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Human Eye and Colourful World

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The human eye is one of the most valuable and sensitive sense organs. It
enables us to see the wonderful world and the colours around us. The
main parts of the human eye include:
Cornea: transparent tissue covering the front of the eye that lets light
travel through
Iris: a ring of muscles in the colored part of the eye that controls the size
of the pupil
Pupil: an opening in the center of the iris that changes size to control how
much light is entering the eye.
Sclera: the white part of the eye that is composed of fibrous tissue that
protects the inner workings of the eye
Lens: located directly behind the pupil, it focuses light rays onto the retina
Retina: membrane at the back of the eye that changes light into nerve signals
Optic Nerve: a bundle of nerve fibers that carries messages from the eyes
to the brain Macula: a small and highly sensitive part of the retina
responsible for central vision, which allows a person to see shapes, colors,
and details clearly and sharply.
Choroid: The choroid is a layer of blood vessels between the retina and
sclera; it supplies blood to the retina.
Ciliary muscle: it changes the shape of the lens - (this is called
accommodation). It relaxes to flatten the lens for distance vision; for
close work it contracts rounding out the lens.
Aqueous humour: A water like fluid, produced by the ciliary body, it fills
the front of the eye between the lens and cornea and provides the cornea
and lens with oxygen and nutrients. It drains back into the blood stream
through the canals of sclera.
Vitreous humour: The space between the lens and retina filled with the
gel like Vitreous Humour.

Light enters the eye through a thin membrane called the cornea. It forms
the transparent bulge on the front surface of the eyeball as shown in below
figure. The eyeball is approximately spherical in shape with a diameter of
about 2.3 cm. Most of the refraction for the light rays entering the eye
occurs at the outer surface of the cornea. The crystalline lens merely
provides the finer adjustment of focal length required to focus objects at
different distances on the retina. We find a structure called iris behind the
cornea. Iris is a dark muscular diaphragm that controls the size of the
pupil. The pupil regulates and controls the amount of light entering the
eye. The eye lens forms an inverted real image of the object on the retina.
The light-sensitive cells get activated upon illumination and generate
electrical signals. These signals are sent to the brain via the optic nerves.
The brain interprets these signals, and finally, processes the information
so that we perceive objects as they are, i.e. without inversion.

The process by which the ciliary muscles change the focal length of an
eye lens to focus distant or near objects clearly on the retina is called the
accommodation of the eye.

How Does an Eye Focus Objects at Varying Distances?

To focus on distant objects the ciliary muscles relax making the eye lens
thin. As a result the focal length of the eye lens increases and we see the
distant objects. But to focus on nearby objects the ciliary muscles contract
making the eye lens thick. As a result the focal length of the eye lens
decreases and we see the nearby objects. In short it is the adjustment of
the focal length of the eye lens which enables us to focus on objects
situated at different distances.
Near point or Least Distance of Distinct Vision
Near point or least distance of distinct vision is the point nearest to the
eye at which an object is visible distinctly. For a normal eye the least
distance of distinct vision is about 25 centimetres. However, it varies with
age of the person. For example, for infants it is only 5 to 8 cm.
Far Point
Far point of the eye is the maximum distance up to which the
normal eye can see things clearly. It is infinity for a normal eye.

Range of Vision
The distance between the near point and the far point is called the range of vision.
A normal eye can see all objects over a wide range of distances i.e., from
25 cm to infinity. But due to certain abnormalities the eye is not able see
objects over such a wide range of distances and such an eye is said to be
defective. Some of the defects of vision are
● Hypermetropia or long sightedness
● Myopia or short sightedness and
● Presbyopia
● Astigmatism

Hypermetropia is also known as far-sightedness. Hypermetropia or
hyperopia is the defect of the eye due to which the eye is not able to see
clearly the nearby objects though it can see the distant objects clearly. The
near point, for the person, is farther away from the normal near point (25
cm). Such a person has to keep a reading material much beyond 25 cm
from the eye for comfortable reading. This is because the light rays from
a close by object are focussed at a point behind the retina as shown in
below figure. This defect arises either because (i) the focal length of the
eye lens is too long, or (ii) the eyeball has become too small. This defect
can be corrected by using a convex lens of appropriate power. This is
illustrated in below figure. Eye- glasses with converging lenses provide
the additional focusing power required for forming the image on the

Myopia is also known as near-sightedness. A myopic person cannot see
distant objects clearly because the far point of his eye is less than infinity.
Myopia is the defect of the eye due to which the eye is not able to see the
distant objects clearly.Myopia is due to:
● the elongation of the eye ball, that is, the distance between the
retina and eye lens is increased.
● decrease in focal length of the eye lens.
In a myopic eye, the image of a distant object is formed in front of the
retina and not at the retina itself. This defect may arise due to (i)
excessive curvature of the eye lens, or (ii) elongation of the eyeball. This
defect can be corrected by using a concave lens of suitable power. This is
illustrated in below figure. A concave lens of suitable power will bring
the image back on to the retina and thus the defect is corrected.

