NL-Resume-Abhishek Mishra
NL-Resume-Abhishek Mishra
NL-Resume-Abhishek Mishra
Last name : Mishra
First name : Abhishek
Date of birth : 21/06/1986
Marital status : Married
Address: : Hoeksewaard 87, Amstelveen, post code 1181 CD,
Nationality : Indian
Email :
Mobile : +919953594466
I am a technology enthusiast and I always thrive to get appointment in an established, progressive and
professionally managed organization, which will provide adequate opportunities and environment draw upon
my knowledge, experience clear strength to mutual benefits in different areas. I am also open to learn new
technologies as and when required by the organization..Although I have been a JAVA backend developer
primarly but I am even open for opportunities wherein contribution is sought on frontend technologies like
Angular JS etc.
Educational Qualification
Confluence, JIRA, Eclipse, Jenkins, IntelliJ, Splunk, Rancher.
Skills Acquired
Technical Experience: Java, XML, Apache Camel, PL/SQL, Cloud related platforms, Unix shell
Processes: ITIL based Service design, transition and operations, Agile based Infra Services Dev and
Operations; innovation and optimization practices
Relationships & Collaborations: Collaborate with key client stakeholders, vendors and partners; work
in an onsite and offshore based model for deliverables.
I have performed assignments in several countries amongst which: The Netherlands, Ireland, India.
Hindi– mother tongue, Assamese, Bengali, Marathi
English – writing (excellent), speaking (excellent), listening/reading (excellent).
Compucom – Project 1
Leading IT services provider and application development organization based in India and presence in US,
Canada & India.
Responsibilities in project 1
Responsible for creating and maintaining architecture for Restful API using Spring Boot.
Excellent in defect fixing, solving complex problems and Performance Tuning.
Worked in developing Web Services (SOAP) using JAX-WS.
Good working knowledge on CVS, SVN and Git for version control.
Strong understanding of common API technologies, such as Spring Boot and Micro services.
Worked on Ansible and Ansible Tower for automation purposes.
Worked on DevOps tools like Jenkins, Ansible, Ansible Tower.
Analyzing the code using the Sonar Lint and fixing the common issues like code complexity etc which we
often get in Sonar.
End to end development support of the application till the final rollout of the application.
Developed Microservices based on Spring boot which includes messaging system, making store procedure
calls etc.
Writing the XSLT in order to get the convert the xml formats to fixed length etc.
Connecting with the cloud support team in resolving the connectivity issues before deploying the
microservices on the Kubernetes/Rancher.
Conversion of Oracle OSB and Oracle SOA projects into Java spring boot microservices and taking care of
the XSD while conversion.
Deployment of developed projects on the cloud platforms like Amazon EKS, AWS servers.
Involved in performing GET and POST requests through postman and SOAP UI using basic AUTH.
Implemented stored procedures on AS400 databases.
Good experience in developing applications with SOAP and RESTful Web Services.
Writing routes through the integration of Apache camel within the spring boot framework.
Upgrade of Spring Boot to 2..6.6 also making related upgrades to Junit 5 from Junit 4.
Converting Java Objects to Json format or xml format and vice versa.
Using Apache Camel to create routes while developing the application routes like sending the payload to
Artemis Messaging Queue or to any REST api etc.
Using the token service while building the applications and then using the authentication to fetch the
response through the payload.
Writing the Docker file and the Jenkins file while deploying the applications on either cloud platforms like
AWS,Azure or onprem applications such as Rancher.
Worked on Postgres DB in a project requirement where the integration was needed to pull data from the
postgres DB using the json payload which has authentication process through JWT token.
Configuring Spring Security using basicauth() or formlogin() for the restapi.
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February 2019 till March 2020 – Persistent Systems
Roles & Responsibilities: (Team Lead)
Responsibilities in project 2
Creating Health insurance based like payor applications based on REST API with CRUD functionalities.
Implementing Token based authentication on the microservices developed through the springboot
Writing functional test cases for the services and then testing them using the Junit framework.
Using the IDE debugger to debug the issues caused in services on UAT,SIT and PROD environments.
Developing microservices to use the Apache Kafka using the Producer, Consumer methodology.
Creating Jobs like builds for deployments on QATs and Production environment for WebLogic
Creating the pipelines and managing the build deploy functionalities on Jenkins using ansible.
Generating SSL certificates and their deployments on the webservers and the WebLogic servers
Generating the trust and identity certificates for SSL configuration using key tool.
Taking thread dump and the heap dump also checking for the thread status.
Updating application related properties using SQL commands in the databases.
Installation and creation of the WebLogic Domain.
Creating JMS servers and the corresponding Queues and Topics with the connection factories deployed on
the Managed Servers.
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Languages: JAVA, SpringBoot
Databases: Redis Cache,NoSQL
Responsibilities in project 3
Developing microservices using the springboot framework and java.
Using the rediscache for caching the most sought APIs
Understanding the redis cache mechanism for facilitating the product related apis on the Vodafone
Writing test cases for CRUD functionalities APIs.
Using the validation utility for validity the request body
Writing exception handling cases for exceptions causing on the spring boot projects.
Analyzing the request/response and also capturing the logs using SOAP UI.
Updating the certificates on the machines.
Deployment of the jars into the Oracle OSB domain.
Setting up of the endpoint urls and correcting them
Importing the jars for the corresponding projects
Checking for errors, messages within the Operations for the services.
Checking for the pipelines and looking for payload data through the reporting process within the em
Checking for the flow and looking for messages within the JMS queues and then verifying it within the
em console
Installation and Configuration of the Oracle MFT.
Deployments and customizations of the source , transfer and target.
Applying patches on the MFT for bug fixes.
Checking the deployments status on the monitoring tab.
Applying patches for fixing the temp_ftp file sizes , multiple times transfer of same files.
Using clusters to provide the load balancing to the MFT.
Tuning the logging mechanism through the EM console.
Un deploying the artifacts from the monitoring tab.
Configuring single source to multiple targets
Applying the patch using opatch commands
Searching for composites and then looking for the instances using add/remove filter
Deployment of the composites.
Checking the properties for the composites and making relevant changes like INBOUND_PATH etc.
within the mbean or the composite.xml files
Exporting the composite and looking for changes within the jca files.
Retiring and Activating the composites as per business needs.
Installation of ansible and then configuring the hosts file with the server list.
Creating yml packages for patching activities on multiple machines.
Creating yml packages for deployment purposes on multiple machines.
Creating the containers using the docker-compose file
Creating and pushing the Docker File to the local repository
Administering and managing the multiple docker containers like assigning volumes to the database
containers corresponding to the local host etc.
Monitoring the pods on the Rancher
Restart of the pods through deletion of the pods both through the rancher and through kubectl
Deployments using the config map
Checking the logs of the pods within the Splunk tool
Scaling up and down the required number of pods as per business needs through the replica sets.
Managing the pods through Rancher
Creating and managing the definition files using the yml formats.
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November 2011 till February 2015 – HCL Technology India
Roles & Responsibilities: (Technology Integration engineer(advanced))
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