.5 When relieving
Bucket roll-out 41 When relieving
Bucket roll-in 41 When relieving
Combined operation of boom 94 When relieving
raise, arm roll-in, and bucket

TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) T4-2-20
Group 2 Standard

Item Unit Reference Measured Value Remark

Value First Second Third Average
Tgt Pump 1 Displacement cm3
Control lever in neutral 23
Boom raise 9.5 When relieving
Boom lower -
Arm roll-in 40.5 When relieving
Arm roll-out 40.5 When relieving
Bucket roll-out 80.5 When relieving
Bucket roll-in 80.5 When relieving
Combined operation of boom 9.5 When relieving
raise, arm roll-in, and bucket
Tgt Pump 2 Displacement cm3
Control lever in neutral 23
Boom raise 9.5 When relieving
Boom lower -
Arm roll-in 40.5 When relieving
Arm roll-out 40.5 When relieving
Bucket roll-out 23 When relieving
Bucket roll-in 23 When relieving
Combined operation of boom 9.5 When relieving
raise, arm roll-in, and bucket
Tgt Pump 3 Displacement cm3
Control lever in neutral 23
Boom raise 45.5 When relieving
Boom lower -
Arm roll-in 6 When relieving
Arm roll-out 6 When relieving
Bucket roll-out 23 When relieving
Bucket roll-in 23 When relieving
Combined operation of boom 52.5 When relieving
raise, arm roll-in, and bucket

TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) T4-2-21
Group 2 Standard

Item Unit Reference Measured Value Remark

Value First Second Third Average
Pump 1 Load Factor %
Control lever in neutral 0
Boom raise 9 When relieving
Boom lower -
Arm roll-in 38 When relieving
Arm roll-out 39 When relieving
Bucket roll-out 78 When relieving
Bucket roll-in 78 When relieving
Combined operation of boom 8 When relieving
raise, arm roll-in, and bucket
Pump 2 Load Factor %
Control lever in neutral 0
Boom raise 9 When relieving
Boom lower -
Arm roll-in 38 When relieving
Arm roll-out 38 When relieving
Bucket roll-out 0 When relieving
Bucket roll-in 0 When relieving
Combined operation of boom 8 When relieving
raise, arm roll-in, and bucket
Pump 3 Load Factor %
Control lever in neutral 0
Boom raise 81 When relieving
Boom lower -
Arm roll-in 9 When relieving
Arm roll-out 8 When relieving
Bucket roll-out 0 When relieving
Bucket roll-in 0 When relieving
Combined operation of boom 87 When relieving
raise, arm roll-in, and bucket

TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) T4-2-22
Group 2 Standard

Item Unit Reference Measured Value Remark

Value First Second Third Average
Pump 1 Delivery Pressure MPa
Control lever in neutral 0.7
Boom raise 38 When relieving
Boom lower -
Arm roll-in 34.3 When relieving
Arm roll-out 34.3 When relieving
Bucket roll-out 34.9 When relieving
Bucket roll-in 34.9 When relieving
Combined operation of boom 34.9 When relieving
raise, arm roll-in, and bucket
Pump 2 Delivery Pressure MPa
Control lever in neutral 0.7
Boom raise 38 When relieving
Boom lower -
Arm roll-in 34.3 When relieving
Arm roll-out 34.3 When relieving
Bucket roll-out 0.7 When relieving
Bucket roll-in 0.7 When relieving
Combined operation of boom 34.9 When relieving
raise, arm roll-in, and bucket
Pump 3 Delivery Pressure MPa
Control lever in neutral 0.7
Boom raise 38 When relieving
Boom lower -
Arm roll-in 34.3 When relieving
Arm roll-out 34.3 When relieving
Bucket roll-out 0.7 When relieving
Bucket roll-in 0.7 When relieving
Combined operation of boom 36.3 When relieving
raise, arm roll-in, and bucket

TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) T4-2-23
Group 2 Standard

Item Unit Reference Measured Value Remark

Value First Second Third Average
ADD Pump Delivery Pressure MPa
Control lever in neutral 0.5
Boom raise 3.8 When relieving
Boom lower -
Arm roll-in 3.8 When relieving
Arm roll-out 3.8 When relieving
Bucket roll-out 3.8 When relieving
Bucket roll-in 3.8 When relieving
Combined operation of boom 3.8 When relieving
raise, arm roll-in, and bucket

TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) T4-2-24
Group 2 Standard

Item Unit Reference Measured Value Remark

Value First Second Third Average
Pump 1 Control Pressure MPa
Control lever in neutral 0.5
Boom raise 3.8 When relieving
Boom lower -
Arm roll-in 3.8 When relieving
Arm roll-out 3.8 When relieving
Bucket roll-out 3.8 When relieving
Bucket roll-in 3.8 When relieving
Combined operation of boom 3.8 When relieving
raise, arm roll-in, and bucket
Pump 2 Control Pressure MPa
Control lever in neutral 0.5
Boom raise 3.8 When relieving
Boom lower -
Arm roll-in 3.8 When relieving
Arm roll-out 3.8 When relieving
Bucket roll-out 0.5 When relieving
Bucket roll-in 0.5 When relieving
Combined operation of boom 3.8 When relieving
raise, arm roll-in, and bucket
Pump 3 Control Pressure MPa
Control lever in neutral 0.5
Boom raise 3.8 When relieving
Boom lower -
Arm roll-in 0.5 When relieving
Arm roll-out 0.5 When relieving
Bucket roll-out 0.5 When relieving
Bucket roll-in 0.5 When relieving
Combined operation of boom 3.8 When relieving
raise, arm roll-in, and bucket

TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) T4-2-25
Group 2 Standard

Item Unit Reference Measured Value Remark

Value First Second Third Average
Boom Cyl Bottom Pressure MPa 38.0 When relieving boom
Boom Cyl Rod Pressure MPa 34.3 When relieving boom
Boom Raise Pilot Pressure MPa 4.0 When relieving boom
Arm Roll-In Pilot Pressure MPa 4.0 When relieving arm roll-in
Bucket Roll-In Pilot Pressure MPa 4.0 When relieving bucket
Travel Pilot Pressure MPa 4.0 When relieving travel
Front ATT Pilot Pressure MPa 4.0 Operate either of boom,
arm, bucket, or swing.
Swing Pilot Pressure MPa 4.0 When relieving swing
Electric Lever Pilot Pressure 1 MPa - When relieving an electric
Bucket Roll-Out Pilot Pressure MPa 4.0 When relieving bucket
ATT 1 Pilot Pressure MPa 3.0 When relieving
ATT 2 Pilot Pressure MPa 3.0 When relieving
Arm Roll-Out Pilot Pressure MPa 4.0 When relieving arm roll-
Pumps 1&2 Torque P/S O/P MPa 0.64 When relieving arm roll-in
Pump 3 Torque P/S Output MPa 0 When relieving boom
Pump 2 Flw Limit P/S Output MPa 1.41 Breaker mode,
Attachment pedal in full
stroke, Pump 2 flow rate:
50 %
Arm 2 Flw Cont P/S Output MPa 2.99 Combined operation of
bucket roll-in and arm roll-
in in full stroke with front
attachment above ground
Arm Regen P/S Output MPa 0.99 Arm leveling
Pressure Boost P/S Output MPa 3.0 Power digging switch: ON
Digging Regen P/S O/P MPa 3.19 When relieving arm roll-in

TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) T4-2-26
Group 2 Standard

Item Unit Reference Measured Value Remark

Value First Second Third Average
Arm 1 Flw Cont P/S Output MPa 1.8 Breaker mode, Combined
operation of attachment
pedal and arm roll-in in
full stroke
Auxil Flw Cont P/S Output MPa 1.58 Pulverizer mode,
Combined operation of
attachment pedal and
arm roll-in in full stroke
ATT Relief 1 P/S Output MPa 27.4 Pulverizer mode,
Attachment pedal in full
ATT Relief 2 P/S Output MPa 27.4 Pulverizer mode,
Attachment pedal in full
Breaker Relief P/S Output MPa 21 Breaker mode,
Attachment pedal in full
Pumps 1&2 Torque P/S O/P FB mA 514 When relieving arm roll-in
Pump 3 Torque P/S Output FB mA 470 When relieving boom
Pump 2 Flw Limit P/S O/P FB mA 448 Breaker mode,
Attachment pedal in full
stroke, Pump 2 flow rate:
50 %
Arm 2 Flw Cont P/S O/P FB mA 514 Combined operation of
bucket roll-in and arm roll-
in in full stroke with the
front attachment above
the ground
Arm Regen P/S Output FB mA 335 Arm leveling
Pressure Boost P/S Output FB mA 500 Power digging switch: ON
Digging Regen P/S O/P FB mA 514 When relieving arm roll-in

TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) T4-2-27
Group 2 Standard

Item Unit Reference Measured Value Remark

Value First Second Third Average
Arm 1 Flw Cont P/S O/P FB mA 392 Breaker mode, Combined
operation of attachment
pedal and arm roll-in in
full stroke
Auxil Flw Cont P/S O/P FB mA 374 Pulverizer mode,
Combined operation of
attachment pedal and
arm roll-in in full stroke
ATT Relief 1 P/S O/P FB mA 413 Pulverizer mode,
Attachment pedal in full
ATT Relief 2 P/S O/P FB mA 413 Pulverizer mode,
Attachment pedal in full
Breaker Relief P/S Output FB mA 436 Breaker mode,
Attachment pedal in full

Wiper/Light Controller
Unit Reference Measured Value Remark
Value First Second Third Average
Wiper 1 Input V 2.5 Wiper/Washer switch: INT.
Wiper 2 Input V 2.5 Wiper/Washer switch: INT.

TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) T4-2-28
Group 3 Engine Test

Engine Speed

1. Measure the engine speed by using the monitor
unit or MPDr..
2. Measure the engine speeds in each mode.

fNOTE: Measure the engine speed before performing all

other tests. If the engine speed is not adjusted correctly,
all other performance data will be unreliable.

1. Select the service menu of the monitor or MPDr.. In
case of MPDr., install MPDr. first.
2. Warm up the machine until the coolant temperature
reaches 50 °C or more and the hydraulic oil
temperature is 50±5 °C.

TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) T4-3-1
Group 3 Engine Test

Measurement: Remedy:
1. Measure the items as shown in the table below. Refer to Troubleshooting B.
2. When measuring, set the switch and test condition
as shown in the table below in response to the
engine speed to be measured.
Refer to Operational Performance Standard.

Item Engine Control Power Mode Auto-Idle Work Test Conditions

Dial Switch Mode

Slow Idle Speed Slow Idle PWR OFF Digging Pilot shut-off lever: LOCK position
Slow Idle Speed Slow Idle PWR OFF Digging Pilot shut-off lever: UNLOCK position,
Mode Control lever in neutral
Fast Idle Speed Fast Idle PWR OFF Digging Deactivate ECO by MPDr., Control lever
(With ECO Mode in neutral
Fast Idle Speed Fast Idle PWR OFF Digging Pilot shut-off lever: UNLOCK position,
(Heater control: Mode Control lever in neutral
Fast Idle Speed Fast Idle PWR OFF Digging Pilot shut-off lever: LOCK position,
(Heater control: Mode Coolant temperature is 5 °C or less
Fast Idle Speed Fast Idle PWR OFF Digging Boom raise (Relief operation)
(Relief operation) Mode
Fast Idle Speed Fast Idle ECO OFF Digging Control lever in neutral
(ECO mode) Mode
Fast Idle Speed Fast Idle PWR OFF Digging When relieving travel
(Travel HP mode) Mode
Auto-Idle Speed Fast Idle PWR ON Digging 3.5 seconds passed after returning the
Mode control levers to neutral
Manual Slow Idle PWR OFF Digging Pilot shut-off lever: LOCK position,
Regeneration Mode Control lever in neutral
Engine Speed
Warming Up Slow Idle PWR OFF Digging Hydraulic oil temperature is 0 °C or less
Speed Mode or coolant temperature is 23 °C or less

TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) T4-3-2
Group 3 Engine Test

Switch Panel: Monitor:


1- Engine Control Dial 3- Power Mode Switch

2- Auto-Idle Switch 4- Digging Mode

TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) T4-3-3
Group 3 Engine Test

Lubricant Consumption

Measuring Method
1. Place the machine on the level, firm ground and
leave the machine for at least one hour in order to
return the lubricant to the oil pan after the engine
At this time, confirm that the machine is level by
using a leveler.
2. Record read-out A (unit: hour) of the hour meter.
3. Replenish the lubricant up to the high-level gauge.
4. Operate the machine for at least 100 hours or until
the oil level lowers to the low-level gauge.
5. Place the machine on the level, firm ground and
leave the machine for at least one hour in order to
return the lubricant to the oil pan after the engine
At this time, confirm that the machine is level by
using a leveler.
6. Record read-out B (unit: hour) of the hour meter.
7. Replenish the lubricant up to the high-level gauge
while measuring the oil-replenishing volume C.

fNOTE: When measuring, use a high-precision

measuring cylinder or the like.
8. Determine the lubricant consumption from the
following formula:
Oil replenishing volume (C) [mL]/Operating hours
(B-A) [hr]

Refer to Operational Performance Standard.

TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) T4-3-4
Group 4 Machine Performance Test

Travel Speed
1. Measure the time required for the machine to travel
a test track and check the performance of the travel
systems (from main pump to travel motor).

Preparation: a

1. Adjust track sag of both tracks to the nominal b

e d
2. Provide a flat, solid test yard 10 m in length, with
extra length of 3 to 5 m on both ends for machine d
acceleration and deceleration.
3. With the arm and the bucket cylinders fully
extended, hold the bucket 0.3 to 0.5 m above the
4. Maintain the hydraulic oil temperature at 50±5 °C.
a- Bucket Height: 0.3 to 0.5 m d- Acceleration/Deceleration
b- Start Zone: 3 to 5 m
Measurement: c- End e- 10 m

1. Measure in both fast and slow travel modes.

2. Select the following conditions.

Travel Mode Engine Control Power Mode Auto-Idle Work Mode

Switch Dial Switch

Slow Mode Fast Idle PWR OFF Digging Mode

Fast Mode Fast Idle PWR OFF Digging Mode

3. Start traveling the machine in the acceleration zone

with the travel levers to full stroke.
4. Measure the time required to travel between the
start and end.
5. After measuring the time when going, swing the
upperstructure 180 degrees, and measure the time
when coming back in the same way.
6. Repeat the measurement three times and calculate
the mean values.

Refer to Operational Performance Standard.

Refer to Troubleshooting B.

TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) T4-4-1
Group 4 Machine Performance Test

Track Revolution Speed

1. Measure the track revolution cycle time with the
track raised off ground and check the performance
of the travel systems (from main pump to travel

1. Adjust track sag of both tracks to the nominal
2. On the track to be measured, put a mark on one M104-07-067
shoe by using a piece of chalk or cloth.
a- 90 to 110 Degrees
3. Raise the track to be measured off the ground as

dCAUTION: Securely support the raised machine

off the ground by using blocks.
4. Maintain the hydraulic oil temperature at 50±5 °C.

1. Measure on both tracks at slow and fast travel
modes with forward and reverse travel.
2. Select the following conditions.

Travel Mode Engine Control Power Mode Auto-Idle Work Mode

Switch Dial Switch
Slow Mode Fast Idle PWR OFF Digging Mode
Fast Mode Fast Idle PWR OFF Digging Mode

3. Operate the travel control lever of the track to be

measured to full stroke.
4. Measure the time required for 3 revolutions after a
constant track revolution speed is obtained.
5. Repeat the measurement three times and calculate
the mean values.

Refer to Operational Performance Standard.
f NOTE: When the measurement data obtained through
the track revolution test with the track raised off the
ground has wide variations, the evaluation based on
the results obtained from the 10 m travel speed check
described before is more recommendable.

Refer to Troubleshooting B.

TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) T4-4-2
Group 4 Machine Performance Test

Mistrack Check
1. Allow the machine to travel 20 m. Measure the
maximum tread deviation from the tread chord
drawn between the travel start and end points and
check the performance of the travel system (from
main pump to travel motor).
2. If measured on a pavement surface, the tread
deviation has a trend to decrease.

Preparation: a
1. Adjust track sag of both tracks to the nominal
2. Provide a flat, solid test yard 20 m in length, with b
extra length of 3 to 5 m on both ends for machine
acceleration and deceleration. c

3. With the arm and bucket cylinders fully extended,

hold the bucket 0.3 to 0.5 m above the ground.
4. Maintain the hydraulic oil temperature at 50±5 °C.
Measurement: a- Maximum Distance c- 20 m
b- Acceleration/Deceleration
1. Measure in both fast and slow travel modes. Zone: 3 to 5 m
2. Select the following conditions.

Travel Mode Engine Control Power Mode Auto-Idle Work Mode

Switch Dial Switch
Slow Mode Fast Idle PWR OFF Digging Mode
Fast Mode Fast Idle PWR OFF Digging Mode

3. Start traveling the machine in the acceleration zone

with the travel levers to full stroke.
4. Measure maximum distance (a) between a straight
20 m tread chord and the tread made by the
5. After measuring maximum distance (a) when going,
swing the upperstructure 180 degrees, and measure
maximum distance (a) when coming back in the
same way.
6. Repeat the measurement three times and calculate
the mean values.

Refer to Operational Performance Standard.

Refer to Troubleshooting B.

TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) T4-4-3
Group 4 Machine Performance Test

Travel Parking Leakage

1. Measure the parking brake function on a specified
2. Measure on a flat slope with a gradient of 20 %
(11.31 degrees).

1. Measure on a flat slope with a gradient of 20 %
(11.31 degrees).
2. With the arm and bucket cylinders fully extended,
hold the bucket 0.2 to 0.3 m above the ground.
3. Maintain the hydraulic oil temperature at 50±5 °C.
a- 0.2 to 0.3 m

1. Climb the slope and set the travel control lever in
2. Stop the engine.
3. After the machine stops, put marks onto the track
link or the shoe, and the track side frame.
4. When five minutes passed, measure the distance
between marks on the track link or the shoe, and
the track frame.

Refer to Operational Performance Standard.


b- Distance measured when five

minutes passed

TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) T4-4-4
Group 4 Machine Performance Test

Swing Speed
1. Measure the time required to swing three complete
turns and check the performance of the swing
system (from main pump to swing motor).

1. Check lubrication of the swing gear and the swing
2. Place the machine on a flat and solid ground with
ample space for swinging. Do not conduct this test
on a slope. a
3. Fully retract the arm cylinder. Fully extend the
bucket cylinder. Adjust and hold the boom so that
the arm end pin height is the same as the boom T105-06-03-013
foot pin height. (Empty the bucket.) a- The same height as boom foot pin

fNOTE: In case a sufficient space for the measurement

is difficult to find, carry out the measurement with the
boom fully raised and the arm fully rolled-in.
4. Maintain the hydraulic oil temperature at 50±5 °C.

dCAUTION: Prevent personal injury. Always make

sure that the area is clear and that coworkers
are out of the swing area before starting the

1. Select the following conditions.

Engine Power Mode Auto-Idle Work Mode

Control Dial Switch
Fast Idle PWR OFF Digging
2. Operate the swing control lever to full stroke and
swing the upperstructure.
3. Measure the time required to swing 3 turns when
the swing speed is a constant speed.
4. Check the time in both clockwise and
counterclockwise directions.
5. Repeat the measurement three times and calculate
the mean values.

Refer to Operational Performance Standard.

Refer to Troubleshooting B.

TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) T4-4-5
Group 4 Machine Performance Test

Swing Function Drift Check

1. Measure the swing drift on the swing bearing outer
circumference when stopping after a 180 degrees
full-speed swing and check the performance of the
swing brake valve.
2. The mechanical brake for the swing parking brake is
equipped for the swing motor.

Preparation: a
1. Check lubrication of the swing gear and the swing T105-06-03-008
bearing. a- Put the marks on swing
bearing outer circumference
2. Place the machine on a flat and solid ground with and track frame.
ample space for swinging. Do not conduct this test
on a slope.
3. Fully retract the arm cylinder. Fully extend the
bucket cylinder. Adjust and hold the boom so that
the arm end pin height is the same as the boom
foot pin height. (Empty the bucket.)
4. Put marks onto the swing bearing outer
circumference (upperstructure side) and the track
5. Swing the upperstructure 180 degrees.
6. Maintain the hydraulic oil temperature at 50±5 °C.

dCAUTION: Prevent personal injury. Always make

sure that the area is clear and that coworkers
b- Before start the
measurement, swing the
upperstructure 180 degrees.
are out of the swing area before starting the

TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) T4-4-6
Group 4 Machine Performance Test

1. Select the following conditions.

Engine Power Mode Auto-Idle Work Mode

Control Dial Switch

Fast Idle PWR OFF Digging

2. Operate the swing control lever to full stroke and
swing the upperstructure 180 degrees. When the
mark on upperstructure aligns with that on track b
frame, return the swing control lever to the neutral
position. c
3. After stopping the upperstructure, measure the arc
length (swing bearing circumference) between the
two marks on the swing bearing and track frame. a- Measure arc length (swing c- Mark on Swing Bearing
bearing circumference).
4. Check the arc length in both clockwise and b- Mark on Track Frame
counterclockwise directions.
5. Repeat the measurement three times and calculate
the mean values.

Refer to Operational Performance Standard.

Refer to Troubleshooting B.

TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) T4-4-7
Group 4 Machine Performance Test

Swing Motor Leakage

1. Set the machine on a specified slope and swing the
upperstructure 90 degrees to the slope. Measure
the upperstructure drift while suspending a load on
a specified slope and check the performance of the
swing parking brake.
(The mechanical brake for the swing parking brake
is equipped for the swing device.)

1. Check lubrication of the swing gear and the swing
2. Load the bucket. (Refer to the Operational
performance Standard about the loading weight.) T105-06-03-011

3. Fully retract the arm cylinder. Fully extend the

bucket cylinder. Adjust and hold the boom so that
the arm end pin height is the same as the boom
foot pin height. (Empty the bucket.)
4. Park the machine on a smooth slope with a gradient
of 15±1 degrees.
5. Climb a slope and swing the upperstructure to
position it 90 degrees to the slope. Put the marks
onto the swing bearing outer circumference
(upperstructure side) and the track frame.
6. Maintain the hydraulic oil temperature at 50±5 °C.

TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) T4-4-8
Group 4 Machine Performance Test

1. Select the following conditions.

Power Mode Auto-Idle Switch Work Mode a

PWR OFF Digging Mode

2. Start the engine. When 5 minutes passed at idle

speed, measure the arc length (swing bearing
circumference) between the two marks on the
swing bearing and track frame. b

3. Check the arc length in both clockwise and

counterclockwise directions. c

4. Repeat the measurement three times and calculate T105-06-03-010

the mean values. a- Measure arc length (swing c- Mark on Swing Bearing
bearing circumference).
b- Mark on Track Frame
Refer to Operational Performance Standard.

Refer to Troubleshooting B.

TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) T4-4-9
Group 4 Machine Performance Test

Maximum Swingable Slant Angle

1. With the upperstructure swung 90 degrees to the
slope, check the maximum slant angle on which the
upperstructure can swing to the uphill side.

1. Check lubrication of the swing gear and the swing
2. Load the bucket. (Refer to the Operational
performance Standard about the loading weight.)
3. Fully retract the arm cylinder. Fully extend the
bucket cylinder. Adjust and hold the boom so that
the arm end pin height is the same as the boom
foot pin height. (Empty the bucket.) T105-06-03-011
4. Climb a slope and swing the upperstructure 90
degrees to the slope.
5. Maintain the hydraulic oil temperature at 50±5 °C
(122±9 °F).

TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) T4-4-10
Group 4 Machine Performance Test

1. Select the following conditions.

Engine Power Mode Auto-Idle Work Mode

Control Dial Switch

Fast Idle PWR OFF Digging

2. Operate the swing control lever to full stroke to
swing the upperstructure to a uphill side.
3. If the machine can swing, measure the cab floor
slant angle.
4. When the machine can swing, increase the slant
angle. Check the slant angle in both clockwise and
counterclockwise directions.

Refer to Operational Performance Standard.

Refer to Troubleshooting B.

TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) T4-4-11
Group 4 Machine Performance Test

Swing Bearing Play

1. Measure the swing bearing play and check the wear
of the swing bearing races and the balls.

1. Check the swing bearing mounting bolts for 1 2
looseness. T105-06-03-014
1- Magnetic Base 2- Dial Gauge
2. Check lubrication of the swing bearing. Confirm
that bearing rotation is smooth without noise.
3. Secure dial gauge (2) on the round trunk (3) side of
the track frame by using magnetic base (1).
4. Position the upperstructure so that the boom aligns
with the tracks facing towards the front idlers.
5. Position dial gauge (2) so that its needle point
comes in contact with the bottom surface of the
swing bearing outer race. 3
6. Empty the bucket.

fNOTE: The measured value will vary depending on

where magnetic base (1) is secured. Secure magnet base T105-06-03-015
(1) on the round trunk as close to the swing bearing as 1- Magnetic Base 3- Round Trunk

TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) T4-4-12
Group 4 Machine Performance Test

1. With the arm cylinder fully retracted and the bucket
cylinder fully extended, hold the bucket 100 mm
above the ground. Record dial gauge reading (h1)
of dial gauge (2).

a- 100 mm

2. Lower the bucket onto the ground and raise the

front idler 0.5 m off the ground by using the front
attachment. Record reading (h2) of dial gauge (2).
3. Calculate bearing play (H) from these data (h1 and
h2) as follows:
Refer to Operational Performance Standard.

TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) T4-4-13
Group 4 Machine Performance Test

Hydraulic Cylinder Cycle Time

1. Measure the cycle time of boom, arm, and bucket
cylinders, and check the performance of the front
attachment system (from main pump to each
2. Empty the bucket.

1. Measurement is made for the following positions.
 Measurement of the cycle time of the boom cylinder:
With the bucket cylinder fully extended and the arm
cylinder fully retracted, lower the bucket onto the

 Measurement of the cycle time of the arm cylinder:
Retract or extend the bucket cylinder so that the arm
and the bucket teeth are vertical to the ground.
Set the arm so that the center of arm operation
is vertical. The bucket teeth clearance above the
ground is 0.5 m.

 Measurement of the cycle time of the bucket

Adjust the boom and arm cylinders so that the
bucket oscillation center faces vertically to the
2. Maintain the hydraulic oil temperature at 50±5 °C. a- 0.5 m


TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) T4-4-14
Group 4 Machine Performance Test

1. Select the following conditions.

Engine Power Mode Auto-Idle Work Mode

Control Dial Switch
Fast Idle PWR OFF Digging
2. Measure the cylinder cycle times as follows:
(Cylinder full stroke includes cylinder cushioning
 Measurement of the cycle time of the boom cylinder:
Operate the boom control lever to full stroke.
Measure the time to raise and lower the boom.
 Measurement of the cycle time of the arm cylinder:
Operate the arm control lever to full stroke. Measure
the time to roll in and roll out the arm.
 Measurement of the cycle time of the bucket
Operate the bucket control lever to full stroke.
Measure the time to roll in and roll out the bucket.

3. Repeat the measurement three times and calculate

the mean values.

Refer to Operational Performance Standard.

Refer to Troubleshooting B.

TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) T4-4-15
Group 4 Machine Performance Test

Dig Function Drift Check

 Maximum Reach Position

1. Measure dig function drift, which can be caused by
oil leakage in the control valve and boom, arm and
a b
bucket cylinders, with the bucket loaded.
2. When measuring the drift just after cylinder a
replacement, slowly operate the cylinder for ten
minutes and bleed air from the cylinder.
1. Load the bucket. (Refer to the Operational
performance Standard about the loading weight.)
2. Fully retract the arm cylinder. Fully extend the
bucket cylinder. Adjust and hold the boom so that a- Retracted Distance d- The arm end pin height is the
the arm end pin height is the same as the boom b- Extended Distance same as boom foot pin.
foot pin height. (Empty the bucket.) c- Dig Function Drift Amount

3. Position the arm cylinder and the bucket cylinder

with the rod 50 mm away from the full stroke end
4. Maintain the hydraulic oil temperature at 50±5 °C
(122±9 °F).

TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) T4-4-16
Group 4 Machine Performance Test

1. Stop the engine. a
b b
2. When 5 minutes passed, measure the change in
position of bottom of the bucket, as well as the
boom, arm, and bucket cylinders.
Boom and Bucket Cylinders: Retracted
Distance: a
Arm Cylinder: Extended Distance: c
c=B-A T110-06-03-002
a- Boom and Bucket Cylinders: b- Mark
3. Repeat the measurement three times and calculate Retracted Distance
the mean values.

Evaluation: c
Refer to Operational Performance Standard.
d d
Refer to Troubleshooting B. d


c- Arm Cylinder: Extended d- Mark


TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) T4-4-17
Group 4 Machine Performance Test

 Arm Roll-In Position

1. Measure dig function drift, which can be caused by
oil leakage in the control valve and boom, arm, and
bucket cylinders.
2. When measuring the drift just after cylinder
replacement, slowly operate the cylinder for 10
minutes and bleed air from the cylinder.

1. Empty the bucket.
2. With the arm fully extended and the bucket fully
extended, hold the arm end 1 m above the ground.
3. Position the arm cylinder and the bucket cylinder
with the rod 50 mm away from the full stroke end
4. Maintain the hydraulic oil temperature at 50±5 °C.

1. Stop the engine. T173-04-03-001
a- 1m
2. When 5 minutes passed, measure the change in
position of bottom of the arm tip, as well as the
boom, arm and bucket cylinders.
Cylinder: Retracted Distance: b
b=A-B b

3. Repeat the measurement three times and calculate c c

the mean values.

Refer to Operational Performance Standard.

Refer to Troubleshooting B.
b- Cylinder: Retracted Distance c- Mark

TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) T4-4-18
Group 4 Machine Performance Test

Control Lever Operating Force

1. Check a play and operating condition and measure
the operating force.
2. Measure the maximum operating force of the front
attachment control lever.
3. Measure the lever stroke along the control lever
operation from the grip center of each control lever.

1. Maintain the hydraulic oil temperature at 50±5 °C
(122±9 °F). TABA50-04-04-001

dCAUTION: Prevent personal injury. Always make

sure that the area is clear and that coworkers
are out of the swing area before starting the

1. Measure the operating force of each control lever.
2. Select the following conditions.

Engine Power Mode Auto-Idle Work Mode

Control Dial Switch
Fast Idle PWR OFF Digging
3. In case of boom (raise), arm, and bucket control
levers, measure the maximum operating force for TABA50-04-04-003
each with each actuator relieved.
4. In case of boom (lower) control lever, measure the
maximum operating force with the boom (lower)
relieved by raising the machine in a stable area.
5. In case of swing control lever, engage the
bucket teeth with the ground and secure the
upperstructure in order to prevent the machine
from swinging. Operate the swing control lever and
measure the maximum operating force with the
swing relieved.
6. In case of travel control lever, raise the track to be
measured off the ground. Measure the maximum
operating force to be required.
7. Repeat the measurement three times and calculate
the mean values.

Refer to Operational Performance Standard.

TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) T4-4-19
Group 4 Machine Performance Test

Control Lever Stroke

1. Check a play and operating condition and measure
each control lever stroke.
2. Measure the control lever stroke at the grip center
of each control lever.
3. In case the lever stroke play is present in the neutral
position, add half (1/2) the play present to both side
lever strokes.

1. Maintain the hydraulic oil temperature at 50±5 °C T107-06-03-005
(122±9 °F).

1. Stop the engine.
2. Measure each control lever stroke from neutral to
the stroke end of each control lever of boom, arm,
bucket, swing, and travel.
3. Measure the chord length from neutral to the stroke
4. Repeat the measurement three times and calculate
the mean values.

Refer to Operational Performance Standard.

TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) T4-4-20
Group 4 Machine Performance Test

Combined Operation of Boom Raise and

Swing Function Check

1. Check the boom raise and swing movement
and speed while operating both functions
2. Check if the cylinders do not hesitate while
operating the cylinder with the engine running at T107-06-03-009
fast idle.

1. With the arm cylinder fully retracted and the bucket
cylinder fully extended, lower the bucket onto the
ground. Lower the bucket onto the ground. (Empty
the bucket.)
2. Maintain the hydraulic oil temperature at 50±5 °C
(122±9 °F).

dCAUTION: Prevent personal injury. Always make

sure that the area is clear and that coworkers
are out of the swing area before starting the

1. Select the following conditions.

Engine Power Mode Auto-Idle Work Mode

Control Dial Switch

Fast Idle PWR OFF Digging

2. Raise the boom and swing the upperstructure in
full stroke at the same time. 90 Measure the time
required to swing the upperstructure 90 degrees
and height (H) of the bucket teeth. (The bucket
should be empty.) T107-06-03-011

3. Repeat the measurement three times and calculate

the mean values.

Refer to Operational Performance Standard.

Refer to Troubleshooting B.

TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) T4-4-21
Group 4 Machine Performance Test

Combined Operation of Boom Raise and Arm

Roll-In Function Check

1. Check boom raise and arm roll-in movement
and speeds while operating both functions
2. Check if the cylinders do not hesitate while
operating the cylinder with the engine running at
fast idle.

1. Retract the arm cylinder fully and extend the bucket
cylinder so that the bucket teeth and arm mounting
pin are on a straight line. Adjust the boom cylinder b
so that the bucket tooth tip height is 0.5 m above
the ground. (Empty the bucket.)
2. Maintain the hydraulic oil temperature at 50±5 °C T107-06-03-006
(122±9 °F). a- Arm Mounting Pin b- 0.5 m

1. Select the following conditions.

Engine Power Mode Auto-Idle Work Mode

Control Dial Switch

Fast Idle PWR OFF Digging

2. Raise the boom and roll the arm in full stroke at the
same time.
3. Measure the time required for the arm to reach the
stroke end. (The bucket should be empty.)
4. Repeat the measurement three times and calculate
the mean values.

Refer to Operational Performance Standard.

Refer to Troubleshooting B.

TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) T4-4-22
Group 4 Machine Performance Test

Clearance of Front Attachment Connecting 1 2

1. Measure the clearance of pin and pin hole, and
check the clearance of pins bushings in each
connecting part of main frame (5), boom (1), and
arm (6).

1. Secure dial gauge (3) on the side surface of boom 5 4 3
(1) or arm (6) by using magnetic base (2).
1- Boom 4- Needle Point
2. Position the upperstructure so that the boom aligns 2- Magnetic Base 5- Main Frame
with the tracks facing towards the front idlers. 3- Dial Gauge

3. Position dial gauge (3) so that needle point (4)

comes into contact with the upper surface of main 1 3 4
frame (5) or the arm (6) connecting part of boom (1) 6

1. Set arm (6) so that the center of arm (6) operation is
vertical. Hold the bucket 150 mm above the ground.
Record reading (h1) of dial gauge (3).
2. Raise the machine off the ground with arm (6) set
in vertical position. Raise the machine 150 mm off 2 TDCK-04-04-002
the ground as illustrated. Record reading (h2) of dial 1- Boom 4- Needle Point
gauge (3). 2- Magnetic Base 6- Arm
3- Dial Gauge
3. Calculate clearance (H) from these data (h1 and h2)
as follows:
H=h2-h1 Measurement of (h1)

Refer to Operational Performance Standard.

a- 150 mm

Measurement of (h2)

a- 150 mm

TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) T4-4-23
Group 4 Machine Performance Test


TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) T4-4-24
Group 5 Component Test

Primary Pilot Pressure

1. Stop the engine.
2. Push the air bleed valve on top of the hydraulic oil
tank and bleed air.
3. Remove plug (1) from the pilot filter. Install adapter
(ST 6069) and pressure gauge (ST 6942) to the
pressure check port.

j : 19 mm
4. Start the engine. Confirm that no oil leakage is
observed at the pressure gauge connection.
5. Maintain the hydraulic oil temperature at 50±5 °C.

1. Select the following conditions.

Engine Power Mode Auto-Idle Work Mode

Control Dial Switch
Fast Idle PWR OFF Digging
Slow Idle PWR OFF Digging
Mode T178-03-07-001
1- Plug
2. Measure the pilot pressure without load by using
the pressure gauge under each condition above.
3. Repeat the measurement three times and calculate
the mean values.

Refer to Operational Performance Standard.

TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) T4-5-1
Group 5 Component Test

Primary Pilot Pressure Adjustment Procedure

Adjust the relief valve (1) set pressure if necessary.

1. Remove plug (2) from relief valve (1).

j : 22 mm
2. Install the estimated number of shims (3).
3. After the adjustment, tighten plug (2). T178-03-07-001

m : 25 to 27 N·m 2
4. After the adjustment, check the set pressure.

fNOTE: Standard Change in Pressure (Reference)

Shim (3) Thickness Change in Pressure
(mm) kPa
0.25 78
0.5 157
1.0 304


1- Relief Valve 3- Shim

2- Plug

TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) T4-5-2
Group 5 Component Test

Secondary Pilot Pressure

1. Stop the engine.
2. Push the air bleed valve on top of the hydraulic oil 8
tank and bleed air. 2
3. Measure the pilot pressure between pilot valve (1) 7
and signal control valve (2). Disconnect the signal
control valve (2) side of pilot hose (3) of the circuit 6
to be measured. Install hose (8), tee (5), adapter (4),
adapter (7), and pressure gauge (6) between signal
control valve (2) and pilot hose (3).

j : 19 mm, 22 mm
4. Start the engine. Confirm that no oil leakage is 4
observed at the pressure gauge (6) connection.
5. Maintain the hydraulic oil temperature at 50±5 °C.
1. Select the following conditions.

Engine Power Mode Auto-Idle Work Mode

Control Dial Switch
Fast Idle PWR OFF Digging
1- Pilot Valve 6- Pressure Gauge (ST 6942)
2- Signal Control Valve 7- Adapter (ST 6069)
Slow Idle PWR OFF Digging 3- Pilot Hose 8- Hose (9/16-18UNF, Length:
Mode 4- Adapter (ST 6460) approx. 400 mm)
5- Tee (4351843)
2. Operate the control lever to be measured. Measure
the pilot pressure by using pressure gauge (6) with
the control lever set to the full stroke.
3. Repeat the measurement three times and calculate
the mean values.

Refer to Operational Performance Standard.

Refer to Troubleshooting B.

TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) T4-5-3
Group 5 Component Test

5-Spool Solenoid Valve Set Pressure

Use MPDr. and a pressure gauge at the same time.
1. Stop the engine. 2

2. Push the air bleed valve on top of the hydraulic oil

tank and bleed air.
3. Disconnect the hose from solenoid valve to be
measured. Install tee (4), hose (5), adapter (3),
adapter (6), and pressure gauge (2) between the
disconnected hose and the solenoid valve unit (1).
5 4 3
j : 17 mm, 19 mm
Connect MPDr. and select the monitoring function. T157-05-04-002
1- Solenoid Valve Unit 4- Tee (ST 6451)
4. Start the engine. Confirm that no oil leakage is 2- Pressure Gauge (ST 6942) 5- Hose (4216453)
observed at the pressure gauge (2) connection. 3- Adapter (ST 6461) 6- Adapter (ST 6069)
5. Maintain the hydraulic oil temperature at 50±5 °C.

1. Select the following conditions.

Engine Power Mode Auto-Idle Work Mode

Control Dial Switch
Fast Idle PWR OFF Digging SC SF SE SD SI
Slow Idle PWR OFF Digging
2. Perform the following procedures for the solenoid
valve to be measured.
 Solenoid Valve (SI):
Turn ON and OFF the power digging switch.
 Solenoid Valve (SF):
Combined operation of boom raise and arm roll-in TDAA-03-07-001
 Solenoid Valve (SC):
Relief combined operation of boom raise and arm
 Solenoid Valve (SD):
Combined operation of arm roll-in and bucket roll-in
 Solenoid Valve (SE):
Combined operation of attachment and arm roll-in
3. Read the values on both MPDr. and the pressure
4. Repeat the measurement three times and calculate
the mean values.

Refer to Operational Performance Standard.

TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) T4-5-4
Group 5 Component Test

2-Spool Solenoid Valve (Aftertreatment

Device Regeneration Control) Set Pressure
Use MPDr. and a pressure gauge at the same time. 1

Preparation: 2
1. Stop the engine.
2. Push the air bleed valve on top of the hydraulic oil
tank and bleed air.
3. (Solenoid Valve (SJ)):
Disconnect the hose from solenoid valve. Install tee
(4), hose (5), adapter (3), adapter (6), and pressure
gauge (2) between the disconnected hose and 5 4 3
solenoid valve unit (1).
j : 17 mm, 19 mm
1- Solenoid Valve Unit 4- Tee (SJ): (ST 6451), (SZ): (ST
(Solenoid Valve (SZ)): 2- Pressure Gauge (ST 6942) 6450)
3- Adapter (SJ): (ST 6461), (SZ): 5- Hose (SJ): (4216453), (SZ):
Disconnect the hose from solenoid valve. Install
(ST 6466) (4334307)
tee (4), hose (5), adapter (3), and pressure gauge (2) 6- Adapter (ST 6069)
between the disconnected hose and solenoid valve
unit (1).

j : 22 mm
Connect MPDr. and select the monitoring function.
4. Start the engine. Confirm that no oil leakage is
observed at the pressure gauge (2) connection.
5. Maintain the hydraulic oil temperature at 50±5 °C. SZ SJ

1. Select the following conditions.

Engine Power Mode Auto-Idle Work Mode

Control Dial Switch
Fast Idle PWR OFF Digging
Slow Idle PWR OFF Digging
2. Turn ON the manual regeneration by using MPDr..
3. Read the values on both MPDr. and the pressure TDAA-03-07-002
4. Repeat the measurement three times and calculate
the mean values.

Refer to Operational Performance Standard.

TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) T4-5-5
Group 5 Component Test

Solenoid Valve Adjustment Procedure

7 9
IMPORTANT: If loosening adjusting screw (8)
excessively, O-ring (9) is damaged and oil leakage
may cause. Do not loosen adjusting screw (8) 8
excessively. Do not loosen adjusting screw (8)
more than 2 turns from fully tightened position.

1. Loosen lock nut (7). Turn adjusting screw (8) in order

to adjust the set pressure.
2. After the adjustment, tighten lock nut (7).

j : 13 mm a
b TDAA-04-05-013
m : 5 N·m

l : 3 mm
3. After the adjustment, check the set pressure.

fNOTE: Standard Change in Pressure (Reference)
Adjusting Screw (8) Turns 1/4 1/2 3/4 1
Change in kPa 111 222 333 444


7 8

c d


a - 0.7 mm c - Pressure Increase

b - 2.0 mm d - Pressure Decrease

7- Lock Nut 9- O-Ring

8- Adjusting Screw

TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) T4-5-6
Group 5 Component Test

Main Pump Delivery Pressure

The main pump delivery pressure can be also
measured by using MPDr..

1. Stop the engine.
2. Push the air bleed valve on top of the hydraulic oil
tank and bleed air.
3. Remove the plug from the delivery pressure check 2
port of the main pump to be measured. Install
adapter (ST 6069), hose (ST 6943), and pressure
gauge (ST 6941) to the delivery pressure check port
of the main pump to be measured.

j : 19 mm

l : 6 mm
Connect MPDr. and select the monitoring function.
3 TDC1-03-01-002
4. Start the engine. Confirm that no oil leakage is
observed at the pressure gauge connection. 1- Pump 1 Delivery Pressure 3- Pump 2 Delivery Pressure
Check Port Check Port
5. Maintain the hydraulic oil temperature at 50±5 °C.
2- Pump 3 Delivery Pressure
Check Port
1. Select the following conditions.

Engine Power Mode Auto-Idle Work Mode

Control Dial Switch
Fast Idle PWR OFF Digging
2. Measure the pressure with the control lever set in
neutral without load.
3. Repeat the measurement three times and calculate
the mean values.

Refer to Operational Performance Standard.

Refer to Troubleshooting B.

TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) T4-5-7
Group 5 Component Test

Main Relief Set Pressure

Measure the main relief valve set pressure at the
delivery port in the main pump. The main relief set
pressure can be also measured by using MPDr..
1. Stop the engine.
2. Push the air bleed valve on top of the hydraulic oil
tank and bleed air.
3. Remove the plug from the delivery pressure check
port of the main pump to be measured. Install
adapter (ST 6069), hose (ST 6943), and pressure
gauge (ST 6941) to the delivery pressure check port
of the main pump to be measured.

j : 19 mm 3 TDC1-03-01-002
l : 6 mm
Connect MPDr. and select the monitoring function. 1- Pump 1 Delivery Pressure 3- Pump 2 Delivery Pressure
Check Port Check Port
4. Start the engine. Confirm that no oil leakage is
2- Pump 3 Delivery Pressure
observed at the pressure gauge connection. Check Port
5. Maintain the hydraulic oil temperature at 50±5 °C.

TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) T4-5-8
Group 5 Component Test

1. Select the following conditions.

Engine Power Mode Auto-Idle Work Power Digging

Control Dial Switch Mode Switch

Fast Idle PWR OFF Digging ON

Mode OFF

2. (Measurement of main relief valve (1)):

Perform bucket, arm, boom, or travel operation.
Measure the set pressure of main relief valve (1).
When measuring the pressure of bucket, arm, and
boom, operate each control lever slowly. Operate
each cylinder to the stroke end (extend, retract) and
relieve the pressure. When measuring the pressure
of travel, secure the tracks against an immovable
object. Slowly operate the travel control lever and
relieve the pressure.
3. (Measurement of main relief valve (2)):
Perform arm, boom, or swing operation. Measure
the set pressure of main relief valve (2). When
measuring the pressure of arm and boom, operate
each control lever slowly. Operate each cylinder
to the stroke end (extend, retract) and relieve the
pressure. When measuring the pressure of swing,
secure the upperstructure so that it does not swing.
Slowly operate the swing control lever and relieve
the pressure.
4. When measuring the pressure during power
digging operation, measure the pressure within 8
seconds after pushing the switch.

Refer to Operational Performance Standard.

TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) T4-5-9
Group 5 Component Test

fNOTE: If the measured pressure for all functions are 1

lower than the specified range, the probable cause is the
set pressure decrease of main relief valves (1, 2).

Main Relief Valve (1, 2) Pressure Adjustment 2

If adjusting the pressure during power digging
operation, adjust the high-pressure side of main relief
If adjusting the pressure in normal, adjust the low-
pressure side of main relief pressure.

High-Pressure Side of Main Relief Pressure

Adjustment Procedure
1. Loosen lock nut (4). Lightly tighten plug (3) until
plug (3) comes into contact with the end of piston
(7). Tighten lock nut (4). TDC1-03-03-002

j : 27 mm
(Plug (3))
m : 20 N·m
(Lock Nut (4)) 5

m : 70 to 80 N·m 6
2. Loosen lock nut (6). Turn plug (5) and adjust the 7
pressure until the specified pressure is obtained.

j : 27 mm, 32 mm
(Lock Nut (6))

m : 80 to 90 N·m
3. After the adjustment has been completed, tighten
lock nut (6).
4. After the adjustment, check the set pressure.
fNOTE: Standard Change in Pressure (Reference)
Plugs (5) Turns 1/4 1/2 3/4 1
Plug (5) MPa 7.1 14.2 21.3 28.4
5. Adjust low-pressure side of main relief pressure.

a b

a - Pressure Increase b - Pressure Decrease

1- Main Relief Valve (P3) 5- Plug

2- Main Relief Valve (P1, P2) 6- Lock Nut
3- Plug 7- Piston
4- Lock Nut

TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) T4-5-10
Group 5 Component Test

Low-Pressure Side of Main Relief Pressure

Adjustment Procedure
1. Loosen lock nut (4). Turn plug (3) and adjust the
pressure until the specified pressure is obtained. 4
After the adjustment has been completed, tighten
lock nut (4).

j : 27 mm
(Lock Nut (4))

m : 60 to 70 N·m
2. After the adjustment, check the set pressure.

fNOTE: Standard Change in Pressure (Reference)

Plugs (3) Turns 1/4 1/2 3/4 1
Plug (3) MPa 5.3 10.7 16.0 21.3


a b

a - Pressure Increase b - Pressure Decrease

3- Plug 4- Lock Nut

TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) T4-5-11
Group 5 Component Test

Relief Pressure (when relieving swing)

Adjust the swing relief valve (1) set pressure by
changing the number of shims (3).

1. Remove swing relief valve (1).

j : 41 mm
2. Remove plug (6), sleeve (5), and piston (4).

j : 30 mm
3. Install shims (3) between piston (4) and spring seat
(2) and adjust the set pressure.
4. After the adjustment, install piston (4), sleeve (5),
and plug (6).

m : 120 N·m

fNOTE: Replace seals (A, B, C) with the new ones.

A: JIS B 2401 G30 1B
B: AS568-023 (Aerospace Standard)
C: AS568-125 (Aerospace Standard) TDAA-01-02-009

5. Install swing relief valve (1).

m : 180 N·m 2 3 4 5 6

6. After the adjustment, check the set pressure.

fNOTE: Standard Change in Pressure (Reference)

Shim (3) Thickness Change in Pressure
0.1 610



1- Swing Relief Valve 4- Piston

2- Spring Seat 5- Sleeve
3- Shim 6- Plug

TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) T4-5-12
Group 5 Component Test


TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) T4-5-13
Group 5 Component Test

Overload Relief Valve Set Pressure

1. The circuit pressure must be increased by applying 4. Connect MPDr. and select the monitoring function.
an external force while blocking the return circuit of Start the engine. Confirm that no oil leakage is
the control valve. However, this measuring method observed at the pressure gauge connection.
is hazardous and the results obtained with this
5. Maintain the hydraulic oil temperature at 50±5 °C.
method are unreliable.
2. Accordingly, the overload relief valve assembly
should be removed from the machine and checked
on a specified test stand at a correct oil flow rate. 1. Select the following conditions.
3. Measure the pressure on the machine is not
recommended because of above mentioned Engine Power Mode Auto-Idle Work Mode
reasons. If the measurement on the machine is Control Dial Switch
required, please substitute the measurement of the
main relief set pressure. The main relief set pressure Fast Idle PWR OFF Digging
can be also measured by using MPDr.. Mode
2. Slowly operate the bucket, arm, or boom control
levers. Operate each cylinder to the stroke end
1. Stop the engine. (extend, retract) and relieve the main relief valve.
2. Push the air bleed valve on top of the hydraulic oil 3. Read the pressure on the pressure gauge at this
tank and bleed air. time.
3. Remove the plug from the delivery pressure check 4. Perform the measurement for the bucket, arm, and
port of the main pump to be measured. Install boom in sequence.
adapter (ST 6069), hose (ST 6943), and pressure
5. Repeat the measurement three times and calculate
gauge (ST 6941) to the delivery pressure check port
the mean values.
of the main pump to be measured.

j : 19 mm

l : 6 mm 1

3 TDC1-03-01-002

1- Pump 1 Delivery Pressure 3- Pump 2 Delivery Pressure

Check Port Check Port
2- Pump 3 Delivery Pressure
Check Port

TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) T4-5-14
Group 5 Component Test

The overload relief valves are normal when each main
relief set pressure in the measured circuits (bucket, arm, 1
and boom) is within the specified value range.
Refer to Operational Performance Standard.

Overload Relief Valve Pressure Adjustment

Procedure (Reference)
IMPORTANT: Adjust the overload relief valve
pressure on a test stand.

Loosen lock nut (1) and adjust the set pressure of the
overload relief valve by using adjusting screw (2). 2

1. Loosen lock nut (1). TDAA-04-05-011

j : 17 mm
2. Turn adjusting screw (2) and adjust the set pressure. 2
l : 6 mm
3. Tighten lock nut (1).
a b
j : 17 mm

m : 30 N·m
4. After the adjustment, check the set pressure.

fNOTE: Standard Change in Pressure (Reference)

a - Pressure Increase b - Pressure Decrease
Adjusting Screw (2) 1/4 1/2 3/4 1
Turns 1- Lock Nut 2- Adjusting Screw

Change in MPa 5.2 10.6 15.9 21.1


TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) T4-5-15
Group 5 Component Test

Main Pump Flow Rate Measurement

 P-Q Control (Torque Control)
Install hydraulic tester (5) to the delivery port of the
main pump to be measured. Main pump performance 6. Disconnect hose (13) from the regulator. Remove
is checked by measuring the pump flow rate. Use MPDr. elbows (2 used). Install the plug (G 1/4) to the hose
and a pressure gauge at the same time. (13) mounting hole of the regulator.

j : 17 mm
IMPORTANT: This measurement procedure is a
simple method. In order to measure accurately, 7. Remove the vacuum pump. Loosen plug (12) on top
disconnect the return circuit from the control of the pump casing. Bleed air from the casing until
valve and connect it to the hydraulic oil tank. oil comes out.

j : 27 mm
8. Fully open the loading valve of hydraulic tester (5).
1. Stop the engine. Push the air bleed valve on top
9. Start the engine. Confirm that no oil leakage
of the hydraulic oil tank and bleed air. Connect a
is observed at the pressure gauge connection.
vacuum pump to the oil filler port.
Connect MPDr. and select the monitoring function.
fNOTE: Operate the vacuum pump while connecting the
pump flow rate test line. Measurement:
2. Disconnect the delivery hose from the main pump
1. Maintain the hydraulic oil temperature at 50±5 °C
to be measured. Connect pipe (1 or 2) to the
delivery port of the main pump with the split flange 2. Measure the maximum flow rate.
and bolt of the disconnected hose.
3. Select the following conditions.
j : 36 mm
Engine Power Mode Auto-Idle Work Mode
l : 10 mm Control Dial Switch
Fast Idle PWR OFF Digging
3. Install pipe (1 or 2) to hydraulic tester (5) with test
hose (3) and adapter (4). Install adapter (6), joint (7),
test hose (8), and flange (9) to hydraulic tester (5). 4. Adjust the relief set pressure of main relief valve in
control valve to each pressure point specified along
j : 41 mm the main pump P-Q curve. (Refer to T4-2-11, 12.)
Slowly restrict the loading valve of hydraulic tester
l : 10 mm
(5) while relieving pressure in the arm roll-in circuit.
4. Install flange (9) and the disconnected delivery hose Measure the flow rate and engine speed at each
with split flanges (10) and bolts (11). pressure point specified in the P-Q curve.
l : 10 mm 5. Repeat the measurement three times and calculate
the mean values.
5. Install a pressure gauge to the main pump to be
measured. (Refer to Main Relief Set Pressure.)

l : 6 mm

TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) T4-5-16
Group 5 Component Test

Evaluation: 2. Standard Flow Rate

Refer to Operational Performance Standard.
1. Convert the measured flow rates to those at the
specified engine speed by using the following
formula. fNOTE: When actually measuring, connect pipe (1 or 2)
Qc = Ns×Q/Ne only to the pump to be measured.

Qc : Converted Flow Rate

Q : Measured Flow Rate
Ns : Specified Engine Speed: 1800 min-1
Ne : Measured Engine Speed:
Values indicated on MPDr.

1,2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11




a - Main Pump Delivery Hose (To
Control Valve)

1- Pipe E (ST 6144) 5- Hydraulic Tester (ST 6299) 9- Flange (ST 6118)
2- Pipe B (ST 6143) 6- Adapter R1×UNF1-7/8 (ST 10- Split Flange (ST 6130) (2 Used)
3- Test Hose (ST 6145) 6000) 11- Bolt (ST 6409) (4 Used)
4- Adapter G1×UNF1-7/8 (ST 7- Joint (ST 6994) 12- Plug
6603) 8- Test Hose (ST 6320) 13- Hose

TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) T4-5-17
Group 5 Component Test

 Pilot Characteristics

Install hydraulic tester (5) to the delivery port of the
main pump to be measured. Main pump performance
is checked by measuring the pump flow rate. Use MPDr.
and pressure gauge (18) at the same time.

IMPORTANT: This measurement procedure is a

simple method. In order to measure accurately,
disconnect the return circuit from the control
valve and connect it to the hydraulic oil tank.

1. While referring to step 1 to step 4 on T4-5-16,
install hydraulic tester (5) to the main pump to be
2. Disconnect the hose from regulator port Pi (21) of
the pump to be measured. Install plug (ST 6214) to
the hose disconnected from the regulator.

j : 19 mm, 22 mm
3. Install adapters (15) (3 used) to reducing valve (16).
Remove plug (23) from the pilot filter. Install adapter
(13) and hose (14) to the pilot filter.
Connect hose (14) to port P1 of reducing valve (16).

j : 19 mm, 22 mm
4. Install tee (17) to port P2 of reducing valve (16).
Connect adapter (24), pressure gauge (18) and hose
(14) to tee (17). Connect hose (14) to the regulator.

j : 19 mm, 22 mm
5. Connect hose (19) and adapter (20) to port T of
reducing valve (16). Remove plug (L) from return
pipe (22). Connect hose (19).

j : 19 mm, 22 mm
6. Remove the vacuum pump. Loosen plug (12) on top
of the pump casing. Bleed air from the casing until
oil comes out.
7. Fully open the loading valve of hydraulic tester (5).
8. Start the engine. Confirm that no oil leakage is
observed at the pipe connection.

TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) T4-5-18
Group 5 Component Test

1,2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11




TDC1-03-01-002 T178-03-07-001

Reducing Valve Port Position


P1 P2 19

24 15

c b

14 17 15 16 15 14 13
a - Delivery Hose (To Control b - To Pilot Filter c - To Regulator Port Pi (21)

1- Pipe E (ST 6144) 7- Joint (ST 6994) 14- Hose UNF9/16×UNF9/16 19- Hose UNF9/16×UNF9/16
2- Pipe B (ST 6143) 8- Test Hose (ST 6320) (4334307) (4334307)
3- Test Hose (ST 6145) 9- Flange (ST 6118) 15- Adapter G3/8×UNF9/16 20- Adapter G3/8×UNF9/16
4- Adapter G1×UNF1-7/8 (ST 10- Split Flange (ST 6130) (2 Used) (4200466) (4200466)
6603) 11- Bolt (ST 6409) (4 Used) 16- Reducing Valve (4325439) 21- Port Pi
5- Hydraulic Tester (ST 6299) 12- Plug (Regulator) 17- Tee UNF9/16×UNF9/16×G1/4 22- Return Pipe
6- Adapter R1×UNF1-7/8 (ST 13- Adapter UNF9/16×G1/4 (ST 6450) 23- Plug (Pilot Filter)
6000) (A852123) 18- Pressure Gauge (ST 6934) 24- Adapter (ST 6069)

TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) T4-5-19
Group 5 Component Test

1. Maintain the hydraulic oil temperature at 50±5 °C
2. Measure pump flow rate in response to the external
command pilot pressure.
3. Select the following conditions.

Engine Power Mode Auto-Idle Work Mode

Control Dial Switch
Fast Idle PWR OFF Digging
4. Adjust the reducing valve set pressure to each
pressure point specified along the main pump P-Q
curve. (Pilot Characteristics) (Refer to T4-2-13.)
Measure the flow rate and engine speed at each
pressure point specified in the P-Q curve.
5. Repeat the measurement three times and calculate
the mean values.

1. Convert the measured flow rates to those at the
specified engine speed by using the following
Qc = Ns×Q/Ne
Qc : Converted Flow Rate
Q : Measured Flow Rate
Ns : Specified Engine Speed: 1800 min-1
Ne : Measured Engine Speed:
Values indicated on MPDr.
2. Standard Flow Rate
Refer to Operational Performance Standard.

fNOTE: When actually measuring, install pipe (1)

(ST 6144) or pipe (2) (ST 6143) only to the pump to be

TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) T4-5-20
Group 5 Component Test

1,2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11




Reducing Valve Port Position


P1 P2 19

24 15

c b

14 17 15 16 15 14 13
a - Delivery Hose (To Control b - To Pilot Filter c - To Regulator Port Pi

1- Pipe E (ST 6144) 7- Joint (ST 6994) 14- Hose UNF9/16×UNF9/16 19- Hose UNF9/16×UNF9/16
2- Pipe B (ST 6143) 8- Test Hose (ST 6320) (4334307) (4334307)
3- Test Hose (ST 6145) 9- Flange (ST 6118) 15- Adapter G3/8×UNF9/16 20- Adapter G3/8×UNF9/16
4- Adapter G1×UNF1-7/8 (ST 10- Split Flange (ST 6130) (2 Used) (4200466) (4200466)
6603) 11- Bolt (ST 6409) (4 Used) 16- Reducing Valve (4325439) 21- Port Pi
5- Hydraulic Tester (ST 6299) 12- Plug (Regulator) 17- Tee UNF9/16×UNF9/16×G1/4 22- Return Pipe
6- Adapter R1×UNF1-7/8 (ST 13- Adapter UNF9/16×G1/4 (ST 6450) 23- Plug (Pilot Filter)
6000) (A852123) 18- Pressure Gauge (ST 6934) 24- Adapter (ST 6069)

TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) T4-5-21
Group 5 Component Test

Regulator Adjustment (P1, P2)

6 5 1


7 8

1- Lock Nut (For Minimum Flow 3- Lock Nut (For Maximum Flow 5- Lock Nut (For Pilot Pressure 8- Adjusting Screw (For P-Q
Rate) Rate) Characteristic) Control)
2- Adjusting Screw (For Minimum 4- Adjusting Screw (For 6- Adjusting Screw (For Pilot 9- Lock Nut (For P-Q Control)
Flow Rate) Maximum Flow Rate) Pressure Characteristic) 10- Adjusting Screw (For P-Q
7- Lock Nut (For P-Q Control) Control)

Adjustment Item Adjustment Procedure Remark

1. Minimum Flow Rate Loosen lock nut (1) and adjust the Do not turn adjusting screw (2) more
Q minimum pump flow rate by using than 1.5 turns.
adjusting screw (2). After the adjustment, securely tighten
Turning adjusting screw (2) 1/4 turn lock nut (1).
clockwise increases the minimum
pump flow rate by 6.16 cm3/rev.
j : 17 mm
m : 20 N·m


2. Maximum Flow Rate Loosen lock nut (3) and adjust the Do not turn adjusting screw (4) more
Q maximum pump flow rate by using than 1.5 turns.
adjusting screw (4). Do not increase the maximum flow
Turning adjusting screw (4) 1/4 turn rate beyond the specified pump flow
clockwise decreases the maximum rate. Do not turn the adjusting screw
pump flow rate by 8.11 cm3/rev. counterclockwise.
j : 13 mm After the adjustment, securely tighten
m : 10 N·m lock nut (3).


TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) T4-5-22
Group 5 Component Test

Adjustment Item Adjustment Procedure Remark

3. Pilot Pressure Characteristics Loosen lock nut (5) and adjust the Do not turn adjusting screw (6) more
Q pump flow rate of pilot pressure than 1 turn.
characteristics by using adjusting When adjusting screw (6) is turned
screw (6). clockwise, the maximum flow
Turning adjusting screw (6) 1/4 turnrate will be also decreased. Turn
clockwise decreases the pump flow adjusting screw (4) counterclockwise.
rate by 13.1 cm3/rev. To maintain the pump flow rate
j : 30 mm unchanged, turn adjusting screw
m : 30 N·m (4) counterclockwise twice as much
Pi as adjusting screw (6) was turned
TDAA-04-05-005 clockwise.
This ratio of 2 (adjusting screw (4)
counterclockwise turn) to 1 (adjusting
screw (6) clockwise turn) is to
After the adjustment, securely tighten
lock nut (5).
4. P-Q Control (Torque Adjustment) Loosen lock nut (7) and adjust the Do not turn adjusting screw (8) more
Q pump flow rate of P-Q control by using than 1 turn.
adjusting screw (8). Adjust the pump flow rate of P-Q
Turning adjusting screw (8) 1/4 turn control while watching the engine
clockwise increases the pump flow rate performance in order not to increase
by 15.6 cm3/rev. the pump driving torque excessively.
j : 30 mm After the adjustment, securely tighten
m : 30 N·m lock nut (7).

5. P-Q Control (Torque Adjustment) Loosen lock nut (9) and adjust the Do not turn adjusting screw (10) more
Q pump flow rate of P-Q control by using than 1 turn.
adjusting screw (10). Adjust the pump flow rate of P-Q
Turning adjusting screw (10) 1/4 turn control while watching the engine
clockwise increases the pump flow rate performance in order not to increase
by 3.59 cm3/rev. the pump driving torque excessively.
j : 13 mm After the adjustment, securely tighten
m : 10 N·m lock nut (9).


TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) T4-5-23
Group 5 Component Test

Regulator Adjustment (P3)

7 8



6 5 1

1- Lock Nut (For Minimum Flow 3- Lock Nut (For Maximum Flow 5- Lock Nut (For Pilot Pressure 8- Adjusting Screw (For P-Q
Rate) Rate) Characteristic) Control)
2- Adjusting Screw (For Minimum 4- Adjusting Screw (For 6- Adjusting Screw (For Pilot 9- Lock Nut (For P-Q Control)
Flow Rate) Maximum Flow Rate) Pressure Characteristic) 10- Adjusting Screw (For P-Q
7- Lock Nut (For P-Q Control) Control)

Adjustment Item Adjustment Procedure Remark

1. Minimum Flow Rate Loosen lock nut (1) and adjust the Do not turn adjusting screw (2) more
Q minimum pump flow rate by using than 1.5 turns.
adjusting screw (2). After the adjustment, securely tighten
Turning adjusting screw (2) 1/4 turn lock nut (1).
clockwise increases the minimum
pump flow rate by 6.17 cm3/rev.
j : 17 mm
m : 20 N·m


2. Maximum Flow Rate Loosen lock nut (3) and adjust the Do not turn adjusting screw (4) more
minimum pump flow rate by using than 1.5 turns.
Q adjusting screw (4). Do not increase the maximum flow
Turning adjusting screw (4) 1/4 turn rate beyond the specified pump flow
clockwise decreases the maximum rate. Do not turn the adjusting screw
pump flow rate by 9.33 cm3/rev. counterclockwise.
j : 13 mm After the adjustment, securely tighten
m : 10 N·m lock nut (3).


TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) T4-5-24
Group 5 Component Test

Adjustment Item Adjustment Procedure Remark

3. Pilot Pressure Characteristics Loosen lock nut (5) and adjust the Do not turn adjusting screw (6) more
Q pump flow rate of pilot pressure than 1 turn.
characteristics by using adjusting When adjusting screw (6) is turned
screw (6). clockwise, the maximum flow
Turning adjusting screw (6) 1/4 turnrate will be also decreased. Turn
clockwise decreases the pump flow adjusting screw (4) counterclockwise.
rate by 12.8 cm3/rev. To maintain the pump flow rate
j : 30 mm unchanged, turn adjusting screw
m : 30 N·m (4) counterclockwise twice as much
Pi as adjusting screw (6) was turned
TDAA-04-05-005 clockwise.
This ratio of 2 (adjusting screw (4)
counterclockwise turn) to 1 (adjusting
screw (6) clockwise turn) is to
After the adjustment, securely tighten
lock nut (5).
4. P-Q Control (Torque Adjustment) Loosen lock nut (7) and adjust the Do not turn adjusting screw (8) more
Q pump flow rate of P-Q control by using than 1 turn.
adjusting screw (8). Adjust the pump flow rate of P-Q
Turning adjusting screw (8) 1/4 turn control while watching the engine
clockwise increases the pump flow rate performance in order not to increase
by 15.2 cm3/rev. the pump driving torque excessively.
j : 30 mm After the adjustment, securely tighten
m : 30 N·m lock nut (7).

5. P-Q Control (Torque Adjustment) Loosen lock nut (9) and adjust the Do not turn adjusting screw (10) more
Q pump flow rate of P-Q control by using than 1 turn.
adjusting screw (10). Adjust the pump flow rate of P-Q
Turning adjusting screw (10) 1/4 turn control while watching the engine
clockwise increases the pump flow rate performance in order not to increase
by 3.70 cm3/rev. the pump driving torque excessively.
j : 13 mm After the adjustment, securely tighten
m : 10 N·m lock nut (9).


TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) T4-5-25
Group 5 Component Test

Swing Motor Drainage

1. Measure the amount of oil draining from the swing
motor while swinging the upperstructure and check
the swing motor performance.
2. Secure absolute safety for the measuring persons as
well as for the surrounding while measuring. 1
3. The amount of drain oil from the swing motor
will change depending on the hydraulic oil
temperature. Keep the hydraulic oil temperature.

1. Main hydraulic oil temperature at 50±5 °C. Rotate
the swing motor and warm the inside of the motor.
2. Stop the engine. Push air bleed valve (1) on top
of the hydraulic oil tank and bleed air from the
hydraulic oil tank. 1- Air Bleed Valve

3. Disconnect drain hose of the swing motor at the

return pipe side. Install plug (ST 6214) to the return

j : 19 mm, 22 mm
Preconditions for Measurement:
1. Select the following conditions.

Engine Power Mode Auto-Idle Work Mode

Control Dial Switch
Fast Idle PWR OFF Digging


2- Drain Hose Connecting Hole

TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) T4-5-26
Group 5 Component Test


dCAUTION: Prevent personal injury. Always make

sure that the area is clear and that coworkers
are out of the swing area before starting the
measurement. Also, take care not to fall off from
the machine while measuring.

 Amount of Oil Drained While Swinging the

1. Fully retract the arm cylinder. Fully extend the
bucket cylinder. Hold the boom so that the arm tip
pin height is the same as the boom foot pin height.
Empty the bucket.
2. Start the engine. Operate and hold the swing
control lever in the full stroke. After the swing speed
reaches a constant speed, start the draining oil
measurement when the drain oil starts coming out T105-06-03-013
of the drain hose end, and measure the time.
a - The same height as boom
3. Repeat the measurement at least three times in foot pin
both clockwise and counterclockwise directions,
and calculate the mean values.
4. The measuring time should be more than 45

 Amount of Oil Drained While Relieving Swing Motor

1. Thrust the bucket teeth into the ground so that the
upperstructure does not swing.
2. Start the engine. Operate and hold the swing
control lever in the full stroke. Start the draining oil
measurement when the drain oil starts coming out
of the drain hose end, and measure the time.
3. Repeat the measurement at least three times in
both clockwise and counterclockwise directions,
and calculate the mean values.
4. The measuring time should be more than 45

Refer to Operational Performance Standard.
* Conversion of amount of measured drain oil into
the per-minute value
First measure the amount of drain oil by using a
calibrated container. Then, convert the measured
drain oil into the per-minute value by using the
following formula.
Q =60×q/t
Q : Amount of drain oil per minute (L/min)
t : Measured time (seconds) T107-06-05-008
q : Total amount of drain oil (L)

TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) T4-5-27
Group 5 Component Test

Travel Motor Drainage

1. While rotating the travel motor with the track to
be measured raised off the ground, measure the
amount of oil draining from the travel motor and
check the travel motor performance.
2. Secure absolute safety for the measuring persons as 1
well as for the surrounding while measuring.
3. Judge the travel motor performance from the
results including the travel speed, mistrack, and so
on overall.
4. The amount of drain oil from the travel motor
will change depending on the hydraulic oil
temperature. Keep the hydraulic oil temperature.

1. Adjust track sag. 1- Air Bleed Valve
Track sag specification: 300 to 335 mm
2. Maintain hydraulic oil temperature at 50±5 °C.
Rotate the travel motor and warm the inside of the
3. Stop the engine. Push air bleed valve (1) on top
of the hydraulic oil tank and bleed air from the
hydraulic oil tank.
4. Disconnect drain hose (2) of the travel motor at 2
the travel motor side. Install plug (ST 6637) to the
disconnected hose.
Connect drain hose (3/4-16UN) to the travel motor.

j : 27 mm

m : 80 N·m

Preconditions for Measurement:

1. Select the following conditions.

Engine Power Mode Auto-Idle Work Mode

Control Dial Switch
Fast Idle PWR OFF Digging


2- Drain Hose

TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) T4-5-28
Group 5 Component Test


dCAUTION: When the working around moving

parts is unavoidable, pay special attention to
ensure that hands, feet, and clothing do not
become entangled. Securely support the raised
track off the ground by using the blocks.

1. Start the engine. Raise the track to be measured off

the ground.
2. Rotate the track to be measured. Start drain oil M104-07-067
measurement when drain oil starts coming out of a - 90 to 110°
the connected drain hose end, and measure the
3. Repeat the measurement at least three times in
both clockwise and counterclockwise directions,
and calculate the mean values.
4. The measuring time should be more than 45

Refer to Operational Performance Standard.

* Conversion of the amount of drain oil measured into

the per-minute value
First measure the amount of drain oil by using a
calibrated container. Then, convert the measured
drain oil into the per-minute value by using the
following formula.

Q =60×q/t
Q : Amount of drain oil per minute (L/min)
t : Measured time (seconds)
q : Total amount of drain oil (L)

TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) T4-5-29
Group 5 Component Test


TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) T4-5-30
Group 6 Adjustment

Rewrite of Aftertreatment Device Serial No.

When the aftertreatment device has been replaced,
rewrite the serial No. of aftertreatment device and upload
the data to e-Service.

1. Connect MPDr..
2. Set the key switch to the ON position.
3. Select Functions-Engine-Aftertreatment Device No.
with MPDr..
4. Input the serial No. after the replacement to the
following items of Oxidation Catalyst (DOC) and SCR
 Serial No.
5. After inputting, select Set.
6. Upload the input data to e-Service.

fNOTE: When the input data is uploaded to e-Service,

the M-Find product specification and history will be


TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) T4-6-1
Group 6 Adjustment

How to Clear Fault Code

IMPORTANT: When the DCU fault code is displayed,
clear the DCU fault code first. Then, clear the ECM
fault code.

How to Clear DCU Fault Code

1. Select Functions-Engine-Data Setting with MPDr..
Click [F] Fault Code Clear (1).


2. Click Transmittance (2).


3. Click OK (3).


TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) T4-6-2
Group 6 Adjustment

Procedure after Replacing DCU and ECM

DCU and ECM records the NH3 accumulated amount data
of SCR catalyst. When DCU and ECM are replaced, the NH3
accumulated amount data must be reset by performing
the Aftertreatment Device Forcible Manual Regeneration
Control function.

Procedure A
1. Start the engine.
2. Start MPDr.. Select the Aftertreatment Device
Forced Manual Regeneration Control function.
3. When executing the function, the monitor will
display the Manual Regeneration Request screen
(A) within 60 seconds and the Manual Regeneration
Switch (1) indicator starts blinking.
4. Turn the engine control dial to the slow idle
position. Push the Manual Regeneration Switch (1)
with setting the pilot control shut-off lever to the TDC1-04-06-008EN
LOCK position.
5. The Manual Regeneration Switch (1) indicator is lit
and the manual regeneration starts.
6. The Manual Regeneration completes after
approximately 15 minutes.
7. Stop the engine and stop MPDr..


TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) T4-6-3
Group 6 Adjustment

Air Bleeding from the Diesel Exhaust Fluid

Defrosting Piping
The DEF defrosting piping is equipped along with the
DEF piping in order to prevent DEF from freezing. After
performing the following procedures, bleed air from the
DEF defrosting piping and fill the DEF defrosting piping
with coolant.

 When the DEF supply module, DEF sensor unit,

coolant control valve, or coolant hose has been
 When coolant has been drained

1. Turn ON the key switch with stopping the engine.
2. Start MPDr.. Select the [E] Air Bleeding from the DEF
Defrosting Piping (1).
3. Click START (2).
4. Ensure that the Executing icon (3) is displayed. Start
the engine within 10 seconds.
5. After starting the engine, set the engine control dial
to the fast idle position.
6. When the Executing icon (3) disappears after 150
seconds have passed, the operation is completed.
7. Turn OFF the key switch.



TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) T4-6-4
Group 6 Adjustment

How to Check Manual Regeneration Switch

When manual regeneration switch (1) or CAB harness
has been repaired or replaced, check that manual
regeneration switch (1) is operated normally.

1. Start the engine.
2. Start MPDr.. Select the Aftertreatment Device
Forced Manual Regeneration Control function.
3. The monitor will display Manual Regeneration
Request screen (A) within 60 seconds and the
Manual Regeneration Switch (1) indicator starts
4. The Manual Regeneration Switch (1) indicator is lit
and the manual regeneration starts.
5. When the Manual Regeneration starts, stop the
Aftertreatment Device Forced Manual Regeneration
control by using MPDr..
6. Stop the engine and stop MPDr..


TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) T4-6-5
Group 6 Adjustment

Remedy at DEF Pressure Decrease

When fault code 10520-12 (Abnormal DEF Pressure
(Low Pressure after Start-Up)) or fault code 10533-
12 (Abnormal DEF Pressure (Low Pressure in Normal
Condition)) is displayed, perform the remedy as follows.


Procedure Details Condition Monitoring Item

1 Check appearance of the machine and confirm that no DEF Key Switch: OFF -
leakage is observed.
2 If DEF level is less than scale mark "2", add DEF beyond scale mark Key Switch: ON DEF Gauge
3 Start the engine. Warm up the machine until the SCR exhaust Warm up -
temperature rises to the specified value (*1). Control Lever:
When DEF pressure increases to 9000 hPa, continue warm up for Neutral
10 minutes. If DEF pressure does not decrease to 6500 hPa or less, Key Switch: OFF
stop the engine. End of
4 If DEF pressure does not increase to 9000 hPa or it decrease Key Switch: OFF -
to 6500 hPa or less, remove DEF supply module main filter (d).
Place a container to receive DEF (5 liter capacity) under the filter
mounting port.
5 Start the engine and warm up the machine. When the SCR Warm up SCR Exhaust
exhaust temperature exceeds the specified value (*1), start-up Temperature
operation starts and DEF will be drained from the filter mounting (Engine)
6 After confirmation of DEF drainage, stop the engine after 300 Warm up -
seconds while keeping the SCR exhaust temperature at the Key Switch: OFF
specified value (*1).
7 Dispose drained DEF. If drained DEF is discolored or it contains a Key Switch: OFF -
mass of contaminants, wash the DEF tank with using DEF.
After draining DEF, install new main filter (d) and close the cap (e).
8 Start the engine. Warm up the machine until the SCR exhaust Warm up SCR Exhaust
temperature rises to the specified value (*1). Control Lever: Temperature
When DEF pressure increases to 9000 hPa, continue warm up for Neutral (Engine)
10 minutes. If DEF pressure does not decrease to 6500 hPa or less, Key Switch: OFF DEF Pressure
stop the engine. End of (Engine)

TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) T4-6-6
Group 6 Adjustment

Procedure Details Condition Monitoring Item

9 If DEF is not drained on step 5, DEF pressure does not increase to - -
9000 hPa, or it decreases to 6500 hPa or less, contaminants may
be clogging inside of piping or DEF supply module (c). Perform
the remedy as follows.
10 Replace the DEF inlet adapter (f ). Perform step 8. Key Switch: ON -
11 Start the engine. Warm up the machine until the SCR exhaust Key Switch: OFF -
temperature rises to the specified value (*1). When DEF pressure
increases to 9000 hPa, continue warm up for 10 minutes. If DEF
pressure does not decrease to 6500 hPa or less, stop the engine.
(Complete confirmation)
12 If the problem does not resolve at step 10, remove DEF sensor Key Switch: OFF -
unit (a) from DEF tank (b) and check its appearance. Clean it if
13 If the problem does not resolve at step 12, replace DEF supply Key Switch: OFF -
module (c). After replacement, bleed air from the DEF defrosting
*1 150 °C : Temperature depends on the machine.

a b c

TDC1-01-02-014 MDC1-07-044

a- DEF Sensor Unit c- DEF Supply Module

b- DEF Tank d- DEF Supply Module Main Filter
e- Cap
f- DEF Inlet Adapter

TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) T4-6-7
Group 6 Adjustment

Remedy at DEF Abnormal Quality

As the quality of DEF is measured by using an ultrasonic
sensor, low concentration may be detected when air
bobbles attach on the sensor part. When fault code
10523-12 (Abnormal DEF Quality (Concentration
Reduction)) is displayed, remove air bobbles from the
DEF quality sensor part in order to investigate the cause.
Investigate the cause and perform the remedy as follows.


Procedure Details Condition Monitoring Item

1 Measure DEF concentration in the DEF tank by using a DEF Key Switch: OFF -
concentration gauge. (*1)(*2)
2 Check DEF Concentration by monitoring. Check that the Key Switch: ON DEF Concentration
concentration is normal. If the concentration is normal, the (Engine)
investigation is completed.
If the concentration is not within the normal value or [--%] is
displayed, perform the remedy as follows. (*3)
3 Clean around the filler port and remove the strainer. (*4) Key Switch: ON DEF Concentration
Put both ends of the pump hose into the tank and agitate DEF. (Engine)
Air bobbles on the DEF quality sensor part may be removed by
this operation. Perform this operation several times. If the DEF
concentration is still not within the normal value, perform step 4.
4 Start the engine. Shake the machine by traveling and swinging Start the Engine DEF Concentration
the machine. Air bobbles may be removed by this operation. Travel, Swing (Engine)
Perform this operation for several minutes. If the DEF
concentration is still not within the normal value, perform step 5.
5 In order to remove air bobbles from the DEF quality sensor, drain Key Switch: OFF SCR Exhaust
DEF. Set the machine position so that you can access to the Temperature
bottom of the DEF tank. Remove the drain plug at the bottom of (Engine)
the DEF tank and drain DEF.
6 After draining, tighten the drain plug. Add DEF until the DEF level Key Switch: ON DEF Gauge
becomes scale mark "2" or more.
Add new DEF or drained DEF on step 5.
7 If the problem is not improved after step 6, replace the DEF Key Switch: OFF -
sensor unit.

TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) T4-6-8
Group 6 Adjustment

*1 Use commercially available DEF concentration gauge. Follow the instructions of the gauge for the information
about how to use it.
*2 Normal concentration of DEF is 32.5 %.
If the DEF concentration is other than 32±3 %, other liquid may be mixed in. In this case, clean the DEF tank.
*3 If many air bobbles attach on the sensor part, the DEF quality may be displayed as [--%].
*4 Accumulation of dust on the strainer may cause hose clogging.
Handle with care after removing it.
*5 Use commercially available pump. Clean the outside and inside of the pump before and after using with using DEF.

TDC1-04-06-009 TDC1-04-06-010

TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) T4-6-9
Group 6 Adjustment

Clean DEF Tank

When contaminants or liquid other than DEF is mixed
in the DEF tank, fault code 10520-12 (Abnormal DEF
Pressure (Low Pressure after Start-Up)), fault code 10533-
12 (Abnormal DEF Pressure (Low Pressure in Normal
Condition)), or fault code 10523-12 (Abnormal DEF
Quality (Concentration Reduction)) will be displayed.
When one of the above errors is displayed, the DEF tank
must be cleaned. Clean the DEF tank as follows.

IMPORTANT: Use new DEF for cleaning or refill.
Procedure Details Condition Monitoring Item
1 Remove the DEF tank. (*3) Key Switch: OFF -
2 Remove socket bolts (d). Remove filler port (e) and strainer (f ) Key Switch: OFF -
from the DEF tank. (*1)
3 Tilt the DEF tank to drain DEF from filler port (e) mounting part. Key Switch: OFF -
Insert a high-pressure washing device or hose into the DEF tank
through the sensor unit mounting part. Wash inside of the DEF
4 Clean the circumference of filler port (e) mounting part. Key Switch: OFF -
5 Ensure that no contaminants in the DEF tank. Key Switch: OFF -
6 Wash the sensor unit with DEF. (*2) Key Switch: OFF -
7 Install the sensor unit to the DEF tank. Key Switch: OFF -
8 Clean strainer (f ) and filler port (e) with DEF. Key Switch: OFF -
9 Install strainer (f ) and filler port (e) to the DEF tank with socket Key Switch: OFF -
bolts (d). (*4)
10 Install drain plug (c). Install the DEF tank to the machine body. Key Switch: OFF -
11 Add DEF in the DEF tank. Key Switch: OFF -
12 Ensure that the DEF level is scale mark "2" or more on the Key Switch: ON DEF Gauge
monitor. If the DEF level is below the scale mark "2", add DEF.
13 Install removed handrail and covers. (*3) Key Switch: OFF -
*1 Accumulation of dust on the strainer may cause hose clogging.
*2 If the filter is dirty, replace the filter.
*3 Refer to Removal/Installation of DEF Tank in the separated Workshop Manual.
*4 l : 5 mm,   m : 12.5±2.5 N·m

TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) T4-6-10
Group 6 Adjustment

MDC1-07-034 MDC1-07-028


a- Bolt c- Drain Plug e- Filler Port

b- Cover d- Socket Bolt f- Strainer

TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) T4-6-11
Group 6 Adjustment

Remedy when Mixing Oil in DEF Tank

When liquid other than DEF is mixed in the DEF tank,
liquid in the DEF tank must be changed with new DEF.
When oil is mixed in the DEF tank, the parts must be
replaced. Perform the remedy as follows.


Procedure Details Condition Monitoring Item

1 Identify the mixed liquid. If no oil is mixed, clean the DEF tank. If Key Switch: OFF -
oil is mixed, the parts must be replaced. Check that the machine
is operated or not after mixing the liquid.
2 If the machine was not operated after mixing oil, replace the DEF Key Switch: OFF -
tank and DEF sensor unit.
If the machine was operated after mixing oil, oil may enter the
DEF piping or aftertreatment device and it may cause fire at
worst. In this case, replace the DEF tank, DEF sensor unit, DEF
supply module, DEF dosing module, aftertreatment device, and
DEF piping.

TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) T4-6-12



Group 1 Diagnosing Procedure DEF Tank................................................................................T5-4-16
Introduction........................................................................... T5-1-1 DEF Supply Module...........................................................T5-4-16
Diagnosis Procedure........................................................... T5-1-2 Layout of Attachment Spec. Parts ..............................T5-4-18
Electrical System Inspection............................................ T5-1-5 Components Related with Breaker..............................T5-4-20
Precautions for Inspection and Maintenance .......... T5-1-6 Components in Control Valve........................................T5-4-24
Instructions for Disconnecting Connectors............... T5-1-8 Pilot Port................................................................................T5-4-46
Fuse Inspection...................................................................T5-1-10 Port Layout of Control Valve (Main Circuit)..............T5-4-50
Fusible Link Inspection....................................................T5-1-13 Port Layout of Control Valve (Pilot Circuit)...............T5-4-52
Battery Voltage Check......................................................T5-1-14
Group 5 Troubleshooting A
Alternator Check................................................................T5-1-15
Troubleshooting A (Base Machine Diagnosis
Continuity Check...............................................................T5-1-16
By Using Fault Codes) Procedure.............................. T5-5-1
Voltage and Current Measurement.............................T5-1-18
MC Fault Code List............................................................... T5-5-3
Check by False Signal.......................................................T5-1-26
ECM Fault Code List...........................................................T5-5-24
Test Wire Harness...............................................................T5-1-27
DCU Fault Code List..........................................................T5-5-38
Group 2 Monitor Monitor Controller (Monitor) Fault Code List..........T5-5-45
Outline..................................................................................... T5-2-1 Monitor Controller (Information)
Operating Procedures of Service Menu....................... T5-2-2 Fault Code List...............................................................T5-5-46
Setting Menu.......................................................................T5-2-43 Air Conditioner Controller Fault Code List................T5-5-49
Inspection of Engine Oil Level, Coolant Communication Terminal Fault Code List.................T5-5-50
Level, Hour Meter, and Fuel Gauge........................T5-2-48 MC Fault Codes 11000 to 11002...................................T5-5-51
Fuel Gauge, Coolant Temperature Gauge, DEF MC Fault Code 11003.......................................................T5-5-52
Gauge...............................................................................T5-2-49 MC Fault Codes 11006, 11007,11009..........................T5-5-55
Monitor Controller (Monitor) Fault Codes
Group 3 e-Service 13002, 13003, 13005...................................................T5-5-55
Outline..................................................................................... T5-3-1 CAN0 Harness Check........................................................T5-5-56
List of Operation Data........................................................ T5-3-2 ISO-CAN (Engine) Harness Check................................T5-5-60
Communication System.................................................... T5-3-4 MC Fault Codes 11008, 11010.......................................T5-5-63
Group 4 Component Layout Monitor Controller (Monitor) Fault
Main Component................................................................. T5-4-1 Codes 13004, 13006, 13007......................................T5-5-63
Electrical System (Overview)........................................... T5-4-3 CAN1 Harness Check........................................................T5-5-64
Electrical System (Rear Tray)............................................. T5-4-4 MC Fault Code 11100.......................................................T5-5-67
Electrical System (Switch Panel)..................................... T5-4-5 MC Fault Code 11101.......................................................T5-5-68
Electrical System (Utility Space)..................................... T5-4-6 MC Fault Codes 11200 to 11202...................................T5-5-69
Electrical System (Relays).................................................. T5-4-7 MC Fault Code 11203.......................................................T5-5-70
Engine...................................................................................... T5-4-8 MC Fault Codes 11206 to 11208...................................T5-5-71
Aftertreatment Device....................................................... T5-4-9 MC Fault Codes 11301 to 11303...................................T5-5-72
Pump Device.......................................................................T5-4-10 MC Fault Codes 11304, 11307, 11325.........................T5-5-73
Around Pump Device.......................................................T5-4-11 MC Fault Codes 11995, 11997.......................................T5-5-74
Control Valve.......................................................................T5-4-12 MC Fault Code 11400.......................................................T5-5-75
Signal Control Valve..........................................................T5-4-12 MC Fault Code 11401.......................................................T5-5-76
Swing Device.......................................................................T5-4-14 MC Fault Code 11402.......................................................T5-5-77
Travel Device.......................................................................T5-4-14 MC Fault Code 11403.......................................................T5-5-78
5-Spool Solenoid Valve Unit...........................................T5-4-15 MC Fault Code 11406.......................................................T5-5-79
2-Spool Solenoid Valve Unit (Aftertreatment Device MC Fault Code 11407.......................................................T5-5-80
Regeneration Control)................................................T5-4-15 MC Fault Code 11408.......................................................T5-5-81

TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) DC450T-5-1
MC Fault Code 11409.......................................................T5-5-82
MC Fault Code 11410.......................................................T5-5-83
MC Fault Code 11411.......................................................T5-5-84
MC Fault Codes 11434, 11435.......................................T5-5-85
MC Fault Code 11436.......................................................T5-5-86
MC Fault Codes 11458, 11459.......................................T5-5-87
MC Fault Code 11427.......................................................T5-5-88
MC Fault Code 11428.......................................................T5-5-89
MC Fault Code 11901.......................................................T5-5-90
MC Fault Codes 20010 to 20012...................................T5-5-91
Monitor Controller (Information)
Fault Codes 13304, 13310.........................................T5-5-92
Monitor Controller (Information)
Fault Code 13311..........................................................T5-5-93
Monitor Controller (Information)
Fault Codes 20100 to 20114.....................................T5-5-94
Monitor Controller (Information)
Fault Codes 20109 to 20149.....................................T5-5-95
Air Conditioner Controller Fault Codes 11 to 22.....T5-5-96
Air Conditioner Controller Fault Codes 43 to 92.....T5-5-97
Group 6 Troubleshooting B
Troubleshooting B (Machine Diagnosis by
Using Trouble Symptom) Procedure....................... T5-6-1
Relationship between Machine Trouble
Symptoms and Related Parts..................................... T5-6-3
Correlation between Trouble Symptoms and Part
Engine System Troubleshooting..................................T5-6-48
All Actuator System Troubleshooting.........................T5-6-58
Front Attachment System Troubleshooting.............T5-6-66
Swing System Troubleshooting....................................T5-6-81
Travel System Troubleshooting....................................T5-6-83
Other System Troubleshooting.....................................T5-6-89
Exchange Inspection Method.......................................T5-6-94
How to Lowering Boom When Emergency and When
Engine Stops without Hose Rupture Valve.........T5-6-97
How to Lowering Boom When Emergency and When
Engine Stops with Hose Rupture Valve................T5-6-98
Attachment Circuit Pressure Release Procedure....T5-6-99
Group 7 Air Conditioner
Outline..................................................................................... T5-7-1
Functions of Main Parts..................................................... T5-7-4
Troubleshooting................................................................... T5-7-9
Air Conditioner Controller Fault Code List................T5-7-10
Air Conditioner Controller Fault Codes 11 to 22.....T5-7-11
Air Conditioner Controller Fault Codes 43 to 92.....T5-7-12
Work after Replacing Components.............................T5-7-34
Refill Compressor Oil........................................................T5-7-35
Charge Air Conditioner with Refrigerant..................T5-7-36
Hose and Pipe Tightening Torque................................T5-7-44

TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) DC450T-5-2
Group 1 Diagnosing Procedure

Refer to the inspection and troubleshooting procedures
after any machine trouble has occurred. The inspection
and troubleshooting procedures are presented in an
orderly fashion in this section to quickly find the cause of
the machine trouble and solution.

The troubleshooting section in this manual consists of

seven groups as follows.

1. Diagnosing Procedure 5. Troubleshooting A (Base Machine Diagnosis By

Using Fault Codes)
This group explains procedures of troubleshooting
and precautions and/or information for the Refer to these procedures if any fault codes are
electrical system inspection. displayed when each controller is diagnosed by
using MPDr. (or the service menu of monitor).
Example: Fuse Inspection
IMPORTANT: The monitor controller receives and
records the electrical signal system malfunction of
2. Monitor
each controller in the form of fault codes by using
This group contains the display screen of monitor the CAN communication. The monitor controller
and the operating procedures of service menu. records the electrical signal system malfunction
in the form of fault codes by the self-diagnosing
3. e-Service
This group contains as follows. Procedures Example: Fault Code 11000-2: Abnormal EEPROM
of downloading and uploading data from
the monitor controller. Procedures when 6. Troubleshooting B (Machine Diagnosis by Using
starting communication, when installing the Trouble Symptom)
communication controller and when replacing
the monitor controller. Explanation for the Refer to troubleshooting B for diagnosis by using
communication system. trouble symptom.
Refer to these procedures when no fault codes are
4. Component Layout displayed after diagnosing the machine by using
MPDr. (or the service menu of monitor).

Example: Even if engine control dial is rotated,

engine speed does not change.

7. Air Conditioner
This group explains air conditioner system,
troubleshooting, and procedure of charging
refrigerant to the air conditioner.

TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) T5-1-1
Group 1 Diagnosing Procedure

Diagnosis Procedure
These basic steps are essential for efficient

1. Study the system

 Study the machine's technical manuals.
 Know the system and how it works, and what the
construction, functions and specifications of the
system components are.
(Construction and functions)
2. Ask the operator
Before inspecting, get the full story of malfunctions
from the operator below.
 Operating condition: How is the machine being
used? Find out if the machine is being operated
 Trouble identification: When was the trouble noticed,
and what type of work was the machine doing at
that time?
 Trouble symptom: What are the details of the
trouble? Did the trouble slowly get worse, or did it
appear suddenly?
 Trouble history: Did the machine have any other
troubles previously? If so, which parts were repaired
3. Inspect the machine
Before starting the troubleshooting procedure,
check the machine's daily maintenance points, as
shown in the operator's manual.
Troubles in the electrical system such as low
battery voltage, loose connections and blown fuses
will result in malfunction of the controllers. Also, T107-07-01-002
troubles in the electrical system will cause total
operational failure of the machine.
If troubleshooting is started without checking
for blown fuses, a wrong diagnosis may result
in wasting time. Check for blown fuses before
Even if a fuse looks normal by visual inspection, a
fine crack may exist and it is difficult to find. Always
use a circuit tester when checking the fuses.
4. Operate the machine yourself
Reproduce the trouble on the machine and make
sure the actual phenomenon.
If the trouble cannot be confirmed, stop the engine
and obtain further details of the malfunction
from the operator. Also, check for any incomplete
connections of the wire harnesses corresponding to
the trouble.


TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) T5-1-2
Group 1 Diagnosing Procedure

5. Perform troubleshooting

dCAUTION: Do not disconnect wire harnesses

or hydraulic lines while the engine is running.
The machine may malfunction or pressurized
oil may spout out, possibly resulting in personal
injury. Stop the engine before disconnecting wire
harnesses or hydraulic lines.
Perform diagnosis by connecting MPDr. to the
machine or by using the service menu of monitor.
In case any fault code has been displayed by
diagnosis by using MPDr. (or the service menu of
monitor), write the fault code. Then, delete the
fault code once and retry self-diagnosis again. If
the fault code is displayed again, check the cause
of the trouble by referring to Troubleshooting A in
this section. After the machine trouble has been
corrected, the fault code (displayed by the service TDCD-05-01-002
menu of monitor) will be deleted. Therefore, if there
are problems that are not easily re-predicable, check
the fault code by using MPDr..
If the fault code is not displayed, check operating
condition of each component by referring to
Troubleshooting B in this section and by using MPDr.
(or the service menu of monitor).
f NOTE: The controller stores even temporary electrical
malfunctions, such as a drop in battery output voltage
or disconnection of the switches, sensors, etc., for

TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) T5-1-3
Group 1 Diagnosing Procedure

6. Trace possible causes

Before reaching a conclusion, check the most
suspect causes again.
Try to identify the actual cause of the trouble.
Based on your conclusion, make a plan for
appropriate repairs to avoid secondary

7. Maintenance mode
Before checking the electrical system such
as disconnecting the connector, select the
maintenance mode on the monitor. (Refer to

TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) T5-1-4
Group 1 Diagnosing Procedure

Electrical System Inspection

The precautions and information for the electrical system
inspection are explained here. The electrical system
inspection contains as follows.

 Precautions for Inspection and Maintenance

 Instructions for Disconnecting Connectors
 Fuse Inspection
 Fusible Link Inspection
 Battery Voltage Check
 Alternator Check
 Continuity Check
 Voltage and Current Measurement
 Check by False Signal
 Test Wire Harness

TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) T5-1-5
Group 1 Diagnosing Procedure

Precautions for Inspection and Maintenance

IMPORTANT: Do not turn OFF battery disconnect
switch (1) while the engine is running and the key
switch is in the position other than OFF. And do
not turn OFF battery disconnect switch until more
than five minutes pass after setting the key switch
to the OFF position. Failure to do so may damage
the electrical system.
1. Disconnect the power source.
Turn OFF battery disconnect switch (1) first when
taking off wire harnesses and connectors for repair
or replacement work. Failure to do so can result in
damage to the wire harnesses, fuses and fusible
links and, in some cases, cause fire due to short
circuiting. In addition, even when the key switch
is set to the OFF position, the controller may be
operated for a specified time. Therefore, turn OFF
battery disconnect switch (1) after setting the key TDCX-05-01-001
switch to the OFF position and waiting five minutes
or more.
2. Color coding of wire harnesses.
As for the color codes of wire harnesses in the
electrical system, refer to the table. If one wire
consists of two colors, two or more codes are
indicated. The left code stands for base color and
the right code stands for marking color.

Code R W L G Y B
Color Red White Blue Green Yellow Black
Code Or Lg Br P Gr V
Color Orange Light Brown Pink Gray Violet

 Code BW indicates a black base wire harness with

white fine-line marking.
 Initials "O" and "Or" both stand for the color orange.

 Longitudinal stripes printed on wires are not color

code and indicate the kinds of wires.

TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) T5-1-6
Group 1 Diagnosing Procedure

3. Precautions for connecting and disconnecting

terminal connectors
 Disconnect the connectors by grasping. Do not
pull on the wire harness itself. Release the lock
first before attempting to separate the connectors,
if a lock is provided. (Refer to Instructions for
Disconnecting Connector on T5-1-8.)
 The water-resistant connectors keep water out.
If water enters them, water will not easily drain TDAA-05-08-002
from them. When checking the water-resistant
connectors, take extra care not to allow water to
enter the connectors. In case water should enter the
connectors, reconnect only after the connectors are 1
thoroughly dried.
 Before connecting the connectors, check that no 2
terminals are bent (3) or coming off (4). In addition,
as most terminals are made of brass, check that no 3
terminals are rusting (2).
 When connecting connectors provided with a lock,
insert them together until the lock "clicks." 4
 Pull lightly the wire harness near the connector in TDAA-05-08-003
order to check if it is correctly connected.
1- Normal 3- Bent
2- Rusting 4- Coming Off

4. Precautions for using a circuit tester

 Before using a circuit tester, refer to the instructions
in the circuit tester manual. Then, set the circuit TDAA-05-08-004
tester to meet the object to be measured, voltage
range and current polarity.
 Before starting the connector test, always check
the connector terminal numbers by referring to the
circuit diagram. When the connector size is very
small, and the standard probe size is too large to be
used for testing, wind a fine piece of sharpened wire
or a pin around the probe to make the test easier.
 When checking the connector by using a circuit
tester, do not damage the terminal inside the
connector. Insert a tester probe from the wire
harness end of the connector.

TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) T5-1-7
Group 1 Diagnosing Procedure

Instructions for Disconnecting Connectors

 Push, Unlock, and Separate Type

(Most connectors are this type.)

 The connectors will not be easily separated even if

the lock is pushed while being pulled. At first push
the lock and pull the connectors.
 The lock is located on female side connector (wire
harness end side).


 Raise Lock, Pull, and Separate Type


 Remove Bolt (1) and Remove Type: (A)

 Push Lock and Switch Lever (2) Type: (B)


1- Bolt (M8) 2- Lever

TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) T5-1-8
Group 1 Diagnosing Procedure

 Switch Lever and Remove Type


 Pull Lock and and Remove Type


 Lower Lock, Pull, and Remove Type


TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) T5-1-9
Group 1 Diagnosing Procedure

Fuse Inspection
Cracks in a fuse are so fine that it is very difficult or
impossible to find by visual inspection. Use a circuit tester
fNOTE: Check the starter circuit fuse with the key switch
set in the START position and follow the procedure in step
in order to correctly inspect fuse continuity by following 3.
the instructions described below.
b a b
1. Set the key switch to the ON position. When the
key switch is in the ON position, current from key
switch terminal M turns ON the battery relay so that
electric power is supplied to all circuits except the
starter circuit. (Refer to the circuit diagram.)
2. Remove the fuse box cover. Set a circuit tester.
(Measurement Range: 0 to 30 V)
3. Ground the negative probe of circuit tester to the
body. Touch the terminals located (b) away from
center of the fuse box with the positive probe of
circuit tester one at a time. When the circuit tester
indicates 20 to 25 V (battery voltage), the fuse is


a- Terminals connected to the b- Terminals connected to loads

power source (accessories)

Fuse Box 1 Fuse Box 2

10 20 30 40
9 19 29 39
8 18 28 38
7 17 27 37
6 16 26 36

5 15 25 35
4 14 24 34
3 13 23 33
2 12 22 32
1 11 21 31

M178-07-034 M178-07-034

TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) T5-1-10
Group 1 Diagnosing Procedure

Fuse No. Capacity Connected to

1 20 A Work Light Relay 1, Work Light Relay 2
2 10 A Washer Relay, Wiper Motor
3 20 A Air Conditioner Unit
4 20 A Pilot Shut-Off Relay, Pilot Shut-Off Solenoid Valve, Security Relay, MC (Solenoid Valve Power)
5 5A Option 1, Travel Alarm
6 20 A Option 2, Auto-Lubrication Device, Option
7 5A Monitor Controller, ECM
8 30 A ECM Main Relay (Power)
9 10 A Monitor Controller (Backup Power), Switch Panel, Cab Light, Radio (Backup Power), Security Horn
(Power), Security Horn Relay (Power), GSM (Power)
10 5A MC (Power), Wiper/Light Controller (Power)
11 5A Electric Fuel Pump
12 5A Wiper/Light Controller, Radio (Power)
13 10 A Cigar Lighter
14 5A Monitor Controller (Power)
15 10 A Auxiliary (Power)
16 5A Glow Plug Relay
17 5A Buzzer, Option, Engine Stop Switch, Air Conditioner Unit, Manual Regeneration Switch, Work Light
Relay 1, Washer Relay, Wiper Relay, GSM, Monitor Controller, ECM, MC, DCU
18 5A ACC Cut Relay, Key Switch ON Cut Relay, Auto Shut-Down Relay, Starter Cut Relay
19 10 A Horn Relay (Power)
20 5A Option 3

TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) T5-1-11
Group 1 Diagnosing Procedure

Fuse No. Capacity Connected to

21 10 A Seat Heater
22 10 A Work Light Relay (Cab Lamp Front)
23 10 A Work Light (Rear) Relay (Cab Lamp Rear)
24 10 A 12 V Power Supply
25 - -
26 5A Quick Hitch Relay
27 5A Auxiliary 3
28 10 A Sensor Unit, Upstream NOx Sensor, Downstream NOx Sensor
29 - -
30 - -
31 10 A Seat Compressor
32 10 A Work Light 2 Relay (Cab Lamp Front + 2)
33 10 A Beacon Light Relay (Warning Lamp)
34 10 A Auxiliary 2
35 20 A DCU (Power)
36 - -
37 - -
38 - -
39 - -
40 - -

TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) T5-1-12
Group 1 Diagnosing Procedure

Fusible Link Inspection 1

1. Visually inspect fusible link (2).

1. Turn OFF the battery disconnect switch.
2. Pull out fusible link (2). Replace fusible link (2).
3. Turn ON the battery disconnect switch.



1- Battery Relay 2- Fusible Link

TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) T5-1-13
Group 1 Diagnosing Procedure

Battery Voltage Check

1. Turn OFF the key switch. Check the voltage
between the battery positive terminal and the body
Specification: 24 V

fNOTE: If the voltage is not within the specification,

recharge or replace the battery.
2. Start the engine. Check the voltage between the
battery positive terminal and the body (ground).
Specification: 26 to 28 V

fNOTE: If the voltage is not within the specification,

check the charging system.


TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) T5-1-14
Group 1 Diagnosing Procedure

Alternator Check
Generally, if the alternator has generated electricity,
alternator alarm (1) will disappear. If alternator alarm (1)
is displayed while the engine is running, the alternator
might be defective.

How to Check Alternator

1. Set the key switch to the ON position. Confirm that
alternator alarm (1) is displayed. 1
2. Measure voltage between terminals B and E of the
alternator. If the measured voltage is around 24 V,
the alternator circuit can be considered normal. If
the measured voltage is low, a shortage in battery
capacity or looseness of the wire connectors
between battery and alternator might be the cause
of the malfunction. When voltage is 0 V, the ground
line of the alternator might be disconnected.
3. Next, start the engine and measure voltage
generated while the alternator rotates. As described
above, measure voltage between terminals B and E
on the alternator side. If voltage is around 28 V, the
alternator is operating normally. If the measured
voltage is same as the battery voltage (around 24
V), there is some trouble with the alternator or the


TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) T5-1-15
Group 1 Diagnosing Procedure

Continuity Check
IMPORTANT: Before continuity check, set the key
switch to the OFF position. A a

 Single line continuity check

Disconnect both end connectors of the wire harness and
check continuity (measure the resistance) between both
end terminals:
 ∞ Ω = Open circuit
 0 Ω = Normal
A a

 When the one end connector is far apart from the

Connect one end of connector (A) to the body by using a
clip. Then, check continuity of the wire harness between
terminal (a) and the body.
 ∞ Ω = Open circuit
 0 Ω = Normal A a

 Single line short circuit check

Disconnect both end connectors of the wire harness and
check continuity between one end connector terminal of
the wire harness and the body:
 0 Ω = Short circuit
 ∞ Ω = Normal

 Multi line continuity check

Disconnect both end connectors of the wire harness,
and short circuit two terminals, (A) and (B), at one end A a
B b
connector. Then, check continuity between terminals (a) C c
and (b) at the other connector.
If the ohm meter reading is ∞ Ω, either line (A) - (a), or (B)
- (b) is in discontinuity, or both lines (A) - (a) and (B) - (b)
are in discontinuity. Discontinuity is not limited at only
one place. Check discontinuity of the single line for all
uncertain wire harnesses.
 Multi line short circuit check
Disconnect both end connectors of the wire harness, and
check continuity between terminals (A) and (B) or (C).
 0 Ω = Short circuit exists between the lines.
 ∞ Ω = Normal
A a
B b
C c


TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) T5-1-16
Group 1 Diagnosing Procedure


TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) T5-1-17
Group 1 Diagnosing Procedure

Voltage and Current Measurement

Turn on the switches so that the specified voltage (current) is supplied to the location to be measured. Judge if the circuit
is normal by evaluating whether the measured voltage (current) matches the specification.

24-Volt Circuit
Start checking the circuit in order up to the location to be measured from either power source or actuator side.
Thereby, the faulty location in the circuit will be found.
 Black (negative) probe terminal of circuit tester: To the body (to ground)
 Red (Positive) probe terminal of circuit tester: To touch the location to be measured

Engine Key Switch Location to be Measured Specification

Electric Power Circuit
Stopped OFF Between (2) and (1): One Battery 10 to 12.5 V
Stopped OFF Between (3) and (2): One Battery 10 to 12.5 V
Stopped OFF Between (3) and (1): Two Batteries 20 to 25 V
Stopped OFF Between (4) and Ground: Battery Power 20 to 25 V
Stopped OFF Between (5) and Ground: Fusible Link 20 to 25 V
Stopped OFF Between (1) and Ground: Backup Current *1 20 mA or less
Preheating Circuit
Stopped ON or START Between (11) and Ground: Key Switch 20 to 25 V
Stopped ON or START Between (7) and Ground: Glow Plug *2 20 to 25 V
Charging Circuit
Fast Speed ON Between (9) and Ground: Alternator (B), Generating Voltage 26 to 30 V
Fast Speed ON Between (8) and Ground: Battery Relay, Generating Voltage 26 to 30 V
Fast Speed ON Between (17) and Ground: Fuse Box 1, Generating Voltage 26 to 30 V
Fast Speed ON Between (14) and Ground: Monitor Controller (A15) 13 to 30 V
Surge Voltage
Prevention Circuit
Slow Idle Speed ON Between (9) and Ground: Alternator (B) 26 to 30 V
Slow Idle Speed ON Between (13) and Ground: Key Switch ON Cut Relay 20 to 25 V
Slow Idle Speed ON Between (10) and Ground: Load Dump Relay 26 to 30 V
Slow Idle Speed ON Between (6) and Ground: Battery Relay 26 to 30 V
Accessory Circuit
Stopped ON Between (12) and Ground: ACC Cut Relay 20 to 25 V
Stopped ON Between (15) and Ground: Monitor Controller 20 to 25 V
Stopped ON Between (16) and Ground: Wiper/Light Controller, Radio 20 to 25 V
Stopped ON Between (18) and Ground: Auxiliary 20 to 25 V
Stopped ON Between (19) and Ground: Cigar Lighter 20 to 25 V
Stopped ON Between (6) and Ground: Battery Relay 20 to 25 V
Before measurement, turn OFF the battery disconnect switch.
The preheating circuit is operated for the preheating time according to the coolant temperature.

TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) T5-1-18
Group 1 Diagnosing Procedure

h 12 13 i

3 4
5 c 11
2 6
d e f

j n
14 k
a 10

19 18 17 16 15



a- Battery e- Glow Plug i- Key Switch ON Cut Relay m- MC

b- Alternator f- Load Dump Relay j- Fuse Box 1 n- Fuse Box 2
c- Fusible Link g- Key Switch k- Monitor Controller
d- Battery Relay h- ACC Cut Relay l- ECM

TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) T5-1-19
Group 1 Diagnosing Procedure

Engine Key Switch Location to be Measured Specification

Starting Circuit
Started START Between (20) and Ground: Battery Relay (Coil) 20 to 25 V
Started START Between (21) and Ground: Battery Relay (Switch) 20 to 25 V
Started START Between (22) and Ground: Starter (B) 20 to 25 V
Started START Between (23) and Ground: Starter (C) 20 to 25 V
Started START Between (24) and Ground: Starter Relay 1 (B) 20 to 25 V
Started START Between (25) and Ground: Starter Cut Relay 20 to 25 V
Started START Between (26) and Ground: Fuse Box 1 20 to 25 V
Started START Between (27) and Ground: Key Switch 20 to 25 V
Started START Between (28) and Ground: Fuse Box 1 20 to 25 V
Started START Between (29) and Ground: Monitor Controller (A16) 20 to 25 V
Started START Between (30) and Ground: MC(E4) 20 to 25 V
Started START Between (31) and Ground: ECM(V76) 20 to 25 V
Started START Between (32) and Ground: ECM Main Relay 20 to 25 V
Started START Between (33) and Ground: ECM Main Relay 20 to 25 V
Started START Between (38) and Ground: DCU(252) 20 to 25 V
Started START Between (39) and Ground: Fuse Box 2 20 to 25 V
Started START Between (40) and Ground: DEF Sensor Unit 20 to 25 V
Started START Between (41) and Ground: Upstream NOx Sensor 20 to 25 V
Started START Between (42) and Ground: Downstream NOx Sensor 20 to 25 V

TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) T5-1-20
Group 1 Diagnosing Procedure

27 28 39
20 c d

f l g
a 25

22 21 A16
23 29



m 33
40 E4
n 38
h j

252 32

O 42 41


a- Starter e- Key Switch i- ECM m- DEF Sensor Unit

b- Starter Relay 1 f- Fuse Box 1 j- MC n- Upstream NOx sensor
c- Battery Relay g- Monitor Controller k- DCU o- Downstream NOx Sensor
d- Starter Cut Relay h- ECM Main Relay l- Fuse Box 2

TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) T5-1-21
Group 1 Diagnosing Procedure

Engine Key Switch Location to be Measured Specification

Pilot Shut-Off
Stopped ON Between (34) and Ground: Pilot Shut-Off Solenoid Valve 20 to 25 V
Stopped ON Between (35) and Ground: Pilot Shut-Off Relay (Coil) 20 to 25 V
Stopped ON Between (36) and Ground: Pilot Shut-Off Relay (Switch) 20 to 25 V
Stopped ON Between (37) and Ground: Security Relay 20 to 25 V
Stopped ON Between (38) and Ground: Fuse Box 1 20 to 25 V
* Before measurement, set the pilot shut-off lever to the UNLOCK position.

TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) T5-1-22
Group 1 Diagnosing Procedure

34 a b c


35 36



a- Pilot Shut-Off Solenoid Valve b- Pilot Shut-Off Relay c- Security Relay d- Fuse Box 1

TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) T5-1-23
Group 1 Diagnosing Procedure

5-Volt Circuit
 Voltage between terminal #1 and the body Two Polarities
(two-polarities connector or three-polarities
Disconnect the connector with the key switch OFF.
Measure voltage between terminal #1 (5 V power supply)
on the body harness end connector and the body

 Key Switch: ON
 Black (negative) probe terminal of circuit tester: To
the body (to ground)
 Red (positive) probe terminal of circuit tester: TDFB-05-01-003
Terminal #1

If the measuring voltage is within 5 ± 0.5 volts, the circuit Three Polarities
up to terminal #1 is normal.


 Voltage between terminal #3 and the body Three Polarities

(three-polarities connector)
Disconnect the connector with the key switch OFF.
Measure voltage between terminal #3 (5 V power supply)
on the body harness end connector and the body

 Key Switch: ON
 Black (negative) probe terminal of circuit tester: To
the body (to ground)
 Red (positive) probe terminal of circuit tester: TDFB-05-01-005
Terminal #3

If the measuring voltage is within 5 ± 0.5 volts, the circuit

up to terminal #3 is normal.

TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) T5-1-24
Group 1 Diagnosing Procedure

 Voltage between terminal #1 and the ground terminal Two Polarities

(two-polarities connector or three-polarities
Turn OFF the key switch, and disconnect the sensor
connector. Measure the voltage between terminal #1
(5 V power supply) on the body harness end connector
and the ground terminal (terminal #2 for two-polarities
or terminal #3 for three-polarities connector) under the
following conditions.

 Key Switch: ON
 Black (negative) probe terminal of circuit tester: To TDFB-05-01-006
ground terminal (Terminal #2 or #3)
 Red (positive) probe terminal of circuit tester:
Terminal #1 Three Polarities

If the measuring voltage is within 5 ± 0.5 volts, the circuit

up to terminal #1 and the ground terminal (terminal #2 or
#3) is normal.


 Voltage between terminal #3 and the ground terminal Three Polarities

(three-polarities connector)
Turn OFF the key switch, and disconnect the sensor
connector. Measure the voltage between terminal #3 (5
V power supply) on the body harness end connector and
the ground terminal (terminal #1) under the following

 Key Switch: ON
 Black (negative) probe terminal of circuit tester: To
ground terminal (Terminal #1)
 Red (positive) probe terminal of circuit tester:
Terminal #3

If the measuring voltage is within 5 ± 0.5 volts, the circuit

up to terminal #1 and the ground terminal (terminal #1) is

TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) T5-1-25
Group 1 Diagnosing Procedure

Check by False Signal

 Terminal #1 (power source) Two Polarities
Turn OFF the key switch. Disconnect the sensor
connector. Turn ON the key switch. Connect terminal
#1 (power source) of the body harness end connector
to terminal #2 (signal). (Power voltage is used as a false
Check this state by using the monitor function of MPDr..
When the maximum value is displayed, MC and the circuit
up to the body harness end connector are normal. In case
of a pressure switch, it displays "ON" status.

IMPORTANT: Do not connect terminal #1 or #2

to terminal #3 or to the body (ground) when
checking a three-polarity connector of terminal #1 Three Polarities
(power source).
fNOTE: Some kinds of sensors can be monitored by the
service menu of the monitor.


 Terminal #3 (power source) Three Polarities

Turn OFF the key switch. Disconnect the sensor
connector. Turn ON the key switch. Connect terminal
#3 (power source) of the body harness end connector
to terminal #2 (signal). (Power voltage is used as a false
Check this state by using the monitor function of MPDr..
When the maximum value is displayed, MC and the circuit
up to the body harness end connector are normal. In case
of a pressure switch, it displays "ON" status.

IMPORTANT: Do not connect terminal #3 or #2
to terminal #1 or to the body (ground) when
checking a three-polarity connector of terminal #3
(power source).
fNOTE: Some kinds of sensors can be monitored by the
service menu of the monitor.

TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) T5-1-26
Group 1 Diagnosing Procedure

Test Wire Harness Parts Number 4283594 (ST 7126)

Install a test wire harness between connectors. Check

the circuit condition depending on whether the test wire
harness lamp lights or extinguishes during operation.

 Parts Number 4283594 (ST 7126)

Use in order to check a single-line (open circuit and/or
 During Operation: Light is ON.

Parts Number (ST 7226)

 Parts Number (ST 7226) 3 50
Use in order to check the solenoid valve unit circuits.
150 50 50
1 2 2 1
 When the corresponding control lever or switch is
operated: Light is ON. T107-07-06-015

Connect a test wire harness to the wire harness end

connector of pressure sensor. Check the state of pressure
sensor circuit.
 ST 6701 for high-pressure sensor


 ST 6703 for low-pressure sensor


TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) T5-1-27
Group 1 Diagnosing Procedure

Connecting Procedure of Test Wire Harness

fNOTE: The connecting procedures of test wire harness

of pump 2 delivery pressure sensor (1) are explained.
1. Disconnect the connector of pump 2 delivery
pressure sensor (1). 1


2. Connect the male end connector of test wire

harness (3) (ST 6701) to wire harness end connector
(4) of pump 2 delivery pressure sensor (1).

3. Connect dummy sensor (2) equivalent to #4436271

to the female end connector of test wire harness (3)
(ST 6701).

2 3 TDAA-05-06-002

2 3 4

TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) T5-1-28
Group 2 Monitor

Basic Screen

1 2 3 4

17 19



12 11


1- Work Mode Display 7- Glow Signal Display 12- Air Conditioner Display 19- DEF Gauge
2- Aftertreatment Device Status 8- Seat Belt Display 13- Coolant Temperature Gauge 20- Sub Meter Display
Display 9- Fuel Gauge 14- Auxiliary
3- Power Mode Display 10- Logo Display/ Operation 15- Overload Alarm (Option)
4- Clock, Hour Meter Display/ No Display/ Rear View 16- Travel Mode Display
5- Auxiliary Monitor Display 17- Auto Shut-Down Display
6- Auxiliary 11- Radio Display 18- Auto-Idle Display

TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) T5-2-1
Group 2 Monitor

Operating Procedures of Service Menu

IMPORTANT: The service menu is provided only for
service activity. Do not explain this function to
your customers.

The following items can be displayed on the monitor

without using MPDr..

 Troubleshooting:
Fault code is displayed.
 Monitoring:
A part of monitor items for MPDr. is displayed.
 Controller Version:
The controller version is displayed.
 Issued Warning Record:
Ten alarms which were issued recently are displayed.
 Operation:
Total operating hours of various hour meters are
 Communication Terminal Status:
Information of the communication terminal is
 Machine Setting:
The settings are adjusted.
 Monitor Setting:
All item operations displayed on the monitor are set
to enable/disable.
 Engine Setting:
Aftertreatment Device Manual Regeneration
(Forcible), Aftertreatment Device Auto Regeneration,
Aftertreatment Device Auto Regeneration Stop, and
Fault Code Clear, and Air Bleeding From The DEF
Defrosting Piping are set.
 Aftertreatment Device No.:
The serial number of aftertreatment device is
 Maintenance Mode:
ON/OFF of the maintenance mode is set.
f NOTE: Machine Setting and Monitor Setting are not
displayed in initialization. When displaying Machine
Setting and Monitor Setting, make enable by function
settings of MPDr..

TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) T5-2-2
Group 2 Monitor

How to display service menu 1 2

1. Push select/set switch (3) while pushing 9 on

numeric keypad (4) when the basic screen is
displayed with the key switch set in the ON position 3
or the engine running. Service Menu (5) is added to
the Main Menu screen. (Figure A)
2. Turn select/set switch (3) and select Service Menu
(5). When pushing select/set switch (3), the Service
Menu screen appears. (Figure B)
3. When pushing back switch (1), the previous screen
4. When pushing return to basic screen switch (2), the
basic screen appears.
fNOTE: Once the basic screen appears, Service Menu (5) TDAA-05-02-032
on the Main Menu screen is deleted. If Service Menu (5) is
required to display, perform step 1 again. A B

TDC1-05-02-014EN TDC1-05-02-010EN

TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) T5-2-3
Group 2 Monitor

1 2
1. Turn select/set switch (3) and select
Troubleshooting (4) on Service Menu. When
pushing select/set switch (3), the Troubleshooting
screen appears. (Figure A)
2. Turn select/set switch (3) and select the controller.
When pushing select/set switch (3), the self-
diagnostic result of selected controller (fault code) is
displayed. (Figure B)
fNOTE: Main (MC) (5) is selected as an example here.
3. The past fault codes as well as the current ones are
displayed at this time.
4. Turn select/set switch (3), select CLEAR (6), and push
select/set switch (3). 4
5. The past fault codes are deleted and only the
current fault codes which have been generated
newly can be displayed. (Figure C)
6. When pushing back switch (1), the previous screen
7. When pushing return to basic screen switch (2), the
basic screen appears. TDC1-05-02-010EN TDC1-05-02-024EN


TDC1-05-02-025EN TDC1-05-02-031EN

TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) T5-2-4
Group 2 Monitor


TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) T5-2-5
Group 2 Monitor

Monitoring 1 2

1. Turn select/set switch (3) and select Monitoring (4)

on Service Menu. When pushing select/set switch 3
(3), the Monitoring screen appears. (Figure A)
2. Turn select/set switch (3) and select the controller
for monitoring. When pushing select/set switch
(3), the monitoring items for selected controller are TDAA-05-02-030
displayed. (Figure B) (Refer to List of Monitoring
Item.) A

3. Turn select/set switch (3), select the item for

monitoring, and push select/set switch (3). (Up to 12
items can be selected.)
4. Push back switch (1) and the Monitoring screen
appears. (Figure C)
5. Turn select/set switch (3), select START (5), and push
select/set switch (3). (Figure C)

fNOTE: START (5) and CLEAR (HOLD) (6) are displayed

only when one or more monitoring items are selected.
START (5) and CLEAR (HOLD) (6) are not displayed when
no monitoring item is selected. TDC1-05-02-010EN TDC1-05-02-015EN



TDC1-05-02-016EN TDC1-05-02-017EN

TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) T5-2-6
Group 2 Monitor

6. The selected monitoring item is started monitoring. 1 2

(Figure D)
7. When pushing select/set switch (3) while 3
monitoring, PAUSE (7) is displayed and the
monitoring value can pause (be held). (Figure E)
8. When pushing select/set switch (3) again, pause is
released. TDAA-05-02-030

fNOTE: Even if the key switch is set to OFF position, the
selected monitoring item has been stored. If the selected
monitoring item is required to release, select CLEAR 7
(HOLD) (6) on the Monitoring screen and push select/set
switch (3) for a while until START (5) and CLEAR (HOLD)
(6) disappear.

9. When pushing back switch (1), the previous screen

10. When pushing return to basic screen switch (2), the
basic screen appears.

TDC1-05-02-019EN TDC1-05-02-018EN



TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) T5-2-7
Group 2 Monitor

List of Monitoring Item

Engine Controller (ECM)
Item Unit Data
Coolant Temp (Meter) °C Input signal from coolant temperature sensor (Coolant
Temperature Gauge)
Actual Engine Speed min-1 Calculated value from crank speed sensor and cam angle
Target Fuel Injection Qty mm3/st Control signal of fuel injection amount
Target Engine Speed min-1 Control signal of engine speed
Engine Torque % Calculated value from actual engine speed and target fuel
injection amount
Boost Pressure kPa Input signal from boost temperature sensor/boost pressure
Air Cleaner Restriction Switch OFF/ON Air cleaner restriction switch ON/OFF status
Manual Regeneration Switch OFF/ON Manual regeneration switch ON/OFF status
Engine Stop Switch OFF/ON Engine stop switch ON/OFF status
Starter Cutoff Relay Signal OFF/ON Starter cutoff relay ON/OFF status
Starter Switch OFF/ON Key switch ON/OFF status
ESCAPE MODE Possible 0: Disabled Engine output restriction temporary release mode (ESCAPE
1: Enabled MODE) is disabled/enabled
Urea Quality Alarm Light 0: OFF Alarm ON/OFF status when urea SCR system is abnormal
1: ON (Abnormal DEF Quality)
REFILL DEF/AdBlue Light 0: OFF Alarm ON/OFF status when DEF is insufficient
1: ON
NO POWER Light 0: OFF Alarm ON/OFF status at engine output restriction (Level 3)
1: ON
ESCAPE MODE Light 0: OFF Alarm ON/OFF status when engine output restriction
1: ON temporary release mode (ESCAPE MODE) is activated

TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) T5-2-8
Group 2 Monitor

Item Unit Data

Inducement Level 0: Normal Current engine output restriction status
1: Level 1
2: Level 2
3: Level 3
EXH FLUID Light 0: Lighting Alarm lighting/blinking status when urea SCR system is
1: Blinking abnormal
EXH. SYSTEM Light 0: OFF Alarm ON/OFF status when urea SCR system is abnormal
1: ON
Engine DERATE Light 0: OFF Alarm ON/OFF status at engine output restriction (Level 2)
1: ON
Repeat Offence Flag 0: Normal Status at monitoring of engine output restriction reappearance
1: Monitoring (REPEAT OFFENCE)
Directed Engine Speed min-1 Input signal from engine control dial
Common Rail Pressure DP MPa Calculated value from control signal of common rail pressure
and input signal from common rail pressure sensor
Regeneration Status 1 0: Normal Regeneration status of aftertreatment device
1: Regeneration
2: Required manual
Coolant Temperature °C Input signal from coolant temperature sensor
Fuel Temperature °C Input signal from fuel temperature sensor
Engine Oil Pressure kPa Input signal from engine oil pressure sensor
Common Rail Pressure MPa Input signal from common rail pressure sensor
Atmospheric Pressure kPa Input signal from atmospheric pressure sensor
EGR Cooler1 Inlet Temperature °C Input signal from EGR cooler inlet temperature sensor
EGR Cooler1 Outlet Temperature °C Input signal from EGR cooler outlet temperature sensor
Intake Air Temperature °C Input signal from MAF sensor/intake-air temperature sensor
Boost Temperature °C Input signal from boost temperature sensor/boost pressure
IAT in Manifold °C Input signal from intake manifold temperature sensor
DOC Outlet Exhaust Temperature °C Input signal from DOC outlet exhaust temperature sensor
DOC Inlet Exhaust Temperature °C Input signal from DOC inlet exhaust temperature sensor

TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) T5-2-9
Group 2 Monitor

Item Unit Data

Intercooler Inlet Temperature °C Input signal from intercooler inlet temperature sensor
ECM Battery Voltage V ECM internal voltage
Regeneration Status 2 0: Normal Regeneration status of aftertreatment device
1: Regeneration
end judging
4: Auto
5: Manual
EGR Opening Amount 1 % Opening amount of EGR valve
ITH Opening Amount % Opening amount of intake throttle
Actual Turbo Opening Amt % Input signal from VGS controller
DEF/AdBlue Level % Input signal from DEF tank level sensor
DEF/AdBlue S/M Temperature °C Input signal from DEF supply module temperature sensor
DEF/AdBlue Tank Temperature °C Input signal from DEF tank temperature sensor
SCR Exhaust Temperature °C Input signal from SCR exhaust temperature sensor
Upstream NOx Sensor Status 0 to 255 Input signal from upstream NOx sensor
Downstream NOx Sensor 0 to 255 Input signal from downstream NOx sensor
DEF/AdBlue Pressure hPa Input signal from DEF pressure sensor
DCU Battery Voltage V DCU internal voltage
Dosing Valve Status 0 to 255 Dosing module operating status
DEF/AdBlue Concentration* % Input signal from DEF quality sensor
Dosing Valve Amount % Control signal to dosing module
DEF/AdBlue S/M Pump Aperture % Control signal to DEF supply module
Reverting Valve ON/OFF 0: OFF Reverting valve ON/OFF status
1: ON
CCV ON/OFF 0: OFF Coolant control valve ON/OFF status
1: ON

fNOTE: *: If many air bobbles attach on the sensor part, the DEF quality may be displayed as [--%].

TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) T5-2-10
Group 2 Monitor

Main Controller (MC)

Item Unit Data
Regen Enable Signal OFF/ON -
Demand Engine Speed min-1 Input signal from engine control dial
Actual Engine Speed min-1 Input signal from ECM
Engine Speed Deviation min-1 Difference between actual engine speed and demand engine
EC Dial V Input signal from engine control dial
Hydraulic Oil Temperature °C Input signal from hydraulic oil temperature sensor
Electric Lever Signal 1* V Input signal from electric lever 1 (right) (assist)
Hyd Oil Temperature (Pilot)* °C Input signal from hydraulic oil temperature sensor (for electric
Tgt Pump 1 Flow Rate L Command signal to maximum pump 1 flow rate limit control
solenoid valve
Tgt Pump 2 Flow Rate L Command signal to maximum pump 2 flow rate limit control
solenoid valve
Tgt Pump 3 Flow Rate L Command signal to maximum pump 3 flow rate limit control
solenoid valve
Tgt Pump 1 Displacement cm3 Calculated value from engine speed and input signal from
pump 1 delivery pressure sensor
Tgt Pump 2 Displacement cm3 Calculated value from engine speed and input signal from
pump 2 delivery pressure sensor
Tgt Pump 3 Displacement cm3 Calculated value from engine speed and input signal from
pump 3 delivery pressure sensor
Pump 1 Load Factor % Calculated value from engine speed and input signal from
pump 1 delivery pressure sensor
Pump 2 Load Factor % Calculated value from engine speed and input signal from
pump 2 delivery pressure sensor
Pump 3 Load Factor % Calculated value from engine speed and input signal from
pump 3 delivery pressure sensor
Pump 1 Delivery Pressure MPa Input signal from pump 1 delivery pressure sensor
Pump 2 Delivery Pressure MPa Input signal from pump 2 delivery pressure sensor
Pump 3 Delivery Pressure MPa Input signal from pump 3 delivery pressure sensor
ADD Pump Delivery Pressure* MPa Input signal from ADD pump delivery pressure sensor
Pump 1 Control Pressure MPa Input signal from pump 1 control pressure sensor
Pump 2 Control Pressure MPa Input signal from pump 2 control pressure sensor
Pump 3 Control Pressure MPa Input signal from pump 3 control pressure sensor
Boom Cyl Bottom Pressure* MPa Input signal from boom cylinder bottom pressure sensor
Boom Cyl Rod Pressure* MPa Input signal from boom cylinder rod pressure sensor

fNOTE: *: Option

TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) T5-2-11
Group 2 Monitor

Item Unit Data

Boom Raise Pilot Pressure MPa Input signal from pressure sensor (boom raise)
Arm Roll-In Pilot Pressure MPa Input signal from pressure sensor (arm roll-in)
Bucket Roll-In Pilot Pressure MPa Input signal from pressure sensor (bucket roll-in)
Travel Pilot Pressure MPa Input signal from pressure sensor (travel)
Front ATT Pilot Pressure MPa Input signal from pressure sensor (front attachment)
Swing Pilot Pressure MPa Input signal from pressure sensor (swing)
Electric Lever Pilot Pressure 1* MPa Control signal to solenoid valve for electric lever 1 (right) (assist)
Bucket Roll-Out Pilot Pressure MPa Input signal from pressure sensor (bucket roll-out)
ATT 1 Pilot Pressure* MPa Input signal from pressure sensor (auxiliary 1)
ATT 2 Pilot Pressure* MPa Input signal from pressure sensor (auxiliary 2)
Arm Roll-Out Pilot Pressure* MPa Input signal from pressure sensor (arm roll-out)
Pumps 1&2 Torque P/S O/P MPa Control signal to pump 1 and 2 torque control solenoid valve
Pump 3 Torque P/S Output MPa Control signal to pump 3 torque control solenoid valve
Pump 2 Flw Limit P/S Output MPa Control signal to maximum pump 2 flow rate limit control
solenoid valve
Arm 2 Flw Cont P/S Output MPa Control signal to 5-spool solenoid valve unit (SD)
Arm Regen P/S Output MPa Control signal to 5-spool solenoid valve unit (SC)
Pressure Boost P/S Output MPa Control signal to 5-spool solenoid valve unit (SI)
Digging Regen P/S O/P MPa Control signal to 5-spool solenoid valve unit (SF)
Aftertreatment Device Regeneration MPa Control signal to 2-spool solenoid valve unit (SJ)
P/S Valve Output (SJ)
Aftertreatment Device Regeneration MPa Control signal to 2-spool solenoid valve unit (SZ)
P/S Valve Output (SZ)
Arm 1 Flw Cont P/S Output MPa Control signal to 5-spool solenoid valve unit (SE)
OPT Cont 1 P/S (E/L) O/P* MPa Control signal to solenoid valve 1 for electric lever
OPT Cont 2 P/S (E/L) O/P* MPa Control signal to solenoid valve 2 for electric lever
Pump 1 Flw Limit P/S Output MPa Control signal to maximum pump 1 flow rate limit control
solenoid valve
Pump 3 Flw Limit P/S Output MPa Control signal to maximum pump 3 flow rate limit control
solenoid valve
Analog Output 14 MPa -
Analog Output 15 MPa -
Analog Output 16 MPa -
Auxil Flw Cont P/S Output MPa Control signal to auxiliary flow rate control solenoid valve

fNOTE: *: Option

TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) T5-2-12
Group 2 Monitor

Item Unit Data

ATT Relief 1 P/S Output* MPa Control signal to auxiliary overload relief solenoid valve
ATT Relief 2 P/S Output* MPa Control signal to auxiliary overload relief solenoid valve
Breaker Relief P/S Output* MPa Control signal to breaker relief solenoid valve
Pumps 1&2 Torque P/S O/P FB mA Feedback from pump 1 and 2 torque control solenoid valve
Pump 3 Torque P/S Output FB mA Feedback from pump 3 torque control solenoid valve output
Pump 2 Flw Limit P/S O/P FB mA Feedback from maximum pump 2 flow rate limit control
solenoid valve output
Arm 2 Flw Cont P/S O/P FB mA Feedback from 5-spool solenoid valve unit (SD) output
Arm Regen P/S Output FB mA Feedback from 5-spool solenoid valve unit (SC) output
Pressure Boost P/S Output FB mA Feedback from 5-spool solenoid valve unit (SI) output
Digging Regen P/S O/P FB mA Feedback from 5-spool solenoid valve unit (SF) output
Aftertreatment Device Regeneration mA Feedback from 2-spool solenoid valve unit (SJ) output
P/S Valve Output (SJ) FB
Aftertreatment Device Regeneration mA Feedback from 2-spool solenoid valve unit (SZ) output
P/S Valve Output (SZ) FB
Arm 1 Flw Cont P/S O/P FB mA Feedback from 5-spool solenoid valve unit (SE) output
OPT Cont 1 P/S (E/L) O/P FB* mA Feedback from solenoid valve 1 for electric lever output
OPT Cont 2 P/S (E/L) O/P FB* mA Feedback from solenoid valve 2 for electric lever output
Pump 1 Flw Limit P/S O/P FB mA Feedback from maximum pump 1 flow rate limit control
solenoid valve output
Pump 3 Flw Limit P/S O/P FB mA Feedback from maximum pump 3 flow rate limit control
solenoid valve output
Analog Output FB 14 mA -
Analog Output FB 15 mA -
Analog Output FB 16 mA -
Auxil Flw Cont P/S O/P FB mA Feedback from auxiliary flow rate control solenoid valve output
ATT Relief 1 P/S O/P FB* mA Feedback from auxiliary overload relief solenoid valve output
ATT Relief 2 P/S O/P FB* mA Feedback from auxiliary overload relief solenoid valve output
Breaker Relief P/S Output FB* mA Feedback from breaker relief solenoid valve output
Digital Input 7 OFF/ON -

fNOTE: *: Option

TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) T5-2-13
Group 2 Monitor

Item Unit Data

Pilot Control Shut-Off Lever Switch OFF/ON Pilot shut-off switch ON/OFF status
Breaker Control Switch OFF/ON -
Power Boost Switch OFF/ON Power digging switch ON/OFF status
Engine Oil Level Switch OFF/ON Engine oil level switch ON/OFF status
Power Mode Switch OFF/ON Power mode switch operating status
Travel Mode Switch LO/HI Travel mode switch selection status
Auto-Idle Switch OFF/ON Auto-idle switch ON/OFF status
Digital Input 15 OFF/ON -
Digital Input 14 OFF/ON -
Coolant Level Switch OFF/ON Coolant level switch ON/OFF status
Digital Input 12 OFF/ON -
O/L Warning Buzzer Switch*1 OFF/ON Overload alarm switch ON/OFF status
Crane Initializing Switch*2 OFF/ON -
Digital Input 8 OFF/ON -
Digital Input 23 OFF/ON -
Digital Input 22 OFF/ON -
Digital Input 21 OFF/ON -
Digital Input 20 OFF/ON -
Digital Input 19 OFF/ON -
Digital Input 18 OFF/ON -
Digital Input 17 OFF/ON -
Line Filter Restriction Switch*1 OFF/ON Line filter restriction switch ON/OFF status
Digital Input 29 OFF/ON -
Digital Input 28 OFF/ON -
Digital Input 27 OFF/ON -
Digital Input 26 OFF/ON -
Digital Input 25 OFF/ON -
Digital Input 24 OFF/ON -

fNOTE: *1: Option

*2: Unused (The item is only displayed.)

TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) T5-2-14
Group 2 Monitor

Item Unit Data

Warning Buzzer*1 OFF/ON Overload alarm ON/OFF status
Swing Alarm*2 OFF/ON -
Travel Alarm*2 OFF/ON -
Bucket Lock Valve OFF/ON Bucket roll-out pilot shut-off solenoid valve ON/OFF status
Auto Shut-Down Relay OFF/ON Auto shut-down relay ON/OFF status
Selector Valve*1 OFF/ON Selector valve ON/OFF status
Auxiliary Flow Combiner Valve*1 OFF/ON Auxiliary flow combiner control solenoid valve ON/OFF status
ON/OFF Valve Output 11 OFF/ON -
ON/OFF Valve Output 10 OFF/ON -
ON/OFF Valve Output 9 OFF/ON -
ON/OFF Valve Output 8 OFF/ON -
Regeneration Inhibit Light OFF/ON Regeneration inhibit ON/OFF status
Selector Valve Connection 0: Unset Selector valve control solenoid valve connection status
1: Connection
2: Uncoupled
Auxil Flw Combiner Valve Connection 0: Unset Auxiliary flow combiner control solenoid valve connection
1: Connection status
2: Uncoupled
Boom Angle*1 V Input signal from boom angle sensor
Arm Angle*1 V Input signal from arm angle sensor

fNOTE: *1: Option

*2: Unused (The item is only displayed.)

TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) T5-2-15
Group 2 Monitor

Wiper/Light Controller
Item Unit Data
Wiper 1 Input V Input signal from wiper switch
Wiper 2 Input V Input signal from overhead window wiper switch
Washer 1 Switch OFF/ON Washer switch ON/OFF status
Washer 2 Switch OFF/ON Overhead window washer switch ON/OFF status
Work Light 1 Switch OFF/ON Work light switch 1 ON/OFF status
Work Light 2 Switch OFF/ON Work light switch 2 ON/OFF status
Cab Light Switch OFF/ON Cab light switch ON/OFF status
Wiper 1 Output OFF/ON Wiper relay ON/OFF status
Wiper 2 Output OFF/ON Overhead window wiper relay ON/OFF status
Washer 1 Output OFF/ON Washer relay ON/OFF status
Washer 2 Output OFF/ON Overhead window washer relay ON/OFF status
Work Light 1 Output OFF/ON Work light relay 1 ON/OFF status
Work Light 2 Output OFF/ON Work light relay 2 ON/OFF status
Cab Light 1 Output OFF/ON Cab light (door interlocking position) ON/OFF status
Cab Light 2 Output OFF/ON Cab light (ON position) ON/OFF status

Air Conditioner Unit

Item Unit Data
Compressor Operation OFF/ON Compressor operating status
Outdoor Air Temperature °C Input signal from ambient temperature sensor
Indoor Air Temperature °C Input signal from re-circulated air temperature sensor
Amount of Insolation W/m2 Input signal from solar radiation sensor

TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) T5-2-16
Group 2 Monitor

Controller Version
1 2
1. Turn select/set switch (3) and select Controller
Version (4) on Service Menu.
2. When pushing select/set switch (3), the version of
each controller appears. (Figure A)
3. When pushing back switch (1), the previous screen
4. When pushing return to basic screen switch (2), the
basic screen appears. TDAA-05-02-030

TDC1-05-02-010EN TDC1-05-02-009EN

TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) T5-2-17
Group 2 Monitor

Issued Warning Record

1 2
1. Turn select/set switch (3) and select Issued Warning
Record (4) on Service Menu. When pushing select/
set switch (3), the Issued Warning Record screen
appears. (Figure A)
2. The logo and trouble of maximum ten alarms which
were issued recently are displayed. (Refer To List of
3. Turn select/set switch (3) and select the displayed
alarm. When pushing select/set switch (3), the time
that the selected alarm has solved is displayed as A
OFF. (Figure B)
4. In case of the alarm that is occurring, solved time is
displayed as (---). (Figure C)

fNOTE: The display of date and time depends on the

setting. (Refer to the operator’s manual.)
5. When pushing back switch (1), the previous screen
6. When pushing return to basic screen switch (2), the
basic screen appears.
TDC1-05-02-010EN TDC1-05-02-021EN


TDC1-05-02-022EN TDC1-05-02-023EN

TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) T5-2-18
Group 2 Monitor

List of Alarm

Display Contents of Alarms Trouble Screen Remedy

Urea SCR System Alarm DEF/AdBlue® Level Is Low Or Urea SCR System Is Refer to
Abnormal. Troubleshooting
Refill DEF/AdBlue® If Level Is Low. A.
MDC1-01-528 Consult Your Authorized Hitachi Dealer For System
Engine Output Restriction Engine Output Is Restricted. Refer to
*Aftertreatment Device Aftertreatment Device Regeneration Is Needed. Set Follow Trouble
Regeneration Request Pilot Control Shut-off Lever To The LOCK Position. Screen on the
(Blinking) (Yellow) Run The Engine At Slow Idle Speed. Turn The Manual monitor.
Regeneration Switch To The Regeneration Position.
*Aftertreatment Device As The Regeneration Inhibition Has Been Set, Manual Follow Trouble
Regeneration Inhibit Alarm Regeneration Cannot Be Performed. Screen on the
(Lighting) (Yellow) Move The Machine To A Safe Area, Release The monitor.
Regeneration Inhibition, And Perform Manual
*Aftertreatment Device Auto- As The Regeneration Inhibition Has Been Set, Auto Follow Trouble
Regeneration Inhibit Alarm Regeneration Cannot Be Performed. Screen on the
(Lighting) (Yellow) Move The Machine To A Safe Area And Release The monitor.
Regeneration Inhibition.
Engine Oil Level Alarm Check Engine Oil Level And Add Oil If Required. Follow Trouble
Screen on the
Coolant Level Alarm Check Coolant Level And Add Coolant If Required. Follow Trouble
Screen on the

Overheat Alarm Coolant Temperature Is Abnormally High. Stop Refer to
Operation. Run The Engine At Slow Idle To Cool Troubleshooting
Coolant Temperature. A.


fNOTE: *: These alarms are not displayed on the Issued

Warning Record screen.

TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) T5-2-19
Group 2 Monitor

Display Contents of Alarms Trouble Screen Remedy

Engine Trouble Alarm Engine Or Accessory Are Abnormal. Contact Your Refer to Engine
Nearest Authorized Dealer. Manual.

Engine Oil Pressure Alarm Engine Oil Pressure Is Low. Immediately Stop Engine. Refer to
Check Engine Oil System And Oil Level. Troubleshooting
*Engine Start Disabled Engine Cannot Start If Pilot Control Shut-Off Lever Is Set the pilot
In The UNLOCK Position. shut-off lever
to the LOCK
*Engine Start Disabled Engine Cannot Start If Engine Stop Switch Is In The Set the engine
OFF Position. stop switch to
the ON position.

Boost Temperature Alarm Engine Intake Air Temperature Is Abnormally High. Refer to
Stop Operation And Check For Clogged Intercooler Troubleshooting
And/Or Disconnected Intake Airline. A.
Exhaust Gas Temperature Exhaust Temperature Is Abnormally High. Stop Refer to
Alarm Operation. Check The Exhaust Piping. Troubleshooting
Aftertreatment Device Aftertreatment Device Regeneration System Is Refer to
Regeneration System Failure Abnormal. Troubleshooting
Consult Your Authorized Hitachi Dealer. A.
Alternator Alarm Electrical System Is Abnormal. Check Alternator And Refer to
Battery Systems. Troubleshooting

*Fuel Level Alarm Fuel Level Is Low. Refer to

fNOTE: *: These alarms are not displayed on the Issued

Warning Record screen.

TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) T5-2-20
Group 2 Monitor

Display Contents of Alarms Trouble Screen Remedy

Fuel Temperature Alarm Fuel Temperature Is Abnormally High. Stop Operation Refer to
And Check For Any Abnormality Such As Clogged Troubleshooting
Fuel Cooler. A.
Hydraulic Oil Filter Restriction Hydraulic Oil Filter Is Clogged. Replace Hydraulic Oil Refer to
Alarm Filter Element. Troubleshooting
Line Filter Restriction Alarm Line Filter (Breaker Circuit Return Oil Filter) Is Clogged. Refer to
(Optional) Replace Line Filter Element. Troubleshooting
Air Cleaner Restriction Alarm Air Cleaner Is Clogged. Clean Or Replace Air Cleaner Refer to
Element. Troubleshooting

Fuel Filter Restriction Alarm Fuel Filter Is Clogged. Refer to
Replace Fuel Filter Element. Troubleshooting

Water Separator Alarm Water Separator Is Full. Drain Water. Refer to

System Failure Alarm Machine Network System Is Abnormal. Contact Your Refer to
Nearest Authorized Dealer. Troubleshooting
Electric Lever Alarm Electric Lever System Is Abnormal. Refer to
Contact Your Nearest Authorized Dealer. Troubleshooting
Pilot Control Shut-Off Lever Pilot Control Shut-Off Lever System Is Abnormal. Refer to
Alarm Contact Your Nearest Authorized Dealer. Troubleshooting
Maintenance Mode The Machine Is In The Maintenance Mode. -


fNOTE: The hydraulic oil filter alarm lights only when the
high performance element (optional) is used.

TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) T5-2-21
Group 2 Monitor

Urea SCR System Remedy

Display Contents of Alarms Trouble Screen Remedy

DEF Level Alarm DEF/AdBlue® Level Is Low. Follow Trouble
Refill DEF/AdBlue®. Screen on the
DEF Level Alarm DEF/AdBlue® Is Insufficient. Follow Trouble
Refill DEF/AdBlue®. Screen on the
DEF Tank Empty. monitor.
MDC1-01-530 Engine Output Is Restricted.
DEF Level Alarm DEF/AdBlue® Tank Is Empty. Follow Trouble
Refill DEF/AdBlue®. Screen on the
Engine Output And Speed Are monitor.
MDC1-01-531 Restricted.
Urea SCR System Urea SCR System Is Broken. Refer to Engine
Malfunction Manual.
Urea SCR System Urea SCR System Is Broken. Refer to Engine
Malfunction Engine Output Is Restricted. Manual.

Urea SCR System Urea SCR System Is Broken. Refer to Engine
Malfunction Engine Output And Speed Are Restricted. Manual.


TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) T5-2-22
Group 2 Monitor

1 2
1. Turn select/set switch (3) and select Operation (4)
on Service Menu. When pushing select/set switch
(3), the Operation screen appears. (Figure A)
2. The hour meters are displayed.
3. When pushing back switch (1), the previous screen
4. When pushing return to basic screen switch (2), the
basic screen appears. TDAA-05-02-030

TDC1-05-02-010EN TDC1-05-02-020EN

TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) T5-2-23
Group 2 Monitor

Communication Terminal Status

1 2
1. Turn select/set switch (3) and select Communication
Terminal Status (4) on Service Menu. When pushing
select/set switch (3), the Communication Terminal
Status screen appears. (Figure A)
2. Each data of the communication terminals is
displayed. (Refer To List of Communication Terminal
3. When pushing back switch (1), the previous screen
4. When pushing return to basic screen switch (2), the
basic screen appears. A

TDC1-05-02-011EN TDC1-05-02-034EN

TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) T5-2-24
Group 2 Monitor

List of Communication Terminal Status

Item Unit Data
GSM Terminal Satellite Terminal (Optional)
GPS Status 0 to 2 0: Uncoupled Connection 0: Uncoupled Connection/
Incomplete Positioning
1: Incomplete Positioning 1: Positioning State
2: Positioning State
Radio Wave Intensity 0 to 3, 250 0: GSM Antenna: 0 0: Communication not
1: GSM Antenna: 1 1: Communication available
2: GSM Antenna: 2
3: GSM Antenna: 3
250: Out of service
Data Transmission Status 0, 1 0: Uncoupled Connection -
1: Connection
Comm Module Status 0, 1 0: Correct -
1: Incorrect
Portable Antenna Signal 0 to 31, 99 0 to 1: Out of service -
(GSM Antenna Signal) 2 to 8: GSM Antenna: 0
9 to 12: GSM Antenna: 1
13 to 17: GSM Antenna: 2
18 to 31: GSM Antenna: 3
99: Not detected
GPRS Ntwk Conn Status 0, 1 0: Failure -
1: Success
Frequency Band 0 to 3 0 to 3 -

fNOTE: The detail data of radio wave intensity are

displayed for GSM Antenna Signal.
fNOTE: If “--------” is displayed on Radio Wave Intensity,
the communication data is abnormal.

TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) T5-2-25
Group 2 Monitor

Machine Setting
1 2
fNOTE: Machine Setting is not displayed in initialization.
When display the Machine Setting, make Machine
Setting enable with MPDr..

 Constant Change
1. Turn select/set switch (3) and select Machine
Setting (4) on Service Menu. When pushing select/
set switch (3), the Machine Setting screen appears.
(Figure A) TDAA-05-02-030

2. Turn select/set switch (3) and select the item to A

be adjusted. When pushing select/set switch (3),
the adjustment screen for selected item appears.
(Figure B) (Refer to List of Setting Item.)

fNOTE: Li Speed (5) is selected as an example here.

3. When pushing select/set switch (3), the color of 5
selected adjustment item data is changed. Turn
select/set switch (3), change the data, and push
select/set switch (3). (Figure C)
4. Turn select/set switch (3) and select a check mark.
When pushing select/set switch (3), the setting has
been completed. TDC1-05-02-011EN TDC1-05-02-061EN
5. When pushing back switch (1), the previous screen
6. When pushing return to basic screen switch (2), the
basic screen appears.

TDC1-05-02-071EN TDC1-05-02-072EN

TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) T5-2-26
Group 2 Monitor

List of Machine Setting Item (Constant Change)

Item Unit Data
ECO Control Suspend 0, 1 Setting of ECO control (casual deactivation)
0: Enable
1: Casual Deactivation
WU Control Suspend 0, 1 Setting of auto warming-up control (casual deactivation)
0: Hydraulic oil/coolant temperature auto warming-up
control enable
1: Hydraulic oil/coolant temperature auto warming-up
control casual deactivation
Li Speed min-1 Adjustment of slow idle engine speed
WU Speed min-1 Adjustment of auto warming-up engine speed
AI Speed min-1 Adjustment of auto-idle engine speed
PWR Mode Speed min-1 Adjustment of PWR mode fast idle engine speed
ECO Control Selection 0, 1 ON/OFF of ECO control
0: OFF
1: ON
Power Mode Memory Selection 0, 1 Setting of power mode with the key switch ON
0: OFF (Setting of power mode is ECO mode when turning
the key switch ON. )
1: ON (Setting of the power mode when turning the key
switch OFF is kept.)
Heater Control Selection 0, 1 ON/OFF of heater control
0: OFF
1: ON
Work Mode Memory Selection 0, 1 Setting of attachment mode with the key switch ON
0: OFF (Setting of attachment mode is bucket (digging)
mode when turning the key switch ON.)
1: ON (Setting of the attachment mode when turning the
key switch OFF is kept.)
Power Mode Selection 0 to 2 Setting of power mode selection
0: ECO, PWR mode: Selected
1: ECO mode: Fixed
2: PWR mode: Fixed

TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) T5-2-27
Group 2 Monitor

Item Unit Data

Auto Shut-Down Control 0 to 2 Setting of auto shut-down control with the key switch ON
0: OFF when starting
1: ON when starting
2: Previous setting is held.
Auto Shut-Down Set Time Holding 0, 1 The time until starting auto shut-down control is held.
0: Settable
1: Un-settable
Air Conditioner Control Mode 0 to10 Selection of air conditioner specification
0: Unused (without an air conditioner)
1: STD cab (middle) (with an air conditioner)
2: STD cab (middle) (without an air conditioner)
3: STD cab (large) (with an air conditioner)
4: STD cab (large) (without an air conditioner)
5: US cab (75US class) (with an air conditioner)
6: US cab (75US class) (without an air conditioner)
7: US cab (135US class) (with an air conditioner)
8: US cab (135US class) (without an air conditioner)
9: US cab (225US class) (with an air conditioner)
10: US cab (225US class) (without an air conditioner)
Selector Valve Open Circuit Detection 0, 1 ON/OFF of failure evaluation
0: OFF
1: ON
ATT Speed Deceleration Waiting Time ms The time when the increased engine speed is held at
attachment operation speed increase control
Breaker Relief Hard Setting 0, 1 Selection of secondary pilot relief valve or breaker relief
solenoid valve specification
0: Fixed
1: Variable
ATT Relief Hard Setting 0, 1 Selection of auxiliary overload relief valve or auxiliary
overload relief solenoid valve specification
0: Fixed
1: Variable
*Variable Relief Valve Check 0 to 4 Setting of auxiliary overload relief solenoid valve
0: Usual use
1: Check of breaker relief hunting
2: Air bleeding from breaker relief
3: Check of auxiliary overload relief hunting
4: Air bleeding from auxiliary overload relief

fNOTE: *: When the key switch is set to the OFF position

with 1 to 4 selected, the setting is set to 0.

TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) T5-2-28
Group 2 Monitor

 List of Adjustment (Constant Change)

Item Unit Minimum Adjustable Range Initial Value
ECO Control Suspend 0, 1 - 0, 1 0
WU Control Suspend 0, 1 - 0, 1 0
Li Speed min-1 10 0 to 400 0
WU Speed min-1 10 -600 to 200 0
AI Speed min-1 10 -400 to 400 0
PWR Mode Speed min-1 10 -200 to 200 0
ECO Control Selection 0, 1 - 0, 1 1
Power Mode Memory Selection 0, 1 - 0, 1 0
Heater Control Selection 0, 1 - 0, 1 1
Work Mode Memory Selection 0, 1 - 0, 1 1
Power Mode Selection 0 to 2 - 0 to 2 0
Auto Shut-Down Control 0 to 2 - 0 to 2 0
Auto Shut-Down Set Time Holding 0, 1 - 0, 1 0
Air Conditioner Control Mode 0 to 10 - 0 to 10 1
Selector Valve Open Circuit Detection 0, 1 - 0, 1 0
ATT Speed Deceleration Waiting Time ms 40 0 to 3000 1000
Breaker Relief Hard Setting 0, 1 - 0, 1 0
ATT Relief Hard Setting 0, 1 - 0, 1 0
Variable Relief Valve Check 0 to 4 - 0 to 4 0

TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) T5-2-29
Group 2 Monitor

 Attachment Constant Change 1 2

1. Turn select/set switch (3) and select Machine
Setting (4) on Service Menu. When pushing select/
set switch (3), the Machine Setting screen appears. 3
(Figure A)
2. Turn select/set switch (3) and select the item to
be adjusted. When pushing select/set switch (3),
the adjustment screen for selected item appears. TDAA-05-02-030
(Figure B) (Refer to List of Setting Item.) A

fNOTE: ATT 1 Type (5) is changed to clamshell 1 as an

example here. (Initial setting: Breaker 1)
3. When pushing select/set switch (3), the color of 4
selected adjustment item data is changed. Turn
select/set switch (3), change the data, and push
select/set switch (3). (Figure C)
4. Turn select/set switch (3) and select a check mark.
When pushing select/set switch (3), the setting has
been completed.
5. When pushing back switch (1), the previous screen TDC1-05-02-011EN TDC1-05-02-073EN
6. When pushing return to basic screen switch (2), the
basic screen appears.

TDC1-05-02-074EN TDC1-05-02-075EN

TDC1-05-02-026EN TDC1-05-02-076EN

TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) T5-2-30
Group 2 Monitor

List of Setting Item (Attachment Constant Change)

Item Unit Data
ATT n Type 0 to 10 Kinds of attachment
0: Unset
1: Breaker
2: Pulverizer
3: Crusher
4: Vibrating Hammer
5: Others
6: Grapple
7: Clamshell
8: Thumb
9: Tilting Rotator
10: Tilting Bucket
ATT n No. 0 to 5 Selection of attachment setting No.
0: Unset
1: 1
2: 2
3: 3
4: 4
5: 5
ATT n Pump 1 Maximum Flow Rate L/min Adjustment of maximum pump 1 flow rate when using
ATT n Pump 2 Maximum Flow Rate L/min Adjustment of maximum pump 2 flow rate when using
ATT n Pump 3 Maximum Flow Rate L/min Adjustment of maximum pump 3 flow rate when using
ATT n Engine Speed min-1 Adjustment of engine speed when using attachment
ATT n Relief Valve* 0 to 2 Selection of breaker relief solenoid valve, auxiliary overload
relief solenoid valve
0: Both are disabled.
1: ATT relief is enabled.
2: Breaker relief is enabled.
ATT n Selector Valve* 0, 1 Selection of return circuit connection of selector valve
0: C/V
1: O/T
ATT n Auxiliary Flow Combiner Valve* 0, 1 Setting of auxiliary flow combiner valve selection
0: OFF
1: ON
ATT n Breaker Relief Pressure MPa Adjustment of breaker relief solenoid valve
ATT n ATT Relief Pressure MPa Adjustment of auxiliary overload relief solenoid valve

fNOTE: *: Option
fNOTE: ATT n : (ATT 1 to ATT 11)

TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) T5-2-31
Group 2 Monitor

 List of Adjustment (Attachment Constant Change)

Item Unit Minimum Adjustable Range Initial Value
ATT 1 Type 0 to 10 - 0 to 10 1
ATT 1 No. 0 to 5 - 1 to 5 1
ATT 1 Pump 1 Maximum Flow Rate L/min 0.5 74 to 212 212
ATT 1 Pump 2 Maximum Flow Rate L/min 0.5 74 to 212 212
ATT 1 Pump 3 Maximum Flow Rate L/min 0.5 42 to 189 189
ATT 1 Engine Speed min-1 10 -500 to 200 0
ATT 1 Relief Valve * 0 to 2 - 0 to 2 2
ATT 1 Selector Valve * 0, 1 - 0, 1 1
ATT 1 Auxiliary Flow Combiner Valve * 0, 1 - 0, 1 0
ATT 1 Breaker Relief Pressure MPa 0.2 2 to 36 21
ATT 1 ATT Relief Pressure MPa 0.2 10 to 36 36

Item Unit Minimum Adjustable Range Initial Value
ATT 2 Type 0 to 10 - 0 to 10 1
ATT 2 No. 0 to 5 - 1 to 5 2
ATT 2 Pump 1 Maximum Flow Rate L/min 0.5 74 to 212 212
ATT 2 Pump 2 Maximum Flow Rate L/min 0.5 74 to 212 212
ATT 2 Pump 3 Maximum Flow Rate L/min 0.5 42 to 189 189
ATT 2 Engine Speed min-1 10 -500 to 200 0
ATT 2 Relief Valve* 0 to 2 - 0 to 2 0
ATT 2 Selector Valve * 0, 1 - 0, 1 1
ATT 2 Auxiliary Flow Combiner Valve * 0, 1 - 0, 1 0
ATT 2 Breaker Relief Pressure MPa 0.2 2 to 36 36
ATT 2 ATT Relief Pressure MPa 0.2 10 to 36 36

fNOTE: *: Option

TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) T5-2-32
Group 2 Monitor

Item Unit Minimum Adjustable Range Initial Value
ATT 3 Type 0 to 10 - 0 to 10 2
ATT 3 No. 0 to 5 - 1 to 5 1
ATT 3 Pump 1 Maximum Flow Rate L/min 0.5 74 to 212 212
ATT 3 Pump 2 Maximum Flow Rate L/min 0.5 74 to 212 212
ATT 3 Pump 3 Maximum Flow Rate L/min 0.5 42 to 189 189
ATT 3 Engine Speed min-1 10 -500 to 200 200
ATT 3 Relief Valve* 0 to 2 - 0 to 2 1
ATT 3 Selector Valve* 0, 1 - 0, 1 0
ATT 3 Auxiliary Flow Combiner Valve* 0, 1 - 0, 1 1
ATT 3 Breaker Relief Pressure MPa 0.2 2 to 36 36
ATT 3 ATT Relief Pressure MPa 0.2 10 to 36 27.4

Item Unit Minimum Adjustable Range Initial Value
ATT 4 Type 0 to 10 - 0 to 10 3
ATT 4 No. 0 to 5 - 1 to 5 1
ATT 4 Pump 1 Maximum Flow Rate L/min 0.5 74 to 212 212
ATT 4 Pump 2 Maximum Flow Rate L/min 0.5 74 to 212 212
ATT 4 Pump 3 Maximum Flow Rate L/min 0.5 42 to 189 189
ATT 4 Engine Speed min-1 10 -500 to 200 200
ATT 4 Relief Valve* 0 to 2 - 0 to 2 1
ATT 4 Selector Valve* 0, 1 - 0, 1 0
ATT 4 Auxiliary Flow Combiner Valve* 0, 1 - 0, 1 1
ATT 4 Breaker Relief Pressure MPa 0.2 2 to 36 36
ATT 4 ATT Relief Pressure MPa 0.2 10 to 36 27.4

fNOTE: *: Option

TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) T5-2-33
Group 2 Monitor

Item Unit Minimum Adjustable Range Initial Value
ATT 5 Type 0 to 10 - 0 to 10 6
ATT 5 No. 0 to 5 - 1 to 5 1
ATT 5 Pump 1 Maximum Flow Rate L/min 0.5 74 to 212 212
ATT 5 Pump 2 Maximum Flow Rate L/min 0.5 74 to 212 212
ATT 5 Pump 3 Maximum Flow Rate L/min 0.5 42 to 189 189
ATT 5 Engine Speed min-1 10 -500 to 200 0
ATT 5 Relief Valve* 0 to 2 - 0 to 2 1
ATT 5 Selector Valve * 0, 1 - 0, 1 0
ATT 5 Auxiliary Flow Combiner Valve * 0, 1 - 0, 1 0
ATT 5 Breaker Relief Pressure MPa 0.2 2 to 36 21
ATT 5 ATT Relief Pressure MPa 0.2 10 to 36 27.4

ATT 6 to 11
Item Unit Minimum Adjustable Range Initial Value
ATT 6 to 11 Type 0 to 10 - 0 to 10 0
ATT 6 to 11 No. 0 to 5 - 1 to 5 0
ATT 6 to 11 Pump 1 Maximum Flow L/min 0.5 74 to 212 212
ATT 6 to 11 Pump 2 Maximum Flow L/min 0.5 74 to 212 212
ATT 6 to 11 Pump 3 Maximum Flow L/min 0.5 42 to 189 189
ATT 6 to 11 Engine Speed min-1 10 -500 to 200 0
ATT 6 to 11 Relief Valve * 0 to 2 - 0 to 2 1
ATT 6 to 11 Selector Valve * 0, 1 - 0, 1 0
ATT 6 to 11 Auxiliary Flow Combiner 0, 1 - 0, 1 0
Valve *
ATT 6 to 11 Breaker Relief Pressure MPa 0.2 2 to 36 36
ATT 6 to 11 ATT Relief Pressure MPa 0.2 10 to 36 27.4

fNOTE: *: Option

TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) T5-2-34
Group 2 Monitor

Monitor Setting 1 2

fNOTE: Monitor Setting is not displayed in initialization.

When display the Monitor Setting, make Monitor Setting 3
enable with MPDr..

 Operation Permission
1. Turn select/set switch (3) and select Monitor TDAA-05-02-030
Setting (4) on Service Menu. When pushing select/
set switch (3), the Monitor Setting screen appears. A
(Figure A)
2. Turn select/set switch (3) and select Operation
Permission. When pushing select/set switch (3), the
setting screen for selected item appears. (Figure B)
(Refer to List of Monitor Setting Item.)
3. When pushing select/set switch (3), the color of 4
selected item data is changed. Turn select/set
switch (3), change the data, and push select/set
switch (3). (Figure C)

fNOTE: Setting Value:

1: Operation/Change: Possible
TDC1-05-02-011EN TDC1-05-02-048EN
0: Operation/Change: Impossible
When Operation Permission is set to "0" and
each item is selected on Maintenance of
Information Menu, RESET (5) of Remains and
Maintenance Interval (6) of the maintenance
items are not displayed.
fNOTE: Engine Oil is selected as an example here.
4. Turn select/set switch (3) and select a check mark.
When pushing select/set switch (3), the setting has
been completed.
5. When pushing back switch (1), the previous screen
6. When pushing return to basic screen switch (2), the TDC1-05-02-077EN TDC1-05-02-078EN
basic screen appears.


TDC1-05-02-052EN TDC1-05-02-051EN

TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) T5-2-35
Group 2 Monitor

 Maintenance Items 1 2
1. Turn select/set switch (3) and select Monitor
Setting (4) on Service Menu. When pushing select/
set switch (3), the Monitor Setting screen appears. 3
(Figure A)
2. Turn select/set switch (3) and select the item to
change the setting. When pushing select/set switch
(3), the setting screen for selected item appears. TDAA-05-02-030
(Figure B) (Refer to List of Monitor Setting Item.)

fNOTE: Engine Oil is selected as an example here.

3. When pushing select/set switch (3), the color of

selected item data is changed. Turn select/set
switch (3), change the data, and push select/set
switch (3). (Figure C)

fNOTE: Setting Value:

1: Operation/Change: Possible
0: Operation/Change: Impossible
When Engine Oil is set to "0", the item of Engine TDC1-05-02-011EN TDC1-05-02-048EN
Oil is deleted on Maintenance of Information
4. Turn select/set switch (3) and select a check mark.
When pushing select/set switch (3), the setting has
been completed.
5. When pushing back switch (1), the previous screen
6. When pushing return to basic screen switch (2), the
basic screen appears.

TDC1-05-02-049EN TDC1-05-02-050EN

TDC1-05-02-079EN TDC1-05-02-080EN

TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) T5-2-36
Group 2 Monitor

List of Monitor Setting Item

Item Unit Details Initial Value
Startup Screen Image 0: System Starting - *0
2: John Deere
3: System Starting (Fixed)
4: REC
Startup Screen Control 0: Auto-Control: OFF - 1
1: Auto-Control: ON
Counterweight Remove 0: Void with or without 0
1: Exist function
Work Mode 0: Void with or without 1
1: Exist function
Crane 0: Void with or without *0
1: ML Crane function
2: Overload Alarm
3: Grapple Load Meter
Crane Switch Memory 0: Non-storable - 0
1: Store
Mail 0: Void with or without 0
1: Exist function
Setting Menu 0: Void with or without 1
1: Exist function
Date and Time 0: Void with or without 1
1: Exist function
Attachment Adjustment 0: Void with or without 1
1: Exist function
Attachment Name Input 0: Void with or without 1
1: Exist function
Breaker Alarm 0: Void with or without 1
1: Exist function
Auto Shut-Down 0: Void with or without 1
1: Exist function
Auto-Lubrication 0: Void with or without 0
1: Exist function
Sub Meter Selection 0: Void with or without 1
1: Exist function
Rear View Camera Monitor 0: Void with or without *0
1: Exist function

fNOTE: *: Initial values are different according to the

factory default specification.

TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) T5-2-37
Group 2 Monitor

Item Unit Details Initial Value

Display Item Selection 0: Void with or without 1
1: Exist function
Brightness Adjustment 0: Void with or without 1
1: Exist function
Language 0: Void with or without 1
1: Exist function
Unit Selection 0: Void with or without 1
1: Exist function
Main Menu Sequence Change 0: Void with or without 1
1: Exist function
Information Menu 0: Void with or without 1
1: Exist function
Operation 0: Void with or without 1
1: Exist function
Maintenance 0: Void with or without 1
1: Exist function
Operation Permission 0: Inhibited - 1
1: Permission
Engine Oil 0: Un-displayed Display 1
1: Display
Engine Oil Filter 0: Un-displayed Display 1
1: Display
Hydraulic Oil 0: Un-displayed Display 1
1: Display
Pilot Hydraulic Oil Filter 0: Un-displayed Display 1
1: Display
Hydraulic Oil Full-Flow Filter 0: Un-displayed Display 1
1: Display
Pump Transmission Oil 0: Un-displayed Display 1
1: Display
Travel Reduction Gear Oil 0: Un-displayed Display 1
1: Display
Swing Reduction Gear Oil 0: Un-displayed Display 1
1: Display
Swing Drain Filter 0: Un-displayed Display 0
1: Display

TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) T5-2-38
Group 2 Monitor

Item Unit Details Initial Value

Swing Bearing Grease 0: Un-displayed Display 1
1: Display
Air Cleaner Element 0: Un-displayed Display 1
1: Display
Fuel Filter 0: Un-displayed Display 1
1: Display
Air Conditioner Filter 0: Un-displayed Display 1
1: Display
Line Filter 0: Un-displayed Display 0
1: Display
Water Separator Filter 0: Un-displayed Display 0
1: Display
DEF/AdBlue Supply Module Main Filter 0: Un-displayed Display 1
1: Display
Fuel Solenoid Pump Filter 0: Un-displayed Display 0
1: Display
User Setting 1 0: Un-displayed Display 1
1: Display
User Setting 2 0: Un-displayed Display 1
1: Display
Troubleshooting (Information Menu) 0: Void with or without 0
1: Exist function
Monitoring (Information Menu) 0: Void with or without 1
1: Exist function

TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) T5-2-39
Group 2 Monitor

Engine Setting
1 2
1. Turn select/set switch (3) and select Engine Setting
(4) on Service Menu. When pushing select/set
switch (3), the Engine Setting screen appears.
(Figure A)
2. Turn select/set switch (3) and select the item to
change the setting. When pushing select/set switch
(3), the setting screen for selected item appears.
(Figure B)
fNOTE: Fault Code Clear (5) is selected as an example
here. A

3. Turn select/set switch (3) and select a check mark.

When pushing select/set switch (3), the setting has
been completed.
4. When pushing back switch (1), the previous screen
5. When pushing return to basic screen switch (2), the 4 5
basic screen appears.

fNOTE: When delete ECM, DCU fault codes and the

engine trouble alarm, operate Fault Code Clear (5).
TDC1-05-02-011EN TDC1-05-02-208EN


TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) T5-2-40
Group 2 Monitor

Aftertreatment Device No.

1 2
1. Turn select/set switch (3) and select Aftertreatment
Device No. (4) on Service Menu. When pushing
select/set switch (3), the Aftertreatment Device No.
screen appears. (Figure A)
2. The serial number of aftertreatment device is
3. When pushing back switch (1), the previous screen
4. When pushing return to basic screen switch (2), the
basic screen appears. A

TDC1-05-02-011EN TDC1-05-02-056EN

TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) T5-2-41
Group 2 Monitor

Maintenance Mode 1 2

1. Turn select/set switch (3) and select Maintenance

Mode (4) on Service Menu. When pushing select/set 3
switch (3), the Maintenance Mode screen appears.
(Figure A)
2. When pushing select/set switch (3), the color of
selected item data is changed. Turn select/set TDAA-05-02-030
switch (3), change the data, and push select/set
switch (3).

fNOTE: Setting Value:

1: Maintenance Mode: ON
0: Maintenance Mode: OFF
3. Turn select/set switch (3) and select a check mark.
When pushing select/set switch (3), the setting has
been completed.
4. When Maintenance Mode is ON, maintenance mode
alarm (5) is displayed on the basic screen.
5. When pushing back switch (1), the previous screen
appears. A
6. When pushing return to basic screen switch (2), the
basic screen appears.



TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) T5-2-42
Group 2 Monitor

Setting Menu
When logging on the service menu, the following items
are added to the setting menu.

Setting Menu Item Menu display during Menu display when Data
normal operation logging on service
Breaker Alarm - Breaker Alarm Setting of breaker alarm ON/ OFF and the time
until the alarm is activated
Attachment Adjust Pump Flow Rate  Adjustment of pump flow rate
Priority (Arm Roll-Out)  Adjustment of the priority on combined
operation of attachment and arm roll-out
Priority (Arm Roll-In)  Adjustment of the priority on combined
operation of attachment and arm roll-in
- Breaker Relief Valve Adjustment of relief pressure of breaker relief
Set-Pressure solenoid valve
- Attachment Relief Adjustment of auxiliary overload relief
Valve Set-Pressure solenoid valve (auxiliary 1 close (port A) side)
- Attachment Relief Adjustment of auxiliary overload relief
Valve Set-Pressure solenoid valve (auxiliary 1 open (port B) side)

fNOTE: Attachment Adjustment is displayed only when

the work mode is attachment mode. (Attachment
Adjustment is not displayed when the work mode is
digging mode.)

TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) T5-2-43
Group 2 Monitor

Breaker Alarm
1 2
1. Turn select/set switch (3) and select Breaker Alarm
(4) on the setting menu. When pushing select/set
switch (3), the Breaker Alarm screen appears. (Figure
2. Push select/set switch (3) and turn Breaker Alarm
3. Turn select/set switch (3) and select Setting Time (5).
Push select/set switch (3).
4. Turn select/set switch (3) and set the setting time
until Breaker Alarm is activated. When pushing A
select/set switch (3), the setting is completed.

fNOTE: When ON is selected on the setting screen of

Breaker Alarm and the breaker is operated for the setting
time continuously, the buzzer sounds. (Refer to SYSTEM/
Control System.) 5

5. When pushing back switch (1), the previous screen 4

6. When pushing return to basic screen switch (2), the
basic screen appears.

TDC1-05-02-029EN TDC1-05-02-013EN

TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) T5-2-44
Group 2 Monitor

Breaker Relief Valve Set-Pressure

1 2
Attachment Adjust on the setting menu is displayed
only when the work mode is attachment mode.
f NOTE: Breaker 1 is explained as an example here
1. Turn select/set switch (3) and select Attachment
Adjust (4) on the setting menu. When pushing
select/set switch (3), the Attachment Adjust items
are displayed. (Figure A)
2. Turn select/set switch (3) and select Breaker Relief
Valve Set-Pressure (5). When pushing select/set
switch (3), the Breaker Relief Valve Set-Pressure A
screen appears. (Figure B)
3. Turn select/set switch (3) and adjust the parameters.
When pushing select/set switch (3), the setting has
been completed. 5
4. When pushing back switch (1), the previous screen 4
5. When pushing return to basic screen switch (2), the
basic screen appears.

TDC1-05-02-029EN TDC1-05-02-001EN


TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) T5-2-45
Group 2 Monitor

Attachment Relief Valve Set-Pressure 1

1 2
Attachment Adjust on the setting menu is displayed
only when the work mode is attachment mode.
f NOTE: Breaker 1 is explained as an example here
1. Turn select/set switch (3) and select Attachment
Adjust (4) on the setting menu. When pushing
select/set switch (3), the Attachment Adjust items
are displayed. (Figure A)
2. Turn select/set switch (3) and select Attachment
Relief Valve Set-Pressure 1 (5). When pushing select/
set switch (3), the Attachment Relief Valve Set- A
Pressure 1 screen appears. (Figure B)
3. Turn select/set switch (3) and adjust the parameters.
When pushing select/set switch (3), the setting has
been completed.
4. When pushing back switch (1), the previous screen 4 5
5. When pushing return to basic screen switch (2), the
basic screen appears.

TDC1-05-02-029EN TDC1-05-02-001EN


TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) T5-2-46
Group 2 Monitor

Attachment Relief Valve Set-Pressure 2

1 2
Attachment Adjust on the setting menu is displayed
only when the work mode is attachment mode.
f NOTE: Breaker 1 is explained as an example here
1. Turn select/set switch (3) and select Attachment
Adjust (4) on the setting menu. When pushing
select/set switch (3), the Attachment Adjust items
are displayed. (Figure A)
2. Turn select/set switch (3) and select Attachment
Relief Valve Set-Pressure 2 (5). When pushing select/
set switch (3), the Attachment Relief Valve Set- A
Pressure 2 screen appears. (Figure B)
3. Turn select/set switch (3) and adjust the parameters.
When pushing select/set switch (3), the setting has
been completed.
4. When pushing back switch (1), the previous screen 4
appears. 5
5. When pushing return to basic screen switch (2), the
basic screen appears.

TDC1-05-02-029EN TDC1-05-02-001EN


TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) T5-2-47
Group 2 Monitor

Inspection of Engine Oil Level, Coolant Level,

Hour Meter, and Fuel Gauge
Inspection of Engine Oil Level
1. If pushing return to basic screen switch (1) for a
while with the key switch set in the ON position,
engine oil level and coolant level can be checked.
2. If engine oil level alarm (2) and coolant level alarm
(5) are green, oil level and coolant level are normal.
3. If engine oil level alarm (2) and coolant level alarm
(5) are red, oil level and coolant level are abnormal.
Add or replace engine oil and coolant.


Inspection of Hour Meter and Fuel Gauge

1. If pushing return to basic screen switch (1) for a 3
while with the key switch set in the OFF position,
hour meter (3) and fuel gauge (4) can be checked.


TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) T5-2-48
Group 2 Monitor

Fuel Gauge, Coolant Temperature Gauge,

DEF Gauge

Fuel Gauge No. Fuel Level (%) Fuel Sensor (Ω)

A A 100(FULL) 100-4
C B 75 26
C 50 38±5
D 25 53
E E 6 -
F 0(EMPTY) 90+100


Coolant Temperature Gauge No. Coolant Temperature (ºC) Coolant Temperature Sensor (kΩ)
E A -10 9.20+1.2-1.07
F A 20 2.50+0.27-0.24
A 39 -
B 50 0.84±0.07
C 90 0.247±0.01
D 100 0.190±0.005
C E 105 -
F 110 0.148±0.004


DEF Gauge No. DEF Level (%)

A (100)
B (82)
C (70)
G C D (58)
E (46)
H B F (34)
G (22)
H (9.6)
H (Red) (4.8)
I (0)

fNOTE: ( ) is a reference value.

TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) T5-2-49
Group 2 Monitor


TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) T5-2-50
Group 3 e-Service

Controller saves the input signals from various sensors
and switches of the machine as data. Various input signals
are recorded as Operation Data in monitor controller.

The recorded data can be downloaded to the personal

computer. The downloaded data can be uploaded to the
center server via LAN, and can be used as “e-Service”. The
machine equipped with the communication terminal
(optional) sends the data to the center server by using
the communication terminal. (As for the communication
system, refer to T5-3-4.)

TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) T5-3-1
Group 3 e-Service

List of Operation Data

List of Daily Report Data

Item Details
Date Date of daily report data.
Time Final time when the engine was operated during a day.
Fuel Level The value of the final remained fuel during a day. (Value is recorded by fuel
sensor data from monitor controller.)
Fuel Usage Amount The value of fuel used during a day. (Value is calculated and recorded by
accumulated fuel usage amount from ECM.)
Machine Hour Meter Hour meter cumulative hours. (Hours are recorded by hour meter from monitor
Engine PWR Mode Hours Total engine operating hours selecting PWR mode during a day. (Hours are
Operating recorded by power mode switch information from MC.)
Hours ECO Mode Hours Total engine operating hours selecting ECO mode during a day. (Hours are
recorded by power mode switch information from MC.)
Auto-Idle Switch ON Time Hours when auto-idle switch is turned ON during a day. (Hours are recorded by
switch information from MC.)
Travel Fast (Hi) Traveling Total operating hours of travel mode Fast (Hi) during a day. (Hours are recorded
Operating Hours by travel mode switch information from MC.)
Hours Slow (Lo) Traveling Total operating hours of travel mode Slow (Lo) during a day. (Hours are recorded
Hours by travel mode switch information from MC.)
Swing Operating Hours Total swing operating hours during a day. (Hours are recorded by swing pressure
sensor information from MC.)
Digging Operating Hours Total front attachment operating hours during a day. (Hours are recorded by
front attachment pressure sensor information from MC.)
DEF/AdBlue Level Final level of DEF during a day. (Value of DEF gauge from ECM is recorded.)

TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) T5-3-2
Group 3 e-Service

Item Details
Attachment Breaker Operating Total operating hours selecting breaker during a day. (Hours are recorded by
Operating Hours Hours attachment information from MC.)
Pulverizer Total operating hours selecting pulverizer during a day. (Hours are recorded by
Operating Hours attachment information from MC.)
Crusher Operating Total operating hours selecting hydraulic crusher during a day. (Hours are
Hours recorded by attachment information from MC.)
Vibrating Hammer Total operating hours selecting vibrating hammer during a day. (Hours are
Operating Hours recorded by attachment information from MC.)
Bucket Operating Total operating hours selecting bucket during a day. (Hours are recorded by
Hours or Others attachment information from MC.)
No Load Time Total machine’s waiting hours during a day. (Hours are recorded by each
pressure sensor information from MC.)
Engine Operating Hour Distribution Engine operating hour distribution during a day. (Operating hours are recorded
Data when the condition that the engine is operated continues over 5 minutes.)
Loaded Time Distribution Data Machine operating hour distribution during a day. (Operating hours are
recorded only when pilot pressure is continuously detected for more than 5
minutes while the engine runs.)
Latitude Final position during a day. (Signal from GPS antenna.)
Longitude Final position during a day. (Signal from GPS antenna.)

fNOTE: The daily operation in this table is equivalent

to the hours between 0:00 and 23:59:59 counted by the
monitor controller built-in clock. In case the engine is
kept operated beyond 0:00, such data are recorded as
those for the following day.

TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) T5-3-3
Group 3 e-Service

Communication System
The communication system is used for maintenance of
the machine: “e-Service” by transmitting various data of
the machine regularly via the communication terminal.

fNOTE: The communication system transmits digital

data through the radio wave. Depending on the
circumstances of the machine (ex. in a building, in a
tunnel, affected by surrounding buildings, and affected
of noise), the data transfer rate may become slower, or
the communication might not be established. If there is
excessively noise or use of electrical equipment which
causes noise near the machine, they cause reduces data
transfer rate or communication might not be established
at worst.

The communication terminal, GPS antenna, and

communication antenna are installed to the machine
equipped with the communication system.
The functions of each equipment are:

 Communication Terminal:
Receives the data from monitor controller and GPS
antenna, and sends the data to the communication
 GPS Antenna:
Receives location information of the machine.
 Communication Antenna:
Communicates the data.

TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) T5-3-4
Group 4 Component Layout

Main Component


4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11





23 15

22 16
21 17
20 19

1- Bucket Cylinder 9- Fuel Tank 17- Air Conditioner Condenser 23- Air Cleaner
2- Arm Cylinder 10- Control Valve 18- Battery 24- Signal Control Valve
3- Boom Cylinder 11- Hydraulic Oil Tank 19- Components Related with 25- Pilot Shut-Off Solenoid Valve
4- Center Joint 12- Aftertreatment Device Travel Device (Refer to T5-4- 26- Travel Pilot Valve
5- Tool Box 13- Pilot Filter/Pilot Relief Valve 14.) 27- Front Attachment /Swing Pilot
6- DEF Tank 14- Pump Device 20- Expansion Tank Valve
7- Swing Bearing 15- Engine 21- Fuel Cooler 28- DEF Supply Module
8- Swing Device 16- Intercooler/Oil Cooler/Radiator 22- Battery Disconnect Switch

TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) T5-4-1
Group 4 Component Layout

Front Attachment

 2-Piece Boom  Mono Boom

1 3


TDAA-01-02-013 6 T1F3-01-02-004

1- Bucket Cylinder 4- Hose Rapture Valve 6- Hose Rapture Valve (Boom)

2- Hose Rapture Valve (Arm) (Positioning) 7- Boom Cylinder
3- Arm Cylinder 5- Positioning Cylinder

TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) T5-4-2
Group 4 Component Layout

Electrical System (Overview)

20, 26 21






14 6


13 12

10 8

1- Rear View Camera 9- Wiper Motor 17- Components Related with 24- Battery Disconnect Switch
2- Components Related with 10- Monitor Control Valve (Refer to T5-4- 25- Satellite Communication
Engine (Refer to T5-4-8.) 11- Horn 12.) Antenna (Option)
3- Electrical System (Relays) 12- 2-Spool Solenoid Valve Unit 18- 5-Spool Solenoid Valve Unit 26- Around Pump Device (Refer to
(Refer to T5-4-7.) (for Aftertreatment Device 19- Electric Fuel Pump T5-4-11.)
4- Battery Regeneration Control) 20- Components Related with
5- Antenna (Radio) 13- Work Light Pump Device (Refer to T5-4-
6- Electrical System (Utility 14- Components Related with 10.)
Space) (Refer to T5-4-6.) Swing Device (Refer to T5-4- 21- Aftertreatment Device (Refer
7- GPS Antenna 14.) to T5-4-9.)
8- Components Related with 15- Fuel Sensor 22- DEF Tank (Refer to T5-4-16.)
Signal Control Valve (Refer to 16- Hydraulic Oil Temperature 23- DEF Supply Module (Refer to
T5-4-12, 13.) Sensor T5-4-16.)

TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) T5-4-3
Group 4 Component Layout

Electrical System (Rear Tray)


7 TDAA-01-02-005

10 11 12 13




21 20 19 18 17

1- Monitor Controller 7- Wiper/Light Controller 14- Horn Relay (R10) 21- Load Dump Relay (R1)
2- GSM 8- Wiper Relay (R6) 15- Security Relay (R5)
3- MC (Main Controller) 9- Work Light Relay 1 (R7) 16- Starter Cut Relay (R4)
4- MPDr. Connector (Download 10- ACC Cut Relay (R12) 17- Key Switch ON Cut Relay (R13)
Connector Using Combinedly) 11- Work Light Relay 2 (R8) 18- Security Horn Relay (R3)
5- Fuse Box 1 12- Auto Shut-Down Relay (R11) 19- ECM Main Relay (R14)
6- Fuse Box 2 13- Washer Relay (R9) 20- Pilot Shut-Off Relay (R2)

TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) T5-4-4
Group 4 Component Layout

Electrical System (Switch Panel)

1 2



13 14

12 11 10

1- Return to Previous Screen 6- Engine Control Dial 13- Overhead Window Wiper/
Switch (Monitor) 7- Auto-Idle Switch Overhead Window Washer
2- Return to Basic Screen Switch 8- Travel Mode Switch Switch (Option)
(Monitor) 9- Work Light Switch 14- Wiper/Washer Switch
3- Selector/Set Switch (Monitor) 10- Power Mode Switch 15- AUTO/OFF Switch / Fan Switch
4- AM·FM Switch/Tuning Switch 11- Key Switch (Air Conditioner)
(Radio) 12- Numeric Keypad 16- Temperature Control Switch/
5- Power Switch/Volume Control MODE Switch (Air Conditioner)
Switch (Radio)

TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) T5-4-5
Group 4 Component Layout

Electrical System (Utility Space)

a View A

1 2

TDC1-01-02-005 TDC1-01-02-006

a- Machine Front Side

1- ECM (Engine Controller) 3- Air Cleaner 4- MAF Sensor/Intake-Air 5- Air Cleaner Restriction Switch
2- DCU Temperature Sensor

TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) T5-4-6
Group 4 Component Layout

Electrical System (Relays)


1- Ambient Temperature Sensor 4- Fusible Link (Red: 45 A, Black:

2- Starter Relay 1 65 A)
3- Battery Relay 5- Glow Plug Relay

TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) T5-4-7
Group 4 Component Layout

15 16 1 2 3 4 5

TDC1-01-02-002 TDC1-01-02-004

10 11 12 13 14


TDC1-01-02-001 TDC1-01-02-003

1- Overheat Switch 7- Crank Speed Sensor 12- Intake Manifold Temperature 15- EGR Cooler Inlet Temperature
2- Coolant Temperature Sensor 8- Supply Pump Sensor Sensor
3- Glow Plug 9- Engine Oil Pressure Sensor 13- Boost Pressure/Temperature 16- VGS Actuator
4- Intake Throttle 10- EGR Cooler Outlet Sensor 17- Engine Oil Level Switch
5- Common Rail Pressure Sensor Temperature Sensor 14- Injector 18- Cam Angle Sensor
6- Fuel Temperature Sensor 11- EGR Valve

TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) T5-4-8
Group 4 Component Layout

Aftertreatment Device


8 7

a- Machine Front Side

1- SCR Exhaust Temperature 4- Upstream NOx Sensor 7- DOC Outlet Exhaust

Sensor Controller Temperature Sensor
2- Downstream NOx Sensor 5- Dosing Module 8- DOC Inlet Exhaust
Controller 6- Upstream NOx Sensor Temperature Sensor
3- Downstream NOx Sensor

TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) T5-4-9
Group 4 Component Layout

Pump Device

1 2 3 4



14 12

7 6 5
TDC1-01-02-007 TDC1-01-02-008

1- Pilot Pump 7- Pump 1 Delivery Pressure 11- Pump 1 Control Pressure 15- Maximum Pump 1 Flow Rate
2- Pump 1 Sensor Sensor Limit Control Solenoid Valve
3- Pump 3 8- Pump 1 and 2 Torque Control 12- Pump 3 Control Pressure
4- Pump 2 Solenoid Valve Sensor
5- Pump 2 Delivery Pressure 9- Maximum Pump 2 Flow Rate 13- Pump 2 Control Pressure
Sensor Limit Control Solenoid Valve Sensor
6- Pump 3 Delivery Pressure 10- Pump 3 Torque Control 14- Maximum Pump 3 Flow Rate
Sensor Solenoid Valve Limit Control Solenoid Valve

TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) T5-4-10
Group 4 Component Layout

Around Pump Device



1- Electric Fuel Pump 2- Fuel Pre-Filter 3- Fuel Main Filter

TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) T5-4-11
Group 4 Component Layout

Control Valve

3 4

7 TDC1-03-03-003

Signal Control Valve


1- Main Relief Valve (for P3) 4- Main Relief Valve (for P1, P2) 7- Pressure Sensor (Arm Roll-Out)
2- Pressure Sensor (Arm Roll-In) 5- Pressure Sensor (Bucket Roll- Connecting Position
Connecting Position Out) Connecting Position 8- Pressure Sensor (Travel)
3- Pressure Sensor (Bucket Roll- 6- Pressure Sensor (Boom Raise) Connecting Position
In) Connecting Position Connecting Position 9- Pressure Sensor (Swing)

TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) T5-4-12
Group 4 Component Layout


Section A-A




a- Pilot Valve Side

1- Pressure Sensor (Auxiliary 2) 3- Pump 3 Flow Rate Control 5- Flow Combiner Valve Control 7- Pump 1 Flow Rate Control
Connecting Position Valve Spool Valve
2- Shockless Valve 4- Pump 2 Flow Rate Control 6- Swing Parking Brake Release
Valve Spool

TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) T5-4-13
Group 4 Component Layout

Swing Device Travel Device


TDAA-01-02-009 3 T1HD-01-02-001

1- Swing Relief Valve 4- Travel Motor Displacement

2- Pressure Sensor (Front Angle Control Valve
Attachment) 5- Travel Relief Valve
3- Counterbalance Valve

TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) T5-4-14
Group 4 Component Layout

5-Spool Solenoid Valve Unit 2-Spool Solenoid Valve Unit (Aftertreatment

Device Regeneration Control)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

TDAA-03-07-001 TDAA-03-07-002

1- 5-Spool Solenoid Valve Unit 3- 5-Spool Solenoid Valve Unit 5- 5-Spool Solenoid Valve Unit 7- 2-Spool Solenoid Valve Unit
(SC) (SE) (SI) (SJ)
2- 5-Spool Solenoid Valve Unit 4- 5-Spool Solenoid Valve Unit 6- 2-Spool Solenoid Valve Unit
(SF) (SD) (SZ)

TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) T5-4-15
Group 4 Component Layout

DEF Tank

1 2 3

4 10

5 1


TDC1-01-02-014 7 8 9 TDC4-01-02-002

1- DEF Sensor Unit 4- DEF Hose (To DEF Supply 6- Coolant Hose (From DEF 9- DEF Tank Temperature Sensor
2- DEF Sensor Unit Controller Module) Supply Module) 10- Coolant Hose (From Engine)
3- DEF Tank 5- DEF Hose (From DEF Supply 7- DEF Quality Sensor 14- Filter
Module) 8- DEF Tank Level Sensor

DEF Supply Module

11 12



11- Coolant Control Valve 13- DEF Supply Module Main Filter
12- DEF Supply Module

TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) T5-4-16
Group 4 Component Layout


TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) T5-4-17
Group 4 Component Layout

Layout of Attachment Spec. Parts


a- Boom Upper Area (Refer to b- Components Related with

T5-4-21.) Breaker (Refer to T5-4-20.)
1- Pilot Valve (Auxiliary)

TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) T5-4-18
Group 4 Component Layout


d- Control Valve Upper Side, e- Utility Space (Refer to T5-4-22.)

Lower Side (Refer to T5-4-21.)

TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) T5-4-19
Group 4 Component Layout

Components Related with Breaker

5 4 3

a- Machine Front Side

1- Signal Control Valve 3- Swing Device 4- Selector Valve Control 5- Selector Valve
2- Breaker Relief Solenoid Valve Solenoid Valve

TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) T5-4-20
Group 4 Component Layout

Boom Upper Area Control Valve Upper Side, Lower Side

2 5

T1V1-01-02-030 TDCK-01-02-005

1- Accumulator Control Valve 3- Accumulator (High Pressure) 5- Control Valve

2- Accumulator (Low Pressure) 4- Auxiliary Overload Relief Valve

TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) T5-4-21
Group 4 Component Layout

Utility Space


TDAA-01-02-018 TDCK-01-02-003

1- Auxiliary Control Solenoid 2- Accumulator (Pilot Circuit)

Valve Unit 3- Check Valve

TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) T5-4-22
Group 4 Component Layout


TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) T5-4-23
Group 4 Component Layout

Components in Control Valve

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

50 11


48 15

47 16
45 19
43 22


38 25
37 26

36 27


34 33 32 31 30 29 28

53 52 51

TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) T5-4-24
Group 4 Component Layout

A Side

27 20, 23 21 View X
f h

13, 14


8 a a

7 3
9 24 g e
X b
TDC1-03-03-002 TDC1-03-03-003

a- Machine Upper Side e- Boom Raise Pressure Sensor g- Arm Roll-Out Pressure Sensor
b- Machine Front Side Connecting Position Connecting Position
d- Arm Roll-In Pressure Sensor f- Bucket Roll-In Pressure Sensor h- Bucket Roll-Out Pressure
Connecting Position Connecting Position Sensor Connecting Position

1- Check Valve (Main Relief 15- Overload Relief Valve (Bucket: 29- Load Check Valve (Boom 3 41- Load Check Valve (Arm
Circuit) Rod Side) Parallel Circuit) Regenerative Circuit)
2- Main Relief Valve (P1, P2) 16- Overload Relief Valve (Bucket: 30- Digging Regenerative Valve 42- Arm Bottom Anti-Drift Valve
3- Check Valve (Main Relief Bottom Side) 31- Load Check Valve (Auxiliary 2 (Check Valve)
Circuit) 18- Load Check Valve (Boom 1 Parallel Circuit) 43- Overload Relief Valve (Arm:
4- Load Check Valve (Travel (Left) Parallel Circuit) 32- Load Check Valve (Auxiliary 2 Bottom Side)
Parallel Circuit) 19- Boom Lower Meter-In Cut Tandem Circuit) 44- Arm Rod Anti-Drift Valve
5- Auxiliary Flow Combiner Valve Valve 33- Load Check Valve (Arm 3 (Selector Valve)
6- Check Valve (Auxiliary Flow 20- Boom Anti-Drift Valve (Check Tandem Circuit) 45- Arm Bottom Anti-Drift Valve
Combiner Circuit) Valve) 34- Overload Relief Valve (Selector Valve)
7- Load Check Valve (Orifice) 21- Overload Relief Valve (Boom: (Positioning/Auxiliary 2) 46- Arm Rod Anti-Drift Valve
(Bucket) Bottom Side) 35- Overload Relief Valve (Check Valve)
8- Check Valve (Bucket Tandem 22- Overload Relief Valve (Boom: (Positioning/Auxiliary 2) 47- Overload Relief Valve (Arm:
Circuit) Rod Side) 36- Load Check Valve (Boom 2 Rod Side)
9- Check Valve (Flow Combiner 23- Boom Anti-Drift Valve (Selector Parallel Circuit) 48- Auxiliary Flow Rate Control
Circuit) Valve) 37- Arm 1 Flow Rate Control Valve Valve (Selector Valve)
10- Flow Combiner Valve 24- Bypass Shut-Out Valve (Poppet Valve) 49- Auxiliary Flow Rate Control
11- Bucket Regeneration Cut Valve 25- Boom Regenerative Valve 38- Arm 1 Flow Rate Control Valve Valve (Poppet Valve)
12- Bucket Regenerative Valve 26- Load Check Valve (Boom 3 (Selector Valve) 50- Load Check Valve (Travel (Left)
13- Arm 2 Flow Rate Control Valve Tandem Circuit) 39- Load Check Valve (Digging Tandem Circuit)
(Poppet Valve) 27- Main Relief Valve (P3) Regenerative Circuit) 51- Pump 2
14- Arm 2 Flow Rate Control Valve 28- Load Check Valve (Swing 40- Arm Regenerative Valve 52- Pump 3
(Selector Valve) Tandem Circuit) 53- Pump 1

TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) T5-4-25
Group 4 Component Layout

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

50 11


48 15

47 16
45 19
43 22


38 25
37 26

36 27


34 33 32 31 30 29 28

53 52 51

TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) T5-4-26
Group 4 Component Layout

B Side

47 View Y
37, 38
44, 46

48, 49


a 39
36 b

5 30 42, 45 43
50 1 6
b TDC1-03-03-004 TDC1-03-03-005

a- Machine Upper Side b- Machine Front Side

1- Check Valve (Main Relief 15- Overload Relief Valve (Bucket: 29- Load Check Valve (Boom 3 41- Load Check Valve (Arm
Circuit) Rod Side) Parallel Circuit) Regenerative Circuit)
2- Main Relief Valve (P1, P2) 16- Overload Relief Valve (Bucket: 30- Digging Regenerative Valve 42- Arm Bottom Anti-Drift Valve
3- Check Valve (Main Relief Bottom Side) 31- Load Check Valve (Auxiliary 2 (Check Valve)
Circuit) 18- Load Check Valve (Boom 1 Parallel Circuit) 43- Overload Relief Valve (Arm:
4- Load Check Valve (Travel (Left) Parallel Circuit) 32- Load Check Valve (Auxiliary 2 Bottom Side)
Parallel Circuit) 19- Boom Lower Meter-In Cut Tandem Circuit) 44- Arm Rod Anti-Drift Valve
5- Auxiliary Flow Combiner Valve Valve 33- Load Check Valve (Arm 3 (Selector Valve)
6- Check Valve (Auxiliary Flow 20- Boom Anti-Drift Valve (Check Tandem Circuit) 45- Arm Bottom Anti-Drift Valve
Combiner Circuit) Valve) 34- Overload Relief Valve (Selector Valve)
7- Load Check Valve (Orifice) 21- Overload Relief Valve (Boom: (Positioning/Auxiliary 2) 46- Arm Rod Anti-Drift Valve
(Bucket) Bottom Side) 35- Overload Relief Valve (Check Valve)
8- Check Valve (Bucket Tandem 22- Overload Relief Valve (Boom: (Positioning/Auxiliary 2) 47- Overload Relief Valve (Arm:
Circuit) Rod Side) 36- Load Check Valve (Boom 2 Rod Side)
9- Check Valve (Flow Combiner 23- Boom Anti-Drift Valve (Selector Parallel Circuit) 48- Auxiliary Flow Rate Control
Circuit) Valve) 37- Arm 1 Flow Rate Control Valve Valve (Selector Valve)
10- Flow Combiner Valve 24- Bypass Shut-Out Valve (Poppet Valve) 49- Auxiliary Flow Rate Control
11- Bucket Regeneration Cut Valve 25- Boom Regenerative Valve 38- Arm 1 Flow Rate Control Valve Valve (Poppet Valve)
12- Bucket Regenerative Valve 26- Load Check Valve (Boom 3 (Selector Valve) 50- Load Check Valve (Travel (Left)
13- Arm 2 Flow Rate Control Valve Tandem Circuit) 39- Load Check Valve (Digging Tandem Circuit)
(Poppet Valve) 27- Main Relief Valve (P3) Regenerative Circuit) 51- Pump 2
14- Arm 2 Flow Rate Control Valve 28- Load Check Valve (Swing 40- Arm Regenerative Valve 52- Pump 3
(Selector Valve) Tandem Circuit) 53- Pump 1

TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) T5-4-27
Group 4 Component Layout

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

50 11


48 15

47 16
45 19
43 22


38 25
37 26

36 27


34 33 32 31 30 29 28

53 52 51

TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) T5-4-28
Group 4 Component Layout

Section A-A
b b

B A a





TDC1-02-04-006 TDAA-03-03-008

a- Machine Upper Side b- Machine Front Side

1- Check Valve (Main Relief 15- Overload Relief Valve (Bucket: 29- Load Check Valve (Boom 3 41- Load Check Valve (Arm
Circuit) Rod Side) Parallel Circuit) Regenerative Circuit)
2- Main Relief Valve (P1, P2) 16- Overload Relief Valve (Bucket: 30- Digging Regenerative Valve 42- Arm Bottom Anti-Drift Valve
3- Check Valve (Main Relief Bottom Side) 31- Load Check Valve (Auxiliary 2 (Check Valve)
Circuit) 18- Load Check Valve (Boom 1 Parallel Circuit) 43- Overload Relief Valve (Arm:
4- Load Check Valve (Travel (Left) Parallel Circuit) 32- Load Check Valve (Auxiliary 2 Bottom Side)
Parallel Circuit) 19- Boom Lower Meter-In Cut Tandem Circuit) 44- Arm Rod Anti-Drift Valve
5- Auxiliary Flow Combiner Valve Valve 33- Load Check Valve (Arm 3 (Selector Valve)
6- Check Valve (Auxiliary Flow 20- Boom Anti-Drift Valve (Check Tandem Circuit) 45- Arm Bottom Anti-Drift Valve
Combiner Circuit) Valve) 34- Overload Relief Valve (Selector Valve)
7- Load Check Valve (Orifice) 21- Overload Relief Valve (Boom: (Positioning/Auxiliary 2) 46- Arm Rod Anti-Drift Valve
(Bucket) Bottom Side) 35- Overload Relief Valve (Check Valve)
8- Check Valve (Bucket Tandem 22- Overload Relief Valve (Boom: (Positioning/Auxiliary 2) 47- Overload Relief Valve (Arm:
Circuit) Rod Side) 36- Load Check Valve (Boom 2 Rod Side)
9- Check Valve (Flow Combiner 23- Boom Anti-Drift Valve (Selector Parallel Circuit) 48- Auxiliary Flow Rate Control
Circuit) Valve) 37- Arm 1 Flow Rate Control Valve Valve (Selector Valve)
10- Flow Combiner Valve 24- Bypass Shut-Out Valve (Poppet Valve) 49- Auxiliary Flow Rate Control
11- Bucket Regeneration Cut Valve 25- Boom Regenerative Valve 38- Arm 1 Flow Rate Control Valve Valve (Poppet Valve)
12- Bucket Regenerative Valve 26- Load Check Valve (Boom 3 (Selector Valve) 50- Load Check Valve (Travel (Left)
13- Arm 2 Flow Rate Control Valve Tandem Circuit) 39- Load Check Valve (Digging Tandem Circuit)
(Poppet Valve) 27- Main Relief Valve (P3) Regenerative Circuit) 51- Pump 2
14- Arm 2 Flow Rate Control Valve 28- Load Check Valve (Swing 40- Arm Regenerative Valve 52- Pump 3
(Selector Valve) Tandem Circuit) 53- Pump 1

TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) T5-4-29
Group 4 Component Layout

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

50 11


48 15

47 16
45 19
43 22


38 25
37 26

36 27


34 33 32 31 30 29 28

53 52 51

TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) T5-4-30
Group 4 Component Layout

Section B-B Section C-C

b a

50 2

30 40

5 10

TDAA-03-03-009 TDAA-03-03-010

a- Machine Upper Side b- Machine Front Side

1- Check Valve (Main Relief 15- Overload Relief Valve (Bucket: 29- Load Check Valve (Boom 3 41- Load Check Valve (Arm
Circuit) Rod Side) Parallel Circuit) Regenerative Circuit)
2- Main Relief Valve (P1, P2) 16- Overload Relief Valve (Bucket: 30- Digging Regenerative Valve 42- Arm Bottom Anti-Drift Valve
3- Check Valve (Main Relief Bottom Side) 31- Load Check Valve (Auxiliary 2 (Check Valve)
Circuit) 18- Load Check Valve (Boom 1 Parallel Circuit) 43- Overload Relief Valve (Arm:
4- Load Check Valve (Travel (Left) Parallel Circuit) 32- Load Check Valve (Auxiliary 2 Bottom Side)
Parallel Circuit) 19- Boom Lower Meter-In Cut Tandem Circuit) 44- Arm Rod Anti-Drift Valve
5- Auxiliary Flow Combiner Valve Valve 33- Load Check Valve (Arm 3 (Selector Valve)
6- Check Valve (Auxiliary Flow 20- Boom Anti-Drift Valve (Check Tandem Circuit) 45- Arm Bottom Anti-Drift Valve
Combiner Circuit) Valve) 34- Overload Relief Valve (Selector Valve)
7- Load Check Valve (Orifice) 21- Overload Relief Valve (Boom: (Positioning/Auxiliary 2) 46- Arm Rod Anti-Drift Valve
(Bucket) Bottom Side) 35- Overload Relief Valve (Check Valve)
8- Check Valve (Bucket Tandem 22- Overload Relief Valve (Boom: (Positioning/Auxiliary 2) 47- Overload Relief Valve (Arm:
Circuit) Rod Side) 36- Load Check Valve (Boom 2 Rod Side)
9- Check Valve (Flow Combiner 23- Boom Anti-Drift Valve (Selector Parallel Circuit) 48- Auxiliary Flow Rate Control
Circuit) Valve) 37- Arm 1 Flow Rate Control Valve Valve (Selector Valve)
10- Flow Combiner Valve 24- Bypass Shut-Out Valve (Poppet Valve) 49- Auxiliary Flow Rate Control
11- Bucket Regeneration Cut Valve 25- Boom Regenerative Valve 38- Arm 1 Flow Rate Control Valve Valve (Poppet Valve)
12- Bucket Regenerative Valve 26- Load Check Valve (Boom 3 (Selector Valve) 50- Load Check Valve (Travel (Left)
13- Arm 2 Flow Rate Control Valve Tandem Circuit) 39- Load Check Valve (Digging Tandem Circuit)
(Poppet Valve) 27- Main Relief Valve (P3) Regenerative Circuit) 51- Pump 2
14- Arm 2 Flow Rate Control Valve 28- Load Check Valve (Swing 40- Arm Regenerative Valve 52- Pump 3
(Selector Valve) Tandem Circuit) 53- Pump 1

TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) T5-4-31
Group 4 Component Layout

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

50 11


48 15

47 16
45 19
43 22


38 25
37 26

36 27


34 33 32 31 30 29 28

53 52 51

TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) T5-4-32
Group 4 Component Layout

Section D-D Section E-E

a a

k l
i j


48 8

49 12 16
TDAA-03-03-011 TDAA-03-03-012

a- Machine Upper Side j - Travel (Right) l - Bucket

i - Travel (Left) k - Auxiliary 1

1- Check Valve (Main Relief 15- Overload Relief Valve (Bucket: 29- Load Check Valve (Boom 3 41- Load Check Valve (Arm
Circuit) Rod Side) Parallel Circuit) Regenerative Circuit)
2- Main Relief Valve (P1, P2) 16- Overload Relief Valve (Bucket: 30- Digging Regenerative Valve 42- Arm Bottom Anti-Drift Valve
3- Check Valve (Main Relief Bottom Side) 31- Load Check Valve (Auxiliary 2 (Check Valve)
Circuit) 18- Load Check Valve (Boom 1 Parallel Circuit) 43- Overload Relief Valve (Arm:
4- Load Check Valve (Travel (Left) Parallel Circuit) 32- Load Check Valve (Auxiliary 2 Bottom Side)
Parallel Circuit) 19- Boom Lower Meter-In Cut Tandem Circuit) 44- Arm Rod Anti-Drift Valve
5- Auxiliary Flow Combiner Valve Valve 33- Load Check Valve (Arm 3 (Selector Valve)
6- Check Valve (Auxiliary Flow 20- Boom Anti-Drift Valve (Check Tandem Circuit) 45- Arm Bottom Anti-Drift Valve
Combiner Circuit) Valve) 34- Overload Relief Valve (Selector Valve)
7- Load Check Valve (Orifice) 21- Overload Relief Valve (Boom: (Positioning/Auxiliary 2) 46- Arm Rod Anti-Drift Valve
(Bucket) Bottom Side) 35- Overload Relief Valve (Check Valve)
8- Check Valve (Bucket Tandem 22- Overload Relief Valve (Boom: (Positioning/Auxiliary 2) 47- Overload Relief Valve (Arm:
Circuit) Rod Side) 36- Load Check Valve (Boom 2 Rod Side)
9- Check Valve (Flow Combiner 23- Boom Anti-Drift Valve (Selector Parallel Circuit) 48- Auxiliary Flow Rate Control
Circuit) Valve) 37- Arm 1 Flow Rate Control Valve Valve (Selector Valve)
10- Flow Combiner Valve 24- Bypass Shut-Out Valve (Poppet Valve) 49- Auxiliary Flow Rate Control
11- Bucket Regeneration Cut Valve 25- Boom Regenerative Valve 38- Arm 1 Flow Rate Control Valve Valve (Poppet Valve)
12- Bucket Regenerative Valve 26- Load Check Valve (Boom 3 (Selector Valve) 50- Load Check Valve (Travel (Left)
13- Arm 2 Flow Rate Control Valve Tandem Circuit) 39- Load Check Valve (Digging Tandem Circuit)
(Poppet Valve) 27- Main Relief Valve (P3) Regenerative Circuit) 51- Pump 2
14- Arm 2 Flow Rate Control Valve 28- Load Check Valve (Swing 40- Arm Regenerative Valve 52- Pump 3
(Selector Valve) Tandem Circuit) 53- Pump 1

TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) T5-4-33
Group 4 Component Layout

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

50 11


48 15

47 16
45 19
43 22


38 25
37 26

36 27


34 33 32 31 30 29 28

53 52 51

TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) T5-4-34
Group 4 Component Layout

Section F-F Section G-G

a a

m n
15 40 19



a- Machine Upper Side m - Arm 1 n - Arm 2

1- Check Valve (Main Relief 15- Overload Relief Valve (Bucket: 29- Load Check Valve (Boom 3 41- Load Check Valve (Arm
Circuit) Rod Side) Parallel Circuit) Regenerative Circuit)
2- Main Relief Valve (P1, P2) 16- Overload Relief Valve (Bucket: 30- Digging Regenerative Valve 42- Arm Bottom Anti-Drift Valve
3- Check Valve (Main Relief Bottom Side) 31- Load Check Valve (Auxiliary 2 (Check Valve)
Circuit) 18- Load Check Valve (Boom 1 Parallel Circuit) 43- Overload Relief Valve (Arm:
4- Load Check Valve (Travel (Left) Parallel Circuit) 32- Load Check Valve (Auxiliary 2 Bottom Side)
Parallel Circuit) 19- Boom Lower Meter-In Cut Tandem Circuit) 44- Arm Rod Anti-Drift Valve
5- Auxiliary Flow Combiner Valve Valve 33- Load Check Valve (Arm 3 (Selector Valve)
6- Check Valve (Auxiliary Flow 20- Boom Anti-Drift Valve (Check Tandem Circuit) 45- Arm Bottom Anti-Drift Valve
Combiner Circuit) Valve) 34- Overload Relief Valve (Selector Valve)
7- Load Check Valve (Orifice) 21- Overload Relief Valve (Boom: (Positioning/Auxiliary 2) 46- Arm Rod Anti-Drift Valve
(Bucket) Bottom Side) 35- Overload Relief Valve (Check Valve)
8- Check Valve (Bucket Tandem 22- Overload Relief Valve (Boom: (Positioning/Auxiliary 2) 47- Overload Relief Valve (Arm:
Circuit) Rod Side) 36- Load Check Valve (Boom 2 Rod Side)
9- Check Valve (Flow Combiner 23- Boom Anti-Drift Valve (Selector Parallel Circuit) 48- Auxiliary Flow Rate Control
Circuit) Valve) 37- Arm 1 Flow Rate Control Valve Valve (Selector Valve)
10- Flow Combiner Valve 24- Bypass Shut-Out Valve (Poppet Valve) 49- Auxiliary Flow Rate Control
11- Bucket Regeneration Cut Valve 25- Boom Regenerative Valve 38- Arm 1 Flow Rate Control Valve Valve (Poppet Valve)
12- Bucket Regenerative Valve 26- Load Check Valve (Boom 3 (Selector Valve) 50- Load Check Valve (Travel (Left)
13- Arm 2 Flow Rate Control Valve Tandem Circuit) 39- Load Check Valve (Digging Tandem Circuit)
(Poppet Valve) 27- Main Relief Valve (P3) Regenerative Circuit) 51- Pump 2
14- Arm 2 Flow Rate Control Valve 28- Load Check Valve (Swing 40- Arm Regenerative Valve 52- Pump 3
(Selector Valve) Tandem Circuit) 53- Pump 1

TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) T5-4-35
Group 4 Component Layout

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

50 11


48 15

47 16
45 19
43 22


38 25
37 26

36 27


34 33 32 31 30 29 28

53 52 51

TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) T5-4-36
Group 4 Component Layout

Section H-H Section I-I

a a

o p

36 18

42, 45 43 24

TDAA-03-03-015 TDAA-03-03-016

a- Machine Upper Side o - Boom 2 p - Boom 1

1- Check Valve (Main Relief 15- Overload Relief Valve (Bucket: 29- Load Check Valve (Boom 3 41- Load Check Valve (Arm
Circuit) Rod Side) Parallel Circuit) Regenerative Circuit)
2- Main Relief Valve (P1, P2) 16- Overload Relief Valve (Bucket: 30- Digging Regenerative Valve 42- Arm Bottom Anti-Drift Valve
3- Check Valve (Main Relief Bottom Side) 31- Load Check Valve (Auxiliary 2 (Check Valve)
Circuit) 18- Load Check Valve (Boom 1 Parallel Circuit) 43- Overload Relief Valve (Arm:
4- Load Check Valve (Travel (Left) Parallel Circuit) 32- Load Check Valve (Auxiliary 2 Bottom Side)
Parallel Circuit) 19- Boom Lower Meter-In Cut Tandem Circuit) 44- Arm Rod Anti-Drift Valve
5- Auxiliary Flow Combiner Valve Valve 33- Load Check Valve (Arm 3 (Selector Valve)
6- Check Valve (Auxiliary Flow 20- Boom Anti-Drift Valve (Check Tandem Circuit) 45- Arm Bottom Anti-Drift Valve
Combiner Circuit) Valve) 34- Overload Relief Valve (Selector Valve)
7- Load Check Valve (Orifice) 21- Overload Relief Valve (Boom: (Positioning/Auxiliary 2) 46- Arm Rod Anti-Drift Valve
(Bucket) Bottom Side) 35- Overload Relief Valve (Check Valve)
8- Check Valve (Bucket Tandem 22- Overload Relief Valve (Boom: (Positioning/Auxiliary 2) 47- Overload Relief Valve (Arm:
Circuit) Rod Side) 36- Load Check Valve (Boom 2 Rod Side)
9- Check Valve (Flow Combiner 23- Boom Anti-Drift Valve (Selector Parallel Circuit) 48- Auxiliary Flow Rate Control
Circuit) Valve) 37- Arm 1 Flow Rate Control Valve Valve (Selector Valve)
10- Flow Combiner Valve 24- Bypass Shut-Out Valve (Poppet Valve) 49- Auxiliary Flow Rate Control
11- Bucket Regeneration Cut Valve 25- Boom Regenerative Valve 38- Arm 1 Flow Rate Control Valve Valve (Poppet Valve)
12- Bucket Regenerative Valve 26- Load Check Valve (Boom 3 (Selector Valve) 50- Load Check Valve (Travel (Left)
13- Arm 2 Flow Rate Control Valve Tandem Circuit) 39- Load Check Valve (Digging Tandem Circuit)
(Poppet Valve) 27- Main Relief Valve (P3) Regenerative Circuit) 51- Pump 2
14- Arm 2 Flow Rate Control Valve 28- Load Check Valve (Swing 40- Arm Regenerative Valve 52- Pump 3
(Selector Valve) Tandem Circuit) 53- Pump 1

TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) T5-4-37
Group 4 Component Layout

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

50 11


48 15

47 16
45 19
43 22


38 25
37 26

36 27


34 33 32 31 30 29 28

53 52 51

TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) T5-4-38
Group 4 Component Layout

Section J-J Section K-K

a a

q r s t


33 32
29 28


TDAA-03-03-017 TDAA-03-03-018

a- Machine Upper Side r - Boom 3 t - Swing

q - Arm 3 s - Positioning/Auxiliary 2

1- Check Valve (Main Relief 15- Overload Relief Valve (Bucket: 29- Load Check Valve (Boom 3 41- Load Check Valve (Arm
Circuit) Rod Side) Parallel Circuit) Regenerative Circuit)
2- Main Relief Valve (P1, P2) 16- Overload Relief Valve (Bucket: 30- Digging Regenerative Valve 42- Arm Bottom Anti-Drift Valve
3- Check Valve (Main Relief Bottom Side) 31- Load Check Valve (Auxiliary 2 (Check Valve)
Circuit) 18- Load Check Valve (Boom 1 Parallel Circuit) 43- Overload Relief Valve (Arm:
4- Load Check Valve (Travel (Left) Parallel Circuit) 32- Load Check Valve (Auxiliary 2 Bottom Side)
Parallel Circuit) 19- Boom Lower Meter-In Cut Tandem Circuit) 44- Arm Rod Anti-Drift Valve
5- Auxiliary Flow Combiner Valve Valve 33- Load Check Valve (Arm 3 (Selector Valve)
6- Check Valve (Auxiliary Flow 20- Boom Anti-Drift Valve (Check Tandem Circuit) 45- Arm Bottom Anti-Drift Valve
Combiner Circuit) Valve) 34- Overload Relief Valve (Selector Valve)
7- Load Check Valve (Orifice) 21- Overload Relief Valve (Boom: (Positioning/Auxiliary 2) 46- Arm Rod Anti-Drift Valve
(Bucket) Bottom Side) 35- Overload Relief Valve (Check Valve)
8- Check Valve (Bucket Tandem 22- Overload Relief Valve (Boom: (Positioning/Auxiliary 2) 47- Overload Relief Valve (Arm:
Circuit) Rod Side) 36- Load Check Valve (Boom 2 Rod Side)
9- Check Valve (Flow Combiner 23- Boom Anti-Drift Valve (Selector Parallel Circuit) 48- Auxiliary Flow Rate Control
Circuit) Valve) 37- Arm 1 Flow Rate Control Valve Valve (Selector Valve)
10- Flow Combiner Valve 24- Bypass Shut-Out Valve (Poppet Valve) 49- Auxiliary Flow Rate Control
11- Bucket Regeneration Cut Valve 25- Boom Regenerative Valve 38- Arm 1 Flow Rate Control Valve Valve (Poppet Valve)
12- Bucket Regenerative Valve 26- Load Check Valve (Boom 3 (Selector Valve) 50- Load Check Valve (Travel (Left)
13- Arm 2 Flow Rate Control Valve Tandem Circuit) 39- Load Check Valve (Digging Tandem Circuit)
(Poppet Valve) 27- Main Relief Valve (P3) Regenerative Circuit) 51- Pump 2
14- Arm 2 Flow Rate Control Valve 28- Load Check Valve (Swing 40- Arm Regenerative Valve 52- Pump 3
(Selector Valve) Tandem Circuit) 53- Pump 1

TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) T5-4-39
Group 4 Component Layout

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

50 11


48 15

47 16
45 19
43 22


38 25
37 26

36 27


34 33 32 31 30 29 28

53 52 51

TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) T5-4-40
Group 4 Component Layout

Section L-L



a- Machine Upper Side

1- Check Valve (Main Relief 15- Overload Relief Valve (Bucket: 29- Load Check Valve (Boom 3 41- Load Check Valve (Arm
Circuit) Rod Side) Parallel Circuit) Regenerative Circuit)
2- Main Relief Valve (P1, P2) 16- Overload Relief Valve (Bucket: 30- Digging Regenerative Valve 42- Arm Bottom Anti-Drift Valve
3- Check Valve (Main Relief Bottom Side) 31- Load Check Valve (Auxiliary 2 (Check Valve)
Circuit) 18- Load Check Valve (Boom 1 Parallel Circuit) 43- Overload Relief Valve (Arm:
4- Load Check Valve (Travel (Left) Parallel Circuit) 32- Load Check Valve (Auxiliary 2 Bottom Side)
Parallel Circuit) 19- Boom Lower Meter-In Cut Tandem Circuit) 44- Arm Rod Anti-Drift Valve
5- Auxiliary Flow Combiner Valve Valve 33- Load Check Valve (Arm 3 (Selector Valve)
6- Check Valve (Auxiliary Flow 20- Boom Anti-Drift Valve (Check Tandem Circuit) 45- Arm Bottom Anti-Drift Valve
Combiner Circuit) Valve) 34- Overload Relief Valve (Selector Valve)
7- Load Check Valve (Orifice) 21- Overload Relief Valve (Boom: (Positioning/Auxiliary 2) 46- Arm Rod Anti-Drift Valve
(Bucket) Bottom Side) 35- Overload Relief Valve (Check Valve)
8- Check Valve (Bucket Tandem 22- Overload Relief Valve (Boom: (Positioning/Auxiliary 2) 47- Overload Relief Valve (Arm:
Circuit) Rod Side) 36- Load Check Valve (Boom 2 Rod Side)
9- Check Valve (Flow Combiner 23- Boom Anti-Drift Valve (Selector Parallel Circuit) 48- Auxiliary Flow Rate Control
Circuit) Valve) 37- Arm 1 Flow Rate Control Valve Valve (Selector Valve)
10- Flow Combiner Valve 24- Bypass Shut-Out Valve (Poppet Valve) 49- Auxiliary Flow Rate Control
11- Bucket Regeneration Cut Valve 25- Boom Regenerative Valve 38- Arm 1 Flow Rate Control Valve Valve (Poppet Valve)
12- Bucket Regenerative Valve 26- Load Check Valve (Boom 3 (Selector Valve) 50- Load Check Valve (Travel (Left)
13- Arm 2 Flow Rate Control Valve Tandem Circuit) 39- Load Check Valve (Digging Tandem Circuit)
(Poppet Valve) 27- Main Relief Valve (P3) Regenerative Circuit) 51- Pump 2
14- Arm 2 Flow Rate Control Valve 28- Load Check Valve (Swing 40- Arm Regenerative Valve 52- Pump 3
(Selector Valve) Tandem Circuit) 53- Pump 1

TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) T5-4-41
Group 4 Component Layout

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

50 11


48 15

47 16
45 19
43 22


38 25
37 26

36 27


34 33 32 31 30 29 28

53 52 51

TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) T5-4-42
Group 4 Component Layout

Section M-M Section N-N


Section O-O


TDAA-03-03-020 TDAA-03-03-021

a- Machine Upper Side

1- Check Valve (Main Relief 15- Overload Relief Valve (Bucket: 29- Load Check Valve (Boom 3 41- Load Check Valve (Arm
Circuit) Rod Side) Parallel Circuit) Regenerative Circuit)
2- Main Relief Valve (P1, P2) 16- Overload Relief Valve (Bucket: 30- Digging Regenerative Valve 42- Arm Bottom Anti-Drift Valve
3- Check Valve (Main Relief Bottom Side) 31- Load Check Valve (Auxiliary 2 (Check Valve)
Circuit) 18- Load Check Valve (Boom 1 Parallel Circuit) 43- Overload Relief Valve (Arm:
4- Load Check Valve (Travel (Left) Parallel Circuit) 32- Load Check Valve (Auxiliary 2 Bottom Side)
Parallel Circuit) 19- Boom Lower Meter-In Cut Tandem Circuit) 44- Arm Rod Anti-Drift Valve
5- Auxiliary Flow Combiner Valve Valve 33- Load Check Valve (Arm 3 (Selector Valve)
6- Check Valve (Auxiliary Flow 20- Boom Anti-Drift Valve (Check Tandem Circuit) 45- Arm Bottom Anti-Drift Valve
Combiner Circuit) Valve) 34- Overload Relief Valve (Selector Valve)
7- Load Check Valve (Orifice) 21- Overload Relief Valve (Boom: (Positioning/Auxiliary 2) 46- Arm Rod Anti-Drift Valve
(Bucket) Bottom Side) 35- Overload Relief Valve (Check Valve)
8- Check Valve (Bucket Tandem 22- Overload Relief Valve (Boom: (Positioning/Auxiliary 2) 47- Overload Relief Valve (Arm:
Circuit) Rod Side) 36- Load Check Valve (Boom 2 Rod Side)
9- Check Valve (Flow Combiner 23- Boom Anti-Drift Valve (Selector Parallel Circuit) 48- Auxiliary Flow Rate Control
Circuit) Valve) 37- Arm 1 Flow Rate Control Valve Valve (Selector Valve)
10- Flow Combiner Valve 24- Bypass Shut-Out Valve (Poppet Valve) 49- Auxiliary Flow Rate Control
11- Bucket Regeneration Cut Valve 25- Boom Regenerative Valve 38- Arm 1 Flow Rate Control Valve Valve (Poppet Valve)
12- Bucket Regenerative Valve 26- Load Check Valve (Boom 3 (Selector Valve) 50- Load Check Valve (Travel (Left)
13- Arm 2 Flow Rate Control Valve Tandem Circuit) 39- Load Check Valve (Digging Tandem Circuit)
(Poppet Valve) 27- Main Relief Valve (P3) Regenerative Circuit) 51- Pump 2
14- Arm 2 Flow Rate Control Valve 28- Load Check Valve (Swing 40- Arm Regenerative Valve 52- Pump 3
(Selector Valve) Tandem Circuit) 53- Pump 1

TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) T5-4-43
Group 4 Component Layout

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

50 11


48 15

47 16
45 19
43 22


38 25
37 26

36 27


34 33 32 31 30 29 28

53 52 51

TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) T5-4-44
Group 4 Component Layout

Section P-P




a- Machine Upper Side b- Machine Front Side

1- Check Valve (Main Relief 15- Overload Relief Valve (Bucket: 29- Load Check Valve (Boom 3 41- Load Check Valve (Arm
Circuit) Rod Side) Parallel Circuit) Regenerative Circuit)
2- Main Relief Valve (P1, P2) 16- Overload Relief Valve (Bucket: 30- Digging Regenerative Valve 42- Arm Bottom Anti-Drift Valve
3- Check Valve (Main Relief Bottom Side) 31- Load Check Valve (Auxiliary 2 (Check Valve)
Circuit) 18- Load Check Valve (Boom 1 Parallel Circuit) 43- Overload Relief Valve (Arm:
4- Load Check Valve (Travel (Left) Parallel Circuit) 32- Load Check Valve (Auxiliary 2 Bottom Side)
Parallel Circuit) 19- Boom Lower Meter-In Cut Tandem Circuit) 44- Arm Rod Anti-Drift Valve
5- Auxiliary Flow Combiner Valve Valve 33- Load Check Valve (Arm 3 (Selector Valve)
6- Check Valve (Auxiliary Flow 20- Boom Anti-Drift Valve (Check Tandem Circuit) 45- Arm Bottom Anti-Drift Valve
Combiner Circuit) Valve) 34- Overload Relief Valve (Selector Valve)
7- Load Check Valve (Orifice) 21- Overload Relief Valve (Boom: (Positioning/Auxiliary 2) 46- Arm Rod Anti-Drift Valve
(Bucket) Bottom Side) 35- Overload Relief Valve (Check Valve)
8- Check Valve (Bucket Tandem 22- Overload Relief Valve (Boom: (Positioning/Auxiliary 2) 47- Overload Relief Valve (Arm:
Circuit) Rod Side) 36- Load Check Valve (Boom 2 Rod Side)
9- Check Valve (Flow Combiner 23- Boom Anti-Drift Valve (Selector Parallel Circuit) 48- Auxiliary Flow Rate Control
Circuit) Valve) 37- Arm 1 Flow Rate Control Valve Valve (Selector Valve)
10- Flow Combiner Valve 24- Bypass Shut-Out Valve (Poppet Valve) 49- Auxiliary Flow Rate Control
11- Bucket Regeneration Cut Valve 25- Boom Regenerative Valve 38- Arm 1 Flow Rate Control Valve Valve (Poppet Valve)
12- Bucket Regenerative Valve 26- Load Check Valve (Boom 3 (Selector Valve) 50- Load Check Valve (Travel (Left)
13- Arm 2 Flow Rate Control Valve Tandem Circuit) 39- Load Check Valve (Digging Tandem Circuit)
(Poppet Valve) 27- Main Relief Valve (P3) Regenerative Circuit) 51- Pump 2
14- Arm 2 Flow Rate Control Valve 28- Load Check Valve (Swing 40- Arm Regenerative Valve 52- Pump 3
(Selector Valve) Tandem Circuit) 53- Pump 1

TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) T5-4-45
Group 4 Component Layout

Pilot Port
Pilot Valve Side
Port Name Connected to Remark
Port A Right Pilot Valve Boom Raise Pilot Pressure
Port B Right Pilot Valve Boom Lower Pilot Pressure
Port C Left Pilot Valve Arm Roll-Out Pilot Pressure
Port D Left Pilot Valve Arm Roll-In Pilot Pressure
Port E Left Pilot Valve Swing (Left) Pilot Pressure
Port F Left Pilot Valve Swing (Right) Pilot Pressure
Port G Right Pilot Valve Bucket Roll-In Pilot Pressure
Port H Right Pilot Valve Bucket Roll-Out Pilot Pressure
Port I Travel Pilot Valve Travel (Left Forward) Pilot Pressure
Port J Travel Pilot Valve Travel (Left Reverse) Pilot Pressure
Port K Travel Pilot Valve Travel (Right Forward) Pilot Pressure
Port L Travel Pilot Valve Travel (Right Reverse) Pilot Pressure
Port M Auxiliary 1 Pilot Valve Auxiliary 1 Open Pilot Pressure
Port N Auxiliary 1 Pilot Valve Auxiliary 1 Close Pilot Pressure
Port O Positioning/Auxiliary 2 Pilot Valve Positioning Raise/Auxiliary 2 Open Pilot Valve
Port P Positioning/Auxiliary 2 Pilot Valve Positioning Lower/Auxiliary 2 Close Pilot Valve
Port SA Pump 1 Regulator Pump 1 Control Pressure
Port SB Pump 2 Regulator Pump 2 Control Pressure
Port PI 2-Spool Solenoid Valve Unit Primary Pilot Pressure
Port SH Swing Parking Brake Brake Release Pressure
Port DF Hydraulic Oil Tank Returning to Hydraulic Oil Tank
Port SR Control Valve (Boom Lower Circuit) Pump 1 Flow Rate Control Valve Control Pressure
Port SX Pump 3 Regulator Pump 3 Control Pressure
Port DR 5-Spool Solenoid Valve Unit Returning to Hydraulic Oil Tank

Machine with Positioning, Auxiliary 2 Equipped

Port DR Pressure Sensor (Auxiliary 2) -

TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) T5-4-46
Group 4 Component Layout

Pilot Valve Side











Control Valve Side

1 4


SQ 2
7 16


10 SP

SN 11


TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) T5-4-47
Group 4 Component Layout

Control Valve Side

Port Name Connected to Remark
Port 1 Control Valve Boom Raise Pilot Pressure
Port 2 Control Valve Boom Lower Pilot Pressure
Port 3 Control Valve Arm Roll-Out Pilot Pressure
Port 4 Control Valve Arm Roll-In Pilot Pressure
Port 5 Control Valve Swing (Left) Pilot Pressure
Port 6 Control Valve Swing (Right) Pilot Pressure
Port 7 Control Valve Bucket Roll-In Pilot Pressure
Port 8 Control Valve Bucket Roll-Out Pilot Pressure
Port 9 Control Valve Travel (Left Forward) Pilot Pressure
Port 10 Control Valve Travel (Left Reverse) Pilot Pressure
Port 11 Control Valve Travel (Right Forward) Pilot Pressure
Port 12 Control Valve Travel (Right Reverse) Pilot Pressure
Port 13 Control Valve Auxiliary 1 Open Pilot Pressure
Port 14 Control Valve Auxiliary 1 Close Pilot Pressure
Port 15 Control Valve Positioning Raise/Auxiliary 2 Open Pilot Valve
Port 16 Control Valve Positioning Lower/Auxiliary 2 Close Pilot Valve
Port SQ Hydraulic Oil Tank Returning to Hydraulic Oil Tank
Port SM Hydraulic Oil Tank Returning to Hydraulic Oil Tank
Port SN - Plug
Port SP Hydraulic Oil Tank Returning to Hydraulic Oil Tank
Port SL Control Valve Flow Combiner Valve Control Pressure
Port S3 Pressure Sensor (Swing) -
Port TR Control Valve Auxiliary Flow Combiner Valve Control Pressure
Pressure Sensor (Travel) -

Machine with Attachment (Pulverizers 1 to 5 and Crushers 1 to 5) Equipped

Port SM Auxiliary Flow Combiner Control Solenoid Valve Auxiliary 1 Pilot Pressure
Pressure Sensor (Auxiliary 1) -
Port SN - Plug
Port SP Auxiliary Flow Combiner Control Solenoid Valve Pump 1 Control Pressure
Auxiliary Flow Combiner Valve and Bypass Shut-
Out Valve Control Pressure

TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) T5-4-48
Group 4 Component Layout

Pilot Valve Side











Control Valve Side

1 4


SQ 2
7 16


10 SP



TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) T5-4-49
Group 4 Component Layout

Port Layout of Control Valve (Main Circuit)


TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) T5-4-50
Group 4 Component Layout


a- Machine Upper Side

b- Machine Front Side

A1- Travel (Right Reverse) A8- Travel (Left Reverse) B6- Arm Roll-Out P3- From Pump 3
A2- Bucket Roll-In A11- Positioning Raise/Auxiliary 2 B7- Auxiliary 1 T1- To Oil Cooler
A3- Boom Lower B1- Travel (Right Forward) B8- Travel (Left Forward) T2- To Hydraulic Oil Tank
A5- Swing (Right) B2- Bucket Roll-Out B11- Positioning Lower/Auxiliary 2 T3- From Swing Device (Port M)
A6- Arm Roll-In B3- Boom Raise P1- From Pump 1
A7- Auxiliary 1 B5- Swing (Left) P2- From Pump 2

TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) T5-4-51
Group 4 Component Layout

Port Layout of Control Valve (Pilot Circuit)


TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) T5-4-52
Group 4 Component Layout



a- Machine Upper Side

b- Machine Front Side

1- Boom 1 Raise 15- Positioning Raise/Auxiliary 2 DY- To 5-Spool Solenoid Valve Unit SC- Arm Regenerative Valve
2- Boom 3 Lower (Open) (Port DZ) SD- Arm 2 Flow Rate Control Valve
3- Arm 2 Roll-Out 16- Positioning Lower/Auxiliary 2 DZ- Digging Regenerative Valve SE- Arm 1 Flow Rate Control Valve
4- Arm 2 Roll-In (Close) PI6- Boom 3 Lower SF- Digging Regenerative Valve
5- Swing (Left) DB- To 5-Spool Solenoid Valve Unit PI7- Boom 3 Lower SG- Main Relief Valve(P1, P2)
6- Swing (Right) (Port DE) PI8- Boom 1 Lower SG2- Main Relief Valve (P3)
7- Bucket Roll-In DC- To Hydraulic Oil Tank PI9- Boom 1 Lower SJ- Bypass Shut-Out Valve
8- Bucket Roll-Out DD- To 5-Spool Solenoid Valve Unit PI10- Boom 3 Raise SL- Flow Combiner Valve
9- Travel (Left Forward) (Port DM) PI11- Boom 3 Raise SM- Auxiliary Flow Combiner Valve
10- Travel (Left Reverse) DE- To 5-Spool Solenoid Valve Unit PI12- Boom 2 Raise SN- Auxiliary Flow Combiner Valve
11- Travel (Right Forward) (Port DP) PI13- Arm 1 Roll-In SY- Auxiliary Flow Rate Control
12- Travel (Right Reverse) DH- To 5-Spool Solenoid Valve Unit PI14- Arm 3 Roll-In Valve
13- Auxiliary 1 (Open) (Port DH) PI15- Arm 1 Roll-Out
14- Auxiliary 1 (Close) PI16- Arm 3 Roll-Out

TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) T5-4-53
Group 4 Component Layout


TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) T5-4-54
Group 5 Troubleshooting A

Troubleshooting A (Base Machine Diagnosis

By Using Fault Codes) Procedure

Refer to troubleshooting A procedure in case any fault

codes are displayed after diagnosing by using MPDr. or fNOTE: The engine controller (ECM) judges the engine
the service menu of the monitor. malfunction. After the engine is repaired, select Fault
Code Clear on Engine Setting. Then, delete the fault code
 Diagnosis Procedure of engine controller (ECM) on Troubleshooting. (Refer to
 Check the symptoms in machine operation for each TROUBLESHOOTING/Monitor.)
fault code. When the symptoms match the machine
operation when trouble occurs, perform the remedy.
 In case more than one fault code are displayed at the
same time, MC may be faulty or the power/ground
of the sensor system may be faulty.
 When the MC fault code is displayed with other fault
code, replace MC.
 When fault code 11003-3 (Abnormal Sensor Voltage)
is displayed with other fault code, diagnose for fault
code 11003-3 first.
 In case more than one fault code other than those
described above are displayed at the same time,
diagnose for each fault code.
 It may be required that the machine is operated or
the test harness is connected at inspection.
Check the items of preparation and perform
inspection according to the procedures when

fNOTE: All connector images in this section are viewed

from the open end side of wire harness end.



1- Wire Harness End Connector 2- Wire Harness

TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) T5-5-1
Group 5 Troubleshooting A

Contents of Diagnosis

Fault Code


Tools for a diagnosis and contents

needing inspection beforehand are

How to Read Table

Fault Code Trouble Procedure Inspection Evaluation Cause
YES: (E)
1 (C) (D)
NO: (F)
(A) (B)
YES: (I)
2 (G) (H)
NO: (J)
 A: Fault code
 B: Trouble details
 Procedures 1, 2: Inspection order for the fault code
 C, G: Inspection method for trouble cause
 D, H: Evaluation specification of check results
 E, F, I, J: Trouble cause for the fault code

1. Check an applicable line depending on displayed fault code (A).
2. After checking or measuring of inspection method (C) of procedure (1),
refer to evaluation (D) and judge the results.
3. When the results are satisfied (YES) with evaluation (D), the trouble cause
is cause (E).
If the results are not satisfied (NO) with evaluation (D), the trouble cause is
cause (F) or check inspection method (G) of procedure 2.

Circuit Diagram of Test Harness

A connection point of the test harness and a point to check are explained.
(Only Pressure Sensor System Troubleshooting)

TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) T5-5-2
Group 5 Troubleshooting A

MC Fault Code List

Controller Hardware Failure

Fault Code Trouble Cause Symptoms in Machine Remedy
Operation When Trouble
11000-2 Abnormal EEPROM Faulty MC. - Replace MC.
11001-2 Abnormal RAM Faulty MC. - Replace MC.
11002-2 Abnormal A/D Faulty MC. - Replace MC.
11003-3 Abnormal Sensor Faulty MC. Although the engine control Check the sensor connected
Voltage Faulty sensor. dial is operated, the engine to MC.
Faulty wire harness. speed does not change. Check the wire harness.
Replace MC.

TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) T5-5-3
Group 5 Troubleshooting A

CAN Data Reception Failure

Fault Code Trouble Cause Symptoms in Machine Operation Remedy
When Trouble Occurs
11006-2 (MC) EC Faulty harness. The machine movement is slow. Check the wire
Communication Error (The torque is reduced by the speed harness.
The manual regeneration of
aftertreatment device cannot be
11007-2 (MC) IC Faulty MC. The machine movement is slow. Check the CAN0
Communication Error Faulty CAN0 harness.
1 harness. Check MC.
11008-2 (MC) IC Faulty MC. Auto shut-down is not activated. Check the CAN1
Communication Error Faulty CAN1 harness.
2 harness. Check MC.
11009-2 (MC) Monitor Faulty MC. The machine movement is slow. Check the CAN0
Controller Faulty CAN0 harness.
Communication Error harness. Check MC.
11010-2 (MC) Monitor Faulty MC. Auto shut-down is not activated. Check the CAN1
Controller Faulty CAN1 harness.
Communication Error harness. Check MC.

fNOTE: IC is the Information Control Unit of Monitor Controller.

TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) T5-5-4
Group 5 Troubleshooting A

Engine Failure
Fault Code Trouble Cause Symptoms in Machine Remedy
Operation When Trouble
11100-2 Abnormal Engine Engine speed: 4000 The machine operation Check the crank speed
Speed min-1 or more speed is slow. (During sensor.
speed sensing, the torque is Check the cam angle sensor.
decreased.) (Refer to the engine manual.)
11101-3 Abnormal Engine Voltage: more than Trouble condition with the Check the wire harness.
Control Angle 4.78 V key switch ON: The engine Replace the engine control
Sensor High Input speed is kept at slow idle dial.
Trouble condition during
operation: The engine speed
is kept at the speed just
before trouble occurs.
Although the engine
control dial is operated,
aftertreatment device
manual/auto regeneration
control cannot be
11101-4 Abnormal Engine Voltage: less than Trouble condition with the Check the wire harness.
Control Angle 0.22 V key switch ON: The engine Replace the engine control
Sensor Low Input speed is kept at slow idle dial.
Trouble condition during
operation: The engine speed
is kept at the speed just
before trouble occurs.
Although the engine
control dial is operated,
aftertreatment device
manual/auto regeneration
control cannot be

TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) T5-5-5
Group 5 Troubleshooting A

Pump Failure
Fault Code Trouble Cause Symptoms in Machine Operation Remedy
When Trouble Occurs
11200-3 Pump 1 Delivery Voltage: more Combined operation of arm roll- Check the wire harness.
Pressure Sensor than 4.5 V in and boom raise or combined Replace the pump 1 delivery
Circuit High Input operation of arm roll-in, boom pressure sensor.
raise, and swing: Arm roll-in speed
becomes slow.
Single operation of boom raise:
Lifting force is weak.
Machine is kept to travel at slow
The manual regeneration of
aftertreatment device cannot be
11200-4 Pump 1 Delivery Voltage: less Combined operation of arm roll- Check the wire harness.
Pressure Sensor than 0.1 V in and boom raise or combined Replace the pump 1 delivery
Circuit Low Input operation of arm roll-in, boom pressure sensor.
raise, and swing: Arm roll-in speed
becomes slow.
Single operation of boom raise:
Lifting force is weak.
Machine is kept to travel at slow
The manual regeneration of
aftertreatment device cannot be
11202-3 Pump 2 Delivery Voltage: more Combined operation of arm roll- Check the wire harness.
Pressure Sensor than 4.5 V in and boom raise or combined Replace the pump 2 delivery
Circuit High Input operation of arm roll-in, boom pressure sensor.
raise, and swing: Arm roll-in speed
becomes slow.
Single operation of boom raise:
Lifting force is weak.
Machine is kept to travel at slow
11202-4 Pump 2 Delivery Voltage: less Combined operation of arm roll- Check the wire harness.
Pressure Sensor than 0.1 V in and boom raise or combined Replace the pump 2 delivery
Circuit Low Input operation of arm roll-in, boom pressure sensor.
raise, and swing: Arm roll-in speed
becomes slow.
Single operation of boom raise:
Lifting force is weak.
Machine is kept to travel at slow

TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) T5-5-6
Group 5 Troubleshooting A

Fault Code Trouble Cause Symptoms in Machine Operation Remedy

When Trouble Occurs
11203-3 Pump 3 Delivery Voltage: more Combined operation of Check the wire harness.
Pressure Sensor than 4.5 V attachment and arm: Attachment Replace the pump 3 delivery
Circuit High Input speed is slow. pressure sensor.
11203-4 Pump 3 Delivery Voltage: less Combined operation of Check the wire harness.
Pressure Sensor than 0.1 V attachment and arm: Attachment Replace the pump 3 delivery
Circuit Low Input speed is slow. pressure sensor.
11206-3 Pump 1 Flow Voltage: more Even if the control lever is Check the wire harness.
Control Pressure than 4.8 V operated, the engine speed does Replace the pump 1 control
Sensor Circuit High not return to the fast idle speed pressure sensor.
Input at ECO mode. Machine is kept to
travel at slow speed.
11206-4 Pump 1 Flow Voltage: less Even if the control lever is Check the wire harness.
Control Pressure than 0.1 V operated, the engine speed does Replace the pump 1 control
Sensor Circuit Low not return to the fast idle speed pressure sensor.
Input at ECO mode. Machine is kept to
travel at slow speed.
11207-3 Pump 3 Flow Voltage: more Even if the control lever is Check the wire harness.
Control Pressure than 4.8 V operated, the engine speed does Replace the pump 3 control
Sensor Circuit High not return to the fast idle speed pressure sensor.
Input at ECO mode. Machine is kept to
travel at slow speed.
11207-4 Pump 3 Flow Voltage: less Even if the control lever is Check the wire harness.
Control Pressure than 0.1 V operated, the engine speed does Replace the pump 3 control
Sensor Circuit Low not return to the fast idle speed pressure sensor.
Input at ECO mode. Machine is kept to
travel at slow speed.
11208-3 Pump 2 Flow Voltage: more Even if the control lever is Check the wire harness.
Control Pressure than 4.8 V operated, the engine speed does Replace the pump 2 control
Sensor Circuit High not return to the fast idle speed pressure sensor.
Input at ECO mode. Machine is kept to
travel at slow speed.
11208-4 Pump 2 Flow Voltage: less Even if the control lever is Check the wire harness.
Control Pressure than 0.1 V operated, the engine speed does Replace the pump 2 control
Sensor Circuit Low not return to the fast idle speed pressure sensor.
Input at ECO mode. Machine is kept to
travel at slow speed.

TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) T5-5-7
Group 5 Troubleshooting A

Pilot Failure
Fault Code Trouble Cause Symptoms in Machine Operation Remedy
When Trouble Occurs
11301-3 Swing Pilot Pressure Voltage: more Swing speed becomes slow. Check the wire harness.
Sensor Circuit High than 4.8 V Combined operation of swing, arm Replace the swing pilot
Input roll-in, and boom raise: Boom does pressure sensor.
not raise easily and arm speed
becomes fast.
Swing alarm (optional) continues
to sound.
11301-4 Swing Pilot Pressure Voltage: less Swing speed becomes slow. Check the wire harness.
Sensor Circuit Low than 0.1 V Combined operation of swing, arm Replace the swing pilot
Input roll-in, and boom raise: Boom does pressure sensor.
not raise easily and arm speed
becomes fast.
Swing alarm (optional) continues
to sound.
11302-3 Boom Raise Pilot Voltage: more When operating boom raise, Check the wire harness.
Pressure Sensor than 4.8 V engine speed does not increase. Replace the boom raise pilot
Circuit High Input Combined operation of swing, arm pressure sensor.
roll-in, and boom raise: Boom does
not raise easily.
Single operation of boom raise:
Lifting force is weak.
11302-4 Boom Raise Pilot Voltage: less When operating boom raise, Check the wire harness.
Pressure Sensor than 0.1 V engine speed does not increase. Replace the boom raise pilot
Circuit Low Input Combined operation of swing, arm pressure sensor.
roll-in, and boom raise: Boom does
not raise easily.
Single operation of boom raise:
Lifting force is weak.
11303-3 Arm Roll-in Pilot Voltage: more When operating arm roll-in, Check the wire harness.
Pressure Sensor than 4.8 V engine speed does not increase. Replace the arm roll-in pilot
Circuit High Input Arm speed becomes fast. pressure sensor.
11303-4 Arm Roll-in Pilot Voltage: less When operating arm roll-in, Check the wire harness.
Pressure Sensor than 0.1 V engine speed does not increase. Replace the arm roll-in pilot
Circuit Low Input Arm speed becomes fast. pressure sensor.

TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) T5-5-8
Group 5 Troubleshooting A

Fault Code Trouble Cause Symptoms in Machine Operation Remedy

When Trouble Occurs
11304-3 Travel Pilot Pressure Voltage: more Machine travel speed is slow. Check the wire harness.
Sensor Circuit High than 4.8 V When traveling, engine speed Replace the travel pilot
Input does not increase to the pressure sensor.
When traveling, engine speed
does not return from auto-idle
When traveling, engine speed
does not return from ECO speed.
Travel alarm (optional) continues
to sound.
11304-4 Travel Pilot Pressure Voltage: less Machine travel speed is slow. Check the wire harness.
Sensor Circuit Low than 0.1 V When traveling, engine speed Replace the travel pilot
Input does not increase to the pressure sensor.
When traveling, engine speed
does not return from auto-idle
When traveling, engine speed
does not return from ECO speed.
Travel alarm (optional) continues
to sound.
11307-3 Front Pilot Pressure Voltage: more Front attachment operating speed Check the wire harness.
Sensor Circuit High than 4.8 V is slow. Replace the front pilot
Input When operating the front pressure sensor.
attachment, engine speed does
not increase to the specification.
When operating the front
attachment, engine speed does
not return from auto-idle speed.
When operating the front
attachment, engine speed does
not return from ECO speed.
11307-4 Front Pilot Pressure Voltage: less Front attachment operating speed Check the wire harness.
Sensor Circuit Low than 0.1 V is slow. Replace the front pilot
Input When operating the front pressure sensor.
attachment, engine speed does
not increase to the specification.
When operating the front
attachment, engine speed does
not return from auto-idle speed.
When operating the front
attachment, engine speed does
not return from ECO speed.
11325-3 Bucket Roll-In Pilot Voltage: more Bucket speed is fast when bucket Check the wire harness.
Pressure Sensor than 4.8 V roll-in operation is performed by Replace the bucket roll-in
Circuit High Input the control lever at half stroke. pilot pressure sensor.
11325-4 Bucket Roll-In Pilot Voltage: less Bucket speed is fast when bucket Check the wire harness.
Pressure Sensor than 0.1 V roll-in operation is performed by Replace the bucket roll-in
Circuit Low Input the control lever at half stroke. pilot pressure sensor.

TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) T5-5-9
Group 5 Troubleshooting A

Fault Code Trouble Cause Symptoms in Machine Remedy

Operation When Trouble
11995-3 Arm Roll-Out Pilot Voltage: more than 4.75 V When operating arm roll- Check the wire
Pressure Sensor Circuit out, engine speed does harness.
High Input not increase. Replace the arm
Arm speed becomes fast. roll-out pilot
pressure sensor.
11995-4 Arm Roll-Out Pilot Voltage: less than 0.25 V When operating arm roll- Check the wire
Pressure Sensor Circuit out, engine speed does harness.
Low Input not increase. Replace the arm
Arm speed becomes fast. roll-out pilot
pressure sensor.
11997-3 Bucket Roll-Out Pilot Voltage: more than 4.8 V Bucket speed is fast Check the wire
Pressure Sensor Circuit when bucket roll-out harness.
High Input operation is performed Replace the bucket
by the control lever at roll-out pilot
half stroke. pressure sensor.
11997-4 Bucket Roll-Out Pilot Voltage: less than 0.1 V Bucket speed is fast Check the wire
Pressure Sensor Circuit when bucket roll-out harness.
Low Input operation is performed Replace the bucket
by the control lever at roll-out pilot
half stroke. pressure sensor.

TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) T5-5-10
Group 5 Troubleshooting A

Proportional Solenoid Valve Failure

Fault Code Trouble Cause Symptoms in Machine Operation Remedy
When Trouble Occurs
11400-2 Pump 2 Flow Rate Solenoid valve When the pump 2 flow rate limit Check the wire
Limit P/S Valve output: 140 mA control is set to ON, pump 2 flow rate harness.
Abnormal FB or more, feedback cannot be limited.
current: more
than 920 mA or
less than 70 mA;
both are detected.
11400-3 Pump 2 Flow Rate Current: more When the pump 2 flow rate limit Check the wire
Limit P/S Valve FB High than 920 mA control is set to ON, pump 2 flow rate harness.
Current is always limited.
Machine mistracks.
Boom raise operation speed is slow.
Arm operation speed is slow.
Attachment operation speed is slow.
11400-4 Pump 2 Flow Rate Current: less than When the pump 2 flow rate limit Check the wire
Limit P/S Valve FB Low 70 mA control is set to ON, pump 2 flow rate harness.
Current cannot be limited.
11401-2 Pump 1 and 2 Torque Solenoid valve Machine overall operation is slow. Check the wire
P/S Valve Abnormal FB output: 140 mA The manual regeneration of harness.
or more, feedback aftertreatment device cannot be
current: more performed.
than 920 mA or
less than 70 mA;
both are detected.
11401-3 Pump 1 and 2 Torque Current: more The engine stalls is remarkable at high Check the wire
P/S Valve FB High than 920 mA loaded. harness.
Current The engine lug-down is remarkable at
high loaded.
11401-4 Pump 1 and 2 Torque Current: less than Machine overall operation is slow. Check the wire
P/S Valve FB Low 70 mA The manual regeneration of harness.
Current aftertreatment device cannot be
11402-2 Dig-Regenerative P/S Solenoid valve When operating digging, arm Check the wire
Valve Abnormal FB output: 140 mA operation speed is slow. (As harness.
or more, feedback deceleration rate is low, this symptom
current: more is not easy to find.)
than 920 mA or
less than 70 mA;
both are detected.
11402-3 Dig-Regenerative P/S Current: more Combined operation of arm roll-in Check the wire
Valve FB High Current than 920 mA and boom raise during precision harness.
operation: The boom raise operation
is not smooth.
11402-4 Dig-Regenerative P/S Current: less than When operating digging, arm Check the wire
Valve FB Low Current 70 mA operation speed is slow. (As harness.
deceleration rate is low, this symptom
is not easy to find.)

TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) T5-5-11
Group 5 Troubleshooting A

Fault Code Trouble Cause Symptoms in Machine Operation Remedy

When Trouble Occurs
11403-2 Arm Regenerative P/S Solenoid valve Arm operation speed becomes fast. Check the wire
Valve Abnormal FB output: 140 mA harness.
or more, feedback
current: more
than 920 mA or
less than 70 mA;
both are detected.
11403-3 Arm Regenerative P/S Current: more Arm operation speed becomes slow. Check the wire
Valve FB High Input than 920 mA Combinated operation: Cylinder harness.
hesitation easily occurs.
11403-4 Arm Regenerative P/S Current: less than Arm operation speed becomes fast. Check the wire
Valve FB Low Input 70 mA harness.
11406-2 Pump 3 Torque P/S Solenoid valve Swing speed acceleration becomes Check the wire
Valve Abnormal FB output: 140 mA bad. harness.
or more, feedback Arm revel crowding operation: Boom
current: more cannot be raised.
than 920 mA or
less than 70 mA;
both are detected.
11406-3 Pump 3 Torque P/S Current: more The engine lug-down is remarkable at Check the wire
Valve FB High Current than 920 mA high load. harness.
11406-4 Pump 3 Torque P/S Current: less than Swing speed acceleration becomes Check the wire
Valve FB Low Current 70 mA bad. harness.
Arm revel crowding operation: Boom
cannot be raised.
11407-2 Booster (Power Solenoid valve Pressure increasing is impossible. Check the wire
Digging & Fast Travel output: 140 mA Machine is kept to travel at slow harness.
Mode) P/S Valve or more, feedback speed.
Abnormal FB current: more
than 920 mA or
less than 70 mA;
both are detected.
11407-3 Booster (Power Current: more Pressure always increases. Check the wire
Digging & Fast Travel than 920 mA Machine is kept to travel at fast speed. harness.
Mode) P/S Valve FB
High Current
11407-4 Booster (Power Current: less than Pressure increasing is impossible. Check the wire
Digging & Fast Travel 70 mA Machine is kept to travel at slow harness.
Mode) P/S Valve FB speed.
Low Current

TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) T5-5-12
Group 5 Troubleshooting A

Fault Code Trouble Cause Symptoms in Machine Operation Remedy

When Trouble Occurs
11408-2 Aftertreatment Device Solenoid valve The manual regeneration of Check the wire
Regenerative (Center output: 140 mA aftertreatment device cannot be harness.
Bypass Cut) Solenoid or more, feedback performed.
Valve Abnormal current: more Single operation of pulverizer/
Feedback than 920 mA or crusher: Attachment operation speed
less than 70 mA; is slow.
both are detected.
11408-3 Aftertreatment Device Current: more Machine mistracks. Check the wire
Regenerative (Center than 920 mA Precise control cannot be performed. harness.
Bypass Cut) Solenoid
Valve Feedback High
11408-4 Aftertreatment Device Current: less than The manual regeneration of Check the wire
Regenerative (Center 70 mA aftertreatment device cannot be harness.
Bypass Cut) Solenoid performed.
Valve Feedback Low Single operation of pulverizer/
Current crusher: Attachment operation speed
is slow.
11409-2 Aftertreatment Device Solenoid valve The manual regeneration of Check the wire
Regenerative (Pump output: 140 mA aftertreatment device cannot be harness.
1 Flow Rate Increase) or more, feedback performed.
Solenoid Valve current: more
Abnormal Feedback than 920 mA or
less than 70 mA;
both are detected.
11409-3 Aftertreatment Device Current: more Machine mistracks. Check the wire
Regenerative (Pump than 920 mA Precise control cannot be performed. harness.
1 Flow Rate Increase)
Solenoid Valve
Feedback High Current
11409-4 Aftertreatment Device Current: less than The manual regeneration of Check the wire
Regenerative (Pump 70 mA aftertreatment device cannot be harness.
1 Flow Rate Increase) performed.
Solenoid Valve
Feedback Low Current

TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) T5-5-13
Group 5 Troubleshooting A

Fault Code Trouble Cause Symptoms in Machine Operation Remedy

When Trouble Occurs
11410-2 Pump 1 Flow Rate Solenoid valve When the pump 1 flow rate limit Check the wire
Limit P/S Valve output: 140 mA control is set to ON, pump 1 flow rate harness.
Abnormal FB or more, feedback cannot be limited.
current: more
than 920 mA or
less than 70 mA;
both are detected.
11410-3 Pump 1 Flow Rate Current: more When the pump 1 flow rate limit Check the wire
Limit P/S Valve FB High than 920 mA control is set to ON, pump 1 flow rate harness.
Current is always limited.
Machine mistracks.
Boom raise operation speed is slow.
Arm operation speed is slow.
Bucket operation speed is slow.
11410-4 Pump 1 Flow Rate Current: less than When the pump 1 flow rate limit Check the wire
Limit P/S Valve FB Low 70 mA control is set to ON, pump 1 flow rate harness.
Current cannot be limited.
11411-2 Pump 3 Flow Rate Solenoid valve When the pump 3 flow rate limit Check the wire
Limit P/S Valve output: 140 mA control is set to ON, pump 3 flow rate harness.
Abnormal FB or more, feedback cannot be limited.
current: more
than 920 mA or
less than 70 mA;
both are detected.
11411-3 Pump 3 Flow Rate Current: more When the pump 3 flow rate limit Check the wire
Limit P/S Valve FB High than 920 mA control is set to ON, pump 3 flow rate harness.
Current is always limited.
Boom raise operation speed is slow.
Arm operation speed is slow.
Swing operation speed is slow.
11411-4 Pump 3 Flow Rate Current: less than When the pump 3 flow rate limit Check the wire
Limit P/S Valve FB Low 70 mA control is set to ON, pump 3 flow rate harness.
Current cannot be limited.

TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) T5-5-14
Group 5 Troubleshooting A

Fault Code Trouble Cause Symptoms in Machine Operation Remedy

When Trouble Occurs
11427-2 Arm 1 Flow Rate Solenoid valve Combined operation of swing, arm Check the wire
Control P/S Valve output: 140 mA roll-in, and boom raise: Swing and harness.
Abnormal FB or more, feedback boom raise operation speed are slow.
current: more
than 920 mA or
less than 70 mA;
both are detected.
11427-3 Arm 1 Flow Rate Current: more Arm operation speed becomes slow. Check the wire
Control P/S Valve FB than 920 mA harness.
High Current
11427-4 Arm 1 Flow Rate Current: less than Combined operation of swing, arm Check the wire
Control P/S Valve FB 70 mA roll-in, and boom raise: Swing and harness.
Low Current boom raise operation speed are slow.
11428-2 Arm 2 Flow Rate Solenoid valve Combined operation of arm roll-in Check the wire
Control P/S Valve output: 140 mA and bucket roll-in: Bucket roll-in harness.
Abnormal FB or more, feedback operation speed is slow.
current: more
than 920 mA or
less than 70 mA;
both are detected.
11428-3 Arm 2 Flow Rate Current: more Arm operation speed becomes slow. Check the wire
Control P/S Valve FB than 920 mA harness.
High Current
11428-4 Arm 2 Flow Rate Current: less than Combined operation of arm roll-in Check the wire
Control P/S Valve FB 70 mA and bucket roll-in: Bucket roll-in harness.
Low Current operation speed is slow.

TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) T5-5-15
Group 5 Troubleshooting A

Fault Code Trouble Cause Symptoms in Machine Operation Remedy

When Trouble Occurs
11434-2 ATT Relief 1 (Lower) Solenoid valve Relief pressure is fixed to the normal Check the wire
P/S Valve Abnormal FB output: 140 mA relief pressure. harness.
or more, feedback When operating attachment, power
current: more is weak.
than 920 mA or
less than 70 mA;
both are detected.
11434-3 ATT Relief 1 (Lower) Current: more Relief pressure is fixed to the set Check the wire
P/S Valve FB High than 920 mA pressure (high pressure). harness.
11434-4 ATT Relief 1 (Lower) Current: less than Relief pressure is fixed to the normal Check the wire
P/S Valve FB Low 70 mA relief pressure. harness.
Current When operating attachment, power
is weak.
11435-2 ATT Relief 2 (Upper) Solenoid valve Relief pressure is fixed to the normal Check the wire
P/S Valve Abnormal FB output: 140 mA relief pressure. harness.
or more, feedback When operating attachment, power
current: more is weak.
than 920 mA or
less than 70 mA;
both are detected.
11435-3 ATT Relief 2 (Upper) Current: more Relief pressure is fixed to the set Check the wire
P/S Valve FB High than 920 mA pressure (high pressure). harness.
11435-4 ATT Relief 2 (Upper) Current: less than Relief pressure is fixed to the normal Check the wire
P/S Valve FB Low 70 mA relief pressure. harness.
Current When operating attachment, power
is weak.
11436-2 Breaker Relief Pressure Solenoid valve Relief pressure of breaker is fixed to Check the wire
Control P/S Valve output: 140 mA the normal relief pressure. harness.
Abnormal FB or more, feedback Breaker striking power is strong.
current: more
than 920 mA or
less than 70 mA;
both are detected.
11436-3 Breaker Relief Pressure Current: more Relief pressure is fixed to the set Check the wire
Control P/S Valve FB than 920 mA pressure (low pressure). harness.
High Current
11436-4 Breaker Relief Pressure Current: less than Relief pressure of breaker is fixed to Check the wire
Control P/S Valve FB 70 mA the normal relief pressure. harness.
Low Current Breaker striking power is strong.

TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) T5-5-16
Group 5 Troubleshooting A

Other Failures
Fault Code Trouble Cause Symptoms in Machine Operation Remedy
When Trouble Occurs
11458-2 (Auxiliary) 3-Port Valve The circuit of The return circuit connection is not Check the wire
Open Circuit selector valve shifted to the hydraulic oil tank. harness.
control solenoid
valve is abnormal.
11459-2 Auto Shut-down Relay The auto shut- Auto shut-down is not activated. Check the wire
Open Circuit down relay circuit harness.
is abnormal.
11901-3 Hyd. Oil Temp Sensor Voltage: more When hydraulic oil temperature is Check the wire
Circuit High Input than 4.35 V less than 0 °C, the auto-warming up harness.
control cannot be activated.
11901-4 Hyd. Oil Temp Sensor Voltage: less than When hydraulic oil temperature is Check the wire
Circuit Low Input 0.1 V less than 0 °C, the auto-warming up harness.
control cannot be activated.
20010-2 Abnormal Abnormal pump 1 The alarm is displayed on the monitor. Check the wire
Aftertreatment Device delivery pressure harness.
Regeneration System sensor.
Abnormal current
feedback of pump
1 and 2 torque
solenoid valve.
Abnormal current
feedback of
2-spool solenoid
valve unit (SJ).
Abnormal current
feedback of
2-spool solenoid
valve unit (SZ).
20011-2 Electric Lever System Abnormal right The alarm is displayed on the monitor. Check the wire
Alarm analog stroke harness.
Abnormal OPT
electric lever 1
control pressure
OPT electric lever
1 center signal
OPT electric
lever 1 abnormal
20012-2 Line Filter Restriction Clogged line filter. The alarm is displayed on the monitor. Check the wire
Alarm harness.
Replace the filter.

TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) T5-5-17
Group 5 Troubleshooting A

Fault Code Trouble Cause Symptoms in Machine Remedy

Operation When Trouble
19903-3 Boom Angle Sensor Voltage: more than 4.75 V The buzzer sounds. Check the wire
Circuit High Input harness.
(Option) Replace the boom
angle sensor.
19903-4 Boom Angle Sensor Voltage: less than 0.25 V The buzzer sounds. Check the wire
Circuit Low Input harness.
(Option) Replace the boom
angle sensor.
19904-3 Arm Angle Sensor Voltage: more than 4.75 V The buzzer sounds. Check the wire
Circuit High Input harness.
(Option) Replace the arm
angle sensor.
19904-4 Arm Angle Sensor Voltage: less than 0.25 V The buzzer sounds. Check the wire
Circuit Low Input harness.
(Option) Replace the arm
angle sensor.
19905-3 Boom Bottom Pressure Voltage: more than 4.5 V The buzzer sounds. Check the wire
Sensor Circuit High harness.
Input (Option) Replace the boom
bottom pressure
19905-4 Boom Bottom Pressure Voltage: less than 0.25 V The buzzer sounds. Check the wire
Sensor Circuit Low harness.
Input (Option) Replace the boom
bottom pressure
19906-3 Boom Rod Pressure Voltage: more than 4.5 V The buzzer sounds. Check the wire
Sensor Circuit High harness.
Input (Option) Replace the boom
rod pressure
19906-4 Boom Rod Pressure Voltage: less than 0.25 V The buzzer sounds. Check the wire
Sensor Circuit Low harness.
Input (Option) Replace the boom
rod pressure

TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) T5-5-18
Group 5 Troubleshooting A


TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) T5-5-19
Group 5 Troubleshooting A

Electrical Lever System Fault Code List

CAN Data Reception Failure
Fault Code Trouble Cause Symptoms in Machine Remedy
Operation When Trouble
15002-2 (Optional Faulty controller. - Check the CAN1 harness.
Controller) Faulty CAN1 harness. Replace the controller.
Main Controller
Error 2

Pilot Failure
Fault Code Trouble Cause Symptoms in Machine Remedy
Operation When Trouble
15016-3 Right Analog Stroke Voltage: more than The corresponding Check the wire harness.
Signal Sensor Circuit 4.75 V actuator stops. Replace the sensor.
High Input
15016-4 Right Analog Stroke Voltage: less than 0.25 The corresponding Check the wire harness.
Signal Sensor Circuit V actuator stops. Replace the sensor.
Low Input
15017-3 Left Analog Stroke Voltage: more than The corresponding Check the wire harness.
Signal Sensor Circuit 4.75 V actuator stops. Replace the sensor.
High Input
15017-4 Left Analog Stroke Voltage: less than 0.25 The corresponding Check the wire harness.
Signal Sensor Circuit V actuator stops. Replace the sensor.
Low Input
11810-3 Abnormal Electric Voltage: more than All solenoid valves stop Check the wire harness.
Lever Control 4.60 V output due to pilot cut- Replace the sensor.
Pressure 1 Sensor off.
High Voltage
11810-4 Abnormal Electric Voltage: less than 0.10 All solenoid valves stop Check the wire harness.
Lever Control V output due to pilot cut- Replace the sensor.
Pressure 1 Sensor off.
Low Voltage
11811-3 Abnormal Electric Voltage: more than All solenoid valves stop Check the wire harness.
Lever Control 4.60 V output due to pilot cut- Replace the sensor.
Pressure 2 Sensor off.
High Voltage
11811-4 Abnormal Electric Voltage: less than 0.10 All solenoid valves stop Check the wire harness.
Lever Control V output due to pilot cut- Replace the sensor.
Pressure 2 Sensor off.
Low Voltage
15011-3 (Pilot) Hydraulic Oil Voltage: more than - Check the wire harness.
Temperature Sensor 4.25 V Replace the sensor.
Circuit High Input
15011-4 (Pilot) Hydraulic Oil Voltage: less than 0.10 - Check the wire harness.
Temperature Sensor V Replace the sensor.
Circuit Low Input

TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) T5-5-20
Group 5 Troubleshooting A

Solenoid Valve Control Failure

Fault Code Trouble Cause Symptoms in Machine Remedy
Operation When Trouble
11812-2 OPT Electric Lever 1 When OPT electric All solenoid valves stop Check the wire harness.
Center Signal Fault lever 1, 2 solenoid valve output due to pilot cut-
output is lower than 0.5 off.
MPa, OPT electric lever
1 monitoring pressure
is higher than 1.2 MPa.
11813-2 OPT Electric When OPT electric OPT electric lever is Check the wire harness.
Lever 1 Abnormal lever 1, 2 solenoid valve operated with the 40 %
Operation output is higher than reduced pressure.
2.2 MPa, OPT electric
lever 1 monitoring
pressure is lower than
1.0 MPa.
11814-2 OPT Electric Lever 2 When OPT electric All solenoid valves stop Check the wire harness.
Center Signal Fault lever 3, 4 solenoid valve output due to pilot cut-
output is lower than 0.5 off.
MPa, OPT electric lever
2 monitoring pressure
is higher than 1.2 MPa.
11815-2 OPT Electric When OPT electric OPT electric lever is Check the wire harness.
Lever 2 Abnormal lever 3, 4 solenoid valve operated with the 40 %
Operation output is higher than reduced pressure.
2.2 MPa, OPT electric
lever 2 monitoring
pressure is lower than
1.0 MPa.