Presbyopia occurs at the age of 40 years and its main symptom is reduced
near vision. Difficulty in reading without glasses at 35-40 cm and fatigue
after a short period of close work are present. Normally the lens is
flexible enough to change its shape when focusing at close objects. Loss
of its flexibility and elasticity known as loss of the eye's adjustment
mechanism results in presbyopia.Presbyopia (which literally means
"aging eye") is an age-related eye condition that makes it more difficult to
see very close.
At the young age, the lens in your eye is soft and flexible. The lens of the
eye changes its shape easily, allowing you to focus on objects both close
and far away. After the age of 40, the lens becomes more rigid. Because
the lens can’t change shape as easily as it once did, it is more difficult to
read at close range. This normal condition is called presbyopia. Since
nearly everyone develops presbyopia, if a person also has myopia
(nearsightedness), hyperopia (farsightedness) or astigmatism, the
conditions will combine. People with myopia may have fewer problems
with presbyopia.
Astigmatism is an eye condition with blurred vision as its main symptom.
The front surface of the eye (cornea) of a person with astigmatism is not
curved properly - the curve is irregular - usually one half is flatter than the
other - sometimes one area is steeper than it should be. When light rays
enter the eye they do not focus correctly on the retina, resulting in a
blurred image. Astigmatism may also be caused by an irregularly shaped
lens, which is located behind the cornea.
Astigmatism is a type of refractive error. A refractive error means
that the shape of the eye does not bend light properly, resulting in a
blurred image. Light has to be bent (refracted) by the lens and the cornea
correctly before it reaches the retina in order to see things clearly.
The two most common types of
astigmatism are:
Corneal astigmatism - the cornea has an
irregular shape
Lenticular astigmatism - the lens has an
irregular shape
In astigmatism, images focus in front of and beyond the retina, causing
both close and distant objects to appear blurry (see below figure).
Prism is a transparent optical element, which refracts light. An optical
object to be defined as prism must have at least two faces with an angle
between them. A triangular glass prism has two triangular bases and three
rectangular lateral surfaces. These surfaces are inclined to each other. The
angle between its two lateral faces is called the angle of the prism.

PE is the incident ray, EF is the refracted ray and FS is the emergent ray.
A ray of light is entering from air to glass at the first surface AB. So, the
light ray on refraction has bent towards the normal. At the second surface
AC, the light ray has entered from glass to air. Hence it has bent away
from normal. The peculiar shape of the prism makes the emergent ray
bend at an angle to the direction of the incident ray. This angle is called
the angle of deviation. In this case D is the angle of deviation.
When a ray of light enters the prism, it bends towards the normal; because
light is entering from a rarer medium to a denser medium. Similarly, when
the light emerges from the prism, it follows the laws of refraction of light.
Due to the angle of the prism and due to different wavelengths of different
components of white light; the emergent ray gets segregated into different
colours. Finally, a colourful band of seven colours is obtained. This
phenomenon is called dispersion of white light by the prism.

A rainbow is a natural spectrum appearing in the sky after a rain shower.
It is caused by dispersion of sunlight by tiny water droplets, present in the
atmosphere. A rainbow is always formed in a direction opposite to that of
the Sun. The water droplets act like small prisms. They refract and
disperse the incident sunlight, then reflect it internally, and finally refract
it again when it comes out of the raindrop (see below figure). Due to the
dispersion of light and internal reflection, different colours reach the
observer’s eye.

Atmospheric refraction is the shift in apparent direction of a celestial
object caused by the refraction of light rays as they pass through Earth’s
Stars emit their own light and they twinkle due to the atmospheric
refraction of light. Stars are very far away from the earth. Hence, they are
considered as point sources of light. When the light coming from stars
enters the earth’s atmosphere, it gets refracted at different levels because
of the variation in the air density at different levels of the atmosphere.
When the star light refracted by the atmosphere comes more towards us, it
appears brighter than when it comes less towards us. Therefore, it appears
as if the stars are twinkling at night.


The Sun is visible to us about 2 minutes before the actual sunrise, and
about 2 minutes after the actual sunset because of atmospheric refraction.
By actual sunrise, we mean the actual crossing of the horizon by the Sun.
The below figure shows the actual and apparent positions of the Sun with
respect to the horizon. The time difference between actual sunset and the
apparent sunset is about 2 minutes. The apparent flattening of the Sun’s
disc at sunrise and sunset is also due to the same phenomenon.

In the air, part of the sunlight is scattered. The small particles (molecules,
tiny water droplets and dust particles) scatter photons the more, the
shorter their wavelength is. Therefore, in the scattered light, the short
wavelengths predominate, the sky appears blue, while direct sunlight is
somewhat yellowish, or even reddish when the sun is very low.

The earth’s atmosphere is a heterogeneous mixture of minute particles.
These particles include smoke, tiny water droplets, suspended particles of
dust and molecules of air. When a beam of light strikes such fine particles,
the path of the beam becomes visible. The light reaches us, after being
reflected diffusely by these particles. The phenomenon of scattering of
light by the colloidal particles gives rise to Tyndall effect. This
phenomenon is seen when a fine beam of sunlight enters a smoke-filled
room through a small hole. Thus, scattering of light makes the particles
visible. Tyndall effect can also be observed when sunlight passes through
a canopy of a dense forest.
The molecules of air and other fine particles in the atmosphere have size
smaller than the wavelength of visible light. These are more effective in
scattering light of shorter wavelengths at the blue end than light of longer
wavelengths at the red end. The red light has a wavelength about 1.8
times greater than blue light. Thus, when sunlight passes through the
atmosphere, the fine particles in air scatter the blue colour (shorter
wavelengths) more strongly than red. The scattered blue light enters our
eyes. If the earth had no atmosphere, there would not have been any
scattering. Then, the sky would have looked dark. The sky appears dark to
passengers flying at very high altitudes, as scattering is not prominent at
such heights.
Light from the Sun near the horizon passes through thicker layers of air
and larger distance in the earth’s atmosphere before reaching our eyes
(see below figure). However, light from the Sun overhead would travel
relatively shorter distance. At noon, the Sun appears white as only a little
of the blue and violet colours are scattered. Near the horizon, most of the
blue light and shorter wavelengths are scattered away by the particles.
Therefore, the light that reaches our eyes is of longer wavelengths. This
gives rise to the reddish appearance of the Sun.

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