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Crochet pattern

Аuthor: Eugenia Pristayovich 2022

General information
Hello! Thank you very much for interest in my creations!

Let`s crochet Hello Kitty in out�ts of spring babies –

butter�y, ladybug and bee!

This pattern is free and for personal use only. When

publishing photos of �nished toys and distributing the
description please mention the author –
Eugenia Pristayovich.

The pattern does not include learning materials, for understanding of the description you need
to have basic crochet skills. Difficulty level - low average.

I would love to see your �nished toys, sent me your pictures, tag me in social media, use
hashtags #eugenyeva, #spring_kitty.

Feel free to contact me in case you have any questions or wishes about the pattern.



Ravelry: Wish you success
Livemaster: and
happy crocheting!

Crochet pattern "Spring Kitty"

Eugenia Pristayovich / eugenyeva 2
Materials and tools
Yarn "YarnArt Jeans"
№ 03 – milk (for Kitty)
Additional colors differ depending on out�t you choose. In this pattern crocheting is
demonstrated on the example of butter�y out�t. Choose one main color and one/
several additional colors for the costume.

For Butter�y: For Ladybug: For Bee:

№ 89 – light purple; № 26 – red; № 35 – yellow;
№ 72 – lilac. № 53 – black. № 70 – chocolate;
№ 88 – light yellow.
Floss thread color black for face Thick needle for assembly, sewing
embroidery; needle;
Strong cotton thread (e.g. "Iris") for arm Oval half-beads in black color for
fastening; eyes (8*10 mm) and in yellow one for
Crochet markers; nose (6*8 mm) / pieces of felt of the
Fiber�ll for toys same colors and sizes or sewing thread
(hollow �ber); for embroidering eyes and nose;
Crochet hook №2; Scissors;
Sewing pins; Small piece of wire to strengthen the

Crochet pattern "Spring Kitty"

Eugenia Pristayovich / eugenyeva 3
MR – magic ring dc – double crochet
sc – single crochet ch – chain
inc – increase (two sc crocheted ps – puff stitch (4 dc made in one
in one stitch) stitch, joined at the top)
dec – decrease (two sc crocheted (...) * n – repeat the number in
together) brackets n times
sl st – slip stitch (...) – the number in brackets means
hdc – half double crochet a total number of stitches in a round

All parts of the toy are crocheted in spiral without slip stitches and chains between
rounds. Use crochet marker or contrast thread for easy round counting.

Final size of the toy with recommended materials and tools – 12 cm tall, excluding

You can use any other yarn that matches in color and texture. Choose a hook suitable
for the thickness of the thread and your crochet density.

Crochet pattern "Spring Kitty"

Eugenia Pristayovich / eugenyeva 4
Arms (х2)
1 round: 6 sc in MR (6)
2 round: 6 inc (12)
3 round: 12 sc (12)
4 round: 6 sc, 1 ps, 5 sc (12)
5 – 10 round: 12 sc (12)
Stuff the arms, less �rmly at the end.
11 round: 6 dec (6)

Pull and cut the thread leaving a small tail. With a needle
close the hole through the front loops only, fasten off and
hide the tail into the detail.

Legs (х2)
1 round: 8 sc in MR (8) 7 round: 8 sc, 4 dec, 8 sc (20)
2 round: 8 inc (16) 8 round: 8 sc, 2 dec, 8 sc (18)
3 round: (1 sc, inc) * 8 (24) 9 round: 18 sc (18)
4 – 6 round: 24 sc (24)
Pull and cut the thread leaving a long tail for sewing. Stuff
the detail.

Ears (х2)
1 round: 6 sc in MR (6) 5 round: (4 sc, inc) * 3 (18)
2 round: (1 sc, inc) * 3 (9) 6 round: (5 sc, inc) * 3 (21)
3 round: (2 sc, inc) * 3 (12) 7 round: 3 sc, inc, (6 sc, inc) * 2,
4 round: (3 sc, inc) * 3 (15) 3 sc (24)
Pull and cut the thread leaving a long tail for sewing. Stuff
the ears.

Crochet pattern "Spring Kitty"

Eugenia Pristayovich / eugenyeva 5
1 round: 6 sc in MR (6)
2 round: 6 inc (12)
3 – 5 round: 12 sc (12)
Pull and cut the thread leaving a tail for sewing.

Flowers (х2)
1 round: 5 sc in MR (5)
Change color to contrast and cut the previous thread.
2 round: (sl st, hdc, 3 dc, hd) * 5 (30)
Pull and cut the thread leaving a tail for sewing.

