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P6 ISMC 2021 Questions Only

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Primary 6
1 hour 30 minutes

Instructions to participants

1. Do not open the booklet until you are told to do so.

2. Attempt ALL 25 questions.

3. Write your answers neatly in the Answer Sheet provided.

4. Marks are awarded for correct answers only.

5. All figures are not drawn to scale.

6. Scientific calculators may be used.

Questions in Section A carry 2 marks each, questions in Section B carry

4 marks each and questions in Section C carry between 6 to 10 marks

Jointly organised by


Section A:
Each of the questions 1 to 10 carries 2 marks.

1. $2847 was collected from the sale of tickets for a Charity Show. Each ticket costs the same
amount in a whole number in dollars. Between 50 and 100 people bought these tickets.
How much was a ticket?

Ans: $ ______

2. The horizontal lines below are parallel and equal distance apart.
Express the area of triangle EFG as a fraction of the area of triangle ABC.


7 cm 2 cm
Ans: ______

3. Mr Tee received an inheritance this year. He intends to spend 10% of the money this year,
and then 10% of the remaining amounts every year in the subsequent years. After how many
years will more than half of his inheritance be spent for the first time?

Ans: ______ years

4. The ratio of the number of sparrows to pigeons in my garden was 1 : 5. After 6 sparrows and 6
pigeons flew into the garden, the ratio became 1 : 3. How many sparrows are there now?

Ans: ______ sparrows


5. Little Tyler likes to paddle his kick scooter. He can cover 500 m in 10 minutes.
What is his average speed in km/h?

Ans: ______ km/h

6. Julie bought a vase and she wanted to sell it online at 20% profit. After no one had bought it
for several months, Julie announced a 10% discount off the price she listed, and it was sold.
What was Julie’s percentage profit?

Ans: ______%

7. Place each number from 1 to 8 into the 8 blank circles

such that no consecutive numbers are linked by a line.

What is the sum of the numbers in the shaded circle?

Ans: ______

8. Wendy walked to school. 20 minutes after she left, William started walking to school from the
same place. William walked 3 times as fast as Wendy. How many minutes did it take for
William to catch up with Wendy?

Ans: ______ minutes

9. RS and TU are straight lines.

Which one of the statements below is true?
1) a = c a 25° U
2) b + 25°= d + 63° d b
3) b + c = a +  d T 63° c
4) c + 38° = a S
5) d = 38° + b

Ans: ( )


10. Jane had $100. After buying 6 dresses, each at the same price, she had $2a left.
How much did a dress cost?

1) $100 – 12a
2) $ (100 – )

3) $( )

4) $( )

5) $ (50 – )

Ans: ( )

Section B
Each of the questions 11 to 20 carries 4 marks.

11. Sally bought some pens at the bookshop. of the pens she bought were red pens.
Sally then decided to buy another 6 red pens. Now of all the pens she bought were red
pens. How many pens did Sally buy altogether?

Ans: ______ pens

1 1
12. Mohan has 5 times as many mangoes as papayas. He sold of the mangoes and of the
4 4
papayas. What fraction of the total number of mangoes and papayas were not sold?

Ans: ______

13. The Muffin Shop only sold two kinds of muffins – blueberry and chocolate.
By noon, the shop had sold 270 blueberry muffins and 25% of the muffins sold were chocolate
muffins. If the shop had sold 40% of all the muffins and 162 blueberry muffins are left unsold.
What percentage of the unsold muffins were chocolate muffins?

Ans: ______%


14. Pearl made a total of 270 origami cranes out of some gold foil and
silver foil. She gave away 40 gold cranes and 40% of the silver cranes.
After that, the ratio of the number of gold cranes to silver cranes Pearl
had was 1 : 4.
If Pearl had given away twice as many silver cranes as gold cranes, how
many more silver cranes than gold cranes had she made?

Ans: ______ more silver cranes

15. Four men works at a car-wash.

Wong can wash 1 car in 10 minutes. Xavier can wash 2 cars in 30 minutes.
Yazid can wash 3 cars in 40 minutes. Zaw can wash 4 cars in 50 minutes.
If they work together at their respective rates, how many cars can they complete washing in
1 hour?

Ans: ______ cars

16. The table below shows the percentage of pupils who visited each one of the six stalls in the
canteen. Although the percentages for Dim Sum stall and Thirsty Hippo stall have not yet been
calculated, we know that the Dim Sum stall is not the post popular stall. The bar graph shows
the number of pupils who visited these six stalls, but the names of the stalls are not stated.