Controller Hardware Failure

Fault Code Trouble Cause Symptoms in Machine Remedy
Operation When Trouble
15501-2 EEPROM Read Error Faulty option controller. - Replace the option
15502-2 Abnormal EEPROM Faulty option controller. - Replace the option
15503-2 Abnormal RAM Faulty option controller. - Replace the option
15504-2 Abnormal A/D Faulty option controller. - Replace the option
Converter controller.
15506-3 Abnormal Sensor Faulty option controller. - Check the sensor which is
Voltage Faulty sensor which connected to the option
is connected to the controller.
option controller. Check the wire harness.
Faulty wire harness. Replace the option

TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) T5-5-21
Group 5 Troubleshooting A

Solenoid Valve Failure

Fault Code Trouble Cause Symptoms in Machine Remedy
Operation When Trouble
11816-2 OPT Operation 1 Solenoid valve output: OPT operation 1 Check the wire harness.
P/S Valve Current FB 140 mA or more, operation stops.
Error feedback current: more
than 920 mA or less
than 70 mA; both are
11816-3 OPT Operation 1 Current: more than 920 OPT operation 1 Check the wire harness.
P/S Valve Current FB mA operation stops.
High Input
11816-4 OPT Operation 1 Current: less than 70 OPT operation 1 Check the wire harness.
P/S Valve Current FB mA operation stops.
Low Input
11817-2 OPT Operation 2 Solenoid valve output: OPT operation 1 Check the wire harness.
P/S Valve Current FB 140 mA or more, operation stops.
Error feedback current: more
than 920 mA or less
than 70 mA; both are
11817-3 OPT Operation 2 Current: more than 920 OPT operation 1 Check the wire harness.
P/S Valve Current FB mA operation stops.
High Input
11817-4 OPT Operation 2 Current: less than 70 OPT operation 1 Check the wire harness.
P/S Valve Current FB mA operation stops.
Low Input

TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) T5-5-22
Group 5 Troubleshooting A

Fault Code Trouble Cause Symptoms in Machine Remedy

Operation When Trouble
11818-2 OPT Operation 3 Solenoid valve output: OPT operation 2 Check the wire harness.
P/S Valve Current FB 140 mA or more, operation stops.
Error feedback current: More
than 920 mA or less
than 70 mA; both are
11818-3 OPT Operation 3 Current: more than 920 OPT operation 2 Check the wire harness.
P/S Valve Current FB mA operation stops.
High Input
11818-4 OPT Operation 3 Current: less than 70 OPT operation 2 Check the wire harness.
P/S Valve Current FB mA operation stops.
Low Input
11819-2 OPT Operation 4 Solenoid valve output: OPT operation 2 Check the wire harness.
P/S Valve Current FB 140 mA or more, operation stops.
Error feedback current: More
than 920 mA or less
than 70 mA; both are
11819-3 OPT Operation 4 Current: more than 920 OPT operation 2 Check the wire harness.
P/S Valve Current FB mA operation stops.
High Input
11819-4 OPT Operation 4 Current: less than 70 OPT operation 2 Check the wire harness.
P/S Valve Current FB mA operation stops.
Low Input

Voltage Failure Evaluation

Fault Code Trouble Cause Symptoms in Machine Remedy
Operation When Trouble
20303-2 Electric Lever Pilot Neutral monitoring All front attachment Check the wire harness.
Cut Alarm failure is present in any operation stop.
electric lever controls.

TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) T5-5-23
Group 5 Troubleshooting A

ECM Fault Code List

(Refer to the Engine Manual for ECM Fault Codes.)
Fault Code Trouble Cause Symptoms in Operating Rank
SPN-FMI DTC Machine Operation A B C D E F
When Trouble Occurs
100-3 P0523 Engine Oil Pressure Sensor Voltage: more than Nothing special. ™
Circuit High Input 4.9 V.
100-4 P0522 Engine Oil Pressure Sensor Voltage: less than 0.1 Nothing special. ™
Circuit Low Input V.
102-0 P0234 Over Boost-Pressure Boost pressure is 20 The output power ™
kPa higher than the decreases.
max. target boost
102-3 P0238 Boost Pressure Sensor Circuit Voltage: more than Engine power ™
High Input 4.9 V. decreases.
Engine speed
102-4 P0237 Boost Pressure Sensor Circuit Voltage: less than 0.1 Engine power ™
Low Input V. decreases.
Engine speed
105-3 P1098 Boost Temperature Sensor Voltage: more than Nothing special. ™
(Intercooler Outlet) High Input 4.9 V.
105-4 P1097 Boost Temperature Sensor Voltage: less than 0.1 Nothing special. ™
(Intercooler Outlet) Low Input V.
108-3 P2229 Abnormal Atmospheric Voltage: more than The output power ™
Pressure Sensor Circuit (High 4.9 V. decreases.
108-4 P2228 Abnormal Atmospheric Voltage: less than 0.1 The output power ™
Pressure Sensor Circuit (Low V. decreases.
Operating Rank
A: Digging is operable.
B: Machine can travel with the boom raised.
C: The engine only runs. (Only operation with light load is possible.)
D: The engine cannot stop/start.
E: Malfunction of urea SCR system (Engine output power and speed are restricted in a phased manner. Finally engine
output power and speed are set to operating rank (C).) * Malfunction of urea SCR system (first time): Engine output
power and speed are set to operating rank (C) after 3.5 hours, Malfunction of urea SCR system (second time): Engine
output power and speed are set to operating rank (C) after 0.5 hours.
F: Malfunction of EGR system (Engine output power and speed are restricted in a phased manner. Finally engine output
power and speed are set to operating rank (C).) * Malfunction of EGR system (first time): Engine output power and
speed are set to operating rank (C) after 100 hours, Malfunction of EGR system (second time): Engine output power and
speed are set to operating rank (C) after 5 hours.

TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) T5-5-24
Group 5 Troubleshooting A

Fault Code Trouble Cause Symptoms in Machine Operating Rank

SPN-FMI DTC Operation When A B C D E F
Trouble Occurs
110-3 P0118 Engine Coolant Temperature Voltage: more than Engine power ™
Circuit High Input 4.9 V. decreases.
Engine speed
110-4 P0117 Engine Coolant Temperature Voltage: less than Engine power ™
Circuit Low Input 0.1 V. decreases.
Engine speed
132-3 P0103 Air Flow Sensor Circuit High Voltage: more than Engine power ™
Input 4.9 V. decreases.
Engine speed
132-4 P0102 Abnormal Mass Air Flow Voltage: less than Engine power ™
Sensor (Abnormal Low Input 1.50 V. decreases.
or Abnormally Decrease in the Engine speed
Air Flow) decreases.
157-3 P0193 Common Rail Pressure Sensor Voltage: more than Engine power ™
Circuit High Input 4.8 V. decreases.
Engine speed
157-4 P0192 Common Rail Pressure Sensor Voltage: less than Engine power ™
Circuit Low Input 0.7 V. decreases.
Engine speed
157-15 P0089 Abnormal Common Rail Actual rail pressure Vibration of the engine ™
Pressure (Overpumping) is 40 MPa or higher may be large, rough
than the target rail idle, output power
pressure. decrease may occur,
faulty increasing of
rotation speed, dark
smoke may occur,
output power may be
too large.
158-3 P0563 Abnormally High Battery Voltage: more than The battery may be ™
System Voltage 32 V. faulty.

TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) T5-5-25
Group 5 Troubleshooting A

Fault Code Trouble Cause Symptoms in Machine Operating Rank

SPN-FMI DTC Operation When A B C D E F
Trouble Occurs
172-3 P0113 Intake Air Temperature Voltage: more than Engine power ™
Sensor Circuit High Input 4.9 V. decreases.
Engine speed
172-4 P0112 Intake Air Temperature Voltage: less than 0.1 Engine power ™
Sensor Circuit Low Input V. decreases.
Engine speed
173-3 P0428 DOC Outlet Exhaust Voltage: more than Nothing special. ™
Temperature Sensor High 4.9 V.
173-4 P0427 DOC Outlet Exhaust Voltage: less than 0.1 Nothing special. ™
Temperature Sensor V.
Low Input (Exhaust temperature
is equivalent to 1000
174-3 P0183 Fuel Temperature Sensor Voltage: more than Nothing special. ™
Circuit High Input 4.9 V.
174-4 P0182 Fuel Temperature Sensor Voltage: less than 0.1 Nothing special. ™
Circuit Low Input V.
190-0 P0219 Engine Overrun Engine speed is more Engine speed may not ™
than specified speed increase 2500 min-1 or
(2500 min-1). more.

TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) T5-5-26
Group 5 Troubleshooting A

Fault Code Trouble Cause Symptoms in Machine Operating Rank

SPN-FMI DTC Operation When A B C D E F
Trouble Occurs
628-2 P0601 Abnormal ROM Checksum The engine cannot ™
judgement is start.
633-7 P0087 Pressure Limiter Open It is judged by rail The output power ™
pressure change decreases.
636-2 P0340 Camshaft Position Sensor The signal from cam While the engine ™ ™
Malfunction sensor is not present. runs, there is nothing
abnormal with
machine operation.
After the engine is
stalled, the re-start is
636-7 P0016 Phase Difference between The correct cam While the engine ™ ™
Cam and Sensor pulse is not present runs, there is nothing
at the gap in the abnormal with
crank. machine operation.
After the engine is
stalled, the re-start is
639-2 U0101 Abnormal CAN Time-out TSC1 message Nothing special. ™
from SA=228 is not
639-19 U0073 Abnormal CAN Bus The bus line OFF is Nothing special. ™

TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) T5-5-27
Group 5 Troubleshooting A

Fault Code Trouble Cause Symptoms in Machine Operating Rank

SPN-FMI DTC Operation When Trouble A B C D E F
651-5 P0201 Cylinder 1 Injector Circuit Open circuit of Vibration of the engine is ™
Open injector 1 solenoid large, rough idle, output
circuit. power decreases, faulty
increasing of rotation
speed, exhaust gas
becomes bad.
652-5 P0202 Cylinder 2 Injector Circuit Open circuit of Vibration of the engine is ™
Open injector 2 solenoid large, rough idle, output
circuit. power decreases, faulty
increasing of rotation
speed, exhaust gas
becomes bad.
653-5 P0203 Cylinder 3 Injector Circuit Open circuit of Vibration of the engine is ™
Open injector 3 solenoid large, rough idle, output
circuit. power decreases, faulty
increasing of rotation
speed, exhaust gas
becomes bad.
654-5 P0204 Cylinder 4 Injector Circuit Open circuit of Vibration of the engine is ™
Open injector 4 solenoid large, rough idle, output
circuit. power decreases, faulty
increasing of rotation
speed, exhaust gas
becomes bad.
723-2 P0335 Crank Sensor Malfunction Engine speed: 90 Nothing special. ™
(No Signal) min-1 or more, even
if the cam signal is
present, the crank
signal is not present.
723-8 P0336 Crank Sensor Malfunction Engine speed: 750 Nothing special. ™
(Abnormal Signal) min-1 or more, the
pulse of crank signal
is not matched.

TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) T5-5-28
Group 5 Troubleshooting A

Fault Code Trouble Cause Symptoms in Machine Operating Rank

SPN-FMI DTC Operation When Trouble A B C D E F
1077-2 P0606 Abnormal CPU Failure of main CPU The output power ™ ™
is detected by sub decreases, or the engine
CPU. (SUB-CPU cannot start.
resets main CPU)
1079-2 P06A6 Abnormal 5 V-Electric Voltage of 5 V Nothing special. ™
Power Circuit #1 power source
circuits 1 or 6 is
over 5.5 V or less
than 4.5 V.
1080-2 P06A7 Abnormal 5 V-Electric Voltage of 5 V The output power ™
Power Circuit #2 power source decreases.
circuits 2 or 7 is
over 5.5 V or less
than 4.5 V.
1131-3 P0098 Manifold Temperature Voltage: more than Nothing special. ™
Sensor Circuit High Input 4.9 V.
1131-4 P0097 Manifold Temperature Voltage: less than Nothing special. ™
Sensor Circuit Low Input 0.1 V.
1239-17 P1093 Pressure Decline in Actual rail pressure Vibration of the engine ™
Common Rail (Lack of is over 50 MPa may be large, rough idle,
Pumping Pressure or Fuel lower than the output power decrease
Filter Restriction) target rail pressure. may occur, faulty
increasing of rotation
speed, dark smoke may
occur, output power may
be too large.
1239-31 P3093 Pressure Decline in Actual rail pressure Vibration of the engine ™
(Fuel Common Rail (Lack of is over 50 MPa may be large, rough idle,
Temperature: Pumping Pressure or Fuel lower than the output power decrease
less than 5 Filter Restriction) (Fuel target rail pressure. may occur, faulty
°C) Temperature Less Than increasing of rotation
5 °C) speed, dark smoke may
occur, output power may
be too large.

TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) T5-5-29
Group 5 Troubleshooting A

Fault Code Trouble Cause Symptoms in Operating Rank

SPN-FMI DTC Machine Operation A B C D E F
When Trouble Occurs
1347-3 P0092 SCV or PCV1 Drive System + SCV current is over 2400 The output power ™
B Short Circuit mA, or SCV current is decreases, there is
over 1000 mA higher influence to exhaust
than target current or gas.
Abnormal PCV 1 Drive
Signal (Fixed to H)
1347-4 P0091 SCV or PCV1 Drive System SCV current is less than The output power ™
+ B Open Circuit or Short 50 mA over, or SCV decreases, there is
Circuit to GND current is 1000 mA lower influence to exhaust
than target current or gas, the supply pump
Abnormal PCV 1 Drive can not be controlled,
Signal (Fixed to L) the engine may
increase the rotation
speed suddenly.
1381-3 P20E0 Fuel Filter Restriction Sensor Voltage: more than 4.9 V. Nothing special. ™
Circuit High Input
1381-4 P20DF Fuel Filter Restriction Sensor Voltage: less than 0.1 V. Nothing special. ™
Circuit Low Input

TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) T5-5-30
Group 5 Troubleshooting A

Fault Code Trouble Cause Symptoms in Machine Operating Rank

SPN-FMI DTC Operation When A B C D E F
Trouble Occurs
1485-5 P0685 Abnormal Main Relay Voltage in the main The engine cannot ™
Circuit (Inactivation) relay system is 1 V or less start.
with the main relay coil
output ON.
1485-6 P0687 Abnormal Main Relay Even if receive the signal Electrical power is ™
Circuit (Kept closed) of the main relay coil kept supplying to the
output OFF, the main machine.
relay is kept ON.
10001-2 P0409 EGR Position Error EGR position sensor Engine power ™
signal are stock in a low decreases.
or high stage. Engine speed
10001-13 P1404 Abnormal EGR Zero-point Zero point calibration Engine power ™
Calibration value is not within the decreases.
specification. Engine speed
10002-2 P0404 Abnormal EGR Valve Difference between Engine power ™
Control Circuit the target valve lift and decreases.
actual position is more Engine speed
than 20 %. decreases.

TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) T5-5-31
Group 5 Troubleshooting A

Fault Code Trouble Cause Symptoms in Machine Operating Rank

SPN-FMI DTC Operation When Trouble A B C D E F
10003-2 P2146 Abnormal Injector No monitor input signal Vibration of the engine may ™
Common 1 Circuit of injectors 1, 4. be large, rough idle, output
power decrease may occur,
faulty increasing of rotation
speed may occur, the engine
may be stalled.
10004-2 P2149 Abnormal Injector No monitor input signal Vibration of the engine may ™
Common 2 Circuit of injectors 2, 3. be large, rough idle, output
power decrease may occur,
faulty increasing of rotation
speed may occur, the engine
may be stalled.
10005-2 P1261 Abnormal Charge Voltage at bank 1 of Vibration of the engine may ™
Circuit (Bank 1) charge circuit in ECM is be large, rough idle, output
low. power decrease may occur,
faulty increasing of rotation
speed may occur, the engine
may be stalled.
10006-2 P1262 Abnormal Charge Voltage at bank 2 of Vibration of the engine may ™
Circuit (Bank 2) charge circuit in ECM is be large, rough idle, output
low. power decrease may occur,
faulty increasing of rotation
speed may occur, the engine
may be stalled.

TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) T5-5-32
Group 5 Troubleshooting A

Fault Code Trouble Cause Symptoms in Operating Rank

SPN-FMI DTC Machine Operation A B C D E F
When Trouble Occurs
10007-2 P060A Abnormal CPU Monitor IC No change of RUN-SUB The output power ™
pulse in 20 msec. decreases.
10008-2 P060C Abnormal A/D Converter A/D conversion cannot be The output power ™
done. decreases, dark
smoke occurs.
10009-2 P06A8 Abnormal 5 V-Electric Voltage of 5 V power The output power ™
Power Circuit #3 source circuits 3 or 8 is over decreases.
5.5 or less than 4.5 V.
10010-2 P06A9 Abnormal 5 V-Electric Voltage of 5 V power The output power ™
Power Circuit #4 source circuits 4 or 9 is over decreases.
5.5 or less than 4.5 V
10011-2 P06D5 Abnormal 5 V-Electric Voltage of 5 V power The output power ™
Power Circuit #5 source circuits 5 or 10 is decreases.
over 5.5 or less than 4.5 V.
10012-2 P0560 Abnormal 12 V Circuit Voltage of 12 V power Nothing special. ™
source is over 19 V or less
than 7 V.
10013-2 P1621 Abnormal EEPROM Abnormal EEPROM is Nothing special. ™

TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) T5-5-33
Group 5 Troubleshooting A

Fault Code Trouble Cause Symptoms in Operating Rank

SPN-FMI DTC Machine Operation A B C D E F
When Trouble Occurs
10022-2 P0638 Abnormal Intake Throttle Difference between the The output power ™
Control Circuit target valve lift and actual
position is more than 40 %.
10022-3 P0123 Intake Throttle Position Voltage: more than 4.9 V. The output power ™
Sensor Circuit High Input decreases.
10022-4 P0122 Intake Throttle Position Voltage: less than 0.3 V. The output power ™
Sensor Circuit Low Input decreases.
10023-2 U0110 Abnormal CAN VNT Time- No message from turbo The output power ™
Out controller. decreases.
10023-12 P0045 Abnormal VNT Turbo The abnormal message The output power ™
from turbo controller. decreases.
10023-19 U0411 VNT Communication Error The abnormal The output power ™
communication message decreases.
from turbo controller has
been received.
10024-3 P042D DOC Inlet Exhaust Voltage: more than 4.9 V. Nothing special. ™
Temperature Sensor High
10024-4 P042C DOC Inlet Exhaust Voltage: less than 0.1 V. Nothing special. ™
Temperature Sensor Low (Exhaust temperature is
Input equivalent to 1000 °C.)
10025-5 P1669 Abnormal Manual The monitor signal from Nothing special. ™
Regeneration Switch manual regeneration
Lamp switch light is not present.
10029-0 P2458 Aftertreatment If regeneration of Nothing special. ™
Device Regeneration aftertreatment device
Overfrequent failed 3 times continuously.

TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) T5-5-34
Group 5 Troubleshooting A

Fault Code Trouble Cause Symptoms Operating Rank

SPN-FMI DTC in Machine A B C D E F
Operation When
Trouble Occurs
10032-2 P0602 QR Code Error QR code and Q adjust have Nothing special. ™
not been written.
10033-2 P0604 Abnormal RAM Abnormal RAM is detected. The engine cannot ™
10040-19 U0001 Abnormal ISO-CAN Bus The bus line OFF is detected. Nothing special. ™
10051-3 P1077 Inter Cooler Inlet Voltage: more than 4.9 V. Nothing special. ™
Temperature Sensor
Failure (High Input)
10051-4 P1076 Inter Cooler Inlet Voltage: less than 0.1 V. Nothing special. ™
Temperature Sensor
Failure (Low Input)
10053-3 P0546 EGR Cooler 1 Inlet Voltage: more than 4.9 V. Nothing special. ™
Temperature Sensor High
10053-4 P0545 EGR Cooler 1 Inlet Voltage: less than 0.1 V. Nothing special. ™
Temperature Sensor Low (Exhaust temperature is
Input equivalent to 800 °C.)
10014-3 P041D EGR Cooler 1 Outlet Voltage: more than 4.9 V. Nothing special. ™
Temperature Sensor High
10014-4 P041C EGR Cooler 1 Outlet Voltage: less than 0.1 V. Nothing special. ™
Temperature Sensor Low (Exhaust temperature is
Input equivalent to 250 °C.)

TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) T5-5-35
Group 5 Troubleshooting A

Fault Code Trouble Cause Symptoms in Machine Operating Rank

SPN-FMI DTC Operation When A B C D E F
Trouble Occurs
2791-2 P0401 EGR Flow Failure When changing the Engine power ™
opening amount of decreases.
EGR VALVE from 0 % (5 Engine speed
sec.) to 30 % (5 sec.), decreases.
the MAF flow rate does
not change.
5285-1 P1236 Decrease in Inter Cooler Temperature difference Nothing special. ™
Performance between intercooler
outlet and inlet is less
than the specification.
(Boost temperature
exceeds 80 °C.)
10054-17 P2457 Degradation of EGR Cooler Temperature difference Nothing special. ™
1 between EGR 1 outlet
and inlet is less than
the specification.
(EGR temperature
exceeds 200 °C.)
4332-12 P207F Abnormal DEF/AdBlue The error message from The output power ™
Quality DCU has been received. decreases.
10044-1 P20C9 Abnormal Urea SCR System The error message from The output power ™
(With Engine Output DCU has been received. decreases.
10043-2 P204F Abnormal Urea SCR System The error message from Nothing special. ™
(Without Engine Output DCU has been received.
10042-12 P2BAA Abnormal Urea SCR System The error message from The output power ™
(With Engine Output DCU has been received. decreases.

TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) T5-5-36
Group 5 Troubleshooting A

Fault Code Trouble Cause Symptoms in Machine Operating Rank

SPN-FMI DTC Operation When A B C D E F
Trouble Occurs
10045-2 P160B ADIC Failure Internal failure of AD-IC. The output power ™
10078-12 P160C ADIC 2 Failure Internal failure of AD-IC Nothing special. ™
10046-2 P1606 SWIC-1 Failure Internal failure of SW-IC. Nothing special. ™
10048-2 P1606 SWIC-1 Communication Communication failure Nothing special. ™
Failure to SW-IC.
10047-2 P1606 SWIC-2 Failure Internal failure of SW-IC. Nothing special. ™
10049-2 P1606 SWIC-2 Communication Communication failure Nothing special. ™
Failure with SW-IC
10050-2 P06AF INJ-IC Failure Internal failure of INJ-IC. The engine cannot ™
10082-2 P06AF INJ-IC Communication Communication failure Nothing special. ™
Failure to INJ-IC.
10083-2 P06AF INJ-IC Checksum Failure Checksum judgement of Nothing special. ™
INJ-IC is abnormal.
10041-2 U010E DCU Communication Error Communication from Engine power ™
DCU is impossible. decreases.
The error message from Engine speed
DCU has been received. decreases.

TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) T5-5-37
Group 5 Troubleshooting A

DCU Fault Code List

(Refer to the Engine Manual for DCU Fault Codes.)
Fault Code Trouble Cause Symptoms in Machine Operating Rank
SPN-FMI DTC Operation When A B C D E F
Trouble Occurs
10042-12 10500-12 - Abnormal Dosing Open circuit or short Engine power ™
Module (Open or Short circuit. decreases.
Circuit at Battery or GND Engine speed
Side) decreases.
P2048 Abnormal Dosing Open circuit or short Engine power ™
Module (Open or Short circuit to GND. decreases.
Circuit at GND Side) Engine speed
P2049 Abnormal Dosing Short circuit between Engine power ™
Module (Open or Short dosing module circuit decreases.
Circuit (Battery Side) and battery or ignition Engine speed
power source. decreases.
10501-12 P208E Abnormal Dosing Circuit current is lower Engine power ™
Module (Dosing Valve than the specified value decreases.
Stuck) and it continues for the Engine speed
specified time. decreases.
10507-12 - Abnormal Coolant Abnormal power circuit Engine power ™
Control Valve (Open or or control circuit. decreases.
Short Circuit at Battery Engine speed
or GND Side) decreases.
P20B4 Abnormal Coolant Short circuit between Engine power ™
Control Valve (Short control circuit and decreases.
Circuit (Battery Side) battery or ignition Engine speed
power source. decreases.
P20B3 Abnormal Coolant Short circuit between Engine power ™
Control Valve (Short control circuit and GND. decreases.
Circuit (GND Side)) Engine speed
P20B1 Abnormal Coolant Open circuit of control Engine power ™
Control Valve (Open circuit. decreases.
Circuit) Engine speed
Operating Rank
A: Digging is operable.
B: Machine can travel with the boom raised.
C: The engine only runs. (Only operation with light load is possible.)
D: The engine cannot stop/start.
E: Malfunction of urea SCR system (Engine output power and speed are restricted in a phased manner. Finally engine
output power and speed are set to operating rank (C).) * Malfunction of urea SCR system (first time): Engine output
power and speed are set to operating rank (C) after 3.5 hours, Malfunction of urea SCR system (second time): Engine
output power and speed are set to operating rank (C) after 0.5 hours.
F: Malfunction of EGR system (Engine output power and speed are restricted in a phased manner. Finally engine output
power and speed are set to operating rank (C).) * Malfunction of EGR system (first time): Engine output power and
speed are set to operating rank (C) after 100 hours, Malfunction of EGR system (second time): Engine output power and
speed are set to operating rank (C) after 5 hours.

TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) T5-5-38
Group 5 Troubleshooting A

Fault Code Trouble Cause Symptoms in Machine Operating Rank

SPN-FMI DTC Operation When A B C D E F
Trouble Occurs
10042-12 10508-12 - Abnormal DEF/ Short, open circuit or any Engine power ™
AdBlue Pump (Open abnormality of pump decreases.
or Short Circuit at control circuit. Engine speed
Battery or GND Side) decreases.
P208D Abnormal DEF/ Short circuit between Engine power ™
AdBlue Pump (Short pump control circuit and decreases.
Circuit at Battery battery or ignition power Engine speed
Side) source. decreases.
P208C Abnormal DEF/ Short circuit between Engine power ™
AdBlue Pump (Short pump control circuit and decreases.
Circuit at GND Side) GND. Engine speed
P208A Abnormal DEF/ Open circuit of pump Engine power ™
AdBlue Pump (Open control circuit. decreases.
Circuit) Engine speed
P20AC Abnormal DEF/ Do not receive the supply Engine power ™
AdBlue Supply module temperature decreases.
Module Temperature sensor signal or receive Engine speed
Sensor the abnormal signal. decreases.
10509-12 P208B Abnormal DEF/ Difference between actual Engine power ™
AdBlue Supply and target speed of DEF decreases.
Module (Comparison pump motor is larger than Engine speed
Error Between Target specified value. decreases.
Speed and Actual
10511-12 - DEF/AdBlue Pressure Voltage: over 4.75 V or less Engine power ™
Sensor Error (High or than 0.25 V. decreases.
Low Input) Engine speed
P204D Abnormal DEF/ Voltage: more than 4.75V Engine power ™
AdBlue Pressure or higher. decreases.
Sensor (High Input) Engine speed
P204C Abnormal DEF/ Voltage: less than 0.25V or Engine power ™
AdBlue Pressure lower. decreases.
Sensor (Low Input) Engine speed
10512-12 P204B DEF/AdBlue Pressure Pressure is less than -50 Engine power ™
Sensor Error kPa or over 50 kPa while decreases.
(Abnormal DEF/ stopping DEF pump. Engine speed
AdBlue Pressure after decreases.
Stopping DEF/AdBlue

TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) T5-5-39
Group 5 Troubleshooting A

Fault Code Trouble Cause Symptoms in Operating Rank

SPN-FMI DTC Machine Operation A B C D E F
When Trouble Occurs
10042-12 10514-12 - Abnormal DCU (DCU Faulty DCU Engine power ™
Internal Failure such as decreases.
EEPROM) Engine speed
P062F Abnormal DCU (DCU Faulty DCU Engine power ™
Internal Failure such as decreases.
EEPROM) Engine speed
P060B Abnormal DCU (DCU Faulty DCU Engine power ™
Internal Failure such as decreases.
EEPROM) Engine speed
P0641 Abnormal DCU (DCU DEF pressure sensor 5 Engine power ™
Internal Failure such as V power source circuit decreases.
EEPROM) voltage exceeds the Engine speed
specification. decreases.
P0607 Abnormal DCU (DCU Faulty DCU Engine power ™
Internal Failure such as decreases.
EEPROM) Engine speed
10515-12 P0658 Abnormal DCU (Short Voltage of the battery Engine power ™
Circuit of Supply voltage supply circuit is decreases.
Module (S/M) and low. Engine speed
Coolant Control Valve decreases.
P0659 Abnormal DCU (Short Voltage of the battery Engine power ™
Circuit of Supply voltage supply circuit is decreases.
Module (S/M) and high. Engine speed
Coolant Control Valve decreases.
P0641 Abnormal DCU (Short DEF pressure sensor 5 Engine power ™
Circuit of Supply V power source circuit decreases.
Module (S/M) and voltage exceeds the Engine speed
Coolant Control Valve specification. decreases.
10520-12 P20FE Abnormal DEF/AdBlue Pressure does not increase Engine power ™
Pressure (Low Pressure beyond 650 kPa for 250 decreases.
after Start-Up) seconds or longer with the Engine speed
start-up control. decreases.
10525-12 U0100 CAN Communication Communication to ECM is Engine power ™
Error (between DCU disconnected. decreases.
and ECM, ISO-CAN BUS Engine speed
Discontinuation) decreases.
U0002 CAN Communication CAN Bus message is not Engine power ™
Error (ISO-CAN Bus send to ECM. decreases.
Discontinuation) Engine speed
10526-12 P1462 CAN Communication CAN Bus message is not Engine power ™
Error (between DCU received from the DEF decreases.
and DEF/AdBlue Sensor sensor unit. Engine speed
Unit) decreases.

TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) T5-5-40
Group 5 Troubleshooting A

Fault Code Trouble Cause Symptoms in Machine Operating Rank

SPN-FMI DTC Operation When A B C D E F
Trouble Occurs
10042-12 10529-12 - Abnormal DEF/AdBlue Short or open circuit, Engine power ™
Sensor Unit (Abnormal or internal malfunction decreases.
DEF/AdBlue Quality of DEF quality sensor Engine speed
Sensor (Open or Short circuit. decreases.
P206D Abnormal DEF/AdBlue Open circuit of DEF Engine power ™
Sensor Unit (Abnormal quality sensor circuit. decreases.
DEF/AdBlue Quality Engine speed
Sensor (Open Circuit)) decreases.
P206C Abnormal DEF/AdBlue Short circuit of DEF Engine power ™
Sensor Unit (Abnormal quality sensor circuit. decreases.
DEF/AdBlue Quality Engine speed
Sensor (Short Circuit)) decreases.
P206A DEF/AdBlue Quality Internal malfunction of Engine power ™
Sensor Reset Error DEF quality sensor. decreases.
Engine speed
10530-12 P20E9 Abnormal DEF/AdBlue Pressure: 1050 kPa or Engine power ™
Pressure (High Pressure more. decreases.
Error 1050 kPa) Engine speed
10532-12 - Abnormal DEF/AdBlue Signal voltage is Engine power ™
Sensor Unit (Abnormal abnormal. decreases.
DEF/AdBlue Tank Engine speed
Temperature Sensor decreases.
(Open or Short Circuit))
P205D Abnormal DEF/AdBlue Signal voltage is high. Engine power ™
Sensor Unit (Abnormal decreases.
DEF/AdBlue Tank Engine speed
Temperature Sensor decreases.
(Open Circuit))
P205C Abnormal DEF/AdBlue Signal voltage is low. Engine power ™
Sensor Unit (Abnormal decreases.
DEF/AdBlue Tank Engine speed
Temperature Sensor decreases.
(Short Circuit))
10533-12 P20E8 Abnormal DEF/AdBlue Pressure: 650 kPa or less. Engine power ™
Pressure (Low Pressure decreases.
in Normal Condition) Engine speed
10536-12 P20A2 Abnormal Reverting Short circuit between Engine power ™
Valve (Short Circuit at control circuit and GND. decreases.
GND Side) Engine speed

TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) T5-5-41
Group 5 Troubleshooting A

Fault Code Trouble Cause Symptoms in Machine Operating Rank

SPN-FMI DTC Operation When A B C D E F
Trouble Occurs
10044-1 10502-12 - SCR Exhaust Voltage: 4.6 V or higher, or Engine power ™
Temperature Sensor 0.2 V or lower. decreases.
Error (High or Low Engine speed
Input) decreases.
P242D SCR Exhaust Voltage: 4.6V or more. Engine power ™
Temperature Sensor decreases.
Error (High Input) Engine speed
P242C SCR Exhaust Voltage: 0.2V or less. Engine power ™
Temperature Sensor decreases.
Error (Low Input) Engine speed
10503-12 P242B SCR Exhaust The state that SCR exhaust Engine power ™
Temperature Sensor gas temperature is higher decreases.
Error (Properness than DOC outlet exhaust Engine speed
Diagnostic Error) temperature beyond the decreases.
specified value for the
specified time.
10504-12 - Upstream NOx Sensor Abnormal NOx sensor Engine power ™
Error (Open or Short circuit. decreases.
Circuit) Engine speed
P2207 Upstream NOx Sensor Short circuit in NOx sensor Engine power ™
Error (Short Circuit) circuit. decreases.
Engine speed
P2206 Upstream NOx Sensor Open circuit in NOx sensor Engine power ™
Error (Open Circuit) circuit. decreases.
Engine speed
10505-12 P2201 NOx Sensor Error NOx concentration data is Engine power ™
(Properness Diagnostic extremely low or high. decreases.
Error) Engine speed
10513-12 P20AC Abnormal DEF/ Input signal is not exist. Engine power ™
AdBlue Supply Module decreases.
(Abnormal Temperature Engine speed
Sensor Signal or decreases.
Communication Error)
10522-12 P203B DEF/AdBlue Tank Level Change of DEF tank level Engine power ™
Sensor Error (Level is smaller than estimated decreases.
Sensor Stuck) DEF consumption. Engine speed
10524-12 U029D CAN Communication Data sent from Upstream Engine power ™
Error (between DCU NOx sensor can not be decreases.
and Upstream NOx received. Engine speed
Sensor) decreases.

TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) T5-5-42
Group 5 Troubleshooting A

Fault Code Trouble Cause Symptoms in Machine Operating Rank

SPN-FMI DTC Operation When A B C D E F
Trouble Occurs
10044-1 10527-12 - CAN Communication Abnormality in CAN Engine power ™
Error (J1939 CAN BUS communication. decreases.
Discontinuation) Engine speed
U029D CAN Communication CAN Bus message can Engine power ™
Error (J1939 CAN BUS not be recieved from NOx decreases.
Discontinuation) sensor. Engine speed
10531-12 - Abnormal DEF/ Signal voltage is abnormal. Engine power ™
AdBlue Sensor Unit decreases.
(Abnormal DEF/ Engine speed
AdBlue Tank Level decreases.
Sensor (Open or Short
P203D Abnormal DEF/ Signal voltage is high. Engine power ™
AdBlue Sensor Unit decreases.
(Abnormal DEF/ Engine speed
AdBlue Tank Level decreases.
Sensor (Open Circuit)
P203C Abnormal DEF/ Signal voltage is low. Engine power ™
AdBlue Sensor Unit decreases.
(Abnormal DEF/ Engine speed
AdBlue Tank Level decreases.
Sensor (Short Circuit))
10540-12 - Downstream NOx Abnormal Downstream Engine power ™
Sensor Error (Open or NOx sensor circuit. decreases.
Short Circuit) Engine speed
P2211 Downstream NOx Short circuit in Downstream Engine power ™
Sensor Error (Short NOx sensor circuit. decreases.
Circuit) Engine speed
P2210 Downstream NOx Open circuit in Downstream Engine power ™
Sensor Error (Open) NOx sensor circuit. decreases.
Engine speed
10541-12 U029E CAN Communication Data sent from Engine power ™
Error (between DCU Downstream NOx sensor decreases.
and Downstream NOx can not be received. Engine speed
Sensor) decreases.
10542-12 P2000 NOx Purification Rate NOx Purification is Engine power ™
Error abnormal. decreases.
Engine speed
4332-12 10523-12 P207F Abnormal DEF/ DEF concentration value is Engine power ™
AdBlue Quality low. decreases.
(Concentration Engine speed
Reduction) decreases.

TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) T5-5-43
Group 5 Troubleshooting A

Fault Code Trouble Cause Symptoms in Machine Operating Rank

SPN-FMI DTC Operation When A B C D E F
Trouble Occurs
10043-2 10510-12 P20A3 Abnormal Reverting Short circuit between Nothing special. ™
Valve (Short Circuit at control circuit and battery
Battery Side) or ignition power source.
P20A0 Abnormal Reverting Open circuit in reverting Nothing special. ™
Valve (Open Circuit) valve control circuit.
10521-12 P149D Abnormal DEF/AdBlue Temperature exceeds 70 Nothing special. ™
Tank Temperature (High) °C
10528-12 P1464 Abnormal DCU (Main Main relay state is not the Nothing special. ™
Relay Stuck) directed state.
- 10506-12 P205B Abnormal DEF/AdBlue DEF temperature is Nothing special. ™
Tank Temperature extremely low or high
(Properness Diagnostic while comparing with the
Error of DEF/AdBlue intake air temperature.
Tank and Inlet Air
10516-12 P20AD DEF/AdBlue Supply Temperature in the Nothing special. ™
Module Temperature supply module does not
Sensor Error (Properness rise within the specified
Diagnostic Error) period of time while
coolant control valve is
10517-12 P1493 Abnormal DCU Abnormal high Nothing special. ™
(Abnormal DCU Internal temperature of internal
Circuit Temperature) actuator driving circuit.
P1468 Abnormal DCU Abnormal high Nothing special. ™
(Abnormal DCU Internal temperature inside of
Circuit Temperature) DCU.
10518-12 P1491 Abnormal DEF/AdBlue Pressure: 1250 kPa or Nothing special. ™
Pressure (High Pressure higher.
Error 1250 kPa)
10519-12 P149C Abnormal DEF/AdBlue DEF pressure does not Nothing special. ™
Pressure (Abnormal decrease 40 kPa or lower
Remaining Pressure within the specified
after Key Switch OFF) period of time at DEF
pressure decreace control.
10534-12 P1464 Abnormal DCU (After Main relay is turned OFF Nothing special. ™
Run Non-Completion while operating DCU, or
(DCU Failure or DCU main relay is stuck to ON
Power OFF before after the after-run control.
Completion of After
P20EA Abnormal DCU (After DEF pressure does not Nothing special. ™
Run Non-Completion decrease the specified
(DCU Failure or DCU pressure or lower within
Power OFF before the specified period of
Completion of After time at DEF pressure
Run)) decreace control.
10535-12 P206B DEF/AdBlue Sensor Unit Controller temperature is Nothing special. ™
Error (Controller High high.

TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) T5-5-44
Group 5 Troubleshooting A

Monitor Controller (Monitor) Fault Code List

Fault Code Trouble Cause Remedy

13002-2 (Monitor Controller) Faulty monitor controller Check the CAN0 harness.
Engine Controller Faulty CAN0 harness Replace the monitor controller.
13003-2 (Monitor Controller) Faulty monitor controller Check the CAN0 harness.
Main Controller Faulty CAN0 harness Replace the monitor controller.
Error 1
13004-2 (Monitor Controller) Faulty monitor controller Check the CAN1 harness.
Main Controller Faulty CAN1 harness Replace the monitor controller.
Error 2
13005-2 (Monitor Controller) Faulty monitor controller Check the CAN0 harness.
ICF Communication Faulty CAN0 harness Replace the monitor controller.
Error 1
13006-2 (Monitor Controller) Faulty monitor controller Check the CAN1 harness.
ICF Communication Faulty CAN1 harness Replace the monitor controller.
Error 2
13007-2 (Monitor Controller) Faulty monitor controller Check the CAN1 harness.
Body Controller Faulty CAN1 harness Replace the monitor controller.
20113-2 System Failure Faulty CAN communication line. Check the CAN harness.

TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) T5-5-45
Group 5 Troubleshooting A

Monitor Controller (Information) Fault Code List

Fault Code Trouble Cause Remedy

14001-2 ICF: Flash Memory: The internal After initializing the monitor controller (information) by
Read/Write Error memory of monitor
using MPDr., retry the troubleshooting. If the fault code is
controller is displayed after retry, the monitor controller may be broken.
abnormal. Replace the monitor controller.
When initializing the monitor controller (information), all
stored data is deleted.
14002-2 ICF: External RAM: The internal After initializing the monitor controller (information) by
Read/Write Error memory of monitor using MPDr., retry the troubleshooting. If the fault code is
controller is displayed after retry, the monitor controller may be broken.
abnormal. Replace the monitor controller.
When initializing the monitor controller (information), all
stored data is deleted.
14003-2 Abnormal EEPROM The internal Retry the troubleshooting by using MPDr.. If the fault code
memory of monitor is displayed after retry, the monitor controller may be
controller is broken. Replace the monitor controller.
14006-2 ICF: Communication Communication Check the communication line, power line, and fuses for
Terminal: error with communication terminal. Then, retry the troubleshooting
Communication communication by using MPDr.. If the fault code is displayed after retry, the
Error equipment communication equipment may be broken. Replace the
communication equipment.
14008-2 ICF: Abnormal The internal Retry the troubleshooting by using MPDr.. If the fault code
Internal RAM memory of monitor is displayed after retry, the monitor controller may be
controller is broken. Replace the monitor controller.
14021-2 Communication Security failure Check the communication line for communication terminal.
Terminal Security of mobile Check the GPS antenna. In case the communication
Error communication equipment has been replaced, it may be judged faulty.
equipment After disabling the checking function for mobile phone
number by MPDr. (security), enable it again. Retry the
troubleshooting by using MPDr. after turning OFF the
key switch. If the fault code is displayed after retry, the
communication equipment may be broken. Replace the
communication equipment.
14022-2 SIM Card Error Abnormal SIM Retry the troubleshooting by using MPDr.. If the fault code
card in mobile is displayed after retry, the communication equipment may
communication be broken. Replace the communication equipment.
14023-2 Security Error Communication Check the CAN1 harness. Retry the troubleshooting by
error with MC using MPDr.. If the fault code is displayed after retry, MC
may be broken. Replace MC.

TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) T5-5-46
Group 5 Troubleshooting A

Fault Code Trouble Cause Symptoms in Machine Remedy

Operation When
Trouble Occurs
13303-2 Abnormal Thermistor Thermistor The screen of the Cool the monitor
Temperature (Monitor temperature: 85 °C or monitor becomes and so on until the
Inside Temperature) more dark. temperature inside the
monitor is less than
85 °C.
Replace the monitor.
13304-2 Abnormal REG Input Alternator generating The alternator alarm Check the wire
H Level voltage: 33.5 V or more is displayed on the harness.
monitor. Check the battery.
Check the alternator.
13310-3 Coolant Temperature 50 Ω or less continues The coolant Check the wire
Sensor Short Circuit for 60 seconds. temperature gauge harness.
(pointer) on the Replace the coolant
monitor disappears. temperature sensor.
The logo becomes to
13311-3 Fuel Level Sensor 1.14±1 Ω or less The fuel gauge Check the wire
Circuit High Input continues for 60 (pointer) on the harness.
seconds. monitor disappears. Replace the fuel
The logo becomes to sensor.
13311-4 Fuel Level Sensor 500±20 Ω or more The fuel gauge Check the wire
Circuit Low Input continues for 60 (pointer) on the harness.
seconds. monitor disappears. Replace the fuel
The logo becomes to sensor.

TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) T5-5-47
Group 5 Troubleshooting A

Fault Code Trouble Cause Remedy

20100-2 Overheat Alarm Coolant temperature is high while Check the wire harness.
the engine runs. Replace the overheat switch.
20101-2 Engine Warning Faulty engine system. Refer to Engine Troubleshooting Manual.
20102-2 Engine Oil Pressure Engine oil pressure decreases. Check the wire harness.
Alarm Replace the engine oil pressure sensor.
20105-2 Hydraulic Oil Filter Clogged hydraulic oil filter. Check the wire harness.
Restriction Alarm Open circuit in wire harness. Replace the hydraulic oil filter restriction
20106-2 Air Cleaner Clogged air cleaner. Check the wire harness.
Restriction Alarm Replace the air cleaner restriction switch.
20107-2 Water Separator The water separator is full. Check the wire harness.
Alarm Replace the water separator alarm switch.
20109-2 Pilot Control Shut- Faulty pilot shut-off switch. Check the wire harness.
Off Lever Alarm Replace the pilot shut-off switch.
20110-2 Fuel Filter Clogged fuel filter. Check the wire harness.
Restriction Alarm Replace the fuel filter restriction switch.
20114-2 Overheat Alarm Coolant temperature is high Check the wire harness.
(Immediately after within ten seconds after the Replace the overheat switch.
the key is turned engine starts.
20141-2 Exhaust Exhaust temperature is high. Check the wire harness.
Temperature Alarm Replace the exhaust temperature sensor.
20142-2 Intake Air Intake air temperature increases. Check the wire harness.
Temperature Alarm Replace the intake-air temperature sensor.
20145-2 Boost Temperature Boost temperature increases. Check the wire harness.
Increase Alarm Replace the boost temperature sensor.
20146-2 Fuel Temperature Fuel temperature increases. Check the wire harness.
Increase Alarm Replace the fuel temperature sensor.
20149-2 EGR Gas EGR gas temperature increases. Check the wire harness.
Temperature Alarm Replace the intake manifold temperature

TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) T5-5-48
Group 5 Troubleshooting A

Air Conditioner Controller Fault Code List

Fault Code Trouble Cause Symptoms in Machine Remedy

Operation When Trouble
11 Open circuit in Voltage: more than Operation is controlled Check the wire harness.
re-circulated air 4.95 V under such circumstance Replace the re-circulated
temperature sensor as no re-circulated air air temperature sensor.
temperature sensor is
12 Short circuit in Voltage: less than 0.3 V Operation is controlled Check the wire harness.
re-circulated air under such circumstance Replace the re-circulated
temperature sensor as no re-circulated air air temperature sensor.
temperature sensor is
13 Open circuit in Voltage: more than Operation is controlled Check the wire harness.
ambient temperature 4.88 V under such circumstance Replace the ambient
sensor as no ambient temperature temperature sensor.
sensor is provided.
14 Short circuit in Voltage: less than Operation is controlled Check the wire harness.
ambient temperature 0.096 V under such circumstance Replace the ambient
sensor as no ambient temperature temperature sensor.
sensor is provided.
18 Short circuit in solar Voltage: more than Operation is controlled Check the wire harness.
radiation sensor 5.04 V under such circumstance as Replace the solar
no solar radiation sensor is radiation sensor.
21 Open circuit in frost Voltage: more than The compressor clutch Check the wire harness.
sensor 4.79 V is disengaged. (The Replace the frost sensor.
compressor stops.)
22 Short circuit in frost Voltage: less than The compressor clutch Check the wire harness.
sensor 0.096 V is disengaged. (The Replace the frost sensor.
compressor stops.)
43 Abnormal air vent Short circuit: Voltage: Air vent damper servo Check the wire harness.
damper servo motor 0V motor becomes inoperable. Replace the air vent
Open circuit: Voltage: damper servo motor.
more than 5 V
44 Abnormal air mix Short circuit: Voltage: Air mix damper servo motor Check the wire harness.
damper servo motor less than 0.2 V becomes inoperable. Replace the air mix
Open circuit: Voltage: damper servo motor.
more than 4.8 V
51 Abnormal high/low Voltage: 0 V The compressor clutch Check the wire harness.
refrigerant pressure is disengaged. (The Replace the high/low
compressor stops.) pressure switch.
91 CAN communication Faulty CAN1 harness Air conditioner stops. Check the CAN1 harness.
error between monitor Replace the air
controller and air conditioner controller.
conditioner controller.
92 CAN bus off error Faulty air conditioner Air conditioner stops. Check the CAN1 harness.
controller. Replace the air
Faulty CAN1 harness. conditioner controller.

TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) T5-5-49
Group 5 Troubleshooting A

Communication Terminal Fault Code List

Fault Code Trouble Cause Remedy

14100-2 Communication Terminal: The internal memory of satellite Replace the controller (satellite
Abnormal EEPROM communication terminal communication terminal).
(optional) is abnormal.
14101-2 Communication Terminal: The internal memory of satellite Replace the controller (satellite
Abnormal IB/OB Queue communication terminal communication terminal).
(optional) is abnormal.
14102-2 Communication Terminal: The results of communication test Check the communication
Abnormal Local Loop Back with the satellite is abnormal. antenna for satellite.
14103-2 Communication Terminal: No Satellite can not be caught. Check the communication
Satellite Found antenna for satellite.
14104-2 Communication Terminal: The results of communication test Replace the controller (satellite
Remote Loop Back Error 1 with the satellite and base station communication terminal).
are abnormal.
14105-2 Communication Terminal: The results of communication test Replace the controller (satellite
Remote Loop Back Error 2 with the satellite and base station communication terminal).
are abnormal.
14106-2 Communication Terminal: Transmission/receiving data with Replace the controller (satellite
Transmission/Receiving Data the satellite is unmatched. communication terminal).
14107-2 Communication Terminal: Abnormal mobile communication Replace the controller (mobile
Abnormal GSM Module equipment. communication terminal).

fNOTE: Fault codes 14100-2 to 14106-2 are for satellite

communication terminal. Fault code 14107-2 is for
mobile communication terminal.

TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) T5-5-50
Group 5 Troubleshooting A

MC Fault Codes 11000 to 11002

Fault Code Trouble Cause

11000-2 Abnormal EEPROM Faulty MC.
11001-2 Abnormal RAM Faulty MC.
11002-2 Abnormal A/D Converter Faulty MC.

fNOTE: When the engine and the machine is operated

normally with the fault code displayed after retrial, the
machine can be operated as it is.

TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) T5-5-51
Group 5 Troubleshooting A

MC Fault Code 11003

IMPORTANT: When fault code 11003-3 (Abnormal
Sensor Voltage) is displayed with other fault code,
diagnose on fault code 11003-3 first.

Fault Code Trouble Procedure Inspection Method Evaluation Cause

11003-3 Abnormal 1 Disconnect connectors from all Un-displayed fault YES: Faulty sensor.
Sensor sensors and switch panel. Retry the codes 11003-3
Voltage troubleshooting by using MPDr.. NO: Go to
Procedure No. 2.
2 Check short circuit in wire harness 0Ω YES: Short circuit
between sensor harness end #1 and in wire harness
#3. between #1 and #3.
NO: Faulty MC.


14 3
11 7


9 TDC1-05-05-001

1- MC 7- Pressure Sensor (Bucket Roll- 11- Pump 2 Delivery Pressure 14- Pump 3 Control Pressure
2- Pressure Sensor (Boom Raise) In) Sensor Sensor
3- Pressure Sensor (Arm Roll-In) 9- Pump 1 Delivery Pressure 12- Pump 2 Control Pressure 15- Pressure Sensor (Bucket Roll-
4- Pressure Sensor (Front Sensor Sensor Out)
Attachment) 10- Pump 1 Control Pressure 13- Pump 3 Delivery Pressure 16- Pressure Sensor (Arm Roll-Out)
5- Pressure Sensor (Swing) Sensor Sensor
6- Pressure Sensor (Travel)

TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) T5-5-52
Group 5 Troubleshooting A

Connector (Wire harness end)

 Pressure Sensor (Boom Raise)
 Pressure Sensor (Arm Roll-In)
 Pressure Sensor (Arm Roll-Out)
 Pressure Sensor (Bucket Roll-In)
 Pressure Sensor (Bucket Roll-Out)
 Pressure Sensor (Swing)
 Pressure Sensor (Travel)
 Pressure Sensor (Front Attachment)
 Pressure Sensor (Auxiliary 1) (Optional)
 Pressure Sensor (Auxiliary 2) (Optional)
 Pump 1 Control Pressure Sensor
 Pump 2 Control Pressure Sensor
 Pump 3 Control Pressure Sensor


 Pump 1 Delivery Pressure Sensor

 Pump 2 Delivery Pressure Sensor
 Pump 3 Delivery Pressure Sensor


 Switch Panel
(Engine Control Dial)


TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) T5-5-53
Group 5 Troubleshooting A


TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) T5-5-54
Group 5 Troubleshooting A

MC Fault Codes 11006, 11007,11009

Monitor Controller (Monitor) Fault Codes
13002, 13003, 13005
 Check the wiring connections first.
 Check the CAN0 harness between the controllers.
(Refer to CAN0 Harness Check.)

Fault Code Trouble Inspection Method Cause

11006-2 (MC) EC Continuity check (open circuit) Open circuit in wire
Communication harness.
Error Discontinuity check Short circuit in wire
11007-2 (MC) IC Continuity check (open circuit) Open circuit in wire
Communication harness.
Error 1 Discontinuity check Short circuit in wire
11009-2 (MC) Monitor Continuity check (open circuit) Open circuit in wire
Controller harness.
Communication Discontinuity check Short circuit in wire
Error 1 harness.
13002-2 (Monitor Controller) Continuity check (open circuit) Open circuit in wire
Engine Controller harness.
Communication Discontinuity check Short circuit in wire
Error harness.
13003-2 (Monitor Controller) Continuity check (open circuit) Open circuit in wire
Main Controller harness.
Communication Discontinuity check Short circuit in wire
Error 1 harness.
13005-2 (Monitor Controller) Continuity check (open circuit) Open circuit in wire
ICF Communication harness.
Error 1 Discontinuity check Short circuit in wire

fNOTE: IC and ICF are the Information Control Unit of Monitor Controller.

TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) T5-5-55
Group 5 Troubleshooting A

CAN0 Harness Check

 Before continuity check, set the key switch to the OFF position.


Continuity (0 Ω) Discontinuity (∞ Ω)
Continuity check Correct Incorrect (Open
(open circuit) circuit)
Discontinuity check Incorrect (Short Correct

Inspection CAN Harness MC ECM Monitor Controller

Continuity check High side #D2 #V60 #A24
between MC and Low side #D3 #V77 #A23
each controller
Discontinuity High side #D2-#E1 #V60-#V2 #A24-#A22
check between #D2-#E2 #V60-#V4 #A24-#B35
CAN circuit and #D2-#F4 #V60-#V6 #A24-#B36
ground circuit in
#D2-#F5 #V60-#V41 -
each controller
#D2-#F6 #V60-#V42 -
- #V60-#V75 -
Low side #D3-#E1 #V77-#V2 #A23-#A22
#D3-#E2 #V77-#V4 #A23-#B35
#D3-#F4 #V77-#V6 #A23-#B36
#D3-#F5 #V77-#V41 -
#D3-#F6 #V77-#V42 -
- #V77-#V75 -

TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) T5-5-56
Group 5 Troubleshooting A

Inspection CAN Harness MC ECM Monitor Controller

Discontinuity High side #D2-#E5 #V60-#V1 #A24-#B17
check between #D2-#E6 #V60-#V3 #A24-#B18
CAN circuit and #D2-#F1 #V60-#V5 -
power circuit in
#D2-#F2 - -
each controller
#D2-#F3 - -
Low side #D3-#E5 #V77-#V1 #A23-#B17
#D3-#E6 #V77-#V3 #A23-#B18
#D3-#F1 #V77-#V5 -
#D3-#F2 - -
#D3-#F3 - -
Discontinuity High side #D2-#E4 #V60-#V76 #A24-#A16
check between
CAN circuit and
Low side #D3-#E4 #V77-#V76 #A23-#A16
key signal circuit
in each controller
Discontinuity - #D2-#D3 #V60-#V77 #A24-#A23
check between
CAN (High side)
circuit and CAN
(Low side) circuit
in each controller

TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) T5-5-57
Group 5 Troubleshooting A

Connector (Wire harness end)

 MC-D Connector  Monitor Controller-A Connector


 MC-E Connector  Monitor Controller-B Connector

TDC1-05-05-006 TDC1-05-05-012

 MC-F Connector


 ECM-2 Connector


TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) T5-5-58
Group 5 Troubleshooting A


TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) T5-5-59
Group 5 Troubleshooting A

ISO-CAN (Engine) Harness Check

 Before continuity check, set the key switch to the OFF position.


Continuity (0 Ω) Discontinuity (∞ Ω)
Continuity check Correct Incorrect (Open
(open circuit) circuit)
Discontinuity check Incorrect (Short Correct

Inspection CAN Harness ECM VGS DCU

Continuity check between ECM High side #V64 #15 #211
and each controller Low side #V81 #16 #212
Discontinuity check between CAN High side #V64-#V2 #15-#14 #211-#201
circuit and ground circuit in each #V64-#V4 - #211-#202
controller #V64-#V6 - #211-#203
#V64-#V41 - #211-#204
#V64-#V42 - #211-#205
#V64-#V75 - -
Low side #V81-#V2 #16-#14 #212-#201
#V81-#V4 - #212-#202
#V81-#V6 - #212-#203
#V81-#V41 - #212-#204
#V81-#V42 - #212-#205
#V81-#V75 - -

TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) T5-5-60
Group 5 Troubleshooting A

Inspection CAN Harness ECM VGS DCU

Discontinuity check between CAN High side #V64-#V1 #15-#13 #211-#206
circuit and power circuit in each #V64-#V3 - #211-#207
controller #V64-#V5 - #211-#208
- - #211-#209
Low side #V81-#V1 #16-#13 #212-#206
#V81-#V3 - #212-#207
#V81-#V5 - #212-#208
- - #212-#209
Discontinuity check between CAN High side #V64-#V76 - #211-#252
circuit and key signal circuit in Low side #V81-#V76 - #212-#252
each controller
Discontinuity check between CAN - #V64-#V81 #15-#16 #211-#212
(High side) circuit and CAN (Low
side) circuit in each controller

Connector (Wire harness end)

 ECM-2 Connector


 VGS Connector


 DCU-2 Connector


TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) T5-5-61
Group 5 Troubleshooting A


TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) T5-5-62
Group 5 Troubleshooting A

MC Fault Codes 11008, 11010

Monitor Controller (Monitor) Fault Codes
13004, 13006, 13007
 Check the wiring connections first.
 Check the CAN1 harness between the controllers.
(Refer to CAN1 Harness Check.)

Fault Code Trouble Inspection Method Cause

11008-2 (MC) IC Continuity check (open circuit) Open circuit in wire
Communication harness.
Error 2 Discontinuity check Short circuit in wire
11010-2 (MC) Monitor Continuity check (open circuit) Open circuit in wire
Controller harness.
Communication Discontinuity check Short circuit in wire
Error 2 harness.
13004-2 (Monitor Controller) Continuity check (open circuit) Open circuit in wire
Main Controller harness.
Communication Discontinuity check Short circuit in wire
Error 2 harness.
13006-2 (Monitor Controller) Continuity check (open circuit) Open circuit in wire
ICF Communication harness.
Error 2 Discontinuity check Short circuit in wire
13007-2 (Monitor Controller) Continuity check (open circuit) Open circuit in wire
Body Controller harness.
Communication Discontinuity check Short circuit in wire
Error harness.

fNOTE: IC and ICF are the Information Control Unit of Monitor Controller.

TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) T5-5-63
Group 5 Troubleshooting A

CAN1 Harness Check

 Before continuity check, set the key switch to the OFF position.


Continuity (0 Ω) Discontinuity (∞ Ω)
Continuity check Correct Incorrect (Open
(open circuit) circuit)
Discontinuity check Incorrect (Short Correct

Inspection CAN Harness MC Monitor Wiper/ Radio A/C

Controller Light
Continuity check High side #D4 #A26 #B1 #4 #9(A/C2)
between MC and Low side #D5 #A25 #B11 #12 #10(A/C2)
each controller
Discontinuity check High side #D4-#E1 #A26-#A22 #B1-#A8 #4-#15 #9(A/C2)-#1(A/C1)
between CAN circuit #D4-#E2 #A26-#B35 - - -
and ground circuit in #D4-#F4 #A26-#B36 - - -
each controller
#D4-#F5 - - - -
#D4-#F6 - - - -
Low side #D5-#E1 #A25-#A22 #B11-#A8 #12-#15 #10(A/C2)-#1(A/C1)
#D5-#E2 #A25-#B35 - - -
#D5-#F4 #A25-#B36 - - -
#D5-#F5 - - - -
#D5-#F6 - - - -

TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) T5-5-64
Group 5 Troubleshooting A

Inspection CAN Harness MC Monitor Wiper/ Radio A/C

Controller Light
Discontinuity check High side #D4-#E5 #A26-#B17 #B1-#A4 #4-#8 #9(A/C2)-#2(A/C1)
between CAN circuit #D4-#E6 #A26-#B18 - - #9(A/C2)-#3(A/C1)
and power circuit in #D4-#F1 - - - -
each controller
#D4-#F2 - - - -
#D4-#F3 - - - -
Low side #D5-#E5 #A25-#B17 #B11-#A4 #12-#8 #10(A/C2)-#2(A/C1)
#D5-#E6 #A25-#B18 - - #10(A/C2)-#3(A/C1)
#D5-#F1 - - - -
#D5-#F2 - - - -
#D5-#F3 - - - -
Discontinuity check High side #D4-#E4 #A26-#A16 #B1-#B19 #4-#16 #9(A/C2)-#4(A/C1)
between CAN circuit
and key signal circuit Low side #D5-#E4 #A25-#A16 #B11-#B19 #12-#16 #10(A/C2)-#4(A/C1)
in each controller

Discontinuity check - #D4-#D5 #A26-#A25 #B1-#B11 #4-#12 #9(A/C2)-#10(A/C2)

between CAN (High
side) circuit and CAN
(Low side) circuit in
each controller

TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) T5-5-65
Group 5 Troubleshooting A

Connector (Wire harness end)

 MC-D Connector  Wiper/Light Controller-A Connector


 MC-E Connector  Wiper/Light Controller-B Connector


 MC-F Connector  Radio Connector


 Monitor Controller-A Connector  A/C1 Connector

TDC1-05-05-011 TDC1-05-05-008

 Monitor Controller-B Connector  A/C2 Connector


TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) T5-5-66
Group 5 Troubleshooting A

MC Fault Code 11100

 Check the wiring connections first.
 The actual engine speed which ECM sends by using
the CAN bus line is abnormal.
Diagnose ECM.

Fault Code Trouble Cause

11100-2 Abnormal Engine Speed Engine speed: 4000 min-1 or more

TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) T5-5-67
Group 5 Troubleshooting A

MC Fault Code 11101

 Check the wiring connections first.

Fault Code Trouble Procedure Inspection Method Evaluation Cause

11101-3 Abnormal Engine 1 Measure resistance 0Ω YES: Faulty engine control
Control Angle between switch panel dial
Sensor High Input end #4 and #5.
NO: Short circuit in wire
harness #4 and #5
11101-4 Abnormal Engine 1 Measure resistance ∞Ω YES: Faulty engine control
Control Angle between switch panel dial
Sensor Low Input end #4 and #5.
NO: Go to Procedure No. 2
2 Measure voltage 0V YES: Open circuit in wire
between switch panel harness #4
harness end #4 and NO: Go to Procedure No. 3
the body.
3 Measure voltage 0V YES: Open circuit in wire
between switch panel harness #6
harness end #4 and #6. NO: Open circuit in wire
harness #5
Connector (Wire harness end)
 Switch Panel
(Engine Control Dial)


TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) T5-5-68
Group 5 Troubleshooting A

MC Fault Codes 11200 to 11202

 Check the wiring connections first.
 Connect the test harness (ST  6701) and dummy
sensor equivalent to #4436271.
 Before inspection, set the key switch to the ON

Fault Code Trouble Procedure Inspection Method Evaluation Cause

11200-3 Pump 1 Delivery 1 Measure voltage Voltage: more than YES: Short circuit in wire
Pressure Sensor between B and the 4.5 V harness #2 and #3.
Circuit High Input body. NO: Go to Procedure No. 2.
2 Measure voltage 0V YES: Open circuit in wire
between C and A harness #1.
(GND). NO: Faulty sensor.
11200-4 Pump 1 Delivery 1 Retry by using Un-displayed fault YES: Faulty sensor.
Pressure Sensor MPDr.. code NO: Go to Procedure No. 2.
Circuit Low Input 2 Measure voltage 0V YES: Open circuit in wire
between C and the harness #3.
body. NO: Open circuit in wire
harness #2.
11202-3 Pump 2 Delivery 1 Measure voltage Voltage: more than YES: Short circuit in wire
Pressure Sensor between B and the 4.5 V harness #2 and #3.
Circuit High Input body. NO: Go to Procedure No. 2.
2 Measure voltage 0V YES: Open circuit in wire
between C and A harness #1.
(GND). NO: Faulty sensor.
11202-4 Pump 2 Delivery 1 Retry by using Un-displayed fault YES: Faulty sensor.
Pressure Sensor MPDr.. code NO: Go to Procedure No. 2.
Circuit Low Input 2 Measure voltage 0V YES: Open circuit in wire
between C and the harness #3.
body. NO: Open circuit in wire
harness #2.



TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) T5-5-69
Group 5 Troubleshooting A

MC Fault Code 11203

 Check the wiring connections first.
 Connect the test harness (ST  6701) and dummy
sensor equivalent to #4436271.
 Before inspection, set the key switch to the ON

Fault Code Trouble Procedure Inspection Method Evaluation Cause

11203-3 Pump 3 Delivery 1 Measure voltage Voltage: more than YES: Short circuit in wire
Pressure Sensor between B and the 4.5 V harness #2 and #3.
Circuit High Input body. NO: Go to Procedure No. 2.
2 Measure voltage 0V YES: Open circuit in wire
between C and A harness #1.
(GND). NO: Faulty sensor.
11203-4 Pump 3 Delivery 1 Retry by using MPDr.. Un-displayed fault YES: Faulty sensor.
Pressure Sensor code NO: Go to Procedure No. 2.
Circuit Low Input 2 Measure voltage 0V YES: Open circuit in wire
between C and the harness #3.
body. NO: Open circuit in wire
harness #2.



TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) T5-5-70
Group 5 Troubleshooting A

MC Fault Codes 11206 to 11208

 Check the wiring connections first.
 Connect the test harness (ST  6703) and dummy
sensor equivalent to #4436536.
 Before inspection, set the key switch to the ON

Fault Code Trouble Procedure Inspection Method Evaluation Cause

11206-3 Pump 1 Flow 1 Measure voltage Voltage: more YES: Short circuit in wire harness #1
Control Pressure between B and the than 4.8 V and #2.
Sensor Circuit body. NO: Go to Procedure No. 2.
High Input 2 Measure voltage 0V YES: Open circuit in wire harness #3.
between A and C (GND). NO: Faulty sensor.
11206-4 Pump 1 Flow 1 Retry by using MPDr.. Un-displayed YES: Faulty sensor.
Control Pressure fault code NO: Go to Procedure No. 2.
Sensor Circuit 2 Measure voltage 0V YES: Open circuit in wire harness #1.
Low Input between A and the NO: Open circuit in wire harness #2.
11207-3 Pump 3 Flow 1 Measure voltage Voltage: more YES: Short circuit in wire harness #1
Control Pressure between B and the than 4.8 V and #2.
Sensor Circuit body. NO: Go to Procedure No. 2.
High Input 2 Measure voltage 0V YES: Open circuit in wire harness #3.
between A and C (GND). NO: Faulty sensor.
11207-4 Pump 3 Flow 1 Retry by using MPDr.. Un-displayed YES: Faulty sensor.
Control Pressure fault code NO: Go to Procedure No. 2.
Sensor Circuit 2 Measure voltage 0V YES: Open circuit in wire harness #1.
Low Input between A and the NO: Open circuit in wire harness #2.
11208-3 Pump 2 Flow 1 Measure voltage Voltage: more YES: Short circuit in wire harness #1
Control Pressure between B and the than 4.8 V and #2.
Sensor Circuit body. NO: Go to Procedure No. 2.
High Input 2 Measure voltage 0V YES: Open circuit in wire harness #3.
between A and C (GND). NO: Faulty sensor.
11208-4 Pump 2 Flow 1 Retry by using MPDr.. Un-displayed YES: Faulty sensor.
Control Pressure fault code NO: Go to Procedure No. 2.
Sensor Circuit 2 Measure voltage 0V YES: Open circuit in wire harness #1.
Low Input between A and the NO: Open circuit in wire harness #2.



TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) T5-5-71
Group 5 Troubleshooting A

MC Fault Codes 11301 to 11303

 Check the wiring connections first.
 Connect the test harness (ST  6703) and dummy
sensor equivalent to #4436535.
 Before inspection, set the key switch to the ON

Fault Code Trouble Procedure Inspection Method Evaluation Cause

11301-3 Swing Pilot 1 Measure voltage Voltage: more YES: Short circuit in wire harness #1
Pressure Sensor between B and the than 4.8 V and #2.
Circuit High Input body. NO: Go to Procedure No. 2.
2 Measure voltage 0V YES: Open circuit in wire harness #3.
between A and C (GND). NO: Faulty sensor.
11301-4 Swing Pilot 1 Retry by using MPDr.. Un-displayed YES: Faulty sensor.
Pressure Sensor fault code NO: Go to Procedure No. 2.
Circuit Low Input 2 Measure voltage 0V YES: Open circuit in wire harness #1.
between A and the NO: Open circuit in wire harness #2.
11302-3 Boom Raise Pilot 1 Measure voltage Voltage: more YES: Short circuit in wire harness #1
Pressure Sensor between B and the than 4.8 V and #2.
Circuit High Input body. NO: Go to Procedure No. 2.
2 Measure voltage 0V YES: Open circuit in wire harness #3.
between A and C (GND). NO: Faulty sensor.
11302-4 Boom Raise Pilot 1 Retry by using MPDr.. Un-displayed YES: Faulty sensor.
Pressure Sensor fault code NO: Go to Procedure No. 2.
Circuit Low Input 2 Measure voltage 0V YES: Open circuit in wire harness #1.
between A and the NO: Open circuit in wire harness #2.
11303-3 Arm Roll-in Pilot 1 Measure voltage Voltage: more YES: Short circuit in wire harness #1
Pressure Sensor between B and the than 4.8 V and #2.
Circuit High Input body. NO: Go to Procedure No. 2.
2 Measure voltage 0V YES: Open circuit in wire harness #3.
between A and C (GND). NO: Faulty sensor.
11303-4 Arm Roll-in Pilot 1 Retry by using MPDr.. Un-displayed YES: Faulty sensor.
Pressure Sensor fault code NO: Go to Procedure No. 2.
Circuit Low Input 2 Measure voltage 0V YES: Open circuit in wire harness #1.
between A and the NO: Open circuit in wire harness #2.



TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) T5-5-72
Group 5 Troubleshooting A

MC Fault Codes 11304, 11307, 11325

 Check the wiring connections first.
 Connect the test harness (ST  6703) and dummy
sensor equivalent to #4436535.
 Before inspection, set the key switch to the ON

Fault Code Trouble Procedure Inspection Method Evaluation Cause

11304-3 Travel Pilot 1 Measure voltage Voltage: more YES: Short circuit in wire harness #1
Pressure between B and the than 4.8 V and #2.
Sensor Circuit body. NO: Go to Procedure No. 2.
High Input 2 Measure voltage 0V YES: Open circuit in wire harness #3.
between A and C (GND). NO: Faulty sensor.
11304-4 Travel Pilot 1 Retry by using MPDr.. Un-displayed YES: Faulty sensor.
Pressure fault code NO: Go to Procedure No. 2.
Sensor Circuit 2 Measure voltage 0V YES: Open circuit in wire harness #1.
Low Input between A and the NO: Open circuit in wire harness #2.
11307-3 Front Pilot 1 Measure voltage Voltage: more YES: Short circuit in wire harness #1
Pressure between B and the than 4.8 V and #2.
Sensor Circuit body. NO: Go to Procedure No. 2.
High Input 2 Measure voltage 0V YES: Open circuit in wire harness #3.
between A and C (GND). NO: Faulty sensor.
11307-4 Front Pilot 1 Retry by using MPDr.. Un-displayed YES: Faulty sensor.
Pressure fault code NO: Go to Procedure No. 2.
Sensor Circuit 2 Measure voltage 0V YES: Open circuit in wire harness #1.
Low Input between A and the NO: Open circuit in wire harness #2.
11325-3 Bucket Roll-In 1 Measure voltage Voltage: more YES: Short circuit in wire harness #1
Pilot Pressure between B and the than 4.8 V and #2.
Sensor Circuit body. NO: Go to Procedure No. 2.
High Input 2 Measure voltage 0V YES: Open circuit in wire harness #3.
between A and C (GND). NO: Faulty sensor.
11325-4 Bucket Roll-In 1 Retry by using MPDr.. Un-displayed YES: Faulty sensor.
Pilot Pressure fault code NO: Go to Procedure No. 2.
Sensor Circuit 2 Measure voltage 0V YES: Open circuit in wire harness #1.
Low Input between A and the NO: Open circuit in wire harness #2.



TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) T5-5-73
Group 5 Troubleshooting A

MC Fault Codes 11995, 11997

 Check the wiring connections first.
 Connect the test harness (ST  6703) and dummy
sensor equivalent to #4436535.
 Before inspection, set the key switch to the ON

Fault Code Trouble Procedure Inspection Method Evaluation Cause

11995-3 Arm Roll-Out Pilot 1 Measure voltage between Voltage: more than YES: Short circuit in wire
Pressure Sensor B and the body. 4.75 V harness #1 and #2.
Circuit High Input NO: Go to Procedure No. 2.
2 Measure voltage between 0 V YES: Open circuit in wire
A and C (GND). harness #3.
NO: Faulty sensor.
11995-4 Arm Roll-Out Pilot 1 Retry by using MPDr.. Un-displayed fault YES: Faulty sensor.
Pressure Sensor code NO: Go to Procedure No. 2.
Circuit Low Input 2 Measure voltage between 0 V YES: Open circuit in wire
A and the body. harness #1.
NO: Open circuit in wire
harness #2.
11997-3 Bucket Roll-Out 1 Measure voltage between Voltage: more than YES: Short circuit in wire
Pilot Pressure B and the body. 4.8 V harness #1 and #2.
Sensor Circuit High NO: Go to Procedure No. 2.
Input 2 Measure voltage between 0 V YES: Open circuit in wire
A and C (GND). harness #3.
NO: Faulty sensor.
11997-4 Bucket Roll-Out 1 Retry by using MPDr.. Un-displayed fault YES: Faulty sensor.
Pilot Pressure code NO: Go to Procedure No. 2.
Sensor Circuit Low 2 Measure voltage between 0 V YES: Open circuit in wire
Input A and the body. harness #1.
NO: Open circuit in wire
harness #2.



TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) T5-5-74
Group 5 Troubleshooting A

MC Fault Code 11400

 Check the wiring connections first.

Fault Code Trouble Procedure Inspection Method Evaluation Cause

11400-2 Pump 2 Flow Rate 1 Measure resistance 0/∞ Ω YES: Faulty solenoid valve.
Limit P/S Valve between solenoid valve (Specification: NO: Go to Procedure No. 2.
Abnormal FB #1 and #2. 22 Ω)
2 Measure voltage between 0V YES: Open circuit in wire
solenoid valve harness harness #1.
end #1 and the body. NO: Go to Procedure No. 3.
3 Monitor Pump 2 Flw Limit 0 mA YES: Open circuit in wire
P/S O/P FB. harness #2.
NO: Short circuit in wire
harness #1 and #2.
11400-3 Pump 2 Flow Rate 1 Measure resistance 0Ω YES: Faulty solenoid valve.
Limit P/S Valve FB between solenoid valve (Specification:
High Current #1 and #2. 22 Ω)
NO: Short circuit in wire
harness #1 and #2.
11400-4 Pump 2 Flow Rate 1 Measure resistance ∞Ω YES: Faulty solenoid valve.
Limit P/S Valve FB between solenoid valve (Specification: NO: Go to Procedure No. 2.
Low Current #1 and #2. 22 Ω)
2 Measure voltage between 0V YES: Open circuit in wire
solenoid valve harness harness #1.
end #1 and the body. NO: Open circuit in wire
harness #2.
Connector (Wire harness end)
 Solenoid Valve Connector


TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) T5-5-75
Group 5 Troubleshooting A

MC Fault Code 11401

 Check the wiring connections first.

Fault Code Trouble Procedure Inspection Method Evaluation Cause

11401-2 Pump 1 and 2 1 Measure resistance 0/∞ Ω YES: Faulty solenoid valve.
Torque P/S Valve between solenoid valve (Specification: NO: Go to Procedure No. 2.
Abnormal FB #1 and #2. 22 Ω)
2 Measure voltage between 0V YES: Open circuit in wire
solenoid valve harness harness #1.
end #1 and the body. NO: Go to Procedure No. 3.
3 Monitor Pump 1&2 0 mA YES: Open circuit in wire
Torque P/S O/P FB. harness #2.
NO: Short circuit in wire
harness #1 and #2.
11401-3 Pump 1 and 2 1 Measure resistance 0Ω YES: Faulty solenoid valve.
Torque P/S Valve between solenoid valve (Specification:
FB High Current #1 and #2. 22 Ω) NO: Short circuit in wire
harness #1 and #2.
11401-4 Pump 1 and 2 1 Measure resistance ∞Ω YES: Faulty solenoid valve.
Torque P/S Valve between solenoid valve (Specification: NO: Go to Procedure No. 2.
FB Low Current #1 and #2. 22 Ω)
2 Measure voltage between 0V YES: Open circuit in wire
solenoid valve harness harness #1.
end #1 and the body. NO: Open circuit in wire
harness #2.
Connector (Wire harness end)
 Solenoid Valve Connector


TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) T5-5-76
Group 5 Troubleshooting A

MC Fault Code 11402

 Check the wiring connections first.

Fault Code Trouble Procedure Inspection Method Evaluation Cause

11402-2 Dig-Regenerative 1 Measure resistance 0/∞ Ω YES: Faulty solenoid valve.
P/S Valve between solenoid valve (Specification: NO: Go to Procedure No. 2.
Abnormal FB #1 and #2. 22 Ω)
2 Measure voltage between 0V YES: Open circuit in wire
solenoid valve harness harness #1.
end #1 and the body. NO: Go to Procedure No. 3.
3 Monitor Digging Regen 0 mA YES: Open circuit in wire
P/S O/P FB. harness #2.
NO: Short circuit in wire
harness #1 and #2.
11402-3 Dig-Regenerative 1 Measure resistance 0Ω YES: Faulty solenoid valve.
P/S Valve FB High between solenoid valve (Specification:
Input #1 and #2. 22 Ω) NO: Short circuit in wire
harness #1 and #2.
11402-4 Dig-Regenerative 1 Measure resistance ∞Ω YES: Faulty solenoid valve.
P/S Valve FB Low between solenoid valve (Specification: NO: Go to Procedure No. 2.
Input #1 and #2. 22 Ω)
2 Measure voltage between 0V YES: Open circuit in wire
solenoid valve harness harness #1.
end #1 and the body. NO: Open circuit in wire
harness #2.
Connector (Wire harness end)
 Solenoid Valve Connector


TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) T5-5-77
Group 5 Troubleshooting A

MC Fault Code 11403

 Check the wiring connections first.

Fault Code Trouble Procedure Inspection Method Evaluation Cause

11403-2 Arm Regenerative 1 Measure resistance 0/∞ Ω YES: Faulty solenoid valve.
P/S Valve between solenoid valve (Specification: NO: Go to Procedure No. 2.
Abnormal FB #1 and #2. 22 Ω)
2 Measure voltage between 0V YES: Open circuit in wire
solenoid valve harness harness #1.
end #1 and the body. NO: Go to Procedure No. 3.
3 Monitor Arm Regen P/S 0 mA YES: Open circuit in wire
Output FB. harness #2.
NO: Short circuit in wire
harness #1 and #2.
11403-3 Arm Regenerative 1 Measure resistance 0Ω YES: Faulty solenoid valve.
P/S Valve FB High between solenoid valve (Specification:
Input #1 and #2. 22 Ω) NO: Short circuit in wire
harness #1 and #2.
11403-4 Arm Regenerative 1 Measure resistance ∞Ω YES: Faulty solenoid valve.
P/S Valve FB Low between solenoid valve (Specification: NO: Go to Procedure No. 2.
Input #1 and #2. 22 Ω)
2 Measure voltage between 0V YES: Open circuit in wire
solenoid valve harness harness #1.
end #1 and the body. NO: Open circuit in wire
harness #2.
Connector (Wire harness end)
 Solenoid Valve Connector


TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) T5-5-78
Group 5 Troubleshooting A

MC Fault Code 11406

 Check the wiring connections first.

Fault Code Trouble Procedure Inspection Method Evaluation Cause

11406-2 Pump 3 Torque P/S 1 Measure resistance 0/∞ Ω YES: Faulty solenoid valve.
Valve Abnormal FB between solenoid valve (Specification: NO: Go to Procedure No. 2.
#1 and #2. 22 Ω)
2 Measure voltage between 0V YES: Open circuit in wire
solenoid valve harness harness #1.
end #1 and the body. NO: Go to Procedure No. 3.
3 Monitor Pump 3 Torque 0 mA YES: Open circuit in wire
P/S Output FB. harness #2.
NO: Short circuit in wire
harness #1 and #2.
11406-3 Pump 3 Torque 1 Measure resistance 0Ω YES: Faulty solenoid valve.
P/S Valve FB High between solenoid valve (Specification:
Current #1 and #2. 22 Ω) NO: Short circuit in wire
harness #1 and #2.
11406-4 Pump 3 Torque 1 Measure resistance ∞Ω YES: Faulty solenoid valve.
P/S Valve FB Low between solenoid valve (Specification: NO: Go to Procedure No. 2.
Current #1 and #2. 22 Ω)
2 Measure voltage between 0V YES: Open circuit in wire
solenoid valve harness harness #1.
end #1 and the body. NO: Open circuit in wire
harness #2.
Connector (Wire harness end)
 Solenoid Valve Connector


TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) T5-5-79
Group 5 Troubleshooting A

MC Fault Code 11407

 Check the wiring connections first.

Fault Code Trouble Procedure Inspection Method Evaluation Cause

11407-2 Booster (Power 1 Measure resistance 0/∞ Ω YES: Faulty solenoid valve.
Digging & Fast between solenoid valve (Specification: NO: Go to Procedure No. 2.
Travel Mode) P/S #1 and #2. 22 Ω)
Valve Abnormal FB 2 Measure voltage between 0V YES: Open circuit in wire
solenoid valve harness harness #1.
end #1 and the body. NO: Go to Procedure No. 3.
3 Monitor Pressure Boost 0 mA YES: Open circuit in wire
P/S Output FB. harness #2.
NO: Short circuit in wire
harness #1 and #2.
11407-3 Booster (Power 1 Measure resistance 0Ω YES: Faulty solenoid valve.
Digging & Fast between solenoid valve (Specification:
Travel Mode) P/S #1 and #2. 22 Ω)
Valve FB High NO: Short circuit in wire
Current harness #1 and #2.
11407-4 Booster (Power 1 Measure resistance ∞Ω YES: Faulty solenoid valve.
Digging & Fast between solenoid valve (Specification: NO: Go to Procedure No. 2.
Travel Mode) P/S #1 and #2. 22 Ω)
Valve FB Low 2 Measure voltage between 0V YES: Open circuit in wire
Current solenoid valve harness harness #1.
end #1 and the body. NO: Open circuit in wire
harness #2.
Connector (Wire harness end)
 Solenoid Valve Connector


TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) T5-5-80
Group 5 Troubleshooting A

MC Fault Code 11408

 Check the wiring connections first.

Fault Code Trouble Procedure Inspection Method Evaluation Cause

11408-2 Aftertreatment 1 Measure resistance 0/∞ Ω YES: Faulty solenoid valve.
Device between solenoid valve (Specification: NO: Go to Procedure No. 2.
Regenerative #1 and #2. 22 Ω)
(Center Bypass 2 Measure voltage between 0V YES: Open circuit in wire
Cut) Solenoid solenoid valve harness harness #1.
Valve Abnormal end #1 and the body. NO: Go to Procedure No. 3.
3 Monitor Aftertreatment 0 mA YES: Open circuit in wire
Device Regeneration P/S harness #2.
Valve Output (SJ) FB. NO: Short circuit in wire
harness #1 and #2.
11408-3 Aftertreatment 1 Measure resistance 0Ω YES: Faulty solenoid valve.
Device between solenoid valve (Specification:
Regenerative #1 and #2. 22 Ω)
(Center Bypass NO: Short circuit in wire
Cut) Solenoid harness #1 and #2.
Valve Feedback
High Current

11408-4 Aftertreatment 1 Measure resistance ∞Ω YES: Faulty solenoid valve.

Device between solenoid valve (Specification:
Regenerative #1 and #2. 22 Ω) NO: Go to Procedure No. 2.
(Center Bypass
Cut) Solenoid 2 Measure voltage between 0 V YES: Open circuit in wire
Valve Feedback solenoid valve harness harness #1.
Low Current end #1 and the body. NO: Open circuit in wire
harness #2.
Connector (Wire harness end)
 Solenoid Valve Connector


TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) T5-5-81
Group 5 Troubleshooting A

MC Fault Code 11409

 Check the wiring connections first.

Fault Code Trouble Procedure Inspection Method Evaluation Cause

11409-2 Aftertreatment 1 Measure resistance 0/∞ Ω YES: Faulty solenoid valve.
Device between solenoid valve (Specification: NO: Go to Procedure No. 2.
Regenerative #1 and #2. 22 Ω)
(Pump 1 Flow Rate 2 Measure voltage between 0V YES: Open circuit in wire
Increase) Solenoid solenoid valve harness harness #1.
Valve Abnormal end #1 and the body. NO: Go to Procedure No. 3.
3 Monitor Aftertreatment 0 mA YES: Open circuit in wire
Device Regeneration P/S harness #2.
Valve Output (SZ) FB. NO: Short circuit in wire
harness #1 and #2.
11409-3 Aftertreatment 1 Measure resistance 0Ω YES: Faulty solenoid valve.
Device between solenoid valve (Specification:
Regenerative #1 and #2. 22 Ω)
(Pump 1 Flow Rate NO: Short circuit in wire
Increase) Solenoid harness #1 and #2.
Valve Feedback
High Current

11409-4 Aftertreatment 1 Measure resistance ∞Ω YES: Faulty solenoid valve.

Device between solenoid valve (Specification: NO: Go to Procedure No. 2.
Regenerative #1 and #2. 22 Ω)
(Pump 1 Flow Rate 2 Measure voltage between 0V YES: Open circuit in wire
Increase) Solenoid solenoid valve harness harness #1.
Valve Feedback end #1 and the body. NO: Open circuit in wire
Low Current harness #2.
Connector (Wire harness end)
 Solenoid Valve Connector


TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) T5-5-82
Group 5 Troubleshooting A

MC Fault Code 11410

 Check the wiring connections first.

Fault Code Trouble Procedure Inspection Method Evaluation Cause

11410-2 Pump 1 Flow Rate 1 Measure resistance 0/∞ Ω YES: Faulty solenoid valve.
Limit P/S Valve between solenoid valve (Specification: NO: Go to Procedure No. 2.
Abnormal FB #1 and #2. 22 Ω)
2 Measure voltage between 0V YES: Open circuit in wire
solenoid valve harness harness #1.
end #1 and the body. NO: Go to Procedure No. 3.
3 Monitor Pump 1 Flw Limit 0 mA YES: Open circuit in wire
P/S O/P FB. harness #2.
NO: Short circuit in wire
harness #1 and #2.
11410-3 Pump 1 Flow Rate 1 Measure resistance 0Ω YES: Faulty solenoid valve.
Limit P/S Valve FB between solenoid valve (Specification:
High Current #1 and #2. 22 Ω) NO: Short circuit in wire
harness #1 and #2.
11410-4 Pump 1 Flow Rate 1 Measure resistance ∞Ω YES: Faulty solenoid valve.
Limit P/S Valve FB between solenoid valve (Specification: NO: Go to Procedure No. 2.
Low Current #1 and #2. 22 Ω)
2 Measure voltage between 0V YES: Open circuit in wire
solenoid valve harness harness #1.
end #1 and the body. NO: Open circuit in wire
harness #2.
Connector (Wire harness end)
 Solenoid Valve Connector


TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) T5-5-83
Group 5 Troubleshooting A

MC Fault Code 11411

 Check the wiring connections first.

Fault Code Trouble Procedure Inspection Method Evaluation Cause

11411-2 Pump 3 Flow Rate 1 Measure resistance 0/∞ Ω YES: Faulty solenoid valve.
Limit P/S Valve between solenoid valve (Specification: NO: Go to Procedure No. 2.
Abnormal FB #1 and #2. 22 Ω)
2 Measure voltage between 0V YES: Open circuit in wire
solenoid valve harness harness #1.
end #1 and the body. NO: Go to Procedure No. 3.
3 Monitor Pump 3 Flw Limit 0 mA YES: Open circuit in wire
P/S O/P FB. harness #2.
NO: Short circuit in wire
harness #1 and #2.
11411-3 Pump 3 Flow Rate 1 Measure resistance 0Ω YES: Faulty solenoid valve.
Limit P/S Valve FB between solenoid valve (Specification:
High Current #1 and #2. 22 Ω) NO: Short circuit in wire
harness #1 and #2.
11411-4 Pump 3 Flow Rate 1 Measure resistance ∞Ω YES: Faulty solenoid valve.
Limit P/S Valve FB between solenoid valve (Specification: NO: Go to Procedure No. 2.
Low Current #1 and #2. 22 Ω)
2 Measure voltage between 0V YES: Open circuit in wire
solenoid valve harness harness #1.
end #1 and the body. NO: Open circuit in wire
harness #2.
Connector (Wire harness end)
 Solenoid Valve Connector


TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) T5-5-84
Group 5 Troubleshooting A

MC Fault Codes 11434, 11435

 Check the wiring connections first.

Fault Code Trouble Procedure Inspection Method Evaluation Cause

11434-2 ATT Relief 1 1 Measure resistance 0/∞ Ω YES: Faulty solenoid valve.
(Lower) P/S Valve between solenoid valve (Specification: NO: Go to Procedure No. 2.
Abnormal FB #1 and #2. 19.5 Ω)
2 Measure voltage between 0V YES: Open circuit in wire
solenoid valve harness harness #1.
end #1 and the body. NO: Go to Procedure No. 3.
3 Monitor ATT Relief 1 P/S 0 mA YES: Open circuit in wire
O/P FB. harness #2.
NO: Short circuit in wire
harness #1 and #2.
11434-3 ATT Relief 1 1 Measure resistance 0Ω YES: Faulty solenoid valve.
(Lower) P/S Valve between solenoid valve (Specification:
FB High Current #1 and #2. 19.5 Ω) NO: Short circuit in wire
harness #1 and #2.
11434-4 ATT Relief 1 1 Measure resistance ∞Ω YES: Faulty solenoid valve.
(Lower) P/S Valve between solenoid valve (Specification: NO: Go to Procedure No. 2.
FB Low Current #1 and #2. 19.5 Ω)
2 Measure voltage between 0V YES: Open circuit in wire
solenoid valve harness harness #1.
end #1 and the body. NO: Open circuit in wire
harness #2.
11435-2 ATT Relief 2 1 Measure resistance 0/∞ Ω YES: Faulty solenoid valve.
(Upper) P/S Valve between solenoid valve (Specification: NO: Go to Procedure No. 2.
Abnormal FB #1 and #2. 19.5 Ω)
2 Measure voltage between 0V YES: Open circuit in wire
solenoid valve harness harness #1.
end #1 and the body. NO: Go to Procedure No. 3.
3 Monitor ATT Relief 2 P/S 0 mA YES: Open circuit in wire
O/P FB. harness #2.
NO: Short circuit in wire
harness #1 and #2.
11435-3 ATT Relief 2 1 Measure resistance 0Ω YES: Faulty solenoid valve.
(Upper) P/S Valve between solenoid valve (Specification:
FB High Current #1 and #2. 19.5 Ω) NO: Short circuit in wire
harness #1 and #2.
11435-4 ATT Relief 2 1 Measure resistance ∞Ω YES: Faulty solenoid valve.
(Upper) P/S Valve between solenoid valve (Specification: NO: Go to Procedure No. 2.
FB Low Current #1 and #2. 19.5 Ω)
2 Measure voltage between 0V YES: Open circuit in wire
solenoid valve harness harness #1.
end #1 and the body. NO: Open circuit in wire
harness #2.

TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) T5-5-85
Group 5 Troubleshooting A

MC Fault Code 11436

 Check the wiring connections first.

Fault Code Trouble Procedure Inspection Method Evaluation Cause

11436-2 Breaker Relief 1 Measure resistance ∞Ω YES: Faulty solenoid valve.
Pressure Control between solenoid valve (Specification: NO: Go to Procedure No. 2.
P/S Valve #1 and #2. 19.5 Ω)
Abnormal FB 2 Measure voltage between 0V YES: Open circuit in wire
solenoid valve harness harness #1.
end #1 and the body. NO: Go to Procedure No. 3.
3 Monitor Breaker Relief 0 mA YES: Open circuit in wire
P/S Output FB. harness #2.
NO: Short circuit in wire
harness #1 and #2.
11436-3 Breaker Relief 1 Measure resistance 0Ω YES: Faulty solenoid valve.
Pressure Control between solenoid valve (Specification:
P/S Valve FB High #1 and #2. 19.5 Ω) NO: Short circuit in wire
Current harness #1 and #2.
11436-4 Breaker Relief 1 Measure resistance ∞Ω YES: Faulty solenoid valve.
Pressure Control between solenoid valve (Specification: NO: Go to Procedure No. 2.
P/S Valve FB Low #1 and #2. 19.5 Ω)
Current 2 Measure voltage between 0V YES: Open circuit in wire
solenoid valve harness harness #1.
end #1 and the body. NO: Open circuit in wire
harness #2.

TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) T5-5-86
Group 5 Troubleshooting A

MC Fault Codes 11458, 11459

 Check the wiring connections first.

Fault Code Trouble Procedure Inspection Method Evaluation Cause

11458-2 (Auxiliary) 3-Port 1 Measure resistance 0/∞ Ω YES: Faulty solenoid valve.
Valve Open Circuit between solenoid valve (Specification: NO: Go to Procedure No. 2.
#1 and #2. 49 Ω)
2 Measure voltage between 0V YES: Open circuit in wire
solenoid valve harness harness #1.
end #1 and the body. NO: Open circuit in wire
harness #2.
11459-2 Auto Shut-down 1 Measure voltage at #18 0V YES: Faulty #18 fuse.
Relay Open Circuit fuse. NO: Go to Procedure No. 2.
2 Measure voltage between 0 V YES: Open circuit in wire
fuse box and auto shut- harness between fuse box
down relay #1. and auto shut-down relay.
NO: Go to Procedure No. 3.
3 Switch auto shut-down Correct operation YES: Faulty auto shut-
relay with other relay. down relay.
NO: Open circuit in wire
harness between auto
shut-down relay and MC.

TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) T5-5-87
Group 5 Troubleshooting A

MC Fault Code 11427

 Check the wiring connections first.

Fault Code Trouble Procedure Inspection Method Evaluation Cause

11427-2 Arm 1 Flow Rate 1 Measure resistance 0/∞ Ω YES: Faulty solenoid valve.
Control P/S Valve between solenoid valve (Specification: NO: Go to Procedure No. 2.
Abnormal FB #1 and #2. 22 Ω)
2 Measure voltage between 0V YES: Open circuit in wire
solenoid valve harness harness #1.
end #1 and the body. NO: Go to Procedure No. 3.
3 Monitor Arm 1 Flw Cont 0 mA YES: Open circuit in wire
P/S O/P FB. harness #2.
NO: Short circuit in wire
harness #1 and #2.
11427-3 Arm 1 Flow Rate 1 Measure resistance 0Ω YES: Faulty solenoid valve.
Control P/S Valve between solenoid valve (Specification:
FB High Current #1 and #2. 22 Ω) NO: Short circuit in wire
harness #1 and #2.
11427-4 Arm 1 Flow Rate 1 Measure resistance ∞Ω YES: Faulty solenoid valve.
Control P/S Valve between solenoid valve (Specification: NO: Go to Procedure No. 2.
FB Low Current #1 and #2. 22 Ω)
2 Measure voltage between 0V YES: Open circuit in wire
solenoid valve harness harness #1.
end #1 and the body. NO: Open circuit in wire
harness #2.
Connector (Wire harness end)
 Solenoid Valve Connector


TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) T5-5-88
Group 5 Troubleshooting A

MC Fault Code 11428

 Check the wiring connections first.

Fault Code Trouble Procedure Inspection Method Evaluation Cause

11428-2 Arm 2 Flow Rate 1 Measure resistance 0/∞ Ω YES: Faulty solenoid valve.
Control P/S Valve between solenoid valve (Specification: 22 NO: Go to Procedure No. 2.
Abnormal FB #1 and #2. Ω)
2 Measure voltage between 0V YES: Open circuit in wire
solenoid valve harness harness #1.
end #1 and the body. NO: Go to Procedure No. 3.
3 Monitor Arm 2 Flw Cont 0 mA YES: Open circuit in wire
P/S O/P FB. harness #2.
NO: Short circuit in wire
harness #1 and #2.
11428-3 Arm 2 Flow Rate 1 Measure resistance 0Ω YES: Faulty solenoid valve.
Control P/S Valve between solenoid valve (Specification: 22
FB High Current #1 and #2. Ω) NO: Short circuit in wire
harness #1 and #2.
11428-4 Arm 2 Flow Rate 1 Measure resistance ∞Ω YES: Faulty solenoid valve.
Control P/S Valve between solenoid valve (Specification: 22 NO: Go to Procedure No. 2.
FB Low Current #1 and #2. Ω)
2 Measure voltage between 0V YES: Open circuit in wire
solenoid valve harness harness #1.
end #1 and the body. NO: Open circuit in wire
harness #2.
Connector (Wire harness end)
 Solenoid Valve Connector


TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) T5-5-89
Group 5 Troubleshooting A

MC Fault Code 11901

 Check the wiring connections first.

Fault Code Trouble Procedure Inspection Method Evaluation Cause

11901-3 Hyd. Oil Temp 1 Measure resistance The value is not YES: Faulty sensor.
Sensor Circuit High between sensor #1 and within the normal NO: Short circuit in wire
Input #2. values of below harness #1.
11901-4 Hyd. Oil Temp 1 Measure resistance The value is not YES: Faulty sensor.
Sensor Circuit Low between sensor #1 and within the normal NO: Go to Procedure No. 2.
Input #2. values of below
2 Measure voltage between 0 V YES: Open circuit in wire
sensor harness end #1 harness #1.
and the body. NO: Open circuit in wire
harness #2.

fNOTE: Specification of Hydraulic Oil Temperature

Hydraulic Oil Resistance (kΩ)
Temperature (°C)
-30 (24.5)
-20 15.04+1.29-1.20
-10 (9.16)
0 (5.74)
10 (3.70)
20 2.45+0.14-0.13
30 (1.66)
40 (1.15)
50 (0.811)
60 (0.584)
70 (0.428)
80 0.318±0.008
90 (0.240)
100 (0.1836)
110 0.1417±0.0018
120 (0.1108)
( ) is a reference value.

Connector (Wire harness end)

 Hydraulic Oil Temperature Sensor


TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) T5-5-90
Group 5 Troubleshooting A

MC Fault Codes 20010 to 20012

Fault Code Trouble Procedure Inspection Method Evaluation Cause

20010-2 Abnormal 1 Diagnose on other fault - -
Aftertreatment codes.
20011-2 Electric Lever 1 Diagnose on other fault - -
System Alarm codes.
20012-2 Line Filter 1 Disconnect a connector Displayed fault YES: Faulty MC or short
Restriction Alarm from the line filter. Retry code circuit in wire harness.
by using MPDr.. NO: Faulty line filter.

TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) T5-5-91
Group 5 Troubleshooting A

Monitor Controller (Information) Fault Codes 13304, 13310

Fault Code Trouble Procedure Inspection Method Evaluation Cause

13304-2 Abnormal REG 1 Measure voltage between 13 to 33.5 V YES: Faulty monitor
Input H Level monitor controller controller.
harness end #A15 and NO: Go to Procedure No. 2.
the body.
2 Measure voltage at 13 to 33.5 V YES: Open circuit in wire
alternator terminal L. harness.
NO: Faulty alternator.
13310-3 Coolant 1 Measure resistance The value is not YES: Faulty sensor.
Temperature between sensor #3 and within the normal NO: Short circuit in wire
Sensor Short the body. values of below harness #3.
Circuit table.

Connector (Wire harness end)

 Monitor Controller-A Connector

Coolant Temperature Gauge No. Coolant Coolant
Temperature (°C) Temperature
Sensor (kΩ)
E A -10 9.20+1.2-1.07
A 20 2.50+0.27-0.24
A 39 -
B 50 0.84±0.07
D C 90 0.247±0.01
D 100 0.190±0.005
E 105 -
F 110 0.148±0.004

A TDAA-05-02-084

Connector (Sensor end)

 Coolant Temperature Sensor

2 1

3 T1J1-05-06-004

TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) T5-5-92
Group 5 Troubleshooting A

Monitor Controller (Information) Fault Code 13311

Fault Code Trouble Procedure Inspection Method Evaluation Cause

13311-3 Fuel Level Sensor 1 Measure resistance The value is not YES: Faulty sensor.
Circuit High Input between sensor #1 and within the normal NO: Go to Procedure No. 2.
#2. values of below
2 Measure voltage between 0 V YES: Open circuit in wire
sensor harness end #1 harness #1.
and the body. NO: Open circuit in wire
harness #2.
13311-4 Fuel Level Sensor 1 Measure resistance The value is not YES: Faulty sensor.
Circuit Low Input between sensor #1 and within the normal NO: Short circuit in wire
#2. values of below harness #1 and #2.

Fuel Gauge No. Fuel Level (%) Fuel Sensor (Ω)
A A 100 (FULL) 100-4
B 75 26
C 50 38±5
D 25 53
E 6 -
F 0 (EMPTY) 90+100


Connector (Wire harness end)

 Fuel Sensor


TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) T5-5-93
Group 5 Troubleshooting A

Monitor Controller (Information) Fault Codes 20100 to 20114

Fault Code Trouble Procedure Inspection Method Evaluation Cause

20100-2 Overheat Alarm 1 Disconnect a connector Displayed fault YES: Faulty monitor
from the overheat switch. code controller or short circuit
Retry by using MPDr.. in wire harness.
20114-2 Overheat Alarm NO: Faulty overheat
(Immediately after switch.
the key is turned
20101-2 Engine Warning 1 Diagnose on fault codes - -
Alarm of ECM.
20102-2 Engine Oil Pressure 1 Diagnose on fault codes - -
Alarm of ECM.
20105-2 Hydraulic Oil Filter 1 Disconnect a connector Displayed fault YES: Faulty monitor
Restriction Alarm from the hydraulic oil code controller or short circuit
filter restriction switch. in wire harness.
Retry by using MPDr.. NO: Faulty hydraulic oil
filter restriction switch.
20106-2 Air Cleaner 1 Disconnect a connector Displayed fault YES: Faulty monitor
Restriction Alarm from the air cleaner code controller or short circuit
restriction switch. Retry in wire harness.
by using MPDr.. NO: Faulty air cleaner
restriction switch.
20107-2 Water Separator 1 Disconnect a connector Displayed fault YES: Faulty monitor
Alarm from the water separator code controller or short circuit
alarm switch. Retry by in wire harness.
using MPDr.. NO: Faulty water
separator alarm switch.

Connector (Wire harness end)

 Monitor Controller-A Connector


TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) T5-5-94
Group 5 Troubleshooting A

Monitor Controller (Information) Fault Codes 20109 to 20149

Fault Code Trouble Procedure Inspection Method Evaluation Cause

20109-2 Pilot Control Shut- 1 Check the pilot shut-off Correct YES: Faulty wire harness.
Off Lever Alarm switch. NO: Faulty pilot shut-off
20110-2 Fuel Filter 1 Check the fuel filter Correct YES: Faulty wire harness.
Restriction Alarm restriction switch. NO: Faulty fuel filter
restriction switch.
20113-2 System Failure 1 Check the CAN harness. - Faulty CAN harness.
20141-2 Exhaust 1 Diagnose on fault codes - -
Temperature of ECM.
20142-2 Intake Air 1 Diagnose on fault codes - -
Temperature of ECM.
20145-2 Boost Temperature 1 Diagnose on fault codes - -
Increase Alarm of ECM.
20146-2 Fuel Temperature 1 Diagnose on fault codes - -
Increase Alarm of ECM.
20149-2 EGR Gas 1 Diagnose on fault codes - -
Temperature of ECM.

TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) T5-5-95
Group 5 Troubleshooting A

Air Conditioner Controller Fault Codes 11 to 22

 Check the wiring connections first.
 Before inspection, set the key switch to the ON position.

Fault Code Trouble Procedure Inspection Method Evaluation Cause

11 Open circuit in 1 Measure resistance ∞ Ω (Specification: YES: Faulty sensor.
re-circulated between sensor #25H and 300 to 430 kΩ) NO: Go to Procedure No.
air temperature #6B. 2.
sensor 2 Measure voltage between 0 V YES: Open circuit in wire
sensor harness end #25H harness #25H.
and the body. NO: Open circuit in wire
harness #6B.
12 Short circuit in 1 Measure resistance 0 Ω (Specification: YES: Faulty sensor.
re-circulated between sensor #25H and 300 to 430 kΩ) NO: Short circuit in wire
air temperature #6B. harness #25H and #6B.
13 Open circuit 1 Measure resistance ∞ Ω (Specification: YES: Faulty sensor.
in ambient between sensor #A251 100 to 210 kΩ) NO: Go to Procedure No.
temperature and #A41. 2.
sensor 2 Measure voltage between 0 V YES: Open circuit in wire
sensor harness end #A251 harness #A251.
and the body. NO: Open circuit in wire
harness #A41.
14 Short circuit 1 Measure resistance 0 Ω (Specification: YES: Faulty sensor.
in ambient between sensor #A251 100 to 210 kΩ) NO: Short circuit in wire
temperature and #A41. harness #A251 and #A41.
18 Short circuit in 1 Check continuity 0Ω YES: Short circuit in wire
solar radiation between sensor harness harness #A71 and #A31.
sensor end #A71 and #A31. NO: Faulty sensor.
21 Open circuit in 1 Measure resistance ∞ Ω (Specification: YES: Faulty sensor.
frost sensor between sensor #25C and 100 to 115 kΩ) NO: Go to Procedure No.
#5B. 2.
2 Measure voltage between 0 V YES: Open circuit in wire
sensor harness end #25C harness #25C.
and the body. NO: Open circuit in wire
harness #5B.
22 Short circuit in 1 Measure resistance 0 Ω (Specification: YES: Faulty sensor.
frost sensor between sensor #25C and 100 to 115 kΩ) NO: Short circuit in wire
#5B. harness #25C and #5B.

TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) T5-5-96
Group 5 Troubleshooting A

Air Conditioner Controller Fault Codes 43 to 92

 Check the wiring connections first.
 Before inspection, set the key switch to the ON position.

Fault Code Trouble Procedure Inspection Method Evaluation Cause

43 Abnormal air vent 1 Measure voltage between 0 V YES: Faulty controller
damper servo servo motor harness end or open circuit in wire
motor 7C and the body. (AUTO/ harness between
OFF switch/blower controller and air vent
switch: ON) damper servo motor.
NO: Go to Procedure No.
2 Measure voltage between 0 V YES: Faulty controller
servo motor harness end or open circuit in wire
7C and 25D. (AUTO/OFF harness between
switch/blower switch: controller and air vent
ON) damper servo motor.
NO: Faulty air vent
damper servo motor.
44 Abnormal air mix 1 Measure voltage 0V YES: Faulty controller
damper servo between servo motor or open circuit in wire
motor harness end 7D and the harness between
body. (AUTO/OFF switch/ controller and air mix
blower switch: ON) damper servo motor.
NO: Go to Procedure No.
2 Measure voltage between 0 V YES: Faulty controller
servo motor harness end or open circuit in wire
7D and 25E. (AUTO/OFF harness between
switch/blower switch: controller and air mix
ON) damper servo motor.
NO: Faulty air mix damper
servo motor.
51 Abnormal high/ 1 Measure voltage between 0 V YES: Faulty controller or
low refrigerant high/low pressure switch open circuit in harness
pressure harness end A211 and between controller and
A052. (AUTO/OFF switch/ high/low pressure switch.
blower switch: ON) NO: Faulty high/low
pressure switch.
91 CAN 1 Check continuity in CAN1 Normal YES: Faulty controller.
communication harness. NO: Faulty CAN1 harness.
92 CAN bus off error 1 Check continuity in CAN1 Normal YES: Faulty controller.
harness. NO: Faulty CAN1 harness.

TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) T5-5-97
Group 5 Troubleshooting A


TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) T5-5-98
Group 6 Troubleshooting B

Troubleshooting B (Machine Diagnosis by

Using Trouble Symptom) Procedure

Refer to troubleshooting B procedures for diagnosis

by using trouble symptom when no fault codes are

 Diagnosis Procedure
 Perform diagnosis by using MPDr. or the service
menu of monitor first.
 When the fault code is displayed, refer to the
troubleshooting A group and diagnose.
 In case any fault code has not been displayed by
diagnosis, perform inspection according to the
procedures in this group when diagnosing.
 On the front section pages of this group, there are
the tables indicating the relationship between
machine trouble symptoms and related parts
which may cause such trouble if failed. Start the
troubleshooting with more probable causes selected
by referring to these tables.
f NOTE: All connector images in this section are viewed
from the open end side of wire harness end.



1- Wire Harness End Connector 2- Wire Harness

TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) T5-6-1
Group 6 Troubleshooting B

Contents of Diagnosis

Trouble Symptom


Viewpoints for a diagnosis and contents

needing inspection beforehand are

How to Read Table

Procedure Condition Evaluation Cause
YES: (D)
1 (A) (B) (C)
NO: (E)
YES: (J)
2 (G) (H) (I)
NO: (K)
 Procedure 1, 2 Inspection order
 A, G: Inspection method for trouble cause
 B, H: Conditions for inspection
 C, I: Evaluation specification of check results
 D, E, J, K: Trouble cause for trouble symptom

1. Perform inspection according to Inspection Method (A) and Condition (B) of
Procedure (1).
2. When the results are satisfied (YES) with Evaluation (C), the trouble cause is Cause
When the results are not satisfied (NO) with Evaluation (C), go to Cause (E) or
Inspection Method (G) of Procedure (2).

TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) T5-6-2
Group 6 Troubleshooting B

Relationship between Machine Trouble

Symptoms and Related Parts
This table indicates the relationship between machine
trouble symptoms and the potential problem parts, which
may cause trouble if failed, and the evaluation methods of
these components.
Parts MC (Main Controller) Engine Control Dial Auto-Idle Switch

Function MC controls the engine, pump, Engine control dial instructs This switch activates auto-idle
and valve. target engine speed. control.
ON: 0 VAuto-idle control is
OFF: 5 VAuto-idle control is not
Symptoms Depending on trouble situations, Trouble condition with the key Open circuit: Auto-idle is not
in control control system malfunction may switch ON: The engine speed is activated.
system when differ. (The following symptoms kept at slow idle speed. Trouble Short circuit: Even if auto-idle
trouble occurs in machine operation indicate condition during operation: The switch is in OFF position, auto-
that MC logic circuit has failed.) engine speed is kept at the speed idle control is always activated.
immediately before trouble
Even if the engine control dial is
operated during aftertreatment
device manual regeneration, oil
pressure load continues to be
applied to the circuit.
Symptoms Even if engine starts, engine Same as shown above Same as shown above
in machine speed remains in slow idle speed.
operation As pump displacement is held at
when trouble minimum, all actuator speeds are
occurs slow.
Evaluation by 11000, 11001, 11002, 11003 11101 -
Fault Code
Evaluation by - MC: Demand Engine Speed, EC MC: Auto-Idle Switch
Monitoring Dial
ECM: Target Engine Speed
Evaluation - - -
by using Test
Note - - -
Descriptions T2-2 T2-2 T2-2
of Control
Section in

TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) T5-6-3
Group 6 Troubleshooting B

Parts Power Mode Switch (ECO Mode) Travel Mode Switch

Function This switch shifts power mode to This switch shifts solenoid valve
ECO mode. unit (SI) and changes travel
ON: 0 V speed.
OFF: 5 V
Symptoms Open circuit: Even if ECO mode Open circuit: Travel speed
in control is select, engine speed does not remains unchanged in slow
system when decrease with the control lever in speed.
trouble occurs neutral. Short circuit: Even if travel mode
Short circuit: Even if power mode switch is in slow speed position,
switch is set to PWR from ECO machine travels at fast speed.
with the control lever in neutral
and the engine control dial in fast
idle position, engine speed does
not increase.
Symptoms Same as shown above Same as shown above
in machine
when trouble
Evaluation by - -
Fault Code
Evaluation by MC: Power Mode Switch MC: Travel Mode Switch
Evaluation - -
by using Test
Note - -
Descriptions T2-2 T2-2
of Control
Section in

TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) T5-6-4
Group 6 Troubleshooting B

Parts Power Digging Switch Pilot Shut-Off Switch (Pilot Shut- Manual Regeneration Switch
Off Lever)
Function This switch shifts solenoid valve This switch shifts pilot shut-off This switch performs
unit (SI) and activates power solenoid valve. manual regeneration of the
digging. aftertreatment device.
ON: 0 VPressure increases.
OFF: 5 VPressure does not
Symptoms Open circuit: Pressure does not Open circuit: Pilot shout-off Open circuit: Manual
in control increase. switch is always OFF. Pilot shut- regeneration switch is
system when Short circuit: Pressure increase off solenoid valve is not shifted. always OFF. Even if manual
trouble occurs only for 8 seconds after the key Even if lever is operated with regeneration switch is turned
switch is turned ON. pilot shut-off lever in UNLOCK ON, aftertreatment device is not
position, all actuator are not regenerated.
operated. Short circuit: Manual
Short circuit: Pilot shout-off regeneration switch is always ON.
switch is always ON. Engine does
not start. If shorted circuit occurs
while engine running and even
if lever is operated with pilot
shut-off lever in LOCK position,
actuator is operated.
Symptoms Same as shown above Same as shown above Same as shown above
in machine
when trouble
Evaluation by - - -
Fault Code
Evaluation by MC: Power Boost Switch MC: Pilot Control Shut-Off Lever ECM: Manual Regeneration
Monitoring Switch Switch
Evaluation - - -
by using Test
Note - - -
Descriptions T2-2 T2-5 T2-2
of Control
Section in

TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) T5-6-5
Group 6 Troubleshooting B

Parts Pilot Shut-Off Solenoid Valve Hydraulic Oil Temperature Sensor

Function This valve opens and closes pilot This sensor detects hydraulic oil
circuit. temperature.
Symptoms When close: All actuators are not MC recognizes that hydraulic
in control activated. (Pilot pressure oil is not oil temperature is 120 °C when
system when supplied to pilot valve.) open circuit occurs. (Hydraulic
trouble occurs When open: Pilot pressure oil is oil temperature: 120 °C is not
always supplied to pilot valve. displayed on monitoring.)
Symptoms Same as shown above When hydraulic oil temperature is
in machine 0 °C or less when starting engine,
operation auto-warming up control is not
when trouble activated and engine runs at slow
occurs idle speed.
Evaluation by - 11901
Fault Code
Evaluation by - MC: Hydraulic Oil Temperature
Evaluation - -
by using Test
Note - -
Descriptions T2-5 T2-2
of Control
Section in

TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) T5-6-6
Group 6 Troubleshooting B

Parts DOC Inlet Exhaust Temperature DOC Outlet Exhaust Temperature SCR Exhaust Temperature Sensor
Sensor Sensor
Function This sensor detects exhaust This sensor detects exhaust This sensor detects exhaust
temperature of the inlet of DOC. temperature of the outlet of DOC. temperature of the front of SCR.
Symptoms ECM judges that DOC inlet ECM judges that DOC outlet ECM judges that SCR exhaust
in control exhaust temperature is 0 °C. exhaust temperature is 0 °C. temperature is 0 °C.
system when
Symptoms Engine power is decreased. Engine power is decreased. Engine power is decreased.
in machine Aftertreatment device is not Aftertreatment device is not Aftertreatment device is not
operation regenerated. regenerated. regenerated.
when trouble
Evaluation by ECM: 10024 ECM: 173 ECM: 10502
Fault Code
Evaluation by ECM: DOC Inlet Exhaust ECM: DOC Outlet Exhaust ECM: SCR Exhaust Temperature
Monitoring Temperature Temperature
Evaluation - - -
by using Test
Note - - -
Descriptions T2-3 T2-3 T2-3
of Control
Section in

TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) T5-6-7
Group 6 Troubleshooting B

Parts Pump 1 Delivery Pressure Sensor Pump 2 Delivery Pressure Sensor Pump 3 Delivery Pressure Sensor

Function This sensor detects pump 1 This sensor detects pump 2 This sensor detects pump 3
delivery pressure. delivery pressure. delivery pressure.
Symptoms When output is 0 V or 5 V, the When output is 0 V or 5 V, the When output is 0 V or 5 V, the
in control following symptoms occur. following symptoms occur. following symptoms occur.
system when
trouble occurs
Symptoms Combined operation of arm roll- Combined operation of arm roll- Combined operation of arm roll-
in machine in and boom raise or combined in and boom raise or combined in and boom raise or combined
operation operation of arm roll-in, boom operation of arm roll-in, boom operation of arm roll-in, boom
when trouble raise, and swing: Arm roll-in raise, and swing: Arm roll-in raise, and swing: Arm roll-in
occurs speed becomes slow. speed becomes slow. speed becomes slow.
Single operation of boom raise: Single operation of boom raise: Single operation of boom raise:
Lifting force is weak. Lifting force is weak. Lifting force is weak.
Machine is kept to travel at slow Machine is kept to travel at slow Machine is kept to travel at slow
speed. speed. speed.
Regeneration of aftertreatment
device may not be performed
when peforming aftertreatment
device manual regeneration.
Evaluation by 11200 11202 11203
Fault Code
Evaluation by MC: Pump 1 Delivery Pressure MC: Pump 2 Delivery Pressure MC: Pump 3 Delivery Pressure
Evaluation - - -
by using Test
Note Possible to judge if sensor or wire Possible to judge if sensor or wire Possible to judge if sensor or wire
harness is faulty by switching harness is faulty by switching harness is faulty by switching
pressure sensor with other pressure sensor with other pressure sensor with other
delivery pressure sensor. delivery pressure sensor. delivery pressure sensor.
Descriptions T2-2 T2-2 T2-2
of Control
Section in

TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) T5-6-8
Group 6 Troubleshooting B

Parts Pump 1 Control Pressure Sensor Pump 2 Control Pressure Sensor Pump 3 Control Pressure Sensor

Function This sensor detects pump control This sensor detects pump control This sensor detects pump control
pressure of pump 1. pressure of pump 2. pressure of pump 3.
Symptoms When output is 0 V or 5 V, the When output is 0 V or 5 V, the When output is 0 V or 5 V, the
in control following symptoms occur by following symptoms occur by following symptoms occur by
system when backup mode. backup mode. backup mode.
trouble occurs
Symptoms Engine speed does not decrease Engine speed does not decrease Boom raise speed is slow when
in machine when operating bucket and when operating travel (left) at operating arm level crowd.
operation travel (right) at ECO mode. ECO mode. Swing speed is slow.
when trouble Fast travel cannot be selected Fast travel cannot be selected
occurs easily when travering. easily when travering.
Evaluation by 11206 11208 11207
Fault Code
Evaluation by MC: Pump 1 Control Pressure MC: Pump 2 Control Pressure MC: Pump 3 Control Pressure
Evaluation - - -
by using Test
Note Possible to judge if sensor or wire Possible to judge if sensor or wire Possible to judge if sensor or wire
harness is faulty by switching harness is faulty by switching harness is faulty by switching
pressure sensor with other pump pressure sensor with other pump pressure sensor with other pump
control pressure sensor. control pressure sensor. control pressure sensor.
Descriptions T2-2 T2-2 T2-2
of Control
Section in

TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) T5-6-9
Group 6 Troubleshooting B

Parts Pressure Sensor (Boom Raise) Pressure Sensor (Arm Roll-In) Pressure Sensor (Arm Roll-Out)

Function This sensor detects boom raise This sensor detects arm roll-in This sensor detects arm roll-out
pilot pressure. pilot pressure. pilot pressure.
Symptoms When output is 0 V or 5 V, the When output is 0 V or 5 V, the When output is 0 V or 5 V, the
in control following symptoms occur by following symptoms occur by following symptoms occur by
system when backup mode. backup mode. backup mode.
trouble occurs
Symptoms Engine speed is difficult to Engine speed is difficult to Arm roll-out speed is slow when
in machine increase when performing increase when performing performing combined operation
operation digging operation. digging operation. of arm roll-out and attachment.
when trouble Arm roll-in speed is slow during Arm roll-in speed is slow during
occurs combined operation of arm roll- combined operation of arm roll-
in and boom raise. in and boom raise.
During boom raise single Arm roll-in speed is fast during
operation, power is weak. arm level crowding operation.
Boom raise speed is slow during Attachment and boom raise
combined operation of swing, speed are slow when performing
arm roll-in, and boom raise. combined operation of arm roll-
in, boom raise, and attachment.
Evaluation by 11302 11303 11995
Fault Code
Evaluation by MC: Boom Raise Pilot Pressure MC: Arm Roll-In Pilot Pressure MC: Arm Roll-Out Pilot Pressure
Evaluation - - -
by using Test
Note Possible to judge if pressure Possible to judge if pressure Possible to judge if pressure
sensor is faulty or port is clogged sensor is faulty or port is clogged sensor is faulty or port is clogged
by switching pressure sensor with by switching pressure sensor with by switching pressure sensor with
other pressure sensor. other pressure sensor. other pressure sensor.
Descriptions T2-2 T2-2 T2-2
of Control
Section in

TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) T5-6-10
Group 6 Troubleshooting B

Parts Pressure Sensor (Front Pressure Sensor (Travel) Pressure Sensor (Swing)
Function This sensors detects front This sensors detects travel pilot This sensors detects swing pilot
attachment pilot pressure. pressure. pressure.
Symptoms When output is 0 V or 5 V, the When output is 0 V or 5 V, the When output is 0 V or 5 V, the
in control following symptoms occur by following symptoms occur by following symptoms occur by
system when backup mode. backup mode. backup mode.
trouble occurs
Symptoms Even if the front attachment is Even if the machine travels, During combined operation of
in machine operated, engine speed is kept at engine speed is kept at auto-idle swing and boom raise, engine
operation auto-idle speed. speed. speed does not increase.
when trouble Even if the front attachment Even if the machine travels with Boom raise speed is slow and
occurs is operated with the engine the engine running at slow idle arm roll-in speed is fast when
running at slow idle speed, speed, engine speed does not performing combined operation
engine speed does not increase. increase. of swing, arm roll-in, and boom
As the machine is kept to travel raise.
at slow speed, speed does not Swing speed acceleration
change into fast. becomes poor and swing
When performing combined operation at constant speed is
operation of attachment and slow.
travel, the machine mistracks. Swing alarm (optional) continues
Travel alarm (optional) continues to sound.
to sound.
Evaluation by 11307 11304 11301
Fault Code
Evaluation by MC: Front ATT Pilot Pressure MC: Travel Pilot Pressure MC: Swing Pilot Pressure
Evaluation - - -
by using Test
Note Possible to judge if pressure Possible to judge if pressure Possible to judge if pressure
sensor is faulty or port is clogged sensor is faulty or port is clogged sensor is faulty or port is clogged
by switching pressure sensor with by switching pressure sensor with by switching pressure sensor with
other pressure sensor. other pressure sensor. other pressure sensor.
Descriptions T2-2 T2-2 T2-2
of Control
Section in

TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) T5-6-11
Group 6 Troubleshooting B

Parts Pressure Sensor (Bucket Roll-In) Pressure Sensor (Bucket Roll-Out)

Function This sensor detects bucket roll-in This sensor detects bucket roll-
pilot pressure. out pilot pressure.
Symptoms When output is 0 V or 5 V, the When output is 0 V or 5 V, the
in control following symptoms occur by following symptoms occur by
system when backup mode. backup mode.
trouble occurs
Symptoms Bucket operation speed is fast Bucket operation speed is fast
in machine when bucket roll-in operation is when bucket roll-out operation is
operation performed by the control lever at performed by the control lever at
when trouble half stroke. half stroke.
Evaluation by 11325 11997
Fault Code
Evaluation by MC: Bucket Roll-In Pilot Pressure MC: Bucket Roll-Out Pilot
Monitoring Pressure
Evaluation - -
by using Test
Note Possible to judge if pressure Possible to judge if pressure
sensor is faulty or port is clogged sensor is faulty or port is clogged
by switching pressure sensor with by switching pressure sensor with
other pressure sensor. other pressure sensor.
Descriptions T2-2 T2-2
of Control
Section in

TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) T5-6-12
Group 6 Troubleshooting B

Parts Pressure Sensor (Auxiliary 1) (OP) Pressure Sensor (Auxiliary 2) (OP)

Function This sensor detects auxiliary 1 This sensor detects auxiliary 2
pilot pressure. pilot pressure.
Symptoms When output is 0 V or 5 V, the When output is 0 V or 5 V, the
in control following symptoms occur by following symptoms occur by
system when backup mode. backup mode.
trouble occurs
Symptoms Even if engine speed of Even if engine speed of
in machine attachment is set to faster (+) attachment is set to faster (+)
operation speed and the attachment is speed and the attachment is
when trouble operated, engine speed does not operated, engine speed does not
occurs increase. increase.
Cylinder hesitates when Cylinder hesitates when
operating the attachment. operating the attachment.
Attachment speed is slow when Attachment speed is slow when
performing combined operation performing combined operation
of attachment and arm roll-in. of attachment and arm roll-in.
Evaluation by - -
Fault Code
Evaluation by MC: ATT 1 Pilot Pressure MC: ATT 2 Pilot Pressure
Evaluation - -
by using Test
Note Possible to judge if pressure Possible to judge if pressure
sensor is faulty or port is clogged sensor is faulty or port is clogged
by switching pressure sensor with by switching pressure sensor with
other pressure sensor. other pressure sensor.
Descriptions T2-2 T2-2
of Control
Section in

TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) T5-6-13
Group 6 Troubleshooting B

Parts Pump 1 and 2 Torque Control Pump 3 Torque Control Solenoid Maximum Pump 1 Flow Rate
Solenoid Valve Valve Limit Control Solenoid Valve
Function This valve supplies control This valve supplies control This valve limits maximum pump
pressure to pumps 1 and 2. pressure to pump 3. 1 flow rate when operating
Symptoms Aftertreatment device may not High current: Pump torque of High current: Pump 1 flow
in control be regenerated. pump 3 is kept maximum. The rate is always limited. Machine
system when High current: Pump torque engine lug-down is remarkable at mistracks. Boom, arm, and bucket
trouble occurs of pumps 1 and 2 are kept high loaded. operation speed are slow.
maximum. The engine stalls at Low current: Pump torque of Low current: Pump 1 flow rate is
high loaded. Or the engine lug- pump 3 is kept minimum. Swing not always limited.
down is remarkable. speed acceleration becomes
Low current: Pump torque slow. Boom raise speed is slow
of pumps 1 and 2 are kept when performing arm level
minimum. Actuator speed except crowding operation.
for swing are slow.
Symptoms Same as shown above Same as shown above Same as shown above
in machine
when trouble
Evaluation by 11401 11406 -
Fault Code
Evaluation by MC: Pumps 1&2 Torque P/S O/P, MC: Pump 3 Torque P/S Output, MC: Tgt Pump 1 Flow Rate, Pump
Monitoring Pumps 1&2 Torque P/S O/P FB Pump 3 Torque P/S Output FB 1 Flw Limit P/S Output, Pump 1
Flw Limit P/S O/P FB
Evaluation - - -
by using Test
Note - - -
Descriptions T2-2 T2-2 T2-2
of Control
Section in

TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) T5-6-14
Group 6 Troubleshooting B

Parts Maximum Pump 2 Flow Rate Maximum Pump 3 Flow Rate

Limit Control Solenoid Valve Limit Control Solenoid Valve
Function This valve limits maximum pump This valve limits maximum pump
2 flow rate when operating 3 flow rate when operating
attachment. attachment.
Symptoms High current: Pump 2 flow High current: Pump 3 flow rate is
in control rate is always limited. Machine always limited. Boom, arm, and
system when mistracks. Boom, arm, and swing operation speed are slow.
trouble occurs attachment operation speed are Low current: Pump 3 flow rate is
slow. not always limited.
Low current: Pump 2 flow rate is
not always limited.
Symptoms Same as shown above Same as shown above
in machine
when trouble
Evaluation by 11400 -
Fault Code
Evaluation by MC: Tgt Pump 2 Flow Rate, Pump MC: Tgt Pump 3 Flow Rate, Pump
Monitoring 2 Flw Limit P/S Output, Pump 2 3 Flw Limit P/S Output, Pump 3
Flw Limit P/S O/P FB Flw Limit P/S O/P FB
Evaluation - -
by using Test
Note - -
Descriptions T2-2 T2-2
of Control
Section in

TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) T5-6-15
Group 6 Troubleshooting B

Parts 5-Spool Solenoid Valve Unit (SI) 5-Spool Solenoid Valve Unit (SD) 5-Spool Solenoid Valve Unit (SE)

Function Valve (SI) increases relief pressure Valve (SD) shifts selector valve of Valve (SE) shifts selector valve of
of main relief valve temporarily. arm 2 flow rate control valve. arm 1 flow rate control valve.
Valve (SI) decreases displacement
angle of travel motor to the
minimum and increases travel
Symptoms High current: Relief pressure High current: As valve (SD) always High current: As valve (SE) always
in control always increases. Machine is kept shifts selector valve of arm 2 flow shifts selector valve of arm 1 flow
system when to travel at fast speed. rate control valve, arm speed rate control valve, arm speed
trouble occurs Low current: Relief pressure becomes slow. becomes slow.
always does not increase. Low current: As valve (SD) always Low current: As valve (SE) always
Machine is kept to travel at slow does not shift selector valve of does not shifts selector valve of
speed. arm 2 flow rate control valve, arm 1 flow rate control valve,
combined operation including combined operation including
arm is not smooth. arm is not smooth.
Symptoms Same as shown above Same as shown above Same as shown above
in machine
when trouble
Evaluation by 11407 11428 11427
Fault Code
Evaluation by MC: Pressure Boost P/S Output, MC: Arm 2 Flw Cont P/S Output, MC: Arm 1 Flw Cont P/S Output,
Monitoring Pressure Boost P/S Output FB Arm 2 Flw Cont P/S O/P FB Arm 1 Flw Cont P/S O/P FB
Evaluation Install light harness (ST 7226). Install light harness (ST 7226). Install light harness (ST 7226).
by using Test Check output signals from MC Check output signals from MC Check output signals from MC
Harness and wire harness condition. and wire harness condition. and wire harness condition.
Note - - -
Descriptions T2-2 T2-2 T2-2
of Control
Section in

TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) T5-6-16
Group 6 Troubleshooting B

Parts 5-Spool Solenoid Valve Unit (SF) 5-Spool Solenoid Valve Unit (SC) 2-Spool Solenoid Valve Unit (SZ)

Function Valve (SF) shifts digging Valve (SC) shifts arm regenerative Valve (SZ) supplies pilot pressure
regenerative valve. valve. to pump 1 regulator and
increases pump 1 delivery flow
Symptoms High current: Valve (SF) always High current: Valve (SC) always Regeneration of aftertreatment
in control shifts digging regenerative valve. shifts arm regenerative valve. device may not be performed
system when Low current: As valve (SF) (Regeneration is not performed.) when performing aftertreatment
trouble occurs always does not shift digging Arm speed becomes slow. device manual regeneration.
regenerative valve, arm roll-in Cylinder hesitation easily occurs
speed is slow when performing when performing combined
combined operation of arm roll- operation.
in and boom raise. Low current: Valve (SC) always
does not shift arm regenerative
valve. Arm speed becomes fast.
Symptoms Same as shown above Same as shown above Same as shown above
in machine
when trouble
Evaluation by 11402 11403 11409
Fault Code
Evaluation by MC: Digging Regen P/S O/P, MC: Arm Regen P/S Output, Arm -
Monitoring Digging Regen P/S O/P FB Regen P/S Output FB
Evaluation Install light harness (ST 7226). Install light harness (ST 7226). Install light harness (ST 7226).
by using Test Check output signals from MC Check output signals from MC Check output signals from MC
Harness and wire harness condition. and wire harness condition. and wire harness condition.
Note - - -
Descriptions T2-2 T2-2 T2-2
of Control
Section in

TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) T5-6-17
Group 6 Troubleshooting B

Parts 2-Spool Solenoid Valve Unit (SJ) Main Relief Valve (Pumps 1, 2) Main Relief Valve (Pump 3)