Ears (х2)
1 ряд: 6 sc in MR (6) Stuff the detail. Change color
2 ряд: 6 inc (12) to contrast.
3 – 5 ряд: 12 sc (12) 7 – 10 round: 6 sc (6)
6 ряд: 6 dec (6)
Pull and cut the thread leaving a long tail for sewing. Insert a
small piece of wire into antennae to make it steady.

Crochet pattern "Spring Kitty"

Eugenia Pristayovich / eugenyeva 6
Make ch of 14, begin crocheting from Start to stuff the detail.
the 2nd loops of the hook:
27 round: (3 sc, dec) * 6 (24)
1 round: inc, 11 sc, 2 inc in the last loop,
then crochet along other side of the Mark the beginning of 27th round!
chain: 11 sc, inc (30)
2 round: 2 inc, 11 sc, 3 inc, 13 sc, inc (36) 28 round: 1 sc, dec, (2 sc, dec) * 5, 1 sc (18)
3 round: inc, 1 sc, inc, 13 sc, inc, 1 sc, 29 round: (1 sc, dec) * 6 (12)
inc, 1 sc, inc, 13 sc, inc, 1 sc (42) 30 round: 6 dec (6)
4 round: 42 sc (42)
5 round: 1 sc, inc, 2 sc, inc, 14 sc, inc, 2 sc,
inc, 2 sc, inc, 14 sc, inc, 1 sc (48)
6 round: 48 sc (48)
7 round: (7 sc, inc) * 6 (54)
8 round: 54 sc (54)
9 round: (8 sc, inc) * 6 (60)
10 round: 60 sc (60)
11 round: (9 sc, inc) * 6 (66)
12 – 20 round: 66 sc (66)
21 round: (9 sc, dec) * 6 (60)
22 round: 1 sc, dec, (8 sc, dec) * 5, 7 sc (54)
23 round: (7sc, dec) * 6 (48)
24 round: 1 sc, dec, (6 sc, dec) * 5, 5 sc (42)
25 round: (5 sc, dec) * 6 (36)
26 round: 1 sc, dec, (4 sc, dec) * 5, 3 sc (30)

Add stuffing, space it evenly inside the detail.

Pull and cut the thread leaving a long tail for sewing. Close the hole with a needle.
Pull the thread to the beginning of 27th round where we placed a marker.

Crochet pattern "Spring Kitty"

Eugenia Pristayovich / eugenyeva 7
Make ch of 15, begin crocheting from the
2nd loops of the hook:
1 round: inc, 12 sc, 2 inc in the last loop, then
crochet along other side of the chain: 12 sc,
inc (32)
2 round: 2 inc, 12 sc, 4 inc, 12 sc, 2 inc (40)
3 round: (inc, 1 sc) * 2, 12 sc, (inc, 1 sc) * 4, 12
sc, (inc, 1 sc) * 2 (48)
4 – 6 round: 48 sc (48)
Attach the thread of contrast color and crochet next 2
rounds in it. Do not cut the main thread.
7 – 8 round: 48 sc (48)

Next 4 rounds in the main color.

9 – 12 round: 48 sc (48)

Next 2 rounds in contrast color.

13 round: 48 sc (48)
14 round: (6 sc, dec) * 6 (42)

Cut the thread of additional color, now crochet only with main one.
15 – 16 round: 42 sc (42)
17 round: (5 sc, dec) * 6 (36)
18 round: 36 sc (36)
19 round: (4 sc, dec) * 6 (30)
20 – 21 round: 30 sc (30)

Crochet additional 2 sc to make the round �nish at the side of the body.
Pull and cut the thread, hide a tail inside the detail and stuff the detail �rmly.

Crochet pattern "Spring Kitty"

Eugenia Pristayovich / eugenyeva 8
Wings for bee and ladybug (х2)
1 round: 6 sc in MR (6)
2 round: 6 inc (12)
3 round: (1 sc, inc) * 6 (18)
4 round: (2 sc, inc) * 6 (24)
5 round: (3 sc, inc) * 6 (30)
6 – 9 round: 30 sc (30)
10 round: (13 sc, dec) * 2 (28)
11 round: (12 sc, dec) * 2 (26)
12 round: (11 sc, dec) * 2 (24)
13 round: (10 sc, dec) * 2 (22)
14 round: (9 sc, dec) * 2 (20)
15 round: (8 sc, dec) * 2 (18)
16 round: (7 sc, dec) * 2 (16)
17 round: (6 sc, dec) * 2 (14)

Crochet 2 additional sc to even the round, fold the piece edges in half and crochet 7 sc
through both sides. Pull and cut the thread leaving a long tail for sewing. Do not stuff
the detail.

Spots for ladybug (х4)

1 round: 6 sc in MR, sl st (6)
Pull and cut the thread leaving a long tail for sewing. Place the spots
symmetrically on both wings and sew on.