Stall % of pupils
Aunty Mei’s 8% 32
Number of pupils

Jap X 12%
Chicken Deli 16% 20
Dim Sum 16
Fruit snacks 20% 8

Thirsty Hippo 4

What is the difference in percentage of pupils who visited the Thirsty Hippo stall and the Dim
Sum stall?

Ans: ______ %


17. The length and width of a rectangle are (5 + 3a) cm and (6 – 4b) cm respectively.
The perimeter of the rectangle is 38 cm. What is the area of the rectangle if a and b are
whole numbers greater than 0?

Ans: ______ cm2

18. The graph shows the amount of water that flows from a tap.

Litres of water




0 1 2 3 4 5 6
Time in minutes

The water is filling up an empty tank 1.25 m by 1 m by 0.9 m.

What fraction of the tank would be filled after 30 minutes?
(Reduce fraction to its lowest term.)

Ans: ______

19. ABCD is a parallelogram.

Which TWO of the following are true? A B
i j

1) 𝑎 + 𝑏 = 𝑒 + 𝑓 a

2) 𝑎 + 𝑏 = 𝑖 + 𝑗
3) 𝑐 + 𝑑 = 𝑒 + 𝑓
4) 𝑑 + 𝑓 = 𝑐 + 𝑒 h e
5) 𝑒 + 𝑓 = 𝑏 + ℎ D
g f c

Ans: ( ) and ( )


20. Only 1 of the 6 statements below is true. Which is it?

A) All of the below is true.
B) None of the below is true.
C) All of the above is true.
D) One of the above is true.
E) None of the above is true.
F) None of the above is true.

Ans: ______

Section C
Questions 21, 22, 23, 24 and 25 carry 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10 marks respectively.

21. There are between 100 to 150 men and women in a two-storey building.
The number of men to the number of women on the first storey is 5 : 4.
The number of men to the number of women on the second storey is 5 : 1.
There are 3 times as many people in the second storey as on the first storey.
How many men are there altogether? (6 marks)

Ans: ______ men

22. Mike’s pocket money is made up of 20¢ coins while Michelle’s pocket money is made up of
5¢ coins. Mike has twice as many coins as Michelle. If Mike gives eight 20¢ coins to Michelle
and she gives him one 5¢ coin in return, then Michelle will have four times as much money as
Mike. How many 20¢ coins do they have altogether? (7 marks)

Ans: ______ 20¢ coins


23. Pupils 1, Pupil 2, Pupil 3 and Pupil 4 each put a donation of $1, $2, $3 and $4 into envelopes
marked E1, E2, E3 and E4. Each student gives a number of dollars which was different from
his Pupil number, and into an envelope marked with a number different from the amount and
the Pupil number.

Pupil 1 put $2 into E4.

Pupil 4 put his donation into E2.
In which envelope was the donation of $3 put? (8 marks)

Ans: E ( )

24. Jacob was given 8 identical large cubes and Grace was given some identical small cubes.
The length of the sides of 2 large cubes is equal to the length of the sides of 3 small cubes, as

Jacob and Grace were told to fit their cubes inside the outline of a given rectangle.
Jacob fitted 1 layer of 8 of his large cubes exactly, as shown.

Jacob fitted 8
of his cubes

Grace fitted 1 layer of 18 of her small cubes, also exactly.

If the total volume of the 8 large cubes and the 18 small cubes is 45 000 cm3, what is the
length of the side of a small cube? (9 marks)

Ans: ______ cm


25. Fayelin has a set of square tiles of different sizes. The length of the sides of each square tile is
an exact centimetre. Fayelin chooses some of the tiles and arranged them as shown below:

a) If the area of the smallest square is 4 cm2, what is the area of the next square Fayelin will use?
(3 marks)

Ans: ______ cm2

Fayelin also has a set of triangle tiles of different sizes. The length of the sides of each triangle
tile is an exact centimetre. Fayelin chooses some of the tiles and arranged them as shown

Figure X

b) If each side of the smallest triangle is 1 cm, what is the length of the side of the next triangle
Fayelin will use? (2 marks)

Ans: ______ cm

c) What fraction of the pattern is shaded in Figure X? (5 marks)

Ans: ______

End of Paper

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