Function Valve (SJ) shifts bypass shut-out
This valve prevents pressure This valve prevents pressure in
valve. in pump 1 and 2 circuits from pump 3 circuit from exceeding
exceeding the set pressure when the set pressure when the control
the control lever is operated. lever is operated.
Symptoms Regeneration of aftertreatment If valve is stuck in fully If valve is stuck in fully
in control device may not be performed closed position, hose of front closed position, hose of front
system when when performing aftertreatment attachment may be damaged. attachment may be damaged.
trouble occurs device manual regeneration. If valve is stuck in fully open If valve is stuck in fully open
position, power is weak when position, power is weak when
performing digging and climbing performing digging operation.
operation. Swing power is weak.
Symptoms Same as shown above Same as shown above Same as shown above
in machine
when trouble
Evaluation by 11408 - -
Fault Code
Evaluation by - - -
Evaluation Install light harness (ST 7226). - -
by using Test Check output signals from MC
Harness and wire harness condition.
Note - - -
Descriptions T2-2 T3-3 T3-3
of Control
Section in

TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) T5-6-18
Group 6 Troubleshooting B

Parts Overload Relief Valve Boom Anti-Drift Valve Arm Anti-Drift Valve (Rod Side)

Function This valve prevents actuator This valve opens forcibly the This valve forcibly opens check
circuit pressure generated by check valve in boom lower return valve in arm roll-in return circuit
external force from exceeding circuit and lowers boom, only and rolls arm in only when
the set pressure with the control when performing boom lower performing arm roll-in operation.
lever set in neutral. operation. The valve prevents The valve prevents arm from
boom from drifting due to oil drifting due to oil leaks in control
leaks in control valve. valve.
Symptoms If valve is stuck in fully If check valve is kept closed, If check valve is kept closed, arm
in control closed position, hose of front boom does not lower smoothly. roll-in speed becomes slow.
system when attachment may be damaged by If check valve is kept open, front If check valve is kept open, front
trouble occurs external force. attachment drift increases due to attachment drift increases due to
If valve is stuck in fully open oil leaks in control valve. oil leaks in control valve.
position, power is weak when
performing digging operation.
Symptoms Same as shown above Same as shown above Same as shown above
in machine
when trouble
Evaluation by - - -
Fault Code
Evaluation by - - -
Evaluation - - -
by using Test
Note - - -
Descriptions T3-3 T3-3 T3-3
of Control
Section in

TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) T5-6-19
Group 6 Troubleshooting B

Parts Arm Anti-Drift Valve (Bottom Flow Combiner Valve Boom Regenerative Valve
Function This valve opens forelbly the This valve supplies pressure oil to This valve supplies returning oil
check valve in arm roll-out return both right and left travel spools from boom cylinder bottom side
circuit and makes arm roll-out, from pump 1 when performing to rod side and prevents cylinder
only when performing arm roll- combined operation of travel and hesitation.
out operation. Valve prevents arm front attachment/swing.
from drifting due to oil leaks in
control valve.
Symptoms If check valve is kept closed, arm If valve is stuck in fully closed If check valve is kept closed,
in control roll-out speed becomes slow. position, machine mistracks boom does not lower smoothly.
system when If check valve is kept open, front to the left when performing If check valve is kept open,
trouble occurs attachment drift increases due to combined operation of travel and machine cannot be raised off the
oil leaks in control valve. front attachment/swing. ground.
If valve is stuck in fully open
position, machine mistracks to
the right when performing travel
single operation.
Symptoms Same as shown above Same as shown above Same as shown above
in machine
when trouble
Evaluation by - - -
Fault Code
Evaluation by - - -
Evaluation - - -
by using Test
Note - - -
Descriptions T3-3 T3-3 T3-3
of Control
Section in

TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) T5-6-20
Group 6 Troubleshooting B

Parts Arm Regenerative Valve Bucket Regenerative Valve Bucket Regeneration Cut Valve

Function This valve is shifted by pilot This valve supplies returning oil This valve decreases pressure
pressure from 5-spool solenoid from bucket cylinder rod side in bucket cylinder rod side
valve unit (SC). The valve to bottom side and prevents and improves digging force
decreases pressure in arm cylinder hesitation. when performing bucket roll-in
cylinder rod side and increases operation at heavy load.
arm speed when pump delivery
pressure is low.
Symptoms If valve is kept closed, boom raise If check valve is kept closed, If valve is stuck in fully closed
in control speed becomes slow during arm bucket digging operation is not position, power is weak when
system when level crowding operation. smooth. performing bucket digging
trouble occurs If valve is kept open, arm roll-in If check valve is kept open, power operation.
speed becomes slow. is weak. If valve is stuck in fully open
position, bucket digging speed
becomes slow.
Symptoms Same as shown above Same as shown above Same as shown above
in machine
when trouble
Evaluation by - - -
Fault Code
Evaluation by - - -
Evaluation - - -
by using Test
Note - - -
Descriptions T3-3 T3-3 T3-3
of Control
Section in

TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) T5-6-21
Group 6 Troubleshooting B

Parts Arm 1 Flow Rate Control Valve Arm 2 Flow Rate Control Valve Auxiliary Flow Rate Control Valve

Function This valve is shifted by pilot This valve is shifted by pilot This valve is shifted by pilot
pressure from 5-spool solenoid pressure from 5-spool solenoid pressure from auxiliary flow rate
valve unit (SE). The valve valve unit (SD). The valve control solenoid valve.
restricts arm 1 circuit and restricts arm 2 circuit and keeps
keeps attachment speed when bucket speed when performing
performing combined operation combined operation of arm roll-
of attachment and arm. in and bucket.
Symptoms If poppet valve or selector valve is If poppet valve or selector valve is If poppet valve or selector valve
in control stuck in fully closed position, arm stuck in fully closed position, arm is stuck in fully closed position,
system when roll-in speed becomes slow. roll-in speed becomes slow. attachment speed becomes slow.
trouble occurs If poppet valve or selector valve If poppet valve or selector valve If poppet valve or selector valve
is stuck in fully open position, is stuck in fully open position, is stuck in fully open position,
attachment speed becomes slow bucket roll-in speed becomes travel speed becomes slow when
when performing combined slow when performing combined performing combined operation
operation of arm roll-in and operation of arm roll-in and of attachment and travel.
attachment. bucket roll-in.
Symptoms Same as shown above Same as shown above Same as shown above
in machine
when trouble
Evaluation by - - -
Fault Code
Evaluation by - - -
Evaluation - - -
by using Test
Note - - -
Descriptions T3-3 T3-3 T3-3
of Control
Section in

TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) T5-6-22
Group 6 Troubleshooting B

Parts Auxiliary Flow Combiner Valve Bypass Shut-Out Valve Digging Regenerative Valve

Function This valve is shifted by pilot This valve is shifted by pilot This valve is shifted by pilot
pressure from auxiliary flow pressure from 2-spool solenoid pressure from 5-spool solenoid
combiner solenoid valve. The valve unit (SJ) and increases valve unit (SF). The valve supplies
valve supplies pressure oil frompressure of pump 1 circuit. The returning oil from boom cylinder
pump 1 to auxiliary 1 spool. valve is shifted by pilot pressure rod side to arm cylinder bottom
from auxiliary flow combiner side and improves arm digging
solenoid valve and supplies force.
pressure oil from pump 1 to
auxiliary 1 spool.
Symptoms If valve is stuck in fully closed If valve is stuck in fully closed If valve is stuck in fully closed
in control position, attachment speed does position, main relief valves (P1, position, arm roll-in speed
system when not increase when operating P2) continues to be relieved with becomes slow during digging
trouble occurs combined operation of all control levers set in neutral. operation.
attachment. If valve is stuck in fully open If valve is stuck in fully open
If valve is stuck in fully open position, attachment single position, boom raise speed
position, travel speed becomes operation speed becomes slow. becomes slow.
slow when operating combined Machine cannot be raised off
operation of attachment and the ground. Regeneration of
travel. aftertreatment device cannot be
Symptoms Same as shown above Same as shown above Same as shown above
in machine
when trouble
Evaluation by - - -
Fault Code
Evaluation by - - -
Evaluation - - -
by using Test
Note - - -
Descriptions T3-3 T3-3 T3-3
of Control
Section in

TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) T5-6-23
Group 6 Troubleshooting B

Parts Boom Lower Meter-In Cut Valve Travel Motor Displacement Angle Pump 1 Flow Rate Control Valve
Control Valve
Function This valve is shifted by returning This valve is shifted by pilot This valve supplies flow rate
oil from boom cylinder bottom pressure from 5-spool solenoid control pressure Pi according to
side. The valve lowers boom valve unit (SI), and shifts travel lever stroke to pump 1 regulator
due to own weight by the speed. when operating boom, arm,
boom regenerative circuit bucket , travel (right), and
when performing boom lower auxiliary 1.
operation above ground, and
gives priority to operate other
actuators. The valve gives priority
to operate boom with the track
raised off the ground and
increases jack-up force.
Symptoms If valve is stuck in fully closed If valve is stuck in fully closed If valve is stuck in fully closed
in control position, boom lower speed position, machine is kept to travel position, pump 1 displacement
system when becomes fast when performing at slow speed. angle is held at minimum when
trouble occurs combined operation. If valve is stuck in fully open operating control lever. Travel
If valve is stuck in fully open position, machine travels at fast (right) is not operated during
position, machine cannot be speed with travel mode switch travel single operation. Bucket
raised off ground. set in slow speed position. speed becomes extremely slow.
If valve is stuck in fully open
position, pump 1 displacement
angle is held at maximum with
control lever in neutral. Machine
mistracks to the left when travel
control lever is operated at half
stroke. Pump 1 control pressure
sensor detects maximum
Symptoms Same as shown above Same as shown above Same as shown above
in machine
when trouble
Evaluation by - - -
Fault Code
Evaluation by - - -
Evaluation - - -
by using Test
Note - - -
Descriptions T3-3 T3-5 T3-6
of Control
Section in

TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) T5-6-24
Group 6 Troubleshooting B

Parts Pump 2 Flow Rate Control Valve Pump 3 Flow Rate Control Valve Swing Parking Brake Release
Function This valve supplies flow rate This valve supplies flow rate This spool is shifted by pilot
control pressure Pi according to control pressure Pi according to pressure of boom, arm,
lever stroke to pump 2 regulator lever stroke to pump 3 regulator bucket, swing, auxiliary 1, and
when operating boom raise, arm, when operating boom raise, positioning/auxiliary 2. The spool
travel (left), and auxiliary 1. swing, and positioning/auxiliary supplies release pressure to
2. swing parking brake.
Symptoms If valve is stuck in fully closed If valve is stuck in fully closed If spool is stuck in fully closed
in control position, pump 2 displacement position, pump 3 displacement position, swing parking brake is
system when angle is held at minimum when angle is held at minimum when kept applied. (Dragging is felt.)
trouble occurs operating control lever. Travel operating control lever. Swing Even if control lever is operated
(left) is not operated during travel speed becomes extremely slow. at auto-idle control, engine speed
single operation. If valve is stuck in fully open does not increase as pressure
If valve is stuck in fully open position, pump 3 displacement sensor (front attachment) is
position, pump 2 displacement angle is held at maximum with always OFF.
angle is held at maximum with control lever in neutral. Swing If spool is stuck in fully open
control lever in neutral. Machine speed does not change according position, swing parking brake is
mistracks to the right when travel to the swing control lever stroke. kept released. (Machine vibrates
control lever is operated at half (Precise operation is impossible.) when traveling.) Even if control
stroke. Pump 2 control pressure Pump 3 control pressure sensor lever is set to neutral with auto-
sensor detects maximum detects maximum pressure. idle switch ON, engine speed
pressure. does not decrease as pressure
sensor (front attachment) is
always ON.
Symptoms Same as shown above Same as shown above Same as shown above
in machine
when trouble
Evaluation by - - -
Fault Code
Evaluation by - - -
Evaluation - - -
by using Test
Note - - -
Descriptions T3-6 T3-6 T3-6
of Control
Section in

TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) T5-6-25
Group 6 Troubleshooting B

Parts Flow Combiner Valve Control Auxiliary Flow Combiner Control Auxiliary Flow Rate Control
Spool Solenoid Valve (OP) Solenoid Valve (OP)
Function This spool is shifted by travel This valve shifts auxiliary flow This valve shifts selector valve of
(right) pilot pressure. The spool combiner valve. auxiliary flow rate control valve.
supplies selection pressure to
flow combiner valve in control
Symptoms If spool is stuck in fully closed Solenoid valve is not shifted. High current: Attachment speed
in control position, machine mistracks Pressure at output port becomes is slow during attachment single
system when to the left when performing 0 MPa. operation.
trouble occurs combined operation of travel and Low current: Boom raise speed is
front attachment/swing. Travel slow when performing combined
(left) speed becomes slow. operation of boom raise, arm roll-
If spool is stuck in fully open out, and attachment.
position, machine mistracks to
the right when performing travel
single operation. Travel (right)
speed becomes slightly slow.
Symptoms Same as shown above Attachment speed does not Same as shown above
in machine increase when performing
operation attachment single operation.
when trouble
Evaluation by - 11457 -
Fault Code
Evaluation by - MC: Auxiliary Flow Combiner MC: Auxil Flw Cont P/S Output,
Monitoring Valve Auxil Flw Cont P/S O/P FB
Evaluation - - -
by using Test
Note - - -
Descriptions T3-6 T2-2 T2-2
of Control
Section in

TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) T5-6-26
Group 6 Troubleshooting B

Parts Selector Valve Control Solenoid Selector Valve (OP) Accumulator Control Valve (OP)
Valve (OP)
Function This valve shifts selector valve.This valve shifts connection of This valve is shifted by pilot
returning circuit in attachment to pressure from selector valve
hydraulic oil tank or control valve. control solenoid valve.
Symptoms Solenoid valve is not shifted. If spool is stuck, connection of If spool is stuck, selection to
in control Pressure at output port becomes returning circuit is not shifted accumulator is turned OFF.
system when 0 MPa. to O/T (hydraulic oil tank) when Hydraulic pulsation (hose
trouble occurs breaker is selected. Number of vibration) becomes big when
breaker stroke becomes few. breaker 2 is used.
Symptoms Selector valve is not shifted. Same as shown above Same as shown above
in machine Connection of returning circuit is
operation not shifted to O/T (hydraulic oil
when trouble tank) when breaker is selected.
occurs Number of breaker stroke
becomes few.
Evaluation by 11458 - -
Fault Code
Evaluation by MC: Selector Valve - -
Evaluation - - -
by using Test
Note - - -
Descriptions T2-2 T2-2 T2-2
of Control
Section in

TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) T5-6-27
Group 6 Troubleshooting B

Parts Breaker Relief Solenoid Valve (OP) Auxiliary Overload Relief

Solenoid Valve (OP)
Function This valve shifts and adjusts This valve adjusts relief pressure
pressure in breaker circuit when of auxiliary 1 overload relief valve.
operating breaker.
Symptoms High current: Relief pressure is High current: Relief pressure is
in control fixed to the set pressure (low fixed to the set pressure (high
system when pressure). pressure).
trouble occurs Low current: Relief pressure of Low current: Relief pressure is
breaker is fixed to normal relief fixed to normal relief pressure.
pressure. Breaker striking power Power is weak when performing
is strong. attachment operation.
Symptoms Same as shown above Same as shown above
in machine
when trouble
Evaluation by 11436 11434, 11435
Fault Code
Evaluation by MC: Breaker Relief P/S Output, MC: ATT Relief 1 P/S Output, ATT
Monitoring Breaker Relief P/S Output FB Relief 1 P/S O/P FB, ATT Relief 2
P/S Output, ATT Relief 2 P/S O/P
Evaluation - -
by using Test
Note - -
Descriptions T2-2 T2-2
of Control
Section in

TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) T5-6-28
Group 6 Troubleshooting B


TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) T5-6-29
Group 6 Troubleshooting B

Correlation between Trouble Symptoms and

Part Failures
This table indicates the relationship between machine
troubles and parts contributing to the cause of the
trouble if failed.
The trouble symptoms in this table are described based
on the conditions that other operations are normal
and only one particular trouble symtom occurs. In case
more than one trouble occurs at the same time, find
out all faulty components while checking all suspected
components in each trouble symptom.

The marks / in this table indicate the influence to

trouble symptom.
: Related, required to check
: Related. However, in case this component fails, fault
code is displayed, or other trouble symptom will be more
noticeable. Thus, this component will not be the direct
cause of the trouble concerned.

TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) T5-6-30
Group 6 Troubleshooting B

Engine System Troubleshooting

Trouble Symptom E-1 E-2 E-3

Starter does not rotate. Even if starter rotates, Even if power mode switch
engine does not start. is operated, power mode is
not shifted.
MC 
ECM  
Monitor Controller 
Monitor 
Key Switch  
Engine Control Dial
Auto-Idle Switch
Power Mode Switch 
Travel Mode Switch
Pilot Shut-Off Relay 
Starter Cut Relay 
Security Relay 
Auto Shut-Down Relay
ACC Cut Relay
Key Switch ON Cut Relay  
ECM Main Relay  
Engine Stop Switch  
Fuse Box (#8, #17) (#17)
Pilot Shut-Off Switch 
MPDr. 
Manual Regeneration Switch
Battery 
Starter Relay 1 
Battery Relay 
Engine Unit 
Starter 
Overheat Switch
Coolant Temperature Sensor
Pump 1 Delivery Pressure Sensor
Pump 2 Delivery Pressure Sensor
Pump 1 Control Pressure Sensor
Pump 2 Control Pressure Sensor
Pressure Sensor (Front
Pressure Sensor (Travel)
Pressure Sensor (Swing)

TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) T5-6-31
Group 6 Troubleshooting B

Trouble Symptom E-4 E-5 E-6

ECO mode is faulty. Travel HP mode is faulty. Auto-idle system is faulty.

MC   
ECM   
Monitor Controller
Key Switch
Engine Control Dial   
Auto-Idle Switch 
Power Mode Switch  (ECO) 
Travel Mode Switch  (Fast Speed)
Pilot Shut-Off Relay
Starter Cut Relay
Security Relay
Auto Shut-Down Relay
ACC Cut Relay
Key Switch ON Cut Relay
ECM Main Relay
Engine Stop Switch
Fuse Box
Pilot Shut-Off Switch
MPDr. 
Manual Regeneration Switch
Starter Relay 1
Battery Relay
Engine Unit
Overheat Switch
Coolant Temperature Sensor
Pump 1 Delivery Pressure Sensor  
Pump 2 Delivery Pressure Sensor  
Pump 1 Control Pressure Sensor 
Pump 2 Control Pressure Sensor 
Pressure Sensor (Front

Pressure Sensor (Travel)  
Pressure Sensor (Swing)

TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) T5-6-32
Group 6 Troubleshooting B

E-7 E-8 E-9

Trouble Symptom
Even if pilot shut-off lever Engine speed does not Auto shut-down is not
is set to UNLOCK position increase when coolant activated.
with engine running at temperature is low.
Parts slow idle speed, engine
speed does not increase.
MC   
ECM   
Monitor Controller 
Monitor 
Key Switch  
Engine Control Dial   
Auto-Idle Switch
Power Mode Switch
Travel Mode Switch
Pilot Shut-Off Relay
Starter Cut Relay
Security Relay
Auto Shut-Down Relay 
ACC Cut Relay 
Key Switch ON Cut Relay 
ECM Main Relay 
Engine Stop Switch
Fuse Box  (#17, #18)
Pilot Shut-Off Switch  
Manual Regeneration Switch 
Battery 
Starter Relay 1
Battery Relay 
Engine Unit
Overheat Switch 
Coolant Temperature Sensor  
Pump 1 Delivery Pressure Sensor
Pump 2 Delivery Pressure Sensor
Pump 1 Control Pressure Sensor
Pump 2 Control Pressure Sensor
Pressure Sensor (Front
Pressure Sensor (Travel)
Pressure Sensor (Swing)

TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) T5-6-33
Group 6 Troubleshooting B

All Actuator System Troubleshooting

A-1 A-2 A-3

Trouble Symptom
All actuators do not work. All actuator speed are Travel (right) operation
slow. speed is slow when
performing travel single
Parts operation. Bucket single
operation speed is slow.
MC 
Monitor Controller 
Key Switch 
Engine Control Dial
Pilot Shut-Off Relay 
Security Horn Relay 
Starter Cut Relay 
Security Relay 
Key Switch ON Cut Relay 
Fuse Box  (#4)
Pilot Shut-Off Switch 
Pilot Shut-Off Solenoid Valve  
Hydraulic Oil Temperature Sensor
Battery 
Starter Relay 1 
Main Pump 1  
Main Pump 2 
Main Pump 3 
Pilot Pump 
Pump 1 Regulator  
Pump 2 Regulator 
Pump 3 Regulator 
Maximum Pump 1 Flow Rate Limit
 
Control Solenoid Valve
Maximum Pump 2 Flow Rate Limit

Control Solenoid Valve
Maximum Pump 3 Flow Rate Limit

Control Solenoid Valve
Pump 1 and 2 Torque Control

Solenoid Valve
Pump 3 Torque Control Solenoid

Pilot Valve 
Pump 1 Flow Rate Control Valve  
Pump 2 Flow Rate Control Valve 
Pump 3 Flow Rate Control Valve 
Shuttle Valve (Signal Control Valve) 
Pilot Filter 
Pilot Relief Valve 

TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) T5-6-34
Group 6 Troubleshooting B

A-4 A-5 A-6

Trouble Symptom Travel (left) operation Swing single operation Actuator does not stop
speed is slow when speed is slow. Boom even if control lever is set
performing travel single speed is slightly slow to neutral.
operation. Attachment when performing arm
Parts single operation speed is level crowding operation.
Monitor Controller
Key Switch
Engine Control Dial
Pilot Shut-Off Relay
Security Horn Relay
Starter Cut Relay
Security Relay
Key Switch ON Cut Relay
Fuse Box
Pilot Shut-Off Switch
Pilot Shut-Off Solenoid Valve
Hydraulic Oil Temperature Sensor
Starter Relay 1
Main Pump 1
Main Pump 2 
Main Pump 3 
Pilot Pump
Pump 1 Regulator
Pump 2 Regulator 
Pump 3 Regulator 
Maximum Pump 1 Flow Rate Limit
Control Solenoid Valve
Maximum Pump 2 Flow Rate Limit

Control Solenoid Valve
Maximum Pump 3 Flow Rate Limit

Control Solenoid Valve
Pump 1 and 2 Torque Control
Solenoid Valve
Pump 3 Torque Control Solenoid
Spool 
Pilot Valve 
Pump 1 Flow Rate Control Valve
Pump 2 Flow Rate Control Valve 
Pump 3 Flow Rate Control Valve 
Shuttle Valve (Signal Control Valve)
Pilot Filter
Pilot Relief Valve

TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) T5-6-35
Group 6 Troubleshooting B

Trouble Symptom A-7

Manual regeneration of
aftertreatment device
cannot be performed.
MC 
Monitor Controller 
Monitor 
Key Switch
Engine Control Dial 
Pilot Shut-Off Relay
Security Relay
Key Switch ON Cut Relay
Fuse Box
Pilot Shut-Off Switch 
Manual Regeneration Switch 
Pilot Shut-Off Solenoid Valve
Hydraulic Oil Temperature Sensor
Crank Speed Sensor
Cam Angle Sensor
Coolant Temperature Sensor 
Main Pump 1 
Main Pump 2
Main Pump 3
Pilot Pump 
Pump 1 Regulator 
Pump 2 Regulator
Pump 3 Regulator
Pump 1 Delivery Pressure Sensor 
Pump 1 and 2 Torque Control

Solenoid Valve
Pump 3 Torque Control Solenoid
Bypass Shut-Out Valve 
Pilot Valve
2-Spool Solenoid Valve Unit (SZ) 
2-Spool Solenoid Valve Unit (SJ) 
Pilot Filter 
Pilot Relief Valve 

TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) T5-6-36
Group 6 Troubleshooting B

Front Attachment System Troubleshooting

Trouble Symptom F-1 F-2 F-3

All front attachment actuator Even if power digging switch is pushed, power Boom, arm, or bucket single
power are weak. does not increase. Boom raise power is weak operation is not operated.
when performing digging operation. Boom, arm, or bucket single
operation speed is slow.
MC  
Power Mode Switch
Power Digging Switch 
Main Pump 1  
Main Pump 2  
Main Pump 3 
Pilot Pump   
Pump 1 Regulator
Pump 2 Regulator
Pump 3 Regulator
Pump 1 Delivery Pressure Sensor  
Pump 2 Delivery Pressure Sensor
Pump 3 Delivery Pressure Sensor
Pump 1 and 2 Torque Control Solenoid Valve 
Main Relief Valve (Pumps 1, 2)  
Main Relief Valve (Pump 3)  
Boom Anti-Drift Valve
Arm Anti-Drift Valve (Rod Side)
Arm Anti-Drift Valve (Bottom Side)
Boom Regenerative Valve
Arm Regenerative Valve
Bucket Regenerative Valve
Bucket Regeneration Cut Valve
Arm 1 Flow Rate Control Valve
Arm 2 Flow Rate Control Valve
Bypass Shut-Out Valve
Digging Regenerative Valve
Boom Lower Meter-In Cut Valve
Load Check Valve
Spool 
Pressure Sensor (Boom Raise)  
Pressure Sensor (Arm Roll-In)  
Pressure Sensor (Bucket Roll-In)
Cylinder 
Pilot Valve 
Shockless Valve (Signal Control Valve)  (only Boom)
Shuttle Valve (Signal Control Valve)  
Pressure Sensor (Travel)
Pressure Sensor (Swing)
Pressure Sensor (Front Attachment) 
5-Spool Solenoid Valve Unit (SI)  
5-Spool Solenoid Valve Unit (SD)
5-Spool Solenoid Valve Unit (SE)
5-Spool Solenoid Valve Unit (SF)
5-Spool Solenoid Valve Unit (SC)
Pilot Filter   
Pilot Relief Valve   

TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) T5-6-37
Group 6 Troubleshooting B

Trouble Symptom F-4 F-5 F-6

Bucket roll-in speed is slow and Arm roll-in speed is slow when Boom raise speed is slow when
power is weak when performing performing digging operation. performing combined operation of
digging operation. swing and boom raise.

MC   
Monitor Controller 
Monitor 
Engine Control Dial
Power Mode Switch  
Power Digging Switch
Main Pump 1  
Main Pump 2 
Main Pump 3
Pilot Pump   
Pump 1 Regulator  
Pump 2 Regulator  
Pump 3 Regulator
Pump 1 Delivery Pressure Sensor  
Pump 2 Delivery Pressure Sensor  
Pump 3 Delivery Pressure Sensor
Pump 1 and 2 Torque Control Solenoid Valve  
Main Relief Valve (Pumps 1, 2) 
Main Relief Valve (Pump 3)
Boom Anti-Drift Valve
Arm Anti-Drift Valve (Rod Side)
Arm Anti-Drift Valve (Bottom Side)
Boom Regenerative Valve
Arm Regenerative Valve
Bucket Regenerative Valve 
Bucket Regeneration Cut Valve 
Arm 1 Flow Rate Control Valve
Arm 2 Flow Rate Control Valve
Bypass Shut-Out Valve
Digging Regenerative Valve 
Boom Lower Meter-In Cut Valve
Load Check Valve
Spool  
Pressure Sensor (Boom Raise)   
Pressure Sensor (Arm Roll-In)  
Pressure Sensor (Bucket Roll-In) 
Cylinder 
Pilot Valve
Shockless Valve (Signal Control Valve)
Shuttle Valve (Signal Control Valve)
Pressure Sensor (Travel)
Pressure Sensor (Swing) 
5-Spool Solenoid Valve Unit (SI)
5-Spool Solenoid Valve Unit (SD)
5-Spool Solenoid Valve Unit (SE)
5-Spool Solenoid Valve Unit (SF) 
5-Spool Solenoid Valve Unit (SC)
Pilot Filter  
Pilot Relief Valve  

TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) T5-6-38
Group 6 Troubleshooting B

Trouble Symptom F-7 F-8 F-9

When performing combined operation, When performing combined When boom raise or arm roll-out
arm does not start to move smoothly. operation, boom does not start is operated, boom or arm starts to
Arm starts to move slightly slow when to move smoothly. Boom starts to move after moving slightly down.
performing arm single operation. These move slightly slow during boom
troubles often occur when temperature lower single operation.
Parts is low.
Main Pump 1
Main Pump 2
Main Pump 3
Pilot Pump
Pump 1 Regulator
Pump 2 Regulator
Pump 3 Regulator
Pump 1 Delivery Pressure Sensor
Pump 2 Delivery Pressure Sensor
Pump 3 Delivery Pressure Sensor
Pump 1 and 2 Torque Control Solenoid Valve
Main Relief Valve (Pumps 1, 2)
Main Relief Valve (Pump 3)
Boom Anti-Drift Valve  
Arm Anti-Drift Valve (Rod Side)  
Arm Anti-Drift Valve (Bottom Side)  
Boom Regenerative Valve 
Arm Regenerative Valve 
Bucket Regenerative Valve
Bucket Regeneration Cut Valve
Arm 1 Flow Rate Control Valve
Arm 2 Flow Rate Control Valve
Bypass Shut-Out Valve
Digging Regenerative Valve
Boom Lower Meter-In Cut Valve 
Load Check Valve 
Pressure Sensor (Boom Raise)
Pressure Sensor (Arm Roll-In)
Pressure Sensor (Bucket Roll-In)
Pilot Valve
Shockless Valve (Signal Control Valve)
Shuttle Valve (Signal Control Valve)
Pressure Sensor (Travel)
Pressure Sensor (Swing)
5-Spool Solenoid Valve Unit (SI)
5-Spool Solenoid Valve Unit (SD)
5-Spool Solenoid Valve Unit (SE)
5-Spool Solenoid Valve Unit (SF)
5-Spool Solenoid Valve Unit (SC)
Pilot Filter
Pilot Relief Valve

TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) T5-6-39
Group 6 Troubleshooting B

Trouble Symptom F-10 F-11 F-12

Front attachment drifts remarkably. Boom lower speed above ground Arm speed is fast when performing
is faster than other actuators when arm level crowding operation. Arm
performing combined operation. power is weak when performing
Machine cannot be raised off the digging operation.
Parts ground.
MC 
Engine Control Dial
Pilot Shut-Off Solenoid Valve
Main Pump 1  
Main Pump 2  
Main Pump 3  
Pilot Pump
Pump 1 Regulator
Pump 2 Regulator
Pump 3 Regulator
Pump 1 Delivery Pressure Sensor 
Pump 2 Delivery Pressure Sensor 
Pump 3 Delivery Pressure Sensor 
Pump 1 and 2 Torque Control Solenoid Valve
Boom Anti-Drift Valve 
Arm Anti-Drift Valve (Rod Side) 
Arm Anti-Drift Valve (Bottom Side) 
Boom Regenerative Valve 
Arm Regenerative Valve 
Bucket Regenerative Valve
Bucket Regeneration Cut Valve
Arm 1 Flow Rate Control Valve
Arm 2 Flow Rate Control Valve
Bypass Shut-Out Valve 
Digging Regenerative Valve
Boom Lower Meter-In Cut Valve 
Load Check Valve 
Spool 
Pressure Sensor (Boom Raise) 
Pressure Sensor (Arm Roll-In) 
Pressure Sensor (Bucket Roll-In) 
Cylinder  
Pilot Valve 
Shockless Valve (Signal Control Valve)
Shuttle Valve (Signal Control Valve)
Pressure Sensor (Travel)
Pressure Sensor (Swing)
Pressure Sensor (Auxiliary 1)
Pressure Sensor (Auxiliary 2)
5-Spool Solenoid Valve Unit (SI)
5-Spool Solenoid Valve Unit (SD)
5-Spool Solenoid Valve Unit (SE)
5-Spool Solenoid Valve Unit (SF)
5-Spool Solenoid Valve Unit (SC) 
Pilot Filter
Pilot Relief Valve

TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) T5-6-40
Group 6 Troubleshooting B

F-13 F-14 F-15

Trouble Symptom Attachment speed is slow when Bucket roll-in speed is slow when Arm roll-out speed is slow when
performing combined operation performing combined operation of arm performing combined operation
of attachment and arm. roll-in and bucket roll-in. Attachment of boom raise, arm roll-out, and
speed is slow when performing attachment.
combined operation of attachment and
arm roll-out.
MC   
Monitor Controller
Main Pump 1  
Main Pump 2   
Main Pump 3
Pilot Pump
Pump 1 Regulator
Pump 2 Regulator
Pump 3 Regulator
Pump 1 Delivery Pressure Sensor 
Pump 2 Delivery Pressure Sensor 
Pump 3 Delivery Pressure Sensor 
Pump 1 and 2 Torque Control Solenoid Valve
Boom Regenerative Valve
Arm Regenerative Valve
Bucket Regenerative Valve
Bucket Regeneration Cut Valve
Arm 1 Flow Rate Control Valve 
Arm 2 Flow Rate Control Valve 
Auxiliary Flow Rate Control Valve 
Bypass Shut-Out Valve
Digging Regenerative Valve
Boom Lower Meter-In Cut Valve
Load Check Valve
Spool  
Pressure Sensor (Boom Raise) 
Pressure Sensor (Arm Roll-In)   
Pressure Sensor (Bucket Roll-In) 
Pressure Sensor (Arm Roll-Out) (OP)   
Pilot Valve
Pressure Sensor (Travel)
Pressure Sensor (Swing)
Pressure Sensor (Auxiliary 1)   
Pressure Sensor (Auxiliary 2)
5-Spool Solenoid Valve Unit (SI)
5-Spool Solenoid Valve Unit (SD) 
5-Spool Solenoid Valve Unit (SE)
5-Spool Solenoid Valve Unit (SF)
5-Spool Solenoid Valve Unit (SC)
Auxiliary Flow Rate Control Solenoid Valve   
Pilot Filter
Pilot Relief Valve

TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) T5-6-41
Group 6 Troubleshooting B

Swing System Troubleshooting

S-1 S-2
Trouble Symptom
Swing speed is slow or is When starting swing
Parts not operated. operation, swing speed is
MC 
Monitor Controller
Engine Control Dial
Pilot Shut-Off Solenoid Valve 
Main Pump 1
Main Pump 2
Main Pump 3 
Pilot Pump 
Pump 1 Regulator
Pump 2 Regulator
Pump 3 Regulator 
Pump 1 Delivery Pressure Sensor
Pump 2 Delivery Pressure Sensor
Pump 3 Delivery Pressure Sensor 
Pump 1 Control Pressure Sensor
Pump 2 Control Pressure Sensor
Pump 3 Control Pressure Sensor 
Pump 1 and 2 Torque Control
Solenoid Valve
Pump 3 Torque Control Solenoid
 
Spool 
Swing Motor 
Swing Parking Brake 
Pressure Sensor (Front

Pilot Valve  
Pump 3 Flow Rate Control Valve 
Swing Parking Brake Release

Shuttle Valve (Signal Control

Pressure Sensor (Swing) 
Pilot Filter 
Pilot Relief Valve 

TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) T5-6-42
Group 6 Troubleshooting B

Travel System Troubleshooting

Trouble Symptom T-1 T-2 T-3

Both of right and left One side travel is not Machine mistracks when
travels are not operated or operated or travel speed is performing combined
travel speed is slow. slow. Machine mistracks. operation of travel and
Parts front attachment.
Monitor Controller
Engine Control Dial
Travel Mode Switch
Main Pump 1  
Main Pump 2  
Main Pump 3
Pilot Pump 
Pump 1 Regulator 
Pump 2 Regulator 
Pump 1 Delivery Pressure Sensor
Pump 2 Delivery Pressure Sensor
Pump 1 Control Pressure Sensor
Pump 2 Control Pressure Sensor
Pump 1 and 2 Torque Control

Solenoid Valve
Flow Combiner Valve 
Auxiliary Flow Combiner Valve
Bypass Shut-Out Valve
Spool  
Pressure Sensor (Front
Center Joint  
Travel Device  
Pilot Valve  
Pump 1 Flow Rate Control Valve 
Pump 2 Flow Rate Control Valve 
Flow Combiner Valve Control

Shuttle Valve (Signal Control
 
Pressure Sensor (Travel)
5-Spool Solenoid Valve Unit (SI)
Auxiliary Flow Combiner Control
Solenoid Valve
Pilot Filter
Pilot Relief Valve 

TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) T5-6-43
Group 6 Troubleshooting B

T-4 T-5 T-6

Trouble Symptom Occasionally, machine may Fast travel can not be Attachment speed is
mistrack when traveling selected. Travel mode does slow when performing
with engine running at not change from slow attachment single
slow speed. speed mode to fast speed operation. Travel speed
mode. is slow when performing
Parts combined operation of
attachment and travel.
MC   
Monitor Controller
Engine Control Dial
Travel Mode Switch  (Fast Speed)
Main Pump 1  
Main Pump 2  
Main Pump 3
Pilot Pump
Pump 1 Regulator 
Pump 2 Regulator 
Pump 1 Delivery Pressure Sensor  
Pump 2 Delivery Pressure Sensor  
Pump 1 Control Pressure Sensor 
Pump 2 Control Pressure Sensor 
Pump 1 and 2 Torque Control

Solenoid Valve
Flow Combiner Valve
Auxiliary Flow Combiner Valve 
Bypass Shut-Out Valve 
Pressure Sensor (Front
 
Center Joint 
Travel Device
Pilot Valve 
Pump 1 Flow Rate Control Valve
Pump 2 Flow Rate Control Valve
Flow Combiner Valve Control
Shuttle Valve (Signal Control

Pressure Sensor (Travel)  
5-Spool Solenoid Valve Unit (SI) 
Auxiliary Flow Combiner Control

Solenoid Valve
Pilot Filter
Pilot Relief Valve

TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) T5-6-44
Group 6 Troubleshooting B

Other System Troubleshooting

Trouble Symptom O-1 O-2 O-3

Work light does not light. Boom light does not light. Cab light does not light.
Monitor Controller  
Wiper/Light Controller   
Monitor  
Work Light Switch  
Wiper/Washer Switch
Wiper Relay
Work Light Relay 1 
Work Light Relay 2 
Washer Relay
Wiper Motor
Fuse Box  (#1, #17)  (#1, #17)  (#9)
Door Open/Close Switch 
Cab Light Switch 
Washer Motor
Work Light 
Boom Light 
Cab Light 

TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) T5-6-45
Group 6 Troubleshooting B

Trouble Symptom O-4 O-5

Wiper does not operate. Washer does not operate.
Monitor Controller 
Wiper/Light Controller  
Monitor 
Work Light Switch
Wiper/Washer Switch  
Wiper Relay 
Work Light Relay 1
Work Light Relay 2
Washer Relay 
Wiper Motor 
Fuse Box  (#2, #17)  (#2, #17)
Door Open/Close Switch
Cab Light Switch
Washer Motor 
Work Light
Boom Light

TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) T5-6-46
Group 6 Troubleshooting B


TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) T5-6-47
Group 6 Troubleshooting B

Engine System Troubleshooting

E-1 Starter does not rotate.

 Check that the pilot shut-off lever is in the LOCK
position.  In case the radio with the key switch set in the ACC
 This trouble has no relationship to the electronic position and the horn with the key switch set in
control system such as MC. the OFF position are operated normally, the wire
 Check the wiring connections first. harness between battery and key switch terminal B
is considered normal.
Procedure Inspection Method Condition Evaluation Cause
1 Measure battery voltage and - The measured YES: Faulty battery
electrolyte density. values are out of the
specification. NO: Go to Procedure No. 2
(Specification: Voltage:
24 V or more, Electrolyte
density: 1.26 or more)
2 Switch the starter cut relay Set the key switch to The starter rotates. YES: Faulty starter cut relay
with other general relay. START after switching NO: Go to Procedure No. 3
3 Measure voltage between Key Switch: START 0V YES: Open circuit in wire
starter cut relay harness end harness between key
#1 and the body, #3 and the switch and starter cut relay
body. NO: Go to Procedure No. 4

4 Measure voltage at starter Key Switch: START 0V YES: Open circuit in wire
relay 1 harness end terminal harness between starter
S. cut relay and starter relay 1
NO: Go to Procedure No. 5

5 Measure voltage at starter cut Key Switch: ON 0V YES: Short circuit in wire
relay harness end #2. harness between starter
cut relay and engine stop
NO: Go to Procedure No. 6

6 Measure voltage at battery Key Switch: ON 0V YES: Faulty battery relay

relay terminal A. NO: Go to Procedure No. 7
7 Measure voltage at starter Key Switch: START 0V YES: Faulty starter relay 1
terminal S. NO: Go to Procedure No. 8
8 Check continuity between Key Switch: START ∞Ω YES: Faulty key switch
key switch #1 and #6. NO: Faulty starter

TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) T5-6-48
Group 6 Troubleshooting B

Connector (Wire harness end)

 Starter Cut Relay  Starter Relay 1

TDC1-05-06-006 T8V4-05-07-001

 Starter  Key Switch



a- Terminal S

TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) T5-6-49
Group 6 Troubleshooting B

E-2 Even if starter rotates, engine does not start.

 Check that the engine stop switch is in the OFF
 Check that fuses #8 and #17 are normal.
 Check the wiring connections first.

Procedure Inspection Method Condition Evaluation Cause

1 Switch the ECM main relay Set the key switch The engine starts. YES: Faulty ECM main relay
with other general relay. to START after
switching relays. NO: Go to Procedure No. 2

2 Monitor Engine Stop Switch. Engine Stop ON is displayed. YES: Faulty engine stop switch
Switch: OFF NO: Faulty ECM or engine unit
(Refer to Engine Manual)

TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) T5-6-50
Group 6 Troubleshooting B

E-3 Even if power mode switch is operated, power

mode is not shifted.

 Check the wiring connections first.

Procedure Inspection Method Condition Evaluation Cause

1 Monitor Power Mode Switch. Power Mode Switch: OFF is displayed. YES: Faulty power mode
ON switch or open circuit in
wire harness between
power mode switch and
NO: Faulty MC

TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) T5-6-51
Group 6 Troubleshooting B

E-4 ECO mode is faulty.

Specification Remark
Fast Idle Speed 1650±50 No load
(ECO mode)

 In case other trouble symptoms occur, perform  Pump 1, 2 control pressure sensors, pump 1, 2
troubleshooting of these troubles first. delivery pressure sensors are also related to the ECO
 The sensors detect the conditions necessary to mode control. However, if these sensors fail, other
operate ECO mode. Therefore, if these sensors fails, operating functions will be also affected.
the power mode does not shift to ECO mode.  Refer to SYSTEM/Control System/ECO Mode Control.
 Check the wiring connections first.

Procedure Inspection Method Condition Evaluation Cause

1 Check continuity between Power Mode Switch: ∞Ω YES: Open circuit in wire
MC harness end #F9 and the ON harness between power
body. mode switch and MC
NO: To Procedure No. 2
2 Monitor Power Mode Switch Key Switch: ON OFF is displayed. YES: Faulty power mode
and turn ON the power mode switch
switch. NO: Faulty MC

Connector (Wire harness end)

 MC-F Connector


TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) T5-6-52
Group 6 Troubleshooting B

E-5 Travel HP mode is faulty.

Specification Remark
Fast Idle 2000±50 Travel relief
(Travel HP mode) operation

 Even if the travel mode switch is set to FAST when

performing travel single operation, travel HP mode is

 The sensors detect the conditions necessary to  Refer to SYSTEM/Control System/Travel HP Mode
operate travel HP mode. If these sensors fails, the Control.
travel mode does not shift to travel HP mode.  Check the wiring connections first.
 Pressure sensor (travel) and pump 1 and 2 delivery
pressure sensors are also related to the travel HP
mode control. However, if these sensors fail, other
operating functions will be also affected.

Procedure Inspection Method Condition Evaluation Cause

1 Monitor Travel Mode Switch. Travel Mode Switch: LO is displayed. YES: Faulty travel mode
Fast Speed switch or open circuit in
wire harness between
travel mode switch and MC
NO: Faulty MC

 Even if the travel mode switch is not set to FAST, travel

mode becomes fast speed.

 Travel must be operated when the average delivery
pressures of pumps 1 and 2 are high, if travel HP
mode control is performed. The sensors related to
this condition may not be faulty at the same time.

Procedure Inspection Method Condition Evaluation Cause

1 Monitor Travel Mode Switch. Travel Mode Switch: HI is displayed. YES: Short circuit in wire
Slow Speed harness between MC and
travel mode switch
NO: Faulty MC

TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) T5-6-53
Group 6 Troubleshooting B

E-6 Auto-idle system is faulty.

Specification Remark
Auto-Idle Speed 1200±50

 Even if the control lever is set to neutral, auto-idle

control is not operated.

 In case other trouble symptoms occur, perform
troubleshooting of these troubles first.  Refer to SYSTEM/Control System/Auto-Idle Control.
 Failure in pressure sensors (travel and front  Check the wiring connections first.
attachment) may relate to malfunction of the auto-
idle control. However, if these sensors fail, other
operating functions will be also affected.

Procedure Inspection Method Condition Evaluation Cause

1 Check continuity between Auto-Idle Switch: ON ∞ Ω YES: Open circuit in wire
MC harness end #F7 and the harness between auto-idle
body. switch and MC
NO: Go to Procedure No. 2
2 Monitor Auto-Idle Switch and Key Switch: ON OFF is displayed. YES: Faulty auto-idle switch
turn ON the auto-idle switch. NO: Faulty MC

 Even if the auto-idle switch is in the OFF position, auto-

idle system is operated.

 Check the wiring connections first.

Procedure Inspection Method Condition Evaluation Cause

1 Check continuity between Auto-Idle Switch: OFF 0 Ω YES: Shorted circuit in wire
MC harness end #F7 and the harness between auto-idle
body. switch and MC
NO: Go to Procedure No. 2
2 Monitor Auto-Idle Switch and Key Switch: ON ON is displayed. YES: Faulty auto-idle switch
turn OFF the auto-idle switch.
NO: Faulty MC

Connector (Wire harness end)

 MC-F Connector


TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) T5-6-54
Group 6 Troubleshooting B

E-7 Even if pilot shut-off lever is set to UNLOCK

position with engine running at slow idle
speed, engine speed does not increase.

 In case other trouble symptoms occur, perform
troubleshooting of these troubles first.
 If the fault code is not displayed, the pilot shut-off
switch may be faulty.
 Refer to SYSTEM/Control System/Pilot Shut-Off Idle
Speed-Up Control.

E-8 Engine speed does not increase when coolant

temperature is low.

 In case other trouble symptoms occur, perform
troubleshooting of these troubles first.
 If the fault code is not displayed, the pilot shut-off
switch may be faulty.
 Refer to SYSTEM/Control System/Heater Control.

TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) T5-6-55
Group 6 Troubleshooting B

E-9 Auto shut-down is not activated.

 Refer to SYSTEM/Control System and SYSTEM/
Electrical System/Auto Shut-Down Control.
 Check the wiring connections first.

Procedure Inspection Method Condition Evaluation Cause

1 Switch auto shut-down relay - The symptom YES: Faulty auto shut-down
with other general relay. disappears. relay
NO: Go to Procedure No. 2

2 Switch key switch ON cut - The symptom YES: Faulty key switch ON
relay with other general relay. disappears. cut relay
NO: Go to Procedure No. 3
3 Switch ACC cut relay with - The symptom YES: Faulty ACC cut relay
other general relay. disappears. NO: Go to Procedure No. 4
4 Monitor Pilot Control Shut-Off Pilot Shut-Off Lever: ON is displayed. YES: Faulty pilot shut-off
Lever Switch. UNLOCK Position switch
NO: Go to Procedure No. 5
5 Monitor Manual Regeneration Manual Regeneration ON is displayed. YES: Faulty manual
Switch. Switch: OFF regeneration switch
NO: Faulty MC

TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) T5-6-56
Group 6 Troubleshooting B


TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) T5-6-57
Group 6 Troubleshooting B

All Actuator System Troubleshooting

A-1 All actuators do not work.

 The pilot shut-off circuit may be faulty.
 Even if the key switch is set to the START position  Refer to SYSTEM/Electrical System.
with the pilot shut-off lever in the UNLOCK position,  Check the wiring connections first.
the starter does not rotate.
 Even if the key switch is set to the START position
with the engine stop switch is in the ON position and
the pilot shut-off lever is in the UNLOCK position, the
starter rotates.

Procedure Inspection Method Condition Evaluation Cause

1 Monitor Pilot Control Shut-Off Pilot Shut-Off Lever: OFF is displayed. YES: Faulty pilot shut-off switch
Lever Switch. UNLOCK Position NO: Go to Procedure No. 2
2 Switch the pilot shut-off relay Pilot Shut-Off Lever: The symptom YES: Faulty pilot shut-off relay
with other general relay. UNLOCK Position disappears. NO: Go to Procedure No. 3
3 Switch the security relay with Pilot Shut-Off Lever: The symptom YES: Faulty security relay
other general relay. UNLOCK Position disappears. NO: Go to Procedure No. 4
4 Measure resistance between - 0/∞ Ω YES: Faulty pilot shut-off
pilot shut-off solenoid valve (Specification: 49 Ω) solenoid valve
#1 and #2. NO: Go to Procedure No. 5
5 Measure voltage between Key Switch: ON 0V YES: Open circuit in wire harness
pilot shut-off solenoid valve between pilot shut-off solenoid
harness end #1 and the body. valve and battery relay
NO: Go to Procedure No. 6
6 Measure voltage between Key Switch: ON 0V YES: Open circuit in wire harness
pilot shut-off relay harness between pilot shut-off relay and
end #1 and the body. battery relay
NO: Go to Procedure No. 7
7 Check continuity between Connect pilot ∞Ω YES: Open circuit in wire harness
pilot shut-off relay harness shut-off solenoid between pilot shut-off solenoid
end #3 and the body. valve harness end valve and pilot shut-off relay
terminal #2 to the NO: Go to Procedure No. 8
8 Check continuity between Connect pilot shut- ∞Ω YES: Open circuit in wire harness
security relay harness end #4 off relay harness between pilot shut-off relay and
and the body. end terminal #5 to security relay
the body. NO: Go to Procedure No. 9

9 Check continuity between - ∞Ω YES: Faulty ground in security

security relay harness end #3 relay
and the body. NO: Go to Procedure No. 10
10 Check continuity between - 0Ω YES: Short circuit in wire harness
security relay harness end #2 between monitor controller and
and the body. security relay
NO: Faulty monitor controller

TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) T5-6-58
Group 6 Troubleshooting B

Connector (Wire harness end)

 Pilot Shut-Off Solenoid Valve  Security Relay


 Pilot Shut-Off Relay



TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) T5-6-59
Group 6 Troubleshooting B

A-2 All actuator speed are slow.

Specification Remark
Primary Pilot 4.0+1.0-0.5 Engine Control
Pressure Dial : Fast Idle

 Decrease of pump 1, 2, and 3 flow rate due to some
reasons or faulty pilot system (A-1) may cause this
 Check fuse of the torque control solenoid valve.
 Even if speed is satisfactory, in case power is weak,
refer to the troubleshooting for faulty main relief
valve (F-1).
 Check the wiring connections first.

Procedure Inspection Method Condition Evaluation Cause

1 Monitor Boom Raise Pilot - The measured YES: Faulty pilot relief valve
Pressure and relieve the values are out of the or clogged pilot filter
boom raise circuit. specification. NO: Faulty pump device
(Specification: 3.4-4.0

TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) T5-6-60
Group 6 Troubleshooting B

A-3 Travel (right) operation speed is slow when

performing travel single operation. Bucket
single operation speed is slow. (All problems
occur at the same time.)

 The pump 1 flow rate is minimized due to some
reasons. Travel (right) and bucket, which are driven
by pressure oil from pump 1, move very slowly.
 Refer to SYSTEM/Hydraulic System.

Procedure Inspection Method Condition Evaluation Cause

1 Monitor Pump 1 Control Operate travel (right) Pressure increase YES: Faulty pump 1 regulator
Pressure. control lever. according to control NO: Stuck pump 1 flow rate
lever stroke. control valve in signal control
valve or malfunction of
maximum pump 1 flow rate
limit control solenoid valve

TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) T5-6-61
Group 6 Troubleshooting B

A-4 Travel (left) operation speed is slow

when performing travel single operation.
Attachment single operation speed is slow.
(All problems occur at the same time.)

 The pump 2 flow rate is minimized due to some
reasons. Travel (left) and attachment, which are
driven by pressure oil from pump 2, move very
 Refer to SYSTEM/Hydraulic System.

Procedure Inspection Method Condition Evaluation Cause

1 Monitor Pump 2 Control Operate travel (left) Pressure increase YES: Faulty pump 2 regulator
Pressure. control lever. according to control NO: Stuck pump 2 flow rate
lever stroke. control valve in signal control
valve or malfunction of
maximum pump 2 flow rate
limit control solenoid valve

TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) T5-6-62
Group 6 Troubleshooting B

A-5 Swing single operation speed is slow. Boom

speed is slightly slow when performing arm
level crowding operation. (All problems occur
at the same time.)

 The pump 3 flow rate is minimized due to some
reasons. Swing, which are driven by pressure oil from
pump 3, becomes very slow.
 Refer to SYSTEM/Hydraulic System.

Procedure Inspection Method Condition Evaluation Cause

1 Monitor Pump 3 Control Operate swing Pressure increase YES: Faulty pump 3 regulator
Pressure. control lever according to control NO: Stuck pump 3 flow rate
lever stroke. control valve in signal control
valve or malfunction of
maximum pump 3 flow rate
limit control solenoid valve

TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) T5-6-63
Group 6 Troubleshooting B

A-6 Actuator does not stop even if control lever is

set to neutral.

 Stuck spool in the pilot valve or stuck main spool in
the control valve is suspected.

Procedure Inspection Method Condition Evaluation Cause

1 Set the pilot shut-off lever to - The actuator stops. YES: Faulty pilot valve (stuck
the LOCK position. spool)
NO: Faulty control valve (stuck

TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) T5-6-64
Group 6 Troubleshooting B

A-7 Manual regeneration of aftertreatment device

cannot be performed.

 Refer to SYSTEM/Control System/Aftertreatment
Device Manual Regeneration Control.
 In case the tracks cannot be raised off the ground
(power is weak), the bypass shut-out valve may be
 Check the wiring connections first.

Procedure Inspection Method Condition Evaluation Cause

1 Monitor Pilot Control Shut- Pilot Shut-Off Lever: ON is displayed. YES: Faulty pilot shut-off switch
Off Lever Switch. UNLOCK Position NO: Go to Procedure No. 2
2 Monitor Manual Manual Regeneration ON is displayed. YES: Faulty manual
Regeneration Switch. Switch: OFF regeneration switch
NO: Go to Procedure No. 3
3 Measure pressure at port Aftertreatment The measured YES: Stuck spool in 2-spool
SJ of 2-spool solenoid Device Manual values are out of solenoid valve unit (SJ)
valve unit. Regeneration the specification. NO: Go to Procedure No. 4
(Forcible): ON (Specification: approx.
0.8 MPa)
4 Measure pressure at port Aftertreatment The measured YES: Stuck spool in 2-spool
SZ of 2-spool solenoid Device Manual values are out of solenoid valve unit (SZ)
valve unit. Regeneration the specification. NO: Go to Procedure No. 5
(Forcible): ON (Specification: 3.3-4.3
5 Monitor Pump 1 Delivery Control lever in The measured YES: Stuck bypass shut-out
Pressure. neutral values are out of valve
the specification. NO: Faulty MC
(Specification: 6.0-10

TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) T5-6-65
Group 6 Troubleshooting B

Front Attachment System Troubleshooting

F-1 All front attachment actuator power are weak.

Main Relief Valve Specification Remark

Set Pressure (MPa)
Boom (Relief 38.0+2.0-1.5
operation) (P1,
Boom (Relief 38.5+2.0-0.5
operation) (P3)
Arm (Relief 34.3+2.0-0.5
operation) (P1,
Bucket (Relief 35.0+2.0-0.5
operation) (P1)

 If operating speeds are extremely slow, pump control
may be faulty (A-3 to A-5). Faulty pilot system may
also cause this trouble.

Procedure Inspection Method Condition Evaluation Cause

1 Monitor Pump 1 Delivery Arm relief operation The measured YES: Faulty main relief valve
Pressure, Pump 2 Delivery values are out of the (readjust)
Pressure, and Pump 3 specification. NO: Find out cause of trouble by
Delivery Pressure. tracing other trouble symptoms.

TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) T5-6-66
Group 6 Troubleshooting B

F-2 Even if power digging switch is pushed, power

does not increase or boom raise power is
weak when performing digging operation.

Main Relief Valve Specification Remark

Set Pressure (MPa)
Boom (Relief 38.0+2.0-1.5
operation) (P1,
Boom (Relief 38.5+2.0-0.5
operation) (P3)
Power Digging 38.0+2.0-0.5
(P1, P2)

 Refer to SYSTEM/Control System/Power Digging
Control and Auto-Power Lift Control.
 Check the wiring connections first.

Procedure Inspection Method Condition Evaluation Cause

1 Monitor Power Boost Switch. Power Digging OFF is displayed. YES: Faulty power digging
Switch: ON switch or open circuit in wire
harness between power digging
switch and MC
NO: Go to Procedure No. 2
2 Monitor Pump 1 Delivery Relieve boom raise The measured YES: Faulty main relief valve
Pressure, Pump 2 Delivery circuit. values are out of the
Pressure, and Pump 3 specification. NO: Faulty MC
Delivery Pressure.

TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) T5-6-67
Group 6 Troubleshooting B

F-3 Boom, arm, or bucket single operation is

not operated. Boom, arm, or bucket single
operation speed is slow.

Overload Relief Specification Remark

Valve Set Pressure (MPa)
Boom, Arm, 39.2+1.0-0

 When other actuators (travel and swing motors) are
operated normally, the pilot pump (primary pilot
pressure) is considered to be normal.

Procedure Inspection Method Condition Evaluation Cause

1 Monitor Boom Raise Fully operate boom The measured YES: Faulty pilot valve
Pilot Pressure and Arm raise and arm roll-in. values are out of the or stuck spool of shockless valve
Roll-In Pilot Pressure. specification. in signal control valve (only
(Specification: 3.4-4.0 boom raise)
MPa) NO: Go to Procedure No. 2
2 Monitor Pump 1 Control Slowly operate the The measured YES: Faulty shuttle valve in
Pressure and Pump 2 control lever. values are out of the signal control valve
Control Pressure. specification. NO: Go to Procedure No. 3
(Specification: 2.9-4.3
3 Switch overload relief - Symptom is reversed. YES: Faulty overload relief valve
valves, of which the set NO: Stuck control valve spool or
pressure are same. faulty cylinder (faulty seal kit)

TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) T5-6-68
Group 6 Troubleshooting B

F-4 Bucket roll-in speed is slow and power is weak

when performing digging operation.

 Refer to SYSTEM/Hydraulic System/Bucket
Regenerative Cut Circuit.
 Check the wiring connections first.

Procedure Inspection Method Condition Evaluation Cause

1 Monitor Power Mode Power Mode Switch: OFF is displayed. YES: Faulty power mode switch
Switch. ON or open circuit in wire harness
between power mode switch
and MC
NO: Go to Procedure No. 2

2 Disassemble and inspect - There is abnormality. YES: Faulty bucket regeneration

the bucket regeneration cut valve
cut valve. NO: Go to Procedure No. 3
3 Disassemble and inspect - There is abnormality. YES: Faulty bucket regenerative
the bucket regenerative valve
valve. NO: Find out cause of trouble by
tracing other trouble symptoms.

TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) T5-6-69
Group 6 Troubleshooting B

F-5 Arm roll-in speed is slow when performing

digging operation.

 Refer to SYSTEM/Control System/Digging
Regenerative Control.

Procedure Inspection Method Condition Evaluation Cause

1 Disassemble and inspect the - There is abnormality. YES: Faulty digging regenerative
digging regenerative valve. valve
NO: Find out cause of trouble by
tracing other trouble symptoms.

TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) T5-6-70
Group 6 Troubleshooting B

F-6 Boom raise speed is slow when performing

combined operation of swing and boom raise.

 In case other trouble symptoms occur, perform
troubleshooting of these troubles first.
 If the fault code is not displayed, the power mode
switch may be faulty.

TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) T5-6-71
Group 6 Troubleshooting B

F-7 When performing combined operation, arm

does not start to move smoothly. Arm starts
to move slightly slow when performing arm
single operation. These troubles often occur
when temperature is low.

 Refer to COMPONENT OPERATION/Control Valve.

Procedure Inspection Method Condition Evaluation Cause

1 Disassemble and inspect the - There is abnormality. YES: Faulty arm anti-drift valve
arm anti-drift valve. NO: Go to Procedure No. 2
2 Disassemble and inspect the - There is abnormality. YES: Faulty arm regenerative
arm regenerative valve. valve
NO: Find out cause of trouble by
tracing other trouble symptoms.

TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) T5-6-72
Group 6 Troubleshooting B

F-8 When performing combined operation, boom

does not start to move smoothly. Boom starts
to move slightly slow when performing boom
lower single operation.

 Refer to COMPONENT OPERATION/Control Valve.

Procedure Inspection Method Condition Evaluation Cause

1 Disassemble and inspect the - There is abnormality. YES: Faulty boom anti-drift valve
boom anti-drift valve. NO: Go to Procedure No. 2
2 Disassemble and inspect the - There is abnormality. YES: Faulty boom lower meter-in
boom lower meter-in cut cut valve
valve. NO: Go to Procedure No. 3
3 Disassemble and inspect the - There is abnormality. YES: Faulty boom regenerative
boom regenerative valve. valve
NO: Find out cause of trouble by
tracing other trouble symptoms.

TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) T5-6-73
Group 6 Troubleshooting B

F-9 When boom raise or arm roll-out is operated,

boom or arm starts to move after moving
slightly down. When the load check valve is faulty:

Preparation (B)

 When start to operate control lever, oil pressure

and flow rate from the pump is low. Therefore, if (A)
the load check valve is faulty, the load on the boom
cylinder is applied, the oil in the bottom side of the
boom cylinder flows back into the circuit through
the load check valve. Therefore, the boom cylinder is
temporarily retracted.
 As oil pressure and flow rate from the pump is low,
if oil leaks from bottom side (A) to rod side (B) due
to faulty boom cylinder piston or cylinder tube, the
boom cylinder is temporarily retracted during the
initial stage of operation. The cylinder becomes the T105-07-04-012
lack of force. The boom cylinder drift increases in this

Procedure Inspection Method Condition Evaluation Cause

1 Disassemble and inspect the - There is abnormality. YES: Faulty load check valve
load check valve. NO: Go to Procedure No. 2
2 Disassemble and inspect the - There is abnormality. YES: Faulty anti-drift valve
anti-drift valves (boom, arm). NO: Faulty cylinder (seal kit)

TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) T5-6-74
Group 6 Troubleshooting B

F-10 Front attachment drifts remarkably.

 Boom Cylinder Internal Leakage Check

1. With the bucket cylinder fully retracted and the arm
cylinder slightly extended from the fully retracted
position, lower the bucket tooth tips onto the
2. Disconnect the hoses from the boom cylinder rod
side. Drain oil from the hoses and cylinders. (Plug
the disconnected hose ends.)
3. Retract the arm cylinder and lift the bucket off the
ground. If oil flows out of the hose disconnected
piping ends and the boom cylinders are retracted
at this time, oil leaks in the boom cylinders. If no oil
flows out of the hose disconnected piping ends but T105-07-04-009
the boom cylinders are retracted, oil leaks in the
control valve.

Procedure Inspection Method Condition Evaluation Cause

1 Set the pilot shut-off lever to - The symptom YES: Faulty pilot valve
the LOCK position. disappears. NO: Go to Procedure No. 2
2 Switch overload relief valves. - The symptom YES: Faulty overload relief valve
disappears. NO: Go to Procedure No. 3
3 Disassemble and inspect the - There is abnormality. YES: Faulty anti-drift valve
anti-drift valves (boom, arm). NO: Go to Procedure No. 4
4 Disassemble and inspect the - There is abnormality. YES: Faulty emergency valve
emergency valve. NO: Go to Procedure No. 5
5 Disassemble and inspect the - There is abnormality. YES: Faulty cylinder (seal kit)
cylinder. NO: Scored control valve spool,
broken spring, or loose spool

TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) T5-6-75
Group 6 Troubleshooting B

F-11 Boom lower speed above ground is faster

than other actuators when performing
combined operation. Machine cannot be
raised off the ground.

 The boom lower meter-in cut valve may be faulty.
 Refer to SYSTEM/Hydraulic System and COMPONENT
OPERATION/Control Valve.
 In case boom lower single operation speed is slow,
also refer to F-8.

Procedure Inspection Method Condition Evaluation Cause

1 Disassemble and inspect the - There is abnormality. YES: Faulty boom lower meter-in
boom lower meter-in cut cut valve
valve. NO: Find out cause of trouble by
tracing other trouble symptoms.

TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) T5-6-76
Group 6 Troubleshooting B

F-12 Arm speed is slow when performing arm level

crowding operation. Arm power is weak when
performing digging operation.

 Refer to SYSTEM/Control System/Arm Regenerative
Cut Control.

Procedure Inspection Method Condition Evaluation Cause

1 Measure pressure at Combined operation The measured YES: Stuck spool in 5-spool
port SC of 5-spool of arm roll-in and values are out of solenoid valve unit (SC)
solenoid valve unit. boom raise the specification. NO: Go to Procedure No. 2
(Specification: 3.3-4.8
2 Disassemble and inspect - There is abnormality. YES: Faulty arm regenerative
the arm regenerative valve
valve. NO: Find out cause of trouble by
tracing other trouble symptoms.

TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) T5-6-77
Group 6 Troubleshooting B

F-13 Attachment speed is slow when performing

combined operation of attachment and arm.

 Refer to SYSTEM/Control System/Arm 1 Flow Rate

Procedure Inspection Method Condition Evaluation Cause

1 Measure pressure at Combined operation The measured YES: Stuck spool in 5-spool
port SE of 5-spool of attachment and values are out of solenoid valve unit (SE)
solenoid valve unit. arm roll-in the specification. NO: Go to Procedure No. 2
(Specification: 3.3-4.8
2 Disassemble and - There is abnormality. YES: Faulty arm 1 flow rate
inspect the arm 1 flow control valve
rate control valve. NO: Find out cause of trouble by
tracing other trouble symptoms.

TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) T5-6-78
Group 6 Troubleshooting B

F-14 Bucket roll-in speed is slow when performing

combined operation of arm roll-in and
bucket roll-in. Attachment speed is slow
when performing combined operation of
attachment and arm roll-out.

 Refer to SYSTEM/Control System/Arm 2 Flow Rate

Procedure Inspection Method Condition Evaluation Cause

1 Measure pressure at Combined operation The measured YES: Stuck spool in 5-spool
port SD of 5-spool of arm roll-in and values are out of solenoid valve unit (SD)
solenoid valve unit. bucket roll-in the specification. NO: Go to Procedure No. 2
(Specification: 3.3-4.8
2 Disassemble and - There is abnormality. YES: Faulty arm 2 flow rate
inspect the arm 2 flow control valve
rate control valve. NO: Find out cause of trouble by
tracing other trouble symptoms.

TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) T5-6-79
Group 6 Troubleshooting B

F-15 Arm roll-out speed is slow when performing

combined operation of boom raise, arm roll-
out, and attachment.

 Refer to SYSTEM/Control System/Attachment Flow
Rate Control.

Procedure Inspection Method Condition Evaluation Cause

1 Measure pressure at Combined operation The measured YES: Stuck spool in auxiliary flow
port A2 of auxiliary of boom raise, values are out of rate control solenoid valve
control solenoid valve arm roll-out, and the specification. NO: Go to Procedure No. 2
unit. attachment (Specification: 3.3-4.8
2 Disassemble and - There is abnormality. YES: Faulty auxiliary flow rate
inspect the auxiliary control valve
flow rate control valve. NO: Find out cause of trouble by
tracing other trouble symptoms.

TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) T5-6-80
Group 6 Troubleshooting B

Swing System Troubleshooting

S-1 Swing speed is slow or is not operated.

Specification Remark
(sec/3 rev)
Swing Speed 15.3±1.0 The bucket
should be empty.

 Check whether the pilot system is faulty or the main
circuit is faulty.
 If other functions (front attachment and travel) are
operated normally, the pilot pump (primary pilot
pressure) is considered to be normal. If the pilot
system is faulty, the cause of trouble may exist in the
circuit downstream of the pilot valve.