Crochet pattern "Spring Kitty"

Eugenia Pristayovich / eugenyeva 9
Wings for butterfly (х2)
Butter�y wing consists of upper and lower part which are united in one.

Lower wing part Upper wing part

(detail №1): (detail №2):

1 round: 6 sc in MR (6) 1 round: 6 sc in MR (6) 10 round: (13 sc, dec) * 2 (28)

2 round: 6 inc (12) 2 round: 6 inc (12) 11 round: (12 sc, dec) * 2 (26)
3 round: (1 sc, inc) * 6 (18) 3 round: (1 sc, inc) * 6 (18) 12 round: (11 sc, dec) * 2 (24)
4 – 7 round: 18 sc (18) 4 round: (2 sc, inc) * 6 (24) 13 round: (10 sc, dec) * 2 (22)
8 round: (7 sc, dec) * 2 (16 5 round: (3 sc, inc) * 6 (30) 14 round: (9 sc, dec) * 2 (20)
Pull and cut the thread leaving 6 – 9 round: 30 sc (30) 15 round: (8 sc, dec) * 2 (18)
a small tail.

In the next round we will connect both details.

Do not cut the working thread.

16 round: holding the detail №2 on the hook, insert it into 1st sc of the last round of the
detail №1 and crochet sc. Then crochet along the detail №1: 5 sc, dec, 8 sc, then
crochet along the №2: 7 sc, dec, 9 sc (32)

Thus, we connected the parts of wing and continue crochet in spiral.

In case there is a space in the corner between details
sew it with a tail we leaved with detail №1.
17 round: 5 sc, dec, 14 sc, dec, 9 sc (30)
18 round: 4 sc, dec, 13 sc, dec, 9 sc (28)
Crochet additional 6 sc to make the
round �nish at the bottom of the wing.
Fold the piece edges in half and crochet
14 sc through both sides.
Pull and cut the thread leaving a long tail
for sewing.

Crochet pattern "Spring Kitty"

Eugenia Pristayovich / eugenyeva 10
Assembly and finishing
1. Attach the head to the body. Match
the last round of the body with the
27th round of the head (which we
previously marked), �x the details
with pins. Make sure that the position
of the head is straight (orient along
the chain with which we started
crocheting the head, it should be
parallel to the body). Start sewing on
the details hooking single crochets of
each piece. Add stuffing between the
neck and the head while sewing.

2. Fix the ears of the level of 2-10 round of

the head and sew on.

3. Glue or embroider a nose in the center of

a face between 9 and 10 round counting from
the bottom of a head. Then embroider or glue eyes
(it is more convenient to embroider lashes before eyes are
glued). After that embroider whiskers with black thread –
3 stripes on each side.
For placing of all the elements of the face be guided by the diagrams. You can
correct the position according to your crochet density.

9 sc
9 sc

Crochet pattern "Spring Kitty"

Eugenia Pristayovich / eugenyeva 11
4. Attach the arms to the body using the thread fastening. We will need a long needle
and strong cotton thread folded in double (white color is better, dark thread is used
for clarity).
Insert a needle in any point on a back and pull it out on the side of the body
between the 17th and 18th rounds, leave a tail of medium length on a back. Then
pull a needle from inner side of the arm to outer (1). Next insert a needle in the same
point from where the thread comes (2), and pull out from the inner side of the arm
but at the distance of 2 sc from the �rst hole (3). After that insert a needle in the
same point at the side of the body from where the thread comes (4), and pull out
symmetrically on the other side of the body (5). Fasten the second arm in the same
way. For reliable fastening, you can repeat the actions. After the both arms are
�xed, pull the thread into a back, tie the ends tightly in a knot and hide them inside
the detail.

5. Sew the antennae to the top of the

6. Sew the �owers under one of the ears, leave the petals free. You can additionally
decorate the middles with beads.

Crochet pattern "Spring Kitty"

Eugenia Pristayovich / eugenyeva 12
7. Fix the legs at the level of 3-7 rounds of the body with a distance of 9 stitches
apart. The position of the legs may vary slightly, choose it so that the toy sits
con�dently. Sew on the legs, try to keep their round outline.

8. Sew the wings to the back of the toy. They can be positioned raised or folded. If
the wings dangle a lot, �x them with additional stitches.

9. Fix the tail at the level of 5-8 rounds of the body and sew on. The tail will also be an
additional support for toy while sitting.

Crochet pattern "Spring Kitty"

Eugenia Pristayovich / eugenyeva 13
Our Spring Kitty is finished!
Thank you for crocheting with me!

Crochet pattern "Spring Kitty"

Eugenia Pristayovich / eugenyeva 14

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