Procedure Inspection Method Condition Evaluation Cause

1 Monitor Swing Pilot Pressure. Fully swing The measured YES: Faulty pilot valve
values are out of the NO: Go to Procedure No. 2
(Specification: 3.4-4.0
2 Monitor Pump 3 Control Fully swing The measured YES: Stuck pump 3 flow
Pressure. values are out of the rate control valve in signal
specification. control valve
(Specification: 2.9-3.9 NO: Go to Procedure No. 3
3 Monitor Front ATT Pilot When relieving arm The measured YES: Faulty swing parking
Pressure. values are out of the brake release spool in
specification. signal control valve
(Specification: 3.4-4.0 NO: Go to Procedure No. 4
4 Disassemble and inspect the - There is abnormality. YES: Faulty swing parking
parking brake release valve in brake release valve in
the swing motor. swing motor
NO: Go to Procedure No. 5
5 Monitor Pump 3 Delivery When relieving swing The measured YES: Faulty swing relief
Pressure. values are out of the valve
specification. NO: Go to Procedure No. 6
(Specification: 32.1-34.9
6 Measure the swing motor With constant speed The measured YES: Faulty swing motor
drainage. values are out of the NO: Faulty swing reduction
specification. gear
(Specification: 0.2-0.5 L/

TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) T5-6-81
Group 6 Troubleshooting B

S-2 When starting swing operation, swing speed

is fast.

 Refer to SYSTEM/Control System/Swing Relief Cut

Procedure Inspection Method Condition Evaluation Cause

1 Monitor Swing Pilot Fully swing The measured YES: Faulty pilot valve
Pressure. values are out of NO: Go to Procedure No. 2
the specification.
(Specification: 3.4-4.0
2 Monitor Pump 3 When relieving boom The measured YES: Faulty pump 3 regulator
Delivery Pressure. values are out of NO: Find out cause of trouble by
the specification. tracing other trouble symptoms.
(Specification: 38.0-40.5

TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) T5-6-82
Group 6 Troubleshooting B

Travel System Troubleshooting

T-1 Both of right and left travels are not operated
or travel speed is slow.

Travel Speed Specification Remark

(sec/10 m)
Fast Speed Mode 6.6±0.6
Slow Speed Mode (10.2±1.0)

 Both right and left pilot valves, travel motors, and/or
control valve spools are unlikely to be faulty at the
same time.
 If both right and left travels are not operate, the pilot
system, which is applied to both side travel motors,
may be faulty. If the primary pilot pressure is lower
than specification, the front attachment operating
speed becomes slow as well. Refer to A-2.
 If the fast travel mode cannot be selected, refer to

TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) T5-6-83
Group 6 Troubleshooting B

T-2 One side travel is not operated or travel speed

is slow. Machine mistracks.

Track Revolution Specification Remark

Speed (sec/3 rev)
Fast Speed Mode 17.2±1.0 LC: 18.3±1.0
Slow Speed Mode 26.7±2.0 LC: 28.4±2.0

 Check that both side track sags are equally adjusted.  If only one side track is not operated, the pilot valve,
 Faulty pump control will cause the machine to the control valve, the travel motor, or the center joint
mistrack. Refer to A-3 or A-4. may be faulty.

Procedure Inspection Method Condition Evaluation Cause

1 Monitor Travel Pilot Operate the control The measured YES: Faulty pilot valve
Pressure. lever alternately. values are out of the NO: Go to Procedure No. 2
(Specification: 3.4-4.0
2 Switch right and left - Symptom is reversed. YES: Stuck control valve spool
travel line hoses each NO: Go to Procedure No. 3
other on the top of
center joint.
3 Monitor Pump 1 When relieving travel The measured YES: Faulty travel relief valve
Delivery Pressure values are out of the NO: Go to Procedure No. 4
and Pump 2 Delivery specification.
Pressure. (Specification: 35.0-37.5
4 Switch forward travel - Symptom is reversed. YES: Faulty center joint
relief valve with reverse NO: Go to Procedure No. 5
travel one, or right travel
relief valve with left one.
5 Measure the travel With the motor The measured YES: Faulty travel motor
motor drainage. relieved values are out of the NO: Go to Procedure No. 6
(Specification: less than
15 L/min)
6 Disassemble and inspect - There is abnormality. YES: Faulty counterbalance valve
the counterbalance NO: Go to Procedure No. 7
7 Disassemble and - There is abnormality. YES: Faulty travel motor servo
inspect the travel motor piston
servo piston. NO: Faulty travel reduction gear

TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) T5-6-84
Group 6 Troubleshooting B

T-3 Machine mistracks when performing

combined operation of travel and front

Procedure Inspection Method Condition Evaluation Cause

1 Measure pressure at Combined operation The measured YES: Faulty flow combiner valve
port SL of signal control of travel and front values are out of the control spool in signal control
valve. attachment specification. valve
(Specification: approx. NO: Go to Procedure No. 2
3.9 MPa)
2 Disassemble and - There is abnormality. YES: Faulty flow combiner valve
inspect the flow NO: Go to Procedure No. 3
combiner valve.
3 Disassemble and - There is abnormality. YES: Faulty load check valve
inspect the load check NO: Find out cause of trouble by
valve. tracing other trouble symptoms.


a- Control Valve Side b- Port SL

TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) T5-6-85
Group 6 Troubleshooting B

T-4 Occasionally, machine may mistrack when

traveling with engine running at slow speed.

 Refer to SYSTEM/Control System/Travel Torque-Up
 Faulty pump control will cause the machine to
mistrack. Refer to A-3 or A-4.

Procedure Inspection Method Condition Evaluation Cause

1 Monitor Travel Pilot Pressure. Operate the control The measured YES: Faulty pilot valve
lever alternately. values are out of the NO: Go to Procedure No. 2
(Specification: 3.4-4.0
2 Measure pressure at output Operate travel The measured YES: Faulty pump 1 and 2
port of pump 1 and 2 torque function. values are out of the torque control solenoid
control solenoid valve. specification. valve
(Specification: Approx. NO: Faulty pump device
0.4 MPa)

1- Pump 1 and 2 Torque Control 2- Output Port
Solenoid Valve

TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) T5-6-86
Group 6 Troubleshooting B

T-5 Fast travel can not be selected. Travel mode

does not change from slow speed mode to
fast speed mode.

 Refer to SYSTEM/Control System/Travel Motor
Displacement Angle Control.
 Check the wiring connections and pressure sensor
(travel) first.
 If travel mode changes to fast speed mode and travel
speed cannot reach the maximum travel speed, the
travel HP mode control may be faulty. Refer to E-5.

Procedure Inspection Method Condition Evaluation Cause

1 Monitor Travel Mode Switch. Shift the travel HI/LO of the travel mode YES: Faulty travel mode switch
mode switch. switch disagrees with or open circuit in wire harness
the monitor display. between travel mode switch
and MC
NO: Go to Procedure No. 2
2 Disassemble and inspect the - There is abnormality. YES: Faulty travel motor
travel motor displacement displacement angle control
angle control valve. valve
NO: Faulty travel motor or travel
reduction gear

TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) T5-6-87
Group 6 Troubleshooting B

T-6 Attachment speed is slow when performing

attachment single operation. Travel speed is
slow when performing combined operation of
attachment and travel.

 Refer to SYSTEM/Control System/Auxiliary Flow
Combiner Control

Procedure Inspection Method Condition Evaluation Cause

1 Measure pressure at port A1 Attachment The measured YES: Stuck spool in auxiliary flow
of auxiliary control solenoid single operation values are out of combiner solenoid valve
valve unit. the specification. NO: Go to Procedure No. 2
(Specification: 3.3-4.3
2 Disassemble and inspect the - There is abnormality. YES: Faulty auxiliary flow
auxiliary flow combiner valve. combiner valve
NO: Go to Procedure No. 3
3 Disassemble and inspect the - There is abnormality. YES: Faulty bypass shut-out
bypass shut-out valve. valve
NO: Find out cause of trouble by
tracing other trouble symptoms.

TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) T5-6-88
Group 6 Troubleshooting B

Other System Troubleshooting

O-1 Work light does not light.

 Check that the work lights are not broken first.
 Refer to SYSTEM/Electrical System.
 Check the wiring connections first.

Procedure Inspection Method Condition Evaluation Cause

1 Monitor Work Light 1 Work Light Switch: 1 OFF is displayed YES: Faulty work light relay 1
Output position or open circuit in wire harness
between work light relay 1
and wiper/light controller
NO: Go to Procedure No.2
2 Monitor Work Light 1 Work Light Switch: 1 OFF is displayed YES: Faulty work light switch
Switch position or open circuit in wire harness
between work light switch
and wiper/light controller
NO: Faulty wiper/light

TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) T5-6-89
Group 6 Troubleshooting B

O-2 Boom light does not light.

 Check that the boom lights are not broken first.
 Refer to SYSTEM/Electrical System.
 Check the wiring connections first.

Procedure Inspection Method Condition Evaluation Cause

1 Monitor Work Light 2 Work Light Switch: 2 OFF is displayed YES: Faulty work light relay 2
Output position or open circuit in wire harness
between work light relay 2
and wiper/light controller
NO: Go to Procedure No. 2
2 Monitor Work Light 2 Work Light Switch: 2 OFF is displayed YES: Faulty work light switch
Switch position or open circuit in wire harness
between work light switch
and wiper/light controller
NO: Faulty wiper/light

TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) T5-6-90
Group 6 Troubleshooting B

O-3 Cab light does not light.

 Refer to SYSTEM/Electrical System.
 Check the wiring connections first.

Procedure Inspection Method Condition Evaluation Cause

1 Monitor Cab Light Switch Door Open/Close OFF is displayed YES: Faulty door open/close
Switch: ON switch or open circuit in wire
harness between door open/
close switch and wiper/light
NO: Go to Procedure No. 2
2 Monitor Cab Light 1 Cab Light Switch: OFF is displayed YES: Faulty cab light switch
Output Door Position (Door Interlocking Position)
or open circuit in wire harness
between cab light switch and
wiper/light controller
NO: Go to Procedure No. 3
3 Monitor Cab Light 2 Cab Light Switch: ON OFF is displayed YES: Faulty cab light switch
Output Position (ON Position) or open circuit
in wire harness between cab
light switch and wiper/light
NO: Faulty wiper/light

TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) T5-6-91
Group 6 Troubleshooting B

O-4 Wiper is not operated.

 The wiper is driven by electric power routed via the  When the front window is open, the wiper is not
relay circuit. The relay circuit is controlled by the operated. Check that the front window is closed
wiper/light controller. securely.
 When the wiper is not operated, first check if the  When the washer is also not operated, check fuse #2.
wiper relay is activated. Next, check if electric power
is routed to the wiper motor.

Procedure Inspection Method Condition Evaluation Cause

1 Switch the wiper relay with Key Switch: ON The wiper is operated YES: Faulty wiper relay
other general relay NO: Go to Procedure No. 2
2 Monitor Wiper 1 Input (or Wiper Switch: ON OFF is displayed YES: Faulty wiper switch or
Wiper 2 Input) Position open circuit in wire harness
(or Overhead between wiper switch and
Window Wiper wiper/light controller
Switch: ON Position) NO: Go to Procedure No. 3
3 Monitor Wiper 1 Output (or Wiper Switch: ON OFF is displayed YES: Open circuit in wire
Wiper 2 Output) Position harness between wiper relay
(or Overhead and wiper/light controller
Window Wiper NO: Go to Procedure No. 4
Switch: ON Position)
4 Measure voltage between Key Switch: ON 0V YES: Open circuit in wire
window contact (cab side) Wiper Switch: ON harness between wiper relay
terminals B and L and window contact
NO: Go to Procedure No. 5
5 Measure voltage between Key Switch: ON 0V YES: Open circuit in wire
window contact (wiper Wiper Switch: ON harness between window
motor side) terminals B contact and wiper motor
and L NO: Faulty wiper motor

Wiper Driving Circuit


3 T1V1-05-07-004

1- Wiper Motor 2- Wiper Relay 3- Window Contact

TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) T5-6-92
Group 6 Troubleshooting B

O-5 Washer is not operated.

 Refer to SYSTEM/Electrical System.
 Check the wiring connections first.

Procedure Inspection Method Condition Evaluation Cause

1 Switch the washer relay Key Switch: ON The washer is operated YES: Faulty washer relay
with other general relay NO: Go to Procedure No. 2
2 Monitor Washer 1 Switch Washer Switch: ON OFF is displayed YES: Faulty washer switch or
(or Washer 2 Switch) Position (or Overhead open circuit in wire harness
Window Washer between washer switch and
Switch: ON Position) wiper/light controller
NO: Go to Procedure No. 3
3 Monitor Washer 1 Output Washer Switch: ON OFF is displayed YES: Open circuit in wire
(or Washer 2 Output) Position (or Overhead harness between washer
Window Washer relay and wiper/light
Switch: ON Position) controller
NO: Faulty washer motor

TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) T5-6-93
Group 6 Troubleshooting B

Exchange Inspection Method

Exchange inspection method is a troubleshooting
method to find the trouble location by exchanging
the suspected part/component with another part /
component having identical characteristics.

Many sensors and solenoid valves used on this machine

are identical. By using this exchange inspection method,
faulty part/component, and/or harness can be easily

Ex.) Abnormal pump 1 delivery pressure high voltage (MC

fault code: 11200-3) 1 3 2

Check Method: TDC1-01-02-007

1. Switch connectors of pump 1 delivery pressure
sensor and pump 2 delivery pressure sensor.
1- Pump 1 Delivery Pressure 3- Pump 3 Delivery Pressure
2. Retry troubleshooting. Sensor Sensor
2- Pump 2 Delivery Pressure
In case abnormal pump 2 delivery pressure high voltage
(MC fault code 11202-3) is displayed, the pump 1 delivery
pressure sensor is considered to be faulty.

In case abnormal pump 1 delivery pressure high voltage

(MC fault code 11200-3) is displayed, the pump 1 delivery
pressure sensor harness is considered to be faulty.

TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) T5-6-94
Group 6 Troubleshooting B

Applicability of Exchange Inspection Method

Fault Code Trouble Remedy
11200-3 Pump 1 Delivery Pressure Sensor Circuit High Input Exchange inspection method is
applicable. (Wire Harness/Sensor)
11200-4 Pump 1 Delivery Pressure Sensor Circuit Low Input
11202-3 Pump 2 Delivery Pressure Sensor Circuit High Input
11202-4 Pump 2 Delivery Pressure Sensor Circuit Low Input
11203-3 Pump 3 Delivery Pressure Sensor Circuit High Input
11203-4 Pump 3 Delivery Pressure Sensor Circuit Low Input
11206-3 Pump 1 Flow Control Pressure Sensor Circuit High Input Exchange inspection method is
applicable. (Wire Harness/Sensor)
11206-4 Pump 1 Flow Control Pressure Sensor Circuit Low Input
11207-3 Pump 3 Flow Control Pressure Sensor Circuit High Input
11207-4 Pump 3 Flow Control Pressure Sensor Circuit Low Input
11208-3 Pump 2 Flow Control Pressure Sensor Circuit High Input
11208-4 Pump 2 Flow Control Pressure Sensor Circuit Low Input
11301-3 Swing Pilot Pressure Sensor Circuit High Input Exchange inspection method is
applicable. (Wire Harness/Sensor)
11301-4 Swing Pilot Pressure Sensor Circuit Low Input
11302-3 Boom Raise Pilot Pressure Sensor Circuit High Input
11302-4 Boom Raise Pilot Pressure Sensor Circuit Low Input
11303-3 Arm Roll-In Pilot Pressure Sensor Circuit High Input
11303-4 Arm Roll-In Pilot Pressure Sensor Circuit Low Input
11304-3 Travel Pilot Pressure Sensor Circuit High Input
11304-4 Travel Pilot Pressure Sensor Circuit Low Input
11307-3 Front Pilot Pressure Sensor Circuit High Input
11307-4 Front Pilot Pressure Sensor Circuit Low Input
11325-3 Bucket Roll-In Pilot Pressure Sensor Circuit High Input
11325-4 Bucket Roll-In Pilot Pressure Sensor Circuit Low Input
11995-3 Arm Roll-Out Pilot Pressure Sensor Circuit High Input
11995-4 Arm Roll-Out Pilot Pressure Sensor Circuit Low Input
11997-3 Bucket Roll-Out Pilot Pressure Sensor Circuit High Input
11997-4 Bucket Roll-Out Pilot Pressure Sensor Circuit Low Input

TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) T5-6-95
Group 6 Troubleshooting B

Fault Code Trouble Remedy

11400-2 Pump 2 Flow Rate Limit P/S Valve Abnormal FB Exchange inspection method is
applicable. (Wire Harness/Solenoid Valve)
11400-3 Pump 2 Flow Rate Limit P/S Valve FB High Current
11400-4 Pump 2 Flow Rate Limit P/S Valve FB Low Current
11401-2 Pump 1 and 2 Torque P/S Valve Abnormal FB
11401-3 Pump 1 and 2 Torque P/S Valve FB High Current
11401-4 Pump 1 and 2 Torque P/S Valve FB Low Current
11406-2 Pump 3 Torque P/S Valve Abnormal FB
11406-3 Pump 3 Torque P/S Valve FB High Current
11406-4 Pump 3 Torque P/S Valve FB Low Current
11410-2 Pump 1 Flow Rate Limit P/S Valve Abnormal FB
11410-3 Pump 1 Flow Rate Limit P/S Valve FB High Current
11410-4 Pump 1 Flow Rate Limit P/S Valve FB Low Current
11411-2 Pump 3 Flow Rate Limit P/S Valve Abnormal FB
11411-3 Pump 3 Flow Rate Limit P/S Valve FB High Current
11411-4 Pump 3 Flow Rate Limit P/S Valve FB Low Current
11402-2 Dig-Regenerative P/S Valve Abnormal FB Exchange inspection method is
applicable. (Wire Harness/Solenoid Valve)
11402-3 Dig-Regenerative P/S Valve FB High Input
11402-4 Dig-Regenerative P/S Valve FB Low Input
11403-2 Arm Regenerative P/S Valve Abnormal FB
11403-3 Arm Regenerative P/S Valve FB High Input
11403-4 Arm Regenerative P/S Valve FB Low Input
11407-2 Booster (Power Digging & Fast Travel Mode) P/S Valve
Abnormal FB
11407-3 Booster (Power Digging & Fast Travel Mode) P/S Valve FB
High Current
11407-4 Booster (Power Digging & Fast Travel Mode) P/S Valve FB
Low Current
11427-2 Arm 1 Flow Rate Control P/S Valve Abnormal FB
11427-3 Arm 1 Flow Rate Control P/S Valve FB High Current
11427-4 Arm 1 Flow Rate Control P/S Valve FB Low Current
11428-2 Arm 2 Flow Rate Control P/S Valve Abnormal FB
11428-3 Arm 2 Flow Rate Control P/S Valve FB High Current
11428-4 Arm 2 Flow Rate Control P/S Valve FB Low Current
11408-2 Aftertreatment Device Regenerative Solenoid Valve (Center Exchange inspection method is
Bypass Cut) Solenoid Valve Abnormal Feedback applicable. (Wire Harness/Solenoid Valve)
11408-3 Aftertreatment Device Regenerative Solenoid Valve (Center
Bypass Cut) Solenoid Valve Feedback High Current
11408-4 Aftertreatment Device Regenerative Solenoid Valve (Center
Bypass Cut) Solenoid Valve Feedback Low Current
11409-2 Aftertreatment Device Regenerative Solenoid Valve (Pump 1
Flow Rate Increase) Solenoid Valve Abnormal
11409-3 Aftertreatment Device Regenerative Solenoid Valve (Pump 1
Flow Rate Increase) Solenoid Valve Feedback High Current
11409-4 Aftertreatment Device Regenerative Solenoid Valve (Pump 1
Flow Rate Increase) Solenoid Valve Feedback Low Current

TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) T5-6-96
Group 6 Troubleshooting B

How to Lowering Boom When Emergency

and When Engine Stops without Hose
Rupture Valve 3

dCAUTION: Prevent personal injury. Confirm

that no one is under the front attachment before
starting the procedure below.

If the engine stalls and cannot be restarted, lower the

boom to the ground referring to the following procedure.

IMPORTANT: Lock nut (1) and screw (2) are located

under the solenoid valve. Pay attention to the
screw turns.
1. Loosen lock nut (1) of emergency valve (3). Loosen 3- Emergency Valve
screw (2) 1/2 turn. The boom lowering speed can be
somewhat adjusted by loosening screw (2) more.
2. After the boom is lowered, tighten screw (2) and
tighten lock nut (1) to the specifications below.

Lock Nut (1)

j : 13 mm

m : 13 N·m
Screw (2)
l : 4 mm

m : 7.0 N·m

fNOTE: Excessive leakage may result if the screw and the

lock nut are tightened insufficiently.
1- Lock Nut 2- Screw

TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) T5-6-97
Group 6 Troubleshooting B

How to Lowering Boom When Emergency

and When Engine Stops with Hose Rupture

dCAUTION: Prevent personal injury. Confirm

that no one is under the front attachment before 3
starting the procedure below.

If the engine stalls and cannot be restarted, lower the

boom to the ground referring to the following procedure.

1-1/2 turns.
Do not loosen screw (2) more than

1. Loosen lock nut (1) of hose rupture valve (3). Loosen

screw (2) 1/2 turn.

fNOTE: The boom lowering speed can be somewhat

adjusted by loosening screw (2) more. M1G6-05-017

2. After the boom is lowered, tighten screw (2) and 3- Hose Rupture Valve
tighten lock nut (1) to the specifications below.

1 2
Lock Nut (1)

j : 17 mm

m : 30±2 N·m
Screw (2)

l : 4 mm

m : 7.0 N·m TDAA-03-07-011

fNOTE: Excessive leakage may result if the screw and the

1- Lock Nut 2- Screw
lock nut are tightened insufficiently. Retighten the screw
and the lock nut to specifications.

TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) T5-6-98
Group 6 Troubleshooting B

Attachment Circuit Pressure Release

As for the attachment spec. machine, the accumulator is
equipped between pilot pump and pilot valve.
When the control lever is operated after the engine is
stopped by the engine stop switch with the pilot shut-off
lever set in UNLOCK position, the accumulator releases
pressure in the pilot circuit.

1 2 3 4


1- Travel Pilot Valve 3- Pilot Valve (Right) 5- Control Valve 7- Accumulator

2- Pilot Valve (Left) 4- Auxiliary Pilot Valve 6- Pilot Pump 8- Pilot Shut-Off Solenoid Valve

TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) T5-6-99
Group 6 Troubleshooting B


TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) T5-6-100
Group 7 Air Conditioner

Configuration layout of the air conditioning system is The vents (operator’s front/rear vent, foot vent, and the
illustrated below. front window) can be simultaneously or independently
Either fresh or re-circulated air is induced into the air selected by air vent damper servo motor (1) in accordance
conditioner unit by operating fresh/re-circulated air with the set-ventilation mode.
damper servo motor (6). The front widow and operator’s front vents are manually
The induced air flows out of the vents through evaporator selectable. The air conditioning controller controls the
(5) or heater (15) by blower motor (11). Evaporator (5) is air conditioning system. The air conditioner controller
a device used to cool the air. Heater (15) is a device used controls the damper operation by corresponding to the
to warm the air. In the air conditioning system, after the job site conditions such as atmospheric and cab inside
refrigerant is compressed by the compressor, it is sent to air temperatures, coolant temperature, operator’s set-
evaporator (5) in which the refrigerant expands to cool temperature, and the set-ventilation mode. In addition,
the air. Heater (15) warms air by absorbing heat from the air conditioning controller displays the air conditioner
warmed engine coolant. The temperature is kept at the system operation status on the monitor.
set temperature by adjusting evaporator (5) and heater


1 5
10 9
2 3


15 14 13 12 11

1- Air Vent Damper Servo Motor 6- Fresh/Re-circulated Air 9- Re-circulated Air Filter 13- Frost Sensor
2- Defroster Vent Damper Servo Motor 10- Re-circulated Air Induction 14- Air Mix Damper Servo Motor
3- Rear Vent 7- Re-circulated Air Temperature Port 15- Heater Core
4- Front Vent Sensor 11- Blower Motor 16- Foot Vent
5- Evaporator 8- Fresh Air Induction Port 12- Power Transistor

TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) T5-7-1
Group 7 Air Conditioner

Component Layout

1 2







14 13
27 TDAA-05-07-031

1- Solar Radiation Sensor 4- AUTO/OFF Switch / Blower 8- Air Conditioner Unit 13- Air Conditioner Condenser
2- Monitor Switch 9- Fresh Air Filter 14- Receiver Tank
3- Temperature Control Switch/ 5- Engine Control Dial 10- Air Conditioner Controller 27- Compressor
Mode Switch 6- Key Switch 11- Ambient Temperature Sensor
7- Monitor Controller 12- High/Low Pressure Switch

TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) T5-7-2
Group 7 Air Conditioner









15- Re-circulated Air Filter 18- Fresh/Re-circulated Air 21- Heater Core 25- Power Transistor
16- Compressor Relay Damper Servo Motor 22- Air Mix Damper Servo Motor 26- Blower Motor
17- Re-circulated Air Temperature 19- Frost Sensor 23- Air Vent Damper Servo Motor
Sensor 20- Evaporator 24- Blower Motor Relay

TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) T5-7-3
Group 7 Air Conditioner

Functions of Main Parts

The functions of the main parts for the air conditioner
are described below. The connector No. is shown in the
parentheses after the part name.

 Controller
The controller controls the air conditioning system. The
controller has the following functions.
 The operator’s instructions are input by the switches.
 The air and coolant temperature are detected by the
 Input the air conditioner unit conditions.
 The blower motor and compressor are controlled by
operating the relays.
 The air conditioner operating conditions are TDC1-05-07-002
displayed on the monitor panel.

 Power Transistor (CN7)

The power transistor is an electric switch to control
blower motor voltage.


 Blower Motor Relay (CN3)

The blower motor relay supplies 24 volts power to the
blower motor when the air conditioner is operated. The
blower motor relay is turned ON when excited by the
current from terminal #30B in controller.

 Compressor Relay (CN4)

The compressor relay supplies 24 volts power to the
compressor clutch when the air conditioner is operated.
The compressor relay is turned ON when excited by the
current from terminal #29B in controller.

TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) T5-7-4
Group 7 Air Conditioner

 Frost Sensor (CN12)

The frost sensor detects the fin temperature which is
cooled by the evaporator. When the temperature is
higher than 3 °C (approx. 4.2 kΩ), the controller turns
the compressor relay ON. When the temperature is 2
°C (approx. 4.5 kΩ) or less, the controller turns OFF the TDC1-05-07-006
compressor relay. Therefore, the evaporator in the air
conditioner unit is prevented from freezing. The electrical
resistance in the frost sensor is 100 Ω to 115 kΩ.

 High/Low Pressure Switch (CN14)

The high/low pressure switch controls the compressor
clutch solenoid while detecting the compressor circuit
pressure. The high/low pressure switch consists of a
pressure gauge and a switch. The pressure gauge detects TDC1-05-07-007
the low pressure range (0.196 MPa to 0.216 MPa) and the
surge pressure range (2.55 MPa to 3.14 MPa). When the
circuit pressure decreases to the low pressure range or
increases to the surge pressure range, the pressure gauge
turns OFF the switch. Therefore, the compressor operation
stops. If the pressure decreases to the low range, a lack
of refrigerant is suspected. Therefore, damage to the TDAA-05-07-014
compressor due to a lack of refrigerant is prevented.
When the pressure increases to the surge range, damage
to the air conditioner circuit parts due to excessively high
circuit pressure is prevented.

 Re-circulated Air Temperature Sensor (CN11)

The re-circulated air temperature sensor detects the
temperatures (0 to 25 °C) around the re-circulated air inlet
as the interior air temperatures and converts them to the
electrical resistance values. The temperatures 0 °C to 25 °C
corresponds to a resistance of 1.645 kΩ (0 °C) to 5 kΩ (25
°C) respectively.
The electrical resistance in the re-circulated air
temperature sensor is 300 Ω to 430 kΩ.

 Ambient Temperature Sensor (CN15)

The ambient temperature sensor detects the temperature
at the side of the air conditioner condenser the outdoor
air temperature, and converts the temperature to the
electrical resistance value. The electrical resistance in the TDC1-05-07-009
ambient temperature sensor is 100 Ω to 210 kΩ.

TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) T5-7-5
Group 7 Air Conditioner

 Solar Radiation Sensor (CN16)

The solar radiation sensor converts the amount of solar
radiation (illumination intensity) at the cab front to the
current values.

 Fresh/Re-circulated Air Damper Servo Motor (CN10)

The fresh/re-circulated air damper servo motor opens or
closes the fresh/re-circulated air selection louvers. The
damper consists of a motor, link mechanism, and position
sensing switch. The motor opens or closes the fresh/re-
circulated air selection louvers via the link mechanism.


TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) T5-7-6
Group 7 Air Conditioner

 Air Mix Damper Servo Motor (CN9)

The air mix damper servo motor controls opening/closing
of the air mixing door in response to the set temperature.
This servo motor consists of a motor, link mechanism,
and potentiometer. The motor opens or closes the air mix
door via the link mechanism. The potentiometer converts
the link movements (the mix door strokes) to the voltage.
Both ends of the potentiometer are energized by 5 V from TDC1-05-07-012
terminals #7D (+) and #25E (-) in controller. The voltage (0.5
to 4.5 V) corresponding to the link movement is output
from the center terminal of the potentiometer, and is
input to terminal #19B in controller. The set temperature
is determined by temperature UP/DOWN signal from
the controller. The controller calculates voltage (Vr)
corresponding the link position for the set temperature.
Further more, the controller checks the air mix door
position by voltage (Vf ) from the potentiometer. Then,
after the controller decides the motor rotational direction
(polarity of motor) based on the differential voltage
between Vr and Vf, the controller sends out the current
from terminals #15B and #16B. The controller drives the
motor until voltage (Vf ) becomes equal to voltage (Vr).

TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) T5-7-7
Group 7 Air Conditioner

 Air Vent Damper Servo Motor (CN8)

The air vent damper servo motor opens or closes the front
and rear air vent, foot vent, and defroster vent louvers.
The damper consists of a motor, link mechanism, and
potentiometer. The motor opens or closes vent louvers
via the link mechanism. The potentiometer converts the
link movements (vent louvers strokes) to the voltage.
Both ends of the potentiometer are energized by 5 V from TDC1-05-07-013
terminals #7C (+) and #25D (-) in controller. The voltage (0.5
to 4.5 V) corresponding to the link movement is output
from the center terminal of the potentiometer, and is
input to terminal #20B in controller. Depending on the
MODE switch set position, vent louvers are operated as
shown below:
 Front Air Vent: Open, Rear Air Vent: Close, Foot Air
Vent: Close
 Front Air Vent: Open, Rear Air Vent: Open, Foot Air
Vent: Close
 Front Air Vent: Open, Rear Air Vent: Open, Foot Air
Vent: Open
 Front Air Vent: Close, Rear Air Vent: Close, Foot Air
Vent: Open
The controller calculates the louvers position of front
and rear vent that are corresponding to selected
switch position as the voltage (Vr) of potentiometer.
Furthermore, the controller checks the vent louvers
positions by receiving voltage (Vf ) from the
potentiometer. Then, after the controller decides the
motor rotational direction (polarity of motor) based on
the differential voltage between Vr and Vf. The controller
sends out the current from terminals #31B and #32B. The
controller drives the motor until voltage (Vf ) becomes
equal to voltage (Vr).

TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) T5-7-8
Group 7 Air Conditioner

When replacing the compressor due to the

breakage of compressor from internal lock,
sufficiently clean the air conditioner circuit or
replace all the parts.
When cleaning is insufficient or all the parts are

not replaced, the air conditioner may be broken
due to contaminants remaining in the circuit.
Using deteriorated LLC (coolant) or low-

concentration LLC, the heater core will receive
a bad influence and it may lead water leaks
and shorten the service life of machine.
Replace coolant and manage LLC concentration
according to the Operator's Manual.
fNOTE: The fault code of the air conditioner controller
is displayed only on the monitor. It is not displayed on

TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) T5-7-9
Group 7 Air Conditioner

Air Conditioner Controller Fault Code List

Fault Code Trouble Cause Symptoms in Machine Remedy

Operation When Trouble Occurs.
11 Open circuit in Voltage: more than Operation is controlled under Check the wire
re-circulated air 4.95 V such circumstances as no re- harness.
temperature sensor circulated air temperature Replace the re-
sensor is provided. circulated air
temperature sensor.
12 Shorted circuit in Voltage: less than 0.3 V Operation is controlled under Check the wire
re-circulated air such circumstances as no re- harness.
temperature sensor circulated air temperature Replace the re-
sensor is provided. circulated air
temperature sensor.
13 Open circuit in Voltage: more than Operation is controlled under Check the wire
ambient temperature 4.88 V such circumstance as no harness.
sensor ambient temperature sensor is Replace the ambient
provided. temperature sensor.
14 Short circuit in Voltage: less than Operation is controlled under Check the wire
ambient temperature 0.096 V such circumstance as no harness.
sensor ambient temperature sensor is Replace the ambient
provided. temperature sensor.
18 Short circuit in solar Voltage: more than Operation is controlled under Check the wire
radiation sensor 5.04 V such circumstance as no solar harness.
radiation sensor is provided. Replace the solar
radiation sensor.
21 Open circuit in frost Voltage: more than The compressor clutch is Check the wire
sensor 4.79 V disengaged. (The compressor harness.
stops.) Replace the frost
22 Short circuit in frost Voltage: less than The compressor clutch is Check the wire
sensor 0.096 V disengaged. (The compressor harness.
stops.) Replace the frost
43 Abnormal air vent Short circuit: Voltage: Air vent damper servo motor Check the wire
damper servo motor 0V becomes inoperable. harness.
Open circuit: Voltage: Replace the air vent
more than 5 V damper servo motor.
44 Abnormal air mix Short circuit: Voltage: Air mix damper servo motor Check the wire
damper servo motor less than 0.2 V servo motor becomes harness.
Open circuit: Voltage: inoperable. Replace the air mix
more than 4.8 V damper servo motor.
51 Abnormal high/low Voltage: 0 V The compressor clutch is Check the wire
refrigerant pressure disengaged. (The compressor harness.
stops.) Replace the high/low
pressure switch.
91 CAN communication Faulty CAN1 harness Air conditioner stops. Check the CAN1
error between monitor harness.
controller and air Replace the air
conditioner controller conditioner controller.
92 CAN bus off error Faulty air conditioner Air conditioner stops. Check the CAN1
controller harness.
Faulty CAN1 harness Replace the air
conditioner controller.

TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) T5-7-10
Group 7 Air Conditioner

Air Conditioner Controller Fault Codes 11 to 22

 Check the wiring connections first.
 Before inspection, set the key switch to the ON position.

Fault Code Trouble Procedure Inspection Method Evaluation Cause

11 Open circuit in 1 Measure resistance ∞ Ω (Normal value: YES: Faulty sensor
re-circulated between sensor #25H 300 to 430 kΩ) NO: Go to Procedure No. 2
air temperature and #6B
sensor 2 Measure voltage 0V YES: Open circuit in wire
between sensor harness harness #25H
end #25H and the body. NO: Open circuit in wire
harness #6B
12 Short circuit in 1 Measure resistance 0 Ω (Normal value: YES: Faulty sensor
re-circulated between sensor #25H 300 to 430 kΩ) NO: Short circuit in wire
air temperature and #6B harness #25H and #6B
13 Open circuit 1 Measure resistance ∞ Ω (Normal value: YES: Faulty sensor
in ambient between sensor #A251 100 to 210 kΩ) NO: Go to Procedure No. 2
temperature and #A41
sensor 2 Measure voltage 0V YES: Open circuit in wire
between sensor harness harness #A251
end #A251 and the body. NO: Open circuit in wire
harness #A41
14 Short circuit 1 Measure resistance 0 Ω (Normal value: YES: Faulty sensor
in ambient between sensor #A251 100 to 210 kΩ) NO: Short circuit in wire
temperature and #41 harness #A251 and #A41
18 Short circuit in 1 Check continuity 0Ω YES: Short circuit in wire
solar radiation between sensor harness harness #A71 and #31
sensor end #A71 and #A31. NO: Faulty sensor
21 Open circuit in 1 Measure resistance ∞ Ω (Normal value: YES: Faulty sensor
frost sensor between sensor #25C 100 to 115 kΩ) NO: Go to Procedure No. 2
and #5B
2 Measure voltage 0V YES: Open circuit in wire
between sensor harness harness #25C
end #25C and the body. NO: Open circuit in wire
harness #5B
22 Short circuit in 1 Measure resistance 0 Ω (Normal value: YES: Faulty sensor
frost sensor between sensor #25C 100 to 115 kΩ) NO: Short circuit in wire
and #5B harness #25C and #5B

TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) T5-7-11
Group 7 Air Conditioner

Air Conditioner Controller Fault Codes 43 to 92

 Check the wiring connections first.
 Before inspection, set the key switch to the ON position.

Fault Code Trouble Procedure Inspection Method Evaluation Cause

43 Abnormal air vent 1 Measure voltage between 0 V YES: Faulty controller or
damper servo air vent damper servo open circuit in wire harness
motor motor harness end 7C between controller and air
and the body. (AUTO/OFF vent damper servo motor
switch / blower switch: NO: To Procedure No. 2
2 Measure voltage between 0 V YES: Faulty controller or
air vent damper servo open circuit in wire harness
motor harness end 7C and between controller and air
25D. (AUTO/OFF switch / vent damper servo motor
blower switch: ON) NO: Faulty air vent damper
servo motor
44 Abnormal air mix 1 Measure voltage 0V YES: Faulty controller or
damper servo between air mix damper open circuit in wire harness
motor servo motor harness end between controller and air
7D and the body. (AUTO/ mix damper servo motor
OFF switch / blower NO: To Procedure No. 2
switch: ON)
2 Measure voltage between 0 V YES: Faulty controller or
air mix damper servo open circuit in wire harness
motor harness end 7D and between controller and air
25E. (AUTO/OFF switch / mix damper servo motor
blower switch: ON) NO: Faulty air mix damper
servo motor
51 Abnormal high/ 1 Measure voltage between 0 V YES: Faulty controller or
low refrigerant high/low pressure switch open circuit in harness
pressure harness end A211 and between controller and
A052. (AUTO/OFF switch / high/low pressure switch
blower switch: ON) NO: Faulty high/low
pressure switch
91 CAN 1 Check continuity in CAN1 Normal YES: Faulty controller
communication harness. NO: Faulty CAN1 harness
92 CAN bus off error 1 Check continuity in CAN1 Normal YES: Faulty controller
harness. NO: Faulty CAN1 harness

TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) T5-7-12
Group 7 Air Conditioner


TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) T5-7-13
Group 7 Air Conditioner

Faulty cooling (1)

 Fault code: Un-displayed
 Airflow volume: faulty
Blower motor Normal speed Clogged re-circulated air filter Filter cleaning
rotates Clogged fresh air filter Filter cleaning
Obstacles are found in inlet area Remove obstacles
Deformation or breakage of blower Replace the blower
Frosted evaporator Go to A
Adhered dirt on evaporator surface Evaporator surface cleaning
Slow speed Power source decreases Check the battery charging
Poor battery terminal contact Repair
Faulty blower motor Replace
Faulty power transistor Replace
Blower motor Faulty blower motor relay Replace
does not rotate Faulty blower motor Replace
Faulty power transistor Replace
Blower interferes with case Repair
Faulty controller Replace the controller
Faulty ground in body Make sure to ground
Faulty wire harness, disconnection of connector Check the wire harness
Blowout of power transistor thermal fuse due to locked motor Replace the motor
Blowout of fuse Replace with the Blower motor is locked Replace the blower motor
same capacity fuse Faulty wire harness Refer to wire harness
diagram and check
Short circuit Check the wire harness

TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) T5-7-14
Group 7 Air Conditioner

A: Frosted evaporator
Frosted evaporator Stop air conditioner and melt ice
With voltage applied to Faulty magnet clutch Check of clutch circuit Replace the clutch relay
magnet clutch circuit
Faulty wire harness of Short circuit check Repair
frost sensor
Faulty frost sensor Characteristic check Replace the frost
characteristics sensor.
Frost sensor is out Reinsert (floating distance from evaporator is 3
of evaporator range mm or less)
(faulty sensitivity)
No voltage applied to magnet clutch Faulty magnet clutch Replace the magnet

TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) T5-7-15
Group 7 Air Conditioner

Faulty cooling (2)

 Fault Code: Un-displayed
 Airflow volume: Normal
 Compressor: Compressor rotates normally
 Compressor pressure: Normal
Fresh air enters Close the window and door.
Readjust the fresh/re-circulated
air selection damper.
Disconnection of A/M Set the link again.

TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) T5-7-16
Group 7 Air Conditioner


TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) T5-7-17
Group 7 Air Conditioner

Faulty cooling (3)

 Fault Code: Un-displayed
 Airflow volume: Normal
 Compressor: Compressor rotates normally
 Compressor pressure: Abnormal
Pressure on low- Overcharge of air Remove refrigerant thoroughly and recharge refrigerant to proper
pressure side is too conditioner with refrigerant level after purging
high (approx. 0.29 Faulty compressor Breakage of head gasket Replace the compressor.
MPa or more) Breakage of inlet valve Replace the compressor.
Foreign matter is caught in inlet Replace the compressor.
Excessive open of Faulty valve Replace the valve.
expansion valve
Pressure on high- Abnormally low ambient temperature
pressure side is too Lack of refrigerant To B
low (pressure is not Faulty compressor Swash plate shoe is locked Replace the compressor.
approx. 0.98 MPa or Piston is locked Replace the compressor.
more) Faulty suction discharge valve Replace the compressor.
Faulty expansion valve Clogged valve (foreign matter) Replace the valve
Temporary clogged due to freezing Thoroughly perform purging
valve (water intrusion) after replacing valve and
Pressure on low- Abnormally low ambient temperature
pressure side is too Lack of refrigerant Go to B
low (pressure is Clogged in refrigeration cycle Go to C
approx. 0.05 MPa or Faulty expansion valve Go to D
less) Frosted evaporator Go to A
Pressure is high on Lack of condenser cooling Clogged fin with dirt or mud Cleaning of fin (washing)
both sides of high- Overcharge of air Discharge refrigerant thoroughly and recharge refrigerant to proper
pressure and low- conditioner with refrigerant level after purging.
Pressure is low on Lack of refrigerant
both sides of high-
pressure and low-

TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) T5-7-18
Group 7 Air Conditioner

A: Frosted evaporator
Frosted evaporator Stop air conditioner and melt ice.
With voltage applied to Faulty magnet clutch Check of clutch circuit Replace the clutch relay
magnet clutch circuit
Faulty wiring of frost Short circuit check Repair
Faulty frost sensor Characteristic check Replace the frost sensor
Frost sensor is out Reinsert (floating distance from evaporator is 3
of evaporator range mm or less)
(faulty sensitivity)
No voltage applied to magnet clutch Faulty magnet clutch Replace the magnet

B: Lack of refrigerant
Lack of refrigerant Lack of refrigerant quantity Charge refrigerant to proper level.
Gas leak Check leak and charge with refrigerant
after repairing faulty.

C: Clogged in refrigeration cycle

Clogged in refrigeration cycle Clogged receiver dryer Replace
Clogged foreign matter in piping Replace

D: Faulty expansion valve

Faulty expansion valve Clogged valve (foreign matter) Replace the valve.
Temporary clogged due to freezing valve Thoroughly perform purging after
(water intrusion) replacing valve and receiver.

TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) T5-7-19
Group 7 Air Conditioner

Faulty cooling (4)

 Fault Code: Un-displayed
 Airflow volume: Normal
 Compressor: Compressor does not rotate normally
Broken V belt or slipping Replace V belt.
Faulty compressor (locked) Replace
Faulty magnet Repair or Open circuit in stator coil Replace
clutch replace Air gap between rotor and stator is too large Repair or
Clutch slipping Slip caused by key breakage or inserting no key Replace the key.
Greasy clutch surface Remove oil.
Layer short of coil Replace
Battery voltage drop Charge
Caught foreign matter between rotor and stator Overhaul
Clutch does Check Faulty controller Replace the
not operate wiring controller.
due to faulty Faulty compressor clutch relay Replace
electrical Faulty frost sensor Replace
system Faulty high/low refrigerant pressure switch Replace
Abnormal high Too high Abnormally high ambient temperature
pressure (2.54 MPa or Lack of Clogged fin with Cleaning of fin
more) condenser dirt or mud (washing)
Overcharge air Discharge refrigerant thoroughly and
conditioner with recharge refrigerant to proper level
refrigerant after purging.
Air incorporation Discharge refrigerant thoroughly and
in refrigeration recharge refrigerant to proper level
cycle after purging.
Too low Abnormally low ambient temperature
(0.98 MPa or Lack of refrigerant Go to B
less) Clogged during refrigeration cycle Go to C
Faulty expansion valve Go to D
Frosted evaporator Go to A

TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) T5-7-20
Group 7 Air Conditioner

A: Frosted evaporator
Frosted evaporator Stop air conditioner and melt ice.
With voltage applied to Faulty magnet clutch Check of clutch circuit Replace the clutch relay
magnet clutch circuit
Faulty wiring of frost Short circuit check Repair
Faulty frost sensor Characteristic check Replace the frost sensor
Frost sensor is out Reinsert (floating distance from evaporator is 3
of evaporator range mm or less).
(faulty sensitivity)
No voltage applied to magnet clutch Faulty magnet clutch Replace the magnet

B: Lack of refrigerant
Lack of refrigerant Lack of refrigerant quantity Charge refrigerant to proper level.
Gas leak Check leak and charge with refrigerant
after repairing faulty.

C: Clogged in refrigeration cycle

Clogged in refrigeration cycle Clogged receiver dryer Replace
Clogged foreign matter in piping Replace

D: Faulty expansion valve

Faulty expansion valve Clogged valve (foreign matter) Replace the valve.
Temporary clogged due to freezing valve Thoroughly perform purging after
(water intrusion) replacing valve and receiver.

TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) T5-7-21
Group 7 Air Conditioner

Faulty cooling (5)

 Fault Code: 44 (Abnormal air mix damper servo motor)
Faulty wiring, open Wirings inspection
circuit, disconnection of
Faulty servo motor Replace
Caught foreign matter Remove foreign matter.

 Fault Code: 51 (Abnormal high/low refrigerant pressure)
High pressure cut is Abnormally high ambient temperature
operated Lack of condenser Clogged fin with dirt or mud Cleaning of fin (washing)
Overcharge air Discharge refrigerant thoroughly and recharge refrigerant to
conditioner with proper level after purging
Air incorporation in Discharge refrigerant thoroughly and recharge refrigerant to
refrigeration cycle proper level after purging
Low pressure cut is Abnormally low ambient temperature
operated Lack of refrigerant Lack of refrigerant quantity Charge refrigerant to proper
Gas leak Check leak and charge with
refrigerant after repairing faulty.
Faulty compressor Swash plate shoe is locked Replace the compressor.
Piston is locked Replace the compressor.
Faulty suction discharge valve Replace the compressor.
Faulty expansion valve Clogged valve (foreign matter) Replace the valve.
Temporary clogged due to Thoroughly perform purging
freezing valve (water intrusion) after replacing valve and

TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) T5-7-22
Group 7 Air Conditioner


TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) T5-7-23
Group 7 Air Conditioner

Faulty heating (1)

 Fault code: Un-displayed
Faulty air flow Blower motor Normal speed Clogged re-circulated air filter Filter cleaning
volume rotates. Clogged fresh air filter Filter cleaning
Obstacles are found in inlet area Remove obstacles.
Deformation or breakage of blower Replacement of blower
Frosted evaporator Go to A
Adhered dirt on evaporator surface Evaporator surface
Slow speed Power source decreases. Check battery charging
Poor battery terminal contact Repair
Faulty blower motor Replace
Faulty power transistor Replace
Blower motor Blowout of fuse Replace with the Blower motor is Replace the blower
does not rotate. same capacity fuse, locked, motor.
Faulty wiring Refer to wiring diagram
and check.
Short circuit Check the wire harness.
Faulty blower motor relay Replace
Faulty blower motor Replace
Faulty power transistor Replace
Blower interferes with case Repair
Faulty controller Replace the controller.
Faulty ground in body Make sure to ground.
Faulty wire harness, disconnection of connector Check the wire harness.
Blowout of power transistor thermal fuse due to locked Replace the motor.
Air flow volume Coolant temperature is low.
is normal Coolant Disconnection of air mix damper link Set the link again.
temperature is Air incorporation in hot-water circuit Bleed air from the circuit.
normal. Clogging, breakage, and bending of piping Repair or replace
Extremely low ambient temperature
Lack of engine coolant level Charge engine coolant
to proper level.
Broken heater core Replace the heater core.

TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) T5-7-24
Group 7 Air Conditioner

A: Frosted evaporator
Frosted evaporator Stop air conditioner and melt ice
With voltage applied to Faulty magnet clutch Check of clutch circuit Replace the clutch
magnet clutch circuit relay.
Faulty wiring of frost Short circuit check Repair
Faulty the frost sensor Characteristic check Replace the frost
characteristics sensor.
Frost sensor is out Reinsert (floating distance from evaporator is 3
of evaporator range mm or less)
(faulty sensitivity)
No voltage applied to magnet clutch Faulty magnet clutch Replace the magnet

TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) T5-7-25
Group 7 Air Conditioner

Faulty heating (2)

 Fault Code: 44 (Abnormal air mix damper servo motor)
Caught foreign matter Remove foreign
Faulty wire harness, open circuit, Check the wire
disconnection of connector harness.
Faulty damper Replace

TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) T5-7-26
Group 7 Air Conditioner


 Faulty air vent switch

Fault code is un-displayed. Disconnection of link Set the link again.
Fault code 43 (Abnormal air vent damper Faulty wire harness, open circuit, Check the wire harness.
servo motor) disconnection of connector
Faulty servo motor Replace
Caught foreign matter Remove foreign matter.

 Faulty fresh / re-circulated air selection

Fault code is un-displayed. Disconnection of link Set the link again.
Faulty wire harness, open circuit, Check the wire harness.
disconnection of connector
Faulty servo motor Replace
Caught foreign matter Remove foreign matter.

 Ambient temperature is higher or lower than set-temperature

Fault code 11 (Open circuit in re- Open circuit in wire harness, Check the wire harness.
circulated air temperature sensor) disconnection of connector
Open circuit in air circulation sensor Replace
Fault code 12 (Short circuit in re- Short circuit in wire harness Check the wire harness.
circulated air temperature sensor) Short circuit in air circulation sensor Replace
Fault code is un-displayed. (Normal re- Faulty cooling, faulty heating Check by referring to the items of
circulated air temperature sensor) faulty cooling and faulty heating.

TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) T5-7-27
Group 7 Air Conditioner

 Noise
Case connection Louver resonance Repair or replace.
Blower fan motor connection Fan contacts case, Foreign matter Remove foreign matter. Readjust fan
enters case motor location.
Brush friction noise, metal and/or Slight noise is unavoidable. Replace if
thrust washer contact loud.
Gas blowing sound (roaring) Gas vibration noise (compressor No functional problem exists.
discharge and/or suction gas noise)
Expansion valve connection, Whistle Abnormal noise from expansion Replace expansion valve if whistle
sound, Gas blowing sound. valve, Expansion valve is normally sound is heard. Gas flow noise can be
functioning slightly heard.
Clutch disengaging sound Faulty clutch bearing, and/or idle Replace
pulley bearing
Contact of clutch amature due to Repair or replace the clutch. Re-tighten
resonance. Loose belt, Loose screws screws.
Compressor rotating sound Noisy compressor Repair or replace
Vibration due to V belt looseness, Re-adjust the belt. Re-tighten screws.
Loose screws

 Others
Water leak, Water splash Broken heater core, Broken hose Replace
Clogged case drain port and/or drain Clean
Abnormal smell Absorbed cigarette and dust smell on Clean the evaporator. When humidity
evaporator fins is high, open door. While rotating fan
at approx. 1500 min-1 in L mode for
more than 10 minutes, flush smell out
by condensed water.

TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) T5-7-28
Group 7 Air Conditioner


TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) T5-7-29
Group 7 Air Conditioner

Blower motor does not operate.

 Check the wiring connections first.

Procedure Inspection Method Condition Evaluation Cause (check point)

1 Switch compressor relay with Key Switch: ON Blower motor is YES: Faulty blower motor
blower motor relay. Blower Switch: ON kept stopped. relay
NO: Go to Procedure No. 2
2 Measure voltage between Key Switch: ON 0V YES: Open circuit in wire
terminal #41B of blower motor harness between fuse #3
relay harness end and the body. and blower motor relay
NO: Go to Procedure No. 3
3 Measure voltage between Key Switch: ON 0V YES: Open circuit in wire
terminal #43A of blower motor Blower Switch: ON harness between blower
harness end and the body. motor relay and blower
NO: Go to Procedure No. 4
4 Check continuity between - 0Ω YES: Faulty blower motor
terminals #43B and #44A of NO: Go to Procedure No. 5
blower motor harness end.
5 Measure voltage between Key Switch: ON 0V YES: Open circuit in
terminal #44B of power transistor Blower Switch: ON wire harness between
harness end and the body. blower motor and power
NO: Go to Procedure No. 6
6 Measure voltage between Key Switch: ON 0V YES: Faulty air conditioner
terminal #9B of power transistor Blower Switch: ON controller
harness end and the body. NO: Faulty power

Connector (Wire harness end)

 Blower Motor Relay  Blower Motor

TDC1-05-07-014 TDAB-05-07-027

 Power Transistor


TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) T5-7-30
Group 7 Air Conditioner

Compressor clutch does not operate.

 Check that outdoor air temperature is 0 °C or more
first. When outdoor air temperature is less than 0 °C,
the air conditioner controller turns the compressor
clutch OFF in order to protect the compressor.
 Check that fault code 21 or 22 (abnormal frost
sensor) is not displayed. When the frost sensor is
abnormal, the compressor clutch does not operate.
 Check the wiring connections first.

Procedure Inspection Method Condition Evaluation Cause (check point)

1 Switch compressor relay with Key Switch: ON Compressor is YES: Faulty compressor
blower motor relay. Blower Switch: ON kept stopped. relay
NO: Go to Procedure No. 2
2 Measure voltage between Key Switch: ON 0V YES: Open circuit in wire
terminal #48A of compressor relay harness between fuse #3
harness end and the body. and compressor relay
NO: Go to Procedure No. 3
3 Measure voltage between Key Switch: ON 0V YES: Open circuit in
terminal #42B of compressor Blower Switch: ON wire harness between
clutch harness end and the body. compressor relay and
compressor clutch
NO: Faulty compressor

Connector (Wire harness end)

 Compressor Relay  Compressor Clutch

TDAB-05-07-019 TDAB-05-07-024

TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) T5-7-31
Group 7 Air Conditioner

Cooling circuit check by using manifold gauge

 Engine Speed: 1500 min-1
 Cab Window: Fully Open
 Air Conditioner: ON
 Airflow volume: Maximum
 Temperature Control Switch: Maximum cool
 Fresh/re-circulated air selection: Re-circulated Air
 Air conditioner inlet temperature: 30 to 35 °C

1. In normal
 Low-pressure side pressure: 0.15 to 0.25 MPa
 High-pressure side pressure: 1.37 to 1.57 MPa
f NOTE: The reading of manifold gauge may depend on


2. Lack of refrigerant quantity

TroublePressure is low on both sides of high-pressure

and low-pressure. Cooling performance is
Cause Refrigerant quantity is low. Gas leak.
Remedy Check and repair of gas leak. Charge air
conditioner with refrigerant.


3. Excessive refrigerant, lack of condenser cooling

TroublePressure is high on both sides of high-

pressure and low-pressure. Cooling
performance is low.
Cause Overcharge air conditioner with refrigerant.
Faulty condenser cooling.
Remedy Adjust refrigerant quantity. Clean condenser.
Check for machine cooling system.

4. Water incorporation in circuit.

TroubleAfter using a certain period of time, low-

pressure side gradually indicates negative
Cause Water is mixed in circuit.
Remedy Replace receiver tank. Thoroughly perform
purging before charging refrigerant to
remove water.

TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) T5-7-32
Group 7 Air Conditioner

5. Faulty compression of compressor

TroubleLow-pressure side is high and high-pressure

side is low. High-pressure becomes equal to
low-pressure immediately after stopping the
air conditioner.
Cause Faulty compressor.
Remedy Check and repair of compressor.

6. Refrigerant does not circulate (clogged circuit)

TroubleWhen absolutely clogging, low-pressure side

indicates negative pressure quickly. When
slightly clogging, low-pressure side gradually
indicates negative pressure.
Cause Dirt or water adheres or freezes to expansion
valves, refrigerant does not flow.
Remedy Replace receiver tank. Perform purging. TDAA-05-07-023

7. Air incorporation in circuit

TroublePressure is high on both sides of high-

pressure and low-pressure. When touching
low-pressure piping, it is not cold.
Cause Air is mixed in system.
Remedy Replace refrigerant. Perform purging.


8. Excessive open of expansion valve

TroublePressure is high on both sides of high-

pressure and low-pressure. Frost (dew)
adheres to low-pressure piping.
Cause Faulty expansion valve.
Remedy Check for installation of thermal cylinder.


TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) T5-7-33
Group 7 Air Conditioner

Work after Replacing Components

The following work is required after replacing compressor,
high pressure hose, low pressure hose, condenser,
receiver tank, liquid hose, and air conditioner unit. The
same work is required when gas leakage is found.

1. Refill Compressor Oil

2. Charge Air Conditioner with Refrigerant

 Purging
 Charge air conditioner with refrigerant
 Warm-up operation
 Inspection

TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) T5-7-34
Group 7 Air Conditioner

Refill Compressor Oil

When replacing the cooling circuit parts, refill compressor
oil to the specified level.

Replacement Compressor Condenser Evaporator Receiver D hose L hose S hose

parts (between (between (between
compressor condenser unit and
and and unit) compressor)
Oil- Refer to the 40 cm3 40 cm3 20 cm3 6 to 9 cm3/m 2 to 4 cm3/m 8 to 11 cm3/m
replenishing following.

 When of replacing compressor  Compressor oil refill container

New compressor (1) is charged with oil required for Oil type Part No Quantity
cooling circuit. When replacing new compressor (1), drain
ND-OIL8 4422696 40 cm3
excess oil from new compressor (1). Adjust oil level so
that oil in new compressor (1) is the same level as oil (B) in
compressor (2) to be replaced.

fNOTE: Compressor oil quantity: 160 cm3

1 2


1- New Compressor 2- Replacing Compressor

TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) T5-7-35
Group 7 Air Conditioner

Charge Air Conditioner with Refrigerant

Necessity of Purging
The following problems can arise if air or other gases
remain in the A/C circuit. Be sure to perform purging
the air conditioner circuit with a vacuum before
charging with refrigerant (R134a).

1. Pressure rise in the high pressure side

If air remains in the air conditioner circuit, this disturbs
the heat exchange between refrigerant and air in the
condenser. This causes pressure to rise in the high
pressure side (compressor side).
Refrigerant gas is easily liquefied, but air cannot
be liquefied and remains as a gas in the condenser
because the temperature at which air liquefies is
extremely low. Therefore, liquidation of the refrigerant
gas in the condenser decreases by the amount of air in W115-02-10-001
the circuit, and the gas pressure in the high pressure
side increases accordingly.

2. Metal corrosion
If air remains in the air conditioner circuit, a chemical
reaction between refrigerant and moisture in the
air takes place, and as a result, hydrochloric acid is
produced. Hydrochloric aid corrodes metals such as
aluminum, copper and iron.


3. Plugging of the expansion valve by moisture

When high pressure refrigerant gas passes through
the expansion valve, gas pressure decreases and
temperature drops. Moisture included in high pressure
refrigerant gas in the air conditioner circuit freezes at
the expansion valve orifice, plugging refrigerant flow.
Operation of the air conditioner becomes unstable and
cooling efficiency lowers.


TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) T5-7-36
Group 7 Air Conditioner

Procedures for charging air conditioner with

IMPORTANT: Do not mistake the charge hose
1. Close high pressure valve (2) of manifold gauge
(1). Connect high-pressure side charge hose (3) of 2
manifold gauge (1) to the high-pressure side charge
valve (“D” marked) of the compressor or to high-
pressure side charge valve (8) located under the cab
floor. Close low pressure valve (7) of manifold gauge
(1). Connect low-pressure side charge hose (6) of 5
manifold gauge (1) to the low-pressure side charge
valve (“S” marked) of the compressor or to low- 4
pressure side charge valve (9) located under the cab
floor. Connect charge hose (5) located on the center
of manifold gauge (1) to vacuum pump (4).


9 8
2. Open high pressure valve (2) and low pressure valve
(7) on manifold gauge (1). Perform purging for 10
minutes or more by operating vacuum pump (4).


TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) T5-7-37
Group 7 Air Conditioner

IMPORTANT: If the pointer returns to 0, retighten the 7

line connections and perform purging again.
3. When the low pressure gauge reading falls below
-0.1 MPa (-750 mm Hg), close high pressure valve (2)
and low pressure valve (7) and stop vacuum pump
(4). Wait for approximately five minutes and confirm
that the pointer does not return to 0.

4. With high pressure valve (2) and low pressure valve

(7) on manifold gauge (1) closed, connect charge W115-02-10-005
hose (5) to refrigerant container (8).

7 1
 Refrigerant
Specification Part No. Volume (g)
R134a 4333767 200
4454005 250
4351827 300

5. Open valve (9) of refrigerant container (8). Push air

bleed valve (10) on manifold gauge (1) to purge
air in charge hose (5) with the refrigerant pressure.
When draining refrigerant, immediately release air
bleed valve (10).

10 1



TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) T5-7-38
Group 7 Air Conditioner

 Always stop the engine when charging the air
conditioner with refrigerant.
 Do not position the refrigerant container upside
down during charging operation.
 When changing the refrigerant container during
charging operation, be sure to perform the
procedure in step 10.
 Charge the low-pressure side hose first.
6. Fully tighten charge hose (5) to manifold gauge
(1). Open high pressure valve (2) and valve (9) of
refrigerant container (8). Charge with refrigerant
(R134a). Close high pressure valve (2) and valve
(9) of refrigerant container (8) when high pressure
gauge (11) reading reaches 98 kPa. W115-02-10-008

fNOTE: Use warm water of 40 °C or less to warm

refrigerant container (8) to aid in charging operation. 1



IMPORTANT: Use the leak tester for R134a.

7. After charging, check the line connections for gas
leaks using the leak tester.


TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) T5-7-39
Group 7 Air Conditioner

8. Confirm that high pressure valve (2) and low 1

pressure valve (7) on gauge manifold (1) and valve
(9) of refrigerant container (8) are closed. Start the
engine and operate the air conditioner.
Operating Conditions of the Air Conditioner 2
 Engine Speed: Slow Idle
 Cab Window: Fully Open
 Air Conditioner: ON
 Airflow volume: Maximum
 Temperature Control Switch: Maximum cool

IMPORTANT: Do not open high pressure valve (2) on
manifold gauge (1).
9. Open low pressure valve (7) on manifold gauge (1)
and valve (9) of refrigerant container (8) to charge
with refrigerant. 7

fNOTE: Required refrigerant quantity: 850±50 g

10. If refrigerant container (8) becomes empty during
the charging work, replace refrigerant container (8)
with a new refrigerant container as follows:
 Close high pressure valve (2) and low pressure valve
(7) on manifold gauge (1). 9
 Replace the empty container with new refrigerant
container (8).
 Tighten, then slightly loosen refrigerant container (8)
 Slightly open low pressure valve (7) on manifold
gauge (1).
 When refrigerant container (8) joint starts to leak,
immediately tighten refrigerant container (8) joint
and close low-pressure valve (7) on manifold gauge

11. After charging, close low pressure valve (7) on

manifold gauge (1) and valve (9) of refrigerant
container (8), and stop the engine.

TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) T5-7-40
Group 7 Air Conditioner

IMPORTANT: If the air conditioner is operated with

very low level of refrigerant, it will cause the
damage of the compressor. If the air conditioner
is overcharged with refrigerant, cooling efficiency
will lower and abnormal high pressure will arise in
the air conditioner circuit, causing danger.
12. Start the engine and operate the air conditioner
again. Check that cold air blow out from the vents.
Operating Conditions of the Air Conditioner
 Engine Speed: Slow Idle
 Cab Window: Fully Open
 Air Conditioner: ON
 Airflow volume: Maximum
 Temperature Control Switch: Maximum cool

dCAUTION: When disconnecting the high-

pressure-side charge hose, refrigerant and
compressor oil may spout. Disconnect the high-
pressure side charge hose after the high-pressure
side pressure drops to less than 980 kPa.
13. After checking refrigerant quantity, disconnect the
charge hoses. Disconnect the low-pressure-side
charge hose first. Wait for the high-pressure-side
pressure to drop to less than 980 kPa. Disconnect
the high-pressure-side charge hose.

TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) T5-7-41
Group 7 Air Conditioner

Warm-up Operation
After charting the air conditioner, carry out warm-
up operation five minute to lubricate system with
compressor oil.

Operating Conditions of the Air Conditioner

 Engine Speed: Slow Idle
 Cab Window: Fully Open
 Air Conditioner: ON
 Airflow volume: Maximum
 Temperature Control Switch: Maximum cool

After warm-up operation, carry out gas leak check and
performance check.

dCAUTION: Refrigerant will produce poisonous

material if exposed to heat of 1000 °C or more.
Never bring refrigerant close to a fire.
1. Check the air conditioner for gas leaks using a leak
 Perform checking under well-ventilated conditions.
 Thoroughly wipe off dust from the charge hose
connections of the compressor.
 Pay special attention to check the piping
 If any gas leaks are found, retighten the piping

2. Performance Check. Carry out performance check W115-02-10-013

of the air conditioner after checking each air
conditioner component.
 Check each component for abnormalities.
 Carry out ON-OFF check of the compressor clutch.
 Check compressor fan belt tension.
 Check the coolant level in the radiator.
 Operate the air conditioner and check the


TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) T5-7-42
Group 7 Air Conditioner

3. The checklist before the summer season is as

 Check each air conditioner component for
 Check the piping connections for oil leaks.
 Check refrigerant quantity.
 Check the engine cooling circuit.
 Check V belt for wear. Replace if necessary.
 Check for clogged condenser.

4. Off-Season Maintenance
 During off-season, operate the idler pulley and
compressor pulley at least once a month for a short
time to check for any abnormal sounds.
 Do not remove the compressor belts during off-
season. Operate the compressor occasionally at
slow speed for 5 to 10 minutes with the belt slightly
loosened in order to lubricate the compressor.

fNOTE: When the machine is in normal and the air

conditioner is operated with the following conditions, air
vent temperature decrease approx. 20 °C or less. (it may
be different under special environment.)

Operating Conditions of the Air Conditioner

 Engine Speed: Fast Idle
 Cab Window: Fully closed
 Airflow volume: Maximum
 Temperature Control Switch: Maximum cool
 Fresh/re-circulated air selection: Re-circulated Air
 Season: Summer

TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) T5-7-43
Group 7 Air Conditioner

Hose and Pipe Tightening Torque A

Use the following tightening torque values when

connecting the pipings.

Joint Location Tube or Bolt Size Tightening

Nut type Pipe with dia. 8 12 to 15
(Fig. A) Pipe with D1/2 20 to 25
Pipe with D5/8 30 to 35
Block joint Receiver M6 Bolt 4.0 to 7.0
(Fig. B) (4T)
M6 Bolt (6T) 8.0 to 12
for other than


TTDC450-EN-00(20180713) T5-7-44


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Tel: 81-29-832-7084
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